I have created a series of Luke & Laura Lucky Return edits. This series includes all of Luke, all of Laura, and all of Lucky's scenes from their return in October, 1993. These are original dvd edits from original episodes. The Early Lucky series is condensed down to Lucky's scenes and do not contain much of L&L when they aren't with Lucky. The Early Lucky dvds cover from his entrance on GH in Oct, 1993 until June 14, 1996. The Early Lucky edits came from older vhs episode tapes that I transfered to dvd. The edits are not quite as sharp in quality, but these are very watchable.

The Cassidine vs. Spencer #1-3 covers June 14 - December, 1996. I included all of Luke, Laura, Lucky, Nikolas, and Helena's scenes. This covers the Cassidine arrival during Lulu's Bone Marrow illness storyline through Laura's funeral and Primetime Twist of Fate scenes through the Spencer family's departure from Port Charles. They return on the #4 in the series, and Lucky's scenes with Luke & Laura and the Cassidines are included on the #5 and #6 in this series which ends in June, 1997 just before the Liz & Lucky #1 begins in August, 1997.

Early Lucky #1-5, Early Lucky #6-8,

Spencer vs Cassadine #1, Spencer vs. Cassadine #2-11,

Lucky & Liz #1, Lucky & Liz #2, Lucky & Liz #3, Lucky & Liz #4, Lucky & Liz #5,

Soapnet's "Lucky Friday" GH Marathon,

Jonathan & Becky Interview Dvds

Jonathan Returns #1, Jonathan Returns #2, Jonathan Returns #3,

Jonathan Returns #4 "Lucky & Siobhan Irish Storyline,

Jonathan Returns #5, Jonathan Returns #6,

Early Lucky Edits #1-5, Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Lucky DVD #1 The Arrival Oct 29, 1993 into 1994: 4 hr dvd Begins with scenes in Canada of the Spencer's enjoying Halloween. When an explosion rocks their world, killing a friend, they leave Lucky the message for him to head to Port Charles and this is his journey home. Lucky arrives in town and meets Sly, Bobbie, Ruby, Jagger. This edit contains Lucky's shooting, and being paralyzed. 

Early Lucky DVD #2 1994: 4 hours Hitman make an attempt on Lucky's life while he is in GH, and Laura and he escape from GH, great action sequence as Sonny and Luke rush to the hospital to help. Lucky meets Foster, Foster gets hit by a car and Lucky walks for the first time to get to his side. Foster recovers and they bring him home, Foster takes a dislike to Luke initially, much growling involved. Laura tells Luke and Lucky she is pregnant, and has a sonogram. This is one of my fav, has a lot of action, drama and humor.

Early Lucky 1994 DVD #3, 1994: 4 hr dvd Foster falls in love with Annabelle. Two goons show up to scare Laura as she is opposing the incinerator project. She hides in the basement, falls down the stairs and goes into pre-mature labor. Lulu is safely born. Lucky decides to go into the worm farm business and spends Halloween with Maxie. Edward wants Foster arrested. Foster and Luke and Lucky set up for him to think Foster is dead. They then bring home Foster II. Luke leaves for Puerto Rico.

Early Lucky 1994 - 1995 DVD #4: 4 hour dvd Laura tells Lucky that Luke was shot in Puerto Rico and is presumed dead. Happy reunion when Luke returns home very much alive. Christmas, Luke opens his new blues club, an explosion rocks the club when a bomb goes off. The club opens with a BB King concert, then there is a shootout at Luke's. Foster runs off with a pregnant Annabelle and the puppies are born. Lucky meets Emily.

Early Lucky 1995 DVD #5 1995: 4 hours Luke & Lucky perform with Mary Mae as "Gladys Night & The Pips" at the Nurse's Ball. Luke, Sonny, and Lucky go camping. Lucky learns that Stone has AIDS. Lucky and Stone build a go-cart together. Lucky is knocked unconscious when he tests the cart without a helmut and is again rushed to GH for yet another surgery. Everyone gets together to surprise Stone with a memory book, Lucky reads his letter to Stone.

Early Lucky Edits #6-8, Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Lucky 1995 - 1996 DVD #6: 4 hrs Emily is disturbed by all of the Quartermaine fighting and decides that she doesn't want them to adopt her. She gets Lucky to take her to find her aunt and they runaway together. They don't find her aunt, and when Emily learns that Alan has been in a car accident she returns home. Stone dies, and Luke and Lucky help Sonny break into his old apartment to retrieve Stone's ashes (after Sonny is locked out by the Feds). Lucky begins gambling and gets into debt with the wrong people. 

Early Lucky 1996 DVD #7: 4 hours Lucky's gambling problems worsen as his debts mount as do the threats against him. He resorts to stealing from the Q's to try to pay off the debt. When the goons come after him, Damian rescues him and then tells L&L all about their son's troubles. 

Early Lucky DVD #8 April 3 - June 14, 1996: 2 hrs 23 mins Jonathan is off screen a bit once Laura's trial begins. I included some highlights like Laura's arrest for Damian's murder, her arraignment, Dara's opening statement, Laura's testimony, Luke finding the video that shows Justus was the actual murderer, the attorney's closing statements, and the verdict. After about 1 hr and a half, Lucky didn't re-appear till the final scene (Jonathan must have been in school or off filming a movie). So there isn't a lot of Lucky in this edit, one reason I delayed finishing it but I did want to bridge the gap. At the end of this time frame, the Cassidine vs. Spencer edits begin with Lulu's Bone Marrow illness. I do have all of Lucky's scenes on the Cassidine vs. Spencer series #1-6 which covers his storyline up till the time that Liz arrives and the Liz & Lucky edits begin.

Spencer vs Cassadine #1  June 14 - August 14, 1996: 8 hour original edit
This series covers the conflict and drama between the Spencers and Cassidines and contains the return of the Cassidines to Port Charles. The #1 in this series starts just after Laura has been acquitted of Damian's murder but they don't get any time to celebrate as Leslie Lu comes down with a very high fever. They rush her to the hospital and after extensive testing, Simone tells them that Lu has aplastic anemia and she needs a bone marrow transplant. The best option is a sibling which has a 25% chance of being a match. Unfortunately, Lucky is not a match and one by one as all of their friends and family are tested no one is a match. Luke and Laura are desperate for a bone donor donor. Bobbie tells them about the daughter she gave up for adoption and Luke begins searching for this new neice. Laura finally approaches Stefan to ask him to have her son, Nik, tested as a potential bone marrow donor. Laura is very relieved when he is a match and Lulu receives the transplant which is successful. Nik visits his new little sister in the hospital. Lucky is very upset to find a strange guy in his sister's room, he is even more shocked when Nik haughtily informs him that he his Lulu's brother and he saved her! Stefan and Nik move to Wyndemere, Luke heads to Greece to confront Helena, Laura loses it when Lulu is missing after Lucky had taken her from the hospital to protect her from the Cassidines. This is a brand new edit and much improved in quality with additional scenes added.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Spencer vs Cassadine #2-11, 1996-1998
Click here to read the full edit description.

Lucky & Liz #1 August 1, 1997 - February 26, 1998: 8 hour original edit
The first Liz and Lucky edit contains all of both of their scenes from when Elizabeth first arrived on the show, including the rape, and covers the first 7 months of their storyline! The second tape picks up the storyline where #1 leaves off in the rape aftermath, Lucky finding out Luke raped Laura, all the confrontation scenes, Bacchanalia Ball, and Nurse's Ball.  I have recently re-edited all of the #1,  #2 and #3, #4, and #5 edits, So the quality on these edits is pretty good.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Lucky & Liz #2 February 25 - June 29, 1998: 8 hr original edit
This edit contains the aftermath of Liz's rape, Nik throws in Lucky's face that Luke raped Laura, and Lucky confronts his parents. There are also some great scenes between Luke and Laura as all of this came up.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Lucky & Liz #3 June 29 - November 3, 1998: 8 hr original edit
This is one of my favorite Liz & Lucky edits. Liz continues to deal with the rape, and is worried about being able to respond to a guy and asks Lucky to kiss her. When he leans in to oblige, she freaks out and runs. Murty offers to tutor Liz, she thinks he is the rapist so she agrees in order to try to get more info on him. Liz and Lucky sneak into Murty's and Liz is scared and stabs Lucky by mistake, they realize that Murty is gay and his roommate assures them he was at a party the night of the rape and couldn't have done it. A guilt ridden Liz, cares for Lucky in her room. Jason arranges for a romantic night out for the young couple, complete with a limo, an elegant dinner, and dancing. Afterwards, they return to the boxcar, Lucky sings "Elizabeth" and they share their first kiss. About half way into the edit, Emily's blackmail storyline begins. So there is quite a bit of Nik and Em on the last four hours of this edit as the foursome work together and go undercover at Em's modeling agency in NY. The scenes between Nik and Lucky are very funny as they very grudginly work together to help Emily, and a bond slowly starts to grow between them (these are classic scenes). They discover that Tom, the photographer, is the rapist. When Tom realizes they are onto him, he pulls a gun and shoves them in a closet. Nik and Lucky rescue the girls, Tom returns but the boys overpower him, and he is lead away in handcuffs. The edit ends on Elizabeth's birthday as they sweetly kiss. Click here to read the full edit description.

Lucky & Liz #4 November 4, 1998 - March 10, 1999: 8 hr original edit
This edit is also a really sweet edit as the relationship between the young couple continues to grown. They celebrate Nik's birthday and Lucky actually agrees to go to Wyndemere for the party. Luke kidnaps Lucky and takes him up to the moutain cabin, Liz and Lucky celebrate their first Christmas togetehr. Liz takes pictures of Lucky, Nik, and Lulu together as a gift for Laura's birthday. On New Year's Eve, Nik supplies Lucky a tux and they all attend the bachelor auction, Ruby's death, and Liz and Lucky say their "vows" to each other in the church on Valentine's Day. Click here to read the full edit description.

Lucky & Liz #5 March 15 - June 8, 1998: 8 hr original edit
This edit contains the final Becky & Jonathan scenes as Liz and Lucky, including their New York trip, Liz gives Lucky a necklace wiht a NY subway token. There are some very sweet scenes, between Lucky and Luke, Lucky and Laura, Liz and Lucky have a last romantic dinner together, then the last night the foursome have a fun dinner together. Then its the incredible sadness of  Lucky's death and the aftermath, all of the grieving. I included the full episode of his death when everyone finds out, I included Luke and Laura's grief, going to the morgue to identify the body, Laura's collapse (Genie Francis was simply amazing and did her best work here, it was criminal that she wasn't even nominated for an Emmy!). Lucky's funeral, Liz visitin the boxcar, Laura visting the boxcar and having a flash of Lucky's future that she would never see (wedding, children, ect), and then the big reveal that Lucky wasn't dead but being held in captivity by Faison (who was in partnership with Helena). I included the aftermath of his death, the town finding out, Luke & Laura's grief, as well as Emily, Nik, and Liz.  Click here to read the full edit description.

***FAN FEEDBACK for Liz & Lucky Edits

Jonathan Returns #1  October 27, 2009 - January 19, 2010: 8 hour original edit
Jonathan Jackson returns to the role of Lucky Spencer on this edit. I have included every Lucky and every Elizabeth scene from the time of his return. This edit includes Christmas, Steve Webber returning to PC, and Lucky’s involvement in the Franco storyline. Rebecca sees Nik and Liz making love, and Nik hits her with his car soon after. She leaves town fairly soon after this without telling Lucky about the affair but Lucky does see Liz and Nik together as they are making love.  Franco holds Lulu hostage with a bomb strapped to her chair. Lucky is frantic when the building explodes but she was rescued just in time. Franco is able to get out of town before Lucky and Jason catch up to him. (Note all of the Franco storyline is not included as Lucky was not all that involved, I do have the entire storyline on a separate edit). The edit ends as Lucky stops Nik at the airport and asks him not to leave town. Click here to read the full edit description.

Jonathan Returns #2  January 19 - April 6, 2010 - 8 hour original edit
On this edit, Lucky beings drinking again in the aftermath of him finding out LIz had been sleeping with Nik, Lulu is furious with Liz, Josselyn’s christening, Lucky investigates Dante’s shooting, Lucky pulls a gun on Johnny at Jake’s, Elizabeth returns to the church where her and Lucky had shared their vows, filled with grief while recalling her past with Lucky, she collapses. Lucky finds her suffering from Hypothermia and takes her to GH. She learns she is pregnant but doesn’t know if Nik or Lucky is the father. Liz agrees to be admitted to Shadybrook, when Lucky finds Helena there he pulls his gun on her. Lucky and Maxie run each other off the road. Helena is happy to learn Lucky is the father of Liz’s baby but pays the lab tech to switch the results to show that Nik is the father. Kristina is beaten and accuses Ethan, Alexis hits and kills Keifer, and Dante and Lucky investigate it all. Click here to read the full edit description.

Jonathan Returns #3 April 7 - September 9, 2010: 10 1/2 hour original edit
Elizabeth meets Shirley, a cancer patient and later in the edit Elizabeth gives birth to Aiden, Franco kidnaps the baby, Lucky rescues him from Karen (Franco’s mother) and returns the baby to Elizabeth. I included the MOCHA location scenes with Franco, Dante & Jason transposed with baby Aidan missing, Franco’s message that he knows where the baby is. Also included is Warren Bauer shooting up GH and the aftermath of that trauma. The next edit will begin with Irish storyline and contain all Lucky's and all of Siobhan's scenes. Click here to read the full edit description.

Jonathan Returns #4 "Lucky & Siohban Irish storyline

Lucky goes undercover as an Irish terrorist, Ronan O’Reilly. He meets Siobhan when she approaches him at an Irish Pub and slaps him. The Balkan kidnaps Lucky and threatens him to bring Brenda Barrett to him. Dante & Lulu head to Ireland to try to assist Lucky and are promptly sent home by Agent Bates for getting in the way. Before they leave, Siobhan overhears Lucky talking to them and realizes he is an undercover cop. Lucky and Siobhan head to Ireland tracking Brenda and then brings Siobhan to Port Charles. She is kidnapped and held by the Balkan’s men to be released in exchange for Brenda. Gunfire erupts at the meeting and Siobhan is rescued. She soon gets a job at Jake’s bar, and learns about Elizabeth and Lucky’s boys. Thanksgiving at the Quartermaines’, Lucky is sent to New York City to retrieve Ronan’s safety deposit box and Siobhan follows him. Siobhan is working for the Balkan, Theo. Jerry Jax threatens Siobhan and wants her to kill Lucky, Theo kills Jerry. Luke & Tracy’s wedding and reception, Cameron is on the bus for a ski trip and the bus crashes, Theo suggests that Siobhan marry Lucky to obtain a green card and solve her immigration issues, Jason interrogates Siobhan about Jerry’s shooting, when Siobhan balks at continuing her involvement with the Balkan, he kidnaps her sister and blackmails her into helping him exact his revenge against Brenda for killing his son. He insists that Siobhan attend Sonny & Brenda’s wedding as Lucky’s guest. Siobhan breaks up with Lucky and tells the Balkan that it is impossible for her to help him as she is no longer Lucky’s girlfriend. The Balkan turns the screws as her crying sister calls and begs Siobhan to help her. I have included all of Lucky's and all of Siobhan's scenes. .

Jonathan Returns #5 (Liz & Lucky & Sioban) March 2 - May 18, 2011: 8 hour original edit
This edit contains the accident that kills Jake and all of the scenes surrounding that, the surgery, and the aftermath of his death. Carly finding out Josselyn needs a transplant and asking Jason for one of Jake's kidney's, Lucky & Liz's grief and agreeing to the transplant. I have included all of Liz’s scenes and all of Jonathan’s scenes on this edit during this time frame. I also included Jason’s scenes in the aftermath of the accident, waiting for surgery, receiving the terrible news (I have already edited all of Jason’s scenes as he grieved for Jake on the Jason & Sam series and haven’t duplicated all of that here, but did include his scenes in the immediate aftermath and included all of his scenes with Liz and with Lucky. I also included all of Luke's intervention. The scenes during this time frame were so well acted throughout all of it, Becky, Jonathan, Steve, Tony all contributed Emmy level performances! It was so painful to watch when it first aired, but glad I've gone back now and preserved it! Wow, they blew me away! Click here to read the full edit description.

Jonathan Returns #6 May 24- August 22, 2011: 8 hour original edit
This edit contains Lucky setting the Spencer family home ablaze, Siobhan gets caught in it and rushed to GH. Elizabeth makes a drug mistake in the OR during Siobhan’s surgery and she accuses Liz of trying to kill her. Lucky and Liz work together on a drug case tied to GH. Anthony Zaccara has Lucky shot up with drugs, and Liz finds him in the church. Siobhan falls down a fight of stairs during another confrontation with Liz, and while Liz is rushing her to GH, they are in a car accident and Siobhan is thrown from the car. Edit ends as Anthony goes into Siobhan’s hospital room to kill her. Click here to read the full edit description.

Soapnet's "Lucky Friday" GH Marathon: This marathon included five complete episodes. I deleted the commercials, kept relevant promos, and the complete episodes with opening and closing credits are contained on a single dvd.

11/1/93 When there’s an explosion at the Triple L Diner, Luke and Laura realize they’ve been discovered and activate their emergency plan. This sends young Lucky out of town on his own.
7/17/96 Lucky is furious at Laura when she admits that the stranger who saved Lulu’s life is actually his brother, Nikolas.
11/11/98 Luke holds Lucky hostage in a cabin while trying to work out their differences.
4/15/99 Laura tells Lucky how proud she is of him; later, Lucky, Elizabeth, Emily and Nikolas share a special dinner at Kelly’s.
3/21/11 Lucky has to break the news to Elizabeth that Jake is dead.

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