Duke, Anna & Robert & Robin#32 September 29 -November 4, 1988: 8 hour original edit

DVD #32A Robert tells Anna that Cheryl lied and that he can't trust her anymore. Anna points out that he's a bit stubborn. It took him six years before he would even listen to anything Anna had to say.

September 30 Cheryl and Robert make up. Sean interrupts them to inform Robert that two WSB agents are on their way with Frisco's autopsy results. The autopsy report indicates that Frisco was shot from behind. It also reveals that the bullet didn't come from Colton's gun. However, Colton may still face execution for conspiracy. Sean discovers that the dates on the report don't match with the WSB's account of what happened. He believes they are hiding something. The charges against Colton are dropped and he's free to go. Olivia shows up at the hospital and overhears Anna's doctor saying that she could lose the baby if she has any more stress. Olivia contacts Tim for another job.

October 3 Anna frantically waits by the phone. She can't locate Robin or Robert. Duke arrives home and Anna tells him that Olivia may have taken Robin. Robert and Robin come in carrying pizza. Robert tells them that Colton is free. Robin wants to know when she can come home. Robert and Duke continue to argue about Olivia. Olivia and Dino overhear Rudolpho tell Duke about the summit. Olivia decides to use the info against Duke. Duke gets a call from Olivia asking him to come to NY. Meanwhile, Robert asks Anna about the doll with the broken neck. Anna has a bad feeling about Olivia's call. Olivia calls Tim for another job.

October 4 Olivia plans to give Duke a false date for the summit. Victor has a check up. He's recovering nicely but he asks that the doctor withhold that information from Olivia. Olivia tells Duke that she's over him but Duke knows better. He believes she's up to something. She does tell him that she set up a meeting between the Carter's and the Jerome's. Duke's furious. Olivia convinces Duke to go through with the meeting. His condition is that Victor gives his blessing. Olivia daydreams about Duke.

October 6 Cheryl shows up at Anna's. She wants to know how Anna convinced Robert to forgive Cheryl. Anna and Cheryl plan a night out for them and their guys. Anna has a day dream of her and Duke with their twin babies, a boy and a girl! Meanwhile, Robert and Duke talk about the summit. Shortly after, Cheryl arrives at Robert's office and informs him of their dinner plans. The foursome head to Duke's for dinner. In the middle of dinner, Robert suspects there is something wrong with Cheryl. She finally admits that she learned Olivia was behind Julian's death. Robert doesn't tell Duke for fear that he will run out and kill her before the summit.

October 7 Robert checks on his daughter then tells Cheryl that he's not going to do anything about Olivia. Cheryl becomes furious when Robert jokes about it. She wants Olivia punished for killing Julian. Robert wonders if it's justice she wants or revenge.

October 10 Anna has a check up. Meanwhile, Duke meets with Robert. Robert asks him to wear a wire to the meeting. Tim tells Olivia he wants out of the latest job. When she threatens to kill him if he backs out, he agrees to do the job. Robert has all the major crime bosses followed from their homes. Olivia calls Duke and asks him to come to her hotel. Robert and Guy listen in. Anna walks in and overhears Duke and Olivia. She's furious with Robert for not telling her about this.

Robert tries to make her understand that Duke is a key player in taking down the mob. He finally convinces her to stay out of it and go home. Tim snoops around outside the Lavery home. Robert and Lewis discover that Duke has been set up. They warn him to get out of there. Robert places a call to the hotel room and gives Duke a cover to get out. Duke promises Olivia that he will be back. Anna arrives home. She showers and heads to bed. As soon as the lights go out, Tim puts a poisonous snake in through the open window. Duke arrives at Robert's. The trio soon discovers that Olivia was trying to distract Duke and keep him away from home. They rush over to the Lavery's thinking Anna is in trouble. 

October 11 Olivia waits anxiously for Duke to return. Dino doesn't believe that Duke is coming back. Meanwhile, Robert and Duke are stranded at the station. Robert is furious. Duke decides he will walk as he has to get home to Anna. They finally get a car and rush over to the Lavery's. Tim knocks over a rake outside Anna's window and it's enough to wake her. She turns on the light just in time to see the snake slither under the bed.

Anna grabs her gun from the nightstand. Suddenly, the snake starts up the side of the bed. Anna fires once missing the snake. Robert and Duke arrive just in time to hear the gunshot. They burst into the bedroom. Robert steps up and fires, killing the snake. Duke and Anna believe Olivia is responsible. Robert makes Duke call Olivia so she doesn't suspect anything as Duke never returned. Anna warns Robert that he better take care of Olivia soon, or she will. Robert shows up at Olivia's hotel. He threatens her. Olivia goes crazy after Robert leaves. She destroys her room. Robert returns to the Lavery's and informs them of his meeting with Olivia.

October 13 Robert's frustrated when he can't figure out what happened at Anna's. Meanwhile, Duke waits on Anna hand and foot and he's driving her crazy. There's a knock at the door, it's Olivia. Duke refuses to let her in, but Anna invites her in. Olivia tries to explain why the meeting never took place. Then she informs them of her meeting with Robert. Olivia shares her suspicions with them about Robert's knowledge of the meeting. Monica arrives to examine Victor. She tells Dimitra that Olivia is questioning his competence. Victor tells Dimitra that with any luck Cheryl will take care of their problem with Olivia. Olivia is in the hallway and overhears the conversation.

Duke notifies Robert that Olivia showed up at the house. Duke decides that he's getting out of the mob once and for all. He suggests that they leave the country but Anna refuses to run. Duke wants to meet with Robert but insists on being present. Robert informs Duke and Anna that the snake was extremely poisonous. Duke wants to take Robin and Anna and go away. Robert agrees that would be best. Anna is adamant that she will not be pushed out of her home. Robert arrives at Cheryl's. He assures her that he will pin Julian's murder on Olivia.

October 17 Robin wants to have a party at Sean's. Anna brings Duke breakfast in bed. She feels very optimistic now that Robert's investigating Olivia. Cheryl tells Robert to stop investigating Julian's murder. He's confused by her sudden change of heart. She tells him that she's afraid of Olivia, and is concerned for his safety. Duke drops in on Cheryl and Robert. He demands to know what info Robert has on Olivia. Olivia meets with the Carter family.

Duke calls Olivia to check on the date of the summit. One of the mob bosses is an informant for Victor. He's keeping Victor apprised of the situation. Meanwhile, Victor is planning a big surprise for his daughter. Olivia decides to have the summit in PC on the night of Victor's birthday. Cheryl heads to NY and she's followed onto the plane. Olivia and Cheryl meet at the gallery. They argue and Olivia threatens her. Cheryl is upset when she leaves Olivia so she decides to visit Julian's grave. Julian appears at the cemetery and Cheryl faints. At the party at Sean’s, Tiffany and Sean announce their wedding plans.

October 18 The engagement celebration party at Sean's is being held up due to Cheryl's absence. Since Robin is getting antsy, they decide to start without Cheryl. Meanwhile, Cheryl comes to in the cemetery. She becomes hysterical when she discovers that Julian is holding her. Back at Sean's, Robert assures Anna that Duke knows how to handle Olivia. Dino reports back to Olivia that Maxie is an informant for Victor. He was overheard telling Rudolpho about the real date and time for the summit meeting. Olivia orders Dino to silence Rudolpho.

Julian brings Cheryl back to his hotel room. She starts hurling accusations at him about faking his death. Julian explains that he was set up to get killed. Victor found out about it too late and Julian was shot. He decided to use that to his advantage and get Julian away from NY. Julian heads out for some brandy to calm Cheryl. After he leaves, she tries to call Robert but has no luck. Cheryl is forced to spend the night in NY with Julian. Rudolpho places a call to Duke's. He tells Angel he's being followed but it's very important that he speak with Duke. Angel calls Duke. Robert takes Anna home and tucks her into bed per Duke's orders.

October 19 Rudolpho arrives at Duke's. Angel contacts Duke at home and asks him to come to the club. Rudolpho attacks a delivery man while anxiously awaiting Duke's arrival. When Duke arrives, he finds Rudolpho slumped over at the bar. Rudolpho utters a few syllables before he dies. Unfortunately, not enough for Duke to figure out what he meant. Duke immediately calls Robert.

Robert arrives with backup. He begins questioning Duke and Angel. Robert orders an autopsy as he believes Rudolpho was murdered. Robert, Sean, and Duke try to decipher Rudolpho last words. In the meantime, Robert reveals Olivia as Julian's murderer. Duke is stunned, that is until he finds out about the threatening phone calls placed to his wife and there was a little matter of a doll with a broken neck. Duke becomes enraged and threatens to kill Olivia. Robert and Sean stop him. They convince him that she's more useful alive right now. Forensics proves that Rudolpho was murdered.

October 20 Cheryl returns and overhears Duke making funeral arrangements for Rudolpho. She asks him about it. Duke tells her that Rudolpho was killed and that Robert has been looking for her. Duke visits Victor with the news about Rudolpho's death. He learns that Victor knows about the summit meeting. Julian visits his father. Victor orders his son to stay hidden until the summit meeting. He will play his trump card at the meeting, but only if Julian stays hidden from Olivia. Later, Olivia tries to convince Victor that Duke's against the family.

Dvd #32B October 21 Olivia hires Tim for another job. Robert arrives at the club to see Cheryl. On his way to her penthouse, he walks right by Tim. He questions her about her trip to NY. Robert thinks she's keeping something from him. He believes that it has something to do with her kidney. Suddenly, the power goes out. Robert heads downstairs to check things out. Tim has cut the power to the penthouse. Robert doesn't find anything so he heads back upstairs. Cheryl inadvertently gives Robert a clue about the date of the summit. He contacts Sean then heads out. Olivia plans Duke's demise.

October 24 Anna prepares for her doctor's appointment. Robert calls Duke about Rudolpho's message. He and Sean deciphered the message. When Duke arrives at Robert's, Robert explains that the summit will be on Victor's birthday. Duke has to find out the location for their plan to work. Tim decides to back out of his latest job, but Olivia won't let him. Cheryl runs into Tim as she's leaving her penthouse. He asks her for a key to the elevator. She unknowingly hands hers over.

Anna leaves the hospital with a clean bill of health. Robert believes that Cheryl is hiding something, so he has her tailed. When Anna arrives at the PCPD, Robert informs her of the plan to take down the mob. Duke shows up at the club and heads up to his office. Tim has already started cutting through the elevator cables when Duke arrives. Anna shows up at the club to see Duke. They stay for awhile. Just as their about to leave, Duke gets a phone call. He urges Anna to go on ahead. He will catch up with her. Anna gets on the elevator alone. Suddenly, the cable breaks sending the elevator plummeting to the basement. Duke hears Anna scream and rushes to the basement. Robert admits to Cheryl that he's been having her followed.

October 25 Cheryl is furious over Robert's admission. However, he questions her about her presence in a hotel room. Cheryl claims that she's protecting him and his family. Duke races to reach Anna. He finally reaches her just as she's coming around. With all the chaos, Tim manages to sneak out. Angel notifies Robert of the accident. Robert and Cheryl head over to the hospital to meet them. Anna fears for her baby's life. By the time Robert reaches the hospital, he's already convinced himself that it wasn't an accident. Tim calls Olivia. He informs her that Anna was the victim instead of Duke. Robert notifies Sean of the accident.

While at the hospital, Cheryl admits that she gave her elevator key to the electrician (Tim). Robert doesn't like the sound of it. So, he heads over to the club with Sean to check it out himself. At the club, Robert discovers that the elevator cables were cut and the safety mechanism was disengaged. Back at the hospital, Anna starts having severe abdominal pains. Duke tries to reassure her that everything is okay, but in the end she loses the baby. Robert launches an all out search for Tim. Robert calls the hospital to check on Anna, and learns that she lost the baby. Duke and Anna mourn the loss of their baby.

October 26-27 Cheryl is kidnapped.Robert learns Tim's identity. He has Guy question everyone who came in contact with him. When Robert arrives at the hospital, Tiffany questions him if he has heard from Cheryl. He hasn't but assures Tiffany that Cheryl probably went to NY to deal with a client. Robert asks Tiffany to run a picture of Tim on the nightly news. Robert visits Anna. He tries to comfort her and agrees to bring Robin in to see Anna. Anna becomes agitated when Robert lets it slip that the elevator accident was no accident. Anna and Duke break the news to Robin about the baby.

Julian calls Maxi and inquires about Olivia. Maxi tells him to stay away from Olivia. Julian learns that his sister was behind the ambush that almost killed him. Tim hides out in a bar and waits for his money. He ducks out of the place when he notices his face plastered on the news. However, the bartender already noticed him and called the police. Olivia’s man walks in with the money and a gun. Tim returns for his money. Robert bursts in and arrests Tim. Anna is overheard threatening to kill Olivia if she had anything to do with her losing the baby.

October 28 Julian emerges from the shadows to confront Olivia. After Olivia gets over the initial shock of seeing Julian, she plays the loving sister role to the hilt. Suddenly, Julian turns on Olivia. He confronts her about the shooting that nearly killed him. Olivia finally admits to Julian that she was the mastermind behind the shooting. He can't believe his ears. She tries to explain that she was setting Duke up to die. Julian doesn't believe her. He wants to know what happened to his sweet loving sister. Olivia outlines her plan for uniting the two families, to Julian. He refuses to be part of it, until Olivia tells him that Cheryl has been kidnapped. Olivia threatens to have her killed if Julian refuses to go along with the merger. Julian jumps Dino and takes his gun. He demands to know where Cheryl is.

Robert interrogates Tim. Tim refuses to talk so Robert threatens him with a murder charge. Tim and his attorney discuss his options for freedom. When Robert questions him again, Tim is ready to give Olivia up. Tom Hardy walks into Anna's room and overhears her threaten to kill Olivia. Simone tries to help Anna through her grief. Victor runs into Duke at the hospital. He offers his condolences and then tells Duke when and where the summit will take place. Duke tells Robert about the summit but he refuses to be involved. Robert finally convinces him to go.

October 31 Sean and Tiff arrive at the police station. They are concerned about Cheryl's disappearance. Robert doesn't have time to worry about Cheryl as he questions Tim. Robert catches Sean up to speed with Tim's confession. Back at the hospital, Anna becomes furious when a tuxedo is delivered to the hospital for Duke. She realizes that he's going to the summit. (brief glitch during this scene). Olivia pays Cheryl a visit and informs her that she's going to die. Julian leaves Dino tied up and goes after Cheryl. Robert contemplates telling Duke about Tim's confession before he walks into the meeting. Meanwhile, Olivia is informing the family members that her brother Julian is alive. Cheryl escapes her kidnappers.

Anna overhears Robert telling Duke about Tim's confession. She also hears him tell Duke that the elevator accident was meant for him. Duke and Robert organize police support. The family members begin to arrive for Victor's party. Olivia arrives and begs for her father's forgiveness, He gives it. Olivia is furious that Julian hasn't shown up yet. Julian finds the hotel room where Cheryl was being kept. However she's already gone. With Robert and Duke focusing on the summit, Anna sneaks undetected out of the hospital. Victor's party is in full swing by the time Sean and Tiff discover that Anna is missing. Suddenly, Olivia's hotel door swings open and Anna steps in pointing a loaded gun.

November 1 Anna threatens Olivia at gun point. Robert and Guy monitor the party from the hotel. Meanwhile, Sean, Tiffany and hospital staff scours the hospital for Anna. Sean is unable to reach Robert. Cheryl waits on the balcony of Olivia's hotel room while Anna informs Olivia that Tim confessed. Sean reaches Robert to tell him that Anna is missing. Robert realizes that Anna knows about Olivia and has gone to kill her.

Meanwhile, Olivia is on her knees begging for her life. When suddenly there's a knock at the door, its Julian. Olivia takes the opportunity to grab Anna's gun. They struggle for the gun while Julian goes out the side door and onto the balcony where he finds Cheryl. She's pointing a gun into the room. He grabs the gun just as she fires causing the shots to ricochet off the brick wall.

Duke races up the stairs to Olivia's room. At the same time, Robert and Sean hear the shots while in the elevator. Duke arrives just in time to find Anna standing over Olivia's body. Sean and Robert arrive a moment later. Cheryl is hysterical so Julian picks her up and helps her down the fire escape. He picks up a shell casing on his way down. Robert calls the rescue and asks Duke to return Anna to the hospital. Meanwhile, Guy bursts into Victor's party and arrests everyone.

November 2-3 Robert sends Sam back to the hospital with Anna. Robert has his men search Olivia's room for evidence. While there, Sean finds a bullet lodged in the wall, Robert digs it out. Olivia is taken into surgery. Robert questions a possible witness. The police find an earring out on the balcony. Julian takes Cheryl to a safe house in the mountains. Cheryl suggests that Anna may have missed and Cheryl believes that she shot Olivia.

Back at the police station, Duke barges into Robert's office. He demands to know why he can't see his wife. He and Robert argue. Duke returns to the hospital. Robert learns that Olivia has made it through surgery but has lapsed into a coma. He runs a check on the gun Anna was holding and learns that it wasn't hers. The gun she had was unregistered and untraceable. Olivia survives through the night.

**The End**

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