Duke, Anna & Robert #26 February 2 - March 4, 1988: 8 hour original edit

DVD #26A Duke is losing hope that Anna is still alive. He is furious with Robert for trying to keep him out of the investigation. Sean goes to see Duke to discuss Robert. Duke is not in the mood to discuss Robert. Sean pleads with him to call Robert. He says they need to be working together to find Anna, not wasting valuable time fighting with each other. Duke's response is there are other ways to find Anna. He doesn't need Robert Scorpio to find his wife. Sean is confused by this statement but Duke won't elaborate. 

After Sean leaves, Angel points out that if Duke goes to work with Robert he is going to have to tell him about Victor and the mob. Sean leaves Duke's feeling very suspicious. Duke decides he is going to see Robert and tell him everything. When he arrives he runs into Lewis. Duke tells him to call Robert and get him here. Lewis refuses and tells him to leave a note on Robert's desk. As Duke sits down to write the note, he discovers his criminal file on the top of the pile. He is furious and asks Lewis about it.

Felicia is watching Robin, at the hospital. Duke arrives to see Robin and he and Felicia talk about Robert and Anna. Duke is acting the jealous husband again and Felicia tells him he is overreacting, that Robert is just doing his job. Anna and Satan are very weak from lack of food. Satan doesn't even stir when Anna picks the lock on her cage. She gets out of the cage thinking she is home free, just then Satan comes after her. 

Grant overhears Tony and Patrick talking about Robert and Robin. He then calls the nurses station to find out what floor pediatrics is on. Duke visits Victor and gives him one more week to find Anna. Robert has enlisted Dan's help locating building records. Robert shows Dan the picture of Anna with her hand on the drain pipe. They are searching for the builder whose name appears on that pipe. Dan discovers that this builder moved around quite a bit and that the town records were destroyed in a fire years ago. Grant rips out his IV in his quest for Robert's child. He heads to the fourth floor, where Robin is, and waits around the corner for the guard to leave. 

Back at Grant's, Anna has come to the realization that her only hope is to knock Satan out. However, she is not sure how to do that. Suddenly an idea comes to her, when she notices the old fuse box inside her cage. Meanwhile, Robert and Duke are causing a scene in the middle of the hospital. Their arguing gets the attention of everyone including Steve Hardy, who is very disappointed in their behavior. He reminds them how much Robin needs both of them right now. When they arrive at Robin's room, the guard is nowhere to be found. Soon however, the guard returns and Robert rips his head off for leaving.

Duke heads over to the penthouse to fix some things around there and keep his mind off Anna. Cheryl makes lunch for Duke and listens as he talks about Anna. At the PI office, Robert and Sean discuss Anna's case. Anna has fallen asleep and begins to have nightmares of Robin inside the cage. All the while, Robert and Anna can do nothing but watch as Grant bricks her in. Anna wakes up still haunted by Robin's screams. 

At the hospital, Robin is tearing her room apart looking for something. Felicia finally gets her to say that she's looking for a ring. Felicia immediately calls Robert. Grant is in bed pretending to be asleep when he overhears Amy and Patrick talking about Robert. As soon as they leave, Grant rips his IV out again and leaves his room. When Robert arrives, he just misses Grant stumbling around the halls. Robin wraps her arms around Robert and hugs him. She seems to be coming around. However, she becomes upset again when she learns Filomena is dead. She thinks her mother is dead as well, because she hasn't come to visit. Robert begins to question his daughter about the events of that night. She starts screaming and then slips further away. 

The realtor arrives at Grant's to fix the shutters. He bangs on the door, but Anna doesn't have the strength to answer. Robert beats himself up over Robin's current condition. He feels like he badgered her into this state. Grant is found wandering the halls of the hospital and has to be restrained. Felicia asks Robert about the files she and Sean gave him to look over. She was sure that he might find some kind of lead in them. Felicia asks him about Grant Putnam's file, as she thought there was something suspicious about it. Robert doesn't know what she's talking about. He tells her Grant's file wasn't in there. Felicia is positive that it was. Robert calls Lewis to check on Grant's current location.

Anna hooks up the springs from her bed to the fuse box so she can knock Satan out. Sean and Tiff are at the PI office and discover that Grant was released from the mental hospital shortly before Christmas and has disappeared. Simone and Tom tell Robert about the cleaning lady with the skull ring. Simone tells him she first noticed the woman wearing the ring right outside of Robin's room. Robert asks them to contact her and have her bring the ring in for Robin to look at. An orderly calls the cleaning lady to warn her that a lot of people are looking for that ring, including the police commissioner. 

Robert heads back to his office and starts yelling at everyone. He is now completely convinced that Grant has Anna and he wants to know how they could have missed this. Meanwhile, Anna has a nightmare that Robert has come to save her but he is too late. She watches in horror as Robert holds her lifeless body in his arms. Back at Robert's office, Sean shares his doubts about Grant, with Robert and Felicia. Robert and Sean go to the hospital to visit Robin. While there, Robert asks Simone for the information on this cleaning lady, as she has not turned up with the ring. Unfortunately, the personnel office is closed until tomorrow.

Robert calls Felicia to see when she is coming in to sit with Robin. He and Sam check with hospital personnel for the name of the cleaning lady. They are informed that she called this morning and quit. Robert gets her address anyway, and he and Sam head over there. Anna is able to get Satan to roll a can of stew to her. She opens the can and begins eating, and then she decides to feed Satan too. Robert and Sam finally get the ring and head back to the hospital with it. Robert shows the ring to Robin. She grabs it from him and clutches it to her chest. 

Robert begins to ask her questions about the ring and what it means. Robin is still in a daze and can't answer his questions. Robert, realizing he's getting nowhere, asks Robin for the ring back. She will not give it to him. Robert is heartbroken when he has to forcibly remove it from her hand. He and Sean try to find out where the ring was bought and by whom. Meanwhile, Grant is being prepped for surgery.

Bobbie reads to Robin, but Robin doesn't even know she's there. She's become more withdrawn since Robert took Grant's ring away. Sean comes in with a teddy bear but she hardly notices. After he leaves, Robin starts to come around and begins repeating the word "ring." Bobbie is very confused about the ring. Robin asks her about Anna and when she's coming to the hospital. Bobbie is worried about what to say, just then Duke walks in. Robin tells Duke that Robert took the ring away from her. 

Duke is upset and leaves to find Robert. He barges into the PI office demanding to see Robert. Robert is not there, so he asks Sean about the ring. Sean explains that the ring is essential in finding the kidnapper, Grant Putnam, and that's why Robert took it back. He then proceeds to tell Duke all about Grant. Meanwhile, Grant is still refusing surgery. He tries to convince one of the candy strippers to loosen his restraints. When she declines, Grant explodes and screams at her to get out. Amy comes running in to see what is wrong. Suddenly she stops and stares at Grant, she has an uneasy feeling that she knows him.

Robert has been up all night and is in an awful mood. Meanwhile, Amy continues to have a nagging feeling that she knows Bill Watson (Grant). Grant finally agrees to the surgery. Robert finds out where the ring was purchased and also where Grant's lawyer is. Sean is off to talk to the jeweler, and Robert visits Grant's lawyer. Sean is conned by the jeweler into buying a very expensive piece of jewelry in exchange for information. Eventually, he learns Grant is indeed the owner of the skull ring. Robert visits with the lawyer and learns that Grant was in fact in Port Charles and his appearance is very different now. Robert is in his office drawing a beard on his picture of Grant, when Sean walks in. They update each other on the case, but Robert is suddenly troubled by something. He is looking at the picture of Grant, with the beard, and realizes that he has seen this man at the hospital outside Robin's room. He and Sam race out of the office.

Robert storms the hospital looking for Grant. However, Grant is in surgery. Robert has the entire hospital searched. Anna is dreaming about Robert and Duke fighting over her. Duke pressures Felicia for information, but she will not tell him anything until she talks to Robert. Duke comments that he has his own ways of finding Anna. This concerns Felicia; she doesn't understand what he means. Grant is now out of surgery and headed for recovery. Amy decides to tell Robert about Bill Watson. She feels there is something strange about him. Robert and Sam go to recovery to check it out. With all the bandages and his arm across his face, Robert can't ID Grant. He orders a guard to be placed outside the room and not to let Bill Watson out of his sight. Grant overhears this and switches his ID bracelet with the patient next to him. 

Back at Grant's, Anna has picked the lock on her cage and is attaching the springs to the fence and the fuse box. She throws the lever on the fuse box and calls Satan. Unfortunately, Satan is so weak from hunger, he won't move. Duke contacts Victor; he threatens to dump all Victor's booze in the harbor if he doesn't find Grant soon. Robert is on his way to see Bill Watson when Tom stops him. Robin is coming around and she wants her daddy. Anna gets out of her cage and runs upstairs. She opens the door and screams. Grant is waiting on the other side.

Felicia returns to the club and tells Duke that Grant may be in the hospital. Robin hugs Robert, and begins telling him what happened the night Anna was taken. Grant grabs Anna and drags her back to the sofa. He is furious at her and wants to know what she did to Satan. Robert finally goes to question Bill Watson. He soon discovers that it's not Grant. Robert is very frustrated. He tells Tony the patient is not Bill Watson. The guy kept mumbling, "Wayne Wright." When Tony and Patrick check on the patient, they discover the ID bracelets have been changed. 

Grant throws Anna back in her cage and discovers she wired the fence to shock Satan. He quickly makes her dismantle it. Duke arrives at the hospital, just as Robert laments the fact that Grant got away. Duke can't believe that Robert let him get away. Robert interrupts Duke's tirade with the news about Robin. Grant tells Anna that he was in the hospital and he saw Robin there. She doesn't believe him. She knows Robert would never let him near Robin. Duke is visiting with Robin when Robert arrives. He immediately leaves and runs into Felicia outside Robin's room. Duke tells Felicia he is going to find "his wife" without Robert's help. Meanwhile, Grant is forcing Anna to write a letter to Robert in exchange for food. The letter is telling Robert where she is.

Anna's letter is delivered to the PCPD. It is left on a desk and quickly gets covered up with paperwork. A scuffle, with a prisoner, ensues and the letter is knocked to the floor. Later, Sam finds the letter on the floor. She has it sent to Robert immediately.

DVD #26B  Robin is being released from the hospital today. Felicia and Bobbie help her get ready. Robin will be staying at the brownstone with Bobbie for a while. She is very anxious to get her puppy back, and asks Bobbie if he can come to the brownstone too. Anna is having a little fun at Grant's expense. She has left a little clue for Robert in her letter. She tells Grant that Robert will find them soon. Lewis hands the letter to Robert. He instantly spots the clue from Anna. Lewis is confused about Anna's signature. Robert wants Sean and Duke there before he explains. 

When Sean and Duke arrive, He shows them the letter and explains that a trap is being set for him. Duke is confused. He thought he was the target, not Robert. Sean and Robert think Duke's behavior is rather odd, and that he might be hiding something. Duke returns to the club, and calls Victor with an update. Robin almost doesn't recognize Jigs anymore as he is so big now. Grant is trying to purchase some dynamite. However, the man he is trying to purchase it from is one of Victor's men. He immediately calls Victor with the info. Felicia reports back to Robert with information on the dogs from the kennel. Victor calls Duke to tell him they found Grant and he is under surveillance. Robert and Sean visit the kennel and get the addresses of the three dog owners. They turn out to be false alarms as Grant has lied about his address. Meanwhile, Victor's men have lost Grant.

At the brownstone, Robin and Bobbie talk about Anna. Robin is very sad, and Bobbie thinks cooking breakfast might take her mind off Anna. Scott offers to hang out with Robin for the day, and surprises Bobbie with his interest in the little girl.

Olin is at the brownstone watching Robin. Robert, Sean, and Felicia believe that Grant is going to make a mistake, but when? Grant decides to let Satan go. He doesn't want the dog to get killed when he blows up the house. Duke visits with Robin and promises that he will find Anna. He has started carrying a gun. Robert is having a meltdown, and he and Sean start yelling at each other. Satan has found his way back to Mr. Marsh's kennel. Mr. Marsh calls Robert. Robert wonders, if you told the dog to find his master could he? 

They begin following Satan and soon discover the answer is "yes." He leads them straight to Grant's front door. At the same time, Victor's man gives Duke Grant's address. Sean and Felicia are going over clues and start talking about Robert's feelings for Anna. They are starting to wonder if Duke's jealousy is well founded. Maybe Robert really is in love with Anna, he just doesn't realize it. Robert and the police are outside Grant's house when Duke shows up. He storms the house and Robert has to go after him. Lewis and the rest of the force are about to surround the house when it explodes.

Robert and Duke are inside the house arguing when Robert discovers the voices are coming out of the speaker on the wall. Robert runs to the window and he and Duke climb out as the house explodes. They are both okay, but determined to go back in the house and search for Anna. They don't find Anna but they find the cage she was in and a tape recorder. When Sean plays the tape they realize that Grant is long gone and had recorded everything to get Robert in the house. Duke starts yelling at Robert about everything. Robert wants to know how he found the house. When Duke won't tell him Robert arrests him. 

After Duke is physically removed from the house, they discover the brick wall and fear that Anna could be buried alive in the house. Robert has everything searched, but comes up with nothing. Robert heads back to the station to question Duke. Duke still refuses to reveal his source, so Robert leaves him in jail. Grant and Anna are on the road and get stuck in a snow bank. A truck comes along and helps them out. Anna discovers the truck is going to Duke's and wants to get a message to him. She tries writing something on the clipboard in the front seat but Grant catches her. Then she decides to take off her broach and leave it in the truck. However, she drops it in the snow instead. The trucker finds it after they leave and decides to take it home to his wife.

The truck driver finally arrives at Duke's. He is in a lousy mood and it's getting worse by the minute. No one seems to know where Duke is (in jail) and he has the keys to the storage room. Terry doesn't like this guy's attitude and she thinks something strange is going on with the delivery. She calls Felicia and asks her to come down to the club. Meanwhile, Duke is confined to a jail cell thanks to Robert. He tells Angel to contact Victor and let him know what happened, and then get him a lawyer. Angel informs Duke that Victor is refusing to help with Anna's case anymore. 

Back at the club, Felicia decides to flirt with the delivery man to find out his story. He wants to get Felicia's number and when he reaches in his pocket for a piece of paper something falls to the floor. Felicia instantly recognizes Anna's broach that Duke gave her as a wedding present. When she asks the driver about it, he says, "It belonged to my mother." She knows he's lying and asks Terry to distract him so she can pick his pocket. Terry thinks she is crazy but goes along with it anyway. Felicia lifts his wallet and takes down his information. She heads to PCPD to give the info to Robert. Felicia runs into Duke outside Robert's office. She tells him about the driver and that she was able to get his ID. Duke begs her not to tell Robert at least until morning. Felicia is hesitant at first but decides to go along with Duke, just until morning.

Grant takes Anna to a cabin in the mountains to wait for Robert. Unfortunately, Robert is having no luck in the clue department. He starts yelling at everybody to find something. Sean is very concerned about Robert as he is at the end of his rope. Robert decides to try again with Duke. He will get the info if he has to "surgically remove it." 

Meanwhile, Grant is desperate for information on Robert, if he survived or not. So he rigs an antenna on the truck using a wire hanger. He is elated by the news that Robert survived. Now he gets to kill him himself. Duke and Robert are at a standstill. Neither of them is willing to budge. Duke suggests that Robert give him a lie detector test, and if he passes Robert has to drop all the charges and leave Duke alone. Robert thinks about it, and then agrees. Duke passes with flying colors. Robert lets him go. Grant is going outside seemingly to shovel snow. He tells Anna that he is making something to welcome Robbie, and that when he is done he's going to kill her. 

Felicia can't take it anymore; she has to tell Robert about the delivery man. Duke has already been released by the time Felicia tells Robert. Robert is upset with Felicia for withholding this info. He tells Sean and Felicia that he is having Duke tailed. Duke heads straight to NYC to see Victor. Victor is still refusing to help him, but his son Julian is willing to help Duke find Anna. Robert checks on the driver's ID. Unfortunately, it's a fake. Anna cuts herself loose and makes it outside before Grant spots her. He decides to let her go figuring she will die in the woods alone.

Duke has managed to elude his tail. The detective calls to inform Robert that he lost Duke. Robert decides to get him some help and calls the NYPD. When that doesn't work, Robert puts out a state wide APB. Meanwhile, Anna is wandering through the woods looking for a town, or at the very least a road. Robert shows up at the club and interrogates Angel about Duke's whereabouts. Angel isn't much help. While Terry looks on in disbelief, Robert arrests him for obstructing the investigation. 

Duke and Julian rent a four wheel drive vehicle to take them into the mountains. At the rental office, they are spotted by an undercover detective. The detective calls in the info and is instructed to follow them. The PCPD is notified of Duke's location. So Sean and Robert head for the airport. 

Meanwhile, Anna has started to hallucinate. She is seeing Duke walking towards her, and each time he is closer. She is overjoyed until she realizes that he's not really there. Night has fallen in the mountains and Duke and Julian decide to stop and rest. Anna is still lost in the woods, and the temperature continues to drop. She has stumbled across an outcropping of boulders, and decides; at least they will protect her from the wind. She huddles down behind them. Suddenly she finds something in the pocket of her jacket. Miraculously, she discovers a book of matches. She tries to light one but the wind blows it out. One after another they go out, until sadly there are none left. Anna begins to cry.

As the sun rises, Duke and Julian begin their search again. Amazingly, Anna has survived through the night. However, she can't feel her hands or feet anymore. The detective tailing Duke calls in with Duke's location. Robert and Sean head out in a helicopter to tail Duke. Duke and Julian stop to check out an abandoned cabin. When they return to the jeep, it won't start. Robert soon realizes that he needs to search for the cabin himself. He and Sean find it and decide the only way in is by snowmobile. Anna continues to wander around and eventually finds a cabin. Unfortunately, it's Grant's cabin. She is horrified when she realizes where she is. This time Grant doesn't let her get away. He ties her up in the cabin and goes after Robert. As it turns out, he doesn't have to go very far. 

Robert and Sean are already up there on snowmobiles, with backup. Grant starts shooting at them, but is confused because he doesn't know which one is Robert. He hits one policeman, and then causes Sean to flip his snowmobile. Robert runs to check on Sean. He is not hurt. So Robert takes off after Grant. In his haste to get away, Grant has dropped his rifle. It leads Robert in the right direction. Meanwhile, Grant has lost his footing and slipped off the edge of a bridge. He is hanging on by the fence on the bridge overpass. Robert almost walks by him but Grant yells to Robert. Grant's hold is slipping, and he yells to Robert for help. It's a long way down and Robert knows it. He hesitates, but only for a moment. Finally, he pulls Grant to safety. He really wants to kill Grant for what he's done, but he takes him in instead. 

Sean has found Anna in the cabin. He unties her and brings her to Robert. As Grant is taken into custody, he wishes Anna dead. She begins to cry when she sees Robert. Duke arrives just as Robert takes her in his arms, a moment later Anna collapses. He yells to Duke for help carrying Anna to the waiting helicopter.

Anna is brought into GH; she is unconscious and suffering from exposure. She is put into the Intensive Care unit. Tony, Alan, and Monica are taking care of her. Robert calls Felicia to tell her the news. He says he will be by later to talk to Robin. Robert and Duke wait together for news on Anna's condition. Robert asks again how Duke located Anna. Duke tells him to drop it. Anna is home now so it shouldn't make a difference. Robert disagrees, and then he questions Duke's ability to protect Anna and Robin. Duke is furious, and informs Robert that Anna is "his wife and he" will protect her. 

Robert heads to Felicia's to see Robin. He tells her that Anna is home but she is very sick. Robert returns to the hospital to have it out with Duke. As they argue, Anna goes into cardiac arrest. After Anna pulls through, Duke tells Robert he found her using newspapers and friends in the police department. Robert and Sean know he is lying. They think he's back in the mob. Julian tries to convince his father that the organization has to go legit, and they need Duke for that. Victor doesn't see it that way. Tiffany interviews Robert on her news show. Back at the hospital, Anna's temperature goes up very high.

Robin is staying at the brownstone with Bobbie. She asks Bobbie to check on her mother's condition. Anna is still in Intensive Care. Robin doesn't want to go back to school until she can see Anna. When Scotty overhears this, he steps in and talks Robin into going back to school. He even offers to drive her. Robert gets another visit from the state police commissioner.

Robert is reprimanded by the state commissioner for neglecting his duties. The state commissioner thinks that Robert has used the department to find Anna and now he will quit. Robert informs him that that's not true, and he will be staying on as commissioner. Duke is making a nuisance of himself at the hospital. Robert asks Sean to stay on and run the PI office until Anna comes back. He agrees. Duke returns to the club, and Angel tells him there is another shipment of illegal liquor coming in today. Duke refuses to take it, until Julian arrives and convinces him to accept it. 

Robert visits Anna. He tells her he can't fix this for her that she has to do it on her own. But he will be waiting for her. The shipment of liquor has arrived at Duke's. The driver is in the ally unloading it when he is high jacked. A shootout ensues until Duke and Angel come to the rescue. They beat up the high jackers and tie them up in the storage room. However, someone called the police and Robert is on his way. The gunmen were sent by a rival mob boss named Carter. Anna's fever has finally broken.

Duke and Angel search the ally for shell casings from the shootout. Duke doesn't want Robert to find them. He hides them just before Robert arrives. Robert asks them what happened and they makeup some story about a truck backfiring. Robert doesn't believe them, and wants to search the club. Duke refuses to let him in without a search warrant. Robert promises to be back tomorrow with the warrant. This gives Duke time to get rid of the high jackers. Robert is furious at Duke and goes to Sean’s to talk to him.

Angel tries to convince Duke that Victor will never let him leave the organization. Duke doesn't care, as far as he's concerned he's all done. Just as Robert is leaving his office, Anna calls and wants to see him. Victor and Julian have arrived at Duke’s to take out Carter's men. Victor becomes furious when Duke informs him that he is done with the mob for good. Julian tries to smooth things out but Duke tells him to get lost as well. 

Robert visits Anna. She thanks him for finding her, and breaks down about Filomena's death. She asks Robert if Duke was there when she was found. Robert doesn't understand why that matters, but Anna does. Duke might be jealous. Robert laughs it off, and tells Anna that he and Duke have become quite attached since her disappearance, although, he doesn't tell her that they've been attached to each others throats like wild dogs. Robert gets the search warrant and searches Duke's. Sean tells Robert about the WSB’s report that Frisco is missing. Robert leaves Sam in charge of searching Duke's and heads back to the station with Sean. 

Duke is at the hospital to see Anna. He becomes upset when he learns that Anna called Robert before him. Duke arrives in her room just in time to hear her talking in her sleep. It sounds like she's calling for Robert, and then she says she loves him. Duke is furious now and leaves the room. He practically throws the flowers at Amy and tells her to call Robert, because that's who Anna wants. However, as soon as he leaves Anna's room, she blurts out her daughter's name, not her ex-husband's.

**The End**

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