Alan & Monica #4 May 5 - November 22 1982: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #4A 5/5 Monica is telling Georgia that she is leaving early today as sh needs a sensational new dress for dinner with her “very special” house guest. She also going to have her hair done. Alan is listening in and demands to know who she is inviting to dinner at HIS house. She suggests that he come by around 8:45 pm if he would like to know the particulars. Alan calls Edward to ask if they are having visitors, but Edward is clueless. Monica listens in and teases Alan that dinner is at 8:45 if he would like to attend. Gail remarks on Monica’s outrageousness. She admits that having Alan back in the house brings out the worst in her. Monica says Alan may have his first massive coronary as he has NO clue about her foreign visitor. Gail can’t believe how much she is enjoying tormenting him.

Monica teases Alan some more as she is late for an appointment at Delfina’s. She needs something sinful and slinky. He declares she is not the sinful and slinky type. She invites him to stop by at 8:45 and perhaps he will find a new slinky, perhaps sinful her. After she walks away, Alan looks at Gail in puzzlement for help. She tells him not to look at her, she just works there and hopes he has fun at dinner that night. Monica is dress shopping at Delfina’s. She runs into Laura Templeton and the two become friendly. Afterwards they go to a cafe and are soon joined by Tiffany and Delfina.

Alan arrives at the mansion and Stella excitedly tells him all about the menu for tonight: Chilled shrimp, soft shrimp, beluga caviar, and the most beautiful crown roast of lamb. Edward and Alan are confused when Stella prepares a feast fit for a king. Alan demands to know what is going on? Edward is clueless and suggests that perhaps Edward wants to invite him upstairs to her wing. Stella sputters about receiving the flower centrepiece for the table, and she is reading the crystal and silver and has to get the champagne chilled. When Lila enters, Alan begins interrogating her but all she knows is there will be a guest. Alan says that he won’t be there as he will be having dinner with Susan. Lila says something about it sounding pitiful.

Alan is joining Susan and Alice as they are enjoying their bowling. Susan suggests they enjoy a romantic dinner at a quiet Italian restaurant across the street. She has reserved a dark table in the back. Alan breaks Susan's heart when he decides not to have dinner with her so he can see who Monica is having over. He pleads a headache that he has to go home to bed and recommends she go with Alan to the after bowling party at “Big Al’s” without him.

Monica looks stunning in her plunging sleeveless red evening gown, dripping with diamonds, and upswept hair. Phillipe arrives and tells Monique how ravishing she looks, bearing roses. Alan calls and Edward answers the phone and insists that Alan get right there as that Frenchman is there KISSING HANDS! Alan swears he will be right there and suddenly hangs up the phone. Once Monica introduces Edward and he is impressed with his financial standing and begins smoozing him and peppering him with questions. Alan walks in and sees Edward simpering about his financial genius and looks nauseous. After everyone walks out to enter the dining room, Alan tells her that she went to way too much trouble to try to make him jealous. She assures him that Phillipe is there only for her benefit. He pretends surprise that his divorce attorney is going to have a field day with this. She says she is being a very good mother. Her guest is staying in the room next to hers indefinitely, and how wonderful that Alan Jr will be able to learn how to speak French leaving Alan speechless.

5/14 Monica is surprised to see Phillipe come downstairs carrying his suticase. Phillipe informs Monica that he must leave suddenly but doesn’t want to get into it in this house. Monica insists that he owes her an explanation on his sudden departure and they agree to go to “The Haunted Star”. He looks very nervous around Alan and he assures Alan that he is leaving immediately. Edward and Alan cackle with glee as they take off. Alan gets great enjoyment out of the success of Edward’s plot to get rid of Philipe. Alan questions what Edward said to him. Edward says he only embellished a little bit about how jealous Alan gets over his wife’s peccadillos implying that Phillipe’s life is in danger. Alan is flush with the success of his victory over Monica, raves to Edward that he is off to the cottage for a romantic evening. Edward warns him no public places, no restaurants, nothing and Alan agrees. When Alan enters the cottage, he reaves about how gorgeous Susan is and how much he wants to be with her and how attractive she is.

At the restaurant, Monica is annoyed that Alan intimidated Phillipe and tells him that she does’t want to be with someone so spineless. Monica walks out as Phillipe follows her out stammering. He is surprised she wants him to stay as he felt she wasn’t interested in him and was just using him to make her husband jealous. Monica convinces Phillipe to stay after making it seem like Edward was trying to play him for a fool. Phillipe asks what about her, is she playing him for a fool? She leans in and kisses him soundly. She tells him that he can leave if he is really afraid of Alan, or she seductively says over her shoulder as she climbs the stairs, “Or you can stay if you think I am worth the risk?”

Stella fills Edward in on Phillipe still being there and she just took champagne up to him and Monica in HER room. Edward declares he must call Alan immediately and runs to the phone. Edward tells Alan that Phillipe is making time with Monica in her bedroom. Alan declares there is an emergency and drops Susan like a sack of portages and runs out to try to catch Monica in the act with Phillipe. Susan knows he is running out after Monica again.

Monica and Fellipe are kissing but then she tells him that she can’t, she isn’t in love with him. He is disappointed but realizes that it is time to say goodbye. He invites her to look him up if she is ever in Paris. Monica is laying in bed reading as Alan arrives pounding on her door and strolls in and searches her room crying, “How dare she” sputtering about his son beeng in the next room. To his surprise, Monica is alone in bed and grins at him realizing he was trying to catch her in the act and failed.

5/18 Alice tells Alan that Susan's at her wits end and is thinking of packing it in. Edward tells Alan that he needs to send Susan on a cruise like he did with his mistress many years ago. Susan is delighted with the news of a cruise, but disappointed that Alan won't be joining her. To pacify her, Alan agrees to meet her at St. Thomas in a week.

5/19 Susan and Alice arrive at Kelly’s with the arms loaded with packages of new clothes for their upcoming trip. She is disappointed when Alice tells her that the new sitter can’t work nights. Just as the ladies are about to cancel their trip, Ruby steps up and offers to cover the nights to take care of Jason and everyone celebrates.

5/21 Lila tells Edward about her plans for a cozy dinner for Alan and Monica. She wants to go down to get the summer house ready and so they will be going out of town, leaving Alan and Monica alone tonight at the family dinner. Edward claims he is also working on a scheme, he got Alan to send that frump Susan off on a cruise to get her out of town. Lila informs him she is way of ahead of him and shows Edward a cozy dinner for two that she's arranged for Alan and Monica. Edward groans that they almost killed each last time (though they don’t know about the passionate kiss that night)!

Later, Alan is with Susan seeing her off for her trip. They kiss goodbye, and Susan can’t wait to see him in a week in St. Thomas. Meanwhile, Edward tells Monica about Susan leaving for her trip that very night! Edward and Lila leave for their weekend away. Alan returns home and finds the romantic table and groans, “Oh no not again!”. He tells Stella that he knows his mother planned all of this and he is holding the divorce papers in his hand. Alan tries to get Edward’s assistant, Randall, to have dinner with Stella. Monica walks in and realizes that they have been set up again.

Monica plays along as her and Alan serve Randall and Stella. They have fun with it and after Randall and Stella leave, Monica observes that Alan still makes her laugh. Monica can’t believe that they tried to set them up again. Alan brings her a drink and she flirts with him, “I won’t bite, unless you want me to.” She observes that he wants to kiss her and asks him if he does. He starts to say no, and then admits that yes he does and he kisses her passionately, then he feels the divorce papers that are in a pillow underneath of her that he tries to hide. She is in a good mood until she realizes what he was trying to hide! She throws the papers at him and storms out.

5/28 Alan comes downstairs with his bags ready to supposedly attend a medical convention. Edward tells him that he will be going to NY on the same flight that he is. Monica overhears them making plans. While they go for a cup of coffee, she opens Alan's bags and finds a pair of swimming trunks. She questions what he needs with his swim trunks at a medical convention in NY. She suspects he's going to see Susan in the Caribbean. He claims that he has been very tense and he plans on relaxing. She doesn’t believe for a minute that he is going to NY, she thinks that he is going to meet Susan on that cruise. She promises that she will use this as a noose around his neck in court. After she storms out declaring she isn’t a bit jealous, Edward asks if she is right? Edward questions Alan as they arrive at the airport for their flight to NY. Alan assures his father that he has covered all of his tracks. He will check into thethe conference and his doctor friends will cover for him. Edward can’t believe he is stupid enough to meet up with Susan.

Monica invites Leslie and Ruby to join her in the cafeteria, stunning them both with the unusual invite. Then Monica starts babbling about Susan going on a cruise and starts questioning them about Susan’s itinerary. Leslie is obviously uncomfortable though Ruby innocently answers her questions. Leslie makes excuses to leave and while at Kelly’s, Rose shares that she got a postcard from Susan from Virgin Islands. Leslie swears her to secrecy and not tell Monica where Susan is, no matter what. Monica calls the number for the hotel that Alan is supposed to be staying in for his "medical convention" but of course he isn’t there. Meanwhile Alan is with Susan on the cruise and he is so happy at his success in fooling Monica. Alan tells her he almost cancelled as Lee really lectured him not to have any contact with each other. He tells her that she has him for the next seven days and the word, “Monica” will not pass through his lips.

6/3 Monica teases Edward with her knowledge of Alan being on a cruise with dreary what’s her name, that she hopes has sea sickness. She emphatically tells Edward that she knows that Alan is in the Caribbean with Susan. Monica is making calls trying to find out which cruise ship Susan departed on. When she strikes out, next she poses as a dear friend of Susan’s. She makes a plea to come and see Jason while Susan is gone. She says that Susan asked her to drop in and check and see if there was anything the house keeper needs. She says she will stop by later. Monica invades the cottage and while the housekeeper is taking care of Jason upstairs, Monica searches the desk and finds a Caribbean brochure. Monica figures out the phone name Alan is using to travel under and finds him!

She meets up with Scotty and tells him which ship Alan is on, he is booked under the name of Alan’s friend, Don Raffleman. Meanwhile, she has already talked to Don who is back in NYC! So she knows he isn’t on this cruise ship, and thinks Alan is sailing under this assumed name. Scotty wants to know what she wants to do about this cruise? She declares, “SINK IT!”

At the same time, Edward has his assistant trying to find out what ship Alan is on so he can warn him that Monica is onto his trip. Edward realizes Alan is using an Alias as there is no Alan Quartermaine on the ship. Edward finally locates Alan and insists on speaking with him. He warns him that Monica has been checking the hotel in NY and he isn’t there. Sounds like Alan is worried what Monica might do, and Edward declares if she could rent a nuclear sub and blow them up that she would happily do so!

6/10 Back at the mansion, Monica greets Randall and Edward and heads upstairs to change. Randall tells Edward he is surprised Alan, and Monica are playing Bridge together as that can lead to a reconciliation and he knows they are getting divorced. Randall suggests that he and Edward to to Kelly’s to have a work dinner, while the rest play Bridge. Monica suggests that Alan tell Gail and Lee about the medical convention that he recently attended. Monica watches him intently as Alan stumbles through his horrific explanation. Monica sets him up brilliantly by saying it was too bad no one took pictures at the medical convention. Alan, still thinking he has triumphed over her, agrees that would be a good idea still looking relieved yet nervous. Monica shares that she knows someone who did take pictures, at the convention that is. Monica happily shows pictures of Alan and Susan in the Caribbean. Gail is upset that Monica had to involve her and Lee.

Alan defends that he just wanted to have his friends over for dinner and to play some Bridge. Monica apologizes to Gail and Lee that she got carried away. Alan is indignant that she had some spy on him and take pictures of his private life. She blasts him that they are in the middle of a divorce and he was supposed to be at a medical convention. Lee interrupts and tells both of them to shut up! He doesn’t appreciate being used as a pawn in their affairs and tells Alan to get another attorney and Lee and Gail leave suddenly. Alan starts to tell her off, but she cuts him off saying, “I’ve learned everything from you dear!”

Alan is trying to make a call to his attorney as he and Monica continue to argue. Edward comes back in and asks what is going on and Monica shows him the pictures. He sighs, “My son the fool!” Monica gets a call notifying her that Dr. Katz was found shot and unconscious and she is called into GH to treat him. Her and Alan take a break from their battle as he immediately offers to drive her to the hospital and they rush out together. Once there, they work together and she invites him to assist her in surgery.

6/18 Alan arrives to see Susan and she excitedly shows him the pictures that she just picked up. He crumbles one up and tells her that he doesn’t need to see anymore pictures of the cruise, he has seen enough already. He doesn’t need any reminders of the biggest mistake of his life! Susan is indignant and reminds him that he said it was magical. He states that was before he knew the consequences of his stupidity. He declares the voodoo he needs is a voodoo doll and a bucket of pins to shove into it.

Susan thought he would be more mellow after their vacation and claims he is “wired”. He complains about her use of trendy words. Alan complains that their trip did nothing for him. She knows he had a great time and demands to know what is bothering him. He yells at her that SHE is bothering him! He gave up a great deal to go on that cruise. He tells her that Monica found out the cruise. Susan shrugs off that she doesn’t have any proof. He blows up about her having pictures from the guy she had following them around the island taking pictures, the guy that Susan thought was just a tourist. Alan complains that was the rinkiest cruise ship, he can’t believe how dumb he was to let Susan talk him into it. She says she didn’t talk him into it, Edward talked HER into it.

Edward comes into the living room and her and Edward enjoy their repartee. She admits that she has the upper hand with her pictures, and she will kind of miss all of this once it is over. Edward tells her that she passed the Quartermaine level of adroitness, she has surpassed them (giving the highest compliment possible telling someone else they are a better schemer). Monica looks through the telescope and gets a close up of Alan and Susan arguing and him pushing her away. Monica giggles with glee at the conflict. Edward walks in and asks if there is any sign of Alan? Monica shares that she found him and shows him the telescope.

Over at the cottage, Susan determines that Alan is allowing the pictures to destroy their lives. She accuses him of throwing away their whole lives together. He doesn’t have any choice as Monica will take him to court and destroy him. She said once upon a time that her and Jason meant everything to him and now he is just worried about his fortune. She asks does he suddenly not care anymore about love or family? He sternly tells her it isn’t so sudden and if she had kept her eyes open she would have seen this coming. She is still clueless about the ugly reality of what the money means to them all. She claims she hates that money and everything attached to it. He points out that she has sure accepted all of the gifts that he showered on her with that money, mink coats, trips, the cottage. She asks if he wants them back and throws the coat at him. She tells him to bring the paperwork tomorrow for the cottage and she will sign that over. These things are making her feel cheap and bought. He snarks, “And with good reason!” She retaliates by slapping him. Edward is watching from the telescope and does a blow by blow of Susan hitting Alan.

Monica and Edward laugh in glee at the trouble in paradise as Monica talks about all the breakables at the cottage. Monica laughs that she could hear the door slam all the way over here. Edward says he should roll out the welcome mat as Alan is going to be upset. Monica shares that she likes to see him suffer. Edward tells her that she is cruel. He stops at ruthless and she says he is talking about all of his qualities. He says yes but he is a Quartermaine. She points out that she is a Quartermaine as well. Edward gets sentimental, and shares a moment with Monica as he tells her about youthful memories with Lila and those moments are now why he puts up with her. Monica is touched by his honesty and realizes what a gift that is. They are enjoying a drink together as Alan comes home. As Monica is gloating, Edward gives him a clue about the telescope. Alan looks into it and has a clear view of Susan crying in her cottage.

Alan whirls around and tells Monica that she is pathetic, and she is a sick and malicious woman. When Edward laughs that he knew Alan wouldn’t be as amused about this as they were, Alan tells him that he has the loyalty of oatmeal. Monica and Edward go off into peels of laughter as Alan stomps off. Monica tells Edward that talking about memories, she will not forget this one very soon.

6/21 Monica and Laura T. Talk in the cafeteria.

6/25 A young Italian man is looking for Monica at the Nurse’s Station. Alan is snarky as he assumes this is her new conquest. Monica sternly tells Alan that this is a business relationship, turns out he sells Lamborghinis. Alan is going to go talk to his attorney to work on curtailing her funds so she can’t buy a Lamborghini! Lee arrives to meet with Alan. Lee tells Alan that Monica filed for separation to the tune of $10,000 a month in child support and alimony! Alan is flabbergasted! Lee warns him the pictures Monica has of Alan and Susan will leave Lee ineffective. Lee and Alan go up to the cafeteria and a crowd of staff are standing around it laughing and looking at Alan. There is a sign warning of a husband thief, beware with a picture of Alan and Susan from their vacation. Alan is embarrassed as everyone is laughing at him.

An irate Alan returns home and he warns her that this time she went too far as he throws her bulletin board pictures of him. She promises to strip him of every possession he has, his house, his son, his money, everything. He declares over his dead body. She asks him not to make promises that he can’t keep. He warns her not to make him angry or he will fight her twice as hard. He grabs her arm pulling her towards him and rips her dress off her shoulder. She looks startled and runs upstairs. He pounds on her bedroom door and warns her if she doesn’t open it that he will knock it down. She opens it and then backs up away from him. He asks how could he have been so stupid as to have married her! She says he hasn’t fulfilled his husband part of the job. He tells her he paid for her, he paid for everything, the house, the clothes on her back. She promises that he will continue to pay past the divorce, right down to the shirt off his back. He tells her that he can have her shirt and he takes it off and throws it at her. He asks her what else does she want from him as he holds her in his arms, him shirtless? She has no smart come back as he asks her again what she wants? They gave into each other’s eyes with heat and passion and then he leans in to kiss her.

6/28 The morning after, Stella finds Alan in bed with Monica! Alan greets a stunned Stella. She shares that Rudolpho the Italian car salesman is on the phone for Monica. Alan instructs her to tell him that there will not be any car sale. After Stella leaves, Monica softly reminds him that she will do as she pleases and once the divorce is final he will have no say in how she spends HER money. He happily asks her what divorce settlement? The one she will get when she throws her little photo album in his face. He laughs and tells her that he doesn’t know if he is laughing at her optimism or her ignorance. He informs Monica that she no longer has any grounds on which to divorce him as last night they resumed relations. She looks stunned and thrown him out of her bed and starts throwing things at him.

Later downstairs, Monica tells him that last night was a mistake and it hasn’t changed anything. He points out that her inviting him into her bed has sabotaged her own divorce settlement. She objects that this doesn’t mean they have resumed relations. She asks him to just forget the whole thing. He says that no, he will never forget last night as he looks at her suggestively. She warns him to wipe that smug look off of his face, that she will go back and start all over if she has to. He smirks that she is never going to know when she will give into her desires. Monica storms out when his great joy in her discomfort becomes intolerable.

Edward comes in and Alan delights in telling him that he spent the night in Monica’s bed and he has a witness, Stella! Alan calls Lee and arranges to meet with him at The Floating Rib. Edward and Alan sit down with Gail and Lee and Alan happily shares the good news of him spending the night with Monica. Lee confirms that yes that means the divorce is over and he for one is very relieved. Later at GH, Scott blows up at Monica for sleeping with Alan.

6/30 Alan catches Monica trying to get Stella to forget about seeing her in bed with Alan. In the GH elevator, Alan kisses Monica in front of Audrey. Susan arrives at GH and is surprised to see him and Monica at the hospital. She thought he had a court date for his divorce today? He tells her there is a delay, a legal complication, and she demands to know why. He tells her that he loves her and not to worry about it, but he has to go see a patient.

7/1 Alan tells Lee that he has sent Susan flowers at the cottage. The flowers arrive and the notes says he is sorry that he didn’t call last night, that he will call her later that day. Susan takes the bouquet and starts ripping the flowers apart. Alice arrives and she tells her that the “legal complication” was Alan sleeping with Monica, Joe answered the question for her.

At GH, Monica is exhausted after a long touch and go surgery. Alan is in a flirty mood but she tells him to save it as she had an exhausting day. When she notices that he is following her, he tells her, “We have a lot to talk about Darling!” She counters by telling him that they have nothing to talk about and her name is Monica or Dr. Quartermaine, it isn’t “Darling”. He reminds her that isn’t what she said the other night. She tells him to get lost and then she sees Susan walk up behind Alan. She admits that the other night sure brought back memories. He asks her when can they have another night like the other night? He needs to hold her in his arms again as there is no other woman in the world like her. She agrees that it was incredible, and he tells her that she is incredible. He asks her if it would be improper for him to kiss her right now? She says yes it would be and instructs him to look over his left shoulder. He turns around and Susan whallops him with her purse full force to his head.

7/2 Joined in progress (missed  first 15 mins). Alan is trying to pacify Susan with expensive gifts. Alice tells Susan that Lesley informed her that Alan is back with Monica. Susan belts Alan at GH in front of Monica. 

7/9 At GH, Alan receives a single red rose and a card that says, “TONIGHT!” Alan is intrigued and puzzled by this invitation though he thinks it is from Monica. A little bit later he gets a card in the mail with a little valentine that says, “Tonight”. He notices a strong perfume scent and smells the card. Alan notices Monica’s new perfume. He recognises the perfume from the note. She tells him that it is a new scent and it is called, “Tonight”. He gets quite excited as he believes the invitation is from her.

Edward and Monica have dinner at The Floating Rib. He comments on them having two martinis and a bottle of wine and then he orders Brandy! Edward wants to know what this dinner was all about and he is waiting for the reason she invited him to dinner. She admits that she thought this would be a good time to make up with each other, bring down the wall between them. He says they have always had a wall between them. She asks if that means they can’t be friends. He offers friendly rivals and observes that a good rival is better than a good friend. He complements that she is after all a Quartermaine. Monica receives a phone call at her table. She tells Edward that they have to leave and rushes him out. She tells him they have to go home, that it is an emergency.

Alan arrives home to the tune of romantic music coming from upstairs and a string of notes and a note declaring that this is their night. He is so excited about his upcoming night with Monica as he continues to find notes scattered through the hall and to the stairs. He carries up the champagne bucket and is shocked to find Susan in Monica’s bed. He warns her that Edward and Monica will be out soon. He tells her that she has taken complete leave of her senses and she is insane. He tells her that she is nuts and to get out of there. Then he hears the door downstair closes and tells her she has to leave. When Edward and Monica arrive home, she rushes him upstairs as he comments about how strangely she is behaving. He observes how energised she is. She points out that he is about to witness her losing a husband. When Monica enters her bedroom, she finds a shirtless Alan alone in her bed. He tells her that he found her notes and is so looking forward to their evening together. She looks frustrated and disappointed.

7/12 The next morning, Monica is grumpy with Alan after spending the night in the guest room. She demands she needs to get into her room as she needs her clothes. He teases her that he knows how veracious she is sexually first thing in the morning. She is over it and tells him that they are destroying themselves. If they go on like this they have a great potential for killing each other. He suggests that they start by being honest with each other. He says they haven’t in a long time and this would be a good time to start. She tells him that she wants a divorce so she can be free of him and his family. He wants a divorce so he can go live with his mistress. So why can’t they just go ahead and get the divorce?

He tells her there is one simple reason and leans in and kisses her passionately and of course she responds. He tells her that is the reason. She says they can’t change, they are different people. He argues that opposites attract and tells her that she is the most exciting woman he has never known in his entire life. He doesn’t want a divorce and doesn’t think he ever did. He assures her that he thinks if they try, they can make it work. He asks her not to shut him out. She doesn’t want to say something she will regret, she is confused and she can’t go back as too many people are involved. She says they can’t just discard Susan and his illegitimate son that are only a telescope away. They are always going to be in his life and a reminder. He promises that he will handle it and he will tell Susan that it is over. She holds his face in her hands. He promises that he is going to find a way to make this work.

Susan blows up at Scott for their failed plan with Alan. Scotty said they should have had plenty of time to make love before Monica got home. Susan says the more time they waste the more Monica has a chance to get his claws back into Alan. Scotty says if Susan isn’t sleeping with Alan then there is nothing Scotty can do to help her, his hands are tied.

Alan tells Edward about his dilemma and tells him that he has to get rid of Susan. He has a chance to make things up with Monica but he is still responsible for Susan and Jason. Edward advises to buy her off and send her off to Boston or NY. Monica tells Scotty that she is considering cancelling the divorce. He surmises that she is still in love with Alan. She says he was so open and honest this morning. Scotty asks like when they were first married? She groans and tells him he is still her attorney and wishes him happy hunting.

7/14 Susan and Alan meet at the ELQ offices so they can talk in private. Susan takes care getting ready thinking they are reuniting. With prodding from his father (who spies on them in the other room) Alan tells Susan it's over. A hopping mad Susan storms out after dropping her bracelet. Edward comes in chortling in glee, he is so happy that the plan worked!

7/15 Laura finds the bracelet that Susan dropped. Laura shows up at GH and asks Monica to speak to her for a few minutes. She tells her that she has a problem that only Monica can help her with. Laura tells Monica that she has had a problem with taking things. She admits that presents it to Monica. Monica assures Edward she is going to find out what Susan was doing at ELQ. She demands to know where Alan is. Edward says he is off at a lodge enjoying the peace and quiet. Monica thinks he is with Susan and Edward tells her that no Alan has left her. She says that this proves that Alan had her up there for tryst and gave her the expensive bracelet. Edward tells her that he was there and he only had Susan up there to kiss her off. Scotty comes over and Monica shows him the bracelet and asks him if this gift from Alan to Susan is the proof he will need to for the divorce proceedings.

7/16 Susan shows up at GH looking for Alan and learns he has gone on vacation without her. She starts questioning staff and demanding answers about where Alan has gone. Susan runs into Monica is surprised to see her, thinking she went with Alan. Susan wants to know what Alan said to her. Monica says that he needed some time alone and needed to get away from Susan. Monica snarks that she has always known about their affair, that she knows everything about what Alan is up to. Monica throws Susan’s past affairs in her face, and Susan responds with Rick Webber. Monica shares that Alan values family and she is the mother of his child. Susan retorts so is she, but Monica’s son is the Quartermaine heir.

Gail is disappointed to hear that the divorce is back on. Monica is sad and near tears and wishes this was all over. Lee walks up and he is sorry to hear this as well. Susan goes home crying to Alice how much she hates Monica. Susan gets a drink and says that Monica won’t divorce him and Susan might as well be dead! Heather comes over to try to talk some sense into Susan. She urges her to fight back, and to get Alan back. If she doesn’t get Alan back, Heather says she will introduce her to the wonderful world of revenge with all of that Quartermaine money.

7/19 Heather advises Susan to stick it to Alan where it really hurts, the Quartermaine purse strings. She plans on helping. She urges her to go after Alan, get him for everything he has and make him remember him. Susan says that Alan promised to take care of her and she believes him. Heather snarks what with $50k and a little dollhouse. She says that Susan should talk to Joe and nail Alan really good. Susan asks if she could get maybe $100k or is that too much money? Heather says she is thinking more like $20 million each leaving Susan stunned.

7/21 Edward tells Monica that he got a postcard from Alan mentioning that the is enjoying his time away ALONE!. Monica isn’t interested in waiting around for Alan to make his choices. Edward encourages Monica that Alan has made his choice and chooses her. Monica says that Susan and Jason are still in his life and questions whether they have been paid off. She wants to know how much? She is sure he would have put money into a trust fund for Jason and she can have her attorney’s just how much and that may tell her exactly where Alan’s heart lies. Monica is thrilled to see Lila home from her trip.

Rick and Monica share a friendly drink. He tells her he has heard that her and Alan are having problems. He tries to reassure her and tells her that she is more of a woman now than ever. They discuss their relationship, and what they had between them. Monica is grateful that they shared what they did. She turns down another drink so she can get home and say goodnight to her son, and he knows Leslie is waiting for him.

7/29 Susan is drinking alone at the cottage. Heather comes over and Heather comments it is a little early for her to start drinking. tells her that Joe won't take her case, he doesn’t think it is right. Heather encourages her and is supportive and Susan wants to know what is in it for Heather? She points out that they are family. Susan says Heather has never cared two hoots for her in her entire life and she isn’t buying this sudden interest. Heather asks her for 10/% of whatever she gets from Alan. Susan laughs that she would give her anything. Heather tries to convince her that she needs her help and warns her this isn’t that easy. Susan snarks that she isn’t that stupid (to believe Heather). Heather offers to testify on Susan’s behalf and say whatever she needs. Heather has an idea for a new attorney, and asks Susan to trust her. Susan declares she isn’t trusting anyone.

Susan goes to Kelly’s and finds Joe Kelly. She confronts him over refusing to take her case against Alan. She promises to drag Alan through the mud, so that he gets it stuck in his teeth. Joe explains that would only hurt her. Joe defends that Alan has offered her a very generous settlement. She snipes that lousy $50k and a sorry excuse for a house? Joe defends that Alan is trying to do the right thing. She says he is just another rich man who takes what he wants and then walks away, as she slurs her words. Rose tries to get her to eat something. She retorts that she would like Alan Quartermaine to eat his words! Joe warns her that winning all the money in the world doesn’t compare to what she will lose, like her reputation. She asks her reputation as his mistress? She asks him again to take the case and he turns her down and says he can’t. After Susan storms out, Rose observes that didn’t sound like Susan Moore. Joe laments that no it sounded more like Heather.

Edward, Alan, Monica and Lila at the mansion. Monica looks gorgeous and Alan is sure to complement her stunning outfit. Lila has appetizers ready to go and they have to be at the Versaile Room in half an hour, but be hungry as they are making Rack f Lamb specially for them. As Lila heads to the kitchen to check in with Stella, Edward wants to know what all the fuss is about. Monica informs him that he has obviously forgotten his anniversary and he looks crestfallen at this news. No worries, she covered for him and bought a gift for him to give to Lila. He is very grateful.

Dvd #4B 8/6 Scotty calls Susan and asks her if she is ready? She promises to call him later with all the details, she is all set, the dress is ready and the plan is set.

Later over dinner, Lila enjoys opening her gifts. Alan gives her a very thoughtful gift of a vase by taking the time and calling and asking her friends what she would like. Monica gives her some crystal figurines of a cat and mouse, LOL. Monica gives her the gift from Edward, a silk scarf from Delphina’s window that she loves. Edward gloats at the success of “his gift” as Lila declares, “Thank you, Monica!” Lila surprises Edward with the Corso stock investment to the tune of $750k. Susan stops by their table in a red maternity dress, and pats her tummy and tells them that she will soon have a third mouth to feed. The look on Alan’s face is priceless.

8/11 Alan stops in Monica’s office to see how she is after Susan’s stunt last night. Monica is furious about Susan’s continued awkward presence in their lives. Alan insists that Susan is not pregnant. Monica isn’t so sure and points out the romantic cruise didn’t make another baby? Alan says that she would not be showing so soon. Alan and Monica continue arguing over Susan as Lee comes in. He assures them they need to work together if Alan has any chance of winning the trial. Alan says he is willing to jump through hoops to win in court. They joke about marriage counselling and Lee recommends that is a good idea and they could see Gail. Alan objects that Gail is her best friend and would not be impartial after all the stories that Monica surely has told her.

Note they are not on 8/13, 8/16, 8/18, 8/20, 9/6, 9/8, 9/10, 9/13
*Episodes missing from 8/21-9/5/82

9/8 Baby Jason is crying as Susan ignores her child’s crying. Alice signs an affidavit for Susan’s case. Susan wants a drink to celebrate but Alice tells her that she has locked up the Scotch as she knows how harmful alcohol can be and she thinks it is better if she doesn’t drink for awhile as it will only make things worse. Heather encourages Susan to have a drink if she wants, and Alice yells at Heather, Susan defends her only friend. Heather tells her where the key to the cabinet is.

9/9 The next morning, Susan is having difficulty pulling herself together. She dreads going to the hospital and she is hung over. Heather feeds her some early morning straight Scotch to help her feel better. As Susan drinks, Heather offers to take Jason to the doctor. Susan says she should take him to the paediatrician. Heather points out if she runs into Alan at the hospital that wouldn’t be good, she doesn’t want him to see her this way, nor any of the other people at the hospital. Susan is stumbling and says she can pull it together as Heather gives her another drink to “steady her nerves”. Finally a drunk Susan agrees that Heather should take Jason in for his check up.

Heather brings Jason to GH and puzzles Jesse when she stands at the nurse’s station killing time waiting to be seen. Alan approaches surprised to see Heather there with Jason. She tells Alan that Susan is drinking heavily and she is helping out looking after the baby. Lee approaches and tries to warn Alan to stay out of Jason and Susan's life until after the trial. Lee warns him not see Susan, nor any of her friends and not even Jason. Lee recommends Alan waits until after the trial and then he can see him whenever he wants legally.

Scotty stops by Susan’s and finds her drunk in her nightgown. He can smell the alcohol on her. He asks who is taking care of the baby? Scotty is shocked when Susan says Heather is.

9/15 Monica shows up at ELQ and interrupts Edward meeting with Basil Corsu. She later tries to warn Laura to stay away from Scott.

At GH, Heather worries to Steve, and Audrey about her son, Steve Lars. Alan approaches as she worries whether Jeff will recover. at GH. Alan is kind towards the obviously upset Heather as she heads out. Monica approaches still looking fabulous. Alan tells her that eveytime she goes away she returns looking even more breathtaking. He asks her if she will have dinner with him. Dan is in the hospital and Jesse and Monica discuss the story that Luke was the person who stabbed him!

When Alan arrives at The Floating Rib, Heather shows Alan a bag of toys she bought to spoil Jason. He laughs over the baseball stuff that he is a bit young for it. Monica arrives and isn’t happy to see Heather. Next it is Alan’s turn not to be happy when Monica tells him that Rose and Mark are joining them. He wanted to have dinner alone with her. They talk about the Luke and Dan drama, and Rose gets upset and declares that Luke never would have hurt Dan and abruptly walks out.

9/16 Heather gloats to Scotty that she can have Alan anytime she wants him. Scotty calls her bluff and challenges her to call Alan and invite him to lunch today! She calls Alan and asks to meet with him over lunch as something dreadful has happened with Susan and Jason and she wants to discuss it with him. When she hangs up, Scotty praises that her super power is being able to manipulate people. The only person who is better at it is him, and for her not to forget it.

Basil schemes with Edward and gets Monica to show him around GH. Basil sneaks into Dan's room and pulls out his lifeline but it's the wrong line and his attempt at murder is thwarted.

At lunch at Dino’s, Heather stalls and Alan pushes her to tell him what is going on. She pretends hesitation and plays the concerned cousin that loves Jason like he is her own child. Heather tells Alan that Susan is drinking heavily, and starts first thing in the morning. Alan asks about the babysitter? She says there has been a steady stream of babysitters without consistency. Heather pretends to be sorry at sharing the news. Monica arrives and is having lunch with Basil. Monica and Alan have words, as she is jealous seeing Alan and Heather together while he is jealous of seeing her with Basil.

She argues that they don’t owe each other any explanation and obviously don’t want to have lunch with each other. Alan disagrees as he does care and he does want to have lunch with her. If he didn’t care, they wouldn’t be arguing about her having lunch with another man. They wind up kissing passionately in the middle of the restaurant as Laura asks Scotty if the court would be interested in that?

9/20 Scotty drops some papers off at Susan’s and finds her drunk and in her bathrobe. He reminds her that she has a court appearance next week and she is supposed to be portraying the wronged woman. Later, Heather lectures Susan about drinking and warns her she has to clean up and no more booze as she has a court date next week. Susan demands a drink. Heather tells her that she poured the booze down the sink and Susan can’t have anything to drink until after she appears before the judge and convinces him that she is a fit mother. She promises to turn Susan into a millionaire!

9/21 Scotty tries to talk to Alan at GH and he blows him off having no interest in talking to him since Scotty is representing Susan now. He meets with Monica for dinner at the Floating Rib. Scotty arrives and joins Alan and Monica. Alan rudely points out that he didn’t invite Scotty to sit down. Scott has some news and tells them that they have a court date for next week. Monica realizes Scotty will do anything for a buck and tells him that he disgusts her. After Scott leaves, Monica worries that Lee (her attorney) is out of town and won’t have time to prepare by next week. She knows Scotty is aware of this and that is why he got the court date so soon. Heather listens in at her moaning and smiles in satisfaction.

Back at GH after dinner, Alan is catching up on paperwork. He asks Monica if he should wait up for her. She says only if he can come up with a way of his mistress not making a fool of them next week. Basil sneaks into ICU again for another shot at killing Dan. Basil is about to go into Dan's room but is stopped by Monica. Basil makes a lame excuse and Monica shuffles him out of GH.

9/22 Heather is still trying to sober up Susan whose trial is only days away. She finds another alcohol bottle under her bed.

Alan mentions the hearing next week to Edward. Edward tells him that he won’t be here next week. He has to go to NY to raise more money for the Corso oil venture. Alan is shocked and tells his father that he needs him there for moral support. Edward suggests that he has Monica for that as Lila and Monica enter the room. Lila is shocked that Edward will be out of town but Lila promises to be there. Monica promises that she is going to relish next week and she plans on watching the bloodshed in this war of Alan’s. Alan finds Monica in the cafeteria and says that he has been looking all over the hospital for him. He tells her that Scotty wants him for a meeting in his office this afternoon. Alan tells her that he doesn’t like it, neither does Monica. She tells him that this doesn’t feel right and this could be Scotty laying a trap and she would like to be around to catch him.

Alan walks into Heather's trap at Scott’s office as she attempts to seduce him. As she plants a kiss on his lips, Scott bursts in and takes a photo of them but Monica is right behind Scott taking his picture! Monica promises to send a picture of Scotty trying to set up a blackmail attempt. Alan suggests that Monica remind him to tell her what a delight she is. Monica is enjoying herself as she says they will be laughing about this all afternoon. Scotty counters that next week after their court date the whole town will be laughing!

9/28 Alan frets to Monica as he worries that the court case begins only hours away. Lee tells Alan and Monica that Susan has a good chance of winning her case. Heather is getting Susan ready for the trial. Alan is surprised to learn that Monica is furious when Alice tells them that she signed a deposition for Susan against him. Alice tells them that Susan is family and this is the matter of Susan’s self respect. Monica complains that Susan ruined HER family. Monica snarks to Alan that he is going to wind up paying Susan $3 mil when she doesn’t deserve $3! Monica is regretting agreeing to attend the trial. She can’t stand to watch Susan take his money. He tells her that he needs her. Alan tells her that he needs her and begs her not to walk away from him now. He tells her that he needs her in the courtroom. Lila receives a summons to testify in the trial AGAINST Alan. Lila calls Monica at GH frantic. Monica promises she will be right home and that Scotty has gone too far! A somber Alan returns home and Lila tells him about the subpoena. Lila says it is highly inconsiderate to demand she appear in court on such short notice and perhaps she won’t go. Alan moans that this is a court order and yes she has to comply. Alan sits on the stairs holding his head in his hands, overwhelmed.

9/29 The Q Custody Trial: Alan and Monica discuss that perhaps Susan will come in hung over due to how much she has been drinking. They watch as a sober Susan walks in with Scotty. Susan testifies and Scotty makes it look like Susan was the helpless victim of Alan's abandonment. Lee defends Alan and points out Susan's expensive gifts that she got from her time with Alan. His hard questioning leaves Susan in tears. Then Heather testifies on Susan’s behalf, that Alan had promised to divorce Monica and to marry Susan. She also indicates Alan made advances towards her. Lee cross examines and suggests that Heather welcomed any advances. Lee puts Joe Kelly on the stand and he testifies that he found Heather in Scotty’s bed. Unfortunately, his testimony is stricken by the judge but the damage to Heather’s testimony has been done. Next it is Lila’s turn to testify and she has to admit to Alan being a multi-millionaire. Then Alice takes the stand. Afterwards, Lee tells Alan that he has no one else to call and they have’t had a single break! Monica demands that Lee put her on the stand. Alan begs her not to do this to him. Lee has no choice and calls Monica to testify next.

Monica testifies that not only did she know about the affair, she caused it as she that drove him into Susan's bed. She and Alan both knew all along that their marriage would survive, as well Susan knew that, it was after all common knowledge. Monica declares that nothing will ever end her marriage to Alan. Monica states that the only person who wasn’t aware of her and Alan loving each other was Susan. When Scotty tries to cross examine Monica, she accuses that Scotty was her attorney up until she told him that she didn’t want a sensationalised trial and he told her to get another attorney and she shuts him down. The judge makes his decision, Alan will pay Jason one million going into a trust fund for the boy. Susan will administer the trust and is responsible for setting up a guardian in the event of her death to oversee the trust. The judge rules that Susan knew Alan was married at the time of their affair and could have reasonably predicted the outcome. Susan however will get $150k to rehabilitate her and start her new career. Alan also has to pay up to $50k of Scotty’s legal fees. Susan is livid and Scotty hustles her out of the courtroom before she makes a scene.

Back home, Susan is furious as she could have gotten more out of Alan without going to court. But no, Scotty and Heather both talked her out of settling with Alan that she could get more. Alan offered her $1 mil for Jason to begin with. Susan declares that Scotty doesn’t deserve his fee. He encourages that they can appeal and she snarks so Scotty can get another big pay out.

Alan and Monica arrive home victorious and he raves about how magnificent she is. He asks her if she meant what she said on the stand? She says of course she did, she wouldn’t perjure herself. Alan tells her sincerely that she was beautiful. She agrees that when they work together they are a good team. He agrees, that they are the best. He rushes upstairs after her. Smiling, he knocks on her door. She is busy putting on a dose of perfume as he waits for her. She is undoing her zipper and invites him to come in and then asks him to help her. As he removes her blouse, he kisses her neck and turns her towards him. They continue the celebration of their victory with a passionate kiss and he takes her to bed.

10/11 Alan and Monica have dinner to celebrate his court victory over Susan. Monica was happy to be able to wipe that smug smile off of his face. Alan is very grateful for her testimony. She flirts that there are lots of ways he can show his gratitude. Heather interrupts to tell him that Susan is on the phone for him, he declares that he isn’t there. Heather tells him that the baby is sick. Alan reluctantly goes to he phone as an obviously drunk Susan tells him that Jason is sick and has a fever. Alan tells Monica he has no choice, he has to go over to the cottage and check on Jason. Monica is worried that this is a set up that Alan is walking into. Monica tries to take him out of going as Heather looks on very smugly. After Alan has left and Heather pretends concern about dear little Jason, Monica snarks that Heather only cares about his money. Monica warns Heather (the queen of blackmail) that with one phone call she can get Heather fired. Monica gloats that it would give her great pleasure.

Alan arrives at the cottage and finds Susan, the cottage, and the baby are a mess. Monica soon arrives to help Alan. He tells her that Jason has a slight fever. As Susan is drunk, Monica suggests that Alan get her cleaned up. Monica takes Jason so she can clean him up. Later, Alan and Monica meet up downstairs after their various tasks were done and share a drink as they relax together on the couch. Heather arrives home to the cottage and is shocked to find Alan and Monica lounging on the couch there together. Monica tells her that both Susan and Jason are in bed asleep and dismiss her presence.

10/12 On a rare afternoon off, Alan flirts with Monica and she looks at him suspiciously as he is in such a good mood and kisses her. Stella informs them that Lee wanted to stop by. Alan determines that even an attorney can’t ruin this beautiful day. Stella warns that Lee said it is very bad news for Alan and his money. Lee arrives and tells Alan and Monica that the judge ordered the payoff to Susan and Jason be paid within two weeks. Alan is concerned as he bought a lot of stocks at low prices but if he sells them now, he will lose a lot of money. Alan doesn’t know where he will get a million dollars. Lee points out that he is a successful doctor from a wealthy family. Alan wants to borrow money out of Alan Jr.s trust fund to pay the trust fund for Jason but Monica adamantly refuses. Monica counters that they can sell the house which Alan won’t hear of. When Lila enters, Alan gets excited that she can help him to come up with the money. She tells him that her money is tied up in Corso Oil. Lila discusses selling their investment but she knows that Edward would never go through with it as it is such a good investment. She comes up with the idea to try to borrow the $750k back from the Corso’s and pay them interest on the loan. Alan is excited as he is sure that he can come up with the remaining $250k.

10/19 Susan asks Heather to either pay her monthly rent or GET OUT! Susan blames Heather for getting her involved with the disastrous Scotty. When Susan arrives at The Floating Rib, sober for once, she catches the eye of Local mobster Anthony Hand. Hand joins her table and then offers to walk her across the street to GH to schedule an appointment for Jason with his Pediatrician. Alan not knowing who Hand is, makes insulting remarks towards Susan and Hand takes offense.

Amy warns Alan under her breath not to provoke him. After they leave, Amy breaks the news to Alan that Hand is a local mobster and runs the waterfront. Alan is devastated as he thinks Susan put out a contract on him. Monica joins Alan and he shakily tells Monica that he is dead as Susan is going to have him killed. He tells her that she put out a contract on his life, and brought the thug right into the hospital to ID him. Monica delights in poking fun at the situation and recommends that he immediately double his life insurance policy.

10/20 Scotty calls Susan and demands that he needs to see her ASAP. Scott arrives at the cottage and tells her that he thinks he can get win an appeal for Susan. Scotty warns her to keep her act clean up and not do anything that will influence the judge. Heather pipes up that the reversal could ben even less money. Scotty determines that if he thought things were headed that way that he would just withdraw the appeal. After Scotty leaves, Susan warns Heather not to mention her dating Hand to Scotty or she will kick her out. When Heather snarks that Susan needs her too much that will never happen, Susan tells her to get out though Heather knows she needs her to hold things together and help with Jason.

10/22 Alan takes a break for a quick dinner at The Floating Rib, and Susan and Hand walk in. Susan is tipsy and Heather offers her coffee, but she demands another drink. Even Hand tells her that she has had enough and tells her it is time to go. Susan drags Hand over to Alan’s table and demands that Hand meet Alan. She tells Alan that Hand likes her so much, he will do anything for her even kill for her. She enjoys the look of fear on Alan’s face.

10/25 The next morning, Alan tells Monica that he can’t go into the hospital. Monica suggests that Hand is just Susan’s latest lover. Alan is sure that Susan is setting up to have him killed. There is a loud back fire and Alan ducks behind the bed as Monica goes to the window and determines it is just the gardner. Monica is having fun at Alan's expense but insists that he go into work today and do some doctoring. Monica gets off the elevator and hears Alan calling Heather to join him for a party at The Haunted Star tonight. Monica can’t believe he just made a date with Heather. He tells her that she is going to help save his life!

10/26 At the Haunted Star, Alan flirts with Heather to get information out of her. He can’t believe how vengeful Susan is, that she put out a contract on him with local mobster Anthony Hand. Heather informs a very relieved Alan that he has it all wrong. Susan did not put a contract out on him and is dating Hand. Alan dumps Heather as soon as she is no longer of help to him.

10/27 Alan and Monica meet up at the cafeteria. Monica teases him over his involvement with a local gangster and he deserves a medal as she teases him. When he receives a message, Monica snarks that perhaps it is a challenge to a duel from Hand. Turns out it is a message from Scotty reminding him that the money is due in a week! Monica jokes that if he plays, he pays! After Alan leaves, Steve tells Monica, and Jesse that Dan is improving and the hospital board is concerned that Luke and Robert have suddenly left town without notice. They look as guilty as the Durban's. Later in Alan’s office, Alan is scrambling to raise money and when Monica walks in he asks about the diamond earrings he bought her. She warns him not on his life will she part with her diamonds. Monica sarcastically tells Alan to ask Anthony Hand for a loan and he may even loan him his girlfriend, SUSAN! 

Susan walks in to GH carrying baby Jason for his appointment. She is as drunk as ever. Audrey saves the day and takes Jason to his appointment. Alan is frustrated that Susan doesn’t care more for her son. He calls Scotty over and warns him that if he doesn’t get his client cleaned up that he will be bringing him back into court so fast his head will spin. Scotty warns Susan that she has to get a control over herself as all of these people are witnesses against her for being an unfit mother.

11/1 Reduced quality. Edward is moaning and groaning over losing their investment with Corso Oil and Luke being part of the scam. Alan runs into Leslie at GH and finds her quite upset. He teases her and tries to get her to tell him what is bothering her. She tells him that everything is wrong and she wouldn’t even know where to begin. Alan figures out the problem is Rick. She tells him that the problem is with herself as she can’t deal with all the problems since Rick left to be with Jeff after his accident. She cries that with the Sportscenter is going to have to close, Blackie is failing school, and Amy is crying all the time. Alan Edward, Leslie, Lee and the rest of the board gather to discuss the indictment proceedings over the oil swindle and subsequent prosecution. Dan argues in Luke’s favour and believes he is innocent. They are still looking for Luke who is on the run.

11/2 Monica gets a letter from her former gigolo Phillipe. She gets very excited after she reads it and lets out a victorious yell! Alan is working with Lee, furiously trying to raise the million to set up Jason’s trust fund by the deadline. Alan has sold a million dollar property for $350k! Alan is still short by $20k. Alan says he still has his CDs. Lee points out that he has property, bonds, stocks but he doesn’t want to sell right now in this depressed market as he will take such heavy losses. Alan refuses to sell anymore and asks what the court can do to him. Lee says that he can be held in contempt of court. Alan asks Lee to loan him the $20k. Lee says that he isn’t exactly a Quartermaine. Alan starts taking off all of his jewels to give to Lee, his tie clip, cuff links, watch.

An ecstatic Monica arrives at GH and happily shows Gail the letter from Phillippe and her happy news. Monica reveals that she is rich! Monica offers to buy her lunch anywhere she chooses and they are off to the cafeteria. Alan and Edward are whining to each other about their poor financial circumstances and argue over who is paying for lunch. Leslie tries to get them to donate to keep the Sportscenter open. Edward groans that he has already donated $1k. Alan is encouraging to save face. Leslie has no idea how bad their financial situation is as they decide on having hot dogs as they are cheap.

When Edward and Alan arrive home, they find a glowing Monica trying on a fur coat. Edward expectantly asks if they have come into money? Monica clarifies that SHE did, not them. She reads the letter to them informing her that her wine investment was sold and she is the newest Quartermaine millionaire. He can’t believe that if he had only known 24 hours sooner, he wouldn’t have taken such heavy losses. She says that wouldn’t have happened as it is her money and she never would have paid off Alan’s debt. She gloats that she may not be a real Quartermaine but she is the only rich one!

11/4 Monica goes to the bank with Alan to meet with Mr. Carlson and set up the trust. Heather is trying to help hungover Susan get ready to go to the bank. Heather, Scotty, and Susan arrive at the bank. Monica comments on Susan looking ill and recommends some aspirin and tomato juice as a good hang over recipe. Scotty invites everyone to go out for a drink and Susan likes that idea. Lee tells Scott that he doesn’t want to go anywhere with him and leaves. Monica tells Scotty that he could be disbarred for his actions. Susan defends that her son deserves that money. He suffered, they have both suffered because of what Alan has done. She declares that Jason deserves a good life and to be respected. Monica snipes that Jason isn’t going to be respected by anyone and Susan slaps her as Scotty pulls her away. Alan takes Monica and tells her it is time to go. Monica tells Susan that she has her money and now be a good little lush and stay away from them.

Monica comes into Alan’s office later to find him sitting glumly in defeat. Monica tells him that she is proud of the way he handled himself and the Quartermaines handled this with dignity. He asks if she will still be his friend even though he is penniless. She comforts him that he will go home to have a quiet evening and she will even make him a drink. They determine that is all settled and he jokes that is the best settlement he has had all day. He is grateful that at least he still has her and kisses her. She agrees that he has her at least for tonight.

11/10 Edward wants to make drastic changes to their household budget and he wants to fire Stella today! Lila of course won’t hear of it. When Alan and Monica enter the living room, Edward tells them that they have to make steep cuts and he complains that Lila thinks it is funny. She disagrees. Meanwhile, Monica raves that she is going to head over to Delfina’s and buy her out!

Susan complains to Heather that she and Scotty ruined her relationship with Hand. She specifically told her to be out of the house and her and Scott were lounging around deliberately trying to ruin her relationship with Anthony. Susan throws Heather out as she tells her this will be the biggest mistake of her life and she refuses to ever help Susan again.

Monica and Alan run into Susan who is shopping at Delfina’s for elegant expensive dresses. Alan is disturbed as he overhears that Susan is going on a 6 week Mediterranean cruise. He tells Monica that she can’t afford that and she says she does now that she has a rich son. Alan confronts Susan and wants to know who will be taking care of Jason while she is on this cruise. She says her aunt Alice will be happy to take care of him. After Susan leaves, Delphina raves about Susan buying out half the store. Monica warns Alan about going over to Susan’s. Alan is upset and tells Monica that he is going to make sure that Jason receives the care he deserves. He will stop over there anytime to make sure the boy is okay. Alan arrives at the cottage to see his son and she says that Alice took him to work with her. Alan is disgusted by her continued drinking and threatens that he will take the boy away from her. Susan points out that there is no way Monica will allow the boy into her home.

Later at GH, Alan confides to Lee about Susan’s heavy drinking and how it is affecting his son. He doesn’t know why he settled with her, Susan is an unfit mother and the cottage is a mess. Lee understands what heavy drinking can do to a person. He asks Lee what he can do about this? Lee suggests that Alan discuss pursuing a custody suit with Monica as she will be drawn into it.

At home, Alan tells her what a disaster the cottage is. He says that Susan is an out of control drunk and he can’t stand seeing him brought up in this environment. Monica seems very understanding. Alan asks her if he goes to court to get custody that she will support him? She soundly says NO that she has to think of Alan Jr and she will not have his other child in her home. Monica throws Alan out of her bedroom and tells him he isn’t sleeping there tonight.

11/18 Susan gets a romantic card with flowers from Scotty.

Alan asks Edward to come to GH so he can talk to Jason as he is very concerned about him. Monica enters just as Alan is saying that Jason is not receiving proper care from his mother. Edward proclaims that Alan is just too soft and lets women walk all over him. They go to lunch at The Floating Rib to continue to discuss. Heather comes over to their table and Alan is abrupt that they have important matters to discuss, wanting her to leave them alone. She claims to understand his concerns since she has moved out of Susan’s. He is horrified and wants to know who is looking out after Jason!

Alan freaks out and complains that Edward is ordering drinks as Jason is fighting for his life. Edward advises if Alan wants to keep his marriage together that he forget about Jason. He states that Jason was a mistake, nothing Alan ever wanted or planned. Monica walks in as they are arguing. Alice stops by to tell Alan that Heather has stopped drinking. After she leaves, Alan fumes that Susan is only doing this to take away Alan’s only option of getting Jason by declaring she is an unfit mother. Monica says it is in Jason’s best interest for Susan to stop drinking. Monica even offers that she will pay for Susan to go to rehab, surprising Alan. She observes it would be in all of their best interests for Susan to be sober.

**The End**

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