Duke, Anna & Robin #12, Duke, Anna & Robin #13, Duke, Anna & Robin #14, Duke, Anna & Robert #15, Duke, Anna, Robert & Robin #16, Duke, Anna & Robert #17, Duke & Anna & Robin #18, Duke & Anna & Robin #19, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #20, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #21, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #22, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #23, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #24, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #25, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #26, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #27, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #28, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #29, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #30, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #31, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #32, Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #33,

Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #34, Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #35, Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #36, Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #37,

Duke is on the Duke & Anna & Robert 1986 #12 - 1989 #37 from his arrival through his "death" in the explosion. These are my original dvd edits from original episodes and include all of Duke's scenes, all of Anna's scenes, all of Robert's scenes, and all of Robin's scenes. NOTE: I do have all of Anna & Robert & Robin edited from 1985-1992, click on the link for the Robert & Anna edits to see their edit descriptions for the #1-11, and the #38-47 and the R&A 1991-1992 edits

Duke, Anna & Robin #12  June 4 - July 15, 1986: 8 hour original edit
This edit begins with the Policeman's Ball and Duke's arrival! This is the first edit in the Duke & Anna time frame.
There are cute scenes between Duke and Robin, fireworks between Anna and Duke as he relentlessy pursues her. Anna is one of Felicia's bridesmaids and Robin is her flower girl so bridal shopping, bridal shower, and F&F's wedding is included. There is a hostage drama at the Webbers involving bank robbers, Frisco, Lucy, Patrick ect. Anna and Burt figure out the hostage situation when Lucy tips them off and they head over to the Webbers. Duke is enchanted with Robin and gives her a set of bagpies and a complete Scottish outfit, pretty funny as Robin attempts to play the bagpipes (for days on end) to Anna's annoyance. Frisco is assigned to the dock area and is constant presence is putting a crimp in Angel's money laundering. Duke decides to set him up with a poker game without Frisco knowing that Duke is behind it and have him win big, the idea is to get him in their pocket so they can control him. Duke and Anna spar quite a bit but she begins to see the kind side of him who does geniunely care for the poor in the dock area and goes out of his way to help when needed. Their relationship takes a turning point when he confides in her after a dock worker is injured in an accident and it brings back a traumatic childhood memory of his father's own accident. Robin and Filomenia conveniently head to Australia to visit Robert giving Anna time home alone. Duke immediately heads over for dinner that night. Duke lets an obviously nervous Anna off the hook with a kiss on the forehead.
Overall video and audio quality is pretty good, an original edit from original episodes. I noticed a slight jump to the Fourth of July episode.  There is NO Robert on this edit. He returns I believe in September and his return is related to the Duke & Anna storyline. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robin #13  July 15 - August 25, 1986: 8 hour original edit
I have completed the next write up in the Duke and Anna series. They sleep together while Robin is away in Australia visiting her father. Duke and Anna exchange "I Love You's". Frisco continues to search for Stan, sure he is onto something but he has no idea how big it is. Anna suspects Frisco is investigating on his own and grows increasingly annoyed with him for not using teamwork, he is found at an illegal card game and is suspended for three weeks. Duke stops a hit on Frisco and then sets up Felicia to get F&F out of town in order to protect Frisco. There is also no Robert on this edit, he doens't return to the show until Sept, 1986.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robin #14 August 25 - October 2, 1986: 8 hour original edit
This edit includes all of Duke's, all of Anna's, and all of Robert's scenes from the time he returns. The edit begins just after Frisco and Felicia have gone on the run after Duke set them up to protect them. Damon is after them as Felicia has an incriminating computer printout. Duke tries to get out of the organization but both Anna and Robin's lives are threatened and he has no choice but to cooperate in order to protect them. Duke works to protect Frisco and Felicia and Anna from Damon's wrath. Mr. B is revealed to be none other than Burt Ramsey!  When Robin overhears some men in the park making threats against Anna's life, she calls her father for help. There is no Robert on the #14A dvd. Robert arrives back in town about an hour into the #14B dvd and he is on the last three hours of that dvd.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #15  October 3 - November 11, 1986: 8 hour original edit
This edit continues with the Mr. Big storyline. Frisco fills Robert in on all the events leading up to them going on the run, Masquerade Ball celebrating Duke & Anna's engagement, Anna & Robert clash over her relationship with Duke as he fears for her and Robin's safety, Frisco & Felicia are beaten up in prison, Duke arranges for Marco to take the fall for the embezzlement clearing Felicia and Frisco, they are eventually cleared. They celebrate Robin's birthday. As the threats against Robin & Anna mount, Duke tries to protect them. Robin identifies Damon's voice as the man behind the threat on her mother's life. Robert begins hounding Damon and threatening him if he comes near his family again. Damon retailiates by bombing Anna's home. Duke realizes that he can't do anything to keep them safe and decides to turn state's evidence. He confesses everything to Bert, who immediately puts out a hit on Duke who overhears and realizes that Bert is Mr. Big. Bert pulls a gun on Duke and in the struggle Duke is shot. Anna is shocked to learn that Duke shot Bert, and has him arrested. Neither her or Robert believe Duke's claims that Bert is Mr. Big. When Bert is able to talk and asks to see Robert and Anna, Robert catches Bert in a lie and realizes that Duke may indeed be telling the truth that Bert is up to his eyeballs in involvement with the mob in Port Charles! I continued to include all of Duke's, all of Anna's, all of Robert's, and all of Robin's scenes on this edit during this time frame.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke & Anna & Robert & Robin #16  November 12 - December 5, 1986 Mr. Big storyline conclusion: 8 hour original edit
Robert and Anna tell Duke that they believe him that Bert is Mr. Big and they have a plan to bring down Mr. Big that involves Frisco, Felicia, and Sean's help.  They first help Duke to escape, and Anna & Duke hide out in a cabin. Robert convinces Bert that he is shocked that Anna is helping Duke and Robert is begining his own investigation. The mob is out to kill Duke in order to silence him, and Tony helps the gang to fake Duke's death. Duke then has to hide out in the catacombs. Frisco then boards Angus' yacht and wants to join the mob, and gives up Damon as a traitor to the mob who is turning state's evidence. As a test, Frisco is ordered to kill Damon. They also fake Frisco's hit on Damon and almost fool the mob, but the scam is up when the "Pilgrim" spots the bullet proof vest that Damon is wearing. He then orders a hit on Frisco which is almost successful, but Sean spots the ticking watch carrying the bomb just in time to save Frisco's life.
Bert is distracted by a retirement luncheon and the gang plot to keep him from meeting up with his cohorts who are arrested. Robert confronts Bert on the docks and arrests him as well. As gunmen take aim at Robert, Duke jumps in front of him, saving Robert's life as he takes the bullet. When Duke wakes up in the hospital, he can't feel his legs and looks like he might be paralyzed. There are a lot of outdoor, on location sequences, on an actual pier/dock area and on a yacht. This was a fun edit to do as the gang once again are all working together to defeat the bad guys and this edit contains the satisfying conclusion as Mr. Big and his organization is finally brought down. I continued to include every Robert, every Anna, every Duke, and every Robin scene on this edit, though there isn't a lot of Robin on during this time frame. There is also some Frisco, Felicia, and Sean scenes as they join their friends once again.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #17  December 5, 1986 - January 13, 1987: 8 hour original edit
This edit goes through Robert's return and his departure from the show. Robert and Anna say goodbye to Bert who has suffered a nervous breakdown. Duke has surgery to remove the bullet and faces paralysis. Duke's friends in PC all band together to clean up the club, reopen it and raise some money for his legal and medical expenses. Anna faces the police review board and retains her job, and then Frisco does as well. Duke receives a letter threathening Anna and Robin's lives if he turns state's evidence and he decides not to testify in order to protect them. Anna says she will come forward to testify, Duke can't have her putting herself in jeopardy so he goes to Angus and blackmails him to promise to keep Anna and Robin safe in return for Duke keeping the secret of L'Orlean.  Angus agrees and keeps his word to try to protect Duke.  The gang celebrate Christmas at GH, Duke and Anna celebrate New Year's while stashed away in the secret room of Sean's penthouse. The edit ends as Duke goes to prison, and Robert leaves for Australia after his final goodbyes to his friends, Anna and Robin. This edit concludes Robert's return for the fall of 1986. All of Robert's 1986 return is contained on the Robert & Anna & Duke 1986 #14B and #15-#17.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke & Anna & Robin #18  January 13 - February 27, 1987: 8 hour original edit
This edit begins the L’Orlean storyline. Duke and Angus discuss the secret in prison as Angus tries to keep Duke alive. Sister Camilla arrives in town, she is Duke’s half sister, Angus is her father. Angus is murdered in prison trying to protect Duke. Duke is granted parole, and they go to L’Orlean to bury Angus. Camilla has flashbacks to her past romantic relationship with Duke (before they learned they were brother and sister). Duke is released on parole and goes home to start his new life. He plans on marrying Anna as soon as he pays the $100,000 fine. Anna and Duke are enjoying being reunited and spending some time alone together. Camilla finds out she is not Duke’s sister and immediately heads to Port Charles, Duke is not happy to see her arrive! I included all of Duke’s scenes, all of Anna’s scenes, and pretty much all of Camelia’s scenes.
  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke & Anna & Robin#19  February 27 - April 30, 1987: 8 hour original edit
Camila returns to PC and begins pursuing Duke. She tells Anna that she is not Duke’s sister. Anna and Duke have a falling out over him not telling her the truth, though Sean convinces her to let go of the L’Orlean secret, reminding her she had secrets of her own in the past. She forgives Duke and they plan to marry. Duke wants Camila out of town, but she refuses to leave. She rents a room at Kelly’s and gets a job at GH as a nurse. Camilla leaks information to a reporter insinuating that Anna covered up Angus’ murder. Duke is furious when she finally admits she was the source. Duke & Anna finally set the date for their wedding in early June. Duke pays the $100,000 fine he owes, is released from parole and is now free to marry Anna. Anna goes dress shopping with her friends. A pre-wedding surprise party is thrown at the Brownstone, and Duke asks Jake to be his best man. Carlin learns the mystery man in the photo is Evan Jerome.
Robert is out of town during this edit. He does call and talk to Anna & Robin, and then Sean but we do not see Robert during the conversations. This edit contains all of Duke’s scenes, and all of Anna’s scenes, and pretty much all of Camilla (except the few scenes when she is nursing patients at GH).  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #20 May 1 - June 12, 1987: 8 hour original edit
Anna and Duke’s wedding begins, as the story about Camilla killing Evan Jerome hits the morning papers. Reporters interrupt the wedding, Duke tells Anna about the cover up. Anna walks out of the wedding and decides she is through with Duke. Anna is forced to arrest Duke and Camilla and appear before a review board. She resigns as Chief of Police as she was guitly of cutting short the investigation into Angus’ death. Duke and Camilla’s hearing, they are released. Anna takes Robin to New York, intending on moving out of town. Duke, Sean, Steve, Audrey, Bobbie are taken hostage by a terrorist who threathens them with a vial containing the MOX virus. Evan Jerome’s widow vows revenge against Camilla. Anna decides to come home and to open a PI agency with Sean. Robert returns to town about two hours into the #20B dvd. Robert tells Anna and Sean that Holly has been killed in a plane crash and that Sean is on the DVX hit list. Robert, Anna, and Sean plot a counter attack on the DVX. They need to find the DVX assassin and kill him. Robert’s cover is he will go into business with Anna. This edit contains all of Duke’s scenes, all of Anna’s scenes, all of Robin’s scenes and all of Robert’s scenes from his return.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #21 June 12 - August 6, 1987: 8 hour original edit
Everyone gathers for a surprise going away party, Robin is headed to Italy for the summer, and Frisco is off to join the WSB. Sean goes undercover in prison to talk Barrett, a DVX agent, into working with him and Robert. The escape is successful and he tells them that the DVX is planning on killing Sean when he goes to the Biscayne Islands. Duke and Camilla hide out in Los Angeles as a hitman is after her. She gets a part in a movie but the hitman learns her whereabouts from TV coverage. Sean, Monica, Greta are on the Biscayne Islands trying to arrange for the release of Greta’s husband. Anna and Robert arrive, pretending to be newlyweds. Duke follows them there, bringing Camilla with him. Great action scenes as Robert and Sean drive around in a jeep, rappel down a cliff, up till they are captured by Ramos and held prisoner. They make every attempt to escape but their plan is foiled. Anna and Duke rush to get to them in time as Robert and Sean face a firing squad. Anna sets off explosions and they escape in Anna’s jeep.
Everyone returns home, and Sean begins to question if Robert is still in love with Anna. Robin calls and is terribly homesick so her parents arrange to meet her in Paris, feeling it is safer than bringing her home to PC. Anna is suspicious of Robert’s motives when they wind up staying in the same hotel they spent their honeymoon in. Duke is also suspicious of Robert’s feelings for Anna but is determined to win Anna back. He is encouraged when she returns his kiss even though she denies her feelings.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #22August 7 - September 8, 1987: 8 hour original edit
This edit begins with Robert and Anna in Paris, staying at the same hotel they spent their honeymoon. Elena sends two assassins after Robert and Anna. They miss them in Paris. She sends another set of assassins to make another attempt at Duke’s club which is also foiled. Then they are invited to Elena’s party in Southampton that Terry and Dusty (Sean Cassidy!) are singing at. On their return home, Robert and Anna’s plane is rigged to crash. Sean gets word to them to warn them and they fake that they are on the plane and have died. Felicia is filled in but Tiffany isn’t. Robert and Anna meet up with Robin to hide out with Olin’s help in the Asian Quarter. Robin actually solves the code in the song, “40 Million Stars) and figures it means latitude and longtitude, which sends them to Mt. Rushmore. Dusty and Teri are there to perform in concert.
I included all of Robert, all of Anna, all of Duke, and all of Robin, and all of the Mt. Rushmore location scenes. There is also a lot of Sean on this edit. Sean Cassidy appears as “Dusty”, Elena has brainwashed him into being a terrorist for her peace cause. I did not include all of the Dusty & Teri, just enough to show what he is up to, and did include them during all of the location and concert scenes.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #23 September 9 - October 27, 1987: 8 hr original edit
This edit takes place in the aftermath of the Mt. Rushmore adventure as everyone returns to PC and wrap up the investigation, Dusty’s trial, and Elena’s arrest. Duke asks Anna to marry him and she agrees, Robert moves into Sean’s penthouse. Robert receives a letter from Holly and grieves over her presumed death, with R&H flashbacks. Robert seems sad at Anna remarrying but also happy for her, they seem to still have feelings for each other and Anna jokingly asks if she can have them both. Duke & Anna find a new home, their wedding, reception, and arrival in Scotland for their honeymoon. Autumn arrives at the end of the edit and asks Robert for help investigating an attempt on Herbert’s life. There are a lot of good Scorpio family scenes on this edit as Robert adjusts to Anna moving on with her life, adjusting to Duke being Robin’s step-father, and all of the wedding planning. This edit includes every Robert scene, every Anna, every Duke, and every Robin scene during this time frame.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #24  October 27 - December 31, 2009: 10 hours, 22 mins on three dvds
This edit continues with Anna & Duke’s Scottish honeymoon as he wakes her up before dawn to go fishing. They return to PC and move into their new home. Robert begins romancing Autumn. This edit concludes the Autumn storyline through her departure at the end of December. Also included are the Thanksgiving and Christmas scenes, right up to the start of New Year’s. I did not include all of the separate Autumn/Herbert/Q scenes.  I included all of Robert’s scenes, all of Anna, all of Duke, and all of Robin (though she wasn’t on the show a lot during this time frame).
     As a bonus, I added a third R&A&D #24C dvd with an additional 2 hours 20 minutes to complete the Autumn storyline on the R&A&D #24. So this edit comes is almost 10 1/2 hours on three dvds.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #25  December 31, 1997 - February 1, 1988: The Snowman Storyline 8 hour original edit
This edit covers Grant Putnam’s release. He returns to Port Charles and begins to write threathening letters to Robert as “The Snowman”. He attempts to kidnap Robin, Filomenia is killed trying to protect Robin, Anna interrupts the attempt and he takes her instead. Robin is found catatonic by her grandmother’s side. Anna is held in a cage and does her best to attempt to escape, while Robert and Duke are desperate to find her. Everyone is worried about Robin and hopes to get some response from her. The only response she has is to the ring that Grant dropped during the kidnapping. I included all of Anna’s, Duke’s, Robert’s, Robin’s, Grant’s scenes during this time frame.Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #26  February 2 - March 4, 1988: Snowman Storyline Conclusion 8 hour original edit
This edit contains the conclusion of the Grant Putnam Snowman storyline. Duke and Robert both continue to search for Anna. Duke is increasingly jealous over Robert and Anna’s relationship and Robert’s feelings towards Anna. Robin comes out of her comatose state. Grant sets a trap for Robert and has Anna write him a letter to draw him to the trap. She includes a code in the letter to let Robert know it is a trap. After a house explosion, some cool location shots in the snowy mountains, after Anna has spent a nice freezing in the snow, she is finally rescued and taken to GH by helicopter. Just as this adventure has a happy ending, Sean tells Robert that the WSB has reported Frisco is missing. I continued to include all of Robert’s, Anna’s, Duke’s, Robin’s, and Grant’s scenes during this time frame. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #27 March 7 - April 19, 1988: 8 hour original edit
In this edit Robin recovers from the aftermath of being kidnapped, Anna is released from the hospital, Robert is obsessive about protecting Robin & Anna, Anna accuses Robert of still being in love with her, Duke is set up, Julian arrives in time to save Duke but is Julian is shot and killed, Julian Jerome’s funeral, Tanya Walker arrives as Olivia, Robert & Anna & Robin have a family day at the zoo together, Robert & Anna have dinner and champagne and remininsce, Cheryl is grief stricken over Julian’s death and at Tiffany’s urging decides to date Robert. Duke agrees to take over the mob duties for the Jeromes and Anna is suspicious. I continued to include all of Robert’s, Anna’s, Duke’s, and Robin’s scenes during this time frame. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #28 April 19 - June 1, 1988: 8 hour original edit
Opening of Duke’s new club, Anna works on the missing Marty Woods case, Cheryl collapses and is taken to GH, her one remaining kidney has a severe infection, she takes off. Marty’s wife finally tells Anna the truth about her husband being connected to the mob. Anna asks Duke if he killed Marty? Duke does admit to dumping his body in the river. Anna realizes Duke is back in the mob and tells him their marriage is over. John Ingle makes a guest appearence as a state police commissioner. Duke explainw to Anna why he's involved with the mob again, how Julian helped find Anna when she was kidnapped, and Julian died saving his life. Julian was trying to make the business legitimate and Duke wants to make that dream a reality and promises he will get out as soon as it is realized. Cheryl is concerned about her connection to the Jerome family affecting her relationship with Robert if he finds out. Explosion in Duke’s new NY club. This edit contains all of Robert’s scenes, all of Anna, all of Duke, all of Robin and all of Olivia Jerome’s scenes. There is quite a bit of Olivia (played by Tonya Walker), very little Robin during this time frame. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #29 June 1 - July 15, 1988: 8 hour original edit
On this edit, Duke sleeps with Olivia and later confesses to Anna, Robert & Cheryl visit Robin at camp, when Robin goes missing from camp, Robert takes the police helicopter and rushes to find her. Anna comes up with a plan to break up the mob. Anna dresses up like a bag lady and videotapes a drug deal. Robert finally gets a trace on Butcher and rushes out to apprehend him. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #30 July 15-Aug 22, 1988: 8 hour original edit
Action at the arts festival, bomb explodes, Aquarius diamond is stolen, Anna & Duke go fishing while staying at the mountain cabin, Anna blurts out that she would like to have Duke’s baby. Olivia senses that Anna is becoming closer to Victor and is furious when he declares that she will share equal power with Duke in the organization. Olivia tells Duke that she is pregnant with his child. Anna is feeling ill and she learns she is also pregnant! This edit contains all of Duke, all of Robert, all of Anna, all of Robin, all of Olivia, and all of Victor’s scenes. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #31 July 15-Aug 22, 1988: 8 hour original edit
Robert is not happy to learn that Anna is pregnant, cute scenes as Anna & Duke tell Robin about the baby, formal opening of the “Frisco Jones Center”, Olivia stalks the Lavery’s. She sends lovebirds to Robin and then pays a guy to sneak in and kill one! Robin is goes with Robert to stay at the penthouse. Anna then finds a decapitated doll on her doorstep. Victor gets proof that Olivia was involved in her brother’s death and vows to make her pay. Olivia sends a picture of Cheryl and Julian together and sends it to Robert. Cheryl opens his letter and rips open the picture and hides it. Robert finds it and has it pieced together, learns that Cheryl hid her relationship with Julian Jerome and tells he he will never trust her again. Olivia picks up Robin from school and takes her to a haunted house. She is released and shows up at home, unharmed and unaware of the danger she was in. Anna is not feeling well and her doctor is worried about her pregnancy. I continued to include all of Robert, all Duke, all Anna, all Robin, all Olivia & Victor Jerome’s scenes. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #32 September 29 -November 4, 1988: 8 hour original edit
Olivia hires her goon to deliver a snake to Anna’s bedroom, Robert rushes in just in time to shoot the snake and save her life! Julian Jerome shocks Cheryl when he returns from the dead. Olivia pays Tim to rig the elevator at Duke’s club and it crashes with Anna inside! Anna is rushed to GH but sadly loses her baby. Anna sneaks out of GH, confronts Olivia with a gun, Olivia is shot and rushed to GH in critical condition. Julian Jerome & Cheryl are also hiding there, Cheryl wonders if perhaps Anna missed and she shot Olivia! Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #33 November 4 - December 2, 1988: 8 hour original edit
On this edit, Robert has to arrest Anna for the attempted murder of Olivia St. John, Anna is in jail and Robin is furious with Duke for not protecting her mother and demands to see her father, jury selection and Anna’s trial, Robert & Sean work together to gather evidence, Cheryl & Julian are on the run as Cheryl also had a gun that night and shot at Olivia. Robert & Sean set up a sting with Monica’s help to lure out the guilty party. The edit culminates in an explosion and big show down at the PCPD, Anna is released of all charges! Great edit! Starts with her arrest and ends with her release. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #34 December 5, 1988 - January 24, 1989: 8 hour original edit
Robin & Duke have a big welcome home for Anna, Robin is so thrilled! Anna and Duke head up to the cabin for some alone time, involving ice fishing. Robert throws Sean a bachelor party, Sean & Tiffany’s wedding. Anna is devastated to learn she can’t have any more children but soon takes in BJ when Tony is blinded. Robert moves out to a cottage in the woods. The owner soon shows up and surprises Robert, she is furious her house was rented out. They sort out their living arrangements and come to a compromise. Robert goes into full protective mode when the cottage is broken into. At Katherine & Paul’s engagement party, a glass of champagne is spiked with poison. When it is spilled onto her piano, it corrodes some of the strings. Robin gives Robert a dog for his birthday, Robert meets “Friday”. Katherine gives Robin piano lessons. When Robin throws Robert a surprise birthday party, she plays piano with Kate. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #35 January 24 - March 6, 1989: 8 hour original edit
Anna and Duke share a romantic evening together while his assistant, Hilary, watches the girls. They pick up Robin but allow the sleeping BJ to sleep over. When they go to pick her up the next am, Hilary has kidnapped BJ (she is just a toddler and so cute!). Anna tracks her and returns the baby to Tony. Robert has the forensics done on Katherine’s piano and finds the toxins, he has her arrested over parking tickets to protect her. Of course she is furious. Scotty steps in and gets her released in time to perform her concert. A light fixture crashes down towards Katherine and Robert pushes her out of way just in time. Later while driving home, her car crashes off the road and she is thought to have died. Katherine’s memorial, Robert & Katherine flashbacks. Robert is shocked to find Katherine alive in his living room. He insists that she remain dead to the world in order to protect her. Olivia awakens from her coma with amnesia thinking it is 1985. Anna doesn’t for a second believe her and insists Olivia is faking the amnesia. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #36 March 6 - April 13, 1989: 8 hour original edit
Duke & Anna share a very romantic evening together, PC learns that Katherine is alive, Althea goes after Katherine with a gun, Paul struggles with her and the gun goes off killing her. Duke & Anna spend another romantic tonight together in NY then Duke testifies in the Jerome trial. Victor feels betrayed by Duke. Duke is planning on going into witness protection but one of his contacts is on Victor’s payroll. Robin is torn about going into witness protection and leaving her father. Some cute Robert & Katherine scenes as he insists on moving into HER bedroom in order to protect her. Of course Paul throws a fit. Click here to read the full edit description.

Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #37 April 14 - May 23, 1989: 8 hour original edit
Duke “dies” in an explosion, Duke’s funeral, Olivia released into her father’s custody, Anna & Robert arrest Victor for complicity in Duke’s murder, Robert & Katherine date and first kiss. Click here to read the full edit description.

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