Duke, Anna & Robin #12  June 4 - July 15, 1986 - 8 hour original edit

#12A  Robin happily tells Anna about her busy day. She has to go visit Buzz in the hospital, and she has to find Felicia as she is sure that Felicia is going to ask her to be one of her bridesmaids. Anna tells Burt that she wants to be able to tell Buzz who attacked him and they believe Angel Moran is involved. Over at GH, Robin raves about the upcoming Policeman's Ball which is in honor of her mother! Sean and Robin have lunch in the cafeteria. Felicia and Monica come over and she happily tells them that Monica has offered the Quatermaine mansion. Felicia then makes Robin's day when she asks her to be her flower girl. Later that day, an undercover Frisco and his partner arrests Angel Moran when they find him in a craps game.

At the ball, Anna's honored for meritorious service during the Laurelton case. She is mesmerized by a handsome stranger who retrieves her scarf (or is it a shawl?) that had dropped on the floor. She turns around and finds him suddenly gone. Looking for him later, Anna only finds a sprig of heather he left behind and holds onto it throughout the evening. Duke approaches her again later and asks her to dance. They dance together and stare into each other's eyes as he flrits with her. Anna is called back to work and Guy Lewis fills her in on the arrest of a man called Angel. Anna finds her mystery man bailing out Angel  Moran. With a dimpled grin, the stranger introduces himself as Duke. His smooth manner immediately bristles Anna, and she becomes suspicious of the scotsman. Not one to give up, Duke shows up at her house and reminds her that he promised her a drink. After a bumpy start, the two end up talking through the night. They dance slowly, seductively, almost kissing but not quite. Duke's shocked when Robin walks in to inform her mum she wants breakfast. Robin is introduced to Duke. Anna smugly informs her guest that Robin's father was the  former police commissioner of Port Charles.

Duke asks Angel to do a thorough background check on Anna. Angel tells him that she is known for being strong and has a clean background. Duke is sure of all of that but he wants to know everything and more about her. At the same time, she wants the same background information on Duke. She learns that while he has never been arrested that the NYPD finds him "interesting" and she agrees. The mayor comes in and tells her that the city council has finally approved the waterfront revitilization project. He wants the waterfront cleaned up to bring in tourists. She is a step ahead of him and has already begun background checks on waterfront businesses. She believes she can clean up the waterfront, that it will be a fight though. He warns her that Robert Scorpio tried and failed! She bristles at this suggestion and says that Robert didn't fail, he didn't get the backup needed and she has that now. She has received flowers from a persistent Duke and Burt later warns her she might want to stay clear of him. She has requested a background check on Duke from the WSB.

Anna's office is filling up with flower bouqets as a messenger arrives with yet another one. He also hands her a framed picture of Duke. She refuses the delivery and tells him to take it all away, and gives him back one of the other flower arrangements and tells him to take them away. Duke, Angel, and his attorney show up and the attorney threathens to sue the PCPD for falsely arresting him. Duke smoothly suggests that perhaps instead of an embarrassing lawsuit that Anna can simply apologize to Angel. Through giritted teath, she complies and the lawsuit is dropped. After everyone else leaves, Duke questions her dislike of flowers after finding his latest bouquet in the trash. She assures him that she likes flowers but just can't accept them from him! He suggests that she get used to it as he intends on continuing to send them. She tells him he is infuriating. He grins, "That is good as I like to bring out the passion in a woman. He gives her another framed picture of himself and tells her he knows how sorry she was about breaking the last one. He walks out the door and she smashes that picture as well.

Jimmy Lee enlists the help of Anna and her WSB computer  to locate Buzz's daughter, "Sandy". Jimmy Lee thinks he's pulling a fast one  on Sean when he summons Anna to the warehouse to arrest his nemesis for  smuggling artifacts into the country. His allegations prove false when Donely shows Anna the import payment stickers that he's concealed on the  inside of the crates. Felicia, Tanya, and Anna go bridesmaid dress shopping. Of course all of the ladies prefer a different dress. A decision is finally made, and Anna heads over to GH.

Robin visits Buzz and tells him that she has a new godfather, Duke Lavery. He is glad as she needs someone to fill his place. She assures him that he doesn't fill Buzz's place. Buzz has developed an addiction  to pain pills and sneaks pain pills after Robin leaves the room. When Anna comes into visit Buzz, he observes that she has a spark in her eyes that he hasn't seen since Robert left. Duke receives the background info on Anna and is intrigued to learn she is former WSB. Angel is concerned about going up against her, while Duke is interested in the challenge she presents. Later, she arrives to see Duke at the club and finding his office empty she begins snooping around his office. He walks in and catches her. She insists that if she wanted to search his office that she would just get a warrant. The verbal sparring continues, and she pretends that she is there to thank him for getting Angel to drop the lawsuit. He tells her he doesn't care why she is there, he is just glad to see her again. He knew she would be curious about him. She denies any interest in him. He is surprises her when he questions whether she hasn't already done background checks on him through the PD and the WSB. Anna asks if he is worried? Does he have something to hide? Her coolness amuses him as he comments that she doesn't give an inch. She stands up and states she doesn't think about him much one way or the other. He tells her that she can search his office or his apartment anytime she likes, especially his apartment and especially when he is there. She whirls to leave, he grabs hold of her arm and pulls her back towards him and invites her to dinner. She refuses and he questions, "Another case? Another man?" He tells her that he is just as interested in her as she is in him.

Felicia applies for a job as  a bookkeeper at Duke's Club and the enigmatic owner's interest is piqued  when he learns of her connection with Chief Devane. Anna's surprised when Duke arrives at her office. She brushes him off as she is very busy. He tells her that she is there on business and tells her that he was given her name as a reference by Felicia who has applied for a job at his club. He asks her opinion of Felicia and she gives her a glowing  recommendation. He wishes to put this mornings misunderstanding behind them and assures her that he doesn't bear a grudge. He is interested in recapturing their earlier rapport and asks her to reconsider his invitation to dinner. She is busy that night visiting a sick friend. He promises her that he is a man who gets want he wants, when he wants it. Later, Duke arrives at Anna's bearing groceries and tells Robin that he is cooking dinner. Anna isn't home yet, Robin is there with her babysitter. Duke and Robin chat as he begins making homemade pizza. She is curious if he is from Italy, he corrects no that he is from Scotland. He questions her about the sick friend his mommie is visiting. She tells him all about Buzz and her mother and confirms that they are dating and then shocks Buzz when she tells him that Anna is in love with Buzz and that she is going to marry him!

At GH, Anna and Jimmy Lee meet Sandy, Buzz's daughter, when she visits him at GH. She cries that her father doesn't want her around.  Anna arrives home and Robin tells her that she has a surprise for her. It is Anna's turn to be shocked as she finds Duke cooking dinner in her kitchen! Robin chortles that her and Duke have made her a special dinner. He asks Anna what is wrong as she seems down? She is surprised to learn that they are dining on Scottish pizza! The next morning, when a distracted Duke is not interested in having breakfast, Angel surmises it must be a woman.

Meanwhile, Anna and Jimmy Lee discuss Buzz's condition and how they can help him. Sandy joins them, she is done with Buzz. She never knew him, he was not around when she was a little girl, she thought he had died in Vietnam. Anna then heads over to Duke's office and reams him for showing up uninvited at her house and taking advantage of her seven year old daughter. She didn't like him going behind her back, especially where Robin is concerned. He asks her if she ever takes her badge out of her voice, even for a few minutes. She tells him that he has already invaded her private space twice and she determines he will not do so again. He muses that she enjoyed herself last night. She states that she went along with the situation because she didn't want Robin upset but it will NOT happen again. He tells her that she should make up her mind as she says she doesn't want to see him but when she does that she does enjoy it. She cooly tells him that there is NO reason for their path's to cross again and all business between them is finished and tells him a very final goodbye and storms out! He is pleased by her upset, and tells Angel that cops like Anna have to be rocked once in awhile.

Over at the PCPD, Guy trains the cadets in how to get out of their own handcuffs in case they are ever used on them. Anna helps out with the training and tells them that she has been handcuffed twice with her own cuffs. She suggests that they keep a second key to the handcuffs on them and shows them how easy it is to retrieve the key and get out of the cuffs (a bit of foreshadowing here that Frisco is going to need this bit of info). Duke immediately hires Felicia. After Felicia leaves, Angel complains, "Boss, you got some kind  of death wish or something?  Well, first, you hit on a police  chief and she gets mad at you. Now, you hire a blond who has a  police rookie for a husband." Duke assures him that having  Felicia as a bookkeeper will be a good way to keep Anna and  Frisco at bay. He tells Angel not to worry as he has plans for the lady cop.

Duke appears during a waterfront committee meeting about the waterfront redevelopment project. Anna is shocked to see him there. He tells her that he has a business in the waterfront and so is involved in the project. He tellls her about hiring Felicia and she assures him that he won't be dissapointed. He smoothly tells her that he never is dissapointed. Anna makes her presentation as Duke watches mesmerized. Afterwards, he flirts with her again. She tries to question him about his business but Ruby interrupts and raves about her assigning Frisco to the waterfront beat.

Four escaped bank robbers hold Frisco, Vince, Lucy, Patrick, Ginny and Rick hostage at the Webber house. Rick and Patrick are forced to doctor one of the wounded cons. At police headquarters, Anna and Burt try to locate the robbers whereabouts. Anna fusses lightly at Burt when he fails to mention women's contributions on the force. Both then take off for the separate bridal and bachelor parties. At Anna's house, the ladies wait for Felicia to arrive. Robin offers to babysit for Tanya when the baby's born. Felicia's thrilled when a large present from Duke arrives; Anna's not. A handcuffed Frisco  recalls Anna's trick and he works on untying himself from the ropes and handcuffs. When Brian calls the Webber house looking for Patrick, Lucy manages to tip him off without letting her captors know. Felicia overhears Anna talking to Burt on the phone and intercepts her before Anna can take off. Hearing Frisco may be in trouble, Felicia gets agitated and has to be restrained by the ladies so she won't follow Anna. The cops surround the Webber house as their wives try to deal with Felicia, who finds their calm behavior insensitive. She rushes off to the Webbers. The cons realize they're surrounded. Anna prevents Felicia from entering the house, remonstrating, "What are you trying to do? Get the man killed!" Frisco manages to get free and he and Vince take down their captors. He's confused when Felicia, who thinks he's been shot, as she flees from him in tears.

At the brownstone, a somber Frisco tells everyone that Felicia can't handle being a cops wife and won't marry him tommorrow or any other day. Later at GH, Anna and Frisco arrive as they wait for word on Vince's baby (Frisco's partner has just gone into labor). Sean and Felicia arrive and they stare at each other from across the lobby. Anna urges Frisco not to let the woman that he loves walk out of his life and he does have a choice. She warns him that if he lets her go that he will be haunted by her for the rest of his life. Sean tells Felicia about his first love and how he lost his love when she left him because his life as a WSB agent was too dangerous. He urges her not to make the same mistake. He tells her look at him all of these years later, still in love with the same girl and still alive and healthly, and that his life has been lonely and he wonders about the girl if she regrets that decision, that mistake. He believes that Frisco will be a survivor as well and hopes he won't have to be alone. A triumphant Vince comes out and tells everyone that his baby has been born and everyone errupts in celebration. When Monica observes how Felicia is staring at Frisco, Monica insists there will be a wedding and immediately drags Sean out of there to proceed with the wedding plans. Vince thanks Frisco for saving his life, and how sorry he is that he cost him Felicia. Vince continues that he is naming his son after Frisco!  Having a change of heart, Felicia arrives at the PCPD and asks Frisco if he will still marry her? A joyful Frisco grabs her and whirls her around.

The next morning, Burt arrives with the background information on Duke and he is clean however Angel's high powered lawyer has mob connections. Anna tells Burt that Duke loves to talk and she thinks he will give her quiet a bit of information. Anna worries about how she is going to break the news to Robin about the cancelling of the wedding. The phone rings and Robin chats with Bobbie. When she comes in the room, Anna sadly tells her the wedding was cancelled but Robin insists that when Bobbie called and said the wedding is back on. They both celebrate, laugh and giggle with anticipation (they are SO cute together!). As they get ready for the big day, a somber Robin worries about Frisco whether Frisco will still be her godfather. She sadly says that Frisco will be giving Felicia a ring that day and he had promised her one but had forgotten. Frisco arrives at the door with a surprise for Robin, the ring he had promised her, it is a symbol of how special she is to him. Kneeling, Frisco tells his  godchild, "Now, when you wear this, I just want you to remember how  much I love you and how special you are to me, okay?"

Over at the brownstone, Felicia and her bridesmaids and flower girl attend to last minute wedding preparations. The impetuous bride had cancelled all the arrangements  in her haste to call off the wedding and suddenly shrieks that she cancelled the minister. Everyone scrambles to  find someone to conduct the wedding and Anna finally puts an APB on the reverend! LOL! A reverend is kidnapped off a tennis court so that he can administer the vows. Burt arrives with the reverend and the beginning begins. The wedding begins with Robin as the flower girl. Samantha, Anna and Tanya as Bridesmaids. Sean escorts Felicia down the aisle. As the wedding begins, sirens are heard all around. Everyone holds their breath until Guy enters with the Police Honor Guard! Frisco and Felicia finally say their vows in front of all their friends. The ceremony ends and all their friends greet the bride and groom. Burt tells Anna that she was right, Duke came to the wedding. Frisco and Felicia take the dance floor and Frisco sings "LADY OF MY HEART". 

At the reception, Anna coldly tries to shake Duke off but is also determined to quiz him about his shady  background. Duke and Anna exchange several barbs. She points out that his lawyer's mob connections can't be overlooked. He retorts that she can't say anything about shady acquaintances considering two of her close friends are Jake and Sean. Knowing it'll annoy her even more, Duke pays a lot of attention to Robin. Sean notices Anna watching the duo and remarks he sees a certain glint in her eye.  Realizing Robin is Anna's achilles heel, Duke then charms the little girl and a displeased Anna watches him dance with her daughter. The little girl becomes quickly taken with Duke. Later, the ex-spy states, "Well, you've seemed to have conquered all the ladies." Looking pointedly at her,  he responds softly, "Not all, I'm afraid."  Frisco and Felicia cut the wedding cake and Tony makes the toasts. Frisco and Felicia prepare to depart but not till they toss the bouquet and garter. Felicia tosses the garter and Anna ends up catching it. To make matters worse when Frisco tosses the garter it lands in Duke's hands!  Smugly grinning, Duke slides the garter onto his arm and wears it around to annoy her. Sean lets in a man in arabic garb to lead the newlyweds to Sean's penthouse for their honeymoon surprise.

The morning after the wedding, Anna is lost in thought as she stares at the bridal bouquet. Robin wants to know what Anna is going to do with the Bridal bouquet?  She thinks that mommy's going to marry Duke! Robin is excited as Amy told her that the woman who catches the bridal bouquet gets married to the man who catches the garter. Anna assures Robin that she doesn't even know Duke Lavery and she could know him for five years and not know him! Meanwhile, Duke is assuring Angel that nobody, least of all Anna will figure out what they are up to. Duke has Angel get a job on the docks as one of the workers. It's all part of their operation and it has to be ready by the end of the week as that's when the infamous Mr. Big will be arriving. At the renovation committee meeting, Duke plays with the garter in front of Anna. They take opposing sides on the waterfront renovation. Anna thinks it will bring in organized crime, but Duke points out it will open new jobs and benifit PC in many ways. When the committee takes a vote, Anna loses by a landslide. After the meeting, Ginny Blake interviews him about expanding the waterfront. He later tells Angel that he is winning people towards his side but Anna is completely opposed to the project. Angel urges Duke to do something as Anna's support of this project is important and maybe he should send her more flowers or diamonds? Duke assures him he has sent something that will NOT be sent back.

As Sean and Anna discuss the waterfront project, Anna hears a screaching noise from the other room. Her daughter enters dolled up in a cute little Scottish outfit with a kilt, jacket, hat and a set of bagpipes! It is a gift from her "Uncle Duke!" Robin is so excited and insists on calling Buzz to tell him the news. Robin raves to Buzz about how much she likes Duke, mommy's new friend and how much mommy likes him too. Robin continues to play the bagpipes throughout the day, rather poorly. Later, Duke calls Anna to discuss his interview with her, sure she has watched it (well she tried to above the noise of the bagpipes!). She brushes him off pretending she doesn't know who is calling. She allows him to listen to Robin playing the bagpipes and he is happy she received her present. His smugness at her irritation annoys her and she begs off as she can't possible hear him as she is in the middle of a bagpipe concert.

At the Waterfront Renovation Committee, Duke  annoys Anna by wearing the wedding garter and pointedly playing with it.  They continue take opposing sides on the waterfront issue, Duke in favor of  expanding the city's port because it will mean more jobs and revenue. Anna opposes it on the grounds that a rise in crime will be a certainty. She's got the facts and figures to prove it, but Duke's approaches the issue from the emotion standpoint of the poor and jobless who want the chance to put a roof over their heads and food in their children's mouths. He is able to sway Anna's friends like Ruby and Sean, and he uses Angel to  spread the word that unemployment is on the rise. When  the committee takes a vote, Anna loses by a landslide. Anna is annoyed at losing, and tells him she knows exactly what kind of man he is and she doesn't like it, she isn't interested in him or his proposals! She continous that he is the most conniving, conceited, ruthless....he interrupts her tirade to pull her into a passionate kiss to which she responds to. He leaves her standing in the room alone, obviously shaken by her response to her kiss. When she returns to her office, she tells Burt that Duke won by a landslide and she vows to find something on Lavery not matter how much she has to dig. Burt reminds her they have already searched into him and he came up clean. Anna rants that she knows Duke is crooked and she is determined to find something on him, Burt looks at her in astonishment as he has never seen her behave like this before. He realizes Duke has gotten around her skin and ask if she is attracted to Mr. Lavery? She scoffs at the idea and insists that the only reason she is interested in Mr. Lavery is to see that he gets what is coming to him.

Duke gloats to Angel that he won by a landslide and how furious Anna was. Angel cautions that Duke is holdling up two sticks of dynamite with a match in the other hand. Duke says he just keeps reminding Anna that she is a woman and she forgets she is a cop. Duke reports to Mr. Big that status of their plans proceeding and they are set for Phase 2. When Angel gives a report on Anna's love life, Duke eagerly sits down to read it. He states that he is only interested in her love life.

Sean comes by Anna's office to patch things up, he doesn't want to risk her friendship over an urban renewal project. She tells him that he was wrong today for his support of this project. She reminds him that he has always told her to follow her instincts and she fears what they have unleashed on the city by giving into Duke's ambition. Later, Robin asks when she will see Duke again as he promised to help her learn the bagpipes. Anna warns Robin not to expect to see him around much. Robin is dissapointed at Anna's lack of interest in Duke, especially as she changes the subject each time Robin raves about how nice he is. Robin misses her mom who has been gone a lot during the day and Anna promises to meet her at home for lunch. Robin says she will have a big surprise for her and as soon as Anna leaves, Robin immediately calls Duke and invites him for lunch. She asks him to help her with the bagpipes and wants to give him a recital. He asks if mummy knows that she has invited him? She admits that no, this will be a surprise for her mom. Angel is thrilled at this turn of events, a friend in the enemy camp. Duke admits that he really likes the child. When Angel admires his savy for sending her presents, Duke huffs that he wasn't trying to bribe her and he does geniunely like her. He observes that his past is a bit like Robert's, a man who lives on the edge.

#12B  Rick and Dan tell Anna that there has been drug theft at GH. She is shocked that they suspect Buzz! They need proof to get him the help he needs. He is refusing to have a blood test that would determine whether he had the drugs in his system or prove his innoncence. Anna goes into see Buzz and they discuss the drug issue. He swears to her that he is not a drug addict and did not steal the drugs. He asks her as a friend to believe him and she does. Anna tells Rick that she doesn't believe that Buzz is behind the theft and that Rick is mistaken. Rick suggests that she is acting as Buzz's friend, not a police chief. Rick lays out the evidence against him, pills have only gone missing only from the floor he is on, and only of the kind Buzz is taking, and only since he requested an increase in his medication and was denied. Rick also points out that Buzz is exhibiting the behavior of an addict. She arranges a plan to prove if Buzz is the culprit stealing drugs at the hospital.  He is and Buzz goes into rehab. Duke arrives in time to comfort a sobbing Anna who Buzz has thrown out of his hospital room.

Duke reports that the big boss is quite satisfied with the project and has given the go ahead for Stage Two, Duke is to run for the presidency of the dock workers union. Duke shows up for lunch with Robin as invited. Robin laments that mummy wants her to get a silencer for her bagpipes. Duke laughs and says he doesn't think they make such a thing. Robin asks him for another lesson as she doesn't think she is very good and thinks she is just making noise. Duke is concerned that Anna won't be happy to see Duke there. Robin assures him that she will be happy to see him and just that morning said that Duke was a very charming man (though Robin didn't get the sarcasm involved). Duke is thrilled with this report and grins broadly. Anna arrives home and is ticked to find Duke there. After Robin leaves the room, they argue as Anna reiterates again that his project is going to bring crime to the dock area. Duke swears that he would never do anything to hurt that part of Port Charles, as it is his favorite part of the city. He continues that he was just down there at the zoo the other day. Robin enters the room and is excited to hear talk of the zoo and begs to go that day. Then she somberly announces that her bagpipes are broken. Duke promises to return them and asks her to put them back in the box.

As Robin bounds out again, Duke notices how sad and distracted Anna is and asks how her visit at GH went. Duke mentions her past and Anna suddenly concerned asks just what he knows about her past. He just says that he knows there was a different Anna Devane two years ago and he would give anything to make her appear again and what is the magic to conjur her up? (I wonder if he is referring to her past as a fence which is how she arrive on the show in April, 1985?). Duke later goes back to his office and grumpily tells Angel that Anna is distracted with a sick friend at GH. He then asks Felicia to bring Anna a token gift. Felicia suggests a book of poetry. He agrees and asks her to pick one up and have it gift wrapped.

Anna has returned to GH and Rick asks her to talk to Buzz about having the blood test, that perhaps she can get him to agree. She does try but he is adamantly opposed and points out that if he agrees that he could never return to work with them. (His logic is a bit flawed as this is exactly what he should have been doing to prove his innocence, his refusal to cooperate should indicate to Anna his guilt but she doesn't want to see it). Anna finally talks him into it and he promises her that he will take the test. Filomenia returns home and is thrilled to see Anna, and Robin though wonders about the noise she hears (the bagpipes are working again!). Robin chirps that they are a gift from her "Uncle Duke". Filomenia looks forward to meeting this new uncle.

Burt and Frisco are hanging out together on the docks and Frisco is keeping an eye out as he suspects something is going on the docks.  The money that is being laundered is passed from Tessie to Stan and it is quickly passed off to Angel. Frisco and Burt come upon Angel just after he has received the cash. He tosses it aside and irritated talks to Frisco. Angel's attitude makes Frisco even more suspicious and he wants to go to Anna with his thoughts. Burt discourages him but Frisco points out that Angel is Duke's right hand guy and if something is going on then Duke is involved and Anna should know about. Burt urges him to wait till he gets proof. Duke's ally in the union tells him and Angel that he can't launder anymore money at this time, that he can't put it through the union books until he knows who the new president is and if he will play ball. But until that is confirmed it is just too dangerous. Angel groans about what are they going to do with all of this money? Duke calls Felicia in to his office and asks her to go to the bank tommorrow and deposit the receipts from the club and instructs her to open six new accounts. After she leaves, Angel is shocked that Duke is involving a cop's wife in laundering money. He tells Angel not to worry that he has created a separate set of books for Felicia and she only sees what he wants her to see.

Duke arrives at Anna's and is introduced to Filomenia. She thanks him for being so kind to Anna and to Robin. Tony interrupts when he shows up and tells her that he needs to talk to her immediately, that it is very important. Taking the cue, Duke suggests that they go into the kitchen. Tony tells Anna that Buzz stalled the test until after 6:00 (the time when the drugs would be out of his system). Anna is shocked as Buzz promised her he would take the test that woud clear him before the deadline. Anna laments that Rick wants her to set Buzz up and she can't do that to him. Tony (who had been a staunch defender of Buzz's innocence) now wants her help as well. He points out that she wouldn't be doing this to Buzz but for Buzz. Robin comes in and is concerned that there is a problem with Buzz. Duke admonishes Robin for interrupting her mummy's private conversation and takes her over for a music lesson. When he and Anna are alone later, he gives her the book of poetry and she reads some Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Count The Ways". Anna begins reading, "I love thee to the depth and breadth and heights my soul can reach....." Duke is mesmerized as she reads. As the poem becomes intense, her voice fades. She is touched by his thoughtful gift.

The next day, Anna and Robin see Duke on the docks. Robin begs her mother to allow her to invite Duke to Robin's Fourth of July party. Anna reluctantly agrees and Robin runs over to ask him. He hesitantly agrees looking to Anna for confirmation. Robin laments that Anna has to go back to GH and doesn't have time to go shopping with Robin for her party. Duke offers to take her though Anna tells him that isn't necessary. Duke is distracted by a reporter and when he returns, he finds they are gone. Anna and Robin heads to the zoo and Anna repeats the analogy that Duke shared with her about caged animals and people. Duke figured she might have headed to the zoo after their conversation yesterday and surprises her with his insight. When Robin moves to get a closer look at the monkeys, Duke asks Anna what is wrong? She tells him that she has to act like a cop today instead of a friend and she is having difficulty with this decision. He encourages her. She asks him if he has ever had to choose between friendship and what is right? He says no. She asks him what he would choose if he had to? He says friendship. She isn't surprised. He hopes that if she ever has to make that choice were he is concerned that she will choose friendship. Duke suggests that he help her today, by allowing him to take care of Robin. He will take her around the zoo and then he will take her to get her party favors. Anna is surprised again and muses that in the past few days that every time she has needed a friend, that he has been there. He points out that if there isn't friendship between a man and a woman that there can't ever be anything else. Later as Robin and Duke tour the zoo, she asks if Duke knows what is troubling her mother? He says she has to do something very hard. Robin asks if she is in trouble? He assures her no that if she was that he would have gone with her mother. Robin acknowledges that she sees how he takes her mom's mind off her troubles and that he would probably do Anna more good than he is doing her. Sadly the little girl says that she has seen enough animals for the day. He refuses and says that no he promised her mummy that he would take care of her today. She disagrees and smartly points out that he can take her home and then he would have time to get to the hospital. He admires her choice and agrees.

A conflicted Anna arrives at GH and discusses her plan with Tony and Bobbie. Anna sets her plan in motion and arranges for Bobbie to be slipped the medicine cabinet key so Buzz knows that she has it. She then makes a point of dropping it in his room while picking up his discarded bedding. With the hall clear of staff, Buzz makes his way to the medicine cabinet. Anna enters and busts him in the process of accessing the controlled substance locked case. Anna and Tony ask Sandy to talk to Buzz about getting treatment as he won't want to talk to them right now. Anna with tears in her eyes goes into see Buzz, he screams at her  to get out of his life!  Crying, she walks down the hall and finds a concerned Duke there waiting for her. He gently gathers her into his arms, and she cries on his shoulder. He guides her into the elevator to take her home.

It's Fourth of July, and a jubliant Sean arrives at Anna's. Sean asks her if she has heard the rumor about Duke and Tom Green? She says yes that Tom was disabled and his bait shop was going to be torn down with the redevelopment project. Sean informs her that Duke has promised to build him a new bait shop and that he is becoming quit the hero down on the docks. Sean expresses surprise as he didn't peg Duke as a hero. Anna tells Robin that she is going to visit Buzz in the new hospital and she has arranged for Duke to escort Robin to the picnic. Robin is suprised as she didn't think Anna liked him much. Her mum admits that she learned something about Duke that morning that made her like him a bit more. Robin says that sometimes his accent makes her think of daddy and asks if he makes Anna think of daddy too? Anna says yes but not because of his accent. When Robin presses why then? A slightly embarrassed Anna says that maybe because they are both very adventurous. Duke arrives to pick up Robin. She loves it when he calls her his, "Bonny wee lass". Anna thanks Duke and tells him that she has to know that Buzz is allright. He somberly observes that Buzz is very special to her and she agrees that he is.

At the picnic, Angel tells Duke that he has a plan in place to get Frisco off their case. Angel had complained earlier to Duke about Frisco being an ambitious young cop and he can blow their whole operation out of the water. Duke says that they will just have to get Officer Jones in their pocket. The mayor introduces Tom Green, who gives Duke a rave review and launches his full support of Duke's campaign. Anna is irritated and tells Frisco that she should have known that Duke didn't help Tom out of the goodness of his heart, that it was all a campaign stunt! When he returns with lemonade, she abruptly takes Robin home to get ready for her party. At home, Filomenia notices Anna is upset. She asks if she thinks a person can change and Filomenia advises that a leopard doesn't change its spots that it would be a miracle. Anna takes Burt aside and suggests that they have a meeting with the mayor about the dock elections. At that moment, Duke arrives and is given a chilly reception. She tells him she doesn't like being made a fool of in public. She tells him that when she found out that he was running for office that she realized that he helped Tom Green for the good press and snarks about how he came off as this wonderful humanitarian and she just doesn't buy it. She tells him that her first instincts about people are always right. He tells her that at that moment, he doesn't give a damn. He is there at her daughter's invitation and he intends on having himself, "One hell of a good time!" Robin thanks everyone for coming to her party. She acknowledges her two godfathers, and introduces Duke as her new friend and says how much she misses her father, "Robbie Scorpio". Duke comments privately that Anna must also miss Robert? She shuts him down and Duke quietly makes his excuses to Robin to leave. Filomenia tells Anna privately that the more she sees Mr. Duke, the more he reminds her of Robert.

Duke is annoyed when the reporters show up wanting to talk to Duke about the Tom Green story. Duke complains to Angel that he didn't help Tom for publicity and there hasn't already been a backlash after that announcement at the picnic from "people". Angel questions, "From people or from Anna Devane?"
Duke's voice hardens as he warns Angel, "Watch it old boy." Angel realizes that Duke is embarrassed about his generousity being found out. He observes that Duke always has open pockets where the poor are concened, sounds a bit like a critisizm. Duke defends that he knows what poverty is and he hates it, he still has the taste of it in his mouth. Angel reminds him that the chief wants him to be the union president. Duke doesn't really care about what the chief wants, that he is pursuing the election because he believes some good will come of it. He later asks Felicia about her being able to support his campaign, giving her friendship with Jimmy Lee. She promises him that while she is working for him that her loyalty in the campaign will be for him. He tells her that he needs a slogan for the campaign. She quickly suggests "The docks need Duke" and he immediately likes it. After she leaves, Angel tells Duke that another shipment is coming in. Angel cautions that Stan is nervous about Frisco watching him. Duke reminds Angel that Stan is the only one who knows Angels identity, and Angel is linked to Duke meaning they have to keep a close eye on Stan.

Sean approaches Anna about supporting Duke for the union presidency. Sean knows that Jimmy Lee hates him, so he is interested in supporting Duke. She will have nothing to do with it and insinuates that Duke is a crook and a manipulator and he uses people. Sean observes that Anna is protesting too much and asks if she is speaking as a woman or as a police officer. He tells her that he has seen this coming for a long time and suggests they have some straight talk. He suggests that she has one foot in the past and that is why she can't move forward today and that she is fighting her attraction towards Duke so as not to become emotionally involved. He points out that she has worked extremely hard the past few months being supercop and supermom. Sean also says that he sees a little bit of Robert in Duke (something tells me Robert would not appreciate this comparison). Sean offers to also run a check on Duke to satisfy his own curiousity and to see if he will make a good union president. Sean reminds her that she has needs as a woman and agrees to go quietly and not give her a hard time about this. Anna is annoyed when Filomenia continues to rave about Duke and how he reminds her of Robert. They discuss Robin going to visit Robert.

Angel tells Duke about the Quatermaine rally and they are going to try to buy votes by having a dock party with beer and good food. He suggests that maybe Duke shouldn't play it so clean. Duke asks if Angel has the info on the vendors that Edward plans on using? Angel happily hands over the file, sure that Duke is going to lean on the vendors. Duke says no, that he uses some of the same vendors for his club. He won't lean on them as that would get back to Edward. Duke later shows up as Robin wanted to show him the poster she did for his campaign. He asks Anna if she minds? She says no that Robin can campaign for anyone she wants. Duke calls Robin "love". She comments that her daddy calls her that. She runs out of the room to get his picture to show Duke. Anna demands that Duke not call Robin that. He suggests that she not be afraid of that word, that in this life there is nothing without love.

The next day, Sean enters to find Anna at work on her computer. He asks if she is still trying to dig up info on Duke? She says no. She admits that she bit Duke's head off last night when he called Robin, "Love". She tells him she has to stop over-reacting to Duke as it just proves he is right. Sean whisks her away to get out of the office and takes her to lunch.
Duke is campaigning down at the docks. Jimmy Lee is doing the same thing, though Jimmy Lee's approach is as one of them. He challenges Duke to a competition to prove that he can do the work of a dock workers. The set up a challenge of moving heavy crates, the first to finish will win. Jimmy Lee gloats that this work is nothing like Duke's cushy job, expecting to easily beat Lavery in this challenge. Duke assures JL that he is no stranger to dock work and he intends to prove it! During a break, Angel tells Frisco that they can't make the pass of the money as Frisco is watching Stan too closely. Duke suggests that they get Toughy involved and have him distract Frisco. Angel passes the message to Stan who is nervous that Frisco almost collared him last time. Anna and Sean stroll by just in time to observe Duke winning the manly competition. As Duke begins to flirt with her, Sean quietly walks away to leave them alone. Anna smiles warmly and apologizes for last night. Duke says he will only accept her apology if she will join him for lunch. Surprisingly he agrees, he then motions to the garter and tells her he has worn it day and night since the wedding. She rolls her eyes and walks away.

An ambitious and bored Frisco daydreams about moving up to detective and skipping the rookie routine. He fantasizes he is an undercover 40's style cop and arrests some mobsters. Anna arrives and salutes his performance. Frisco continues to snoop about the docks.  Stan tells Tessie that he can't make the drop as Frisco is sticking too close to him. Tessie tells him that Frisco won't bother her and she can make the drop, to tell her who his contact is. He can't do that. So they agree to distract Frisco. He sees Stan carrying a cooler and goes chases after him. Trying to catch Stan, Frisco is tripped by Tessie, causing him to accidently knocking Billy's peanut wagon into the harbor, and a leaver is hit that drops Sean's crates into the harbor. No one realizes that Tessie is also part of Duke's money laundering scheme.

When she arrives, he tells her they will be having steak and potatoes, a "working man's lunch". He tells her that he is sorry for upsetting her when he called called Robin, "Love" last night. She admits she overreacted, that she was being foolish and sensitive. He promises her that he is not trying to replace him in Robin's life or in her life. He tells her that he doesn't want to be a substitute father, and he certainly doesn't want to be a substitute lover. He just wants to be wanted for himself. He asks her what she wants? She quickly changes the subject to their meal. Duke tells her a story about his childhood and looking forward to a simple treat back in the UK. Anna understands now that he comes from poverty and that he understands what it is like to be poor. She realizes that he was trying to help Tom Green because he understood what it is to be poor. Angel interrupts to tell about the action on the docks. Anna makes her excuses and heads down to the docks. Billy is furious and wants her to arrest Frisco. Sean isn't too happy with him either, "Nice going Ace". Billy threathens to sue, Anna asks for estimations of his damages. He also wants compensation for his mental suffering. Anna promises that Billy's cart will be repaired and they ask him not to file a complaint about Frisco.

After they leave, Anna reads Frisco the riot act. He is angry because Stan got away. He tells her that he was trying to apprehend a suspect. Burt tells him not to invent crimes that there are enough real crimes out there to solve. Frisco insists that he knows this guy is up to something. Anna realizes that he is frustrated by starting off as a rookie. She thinks that he might be better suited to work in the WSB. Frisco won't give up being a cop. He tells them that he is married and his home is here and his life is in Port Charles. He agrees to accept his punishment. He also reminds her that she always told him to trust his instincts and that is what she is doing. After Frisco leaves, Anna decides she needs to reel Frisco in before his zealousness gets him into real trouble. Burt tells her that Frisco is looking to crack a major case so that he can get promoted to detective and he can then work undercover which is what he has always wanted. Anna wonders if perhaps Frisco has stumble upon a crime ring on the waterfront. They bother worry for his safety. Burt promises to head down to the waterfront and keep an eye on Frisco to keep him out of trouble. Meanwhile, Toughy wants to replace Stan. Angel doesn't agree, that Duke wants Stan. Angel points out that Frisco would just go after Stan's replacement. Toughy doesn't like the idea of going after a cop. Angel says they don't want to hurt Frisco, they just need to get him in their pocket.

Frisco finds Jimmy Lee breaking into Sean's office. He is after a letter delivery that JL is sure is proof that Sean is behind the swindle of the Quatermaine fortune. Frisco is disturbed that Sean could be behind such an act. JL has left and Sean finds Frisco there. Frisco questions him and asks him to tell him the truth, if he stole the Q fortune and put it in a Swiss bank account. Sean is indignant and realizes that this idea came from one of the Q's. Sean points out that he could charge Frisco with breaking and entering. Sean shows him the account information and assures him that he isn't behind it. Sean urges him that if he doesn't believe him, that he should check it out.

Duke shows up with lunch for Anna. He asks her what happened with Frisco. Anna tells Duke that she admires Frisco's dedication and how important his job is too him. She wishes Frisco would just settle down, that he is impatient. Duke is sympathetic as he isn't a patient person either. She asks what he is waiting for? He tells her he is starved for affection. She laughs that he shouldn't have any problem finding that? He asks suggestively if she would care to help him look? After she leaves, Anna fumes to Guy about Frisco's over eagerness. Guy believes that Frisco has the makings of a good cop. He reminds her that Frisco was chasing a suspect. She agrees but he was doing so alone which Anna doesn't like, and he caused property damage. But Guy points out sometimes that can't be avoided. Meanwhile, Angel worries that Frisco is a regular bloodhound and if the peanut wagon hadn't fallen in the water that Angel doesn't know what will happen. Angel promises he has plans for Frisco. Duke warns that he doesn't want Frisco hurt, Angel assures him that isn't part of the plan. Angel asks if Duke has gotten Anna into his pocket yet? He says no that she is proving a bit difficult.

Frisco secretly uses Anna's computer to check out Sean's account that Jimmy Lee accused Sean of using to stash the Q fortune. He learns that it isn't Sean's account and wonders whose it is? Anna is furious when she finds him using the computer in her office without her permission. She threatens suspension. He promises that he will leave this suspect alone since this has caused so many problems and promises to start fresh. Duke meets with Billy to compensate him for his loss. Anna arrives and insists that Billy take the money from her. Duke and Anna agree to go in halves. Anna wants this kept quiet. She then heads down to the docks and runs into Sean. He asks how her lunch went yesterday and teases her. She insists it wasn't a big deal, it was just an informal lunch in Duke's office. She invites him to join her for lunch, he begs off when he sees the mail delivery. He gives the mailman back the letter that was misdelivered yesterday.

A couple of dock workers are trying to move a huge crate on their own and it falls trapping one beneath it. Duke hears the screams and rushes to help. He grabs a corner of the crate and lifts it to take pressure off the injured guy. Anna comes upon them and calls for an ambulance. Duke is shaken. She is concerned that he is okay? He is emotionally shaken up and says he relieved the worst day of his life, mentioning watching the life ebb out of a man. Concerned she offers to say with him and agrees to walk with him. As they walk, he sees the difference between them from being at each other's throats to having the barriers between them torn down. Anna tries to get him to talk about what that day reminded him of. He played hooky from school and what she say today was nothing compared to seeing his father crushed from the waist down when a container had broken loose. He says his father died a little bit each day. He dropped out of school to work and help support his family. At 16, he got a job working on the docks though he swore that he would get out of there as soon as he could. She understands now why he helps dock workers and apologizes for accusing him of trying to buy votes. She invites him to come to her house for dinner. He is surprised as he hasn't even told his best friends about his father. JL calls to tell him that Bob is out of surgery and will be okay. They are both relieved. Anna seems suddenly nervous about making dinner. He grabs her hand and pulls her down on the couch next to him and tells her they will manage okay (as she apologizes that Filomenia isn't there to prepare a great meal). Duke says he is celebrating as today was the first time that he could talk about his private demons. He is curious about how quiet she is. She says that she wishes she would have known about all of this from the begining. He says but then think about all of the fun they would have missed, and he wouldn't have missed all of their fights for anything. He leans in to softly kiss her. She is suddenly paged and he is dissapointed. She tells him it is work and asks if she has to leave. She says yes, and he expresses his frustration.

The next morning, Robin shows her mummy the posters she made for Duke. Robin asks if her mummy was lonely last night when she slept over her friends? She says she missed Robin but she wasn't lonely as she had dinner with uncle Duke. Filomenia encourages Anna privately to see Duke while they are out of town and says she has a feeling about them. Robin asks if Duke told her anything about a surprise for today? Anna says no and asks what it is but Robin won't tell. Sean arrives with a newspaper report of Duke's heroism from yesterday. He tells her that he has been checking around on the docks and he can't find anything negative about him. She assures Sean that he doesn't have to continue to check up on Duke that she now knows that he is a good man. Sean and Filomenia both tease her about her growing feelings for Duke and the look on her face. Meanwhile, Duke puts the money into the safe and he and Angel agree that nothing can go wrong or they are both dead. When Angel comes in, Duke asks her to find out where Jimmy Lee is holding his rally that day. Felicia is worried as he is rumored to be giving away hundreds of free beers.

At Jimmy Lee's rally, it falls short when the beer turns out to be root beer. JL's speech falls short when he follows Edward's advice what to say and he doesn't speak from his heart. His rally is a failure and the dissapointed dock workers leave. Duke throws a much better party at Kelly's and he gives a speech from the heart. Robin and Filomenia are getting ready for their trip to Australia and she begins saying goodbye to her friends. Frisco tells Burt and Anna about receiving an invitation to play poker with some of the dockworkers. The invitation was supposed to be so Frisco could make friends amoungst the dockworkers. They agree the invitation is suspicious. Anna doesn't want Frisco to go but to give them the time and location and she will send a more experienced officer to attend. Frisco doesn't like being kept out of this opportunity to learn something.

Sean arrives with a going away present for Robin with a new suitcase for Robin so that she can take her bagpipes to her father's. He laughs that perhaps someday Robert will forgive him. When Robin heads to the kitchen, Sean and Frisco wonder about who on the waterfront has a swiss bank account. Anna and Duke stroll down on the waterfront. He suddenly becomes rather poetic about the impending sunset. She says he lied to her when he said that he didn't read poetry? He admits he doesn't, but a woman's love can bring out the poet in any man. Suddenly shy, she turns to go. He stops her. She says that Robin adores him and she has never seen Robin take to anyone quite so quickly (uh what about Robert, she took to him very quickly! <grin>). He asks what about Robin's mother? She says that she is too old to jump into anything too quickly. He laughs at her calling herself old. She says she has an old soul that knows better. He tells her that he doesn't want her to worry about being lonely while Robin is gone. She clarifies if he is asking her or telling her? He says he would like to see her while Robin is away so they can take some time to get to know each other better. He leans in and kisses her softly, lingering.

Anna returns home to find Filomenia ironing her wedding veil. She has a flashback to her wedding. Anna ask why Filomenia is giving this to her now. She advises her not to deny love, that she is blessed that love has come to her a second time. Seeing Anna clutching her wedding veil, Filomena urges her to  remember, while she and Robin are away, that Anna is a woman, not  just a cop. Meanwhile, Duke and Angel check up on the evening's arrangements to preoccupy Frisco with a card  game. Lavery admits that Frisco's gambling will give them something to use against the rookie cop, adding that they won't lean on Jones if he doesn't force them to. When Angel asks if that includes Chief  Devane, Lavery confidently states, "That includes any cop." The Qs fall into Duke's  trap by agreeing to a debate. Anna glances at Robin's, "Vote  for Duke" poster and recalls her kiss with him on the  docks. Felicia  tells Anna her worries about Frisco's night time undercover  work and a confused Anna assures her she hasn't assigned any night work to Frisco. Neither Robin nor Anna can sleep that night, so both snuggle down together and talk about the little girl's trip to Australia. Robin proclaims she's too excited to sleep and asks her mum what she'll do while Robin's away. Duke comes up in the conversation and Anna remembers to give Robin a kiss from Lavery. "I'll bet some of that kiss was for you too," the sleepy little girl murmurs and drifts off. Anna grins at Robin's perceptiveness.

Frisco goes ahead and joins the game, not realizing that Duke's the reason Frisco's been invited to play. Duke needs to keep the rookie busy while shipments of laundered money come into town. Frisco catches on that his pokerpals are letting him win the larger antes. Their plan is to blackmail him that they could set up his poker winnings to look like he is taking a bribe if he gives them any trouble. Later that night, Felicia is shocked when a large wad of cash falls out of Frisco's pants.

The next morning, Duke stops by unexpectedly to offer to take Robin and family to the airport. When Robin thanks him with a kiss, Lavery grins and, looking directly at Anna, remarks that in the future he'll send all of  his messages through Anna. Anna grins back. While Filomena and  Duke load the car, Robin looks for her coloring book and instead finds Anna's veil. The little girl puts it on, asks her mum if  she looks pretty and then asks if she can wear it for her daddy. Quickly taking it away, her mum tells her no, that it's a  special scarf... one she wore when she married Robert. The house feels empty when Anna returns from the airport. Lavery amuses her by stating that he's going to make sure she's not  lonely while Robin's gone, since he promised Robin he'd take care of Anna. She coyly tells him that might not be possible  since any sundry of people may stop by at any time. Grinning, Duke demands to know if there's any man in particular she's expecting. Things get a bit serious when Anna mentions that she's worried about Frisco and tells Lavery about Felicia's visit. She hopes he's not doing anything dangerous to prove himself. Anna counters Duke's dinner suggestion with an offer to cook him a royal British feast since she has to be at the house to receive  Robin's call. Retorting that everyone knows the only good  British food is Indian or Chinese, Duke nevertheless accepts, summing up, "Well, well, well. The amazing Anna Devane, she sleuths by day, she cooks by night." Tania deduces that Anna's found a boyfriend after she and Tony run into Anna, who's trying on new clothes, of the slinky lounging variety. Meanwhile, Duke tells Angel that Anna is looking into Frisco's activities last night as Felicia told her about it. Duke is worried that if Anna gets curious that she won't let it rest.

Frisco arrives at Anna's and she asks him what he was doing last night? He lies and tells her that he did not go to the poker game. Duke's early arrival allows Frisco to rush away before answering Anna's questions. Anna goes to change and Duke immediately begins setting the mood. He opens a bottle of champagne and puts on some soft music.

**The End**

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