Alan Drug Storyline  June 16 - November 4, 1998 - 8 hours 


  • 6/16 - Alan's dealer is out of hydrocodone, is offered hydromorphone instead but Alan says no
  • 6/17 - Alan loses it in front of the family, Alan goes out looking for drugs and does buy the hydromorphone 
  • 6/19 - Alan loses it at the Nurse's Ball 
  • 6/24 - In one of the episodes that won Stuart Damon the Daytime Emmy for best supporting actor, Alan Quartermaine is in a downward spiral with an addiction to drugs. A.J. wakes up Alan, and reminds him that he fell apart during his song with Robin at the nurses' ball last night. Emily walks in on a very serious Monica, Ned and Edward and asks if they know what happened to her dad. Monica confronts Alan and tells him that she is not going to live his lie with him. Emily walks in on Alan as he is taking a drink. Alan tells Emily that he does not have a problem with the pills, that he only takes one when he needs it for pain. Alan hugs Emily as the guilt overtakes him for keeping the truth from his daughter. 
  • 7/1, 7/2, 7/9 more Q stuff 
  • 7/10 - Alan meets with his drug dealer 
  • 7/13 - Alan passes out on the street 
  • 7/14 - AJ tries to stop Alan from buying drugs 
  • 7/15 - Monica has Alan removed as Chief of Staff (edited to Alan through the 7/15 episode, 7/16-8/5 are complete episodes with commercials) 
  • 7/16 & 7/17 - Taggert refers to Alan as a junkie 
  • 7/20 - Monica denies to Taggert that Alan is addicted to drugs 
  • 7/24 - Alan calls his drug dealer demanding drugs 
  • 7/27 - Alan pulls a gun on his drug dealer 
  • 7/28 - The Qu's think they have gotten through to Alan about rehab 
  • 8/5 - Edward & Lila's wedding anniversary, great montage of scenes 
  • 8/6 - Taggert blackmails Monica into spying on Justus 
  • 8/7 - partial Taggert calls Monica in and has her listen in as he talks about Alan buying drugs from him 

DVD #1B 

  • 8/7 - continued Monica tells Mac about Taggert's blackmail
  • 8/12 - Taggert continues to pressure Monica 
  • 8/13 - Monica tells Jason about Taggert's threats 
  • 8/17 - Alan & Monica celebrate their anniversary 
  • 8/18 - Monica records her conversation with Justus 
  • 8/24 - Alan knows how important his recovery is to Monica and tries to stop taking the pills 
  • 8/27 - AJ realizes Alan is still on drugs, Monica enjoys a rare visit at Jason's penthouse and plays with baby Michael 
  • 8/28 - Taggert takes the the tape with Justus' confession out of Monica's purse 
  • 8/31-10/29/98, plus first two minutes of 11/4 - see episode descriptions of this time frame below 

Expanded Descriptions 6/16-8/27 edited to Alan and Monica 

DVD #1A 

6/16 - Alan confronts Amy at GH. She tells him that he had better quit taking his pills right after the Ball. Alan tells Amy to stop talking and he leaves. Bobbie sees him and asks him about the Ball, but Alan just snaps at her. Alan tries to buy drugs from a dealer on the street. They argue about secrecy before the dealer says that there is no hydrocodone in Port Charles. He offers Alan hydromorphone instead, but Alan refuses and goes home. At the mansion, Monica asks about Amy. Alan is uncooperative so Monica tells him to spend time with his children. He decides to do just that and he goes outside to visit Emily. He asks her if she has any hydrocodone left and when Emily reveals that she has one pill left, they split it as they act silly and giggle. 

6/17 - Alan loses it yet again in front of his bewildered family, a fit of anger provoked by whatever. After he thunders out, Monica asks AJ to keep quiet about the scene and not make it a subject for gossip. Alan wandered into Tony's clinic, looking for drugs. He kissed up to Tony in a big way, and held out the carrot of a return to GH once the stint at the clinic was up and then asked for hydrocodone. Tony baited his old friend, then declined. Monica was flashing back to her last, disastrous attempt at lovemaking with Alan when Robin called with news that the good doctor was AWOL. Where he was, was on Alan is on the docks in a most fearsome temper, and prepared to buy hydromorphone from Handy Andy. He bought, he swallowed, he closed his eyes and relaxed. 

6/19 - At the Q's: Edward's in his usual bluster, complaining that they'll be late for the Nurse's Ball, and worrying over his upcoming number with Emily. Alan and Monica appear, with Alan looking slightly dazed (as usual). We then go into a musical montage, showing off the various outfits the Ball-goers will be wearing. The song is "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang. The couples we see are: Brenda and Jax, Lucky and Liz, Justus and Robin, Taggert and Dara, Nik and Alexis. Mac, Felicia and Georgie and then, a solo Luke and Jerry. At the Ball: Lucy makes her opening speech and introduces the first act: Jailhouse Rock starring Dara, Taggert, Lucky and Liz. It's a cute role reversal with Dara and Marcus playing the inmates and Lucky and Liz playing the cops. After they're through, Lucy aknowleges the sponsor, but first gives a tribute to Katherine Bell, whom this evening is dedicated to Alan is popping the SuperPotent pills. AJ sees him and asks if he's okay. Apparently the Alan Q Cover-story of the Day is: Alan has the flu. Lucy introduces Alan and Robin as Doctor and HIV patient performing "Someone to Watch Over Me". Alan appears distracted and then starts to falter. He misses a dance cue and Robin falls. Alan stops singing and blames Robin for the misstep. He continues to fail, and then blames the band and leaves the stage. Robin is mortified... until Ned picks up where Alan left off and they finish the number. The audience applauds while Monica and Emily look embarrassed. Emily leaves to find Alan, and Monica wants to follow, but Edward reminds her of her responsibility to present the Q-Fellowship award. Edward sends AJ after Emily. Backstage, Taggert helps Alan sit down and asks how many pills he's taken. Emily walks up (not overhearing what Taggert said) and asks how Alan is. AJ arrives next and they all urge Alan to let AJ take him home. AJ and Alan leave and Taggert asks Emily if she's okay. "As if you care," she says. 

6/22 - Edward asks Ned if he is going to do anything about the power failure at the hotel. Ned responds that ballroom lighting is not his area of expertise. Edward tells him that since he is CEO of ELQ and ELQ owns the hotel, it sure is his responsibility! Monica interjects that there is nothing to fix that someone has obviously cut the power backstage. Edward wonders why someone would cut the power on purpose, Ned replies: “To commit a murder”. Edward thinks that his family has gone off the deep end: first Alan can't finish his song, now they are talking about murder “like it's the next course on the menu”. Monica fills him in about the fact that in Kevin's book a murder is committed at the NB and since there have been so many similarities already, it could happen. Edward wonders if Sonny couldn't be connected somehow. His family just looks at him incredulously. The ball continues with the next musical numbers, “Thank Heaven for Little Girls” performed by Scott (with Serena and Karen), Edward (with Emily) and Mac (with Robin and Maxie). This number segues into the next one, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”. This time it is Robin and Emily (singing “lead vocals”), accompanied by Maxie, Karen and Serena. Mac, Edward and Scott are standing off to the side of the stage, watching their “girls” proudly. 

6/24 - AJ woke Alan up to confront his father over his dependency. Alan got huffy and directed AJ to butt out. Meanwhile, Edward, Ned, and Monica went on damage control, calling everyone in the media and explaining that Alan was fine, just a little under the weather. Once they all got off the phones, the hand-wringing ('how could we be so blind') began, at least until Emily came in. Instead of telling her anything of substance, they told Emily she should offer her father all of her love and support. When Alan, still in his tux from the ball, made it in, they first attempted to coax him into admitting he a had a problem, but he insisted the problems were all theirs and pointed fingers all around the room. 

7/1 - A majorly strung-out Alan walks in and heads straight for the bar. Lila wheels in silently and surprises her son; he offers excuses, she cries in disappointment and exits. Emily comes down, sees Alan holding his hand and inquires about his pain; he acknowledges it, and rebuffs her attempts to get him outside. She leaves. Edward and AJ reenter, this time with Ned. They fill Alan in on the warehouse fire, and trash him for his stupor. When Dr. Q. announces his upcoming departure to address the WHO in London, they break it to him that no way will they allow this pathetic being to represent General Hospital instead they've sent Monica. Alan does not react well, but they shout him down. AJ gets his father alone to get the point accross that he feels Alan's pain, both in chemical dependency and especially in the family scapecoat department, but Alan's not in the mood to accept his situation as anything other than unique.

7/2 - Emily comes in all excited from her photoshoot. She talks to a chair pretending it's her grandfather. Ned joins in on the fun. Then Emily worries: what if she photographs like a chipmunk? Ned: "Then you'll have to sign up for promos for national parks." Emily doesn't like that idea: "Then I'd be taking pictures with squirrels instead of surfers." Emily describes how exciting it is. She can pretend, "then I don't have to be ME any more!" Alan comes in, "What are you SHRIEKING about?? You sound like a herd of magpies!" Ned, always helpful, inserts, "Actually, I think magpies travel in flocks." AJ comes in and admires Emily, and Emily ignores Ned's frantic signals and tells him about the fashion shoot. Alan explodes. AJ and Ned try to protect her. "Are you trying to make a mockery of the Quartermaine standards?" Edward comes in, "No, you're doing that quite well by yourself. What's the crisis now?" AJ responds "Dad's in meltdown." Edward, "Oh, nothing has substantially changed." Alan says that Emily "is on the road to Sodom and Gomorrah and Ned has packed her bags." Edward finds out this is a photo shoot and tells Emily congratulations. Alan says, "The Brenda Barrett road to destruction. First a mannikin, then a gangster's moll, then total mental collapse." Emily, stunned, leaves. AJ and Ned keep Alan from following her. AJ tells Alan he needs help. Alan tells them they are deranged. Ned warns him that they'll restrain him till he straightens up. AJ says they have enabled Alan too long. Alan tells him to shut up with that 12-step jung. "You are a pathetic human being who needs to share his affliction with anyone who will listen." AJ, hurt, says "and you're an addict." "I am NOT an addict. I am anxious and I am depressed and I have become the brunt of this family's hostilities." He leaves. AJ has had Reginald take all the keys. AJ goes out to a weeping Emily. "Shoot me." Emily says she's by gosh going to model if they like her. Alan sneaks out and buys hydrocodone. 

7/9 - At the Quartermaine's, Alan is pouring juice. He calls his drug source, demanding hydromorphone NOW. Edward comes in. Alan tries to lie about who he was calling. A.J. comes in. 

7/10 - AJ confronts Alan about his drug abuse. Alan is in no condition to listen. Edward says that if Alan does one more thing to embarrass the family, he'll have him out of here as soon as he can draw up the papers. Alan leaves, but remains outside the door, listening. AJ and Edward segue back to Michael. AJ says they could try using Robin to get to Jason. Edward says they'll have to get Alan straight first. AJ suggests an intervention. Edward asks if it involves finding Alan's drugs and taking them away... and upon hearing that, Alan leaves the mansion in a panic. AJ explains to Edward what an intervention is. They spar over who should be present and where it should occur. AJ finally agrees to keep the attendees to immediate family. Alan, upset that his stash might be confiscated, tries to set up a deal with his dealer: to meet him on a more regular basis to stock his coffers. The dealer balks at the idea, "What do I look like, the milk man?" Alan convinces the dealer to meet him on a regular basis. The dealer leaves and Alan is struck from behind by a mugger, who steals his wallet and assorted other pocket-sundries. 

7/13 - Alan is passed out on the sidewalk. Someone steals his watch, looks for other valuables then walks away. Later Alan wakes up, sore and realizing that his pills are gone. He calls out to a man sitting near him, drinking. Asks him if he saw who mugged him. He calls out to the man that he is just a worthless drunk and that they are all alike. The man responds that he should know, referring to AJ. Alan tries to stand up and barely makes it to the payphone a foot away to call home. Alan calls AJ and tells him that he was mugged and asks AJ to come get him. He also asks him to bring some cash with him. AJ hangs up, wondering if Alan is really telling him the whole story. AJ meets up with Alan where he was mugged. Alan is embarrassed andashamed, telling AJ that he should have just left him here, or told him to crawl back home on his hands and knees, or that he didn't care. Alan admits that if the shoe were on the other foot, he wouldn't be so kind to AJ. Alan tells him that he will never forget what he has done for him and promises AJ that tomorrow he will be a new man. He tells AJ that he will walk to the corner market and clean himself up in the restroom, then take a cab home - and asks AJ if he has any cash with him. AJ tells him that he can't stop him from doing drugs, but he won't let him score them under his nose, either. AJ extends his hand to Alan and they head for home. 

7/14 - Ned told Emily that Alan was addicted to drugs. An angry Alan then lashed out Ned and AJ. Emily was unable to convince Alan that he had a problem. AJ then attempted to stop Alan from leaving the house to purchase more drugs. 

7/15th - AJ confronts Alan about his drug addiction and they get in to a nasty argument. Alan accuses AJ of being upset because from day one Alan loved Jason more. AJ is only trying to stop Alan. Monica returns from London and is quickly brought up to speed. Monica confronts Alan about his addiction. He won't be returning to the hospital. She called Stefan, who went to the hospital board, and gave Alan a leave of absence. Monica is named the new Chief of Staff. Alan comments that she has always been ambitious and now she has made it to the top by climbing over his back. Alan says she's never taken care of him. It's always been about her; her cancer, her sexual harassment suit. Monica tells Alan she's there for him now. Alan isn't having it, he won't admit he has a problem. He needs help, he's not an addict and Monica will be giving his job back within a month. There isn't enough limelight to support her ego. Alan leaves and AJ comes back. He was eavesdropping from the terrace, like he and Jason used to do when they were kids. This is different though, because Monica isn't fighting with Alan, she's fighting an addict, and they are cruel. 

7/16 - In the Quartermaine living room, Alan and Ned, A.J. and Edward are standing warily around. Monica comes in, wondering why Alan hasn't cracked up years ago. They tell her Emily is in her room, packing. Monica panics and dashes upstairs. Emily tells her about modelling. Monica is dubious, but supportive, if it's something Em really wants. Alan takes the phone and deals with the service person and the lost cell phone. (Ned mutters "you'd think he was being given a Nobel Peace Prize.") Monica comes down and tells Alan that Emily left the house wearing something different. a smile, and they argue about modelling.Monica went to Steve Hardy's memorial. Alan goes out onto the patio. Monica talks to Ned and AJ about Emily. She wants to be sure it's tasteful. AJ will travel with Emily. They then go to look for Alan, but they've lost him. Down at the seedy phone, Alan is harassing people. One of them chokes him, Taggart interrupts this. He's snide to Alan. "Someone reported a wacked out gentleman of the Caucasian persuasian terrorizing the good people of this neighborhood... that wouldn't be YOU, would it, Doc?" Alan claims he's looking for the mugger. Taggart hasn't heard about the mugging, did Alan report it? He's "surprised" he hadn't heard before. Taggart offers to take him to G.H. Alan just wants to go home. Taggart assured him that he will be "hearing from me as soon as I have all my ducks in a row." As Alan staggers off, Taggart mutters. "Quack. Quack. Quack." 

7/17 - Alan is at the hospital, cell phone in hand. Completely out of control, he starts stealing all the pills laid out on a cart for delivery to patients, only to be caught by Amy. Amy is upset with Alan, blowing his coverstory by appearing at the hospital looking like death. He sweettalks her into not talking, and assures her he's getting the help he needs. Amy apparently buys it. Alan wants Ned to leave him alone, when Ned finds him at the bar. Alan thinks the family is hurting his reputation by taking away his chief of staff job. Then he has a brainstorm, which alarms Ned, "Alan, Alan, keep talking. It worries me when you look like you're getting an idea." Alan wants Ned to get a police detective transferred out of town. Taggert makes himself at home in Monica's office as she asks what he wants? He's here about Alan and the drugs. 

7/20 - Alan is on the phone with his dealer. The dealer is to pose as a doctor from Cincincinati. The dealer wants to know what his motivation is. Alan tells him it's a wad of cash, but the dealer really means what is his motivation as this doctors. Alan yells "Don't play with me" and hangs up. He takes a drink as Ned comes in. Ned is bitter because he has to monitor the family pill freak. Why is that his job? Monica is denying Alan's drugs addiction to Taggert. He tells her about seeing Alan in the hotel and about the mugging. It would seem to him that Monica ought to already know. Monica wants to know what he wants. Alan doesn't think he's responsible for Ned's poor love life. Ned says Alan doesn't think he's responsible for ANYTHING. Alan and Ned bicker back and forth. Ned wants to know what he gets for keeping the family together? Nothing. Alan says Ned bores him into a coma. Taggert hopes that he and Monica can work something out. He wants to make the city safe. She says if he wants to get to Jason through her he can stop right there. Taggert says maybe it's cool with her if her husband gets arrested. Monica calls him on his blackmail and Taggert says he was just kidding. Taggert just wants Monica on his side. He wants info on Justus. Justus is like "headlice" that you want to go away for Taggert. He thinks Monica can help him. Ned thinks Alan is a useless wreck and basically says he's absolutely pathetic. Ned tries to figure out why people are sticking by Alan. He then finishes his drink and Alan gets up from his pretend sleep and goes to look for his dealer. Monica thinks giving info about Justus will let Taggert get to Jason.Taggert assures her that he doesn't want Jason but Monica says he's lying again. Taggert doesn't want Jason in prison. He still wants her help. Taggert wants Jason to choose a new career. He tells her to take her time thinking about it and leaves. Alan's mad his dealer is late. They make the exchange and Dealer leaves. Monica comes in and hears him talking to someone. She asks where Ned is but Alan doesn't know. Alan says he was just talking to himself, he didn't know where she was. He had an epiphany. Monica is his life support. He loves her and she says the same but also says it's not enough to make him better. Maybe not, but it's enough to keep him going. What if he gets arrested she asks. He says he won't. But what if he did? Alan admits he'd hang himself. He couldn't stand one night in the cell. Monica goes to bed and he says he'll be there in a minute. She leaves and he washes down pills with alcohol as she watches. 

7/24 - Alan is looking pretty bad. He digs for his pills, but finds only empty bottles. AJ got rid of all his hidden stash. Alan calls his dealer, who is at the PCPD, demanding drugs. The dealer says he's out and to call back tomorrow. Alan threatens him, and the dealer hangs up. The dealer asks Taggert why he wants Alan. Taggert says that he's just "chow for the big fish" (bait, leading him to Jason). Alan shows up at Jason's and clumsily tiptoes around his point, that he wants drugs and he expects Jason to get them for him. Jason refuses. Alan begs. Jason tells him to leave, as he turns to go he suggests that Alan shouldn't be there when he returns. 

7/27 - When Jason returns downstairs, he discovers money missing as well as his gun. Alan sees his dealer and walks up to him, putting the gun to his back. Alan orders his dealer to give him drugs or he'll kill him. Jason calls Monica to warn her about Alan, telling her that Alan was there and asked Jason to help him get drugs. When he told Alan to get out, Alan went berserk and, when Jason went to put Michael to bed, Alan apparently went through Jason's desk, taking money and his gun. Monica is very worried, of course. The dealer tries to calm Alan down, telling him that he's get the drugs for him but he just has to wait for half an hour. Alan doesn't want to wait, but tells him that if he doesn't return, that he will come after him. Alan's dealer returns with the pills. Alan downs a handful, then gives the dealer money out of his pocket. “Is that enough?”, he asks. “That's perfect,” replies Taggert. Busted! Taggert is pointing a gun at Alan and tells him to surrender his weapon. Alan is freaked and slowly puts the gun on the ground. Taggert kicks it away and demands that Alan give him his pills as well. He yells at Alan to get on his knees and put his hands on his head, then pushes him to the ground and reads him his rights. Alan just whimpers. He tries to talk his way out of being arrested with the excuse that he is taking pills for medicinal purposes only as he is in terrible pain. Taggert just wants to know where did Alan get an unregistered gun without a serial number? Alan wants to make a deal. Justus walks by and Alan pleads with him to help him. Taggert tells Justus that Alan was found with a stolen firearm belonging to Justus' employer. Justus looks over the police report and tells Alan that the case represents a conflict of interest, then he walks away. Alan curses at Justus, telling Taggert that he was always out for himself. Alan begs Taggert not to arrest him and send him to jail as he has a career, a family and he'll lose everything! Taggert reminds him that he gave Alan every opportunity to pull himself out but he chose to keep using and that was his choice, not Taggert's. Monica arrives to fetch Alan, who is in handcuffs now. Taggert asks Monica if she has considered his earlier offer [Alan avoids jail, if Monica will spy on Justus or Jason]. Monica reluctantly agrees to help Taggert nail Justus, but not Jason. Taggert agrees to their deal, very happy with himself. 

7/28 - Monica comes in to speak with Taggert. He offers to lose the booking slip on Alan and conveniently forget to file charges against him if Monica goes along with his plan. Of course, since he still has the evidence, he could "remember" at any time. Monica takes the booking slip from his hand. Because Justus and Dara are both nearby, Taggert tells Monica to come back tomorrow to discuss how he wants her to approach Justus. Monica leaves, walking past Justus and Dara, looking very uneasy with her decision. 

8/5 - At the Q house, Edward was outlining the evening plans for his and Lila's anniversary and threatened to nail any chemical-induced craziness that might wreck the evening. Alan stood up and rationalized "I have pain," but Edward was in no mood. Monica was on the phone with Taggert, calling from the PC Plaza restaurant where she oversaw party preparations. She asked him to relax on the Justus front. Tony bopped in and hassled her to try to get his GH job back. When he tried to use his knowledge of Alan's little problem for leverage, Monica told him it wouldn't be wise to spread untruths. "Ahem, there's this little matter of an o.d. I treated." "Ahem to you, too," she counters, "you did Alan no favors that night." He slid to the bar, unhappy. Enter Bobbie, with a choice bit of gossip that Victor Collins had been arrested for the General Homicide killings. They pitied the Collins family for a moment, then Bobbie noticed Tony and offered to pitch him out of the room. Monica declined. Back at the house, Nedly returned with Emily, fresh from her photo shoot and in a skin tight dress. She was thrilled and most of the Q's were supportive of her new career, except Edward. Alan tried to sneak out and ordered Reggie was ordered to drive him to the Plaza. He ended up at hotel with decidedly lower rent and paid a month's advance. The hotel owner explained the room's previous occupant left a number of books, she'd be happy to clear everything away. Alan told her not to bother, and when he got around to examining them, the books all had titles like "Chemical Dependency and You". Seeing a Narc-Anon pamplet, Alan reached for the phone, punched one up and said "I have a problem." A short while later, a drug runner appeared at his door. As party-time approached, Monica and then Bobbie approached Tony and attempted to boot him from the room. When he resisted their efforts, they implored him not to wreck the evening on Lila's Big Night. Monica called Edward with the news about Tony's gatecrash and the fact that Alan hadn't yet arrived. Edward ran off, shouting for Reginald. They all arrived at the banquet room and Tony approached, trying to suck up to Lila. He wishes her a happy anniversary; she tells him to send an email. Ned and Monica confer over Alan's AWOL status; AJ proposes a toast which spreads around the room until Alan comes in and picks it up. Edward announces that he's booked the honeymoon suite, and he's booked a vacation in Lake Placid. Next, we're treated to a truly beau tribute to Lila; with piano accompaniment Edward sings "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face," complete with espression shots of everyoneat the table and flashbacks to Lila over the years. Afterwards, Monica expressed gratitude to Alan for showing up and behaving; hugging him, she spotted the Narc-Anon booklet in his jacket and everyone got the wrong idea Alan did not disillusion them. 

8/6 - Alan is carrying pills in his glasses case. He takes them. Monica comes in. She is so proud of him because he's joined Narcotics Anonymous. He thinks the worst of his drug withdrawal is over. He denies he was ever a "crazed junkie." She brings up the Nurses' Ball and his later overdose, which Tony told her about. He claims that was an isolated event after the Nurses' Ball. Monica feels guilty. He says it's not her fault, it's just that he was too embarrassed for succumbing. They hug. Over Alan's shoulder, Monica sees Taggart on the patio. After Alan leaves, Taggart comes in and threatens Monica. Monica claims Alan is putting his life together. She tells him to get out of the house. Monica stops by Justice's aparatment. She asks about the trust fund? The phone conveniently rings and Justus goes to another room to answer it. Monica snoops through his desk. Justus surprises her and asks if she's looking for something. Monica claims to be looking for the trust fund information. He hands it over and she leaves. Alan takes more pills. Emily comes by and they talk. She tells him that she is proud of him for kicking his drug problem as his drug use was so hard for her. All Alan has to do is ask, if he has trouble. She missed him and is glad he's back. She leaves, and Alan looks bereft. Monica gives Taggart the papers. He throws a tantrum. The papers are useless, they're real estate transactions. Monica gets mad. How is she supposed to know what he wants? Taggart says he'll go by the house and arrest Alan. Monica asks if anyone else knows what Taggart is doing. She tells him she saw Dara leaving Justus'. She leaves and he calls someone, "Pull him in first thing in the morning, I'll handle the rest." 

8/7 - Taggert calls Monica and orders her to drop by the PCPD. Later outside the interrogation room, Taggert asks Monica if the recognises the guy giving his statement [the guy being questioned is Alan's drug dealer]. Monica says 'no'. 

DVD #1B 

8/7 - Taggert tells her who he is, and Monica thinks he's lying, but looks worried nonetheless. She concedes that it might be true, but Alan's getting help right now, so he's not his dealer at the moment. Taggert expresses his doubts that Alan's telling her the truth. He turns on the audio so Monica can hear the dealer explain how "this doctor" bought him fine clothes so he could meet him in respectable places. Monica tells Taggert he's made his point. Taggert asserts that the dealer's statement can either wind up on the record, or "in the river"... it's up to her. He wants more info on Jason, and he reminds her of the ramifications if The Dealer's testimony were made public. He leaves while Monica mulls over her decision. Mac enters the hallway and sees Monica. He asks if there's anything he can do for her. "Maybe," Monica says. She starts to tell Mac about Alan's addiction and Taggert's blackmail. Mac assures her he'll talk to Taggert and Monica leaves. 

8/12 - Taggert is in Mac's office when Monica goes in. He lays it on her reminding her over and over that Alan will pay if she doesn't come through for him. Taggert leaves and Mac comes over asking if Monica's accepted his proposal. He reminds Taggert to be kind. In other words, he says, he doesn't want a body count. He also wants Taggert to take it a little bit easy on Monica, she's going through rough times. 

8/13 - Monica sees Jason and tells him she's worried about Alan. "Did he OD?" Jason asks. She tells him about Taggart's threats. Jason informs Monica that the only protection Alan has is to kick the pills. Monica believes that Alan has started a 12-step program. She's also worried about Emily. Jason says Emily can live with him, if she wants. 

8/17 - Monica comes in and says they started the party without her but Emily asks where Alan is? AJ starts making some phone calls to the police to see if Alan has been admitted to any hospitals or anything like that. He gets a description on a man in a car accident. Tall, over 6 feet, 50-ish, dark hair. AJ says he's going to go see if Alan is still at the meeting when Alan comes in. Emily had gives Monica a framed photo of Michael. Alan says it's a wonderful gift. He also tells them he's late because he got so caught up in telling pepole at the meeting about his family, and his anniversary. He says there wasn't a dry eye in the place at the end. Emily tells him that it's an even better gift that he's going to NA meetings [which of course he's not]. Reginald takes some pictures. Then Emily and AJ split to leave their parents alone and Monica kisses Alan. He tells her that one things the meetings have taught him is that you shouldn't put yourself in a pressure situation. She says she understands, she just wants to be close to him.

8/18 - Taggert tells Monica that she has to get information on Justus or else her hubby is going down. He gives her a wire to wear, and she says that's not the right thing to do, so he asks how much she loves her husband and she agrees to wear the wire. He tells her that will give her 45 minutes to get something on Justus. She says to give her a couple of days to figure it out and he says that if she doesn't have something by tomorrow her family is going down. She calls Justice who is wary of seeing Monica but he finally agrees to it and says he'l be there all night. Monica turns on the wire and then knocks on his door. She says that he has no idea what this means to her. Later, Monica is listening to the tape and Emily comes in. She asks what she's listening to and Monicadoesn't really answer her. Emily then says she has some presents for Michael and she's going to go to Jason's later. Monica says that she has been getting closer to Jason. Em says she's glad, because Jason is a great guy and he just wants what's best for others.

8/24 - Justus tells Monica that Ned probably left out a few details like that Damian Smith broke into Ward House with the intention of burning it down. He caught Damian and meant just to stop him, not to kill him, but the fire was blazing. He tried to get Damian out, but couldn’t. He tells her about pulling the fire alarm, how Luke told him that Laura and two kids were inside the house. He intended to confess, but let himself be convinced. No he chose to let an innocent woman stand trial for a crime he committed and he even defended her. He destroyed his own integrity and now, lives in his very own little hell. Monica hears the tape player in her purse shut off and Justus asks her about the noise.She covers by saying that she must’ve bumped into a CD case on his desk. He picks up the case and tells Monica how he always wanted to do Mary Mae proud, but he wonders what she would think of him now, after all he has done. Monica tells Justus he needs to be alone and she tells him she’ll call him tomorrow and make an appointment to discuss Michael’s trust fund. Outside of Justus’ place, Monica checks the recorder in her purse and walks away, wondering what to do with the information she just learned about Justus. 

8/25 - At the Quartermaine mansion, news of the car bombing causes Edward to have a sudden case of gimme Michaelitis and decide this is a golden opportunity to sue for custody of Michael. Alan barely knew what was going on during most of the discussion, Monica took it to be withdrawal. AJ's keen sense of observation led him to a different conclusion. Taggert paid a visit to Casa Quartermaine to find out what information Monica had gathered. Monica told Alan that his recovery was the most important thing to her so he valiantly tried to fight the siren song of his little pill friends. 

8/27 - Justus looks at the petition from Edward, and Monica shows up. He thanks her for keeping her secret. Monica talks to A.J. about Alan and Jason. A.J. thinks Alan is still on the drugs, but Monica won't hear any of it. A.J. leaves and Monica calls Taggert, but hangs up before talking to him. She plays the tape of Justice's confession again, and A.J. comes back, saying he heard Justice talking. Monica does some fast talking and A.J. believes it. They chat and eventually A.J. leaves again. 

8/28 - Monica is guilt-ridden and torn. She is gazing at a picture of her family of with Jason Q. in it. She hugs it to her chest and wanders over to the french doors. AJ enters and surprises her. He reminds her that she's chief of staff these days and Monica says she's trying to cut down on her work load, and gives her "stand by your man" speech. AJ reiterates that Alan's lucky to have her. They speak of the car explosion. AJ states that he's going to talk to Edward to get him to back off of the Michael issue. He has decided that the best course of action is to take a step back and try to earn Jason's trust so that, if something does happen, Michael will have the Quartermaines to turn to. Monica agrees with his assessment of the situation but says that he shouldn't be the one to handle it. AJ gets defensive and Monica backpedals, and asks to handle Edward herself. AJ agrees but says "You're not going to stop him" completely negating every supportive thing he just said. AJ then says that he's going to go to Jason and try to work some damage control. Taggert calls and he's peeved because he still doesn't have anything on Justus. Monica keeps her side of the phone conversation light, though she really looks like she's lying. She requests more time and Taggert nixes the idea. He states that he will name names today. He hangs up on her and Monica fakes the end of her conversation and hangs up. 
     AJ takes off for the penthouse. Monica takes the tape out of her purse and frets. Taggert shows up at the mansion to harass Monica. He makes a little speech about the lack of noise in the mansion. He states it's time for her to give him something he can use. Monica turns around and opens a briefcase, stating all this can be his if he just walks away. Taggert grins, picks up a bundle of cash, smells it, plays around a little while, stringing Monicaalong until announcing "On the street they call me Mr. Clean and it's not because of my hairdo." Monica is not impressed. Taggert reiterates the choice and when Monica does not answer he announces he's calling the medical review board. Monica states she won't be an audience. She starts to leave, then returns for her bag. Taggert has a psychic flash and stops her. Taggert is playing keep away with Monica and the purse. She screams that she'll have him arrested, but Taggert teases her with "whoo whoo" noises, and continues with the game. Somehow Monica resists what must be a powerful urge to just take the man down. He opens the purse and finds the tape. He notes it's been advanced. He smiles that he'll just be taking this and Monica doesn't have to sweat Alan anymore. No one will go to jail unless they broke the law and no one will know where the info came from unless she talks. Edward and Lila appear, and Edward grumbles at Taggert's presence yet again. Taggert makes small talk, then departs after being appropriately nice to Lila. Edward complains about Jason. Monica snaps and, on the verge of tears, rants about loyalty. She walks across the room, snatches up the briefcase containing the bribe money and stalks out. Edward looks surprised and asks "What was that?" Lila gives him a look of disapproval. "A mother." 

8/31 - Tammy the Hooker goes to visit Roy, aka Alan. He tells her that he thinks things are better now that he's weaning himself off the drugs . She says allright and wants to know if he wants to test it out. He says he does, but first he wants her to dance for him. She starts dancing for him, and he looks happy. Later though, we seem him lying in bed and her leaving. She says that it's alright it didn't happen, and that eventually when they do, it will be amazing. She then offers to help him pick out wallpaper or go out for a sandwich. He thanks her for being so kind. Later, when he gets home, Monica is there and hints that she knows he slept on the couch. He feigns surprise that he did and she tells him Annabelle was licking his hand. She says if a dog could love him thru all of this, so could she. They hug. 

9/2 - Monica is trying to angrily track down Taggert from phone at the office. She flashes back to Taggert finding the tape from her purse. She snaps out of it and Justus appears at the door. She sunnily says she was about to call him. He points out she hasn't returned any of his calls. She states she hasn't had time to breath. Justus thinks that she's stalling on the trust because it means she's acknowledging that Jason might die. Monica says that must be it. when Justus tries to get her to sign on the trust, Monica stalls. Justus reflects that she seems jumpy and realized that Monica didn't know about his murdering Damien Smith. Monica says she's not going to judge him. Besides, she didn't care much for Damien and she knows it was not intentional. Justus keeps pressing but Monica shrugs it off. Justus wonders if he's loosing his mind. Monica says that she can't make him suffer more than he already has. And she knows he's a good person. Besides, he has more important things to worry about. Justus picks up on that, and Monica is saved by a meeting from any further interrogation. 
     Bobbie, stressing over her argument with Lucky, stops by Monica's office and mutters that she feels like the world's biggest phony. She just got a letter from Carly and it "might as well be a ticking bomb". She reads Monica the letter and it mentions that she misses Michael and worries that he thinks of Robin as his mother which makes her want to scream. The letter ends thanking Bobbie for he weekly visits. Monica says she thought that they didn't allow visitors at Ferncliff. Bobbie says they don't. Monica laughs and says she really must be loopy and Bobbie tells Monica it's not like that. She explains the whole mess about Carly and the revolving sanity to Monica. Bobbie explains Carly's destructive nature, hitting a lot of nails on head, and worries about what Carly might do, regarding Michael, since she tends to make bad decisions when she feels threatened. Monica suggests that Bobbie reason with her. Bobbie refrains from laughing in her face. Bobbie worries what might happen when she lets Carly know that she doesn't think what Carly wants is what's best for Michael. Monica offers mild comfort, agreeing that the situation is an accident waiting to happen. 

9/9 - Taggert goes to Monica and tells her that her family is in the clear. He also tells her that Justus will not be arrested. She wants to know how that happened but he won't give her any specifics. He assured her Mac doesn't' know of Justus' confession and that Mac believes she turned in a file on someone else without looking at it. Monica tells Jason the Quartermaines are off the hook but he remains skeptical. 

9/14 - Monica wants to attend Alan's NA meeting with him but he tells her he doesn't want to expose her to them. She misses the time they used to share. She doesn't' want to pressure him but she says they can talk and just hold each other. He tries to stall her until this weekend but she doesn't' want to wait. After Monica has left Alan makes a call to inquire if his prescription has come in yet. He then arranges to meet someone in half an hour. Alan gets more drugs from his dealer. The dealer warns him about the drugs, saying they are still being tested on rats. Alan later calls Tammy and asks if she is busy tonight. Alan asks Tammy to dance for him again. She obliges, doing a strip tease for him. She lays him back on the bed and begins kissing his neck. Alan grabs his chest and has trouble breathing. Tammy panics and yells at him, asking what is wrong. 

9/15 - Alan is gasping for air and Tammy frantically tries to revive him. She grabs the phone, but Alan chokes, no! He can't go to GH! Where then?!? Tammy screams, and Alan gives her the name of the clinic where Tony works. He arrives there off-camera, and Tony steps up to examine the patient, asking the nurse questions. Then he looks up and sees Tammy, and there ensues a quick little comic scene as Tammy, Alan, And Tony all recognize each other. "Garth?" Tammy asked, incredulous. "Tony?" Alan wheezes, surprised that Tammy seems to know Tony. "Roy?" Tammy looks questioningly at Alan. "Alan?" Tony raises an eyebrow. Tony questions Tammy in front of Alan and she explains that she and Roy were in the middle of a business transaction and he suddenly grabbed his chest. After cross-examining Tammy as to all of Alan's symptoms, Tony contemptuously diagnoses Alan's problems as a panic attack, brought on by sexual nervousness after too much chemical ingestion, complicated by Viagra. He issues a sarcastic diatribe against Alan, mentioning the drug addiction in no uncertain terms, as Tammy looks on, concerned.  
     After Tony finishes his lecture, both look expectantly at Alan, who has said not a word. Finally Alan looks at Tony and asks accusingly, "And exactly how do you two know each other?" It is really a funny twist. When Tony is out of the room Alan tells Tammy that she may have saved his life. She is modest, pointing out that it was just a panic attack. Alan begins warning her about Tony and what a terrble man he is. Tony appears and tells Tammy that, besides Alan's other problems, he is known for wild jealousy, however, inappropriate it might be. Alan is ridiculous as he begins bickering with Tony over Tammy. Tammy is too good for Tony! She won't have anything to do with him anymore becuase Alan is looking after her now! Tammy rolls her eyes and interjects some common sense: "This is not the high school prom." Tony shakes his head with disgust as he tells Alan to get rest, eat better, lay off the pills, then gives up when he realizes how pointless it is to give normal medical advice to a man who is flushing his life down the toilet. Alan is unmoved by any of this. The hell with him, he tells Tammy as Tony leaves. "I know you don't really like him," he says in a voice like an eight year old. 

9/28 - AJ tells his parents that Jason and Michael have disappeared. The phone has been disconnected, they have left the penthouse, and the dock project answering machine says that they are experiencing a change in management. Alan and Monica fear the worst. Alan panics, and assumes that he is dead and goes off on another tangent. He blames AJ again for Jason's accident, and everything is all AJ's fault. Monica calls Mac, and hears for the first time that Jason has retired from the organization, and he and Robin are living in Brenda's cottage. AJ can't believe that Jason would leave the organization, and states that he must have turned in the Jax family for immunity. Alan rants and raves, (as usual) about how eveything that has happened to him is because of AJ, and how AJ has always been, and will always be jealous of Jason. 

9/29 - Monica tells AJ where Jason and Robin are living [Brenda's cottage]. AJ warns her not to get her hopes up for big changes in Jason's attitude towards the Q's. Bobbie wastes no time in informing Monica 'accidently' that their grandson stayed the night with her. Bobbie leaves and Monica grovels for the chance to babysit her grandson some day. Alan barges in without a knock, totally strung out bearing a potted plant. Jason orders him out, so does Monica and he finally leaves. Monica apologizes for Alan and promises to call first before she visits again and leaves. Monica returns home and reads Alan the riot act, he tries to guilt her out but she just keeps reaming away at him. He reminds her nastily that she's not Jason's 'real' [read biological] mother. She tells him one more screw up and she is throwing him out. He blows her off and walks out. AJ enters and they discuss Alan's odd behavior and AJ wonders if Alan is using. 

10/1 - Alan is sneaking into his old office at the hospital when Amy happens along and surprises him. He tells her that he is in the process of reclaiming his position as chief of staff. Alan asks her to bring him minutes from the last few board meetings. After Amy leaves, Alan calls his supplier and arranges to buy more drugs. AJ arrives as Alan is telling the dealer to call him back in 10 minutes. Amy arrives in Alan/Monica's office with the reports Alan requested. As Amy chatters on, the phone rings. Alan rudely dismisses Amy and answers the call. It is his dealer calling to arrange a meeting. AJ overhears Alan arranging the buy and surprises Alan as he leaves the office. Alan asks why AJ is there. AJ replies that he had an AA meeting, and then invites Alan to have a cup of coffee. Alan says that he has a previous engagement to meet with someone from AA who needs help, a fellow doctor, and that he will see AJ at home. After Alan leaves, AJ goes into his office and gets the number of Alan's dealer from the Caller ID display. 

10/2 - Lila, Edward, Ned, Alan and Monica are in the Q's living room discussing the positive influence Robin has had on Jason. Edward says that now that Jason has gone legitimate, they will never get custody of their great grandson. Lila replies that a baby belongs with his father. Ned says that he is concerned that Jason will not be able to stay out of the organization. Lila notices that Alan is being quiet and asks if he is all right. Alan says he is fine and that he was just reading his pamphlet from NA. Monica asks how Alan feels about Jason's new lifestyle. Alan replies that if he has learned one thing from NA it is that every man has to find his own way in his own time. Ned sarcastically comments that there is a piece of wisdom. Alan says that he learned one more thing ... to ignore smug, self satisfied know-it-alls and then excuses himself to go attend a meeting. As Alan leaves the room, Edward comments that he thinks Alan was more coherent when he was stoned. Edward is concocting another scheme to get Michael. The phone rings and interrupts his tirade. AJ answers the phone and speaks with Robin who tells him Jason's concerns that Alan is still using drugs. AJ says he will come to the garage right away to discuss it. The Q's watch AJ suspiciously as he hurries from the room. Later, AJ goes to the Q's and tells everyone to grab their coats and umbrellas and join him for a field trip to Cortland St. The Q's ask why and AJ explains that it looks like Alan is still on drugs and they need to go confront him. Meanwhile, Alan is in his drug den when Tammy arrives. He tells her to make herself comfortable. Tammy tells Alan that she is a little uncomfortable since he almost had a heart attack last time. Alan says that it was just a mix up in medication. Tammy reluctantly joins him on the bed saying she has a bad feeling about this. 

10/5 - AJ explains that the drug den is where he picked up Alan after he was mugged, as well as where Taggert picked him up with Jason’s gun. This is where Alan comes to score his pills. Edward and Monica are still convinced that Alan is in recovery, but Ned and AJ are no longer fooled. A transient walks by. Edwardshows him Alan’s picture and asks if he’s seen him? Alan and Tammy are being playful. She asks him if he is still taking those pills and he explains that she is part of his road to recovery, that he’s slowly reducing his pill intake and soon he won’t need them anymore. They begin to slow dance. They dance some more, kiss some. Tammy is tentative with Alan, but he reassures her that his heart (and the rest of him) are just fine and they kiss some more. The Qs try to bribe the transient, he says he remembers Alan and that he lives in an apartment upstairs. They think he is loony, but AJ thinks they should at least check it out. 
     The Qs are now outside Alan’s apt., arguing about what to do next. Ned and AJ think it is time to find out the truth...his point, Tammy and Alan are getting ready to “get down”, when he hears a voice on the other side of the door call out “Room service.” He seems to recognize it, but is too swept up in the moment to care. Then he hears AJ’s voice, calling “Dad, are you in there?” Alan shoots right up in the bed, a look of horror and fear on his face; his eyes ready to pop out of their sockets. Alan is freaked! Tammy wonders what is going on, then they both hear Monica’s voice. Edward tells Reg to break down the door, then AJ, then Ned finally tries, but Tammy opens the door and she is just in a towel. They walk right into the apt., but can’t find Alan as he is hiding out on the fire escape, trying to get his clothes back on. They've left Lila sitting in the car and she is quite surprised to see Alan, though he is more shocked to see her gazing up at him in astonishment. Alan can’t believe this is happening to him. Lila is calls out to the rest of the family that she’s found Alan. He tries to get her to be quiet, so that he won’t be caught. Tammy is trying, unsuccessfully, to get rid of the Qs. AJ finds a prescription for hydrocodone, is convinced they are Alan’s. Edward shows Alan’s picture to Tammy and asks if he tried to sell drugs to her. She asks if they’ll pay her rent, since she’s now too tired to go out and earn her money tonight. Tammy convinces them all that they have made a mistake. 
     As they are leaving, they hear a horn honking. It’s the limo, they are afraid Lila is in danger! Edward goes over to the window to see what is wrong and finds Alan, of course. They are all shocked, especially Monica. Monica wants to know if Alan is a regular customer of Tammy’s. She won’t tell. Ned tells Tammy that her ethics are unassailable especially compared to Alan. He attempts to buy her silence. Edward realizes that Tammy recognizes him and Ned gives Tammy more money, but she won’t take it. She tells “Roy” to take care of himself. Then, Alan finally admits he has a problem and needs help. Ned tells him he’s on his own. AJ welcomes him to the bottom. Alan tries to appeal to Monica, who wants to know why he did this? Was it to get back at her for her affair with Dorman, for isolating herself during her illness? She decides that she doesn’t want to know, because she doesn’t care anymore! Edward’s parting words are that Alan has lost both his home and his daughter. Alan is left sitting on the bed, in shock. 

10/6 - At the Q mansion Katherine continues to get on Reginald's nerves, along with everyone else's. She chatters on, ignoring the somber mood. She reads the headline about Jax giving up everything. Jax's stock is in government hands now. Ned and Edward explain that it may be complicated, but eventually they will have the first crack at buying the stock back. AJ leans over to Monica and assures her they're doing the right thing. Emily comes in and immediately notices the way everyone is acting. She asks what happened. When AJ starts to explain, she cuts him off and says that they can't make her stop modeling - she didn't do anything wrong. Before Edward can start to explain what's really wrong, Ned cuts him off and suggests that this meeting should really be family members only. Edward defends Katherine's right to be there as a member of the household and besides they aren't going to be able to keep it quiet anyway. AJ tells Emily that Alan is not in recovery. Edward interrupts and tells her that AJ began to suspect Alan and discovered that he was going to a bad part of town. They tell her that they caught him trying to sneak out of a window. 
     Emily wants to know if he ever tried to get help. They explain that Alan was leading a double life and getting away to his "own private drug den" on a regular basis. Monica goes over to comfort her as Emily realizes what's been going on. She asks what they're going to do now. Alan comes pounding on the veranda doors. Edward tells Emily that she'll find out when Alan does and instructs Reggie to let him in. Alan tells everyone that he stayed away last night to give everyone a chance to cool down. He tries to cover what's going on, but Emily tells him that she knows. Alan is shocked that they told her, but Edward defends the decision and accuses Alan of having made Lila physically ill. Emily is appalled that Lila saw the drug den. Alan tries to cover that he was really there to dry out and that the woman he was with was helping. When they point out that she was only wearing a sheet, a shocked Emily asks if he's been cheating on her mom. Monica asks for a few minutes alone and tells Edward that he'd better get Lila. Lila has Reggie bring her to see Alan. She tells Alan to look at her. He tells her that he never set out to hurt or deceive anyone in the family. He tells her that he tried to quit. Lila tells him he's in denial and it's time to stop hurting the people who love him. The rest of the family enters. Edward tells Alan that he's officially and legally disinherited. His assets are frozen and he's not allowed on the property, or he'll be arrested. They've packed a bag for him and he's no longer a Quartermaine. They wish him well and goodbye. Alan says they can't do this, but it's already been done. Alan picks up the bag and leaves. AJ comforts Monica. A stunned Alan stands on the patio. 

10/7 - Monica is alone in the Q's living room reflecting on Alan's visit to Jason at and the scene in the love nest/drug den where they caught him with Tammy. She then reflects on when she told Alan what she did to protect him because she thought he was cleaning up his act. AJ walks in and interrupts her thoughts. He asks if she is OK. She says that she had a rough night and that she is stifling the urge to drag Alan back home. AJ tells her that she did the right thing, no matter how hard it seems. Alan won't be able to sustain his secret life now that he has been cut off from the family. In the meantime, she has to stay strong. Edward enters and comments that he understands that Monica is upset because Alan is her husband, but that AJ should be worrying about the business. He is looking for the stock information he requested. AJ says that he is working on it. Ned enters and says that Edward just has to ask the right person. Jax's ELQ stock is still in the government's hands, but that the feds are prepared to give them first priority. Meanwhile, Katherine is eavesdropping on the terrace. Edward says before they start fighting over the stock, they should decide who will control it. He offers to take on the "burden" to which everyone quickly says NO! Monica suggests that Emily is part of the family so she would be a good choice. Ned suggests Brook Lyn, which prompts AJ to point out that Ned would then have control since Brook Lyn is a toddler. Edward says that Emily too is just a child and that this much power should be placed in more experience hands. 
     This family has been thinking with it's heart and that business should be run on blood, sweat and tears. Edward puts Ned in charge of acquiring the ELQ stock. He says that he has to decide what to do with L&B now that Brenda is dead and that Edward is perfectly capable of handling the stock acquisition. Monica leaves for work. Tony visits Monica to try and gain her support in his custody battle. He asks for sympathy from an old friend and goes on to remind Monica of the trials he has suffered: the death of his daughter, the demise of his marriage, the loss of his son. He was once a good man and a fine doctor. Monica asks what he wants. Tony says that he didn't turn Alan in when he was hit by his own personal tidal wave, and he would like a little reciprocity. All he is asking is that Monica reinstate him on some level at GH so that he can get his life back. Monica says that she can't help him. Tony says that no one can stop him. He might get desperate and desperate people do desperate things. Monica says that the way things have been going with her family, he would have to do something desperate for her to even notice. Tony says that he hasn't even told her about the second time Alan was brought in to his clinic. Monica says that she doesn't want to know. Monica suggests that he leave and that on the way to the door he ask himself if a good man threatens his friend to get what he wants. Tony says that he wants her to help him get his son back. Monica tells him to find someone else because she is not interested. She also tells him that if he wants to turn Alan in, to be her guest. Monica tells Tony that he isn't in any shape to come back to GH. Tony says that he won't be responsible for what happens next. Monica says that he hasn't taken responsibility for his actions in a long time. 

10/13 - Alan opens one of several empty pill bottles. He looks worse than ever. A knock at the door brings Tammy with groceries. Alan is really out of it and wanders around muttering. He gets money from his wallet, but she won't take it, telling him that he's always been generous. Tammy tries to get him to go outside, but Alan refuses, saying he doesn't have anywhere else to go. Alan is complaining to Tammy about forgiving Monica over and over, including the sexual harassment. Alan is angry that after all the things she's done that Monica threw him out of thehouse that he gave her. Alan goes on complaining that the whole family blames him for everything. Tammy wants to know if he's started to look for work. Alan is sure that since he's a doctor it will be easy. Tammy apologizes, but tells him that he looks a little frayed around the edges to be healing anyone else. Alan thinks that the clinic where Tony works would be thrilled to have him, since they've taken in a kidnapper. Alan is upset and starts raving that his distributor is late. An uncomfortable Tammy starts to leave when Alan asks if she could pick something up for him. Tammy is amazed that Alan is asking her to pick up drugs. She won't do it for anyone at any price. Alan is worried that they aren't friends anymore now. Tammy assures him that she's been insulted worse, today even. Alan offers to make her something to eat, but she tells him she has to leave. Alan gets on the phone and starts yelling at his dealer that he's been waiting all day. Outside, Monica approaches Tammy and tells her that she needs to talk to her. She just wants to know how he is. Tammy's shocked that's all she wants to know. Even though he's not living at home, Monica still cares and she's worried. Tammy tells her that Alan is bad. Monica is concerned that Alan isn't equipped to deal with the life he's chosen and asks Tammy to look after him, handing over a lot of bills. Tammy explains that sometimes someone needs to bottom out. Monica says she knows, but she still loves him and she cares. Tammy takes the money and Monica shakes her hand and thanks her. Alan takes his pills and holds them close to his heart, while down on the street Monica looks around and then leaves. 

10/15 - Alan is continuing his descent into hell when he meets his dealer for another hit. He's a little short this time and begs for credit. Doing business with a drug dealer isn't like doing business with American Express, there is no credit! The dealer agrees to meet him in an hour. While the rest of the Q's are talking about the latest crisis at ELQ, Alan sneaks into the Mansion and goes upstairs to Monica's room. He helps himself to a few choice baubles when he notices Lila and Edward talking after they've left the meeting in disgust. His love for Lila almost causes him to blow it, but they leave before they see their junkie son on the stairs. He gets his fix after pawning the jewelry. 

10/22 - Katherine comes running down the stairs, dangerous in her high heels, and sees Reginald. "It was YOU, I know it, and I want them back!" It turns out her evening dresses are missing. An entire section of her wardrobe has been wiped out. Reginald suggests she check with the fashion police. She threatens to have him fired immediately. Monica comes (much more gracefully) down the steps and asks Reginald what is going on. Monica suggests that Katherine should calm down, but Kat is in a rage. She has a very important reception to go to and she has nothing to wear. Reginald wants her to ask Cook. Reginald leaves and Katherine turns on Monica. Monica doesn't believe it. She adds acute paranoia to the list of Katherine's many failings. Katherine foams at the mouth as Monica prepares to leave, coming up with the ultimate insult: "Perhaps you wanted them for yourself." Monica greets that with the contempt it deserves: "I wouldn't be caught dead in one of your dresses."Katherine looks in the living room, and when she turns, Monica is gone. (Ned has taken them for his and Jax's plan to pull a "My Fair Lady" transformation on V for Monte Carlo). 

10/27 - AJ is telling the family about Ferncliff as Reginald passes out the mail. Edward congratulates AJ on his underhandedness in befriending Robin and Carly. Ned tells them both to just leave Michael alone. Katherine tells him that she can't believe he's already threatened about Michael taking his place at ELQ. Ned suggests that AJ and Katherine get married and become Mr. & Mrs. Suck-up. Monica enters and blasts Katherine for being "not only a squatter, but a thief!" Katherine says that she already has 3 diamond bracelets, why would she want Monica's? Monica thinks that it's to get back at her for Katherine making a fool of herself accusing everyone of stealing her dresses. Katherine admits to being in Monica's room, but only to exchange flowers by their bedsides, because she didn't like hers. Katherine blames Reginald. Lila demands she apologize. Everyone fights and Emily slips out. 
     Alan's dealer meets him and Alan assures him that he won't be seeing him anymore after he gets 75 pills so that he can gradually detoxify himself. The dealer won't sell him anything without receiving some cash, which Alan doesn't have. He suggests that Alan go pawn something else. Alan goes on about how unfair it is that they give you so little for the item and that after buying food and paying rent, you have nothing left. Alan is looking through his pockets and mumbles to himself that next month he'll be back home and he'll get it out of hock before Monica knows. He walks over to a bar to get a bag of chips and think of what to do next. Emily is accosted by two guys outside the bar where Alan is. She starts yelling for her dad, but then gets frightened when Alan won't stop beating on the guys. Alan chases them off. Emily came to see him because he didn't come see her the last time he was at the house - when he stole Monica's bracelet. She says if he gives it back to her she can return it without anyone knowing. Alan admits to hocking it, but Emily doesn't think he can get it back. Emily says that she thinks about Alan all the time. She understands that he can't help himself, but he has to help himself. She almost wishes that something terrible, like her friend who died of an overdose would happen that would make him realize that. Alan assures her that he's detoxing himself. His real problem is that he's running out of money. He tells her that he doesn't have food, money and may have to beg. He asks Emily for money, assuring her that it's for food. Emily starts to cry as Alan begs her for money. She gives him her allowance and then leaves, crying. Alan tells his dealer that this is the last money he'll ever see from him. The dealer also brought him a can of tuna, in case he starts whining about starvation again. Alan takes a pill. 
     Katherine and Monica continue to fight about the bracelet. Katherine can't believe Monica won't believe that she's changed. Monica tells her that dying has done nothing for Katherine except change her hair. When Katherine suggests that they could be friends, Monica replies that she needs food, sleep, a warm coat, her children, a good medical transcriber, and on occasion some sex and none of those Katherine can provide. There's one other thing she needs, her bracelet. Katherine tells her not to say she never tried and walks off. AJ asks Monica if she beat a confession out of Katherine. They discuss Alan and Monica asks if life is better or worse without Alan. AJ is kind of glad someone else is the black sheep. Monica apologizes for not paying more attention to AJ. He's unsure if the attention from Edward is a good thing. Monica says that she can never quite tell what AJ is thinking, and wonders if that isn't the way he wants it. AJ tells her to have a great day as she leaves, and Monica comes back to give him a kiss. 

11/4 - First two minutes - Tammy shows up to see Alan, Q's at breakfast.

**The End**

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