Note: I have created a new series of Alan & Monica edits with every Alan and every Monica scene that I have from 1978 - 1983 (so far). I will continue to add additional new edits to this series. You can email me at to request to be added to an A&M New Edit Notification List.

Alan & Monica #1, Alan & Monica #2, Alan & Monica #3,

Alan & Monica #4, Alan & Monica #5, Alan & Monica #6,

General Hospital Hostage Crisis June, 1983, Alan Drug Storyline,

Alan & Monica Tribute, Viagra,

Stuart & Leslie Event Dvds

SSW #11, Quartermaine Brunch Combination DVD, GH Luncheons and Q Brunches, and Links to Other Edits that have A&M

Alan & Monica #1 December 1, 1978 - February 18, 1981: REDONE 8 hour original Edit
I have completed some early very decent quality editing for Alan & Monica from 1978-1980. i didn't have every episode but went through and edited some really good quality episodes that have been unearthed in the past few years and edited to the A&M storyline. This dvd includes Election Night when Roy shoots Mitch, all of the Q's attend the gala, AJ's birth as Leslie delivers him during a storm (great Soapnet episode), his Christening & reception at Q's, Alan drops the Q roof on Rick & Leslie, he imagines killing her and being on trial, and then blows up the seaside cottage Rick & Monica are at. Some of this has never been circulated before just a few years ago.

Earlier GH 1980 re-aired in Germany, and some awesome fans recorded the show for the video quality and the rareness of some of these scenes. They then sent the video to some amazing Americans who loved A&M and L&L so much that they recorded audio on old reel to reel audio tapes and then merged them together to give us AJ's Christening, and the after party when Alan drops the roof on the party, Luke & Jennifer's engagement party when Alan gets drunk. They did a great job for amature of merging this footage together, not perfect but these scenes had been lost to us forever. I also used some Soapnet episodes which were great quality. So basically I took everything I had from complete shows, soapnet re-airings, and a series of semi-edits from one collector, and the semi-episodes from the Germany/US collaboration. Click here to read the full edit description.

Alan & Monica #2 February 18 - September 24, 1981: NEW 8 hour original edit
This edit prominently features Alan’s affair with Susan, and her subsequent pregnancy as Monica is suspicious about their relationship. Alex is heavily involved in financing the Ice Princess caper as Alan becomes more and more concerned about Alex damaging his financial holdings just as he needs to provide for Susan and their baby. Alex learns that Susan is pregnant and threatens to tell Monica if he pursues his demands for a financial audit of ELQ. Alan promises to tell Monica he wants a divorce but Edward talks him about of it, telling him how dangerous Monica will be if she gets evidence of his affair.

Monica hires a PI, who gets a job at the disco to spy on Alan. Susan suddenly leaves town, leaving Alan broken hearted. Alan Jr winds up in the Neonatal ICU as his worried parents hover and draw closer as they fear for their son’s life. The temperatures are dropping in PC, though A&M are only slightly affected. Monica learns of Susan’s pregnancy and that she gave birth to a son in NYC. Alice goes to visit her and overhears her stating that Jason is a Quartermaine while she is talking to Alan. He soon gets to NYC and is reunited with Susan as she is getting ready to leave the hospital. Click here to read the full edit description.

Alan & Monica #3 September 25, 1981 April 30, 1982: 8 hour original edit
This is a fun edit as Alan & Monica are at their snarkiest best, each trying to get one up on the other. Alan brings Susan and baby Jason back to Port Charles. Alex leaves all of her stock to Lila, making her the majority stock holder of ELQ! Monica continues to needle Alan and he takes the bait and moves in with Susan. Her attorney advised her that he should sue her for divorce as it weakens his custody case. Alan’s attorney warns him that he will lose everything if he does, his inheritance and custody. Susan starts nagging him about when he is getting a divorce and he grows more and more irritated with her. Susan invites Monica to have lunch with her and of course it goes badly for Susan. Lila demands a weekly family dinner, sets up a romantic candlelit table for two and then leaves Alan and Monica alone together. They wind up giving into a very passionate kiss stunning them both. The next few months, they sure enjoy the dance back and forth and are oh so entertaining. This is Alan and Monica at their best. She entices him to be home for Christmas dinner and flirts with him, gaining the upper hand in her silent war against Susan. Susan has enough of Alan stalling over the divorce and tosses him and his lonely suitcase out. He goes to the mansion, Monica gets oh so much enjoyment tormenting him over it so he goes back to Susan.

He decides to get even with her by proceeding with the divorce no matter what it costs him and Susan enjoys a moment of gloating. Monica’s next move is to put up the Quartermaine mansion for sale and gets great enjoyment over tormenting him over it. Alan seeks out medical consultations and it appears he is having an issue being less attracted to Susan. Edward points out that he would also be bored with Susan and reminds Alan that he never found Monica boring. Monica soon returns from Paris with a fabulous new wardrobe, complete make over and a new attitude and Alan watches her in stunned amusement. Soon she really gets his attention when her Paris gigolo Phillipe arrives in town. First overwhelming the mansion with flowers, then dinner at the same NY French restaurant where Alan is meeting his attorney as Monica reveals in his torture. He soon gains the upper hand when he stops her sale of the mansion by learning that it isn’t hers to sell until after he is dead. He decides to move back in against her wishes by paying the $200k she owes for the house sale falling through. She threatens to move out and take their son with her as he is flush with success. He has coldly told Susan that he can’t live with her and risk the custody of his son. He has obviously grown bored with Susan and is fascinated by the new Monica with her young French admirer. Click here to read the full edit description.

Alan & Monica #4 May 5 - November 22, 1982: 8 hour original edit
This edit is a constant back and forth as Monica and Alan battle each other to gain the upper hand. Monica gets Alan’s attention when she makes dinner plans and raves about needing a new dress. Monica looks stunning in her red cocktail dress as she has invited her French admirer Phillipe to dinner and sure gets Alan’s attention. Susan is bowling and Alan gives her a headache excuse so he can rush over to the Q’s to see who Monica’s guest is. Alan tries to catch her in bed with Phillipe but Monica had turned him down and sent him on his way. Alan tries to intimidate him into leaving town but Monica talks him into staying. Edward and Monica enjoy how jealous Alan is. Susan is about done with Alan and Edward suggests that Alan send her on a two week cruise. Alan decides to use an alias and meet her for the final week. Alan and Monica enjoy they next evening that Edward and Lila have set up for them as Monica flirts with him and it leads to a passionate kiss. She is in a playful mood until she finds the divorce papers and throws them at him. Alan takes off to meet Susan in St. Thomas, though he lies he is going to a medical convention. She figures out where he went, and the alias he used and has Scotty send a photographer and captures pictures of him that she proceeds to show Lee and Gail, and post on the GH bulletin board. Alan is furious that he let Susan talk him into going on that rinky dink cruise and that Monica found out about it and now he could lose everything. Susan & Alan have a big fight as Monica and Edward watch through the telescope, quite happy with this change of events.

Alan is furious when she meets with a young Italian car salesman. They get in a fight as he says she can take the shirt of his back and he rips off his shirt and throws it at her. They wind up in a passionate embrace and sleep together and Stella finds them in bed together in the morning. Monica insists that it was a mistake, then Alan grabs her and kisses her at GH in front of Audrey. Alan continues to try to placate Susan with expensive gifts. Then she overhears him talking sexy to Monica about how amazing the other night was and when can they do that again, he wants to hold her in his arms. Susan whacks him with her purse upside the head. Soon they are in court fighting over custody of Jason and his trust fund. Alan & Monica celebrate their victory over Susan in court.

On this edit, it is obvious how much Alan is still drawn to Monica, and her to him. He is obviously bored with Susan by now. He is only really interested in Susan when it is a secret rendeveouz, when they lived openly together he got bored quickly. Alan is the most excited when he thinks he has leverage over Monica, and she enjoys his growing attention. She also takes great pleasure in besting him as well. They invigorate and energize each other in a way no one else does. Click here to read the full edit description.

Alan & Monica #5 November 24, 1982 - March 2, 1983: 8 hour original edit
Susan’s drinking increases and Alan grows more and more concerned. Both Heather and Scotty are using every trick to try to get control over Jason’s trust fund. Alan takes Monica to NYC for a romantic getaway. A drunk Susan crashes her car and Alan and Monica immediately head home. Susan survives surgery but is in critical condition. She asks for Scotty and as he sits by her bedside she begs him to marry her before she dies. Alan is horrified when he learns of their marriage and slugs Scotty. Scotty soon gets Susan to give him her Power of Attorney, and he throws it in Alan’s face. She rescinds his POA, and then finds out that he has forged her signature to reinstate it and invest half of Jason’s trust in a mall project. Susan threatens to ruin him.

This edit introduces Jimmy Lee Holt as he arrives declaring he is Edward’s illegitimate son, “Eric”. Then Grant arrives and moves into the Q’s as he is engaged to Ceila Q. Crane Tolliver arrives and gives Susan the ammunition she needs, that Lila and he were never legally divorced making Alan and Tracy illegitimate and calling into question their entitlement to the Q trust left by Edward’s father. Susan uses the information to blackmail the Q’s, and then goes to Jackie to do an explosive expose on the Q’s. Heather overhears a message and goes straight to Monica with the dirt on Susan’s activities. Tolliver is creepily unhappy with Susan going to the press. Jackie arrives at the cottage to interview Susan and finds her dead! Robert begins his murder investigation, and Heather, Scotty, and the Q’s are all prime suspects! After Heather is arrested, she suddenly remembers seeing Monica commit the murder!

This edit includes all of the Alan and all of the Monica scenes that I have. I have most of the episodes for 1982-1983, but I am missing a few along the way. There are also some additional Lila and Edward scenes as needed to tell the Q story. Alan is very involved in Susan’s storyline as he is concerned about her drinking. There are a few additional Scotty, Heather, and Susan scenes to show Scotty trying to manipulate Susan into gaining control over Jason’s trust fund. Click here to read the full edit description.

Alan & Monica #6 March 2 - June 10, 1983: 8 hour original edit

This edit works very well as a companion to the A&M #5 edit as this one contains Scorpio’s investigation into Susan’s murder. Lots of Quatermaine action as Jimmy Lee has power over the Q’s with his knowledge of Susan blackmailing them the night of her murder. Monica becomes a top suspect after Heather accuses that she saw Monica kill Susan. Heather writes a threatening note to leave for Monica, and snoops around the Q mansion when she sneaks in to leave it, and finds a bullet ridden photo of Susan in the basement. She calls the tip into Robert who searches the house and finds it, further evidence against a Q.

Jimmy Lee requests a big fancy black tie Q party be held in his honour to introduce him to the most important people in town as a Quartermaine. Robert figures out that Crane and Lila were never divorced and that he and Susan were blackmailing the Q’s. A body is found in the woods and the police declare it is the man arrested as Crane Tolliver, Robert figures out he was a decoy meaning Crane was not in jail the night of the murder. Robert also pressures Heather with breaking and entering in the Q mansion, and perjury against Monica. Monica is enormously relieved when Heather withdraws her statement.

Big storm the night of the party, and Robert has released Tolliver who follows Heather to the cottage. He tries to kill Heather and Robert stops him just before he stabs her. Robert shoots Tolliver as he runs away. He stumbles towards the mansion and Jimmy Lee finds him in the garden and takes him into the party. Robert soon arrives and demands that everyone leave. The Q’s are actually quite relieved when Tolliver dies, but not before he passes the unsigned divorce papers off to Jimmy Lee.

Next is the fun of Celia & Grant’s wedding that almost wasn’t. I included just a bit of Jimmy Lee enticing her away with him, then causing a flat tire delaying Celia getting to the church on time. Meanwhile all the Q’s are waiting and worrying at the church that the wedding won’t go off as Uncle Herbert looks on. Celia is able to get a ride and pulls up wearing a towel and gets off the back of a chicken truck. Monica rushes her in to start getting ready. Grant realizes she was with Jimmy Lee and blows up at her and storms out. Monica continues to get her ready as they are desperate for her to marry Grant. Meanwhile Natalie, the DVX agent, forces Grant to go through with the wedding as that is his cover story. Click here to read the full edit description.

General Hospital Hostage Crisis June, 1983: 8 hour original edit
Email for description of this time frame.

Alan Drug Storyline June 16 - November 4, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This is now a full 8 hour edit, includes all of Monica's scenes and all of Alan's scenes during this time frame. This began after soapnet aired the 6/24/98 episode during the Stuart Tribute Marathon as one of the episodes that won him an Emmy. I decided to add additional episodes, and kept adding, and then began editing and now it if finally completed and covers almost six months of his drug storyline. Click here to read the full edit description.

Soapnet aired a Stuart Damon Tribute with clips of various actors talking about him and Alan, they also aired three Alan episodes of GH, and they also aired Cinderella, the original movie that he starred in as Prince Charming. I also added some Soapcenter clips, and several soaptalk interviews. I also add some classic GH episodes that have aired in other soapnet marathons or during Daytime to Remember. See below for expanded write ups of the episodes.

Alan & Monica- Stuart Damon & Leslie Charleson Tribute Edit - 7:45

1)   GH 1982 - 56 mins - original marathon episode (no cm)
2)   GH 1995 - 1 hour - original marathon episode (no cm)
3)   Cinderella - 1:19
Interviews/Clips - Total - :31 mins
4)   Soapcenter - Stuart on replacing Steve Hardy reading the Christmas story
5)   Soapcenter - 4 min feature on the Quartermaines
6)   Soapcenter - Skye's arrival and introduction as Alan's daughter
7)   Soapcenter - Stuart on losing his scripts
8)   Soaptalk - Robin Christopher on playing Alan's daughter
9)   Soaptalk - Feature on Anne Lee's Memorial - Stuart
10)  Soaptalk - Stuart interview
11)  Soaptalk - Leslie
12)  Soapography - Leslie
13)  Soaptalk 2004 - Stuart & Leslie - end DVD #1 (about 3:59)
14)  GH Dec 1, 1978 - great quality, great A&M dinner party episode - dvd #2 (3:50) (from my collection, no cm)
15)  GH 1979 - Whose Your Daddy? (Previous marathon episode) Monica gives birth and tells Leslie while she is in labor that Rick is the baby's father, not Alan! (no cm)
16)  GH 1980 - Alan tries to kill Monica (original Daytime to Remember episode) - no commercials
17)  8-15-97 GH - A&M Anniversary Episode  (my collection) - has commercials
18)  GH 6-4-98 - last episode from Stuart Tribute (this came from my original episode as originally aired) - features drug storyline (no cm)
19)  Viagra Scenes - 8 mins - 7/14, 7/21, 7/22/04
20)  Soapography - Stuart

Expanded descriptions:

  • GH Episode 1982, Aired during marathon- Alan embarrasses Monica in front of her Ferrari dealer, assuming that he is Monica's latest conquest.  Meanwhile, the Webbers celebrate Amy's nursing school graduation by throwing a party.  Luke tells Robert that he's leaving to take a two-week vacation in the mountains.  Robert, Jackie Templeton(Demi Moore), Laura Templeton(Janine Turner), Tiffany Hill(Sharon Wyatt) and Blackie(John Stamos) tease Luke about his vacation plans when they find out he's going camping by himself.  Later, they throw him a bon voyage party and give him supplies for his trip.
    Amy's boyfriend, Johnny, joins her celebration and presents her with a necklace with boxing gloves charms(in honor of his profession).  Lee Baldwin presents Alan with Monica's settlement papers.  Alan balks at her request for $10,000 a month, telling Lee that's ridiculous.  Lee explains to Alan that the pictures Monica has are very damaging and leave him defenseless.  Later, Alan discovers that everyone in the hospital lounge is getting a good laugh at the picture of him and Susan that Monica posted on the station bulletin board.  He confronts Monica at the house, telling her that she'll get everything over his dead body.  As their argument heats up, Monica leaves him and runs up to the bedroom.  Their passionate arguing turns to passionate love making as they fall on the bed together in an embrace.

  • GH Episode 1995, Aired during marathon - Alan wakes Monica up in the middle of the night and hints at making love.  Monica nixes his proposal and goes to take a shower.  Stone tells Brenda that he and Robin made love last night.  Meanwhile, Mac questions Robin about why she didn't come home all night.  Robin proudly tell Mac that she and Stone slept together.
    Felicia tells Tony that she instinctively knows that her baby is a girl (she's pregnantwith Georgie).  Robin tries to convince Mac that Stone is a good influence on her, and that he's the one that persuaded her to accept enrollment at Yale.  Lily and Miguel(Ricky Martin) are on a plane on their way to Puerto Rico where they will see Juan.  Miguel assures Lily that they are lucky to have each other and to know that Juan is safe and happy.

  • GH Dec 1st, 1978 - good quality - one single episode - 56 minutes - Overall good quality, there are a few glitches in scenes, time counter is running. I highly recommend this episode for Bobbie/Luke/Scotty/Laura/Alan/Monica/Rick/Leslie/Tracy, ect.
         Bobbie and Luke (before perm). Tracy Q is Alan's secretary. Alan is upset that she hasn't done the filing. They talk about Monica's dinner party that night and Alan warns her not to do anything to ruin it. Leslie and Gayle discuss Laura and Scotty dating. Leslie is not happy as Monica enters the cafeteria with Rick, they are laughing together. Susan Moore is ticked off with Mitch that he is cancelling his date with her (instead he is taking Tracy to the Monica's party). At the penthouse (this was Robert's in 1981), Monica is nervous about her party preparations as she wants everything to be perfect. Alana comments that she is nervous because Leslie is coming. Monica comments that there is something about Leslie that she finds unnerving. Mitch arrives to pick up Tracy, she fawns over his future political career. Rick is puzzled by Leslie's ongoing reservations about Monica. She points out that Monica used to be more than just his friend. He assures Leslie that he loves her, not Monica, and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Leslie. Susan and Lee Baldwin are the first to arrive at A&M's party. Next Rick & Leslie arrive, as Rick comments on how radiant Monica looks, Leslie shots him a look. Next, Tracy & Mitch arrives and Tracy drools over him some more.
         Bobbie overhears that Scotty is using his father, Lee's, car for his date with Laura. She meets up with Luke and gives him the car license plate number and instructs Luke to make a room reservation at the Lakeview Lodge under Scotty's name (this is the place Scotty is taking Laura to for dinner). Laura and Scotty are at their dinner at the lodge. Meanwhile, outside Luke tampers with Scotty's car. Laura worries as it starts to snow, she is concerned they won't get home in time for her curfew. She wonders if they should head back earlier than they planned. Scotty wants to enjoy themselves and assures her as long as they leave by 8:00 they will have plenty of time. Laura also worries about going back to school and facing all the kids in the aftermath of David Hamilton's death. Scott reassures her that people will forget and that this night is her new start.
    Luke calls an anxious Bobbie and tells her that he sabotaged Scotty's car, she is thrilled.
    Scotty and Laura on on their way home down the mountain when the car dies. Laura is petrified. She will miss her curfew!
    Some PS clips at end- Ricky Martin on Miguel's arrival in PC- Jon Lindstrom, Wendy Ricke, Rena Sofer, Vanessa Marcil. Doug Davidson on the coach with Michael Logan, Ruth Warrwick on the phone. It is mentioned that Tony Geary came up with the idea of Bill Eckert becoming a sleazy strip club owner, this idea led to the creation of Sonny.

  • GH 1979- Epsiode aired on the "Whose Your Daddy?" marathon-  Leslie is shocked when Monica reveals, in the midst  of  labor pains, that Leslie's husband Rick Webber  is the father of her baby.

  • GH 1980 (Daytime to Remember reairing)-  Having learned of his wife Monica's affair, Alan plots to kill her and her lover, Dr. Rick Webber. This episode opens with Rick and Monica on the waterfront heading to a cottage.  Alan is stalking them and sees them go in.  Rick and Monica are obviously in love and Monica can't believe that they are actually together.  They embrace and Rick tells her that this is just the beginning for them.  They talk about Alan Jr. being their son and that Alan will realize this and then they can be together as a family. Rick says that he has waited so long to be with Monica.  Monica is nervous and feels like a schoolgirl.  She tells Rick that she loves him.  He then begins to take her clothes off.  Alan is still outside of the cottage.  Jessie and Dan are at the nurses' station.  They are discussing Jeremy's party and Dan asks if Ann got Jeremy off all right. 
    Back at the cottage, Rick and Monica are in bed.  They are both so happy and Monica wants to know if they can live together.  Rick doesn't want to hurt Lesley more than he has to, and he then proposes to Monica, who accepts passionately.  Lurking outside, Alan reveals that he has a gun under his jacket.  He then has a fantasy conversation about how he found his wife and her lover in bed together.
    Dan tells Jessie that he spoke with a difficult patient for her and worked out the problems.  He then tells her that his poker game is going to be at their place tonight, but Jessie is upset.  Steve and Audrey come up and Steve tells Jessie how much he appreciates her letting them use her place for their game.  Audrey suggests using Diana's apartment for the girls bridge game and the guy's can use Dan and Jessie's place.  Steve then asks Jessie when she is going to marry Dan.
    Monica and Rick are still in bed.  Monica says that she's never been this happy.  Rick assures her that she's not dreaming and that they will be together someday.  They talk about their future as a husband and wife medical team.  They make love as Alan checks his watch and heads towards the cottage.  He runs into a dockworker, and then heads up the stairs of the cottage just as there is a grand explosion.  This is the end of this episode.
    We see Mitch and Susan together and they are having an argument.  He is wondering why she never married Frank, and she says that Mitch is far too concerned with money.  Frank comes in and discusses Jennifer's wedding day.  Frank sings Susan's praises and says that he doesn't know what he'd do without her.
    Scotty and Laura are arguing.  Laura doesn't want to go to the wedding.  Scotty says that if she doesn't go he'll never talk to her again.  Laura says that is just fine.  Scotty then finds a letter to Luke written by Laura and he finds out that Luke is the one who raped Laura. 

  • GH August 15, 1997- A.J. phoned Alan and Monica to wish them a happy anniversary. Then he swigged down some doctored pineapple juice that Carly had prepared. He passed out and she stuffed him into a laundry cart but before she could get him out of the apartment Jason knocked at the front door, looking for A.J.
         It was a day of remembrance for Alan and Monica as they reviewed the ups and downs of their 25 years together. They kissed and made up at the end of the show, professing an undying (if dysfunctional) love for each other.

  • GH Episode June 24, 1998- In one of the episodes that won Stuart Damon the Daytime Emmy for best supporting actor, Alan Quartermaine is in a downward spiral with an addiction to drugs. Jason brings Michael to visit Carly at the Shadybrook Psychiatric Center. He tells Carly that he saw a judge that agreed to try her case, and that it looks good. Sonny tries to convince Mike to stop gambling before he loses everything.
         Mac tells Taggert that he has to avoid his "hot dog" tactics if they want to get Sonny. A.J. wakes up Alan, and reminds him that he fell apart during his song with Robin at the nurses' ball last night. Meanwhile, Ned and Monica do their best to cover for Alan with the press and the hospital. Emily walks in on a very serious Monica, Ned and Edward and asks if they know what happened to her dad. Taggert interrupts Mike and Sonny, informing Sonny that Mac wants to see him at the station. Later, Mac talks to Sonny alone and threatens him, ordering Sonny to stay away from Robin.
         At the mansion, Monica confronts Alan and tells him that she is not going to live his lie with him. Emily walks in on Alan as he is taking a drink. Alan tells Emily that he does not have a problem with the pills, that he only takes one when he needs it for pain. Alan hugs Emily as the guilt overtakes him for keeping the truth from his daughter.

  • Alan & Monica Viagra Scenes  July 14, 21, and 22, 2004

7/14- As Dillon tries to track Georgie down at the Hospital, Lois finds Dillon instead. Lois informs Dillon that the "pharmaceutical support for his love life" arrived at L&B and Lois opened the package by mistake. Lois leaps to the sudden conclusion that the medication is for Ned and that Ned was trying to cover by having the package directed to Dillon. Dillon, instead, tries to convince Lois that the pills are for Alan. Dillon is stunned when Lois immediately pages Alan! However, when Alan arrives, before Alan can learn about Dillon's pharmaceutical defense, Monica arrives and informs Alan that Lila has passed away. Alan breaks down and leaves immediately with Monica to check on Edward.

7/21- Lois meets with Alan at the Hospital and explains her plan to substitute sugar pills for Dillon's Internet Prescription. Alan reluctantly agrees to go along with Lois' plan and promises to order the sugar pills. When Lois gives Alan a kiss in gratitude, Monica spots Alan with Lois. Later, Dillon receives the sugar pills, reads the instructions and notices that the instructions recommend a forty-five minute wait after taking the pills. As soon as Dillon takes a pill, however, Georgie arrives unexpectedly. When Georgie kisses Dillon, she spots the package of pills and demands to know what Dillon is doing with those pills. At the same time, Monica and Alan meet in one of the private rooms at the Hospital for some impromptu hanky-panky!

7/22- Lois asks Dillon in a round about way if he got aroused by Georgie after taking the pill. Dillon tells her that the pill did work but that Georgie found the bottle of pills and got upset with him. Lois gets excited and admits to him that she switched the pills and the pills he got were just sugar pills and that Alan got the real pills. Dillon realizes that Lois' experiment paid off and that he got aroused without the effects of a real pill. Dillon hugs her and thanks her. He sees Alan and Monica necking in the doorway outside near the patio. He goes out that way and finds them making out on the bench outside and tells them to enjoy their evening. Edward introduces Heather to Lois. Heather asks to see the rose garden. Edward brings her outside but Lois warns him to hold off but Edward ignores her and goes out onto the patio. He catches Alan and Monica making love behind the bushes. Alan asks them if they could come back later as an undressed Monica pulls him back down towards the bushes.


SSW #11  GH Events Anaheim  April, 2002 - 2 hrs 30 mins - $15

1) Soapnet Promo for upcoming SSW weekends
2) Saturday Q&A - Hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Stuart Damon, John Ingle, Wally Kurth, Jamie Ray, Billy Warlock, Alicia
3) Saturday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Wally Kurth (analog)
4) Sunday Q&A - Stuart, John Ingle, Wally, Jamie Ray, Billy, Alicia
5) Sunday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Wally Kurth (digital)
6) Clip of Michelle (fan from Casting Call) shows her autographed cup
7) Parade/Cast Photo Shoot
8) Wally and Jamie signing autographs

Quartermaine Brunch Combination DVDs

Quartermaine Brunch Combination DVD #1
Q Brunch 2000 - :19 mins
Quartermaine Brunch 2003 - 1:03
Quartermaine Brunch 2005 - 1:08

Quartermaine Combination DVD #2
Quartermaine Brunch  2001 - 1 hr  attended by: Jeffry Byron, Susan Brown, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Anna Lee, John Ingle, Stephen Kaye, Wally Kurth, Billy Warlock, Amber Tamblyn
SSW #11 - Anaheim event 2003 - Stuart & Q's (no Leslie) - 2 1/2 hours

Quartermaine Combination DVD #3
SSW #21, #22 - All three Stuart & Leslie events from Anaheim 2003 combined onto one dvd

Expanded Write ups:

Quartermaine Brunch Combination DVD #1
Quartermaine Brunch Q&A 2000 - 20 mins, only the Q&A (raffle not included) - attended by John Ingle, Leslie Charleson, Jeffry Byron, Anna Lee, Tava Smiley, Michael Saucedo, Amber Tamblyn, Billy Warlock, Stephen Kay (this video taken from the table directly next to the actors so good vantage point).
Official Quartermaine Brunch  #16, August, 2003 - 1 hr 56 mins
     This was a wonderful event with a heartfelt tribute to Anna Lee on her 90th birthday by several of hercast members. She was unable to attend due to a  hip injury and they had one of the cameramen, Dale, come and tape it just for her and he was wonderful. I had the chance to interview him backstage and he was an absolute sweetheart, I think I had as much fun talking to him as to any actor that weekend! He talked about doing the large cast tapings like the Nurse's Ball, on set antics, his experience working for ABC for 40 years! I also was able to include a backstage interview with Stuart, Leslie & Amber together and they talked about the current breast cancer storyline, Monica's breast cancer storyline, and then did a separate interview with Amber about "Joan of Arcadia".  Included is the room setup, raffle tables, Q pictures, fans saying "Happy Birthday" wishes to Anna Lee, the cast is introduced, Amber speaks about her new show before having to leave for a CBS function, then the raffle, the cake is brought out, the cast cuts the cake and sings "Happy Birthday" to Anna Lee. Then several of the cast pay tribute to Anna Lee: Susan Brown, Denise Alexander, John Ingle, Stuart Damon, Wally Kurth, Leslie Charleson. I did get a brief interview with Scott just before the fan autograph session began. I included shots of the actors meeting with fans, autographs and pictures with the fans.  Also in attendance were Robyn Christopher and Bergen William though I didn't get a chance to include interviews with them.
1983 GH 20th Anniversary Promo - Stuart Damon
Classic GH - 1982 episode featuring Jason's custody hearing with Heather, Scotty, Alan, Monica, Lila - Alan wins and ends with a love scene. This is a copy of an original episode (though no begining or ending credits), and does have a few glitches but overall fairly good quality considering the age
Soap Pads III - tour of Leslie's home

Official Monica's Open House (Quartermaine Brunch 2005) Edit - 2:03
I begin with press room coverage and interviews with the following actors: Bergen talks about Big Alice having a crush on Luke and working with Tony Geary, Scott about his charity event and his new music CD, Natalia about winning an Emmy, Leslie talks about her work on behalf of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Wally about his charity work with the Kurth & Taylor Foundation, Legendary Bingo, and dontions of Fun Centers for children in hospitals, and John J. York talks about his sister having breast cancer. This is followed by fan comments as Jeanna Davis talks about M'Fundo (he wasn't able to attend the weekend), then clips of fans as I went from table to table and they did messages for Leslie and what they love about the Quartermaines.
Leslie announces her guests: Stuart Damon, John J. York, Susan Brown, Dylan Cash, Wally Kurth, Adrienne Leon, Lindze Leatherman, Scott Clifton, Natalia Livingston, Denise Alexander, Bergen Williams and Constance Towers. Flowers are presented to Leslie by her fan club, and then Leslie presents flowers to her housekeeper and fans sing Happy Birthday to her. Wally is ribbed about wearing the same shirt as last year (Note: JJY wore the same shir to the GH Luncheon as last year). I then covered the autograph session as actors took pictures with and talked with the fans. I did additional interviews with Lindze about working with the Q's, Susan Brown about Port Charles and some of her former cast members (Carly and Kin), and Denise who talks about how the original Rick/Monica/Alan storyline was the first time that GH went to #1! Note, no raffle included as it was held while I was in the press room and there was no Q&A with the actors this year.
I followed the brunch footage with about 55 minutes of  additional interviews (these are also on the Stuart Damon Tribute edit):
Soaptalk 2004 - Stuart & Leslie
Soapcenter - Stuart on replacing Steve Hardy reading the Christmas story
Soapcenter - 4 min feature on the Quartermaines
Soapcenter - Skye's arrival and introduction as Alan's daughter
Soapcenter - Stuart on losing his scripts
Soaptalk - Robin Christopher on playing Alan's daughter
Soaptalk - Feature on Anne Lee's Memorial - Stuart
Soaptalk - Stuart interview, he also makes meatloaf
Soaptalk - Leslie

Quartermaine Combination DVD #2
Quartermaine Brunch  2001 - 1 hr  attended by: Jeffry Byron, Susan Brown, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Anna Lee, John Ingle, Stephen Kaye, Wally Kurth, Billy Warlock, Amber Tamblyn
Highlights - Leslie presents Amber with a massive going away cake that is shared by all the guests as desert, very sweet moment. Wally jokes about Ned's affair with Monica, and tells about a new character added to his storyline. There are a lot of funny moments during the raffle as Leslie is giving away items. At one point, Krista (her fan club president) comments that there are a lot of notes on this one particular script. This sets off a slew of comments from John and Stuart as they demand to see this script, with disbelief that there are any such notes. Then with each additional script that came up this joking about her notes or lack there of were continued. Leslie also joked about Shaundra Levy and I got the feeling that this was a joke around the set (having to do with missing characters). At this point she lost it and started cracking up. I did hear Stuart say he had no complaints as he is working a lot.
SSW #11 - Anaheim event 2003 - Stuart & Q's (no Leslie) - 2 1/2 hours
1) Soapnet  Promo for upcoming SSW weekends
2) Saturday Q&A - Hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Stuart Damon, John  Ingle, Wally Kurth, Jamie Ray, Billy Warlock, Alicia
3) Saturday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Wally Kurth  (analog)
4) Sunday Q&A - Stuart, John Ingle, Wally, Jamie Ray, Billy, Alicia
5) Sunday Casting Call - Hosted by Walt Wiley. Guest: Wally Kurth  (digital)
6) Clip of Michelle (fan from Casting Call) shows her autographed cup
7) Parade/Cast Photo Shoot
8) Wally and Jamie signing autographs

Quartermaine Combination DVD #3
GH SSW #21 Anaehim 2003 -Saturday Coffee Talk - Natalia, Chad Brannon, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Greg Vaughn, Tyler Christopher
Sunday Coffee Talk - Natalia, Chad Brannon, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Greg Vaughn, Tyler Christopher
     Stuart and Leslie talk about the early days of GH, previous acting work, they all share embarrassing moments (Greg had just split his pants!). Natalia talks very eloquently about her current breast cancer storyline and her own experience with a lump, Tyler on his recent return to the show, Chad talks about the AIDS day of rememberence. In a very funny moment, Linda asks them who could play them in a movie and for Tyler a fan shouts out "Coltin Scott"! Leslie and Stuart are teased about what boarding school they send their kids to where they come back all grown up a couple of years later and are amazed when a fan remembers where the school is located (Swizterland). Both Greg and Chad rave about Natalia, who shares that her mother is from Guadalajar Mexico and her previous job was working at Home Depot when she got the role of Emily!  Natalia shared, that Chad had a kissing scene with another actress and he had trouble getting his lines right after and she teased him that he was never speechless after he kissed her!  Chad was rather speechless (LOL!) and didn't have much of a comeback but Staurt Damon said who? I think I heard Chad mumble Gia but I couldn't be sure.
     It was great fun to see Tyler at the Casting Call. I remember him as this shy guy and he seems VERY comfortable with all of the fan attention, happy to be there, and did a great job in the Casting Call! A young woman on her honeymoon was selected. Her new husband was in the and there was a lot of joking back and forth between him and Walt, and later Tyler. At one point, Walt puts his feet up on the table (suggestive as he has rather LARGE feet) so when Tyler comes out he puts his feet up on the table! After the show, Tyler laughs that his wife is seated in front of the fan's hubby!
GH/PC SSW  #22 Anaheim 2003 -Saturday Breakfast Q&A - 1 hr - Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Steve Burton, Alicia Willis, Erin Hershey & Brian Presley, Kelly Monaco,  Kiko Ellsworth. This is started off with a 15 minute GH trivia contest so test your memory! First session is Kiko, Kelly, Steve and Alicia and that lasts about 25 minutes, then the second session is Stuart, Leslie, Brian, and Erin and that lasts about 27 minutes. At the breakfast Stuart & Leslie talk about Dobson, Tracy, Dillon, nuEmily, Reginald, Anna Lee, working together. Brian & Erin talk about working together, their time off, Brian's new project, working with Ian Buchanan, Nolan North.

For additional events that Stuart and/or Leslie and the Quartermaines appeared at please click on the link at the top of the page to view a complete list of all GH Fan Event Edits, including GH Fan Club Luncheons which have many appearences by Stuart & Leslie over the years.

Links to Other Edits that have Alan & Monica:

Original GH Hostage Crisis 1983 - Bobbie & Monica taken hostage at GH!

Murder Mystery at the Quartermaine Mansion - 2004

Metro Court Hostages - Alan's heart attack, death, funeral, 2007

Classic Thanksgiving Episodes - spend Thanksgiving with the Quatermaines!

Classic GH Christmas Episodes

Nurse's Balls

GH Episodes 1978 - Current Time are posted on the GH Episode page. Daily episode descriptions for classic GH episodes are in the works, I do have posted write ups from 1978-1980 listing the episodes I have from those time frames, and also posted are daily episode write ups for July, 1981 - Feb, 1984 which include tons of classic A&M scenes at:

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