Duke, Anna & Robert #31 August 22 - September 29, 1988: 8 hour original edit

DVD #31A Olivia tells Victor that she and Duke have come to an understanding. Duke tries to tell Anna about Olivia but is interrupted by Robin's call. Robin is so cute, Anna tells her that her and Duke have a surprise for her and will drive up to see her at camp tomorrow. Robin is very excited about this secret. Duke doesn't think Anna should continue with her investigation.

Cheryl becomes upset when Robert wants to go check on Anna. Robert arrives at the Lavery's and is stunned to learn that Anna is pregnant. He's not happy with the situation. He can't believe they would bring a baby into this whole mob situation. Robert goes to the office and starts demanding info on the Jerome family immediately. Cheryl enters his office and becomes upset over Robert's reaction to Anna's pregnancy. She thinks Robert's still in love with Anna. Robert tells Cheryl about Duke and the Jerome family. When he steps out of the office, she discovers a drawing of Julian on Robert's desk. Anna notifies Victor of the baby. He tells Olivia. She appears very calm and collected.

August 24 Robin returns from camp. Duke and Anna tell her about the baby. She's thrilled. Robert arrives and still wants to take Robin out of the house. Olivia shows up at Cheryl's and pushes her jealousy buttons. Duke and Robert continue to argue over Duke's involvement with the mob. Anna calms him down by giving him the ledgers for the Carter and Jerome families. Anna tells Robert to beware of Victor's daughter. Robert learns Olivia is Victor's daughter.

Duke catches Olivia coming out of the elevator. He's furious and tells her to go back to NY. Robert tells Anna of Olivia's sudden friendship with Cheryl. Anna thinks it's to get at him. Robert visits Cheryl and tells her to stay away from Olivia because she's Victor Jerome's daughter. He doesn't want her involved with those people. Olivia stays in PC and stalks the Lavery's.

August 25 Anna and Robin create a shopping list of baby items. Robin and Anna go shopping for the baby. Anna has an uneasy feeling that someone is watching them. Olivia is following them around. She overhears Robin saying how much she likes the lovebirds in one of the stores. Duke calls Angel to find out if Olivia went back to NY. Duke confides in Alan that he slept with another woman and she may be pregnant. Duke discovers that Olivia did not go back to NY and she's staying at the Port Charles hotel. Duke barges into Olivia's hotel room. He demands that she go to NY with him to have a pregnancy test.

August 26 Duke takes Olivia to see the doctor that Alan recommended. Olivia emerges from the examination room with the doctor. He tells Duke there is no reason why she can't give him a healthy baby. Back in NY, Duke asks Olivia what she plans to do about the baby. She tells him she's going to have the baby. Later that day, Scott pays Olivia a visit at her gallery. He blackmails her for $10,000.

Robert arrives at the Lavery's. Anna lets him have it for putting her under surveillance. When he denies it, she becomes concerned. Anna explains that she felt as if someone was watching her all day. Robert decides to take Robin and Anna to the zoo. Anna feels stupid about her paranoia. Robert just tells her to keep her guard up. Robert brings Anna and Robin home. When they arrive, they find cage with two lovebirds sitting by the front door. Robin is thrilled. Her parents are suspicious. They try to figure out who would send something like this, and then they start calling all their friends. Nobody they know sent them. Anna figures that Duke sent them. When Duke arrives home, Robin thanks him for the birds. He doesn't know what she's talking about. Anna and Robert become concerned when Duke announces that he didn't send any birds.

August 29 Cheryl tells Tiffany that Robert's still in love with Anna. Tiff tells her she's nuts. Robert and Anna tell Duke about Anna's feeling that someone was following her. Olivia checks out an apartment and daydreams about being with Duke and their baby.

August 31 Anna's at Kelly's looking at baby clothes with the girls. Robert shows up. Robert and Anna argue about the lovebirds. Robert gives Anna a ride to the hospital for her check up. While they wait, Anna has another dizzy spell. Robert is concerned. Victor announces to the family that Duke and Anna are having a baby as Olivia listens at the door. Olivia sneaks into Duke's bedroom and comes on to him. He tells her he despises her and only loves his wife. Duke finds baby clothes in his drawers and realizes that Olivia planted them there for Anna to find. He also realizes that Olivia sent the lovebirds.

Duke and Olivia argue. Victor shows up to find out what is going on. Duke informs him that he's going home and won't be back. After Duke leaves, Olivia is hysterical. She tells Victor that she's pregnant by Duke. Victor is furious. He vows to bring Duke back. Anna emerges from her examination and informs Robert that she will be spending the night in the hospital. He promises to watch Robin overnight. Anna apologizes for being a bother. Duke rushes to Anna's side when he learns that she's in the hospital. She assures him that she's fine.

September 1 Olivia cries to her father about Duke. Victor vows to bring him back and make him take responsibility for Olivia and their unborn child. Victor tells his mistress, Dimitra, about Olivia's pregnancy. She warns Victor that Olivia is very dangerous. Dimitra tells Victor that Olivia was seen meeting with the Carter mob just before Julian's death. Victor is horrified at the possibility that Olivia could have killed her own brother.

Back in Port Charles, Anna wakes to find Duke by her side. He informs her that he's done with the Jerome family. She cautions him that they might never be rid of the mob. Duke confides in Alan about Olivia's pregnancy. Alan cautions him about telling Anna. Anna is released from the hospital.

Robin and Robert spend the night at Cheryl's. He shares his concerns with Cheryl about who sent the lovebirds. Olivia shows up at Cheryl's and meets Robin. While Cheryl's in the shower, Olivia tells Robin that if the daddy lovebird dies or is taken away that the mommy bird will die. Olivia returns to her hotel to find Victor waiting. He can barely contain his anger. When she asks what is wrong, he asks if she had anything to do with Julian's death.

September 2 Olivia denies being involved in Julian's death. She's insulted that Victor would ever believe such a thing. Victor swears that he will kill her if he learns that she was involved. Victor suffers a heart attack while fighting with Olivia. She withholds his heart medication in the hope that he will die.

Dimitra tells Victor that Olivia was seen meeting with the Carter mob just before Julian's death. Victor is horrified at the possibility that Olivia could have killed her own brother. Robin tells Anna about spending time at Cheryl's. After Anna goes to lie down, Robin tells Duke about meeting Olivia. Robin's very worried about her birds after what Olivia told her. So, she mentions it to Duke. He's furious. Duke tells Robin he has to go out and heads right for Olivia's hotel. When he arrives, Olivia is standing in the hall crying. She acts hysterical for Duke's benefit when she tells him Victor's having a heart attack. Victor tries to tell Duke something but he just doesn't have the strength.

Duke has Victor rushed to the emergency room. In the emergency room, Duke lets Olivia have it for going near Robin and upsetting her. Anna's very concerned when she learns what Olivia said about the lovebirds. Victor manages to tell Duke that Olivia lies, as he's wheeled into surgery. Dimitra tells Victor that Olivia was seen meeting with the Carter mob just before Julian's death. Victor is horrified at the possibility that Olivia could have killed her own brother.

September 5 Robert and Cheryl drop by Anna's. When Cheryl and Robin go into the kitchen, Anna asks Robert if he knew Olivia was at Cheryl's when Robin was there. She also tells him what Olivia said about the lovebirds. Robert is furious and he questions Cheryl about it. Duke calls from the hospital and tells Robert about Victor's heart attack. Robert learns that Olivia is with him and he rushes out to GH.

Duke asks Alan to contact the doctor in NY. He thinks Olivia paid him off. Robert threatens Olivia at the hospital. Robert is still upset when he reaches Cheryl's place. He wants to know why Cheryl would allow Olivia around his daughter. She gets mad and stomps off. Shortly after, Robert apologizes for losing his cool.

September 6 Duke informs Robert that he's out of the mob. Robert is furious as he needs in on the inside. He orders him back to NY. Alan informs Duke that Olivia was never actually tested in NY. Robert and Anna discover that Fran Woods and her children have disappeared. Robert places Sam undercover at the hospital. Dimitra arrives at the hospital and confronts Olivia. Olivia finally has the pregnancy test at GH. Robert shows up at the hospital to talk to Duke. Duke admits that he slept with Olivia and now she claims to be pregnant. The test is negative but Olivia sneaks in and switches the results. However, Dimitra witnesses her doing it and changes them back.

September 7 Anna attempts to knit something for the baby. Robin's worried about her lovebirds. Duke learns the results of the pregnancy test. He heads over to Olivia's to give her the news. Duke tells Olivia that she's not pregnant. She refuses to believe him. He threatens to kill her if she comes near his family again. Later that night, Anna threatens Olivia in the ladies room at Duke's club (nothing like fully decked out women going at it!). Olivia storms out.

September 8 Anna goes to the hospital for another check up. Anna runs into Olivia at the hospital. She tells her not to waste her time going to NY to find Duke that he will be back soon. Anna visits Victor and meets Dimitra. She assures Victor that they will remain with the family in Victor's time of need. After she leaves, Victor asks Dimitra to find proof of Olivia's involvement in Julian's death. Dimitra informs Victor that Olivia's not pregnant.

September 9 Cute scenes as Duke, Anna, and Robin get ready for a formal evening out for the opening of the Frisco Jones Center. Robert arrives wearing his tux to go with them and receives a big hug and a kiss from his daughter. Robert takes a moment to speak to Duke alone. Duke tells Robert that Olivia's not pregnant.

Everyone arrives at the party, Felicia actually has a scene with Robin! Frisco is honored and Robert pays tribute to his friend. Felicia learns from Robert, that Colton is on the docks with Tom. She heads down there to pick Colton up. Olin takes Robin home from the party early but someone is watching them. When Anna and Duke arrive home, they notice the cover is off the bird cage. Duke goes to replace it and realizes one of the birds is dead. Anna and Robin come into the living room. Before Duke can stop her, Robin runs up to the cage and notices the dead bird. She starts to cry and says, “now the other one will die too”. Anna and Duke try to comfort her.

September 12 Duke and Anna try to calm Robin down. Duke suspects that someone got in the house. He instructs Olin not to tell Robert. Robert & Cheryl are enjoying their evening out on the town. Olivia mingles with Steve Hardy. Robert finds Tom and tells him that Felicia went to the docks looking for Colton. They rush out in search of Felicia. She's at Colton's apartment holding a gun on him threatening to kill him. Colton begs her to shoot him. She can't do it. Robert and Tom burst in just as Colton's about to kill himself. He confesses to killing Frisco and waives his rights. Robert arrests him.

Dvd #31B Robert takes Felicia home. Olivia pays off the man she hired to kill the bird.

September 13 At his office, Robert fills Anna in on Colton’s arrest. Tiffany bursts into Robert's office. She demands some answers. Robert tells her that Colton gave a signed confession and if convicted the penalty is death. Anna asks Robert to take Robin to the zoo to cheer her up. When Robert asks what's wrong, Anna tells him about finding the bird. Robert asks Felicia to come down to the station to answer some questions. Robert questions Colton but is frustrated by his answers. Rip is on the phone when he announces that Colton didn't kill Frisco.

September 14 Robert and Cheryl take Robin to the zoo. Robin is depressed. When Robert asks what's wrong, she announces that the bird dying was no accident. She believes that someone came in the house and did it. Robert tells them he forgot a business meeting and has to leave. Duke visits with Victor and meets Dimitra. Amy blabs that Duke is with Victor to Olivia. So she decides to visit Victor. Olivia tries to visit Victor but Duke drags her away. Victor instructs Dimitra to follow them. She overhears Duke threaten to kill Olivia. Dimitra pleads with Victor to let her tell Duke about Olivia being involved with Julian's death.

Olivia shows up at Cheryl and asks for forgiveness. She tells Olivia to get lost. Olivia hires Tim to do another job. Robert waits for Duke in his office. When Duke arrives, Robert tells him he knows that someone was in the house. He tells Duke he's taking Robin out of the house tomorrow. Robert talks about Anna in his sleep. Duke goes into Robin's room while she sleeps. He sits on her bed and apologizes to her for what happened to her bird. He tells Robin that her daddy is going to come tomorrow to take her with him for awhile.

September 15 Cheryl brings Robert breakfast in bed. Robert receives a call from Guy that two WBS agents are on their way. Olivia tries to visit her father but Dimitra refuses to let her in. However, Olivia cons her way in when Victor's doctor shows up. She gives her father a box of chocolates which he proceeds to throw across the room. Olivia barges into Cheryl's office. She's upset over her father's rejection. Unfortunately, Cheryl has no sympathy for her and tells her to get lost. Olivia threatens to reveal Cheryl's big secret to Robert. Later that night, Olivia sneaks into Cheryl's office. She puts a picture of Cheryl and Julian in an envelope addressed to Robert, and then pays Tim to place it at Sean's doorstep.

September 16 At the Lavery's, Duke tries to tell Anna something but is interrupted when Robert and Cheryl arrive. Anna is furious when she learns that Robert and Duke have decided Robin's living arrangements without consulting her. Duke tries to explain but Anna snaps at him. Robert gets a call from Sean and has to leave.

At the station, Robert lets Sean read the police report. Sean doesn't buy any of it. He still believes Colton is innocent. Prunella arrives at Sean's with the box. Sean and Robert are hesitant to open the box. They discover a duffel bag in the box. When they open the bag, they find Colton's dog tags and a machine gun. 

September 19 Sean pleads with Robert not to process the gun and tags yet. He needs more time to examine the evidence. Robert grants him the time. They grab the evidence and head down to the PI office. Robin calls her father to remind him that there's a letter for him at Sean's. Cheryl catches Robin opening her father's mail. She sends Robin to the kitchen for something. Cheryl's curiosity gets the best of her and she opens the envelope. She horrified when she sees the picture of Julian. She immediately starts tearing it up. Cheryl hides the evidence under the couch cushion just as Robert comes in. Robin and Cheryl cook a Greek meal for Robert. He asks Cheryl about the letter. She tells him it was junk mail. After Cheryl leaves, Robert finds the pieces of the picture. He starts to put them together but then pushes them aside.

September 20 Robert brings the shredded picture to the station with him and has the lab put it together. Anna wanders around in Robin's room. Duke finds her and asks if she's okay. Anna questions him about Olivia. He finally tells her about Olivia claiming to be pregnant. Sean tells Robert that he has discovered Ripley's father is a retired general named Gastineau. Olivia crank calls the Lavery house. Anna knows it's her and yells at her. Anna arrives at Robert's office. She wants to know why he didn't tell her about Olivia claiming to be pregnant. Robert gets the feeling there have been more threats since Anna's not screaming for Robin to move back home. Of course, she denies it.

Duke catches Olivia on the phone planning something. He tells her that Anna knows everything including the fake pregnancy. Olivia asks Duke to help her run the family. He refuses. Anna and Robert go over the Carter and Jerome ledgers. Scotty barges in yelling about some new evidence in Colton's case. Sean contacts Robert and gives him the info about Ripley. Olivia plans to unite the Jerome and Carter families. Robert learns that it's Cheryl and Julian Jerome in the picture.

September 21 Olivia shows up at the hospital to see Victor. However, Victor's been released. Victor rents an estate just outside of town. He plans to recuperate there with Dimitra by his side. Victor receives proof that Olivia was behind the death of her brother. Olivia finds Victor. He informs her that he has proof of her involvement in Julian's death. Olivia still denies it. Victor is livid and he vows to make her pay. 

September 22 Anna wants to spend more time with Robin but Robert doesn't feel the Lavery house is safe. He tells Anna to pick Robin up from school and then go over to Sean's with her. He wants her to spend time with Robin. Cheryl tries to call Robert but he refuses her call. When Anna asks him about it, he tells her he doesn't want to discuss it. Sean calls from Athens. He's going to meet with General Gastineau. Cheryl tries to see Robert at the station but they won't let her in. She doesn't know what's wrong so she heads to Sean's looking for Robin. When she gets there, Cheryl looks under the cushion for the picture. She discovers that it's not there just as Anna and Robin come in.

A few moments later, Robert arrives and Anna excuses herself. Robert hands Cheryl the picture. She's devastated when she sees it all back together. Cheryl tries to explain herself to Robert but he won't even listen. He tells her that he will never trust her again. Anna returns home to find a package by her front door. She opens it and finds a doll with the head ripped off.

September 23 Duke suggests to Anna that they bring Robin home. Anna refuses. Duke assures Anna that Olivia will be out of their lives soon. Olivia arrives at the hospital. She asks Amy to contact Victor's doctor for her, While Amy has her back turned, Olivia changes the time of Anna's appointment from 1 pm to 2 pm.

Cheryl goes to Olivia's hotel room to confront her. Olivia admits that she sent the picture to pay Cheryl back for rejecting her when she needed a friend. Cheryl attacks her. Cheryl pays Victor a visit. She tells him that Olivia is out of control. She asks if there is anything he can do about her. He informs Cheryl of Olivia's involvement in Julian's death. Cheryl is stunned. Victor tells her there's nothing he can do but there is something she can do to avenge Julian. Cheryl can't believe her ears. Victor is asking her to kill his own child. 

At the hospital, Anna arrives for her appointment but is told the appointment isn't until 2 pm. She has to pick Robin up from school at 2:30. Olivia overhears her tell the doctor that she made arrangement for an officer to pick Robin up. Duke learns of Olivia's plan to unite the two families from Rudolph. He leaves a message for Robert. Olivia shows up at Robin's school in disguise. When Robin comes out she tells her that Robert sent her. Robin's teacher is hesitant to let her go. Anna receives a call at the hospital from Olin. Robin's teacher called to check on the woman picking Robin up. Anna's concerned and tells her not to let them leave the school.

September 26 Robin's teacher tells a frantic Anna about the woman who picked up Robin after school. Anna calls Robert and asks him if he had someone pick up Robin? He doesn't know anything about it and points out that Robin would not have gone off with someone she doesn't know. Anna is horrified as she realizes that Olivia took Robin! She tells Robert that a madwoman has her daughter! Robert assures her he will take care of it and he will get Robin back! Robin is sitting in the park talking to Olivia in disguise. Olivia is pretending to be a police officer. Robin innocently asks her if she knows Sam? Olivia lies that sure Sam is a great “guy” (Sam is a woman).

At the Scorpios, Sam tries to get the pregnant Anna to sit down and relax. This doesn't last as she jumps up when Duke enters to tell him that Olivia has Robin and if anything happens to Robin she will never forgive him. Guy arrives with an update on the APB and asks for a current picture of Robin to release. Robert heads over to see Cheryl and asks her for a picture of Olivia.

Duke arrives to see Robert and asks if he also believes that Olivia took Robin? He says he isn't sure. Sam calls and tells him that Anna took off. Anna heads to the park where Duke soon finds her. Olivia takes Robin to a haunted house and allows her to become separated from her. Robin becomes very afraid and calls out for “Gene”. The guy running the haunted house takes off his scary mask and reassures her. Robin soon arrives back at the penthouse to everyone's relief, having no idea she was kidnapped. Robert takes off to track Olivia while Robin fills Duke and Anna in on her adventure.

September 27 At the penthouse, Ripley reveals the truth about Frisco's death. However, Robert isn't sure whether it's enough to stop sentencing. Robert tells Sean that Robin was kidnapped yesterday for a couple of hours. Robert wants the US Attorney to ask for a continuance. Robert asks Sean to have Frisco's body exhumed. He wants to find out which direction the bullets came from.

September 28, 1988 Anna threatens to kick Duke out if he doesn't come clean with her. She's fed up with Robert and Duke trying to run her life. Anna's scared for Robin's safety. Duke promises Anna that he will go see Robert and tell him everything then he's going to take his family out of town. Anna is against running away. Duke tells Robert he wants out of the business. Robert needs more info before he will let him go. Robert heads over to the Lavery's. Anna is furious. She wants to know what he's doing about Olivia. As soon as Robert's out the door, Anna makes a reservation on the shuttle to NY.

Olivia tries to merge the Carter and Jerome families. Neither side will agree to it without Victor's blessing. Victor plays the pathetic old man card when Duke visits. Duke assures him that he's taking care of everything. Victor tells him to forget about the family. He is releasing him from his obligations to the family.

Anna shows up at Olivia's gallery. She dumps the decapitated doll on Olivia's desk. Of course, Olivia denies everything. Olivia pushes Anna. Suddenly, Anna doesn't feel to well. When she arrives at the airport, she contacts her doctor at GH. The doctor tells her to come in immediately. Duke reports back to Robert on Victor's sudden change of heart. With Duke's curiosity aroused, he agrees to stay in.

September 29 Robert and Robin arrive at home. She's glad their alone as she wants to talk to him. Robin thinks her father treats her like a baby. She wants him to be honest with her and tell her what's going on. She knows the woman who picked her up wasn't a cop. Tiff arrives to try to talk to Robert about Cheryl.

Duke becomes concerned when he can't find Anna. He gets a call from her doctor asking where she is. The doctor tells Duke that Anna called but that was over two hours ago and she still hasn't shown up at the hospital. Duke learns that Anna may be miscarrying. He rushes right over to the hospital. Anna finally arrives at the hospital. The doctor examines Anna. She decides that she's in no immediate danger. Duke brings Anna home and tucks her in on the couch. He wants to know why she went to NY. Robert arrives and he and Duke start bickering. They stop for Anna's benefit. Robert tells Anna about the talk that he and Robin had. He can't believe how grown up his daughter is. Duke has a problem at the club and has to leave. Anna asks Robert to stay and talk about Cheryl.

**The End**

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