Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #29 June 1 - July 15, 1988, 1988: 8 hour original edit

DVD #29A Robert and Cheryl have dinner. He tells her about the bombing in NY, and starts asking questions about where she went to college. When she tells him Columbia he asks if she ever went to Greenies, or if she knew the mob owned it. Cheryl suspects that Robert is getting very close to figuring out the connection between her and the Jerome's. She tries to distract him with another conversation.

June 2 Anna informs Robin that she's going to summer camp early this year. Unfortunately, Robin is not happy about this. She complains that her friends aren't there yet, and she won't get to say goodbye to her daddy or uncle Duke. Anna is adamant, she must leave today. After seeing Robin off, Anna leaves a message for Duke to meet her in PC at 1:00 pm. When Olivia learns of this, she places a call to Fran Woods and instructs her to set up a meeting with Anna for 1:00 pm. Fran expresses her concern over the meeting but is told she will not be attending. Fran places the call to Anna. Anna is reluctant to go but Fran tells her she has info about Duke. Anna arrives at the library for her meeting with Fran.

Meanwhile, Duke is waiting at the club for Anna. When she doesn't turn up, he panics and rushes home. While Anna waits, she thinks about what Duke told her about Marty's body. She decides to call the club to tell Duke she's going to be late. However, there is no answer at the club as Duke's at home looking for her. So, she continues to wait for Fran.

June 3 (Missed first 8 mins of this epi news pre-emption) Anna arrives at the club in PC, but Duke's already gone back to NY. She calls home to see if Duke stopped by the house and is told by Olin that he never showed. Robert receives info from the NYPD. Victor Jerome has been observed going in and out of the club with his associates on a regular basis. Also, that the manager Rudolpho is a loyal soldier of the Jerome mob. Olivia finds out that Duke's meeting with Anna fell through. She is thrilled that her plan worked. She orders champagne and waits patiently in Duke's apartment.

Anna returns home to find Olin shook up. Olin tells her about being locked out and how someone tried to get past the guard. Anna calls Duke's apartment in NY to see if he ever stopped by the house. Olivia answers the phone and takes a message from Anna. When Duke finally arrives in NY, he's very upset. He thinks that Anna stood him up for their meeting. Olivia is there waiting for him with champagne.

Robert fumes when he stops by Anna's and discovers one of his undercover men stationed outside her front door. He confronts the officer but Anna comes to his rescue. She tells Robert that she requested the guards without his knowledge. She downplays it saying that there were some strange faces in the neighborhood lately. Unfortunately, Robert's not buying it for a second. He becomes irate when he learns that his daughter has been shipped off to summer camp early without even a goodbye.

Back in NY, Olivia is lifting Duke's spirits with food and champagne. They dance together and then start to kiss.

June 6 Duke turns over in bed and slowly comes awake. He horrified to discover that he's in bed with Olivia. He quickly leaves the bed and showers. Olivia wakes up and hears the shower running. She stretches contentedly knowing that she finally has Duke where she wants him. The phone rings while Duke's in the shower so Olivia answers it. She hangs up when she hears Anna's voice. Duke and Olivia have breakfast together. Duke is upset when Rudolpho arrives with breakfast and discovers Olivia there. When Rudolpho leaves, Duke tells her that what happened between them must remain between only them.

Victor barges in and is furious about Olivia's presence in Duke's apartment. Duke tries to explain it but when Victor discovers that Olivia's barefoot it all goes out the window. Victor tells Olivia to leave and forbids her to return. When Olivia has gone Victor asks Duke if he received a message last night from Anna. Duke knows nothing about it and wants to know who took the message. Victor informs him that Olivia took the message.

Duke and Anna try to reach each other at the same time but can't get through. Robert questions Anna about the whereabouts of his daughter. He tells Anna about his knowledge of Victor Jerome frequenting Duke's NY club. Anna jumps to Duke's defense and throws Robert out. Meanwhile, Duke is meeting with the drug dealers.

June 8 Duke calls home and leaves a message for Anna. Robert barges in on Cheryl at work. He tells her his suspicions about Duke and his involvement with the Jerome family. Duke finally questions Olivia about taking a message from Anna. She admits that she did, and acts surprised that he doesn't remember her giving him the message. Duke actually believes Olivia gave him the message but he was too drunk to remember. They talk about what happened. Duke apologizes and tells her it won't happen again. Robert begins questioning Cheryl about Julian and his family. Cheryl panics and changes the subject.

June 9 Anna heads off to visit Robin at camp. Robert is having breakfast at Kelly's and telling Ruby that he's headed up to see Robin at camp. Anna arrives to see Robin and finds her covered in poison ivy. Robin asks why she never hears from Duke. Robert and Anna run into each other at Robin's camp. They start arguing and Anna finally tells him that she and Duke have separated.

June 10 Olivia calls Cheryl and asks if she can visit this weekend. Robert walks into his office and finds Prunella there. He calls Sean and tells him that he's sending her to see him. Anna arrives in NY. She and Duke talk about their relationship and the future. Anna tells him it's impossible with his current situation. She explains her fears for Robin's safety and how Robert is breathing down her throat. They are interrupted by a call from Angel informing Duke that someone has trashed the club in PC. The call confirms Anna's suspicions that trouble is just around the corner. She tells Duke that she wants a legal separation and they need to discuss a property settlement. Robert walks in while Angel and the gang are trying to clean up the club. He goes up to see Cheryl. She is unaware of the vandalism downstairs so Robert takes her down to see it. Robert is so preoccupied with the vandalism at the club; they decide to cut their date short. Robert fears this is a warning for Duke.

June 13 Duke arrives to hear Angel yelling at the men trying to clean the graffiti off the walls. They're not having any luck and the club will have to be repainted. Anna tells Olin that she and Duke are separating. Cheryl is worried about Robert and Olivia running into each other. Robert snoops around the club and threatens Duke. A short time later, Olivia shows up at the club and tells Angel that Duke wants her to redecorate the club. However, Duke is out so she will visit with Cheryl for a while. As they head up, Cheryl asks Angel to tell Robert that she's out, if he should stop by.

Anna heads out to mail a letter, as she opens the door Robert appears. She tells him to leave and then shuts the door in his face. He pushes back and she finally lets him in. He tries cheering her up with stories of their days together in the WSB. It eventually works and she smiles. Unfortunately, it doesn't last long when Robert mentions marriage. Anna tells him to go. Before he does, he tells her that he loves her no matter what.

Duke visits Robin at camp. Robert shows up to take Cheryl out. He and Olivia just miss each other. Anna remembers the good times she and Robert had together.

June 14 Felicia visits Anna. Anna asks her about the Lockenbooth and who found it when she was kidnapped. Olivia returns to the club in PC and Olivia talks him into letting her redecorate it. Duke is furious when Victor shows up at the club in PC. He tells him to leave because he doesn't want Robert to find him there. Olivia checks with Butcher to make sure he got his money for a job well done. Cheryl rescinds her invitation to Olivia when she discovers that Victor is upstairs with Duke.

Anna goes to the library and starts digging up info on the Jerome mob. She discovers that everything Duke told her was the truth, including Julian's death. Cheryl fears that Duke is involved with the mob. She tells Olivia that she may have to move out of the penthouse. Anna arrives home and listens at the door while Duke is there retrieving his clothes. She hides outside when he leaves.

June 15 Robert and Cheryl have breakfast together at Kelly's. He tells her that he's concerned about his daughter's safety and invites her to visit Robin's camp with him. Robert and Cheryl decide to pack a picnic to take to Robin's camp. He confides in Cheryl his suspicions about Duke and the Jerome mob.

June 16 Felicia shows Anna Frisco's wedding ring. When Anna asks who gave it to her, she lies and says, “The WSB”. Duke arrives in PC to check on the progress at the club. Anna and Duke meet and she suggests that he document everything involving the mob for his own protection.

Robert and Cheryl visit Robin at camp. While Robert judges the swim competition, Robin shows Cheryl around the camp. Robin asks Cheryl if she's going to marry her father. Cheryl tells her that she doesn't know what she would say if he asked. The pair hit it off very well, enough for Robin to show Cheryl her secret place. Robert returns from judging soaking wet. Robin and Cheryl have a good laugh at his expense until he gets them wet too.

June 17 Robert and Cheryl are stranded in the woods after he runs out of gas on the way back from Robin's camp. Robert just happens to have a picnic basket full of food and a sleeping bag in the trunk of his car. Cheryl believes that he planned to run out of gas. Robert and Cheryl share a sleeping bag.

June 21 (:20 minute news pre-emption) Robert and Cheryl sleep together. Chief Lewis contacts Robert about the fire at the brownstone. (End of show was interrupted for a special news report)

JJune 22 Robert questions Terry and Bobbie about the fire. Cheryl and Olivia have breakfast together. Robert and Olivia finally meet at Duke's. She explains that she's there to redecorate the club. Robert heads up to Cheryl's apartment. When he gets there, he tells her that he met Duke's decorator. Cheryl decides that she has to tell him about Olivia and Julian before this blows up in her face. Fortunately for her, Robert has an appointment with the fire marshal. He learns that the fire was in fact arson. Duke arrives in NY to meet with the drug bosses. Butcher tries to squeeze more money out of Olivia for the job he did on Duke's. She threatens him and tells him never to call her again.

Dvd #29B June 23 Anna contacts Duke in NY as she believes that he's in trouble. He's meeting with the drug bosses about legitimizing their operation. Unfortunately for Duke, they are refusing to even listen to his proposal. Suddenly, Victor jumps in and takes control of the meeting. He convinces them to at least consider Duke's proposal. Victor lectures Duke about separating business and personal life. He tells him that his full attention is needed in NY with the family and suggests that he move to NY. Anna comes up with a proposal of her own for Duke. She wants to compile a file on the Jerome family. She proposes that Duke move back into the house and continue to work for Victor. That way he has the inside track to Victor and the business. If he can't turn the family legitimate then Anna will use the information to take down the mob and free Duke. After everything, she still loves him.

JJune 24 Robert plans to question the residents of the brownstone about the fire. He is already suspicious of Scotty when Bobbie tells him to contact Scott about the fire. Duke returns from NY to meet with Anna. She arrives at the club and finds Olivia there with Duke. Anna and Duke leave her at the bar and head up to his office. Shortly after, Olivia barges into the office. Duke tells her to get the hell out. Moments later, Duke receives a call from the director of Robin's camp. Robin is missing. A panicked Anna rushes out with Duke in tow. Duke charters a plane to get them to the camp. Anna is furious when she thinks this could be mob retaliation. Robert hauls Scotty in for questioning about the brownstone fire. Shortly after, he receives the call that Robin's missing. He rushes right out.

JJune 27 Robert takes off in the police helicopter just as Cheryl arrives at the station. Guy tells her what happened. She remembers Robin's secret hiding place and wonders if that's where she could be. She tries to get a message to Robert in the copter but they lose the connection. She decides that she has to tell Robert about Robin's secret place, so she heads up there. Robert, Anna, and Duke arrive at Robin's camp. They speak to the director and to some of Robin's friends. Robert tells Anna that Cheryl's on her way. Anna seems upset and wants to know why Cheryl thinks she can help. Anna and Robert argue as they begin searching the woods.

JJune 28 At Robin's camp, the search is in full swing. Cheryl finally tells them about Robin's secret hiding place. Anna seems upset that Robin never told her of this place but she told Cheryl. Cheryl has a difficult time remembering where Robin's secret place is. Anna is convinced that Robin has been kidnapped. She's just about to tell Robert that Duke is back in the mob when they hear Robin's voice.

JJune 29 Back at Robin's camp, Anna wants Robin to come home. Robin apologizes for the trouble she caused and begs her mother to let her stay. Anna relents. Anna is furious with Duke for putting Robin's life in jeopardy and rethinks her proposal. She apologizes to Cheryl and thanks her for her help. Robert is convinced that Anna knows Duke's back in the mob.

JJuly 1 Olivia's furious when she learns that Butcher is out of town. She snaps at Angel when he tells her that he doesn't know where Duke spent the night. Anna gets a visit from Robert at the PI office. He asks her why she thought Robin had been kidnapped. She lies to him. Duke shows up at the PI office. He's decided to take Anna proposition and help her compile evidence on the mob. Robert arrives at Cheryl's office and finds her crying. She tells him that she's afraid of losing him.

JJuly 4 Robert tracks down Scott at the hospital and asks for Butcher's phone number. Scott gives it to him. However, Scotty has already paid Butcher to leave town for awhile. The residents of PC prepare for the Fourth of July picnic on the docks. Robert & Cheryl, Anna gather. Dan Rooney kicks off the celebration followed by fun, games, fireworks. The show is interrupted by lightening and rain as “Singing in the Rain” plays, everyone huddles under blankets and jackets.

JJuly 5 Robert tries to contact Butcher by phone but has no luck since Butcher's out of town. Duke's is ready for its grand reopening. Anna asks Duke to move back in. Robert threatens to charge Scotty with obstruction of justice if he doesn't produce Butcher soon. Anna arrives at her office and finds it ransacked. She calls Duke and asks him to come over to the office. Angel calls Olivia to invite her to the reopening of Duke's. When Duke sees Anna's office he realizes that it's another warning. Anna gets a call from Fran while she's cleaning up her office. They plan to meet at the library. Olivia arrives at Duke's for the reopening. As Terry starts singing her opening number, water starts pouring in the main dining room through the ventilation vents.

JJuly 6 Duke and Angel agree that the flood is another warning for Duke. They have to close down while the water damage is repaired. Felicia arrives at work and finds Anna cleaning up the office. Anna inquires about Sean and if he's coming to work. Felicia tells her that Sean is in Washington tracking down leads on Frisco. Felicia helps Anna clean for a while then decides she's going to Quebec with or without Sean and Colton. She has to know what happened to Frisco so she can move on with her life. Later that day, Anna meets with Fran. Fran is concerned about her income. The money she receives every month has been reduced and she fears that it will stop completely. She needs a job so she can support her children. Just then an idea comes to Anna, she asks Fran to help her get info on the mob.

July 7 The club reopens after the flood but business is very slow. Duke fears that the customers won't be back. Scotty threatens to reveal Cheryl's past to Robert if she can't get Robert to ease up on him. Anna wants Duke to move back home to keep up appearances. She suggests that they move to NY since Robin is away at camp. She considers closing the PI office but decides it's a good front. Robert discovers, while running a check on Scotty, Cheryl's involvement with him and a company called Mediserve. Fran agrees to help Anna with the investigation. Cheryl finally comes clean with Robert about her association with Scotty. After she finishes her story, Robert gets up and leaves without a word.

July 8, 1988 Anna prepares for Duke's return home. Fran shows up at Anna's. Anna tells her that she believes Marty is dead. She asks Fran to make notes on any people Marty had contact with. Duke moves back into the house.

July 11, 1988 Anna lays out her plan to Duke on how to break the mob. Renovations are underway on the brownstone. Robert drops in on Cheryl to apologize for walking out on her. Robert goes looking for Scotty after he talks to Cheryl. Duke confesses to Anna that he slept with Olivia.

July 12, 1988 Duke spends the night in Robin's room. Anna wakes early and tells Duke that she's going to NY on her own to check things out. Anna arrives in NY and immediately starts searching the apartment. After she drills a hole in the floor of the closet, she installs a camera. The camera is setup to record everything that happens in Duke's office.

Victor and Olivia visit PC to see the newly decorated club. Olivia inquires about Duke's whereabouts. Angel informs her that Duke spent the night at home with Anna. Cheryl steps off the elevator and finds Olivia, Victor, and Duke having a meeting. Shortly after, Butcher calls and threatens Olivia if she doesn't pay him more money. Olivia decides to stay in PC for a little while longer. She agrees to meet Butcher in the park. Lucy follows Butcher to the park and photographs him and Olivia together.

July 14, 1988 Anna keeps tabs on Duke's office by watching the tapes. Meanwhile, Victor sends one of his men up to PC to follow Olivia. He then learns that Anna has moved into the apartment upstairs.

July 15, 1988 Anna remains in NY. Duke suggests that he join her but she declines. Anna dresses as a bag lady and heads down to the docks. She video tapes a drug deal.

Robert and Guy search the computer for Butcher. Just then, Robert receives a phone call from Butcher. He tries to trace the call but comes up short. He and Guy come up with a plan to nail Butcher. The plan involves Sam dressing up as a hooker. He sends Sam out to the park with two hookers and bets Butcher that he can't pick out the cop. This ensures that Butcher will call Robert back and give them another shot at tracing the call. Scotty and Olivia both make plans to meet with Butcher.

**The End**

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