Alan & Monica #3 September 25, 1981 - ?, 1982: IN PROGRESS

Dvd #3A 9/25 The heroes are greeted at the hospital as the returning conquering heroes. Monica hugs Laura. When Laura asks where Alan is, Monica shares that he is out of town in NY. Rick tells Monica that Alex was killed on the Cassidine Island. She asks if Lila and Edward know about this? Rick says no, that Alan should be the one to tell his parents.

Alan and Susan return to the cottage with baby Jason and Alice in tow. Susan is thrilled to be home in their love nest. Alice takes the baby up to bed. Alan surprises her with a brand new nursery, equipped with a seven foot panda. Susan runs into his arms and raves that he thinks of everything. She asks now that they are home, now what is next? She continues to worry about him being involved in a scandal. He asks her to let him do all the worrying, he will handle both of his parents.

9/28 Alan and Monica sit down to breakfast on the terrace to discuss the divorce. They both make threats of a nasty divorce and dragging the Q name through the mud as a concerned Lila listens in. After Monica leaves, Edward and Lila join Alan and he tells them about Alex’s death. He tells her that Alex’s body will be flown home and buried in PC. They decide to have a small private family memorial due to the unsavoury activities that Alex was involved with before she left PC.

Edward talks about Alex's will and is anxious to have a reading of it to find out who she left her ELQ stock to. Lila gets irritated that he is thinking of money at a time like this. Edward returns after calling Lee and tells them that Lee does have Alex’s will and he has requested a reading as soon as possible. Alan tells Lila about falling in love and having a son with Susan Moore. He claims Monica has never really been much of a wife to him. Lila snarks that he sure had a son with her.

Monica goes to a divorce attorney and asks for representation. She shares about Alan’s affair and his illegitimate child. Monica is sure that she will be entitled to full custody. The attorney cautions her that it is very difficult to get full custody nowadays. Monica tells her about the affair with Rick and she can prove that Alan tried to kill her and Rick. Monica is committed to pursuing full custody no matter what the cost. When Monica returns home, she gives Lila her condolences about Alex’s death. She then realizes Alan has told her about their impending divorce. Lila warns Monica how cut throat Edward and Alan can be over money. Monica tries to tell Lila that what has happened between them is for the best. Lila is upset as she doesn't want a scandal. Alan and Edward talk with Lee about the reading of Alex's will.

10/2 Edward goes to see Susan with the hopes of buying her off. Edward tells Susan that her son is a Quartermaine and points out that money is important to a woman raising a child alone. She is furious and turns down his money and warns him to never return to her home seeking to buy her off. She earns Edward’s respect and he laments that she deserves a better man than she will get with his son.

Note: Shows from 10/5-10/12 are missing.

10/13 Edward summons the family for the reading of Alex's will. Edward has to insist that they stay, though neither Alan or Monica have any interest. Lee and Gail arrive at the Q’s for the reading of the will. Susan calls and tells Alan that Lila stopped by to visit her new grandson. Alan is furious that they are all popping over to see Susan and demands that they all stay away from her! (Note, only Edward’s visit is included. I didn’t have Monica’s nor Lila’s). Lee begins the reading of Alex's will.

10/14 Lee continues with the reading of the will. He explains that Alex made a codicil to her will. It turns out that she left Alan whatever junk was in the basement cellar, jokes of him getting a ton of boxes ensue. Monica snarks he may soon need those boxes. Edward got a diamond, but Lila gets all the stocks! Edward is flummoxed as he wants the stock! Lila doesn't know the first thing about stocks! Edward thinks the Q empire is ruined. Later Edward moans to Alan who doesn’t understand why he is so upset over Lila inheriting Alex’s 35% of ELQ stock. Edward groans that he gave Lila 25% of his stock years ago for taxes purposes. Lila now has 60% of ELQ stock and controlling shares! Alan is stunned that his mother now controls ELQ, “Look out Wall Street, here comes Lila Quartermaine!” They lament Lila’s lack of organizational skills and Alan shares his father’s concern over the situation.

When Monica and Lila come into the room, Edward pushes that he will have her sign a paper signing over Alex’s shares of ELQ to him! She ignores him and sweeps out of the room as he continues to fume. Alan and Monica both laugh their heads off over his discomfort. Edward declares if Lila holds onto her stock that it will lead to the ruination of ELQ and cost them both a lot of money! They continue to chortle as Edward whines about all of the ways she could lose or give away her stock. He goes upstairs to deal with her and finds a “Do Not Disturb” sign on her door and the door locked against him!

10/16 Susan brings the baby to GH for a check up. Monica stares daggers as Leslie and Bobbie ooh and ahh over Susan’s baby. Monica tells Susan that while the baby may look like a Quartermaine, the baby will never be a Quartermaine heir. When Alan finds Susan, he notices she is upset and wants to know what happened. He is furious when she repeats what Monica said.

Susan tells Alan his family won't leave her alone until Alan gives her up and she is out of the picture. She declares that she never should have come back to Port Charles as their is no future for her or her son here. All she wants is to simply leave happily with him and their son. She tells him that isn’t going to happen as long as Monica wants to keep them apart. In case he hasn’t noticed, she always wins! No this time he declares!

Edward showers Lila with three dozen flowers for being a devoted wife and trying to butter her up to get control of her new stocks. She is surprised as he hasn’t sent her flowers in thirty years. When Alan returns home, he is on a rampage. He demands that Edward will treat Susan with respect. Edward snarks at Alan that her and her son is the biggest mistake he has ever made and he should have “taken care of it”.

When Monica returns home, Alan wants to talk to her. He tells her to avoid him and avoid Susan as she doesn’t have claws like Alan does. Monica tells him that he doesn’t have control over what she says or does. He claims to only want to have civilized behavior. She promises to use ever bit of evidence she has against him and his indiscretions surpass anything she has ever done. He tells her to do whatever she wants as he is leaving! Monica sees Alan come downstairs carrying his suitcase and surprises Monica. She didn’t think he had the guts to leave! He shows up at Susan’s door with his suitcase and she is thrilled and relieved hugs him as he embraces her.

10/22 Monica runs into Leslie and when she is trying to reach Alan, Monica helps her with the phone number to Susan Moore’s cottage! Monica observes that her and Leslie have a lot in common between getting divorced or about to get divorced. She walks away leaving Leslie looking shocked! Alan and Susan are having breakfast together at Kelly's. Amy is shocked to hear they have moved in together.

When Monica returns home, her and Lila talk about Quartermaine men. Lila points out that she has been a Quartermaine wife before Monica was even born! She understands more about Q men than anyone gives her credit for. Monica fills her in on Alan trying to kill her that the roof caving in was no accident and he came after her and Rick with a gun. Lila sees through all the drama and warns her she doesn’t need a divorce as she won’t even get full custody. She advises Monica to wait and make Alan sue her for divorce.

Alan and Susan are having dinner at the Floating Rib. Monica walks in and is seated at a table alone as she is able to watch her husband having dinner with another woman. Lesley enters to also dine alone and notices the situation Monica is in as her and Monica stare at each other and Leslie sees the pain in Monica’s eyes as she watches Alan and Susan smoozing. Being the class act that she is, Leslie asks if she can join her. Monica figures Leslie wants to gloat that Monica deserves everything she gets. Leslie says no, more like she understands exactly the position that Monica has been in. Monica shares that Rick never would have left Leslie if he hadn’t believed that Monica’s baby was his. Monica shares that she is discovering just how painful divorce can be, she seems surprised by this.

10/27 Monica calls Robert with a proposition. She and Lila want Robert to manage the diamond mine the Q's own in South Africa. Monica and Robert meet up at the GH cafeteria. Later they walk towards the Nurse’s Station as Alan notices Robert and Monica laughing together about him winding up working for the Quartermaines! Alan calls Lila and questions about Robert working for the Q’s. Lila shares that yes it was her idea and she asked her to talk to him. Alan suggests that Lila keep Monica out of the family business. Lila plays innocent and points out that Monica is a Quartermaine!

Alan and Monica get stuck together in the GH elevator as they pretend to ignore each other. Alan watches in delight as Monica squirms in the enclosed space with him. Monica tells Alan she has changed her mind about the divorce. She now gets a rise out of him as he points out that she asked him to leave the house and she wanted a divorce. He tells her she is nuts and completely crazy. He questions that she doesn’t expect to get back together still? She explains that she doesn’t expect anything but If he wants a divorce then he needs to sue her! This is obviously not what he wanted to hear and his smugness is completely evaporated!

10/28 Alan and Susan are having breakfast together as they are celebrating his first day off! She made his favourite quiche as she wants it to be very special. Susan brings up that Aunt Alice is asking about how the divorce proceedings are going and tells him that she is interested in an update as well? He gets a call from GH before he can answer and has to leave due to an emergency. Susan is disappointed but makes a note to stop him and ask once again about the divorce. Alan puts off talking about the divorce, telling her they will have to talk later as he doesn’t have time right now.

A tired Alan returns home later and Susan senses that something is wrong. He tells Susan that he overheard Monica on the phone planning on having dinner with Lila. He worries that Monica is exerting a great deal of influence over his mother. He is starting to suspect the two of them are conspiring. He suggests that he thinks Lila is actually thinking about taking over at ELQ. He also thinks Monica is trying to turn the tables on him, though he wonders if it isn’t Lila influencing Monica! Susan suspects something is up between him and Monica about the divorce and asks him to tell her. He insists that nothing is wrong.

10/30 Gail and Monica talk at GH. Monica notices Susan is upset, and Lee is upset over Luke & Laura’s impending marriage. Monica tells her that Lila is now involved in helping to plan the wedding. Monica shows up at Gail’s after her and Lee had a fight and he stormed out. Gail admits that she made a mistake by defending Luke and trying to present it as it is all in the past. Monica observes perhaps Lee is so upset as it is Scotty’s birthday. Gail worries as she doesn’t know where Lee went. Monica asks if she thinks Lee is drinking again and Gail insists no.

11/2 Monica and Gail continue talking about Lee being upset. Brian arrives and they worry and ask Gail if Lee is drinking again? She insists that he is not. Susan tries to get a distracted Alan’s attention as he is reading an article. She complains that he has been distant all night ever since she asked about the status of the divorce. She insists that something is bothering him and wants to know what it is. Alan finally admits to Susan that Monica has refused to file for divorce and she wants him to do it.

11/4 Monica sees Edward and GH. He casually mentions to Monica that he is glad she decided not to sue Alan for divorce. He chortles that means all the Q's will be living in the same house together! After Edward walks away, Gail suggests that she thinks that is what Monica really wants, Alan back living in the mansion with her!

11/10 Mrs. Mikkos Cassidine (Elizabeth Taylor) has arrived in PC. Monica watches as her Emmissary arrives with an invitation to a reception she is giving for all the prominent citizens of PC. Monica tells Dan that the Q’s also received an invitation at the mansion. She is hesitant about going but Dan encourages her to do so. Alan tells Susan he can't sue Monica for divorce while he's living with her openly. He tells her he will win this fight against Monica but she has to give him more time and to believe him. She thinks there is something he isn’t telling her and she suggests that Monica has some kind of a hold on him and neither one of them want to let go. Monica catches up with Laura at the GH cafeteria.

11/11 Alan arrives home from work and Susan is happy to greet him. He is tired after a rough day at the clinic and just wants to relax. He notices the appetizers and hopes she didn’t spend a lot of time making an elaborate dinner as he had a very late lunch. He asks her to go get the baby as he would like to see him. Alan holds his son and tells him how much he loves him. Lila calls interrupting and tells Alan that she has decided to have a Quartermaine family dinner one night a week. Alan says he can agree to that and asks her when? She determines it will commence tonight at 7:00! He tries to argue with her but she warns him she is his mother and hangs up. He tells Susan about his mother’s idea. She suggests that she should go with him after all they are living together. He turns down her idea as this is for a Quartermaine family dinner. She snarks about Monica being there, and him having dinner with his wife. Lila stops Edward and Monica from going out and tells them her plan to have a family dinner and they are to be there! She is quite insistent and they go along with her.

After dinner, Alan and Monica take swipes at each other. Lila announces she will be having a family dinner every week and expects them to be there. Alan and Monica grumble about not being able to commit due to a doctor’s schedule. Edward won’t commit and Lila warns him that they will be discussing financial matters and she expects him to be there, still holding her majority shares of ELQ over his head. She then informs her family that the four of them will be going to Luke and Laura’s wedding together. Monica snarks what about Alan’s mistress?

11/16 Susan is upset that Alan is going to the wedding with his parents and his relationship with Susan upsets his mother. She suggests that he doesn’t want to upset Monica. He tells her he doesn’t care what Monica thinks at all, all he cares about is Susan and what she wants. He wishes he could take her with him. She concedes and tells him it is just a wedding and to enjoy himself. The guests began arriving at the mayor's mansion for the wedding bearing gifts of food for the buffet. Monica brings caviar.

11/17 Brief clip of Luke & Laura after they are married as they great the Quartermaines who congratulate them. Susan is surprised when Alan returns home early. She needles him about his tight family relationships and he warns her not to as he gets enough needling from Monica. Susan is furious about all the rules about them not being seen together as it might upset his family. Now she can’t even be upset about his rules in her own home. He begs her that couldn’t they just talk about something more pleasant. He states that all of this has been a tremendous strain.

11/19 Helena Cassidine's Reception, she speaks to the people of PC and about Mikkos' good intentions. She presents Steve Hardy with a check for $10 million dollars in the name of Mikkos Cassidine! 

11/24 Edward complains to Alan about the problem he is having with his mother. He whines that he has gone out of his way to be a model of kindness. He says that yesterday was the last straw and he has to do something about Lila. He had an opportunity to get in on a deal for $99k and he called the bank and was informed that Lila had to countersign any check over $10k. He ran all over town looking for her but by the time he found her, she refused to sign until she checked with her lawyer. By the time she got his approval, the window on the deal was closed and he missed out on it. He continues to complain about the idiots in NYC only talking to Lila. Alan reminds him that she is the majority stock holder and for the first time in his life, Edward is going to have to accept that his wife matters.

Alice notices that Susan has been crying. Susan tells Alice she's getting frustrated waiting for Alan to divorce Monica. She isn’t sure he feels the same way about her, whether if living here with her is enough for him. She is pretty sure Alan won’t be divorcing Monica due to the Q money and custody of Alan Jr. She doesn’t understand as Alan and Monica don’t want to be married any longer. Alice suggests that she be patient. Susan invites Monica to have lunch with her. Of course it goes badly, as it starts off with showing surprise that it is unusual for the other woman to call and invite the wife to lunch. Susan doesn’t want to exchange barbs with her but asks why Monica is ruining all of their lives by clinging to Alan. Monica relishing the power she has. She shares that she has told Alan in no uncertain terms to file for divorce. Susan points out that he can’t do that as he might loose Alan Jr. Monica says among other things, as he could also lose a lot of Quartermaine money. Monica accuses that Susan knows this as that is why she had Alan’s baby. Monica assures her that if Alan files for divorce he could lose his son and a lot of cash. Susan questions why she is so bitter?

Monica snarks, you mean because her husband is living openly with his lover and their illegitimate child? Susan complains that Monica doesn’t even want him. Monica warns her not to presume to know what Monica wants or doesn’t want. Monica determines that she is a Quartermaine and she can play the game with the best of them. It is a delightful game, the stakes are high and they always play dirty. When Monica runs into Alan at GH, she is happy to tell him that she had lunch with darling Susan Moore. She complains that Susan is dull and she feels for him. She tells him that Susan invited her for lunch and thanks him as Susan paid for the check. She asks why Alan isn’t pursuing a divorce? She asks if Alan finds “Little Miss Muffet” a bloody boor, is that why he won’t divorce her?

Alan comes home and is furious with Susan. He demands to know why she had lunch with Monica and what possessed her to have lunch with “That woman”. Susan shares that she thought she could help by convincing Monica to begin divorce proceedings. Alan tells her that he has very good reasons for not starting the divorce and warns Susan that she is playing right into Monica’s hands. He declares he will do it in his own time, and he demands that she stop interrogating him and demanding answers. He points out that she knows what he feels as he moved out of his home for her. She sputters that he hates it here. She has done everything to make it a charming home. She cooks his meals, makes his drink just the way he likes it but he doesn’t even notice the efforts she makes (that is because he has grown up with being waited on and does take it for granted. Interesting dynamic as Monica would never wait on him, seems like he respects that about his wife).

Alan tells her that he loves her and he will marry her one day. When he sees her tears, he yells at her to stop crying. He tells her he doesn’t want her to see Monica, he doesn’t even want her to think about Monica. He tells her that Monica is brilliant and devious and he is going to anticipate every single move she will make and he will out wit her. He tells her the stakes are high and he knows who his enemy is. She is shocked by how much he sounds like Monica when he discusses their conflict.

11/26 Thanksgiving Edward complains about the rag tag Thanksgiving as Lila has invited Emma Lutz and her husband. He isn’t too happy that Scotty Baldwin is tagging along with Lee & Gail, one of the most unpopular people in PC after what he pulled at Luke & Laura’s wedding (slugging Luke at the reception).

12/9 Alan arrives for lunch with Edward and finds him having a snit fit. Randall a computer and brain genius is the new secretary at ELQ. He greets Alan. Edward complains about Lila being a tycoon now. Alan defends his mother and points out that she made a great acquisition in pharmaceuticals. Edward doesn’t give her any credit. Alan is shocked when Edward tells him that Lila had ALL of the ELQ files burned! Edward tells Alan that Lila is going to bankrupt ELQ because she is setting the place up with computers and the latest state of the art technology. Edward begs Alan that all he has to do to get the ELQ Power of Attorney is sign along with Edward. Alan reminds Edward that he knows how he feels about going against his mother.

Alan is shocked that Edward is considering putting Lila away. Edward says he just wants to have her declared incompetent and she can go back to her charity work and leave ELQ alone. Edward pulls out the big guns to tell him that ELQ is losing money because of Lila and begs Alan to think of his son, no his SONS! Alan refuses to have his mother declared incompetent and that is the end of it. Alan tells Edward that his plan is desperate. Edward complains it isn’t like they are going to kill her, its more of a takeover. He says that power struggles within a company are an every day occurrence.

Monica talks to Joe at Kelly’s. Lila and Monica have lunch together. Monica reports that the pharmaceutical company seems happy with her. Lila raves that was the best ELQ decision she has made so far putting Monica at the helm. Lila asks how things are going with Alan? She expects that Alan is confused and not taking any action. Monica is surprised as she thinks that surely Susan is demanding that Alan file for divorce. Lila shares that is hardly likely to do any good as Alan will just see that as nagging and will do Susan more harm than good. Lila promises that one day this family will be back together again. Lila announces that with the women in control, everything will run smoothly.

Monica and Lila arrive at ELQ, as Lila wants to show Monica the changes she has made. They notice her using a cane and are concerned. She claims she turned it getting out of the car. She raves about what a handsome man Edward’s secretary is and he fumes and warns her not to chase his secretary. He then complains about her burning his files and accuses her of throwing the company into utter chaos. Lila laughs at how infuriated Edward is. Lila has the new computer system delivered to Edward as he continues to demand what is going on around here? She reminds him that his advisors have been recommending that he update his archaic filing system that no one understood except for Edward. She has brought the company kicking and screaming into the 20th Century. It is a CRT, a Cathoid Ray Tube. Randall demonstrates that the computer is connected to the NYC office. All of the files have been imported into the computer and will remain at Edward’s fingertips. Alan congratulates his mother on her brilliant idea, as Edward struggles with learning how to use it.

12/10 Alan and Susan enjoy their morning together. He tells her how much he enjoys quiet time in the morning to read his newspaper. She brings up the divorce again and asks how it is going? Alan tries to read his paper and says that since Monica told him to sue her for divorce, that has to be the worse possible idea of course since that is what Monica wants him to do. Susan gets all cozy and tells him how much she wants to marry him. She suggests that nothing will happen until he sees his lawyer again. He decides to go to NY to see his lawyer and asks if that will make her happy? She grabs the phone to hand to him.

Laura and Tiffany run into Alan at the airport. They are also headed to NYC and they all fly together. Alan's lawyer tells him he doesn't have a chance in the custody of his son as long as he is living with Susan. The lawyer advises him to return to the wedded blissful life with Monica!  Alan returns to the mansion to find Monica and Alan Jr. playing on the stairs. He tells her he will stay with the boy. Alan Jr. looks sad at the thought of his father leaving and he promises that he will return to see him soon.

Alan returns home surprising Susan with curlers in her hair. She didn’t expect him home so soon. She prattles on about their celebration and he stops her to inform her that they don’t have anything to celebrate. He went to see his attorney but he told him that Alan would lose everything and that this is th worst possible situation and the worst possible time for him to try to get a divorce.

12/14 Lia and Stella set up for a pleasant Quartermaine family dinner. When Monica and Alan arrive, Lila and Edward announce that they are going to the Versaille Room for dinner together. Lila informs them that Stella has prepared dinner for them and it is obvious that they expect them to have dinner together. After they leave, Monica tells him that he can leave and she promises not to tell mommy and daddy. He reports that he will have a drink and then he will leave. They find a romantic table set for two with candlelight in the living room. Stella comes in having prepared their favourites. Alan tells Stella that he isn’t staying for dinner. Monica makes snarky observations about the type of food that Susan must make for dinner. Monica challenges him that he is too afraid to sit down and share Veal Oscar with his wife. He can’t stand the challenge and looks at her with gleaming amusement and appreciation as he sits down.

He calls Stella and tells her to pour the wine. She informs them that Lila has left out champagne. When Monica brings up the divorce, he tells her that she will be hearing from his lawyer soon. He brings up her affair with Rick. She reminds him that Rick and Leslie are getting remarried so that pretty much ends his ammunition there. He complains that she still committed adultery. He goes to get his evidence against her out of his safe, and she storms away to get her evidence as well. Edward and Lila return home to find the room empty and the candle still burning and their food mostly untouched. Lila gets hopeful that they went up to their bedroom overcome by passion, LOL! She raves to Edward that her plan worked better than she could have hoped.

Alan and Monica both storm in the room from opposite angles yelling at each other. Monica plays a tape and as Alan reads from his evidence. As they start battling over each other’s evidence, Edward and Lila run out of the room to get away from them. Alan grabs her and wrestles with her and they both wind up on the floor and begin kissing each other passionately. They both pull away from each other and look shaken at this sudden passion that exploded between them. So what Susan has suspected all along is true, Alan does still have feelings for her and this is one of real reasons he is not proceeding with the divorce. As he walks out, Monica calls out, “Give my best to Susan”.

12/16 Leslie calls Susan and tells her that Alice is leaving town. She asks her to come over and try to talk her out of it. Susan arrives just as Alice is leaving in tears. Susan begs her not to let Heather run her out of town. Heather soon arrives and they tell her about Alice’s departure and she runs out after her.

12/17 Lila is thrilled to see Alan at the mansion. He says he just stopped by to see his son. Monica observes that is because he stormed out the other night without seeing his son. Monica stomps off. After she has left, Alan apologizes for leaving so abruptly the other night. Edward asks to talk to Alan before he leaves. Alan makes a snarky comment and Lila sighs that she is so tired of the unkind comments he and Monica make towards each other. When Lila goes upstairs, Edward demands that if Alan is to get control over Monica that he has to first get a hold of his own emotions. Edward asks if Alan discussed the divorce with his NY attorney. Alan gives him the bad news that he would lose custody and she would take him to the cleaners financially. Edward wants to know what he is going to do? He warns Alan to never underestimate the strength of Monica.

Monica tells Gail about their battle the other night. Gail tells her she gets the feeling that Monica enjoyed their argument. Monica admits she forgets just how forceful Alan can be. Gail smiles that she thinks she enjoyed that as well, she can tell by the look on Monica’s face. Monica tries to tell Gail that she hates that man. Gail points out that there is a very fine line between love and hate. She suggests that Monica is about to cross over that very fine line as Monica looks at her in shock at the suggestion she still loves Alan.

  12/22 Monica praises how lovely the mansion looks decorated for Christmas. Monica hates to admit it, but she needs Alan’s help if he can tear himself away from Susan and his love child. Lila says there is a magnetism between her and Alan, and one can almost see the sparks fly. Lila offers that she thinks that Alan enjoys the contact as well. Monica denies any feelings, and says she would be sadistic to want to be with Alan after he has flaunted his infidelity. Monica complains that Alan has caused a scandal and just has to be handled. Lila advises that Alan has always been difficult since he was a boy. Monica complains there is no sense of decency in Alan. Lila tries to convince Monica that if she plays her cards right, she can have Alan back at home which is where he should be. Monica insists she wants nothing to do with her husband. Lila insists that they are right for each other and belong together. Monica insists that she wants Alan out of her life and never wants to see him again, that Susan Moore can have him!

Monica stops by to see Alan and pours him a cup of coffee. He wants to know what she wants? She says she would like to have a nice Christmas for their son. Monica insists she isn’t going to put any pressure on him or make any demands. Monica asks if Alan Jr. can have his old train set now that this is his second Christmas. Monica says it is a collector’s item but she doesn’t know how to set it up. She asks if Alan will set it up. He agrees and insists she not touch it and not to let his father touch it, not even the train tracks. Monica knows how happy this will make Lila as well. She spills the coffee on his white coat and gets very close to him as she tries to wipe it off. They stare into each other’s eyes as they stand oh so close together.

At the mansion, Monica sits with Alan handing him the different pieces. They start off pleasant enough but soon the snark starts to fly. She accuses that he is just eager to get back to his little slut. He accuses her of not having an ounce of Christmas spirit. She then suggests that he bring his other son over to enjoy his train as well. Alan is shocked and repeats his suggestion. Note: Looks like two Alan & Susan scenes were cut out of this episode.

12/23 Lila asks about Alan setting up the train. Monica says Alan came over to start but didn’t finish it. Monica offers that she can finish it later when she gets home from work. Lila lectures Monica that this is the worst time for Alan to be estranged from his family. She advises Monica to make sure that Alan has his Christmas dinner here with his family. Lila smiles and tells Monica there are ways to make a marriage work if one is smart about it.

At GH, Monica offers Rick her best wishes on his remarriage to Leslie. She says she always knew he would wind up being with Leslie and that is the way it should be. She tells him he is a dear friend. She gives him a kiss for the past, and another kiss for the future as Alan watches after getting off the elevator. Monica invites Alan to have lunch with her at the Floating Rib. She promises to be on her best behaviour so they can talk about Christmas. He accepts her invitation. She reminds him of their history of fighting like cats and dogs, or where they were pledging their eternal devotion. He laughs that they did both upon occasion. She sweetly says that lately she has been recalling the sweeter moments rather than the bitter ones. He smiles at her and says she has a one track mind.

She flirts with him asking if there were really all that many bad moments. He recalls her eyes lighting up like a tigress and he would know he would be getting both barrels from her. She asks if she looks like an engraged tigress now? He smiles no but he knows how easily her moods can change, so don’t take this for complacency on his part. She promises to behave at least until after they have had their coffee. She tells him that it would mean a great deal to his mother and his son if he would have Christmas dinner at the house. She knows that it is complicated but she will make it as easy as possible and she can be flexible with whatever time dinner is. He says there is no time that won’t be complicated. They stop over to congratulate the very happy Rick and Leslie who are celebrating that they are getting married that way. They are surprised to see Alan and Monica together, and Leslie comments the lord sure works in mysterious ways.

12/28 It is a belated Christmas in Port Charles. Edward is starving and wants to know when dinner is. Monica and Lila are obviously waiting and hoping for Alan to arrive. Edward is sure Alan will be having dinner with Susan. Alice, Heather and Joe, and Rose arrive at Susan's to cheer her up. She shares that Alan is spending Christmas at the Q's. They take her and baby Jason to a nicely decorated Kelly’s for a holiday celebration. Alan shows up at the mansion and Edward thinks he is there simply to set up the train. Monica tells him that she finished setting it up last night. Lila invites him in for a drink and she can tell him about the wonderful menu Stella created. No Alan & Susan scenes included, episode was only :26 mins so could have been earlier scenes that were cut.

1/4 Alan wakes up in a great mood having slept in. She comments he must be tired after all the running around he has been doing. He notices his suitcase sitting out and asks what is going on? She tells him to pack and get out. He wants to know why she is kicking him out? She says it isn’t about anything he has done, it is about what he hasn’t done. She is tired of all of his broken promises. Time and after time, he has promised her to get a divorce. She is tired of missing social occasions because she is an embarrassment to him, and she is tired of the cold shoulder from her family. He asks then what happens after she leaves? She says they will live their separate lives. He asks how she is going to raise her baby and take care of the cottage and the baby on her own. She tells him she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself and unlike Monica she doesn’t need anything from him. She says if she has to, she will sell the cottage. She tells him again to get out.

Alan returns home and he tells Edward that Susan tossed him out. Edward tosses his head back and howls with laughter at this predicament. He says he was expecting a very boring day. Alan is annoyed and wanted to talk to Edward but gets his coat to go. Edward insists that Alan belongs at the mansion and should move back in. Alan tells him that he is still in love with Susan and she had every right to toss him out. As soon as Susan calms down, Alan will explain everything to her. Edward warns him to not ever tell Susan the whole truth. He should just tell her what she wants to hear and Edward says it is time Alan learns how to manage his women. Edward tells him that if he gives in to Susan’s demands that he is a fool as he will lose his son and his fortune.

When Monica comes home for lunch, she sees Alan's suitcase and figures out Susan dumped him. He makes some tired excuses about dirty laundry but she isn’t fooled for a minute. She invites him to give Susan her regards if he actually is returning to the cottage. At GH, Monica informs Gail that something is going on between Susan and Alan. She isn’t sure what is going on but definitely something is. Gail is happy when Monica comments on how well her and Alan have been getting along since he moved out. Monica warns Gail not to get too excited that it doesn’t mean anything.

Alan later brings his bags back to Susan’s. She tells him there is nothing left to say. He says he has had a chance to think since this morning. He tells her that he loves her and she is the only woman that he wants to live with, nobody else. He notices that she has been crying. He is sorry as he didn’t mean to hurt her, he didn't realize. He tells her that he doesn’t want to live without her as his life will be completely empty without him. He promises to get the divorce and he will have to settle for visitation rights. She asks what about his inheritance and he tells her that he is willing to give that up, that he doesn’t need it. He says he will call his attorney tomorrow. She asks what about right now? He says the office is closed by now. She then recommends that he call him at home before he can change his mind. He agrees and calls his attorney and starts divorce proceedings as Susan smiles with her triumph and takes his suitcase back upstairs.

1/5 Alan goes to a GH dinner for one of the doctors. Edward pulls him aside and asks Alan if he took his advice regarding Susan? His advice to promise everything and do nothing. Alan tells him that he is going to go through with the divorce and has already started the proceedings. He says that Monica will be served with divorce papers in a few days. Edward is irate that Alan is risking the Quartermaine’s good name.

1/11 Alan and Monica both join in Richard Simmons work out class at GH with Steve, and Audrey as he cheers them on. Monica has been served with divorce papers requesting partial custody and she is furious. She vows to fight him with everything she has. Alan wants to have a very close relationship with his son. Monica snarks, “With his inheritance?” Monica promises to never loose control of her son nor his money. They both threaten to tell the boy about each other’s bad deeds and betrayals. Susan walks in gloating and comments that nothing is more annoying than a woman who is defeated. Monica says she is far from defeated, that actually Susan has given her exactly what she wanted, Freedom and Power!

Dvd #3B 1/11 continued. When Jesse tells Rick, Audrey, and Gail about Monica receiving divorce papers Gail is shocked with the news. After Alan and Susan walk through the hallway. Gail, Audrey, and Rick see the smug look on Susan’s face they worry the divorce is going through, you can see by the look on her face. Gail joins Monica in the cafeteria and she fills her in on Alan serving her with divorce papers. She declares the marriage is over.

When Alan sees Edward at ELQ, Alan informs him that Monica was served with her divorce papers this morning as Edward groans that Alan is not listening to his advice. Alan is quite happy and Edward tells him that his mistress was making his brain turn into peanut butter. At least with Monica, she brought out the tiger in him. Alan tells him that he will try to get partial custody and again Edward calls him a fool. Edward worries what Lila is up to with Robert Scorpio. Alan offers to go home with him and she will charm his mother to get the truth of what she is up to with Robert. Lila laughs and says she is flattered when Alan asks about her relationship with Robert. She says it is just business and goes up to take her nap. Edward loses his temper and stops her to demand to know what is going on. Alan tries to stop him from yelling at her and Edward throws him out. Edward turns back to her and she refuses to tell him about her personal business with Robert. She yells at him to “Stuff It”! Edward complains about her encouraging Monica to pursue the divorce. Lila is upset as well but doesn’t believe Monica nor their grandchild will be going anywhere as she knows Monica better than he does.

1/20 Monica talks to Robert at GH. She asks if there is any word about her since her disappearance. She asks him to give Luke that she is thinking of him. Edward shows up next and tries to interrogate Monica about what Lila is up to with Robert Scorpio. He says she is sure going on and on about his penthouse lately, that is all she talks about. She tells him he doesn’t have anything to worry about from Robert.

1/21 Edward calls Alan and demands that he get over there right now and see what Monica is up to. He meets him outside and they come in with the for sale sign. Monica and Alan both meet the prospective buyer, a guy in a rock band. Alan tells her that she has no right to sell this house. She reminds him that he gave it to her, and she can do whatever she pleases with it. He declares that this is a Quartermaine house and his parents live there as does his son, what about them. Monica declares that she has spoken to Lila and moving doesn’t bother her one bit. She continues that Alan Jr. will be better off with the silver spoon pried out of his mouth. She offers to sell the house to Alan for 2.5 million, knowing he doesn’t have access to his cash. He stomps out frustrated, and she laughs over her victory.

1/25 Richard Simmons is holding his work out class at the cafeteria at GH. He notices the lack of enthusiasm and they tell him they are worried about Laura still being missing. He cancels the rest of class. Gail tells Monica that Leslie is worried about a hit and run victim, not knowing if it is her Laura or not. Leslie and Monica working out and worrying about Laura. Gail asks Monica why she's selling the Q mansion. Gail is shocked that she is selling, she didn’t even realize she was considering it. Monica snarks that since she is discarding her husband, she has decided to discard his house.

Gail observes that seems like revenge which angers Monica and she reams Gail for prying into her personal life. Gail says she is just asking questions as she cares about Monica. Monica realizes she went too far and apologises. She continues that she is selling the house because she hates it and yes because it was Alan’s. Gail suggests that she can’t escape the Quartermaine family, because they share a child. Monica is infuriated all over again and storms off. Gail is sitting with Leslie and Monica comes up and joins them and the table gets suddenly quiet. Leslie asks what is going on between them? Monica admits that she over reacted and apologizes. They discuss the look alike Laura in the ICU, and the young woman looking for her sister also named Laura. Steve soon comes over and joins them and he gives them an update on the mystery patient.

1/29 Monica looks disappointed when she gets an offer for 2.4 million on the house. She is pressured to agree today but she says she needs time to think about this offer. The agent assures her that this is the best offer she will receive. Alan runs into her and is very pleasant and says that he is fine with her selling the house. He agrees with her that it is a good idea, as they will part with all the bad memories. This seems to take the wind out of her sail as she got quite a bit of enjoyment from his discomfort. Monica tells Gail about the offer she got on the house. She admits that she didn’t expect to get such a good offer so quickly. Monica insists she can’t agree to accept the offer today. Gail asks why not if it is a good offer? She says while it is a good offer, it isn’t quite what she is asking. Gail is puzzled by Monica’s behaviour.

After she leaves, when Alan walks in Gail mumbles about Monica wanting to do something and then when she can do it, now she doesn’t want to. He gets a BIG grin on his office that his ploy is working. Alan gets a certain enjoyment learning that Monica turned down his offer. He approaches Monica and questions that she couldn’t go through with selling the house. He confronts her that she got an offer for 2.4 million and she turned it down? She demands to know how he knows the amount of the offer? He tries to say that Gail told him, but she informs him that she never mentioned the amount of the offer to Gail. She realizes that Alan is the conglomerate and he is behind the offer! She accuses him of trying to buy her house and says that it is a lousy dirty trick. She wonders if she had accepted his offer, where would he have come up with that kind of money? He gets a very intense look in his eyes and warns her, “I am a Quartermaine and we always get what we want!”.

2/1 (or 2/2)? Need description

2/5 Monica and Gail talk at GH. Everyone waits as Ruby has been taken in for emergency surgery. They finally get word that she is stable and in the ICU.

2/8 Monica asks Dr. Bradshaw how Ruby is doing? He bites her head off and she looks a bit shocked at his tone. After he walks away, she jokes that someone is having a bad day. Everyone continues to keep watch and praying for Ruby’s recovery. Gail and Monica head to the cafeteria. Monica is stressed, first Laura’s disappearance, and then Ruby’s surgery, and then… she pauses and doesn’t continue. Gail asks and? Is it the Webbers? No. Gail then guesses it is Alan, and of course it is. Monica is worried that Alan might be sick as he went to Steve for a physical. Monica admits to taking a peak at Alan’s chart in Steve’s office. Gail is shocked, but asks if there is any problem? Monica says no after defending her right to know if Alan was sick. Gail reports that she saw Alan with Dr. Katz talking. Monica surmises that he was seeking the doc out for advice as there is something wrong with Alan psychologically.

2/12 Edward arrives at GH for the board meeting. Dan complements that the pharmaceutical stock has gone up and credits Monica for that. Edward takes all the credit, and suggests she wouldn’t even understand the reports. Later, Edward joins Alan in the cafeteria. Edward fishes around to find out what is going on with Alan. He heard that he had a complete physical and he knows that Monica is worried about it. Edward surmises that perhaps there is a problem in the bedroom. Alan admits that he finds Susan less attractive lately. Edward recommends infidelity as it provides a spark. He says if he no longer finds Susan is a challenge then he should find a new mistress. He questions if Alan ever found Monica to be dull? Alan reports that they fought like cats and dogs. Edward says that there is a fine line between passion, and he realizes that Alan was stimulated with his many confrontations with Monica. He says he was never bored with Monica. He doesn’t know how Alan stands his life with Susan, and questions doesn’t he find her boring? We can see by Alan’s face that he less enamoured with Susan these days.

2/16 Edward tries to hire a NY stage actress in an effort to discredit Lila and get her tossed out of ELQ. Edward phones Alan to witness Lila's would be senile illness. Lila shows up at ELQ and turns out the actress Edward hired turns out to be an old friend of Lila!  Edward's plans to declare Lila incompetent are ruined!

2/22 Monica is called in by Rick for second opinion on Johnny’s heart. Her findings indicate no damage whatsoever, Johnny’s heart is normal. Susan prepares a romantic dinner for Alan. They make out on their couch but he looks less than enthused with her attentions. He tells her that she drives him crazy but it is obvious he isn’t feeling her. She tells him it is time to go upstairs. They can’t start celebrating her birthday tomorrow and she can’t think of a better way. He follows her very reluctantly up the stairs.

3/2 Flowers arrive at the Q mansion and peaks Alan’s interest. He teases Edward if his mother has a secret admirer? Edward grabs the card and tells Alan they are for his soon to be ex-wife, and the envelope is addressed to “Monique” which he informs is French for Monica. Alan asks when she will be back from Francefgff Alan tries to see through the envelope and Edward points out that he could just open the card. Alan reads the inscription in French just as more flowers arrive, all making Edward sneeze.

Susan visits Dr Katz and wants to know what he has discussed with Alan. Katz suggests Susan not try so hard and let Alan work out his problems on his own. She insists that she loves him and she can’t just watch him be miserable without trying to help. Katz informs her that of course he can’t tell her anything about what Alan said to him as a patient in confidence. Alan is irate to see Susan at the hospital and she tells him she went to Dr. Katz to see if he could help her. Alan tracks down Katz and wants to know what he told Susan. He assures him that he can’t violate patient confidence.

Next, Susan tries pumping Steve for information. She tells him how worried she is that there is something seriously wrong with Alan. She confides that she even went to Dr. Katz for help, knowing Alan had gone to see him. She frets that Alan is hiding some illness from her. She can’t stand this secrecy any longer. He assures her that Alan is not suffering from any physical condition and is in fine physical shape. Steve suggests that she ask Alan directly. He is sure that when Alan realizes how concerned she is that he will tell her what is going on. She asks him not to tell Alan that she came to see him, as everything she does lately seems to irritate him.

Alan gets back to the mansion and more flowers have arrived. Edward complains every hour on the floor. Edward keeping track of all the flowers arriving for Monica, six baskets so far. Monica returns from Europe with a new look and a new attitude speaking quite a bit of French. Monica is looking stunning in her new beige outfit, hat, purse, and matching coat. The doorbell rings again and it is yet more flowers as she leaves Alan speechless. He demands to know who is sending her the flowers. She says no one he knows, just a friend who happens to be French. Edward mutters about how much all of these flowers must have coast. Alan continues to question her about how she met such a good friend when she was in Paris to speak at a conference and how did she have time to make such a good friend. She laughs that the conference was only half a day.

Monica sweeps out that she is going up to take a bath. She is sure that Alan is heading home so he doesn’t keep Little Miss Muffett waiting and saves her from burning her pot roast. Alan demands to know who is sending her all of these flowers and he refuses to leave until she does. She informs him that he will be waiting a very long time as she has no intention of explaining anything to him.

Susan and Alan are arguing at “The Floating Rib”. He is furious with her for going to Dr. Katz. He orders her to stay out of his business at the hospital. She assures him that she is just trying to help him. He is fed up with her trying to help him and says she is driving him crazy and storms out leaving her sitting at the table. Gail stops to ask Susan if she is okay. When she sits back down at Scotty’s table, he comments that he misses this drama! Only in Port Charles.

Alan arrives back at the mansion to find Edward sitting with Monica (who has slipped into something even more fabulous). Monica is surprised to see him and points out that Alan Jr went to sleep an hour ago. Alan declares he came by to have a little drink. Monica offers to share some of the wine she brought back with him. He looks at her puzzled and asks how she changed so much. She looks amazing with her hair swept up, and looking quite elegant and glamourous. She toasts that while Alan has gone downward, she is going upward! Edward wants to go into dinner and questions that surely Alan has already had dinner. Monica says she would have invited him but didn’t want to disrupt life at the “little cottage”. She says he should join them for dinner since the house maybe sold as early as next week!

3/3 Monica breezes into GH as Jesse greets her new look and tells her that is the most stunning outfit she has ever seen. Today Monica is in a black jacket, jaunty black hat looking fabulous. Jesse is sure she didn’t buy that in Port Charles. While she is chatting, Amy answers a call and says she is sure it is for Monica as the gentleman asked for Dr. Monique. She giggles as she talks with Phillipe and mentions their weekend together as Alan listens intently rolling his eyes. Alan warns her not to be fooled by this European gigolo as he is only after one thing, her money. She laughs that Phillipe is richer than the Quartermaines as Alan looks stunned. She admits to him that this is funny since Phillipe’s wife has warned him that Monica is an American gigolette and is only after his money.

Susan comes into GH for her appointment. Susan gets snarky about how over dressed Monica is for GH. Alan is obviously annoyed with her and sharply suggests she head off to her appointment. Alan blows up at Susan when she comes to GH and tries to get him to see another doctor.

Later, Monica returns to the Nurse’s Station and Amy hands her a stack of messages from Phillipe and comments on how devoted he is after only four days with her. Alan stands by listening in and has to advise that she should be more selective with who she spends time with. Susan returns and suggests that Alan get a second opinion from another doctor. He tells her that nothing is wrong with him, he is just over worked. He excuses himself abruptly, can’t get away from her soon enough.

3/4 Alan arrives home and Susan hesitantly gives him a brief kiss, expecting his rejection. She tells him that she will be going to the Dollar Days benefit and he asks if that is wise. He suggests that there are other ways she can contribute? She asks why she can’t be there right by his side? He says that the rest of the Q’s will be there. She gets angry that she is tired of not being able to go to any social events and insists that she is going. Susan says she doesn’t think her presence even matters anymore to Monica. She shares that she saw Monica today at GH. Alan is ready to do battle if Monica said anything to Susan. She said quite the opposite, Monica was quite delightful. Judging from the way Monica looked, she doesn’t think she cares anything about Alan and Susan. She observes that a woman only looks like that when she is in love.

Alan is stunned and says he doesn’t know what she is talking about? Alan gets defensive that she only went to Paris to go shopping. Susan says it takes more than clothes to make a woman glow like that. Alan continues to deny that Monica didn’t have any time to fall in love. Susan continues perhaps it wasn’t love, but she definitely seems to be enjoying whatever it is. She notices how defensive he is about the idea, and he seems upset which of course he denies. He suddenly has to run out to go see Alan Jr.

When he arrives at the mansion, Edward teases that he has seen him more in the last two days than he has in the last two years. Edward questions how happy he is in his sweet little cottage if he has to keep skipping out. The phone starts ringing, and it is Phillipe as Edward complains it is the fifth time that he has called. When she raves about New York, Edward groans that he needs a drink and takes Alan into the living room with him.

Monica looks stunning in yet another outfit. She raves that Phillipe invited her to join him in NYC. Alan starts stuttering his opposition to her going out of town so soon after just returning. She says the world didn’t end when she went to Paris and all she has to do is find someone to cover for her. He then objects that she can’t leave her baby! She snarks that he certainly did. After Monica leaves the room, Alan is fit to be tied. He fusses that she is insufferable. Edward says she is certainly a beautiful bombshell. Edward points out that while Alan is eating tapioca in his vine covered cottage, he is going to lose Monica to this frenchman!

3/5 Alan at Dollar Days to raise money for the Sportscenter. He is nailing his free throws!

3/12 Alan tries to talk Monica out of selling the house. She says that there is a buyer and it is as good as sold in the next 90 days. Alan calls Edward and reports that Monica refuses to discuss selling the house. He is pretty sure it isn’t a bluff and he thinks she intends on going through with it. Alan tells him that he has an idea, there is only one person who might be able to help get through to Monica. Alan says that mother doesn’t want to get thrown out into the street and Monica cares about what Lila thinks. Alan warns Edward this is his last chance, the ball is in his court. Edward asks Lila to talk Monica out of selling the house. He then fakes heart pain as the stress of all of it is getting to him. Over at GH, Amy questions isn’t Monica going to be lonely living by herself. Alan greets his mother, surmising that she is there to talk to Monica. He asks her to say whatever she can, to appeal to Monica’s heart. Lila says all of this business about the house is just Monica’s way to get back at Alan.

Monica realizes that Lila is there to talk to her about the selling the house. Monica tells her that she has already made up her mind. Monica seems disappointed as she thought Lila was on her side. She shares that she hadn’t really taken it seriously, thinking Monica was just getting back at Alan but never dreamed she would take it this far. She asks her not to sell the house. Monica can’t give Alan the satisfaction of thinking he won. Lila says that Edward is so upset about this that he went so far as to fake another heart attack. Monica doesn’t waver and declares she is going to sell the house, unmoved by Lila’s plea. Alan approaches his mother after Monica has walked way. She sadly tells him that it is no use, it is a closed door.

3/15 :6 mins, Reduced Quality scenes. At GH, Monica notices that Alan is pacing and asks him what is wrong? He paces when he is nervous. She snarks is he waiting for the little woman? To go home to his little house? Alan doesn’t rise to her snark, but very seriously tells her that the mansion is Lila’s home. Monica admits that she loves Lila but she has to move on, his whole family has made that house a monument to the Quartermaine tradition which is based on nothing but selfish greed. She promises that she is going to rid herself of all of the viciousness for everything imposed upon her by his family. He is amazed that she doesn’t accept any responsibility. Alan with a steely glint in his determined eyes, very intently says that he gave her that house for his son, and that is where his son is going to be raised! When Susan arrives to pick Alan up, he claims that he got called away for an emergency. Dan is surprised as he thought Alan was waiting for Susan. Alan clarifies no he is waiting for Monica. 

Monica is thrilled to get the time off for NY. She notices Alan sitting alone in the cafeteria with his head in his hand, looking abjectly miserable. She gets snarky with him and he grabs her arm and tells her that he will get his divorce and he will keep his house even if it kills him. She stares back just as intently, no backing down an inch as she tells him, “It just might as I’m going to fight you until the end on this one my darling! She doesn’t know any judge in this country that would grant custody to a man who tried to kill his wife.” He warns her that she should do that. After all if he was capable of doing it then, then he is capable of doing it now. She stares at him a bit put off by the seriousness of this threat.

3/17 :5 mins. Reduced Quality. St Patrick’s Day Kelly’s, Susan and Alice are having lunch together there while Alan is in NY seeing his attorney. Susan informs her that she has never seen Alan so upset as he was when he realised Monica was going to sell the house.

Meanwhile, his attorney is asking that Alan’s request for a postponement is because he is considering reconciling with Monica? Alan determines that no he could never leave with “that woman” again. He is hoping with time to get a more amicable settlement (meaning he knew he was screwed if he proceeded at that time and he was reluctant to end things). Alan tells him that he doesn’t care about the scandal, he is going to go for custody of his son. He is advised that Monica will fight him. Alan knows Monica will turn this into a war!

3/18 Monica walks into GH looking stunning in yet another coat and hat ensemble. Amy hands her a stack of messages that she says are, “wonderful” with a big grin. Monica calls Phillipe to confirm where they are meeting later that day at a NY hotel.

Meanwhile, Edward and Alan have lunch together at a NY restaurant. Edward gloats that he has always been able to have his cake and eat it too, unlike Alan. He questions if whether Alan is calling off the divorce? He says that he will never call it off, if he has to determine Monica is insane to stop her from selling the house then he will. He plans on doing anything he has to in order to stop her. Alan is happy to learn that Monica selling the house has become a bone of contention between Lila and Monica.

Gail notices how happy Monica is. She stops her and asks what is going on? She tells her that Phillipe is flying all the way from Paris to meet with her. Gail comments that she hasn’t seen her look so happy in a very long time.

3/19 It's a comedy of errors at the NY hotel. Alan has a room at the same hotel as Monica does quite by coincidence. He calls down to the front desk and offers to tell his attorney who is going to be arriving soon to just come on up and he will leave the door open for him. Monica soon arrives and also asks the front desk to send up her gentleman caller when he arrives. Phillipe is given Alan's room number and Alan's lawyer's assistant is given Monica's room!  Phillipe comes in as Alan is taking a shower. Meanwhile the new lawyer thinking he got the right Quartermaine room tells Monica all about the divorce. Monica hesitantly tells the poor guy that she is Dr. Monica Quartermaine, but the person he is looking for is Dr. Alan Quartermaine. The poor attorney is flustered but she assures him that he should just give the papers to the other doc Q and as far as she is concerned, she has never seen those papers. This way they will both stay out of trouble.

Phillipe is flirting outside of Alan’s bathroom. He is holding a red rose speaking in French. He demands to know what Alan has done with his Cheri? Alan figures out that he is looking for the other Dr. Quartermaine. Phillipe leaves and finally connects with his Monique. He tells her about the mishap with the “big man”, one he was obviously intimidated by. Monica placates him with promises of a nice French dinner. Monica arrives at her favourite French restaurant and is seated at her favourite table. Surprise surprise, Alan and his attorney walk in next. Alan asks if his favourite table is available. The maitre de is sorry but It is already taken, as Alan notices Monica and her date seated at it. Alan manages to get a few digs into Phillipe. Once they are seated separately, the attorney understands why Alan wants to stall the divorce. He raves if that was his wife, he would be stalling indefinitely.

3/22 The dinner with Alan, his lawyer and Monica and Phillipe continues. As Monica’s laughter wafts over Alan, he fumes. Alan rants to his attorney that Monica’s behaviour is disgusting. The attorney kinda chuckles that Alan is living with his mistress. His attorney continues to point out that Alan living in sin would be frowned upon by the courts. Alan asks what if he focuses on his work and his son, and gets a separate place to live? The attorney says that will all help but he would have to get dirt on Monica in order for Alan to gain any kind of custody. Alan will have to paint her as irresponsible. Alan asks what about promiscuous as Monica continues to laugh at her companion. The attorney instructs that Alan will have to clean up his own act before he starts dirtying Monica’s.

Phillipe tries to get Monica to go dancing with him but she turns him down. Then he invites her for a carriage ride through Central Park. She begs off and offers that they will have tomorrow night without Alan hovering. Alan’s attorney notices that Alan has spent the whole night staring at Monica. He suggests that Monica is a lovely, enticing woman and perhaps he should reconsider getting a divorce. Alan declares there is no chance of a reconciliation. Phillipe tries to get Monica to invite him up for a nightcap. She says no that she has an early morning tomorrow. Then Alan walks in and she is suddenly dangle her room key and telling Phillipe to come up for a drink. Once Alan walks away, she quickly withdraws her offer and gives him a chaste kiss goodnight.

Susan paces at Alice’s as she waits to hear from Alan. He finally calls her and apologies for not calling earlier, he got tied up at dinner. He tells her that he has terrific news and will tell her about it later. He says, “I love you.”

4/2 Monica returns home to find an irate Alan pacing. He gives her guilt as Monica is going to the benefit for Luke’s new nightclub. He can’t believe she is going to leave the baby alone tonight. He claims the baby has a fever. She suggests that if Alan is really concerned that he stay with the baby that night. After Monica waltzes upstairs, Alan tells Lila that he will go to the benefit with her. Luke welcomes everyone. Tiff and Robert's act is a huge success. Magda the Gypsy and Slick's magician friend don't show up, so Luke has to wing it with in impromptu psychic act. Turns out Luke is quite skilled at reading objects blindfolded. Luke successfully identifies a ring from Edward as the crowd laughs at this obvious conclusion. Luke goes into his semi-psychic trance and states that the ring had belong to Edgard (Edward’s father) and next it will be handed down to "Eric". Edward panics and runs up and grabs the ring from Luke.

  4/9 Edward fusses that he is hungry when Monica is late getting home. They go into dinner when she finally does. She tells them she will wait to tell them her news as it will surely ruin their appetites. After dinner, Monica tells Lila and Edward that she's taking an apartment for her and Alan Jr. She continues that she has sold the mansion to another couple and they would like to move in as soon as possible! Edward wants to know when they will be out in the cold? Monica suggests as soon as possible, surely they have been looking for a house? After she leaves, Edward grumbles to Lila that they are being thrown out in the cold like rotten fish.

Susan excitedly asks Alan if he got the place he was looking at. When he says no, she hopes that means he will stay living with her and Jason in the cottage. Alan talks to her in such a cold and condescending manner as though talking to a young child that he has to speak slowly and clearly too. Alan tells Susan that he can't live with her anymore if he expects to gain custody of his son. He reminds her that he has to clean up his act and his attorney was very explicit with him. He doesn’t have a prayer of getting even partial custody of Alan Jr if he is living in sin so he simply can’t continue to live in this house any more.

She asks then why didn’t he take the apartment? He says simply because someone else rented it before him. She is glad as it means he will stay here with her a little bit longer and leans in and kisses him. He holds her as he rolls his eyes over her clinginess. Later, she entices him to go upstairs to go to bed but not to sleep. Just as they head up to bed for some romantic time along, Edward calls and tells Alan that Monica is moving his son out to some cold apartment and is throwing Edward and Lila out! He draws out the big guns that his poor dear mother is devastated. Edward demands that Alan do something and start by calling their attorney immediately!

The new owners arrive at the mansion as they have sold their home and are eager to move in as all of their things are in storage and they are too cramped living in a hotel. They want to know when they can move in. Monica excuses that her in-laws have delayed looking for a place to move to.

Edward arrives at the cottage demanding Alan’s attention. Susan informs him that Alan is talking to his attorney as Jason cries from upstairs. Edward declares that child is sounding less and less like a Quartermaine as Susan heads upstairs. The attorney says there is a way out of Monica being able to sell the house and they can stop it. He is sending the paperwork over to Lee Baldwin to review with Edward and Alan. They rush out excited about this news. After Lee Baldwin reviews the documents comprising Alan's gift of the Q mansion to Monica, he tells them that the lawyer that drew up the papers prudently framed the gift as a living trust, meaning that Monica can only get the house if Alan were dead! Both Alan and Edward are overjoyed. Note: there was a special report interrupted the scene as the real estate agent calls Monica about the sale of the mansion.

4/12 Soapnet Episode: The new owners are ready to start redecorating as the Mrs is a fan of pink and orange and she is eager to being. Edward, Alan and Lee arrive at the mansion quite giddy with joy. Alan starts to give them the news but Edward begs for him to be able to share the info as he has been rehearsing. Alan smilingly agrees. Lee tells Monica that she was given the house in a living trust and she has the use of the house but won’t gain legal title until Alan’s death. Technically the mansion still belongs to Alan. Monica has no right to sell it because of the living trust. Monica tells Alan she is beginning to wish he were dead! The Paige’s want to buy the house from Alan but he states quite emphatically that this house is a Quartermaine home and so it shall remain. The Paige’s tell Monica that they will sue her as she complains she didn’t know. The Real Estate agent wants her 6% commission as well on the sale of the house as she did her job. After they have all left, Monica appeals to Lee but he tells her there is nothing he can do to help her. Alan gloats that her French hairdo is wilting. Monica storms upstairs after threatening she is not down for the count.

Soapnet Episode, with GH facts included such as “Dr. Monica Quartermaine, wanting to rid herself of everything Quartermaine decides to feel the mansion.”

“Nice gift, Monica did legally own the mansion. Alan, as a wedding present put the house in her name.”
“In 1982, the average home or mansion interest rate was 14.82%!”

4/13 Reduced quality :5 mins. An irritated Monica at GH does not want to hear the word real estate. She seeks out Scotty to represent her and she is in quite a tizzy as she fills Scotty in. She tells him how she is being sued and he agrees to represent her.

4/16 Susan and Alan enjoy an evening out at Luke’s “Haunted Star”. She is snarky with him when he is greeted like an old friend and she questions Alan about that. He reminds her he attended Opening Night with his family as she is reminded that she wasn’t allowed to attend. Lila soon arrives at the Haunted Star and joins Edward, taking him away from Delphina’s clutches. They sit separately from Susan and Alan. Luke does his psychic bit as he comes up with the name of the Pensione in Italy where Alan bought his wallet. As Susan comments that sounds like a lovely place. Lila leans over from the next table and observes that is where Alan and Monica spent their honeymoon!

4/20 At the Q's, Lila is thrilled to see Alan is there. He says he was just visiting Alan Jr. Edward though the Little Miss Bo Beep that Alan lives with doesn’t have him in chains after their evening at “The Haunted Star”. Monica is eager to hear all about what happened when Alan tries to change the subject. They all laugh about the look on Susan’s face at the reference to Alan’s previous honeymoon. Alan brings up Edwards reaction when Luke mentioned the name “Eric”. Lila wonders to Edward what this means to him. Edward is flustered and tells her it was nothing. Alan teases that he thought Edward was going to explode. Lila doesn’t want them to argue when they get so little time together. Alan informs his delighted mother that he has agreed to pay the $200,000 that she owes to the Paiges and to the real estate agent. His payment was only on the condition that he be allowed to move back in.

Monica assures them that she has not agreed to Alan’s condition and that he will move back in over Monica's dead body. Edward snarks if she doesn’t agree then she will have to pay the $200k. Monica declares she is happy to scrub floors for it if she has to. Edward says she can’t possibly refuse Alan’s offer. Both Edward and Lila defend that it would make them happy to have their son home and would be best for Alan Jr. to have his father there. Monica tells Alan that he can move back into the mansion if he wants, but she and Alan Jr will move out.

Monica is playing with Alan Jr. in the nursery when Lila appears to make a further appeal. Monica reminds her of everything Alan has done to her, from his affair with Susan, to having a child with her and moving in with her. Monica insists that if Lila thinks he will move back and have a chance of reconciliation with her then that is not going to happen. Lila tries to argue the financial benefit of accepting Alan’s money to pay off the debt she owes and asks Monica to think about allowing Alan to move back in. Monica rejoins the family downstairs and Alan goes over all the debts that are owed. Edward declares how generous Alan is being to pay the $200k and to stop objecting to him moving back into the house. She gives in and says fine, he can move in but she and his son will be moving out!

4/23 Gail and Monica are at GH discussing Alan moving back in. Gail asks about the sleeping arrangements? Monica says he gets the Alexander Quartermaine Memorial Wing on the other side of the house that gets no sun. The ladies all go to Richard Simmons jazzercise class at the Sportscenter. Susan and Alice arrive and she is put off when she notices Monica is there. Susan tries to pump Monica to find out where she is moving to. Monica raves about the furnishings and the view, she can actually see Susan’s cottage from the mansion on Harbor Drive… you know her husband, Alan’s home? Susan looks like she is going to burst into tears at this devastating news. After Susan and Alice depart, Ruby snarks that sometimes she thinks Susan calls more trouble than Heather!

4/30 Alan and Susan arrive at The Haunted Star and are seated at the table next to Edward and Lila. Lila very pointedly says she was hoping that Alan would have brought his wife, Monica tonight and take a further step forward in reconciliation. Alan grabs Susan’s hand and tells them that there is no need to discuss reconciliation as he couldn’t be happier with Susan. She is flattered until Edward snarks then why did Alan tell Lee that he would go through with Family Counselling. Susan demands to know what this is about and is immediately furious! Alan downplays that it is just a way to help him try to get partial custody. Susan starts yelling at him for not evening mentioning it and what other secrets is he keeping she demands to know!

**The End**

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