Duke, Anna & Robert #17  December 5, 1986 - 1987 - 8 hour original edit

DVD #17A  December 5, 1986 - Duke tells Anna not to waste her life on him as he might be paralized but, Anna promises to stand by him. Robert and Anna say goodbye to Bert who has suffered a nervous breakdown. Tony tells Duke that the bullet did not penetrate his spine and his chances for full recovery are 50/50. Having already told Duke about his own recovery from paralysis, Tony informs Duke that he is going to have to have surgery to remove the bullet.

December 9, 1986 - Duke is feeling bad about his future. He is facing a jail term and possible paralysis, but Anna tells Duke that she will be waiting for him when he comes out of prison. Frisco tells Bobbie, Jake, Felicia, Anna, Tiffany, Sean, Patrick and Terry that they should take over the running of Duke's Club with the proceeds from the first night, going to Duke to pay for his legal and medical bills. Duke approves of the plan and is grateful for their support.  Bert Ramsey is being transferred to a state hospital and Anna wishes him well.

December 10, 1986 - Anna faces the police review board concerning her possible misconduct in the just-finished mob case. Mayor Morgan says her job as police chief is on the line. Anna isn't worried about it because she is thinking about Duke who is about to have surgery to remove the bullet from his back. Tony and Anna tell Duke to have a positive attitude when he has surgery. Members of the Dockworkers Union plan on filing charges against Duke for misusing union funds. Tom Green asks Jake and Sean to talk the union members out of it. Frisco, Felicia, Bobbie, Tiffany, Terry and Patrick start the clean up of Duke's Club to get it prepared for the opening night. Robert defends Anna's unorthodox methods as police chief infront of the police review board. Tony and Yank begin the operation on Duke.

December 11, 1986 - Frisco and Felicia go to the airport to pick up Robin and bring her to General Hospital to see Duke when he gets out of surgery. The police review board reach a decision on Anna's fate and she is cleared of any charges of misconduct and keeps her job as the chief of police. Mayor Morgan tells her that the decision was unanimous. Frisco tells Robert that Tony and Yank are in trouble with Steve for forging Duke's death certificate. Robert rushes to the rescue and  convinces Steve to forgive them because Tony and Yank's actions helped stop the mob. 

December 12, 1986 - Robert tells Anna that he can't leave Port Charles until he is sure that she and Robin are going to be safe from  retaliation by the mob. Frisco, Felicia, Terry and Patrick prepare for the opening of Duke's Club. Duke is upset and thinks that Tony is lying to him when he tells Duke that he will walk again. Duke is convinced that he will be half a man for the rest of his life. Robert tells Sean he  is concerned that the mob will make an attempt to kill Duke in the hospital. Robert tells Anna to be prepared to walk out of Duke's life, for her and Robin's sake. 

December 16, 1986 - The police review board meets with Frisco to decide if he will be allowed back on the force. Jake, Anna, Felicia and Tony speak to the board on Frisco's behalf. The board isn't sure that they want a free spirit like Frisco in the police department. Frisco tells the review board that he won't change, he is proud of who he is and walks out on the hearing, convinced he will not be allowed to be a cop. Later, Frisco returns to hear the board's verdict and he learns that he is being reinstated on the Port Charles Police Department as a detective.  Outside of General Hospital, a hitman makes a phone call telling someone that he is going to kill Duke.

December 17, 1986 - Frisco, Jake, Felicia and Bobbie need to recruit people to attend the opening of Duke's Club and ask Captain Lewis and Tom Green to help talk the cops and dockworkers into showing up. Tony tells Duke that the x-ray results prove that Duke will walk again but Duke remains pessimistic. Disguised as an orderly, a hitman sneaks into Duke's hospital room with the intention of killing him. Robert spots the hitman and arrests him. Terry and Frisco sing at the benefit for Duke and the opening of Duke's Club is a success. Robert gives Duke a pep talk, reminding him that Luke Spencer recovered from his paralysis. Robert tells Duke that he has reason to be optimistic and that Anna and Robin need him to get better. Duke says that he will try and agrees to start therapy. With Anna's encouragement, Duke manages to walk a few steps.

December 18, 1986 - Duke tells Anna that he is ready to turn state's evidence and give a statement to the Assistant D.A. Jake plans on plea bargaining on Duke's behalf to try to get a reduced sentence for him. The Assistant D.A. cannot guarantee protection from mob violence for Anna and Robin and this deeply concerns Duke. Later, he receives an anonymous note with a death threat against Anna and Robin if Duke goes ahead with his plan to turn state's evidence. Slight jump to these scenes.

December 19, 1986 - Duke shows Robert the death threat note he received and tells him that he has changed his mind about turning state's evidence. He is not going to do it in order to protect Anna and Robin from the mob.  Frisco and Felicia go to see Duke at GH and give him the check from the funds raised at the benefit. Duke tells them it is too much and he doesn't deserve it. Duke gives Frisco and Felicia the keys to his penthouse. He also asks them to buy Christmas presents for Anna and Robin. Since Duke is headed for jail, he is going to let them live at his place until he gets out.  Slight jump to these scenes.

December 22, 1986 - Duke tells Jake and Anna that he isn't turning state's evidence, but she won't let Duke sacrifice himself for her and Robin as this would mean a long jail sentence. Anna wants Robert to take Robin back to Australia with him but he refuses to do so. Anna suggests that she and Robin go into hiding with the Witness Protection Program but Robert won't allow that  because he would never be able to see his daughter again. Robert and Jake persuade the judge to give Duke time to change his mind about refusing to turn state's evidence. Robin shows her proud father her report card. Anna somberly watches them together. When Robin leaves the room, Robert asks if Anna is upset that he won't agree to the Witness Protection Program. She says no, she understands how much he loves Robin but Anna wants a life of her own, one with Duke. Robert agrees but he doesn't want Robin to live a life on the run, but he also doesn't want to see Duke sacrificed to keep them safe as he respects Duke too much for that.

December 23, 1986 - Duke reads a Christmas card with another threat against Robin and Anna if he testifies. Anna tells him that the judge has given him an extension on being able to testify. She warns him if he doesn't that he will go to prison. He says then he will go to prison, unwilling to risk their livesfor his own benefit. She asks him what he will tell Robin? Steve enters and tells Anna that Ted Holmes was found dead in his room. Anna assigns Frisco to the  case, his first as a detective (note Ted was smothered to death, so it was murder).

December 24, 1986 - Frisco tells Anna that he considers Lucy and her book publisher suspects in Ted's murder since they both had a motive.  Bobbie tells Anna that she is having second thoughts about having a child. Anna tells Bobbie that she should let Jake know how she feels about it.

December 25, 1986 - (MISSING AUDIO FOR A COUPLE OF SECONDS IN A SCENE BETWEEN DUKE AND ANNA). It is Christmas Eve in Port Charles, Anna visits Duke at General Hospital to see that he is progressing very well on his walker and is getting closer to a full and complete recovery from his temporary paralysis. Robert arrives at Anna's to leave presents under the tree. He receives a bouquet of Holly and a card from his wife, Holly. Robin returns home with Philomenia. Robin teases that she has a present for Robert but he can't see it till it is wrapped! He tells her that she is the best Christmas present ever. Robert calls Holly and wishes her a Merry Christmas and tells her that he misses her and will be home soon. Robin is busy wrapping presents in the kitchen. Sean and Frisco arrive to talk to Robert about the rumors on the docks that Duke isn't going to testify. Robert tells them that he is worried that Anna will come up with some "cockamamie" scheme to keep Duke out of prison. Robert, Sean, Tiffany, Anna & Robin show up at Duke's hospital room to celebrate the holiday. Later at Anna's, Sean and Tiffany arrive bearing gifts. Sandy, Buzz also arrive enjoy the day and they all sing "Silent Night".

#17B  December 26, 1986 - It is Christmas morning in Port Charles. Jake tells Duke that he cannot get a lighter sentence, unless he turns state's evidence against the mob. Duke refuses to as he will not put Anna and Robin's lives at risk of mob retaliation. He is willing to keep his mouth shut about the organization and suffer a long jail sentence. Anna arrives to see Duke and they exchange Christmas presents. Robert arrives sooner after with Robin dressed her the cute little Scottish dress that Duke had given her. Duke doesn't want to talk about his decision not to testify, he just wants to enjoy the day. Duke informs Anna that he has bought a house in Scotland for them to live in one day. Anna is concerned about the lack of police guards outside of Duke's room. Robert tells her that he gave them the day off. He informs her that he didn't want Robin to be worried by their presence so he arranged for two WSB agents in plainclothes. Anna is impressed with his thoughtfulness and gives him a kiss in gratitude. At the annual Christmas party at GH, Steve tells the children the story of the first Christmas as Robin sits on his lap. Robert surprises them with a feast in Duke's room and they all have Christmas dinner together.

December 29, 1986 - The judge in Duke's case is demanding Duke's testimony against the mob or he'll throw the book at him but Duke is still refusing to for Anna and Robin's safety. Robert gives Frisco advice on how to investigate the Ted Holmes murder case. Frisco tells Robert that Lucy is his prime suspect. Anna is not going to let Duke sacrifice himself for her and Robin. Anna plans on holding a press conference, announcing that she will testify against the mob. Duke cannot allow Anna to set herself up as a target, he informs the press that he will turn state's evidence after all.

December 30, 1986 - Duke has an idea of how to protect Anna and Robin. He wants Robert to sneak him out of General Hospital so that he can talk to Angus. Robert enlists Sean's help to make sure that people don't know that Duke has left the hospital. Robert and Duke go to the prison and confront Angus. Duke threatens to expose the secret of L'Orlean, something that Angus does not want anyone to know about unless Angus guarantees that the mob will not harm Anna or Robin. Angus is angry at Duke and believes that he has already told Robert about L'Orlean but Duke insists that he hasn't and won't as long as Angus ensures Anna and Robin's safety. Angus gives his word that no harm will come to Anna and Robin. Robert warns Angus not to go back on his word.

December 31, 1986 - Captain Lewis, Anna and Steve make arrangements for the transfer of Duke to the courthouse for his arraignment. Robert persuades the judge to allow Duke to spend time in a safehouse, instead of jail before he is sentenced. The safehouse is Sean's penthouse where Duke will be staying with Anna. Robert and Sean meet at the Floating Rib for a drink.

January 2, 1987 - It is New Year's Eve, Duke and Anna plan on spending it with Sean in his penthouse. Sean arrives singing "Auld Lang Syng" and brings dress clothes for Duke and Anna. She tells him that neither of them feel like celebrating too much. After Sean leaves, Duke tells her that while there was bad stuff in 1986, that the good far outweighed the bad. He tells her that he feels very lucky to have met her and admonishes her for not wanting to celebrate. Duke and Sean wear tuxes, Anna beautiful in an evening gown and they toast with champagne. When Sean hears Tiffany arriving, he assures Duke and Anna back into hiding in the secret room. She is indignant that he won't let her in and she leaves in a huff after telling him that he will be sorry as she was inviting him to a special party. Duke, Anna, and Sean watch Tiffany's report from the party at Duke's club. Tiffany introduces Brett, the new DA. Sean excuses himself so that Duke and Anna can continue their private celebration.

January 5, 1987 - Duke and Anna dress in Scottish garb, and Anna surprises him with a Scottish feast. Suffering hangovers from too much New Year's celebrating, Sean fixes Anna and Duke a special drink to cure their headache. 

January  6, 1987 - Anna is upset when Robert tells her that Duke has no guarantee of protection for his life from Angus. To Anna life is meaningless if Duke is killed but he has faith that Robert can convince the judge to get him additional security in prison. Robert and Jake are angry that a task force on organized crime is pressuring the judge to give Duke the maximum sentence. Robin gets upset when she reads in the newspaper that Duke is going to prison.

January 7, 1987 - The judge sentences Duke to four months in the state penitentiary and will be eligible for parole in six weeks. To Anna's relief, Jake and Robert persuade the judge to allow Duke special protection in the prison, considering he will be locked up with other members of the mob. Duke tells Anna they will get married and move to Scotland when he gets out of prison. Anna is afraid that something will happen to Duke in prison but he assures her that he will be okay. Robert wants Angus to protect Duke from the mob because Lavery is his son, Angus agrees to try.

January 8, 1987 - Brett Madison tells Anna he thinks that Lucy is using Jake as her lawyer because she can manipulate him. Anna wants Lucy to submit to a lie detector test. Jake tells Anna he is not convinced of Lucy's innocence but is giving her the benefit of the doubt. Wanting to prove that Buzz is innocent of the murders, Anna orders a search warrant for Buzz's apartment.

January 9, 1987 - Robert is worried about Duke's safety in prison and tells Sean that it only takes a moment to kill someone. Robert goes to the prison to say good-bye to Duke and to let him know that he trusts Duke to take care of Anna and Robin. Angus gives Ellerbee a note to deliver to another inmate. After the inmate reads the note, he pretends to be ill and demands to be taken to the prison infirmary where Duke has started working. Sean and Tiffany have farewell drinks with Robert as he will be leaving Port Charles soon.

January 12, 1987 - Buzz vents his anger at Robert for the police search of his apartment. Robert explains to Buzz that Anna had to do it in order to clear him. Anna is on edge and short-tempered with fellow cops Captain Lewis and Sam. Robert advises her not to let her feelings about Duke interfere with her job.  Anna  informs Jake that Lucy is the prime suspect but they both agree not to let their jobs undermine their friendship. Anna knows that Sandy is lying about putting strychnine in Buzz's medical bag because she is trying to protect her father. Anna tells Buzz to get a lawyer. Robert and Anna get dressed up and go out to dinner together, they talk over old times and flashbacks are shown, and they share a dance as they prepare to say goodbye.

January 13, 1987 - Angus is determined to do what he promised Robert, to protect Duke. Meanwhile, two prisoners plot to get Duke in the infirmary, one of the men fakes a fever by drinking hot coffee. After being admitted, the prisoner waits for his opportunity to kill Duke with a knife. Today is the day that Robert goes home to Australia and Robin is upset that he is leaving. Anna and Robert say a final goodbye at the airport as he once again heads out of town.

**The End**

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