Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin #30 July 15-Aug 22, 1988: 8 hour original edit

DVD #30A Butcher places a call to Robert and tells him that he picked out Sam (dressed as a hooker) as an undercover cop and thanks Robert for his gift. This time Robert succeeds in tracing Butcher's call. Robert races out to pick up Butcher. When Robert and Guy arrive at his motel, they find Butcher murdered. Anna films a drug deal and listens in on a mob conversation about Lavery. The goon talks about Lavery getting some of the guys to go legit.

July 18 Anna gets stuck between two crates and is nearly crushed when the crates are moved. Robert checks Butcher's body for ID but finds nothing. The body and the hotel room were picked clean. Robert hauls Scotty down to the station to ID Butcher. He then questions Scotty about where he was when Butcher was killed. A shaken Olivia shows up at Duke's club. She seems very anxious to leave PC. Olivia returns to NY and heads straight for Duke's apartment. Anna invites her in for a chat.

July 20 Duke and Anna head back to NY. Duke remains in the dark about Anna's plan to take down the mob. Duke and Anna arrive in NY. Anna heads straight for the closet to check on the camera. Anna photographs Victor and two of the drug bosses while dinning in the club.

July 21 Anna tries to befriend Olivia in hopes that she may divulge information about the business. Robert questions Lucy about Scott’s alibi for Butcher’s murder. Unfortunately for Scotty, she blurts out that she took a call from Butcher while in Scott's office. Lucy tells Scott she gave him an alibi for Butcher’s murder but then warns him she is out of it and he is on his own. Back in NY, Anna arrives at Olivia's gallery just in time to see her kissing Duke. She leaves without making her presence known to them. Cheryl arrives in NY. She informs Olivia of her decision to come clean with Robert. She's going to tell him about Julian. Before Cheryl leaves NY, she visits Julian's grave to say goodbye.

July 22 Duke, Anna, and Olivia dine together at the club. Olivia storms out after Anna mentions Julian's death. Anna tells Felicia that she's busy in NY and gives the job to her. Anna heads to the camera shop to have the film developed. Olivia follows her there. After Anna leaves, Olivia questions the sales associate about her.

July 25 Duke and Anna join Olivia and Victor for dinner. Olivia suspects that Anna has a camera with her. She searches Anna's purse while Duke and Anna dance. Olivia finds the camera and removes the film. Back in their hotel room, Duke and Anna make love.

July 26 Robert is in bed with Cheryl, Sean calls early to set up a meeting with Robert. Sean needs his input. Next Guy calls and further interrupts their morning in bed with a lead in the Butcher murder investigation. Robert questions a man who runs a newspaper stand across the street from the Butcher's hotel room. The man tells him that two people showed up at Butcher's room. One was a man in a dark suit. He knocked on the door a couple times and when no one answered he left. The other person was a very pretty blond woman. She entered Butcher's room but was only there for a minute or two. Robert learns that this woman did not park in front of the hotel. She left her car down the street a good distance from Butcher's room. Robert discovers that Scotty was the man who showed up at Butcher's room but never went inside.

July 27 Duke and Olivia meet to discuss the prostitution bosses. Anna and Fran plan to meet for lunch in the city. Fran tells Anna about a warehouse in NJ where the Carter mob stores their family records. Rudolpho informs Duke that the meeting with the prostitution bosses has been canceled. Duke is furious. Olivia tries to calm him down by inviting him to lunch. Duke declines her offer. Olivia searches Duke's apartment. She is nearly caught when Rudolpho comes in. She sneaks out the door while Rudolpho is in the bedroom.

Robert questions Lucy and discovers that she was lying for Scotty for some reason. She finally admits that Scotty wasn't with her at the time of Butcher's murder. Sean meets with Robert and fills him in on the case that he thinks Frisco was working on and why he was killed. Sean explains about the knob, the microchip, and the terrorist group. Sean calls Felicia and gives her false information. Colette is listening in, but she doesn't believe it. She says as soon as she finds the ring she will eliminate them.

July 28 Robert clears his desk of all cases to work with Sean. Sean sets a trap for the terrorists, he calls Felicia and tells her that he needs Frisco's ring and asks her to go to the safety deposit box to retrieve it. Robert asks Sam to impersonate Felicia. Back at Sean's, Colette eavesdrops outside the door. She hears him tell Tiffany that he may miss the festival because he and Robert have some business to take care of. Hearing that, Colette suspects they are up to something.

July 29 Sean and Robert outline the plan. Colton and Felicia are to go to the arts festival. Colton will broadcast his show live from the festival. At the same time, Felicia will head to the bank and retrieve Frisco's ring from the safe deposit box. Sam will be in the bank disguised as Felicia. Sam will leave the bank and go to the park to meet Sean. Colette sends her agents to tail Felicia. They follow her into the bank and fall for the switch and follow Sam out of the bank.

Felicia is supposed to go back to the arts festival. She shows up at the park instead. Robert and Guy are hiding in the bushes as Sean and Felicia (Sam in disguise as Felicia) argue over Frisco's ring under the bridge. Colette and her agents are there hiding as well. She spots Felicia coming down the stairs and immediately realizes it's a trap. Felicia realizes that she's been seen and takes off. But the damage is already done, and Colette sends her agents after Felicia. Robert and Sean don't yet realize what has happened. They soon discover that they're all alone. So they pack it in and head to the festival grounds.

Duke feels like he's being taken advantage of. None of the bosses take him seriously and they continue to cancel meetings. Anna sets up a meeting with Fran. As she hangs up, Duke bursts in and tells her to pack. Eventually, Anna calms him down and convinces him to stay. Anna meets Fran for lunch and then they head out to NJ. Fran leads her to the warehouse where the Carter mob hides there records. When they unlock the door, they make a gruesome discovery. They find a human skull. Fran screams and tries to run away but Anna calms her down.

August 1, 1988 Anna and Fran find the Carter family journals. They also discover journals from the Jerome family. Felicia returns to the festival. She locates Colton but he's in the middle of taping his show. She finally gets his attention by asking a question during the audience participation part of his show. A confused Colton continues to ask her questions in the hope that he will figure out what she's trying to tell him. During his commercial break, Colton runs over and asks her what happened. Felicia admits that she went to the park and was spotted. She thinks that the terrorists have followed her to the festival. She is correct. Colette and her agents are searching for Felicia as she speaks to Colton.

August 2, 1988 Robert and Sean arrive at the festival grounds. They suspect that the terrorists discovered Sam was only a decoy, and they have gone after Felicia. They split up and search the grounds for Felicia and Colton. Sean runs into Prunella. Felicia slips away from Colton and back to the teen center booth. She tries to break the knob off the sculpture but it won't budge. Colton finally catches up with her and drags her off when he spots the terrorists. Just then, Prunella runs into the terrorists knocking them to the ground. This gives Colton and Felicia time to get away.

Augist 3, 1988 Anna returns home to PC with the journals. Duke is worried about Anna when she doesn't return to NY. He decides to try her in PC but is interrupted by Victor and Olivia. Duke becomes furious when Victor tells him that he hasn't rescheduled the meeting with the prostitution bosses. He tells Victor that he is going home to PC and will be back when the meeting is rescheduled. Victor goes ballistic and tells him that he can't run the family from PC. Olivia snoops around Duke's apartment. She plants a pair of sexy underwear in the bedroom.

Felicia and Colton hide out in symphony hall. The terrorists track them down there, so Colton uses himself as bait so Felicia can escape. Felicia refuses to leave without Colton and they are caught. Sean meets up with Robert. He tells him about Prunella's strange message. Neither can figure it out so they split up to search for her. Colette overhears the message but she can't make sense of it either. Sean and Robert have no luck finding Prunella so they head back to the teen center booth. That's where Sean saw her last. While there, Sean discovers the knob on one of the sculptures as it's about to be sold.

Sean offers the woman $100 for it, but she refuses. He makes up a story about his sick mother and cons the woman out of the sculpture. Sean breaks the knob off and then asks that the sculpture be delivered to his penthouse. Finally, he runs into Prunella. She tells him that Colton and Felicia were being followed. She takes him to symphony hall. Sean informs Robert that he has the knob. Unfortunately, it's useless without Frisco's ring, which is now in the hands of the terrorists. Colette took it off Felicia when they were kidnapped.

August 4, 1988 Anna works on the ledgers for a while, then tells Olin that she's going back to NY. Prunella pays off a security guard to switch the Aquarius diamond for a fake. Sean believes that Colton and Felicia are still on the festival grounds. Colette threatens to kill Colton in hopes that Felicia will talk. Olivia pays Duke a visit. She inquires about his meeting with Victor. Robert, Sean, and the police search for Colton and Felicia. Colton manages to knock out the guards. However, on their way out Felicia falls and gets knocked out.

Colton picks her up and tries to carry her to safety. Unfortunately, they have taken too much time. The terrorists catch up with them before they can escape. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Felicia's still unconscious so they put her inside a trunk. They gag Colton and dress him up for the play. Finally, the terrorists open the door and Robert and Sean enter. They demand to search the place. Anna returns to NY. She finds the underwear that Olivia planted. Just then Duke and Olivia walk in. Anna asks Olivia if the underwear belong to her. Olivia is stunned that Anna would think that. She denies owning them or leaving them behind.

August 5, 1988 Sean and Robert continue to search the festival grounds for Colton and Felicia. They are growing increasingly suspicious of Prunella so Robert has her followed. Colette learns that Sean has the knob. She instructs one of her men to place a bomb in a camera case and leave it outside the jewelry exhibit.

Dvd #30B Sean receives a call from the kidnappers. They are willing to trade Colton and Felicia for the knob. When Sean hangs up, he tells Robert he's almost positive that it was Colette on the phone. Colton and Felicia escape. They steal some costumes and head out to find Robert and Sean. Colton thinks that the terrorists are targeting the dignitaries. Prunella shows up at the jewelry expo and the guard slips her the real Aquarius diamond. Colette discovers that Colton and Felicia have escaped. Colton and Felicia run into Prunella. They tell her to get a message to Sean.

August 8 Felicia, Colton, Robert, and Sean are all captured by Colette. There's a struggle and Robert gets away. He notifies Lewis of the bomb threat. They begin evacuating people in an orderly fashion as not to create mass hysteria. Meanwhile, Sean and Colette struggle over the detonator. Colette is accidentally shot by one of her partners. Colton breaks free and catches up with Robert. They search frantically for the bomb. Colette stumbles out onto the festival grounds. Greg and Christy see her and run to help her.

Colton finds the bomb and tosses it down a stairwell seconds before it explodes. Greg and Christy and Cheryl are in the path of flying debris where they were helping Colette and are all injured. Just before the explosion, Robert threw her to the ground and covered her with his body. Through all the chaos, Sean and Felicia search for Colette. They find her with Greg and Christy. She's unconscious. Prunella delivers the Aquarius diamond to a man in the park. Felicia finds Frisco's ring. Robert carries an injured Cheryl into GH’s emergency room.

August 9, 1988 Felicia brings the ring to Sean at the police station. They decide to wait for Robert to open the knob. Cheryl wants out of the hospital. Sean calls Robert at the hospital to check on Cheryl and Colette. Robert receives a note from Prunella. She says she's going home to Australia. Robert receives word that the Aquarius diamond has been stolen and replaced with a fake. Sean unlocks the knob with Frisco's ring. On the microfilm are all the major terrorist groups and the locations of their headquarters all over the world. They also find a message for Felicia. The message says beware of sanctuary. Sean fears that Felicia's still in danger. He asks Colton to watch over her.

Back in NY, Anna checks on the camera. Duke catches her in the closet and questions her about it. She lies to him and says she saw a mouse run in there. Duke and Anna decide to go away to the cabin for awhile. Duke notifies Victor of their decision. Victor agrees. Olivia storms out of the office. After Duke and Anna leave, Olivia begins destroying the club. Victor comes out and yells at her to stop being jealous of Anna. She starts screaming at Victor. Suddenly, he grabs his chest. This shakes Olivia out of her tantrum. Victor's man arrives with the Aquarius diamond. Olivia sneaks into Duke's apartment and discovers Anna's hidden camera.

August 10, 1988 Anna and Duke wake up in bed together the next morning at the cabin. She tells him he is wonderful for the way he took care of Victor and she is very proud of him. Anna wants to discuss her plans for taking down the Jerome family. Duke is ready to go fishing, dressed for the occassion in his fishing gear, waders and a goofy looking hat. Duke pleads with Anna to go fishing. She gets dressed to join him and before they leave, she blurts out that she wants to have his baby. When they return, Anna is lost in thought. Duke asks her if she is considering whether this is the right time to have a baby with the Jerome family investigation. She tells him there is something she has to tell him about the investigation. He doesn’t want to discuss it and just enjoy their time alone together and doesn’t want anything to spoil it.

Back in NY, Olivia apologizes to Victor. She explains that she doesn't trust Anna. However, she leaves out discovering the camera. Instead she points out the hole in the ceiling of Duke's office and together they head upstairs to investigate. Victor discovers the camera in the closet. He's furious. Victor confides in Rudolpho about the video camera. Victor is convinced that Duke has no knowledge of the camera.

Robert questions Scotty about Butcher's murder. Olivia heads to PC. She visits Cheryl in the hospital, and convinces Cheryl not to tell Robert about Julian. Robert arrives at the hospital and just misses Olivia getting on the elevator.

August 11 Anna and Duke are at the cabin. Anna reveals her entire plan to Duke, including the video camera in the closet. Duke can't believe that she would take that kind of risk. He wants to go back to NY immediately. Olivia visits Cheryl in the hospital. Cheryl asks Olivia to leave. As she opens the door to leave, Robert steps into the room. Colette has regained consciousness. Felicia’s worst fear is confirmed when Colette tells her that Frisco is dead. Felicia wants to know where his grave is. Colette reveals Quebec as the location. Robert and Sean berate themselves over Frisco's death.

Victor is having doubts about Duke and Anna. He enlists Rudolpho's help. Rudolpho trusts Duke implicitly. And he doesn't believe Anna would betray her husband. Victor believes that Duke and Anna have betrayed him and that something must be done. Olivia questions Victor about his plans for Duke and Anna. He tells her to mind her own business. Victor recalls Anna's past as a fence. He decides she will fence the Aquarius Diamond to prove her loyalty.

August 12 Robert and Sean work on solving the diamond theft. Robert and Sean do not come up with any leads. Robert is furious that Anna's not around to help them.

Duke and Anna return to NY. Anna discovers that the camera has been tampered with. Anna begins telling Duke they have a problem but Duke isn't there. Suddenly Victor appears in the apartment. He questions Anna about her problem. She concocts a story about a cockroach in the closet. Victor offers to check it out for her but she declines. Anna tries to warn Duke but Victor sends him off to a meeting with the prostitution bosses. Victor suggests that he and Anna have a meeting of their own. Victor shows Anna the diamond. She knows immediately what it is. Victor plays dumb and asks her how to dispose of it. He explains that there are some people in the organization that doubt her loyalty to the family. This is a perfect opportunity for her to prove herself. Anna agrees to fence the Aquarius diamond. Olivia calls Robert and tips him off about when and where the diamond will be fenced. He flies to NY right away. Robert bursts in with the police and catches Anna in the process of fencing the Aquarius diamond.

August 15 Duke returns to his office and finds Victor there. Duke's confused by the sudden turnaround of the prostitution bosses. He wants to know what Victor has done. Victor reveals his latest business venture. Robert takes the diamond off Anna and demands an explanation. Anna begs Robert to walk away and let her continue with what she was doing. He refuses. She explains that her cover will be blown and she and Duke will be killed if she doesn't return with the money. Robert explodes when he hears that Duke's involved. Anna tells Robert about the evidence she's compiled on the Jerome family. She promises to reveal it all if he lets her go. Robert gives her the money and plans to meet her tomorrow in PC. She gives him the diamond. Robert returns to PC. He shows Sean the diamond. Sean is shocked when Robert reveals that Anna was the fence.

Back in NY, Duke is furious over Anna's assignment. He's shocked when he learns that Victor knows about Anna's past as a fence. Olivia discovers that Robert has gone to NY on business. Olivia fumes when Duke won't tell her what's going on. Victor arrives looking for Anna. He's starting to think something went wrong. Suddenly Anna walks in carrying a brief case. Victor welcomes Anna back with open arms. Olivia can't understand how Anna didn't get caught. After Anna and Duke leave, she explodes. Victor tells Olivia to stay away from Duke and Anna. Anna tells Duke about Robert catching her. They determine that Olivia was his anonymous tip. Anna explains that Robert only let her go because she promised to give him everything on the Jerome family.

August 16 Robert arrives at the Lavery household to question Duke and Anna. Robert can't believe that Duke would place Anna and Robin in danger again. Anna and Duke outline their plan to Robert. He's furious with them but agrees to help with one condition. His condition is that Robin stay with him until it's over. Anna refuses. Guy tracks Robert down at Anna's. They caught the security guard who lifted the diamond from the festival. He reveals Prunella as his contact. Robert can't believe what he's hearing.

August 17 Anna visits Robert to check on the diamond investigation. Anna tells Robert about the video camera and that someone found it. She suspects that's why Victor had her fence the diamond. It was a test. They discover that Prunella left NY the day after the diamond was lifted. She's now in the Bahamas with a companion. Robert tracks them down at the hotel. He catches Prunella, but she denies everything. Robert tells her that her companion was caught at the airport with another woman. She refuses to believe him until he drags the companion and woman back to the hotel. Anna and Felicia watch Colton's show and finish packing up the rest of Frisco's things.

August 18 Victor has arranged a luncheon in Anna's honor. Olivia bursts in with the newspaper article of Robert retrieving the Aquarius diamond. Victor questions Anna about this. He seems satisfied with her answer. Sean learns that Prunella was responsible for stealing the Aquarius diamond. Victor announces that Anna will rule the Jerome family in equal power with her husband. Olivia looses it and goes crazy. She barges into Duke's apartment while he's packing and refuses to let him leave. She announces that she pregnant with Duke's child.

August 19 Duke refuses to believe Olivia. Olivia tells Duke that she's going to have the baby. Robert brings Prunella back to PC. He and Anna continue to fight over Robin's living arrangements. The gang attend a ceremony to honor Frisco, Sean speaks on behalf of the WSB. Anna feels ill and has to leave the ceremony. Alan takes her to the hospital to be examined. Duke arrives late and learns that Anna left earlier. He arrives home to an empty house. Just then, Anna arrives and announces that she's pregnant. Duke looks shocked!

Aug 22 Robert and Cheryl wake up in bed together. Robert tells her that he is worried about Anna. Cheryl points out that Duke would have called if something was wrong.

**The End**

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