Duke, Anna & Robert #33 November 4 - December 2, 1988: 8 hour original edit

DVD #33A Robert finally lets Duke in to see Anna. He informs Anna that she's the prime suspect. Back at police headquarters, Scotty pays Robert a visit. He takes great pleasure in telling Robert that he's going to nail Anna to the wall. Meanwhile, Anna tries to convince Duke that she's innocent. Duke wants to know why she left the hospital in her condition. Anna admits that she heard Robert tell Duke about Tim's confession. Sean and Tiffany make a tough decision to postpone the wedding.

Cheryl returns from NY. Robert arrives at the hospital to question Anna. He cautions Anna to get an attorney. She refuses. Anna tells Robert that Olivia wrestled the gun away from her and pushed her out of the room. He questions her about the gun she was holding. Anna admits that she went home first to get her gun before coming to the hotel. She is shocked when Robert informs her that the gun she picked up off the floor wasn't hers. Robert tells her that he sent Guy to her house to retrieve her gun. Scott confronts Robert at the hospital. Robert promises him that he won't be prosecuting this case. Robert explains to his daughter that Anna won't be coming home right away.

November 7 Olivia starts to come out of her coma. Julian visits his father. Victor feels guilty about what has happened to Olivia. Anna is becoming concerned that Robert hasn't called to let her know what's going on. Meanwhile, a helpless Robert makes a gut wrenching decision to arrest Anna. He sends Guy around to pick up Anna and charge her with attempted murder. Anna is thrilled when the doctor agrees to release her. However, her excitement doesn't last as Scotty shows up to antagonize her.

Robert and Sean try to come up with something that will save Anna. Guy arrives at the hospital and arrests Anna. Duke barges into Robert's office. He's furious and wants to know why Anna was arrested. Robert checks to make sure Anna's okay. She's furious with him. Robert receives a call that Olivia has come out of her coma and wants to speak with him. He has Guy put Anna in his office to wait. Robert is devastated when Olivia tells him that Anna shot her. He is left with no choice but to charge Anna with attempted murder.

November 8 Duke barges into Robert's office. He's furious with Robert for arresting Anna. Sean tries to point out that Robert had no choice in the matter. Robert tells Duke to go home. Anna is processed and placed in a holding cell. Cheryl becomes hysterical when she learns of Anna's arrest. Duke walks in just as Robin hears of Anna's arrest. He tries to explain it to her but she refuses to listen to him. Robin blames him for not protecting Anna. She demands to immediately see her father as he is the only one who can save her mommie.

Robert and Sean discover that the earring they found on the balcony of Olivia's room wasn't purchased in Port Charles. Tiffany and Cheryl show up at the police station. While filling them in on the case, Sean pulls out the earring. He tells them that the owner was probably on the balcony the night Olivia was shot. Cheryl's face drains of color when she spots the earring. Robert questions Anna. They hash out the details of that night. Anna contends that she went home to retrieve her gun first. When he questions her about the balcony, her response is that she didn't know there was one. Robert promises Anna that he will clear her.

November 9 Duke arrives at the police station. He informs Robert that Robin knows about Anna and refuses to listen to anything he has to say. Robert assures Duke that he will explain everything to Robin. Robert heads over to the Lavery's to see Robin. Duke visits with Anna. He tells her about Robin's reaction to the news of Anna's arrest. Robert explains to Robin that he's responsible for arresting Anna, and that Duke had nothing to do with it. Cheryl isn't sure if she shot Olivia or if Anna did. Scotty tries to deny Anna bail. Robin apologizes to Duke. Shortly after, Duke finds sequins in Anna's drawer where she keeps her gun. He doesn't think much about it at the time, but gives them to Olin.

Robert returns to Cheryl's. He apologizes for his rude behavior. Cheryl receives a call from Julian while Robert's there. She tells him to meet her at her office in an hour. Robert heads back to work. Cheryl's worried that Robert will eventually learn who owns the earring that was found on the balcony. Robert and Scotty go at each other. Robert promises to get Scotty thrown off the case. Unfortunately, the DA stands behind Scotty.

Cheryl runs to Julian begging him to leave town. She has to tell Robert the truth and doesn't want Julian caught in the crossfire. Anna's attorney attempts to convince Anna to plead temporary insanity. Anna refuses. Anna is denied bail thanks to Scotty. Duke slugs Scott in the court room and has to be restrained by Robert and Sean. Julian spies on Robert and Cheryl while on the docks. Duke attempts to reach Jake, but has no luck.

November 10 Victor and Dimitra visit Olivia in the hospital. While there, Victor is served with a summons from Robert. Robert and Sean go back to Olivia's hotel room. They discover some sequins in the carpet near the bed. Robert calls the forensic team back to the hotel. Victor learns that Olivia's prognosis is grim. Robert has the sequins tested to see if they match Olivia's dress. Sean forces Robert to step out on the balcony to get some air. While out there, Robert makes a discovery. There is a chip in one of the bricks on the balcony. He has the forensics people back to check it out. Robert questions Victor and Dimitra. He believes they are lying. They police find a shell casing under the balcony. Robert believes his only hope is to return Anna to the scene of the crime. He hopes it will jog her memory.

November 11 Sean informs Guy of Robert's plan to bring Anna back to the scene of the crime. Robert arrives to get Anna. He walks in while Robin and Duke are visiting Anna. After hearing his plan, Anna agrees to accompany Robert back to Olivia's hotel room. Robert, Anna, and Sam arrive at the hotel. They attempt to reenact the events of the night Olivia was shot. Suddenly Anna remembers something. She had forgotten that there was a knock at the door which enabled Olivia to grab the gun and push Anna into the hall. Robert is encouraged by the new information. He now realizes that the third person had to be out on the balcony. Anna is still skeptical about the new lead. Armed with this new information, the trio head back to the police station. When they arrive, Sean is there to greet them. Robert reveals his new lead. They're interrupted when Cheryl calls.

November 14 Anna reveals the new evidence to Duke. Sean arrives to give them an update in the case. Anna asks Sean to look out for Robert. Anna is attacked by some inmates. Meanwhile, Robert visits with Robin. She pleads with him to get her mother out of jail. Robert promises her that he's close to solving the case and clearing Anna. Cheryl decides it's time to tell Robert the truth about the night Olivia was shot. Julian threatens to turn himself in if she goes to Robert. Cheryl agrees to keep quiet.

Back at the Lavery's, Duke arrives home. He and Robert begin arguing when Robert learns that Duke has been keeping evidence from him. Duke found sequins in the drawer where Anna keeps her gun. Olin retrieves the sequins and gives them to Robert. Robert calls Sean for help, and then heads off to meet Cheryl for dinner.

November 15 Scotty appears as a guest on a morning talk show to discuss Anna's case. While in NY, Sam finds the jewelry shop that sold Cheryl's earring. Sean threatens the jewelry store owner unless he can come up with a receipt for those earrings. Miraculously, the owner has come up with a receipt. Sean and Sam head back to PC with the information.

November 16 Duke arrives at the courthouse and is bombarded with questions from the press, Cheryl watches on television. Robert shows up at the hospital to check on Olivia's condition, Monica informs him that she's still critical. Sean arrives and tells Robert that the earrings were sold to Julian Jerome. He decides that he can't hold off any longer on checking out Cheryl. Jury selection begins for Anna's trial.

Robert checks out the hotel where Julian was staying. He shows Cheryl's picture around and learns that she was there visiting someone. Upon further investigation, Robert learns that Victor Jerome owned the hotel where Julian had been staying. Meanwhile, Julian is meeting his father for lunch. Robert decides to pay Victor a little visit. Julian just barely makes it out the back door before Robert comes in. Robert questions Victor about the hotel, but Victor tells him nothing. Cheryl runs out of the courtroom. Sean arrives at Robert's office and tells him about Cheryl.

November 17 Cheryl shows up at the police station to talk to Robert. She can't live with herself any longer. Cheryl turns the missing earring over to Robert. She finally admits that she was the one on the balcony the night Olivia was shot. Cheryl remembers firing her gun but doesn't know where the shots went. She, of course, leaves out the part where Julian grabbed the gun and redirected her shots. Robert asks her to take him through all the events of that evening leading up to and including Olivia's shooting. Cheryl explains about her kidnapping and how she escaped. He asks about Anna's part in the shooting. Cheryl has to tell him that she saw Anna threatening Olivia with the gun and then tell her she should die for what she had done to their family.

She informs Robert that she fired her gun twice and ran down the fire escape not knowing whether she hit anyone. When Robert asks about the second person on the balcony, Cheryl lies and says she was alone. Cheryl is surprised when Robert tells her to go home and get some rest. However, as soon as she's out the door Robert puts a tail on her. Alone in his office, Robert reflects on his relationship with Cheryl, knowing that it's over. He will never forgive her for letting Anna and his daughter suffer this way. Later that day, Robert informs Sean that Cheryl was the one on the balcony that night. But he doesn't believe that she gave him the whole story.

November 18 Anna begins having nightmares about the shooting. She wakes startled. Meanwhile, Robert assigns Sam to keep an eye on Cheryl. Sean questions Robert's decision to let Cheryl go after she freely admitted to being on the balcony, the night Olivia was shot. Anna is harassed by some of the prisoners. Duke barges into Robert's office. (Audio's gone for about 1 min) Jake consults with Anna's attorney. Anna is thrilled by Jake's presence and asks that he and Karen be co-counsels. Robert has Cheryl's phone tapped. Sean's furious with Robert for letting Cheryl remain free while Anna's in jail. Anna's trial begins.

Dvd #33B Sean and Robert need more time to build their case. So Sean tells Jake to ask for a continuance as they need a couple of more days to gather important evidence. Unfortunately, he can't give Jake any reason for it. Robert learns that the shell casing found under the balcony came from Cheryl's gun. Julian contacts Cheryl. She agrees to meet him on Pier six. Duke confronts Robert about the new evidence. When Robert won't tell him what it is, he decides to sneak into Robert's office and find out for himself. He discovers the notes about a meeting on the pier.

November 21 Sean and Anna are hassled by the press outside the courtroom. Anna asks for Duke, but no one knows where he is. Duke is mobbed by reporters, as he leaves the PCPD. Cheryl waits on the pier for Julian, while Robert watches from his hiding spot. Cheryl informs him that she told Robert everything about the night Olivia was shot. Sean tries to reach Robert but learns he is out following up a lead. Just as Julian is trying to convince Cheryl to leave with him, Duke shows up and the duo scatter.

Robert is furious as Cheryl and Julian both get away. However, Cheryl was shot in the process. She and Julian return to the safe house. Cheryl wants to call Robert but Julian convinces her not too. He tells Cheryl that Robert set her up. Duke returns to the club to get his gun. Meanwhile, Robert meets with Anna and tells her that Julian's alive. Duke pays Victor a visit. He tells Victor that he knows Julian is alive but threatens to kill him if he doesn't come forward and clear Anna. Robert arrests Duke after he threatens Victor at gun point. He confiscates Duke's gun and lets him go.

November 22 Duke visits with Anna. He tells her about Julian. Duke doesn't trust Robert and wants to find Julian on his own. Anna pleads with him to let Robert handle it. Duke refuses. Meanwhile, Robert receives a summons to testify for the prosecution. Tom testifies at Anna's trial. Robert checks in with Sean. He learns that the sequins found at Anna's match the ones found in Olivia's hotel room. Robert's called to testify. Duke returns to NY to try and find Julian. He questions several mob members but gets nowhere. Robert and Jake introduce new evidence into the case. At the conclusion of Robert's testimony, Anna's trial breaks for holiday. Robert discovers that Dimitra's purse had black and silver sequins.

November 23 Cheryl's wound is becoming infected. Julian wants to get a doctor to take a look at her leg. Cheryl's scared and doesn't want him to leave. Robert obtains a search warrant for Victor's house. Julian attempts to care for Cheryl on his own but soon decides he must go for help as her fever has set in. Robert arrives at Victor's with the search warrant. He agrees not to search the place if Dimitra hands over the outfit she wore the night of the summit. Robert has Cheryl's apartment searched for any clothes with sequins. Julian returns with Cheryl's medicine. She has become delirious from the high fever. Robert, Sean, and Tiff argue over Cheryl's involvement in Olivia's shooting.

November 24 Duke visits with Anna. He tries to reassure her that this nightmare will be over soon, and she can go home to Robin. Robert stops by. He and Duke continue to argue about Anna's case. Robert informs Anna that he has a plan but it involves Monica. So, he wants to speak with Monica before revealing any more information.

Back at the safe house, Cheryl's fever finally breaks. During Duke's visit with Anna, she begs him to make peace with Robert. He only promises to return later. Robert solicits Monica's help to catch the real killer. Duke and Anna have thanksgiving dinner in prison. Robert arrives with a TV. He wants Anna to see the news bulletin that Tiff is running. Tiff releases a story that Olivia has come out of her coma and will reveal the real killer. The story of course is a lie.

November 25 After the news release, the hospital is surrounded by reporters. Robert places his people in and around the hospital to wait for the killer to make a move. Monica's concerned that Robert's plan could go wrong and someone could get to Olivia. Victor learns of Olivia's condition. He wants to go to the hospital but Dimitra talks him out of it. Robert leaks a new story about giving Olivia a truth serum. Victor calls the hospital to check on Olivia. While Julian is out, Cheryl leaves the safe house. Meanwhile, Dimitra slips out of the house. Someone sneaks into the hospital and knocks out a guard. They cut the oxygen supply line to Olivia's bed.

November 28 Jake has a meeting with Duke and Anna. He tries to prepare them for the worst in the event that Robert's plan fails. Back at the hospital, Robert rushes to the oxygen supply closet. He finds his officer down, but no sign of the killer. They discover that one of the nurses was chloroformed outside the staff entrance. Robert questions the nurse that was attacked. Unfortunately, she can't tell him much as she was attacked from behind.

As Jake preps Anna to testify, Robert arrives with bad news. He has to tell Anna that he lost the suspect. Julian returns to the safe house and discovers that Cheryl is gone. Just then, Cheryl stumbles in. She's hysterical because she wants to help Anna but she can't make it to town with her bad leg. Duke visits with Robin. Julian and Cheryl learn that somebody made an attempt on Olivia's life. Julian believes the whole thing is a setup put in place by Robert.

November 29 Duke and Anna are furious when they learn that Robert has left town. Duke tries to track him down. All he learns is that Robert has gone to NYC. Victor and Dimitra try to figure out who shot Olivia. Dimitra learns Julian's whereabouts. She calls the Lavery's and leaves a message for Duke telling him the location of the safe house.

While Julian and Cheryl are arguing, she blurts out her true feelings for Robert. Anna's trial resumes with Anna taking the stand. When court breaks, Olin gives Duke the message about the safe house. She also tells him that Robert came to the house with the police and removed something from the bedroom before heading to the airport. Duke rushes out of the courtroom. Anna gets back on the stand and recounts her story from the night Olivia was shot. Duke arrives at the safe house to find Julian and Cheryl.

November 30 Duke confronts Julian. He threatens to shoot him unless he agrees to come back to the police station. Robert returns from NY with a new lead. He tells Sean and Guy that they found hairs in the drawer where Anna keeps her gun. The hairs don't belong to either Anna or Duke. Sean argues that they need more. Prunella storms in with the witness she located. The witness saw a lady with dark hair sneaking out of the hotel after Olivia was shot. The police sketch artist comes up with a drawing of Dimitra based on the witness's description. Suddenly, in walks Duke with Cheryl and Julian. Robert questions Julian and puts Cheryl in a police lineup. She's not fingered as the shooter.

December 1 Duke informs Anna that Cheryl and Julian will be testifying. Scotty barges into Robert's office demanding an explanation on the new witnesses. Shortly after, Robert visits with Cheryl. She tries to talk to him about their relationship, but he wants no part of it. As far as Robert's concerned it's over. Anna's concerned that Cheryl and Julian's testimony could do more harm than good. Victor reads an article in the morning paper saying there are two mystery witnesses in the case. He believes them to be Cheryl and Julian. When Victor leaves the room, Dimitra straps a gun to her leg.

Robert tries to convince Scott to drop the charges against Anna due to recent evidence. He refuses. A duffel bag is delivered to Robert's office. He sends it to the lab to be analyzed. Robert receives a call notifying him that his suspect got on a plane headed for PC two hours ago. Suddenly, there's an explosion at the courthouse. Dino appears and takes Cheryl hostage. Dimitra draws her gun but Sean rips it from her hands. Dino drags Cheryl out of there and up to the roof. Court is recessed until further notice. Meanwhile, Dimitra begs them to let her go to the roof and talk to her son, Dino. Robert catches up to Dino and Cheryl. He tries to talk Dino down but has no luck.

December 2 At the courthouse, Anna learns that Cheryl was taken hostage. Sean talks Guy into letting Dimitra up to the roof to talk to Dino. Unfortunately, Dino thinks Robert's trying to trick him. So, he threatens to throw Cheryl down the stairs. Suddenly, Dino pulls out a grenade. Sean sneaks around behind Dino and grabs the bomb. It falls on the staircase and Cheryl is able to get away.

Robert runs up the stairs and he and Dino fight over the gun while the bomb lays on the stair next to them. Robert finally wrestles the gun from Dino. He picks up the bomb and throws it only seconds before it explodes. Dino and Dimitra are taken into custody. Robert comforts Cheryl after her ordeal. Then he escorts her to the courtroom.

Due to the recent events, all charges against Anna are dropped. Anna wants some answers from Robert. So she and Duke head to Robert's office. Robert and Sean go out to celebrate solving the case.

**The End**

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