Anna & Robin #10  February 26 - April 16, 1986 - 8 hours

Buzz stops by to see if Anna had changed her mind about the tape? Anna insists she needs it as she is believes there could be valuable information on it regarding the Laurelton murder investigation. She can't accept his refusal to turn over the tape to her and is very cool towards him. Robin wants to know if Buzz is okay? He says sure and is curious as to why she asked? Robin innocently comments that she was worried about him as her mother said there was something wrong with him. Buzz looks at Anna and realizing there is no compromise, he leaves to go back to GH.

Frisco and Felicia are back in Laurelton to pick up the Purity Water books. Felicia distracts Sarah by slipping a note with Sarah's handwriting into her pocket and as Sarah fusses at her over that, Frisco steals a page out of the ledger. The sheriff comes in and orders them out of Sarah's office and out of Laurelton and warns them if they come back that he will throw them in jail!

The mayor comes in and makes rude comments about Anna running a daycare out of her office when he finds Robin there. He then tries to intimidate Anna into dropping the Laurelton case and says that the city fathers are ready to fire her as they have had a number of complaints over her continued investigation and she should focus on other issues in Port Charles. Burt comes to her defense but doesn't help.  When Buzz returns, they get in another argument about the tape. He suggests that she is so determined to solve this case to prove that she can do the job as well as Robert! (ouch). Anna tells him that he doesn't know anything about police procedure and the next time she sees him that it will be in court! Robin comes in and overhearing them arguing, she beings to cry.

After Buzz leaves, Anna reassures her and tells her how much she loves her. She promises her that as soon as this murder case is over that they will go to Australia to visit her father. Frisco returns and tells Anna that the entries in the ledger framing Russell were added recently and they are in Sarah's handwriting.
Buzz meets Anna at the judge's office and tells her he took more time to think about this but he is sorry that he can't agree to hand over the tape. Anna tries one more time to explain how important this tape is due to the cover-up in Laurelton. Buzz continues that if he hands over the tape it violates patient confidentiality and that patient's won't be able to trust their doctors and may not seek treatment they need.

Anna asks Frisco how his test went and he says he barely squeaked by. She tells him how much she needs him there as Guy has been clear with Frisco if he fails that he will be off the police force regardless of what Anna wants (he has missed a lot of police academy while he has been working on the Laurelton case with Anna).

The judge calls them in, and Ted soon joins them to argue on behalf of Teri and her family. The judge rules that Buzz does not have to turn over the tape but he will be solely responsible for it. Ted arrives at his office and offers to put the tape into a safety deposit box for safekeeping. Buzz assures him that the tape will be perfectly safe at the hospital. He opens his desk drawer and finds it gone! Teri is back at the brownstone listening to it.

Frisco calls Felicia and tells her that the tape has been stolen and that he and Anna suspect that Teri has stolen it. He asks her to get Teri out of the apartment so that they can search for it. As soon as they leave, Ted enters and when he hears Frisco and Anna arrive, he hides in the bathroom. They quickly find the tape and Anna plays it, hearing that a dead body has fallen on her and her hands were around the neck of the dead body. They take the tape and leave; Anna tells Frisco that the tape is damning evidence against Teri. Teri returns and desperately searches for the tape.

Ted comes downstairs and tells Jennifer that Anna and Frisco stole the tape. Ted heard part of the tape and he is angry that Jennifer held back from him. She is indignant over his tone and he warns her that he will not go to prison for her or for Teri! She pleads that Teri must be protected. He tells her that she doesn't call the shots anymore to him or to the people in Laurelton.

The mayor comes in and harrrasses Anna again and she plays the tape for him and he urges her to get Teri in for questioning as soon as possible as she sounds like she is going to crack. Anna wants to find out what initials were inscribed on Teri's medallion before she questions her. Teri's initials for her maiden name were TB for Teri Brock but the WSB found the second initial was the letter “O” pointing to one of the O'Connor brothers.

Teri is desperate to see Buzz but he is called into emergency surgery. Bobbie sends her home and tells her to take a sleeping pill and tells her where to find them. She goes home and does this and then Ted comes up and leaves a bottle of his sleeping pills by her bedside table and tells her to take two pills. She does (now having taken at least three pills), and then she gets up and turns on the gas burner to heat up water for her teakettle. She goes back to bed leaving gas pouring into her apartment.

Anna sends Frisco to NY to find out exactly what was inscribed on Teri's medallion. After he leaves, Bobbie and Jake come in and tell her they are concerned about her wanting to further question Teri. They ask her as a friend to back off as they don't suspect her in the murder and they wouldn't ask her to do that. They want her to finish with Buzz and get her help, as Bobbie is sure that her treatment will reveal she is not the killer.

Anna says she has proof and doesn't enjoy putting her friends through this but she believes Teri may be the killer. Jake tells her that he will then act as Teri's attorney then and not as Anna's friend. He demands to know what evidence she has against Teri? She tells them about the tape, Jake wants to hear it. Initially she says no and they say they will go to Buzz, believing he will tell them what is on the tape as he sticks by his friends. Anna agrees to let them hear the tape. Afterwards, Anna asks them not to tell Teri about the contents of the tape. They agree, as they know Teri can't handle it.

Frisco gets the work order from NY and gets confirmation that the letters on the medallion were "T.O." for Teri Olivia. Anna goes to see Jennifer and lays out her whole case against Teri and says she is there to arrest Teri. She says that the murder weapon used to choke Earl Moody has been identified as Teri's medallion, she was seen walking down the stairs with a carving knife the night Neil was stabbed to death at the brownstone. Jake overhears and says not until he gets Buzz over there.

Frisco goes upstairs and smells the gas and pounds on Teri's door to try to wake her. He runs downstairs and alerts Bobbie and Jake. They get into Teri's and find her unconscious. Buzz arrives and he and Bobbie work on Teri. They find the bottle of Ted's sleeping pills and an ambulance is called. Buzz demands to know how many pills were in the bottle and Ted claims ignorance.

As Teri is taken to GH, Jennifer vows to protect her granddaughter from everything. After everyone else has left, Jennifer grills Ted over why he gave Teri the sleeping pills. He says he didn't know that Bobbie had already done so and he was just trying to help Teri, as she needed sleep. Teri is in very serious condition; Kevin loses it as Anna asks questions about what Teri is capable of. Later, Dan Rooney recognizes the look of being overwhelmed on Anna's face and tells her he often saw the same look on Robert's face.  Anna tries to juggle her demanding job, and her responsibilities of being a single mother, which multiply when Philomena is called out of town. Anna takes Robin to the office on numerous occasions, and the mayor is a real jerk about finding the child in Anna's office and indicates that is why she can't get her job done (finding the Brownstone murderer). Anna explains that Robin's school is closed due to a flue epidemic. Robin arrives again to hang out with Anna at work when the school is closed due to the heating being out.
Bobbie comes storming in, demanding that Anna leave Teri alone or Bobbie will press charges! She apologizes when she realizes Robin is there. Anna asks Robin to play in the hallway for a moment while she talks to Bobbie. Bobbie accuses Anna of being obsessed with this case to the point that she is going to convict an innocent person! Anna gets tears in her eyes as she tells Bobbie she is trying to get this case finished and she would love to be able to clear Teri but the evidence against her is mounting! Jake asks if it would help if they find Teri's medallion and Anna says yes that it would, as it would show that it wasn't her medallion used in the murder.

Sean comes in and Anna collapses in his arms, in tears, and tells him she can't do this anymore. She tells Sean about the mayor's threats to fire her and the pressure she is under. Sean tells her that she is in over her head, as she has to learn to delegate. She seems renewed by the time he leaves, his pep talk helping.
Later, Robin is starving and wants to get pizza from Dino's. Anna tells her they have to go to GH and perhaps she can get something to eat at the cafeteria. Robin would rather have pizza and doesn't want to eat hospital food. She accuses her mother of loving her job more than Robin. Anna tells her she likes her job and loves her daughter. Robin tells her she knows all about crime fighting and offers her services as a deputy to help her clean up the town!

Jake and Bobbie head to Laurelton and find Teri's medallion in the fountain at the Purity Water Company. They are arrested but they are thrilled that this will clear Teri. They call Jennifer Talbot and tell her that they don't care about the secret the town is trying to cover up, that all they care about is protecting Teri. Jennifer orders the sheriff to release them.

Jake calls Anna and tells her they found Teri's medallion, proving that the medallion that was used to strangle Earl Moody was not Teri's. Anna is also relieved at this news. The next day, Anna asks Teri to be hypnotized again as Anna believes she has knowledge about Earl's murder buried in her subconscious. Teri is reluctant but Anna insists that she must have the answers and Teri won't be able to move on with her future with Kevin until the murders are solved. She agrees but the truth serum doesn't work, as Teri is so frightened about what she is blocking out that he isn't able to get her to face her memories of the murder. Anna wants Buzz to try again but he refuses as she became too agitated. Kevin is not happy to learn that they hypnotized her without consulting him.

Robin tells her mom about the parent's luncheon and asks her to attend. All of the moms are brining a casserole. Anna promises to go but admits she isn't much in the cooking department and asks Philomena to help? She offers to make lasagna. This doesn't thrill Robin as all of the other mothers are doing their own cooking. The next day, the mayor and DA ream Anna and pressure her into dropping the Brownstone murder investigation and request her resignation if she doesn't! Frisco comes in and encourages to stick with her convictions otherwise a murderer will go free!

Anna returns home to find a very somber Robin who reminds her that she missed the parent's luncheon. Anna is terribly sorry that she forgot about it with all of the pressure at work. Robin says that all of the other mothers were there but at least Philomena brought the lasagna. Robin told all of the mothers that Anna made the lasagna. Anna says she doesn't care if people know she can't cook.

Burt is irate about the mayor trying to dictate how they do their jobs. Burt says Robert would never give into that kind of pressure. Anna snaps that he is giving her a hard time because she has a child to take care of. He snips that perhaps that is why a mother shouldn't be police commissioner! (very topical debate 20 years ago when career women were not as common) Ultimately, Burt is insistent that they pursue this murder case for the good of the city.

Anna meets with Jennifer and tells her that she doesn't care about the Purity Water secret but she wants to solve this murder in part to protect Teri. She warns Jennifer that as long as the murderer is out there, Teri is in danger. Jennifer shares that Teri always had nightmares but if she drank warm milk, she would sleep undisturbed. She continues that a glass of warm milk with brandy resulted in Teri sleepwalking and Jennifer suggests this state might prompt Teri to be able to recall the night of the murder.

Anna tells everyone that she is off the case and Bobbie and Frisco are not happy with this decision. She tells them she had no choice as she had to think of being able to support Robin. Jennifer arranges for everyone to go to the Grille to celebrate Teri being released. She suddenly is quite tired and her and Teri wind up staying home alone. They talk about old times over a glass of warm milk, laced with brandy. Teri does sleep walk and begins talking in her sleep. Later, Jennifer calls Ted and tells him she knows who the murderer is and she is headed to Laurelton the next day. She never arrives and everyone worries when she can't be found.

Anna cooks dinner for her friends and they actually enjoy it! Ted and the sheriff decide to go to Port Charles to help look for her and call a meeting at the brownstone. The next day, the mayor is not interested in Anna becoming involved in Jennifer's disappearance. Jake goes on Ginny Blake's show and puts pressure on the PC Police since she disappeared from PC and is linked to two other murders. The sheriff is suddenly very cooperative and willingly to help Anna find Jennifer. Anna believes that Jennifer is either dead or if she is still alive she is very much in danger knowing the identity of the killer. Anna discovers Patrick took Jennifer to the airport and interrogates him since he is the last person to see her alive!
#10B Anna and the sheriff head to the airport and begin questioning all of the airport staff but no one saw her that day and she didn't make her plane. Anna tells the sheriff that she needs to find Jennifer's body to continue the investigation, obviously believing she has been murdered. Jennifer's body has been found and Anna heads to the brownstone to tell Teri.

Back at the PD, the sheriff starts throwing his weight around and Anna tells him that if he had cooperated with her investigation in Laurelton that Jennifer would probably still be alive! He tells the mayor that this is a job for a man and the mayor shocks Anna by defending her and making it clear this is a job for the Police Commissioners of Port Charles. Anna is sure that the murderer is either Kevin or Patrick O'Connor and will be focusing her investigation on the two brothers. The autopsy shows that Jennifer died from an embolism caused by air bubbles being inserted into her bloodstream with a hypodermic needle.

Anna heads to the brownstone and searches Kevin and Patrick's medical bags. Kevin's bag has normal contents with nothing missing. Patrick's bag shows a pack of hypodermic needles with two missing from the pack. She heads to GH and identifies the needles as being assigned to Patrick. He is irate and points out that they could have been stolen out of his bag. He is looking very guilty with no alibi (as he was doing medical research on his own) and Anna is under enormous pressure to arrest him. However, when the tire tracks where Jennifer's body was found do not match up Patrick's car, she refuses to arrest him.
Sean senses her frustration with this case and advises that she trust her instincts. She just has a nagging feeling that everything doesn't add up where Patrick is concerned and she doesn't want to jeopardize the young doctor's medical career to take the heat off herself to arrest.

Sean works with her a bit to help her track down a witness who ID's Kevin O'Connor as the man he saw arguing with Jennifer Talbot at the airport the day she disappeared. Anna has Kevin arrested. Anna investigates Kevin's claim that he was studying in the library. Anna takes the heat for arresting Kevin both in the media and from the public. Robin is upset when she hears Ginny Blake's show and when an elderly woman fusses at Anna for arresting such a nice clean cut young man. No one supports her arrest, not even Frisco!

Jake agrees to defend Kevin, but asks Frisco if he has any doubts about Kevin's innocence? Frisco believes he is innocent. Kevin says that the librarian, Lucy Coe, can verify that he was in the library when Jennifer disappeared. Jake and Frisco search for Lucy who is out of town and has not returned.

Anna and Jake return to Laurelton. Anna sends all the key players a mysterious note and they all show up at the town hall. She asks all of them for help in clearing Kevin's name and urges them to come forward with what they know about the night Earl died. She plays the tape of Teri's hypnosis session and demands they tell her their secret. They confer privately and agree that nothing they can say will clear Kevin's name and they agree not to cooperate with Anna. She remains behind and Sarah returns and agrees to testify and they leave for Port Charles. 

Kevin's trial proceeds. Flynn testifies about seeing Kevin and describes seeing him with a real looker (later turns out to be Lucy Coe). Later, Jake digs up some dirt on Flynn and rips holes in Flynn's testimony and leaves doubt about his credibility in the jury's minds.

Sarah testifies that she noticed the unmarked, fresh grave at the cemetery and she suspected that is where Earl was buried. Finally she told Neil, his nephew, about it. He dug up the grave and found Earl's body, wrapped around his neck was the necklace used to kill him, the medallion bore the initials K.O. The courtroom erupts with this news. During the break, the gang from Laurelton corners her and intimidates her into retracting her testimony, which is a huge blow for the prosecution.

The mysterious Lucy Coe finally returns to town and Brett (the DA) and Anna go over her testimony with her. She admits she was working on St. Patrick's Day and no that Kevin did not come into the library that day. She recalls that it was very quiet due to the parade and festivities.

The parade of witnesses continues and student testifies that he was at a lecture the morning of Jennifer's death and Kevin did not attend. Jake puts Ruby on the stand and she testifies the student was at Kelly's and NOT at the lecture. Dan Rooney also testifies that he saw the student trying to get a second helping of the corned beef hash out of Ruby. Frisco defends Lucy Coe and on the pretext of providing a police escort for the star witness, he uses it the opportunity to look around her house and he spots a book of poems.

**The End**

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