Alan & Monica #5 November 24, 1982 - March 2, 1983: 8 hour original edit

Dvd #5A A drunk Susan empties a martini at the Versailles Room and orders another one as Scotty tries to stop her. Gail calls Alan and informs him that Susan is drinking heavily with Scotty by her side. Monica couldn't care less but Alan is worried about Jason. Monica will not get involved if Susan has a death wish. Alan is upset that Monica would leave Jason to be raised by an alcoholic mother. Monica tells Alan off and refuses to go to the Versailles Room with him. He walks away and rethinking it, she rushes after him.

Meanwhile, Susan continues to drink and causes quite a scene as she is knocking drinks over. He offers to help her with any problems she has and offers to help her invest Jason’s money. She calls him her knight in shining armour as he promises to keep her safe. Alan walks in and confronts Susan. He declares that he doesn’t care about her at all, only about his son. Monica enters just behind him as smug Scotty observes Alan brought along the big guns. Monica calls him a snake.

Note: 11/25 Thanksgiving episode missing, don’t know if A&M appeared.

11/26 When Heather arrives at The Rib, she overhears as Susan is asking Alice to look after Jason’s Trust Fund. Alice then recommends that Susan that Alan would be the most logical choice to handle and invest Jason’s money. Heather interrupts to argue that she is shocked Susan is considering Alan. Heather warns Susan to NOT give Alan the money set aside for Jason. After Heather walks away, she continues to listen in as Alice urges her that Alan would know what to do with that kind of money. Heather says under her breath, “Over my dead body!” Heather returns to declare that it would be a big mistake to appoint Alan as Jason’s financial advisor. She continues that it also wouldn’t be right to appoint Scotty, that it shouldn’t be some stranger, perhaps someone in the family. Susan snarks, “Someone like you perhaps?” Heather tries to cover by suggesting Alice, like she didn’t already know Alice turned that offer down. Susan sarcastically points out that just leaves Heather?

Later, Susan asks Scotty who he thinks should be Jason’s financial advisor, and asks him what about Alan? He immediately says that would be a bad idea as Alan is a doctor not a financial advisor. Susan then agrees with Scotty that he is right that would be a mistake. Scotty picks up their lunch tab and gives “Aunt Alice” a kiss on the check, and then asks Susan to give Jason a big hug from him, as he kisses her briefly on the lips. Susan admits she is liking Scotty more and more!

12/9 Alan wakes in bed to find Monica staring at him. She tells him how cute he is, like a big stuffed panda. He prefers being a Bengal Tiger. They are being very lovely dovey as they kiss and flirt, and try to ignore the ringing phone. He is happy when answered to get great news about his stock portfolio and he happily tells Monica he is no longer cash poor, but flush again! She is annoyed over the interruption, but he offers her a trip to NYC and enjoy a suite at their favourite hotel.

Later at GH, Steve arranges a photo shoot with the two of them for a newspaper article on the married doctors. While they are posing for pictures, Amy tells Alan that Susan is getting worse every day and Heather is trying to take over his life. Amy continues that Alice is worried about what kind of games Heather is up to. Alan gets upset at the news that Heather is trying to get control over Jason. He tells her he can’t possibly go to NY as he will have to stay here and take action to protect Jason. Monica is peeved and walks away, telling him to enjoy his weekend.

In the cafeteria, Gail asks Monica what is wrong. Monica admits that every time the subject of Susan and her little brat comes up, that Monica just looses it. She does admire that Alan is not walking away from his responsibility towards the child. Gail understands that Susan is interfering with Monica’s life. She asks Gail what she should do? Gail recommends that she decide to do everything in her power to make her relationship with Alan work. Gail warns her that just walking away is not the best course of action, that Monica should share her feelings, even her anger with Alan. Monica moans that he will just get angry back at her. Gail assures her that at least they would be communicating, and that is better than just walking away.

Heather is being very nice to a very hungover Susan. She makes Susan a morning cocktail, and then offers to make her another one. Susan is already slurring her words as she declares that Heather doesn’t care about her as Heather only gets involved when there is something in it for her. Heather plays innocent that she took the day off work without pay, to take care of Susan. She tries to make Susan see that Scott is just using her and reminds her that Heather is her family. Alice arrives and is disturbed to see Susan is already drunk. Susan isn’t feeling well so Alice takes her upstairs. Heather tries to get Alice to sign over a document giving Heather permission to let her take care of Jason, if anything happens to her. Alice refuses as Susan hasn’t signed it and goes upstairs.

When Susan comes downstairs, Heather gives her another drink and tells her she is helping her out by paying her utility bills and has Susan sign some checks, and then slide the legal document giving her power over Jason and Susan signs away, no clue what she is doing. When Alice comes down, Susan is passed out on the couch. Heather asks her again to sign the document, pointing out that Susan has signed it. She asks in the condition Susan is in, did she have any clue what she was signing? Alice asks Susan if she signed any paper for Heather, and she mumbles that yes she did. Susan tells Alice that Heather has been wonderfully supportive of her lately, and Alice takes that as she is agreeing.

Monica walks into Alan’s office, and he has made plane, hotel, and dinner reservations and working with a scalper to get tickets to the hottest show in town. He asks her what she wanted to say to him, but she is rather speechless. She stumbles in agreement that she can be ready to make the noon flight.

12/10 Susan sees the photo of Alan and Monica in the paper regarding the happily married couples at GH. Over at GH as Noah and Monica are cleaning up after surgery, she gives him advice to talk to Tiffany. Monica is reading to check out of her shift as she is finally done with her patients. Alan joins her and he tells Jessie he is checking out as well. A drunken Susan brings Jason to GH and hands him to Alan. Alan asks Heather, “How many?” Heather says three Bloody Marys. He asks Heather to take baby Jason to Alice’s when he is done with his doctor appointment. He warns her that he doesn’t want Susan anywhere near her son.

Alan reports that he will be at the Plaza in NYC and leaves the hospital with Monica. Susan annoyed at no getting his attention, leaves Heather holding Jason and announces she is going to the nearest bar. Laura T and Scotty are kissing at the office. Susan walks in on them and leaves furiously, drunk and upset. While Scotty is telling Heather about Susan’s condition, they hear the sound of a car crash outside, he drops the phone and runs to the window.

12/13 Alan and Monica are private breakfast in their NY suite. She suggests they walk through Central Park and do some shopping on 5th Avenue. Alan gets a call from GH, they inform him about Susan’s accident. Alan worriedly asks if baby Jason was with her? Alan tells Monica that Susan was in a car accident and is in surgery but they don’t think she will make it. Alan tells Monica that Susan drove into a wall on the waterfront, and she was very drunk. Alan tells Monica that he needs to get back home to look after Jason. Monica assures him that the baby is fine and is surely with Alice or Heather. He tells her that he has to go, she is the mother of his child. He invites Monica to stay in NY and he will take the first plane back. Monica begins packing to go home with him. When he tells her that she doesn’t have to do this, she says she has been with him through this nightmare this far, she isn’t backing out now. He thanks her and they hug.

Alan and Monica arrive at GH, and Alan urgently goes to catch up with Alice and Heather. They admit that Susan was drinking, but Heather feels that something happened to upset her. She suggests that they talk to the last person Susan saw, which was Scotty. He approaches and Alan blames him for allowing Susan to drive drunk. Scotty says he didn’t know Susan was going to drive into a wall. Alan blames Scotty for Susan's accident and yells at him.  An upset Alice interrupts them arguing and points out that Susan is in there fighting for her life. Scotty declares that he cares about Susan and he would have done anything to prevent that accident. Gail and Lee approach and ask if there is anything they can go. Alan demands that they keep Scotty away from him. Gail fills Lee in that a drunk Susan was at Scotty’s just before the accident and he didn’t stop her from driving. They point out that Alan saw a drunk Susan earlier in the day. He defended that he had seen her much worse than that and with the blood alcohol level, she obviously drank more after she left GH.

Susan goes into cardiac arrest. Alan worries that if Susan doesn’t live what will happen to Jason, who will take care of him? Alan begs for Susan to live, for Jason’s sake.

12/17 Reduced quality video. Alan arrives at the cottage where Heather and Alice are caring for Jason. Alice brings Jason down so he can have breakfast with his daddy. Heather plays the charming hostess offering coffee and croissants. Alan notices how clean the cottage is. Heather points out that she moved around the furniture and put a chair in front of the fire so he can have some place to sit and read and spend time with Jason. Heather upsets Alice talking about life after Susan’s death. Heather worries about who will get the cottage, and she worries about Scotty’s influence over Susan. Alan sternly states that Scotty will not get a dime from Susan!

At the hospital, Susan begs Scott to marry her so Heather won't get a penny. Alan checks in on Susan and Amy tells him that she is about the same, in and out of consciousness. Amy tells Alan that Susan keeps asking for Scotty. When Scotty walks in, Alan tells him that he can’t see Susan and to leave. Mark enters and says that he asked Scotty to come see Susan. He insists that Susan has begun to fight since Scotty arrived as though she has something to live for. Alan storms out threatening to go over Mark’s head. Scotty asks Mark if he considered Susan’s request. Mark says he will have to confirm with Susan. Soon Mark is witnessing a bedside marriage for Susan and Scotty. Heather arrives to see the ceremony in progress, and she tries to interrupt the wedding and Mark has to kick her out.

12/20 The next morning, Alan sits by Susan’s bedside. He is hostile when Scotty arrives, but Scotty informs him that he is now Susan’s husband and he would prefer that Alan stay away from HIS wife! Alan demands to see Dr. Dante urgently. When Alan sees Alice, he questions her if Susan really married Scotty? Alice asks Alan to give the marriage a chance as Scotty loves Susan and he is really good to her. Alan determines that the only reason Scotty married Susan was for Jason’s bank account, that is the only thing she loves. Alice warns him that Scotty is now Jason’s step father and he is going to be spending a lot of time with Jason and Alan will just have to get used to it.

Alan comes into the Versaille Room and heads straight for Scotty’s table. Scotty is less than thrilled to see Alan. He can’t believe that Scotty went through with it and tells him how disgusting he is. Alan promises him that he isn’t going to be Susan’s financial advisor nor will he get his hands on any of Jason’s money. He threatens that he will kill Scotty if he touches Jason. Scotty snarks that is going to be kinda hard since he will be changing his diaper. Alan slugs Scotty, knocking him to the floor.

12/23 Alan moans to Edward that Heather tricked Susan into signing the paper. He wants Edward’s advice. Edward reminisces about Alan as a child enjoying the sound of Edward’s voice, and how adorable he was. He continues that as Alan gets older, the less adorable he becomes. Alan accuses him of trying to change the subject, which Edward admits. Edward complains, that if he was to listen to ONE more word about THOSE people and THAT baby, he will join Lila in Palm Beach. Monica enters and sighs asking if Alan is singing the same old song? She isn’t sure what he doesn’t understand, Susan is the wife, Scotty is the husband and Jason is the child, it is called a family unit. Alan argues but Jason is HIS son! Monica wishes he wouldn’t keep reminding her of that. She tries to be understanding and forgiving but that is a sore spot. He does NOT want his son living in the same house as Scotty Baldwin. Monica suggests that she would have more sympathy towards him if he was as concerned with Alan Jr as he is with Jason’s well being.

Edward advises that Jason has plenty of people taking care of him and Alan should just move on. Monica accuses that Alan Jr does not get plenty of attention from his father. Edward warns that if Alan isn’t careful, Jason’s money will fall into Scotty’s open grubby hands. Edward wants Alan to sue for custody to get Jason away from Heather and Scotty. Monica insists over her dead body! Alan worries what happens if Susan dies? Edward claims that Scotty gets everything! Alan declares that even knowing how Monica feels about Jason, even she couldn’t want to see the child fall into Scotty and Heather’s hands and that is exactly what will happen if Susan dies.

At GH, as she lies in the ICU, Scott asks Susan for her to give him Power of Attorney. When she doesn’t immediately agree, he claims he doesn’t want her to get upset, he just wants to be able to help her by paying the bills, ect. He points out that she can rescind the POA at anytime, so she agrees and signs the document. Alan goes over to the bank to take over Jason’s financial affairs. The banker refuses unless he has Power of Attorney over Susan’s finances. Scotty arrives demanding to see the banker and turns over the POA. Alan is furious and Scotty entices him to hit him as it would be a year in state prison.

Alan goes to Lee and tells him he needs his help as Susan has given Scotty POA which gives him control over Jason’s money and Jason is now at his mercy. Alan yells at Lee demanding that he help him, but Lee points out there is nothing he can do as any judge will decide it is perfectly reasonable for Susan’s husband to have POA. They wind up yelling at each other and Lee tells him he can’t help him after the fact. Lee suggests that Alan go over to the hospital and talk to Susan! When Alan arrives, Susan doesn’t care about his opinion. She points out he gave up any rights when he walked out on her and Jason. Scotty enters and orders him to leave as he isn’t Susan’s doctor.

12/24 A glowing Monica arrives at GH and declares it is going to be a perfect Christmas. Amy shares that all of the children are going crazy waiting for the party to begin. Monica joins Alan in the lounge area and notices the box of chocolates. She recognises they aren’t her favourites and realizes he brought them for Susan and she gets snarky. Alan surprises her with a diamond necklace. She is stunned into speechlessness, though she declares it must have cost a fortune. As she declares she is speechless, he says well then it was worth it!

Alan brings the chocolates into Susan. Scotty comes in just behind him carrying Jason in his arms. Susan is thrilled to see her son and is so grateful to Scotty for thinking of it. Alan turns and walks away, leaving her chocolates on the table. Monica joins him and asks if he is okay? He is very somber and she encourages that it was thoughtful of him to bring Susan the present. He is surprised as he thought she was annoyed? She tells him that he can’t believe every word she says. She acknowledges that sometimes she has an acid tongue and then regrets the words as soon as they are out of her mouth. She tells him that she loves him and loves her present, showing him the necklace. Monica tells him that Edward brought Alan Jr. to the Christmas party. Alan is happy to hear this, and reminds her that he is THEIR son! They join the Christmas party as the children are singing a carol, and then Steve tells them the Christmas story. Santa comes in with presents for the children.

Meanwhile, Scotty is in Susan’s room for the 5 minutes he can come in to see her once an hour. He hands off Jason to Alice to hold. Susan laments this isn’t much of a Christmas for him and gives him and out of their marriage, but of course he turns her down.

12/27 Cute scene as Alan and AJ sit beside the Quartermaine Christmas tree, watching the train run around it. Monica takes the boy off to his lunch and comes back in to talk to Alan. He admits that he is scared to death for Jason. Edward complains about the weather and wants to know where is Mikkos Cassidine when he is needed (though he froze the city, and didn’t make it warmer). When Edward notices how cranky Alan is, Monica offers that he is suffering from Scotty Baldwin Headache Syndrome. Edward jokes that common symptoms are loss of money, loss of respect, and Monica chimes in loss of child. Alan is annoyed with them though Monica says a rainy day is the perfect time to play palor games. Monica picks up the newspaper to find an article about local attorney marrying woman in ICU. Alan takes off to the hospital to talk to Susan. Edward gets up like he is going to try to stop him and Monica advises not to. She points out that Alan is worried and he has every right to be.

Alan visits Susan and tells her that he is concerned that Scotty doesn’t really care for her and only married her for the money. He asks what has Scotty ever done to show her he cares? Susan snarks that he married her and that is more than Alan ever did! She goes on to tell him that this is none of his business and Scotty will make a wonderful father. She assures him that he has changed and was wonderful with Jason at Christmas.

Alan comes home slamming the front door, as Monica and Edward are playing cards. He complains that Susan wouldn’t even listen, she actually believes that Scotty really loves her. She points out that Susan has made her decision and Alan has no choice but to accept it. Alan says he could accept another man as Jason’s father but NOT Scotty as he has no heart, and no ability to be a father. Edward wants him to stop worrying about the child and be concerned about the money only. Alan stomps off and says he is going to where he should have gone in the first place. Monica grabs her coat and follows him out, instinctively knowing where he is going.

Alan is playing with Jason at the cottage with a little train. Monica walks in and Alan is surprised to see her there. He hands Jason to her and asks her to admit what a beautiful boy he is as she holds him. She grudgingly admits that the boy is beautiful. Alan insists that he must have some rights concerning his son. He talks baby talk as he plays with the boy, and touched Monica grabs his face and kisses him. Alan points out that they are sitting in his ex-mistresses cottage on the floor with his illegitimate child and asks her the reason why she is giving him kisses. She softly admits that she just wanted him to know how much she cares about him, and the side of him he is showing right now. He gives her a kiss in return, for just being there for him.

12/30 Scotty meets Susan in the lounge area as she is out of bed for the first time. Scotty has brought her a huge stuffed bear for Jason. She raves about how thoughtful it is. He just wants a happy new step son. Alan fumes when he sees the “ridiculous bear” that Scotty has brought. He determines that he will have to talk to Susan about that as the bear is too large for Jason. Monica asks when he is going to give this up? She says she hasn’t seen him this obsessed since her affair with Rick. She tells him that it is high time for him to pull himself together.

Later Monica confides in Gail about how concerned Alan is over Scotty becoming Jason’s step-father. Gail defends that Alan is feeling diminished as Jason’s father for the first time. Monica worries that Alan is so obsessed that he could do something irrational, he acted like a mad man when Monica was considering a divorce. Gail advises that Alan needs to be reminded that he is Jason’s father and nothing will change that. She continues that Monica should not underestimate Alan’s anger, as anger like that can be very dangerous to Alan and to Monica. She suggests that Monica help Alan diminish that anger before he completely loses control. Monica then tells Alan that she has come to her senses and she has been very unfair and unreasonable while he has kind and patient. She apologies for berating him over his concern for Jason. He is touched by her reaching out and begins raving to Monica about how smart and wonderful Jason is. As Scotty wheels Susan by with the huge bear, Monica tries to distract his attention. Alan grimaces at the idea of that man being Jason’s step father.

Alan comes into the Versaille Room learns that Heather no longer works there, as she is now working for Scotty. Alan groans that he was hoping Heather and Scotty would be at each other’s throats by now but instead, they are in cahoots and working together!

12/31 Scotty takes Susan home to the cottage. She is thrilled to be home and tells him that it is a very special New Year’s for her, she is alive. She tells him that she plans on straightening out her life and he offers her a ginger ale. They toast to their future.

1/4 Alan asks Rick for some advice on Scotty and Susan. Talk turns to illegitimate sons (as Alan had thought Rick was Alan Jrs father). Rick observes that Scotty seems like he really cares about Susan and Jason. Alan insists it is just an act.

Monica sits with Alan and she brings up their missing vacation that was cut short. She asks when they can reschedule that. He is aghast that she would suggest he go out of town right now. Cute flirty scene as she wants to go to the art show, but he wants to go home and take a hot bath. She promises that if he goes to the art show with her, and they can get into the hot tub together.

Edward comes home to find a strange young man waiting to see him. Jimmy Lee greets Edward to tell him he is his son! Edward just laughs at the idea. Jimmy Lee shows him his birth certificate showing that Edward Quartermaine is the father. Edward accuses him of being an imposted as his son’s name is Eric. Jimmy Lee shares that his foster parents preferred the name Jimmy Lee. Edward wants to know what the hustle is for? Is he after money? Jimmy Lee is insulted and tells him that he just came here to pay his respects. He storms out.

1/5 Stella lets slip to Edward that Robert was very helpful to Lila. She is referring to when Lila hired him a year ago to track down his son Eric (Jimmy Lee). Edward doesn’t know about the arrangement between Lila and Robert, and it was quite awhile ago and wasn’t referred to again. Edward tells Alan and Monica about Jimmy Lee's story. Monica is ready to give Jimmy Lee some money and send him on his way. Monica also points out that if he is an imposter, that there will be no proof of his claim so lets blackmail out of the question. After she leaves for the hospital, Alan surmises that what concerns Edward the most is that Jimmy Lee really is his son! Edward says of course not as he doesn’t even have the right name! He is calling himself Jimmy Lee Holt and he has a midwestern accent with yokel looks and not an ounce of Q blood. Stella fills them in that Lila gave her permission for her to tell Edward that she had hired Robert to find Jimmy Lee. He had found the boy in Europe but never approached him as Lila just wanted him found.

Stella finds the picture of Jimmy Lee from his military school graduation and Edward insists that is a Quartermaine face and he doesn’t look at all like the country bumpkin that just showed up. Edward declares he paid for the best schools for Eric. An accident on the waterfront lands Jimmy Lee in at GH. Monica treats him but doesn't know he is Edward's son. Edward asks Stella to call Robert and tell him he needs to see him immediately. Robert

gives Edward all his notes on his investigation on Eric. He tells Edward how to prove if he is a phony or not. At the hospital, Alan tells her that they now have proof that the imposter is a fake as he does not even vaguely look like the picture Edward has of Eric. Later, Alan tells Monica that Robert is going to help run this Jimmy Lee character out of town. Monica had only heard the name Eric, and didn’t know that he was know going by Jimmy Lee.

1/11 Jimmy Lee is entertaining the nurses and patients of GH with his down home charm. Robert and Alan are standing outside his room, Robert observes that he is charming everyone. He is there to determine if he is a fraud. Alan waits outside as Robert questions Jimmy Lee as to see if he is really Edward’s son. Robert points out that he looks nothing like the pictures of Eric Quartermaine. Robert tells the Q's that he can prove if Jimmy lee is Edward’s son. He is having a footprint expert to match up against the footprints they have on Eric’s birth certificate. Edward grouches that he wants this done as soon as possible as he wants this fraud exposed! Robert meets with the print man and then reports to Edward and Alan that the results will be back in an hour.

Edward and Alan go back to Alan’s office and throw each other’s mistresses in the other’s face. Robert and the print man approach Edward, Alan, and Monica. The tests are back and Robert breaks the news to Edward that it is a 100% match, with no doubt and Jimmy Lee is definitely his son. Edward fumes that this is faked and he is sure the young man is an imposter. He demands Robert proves it. Robert will pull in his WSB ties and have Jimmy Lee’s background checked. Edward comforts Jimmy Lee and tells him the show is over. Edward refuses to believe that Jimmy Lee is his son. He accuses him of only wanting money. Jimmy Lee insists he doesn’t want his money. Edward calls him a liar, a thief and a fraud.

1/13 Susan finds a note from the bank handling Jason’s trust addressed to Scotty and curious, she opens it. Susan confronts Scott that she knows half of Jason's trust went to the Waterfront project. Susan removes Scotty as power of attorney for Jason. Alan sees the Quartermaine birthmark on Jimmy Lee's right arm and realizes he really is a Q. He talks out loud to himself that he can’t believe that it is true! Alan tries to get through to the mansion but the phone is busy. Alan tells Monica about finding the Q birthmark on his right arm. Alan can’t believe it but Jimmy Lee is a Quartermaine and his half brother! Monica assures him that this is not his problem, but Edward’s! Edward learns that Beatrice (Jimmy Lee's mother) was never used the money he was sending her every month. Beatrice sent Jimmy Lee (Eric) to stay with cousins in the mid west who actually raised the boy. Edward tries to write off Jimmy Lee but he refuses the money. Edward arrives in Jimmy Lee’s room and sees the birthmark.

1/17 Jimmy Lee literally bumps into Monica at the hospital (funny scene). She grabs him to stop him from falling but she can’t quite lift him all the way up so they stand in the hallway with Jimmy Lee in her arms. He flirts with her outrageously with a beautiful smile as he has his arms wrapped around her. She doesn’t want to drop him on the floor so allows him to hang onto her as he pretends to be oh so weak and unable to stand on his own. Gail comes upon them and he is now supported with his arms wrapped around both ladies. Once they have him back in bed, Jimmy Lee fakes heart pain to get Monica to come close to him to listen to it. He gives her a big grin and tells her how good she smells as he continues to flirt with her. She snaps at him surprising Gail. Monica realizes his game and makes her quick departure, annoyed with his attention. Out in the hall, Gail confronts Monica over her less than professional behaviour. Gail shares that she knows who Jimmy Lee is, Monica is annoyed that so many people know about who he is. She is SO over being embarrassed by the Quartermaine activities.

Anthony Hand comes over to the cottage and wants Susan to invest Jason’s money in the mall project. He warns Susan that she will be a widow soon if she doesn’t give Scotty access to the kid’s money. She refuses and declares that Jason’s money will stay safe in the bank. Hand warns her that her actions will rub certain people the wrong way. He gives her vague threats about her safety if she rocks the boat but she continues to refuse him. He tries to entice her with promises of riches but she stands firm. Later, Scotty walks in bruised and battered from being attacked. Scotty continues to try to get her to invest Jason’s money and promises that it is a good sound investment and he could double Jason’s money. She doubts the mall will even be built at the rate Scotty is going. She continues to refuse and tells him he got himself into this mess. He calls her a fool. She says maybe she is but no one is beating her up. She warns him not to send Hand snivelling around her anymore and if he does to not bother to come home again.

1/18 Scotty begs her to look over the papers and she agrees to do so as he stares at her eagerly. Susan won't budge and tells him it is no use. He can present anything he likes on paper but she knows Hand is involved. She questions how could he think for even a moment that she would use Jason’s money for a “mob kind of a thing”. She tells him to forget it! The money will stay invested in T-Bills and bonds. He is desperate and reminds her of everything he has done for her, cooking and cleaning and waiting on her for months. She suggests that he should have told her about the price he wanted her to pay upfront. Scotty warns Susan that if she doesn't give him the money for the mall, he tells her he will be as dead as Luke. He goes on to suggest that they will kill him and then Susan and Jason! She doesn’t believe him for a minute, and states that Hand will never touch her or Jason.

Susan receives a package addressed to Susan Moore. Puzzled, she opens the box to find a locket with a picture of her on one side and Alan on the other. It is engraved “A & S”. She is touched and sad as she shares that Alan had ordered this during their trip together. She tortures herself over the misery and grief Alan has caused her, the pain of the breakup. Susan’s heart has hardened towards him and all she wants is revenge against Alan. Susan answers the door to a down on his heels older man, Crane Tolliver. Tolliver says he has come to do her a great favor. He promises he can make them both very rich, and informs her that it concerns the Quartermaine family.

1/19 Alan and Monica are in Jimmy Lee’s room. Gail has offered to help him get a job out of town, but he tells them he has decided to stay in PC. Alan demands to know what is up to? He informs them he plans on staying put right where he is close to “family”. After they walk out disappointed at this news, Jimmy Lee confides to his roommate he isn’t planning on staying but he enjoys needling them and watching them squirm. Jimmy Lee admits that when they give him a hard time, he doesn’t mind giving it right back to them. Jimmy Lee continues to flirt with the nurses, embarrassing Alan. Alan approaches as Jimmy Lee is flirting with Amy and another young nurse in the lounge area. He questions why Jimmy Lee is up walking around and observes his doctor wouldn’t like that. Jimmy Lee points out that he is supposed to be walking around to get stronger as he will be released in a few days. Alan tells Amy he is going to the cafeteria for coffee. After he walks away, Jimmy Lee suggests that is a great idea to go for coffee and Amy gets permission from Jesse to take her break so she can join him.

Monica is steaming as Jimmy Lee flirts with the nurses in the cafeteria. She warns Alan she will not live the rest of her life being embarrassed by Jimmy lee. She wants Alan to stop him and do it now, but Alan has no clue how to do that! Alan takes out his frustration by complaining to Jesse. He tells her he wants to lodge a complaint about seeing two nurses down in the cafeteria having coffee with a patient. He plays up the shock of seeing nurses laughing and flirting with a patient. Jesse points out that the nurses were on a break and there is no hospital policy against having coffee with a patient. Alan tells her he is shocked, absolutely shocked that Jesse supports this fraternisation with patients. Alan is horrified that they were fawning all over him. Jesse says he is very popular with the nurses, they want to vote him as patient of the month. Alan snarks more like con artist of the month! Jesse shares that she finds him utterly delightful.

Tolliver tells Susan that he has information that could ruin the Quartermaines. Susan throws him out and doesn’t want to hear his tale as he declares he can blow them sky high. Scotty returns and continues his campaign and Susan in a furious argument and she throws him out of the house. Later, Crane pushes his way back into Susan's cottage and gets right to the point. He tells her there are no Quartermaine heirs because Lila Quartermaine is still married to him! An early marriage to Lila ended when Crane went to jail. The divorce was never finalized and Alan and Tracy are illegitimate! Susan begins to grin as the enormity of this revelation begins to sink in and her mind starts reeling.

1/20 Scott and Heather are shown waking up in each other’s arms. Scott has a plan to gain control of Susan's money. He forges Susan's signature on court documents, giving him power of attorney. The bank manager phones Susan to confirm she gave the authority, but is talking to Heather instead! "Susan" gives Mr. Carlson permission for Scott to invest the money in the mall project. Susan learns about Jimmy Lee being Edward’s illegitimate son and writes a handwritten note.

Dvd #5B 1/21 The next morning, Monica and Alan are puzzled to receive invitations for a meeting with Susan at the cottage. Alan calls Susan and tells her that she won’t see any of them at her cottage. He says he can't imagine any reason they will show up at her cottage. She tells him that she has a message for them from Crane Toliver. When the name doesn't mean anything to him, Susan suggests he mention the name to his parents. When Edward returns home, Alan mentions the name “Crane Tolliver” to Edward and he freezes. Edward asks why he is bringing up that name. Alan fills him in that Susan mentioned it and has information about him but will only give the information at her cottage tonight. Edward icily refuses to answer their questions and says he has to talk to Lila first. Meanwhile, Susan can't wait to see the looks on their faces as she drops the bombshell. Tolliver leaves and wishes her success, saying too bad he can't be there to see their reactions.

Lila has returned home after an extended trip away with the excuse she has been in a car accident to cover for Anna Lee’s health issues, she is now wearing a neck brace. She shocks Alan and Monica by reporting she was married to Crane Tolliver and he was hired Robert Scorpio to search for Jimmy Lee last year as there is no blood relative to carry on with ELQ when she and Edward are no longer able to as Alan and Monica are doctors and available (no mention made of Tracy). Edward is shocked that she would consider that “two bit hustler” as his successor! Anna Lee merely wanted to determine if Jimmy Lee was capable of carrying on. Alan interjects that Jimmy Lee is not capable of tying his shoes! He also notes that he is being released from the hospital today.

The Q's arrive at Susan's and as they are demanding information from her about what this is all about, the door rings and Jimmy Lee walks in! Jimmy Lee sweetly greets Lila. Susan tells them all that she has a message from Crane Tolliver and that even Lila doesn’t know. She was not formerly married to Tolliver that she is STILL married to him and she is a bigamist and Alan and Tracy are as illegitimate as Jimmy Lee! She shows them the divorce certificate showing that the judge never signed it and the divorce wasn’t finalise so she was never divorced from Crane Tolliver. Poor Lila nearly faints. As she opens the door inviting them all to leave, Alan warns her she will not get away with this! She suggests they all go home and enjoy being there while they still can!

1/27 Scotty is nervous when he finds a letter arrival from the Bank. Not wanting Susan to see the letter authorizing his power of attorney, he is able to pocket it after several missed attempts. Once she walks out, he sets it on fire and throws it in the fireplace.

Lila runs smack into Susan at GH and Lila is quite civil as Susan figures she hates her and would like to see her dead. Lila realizes she is just angry over Alan leaving her. Susan admits she wants to see Alan ruined. Lila observes and all of the Quartermaines along with him. She points out that her vendetta against the Qs will also hurt Jason as he has Quartermaine blood as well. Lila admits she can’t stop her but someone else in the family surely will. Susan retorts that if she doesn’t want to see her family dynasty ruined she will give her money. Lila advises those that seek to destroy often wind up destroyed themselves.

1/28 Alan comes across his gun in his desk and pulls it out and holds it looking at it. Monica walks in and is horrified and she orders him to put it away. She worries that he is thinking about using it again? He teases her that it is a very pleasant possibility to consider. Edward walks in and wants to know if they snuck away from the hospital to plot something? They hear a noise outside and go peer out the window, Alan still holding the gun. Edward says Quartermaine’s don’t have to use guns, they use their wits! Monica questions then what his plan is, though he laments that he has no idea. Lila shares with them that the run in with Susan at GH has exhausted her. Lila says she tried to be polite but Susan made the encounter very awkward. Edward informs his family that he is going to put his PI finding Tolliver. Edward asks if she has any pictures of him? She says good heavens no and she knew him 40 years ago. Edward heads out. When he returns home, Alan and Monica were worried that he was out so late. He tells them he retained a PI to look for Tolliver. The first step is to have Susan’s house watched as sooner or later Tolliver will show up there. Edward wants the unsigned divorce paper work and he wants every copy that Tolliver and Susan possess.

2/1 Grant arrives to meet the Q’s at Lila’s invitation. Grant is engaged to Edward's cousin Herbert's granddaughter, Celia. When Edward hears him in the foyer, he tells Lila they have to stop him from moving into the mansion! They don’t want him discovering the Susan scandal and telling dear Hubert. Edward sneaks upstairs and fills Alan and Monica in. They want Edward to make up an excuse why Grant can’t move in but they can’t have it going back to Hubert that they were inhospitable. Alan sighs that they will just have to allow him to stay.

The PI goes over and threatens Susan that he will have her arrested for blackmail. He informs her that Tolliver has been in prison for the past 35 years and he will be arrested as well. He tells her he is just trying to save her from trouble. She throws him out after telling him the real trouble hasn’t yet begun!

Alan, Monica, and Edward join Grant and Edward and bumble their way into welcoming him. An angry Susan shows up unexpected while Tolliver is listening in outside on the patio. After they shuffle Grant out, Susan informs them she dissed Edward's PI and she demands he fire him. Edward calls him and pretends to fire him, though the guy catches on that Susan is there and he assures Edward that he will keep looking into Tolliver.

Later, Tolliver questions Susan about where she had gone? Susan needed to turn the screws and make sure they knew they were serious. Susan is spooked by Tolliver when he coldly tells her that he will see her again soon, obviously very unhappy she had gone to the Q’s after agreeing not to.

Alan is at his desk behaving strangely, Edward enters and reports he couldn’t sleep. Monica then joins them and they question they thought she had gone up to take a bath. They are all making odd excuses about what they are doing, as they all walk around the area where the gun is in the desk rather distracted and nervous. Later, an unseen person sneaks into the Q mansion and removes the gun from the drawer.

2/4 Susan finds Tolliver sitting in her living room. He demands to know why she is stalling with the Q's. Susan gives Tolliver $500.00 up front, and then heads to the bank to check her funds. While she is there, she is aghast to find Scotty now has power of attorney. Susan tells Alice that she is going to ruin Scotty. 

2/7 Susan starts toying with Scotty, then calls Heather and tells her to come over. She tells them both she knows what they did with Jason's money and they are going to pay dearly for their actions. Susan tells Scott she is prosecuting him to the fullest for forging her name.

2/8 Alan and Monica are on their way out, Heather calls and tells Alan that Scotty would like to see Alan in his office as soon as possible regarding Susan’s behaviour. Despite Scotty's friendly manner, the Q's refuse to reveal any details of the family troubles with Susan. Mr Carlson confirms to Susan that her signature was forged. Susan returns to her cottage to find it ransacked. Kane hands Edward the documents of Lila's marriage to Tolliver but Susan calls and tells him it's only a copy. Scott and Susan threatening each other. 

2/10 Susan demands Tolliver give her the divorce papers. Heather overhears Susan leave a message for Jackie. She has important information on the Q's. Heather shows up at GH and tries to warn Monica that Susan's about to drop a bombshell on her family with Jackie. Edward, Alan and Monica all wish Susan was dead. Susan has a 10 pm deadline with the Q's.

2/11 Jackie tells Susan she will be there at 9:30 pm. Tolliver overhears Susan wanting to spill the beans to the press about their blackmail with the Q's. Warning Susan to play it straight, Tolliver gives Susan the original documents. He will return tonight for his share of the loot. Monica, Alan and Edward all sneak away for a few hours on their own. Rick sees Alan departing the ER at 8:50pm.

While Susan draws a bath, Heather slips into the cottage and goes upstairs. Sensing someone behind her, Susan turns around. A shot rings out and Susan is dead!  Heather runs downstairs dropping her purse, she retrives everything but her lipstick that fell into the corner. Edward, Alan and Monica sneak back into the mansion separately. Jackie arrives and sees the water dripping from upstairs. She screams as she finds Susan's body. The Q's arrive shortly after and Alan notices his gun on the floor. 

2/14 Robert and Ramsey arrive at the cottage with a battery of cops. Each Quartermaine gives him an alibi with a manufactured flashback to go with it, none of which ring true to him (and he is right given none of these scenes ever happened). Robert calls and breaks the news of Susan's murder to Lee and Gail and then he calls Scotty and Heather. Robert finds that Jason is with the sitter, and Alan is relieved. Robert finds Susan's notepad with mysterious scribblings and bags it. When Scotty, Lee, and Gail show up at the cottage, Robert confronts Scotty about his whereabouts earlier but he doesn't have an alibi. Alice shows up and accuses him of murder. The Q's break the news of Susan's murder to Lila.

2/15 Alan and Monica in bed and discussing Susan's murder after a sleepless night. Monica worries that it was their gun that killed Susan and it is only a matter of time before the police trace the gun back to him. Alan insists he didn’t pull the trigger and says it will be fine as long as SHE didn’t pull the trigger. She assures him that she didn’t either as they both obviously suspected the other. Insisting he is not a murderer, Edward makes a fervent plea to Jimmy Lee to keep silent about Tolliver and Susan. Astonished by his father would beg him for anything, Jimmy Lee will think about it. The Q's decide to act as if the gun found at the scene of the crime was stolen as far as the police are concerned. 

2/17 In the Q foyer, Alan, Monica and Edward are all jumpy. Edward reports that he hasn’t heard anything from Jimmy Lee after asking him to keep Lila’s secret. They fear the cops will discover the murder weapon was Alan's gun.  Heather eavesdrops at the PCPD and she overhears Ramsey informing Robert that the found by the body belongs to Alan. Alan finds Robert waiting for him in his office. Robert "shocks" Alan with news the gun that killed Susan was his. Robert questions whether Alan pulled the trigger. Alan insists that he hasn’t even seen the gun in a couple of years and he has no idea how it came to be at the cottage. Robert informs Alan of his interest in questioning the rest of the family. Alan immediate calls Edward after Robert has left and fills him in and tells him Robert is on his way to talk to Edward. Alan finds Monica just about to go into surgery and he fills her in about Robert’s discovery and his story about the gun.

Robert questions Grant in the GH lounge. Monica approaches and suggests Robert ask her his questions rather than bothering their house guest. Back at the Q’s, Edward asks Stella when was the last time she saw the gun? She says it has been months. Edward happily tells Stella that Robert is on his way over and she should answer his questions truthfully. After Edward heads out, Robert asks Stella who had access to the study where the gun had been stored. Stella suddenly remembers Scotty being alone in the study and this information seems to make Robert’s day.

2/18 Alan, Edward and Monica bicker over who shot Susan. Robert calls Stella and asks her to come down to talk to him at the PCPD and tells her that it is important. Robert is questioning Scotty and Scotty insists he has never owned a gun so he couldn’t have possibly killed Susan. Robert declares that the Q’s have a gun that has been stolen. Scotty snarks that is a far fetched theory with no proof. Robert has Stella brought in and she reports that Scotty was alone in the study. Robert demands to know if Scotty has anything else to tell him now that his memory has been refreshed. Scotty demands to have a lawyer. Stella returns home and the Q’s pepper her with questions. She tells them that Mr. Scorpio wanted her to confirm that Scotty had been alone in the study. They are thrilled with the direction Robert’s investigation has taken. They begin wondering what Scotty’s motive was, but they assume it was money. Robert books Scotty for Susan's murder.

2/22 Confronting Alan with questions like Scotty's murdering Susan, Jackie is handed bland and vague answers. Robert later grills the Q's again but gets the run around. Alan allows Alice to take temporary custody of Jason.

2/25 Robert confronts Heather. Heather admits she was in the cottage the night of the murder. Heather replays the story. She hid in the closet when she heard Susan scream and the gunshot rang out. She dropped her lipstick but didn't see who killed Susan.

3/1 (Grainy picture looks like a copy The Q's are not amused to receive invitations for cocktails from Robert Scorpio.  Even worse, they won't have the time to rehearse their collective stories. Alan and Monica are the first to arrive at Robert's. Robert brings up the topic of blackmail. Repeating the tale of Lila's affair with Arthur Chesler (AKA Tolliver) the Q's relate it's a personal family issue and had nothing to do with the murder. When they leave, Robert activates his computer and learns to his astonishment that Lila's married name was Tolliver.

3/2 Holt receives and unexpected call from Lila, (with coaching from Edward).

Robert questions Heather who has been arrested for Susan’s murder. Heather makes the brash statement to Robert that when she opened the closet door she saw Monica killing Susan. Despite Robert's aggravation at Heather's sudden convenient recollection, he agrees to release her on bail. 

**The End**

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