Duke, Anna & Robert & Katherine & Robin #37 April 14 - May 23, 1989: 8 hour original edit

DVD #37A Katherine is upset recalling Althea's attack and wondering about Paul. Katherine talks the housekeeper into letting her into Paul's room. She sees the fire and puts it out. Paul comes out from the shower to find Katherine. He talks her into going to the Bahamas with him. Katherine talks to Mary before leaving for the Bahamas with Paul. Mary presses Katherine on her feelings for Robert again. Katherine leaves.

Mary is worried about her and tells her not to do anything foolish. Tiffany urges Robert to be careful and to make sure he is pursuing Katherine's case for the right reasons. She worries he cares so much for Katherine he may do something stupid. But Robert is still convinced there is a Paul/Althea connection. As Paul checks out of his hotel room, a picture of Althea and Paul falls to the floor. Katherine does not see it.

April 17 Paul and Katherine arrive at the airport to catch their plane and they find the airport in chaos after a plane has gone missing (Edward Q was on it).

April 18 Anna and Robin listen to news about the missing plane. Colton and Felicia meet Robert, Sean, & Tiffany at the airport. Colton and Felicia tell Robert and Sean they know Charlie Prince was the one who posed as the art expert and stole Katherine's painting. They decide to start having Charlie followed. Robert and Sean go to the Quartermaine's and offer support to Lila. Sean tells Robert he will manage to get the map tested for authenticity. But they are both concerned with the growing number of players in the case.

    Robert goes to visit Anna and Robin. Robin tells Robert she has chosen to to leave with Anna and Duke after the trial. Robert tells her he is proud of her. Later, Robin gets upset thinking about the future. Felicia shows up to say goodbye. Robert meets with Katherine. He tells her he still doesn't have proof but he is very concerned about Paul and his involvement with Althea. He makes Katherine promise not to take any trips with Paul until he can find out the truth about him once and for all. Robert and Katherine talk about Robin's future and how he won't be able to see her grow up.

April 19 Duke calls Anna from his hotel room in NY. He tells her she needs to be ready to go into the witness protection program very soon. Sean comes to Robert's office to talk about their case but Robert is distracted with thoughts of Duke, Anna, and Robin. Sean & Robert talk about the plan to get Duke, Anna, and Robin into custody. Sean says he will take Anna, Robert will take Robin, and the government officials will take Duke. Felicia calls Sean at Robert's office with the news that WSB has tested the map and it is indeed a fake.

Bobbie and Terry go visit Anna & Robin. Robin is sad knowing this is probably the last time she will see them. She gives Bobbie a doll to give to B.J. and she gives Terry a piece of piano music. Victor Jerome receives a call that the psychiatrist will be testifying that Olivia is incompetent to stand trial. Victor is pleased and says he can now focus his attention on Duke Lavery. Duke is visited by the witness protection agents to discuss the plan. Still not knowing they are actually Victor Jerome's men, he agrees to their plan. 

Robert is visiting Anna and Robin. Robin tells Robert she thinks he and Katherine make a good couple. Then she begins to worry about her future and if she will ever see Robert again. He assures her that somehow he will see her again. Sean arrives at Anna's. Robin gives him a picture she had drawn. He hugs her and tell her he loves her and somehow he and Robert will see her again. Duke calls Anna to make sure she will be ready after his testimony. Victor Jerome gives the order to kill Duke Lavery.

April 20 Duke prepares to leave with the agents he believes are with the witness protection program. Sean & Robert arrive at Anna's. Duke calls Anna to tell her he has finished his testimony. Robert tells Anna the plan. Anna gets very emotional about leaving. Robert vows that he will find them someday.

In NY, Duke leaves with the agents. In Port Charles Anna, Robin, Robert, Sean continue to wait. Lucy shows up at the courthouse to try to warn Scott but she ends up not saying anything. Bobbie, Harrison, Tom, and, Scott's psychiatrist all end up testifying. Olivia is found unable to aid in her on defense and she will be released from GH under the care of a psychiatric nurse. Duke is preparing for the rendezvous. He is startled to hear there is a change in plan. Worried about Anna and Robin's safety he runs out to warn them. Sean, Robert, Anna and Robin arrive at the rendezvous point. At the same time they see Duke running into the building yelling for Anna. Seconds later it explodes.

April 21 Tiffany gets a call about the explosion and leaves to cover the story. Colton goes with her. Anna struggles with Robert as she tries to run in after Duke as building burns. Sean takes Robin from the scene. Inside a bunker in the building, Duke argues with the agents who are trying to keep him from running back into the fire to find Anna. In the burning building, the agents convince Duke that he must leave. It is best for everyone if Anna believes he is dead. He reluctantly agrees. He leaves his wedding ring to place in the blaze so Anna will believe he has perished.

Olivia gets a call from Victor. He says he is arranging for her release. She tells him she wishes she could remember.  Sean brings a hysterical Robin to the penthouse. Felicia takes care of her. At GH, Olivia is watching coverage of the explosion. She sees a picture of Duke. She begins having flashes of him. She remembers being in love with Duke.

April 24 Sean, Tiffany, Colton, & Felicia worry about Robin who has finally fallen asleep at the penthouse. Katherine shows up and asks if she can help. Robert takes Anna home. She is upset to find flowers had been delivered for Duke with a card that read R.I.P. Chief Lewis comes and tells them that the flowers are a sign from the mob that the vendetta is over. Duke is dead. Robin comes home to Anna. Katherine offers to help. Anna insists on going back to the warehouse to search for Duke. Robert asks Katherine to stay with Robin.

Agent Malone from the witness protection program shows up at Victor Jerome's hotel room. He tells him the job is done. Duke is dead. Victor pays him off. The man says he will return to the program and no one will ever know he was the leak. Duke is shown being flown away safely. He is told that Anna & Robin are safe and he will never have to worry about them again. Anna returns to the warehouse with Robert. She finds Duke's wedding ring. She collapses, knowing Duke is gone.

April 25 Olin tries to comfort Anna who is tearfully watching Tiffany cover Duke's death on the news. Sean, Robert, & Guy try to figure out how the witness protection program was infiltrated by Jerome. They decide to bring the W.P.P agents in for questioning. The W.P.P Agents figure out that Malone was the leak. Later when being questioned by Robert they let Robert figure out is was Malone. Scott walks in and offers his services to get Jerome. Robert accepts.

Victor Jerome shows up at the hospital to pick up Olivia. He thanks Bobbie for her testimony in Olivia's trial. Bobbie goes to visit Anna. She tells her Olivia is being released and will be staying in Port Charles. Anna rushes to GH and screams at Victor for killing Duke. She vows to get him for what he has done if it is the last thing she ever does. Tom Hardy ties to comfort Ann who is still at GH. Victor takes Olivia to her new home at the Port Charles Hotel. It is clear she now has her memory back but she has not told Victor. Both Victor Jerome's men and Robert and Sean have followed Agent Malone to the docks. A struggle breaks out. Robert shoots Malone and he dies.

April 26 very low sound for entire episode Anna & Robert both vow to convict Victor Jerome for what he has done. Sean & Tiffany offer support to Anna & Robin and to each other. Paul is upset with the time she has been spending with Robert and Robin. Robert visits Katherine at the cottage.

April 27 Sean and Colton examine the map. They realize it leads to an island. They begin to suspect that Nicholas Van Buren is involved somehow. Olivia meets with Tom Hardy at GH and is still acting like she can't remember anything. Later in her hotel room, she drugs her nurse and books a flight to NY. Olivia shows up at Victor's hotel room in NY. She finds the proof that Victor had discarded linking him to Agent Malone. She puts it in an envelope and sends it to Scott Baldwin.

April 28 Duke's Memorial Robert, Robin, Olin, Sean, Tiffany, Ruby, Bobbie, Terry, The Hardy's, Katherine, Paul, Lucy, Scott, and the Quartermaines all make appearances at Anna's house and or Duke's memorial service in this episode. There are several out of control reporters shouting rude questions at the entrance of the memorial service.

Olivia begins to dress in a black disguise to attend Duke's memorial. Tom Hardy surprises her by checking in. She continues to act as if it is very difficult for her and she cannot remember. Tom finally leaves and so does Olivia. Olivia shows up at Duke's service after everyone is gone. She begins to cry in front of his picture. She confesses to his portrait. Anna walks into the room and is surprised to see a woman in black in front of Duke's portrait.

Dvd #37B May 1 Anna sees the woman in black. She believes it is Olivia and goes to call for help. Angel walks in. Anna walks over and rips the veil off the woman but is not Olivia. However, Anna is convinced she saw her. Robert and Robin talk about Duke's memorial. Robin then tells Robert that he needs to go see Katherine. Scott opens the envelope Olivia sent him linking Agent Malone and Victor Jerome. He decides not to tell Robert and to investigate himself. Robert confronts Paul about Althea and her connection to Phillipe. Paul denies knowing anything. Robert calls him a fraud and says he will prove it. Paul and Katherine talk about Robert. Paul is trying to set up a trip for he and Katherine.

At GH, Anna tells Tom she saw Olivia at Duke's. Tom is skeptical but decides to check on Olivia. When he gets to Olivia's hotel he questions Nora, Olivia's nurse. She confesses she fell asleep and doesn't know if Olivia had left or not. Tom warns her to be careful. Olivia is listening at the door.

May 2-3 Olivia has dinner with Victor. She is behaving like her memory is getting worse. Anna is grieving the loss of Duke. She has to explain to a confused Robin that Duke is never coming back. Katherine shows up to take Robin to the cottage for a piano lesson. At the cottage, Katherine tries to explain to Robin what a soul is through music.

May 4 Robert sneaks in on Scotty getting a massage and takes over. Robert wants to know why Scotty is there. He tells him about receiving the annoymous tip about the link between Malone and Victor. Katherine is preparing to leave for L.A. with Paul. Mary is concerned and calls Robert. Robert comes over and once again tries to warn her about Paul but Katherine wants proof.

May 5 Mary fakes a fall down the stairs in order to stop Katherine from leaving with Paul. Robert, Robin, and Anna all end up accompanying Mary, Katherine and Paul to the hospital. They talk Paul into leaving on the flight without Katherine. On the plane, Paul has visions of Althea. She is telling him he needs to get rid of Robert Scorpio.

May 8 Robert and Katherine are flirting and talking about Paul. Robert gets the call about the theft of the dragon bone and emerald at the Quartermaine's. Katherine tags along. Friday the dog is shown running around with the dragon bone and emerald.

May 9 Robin is upset Victor Jerome still isn't in jail. Anna tries to reassure her.  Anna visits Tom Hardy at GH and seeks his advice. He tells her she needs to let go of her anger towards Olivia. Later as Anna leaves Tom's office, she runs into Olivia. Anna angrily warns her to stay away from her and her family.

May 10 Katherine and Mary talk about Paul and Robert at the cottage. Robin shows up for her piano lesson. Robin calls Anna and Robert and asks if the can all go out to dinner together later. Anna and Robert are fighting about Victor's acquittal. Scott shows up and says he has proof that ties him to agent Malone and is willing to work with both Robert and Anna. Robert, Katherine, Anna and Robin go out to dinner. Dining at the same restaurant, are Victor and Olivia Jerome.

May 12-15 Scott goes to Robert and Anna with his proof that links Victor with Agent Malone. Anna, Robert & Scott arrest Victor for complicity in Duke's murder at the restaurant as Olivia watches. Olivia talks to Tom Hardy at the restaurant. He begins to doubt her.

May 16 Katherine prepares for a date with Robert. Mary is pleased when Katherine backs out of her plans to go to L.A. with Paul. Ariel is still struggling for her life in the hospital after having been shot. Sean, Robert, Colton, and Felicia have all been working on the case. Robert shows up for late for his dinner with Katherine.

May 17 Sean and Anna discuss Victor's arraignment. They both question Scotty's motives for wanting to prosecute Victor. But Anna believes in Scott and wants to help him. Tom visits Olivia and his suspicions grew that she is faking her amnesia. Anna and Scott try to figure out who sent Scott the evidence against Victor to begin with. Olivia wishes Victor well on the phone. She hangs up and throws Victor's picture. She vows to get him back for killing Duke.

May 18 Katherine has changes her mind about going to L.A. and continuing her concert tour. She catches Mary walking without her cane. She knows she has faked her injury. Katherine is angry with both Mary and Robert for the deceit. Anna and Robert are both pleased with Scott's work when they learn that Victor Jerome has been denied bail. Robert and Katherine walk into his candle lit cottage. Katherine is angry. She tells Robert she knows Mary was faking her broken leg. Robert calms her down. They have dinner and dance during their evening. Katherine goes to leave. She and Robert kiss at the door.

May 19 Robert shows up at Katherine's with gifts. He finds her packed and ready to leave for the airport. They fight about Paul. Robert is worried for her but Katherine questions Robert's motives. Paul is in L.A. and is once again haunted by visions of Althea. Althea tells Paul he has to get rid of Katherine. Robert accepts that Katherine is going. They kiss goodbye. Mary pleads with Katherine not to go. She really fears for her safety. Katherine goes to the airport. She calls Paul to tell him she is on her way. Sean, Robert, and Felicia go to GH to investigate Ariel's disappearance.

May 22 Anna is frantic as Robin is two hours late arriving home. Robert and Sean at the airport searching for Domino’s plane. Robert thinks Katherine is on her way to Chicago for a concert but she is really going to Los Angeles to see Paul. Anna and Robin talk things out. Robin feels Anna works too much and has no time for her. Robert visits Anna and Robin. Katherine arrives in Los Angeles. Robert reminds Robin and he and Anna are doing the best they can for Robin. Katherine meets with Paul to tell him the wedding is off. Paul is starting to crack up. He is seeing visions of Althea.

May 23 Paul showing Katherine all the Egyptian artifact from the collection in the museum show. Robert and Anna working the Victor Jerome case. Scott tells Robert that the DAs office is pushing for an early trial for Victor. Olivia sees Victor in prison. Terri visits Anna. Anna agrees to let her buy Duke’s. Olivia meets with one of Victor’s associates to milk him for information. Robert visits Anna and Robin. He and Robin have a heart to heart. Robert sends Katherine roses in Chicago.

**The End**

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