Duke, Anna & Robert #27 March 7 - April 19, 1988: 8 hour original edit

DVD #27A Amy visits Anna and tells her that Duke was there, and he left upset. Anna is upset because she was asleep and never saw him. They are both confused. Suddenly, Amy realizes that Anna must've said something in her sleep. Amy rushes out to find Duke, as he just left. Duke returns, and tells Anna that she said she loves Robert. They finally determine that she was dreaming of her daughter, not Robert.

Robert contacts the WSB for info on Frisco. Unfortunately, nobody there seems to know anything. Felicia becomes angry, and blames Robert and Sean for filling his head with all the glamour and intrigue of the WSB. Duke receives a call from Julian while he is visiting Anna. He lies to her about the call, and then rushes out. Robin visits Anna.

3/9 It's a big day at the Lavery's. Anna is coming home. She and Duke are going to spend a nice quiet day together, or so they think. Just as Duke inserts his key, the front door swings open. To their dismay, Robert is there to welcome them home.  As Anna looks around the room, she becomes upset. She stares at the spot where she last saw Filomena. Robert comforts her by reminding her that Filomena loved Robin very much, and would be happy to die to save her.

Duke listens while Robert and Anna reminisce about meeting Filomena. Duke has a jealous moment as Robert and Anna hold hands while toasting Filomena. Robert is issuing orders to Duke and Anna. Anna realizes that it's Robert's way of protecting her and Robin, but Duke becomes furious. The two men begin to argue until Anna steps in and asks Robert to leave.

3/10 Olin and Robin have lunch at the brownstone with Bobbie.

3/11 Duke surprises Anna with breakfast in bed. They take the phone off the hook so they won't be interrupted by Robert, and spend the day lounging in bed. Robert is becoming obsessive about protecting Robin and Anna. When he is short on police protection, he calls Sean to take the next shift watching the Lavery house.

Duke and Anna are having a private moment in bed when Sam and another officer burst through the bedroom door with guns drawn. Sam apologizes for interrupting. She informs them that Robert was frantic when he couldn't reach them by phone. Duke is beyond furious at Robert's latest intrusion. Anna tells him to calm down and then talk to Robert. Meanwhile, two men break in and deliver a very large box.

Duke heads off to the club and tells Anna that if Robert calls she is to send him to the club. Robert, of course, does call and he yells at Anna for taking the phone off the hook. She tells him to go see Duke at the club. Duke receives a telegram from the Carter mob telling him to check his basement. He and Angel find the box with two dead bodies in it. Duke calls home to make sure Anna and Robin are okay. Anna is a little suspicious and wants to know what happened. She also informs him that Robert is on his way to the club. Duke assures his wife that everything is fine but he has to go deal with club business. Duke hurries to the basement. Sean is nearby walking on the docks when a crate falls and pins him to the ground.

3/14 Duke and Angel scramble to get rid of the bodies before Robert arrives. They decide to throw them in the river. Robert and Tiffany are outside Kelly's when they hear of the accident on the docks. Robert calls an ambulance and then rushes over. Tiffany is there already and is hysterical. They had no idea it was Sean who was trapped under the crate. Several men try to lift the crate but can not. Suddenly Colton steps in and lifts the crate and Sean is pulled to safety.

Robert sends Sam to watch Anna, and he heads off to the club. Anna refuses Sam's protection and goes to the club. She and Robert butt heads when he tells her to go home and she refuses. They draw their guns on each other. Just then Duke and Angel walk in. Robert and Duke argue even though Duke thinks Robert is right about more protection. Robert is suspicious of his sudden change of heart. After Robert and Anna leave, Duke calls Julian about the two bodies that were left for him.

3/17 Duke is concerned about Julian, nobody's heard from him in days. Duke decides to go to New York and find him. Anna returns to the PI office for the first time since her kidnapping. She begins working on a bank forgery case with Sean. Back in New York, Duke finds Julian. Julian and Victor inform him that Carter has put out a hit on him, for setting up his men. Julian sets up a meeting with Carter to try and work out an agreement and stop the hit on Duke. Business is very good at the PI agency, so good in fact that Sean and Anna give Felicia her own case. A woman has come to them with a missing husband story.

3/18 Robert, Sean, and Felicia have breakfast together at Kelly's. They are teasing Sean about his sudden mid-life crisis. Sean says that his reflexes are not what they used to be, so Robert invites him to the shooting range.

Duke is home with Anna. As they lounge in bed, Anna begins to sense something is troubling Duke. He tells her nothing is wrong. Just then, Angel calls with info on the Carter meeting. Duke arrives in New York, with Angel, for the meeting. However, Carter has apparently postponed it. So Duke and Angel have to stay over. Victor books them a hotel room and then has his driver take them there. Victor's driver calls Duke. He says Julian has tickets to an off Broadway show and he will meet Duke there. The driver picks Duke up and takes him to the theatre.

Julian arrives at the hotel for Duke, and Angel informs him of the change in plans. They soon realize that Duke's been set up and Julian rushes out to save him. Julian arrives just in time to save Duke, but gets shot in the crossfire.

Sean beats Robert at the shooting range, but he thinks Robert let him win. Anna, Robert, Sean, and Felicia go to Duke's for a drink after work. Anna is surprised by Duke and Angel's absence. She and Robert start to argue again when he asks where Duke is.

3/21 Robert and Anna have a drink at the bar while they wait for Duke. Robert is driving Anna crazy with his overprotective behavior. They argue and Anna storms out of the club with Robert close behind. Meanwhile, Duke runs to Julian to see how bad he's been hurt. Duke wants to take him to the hospital but Julian refuses. Duke picks him up and takes him to Victor. When they arrive, Duke notices that Victor has been shot as well. They get Julian in the bedroom and the doctor removes the bullet.

Robert follows Anna home. She tries to slam the door in his face, but he barges right past her. They continue to fight and Anna accuses him of still being in love with her. Robert laughs at her accusation. Just then the phone rings and its Duke. He lies to Anna yet again about why he is in New York. Despite the efforts of Duke and the doctor, Julian dies. Before he died, Julian asked Duke to continue in his place and legitimize the family business. Duke agreed, and Victor welcomes him into the family.

3/23 Anna calls the club to find out where her husband is. Angel informs her that Duke is still in NYC on restaurant business. Meanwhile, Duke meets with Victor to end his relationship with the mob. Victor is furious. He reminds Duke about respect and honor and that he owes Julian his life. Victor assures Duke the only way out is the way Julian just took. Duke reconsiders, and agrees to fulfill Julian's dream to legitimize the mob. Anna is growing very suspicious now and believes Angel is covering for Duke.

Robert arrives at the PI office and starts an argument when he questions Duke's whereabouts. Anna throws him out when he accuses Duke of criminal activity. Robert returns later to apologize, but even that starts a fight and Anna leaves. Robert and Felicia decide to grab a movie and dinner in the park. Duke finally arrives home late that night and tells Anna the plans for the new club. She is very concerned since he's been having financial problems.

3/25 Sean suspects that Anna and Duke are past their recent problems when Anna begins singing at work. However, Duke is definitely still having problems coming to grips with Julian's death. He feels a responsibility to the Jerome family that he can't ignore. Angel begs him to reconsider. He tries to point out what Duke will lose if he gets caught. Duke receives a call from Victor. He wants to make sure Duke attends the memorial service for Julian.

3/28 Victor calls Duke to inform him that the memorial service has been postponed until Julian's sister arrives.

3/31 Robin is trying to find Robert. She wants him to come to her school pageant. Robert is having breakfast with Tiffany, at her request. She wants him to hit on her sister Cheryl. Tiffany is worried that Cheryl's interests have turned towards Sean. Robert agrees, and then heads over to the PI office. While there, Anna asks him to attend Robin's school pageant. Robert agrees, but wonders if it's all Robin's idea. Anna knows he's fishing for compliments. She assures him it is all Robin's idea. Robert is feeling a little jealous of Duke and Anna at the moment.

Meanwhile, Duke receives a call from Victor about Julian's memorial services. They are scheduled for this afternoon and Duke will have to miss Robin's pageant. He asks Angel to pick up some flowers for Robin. Angel is concerned about Duke going to NY. Robert asks Cheryl out and she agrees. She suspects that Tiffany arranged the whole thing.

4/1 Robert and Anna take Robin to the zoo after her school pageant. Anna seems a little preoccupied. When Robert asks her about it, she tells him she is upset with Duke for missing the pageant. Robert suspects there is something else wrong. A woman at the zoo mistakes Robert and Anna for husband and wife. Anna doesn't correct her.

Meanwhile, Duke nearly runs into Cheryl on the plane. Back in NY, Duke meets Olivia and learns that she is Julian's sister. She wastes no time in telling Duke that she plans to pursue Julian's dream of legitimizing the organization. Duke has bigger things to worry about as he's just discovered Cheryl at the service. He can't risk being seen so he watches from a side room. Cheryl is devastated by Julian's death. She remembers her first meeting with him in college.

Anna and Robert are having a wonderful day together with their daughter. Anna takes this opportunity to thank him for saving her life. He tells her why he took back the commissioner's badge.

DVD #27B 4/1 Robin invites her dad for dinner. He informs them that he has a date. Anna tells him she and Duke have a date as well. They both show up at Duke's to meet their dates. While they wait, Robert offers Anna a drink. It turns out that they have both been stood up.

4/4 Robert and Anna decide to have dinner together. They order champagne and get very drunk together. In NY, Olivia tells Cheryl she has to move on because that's what Julian would have wanted. Cheryl calls Robert to apologize. Across town, Tom and Simone are dinning at Greenies. Tom spots Duke through an open door. Duke is in the back room with Victor and the other heads of the mob. Tom is caught by Victor's men. Duke asks Tom to keep quiet about anything he saw. Tom agrees as he is not sure what he saw.

Duke calls Anna to apologize. She is very upset when she learns that he is in NY. Robert suggests since their dates didn’t show, that they spend the evening together, a little dinner, some bubbly. He tells her they are good together and then suggests that she is scared to spend the evening with him! She takes his challenge and immediately orders more bubbly and they proceed to get toasted.

Robert and Anna relive their WSB days. Robert tells her that he feels guilty for all the pain he caused her and apologizes. Anna tells him that all the guards around the house just remind Robin of what she has been through. He agrees to trust her judgement and gradually pull the guards back. Duke takes the reigns of the mob.

4/5 Duke returns home only to be grilled by Anna as to his whereabouts. Duke becomes furious and starts yelling. In the middle of their argument, Robin bursts into the room crying. She fears that Grant Putnam has returned. Robin wants to know why Anna and Duke are fighting. The duo assures the frightened child that everything is okay. It's just something married people do sometimes. Duke learns that she had dinner with Robert last night, and throws it in her face. Anna is still very suspicious of Duke's business in NY, but she doesn't want to fight with him anymore.

Olivia informs Cheryl of her plan to realize Julian's dream. Victor walks in and he forbids Olivia to get anywhere near the mob. Angel tries to convince Duke to get out of the mob while he still can. However, Duke tells him it's too late. Anna tries to talk to Sean about marriage. He doesn't think it's for him.

4/7 Robin is haunted by her memories of Grant. Duke comforts her with a story of courage. When Anna arrives, she reassures Robin that Grant will never hurt them again. Robert is stunned when Sean informs him that he wants to get married. Sean doesn't care what his friend thinks and heads off to buy Tiff a ring. Robert invites Cheryl to dinner. Duke plans a night out for he and Anna at the club. Robert and Cheryl dine there as well. Duke is very pleased to see Robert and Cheryl having such a great time together. He teases Anna about being jealous when Robert and Cheryl retire to the penthouse with a bottle of champagne. Sean plans a beautiful dinner for Tiffany at his penthouse. He proposes to her for the second time. However, she is not ready to give him an answer yet.

4/8 Duke tries to sneak out in the morning but Anna drags him back to bed. Cheryl wakes up with quite a hangover and is horrified when she realizes that Robert is in the shower. She can't remember if they slept together. When she confronts Robert, he realizes that she has no recollection of the evening. He makes her sweat a little before he tells her that they didn't sleep together. Anna tells Duke that she lost an earring. She thinks it's at the club. Duke suspects that she's just a little jealous and wants to know if Robert spent the night with Cheryl. Victor has one of his men call Olivia away from her gallery so she will miss her meeting with Duke. Tiffany calls Cheryl and Robert answers the phone. She is thrilled that her plan is working.

Cheryl and Robert have breakfast together. She feels the need to tell him about Julian. When she's done, he tells her about Holly. Two men are fishing on the pier near Duke's when one of them pulls up a very expensive watch. His friend convinces him to turn it over to the police since the watch has an inscription on the back.

Anna runs into Robert at the club. He teases her about checking up on him. Anna tells him she's there to find an earring. When Olivia doesn't turn up for her meeting with Duke he wants to know why. Victor tells him that she's not involved in the business. At the PI office, Sean is ranting and raving about Tiffany. He is furious with her behavior and doesn't know what she wants. Suddenly a distraught woman enters the office. She is searching for her missing husband. She tells Anna that her husbands name is Martin Woods, and she needs help finding him. Anna calls Robert to see if a missing persons report was filed. He has nothing yet, but will keep her informed. Just as he hangs up the fisherman shows up with the watch. Robert is a little suspicious so he brings the watch to Anna.

April 11 Robert arrives at the PI office with some info on Anna’s missing husband case. He tells her about the watch that was fished out of the harbor. Also, that there is an inscription on the back. Anna asks to see the watch and is informed that it’s in the police lab. Robert will let her have it when the lab is done. Anna invites Robert to have dinner with her and Robin. He declines as he has a date with Cheryl. She teases him about his last date with Cheryl. Just then, Sean comes in. He is still very upset about Tiffany. Anna tells Robert to stay with him. Robert tries to point out that Tiffany may not know what she wants. Olivia gets into Duke’s hotel room and goes thru his things. She also picks up a message from Anna off the floor. 

April 13 Anna has a visit from Mrs. Woods. The woman becomes hysterical when Anna shows her the watch that was fished out of the harbor. She confirms the watch belongs to her husband and fears that he’s dead. Sean announces his wedding to Anna and Felicia. At dinner, Tom asks a lot of questions about Duke’s business in NY. So much so that Anna becomes suspicious of them. Tom isn’t sure whether or not he should tell Anna what he saw in NY. 

April 14 Robert informs Lewis that he’s taking the day off. Anna stops by the club and tells Angel that she’s planning to surprise Duke in NY on Saturday. Robert heads over to Duke’s to pick up Cheryl and runs into Anna. Anna shows him the picture of Marty the missing husband. Robert doesn’t recognize him but Angel does.

As soon as Robert and Anna leave, Angel calls Duke. He informs Duke of Anna’s surprise visit and also her missing person’s case. It turns out that Marty is at the bottom of the harbor courtesy of Duke and Angel. Robert and Cheryl have a picnic in the country. Duke tracks Anna down in Robert’s office. He asks her to come to NY for the weekend. Anna suddenly realizes that Angel squealed. He begins questioning her about the case she’s working on and tries to get her to let the police handle it. Anna is adamant; it is still her case for now.

April 15 Cheryl invites Robert to go with her to Monica’s surprise birthday party. He agrees to show up but only if they leave after fifteen minutes. Back in NY, Victor sneaks up on Olivia placing a call to Duke. He rips the phone from her hand and warns her to stay away from Duke. He tells her that Duke will never go along with her half baked scheme to be his partner. Anna is headed to NY a day early. At the gallery, Duke and Olivia are going over decoration for the new club. Olivia is on a ladder hanging a picture when she stumbles. Duke catches her when she falls. Unfortunately, Anna walks in while Olivia is still in Duke's arms.

April 18 Robert is concerned about Cheryl's recurring pains. She informs him that she had an accident as a child, which resulted in the loss of a kidney. Duke introduces Anna and Olivia. Although Anna is furious inside, she remains civil to Olivia. The duo return to the hotel and Anna unleashes her fury on Duke. Duke insists there is nothing going on with Olivia. Anna eventually believes him and they make up. Olivia is furious with her father when she discovers that he sent Anna to the gallery. Victor tells Olivia to forget about Duke.

Robert and Cheryl's date is cut short when Chief Lewis calls. He has discovered that Martin Woods has mob connections. Robert heads back to the station to work. He and Lewis discover that Woods is part of the Carter mob from NJ. They have been at war with the Jerome mob from NY for years. Robert begins to suspect that Duke is somehow involved with the mob again. Duke receives a call from Olivia while he and Anna are in bed. He lies to Anna and heads off to see Olivia.

April 19 Duke tells Anna that he has to work and she should go on a shopping spree in the city. Before Anna can leave, Sean calls and informs her that Robert is taking over the woods case. Anna tells Sean that she wants to speak to Robert. Olivia shows up at Duke's hotel room. She wants to assure Anna that there is nothing going on with her and Duke. Their visit is interrupted when Robert calls. Anna becomes so furious that she forgets Olivia is still there. Olivia overhears everything about the woods case. Anna pleads with Robert for more time to investigate. He reluctantly agrees to another 24 hours. Anna shows up at Mrs. Woods's apartment but it is empty. The landlady lets her in and they discover that the pot on the stove is still warm indicating a very hasty exit.

**The End**

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