Duke, Anna & Robert #24  October 27 - December 31, 2009 - 10 hours, 22 mins

DVD #24A  Seems Herbert mixed his meds with dairy products. It was a simple mix up, or so it seems. Robert tells Autumn that Herbert’s trip to the hospital was just an accident, case closed. Autumn insists she still needs his help.

Duke wakes Anna at 4 am to go fishing with him. Cute fishing in Scotland on their honeymoon scenes. Anna and Duke’s last day in Scotland. Anna calls Robin. Duke gives Anna her very own fishing boots and hat so he can take her out to the lake again. After an argument, they end up in the lake together. Duke sets up a romantic dinner for his and Anna’s last honeymoon night.

Bobbie tells Robert about Melissa being missing. Robert questions Ruby about the kids who robbed her. Robert questions Ruby again and she has to admit that it was Melissa’s friends who robbed Kelly’s. Robert and Felicia search for the missing Melissa. Autumn presses Robert to find out who is trying to kill Herbert. Autumn invites Robert to come to the Q mansion and meet Herbert’s entourage, all of whom she does not trust. Robert has tea at the Q mansion. He and the Qs hear a scream from upstairs.  Robert finds Pritchett dead after having fallen down the back stairs.

Anna and Duke on their way back to PC.  Anna and Duke return home to Robin and Philomena. With no bedroom furniture yet in their new house thanks to Duke, Anna and he are forced to sleep in sleeping bags.

Anna returns to work at the PI office. Robert is anxious to track down a sleazy Zack. With Terri still not able to sing, she asks Duke to find a new singer for the club. He asks Terri to help out as the hostess. Anna meets Autumn Clayton and the two grill each other. Robert checks out Zack’s van. Later, he and Sam arrest Zack and his pal for the Kelly’s robbery. Robert questions Autumn about her past.

Robert sends Felicia to NYC to check out a background lead on Autumn. Duke surprises Anna with the bed from the manor house in Scotland.  Robert gives Autumn the autopsy report on Pritchett and he believes there was foul play.  Autumn tries to fire Robert but he is not letting the case go that easy.  Tiffany fishes around Robert for information on the Q mansion death.  Robert fills Sean in on Autumn’s flip flop. Autumn calls Robert with the news that Dorothy has been stabbed but when Robert and the PCPD arrive Dorothy’s body is gone and is replaced with Dr. Wallace’s, who has been knocked out.

Jake shows Anna the note Bobbie left him that she took off to look for Melissa. Anna plans a trip to NYC to check on some details of Autumn’s background and look for Melissa. Anna is surprised top see Sean on the same flight to NYC. Anna gets some more information on Autumn’s past and runs a check on her ex-boyfriend, Oliver Montand.

Sam shows Robert the letter opener. Anna comes up with nothing on Melissa and Laurie in NYC. Robert confronts the Q’s with the letter opener. The letter opener belongs to Quinton and Autumn was using it last. Anna returns to PC.  Anna gets a package from her contact in Paris with some suggestive photos and video of Autumn.  Duke looks into what business the man he rented the penthouse at the club to. Robert sees the video of Autumn. Robert confronts Autumn with the photos.

Robert wants to know what else Autumn is hiding. Autumn tells Robert about her family and why she is so devoted to Herbert. Robert has a hard time believing her.  Robert and Autumn end up in a kiss but he is still very suspicious of her.  Anna wants to know what Robert found out about Autumn. Anna tells Robert that she believes he is in love with Autumn. He freaks out on her. Quinton arrives to talk to Robert.

DVD #24B  Duke’s suspicions about Carruthers running an insurance scam are growing. Anna calls Duke, annoyed that Quinton went into Robert’s office to talk to him privately. Quinton gives Robert a note, which is very important evidence on the case. After Quinton leaves, Anna apologizes to Robert for insintuating that he is anything but professional. She wants to know everything that Quinton told Robert.

When Robert arrives, Quinton and Betsy drop the bombshell note that Quinton gave him. Robert admits his dumb mistake of kissing Autumn to Sean and the details of the note he received. Herbert stole from Autumn’s father making revenge a motive for Autumn to murder him. Robert needs to find out how accurate the note is. Robert meets Autumn’s father, Taylor Clayton, attorney in NYC. Taylor went to prison for Herbert.

Day before Thanksgiving in PC. Robin wants to invite Robert to Thanksgiving.  

Thanksgiving in PC. Robert tells Sean about Autumn’s motive to want to snuff out Herbert. The Lavery’s plan their Thanksgiving dinner.  Robert and Sean arrive at the Qs wanting to see Autumn and Herbert. Robert wants to talk with Autumn away from the Q mansion. Robert brings Autumn to the Lavery’s for dinner.  Andy questions Duke about placing a bet on his game. Duke tells him that none of that business goes on at his club anymore. Robert tells Autumn the information that he learned in NYC about Herbert and her father.

Autumn does not believe Robert and wants to go back the mansion and talk to Herbert.  Autumn tells Anna about Robert’s claims.  Anna assures Autumn that Robert will be fair.  Anna does not believe that Autumn’s relationship with Robert will go anywhere.  Autumn learns that Herbert is dead. Robert wants to examine the body but it is too late. Robert has some questions for everybody. He finds poisoned antacid near Herbert’s bedside but no bottle.

The PCPD have the Q mansion on lockdown.  Anna and Robert go over the suspects in the murder and the lack of clues.  Autumn tries to sneak out of the mansion but is caught by Sam. Robert goes over Herbert’s will. Anna and Robert arrive at the Q mansion to talk over the will with the Q’s.  Quinton points out to Scorpio that Herbert was going to change his will but died before he could. Everyone has a motive. Robert needs to find the missing poisoned medicine bottle.  Anna finds the missing medicine bottle in Edward’s bedroom.

Duke invites Anna and Felicia to have dinner tonight with him at the club. Andy wants to talk with Duke before he consents to surgery. Duke wants his penthouse tenant, Caruthers, out, as he is a bookie for placing illegal bets. Andy tells Duke about his bet with Caruthers. He thinks Caruthers will renege on the bet especially if Andy dies. Duke finds Caruthers’s ledger of IOU and finds Quentin’s name in it for 10,000, as well as Andy.  Duke confronts Caruthers.

Robert and Anna get the PCPD lab report on Herbert’s medicine bottle. Autumn sneaks out of the Q mansion.  Robert learns that Autumn is AWOL. Robert informs the suspects that it was Alan’s fingerprints that were on the medicine bottle. Autumn arrives in NYC.  Alan explains to Robert how his fingerprints were on the medicine bottle.  Robert catches Autumn sneaking back into the Q mansion. She claims that she went to check on the story he told her. Herbert’s ashes are brought to the mansion. Autumn goes into a secret room.

Herbert is revealed to be alive, living in a secret room. Robert continues his questioning of the Qs. Autumn confronts Herbert about stealing from her father. Herbert claims it was her father’s idea. Autumn finds Dorothy’s scarf in Herbert’s room. Herbert tells Autumn that Dorothy is in Rio after her “murder”. The PCPD find female footprints on the Q grounds. The Q cook finds food missing. (Note ABC newsbrief interruption) Anna tells Susie about Andy’s surgery. Duke finds the club’s penthouse trashed and Caruthers beaten up. Caruthers claims Andy’s money has been stolen. Scorpio interviews the Q cook. Robert trips up Autumn on her choice of reading material. Robert takes a sample of Herbert’s ashes. Robert gets his ID on the shoe prints; they belong to the “dead” Dorothy.

Duke warns Caruthers that his time to hand over Andy’s money is almost up. Robert gets a report of a sighting of an alive Dorothy. Robert wants the ashes analyzed by Walt at GH. Sean and Anna question Dr. Wallace about Dorothy. Quinton searches Herbert’s room for any money he left behind, as he owes his bookies. Duke tells Robert about Quentin’s gambling debts. Angel and Duke stop Caruthers trying to leave town. Caruthers brings in some muscle and they pull a gun on Duke. Robert learns that the ashes in the urn at not Herbert’s but may be Pritchett’s.  Robert gets word that Herbert took care of Pritchett‘s remains.

Note: First 28 Minutes preemption for 12/10 so may have missed some scenes.  Robert questions Oliver Montand about Autumn.  Anna finds out that Dorothy is alive and well in Rio. Robert wants the truth from Autumn. Robert gets his hands on Herbert’s final will leaving everything to Autumn.

Herbert is murdered for real. Anna and Sean think the latest development proves that Autumn is involved up to her eyeballs in Herbert’s scheme, but Robert does not want to indict her yet. Robert rounds up all the Qs. Autumn wants to explain everything to Robert tonight at dinner.  Robert produces the last will of Herbert to the Qs. Autumn insists Herbert is alive and takes the Qs to the secret room. They find Herbert’s body. The PCPD take Autumn in for questioning. Quinton tells the other Qs that if Autumn is convicted of murder, she can’t inherit Herbert’s millions. Autumn’s hair is a match for the hair found on Herbert. She is arrested.

Duke asks around to the dock workers about where Caruthers could have gone.  Duke lies to Andy about Caruthers insisting his money is coming. Robert wants Jake to defend Autumn.  Even though Andy is gone, Duke vows to get his money from Caruthers. Anna and Duke tell Robin about Andy’s passing. Robert plans to roll the dice on a new plan to prove Autumn’s innocence. Robert and Jake go to the DA to get Autumn released as part of his plan to flush out the real killer. Sean and Anna worry about Robert getting to wrapped up in Autumn’s case. The DA agrees to release Autumn for 24 hours. Robert tells Autumn that she has to go back to the Qs.  Robert fills Anna and Sean in on his plan.

DVD #24C  12/18/87 - The Qs jump all over Autumn and Robert is quick to defend her. Lila chastises the Qs for attacking Autumn and invites Robert to stay for dinner. The Qs give Autumn the stink eye at the Q dinner table. Autumn and Robert get into a fight. Duke gives Andy’s sister a check to help care of Susie. Autumn is attacked in her bed.

Robert, Anna, and Sean bust Betsy trying to attack Autumn. Betsy tells Quinton she tried to kill Autumn for him. Quinton reams Lewis and Robert for railroading Betsy.  Robert exposes Betsy’s plan of trying to pin Autumn’s murder on Quinton. Betsy’s confesses to everything and is arrested.  Robert tells the Qs that he wants to question everyone in detail tomorrow morning.

Robert and company arrives at the Qs for another round of questioning. Robert’s surprise witness, an alive Dorothy, shows up at the Qs. Duke tells Anna he is going to NYC on business and Anna suspects there is something he is not telling her. Dorothy recounts how Herbert and Dr. Wallace plotted her “death”. Dorothy reveals that her and Herbert were lovers. Dorothy and Wallace are arrested. Duke meets with Victor Jerome to help him find Caruthers. Victor reveals to Duke that it was his men who removed Caruthers from PC but he got away. Victor vows to pay on Caruthers’s debt but Duke will then owe him. Autumn is forced to reveal that she knew about Herbert’s scheme and said nothing. Robert pleads Autumn’s case that she was not Herbert’s accomplice but the voice of reason.  Duke tells Anna about Andy’s bet with Caruthers but does not mention Victor.

Christmas Eve in PC.  Duke, Anna, and Robin decorated their first Christmas tree together as Filomenia prepares an Italian feast for dinner. The state police commissioner (played by John Ingle!) offers Robert his old job back as the police commissioner. Robert wants time to think it over. Anna, Robin, and Felicia stop by GH which is full of a festive holiday spirit. Duke invites the all alone Cheryl to his house for Christmas dinner.  Sean, Tiffany, Robert and Autumn join the Lavery’s for Christmas. Robert opens Grant’s letter with the mysterious phrase “the snowman watches everything you do”.  Robin and Autumn’s Christmas gifts make Robert think of Holly. Steve reads the Christmas story for the children at GH.

Victor Jerome pays a visit to the club looking for Duke. He is there to collect on the favor he did Duke. Anna tells Robert that she does not want Robert to pass on the commissioner job just because of her. Robert tells her he does not want to take the job. Victor wants Duke to take Caruthers out. Duke refuses but Victor tells him he has no choice and gives him the address of Caruthers’s hideout.  Anna notices that Duke and Angel are jumpy. Autumn asks Robert if she will ever be able to believe in her.  Autumn and Robert have a romantic dinner but he has to admit the time is not right for them.  Later on the docks, Robert is being watched. 

Autumn stops by the PI office to say goodbye to Robert. He tries to talk her out of leaving with her ex. He tells her the guy is only after her money, but she goes anyway.

**The End**

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