Alan & Monica #1, Alan & Monica #2, and Alan & Monica #3

Alan & Monica #1 December 1, 1978 - February 18, 1981: New 8 hour original edit

Alan & Monica Dvd #1A Dec 1, 1978 - June, 1980: 4 hours
GH Dec 1, 1978 - great quality, great A&M dinner party episode
7/79 edited - single scene
11/9 - 11/12/79 Election Night. Good Quality Studio Tapes transfered to dvd
12/13/79 Alan Jr's birth ("Whose Your Daddy?" Soapnet marathon)
2/22/80 Edited Monica tells Leslie how sorry she is for all of the pain
2/29/80 Edited Rick & Monica meet with Lee for legal advice over AJ
4/80 AJ’s Christening, Reception & Q roof cave in
4/80 Alan gets drunk at Luke & Jennifer’s engagement party
5/14/80 Rick & Monica have dinner, while Alan takes practices shooting his gun
6/2/80 Alan follows Rick & Monica to their romantic seaside retreat with a gun and blows up their cottage aired on Daytime to Remember
6/80 Alan in the hospital, injured in the explosion

Alan & Monica Dvd #1B July 9, 1980 - February 18, 1981: 4 hour dvd
7/9/80 & 7/80
8/12 & 8/14/80
NEW 8/18 & 9/4
11/27/80 Thanksgiving
A&M Edit

Expanded Descriptions Alan & Monica Dvd #1A: 4 hours
4/5/79 Scotty gives Monica the cold shoulder. Gail tells Monica about Scotty’s questioning. 

7/79 Edited single scene - Monica tries to diffuse Mr. Kakorian’s concerns over Rick’s behavior on the night of his wife’s surgery. (this is the latter law suit against Monica & Rick).

9/5/79 A group of people arrive at the Quartermaines - Luke sees it for the first time as he arrives with Bobbie & Roy, Claudia & Brian. Amy thanks everyone for their support in the wake of her father’s death. Alan invites everyone to join in refreshments. Amy thanks Alan, and tells him she wishes everything could be okay for him too.

Monica is in the hospital, Rick stops in to see her. He asks when she is going to start taking care of herself. Rick reminds her that the only thing important is the health of her baby. He wants to know what upset her so badly that day? She confides she had a scene with Alan. He is frustrated that they don’t realize the complications that can arise. She says it was her fault, that Alan wants to take her home. She told him she can’t go back there, she can’t even look at the staircase where she fell. Rick accuses her of being afraid of going back there. He believes the bruises were more than from the fall, they were from Alan trying to hold onto her when she was leaving. She defends that he was trying to hold onto her to keep her from falling.

Later Tracy visits Monica with a gift as a peace offering. Monica’s day finishes off with a visit from Alan. He tells her that he prayed for the two of them, for him to forgive her, for their baby. She tells him she will fight the malpractice case. He tells her no matter what else, he loves her and the only thing that matters to him is that she gets well. He asks her to give him some hope for them. He knows he has made a terribly mess of things, but swears that he loves her.

10/4/79 Lila is questioning Alan if he is treating his wife with the attention she deserves. Alan is a bit distracted but says yes, he is. Monica congratulates Tracy on her upcoming wedding. They have a nice conversation as she is genuinely happy for Tracy. Tracy asks her to be a bridesmaid. Edward talks to Mitch about the upcoming election. Later, Alan admits to Edward that he is a little uncertain about Tracy marrying Mitch. Edward is starting to feel there is a basic integrity about him and that he is serious about his marriage to Tracy.

Edward & Lila say their goodnights and go up to bed. Sweet moment as Alan gives Tracy a kiss on the check. She soften observes that he hasn’t done that in years. He just hopes she will be very happy.

Rick calls Monica and tells her the malpractice suit has been withdrawn. She begins to cry and Alan grabs the phone and hears the news too. Alan & Monica talk about how happy Tracy is. Alan is worried as he doesn’t really know Mitch and if anything happens, he is worried that it will destroy Tracy as she loves him so much. Monica hesitates before heading up the staircase. Alan is sad that she still remembers that fight. Monica starts talking about a little girl. He is surprised as she has always talked about a boy. She tells him that her and Lila decided on a girl as there is too much testosterone in that house.

11/9/79 good quality studio epi, counter on. Election Night in Port Charles. Town watches news coverage of the Quartermaines & Mitch Williams arriving. The press interview Mitch, Tracy, Alan, Monica, Edward as they arrive.

Bobbie & Roy arrive at the disco and ask to sit in Laura’s section. Bobbie happily announces that they are getting married in two weeks! Bobbie wishes they had gone somewhere a little more romantic to celebrate. Roy tells her that he had to hang around the disco for business reasons. Bobbie wants to know if this has to do with the guy hanging around earlier? Roy tells her to just have fun tonight and no questions. Luke approaches, and he and Roy have a cryptic conversation that leaves Bobbie very worried. Luke tells Roy that he will take Laura home and is allowing plenty of time. He then asks Roy to take care of “things” while he is gone. She realizes that whatever they are involved in is going down that night.

Luke tells Laura it is slow tonight and she can go home early. She is going to call a cab an he says no that Scotty asked him to take her home. She argues but he insists, there will be no more walks in the park. Laura heads to the powder room to freshen up and change out of her work clothes. Laura is upset that Scotty & Luke are making arrangements for her behind her back like she is a child. Bobbie defends that they are just trying to keep her safe. She recommends that Laura seek services at the rape center.

Laura goes to Luke’s office and insists that she is taking the cab home. He asks if she is afraid of him driving her home? She says maybe. He promises her that he will never touch her again unless she wants him to. He tells her about growing up on Elm Street in the slums, seeing his mother die, and his father was an alcoholic. He tells her he has never raped a woman before and will never do so again. She says that she understands him a bit better now. He asks her to never look at him like she cares what happens to him, that it destroys him and he can’t afford to be destroyed tonight.

As he is driving her home, he pulls over on a dark mountain road (they are up on the side of a mountain with the city lights laid out below them). She is nervous, he asks her to get out of the car as he wants to take to her, to tell her goodbye. He informs her that after tonight, she won’t be seeing him again and he needs to talk to her before he leaves. He tells her that he has a job tonight after he takes her home, a job that will end everything for him. He just wants her to know that she is the one good thing he has ever had in his life. He is so sorry for hurting her, it is killing him, that he could do that to anyone, especially her. He tells her to get in the car. She asks to turn the radio on and reaches over and grabs the car keys and throws them out into the night. He can’t believe what she has done. She yells at him that no job is worth his life and she isn’t going to let him do it. He yells at her that she has just put a bullet in his head!

Back at the disco, Roy keeps looking at his watch. Bobbie questions him and he just says he is just wondering where Luke is? She reminds him that he is just taking Laura home. She wants to know if the thing is happening tonight? The thing that Luke thinks might kill him. Roy goes to call Laura to see if she got home okay, no answer. Meanwhile, Bobbie tells Joe & Anne about her upcoming wedding and honeymoon! It feels too good to be true.

Luke walks down to a pay phone and calls Roy at the disco and asks him to come get him as is car is out of order. he tells him where the gun and the red blazer is. Bobbie comes in and begs Roy not to leave, he tells her that he has to. Luke then calls a cab for Laura. He puts her in the cab and tells her to go home to Scotty and live the life she was always meant to have.

Back at the hotel, Tracy greets their supporters. She announces that Mitch is coming down in the elevator. Tracy looks so happy, she is glowing. The Quartermaine’s celebrate Mitch winning the state senate by a landslide.

11/12/79 Mitch comes down in the elevator, Roy shoots him wounding him in the shoulder. As Roy exits, he is shot by a sniper.

11/29/79 Monica is in the hospital after falling down the stairs at the Q’s. She is ordered to be on best rest to avoid a pre-mature birth.

12/13/79 Original episode aired on the "Whose Your Daddy?" Soapnet marathon). Edward and Tracy are stranded in the penthouse during a snowstorm. Edward calls the PCPD and demands that an ambulance be sent out to the Quartermaine mansion as his daughter-in-law is in pre-mature labor. He is told that the city is snowed in and they can't get the snowplows through yet. Tracy worries about why she hasn't heard from Mitch.

Over at the Quartermaine's, Monica is in labor but in good hands with Leslie and Gail by her side. She passes out and they try to bring her back to consciousness. Leslie tells her she is going to have to hit her to wake her up! The taps her lightly on the face. They put Stella to work heating water, getting blankets and water bottles filled with hot water ready.

At GH, as Alan and Rick come out of surgery, Alan worries to Rick whether Monica will be okay as she has already lost so much blood. He is very worried about the health of his son, but even more so about Monica. Rick reassures him that she will be okay. Alan apologizes for ever thinking that Rick would have slept with Monica. He wants Rick to come with him and they can both be there to support her. Edward calls Alan to see if he has heard anything. Even Tracy is worried and offers comfort to her brother.

Rick finally gets word that the snow plows have gotten through to the Quartermaine house, Rick and Alan rush out and Bobbie arranges for the ambulance. Bobbie calls Tracy with the good news and then she calls the Q's and tells them the ambulance is on the way. Leslie observes that "the father" might not make the birth of his baby. The lights go out as Monica is in hard labor. While everyone else is out of the room Leslie is shocked when Monica reveals that Leslie’s husband Rick Webber is the father of her baby. Stella and Gail come back in just in time to help Leslie with AJ's birth. Alan and Rick arrive immediately afterwards, Leslie stands there in shock with the news that her husband slept with Monica!

Helpful Bobbie calls again with the news that Edward is a grandfather! They all arrive at GH and Monica and baby are whisked away as Leslie sits by herself in the lounge in shock. Gail sits beside her but has no idea of the devastating news that Leslie received that night. Edward, Tracy, and Mitch arrive and thank Leslie for saving Monica and AJ's life, as Gail raves about her efforts. Rick comes out and suggests to Leslie that Lee and Gail drive her home. He says that under the circumstances he thinks he should stay. She says she understands, she understands more than he thinks she does!

2/22/80 Leslie tells Monica that she needs to talk to her. Monica tries to avoid it but Leslie insists. Monica is sorry for all the pain she has caused and promises Leslie that she is suffering just as much. Leslie doesn’t blame her, how can she fight for a man that doesn’t want her. Steve stops by to see an upset Monica and tries to reassure her that baby AJ will be able to go home soon. He wants her to take some time off when the baby can go home. Next, Gail stops to talk to her best friend.

2/29/80 Rick & Monica meet with Lee for legal advice. Rick has a fantasy of him and Monica taking off with the baby, and them being a country doctor somewhere. He tells them that there is no way they can be together. Legally the baby is Alan’s under the law. There is no way to prove Rick is the father even if he is. He tells her that there is no way that Rick can claim this child as his own. They go to dinner and she tells him that she loves him. He knows that all he can do is be his son’s godfather. She asks how they are going to get through that (referring to the upcoming Christening).

Tracy sneaks into the hospital medical files to see what Monica, AJ, Alan, and Rick’s blood type is. She thought for sure this would prove the baby isn’t Alan’s. She is furious to realize the blood types don’t prove anything. She confronts Alan, accusing him of altering the hospital records. He smugly invites her to the baby’s christening. Alan begins plotting to collapse the roof.

4/80 Monica, Alan, Rick, Tracy, Edward are in a court hearing arguing over unsealing Monica’s court deposition in a previous case that may release information about whether Alan Jr. is legitimate issue. Tracy is challenging AJ’s paternity and is petitioning to have this deposition unsealed as proof supporting AJ is not Alan’s son. Afterwards, Alan assures Monica that when she gave him his son that she put to rest all of his doubts and fears over her sleeping with Rick. She thinks to herself that he knows, somehow he has read that deposition and has found out she slept with Rick.

April 1980 - AJ’s Christening - the whole town gathers at the church as AJ is blessed. Leslie looks on in extreme pain as Rick is the godfather.

After Party at Q’s - Rick & Monica talk outside of AJ’s nursery. They go in and half the party is there. Alan meets with Lee and then changes his mind about dropping the roof on Monica and rushes to get up to the attic. Just as he arrives, the roof caves in, trapping Rick and Monica.

Edited Partial Episode - :18 mins aftermath of Q roof collapse. All the guys rush up to help - Lee, Scotty, Brian, Mitch and they try to break down the door. Lee bangs on the door and no response. Gail & Jesse tend to the baby. The guys get an ax and break the door down. Fire department arrive and they start pulling out boards as the rubble crashes into the hallway, the guys are covered in dirt as they work to free Alan, Monica and Rick.

Edited partial episode - :17 mins firefighters enter the collapse and make way for Jeff & Leslie to get to the injured. Leslie finds Rick unconscious. The injured are reached and taken out by stretcher and arrive at GH. Laura visits Monica in the hospital.

4/80 Alan gets drunk at Luke & Jennifer’s engagement party. Rick tells her that she must ask Alan for a divorce and do it soon. She promises that she will. Alan is lying down upstairs and Monica tends to him. He says he has this big bomb that he is carrying around, just a matter of time until the whole world finds out that he has lost not only his wife but his son, the Quarterimaine heir as well. She sadly asks herself what she has done to him.

5/14/80 Rick & Monica have dinner, while Alan takes practice loading his gun as he thinks about being on trial for her murder and defends that he came home to find his wife in the arms of another man. He then takes target practice.

5/24/80 Over at the Quartermaine's, Alan is waking up with a vicious hangover.  He is in Monica's bed and doesn't remember anything about the party.  He also doesn't remember how he got into Monica's room, but Monica tells him that she had Lee bring him there so that he and Gail wouldn't know that they weren't sleeping together.  Alan says that it's too late and that he already told Lee.  Monica tells him that it's time they talked about divorce.  Alan doesn't really feel well enough to talk about the divorce, but knows that he has to.  He is still upset that Rick told him the baby is not his, and wants time to think about it.  He also wants to know what Monica wants to do about the baby.  Monica informs him that she wants the baby to stay with her.  She then heads off to the hospital to make rounds.

Tracy and Mitch are talking about Alan's drinking, and can't understand what Alan is so upset about that he drank that much.  Tracy heads over to the mansion to find out.  Alan is still unable to make it downstairs.  Stella comes in with more coffee and tells him that Tracy is downstairs and wants to see him. Alan tells Stella to get rid of her but before she can do that, Tracy comes in with a sure-fire hangover remedy.  After drinking it, Alan starts to feel a little better. Tracy is concerned for her brother and wants to know what he is upset about.

Back in Monica's bedroom, Alan is wise to the reason behind Tracy's visit.  He denies that there are any problems with his marriage to Monica and that he has too many plans to let alcohol ruin them.  He escorts Tracy to the door without divulging any personal business.

Over at GH, Monica and Lesley make small talk about the party.  Lesley tries to leave, but Monica tells her that she's asked Alan for a divorce.  Visibly upset, Lesley leaves.  Ruby comes up to the nurses' station and tells Bobbie that Jennifer visited her today.  Bobbie tells Ruby that Luke has been backed into a corner and can't get out.  She tells her that Luke is only marrying Jennifer to protect Laura.  Bobbie is going to try to stop Laura from ruining their lives. Alan sees a worker in the hall who is fixing the attic.  The worker assures him that there will be no more accidents with the construction, but Alan thinks the there will be another sort of accident. 

6/2/80 Alan follows Rick & Monica to their romantic seaside retreat (couple of scenes in German to set up), then followed by scenes that aired on Daytime to Remember. (Half of the original episode aired during the DTR). Having learned of his wife Monica's affair, Alan plots to kill her and her lover, Dr. Rick Webber. Rick and Monica on the waterfront heading to a cottage. Alan is stalking them and sees them go in.

Rick and Monica are obviously in love and Monica can't believe that they are actually together. They embrace and Rick tells her that this is just the beginning for them. They talk about Alan Jr. being their son and that Alan will realize this and then they can be together as a family. Rick says that he has waited so long to be with Monica. Monica is nervous and feels like a schoolgirl. She tells Rick that she loves him. He then begins to take her clothes off. Alan is still outside of the cottage. 

Back at the cottage, Rick and Monica are in bed. They are both so happy and Monica wants to know if they can live together. Rick doesn't want to hurt Lesley more than he has to, and he then proposes to Monica, who accepts passionately. Lurking outside, Alan reveals that he has a gun under his jacket. He then has a fantasy conversation about how he found his wife and her lover in bed together. Monica says that she's never been this happy. Rick assures her that she's not dreaming and that they will be together someday. They talk about their future as a husband and wife medical team. They make love as Alan checks his watch and heads towards the cottage. He runs into a dockworker, and then heads up the stairs of the cottage just as there is a grand explosion.

6/80 Alan in the hospital, injured from the explosion as Monica stands by his beside (short scene in German).

6/80 Leslie visits Alan who is know conscious in the hospital. Alan asks her how things are going with her and Rick and asks her about how her divorce from Rick is going. Next. Bobbie visits him.

7/80 Alan announces during a fundraising dinner at the Q’s that there is new research for instance that would prove that AJ is Alan’s son. Many of the guests are puzzled by Alan’s strange announcement, a very few understand exactly the significance of this message.

Alan & Monica #1B July 9, 1980 - February 18, 1981: 4 hour dvd
7/9/80 Edward confronts Alan and demands to know why he let Monica take his grandson and leave the house? He wants to know why Rick Webber showed up and took Alan’s wife? Edward asks if Tracy was right all along about Rick being AJ’s father? Edward refuses to allow Monica to pass off another man’s son as a Quartermaine and will never let anyone other than a Q inherit. Lila gets ticked off and refuses to listen to Edward talk about Monica like this. Lila blames Tracy for this mess and doesn’t believe a word of it.

Meanwhile, Monica listens to an audio tape of Alan threatening her life and tells her that she will never get her son back, that she would have to kill him to stop him. Alan shows up at the penthouse to see Monica. He agrees to give her an uncontested divorce due to her blackmailing scheme. Later she meets with the doctor who has the results of AJ’s DNA test, Alan is his father!

Monica calls Rick and tells him that they have won as Alan agreed to give her an uncontested divorce and she can be his wife and he will have his son! Leslie walks in and over hears this. Alan plays the tape of her blackmailing him. She tells him that he is going to give her a divorce or she will tell the world what he tried to do to her and Rick. Leslie shows up at the door and asks Alan if he is alright? She saw Monica and learned the latest.

Edward tells Monica that he would like a blood test to insure that AJ is Alan’s son. He asks if she is planning a life with Rick? She says that yes she is. He tells her again that he wants the blood test. She says that she wants her freedom to marry Rick, and will give up any financial claims. He agrees for her to get a quiet divorce, she can marry Rick, and then he wants the blood test before AJ’s trust fund becomes final. Monica doesn’t want AJ to have the trust fund as she has seen how money has corrupted Tracy. Edward is very sad over their break up.

7/80 Edward & Alan stop by to visit AJ, and Monica seems flustered at their unexpected arrival. Alan asks what is wrong, as he notices her nervous trembling. She insists that she is fine. Alan has a flashback of running into the doctor who ran the DNA test and shared with Alan how relieved he must be to learn that he is indeed AJ’s father. Edward goes upstairs with the baby, and Monica reams Alan for stopping by unexpectedly. He tells her that in his heart that he really feels that he is Alan Jr’s son, all through her pregnancy, his birth, and asks her to understand that and be kind towards him. She insists that he isn’t.

He reminds her that she lied to him, cheated on him and deceived him every chance she got. She tells him there is no excuse for attempted murder and they are even in the hurting each other department. He says he was driving to it out of anger and despair. She can’t even remember loving him once. He says that she only married him because Rick married Leslie. She insists she did love him and was happy to marry him, but now all she wants is a divorce from him to marry Rick, and be a family with her baby with Rick.

Howard comes by and tells her that their court date is set for two weeks. He tells her that he gave Alan the paperwork and he was most cooperative. Meanwhile, Alan tells Edward that he thinks that there is a chance of reconciliation. Edward is very surprised. Alan promises that he will do everything he can to save his marriage.

8/6 Great Quality from Soapnet marathon. Alan tells Monica that he expects her to be at the fundraiser, and she assures him that she will not be there. After Monica leaves the room with baby A.J., Alan and Rick argue. Both men insist that he is A.J.'s father. Rick and Monica dream about their future together, including working side by side at the Waterfront Clinic.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Alan vows to Edward that his plans for the fundraiser dinner will get Monica back home. Later, Rick mentions to Monica that he sees no resemblance of him in A.J. Rick seems unconcerned, but Monica is obviously nervous about the conversation.

8/12 Edward & Alan stop by Monica’s to fill her in on the details for the fundraiser. The Quartermaine Foundation is going to fund Rick’s waterfront clinic. Monica takes the baby upstairs and Edward questions Alan’s plan to get her back? Alan says he has a little surprise for the fundraiser and thinks she will change her mind. Steve talks fundraising with Monica, and how important everyone’s participation is to raise the $20 million they need for the new wing. He is glad that Rick is going to attend the fundraiser. Monica says it is a command performance. Steve asks how she is doing personally? She insists that she is fine and is keeping her personal and professional life separate.

New 8/14 or 8/18 (Note date is unsure as have one dvd of scenes dated 8/18 and another source dates the same evening as 8/14).

Rick arrives at the Q fundraiser to tell Leslie that he and Monica are being married next week as soon as her divorce is finalized. Steve thanks everyone for their donations of 22 million dollars. Steve introduces Alan, who says that without this type of research that they wouldn’t have known about the Bombay Phenotype Syndrome and if they didn’t know about that then Monica wouldn’t have been able to prove that Alan Jr. is in fact Alan’s son. The look on everyone’s face is one of shock, including Rick’s. Monica runs out. Leslie asks Alan if this announcement had to be done in this way? He insists that it did. Lila is thrilled with the potential for a reconciliation for Monica and Alan. Leslie asks Alan how long Monica has known the baby wasn’t Rick’s? He tells her she has known for several weeks.

9/4/80 New (or 9/8 have dated two different dates) - :9 mins Monica has moved back into the Quarermaine mansion. Alan is upset when he realizes that Monica is waiting for a call from Rick. He insists that Monica is not going to call Rick about Patty Kelly. Alan insists that Monica will NOT call Rick while she is living under Alan’s roof! She insists that this is her career and she refuses to throw away her career and points out that she works with Rick. He warns her that IF she stays away from Rick, that he may allow her to continue with her career. IF she doesn’t stay away from him, Alan warns that he will have her declared an unfit mother! Alan goes up to put AJ to bed and Monica calls trying to reach Rick to leave a message. Alan picks up the extension and listens in as he realizes she immediately tried to call Rick. He confronts her and she has a flashback to Alan promising to control his temper and Alan insisting on her not leaving him, they argue on the stairs and she falls down the stairs. She insists that she was just calling Rick about Patty’s accident. She tells Alan that he is obsessed with his jealousy over Rick.

9/18/80 :6 mins. Monica treats Jeremy at GH, Anne is there with him. Monica and Anne talk as Monica questions her when Rick will be back. Monica meets Edward and Mitch in the cafeteria. She tells them she was delayed by an oversee phone call from Tracy. She called to congratulate Monica on winning the trust fund debate, over AJ’s paternity. Mitch informs them that with Edward’s backing, he will run for State Senator and then Governor! They leave and Howard enters and talks to Monica. She asks him where she stands in this divorce? He informs her that it is null and void now that she went back to Alan. He tells her that she will have to start the process all over. She says yes, that is what she wants. She wants her freedom and custody of her baby. Howard warns her that Alan has ammunition against her in court. She tells Howard that she is in love with Rick and she wants to be with him. As soon as Rick returns home, she is going to tell him and hope he will forgive her. Howard warns her she will have to still worry about getting a divorce and custody. Monica admits she has never felt so trapped in all of her life.

10/20 Great Quality Soapnet Marathon. Alan joins Monica at the cafeteria and she doesn’t want to see or talk to him? He asks if she has settled things with Rick and if he is going to back off? Monica admits to Alan that Rick wants her re-assigned to someone else. Monica tells Alan that one day Rick will want her, Alan threatens her to behave respectably for AJ's sake. He demands that she act like Mrs. Alan Quartermaine when she is in public, regardless of what her true feelings are.

Steve has Rick & Monica in for a meeting. Steve tells her that at Rick’s request he is having her transferred and will no longer work with Rick. He is concerned as he can not have doctors on his staff who are unable to work together. He threatens to re-evaluate staffing if they can’t work together. Steve leaves them alone to discuss. Monica asks him if he could work with her, and he says yes in an emergency. He asks her if she can handle herself? Of course she can, and asks what is he trying to do, humiliate her professionally? She says maybe he can walk away from her professionally, but she knows he still wants her!

Gail meets with Monica who tells her that she is no longer working with Rick. She reminds her that she is only back at the Q’s because of AJ. Gail suggests that Monica let Rick go to live his own life. Monica insists that Rick will eventually realize that he wants her and she will be there for him!

10/23-10/24 Alan tells Monica that Rick is back in town. He wants her decision, he has asked her to discontinue her association with Rick. He wants her to stop working with Rick, she refuses to. Later, Rick needs her to assist him in surgery. She gives him grief reminding him how he didn’t want her to work with him. He reminds her that she offered that she could do so in an emergency and they both made promises to Steve that they could be professional.

Monica continues to give him grief about not wanting to work with her as they scrub in. He informs her that she will be performing the surgery as he can't trust himself to be objective. The patient (Hutch) tried to kill Laura. The surgery is successful. Afterwards, Rick apologizes to Monica for losing his focus during the procedure. She snarks at Rick if it happens again, she will have no choice but to report it to Steve! Hutch wakes up after surgery to find Monica by his bedside. He is shocked that he is alive.

11/27 Thanksgiving. Alan opens a very special bottle of champagne as Luke & Alex join in with Monica, Edward, and Lila. Lila asks Luke about his summer adventure and he fills them in a bit. Gail and Lee arrive at the Quartermaine’s. When Gail asks Monica how everything is going? Monica replies that when Alex arrived she brought chaos with her. Susan Moore arrives for dinner with the Quarermaine's at Monica's invitation. Lee privately asks Gail if Monica is a playing some kind of a game with Alan and Susan?

12/12 Edward asks why Alan is in such a good mood? He says he can't wait for Monica to come home as they were having a lovely time before she was called away. He called the hospital to check and she was called into emergency surgery with Rick. After the surgery, Rick and Monica are relieved the surgery went well and they celebrate over coffee in the cafeteria. She suggests they toast to their friendship and bemoans that they don't serve champagne! (Its obvious that she wants him back and is jealous of the time he spends with Leslie). 

She asks him to reconsider and let her help him out at the waterfront clinic, in Patty's memory if nothing else. He says she can't as Leslie will be spending a lot of time there. He refuses to hurt Leslie anymore than he already has. He is happy the surgery was successful and suggests that they just leave it at that. Laura arrives, and Monica raves about his performance in surgery before she heads home.

Monica returns home to find Alan waiting for her with a warm fire lit and hot chocolate waiting. She tells him the surgery was successful. She admits to being jealous of Rick's relationship with Leslie even though it is only about being Laura's parents but she admits it hurts to see him with Leslie and that is why she is hostile towards Leslie.

Alan gives her a foot rub understanding how exhausted she is. She asks why he is doing all of this? He tells her he gets tired of living in an armed camp. She tells him that she is tired and he offers to walk her upstairs and draw her a bath. She observes that he can be awfully nice when he wants to. He responds that their marriage has become a sham because of what they have done to each other. She tells him that at times she is almost sorry they have gone so far in opposite directions. She says good night and heads up to bed alone.

12/16 Alan & Monica have coffee in the cafeteria. She reminds him that it is Alan Jr’s first birthday. She is going to do a little something in the nursery. Alan asks if he can come, and Monica says of course he can. He asks if they can be pleasant and cordial in front of their son. She thinks he is too young to pick up on any disharmony, but she disagrees.

Alan & Monica are decorating the tree together, Alan is in a jolly mood. Lila says it is the prettiest tree they have ever had, Alan says she says that every year. Monica says she too thinks the tree gets prettier every year and then says something snarky. Alan groans that he thought she was getting into the Christmas spirit, he should have known. Lila tries to keep the conversation light. She is going over the invite list for their party. She notices that Rick & Leslie weren’t invited. Alan is upset, and Monica says she didn’t think he would want her to invite Rick. He says he wouldn’t have wanted her to invite Rick but he certainly wanted Leslie to be invited. Lila asks them both to try to have a very merry Christmas.

Monica makes a snarky comment about Susan Moore. After Lila leaves, Alan says their marriage is a strain even for Lila. He wants to know what the comment about Susan was for, that Monica doesn’t say anything without an ulterior motive. Alan says that he was so very happy last Christmas with the birth of their son, he thought he was the luckiest man in the world. They both agree things are different now.

Alan observes that Alan Jr. is the only bright spot in his life. Alan asks her how long she can go on living in this lie? She asks him again to give her a divorce and custody of their son. He tells her he can’t, no matter how miserable he is, it will never be over between them and if it is, it will be when he says he is. She closes the door and asks him if he gets some perverted pleasure out of this?

12/17 Edward is on a tear worrying about money and grumbling about the costs of the holiday party. He winds up storming out as Alan looks after him concerned. Dan calls Monica and gives her an update about the party planning. Monica tells Alan that Stella has hired phenomenal caterers (they are Cassidines there to case the joint for the Ice Princess that A&M know nothing about and that is why Edward is grumbling about money).

12/18 Monica stops at Leslie’s and receives a cool reception. Monica delivers the invite to the Christmas party to welcome Alexandra to town. Leslie gives her regrets as she would feel too uncomfortable. Monica is worried that if Alan feels that she didn’t warmly invite her that he would be upset. Leslie says he doesn’t have to know, and she can just say with Heather arriving that she won’t be able to make it. Monica does tell her that Rick won’t be there either.

Monica and Brian talk at GH and he tells her that they are looking forward to the party. She asks if they are doing okay. He admits they aren’t, Monica is sorry to hear that as she would hate to see them break up. Edward calls to tell Monica that Laura Baldwin is coming to the party.

12/19/80 Need Description

12/23 At the Quartermaine party, one of the henchmen working the party calls in and reports that he has searched the house top to bottom, he just hasn’t gotten to the basement yet but will when he has an excuse to go downstairs for more champagne.

Luke & Laura arrive at the party and are greeted by Edward & Alex. Alan welcomes everyone to the party and introduces cousin Alexandra. She goes down to the basement to search through all the boxes, and encounters one of the Cassidine goons searching. She confronts him, he pushes past her up the stairs to escape as Alex runs screaming after him. Luke runs to her aid, as Alan, Monica, and Edward come into the foyer. After the party, Alan & Monica tell Alex that they want everything out of the basement. They are concerned that whatever she has down there is a risk and puts Alan Jr. at risk.

12/24 The next morning, Monica reminds Alex that she wants all of the junk in the basement gone. She continues to worry that there could have been a kidnapping attempt last night. Alan worries for Alex’s safety.

Monica stops by to visit Hutch at GH and asks him to play the guitar for the children’s Christmas party. Monica stops Rick and tells him she needs his advice about Hutch. They meet at the cafe and she states her case why she thinks this would be a good idea for Hutch and points out that he would have a guard the entire time. She believes he has changed and must have some shred of decency or Luke & Laura wouldn’t be so fond of him. He agrees and says he will talk to Steve. Monica asks him what he is doing for Christmas and he reports that he will be with Leslie. She asks if there is a reconciliation in the works. He reminds her that he and Leslie share a daughter. She points out he doesn’t lose any chance to remind her that they don’t share a son.

Alan comes in and interrupts as Rick is leaving. Joe Kelly is with him and they talk about the danger posed by the intruders last night. Alan doesn’t believe they are after Alex’s art treasures.

Jan, 1981 :34 mins of reduced quality edit: Monica & Edward talk about Alex and Luke. Alan flirts with Susan at the disco. Monica & Alan confront Edward over the Paris accounts being closed and Alex’s involvement with European holdings. He asks them to be patient, that he will set things right. Alan warns him that he will give him 30 days and if things aren’t in order by then, that Alan will call for an audit of the family books.

Monica comes home on a very cold day to find Alan waiting for her with a cup of hot buttered rum and invites her into the living room. Alan wants to be her husband again without the idea repulsing her. She doesn’t want to talk about it. He tells her they can’t go on like this, living in the same house, he wants her to be his wife again. He tells her that he wants her desperately, wants to make love to her tonight!

Monica rejects him, making an excuse that she is tired. She apologizes that she doesn’t think she could respond to any man right now. He asks, “Not even Rick Webber?” He asks her if she can go through the rest of her life without a man? She goes up to bed alone. In Monica's bedroom, she thinks about Rick (flashback of Rick and Monica together). She calls Rick on the phone, but hangs up when another woman answers.

Alan heads out to the disco and meets with Susan.  He tells her the emptiness in that house is oppressive and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He offers to give her a ride home. Next, we see Alan and Susan having lunch together. Alan wants Susan, but warns her that he won't divorce Monica because he can’t risk losing his son. She thinks he still loves Monica. Alan says he doesn’t know what he feels towards Monica, he thinks it was jealousy and possessiveness and questions whether it was really love.

Alan tells her that he has tried to get back together with Monica, but there is no doubt that the physical side of their relationship is over. He can’t go on living without a woman in his life and tells Susan that he wants her to be that woman. He asks her if he has been too blunt? She appreciates his honesty. He tells her that he already knows how he feels about her and doesn’t want to play games with her. He knows how much Mitch hurt her and he knows that what he is offering her is the same thing (Mitch was with Tracy), but promises her that he will give her anything she could possibly want and will make sure that she is taken care of financially, a sort of partnership.

He wants their relationship based on total honesty. She promises to think about it. He tells her he would love to spend the rest of the day, just talking to her, looking at her. She can’t know what a pleasure it is to sit with a woman who smiles at him and doesn’t act like being with him is such a chore. He asks her to think very seriously about what he has offered her, and apologizes for not being more tactful. He tells her again that he wants her in his life, and he finds himself wanting her more and more everyday and not just as a plaything.

Meanwhile, Monica is at the hospital when Steve informs her that she has a new office, staff and exam room.

Alan, Monica, Lee and Gail go out to dinner together. Alan stops over off at Susan & Howard’s table and is curious about their relationship and invites himself to join them.

Lee & Gail discuss Kathy Summers with Monica. Kathy comes from the same orphanage that Monica was in. Gail wants her to live at the Q's and help with baby A.J.  Monica invites Kathy to move in with her and she accepts. Alan is upset when he learns about this when he finally joins his wife and their friends. He is annoyed that she didn’t talk to him before hiring a babysitter for their son, and objects to her taking over the process of decision making.

2/17 Good quality episodes return. Alex glows as she talks to Luke on the phone confirming she is ready for him to come pick her up for their date. Alan comes in and asks her what she has lost after overhearing her conversation. She fishes for compliments from him on her outfit. He observes that she is a very slippery customer avoiding his question about what she lost, and how she lost it, and how Luke is going to help her get it back.

Edward, then Monica comes in and Alan tells them he has to leave for a meeting in New York. He then calls a friend and asks him to cover for him about going to NY (obviously he isn’t going for the meeting that he told his family about). Alex overhears and tells him if he will keep her secrets then she will keep his. Amy calls and apologizes to Monica for forgetting to give her their messages. She gives her a message for Alan from Susan Moore, who called to ask what time their meeting was that night. Monica announces it to the room. Alan pretends to have forgotten that they were going to go over the profit and loss statements at the disco. Alex listens in to his call and then smugly wishes him a good trip.

2/18 Good Quality. Susan and Alan arrive at the cottage and he shows her around. He surprises her that he has taken a long lease on it in her name, with the option to buy it in six months if she likes it. He tells her that he has champagne chilling just in case she likes it. She tells him that she loves it! He wants her to know this isn’t just a casual affair, that he will never cast her aside. He wants their relationship to grow and to last. He can’t offer her marriage but will give her anything else she wants, she only has to ask for it. She is tired of living in a hotel and can’t believe she will be able to come home to this place every night.

He points off into the night that she can see the Quartermaine mansion, and all she has to do is open her shutters any night she is lonely and he will come running. He kisses her and tells her they have the whole night together. She wishes she could stop time as she doesn’t think she will ever be this happy again. They kiss and drink champagne. She thanks him for everything he has given her, such as the $50,000 note on the disco that he gave back to her and now this house! He tells her that she will wake up in his arms in the morning and he will try to make her the happiest woman in the world. She asks if this will really be enough for him? He says having her for his own will be more than enough. She asks when he first noticed her? He shares when she challenged him if he would even notice if the right woman came along.

Later that night, they snuggle together in their bathrobes. She loves the quiet of the cottage. He tells her how wonderful she is and he is feeling more confident already. She smiles knowingly that she can see that. She feels decadent drinking champagne in the middle of the night. She feeds him grapes and laughs that he is a throw back to an old Roman emperor. He tells her that she is going to make all of his fantasies come true. He asks when she is going to move in and he will send someone over to help her bring her things. She is surprised that he wants her to live there full-time and says she doesn’t want to cause him any trouble with Monica. She points out that her friends will know she can’t afford it. He tells her that she let him worry about that and leans over to kiss her again.

2/23 They are excited to be able to wake up in bed together in the morning. She asks if this will really be enough for him? He assures her that having for his own will be more than enough for him. He suggests that they spend the entire day in bed together. She brings him coffee in bed and tells him he did a great job outfitting the kitchen with everything she needed. He promises to give her everything she wants as she giggles in delight. She asks what she has done to deserve for all of this? He points out that she never asks for anything. She says when she is with him that she feels so protected and secure.

She makes him breakfast in bed and talk then turns serious for a moment. She accepts his marriage to Monica and promises that she respects that and she will never ask him for him to give her more than he can. She doesn’t ever want to turn into an obligation or a chore. Susan pities Monica and she vows not to make unnecessary demands on Alan. He tells her that she is like a miracle, she is everything any man could ever want. He is so in awe of her. 3/3 Alan questions Alex over a list of unusual expenses. He warns her not to attempt to blackmail him, that he will never back down no matter how much she threatens him. Alan is over at Susan’s and tells her that he is miserable as he has to leave her to go home. He already thinks of the cottage as home. He tells her to make any changes she likes to the cottage, she tells him that it is perfect just as it is. He loves being locked away from the rest of the world, with no phones. Alan and Susan develop a system for contacting each other. He will bring up a telescope so that he can look over to the cottage anytime.

Alex and Edward are talking about the search as Monica enters and questions what she overhead. Alex changes the subject and asks after Alan Jr. Jesse calls to tell her that Diana Taylor has been murdered and they are holding Anne for questioning. When Alan comes home, Monica tries to tell him the news but he brushes past him to go upstairs to see his son.

Monica asks Edward & Alex about the disposition of the Paris accounts, that their 30 days are up. Edward promises her that the money has been replaced and she assures him that she will double check that.

3/4 Edward & Monica discuss the front page news of Diana’s murder, and Anne being a suspect. Edward thinks violence is hitting closer and closer to home. At GH, Monica tells Anne that she has never worked with a finer nurse or better person in her career. Anne thanks her and tells her that she is learning who her friend’s really are.

3/9 Monica and Gail share coffee in the cafeteria. Brian comes in and confirms the hospital chapel is reserved for Diana’s funeral. Gail tells Monica that PC is really Jeff’s son, Stephen Lars. Monica stops Leslie as she walks by and tells her how kind it is of her to take care of PJ. Leslie realizes that she has probably learned that PJ is Jeff’s son and a member of their family. Monica asks what about Heather laying claim to her son? Leslie doesn’t know what Heather will do.

3/10 Monica and Gail greet a very dressed up Leslie as she gets off the elevator. Tony Castle’s limo driver shows up to pick up Leslie. Classic scene as Monica looks ready to spit nails. Gail and Lee and Bryan murmur about the intrigue.

At home, Alex tells Alan that the project they are working on could make them the richest family in the world but doesn’t go into any details as Monica & Kathy enter. Monica raves to Alan about how great Kathy has been with Alan Jr. Monica then notices the telescope set up. Alan raves about the great view of the harbor. The Quartermaine’s discuss Lila’s art auction to benefit GH.

Susan opens her shutters signally Alan to come over. He calls her with glee over seeing her signal. She loves that he saw it. He snickers at placing the telescope right in the living room where everyone could see it. She tells him that she woke up that morning feeling pretty down, she can’t get Diana’s death out of her mind. He promises to be right there as Monica enters the room. He is honest with her that he was talking to Susan Moore and is headed over for some problem with the liquor license. He chastises Monica about being so curt to Alex. Monica points out that Alex is as nervous as a cat and is up to something.

When he arrives, Susan hugs Alan, thrilled to have him in her arms. She warns him that he took a big risk calling her like that when he could have just come over. He tells her that Monica did walk in and he told her they were discussing disco business. She is horrified and warns him that if Monica finds out about them that she will try to take Alan’s son away from him. He isn’t worried and laughs about it. Susan's fretting over how upset her aunt Alice is. She knows Alice is upset over Diana’s death. She shares that Alice told her that PJ is really Stephen Lars. Alan verifies that this is true.

Monica walks in and finds Kathy using the telescope. Monica laughs that sometimes Alan is just like a little boy. Then Kathy notices the cottage and describes it to Monica, how adorable it is and just across the way.

7/9/80 Edward confronts Alan and demands to know why he let Monica take his grandson and leave the house? He wants to know why Rick Webber showed up and took Alan’s wife? Edward asks if Tracy was right all along about Rick being AJ’s father? Edward refuses to allow Monica to pass off another man’s son as a Quartermaine and will never let anyone other than a Q inherit. Lila gets ticked off and refuses to listen to Edward talk about Monica like this. Lila blames Tracy for this mess and doesn’t believe a word of it.

Meanwhile, Monica listens to an audio tape of Alan threatening her life and tells her that she will never get her son back, that she would have to kill him to stop him. Alan shows up at the penthouse to see Monica. He agrees to give her an uncontested divorce due to her blackmailing scheme. Later she meets with the doctor who has the results of AJ’s DNA test, Alan is his father! Monica calls Rick and tells him that they have won as Alan agreed to give her an uncontested divorce and she can be his wife and he will have his son! Leslie walks in and over hears this.

Alan plays the tape of her blackmailing him. She tells him that he is going to give her a divorce or she will tell the world what he tried to do to her and Rick. Leslie shows up at the door and asks Alan if he is alright? She saw Monica and learned the latest.

Edward tells Monica that he would like a blood test to insure that AJ is Alan’s son. He asks if she is planning a life with Rick? She says that yes she is. He tells her again that he wants the blood test. She says that she wants her freedom to marry Rick, and will give up any financial claims. He agrees for her to get a quiet divorce, she can marry Rick, and then he wants the blood test before AJ’s trust fund becomes final. Monica doesn’t want AJ to have the trust fund as she has seen how money has corrupted Tracy. Edward is very sad over their break up.

7/80 Edward & Alan stop by to visit AJ, and Monica seems flustered at their unexpected arrival. Alan asks what is wrong, as he notices her nervous trembling. She insists that she is fine. Alan has a flashback of running into the doctor who ran the DNA test and shared with Alan how relieved he must be to learn that he is indeed AJ’s father. Edward goes upstairs with the baby, and Monica reams Alan for stopping by unexpectedly. He tells her that in his heart that he really feels that he is Alan Jr’s son, all through her pregnancy, his birth, and asks her to understand that and be kind towards him. She insists that he isn’t.

He reminds her that she lied to him, cheated on him and deceived him every chance she got. She tells him there is no excuse for attempted murder and they are even in the hurting each other department. He says he was driving to it out of anger and despair. She can’t even remember loving him once. He says that she only married him because Rick married Leslie. She insists she did love him and was happy to marry him, but now all she wants is a divorce from him to marry Rick, and be a family with her baby with Rick.

Howard comes by and tells her that their court date is set for two weeks. He tells her that he gave Alan the paperwork and he was most cooperative. Meanwhile, Alan tells Edward that he thinks that there is a chance of reconciliation. Edward is very surprised. Alan promises that he will do everything he can to save his marriage.

8/6 Great Quality from Soapnet marathon. Alan tells Monica that he expects her to be at the fundraiser, and she assures him that she will not be there. After Monica leaves the room with baby A.J., Alan and Rick argue. Both men insist that he is A.J.'s father. Rick and Monica dream about their future together, including working side by side at the Waterfront Clinic.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Alan vows to Edward that his plans for the fundraiser dinner will get Monica back home. Later, Rick mentions to Monica that he sees no resemblance of him in A.J. Rick seems unconcerned, but Monica is obviously nervous about the conversation.

8/12 Edward & Alan stop by Monica’s to fill her in on the details for the fundraiser. The Quartermaine Foundation is going to fund Rick’s waterfront clinic. Monica takes the baby upstairs and Edward questions Alan’s plan to get her back? Alan says he has a little surprise for the fundraiser and thinks she will change her mind. Steve talks fundraising with Monica, and how important everyone’s participation is to raise the $20 million they need for the new wing. He is glad that Rick is going to attend the fundraiser. Monica says it is a command performance. Steve asks how she is doing personally? She insists that she is fine and is keeping her personal and professional life separate.

8/14 At a charity event, Alan says that without this type of research that they wouldn’t have known about the Bombay Phenotype Syndrome and if they didn’t know about that then Monica wouldn’t have been able to prove that Alan Jr. is in fact Alan’s son. The look on everyone’s face is one of shock, including Rick’s. Monica runs out. Leslie asks Alan if this announcement had to be done in this way? He insists that it did. Lila is thrilled with the potential for a reconciliation for Monica and Alan. Leslie asks Alan how long Monica has known the baby wasn’t Rick’s? He tells her she has known for several weeks.

10/20 Great Quality Soapnet Marathon. Alan joins Monica at the cafeteria and she doesn’t want to see or talk to him? He asks if she has settled things with Rick and if he is going to back off? Monica admits to Alan that Rick wants her re-assigned to someone else. Monica tells Alan that one day Rick will want her, Alan threatens her to behave respectably for AJ's sake. He demands that she act like Mrs. Alan Quartermaine when she is in public, regardless of what her true feelings are.

Steve has Rick & Monica in for a meeting. Steve tells her that at Rick’s request he is having her transferred and will no longer work with Rick. He is concerned as he can not have doctors on his staff who are unable to work together. He threatens to re-evaluate staffing if they can’t work together. Steve leaves them alone to discuss. Monica asks him if he could work with her, and he says yes in an emergency. He asks her if she can handle herself? Of course she can, and asks what is he trying to do, humiliate her professionally? She says maybe he can walk away from her professionally, but she knows he still wants her!

Gail meets with Monica who tells her that she is no longer working with Rick. She reminds her that she is only back at the Q’s because of AJ. Gail suggests that Monica let Rick go to live his own life. Monica insists that Rick will eventually realize that he wants her and she will be there for him!

10/23-10/24 Alan tells Monica that Rick is back in town. He wants her decision, he has asked her to discontinue her association with Rick. He wants her to stop working with Rick, she refuses to. Later, Rick needs her to assist him in surgery. She gives him grief reminding him how he didn’t want her to work with him. He reminds her that she offered that she could do so in an emergency and they both made promises to Steve that they could be professional.

Monica continues to give him grief about not wanting to work with her as they scrub in. He informs her that she will be performing the surgery as he can't trust himself to be objective. The patient (Hutch) tried to kill Laura. The surgery is successful. Afterwards, Rick apologizes to Monica for losing his focus during the procedure. She snarks at Rick if it happens again, she will have no choice but to report it to Steve! Hutch wakes up after surgery to find Monica by his bedside. He is shocked that he is alive.

11/27 Thanksgiving. Alan opens a very special bottle of champagne as Luke & Alex join in with Monica, Edward, and Lila. Lila asks Luke about his summer adventure and he fills them in a bit. Gail and Lee arrive at the Quartermaine’s. When Gail asks Monica how everything is going? Monica replies that when Alex arrived she brought chaos with her. Susan Moore arrives for dinner with the Quarermaine's at Monica's invitation. Lee privately asks Gail if Monica is a playing some kind of a game with Alan and Susan?

12/12 Edward asks why Alan is in such a good mood? He says he can't wait for Monica to come home as they were having a lovely time before she was called away. He called the hospital to check and she was called into emergency surgery with Rick. After the surgery, Rick and Monica are relieved the surgery went well and they celebrate over coffee in the cafeteria. She suggests they toast to their friendship and bemoans that they don't serve champagne! (Its obvious that she wants him back and is jealous of the time he spends with Leslie). 

She asks him to reconsider and let her help him out at the waterfront clinic, in Patty's memory if nothing else. He says she can't as Leslie will be spending a lot of time there. He refuses to hurt Leslie anymore than he already has. He is happy the surgery was successful and suggests that they just leave it at that. Laura arrives, and Monica raves about his performance in surgery before she heads home.

Monica returns home to find Alan waiting for her with a warm fire lit and hot chocolate waiting. She tells him the surgery was successful. She admits to being jealous of Rick's relationship with Leslie even though it is only about being Laura's parents but she admits it hurts to see him with Leslie and that is why she is hostile towards Leslie.

Alan gives her a foot rub understanding how exhausted she is. She asks why he is doing all of this? He tells her he gets tired of living in an armed camp. She tells him that she is tired and he offers to walk her upstairs and draw her a bath. She observes that he can be awfully nice when he wants to. He responds that their marriage has become a sham because of what they have done to each other. She tells him that at times she is almost sorry they have gone so far in opposite directions. She says good night and heads up to bed alone.

12/16 Alan & Monica have coffee in the cafeteria. She reminds him that it is Alan Jr’s first birthday. She is going to do a little something in the nursery. Alan asks if he can come, and Monica says of course he can. He asks if they can be pleasant and cordial in front of their son. She thinks he is too young to pick up on any disharmony, but she disagrees.

Alan & Monica are decorating the tree together, Alan is in a jolly mood. Lila says it is the prettiest tree they have ever had, Alan says she says that every year. Monica says she too thinks the tree gets prettier every year and then says something snarky. Alan groans that he thought she was getting into the Christmas spirit, he should have known. Lila tries to keep the conversation light. She is going over the invite list for their party. She notices that Rick & Leslie weren’t invited. Alan is upset, and Monica says she didn’t think he would want her to invite Rick. He says he wouldn’t have wanted her to invite Rick but he certainly wanted Leslie to be invited. Lila asks them both to try to have a very merry Christmas.

Monica makes a snarky comment about Susan Moore. After Lila leaves, Alan says their marriage is a strain even for Lila. He wants to know what the comment about Susan was for, that Monica doesn’t say anything without an ulterior motive. Alan says that he was so very happy last Christmas with the birth of their son, he thought he was the luckiest man in the world. They both agree things are different now.

Alan observes that Alan Jr. is the only bright spot in his life. Alan asks her how long she can go on living in this lie? She asks him again to give her a divorce and custody of their son. He tells her he can’t, no matter how miserable he is, it will never be over between them and if it is, it will be when he says he is. She closes the door and asks him if he gets some perverted pleasure out of this?

12/17 Edward is on a tear worrying about money and grumbling about the costs of the holiday party. He winds up storming out as Alan looks after him concerned. Dan calls Monica and gives her an update about the party planning. Monica tells Alan that Stella has hired phenomenal caterers (they are Cassidines there to case the joint for the Ice Princess that A&M know nothing about and that is why Edward is grumbling about money).

12/18 Monica stops at Leslie’s and receives a cool reception. Monica delivers the invite to the Christmas party to welcome Alexandra to town. Leslie gives her regrets as she would feel too uncomfortable. Monica is worried that if Alan feels that she didn’t warmly invite her that he would be upset. Leslie says he doesn’t have to know, and she can just say with Heather arriving that she won’t be able to make it. Monica does tell her that Rick won’t be there either.

Monica & Brian talk at GH and he tells her that they are looking forward to the party. She asks if they are doing okay. He admits they aren’t, Monica is sorry to hear that as she would hate to see them break up. Edward calls to tell Monica that Laura Baldwin is coming to the party.

12/19/80 Need Description

12/23 At the Quartermaine party, one of the henchmen working the party calls in and reports that he has searched the house top to bottom, he just hasn’t gotten to the basement yet but will when he has an excuse to go downstairs for more champagne.

Luke & Laura arrive at the party and are greeted by Edward & Alex. Alan welcomes everyone to the party and introduces cousin Alexandra. She goes down to the basement to search through all the boxes, and encounters one of the Cassidine goons searching. She confronts him, he pushes past her up the stairs to escape as Alex runs screaming after him. Luke runs to her aid, as Alan, Monica, and Edward come into the foyer. After the party, Alan & Monica tell Alex that they want everything out of the basement. They are concerned that whatever she has down there is a risk and puts Alan Jr. at risk.

12/24 The next morning, Monica reminds Alex that she wants all of the junk in the basement gone. She continues to worry that there could have been a kidnapping attempt last night. Alan worries for Alex’s safety.

Monica stops by to visit Hutch at GH and asks him to play the guitar for the children’s Christmas party. Monica stops Rick and tells him she needs his advice about Hutch. They meet at the cafe and she states her case why she thinks this would be a good idea for Hutch and points out that he would have a guard the entire time. She believes he has changed and must have some shred of decency or Luke & Laura wouldn’t be so fond of him. He agrees and says he will talk to Steve. Monica asks him what he is doing for Christmas and he reports that he will be with Leslie. She asks if there is a reconciliation in the works. He reminds her that he and Leslie share a daughter. She points out he doesn’t lose any chance to remind her that they don’t share a son.

Alan comes in and interrupts as Rick is leaving. Joe Kelly is with him and they talk about the danger posed by the intruders last night. Alan doesn’t believe they are after Alex’s art treasures.

Jan, 1981 :34 mins of reduced quality edit: Monica & Edward talk about Alex and Luke. Alan flirts with Susan at the disco. Monica & Alan confront Edward over the Paris accounts being closed and Alex’s involvement with European holdings. He asks them to be patient, that he will set things right. Alan warns him that he will give him 30 days and if things aren’t in order by then, that Alan will call for an audit of the family books.

Monica comes home on a very cold day to find Alan waiting for her with a cup of hot buttered rum and invites her into the living room. Alan wants to be her husband again without the idea repulsing her. She doesn’t want to talk about it. He tells her they can’t go on like this, living in the same house, he wants her to be his wife again. He tells her that he wants her desperately, wants to make love to her tonight!

Monica rejects him, making an excuse that she is tired. She apologizes that she doesn’t think she could respond to any man right now. He asks, “Not even Rick Webber?” He asks her if she can go through the rest of her life without a man? She goes up to bed alone. In Monica's bedroom, she thinks about Rick (flashback of Rick and Monica together). She calls Rick on the phone, but hangs up when another woman answers.

Alan heads out to the disco and meets with Susan.  He tells her the emptiness in that house is oppressive and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He offers to give her a ride home. Next, we see Alan and Susan having lunch together. Alan wants Susan, but warns her that he won't divorce Monica because he can’t risk losing his son. She thinks he still loves Monica. Alan says he doesn’t know what he feels towards Monica, he thinks it was jealousy and possessiveness and questions whether it was really love.

Alan tells her that he has tried to get back together with Monica, but there is no doubt that the physical side of their relationship is over. He can’t go on living without a woman in his life and tells Susan that he wants her to be that woman. He asks her if he has been too blunt? She appreciates his honesty. He tells her that he already knows how he feels about her and doesn’t want to play games with her. He knows how much Mitch hurt her and he knows that what he is offering her is the same thing (Mitch was with Tracy), but promises her that he will give her anything she could possibly want and will make sure that she is taken care of financially, a sort of partnership.

He wants their relationship based on total honesty. She promises to think about it. He tells her he would love to spend the rest of the day, just talking to her, looking at her. She can’t know what a pleasure it is to sit with a woman who smiles at him and doesn’t act like being with him is such a chore. He asks her to think very seriously about what he has offered her, and apologizes for not being more tactful. He tells her again that he wants her in his life, and he finds himself wanting her more and more everyday and not just as a plaything.

Meanwhile, Monica is at the hospital when Steve informs her that she has a new office, staff and exam room.

Alan, Monica, Lee and Gail go out to dinner together. Alan stops over off at Susan & Howard’s table and is curious about their relationship and invites himself to join them.

Lee & Gail discuss Kathy Summers with Monica. Kathy comes from the same orphanage that Monica was in. Gail wants her to live at the Q's and help with baby A.J.  Monica invites Kathy to move in with her and she accepts. Alan is upset when he learns about this when he finally joins his wife and their friends. He is annoyed that she didn’t talk to him before hiring a babysitter for their son, and objects to her taking over the process of decision making.

2/17 Good quality episodes return. Alex glows as she talks to Luke on the phone confirming she is ready for him to come pick her up for their date. Alan comes in and asks her what she has lost after overhearing her conversation. She fishes for compliments from him on her outfit. He observes that she is a very slippery customer avoiding his question about what she lost, and how she lost it, and how Luke is going to help her get it back.

Edward, then Monica comes in and Alan tells them he has to leave for a meeting in New York. He then calls a friend and asks him to cover for him about going to NY (obviously he isn’t going for the meeting that he told his family about). Alex overhears and tells him if he will keep her secrets then she will keep his. Amy calls and apologizes to Monica for forgetting to give her their messages. She gives her a message for Alan from Susan Moore, who called to ask what time their meeting was that night. Monica announces it to the room. Alan pretends to have forgotten that they were going to go over the profit & loss statements at the disco. Alex listens in to his call and then smugly wishes him a good trip.

2/18 Good Quality. Susan and Alan arrive at the cottage and he shows her around. He surprises her that he has taken a long lease on it in her name, with the option to buy it in six months if she likes it. He tells her that he has champagne chilling just in case she likes it. She tells him that she loves it! He wants her to know this isn’t just a casual affair, that he will never cast her aside. He wants their relationship to grow and to last. He can’t offer her marriage but will give her anything else she wants, she only has to ask for it. She is tired of living in a hotel and can’t believe she will be able to come home to this place every night.

He points off into the night that she can see the Quartermaine mansion, and all she has to do is open her shutters any night she is lonely and he will come running. He kisses her and tells her they have the whole night together. She wishes she could stop time as she doesn’t think she will ever be this happy again. They kiss and drink champagne. .

**The End**

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