Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #36 March 6 - April 13, 1989: 8 hour original edit

DVD #36A Duke is in NYC. His lawyer is prepping him for the trial. Harrison gives Robert permission to question Olivia. Anna surprises Duke with a romantic dinner in NYC. Charlie reveals the map underneath the portrait. Robert and Katherine discuss the duplicate portrait. He gets a call telling him the portrait has been lifted from the the PCPD lab.

March 7 Duke and Anna’s romantic dinner continues. They make love. Duke and Anna’s romantic evening continues. He assures her he will let nothing bad ever happen to her again. Colton calls Robert and reports Felicia’s apartment has been ransacked. Darius has to tell Domino that he did not find the map in Felicia’s apartment. Robert arrives at the brownstone and Felicia tells him and Tony what she has been up to. Robert is not too happy with Felicia. Mary arrives at the cottage and Katherine has to hide. Felicia is still in danger as Darius still believes she has the map so Robert wants Colton to stay with her for the night. Robert returns to the cottage, its candlelit and Katherine is wearing a man’s shirt. Katherine wants to tell everyone she is alive but he insists she keep up the charade for a bit longer.

March 8 Olivia is out of ICU and regressing even further into her childhood. Robert investigates portrait heist. Scott tells Robert he has been assigned the Olivia Jerome case. Anna brings Olivia a doll trying to trip her up only Olivia has her act down pat. Robert ushers Anna out of her room. Victor Jerome is back in PC on bail to check on his daughter. Olivia at first does not recognize him. Victor at first believes she is faking to get out of jail but she does not break. Harrison tells Robert if she is indeed faking she is brilliant. Victor vows to protect Olivia for as long as he can. He wants to move Olivia to NYC. Robert stops him by arresting Olivia. Robert hits a dead end with the portrait heist. Robert and Scott grill Olivia but once again she does not break. Robert and Anna have lunch at the PC hotel.

March 10 Katherine makes Robert favorite meal at the cottage. Robert and Katherine have dinner. She is beginning to have real feelings for him.

March 13 Duke is in NY for his deposition when he learns Olivia has been arrested. Scott is besieged by reporters outside of GH regarding Olivia. Robert questions Katherine’s feeling about Paul and him. She dodges him. Duke calls Anna, he is coming home today. Duke is told after his deposition that he will be needed for the trial. Duke shrugs off his security detail to return home as soon as possible to Anna.

Victor vows that Olivia must never come to trial. Duke gets a message from Victor in the form of dead canary planted in his coat pocket. Anna suspects Robert is up to something and he tells her that Katherine is alive. Katherine is wrestling with her feelings for Robert. Robert returns back to the cottage to find that Katherine is gone. Katherine returns home to a surprised Mary, Paul and Althea.

March 14 Anna meets Duke at the airport. She is mad he ditched his security detail. Katherine explains her reappearance. Robert finds a note from Katherine. Duke returns home. Anna finds the canary in his pocket. She insists he call Robert for help. Robert shows up at the townhouse. As PC finds out Katherine is alive, Tiffany wants an exclusive with Katherine. Robert tells Katherine he will always be concerned about her from a professional standpoint. Robert shows up at the Laverys to discuss security for Duke. Paul wants to marry Katherine right way. Mary questions Katherine about her feelings for Robert. Robert returns to the cottage alone.

March 15 Katherine returns to the cottage to apologize and practice. Robert hangs around which irks her. Anna is worried about the safety of her family after the Jerome trial. She thinks they should go into the witness protection program. Duke doesn’t want to. Althea tells Paul she wants Katherine dead for real this time. Paul vows that they are still in this together. Scott shows up at the Laverys to talk to Anna about testifying at Olivia’ s trial. She is not so sure she can go through all that again.

Duke meets Robert about his security at Duke’s Club. A package is delivered to Duke, it is ticking! Robert springs into action and runs out and throws it out the back door into the alley. It turns out to be a false alarm. Althea and Paul want to throw Katherine a welcome home party. Katherine invites Robert to the party. Anna tells Duke she can’t testify. Katherine tells Robert that she should look into the records of the Delafield Foundation for clues about who might want her dead.

March 16 Robert goes over the security at Duke’s club for the party. Robert tries to play piano with Katherine. Domino makes plans to surface in Port Charles and wants to attend Katherine’s Party. Robert tells Tiffany the infamous Nicholas Van Burean was coming to Port Charles and would be attending Katherine's party.

March 20 Robert, looking smashing dressed in his tux, arrives at the Lavery’s. Anna is decked out in a black cocktail dress and they take time out before leaving for the festivities to discuss who might be targeting Katherine. Robert, Anna, and Duke discuss Robert's concern for Katherine's safety, more specifically his concern about Paul, her fiance. Duke joins them, also in his tux (what a handsome group!). Nicholas Van Burean attends the reception at the Quartermaine's.

March 21 At GH, a seemingly insane Olivia Jerome reads she has been charged with killing Anna Lavery's unborn child. She is distraught. Amy Vining calls Anna to come see Olivia. Anna comes to General Hospital and is convinced Olivia is faking her insanity. At Katherine's party, Robert and Paul butt heads over Katherine.

March 23 Robin asks Katherine & Robert to meet her at Kelly's. She wants to get a perm. Katherine calls Anna for permission. Anna agrees but is sad that her little girl is growing up. Duke tries to cheer her up with an indoor picnic. Althea & Paul discuss Katherine. Secretly Althea orders a hit on Katherine for later that night. A shot is fired at Katherine right as Robert arrives.

March 24 Robert consoles a hysterical Katherine after the shooting. Paul is dragged in as a suspect when he found on Katherine's property. He claims he is innocent. Katherine & Paul argue about her wanting to postpone her concert tour and their marriage until she knows who is trying to kill her. Her insistence on Robert's protection further stresses the situation. Sean and Robert tell Katherine that Paul may be involved in Sean's investigation. They tell her about the map of The Lost Civilization that was found on the back of her portrait. The same portrait given to her by Paul. Robert sets up a special security system at Katherine's.

Dvd #36B Katherine comes home to find that Robert has moved into her room! He promises her that he is going to provide her the best police protection money can by. She is flabbergasted. Paul is furious and promises Robert that he will have his badge for this.

March 27 Katherine & Paul fight about Robert moving in. Paul & Althea meet at a bar as Robert and Felicia watch from a distance. Later they suspect that Robert is indeed following them.

March 28 In Paris, Sean gets an urgent message from Robert. Sean distracts Tiffany and calls Robert who gives him the address of the artist who painted Katherine's portrait. Duke tells Anna he has to leave for New York to testify in Victor Jerome's trial. Robert has arranged for Duke's security but Anna is still worried. Sean arrives at the artists home to find him murdered in bed. He hides as the authorities arrive. Afterwards  he finds a domino and note next to the bed. Duke's security escorts arrive to take Duke to New York. He says goodbye to Anna.

March 29 Robert shows Colton the note that was found by the murdered artist's bed which read "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts". He asks if it has any meaning to him or if he knows what the significance of the Domino is. Katherine calls Paul to apologize for being distant. He talks to her as a scantily dressed Althea kisses him. Althea tells him to accept Katherine's invitation for dinner. Robert visit's Katherine and questions her regarding the artist who painted her portrait. She tells him Paul commissioned the artist. Robert further presses about Paul's relationship with Althea.

March 31 The next morning as a scantily clad Katherine comes out of her bathroom, she is furious to find Robert lounging in her bed drinking his coffee. She wallops him with a pillow and feathers begin to fly. They have a full on pillow fight, they are in their pajamas, laughing and giggling as Paul storms in demanding an answer. Sean, Colton, and Robert have a conference call. Colton informs them that Felicia recognized the handwriting on the note as Frisco's. She also spotted the pattern of a domino on one of the documents that Frisco had sent. At Robert’s request, Katherine makes an appearance at her company's board meeting and demands a full accounting of the company's finances. A furious Althea runs to Paul to discuss what to do. Althea shows up at Katherine's with a gun.

April 3 Paul shows up at Katherine's to find Althea holding a gun on her. They struggle and Althea is shot by Pau just as Robert walks in. Robert interrogates Paul about the shooting and Althea. Paul says he has been suspicious of Althea for awhile.

April 4 Robert tries to cheer Katherine up at the cottage as Paul spies on them. Robert makes it known that he still suspects Paul. Robert talks to Anna about his suspicions that Althea had an accomplice, namely Paul. Paul meets with the accountant of Katherine's foundation to find out what she knows about Althea's mishandling of funds. She admits that she knows, but Paul convinces her not to come forward with the information. Robert and Katherine talk at the cottage. They get closer.

April 5 Anna & Robert sit on her couch together and watch coverage Victor Jerome's trial on television.

April 6 Robert, Robin and Katherine are at the cottage when Paul walks in and interrupts Robin's piano lesson. Paul scolds Katherine for wasting her time with Robin and says she should be concentrating on her tour. Robert goes to Edith, the accountant for Katherine's foundation. He inquires about the financial records and Paul and Althea's involvement with them. Robert walks in on Katherine playing the piano and singing. They are drawn to each other but Katherine leaves.

April 7 (pre-empt first few minutes of epi, don’t know if anything missed) Robin, Felicia, & Robert arrive at Anna's. They have a plan. Mary tries to convince Katherine to admit her feelings for Robert but Katherine denies them. Robert asks Robin if he had to send Anna and Duke away for their safety would she stop loving him. She asks if staying with Robert is a choice. He says yes but Robin is confused and doesn't know what to do. A piano is delivered, a gift from Katherine for Robin.

Colton arrives at Anna's to take Anna and Felicia to New York. Katherine arrives with a blond wig so Anna can slip pass the guards disguised as Katherine. Paul shows up at Anna's and is disapproving of her involvement in the plan to reunite Anna & Duke. After Paul leaves, Robin says she thinks Katherine & Robert make a better couple then she and Paul. Just then Robert shows up.

April 10 Duke and Anna enjoy being alone together in Duke's hotel room in NY. They discuss their future after the trial and Robin's safety. Later Anna awakens from a nightmare. Duke presses Anna to tell him what it was about. She tells him she dreamed that he had died.

April 11 Robert  finds himself thinking about Katherine as he arrives in Paris. Duke says goodbye to a worried Anna as he leaves to testify at Victor's trial. Katherine takes care of Robin while Anna is away in New York. Paul comes over and is angry. Robin tells Katherine after the trial she is either going to have to leave with Duke and Anna or stay with Robert. Either way her life was going to change.

Duke identifies Victor Jerome as the head of the Jerome family on the witness stand. Both Duke and Victor recognize Anna in the courtroom in disguise. Later, Duke meets with Anna in his hotel room. Worried about her, Duke makes her return to Port Charles. Robert and Sean meet with the injured artist who painted Katherine's portrait. He says that Frisco gave him the map to smuggle. They are both suspicious that there is a little too much coincidence. Felicia calls Sean and tells him that Ariel followed her and Colton to New York. He is upset and tells them they need to be more careful.

April 12 Nicholas flies the Quartermaines, Ashton, Katherine and Paul to New York where Paul is receiving an award. On the plane, Katherine and Paul talk about getting over what happened with Althea. Paul eludes to the fact Robert is too close to Anna. He says they need to remember the past and fix the future.

April 13 Felicia visits Anna who is still being protected by guards. Anna tells Felicia that she and Duke are going into the Witness Protection Program after the trial. At GH, Tom Hardy goes into Olivia's room. She says she doesn't remember hiring anyone to kill Duke and Anna. She insists on her innocence. Duke is visited by the Director of the Witness Protection Program and they discuss his future. It is later revealed that Duke had in fact been talking to one of Victor Jerome's men.

**The End**

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