Duke, Anna & Robert #25  December 31, 1997 - February 1, 1988 - 8 hour original edit

DVD #25A  Grant Putman is released. Grant writes Robert a letter. Robert opens Grant’s letter with the mysterious phrase “the snowman watches everything you do”.  Later on the docks, Robert is being watched. Grant rents a rundown house in Port Charles. He empties an envelope on the table containing photos and newspaper clippings of Robert. Grant contacts his lawyer and tells him he is in Port Charles and he wants money from his trust. The lawyer, a family friend, agrees and reminds him about taking his medication. Grant agrees, then hangs up and throws away his medication.

December 31, 1987 Duke and Angel are at the club preparing for the New Years Eve bash. A box with miniature snowmen arrived at the club, neither Duke nor Angel knows why. They decide to use them as table decorations for the party. At the PI office, Robert, Anna, and Felicia discuss the evening festivities. Robert has asked Felicia to be his date for the evening, she accepts. 

Just before closing up for the day, Robert receives another letter from the snowman. He shrugs it off, but Anna is very unsettled by it. Grant purchases a guard dog, from the kennel, named "Satan." Autumn stops by the PI office to say goodbye to Robert. He tries to talk her out of leaving with her ex. He tells her the guy is only after her money, but she goes anyway. Robert arrives at the brownstone to pick up Felicia and is amazed that she is actually ready. The residents of Port Charles congregate at Duke's to ring in the New Year. Anna asks Duke about the snowman table decorations? He tells her he doesn't know where they came from. Anna informs Robert but he doesn't seem concerned.

Robert walks in and scares an already jumpy Felicia. She shows him a new letter from the Snowman. Robert continues to brush the letters off, but Felicia is very concerned. Somewhere in Port Charles, Grant is writing another letter to Robert, and is interrupted by his landlord. Grant wants the key to the basement door. Felicia is filing paperwork and asks Robert what she should do with the snowman letters, Robert jokes she should frame them. Robert gets a call from Steve, Tom and Simone have not been heard from as they are snowed in at the cabin. Steve is concerned and would like Robert to call the State police. Robert and Felicia decide to celebrate that Tom and Simone have been rescued. As they are heading out of the office a potential client stops them. The man is looking for his dog. He wants Robert to investigate the owner of the kennel where he purchased the dog. Robert is reluctant, but takes the case anyway.

He and Felicia pick Robin up at school and then head to the kennel. Robin falls in love with the six puppies that are for sale. Robert checks out the owner and decides he's not at fault. Robin doesn't want to leave without a puppy, but Robert doesn't think Anna would like a puppy without first some family discussion. Grant is upset when his money doesn't arrive on schedule. He needs the money to pay for Satan. Grant contacts his lawyer to find out where the money is. He then arrives at the kennel and almost runs into Robert, Robin, and Felicia. Robert has to bribe his daughter with hot chocolate and some fun in the snow to get her to leave. Grant tells the owner he doesn't have the rest of the money for Satan yet, but the owner lets him take the dog for a walk anyway. They go for a walk in the park and spy on Robert, Felicia, and Robin playing in the snow.

Duke and Anna don't want to get out of bed, it's too cold out. Robin comes in and jumps into bed with them. She doesn't have school because the furnace broke at school. Robin decides now would be a good time to press mommy about a puppy. Puppy talk is interrupted when Angel calls and tells Duke to come to the club. Duke lies to Anna and tells her he must go to the club to go over taxes. Anna senses that Duke is worried about the phone call from Angel, so she asks him about it. He tries to distract her with breakfast at Kelly's.   Felicia brings Scotty to Kelly's to meet Anna. Felicia thinks Anna can help him with the hit and run case. After Scott leaves, Anna begins to question some of the customers. She is able to get a partial license plate number. Anna runs the number through the computer and gives the police the information. The police are able to track down the driver and arrest him. Back at Duke's club, he is worried about Jerome's threat. He tells Angel he wants to tell the police about it. Angel tries to discourage him, as it will be more dangerous for both of them. Just then, two of Jerome's thugs walk into Duke's club.

Robin visits the puppies at the kennel before school. She gives Mr. Marsh (owner) a picture she drew of the puppies. Grant's money has arrived, and he calls the kennel. He is informed that Satan won't be ready until the afternoon. The vet is coming to give him his last shots. 

Grant arrives at the kennel to pay for Satan. While he and Mr. Marsh talk Grant notices a picture of puppies on the wall and learns that Robin drew it. Robin drew the picture to thank Mr. Marsh for letting her visit the puppies every afternoon after school. When Grant hears this he decides today is the day, and he will grab Robin at the kennel. Robin arrives as usual after school, shortly after, Grant arrives. He goes in to grab Robin but is interrupted when Filomena comes looking for Robin. She is not feeling well and wants to get home. In their rush to leave, Robin drops her scarf.

Anna, Robert, and Felicia are all at the PI office. Anna has just invited the two of them for dinner at her house. Robin and Filomena arrive and Anna notices that Robin doesn't have her scarf. Robin thinks she forgot it at the kennel, but Robert thinks she stashed it behind the counter so she would have to go back. Grant is sitting in the waiting area of the kennel with Satan, and the scarf. He waves the scarf in Satan's face so he will pick up Robin's scent. 

Back at the PI office, Robert is trying to warn Anna about Scotty. Anna defends Scotty, she thinks he's charming and tells Robert that maybe Scotty has changed. A moment later, she receives some flowers. The flowers are from Scotty. 

Robert and Anna are sharing a glass of wine when Sean arrives with mail for Robert. It's another letter from the snowman, and it was delivered to Sean's penthouse. Felicia has taken Robin to the kennel to get her scarf. Robin runs in and right past Grant. Grant is there to pick up Satan, but can't believe his good luck. He tries to grab Robin, and for the second time gets interrupted. This time it's Felicia, who unknowingly, foils the kidnapping. Later that evening, Robert sits on the couch with Robin and looks at a photo album. Robin asks him, "Do you think I'll ever get married?" Robert thinks his daughter will get married some day but doesn't think she should rush it.

After Robin goes to bed, Anna and Felicia want to discuss the latest snowman letter. Robert continues to brush off the letters and tells the girls there is nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, Grant is teasing Satan with Robin's scarf and the dog is becoming increasingly violent. At the same time, Robin wakes up, frightened and upset, and runs into her fathers arms. She tells her parents that she had a nightmare and couldn't find them. Robert and Anna comfort and sooth their frightened daughter.

Grant buys chain link fence and begins installing it in his basement. Back at the Lavery house, Duke gets a call from Victor. Victor is calling in his favor, he wants Caruther's dead. Anna walks in and overhears Duke on the phone. She begins to question him about the call. Duke says he has to go to New York on club business. They argue a bit as Anna thinks he is lying to her. After Duke leaves, Sean shows up with a present for Robin. It's a stuffed dog. Anna tells him he shouldn't spoil Robin like that. Sean can tell that she is upset and he wants to know why. Anna tells him about Duke's odd behavior and sudden trip to New York. She thinks he is hiding something. Grant has finished putting up the fence in his basement. The basement is slowly transforming into a prison cell and he stops to admire his work.

In New York, Duke visits Victor and tells him he won't kill Caruthers. Victor tells him he has until the end of the week to get the job done. After that his family will suffer the consequences. Duke arrives home with a gift (blanket) for his wife. He also wants to take her back to Scotland where they had their honeymoon. The sooner the better he insists. Now Anna is really suspicious. While admiring his handiwork, Grant realizes that the basement window could cause him some problems. So he paints over it.

Robert has breakfast at Kelly's. He and Ruby discuss Scotty and agree that he will never change. Anna and Felicia are getting very little accomplished at the PI office. Robert phones in to say he will be late. He is at police headquarters checking on the snowman letters. At the PCPD, Lewis starts hounding Robert about the Commissioners job. Robert informs him he has a job, and is only here to check on the snowman letters. 

A short time later, Anna arrives to see what Robert has found out. The lab can't find as much as a fingerprint. Then Lewis gives Robert an idea, he checks the computer to see if any other cops have received letters like this. Robert arrives with a list of cops who have received similar letters to his. He is now convinced that there is nothing to worry about. However, Sean is not convinced. Meanwhile, Grant sits in his newly transformed basement, singing Frosty the snowman, writing more letters.

Angel arrives at the Lavery's with a letter for Duke. The letter is from Victor, and is actually a calendar showing the time for Duke is running out. He must kill Caruthers by the end of the week. Robert and Felicia are at the PI office. Robert wants her advice on the puppy for Robin. Felicia thinks he should talk to Anna first. Robert still doesn't know what to do so he invites Felicia to dinner. However, she is having dinner with Tony and Lucy. 

Anna and Robin arrive home to find Angel at the house with Duke. Anna becomes suspicious again and questions Duke. Duke changes the subject by suggesting they go away for the weekend. He builds a fire and the three of them sit on the floor and discuss the weekend getaway. They decide on skiing, and Anna and Robin make fun of Duke because he can't ski. Grant is in his basement working on his jail for Robin. He talks to Satan and decides that he will grab Robin Friday night after her dance class.

Robert meets with Amanda Barrington about a job. He is interrupted when Mr. Marsh calls from the kennel. There is only one puppy left and it's the one Robin wants. Mr. Marsh wants to give Robert one last chance to buy the puppy. Robert tells him he will come by and look at it. When Robert arrives, he is convinced he will not take the puppy, but then he notices a picture of puppies on the wall. Mr. Marsh tells him Robin drew the picture and gave it to him as a gift. Robert resolve begins to weaken, and Mr. Marsh runs in back and gets the puppy. Once he puts the puppy in Robert's arms it's all over. Robert arrives at the Lavery's and surprises both Robin and Anna with the puppy. Robin is beyond happy, but mom is not. Robin says she doesn't want to go skiing now as she can't leave her puppy. They decide to stay home.

Duke and Angel dive behind the bar as a strange man enters the club looking for Duke. They think he is a hit man sent by Victor. Back at the PI office, Robert and Anna discuss the latest snowman letter. Robert, as usual, brushes it off. He then retrieves a box of disguises from the closet. Robert informs Anna of his plan to catch the thief who is hitting Amanda Barrington's hotel. Across town, Grant is gearing up for the kidnapping. He tells Satan that today is the day; he will grab Robin after her dance class. Angel offers to kill Caruthers for Duke, but Duke refuses. Duke makes plans to go to New York and see Victor, but has to change them when Anna calls and informs him she is going out of town on a case with Robert. Duke swings by the PI office to discuss their scheduling problem. Anna becomes suspicious when he says he doesn't want Robin left alone. The duo fight and Robert tries to mediate. Eventually, Anna decides to stay home.

At the Lavery home, Grant is waiting in the bushes as Filomena and Robin arrive. Robin rushes in and phones her friend. While she is talking, the line goes dead (Grant cut it). Moments later, Grant knocks on the door. He poses as a telephone repair man to gain access to the house. He pretends to check the phone and then grabs Robin. As Robin struggles to get away, Grant pushes Filomena and she hits her head on the desk. She is knocked unconscious. Grant is about to leave with Robin when Anna arrives.

Robert calls Felicia to take Anna's place on the case. Sean arrives at Duke's and stops to talk to Duke as Tiffany is late. Duke is concerned about Robin and Anna. He has been calling the house and can't get through. Meanwhile, Grant puts Robin down and begins fighting with Anna. Robin runs into the kitchen and puts Jigs out the back door. She then hides in the kitchen closet. Grant finally knocks Anna out and goes looking for Robin. When he can't find her, he takes Anna instead. All is quiet at the Lavery house, too quiet. A very frightened Robin comes out of the closet. She walks into the living room and sits on the floor near an unconscious Filomena. While sitting on the floor, she discovers a ring that looks like a skull with red eyes. The ring belongs to Grant. Tiffany arrives at Duke's to find Sean having a drink with Cheryl.

Anna finally comes to in Grant's little cage. Grant goes downstairs to talk to Anna. Anna is very confused as she doesn't know Grant or why she is being kidnapped. Grant takes a step closer to the fence and Anna finally recognizes him, although, she still doesn't understand why he would do this to her. Jigs is found by a woman and returned to the kennel. Mr. Marsh calls Duke to say he has the puppy. Grant introduces Satan to Anna. Duke tells Sean about the puppy and the two become very worried. They race out of the club to check on Anna and Robin. In the meantime, Anna tries to pick the lock with a safety pin. Unfortunately, Grant and Satan catch her. Grant becomes upset when she won't throw the pin over the fence. He becomes hysterical when he realizes that his ring is missing.

Grant returns to the Lavery's to look for his ring but is interrupted when Duke and Sean arrive. Robin puts the ring in her pocket when she hears someone outside. Duke and Sean come in and find Robin and Filomena on the floor. Sean races out to the neighbor's to call the ambulance but stops when he senses that someone is outside hiding. Both Robin and Filomena are taken to the hospital. Filomena dies at the hospital and Robin is so traumatized she can't speak. Anna is looking for a way to escape Grant. She then begins tormenting him with the possibility that he made some mistake, and Robert will get him. Grant becomes upset and slaps her. Then he tells her his plans for revenge against Robert and why. 

DVD #25B  Duke believes that Victor is responsible for the kidnapping. He visits Robin and tells her he has to go away for a couple of days. Olin comes in to visit Robin and is shocked by her condition. When Robin wakes she is still unresponsive and now she refuses to eat. An agitated Robin drops Grants ring, on the floor, while thrashing around in bed. She jumps out of bed to retrieve it but the nurse comes in and ushers her back to bed. Robin then overhears an orderly say Filomena is dead. She becomes very upset and starts to cry. Tom is showing Robin pictures of her parents to bring her around. She tries to speak when she looks at the picture of Robert, but freaks out at the sight of her mother and Duke.

In Grant's basement, Anna is still looking for a way out when she realizes there is a window. She can hear children playing outside. Robert finally arrives at the hospital with Sean and Felicia. He talks to Tom about Robin's condition. Robin responds for a moment and hugs Robert but then turns away from him. Anna is faking an illness to get Grant to go away. When he leaves she discovers a container of rat poison in the bathroom. Robert is heartbroken over the condition of his daughter and vows to get whoever did this. He promises Robin that he will find Anna and bring her home. Robert, Sean, and Lewis step outside to discuss the case and where the heck is Duke. Duke is missing and Robert thinks maybe he was the target, not Anna. Sean thinks maybe Duke is back in the mob, and this was retaliation.

Grant brings Anna some Chinese for dinner with chopsticks. She asks for a fork because she isn't too good with chopsticks. When Grant leaves she puts the poison in one container of food, which she begins feeding to Satan. At the hospital, Robert is becoming restless. He needs to control the investigation. Sean suggests that he take back the commissioner's badge. Robert begins blaming himself for the kidnapping. If he hadn't bought the puppy for Robin they would've been out of town skiing. He then realizes that the puppy might be the answer to bringing Robin back. Grant becomes upset when he finds Satan is ill. He will have to leave Anna alone and take Satan to the vet. Meanwhile, Duke is in New York, he has brought Caruthers to Victor. Duke thinks this is the answer to getting Anna back. However, Victor wants Duke to kill Caruthers. Duke refuses to kill anyone. 

Grant takes Satan to the Marsh's kennel for treatment. The vet and Mr. Marsh are looking over Satan in the waiting area. Robert walks in just as they are headed into the back. Marsh tells Robert he'll be right with him. As Robert waits, Mr. Marsh retrieves Jigs. Meanwhile, Anna is trying to shut the radio off using a makeshift slingshot. She realizes that there are children playing just outside the window, and tries to scream over the radio. Grant is upset when he is informed that Satan will have to spend the night at the kennel.

At the hospital, Sean, Felicia, and Bobbie get Robin dressed and take her downstairs to wait for Robert. When Robert arrives, he lays the puppy in Robin's arms. Robert is at his wits end when the puppy fails to elicit a response. Robert promises to find Anna. He is desperate for Robin to talk to him as she has information that can help him find Anna. Sean believes Anna is alive and she will get a message to them somehow. Duke and Victor are still at a standstill as Duke refuses to kill Caruthers. When Victor tells him it's the only way he will get any information Duke considers it. He walks up to Caruthers and hits him with the butt of the gun. While on the floor, Caruthers goes for Duke's gun. A struggle ensues and the gun is fired. Caruthers body slumps to the floor. Victor is most pleased and welcomes Duke to the family. However, Duke claims it was an accident. At Grant's, Anna is still attempting to scream over the radio to no avail. Just then Grant arrives and starts yelling at her.

Victor is blackmailing Duke with Caruthers murder but Duke remains adamant. Robert promises his daughter that he will bring her mother back and hurt whoever did this. Grant is so furious with Anna he threatens to kill her before Robert arrives. He calms down somewhat and goes about boarding up the window in the basement. Victor is getting nowhere with Duke, so he decides to threaten him with jail time. Duke finally concedes, but on one condition, Victor must give Anna back. Duke is furious when he discovers Victor had nothing to do with Anna's kidnapping but decided to use it as leverage. Victor agrees to help Duke find Anna, if he will hold a shipment of illegal liquor at the club. 

At Grant's, a news report comes over the radio that there are no suspects in the kidnapping, and Filomena has died from her injuries. Anna is devastated by the news. Grant thinks now is a good time to take a picture of Anna, to send to Robert.

Back at police headquarters, Robert visits with Lewis to check on Anna's case. Lewis informs him that they have no leads at the moment. He then convinces Robert to take back the commissioners job, as it will help to find Anna. Another letter from the snowman has been delivered to the PI office. Robert heads over to Duke's for info. Duke isn't there so he pumps Angel for info. Duke arrives and the two begin arguing. Duke blames Robert for the kidnapping and tells him he doesn't want him anywhere near this case. Robert pushes back when he waves the commissioner's badge in Duke's face and tells him to stay out of the way.
Anna is trying, with very little success, to talk her way out of the cage. When that doesn't work she decides to set a fire in the cage. Grant opens the door and Anna hits him and runs upstairs straight into Satan. Duke goes to the hospital to visit Robin but Robert shows up. Sean and Felicia arrive and give Robert the new letter. Inside is the picture of Anna and a message saying, "The snowman melts like Anna, better hurry."

Robert visits with Robin but she still can't talk to him. Robert is desperate for info that will help him find Anna. He starts to push Robin a little too much and Sean has to take him out of the room. Felicia offers to sit with Robin. Robert, Sean, and Lewis go through all the files of people Robert put away. In the meantime, Robin has a breakthrough and says Felicia's name. Back at PCPD, Robert has discovered, with Dan's help, that Anna is being held in the basement of a house. He then gets a tip that a woman is being held against her will in a house. He and Sean check it out but it's the wrong house. They get a call to head over to the hospital to see Robin. On their way to the hospital, Robin is frightened in the hallway by a man with a beard. When Robert arrives, Robin is catatonic. He asks her if she can draw something that will help him but she can't.

Robert sends Sam to the Lavery's to look for more clues. Duke gets a call from Angel and rushes out. Grant begins building a brick wall in front of Anna's cage. While working, he takes off his shirt and Anna comments on his body. He is very leery of her at first but then becomes interested. Anna realizes she might be able to use this to escape. While alone in her room, Robin tries to draw a picture of Grant's ring, but every time she looks at it she replays the whole night in her mind. Anna is planning the seduction scene to escape. She asks Grant for a robe so she can shower and wash her clothes. 

When he returns with the robe she is clad in only a towel. He puts the robe around her shoulders and then heads upstairs. As Anna is putting the robe on she notices a fork on the floor. She picks it up and begins to sharpen it on the concrete wall. Duke visits Robin; he tells her that he sold his soul to the devil to bring her mother home. Robin is still clutching Grant's ring in her clenched fist, but Duke doesn't notice. Grant returns with a blanket and a bottle of champagne. As they start to get cozy Anna asks Grant to put Satan upstairs. She says that she feels funny about him watching. Grant agrees as he doesn't want to mess this up. As Grant leans in to kiss Anna, she stabs him in the hand with the fork. She runs up the stairs but Grant catches her.

Robin hides Grant's ring when she hears Sean's voice. While Sean visits with Robin he reminds her of all the adventures she has been a part of and how brave she was. Unfortunately, she still doesn't respond and now she doesn't want to leave her room. Sean has to carry her to her session with Tom.  Amy brings Robin back to her room and tucks her into bed. Robin begins searching under the covers for the ring and becomes frantic when she can't find it. Amy comes back to check on Robin and finds her frantically ripping the sheets off the bed. Sean returns and he sits with Robin to try to calm her down. He asks what she is looking for but she doesn't respond. Grant's ring has actually fallen on the floor under the bed.

Grant's hand is becoming badly infected. He wants to know why Robert hasn't found them yet. Robert is having a meltdown and screaming at everyone. Sean and Felicia come in and try to calm him down. Grant continues building the brick wall but is having a hard time with his hand. Sean and Felicia are getting nowhere with Robert, so they decide to take the files back to the PI office and look through them. Dan helps Robert narrow down Anna's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Anna removes a spring from her bed and tries to get the keys off Grant's belt loop. However, Grant begins to hallucinate and falls over, out of Anna's reach.

Duke and Angel are discussing Anna's case. Angel is getting the feeling that Duke is hiding something. Duke finally admits that Robert is in love with Anna and wants her back. Robert has had no sleep and is still ripping everyone's heads off. Grant managed to stumble up the stairs but passed out in the living room. He wakes up and stumbles out of the house. Robert is seriously coming unglued. He receives a visit from the state police commissioner. Robert is neglecting all the other cases at the moment to focus on Anna's. Duke walks in just as Robert is informing the commissioner that Anna is the most important woman in his life and he loves her. While Anna is left alone in the house, a man from the gas company knocks on the door. Anna starts to scream but the man doesn't hear her, he only hears Satan barking. Anna begins to have flashbacks of Robin, Robert, and Duke. Duke confronts Robert about his feelings for Anna. Robert doesn't deny that he loves her.

Duke returns to the club furious about Robert. It is then that he decides he needs to rely more heavily on the mob, if he ever wants to see Anna again. Sean and Felicia stop by Robert's office with some files for him to look at. Robert is in an awful mood. Sean and Felicia are concerned that something has happened with Anna's case. However, Robert informs them his sour mood is thanks to Duke's little visit. According to Robert, the two men argued, and Duke is acting like a jealous husband. Sean is suspicious, and asks Robert what was said. Robert admits that maybe he said he loved Anna as Duke walked in. 

Meanwhile, Grant is stumbling around on the waterfront and falls down in an alley behind Duke's place, where he has his wallet stolen by a drunk. Duke visits Robin and promises to find her mommy. Just then Robert arrives, and Robin reaches up and wraps her arms around both men. Duke leaves Robert and his daughter alone to visit. Robert realizes that Robin loves and needs both of them, and for her sake they have to find a way to get along. He heads over to Duke's place to have it out with Duke once and for all. He arrives at the club just as the shipment of illegal booze does. He and Duke talk, but Robert feels Duke is hiding something. Robert leaves Duke's and runs into Sean outside. As the two men discuss Duke's strange behavior, Grant stumbles right by them.

Felicia is spending time with Robin when Tom arrives; he thinks it would be good for her to play with other children for awhile. Grant finally passes out in the street. He is found by some doctors and taken to the hospital. Anna and Satan are slowly starving to death. She gives him some water and then tells him to go upstairs. When Satan goes upstairs, Anna picks the lock on her cage. Back at the hospital, Felicia and Tom are having a hard time getting Robin to leave her room. They promise her everything will stay exactly as it is while she's gone. She finally agrees to leave. 

As a woman is cleaning Robin’s room she finds Grant's ring on the floor under the bed. She picks up the ring and puts it on her finger. Robert is hard at work when Felicia calls and invites him over for dinner. He declines initially, but Felicia is persistent and soon he agrees. Robert tells her he still has some more files to go through before he can leave. Unfortunately, he doesn't notice the one that has fallen under his desk. Grant's file fell to the floor when Robert's office was being cleaned that day. Anna finally gets the lock open and runs upstairs and straight into Satan. He starts barking and then chases her back downstairs into the cage. Robert arrives at Felicia's and they have a glass of wine and talk. Even Felicia is now suspecting that Robert is in love with Anna. He agrees that he loves her but not in the way Duke thinks. Robert soon falls asleep on Felicia's couch. As Felicia covers him with a blanket he starts to mumble and then says Anna's name. Grant is in the hospital and has learned, to his good fortune, that so is Robin.

**The End**

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