Zander #4  December 3, 2001 - May 30, 2002

Carly and Zander were playing a game of pool. Carly kept telling Zander that Sonny told him to keep an eye on her, and to say anything she wants to hear. Zander said that wasn't true, and defended Alexis to Carly, saying she and Sonny are friends and that Alexis saved his life. Zander told Carly that Sonny loves her, but she wouldn't believe it not for a second. Carly said Zander was spending time with her because Sonny is making him. Zander said that wasn't true, but she told him that spending time with her is part of his job, and that she sees things very clearly now. Kristina takes the stage during open mic night, music montage as others in the audience reflect on their lives as she sings.

Kristina was at the penthouse carrying some boxes. She tried to get to the elevator but it closed, and she dropped the boxes all over the floor. Zander showed up and helped Kristina out with her boxes. Kristina asked Zander if he was there to see Sonny. Zander told Kristina he was there to see her, and told her to press a button so she can get the elevator back. Kristina told Zander it was nice to see him again, and Zander apologized for what happened at Jake's. Kristina told him there was no need for an apology and that Carly, needs an attitude adjustment. Kristina told Zander she was putting some of Alexis's things into storage. She showed Zander a monkey and he laughed, then he told her that Alexis is very attached to her things, and that she will be mad at Kristina for putting her things away without her consent. Kristina said everything would be fine. Zander told Kristina to tell Alexis it wasn't his idea. Zander told Kristina that he lived with Alexis for a while after he got out on parole. He told her how Alexis would feed him popcorn, take him out to Kelly's every morning for breakfast, ordered dinner for him every night from great restaurants, and how they watched action movies together no matter how much Alexis hated them. They both agreed that Alexis was very special. Kristina said that Zander was kissing up to her, Zander said he was because he wanted to get into Alexis's good graces, but he was kidding. Zander said he wanted to check on her after her encounter with Carly at Jake's last night. Kristina and Zander were talking about Alexis and Sonny's relationship. Zander thinks they are just friends, but Kristina thinks there is something more between them. Kristina was telling Zander that she thinks Carly is insecure, and takes her anger out on innocent people, and that she thinks Sonny doesn't want Carly anymore Just as Kristina was saying this to Zander she was listening to them in the elevator and told Kristina: "If you have something to say to me, say it to my face." Carly told Kristina if she had something to say to her to just say it. Kristina told Carly what she said o Zander, and made her very upset.

Carly told Kristina she knows nothing about her or her marriage to Sonny. Kristina shot back and said that Sonny should fall for Alexis, she makes him happy and doesn't keep him cooped up in his own penthouse trying to avoid life. Carly told Zander she wanted to get something from the penthouse and to give her his key. Kristina shot back at Carly again, and was surprised Carly didn't have a key to her own home, and insulted her once again. Zander held Carly back from attacking Kristina. Carly told Kristina she didn't know Alexis had a sister, and told her Alexis wanted her to stay lost so she can be with Sonny. Ned showed up and defended Kristina to Carly. Carly told Ned again that he won't win any brownie points with Alexis by telling her off. Alexis wants Sonny now. Ned told Carly that she is pathetic and that she will say anything to get attention. Ned continued to defend Kristina, and Zander got fed up with Carly's behavior and took her to Sonny's penthouse. Kristina thanked Ned for helping her out with Carly.

Carly looked through Sonny's things, even though Zander told her it was a bad idea. Carly told Zander how Sonny got upset at her for looking through his things and shut her out, for weeks. Zander asked what she did to get back in Sonny's good graces. Carly said she left Sonny but came back to him very quickly because she missed him so much. Carly found out Sonny was staying at The Puerta De Santos hotel and wanted to go after him. Zander told her not to, and that by not thinking things through she would lose Sonny forever. Carly said she didn't care, she just wants Sonny back in her life. Zander asked Carly what will happen if she showed up in Puerto Rico. Carly said Sonny would turn to ice. Zander asked if she wanted that to happen. Carly said no, she didn't. She calmed down and decided not to go to Puerto Rico after all. Carly thought she was stupid and out of control and thanked Zander for stopping her from making a big mistake, she told Zander she blew her chances with Sonny all over again. Zander said that wasn't true, and that she stopped herself from making a huge mistake. Carly said she didn't stop herself, Zander did that for her. Carly said she wanted to be strong and be her own person and because of that, she turned Sonny away and hated herself for it. Carly told Zander that he has every right to miss Emily, and was wrong for trying to get him to forget about her.

Carly talked about how much she loved Sonny and how much he changed her life and that she wanted him back. Carly asked Zander what he thought of Sonny's new and improved penthouse. Zander said that he liked it and thought it was nice. Carly told him how she tried to redecorate Sonny's place but he wouldn't let her and got upset about Sonny all over again. Zander admitted that he missed Emily like crazy and thinks about her 1000x's a day every single day and keeps the "What Ifs" in his mind constantly. Carly said it was because he misses Emily so much. Zander told her: "Sometimes, I dream that she still loves me, and I--I wake up thinking it's true. Sometimes I--I miss her so much, I think I'm just going to go nuts." Carly asked Zander how he gets past his pain. Zander told her: " He wakes up, keeps moving, gets in the shower, gets out of bed, goes to work, and does his thing." He hears a joke, laughs, plays pool but it adds up, he still misses Emily. Zander told her how he gives Emily her space. He doesn't sit by the phone, write her letters or make her family tell him where she is anymore. Carly told Zander how when she works she doesn't think about Sonny, and how she had a good time with Zander at Jake's. Zander admitted he had a good time too and didn't think about Emily. Carly talked about how she wanted to call Sonny in Puerto Rico and if Sonny answered she would make up a lame excuse, and if Alexis answered she would get upset. Carly realized she didn't want to play games with her life anymore. Carly asked Zander to be her embarrassment meter and to stop her if he thinks she is going to do something crazy. Zander agreed and she promised to do the same for him. They shook hands and smiled.

Zander was drinking a cup of coffee at Kelly's, and bumped into A.J. and said he was in his way. Zander noticed that he looked upset. AJ tries to manipulate Zander into spying on Sonny. A.J. said he was upset about Emily. Zander asked A.J. what is wrong with Emily. A.J. told Zander that Emily is starting to walk again but doesn't know what will happen to her next. Zander wanted to know what is wrong with Emily. A.J. told Zander that rehab isn't easy for Emily, she's lonely and hates being away from home. A.J. told Zander he felt guilty about lying to Emily about Zander's role in his kidnapping. Zander asked A.J. if his conscience was getting to him, and that he should tell Emily the truth so they can get back together, and he can help her through rehab. A.J. said "I don't think so." A.J. told Zander that he seems to love his sister but he doesn't know if he can really trust him, because he doesn't really know him. A.J. said all he sees is another person who is devoted to Sonny and wants to know if his loyalty to Sonny is more important than his love for his sister. Zander asked A.J. why he can't be loyal to Sonny and still be with Emily. Zander told A.J. Emily never had a problem with him being friends with Sonny until A.J. lied to Emily. A.J. said he wanted to try to find a solution to help Emily. A.J. told Zander that he could do what was right and help him get back at Sonny. A.J. talked about how Sonny kidnapped Janine and how she is after his family. Zander thought A.J. was lying and that Sonny would never abduct a complete stranger. A.J. told Zander how Sonny kidnapped him. Zander told A.J., Sonny was protecting his family. A.J. asked Zander to try and find Janine and spy on Sonny for him, if he does he will tell Emily the truth and help Zander get her back. A.J. asked Zander if they had a deal. A.J. asked Zander if they had a deal. Zander told A.J. he was good and almost believed his lies. Zander also told him that Emily would never confide in him, and that he didn't deserve her love, and that he doesn't have the guts to do right by her. A.J. tried one more time to convince Zander to side with him, but he wouldn't give into A.J.'s demands. A.J. told Zander that he had two strikes against him and that he will never get Emily back! Zander said that the person he is today is because of Emily, and being truthful to himself was more important than anything. A.J. got upset that Zander wouldn't help him out. Zander left Kelly's as A.J. watched.

Zander showed up at the club looking for Carly. Carly asked Zander what he was doing there. Zander told her he wanted to play some pool with her at Jake's. Carly snapped at Zander and immediately apologized to him. Carly asked Zander how he liked the club. Zander thought it was cool but that it needed some work. Carly told Zander how she had do to a whole song and dance routine to get Jax to invest in the club, and now she was upset because it was all going to fall apart. Zander asked her why. Carly told Zander how Skye said that Jax was using her to get to Sonny. Carly promised Zander that she wasn't going to let Jax or anyone else use her to get to Sonny. Carly told Zander how Sonny will hate the fact that she is opening up the club with Jax as her investor. Carly feels that Sonny won't care that she is opening up a club, because he doesn't care about her anymore. Zander told Carly that he believes Sonny still loves her, when she asked him how, he said he just knew. Carly told Zander she was willing to give up on the club because she loves Sonny so much. The club equaled independence and freedom and something that belonged to her, but she was going to give it up in the name of love. Carly told Zander how she believed Skye's lies. Zander told Carly not to believe Skye lies, he told her about how A.J. and Skye were working together to destroy Sonny, and using a woman named Janine to do it. Carly told Zander to stay away from A.J., that he is bad news. Zander agreed and asked her if they could leave the club now he was cold. Carly agreed and wanted to leave the club as well. Carly told Zander that she didn't want to play pool, because the last time she played pool with him, she LOST out on $20. Zander laughed and said Carly was lousy at pool. Carly said she wasn't and told Zander to shut up, and they both laughed. Carly showed up at Kelly's with Zander right behind her, and saw A.J. bothering Mike, and told him to leave Mike alone. Carly and Zander stood next to Mike and watched A.J. goad him. Carly told A.J. if he hurts anyone that Sonny cares about he will live to regret it. A.J. left Kelly's but not before asking Mike one more time to reconsider, and confide in him about his connection to Janine.

Carly and Zander were sitting at a table at Kelly's, and received their coffee from a waitress. Carly thanked the waitress and started talking to Zander. Carly told Zander that he was right about Skye and that she has her own agenda when it comes to Jax. Carly also told Zander that she and Jax are going to be partners in running her new club, and that is all they are ever going to be: partners. Carly told Zander that she wants to help Mike by finding Janine before Sonny comes back from Puerto Rico. Carly talked to Zander about how, Mike has always been there for her and defended her to Sonny putting his own relationship with him at risk, because he cares about her so much. Zander told Carly this was a bad idea and that Sonny will never trust her again. Carly also talked about how keeping secrets from Sonny changes his feelings for people he cares about, he loves them one minute and turns their back on them the next. Zander said that she and Mike should be honest with Sonny no matter what secrets they are keeping from him. Carly said that she and Sonny are over and that he will not care what she does. Zander told Carly that she was wrong, and that she should call her plan to help Mike off before she does something she will regret. Carly talked about how Sonny and Mike love and need each other, no matter how hard Sonny denies it. Carly said that she was doing this to help both Sonny and Mike. Carly told Zander she was going to look for Janine, if he didn't want to help her out, she would understand. Zander said he would help Carly. Mike came by, and Zander walked away and let them talk to each other privately. Carly told Mike that Sonny wasn't back from Puerto Rico yet, and she asked him what Janine had on him that is making him so scared.

Meanwhile, Sonny and Alexis were in Puerto Rico, Sonny picked up the phone, and realized it was Zander and asked him what was going on. Zander was talking to Sonny on the pay phone at Kelly's a couple of feet away from Carly and Mike's table. Zander told Sonny there is a problem with Carly and Mike. Sonny asked Zander what was wrong with Carly as Alexis looked on. Zander told Sonny what was going on with Carly and thought he should know. Sonny said that Zander did the right thing by calling him, and that he would handle everything. Zander told Sonny that Carly is not out to hurt him, and that she really does care and wants to help Mike out. Sonny told Zander that he is coming back to Port Charles right away. Sonny hung up on Zander, and told an upset Alexis that they were going back to Port Charles right away cutting their evening short. Mike told Carly the truth about him and Janine. Carly was astounded and couldn't believe what she heard, she couldn't believe Mike kept something this BIG from Sonny! FYI: Mike's secret was not revealed on screen yet! Zander came back to Carly's table, and said he couldn't find out anything about Janine. Carly asked Mike to take her home, and she told Zander that she will see him tomorrow. Zander said good-bye to Carly and Mike. Meanwhile, Carly and Mike talked outside of Kelly's because she didn't want to tell Zander about Mike's secret, she said that she would help Mike out and not reveal what he told her to anyone.

Zander was still at Kelly's sitting at one of the tables, than Lucky came in and said hello to Zander. Zander said hello back and noticed that Lucky was all dressed up. Lucky told Zander about Nikolas and Gia's engagement party, and told him he wasn't invited because Stefan prepared the guest list, and didn't think to invite him to the party. Zander told Lucky he understood, and said that he knows the only reason that all of Emily's friends put up with him, was because of Emily. Zander told Lucky how much he missed Emily. Zander told him how he goes to The Quartermaine Mansion 2-3 days a week every week, and wants to break in and never does, and if he doesn't feel the urge to break in he, wants to go in and talk to The Quartermaines about Emily. Zander talked about how Emily dumped him and how he is doing everything in his power to let her go, but he can't stop thinking about her. Lucky told Zander to let it go, and that there is something that is going on that he doesn't know about. Lucky told Zander once again to let things go, and that he is only trying to protect him but not giving him Emily's number at rehab. Zander told Lucky that he has to talk to Emily and tell her the truth, even if she still hates him he has to make things right with her. Zander said nothing can be worse than having Emily hate him. Lucky caved and gave Zander, Emily's number. Lucky warned him again to be careful, and told him to take care of himself by looking out for number one. Zander took the piece of paper with Emily's number and smiled.

At Jake’s, Zander is on the phone, trying to get through to Emily. He finally does (we don’t hear or see her) and pleads his case, trying to get her to talk to him. He tries to tell her he had nothing to do with A.J.'s kidnapping. Before he can say anything, she breaks his heart by informing Zander that she has found someone else and is moving on! She hangs up on him. Mike finds Zander angrily shooting pool. He expresses sorrow for Zander, but asks if there is any news on Janine. Zander yells at him and storms upstairs. Carly shows up and tells Mike that Sonny is back in town. Mike is desperate; Carly says he needs to tell his son his secret. Mike leaves. Carly goes up to check on Zander, who is destroying his room. He tells her that all is lost with Emily. She tries to tell him it’s not that bad, but he isn’t hearing any of it. She explains that she can relate because they are very similar people, comforts him and then, next thing Carly knows, Zander is kissing her! And she is kissing him back!

Zander and Carly are kissing passionately, until Zander breaks off. He apologizes profusely, mortified that he would kiss Sonny’s wife. Carly forgives him, excusing his behavior because he was hurt and not thinking clearly. She understands completely; he wanted to hurt himself, and she’s lived her whole life that way. As she bandages his hand (he’s bleeding from smashing a picture of him and Emily), she lists her past sins - seducing her mother’s husband, conceiving a child while drunk, and sleeping with the best friend of the man she loved. We’re alike, Carly says, but you have more self-control. Zander says that before Emily his life was nothing; how does he keep from going back to being the terrible person he once was? Carly says she’s still working on that herself. She suggests they make a pact to keep each other from doing crazy things. It’s a deal, Zander says. She starts helping him clean up the room he trashed. The phone rings. It’s Sonny, thanking Zander for telling him about Mike and Janine. He asks Zander to keep looking after Carly and stop her from doing crazy things. No problem, says Zander.

Carly cajoles Zander into helping her hang her Christmas decorations. However, Zander is uncomfortable in Carly's company because of the kiss. Carly urges him to forget Emily and get on with his life. Sonny shows up with presents for Michael. Sonny acts surprised to see Zander at Carly's, but later explains to him that he had to pretend in order for Carly not to suspect what is really going on. Zander starts to feel torn by conflicting emotions after Sonny reminds him not to let Carly know he's been assigned to keep an eye on her. Alone with her soon-to-be ex hubby, Carly asks Sonny if he remains interested in adopting Michael despite his growing relationship with Alexis; Carly doesn't think Alexis is very maternal. Sonny assures Carly that he and Alexis remain only friends and he has no plan to make Alexis Michael's stepmother. But the damage is done and Sonny leaves upset by Carly's attitude. Alone with Zander again, Carly berates herself for saying hurtful things to Sonny, and asks Zander to stop her from doing it again, by reminding her that SHE LET Sonny go.

Lucky is in Jake's playing pool when Katlin, the girl he danced with at Gia and Nik's engagement party, approaches him. He turns her down, saying that he is madly in love with Liz. Zander then comes over and tells Lucky that he talked to Emily. Lucky admits that he knew about Em's new love but wanted Em to tell Zander herself. Zander then says that love doesn't happen for people like him. Lucky tells him that if him and Liz can make it through her faking her death and the trouble Helena gave them, that Zander and Em can make it through this too. Zander doesn't believe him and leaves.

On the side of a road, Zander comes across a broken-down car and the driver, a young blonde, is jumpy and fond of a tire iron. She makes up a story about her boyfriend, Spike, who went to get help. Zander offers to help but doesn’t want to step on Spike’s toes. Courtney, as she introduces herself finally, admits she made up the story about Spike and accepts help from Zander. Turns out she is in town looking for someone, Janine. Zander offers to take her to his friend, his boss, who knows a lot of people in Port Charles. Zander brings Courtney to the penthouse to meet Sonny.

Courtney desperately tries to get her car started. AJ comes along and offers to help her. A frustrated Courtney wonders out loud why so many people in Port Charles like to stick their nose into other people's business. Just then Zander shows up and tells AJ to leave. AJ warns Court that Zander is a loser and tells Zander to tell Sonny he isn't done with him yet.

New Year’s Eve at the Grille, Carly set Zander up on a blind date with Mandy. She said he had to get on with his life. He asked what she would be doing on New Year's Eve and she said she would be conceptualizing, imaging what her new club would look like. Just then Alexis and Sonny walked in and things get tense. Carly is civil and tells them how she tried to set Zander up on a date with Mandy. She leaves gracefully. Sonny gives Zander some cash for his date. Sonny says he owes him for the good job he’s doing taking care of Carly. At Carly’s club, Zander shows up with hot dogs and beers and offers to keep Carly company. Zander tells Carly he thought she might want some company after seeing Sonny with Alexis. She thanks him for coming by and decides it is okay for him to stick around. She even stops working for a bit to dance with him. At the stroke of midnight, Zander & Carly look at each other. Carly gives Zander a friendly peck on the cheek and wishes him good luck finding a new love in 2002.

Mike came to Jake's looking for Zander. Mike demanded that Zander tell him exactly where Courtney was located. Zander, being the loyal employee, told him no, absolutely not. Mike started to get hot and blasts Zander for bringing Courtney to Sonny instead of him when he first found her. Carly came to save both of them. She asked Mike to back off while she talked to Zander. However, Mike or his situation did not move Zander. Carly went back to Mike and told him to back off for now until he either goes directly to Sonny or Carly will ask Sonny the next time he visits Michael. Mike reluctantly agrees but told Carly that if this does not work then he will be forced to take a stronger approach. Carly’s suspicions are aroused and she questions Zander’s motives for spending time with her. She asks if he is keeping tabs on her per Sonny’s orders. Zander denies the question saying he admires her and likes working with her. Zander and Carly make plans to go out on the town.

Carly has tried to fix up Zander with a blind date.. Nicole. Yet, Zander finds a way to rid himself of her. He tells Carly that he is not ready for a new relationship with anyone. He teases her about her being available and free too. She tells Zander that there will NEVER be another Sonny. When Carly and Zander leave The GRILL to go to her office, she discusses the kind of club that she wants to open. She tells him that he would be perfect to help her. He remembers that he has parked his car on the curb so he leaves to move it. The guy who had confronted Alexis at THE GRILL shows up in Carly's office. Sonny has said that this guy named Roscoe is a dangerous cohort of Sorel's. Roscoe ominously tells Carly that they are going to get to know each other really well. He’s apparently taken over Sorel’s turf and is making his rounds and soliciting clients for his protection racket. Carly’s shaken, but manages to sound cool when she tells him his services won’t be needed. She introduces herself as Mrs. Carly Corinthos, but unfortunately Roscoe mentions that Sonny isn’t worried about his ex-wife since he’s currently having dinner with his very attractive attorney. Carly tells him again to get lost as Zander walks in and backs her up. Roscoe makes note of the teen and issues a veiled threat as he leaves. Zander thinks this is something that Sonny should be made aware of, but Carly tries to brush the encounter off. Later as they walk back into the office, Carly notices that the lights are off and Zander immediately suspects something’s up. BINGO – Zander is jumped from behind and roughed up, then Roscoe and his goons make sure Carly sees them as they tell her she’ll have another chance to hire them. Zander doesn’t want Carly to call Sonny to tell him what happened because he’s tired of women protecting him and he wants to stand on his own two feet.

Carly is in her office at her new club when she gets a visitor. One of Sorel's top henchmen is trying to make a name for himself and decides to go after Sonny's women. He met with Alexis previously and Sonny drove him off now he's onto Carly. He makes a play for her but Zander walks in and tells him to leave. After some veiled threats, he leaves and Carly is shaken a little. Zander tells her he will protect her and wants to take her home. Carly says she won't be scared into leaving and she has some measurements to take in the club before she goes home. Zander insists on staying with her and checks the hall for the henchmen before they leave. They arrive at the club and all of the lights are off. Carly remembers leaving them on and suspects something is wrong. Zander goes in first and gets jumped by two men. They beat him up and Carly finally decides to turn on the light after they leave. She runs to Zander just as the mean return with a warning. He wants money next time or else. After they leave again, Carly wants to take Zander to the hospital but he refuses. Then she tries to call Sonny but Zander hangs up the phone. He wants to fight his own battles and not involve anyone else for a change.

Carly arrives at Sonny's. She tells Sonny how Roscoe tried to shake her down. Sonny chastises Carly for putting herself at risk as she was in a bad area, basically alone, and without a security system. Carly warns Sonny that Zander is heading into trouble. She thinks he is going to confront Roscoe himself. Sonny rushes off and Alexis accuses Carly of deliberately getting into trouble. Carly decides to wait for her cab despite Sonny's warnings.

Wandering the docks alone at night, a miserable Elizabeth bumps into Zander and asks how he handled getting dumped by the woman he loved.

Zander is very brusque with her, and Liz thinks it is payback for not backing his and Emily’s romance. Zander is expecting Roscoe, but he fails to get rid of Liz, before the enforcer shows up. Roscoe warns Zander that this is the big leagues and now his ‘friends will pay for the disrespect’. Roscoe threatens Elizabeth with a knife. Lucky approaches Roscoe from behind and manages to disarm him. He and Zander wrestle the thug to the ground. Sonny arrives to find a subdued Roscoe and takes matters into his own hands to punish the man who threatened Carly and injured Zander. Liz and Lucky take off and Lucky asks Liz to tell HIM what she couldn’t tell Bobbie. Sonny calls Zander on the carpet for NOT calling him immediately. Carly arrives and Sonny presses Zander to take her home. Zander tells Sonny that he no longer wants to guard Carly because of their budding friendship. Sonny insists that he needs him and is grateful for the great job he is doing. When Carly plays nurse maid to his wounds, Zander grows more uncomfortable with his obvious attraction to her.

Relying on her own experience, Carly advises Zander not to question Sonny about how he handled Roscoe. She also tells him that Sonny would be just as happy if he chose to go to school. Zander tells her he is where he wants to be, doing what he wants to do. However, his injuries interfere with his attempt to help Carly straighten up her office. She nags him until he agrees to go to the doctor. On his way to get an x-ray, Zander bumps into Alan, who assumes Zander has come to see Edward and harass him. Zander expresses concern about Edward's health, not because he cares but because Edward's death would cause Emily pain. Alan mentions he might bring Emily home because of Edward's condition, but asks Zander not to approach Emily if he does. Zander says he would only see Emily if SHE asked. Before departing, Zander tells Alan that though he might not like Edward, he respects him because he understands that Edward's actions are about protecting his family.

Carly and AJ argued in the park fiercely. Carly started swinging at AJ. At that moment a stranger came out of nowhere and grabbed Carly from AJ. Carly demanded that this man let her go. Then Zander arrived at the park to save Carly. AJ knew the stranger and identified him as a cop. This cop asked AJ if he wanted to press charges against Carly? Carly started to blast AJ again. AJ told the cop no so he went on his way. AJ had to get in a few more digs but Zander was there to hold Carly off. AJ left. Zander convinced Carly to let it go for now but she was determined to help Courtney stay away from AJ. As time passed an idea came to Carly. She wanted to use Zander to keep Courtney occupied and away from AJ.

At her club, Carly gives Zander fashion advice and tells him he has to look like he has money if he is going to steal Courtney from A.J. Zander declines to participate in Carly’s scheme, even for Sonny’s sake. Carly assures Zander that Courtney would choose him over AJ-after all Zander is younger and better looking. Zander tells Carly he would just about anything for her but not this. Carly says then she will have to try and warn the girl herself-again. Zander points out that Courtney will not take her advice any better now than she did before. Carly thanks Zander for being such a good friend and for stopping her from making a fool of herself. She goes on to say that Sonny probably wouldn’t appreciate it anyways, since he no longer cares what she does. Her 'poor little me' attitude prompts Zander in to confessing that he's been looking out for Carly-on orders from Sonny-since he first befriended her.

Carly is understandably upset that Sonny has been paying Zander to spy on her. He doesn’t want me in business with Jax, she rants; he doesn’t think I’m smart enough. The ever-loyal Zander says Sonny’s intentions were good. He’s trying to control me, Carly sums it up, and you were wrong to pretend to be my friend. Zander professes the friendship to be real and says he hopes he hasn’t messed it up. Carly admits she’s only had three friends in her life, and since he’s the only one still around, she’ll keep him. She thanks him for telling her the truth and tries to dissuade him from telling Sonny about this conversation. Then she wants to know if Zander reported back to Sonny her feelings about him. Zander says he never told his boss any personal stuff, and he points out that if they’re to remain friends, she can’t second-guess everything he says from now on. Carly agrees, and Zander leaves. Carly calls Jax and says she’s decided to burn down the club for the insurance money.

Zander arrives at Sonny's penthouse to talk to him about Carly. Zander comes in and tells Sonny that Carly knows what he’s been doing because he told her. Sonny is furious that Zander didn’t follow his orders and fires him from the warehouse job and spy gig on the spot. Then he tells him to get out! After an angry Zander leaves, Alexis tells Sonny she’s ready to express her feelings. She points out that Zander has always been loyal to him and followed his “code” by coming to him with the truth. His reward? You treat him like an incompetent and fire him, Alexis says. She observes that Sonny is incapable of making allowances for other people’s choices. You go on and on and on about your holy truth, while being a big fat hypocrite by assigning Zander to lie to Carly, Alexis tells him. I think you stink, she declares and storms out. Carly gives Jax a quick tour of her club and then comes into the backroom to find Zander there. She asks how his meeting with Sonny went. Zander says it went fine. Carly knows he is lying and figures out that Sonny fired him. Zander says it's not a big deal but Carly reminds him that he needs a job. She then comes up with the plan that he can work for her at the club as security. Zander doesn't give her an answer.

Carly tells Zander she would never use him. Zander starts in again how he has something to tell her. She suggests he just come out with it. He thanks her for helping him get over Emily. She doesn’t understand. Sonny shows up. First up, he talks to Zander. He sort of apologizes; at least, he respects Zander’s truth-telling and offers him his job back. Zander turns him down because he doesn’t want to ever tell Sonny things that Carly wouldn’t want him to know. Alone, Carly & Sonny talk. She tells him how she doesn’t appreciate him having someone check up on her. He admits to her that someday he hopes he doesn’t step on the feelings of people who care about him. Carly says he is a good man and getting better every day. Zander overhears their tender exchange. When Sonny leaves, Carly finally asks Zander to spit out what he’s been trying to say. He finally says she is his best friend. She says the feeling is mutual and they hug.

Zander gives a jittery Carly her very first very driving lesson in an empty parking lot at the mall. Things start off well and he convinces her to move the lesson on to the open road. They are moving along fine, Carly manages to change gears and speed up, but she suddenly pulls up short after seeing a car accident. Zander drives Carly home and manages to get her to confide how a friend's death in a car crash badly traumatized her. Carly gives Zander the details of how her best friend (in high school) the REAL Carly died after being hit by a drunk driver-right before her eyes. Carly tells him that she herself had been in the car, but her friends where pulling a joke on her and took off when she went for a sweater. Carly (or Caroline as she was known then) feels guilty because as they where leaving she yelled at them that she hoped they ‘crashed and burned'-which they promptly did. Carly goes on to tell Zander that she reached the wreckage first, and found her friend covered in blood. All in all it was a pretty traumatic experience for her-she has hated cars ever since.

As Zander comforts Carly about her best friend’s fatal car accident, their faces come into kissing distance. “Don’t you know how I feel about you, Carly?” Zander murmurs. Yes, she says, the same way she feels . . . they’re best friends. A fact he might want to rethink, she adds, going on about how she stole her best friend’s name and trashed it by all the bad things she’s done since then. Zander defends her personality, reminding her that she saved his life when she jumped Sorrel when he was about to shoot him. He tells Carly to let the accident go; he’ll help her do that. He points out that she keeps fighting even when it hurts and she’s a better person than she thinks. Carly says she wants to set a good example for Michael and she also learned a lot from Sonny. But I’m far from perfect, she modestly adds. Me, too, Zander says, which is probably the reason we’re such good friends. Oh, I thought that was because Sonny paid you to be my friend, Carly teases. Do you get a bonus when you keep me from doing something crazy or try to teach me to drive? she kids. Zander again says she never gives up and he’ll prove it. Then we see them back in Zander’s car with Carly behind the wheel, trying to master the art of shifting. She and Zander shift together, their hands touching, giving Zander an obvious charge, but all Carly feels is how “cool and terrifying” it is to drive.

Jax comes to Carly's club to find Zander. Jax starts to talk about how nice it would be for Sonny to be brought down. Zander gets angry because he thinks Jax is using Carly to get to Sonny. Jax tells him no. Jax then goes on the say he needs someone on the inside to help him. He offers Zander 5 million dollars for info that would bring Sonny down. Carly walks in and hears Jax. She tells Jax to leave. She then goes to the phone to call Sonny but Zander stops her. Zander tells her that he wants to set Jax up. Carly thinks it's a great idea and the two kiss.

Carly and Zander share a passionate kiss. When they finally separate, they stare at each other for a moment. Then Zander apologizes and starts to leave. Carly won’t let him; we need to talk about this, she insists. Zander says it’s getting very hard for him to be around her. Nothing can happen between them, because that would mean he’s disloyal to Sonny. You’re his wife, he tells her. “I’m no such thing!” Carly declares, pointing out that she’s Sonny’s EX-wife, an adult, and starting a club without his help. You’re not over him yet, Zander observes. Carly says she wants to move on with her life, but everyone still sees her as the property of Sonny Corinthos. She storms out.

Carly exits the elevator and promptly makes a scene upon realizing that Sonny sent Alexis flowers for Valentine's. She insists on having Alexis present during a discussion with Sonny over the divorce agreement. Once in Sonny’s PH she pretty much accuses Sonny of getting on with his life while preventing her from doing the same. After a little prodding, Carly confesses that she has kissed and been kissed by “a great guy” and is considering going farther, but wants to know where the lines are drawn with Sonny. Sonny angrily tells Carly he doesn’t care who she spends her time with “Take the guy on a pool table in the middle of Jake’s-It’s none of my business anymore”. An embarrassed Alexis tries to excuse herself, but Carly storms out instead.

Worried about Alexis, Kristina asks Zander how risky it is getting close to Sonny. Zander assumes that Kristina is asking on her own behalf and she does not deny it. Zander tells Kristina that ANYONE who tries to come between Sonny and Carly is just asking for hurt because Sonny will never get over Carly.

At Zander’s place, Carly tells Zander she is going to throw herself an “I’m free” party and Zander is the only guest. She is going to throw caution to the wind, go crazy and wild. She flirts with him and “extends an invitation.” Zander is really interested, but isn’t going to go through with it. He explains that Carly & Sonny are still in love and he doesn’t want to be used and he doesn’t want to be disloyal to Sonny. He tries to get it through her thick skull that Sonny still loves her, regardless of what he says or does. Carly says she is ready to move on in her life, whether it is with Zander or someone else. Sonny shows up at Zander’s door and accuses him of doing a bad job at keeping an eye on Carly. Zander realizes that Sonny knows Carly kissed someone, but that Sonny thinks that person was Jax.

Carly is at the gym. First, she trips. Then, she starts lifting weights that are too heavy. Kristina shows up to help save her and then asks a favor. She wants to know what is up with Carly & Sonny. Carly loudly announces that she is free and looking to fly and she’s excited to see what’s out there. All the guys at the gym applaud.

Sonny probed Zander further about who had kissed his wife. Sonny asked, Zander why are you stalling? Zander was about to come forth when Carly stormed into Zander's room and demanded why Sonny was asking Zander who kissed her. Aren't we finished? Can't I just do the guy on the pool table like you mentioned to me before? What's up Sonny? Sonny asked Zander to leave and he complied after he asked Sonny not to trash Carly in his place. Sonny began to rag on Carly a little bit. He brought up the past and how self-destructive she had been. Sonny told her that he felt she was trying to ruin her life for some reason. Carly told him that she had waited long enough and she was ready to be with someone. Carly informed Sonny that she had kissed a stranger at a bar. She let him hit on her because he validated her as a woman. So what are you saying that that is self-destructive? Carly and Sonny became very close in proximity.Sonny opened the door and left. Zander came in and asked Carly what kind of games she was playing. Zander asked exactly how Sonny came by the knowledge that she was kissed at all. Carly admitted to telling Sonny because she was so upset with him. Zander informed Carly that he no longer wanted to play the poor stupid jerk that you use to get back at Sonny. Carly grabbed her purse and charged out of the room. Zander is furious with Carly for telling Sonny that" a stranger" had kissed her. He asks Carly what kind of ruthless game is she playing. He is angry and hurt because he senses that she has used him to "get back at Sonny". Zander tells Carly to leave and to have a good life.

A moody Zander kicks over a garbage can and sees he has broken a mirror. As he stares into the cracked glass, he catches sight of Carly behind him. He turns around and storms over to her, grabbing her arm and telling her to leave him alone. Then he sees it’s really a shocked Kristina he has a hold of. He lets go and apologizes. Why does he want what he shouldn’t? he moans. Kristina says she understands exactly. She feels like she’s betraying Alexis. Zander tells her to have Alexis back away from Sonny. He says it’s possible to ignore your feelings; you just have to shove them way down inside. He leaves suddenly, with Kristina calling after him to be careful.

Jax wants to know what Carly told Sonny that made the mobster think he was out to hurt his ex-wife. Carly says it’s none of his business. “Have you been kissing your ex-husband’s most loyal little foot soldier?” Jax asks. He tells Carly she deserves better than Sonny and again wants to know what she did that made Sonny so angry. Carly admits she told Sonny she kissed another man; she was mad because he gave Alexis flowers for Valentine’s Day. Of course, Sonny went straight to Zander for more details, she adds. Why would Zander know anything? Jax asks. Because he’s supposed to be keeping an eye on me for Sonny, Carly replies, causing Jax to roll his eyes in disbelief. “This is a very unhealthy break-up,” Jax tells her. Carly acts concerned that Zander is caught in the middle. An astute Jax observes that there was a time when she’d have kissed Sonny’s protégé just to hurt him, but not now; she’s not the old Carly. Kristina comes in, and Jax leaves. Kristina asks Carly how the dating game is going.

Zander enters Sonny's office, eager for Sonny to give him some bogus information to feed Jax. Sonny says he’s not worried about Jax and wants to know why Zander is so desperate about the situation. Zander says he didn’t like that Jax saw him as a weak person who could be used. He showed you no respect, Sonny agrees, but he points out that he knows Zander would never do anything against him. “I have to tell you something about me and Carly,” Zander says. Kristina arrives to see Carly at the club, and wonders what is going on between Carly & Zander. Carly can’t believe that Kristina is actually there, asking these questions. But, finally, she says nothing is going on. Kristina suggests she tell this news to Zander, informing her how upset he was on the docks. Carly grabs her coat and heads out to find Zander.

Sonny asks Zander for more details about the kissing guy. He explains that Carly’s behavior is self-destructive and he wants to save Michael. Zander gets angry and tells Sonny his assessment of Carly’s behavior is all wrong and then wonders why Sonny really cares so much. “Why not take her back if you care so much?” Zander asks. Sonny is not happy that his lackey has an attitude or an opinion and tells Zander he is acting defensive and should mind his own business. Sonny does not like what he is hearing at all. Then he starts in on if Jax was the kisser, then Carly lied straight to his face and if so, then everything is over. Carly has come here and is standing outside the door, but bursts in and promises Sonny that next time she kisses someone, he won’t know about it, that she only told him because she was hurt about the flowers sent to Alexis. Sonny grabs his coat and tells Zander he doesn’t pay him enough as he walks out. Alone with Zander, Carly realizes that he didn’t own up to being the kisser because he was trying to save her, not because he didn’t want to lose his job or Sonny’s loyalty. She is grateful. He doesn’t want her gratitude, he just didn’t want to be the reason why she & Sonny could never get back together. He is fed up, though, and tells her he is through.

Kristina is on the docks by herself when an angry Zander approaches her. He blasts her for going to Carly about the kiss. Kris defends herself, saying that she did it to protect Alexis. Zander tells Kris that him and Carly are through because Carly and Sonny still love each other. He goes on to tell her that Alexis knows what she is getting herself into with Sonny. Zander then tells her that he understands what it's like to be so loyal to someone that you forget about your own feelings. Ned approaches the two and watches them share a tender moment.

Bobbie shows up at Carly's club and Carly asks her mom for advice. She tells Bobbie that she used Zander to make Sonny jealous and that Zander no longer wants to be her friend. Bobbie suggests that Carly back off for a while and let Zander have his space. Carly agrees but later calls Zander. Zander stands by the phone and listens as Carly leaves a message, saying she is sorry for what she did and that she misses him. Zander shows up and tells Sonny he quits. Sonny talks him out of that notion by telling Zander that with Courtney still missing he needs to buy some time by getting Jax off his back for a while. Sonny wants Zander to go ahead and try to convince Jax that he has turned on Sonny. Telling the youngster that sticking as close to the truth as possible is always a good thing, they try to come up with a reason for Zander to turn on Sonny that Jax will believe. Sonny suggests that a good reason would be Carly. Zander is stunned for a moment (could Sonny know?) until Sonny says for him to convince Jax that Zander resents having to baby-sit her. Zander is relived and goes off with a promise to do his best and Sonny’s praise for his trustworthiness ringing in his ears.

Skye arrives at Carly’s office looking for Jax. Carly informs her that if she is looking for him to help AJ, it’s too late. Skye tries to leave, but upon seeing her reaction, Carly restrains her and demands to know what AJ is up to. Skye demands Carly unhand her, to no avail and they appear headed for a real knock’em down, drag’em out fight (or at least the female version) when Zander interrupts and separates them. Zander has to physically separate Carly and Skye as the two women are about to come to blows. After intervening on Skye’s behalf, Zander and Carly decide to tail Skye. Courtney prepares to sneak out dressed as a maintenance worker, but Skye arrives with a dire warning for AJ. Carly and Zander force their way in shortly after. Though Courtney manages to stay out of sight, AJ’s plans are derailed when the duo insist on accompanying him to the lobby when AJ tries to tell them he was on his way out.

Zander tells Carly that he came to the club in hopes of finding Jax there. Carly admits to him that she used their kiss to make Sonny jealous and that she is sorry she did it. Zander tells her that he is happy working for Sonny and that he won't ruin that. He also tells her that he only wants to be her friend, if that. Carly begs for a second chance, saying that she doesn't want to give up what she had with Zander. Zander doesn't want to hear of it.

Club 101 is the creation of Carly Corinthos. Ms. Corinthos, wearing an elegant black dress with spaghetti straps, was on hand to greet guests as they entered the club. First to arrive was that hot young stud Zander with a mystery date in a fuchsia dress. Carly pulls him over to the bar for a drink. She tells him she’s so glad he came, because she really needed a friend tonight. Then he introduces her to his date, Kate the med student. They go off to dance, leaving Carly alone at the bar, Carly watches them throughout the evening.

Carly lights up when Sonny finally arrives. He compliments her on the club and comments that it's not as "in your face" as he expected and admits that he sometimes misses that attitude. Zander and Carly dance together. Susan Diol plays the role of Alexis today, while Nancy Lee Grahn is off with pneumonia. Ned, Kristina, Skye, Jax, Carly, Nikolas, Gia, etc. all watch AJ with Courtney. Alexis tries to keep Sonny from doing something drastic. Sonny starts seeing blurry. Zander insults Courtney's intelligence for falling for AJ. Courtney calls Zander a "lackey" (for Sonny). AJ brings up Emily. Carly corners Courtney in the bathroom to bash AJ. Alexis comes in the bathroom & gives her 2 cents, then Bobbie comes in and gives her some more advice. Zander asks Sonny if he should "take care of AJ". Kristina wants to know if Alexis is still mad at her, she says no. Courtney asks AJ if he really likes her or if he's trying to get back at Sonny. He kisses her, and Sonny glares. Everyone is looking. Sonny is furious and heads over to do something about it. Alexis tries to calm him down. Carly tries to stop him. Skye tries to stop her brother. Everything is happening in slow motion.

Finally, Zander steps up and punches AJ. The boys scuffle. The women scream. In the end, AJ is bloody and Courtney is upset. Taggert yells at Zander; Carly & Alexis try to prevent an arrest. AJ finally says he isn’t going to press charges. Sonny once again warns Courtney to stay away from AJ. AJ makes a speech thanking Carly and saying he was sorry that things went wrong, blah blah blah. Then, he collapses. Skye calls for help. Once AJ is taken to the hospital, the club shuts down basically. Most people leave. Jax congratulates Carly and then tells Zander their deal is off, it is obvious that his loyalties remain to Sonny. Jax is surprised that Skye hasn’t gone to hold AJ’s hand at the hospital. Skye lets him have it and tells him he has no idea what it is like to be a loser, how great it must be to be so blessed and privileged. She is very bitter.

Zander offers to pay for the damage he caused at the club, but Carly assures him that it's she and Sonny who owe him for saving Sonny from an assault charge. Carly is determined to put an end to A.J.'s manipulations of Courtney, but when she says as much to Zander he warns her that Sonny will handle it and any interference from her will only end badly for Sonny. But since that never stops her, she starts to formulate a plan as soon as Zander leaves.

Carly finds Zander at her club and asks him “How far are you willing you go with me?” Zander asks Carly to be more specific about what she meant when she said “How far are you willing to go with me?”. Carly explains that Sonny has a problem and SHE has come up with a solution. She wants Zander to help her “put the screws to Skye”. Carly explains her plan to Zander. She wants him to help her dig up something on Skye that they can use against her to get Skye to help find out where Courtney is. Zander tries to reason with Carly and talk her out of another crazy idea. Carly tells Zander she isn’t stupid; she managed to make a club out of an old run-down building, and she will make the plan work too. It appears Carly is gaining ground as Zander considers her words. Zander wants to know if SONNY asked Carly to help. Carly declares that it doesn’t matter and insists that they need to use Skye to get to AJ. She then asks Zander “Are you with me or not?”. Zander worries that illegal activities stemming from Carly’ plan could land him back in jail-a place he has no desire to revisit. Carly is given pause for thought when Zander points out that Michael would suffer if Carly were the one to end up in jail. When Zander presses, Carly admits that though she’s tried, she can’t get over Sonny and is willing to risk it all to help him out. Zander tells Carly that if she really loves Sonny like she says then she should respect his wishes and decisions. He also reminds her that Sonny has certain rules that he takes to heart and breaking them will only drive a wedge between her and Sonny. Carly doesn’t want a lecture from Zander. Before leaving the office, Zander advises Carly to leave the situation alone and let Sonny deal with in his own way.

Skye arrives at Carly’s office and meekly (at least for her) asks if Jax is around. Equally surprising is Carly’s smile and friendly invitation for Skye to “come in, sit down”. Skye is looking for Jax. He isn’t there but Carly uses the opportunity to try to get information about AJ’s whereabouts. Carly foolishly tries to appeal to Skye, but it doesn’t work. Skye isn’t convinced that AJ is any more unsafe a choice than Sonny and she refuses to help.

Skye is out walking alone on the property when someone grabs her from behind and throws her into a shed, locking it behind her. It is Carly!! Carly does return to let her out, but she finds NO Skye.

Sonny is on the phone again while he paces back and forth in Carly’s living room. Carly arrives downstairs, (in a silky red nightgown) and Sonny thanks her for the use of the sofa. Carly tells him she is glad he finally slept and adds that he is welcome to the sofa “anytime” he needs it. Michael bounds down the stairs, and excited that “Uncle Sonny” is still there quickly offer to make him a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Afterward, Sonny is amazed when Carly tells him that she thinks they should give up on Skye helping to get Courtney back. Sonny reiterates that it is the best shot they have at the moment, but gets a bit suspicious and asks why she suddenly wants to give up. Unable to bring herself to tell Sonny what she has done, Carly claims that she just wouldn’t trust anything Skye tells them. Michael returns and coaxes Sonny outside to look at his tomato plants. Zander arrives and gets Carly back under suspicion when he comments thank heaven she didn’t do anything crazy last night after all. A comment that Sonny overhears and demands an explanation for. Carly’s skills at lying come in handy as she tells Sonny that it was just hot air and Zander deflated her. Sonny leaves, but does NOT look totally convinced by Carly’s tale. Once alone with Zander, Carly confesses all. Zander is amazed and hopes Carly’s stunt doesn’t come back to bit someone on the butt. Carly assures Zander that Skye couldn’t possibly have seen who locked her in, so she can’t cause trouble, it basically just amounted to a harmless prank. She asks Zander not to tell Sonny, since it appears she and her ex-hubby have come to some sort of understanding and could be on the verge of reconciliation. For some crazy reason Zander agrees not to tell Sonny anything.

Carly is nervous about her driving test. Zander arranges chairs in the living room to do a run through so she will know what to expect during the test. He warns her these guys will be watching every move she makes so she needs to be prepared for it. She laughs that she was married to Sonny Corinthos (implying that after that no one else is going to intimidate her!). Zander acts out the role of driving evaluator using a heavy NY accent. Carly worries to Zander about the consequences of her locking Skye up in the boathouse. Can he teach her not to fly off and lose her temper and do crazy things? He assures her that she will be fine that she is just nervous about the test. Carly and Zander hear the news on the radio about Sonny's arrest and head to the PD. Carly walks into the PCPD and interrupts all the drama when she says she is the one who did it!

Carly’s statement is meet with less than belief by Taggart, Skye and Mac (who has suddenly appeared in the scene). Jax has a flashback of Carly arriving in her office boasting of having gotten the better of Skye, but DOES NOT say anything. Sonny tries to stop Carly from making matters worse and even tries to get Alexis to give Carly an alibi. Alexis does admit to seeing Carly on the Q grounds, but can neither deny nor confirm Carly’s activities. Carly insists that she is the guilty party, but Zander urges her to keep quiet as it is only making matters worse. Zander tries to persuade Skye to drop her charges by appealing to her sense of fair place (as if). He reminds her that she has also made mistakes-like the one that put Emily on a bus and directly in to a wheelchair. He points out that Emily quickly and graciously forgave her. Nice try, says Skye, but I’m not letting Sonny off the hook.

A tearful Skye tells Dara about her ordeal. When Dara asks if Skye knows who is responsible, Skye tells her that she's sure PC’s most notorious mobster-Sonny-was responsible. Alexis jumps in and asks how Skye knows, did she see or hear Sonny that night? Aware that Jax is watching and has threatened to expose her if she lies, Skye is forced to admit that not only did she NOT see or hear Sonny or any of his men-she didn’t see or hear ANYONE at all. Dara informs Alexis that her client is free to go, as there are NO grounds for holding him. Upset, Skye runs into the squad room (and straight towards Sonny) screaming that they can’t let Sonny go because his is going to kill AJ. Sadly Taggart informs her that the have no grounds for holding him, as Skye watches Alexis and Sonny leave the room. Carly races after Sonny, but when she catches up to him outside the station, he brushes her off saying that he has important matters to take care of. Zander warns Carly to leave Sonny alone and tells her that if she ignores his advice again it will be the last advice she gets from him. Carly’s reaction to that statement is to brush his arm off and go after Sonny anyways.

Outside the penthouse, Ned bashes Alexis for betraying his trust as Zander and Kristina exit the elevator. They hear Ned tell Alexis that he will never trust her again and coldly tell her to go after Sonny; since it is obvious she really wants too. He also adds that AJ's death will be on her conscience. Kris gets in Ned's face over his treatment of her sister. They move the conversation back into the PH, where Ned continues to bash Alexis, while Zander and Kristina try to convince him that Alexis must have felt she didn’t have a choice. Once Ned leaves, Zander and Kris try to put the pieces together. Zander says that he thinks Ned is just jealous because he still loves Alexis and she choose Sonny over him. Kris accuses him of sour grapes-because of Carly. Kris wonders-if Ned loves Alexis why didn’t he marry her. Zander reminds her that ALEXIS left Ned at the alter, then asks how deeply she is involved with Ned herself. Luke advises Carly to stop blaming others for her choices. He also tells her that he doesn’t hate her, but adds that he only accepts her because Bobbie cares for her. Later, Luke tries to chase Carly away with rudeness, but Carly won’t go. She tells him that she does take responsibility for her actions. Luke tells her it’s not just about apologizing, but she must also learn from her mistakes and change. Carly leaves a message for Bobbie and finally leaves the club.

Down on the docks, Zander finds Carly sitting on bench, crying. Zander wonders if Carly is okay. She is annoyed with herself and dares Zander to say, “I told you so.” She tells him that Luke got to her and that Luke was right in telling her that she will always find a way to destroy her life. They lament the way they act in some situations, but Carly insists for the countless time that Sonny doesn’t matter to her anymore, that she isn’t going to do anything to help him anymore. Zander tells her that Sonny & Alexis have flown to the Caribbean after AJ. Carly is interested! She is worried that Sonny is making this whole thing with AJ personal, something he always warned her about. Carly says a part of her is interested in going after Sonny, but she won’t. Maybe this is what it likes to think something through, she wonders. She is staying put. Zander has a head wound and Monica is sort of nice to him and patches him up. Maxie bonded with Zander. She shares with Zander the story of her heart transplant. Montage of kissing scenes shown for the 10,000 anniversary episode - including Emily & Zander scenes (I did not include the whole episode but do have it available).

On the docks, Liz angrily throws items that Lucky gave her-included her coat-into the harbor unaware that Zander is sitting near by and can see her. Zander lends a sympathetic ear as Liz unburdens her feelings. As Liz vents she realizes that despite the pain, she is glad that everything is out in the open and that she and Lucky can stop trying so hard. She thanks Zander for being a friend even though she hasn’t always been very nice to him. Zander explains that when Emily broke up with him all he wanted was for someone to listen and sympathize, so he understands what she is going through.

Carly tells Zander that she had kept her cool and distance from Sonny because of him. She buys a pool table and wants to take him out for dinner to show her appreciation. In the mean time, a rather perturbed Kristina tells Zander "You were right. Ned just wanted me because I do not have the baggage Alexis has." She infers that NOW will be a great time for him to put the move on Carly. He says, "When the time is right, moves are made." Carly shows up at the penthouse, finds the door unlocked. She goes upstairs and is shocked to see the reflection of Sonny and Alexis in bed together, Carly backs up and leaves hurriedly. She is unaware that she has dropped Michael's birthday card and it has fluttered under the furniture. She runs out, and heads to Zander's. She finds a shirtless Zander asleep in his room. Zander wakes and is pleased to find Carly kissing him. He questions her timing but Carly assures him that now that she is done chasing Sonny, she has finally seen what is in front of her-HIM. After some passionate kissing and a few discarded clothing items-hers, Carly lets slip that she just caught Sonny in bed with Alexis. Upset at learning that he is being used, Zander breaks the pool cue she gave him and kicks Carly out. Lucky breaks up a potential fight between Zander and some man about a ding on Zander’s car. Lucky pulls him away and Zander starts ranting about beautiful women, giving up on women how terrible women are etc. Lucky wonders what he is ranting about. Zander ends up telling Sarah that whoever her he is her boyfriend isn’t good enough for her. Lucky tells him to leave her alone. Zander doesn’t back off and Lucky grapples with him all the way out the door. The two men fight violently. They finally separate on their own and start laughing and shake hands as Sarah watches. Lucky lets Zander know who Sarah is and the two men talk about the bad year. They go in for coffee and Lucky tries to find out who the lady in question was. They hear about the accident upon hearing the description of the car, Zander goes rushing out. Zander starts pounding on the door to Sonny's penthouse. Zander starts ranting about Carly and how she drives a sport coup. Zander tells Sonny about Carly getting her license etc. Sonny questions Zander on why he believes that it was Carly's car that went into the lake. Zander is hesitant to explain to Sonny and Alexis why Carly was so upset when she left his place the night before. Sonny orders Zander to keep looking for Carly and contact him as soon as he knows something. After Zander leaves, Alexis offers to help by making calls to see what she can find out. Sonny, apparently in denial, claims there is no need as he is sure Carly is fine, then calmly goes to make cappuccino.

Zander shows up at Kelly's looking for Carly, but only manages to alarm Bobbie. Realizing this Zander doesn’t reveal what he suspects about the accident or the fact that Carly was extremely upset the night before. Jax also realizes something is wrong and tries to reassure Bobbie by claiming that HE is mistaken about the day he are Carly where to meet. Outside Jax confronts Zander about his lies and Zander reveals what he suspects that the car that went over the cliff was Carly’s. They go to the police station to try and get more information. All they manage to learn is that the car is in deep waters and the divers have only managed to get the license plate number so far. Zander calls Sonny and tells him that the license plates on the car at the bottom of the lake are a match for Carly’s vanity plates…CC101…

Zander disses the police department for not doing enough to find Carly. Down at the bluff, the recovery unit attempts to bring up the car. Jax stands at the rail and watches as the sounds of a helicopter are heard over head and the search lights swivel around. Zander admits to Sonny that he taught Carly to drive. Sonny lashes out at Zander and questions why he would do such a thing. Jax overhears and informs Sonny that Carly wanted to be independent. Detective Capelli informs those gathered that the car was empty and the drivers side window was down which leads them to hope that Carly escaped the car and is alive-somewhere. Sonny apologizes to Zander for his harsh words (with out actually saying the words “I’m Sorry” though). Zander still blames himself for Carly’s accident. Music Montage.

A sad and dejected Zander returns to his room at Jake's where he carefully picks up the pieces of the pool cue Carly gave him. As he throws himself down on the bed, he hears a noise at the door. He sits up and hopefully calls out Carly's name as the door swings open to reveal someone standing in the doorway. Zander is very disappointed when the person in his doorway turns out to be Kristina not Carly. After some questioning by Kristina, an anguished Zander admits how upset Carly was when she left after he refused to sleep with her. After he tells her he feels responsible for Carly’s accident, Zander brushes aside her concern and reassurances. He tells her to leave him alone and leaves the room, but Kristina refuses to leave him be and follows him. Kristina follows Zander to the docks and continues to try to get him to discuss Carly and the accident. When he reveals how anguished he really is, she pulls him into hug. Zander heads to the bluff, and despite several unfriendly encounters with Capelli, stays there in hopes of hearing some news about Carly and to hound the police to find her.

Kristina shows up at Zander’s and finds him wracked with guilt over Carly's accident. She does her best to convince him that if Carly is gone, he's not responsible and that she would want him to go with his life. Sonny shows up and asks to speak with Zander alone. After Kristina leaves, Sonny questions Zander about the night of Carly's car crash. Zander is angry and upset but hesitant to reveal anything. When Sonny continues to press, Zander finally confesses that Carly left upset because he kicked her out of his bed. Amazingly Sonny holds his temper-barely and continues to question Zander about Carly’s actions that night. Zander finally comes clean about his attraction to Carly, the kiss Carly told Sonny about and the incident the night of Carly’s accident. Struggling to hold back his emotions, Sonny presses Zander for more details and Zander finally confirms that Carly saw Sonny and Alexis in bed together before she came to him. Sonny listens to Zander tells him how Carly saw him and Alexis in bed together then walks out without a word. Zander starts ripping the covers off of his bed and kicking the mattress in a fit of frustration and anger. Alexis shows up at the door and Zander tells her what Carly saw. He claims his share of the blame. Alexis tries to tell him it is not his fault and in his bitter anger he lashes out verbally at her telling her to get out and find Sonny so she can celebrate by taking Sonny back to bed. She walks out and is visibly shaken by the whole encounter.

Nik & Gia tell Zander about the authorities finding a body that they think is Carly's. Zander also overhears waiters in Carly's club discussing the finding of her body. He gets furious when they talk disrespectfully about their boss. Nik comes in time to keep Zander from beating up these two employees. He too is distraught. Music montage. Zander goes to the morgue to say his private goodbye to Carly that he can't do in public at her funeral. He cries in his grief (some of Chad's best work!). The morgue attendant comes in and tells Zander that he can't be there. Luke comes in and tells the guard to leave the kid alone. Zander tries to explain that he can't leave Carly alone that he wants her treated with respect. Luke gets Zander to take a break and promises to stay with Carly.

Zander shows up at Alexis' with a suit. He figured that other than Carly, the only person who send him a suit would be Alexis so he wants to know if its to make her feel better for sleeping with Sonny or to make him feel better for kicking Carly out and ultimately causing her death. Alexis tells him that the suit was a gift and that Carly would not want Zander to be blaming herself. He continues to berate himself about his last night with Carly. Alexis tries to reason with him by saying that he kicked her out because he knew that she truly loved Sonny and only wanted to sleep with Zander to get back at him. Zander reminds Alexis that when they were held hostage by Sorel, Carly fought tooth and nail to save their lives and how do they repay her? Alexis sleeps with the man she loves and he throws her out. Zander apologizes to Alexis saying that he is mad at himself not Alexis and that it was wrong to take his anger out on her. He thanks her for the suit and leaves.

Touching scene in the church, music plays as the mourners arrive for Carly's funeral. Zander comes to the front of the church. He tells everyone that Carly could be a true friend if she liked you. Most of all, she was brave and never backed away from anything. Bobbie breaks down, as the reality of the situation hits her. Sonny goes up to comfort her. There’s a noise from the back of the church, and everyone turns to look. A confused-looking Carly with a bruise on her forehead has entered the building! Carly is confused, slowly checks everyone out, starts to ask why everyone is there. She makes her way up the aisle and finally sees the casket and her picture. She runs out. Sonny and Bobbie run after her. Kristina runs after Zander and tells him this is his chance, a miracle happened so don’t let those angry words be his last to her. Zander heads off to find Carly, but Mike stops him and says Sonny needs to be the one to find her. “Let my son have his miracle,” Mike urges. Sonny catches up with Carly, who is so confused, thinks she’s dead or something. She has a big contusion on her forehead. Sonny finally convinces her that she is alive, a mistake was made and everything will be all right. They embrace. Bobbie shows up and they embrace as well. Carly is taken to the hospital.

Zander wants to wait at the hospital to see Carly, but Sonny tells him another time. Tony reports that Carly has a possible concussion, but is basically fine. Kristina approaches Zander and they both talk about how amazing it is that Carly is alive. Zander admits to Kristina that he hasn't seen Carly yet, because Sonny is still with her. Kristina asks Zander her never-ending question, "What do you want Zander?" He tells her that he has to do what's best for Carly. Kristina thinks that he should go to her because Carly probably wants to see him. He is reluctant to leave and Kristina thinks its because he's avoiding the real issue, his feelings. Zander says that he got what he wants, Carly is alive, his feelings don't matter cause now Sonny and Carly have a chance to be together again. Kristina reminds him that Sonny and Alexis have started something and she doesn't think Sonny will forget that. Kristina thinks that him and Carly have a REAL shot a being together. Zander thinks her reaction all boils down to Alexis and Sonny, but Kris reminds him that Carly has always respected someone who goes after what they want and doesn't let anything get in the way. Zander concedes and goes to Carly.

Carly admits to Zander that she thought no one would show up to her funeral. He tries to apologize for their last night together, but she interrupts him and tells him that she can't remember anything before or after the accident. She thinks that she has hurt Sonny again, really bad. She presses Zander to tell her what happened that made her so upset. He lies and tells her that he doesn't really know because he wasn't there. Carly thinks he is hiding something. When asked, she admits that she can't remember going to see Zander. He takes her hand and tells her how he prayed for her to be alive and that now that he has been given a second chance, he will get it right. She asks what he means by 2nd chances. Zander tells her that they had a fight, but it wasn't her fault as she suspects it was. She tells him not to blame himself. He tells her that if he could do it over again, he would never let her go. Zander tells Carly that she deserves better than second best and then accepts her for who she is. He tells her to forget the past and focus on the future and then leaves smiling.

{On the docks} Alexis walks slowly along the boardwalk reflecting on the recent events. Zander happens along and each asks the other if he/she is OK. Zander asks if she and Sonny are now a “couple”. Alexis tells him it’s not really any of his beeswax, but tells him “no we are not” anyways. She expresses concern for him when he tells her he intends to tell Carly how he feels. Then they both question how the other will react if Sonny and Carly DO get back together. Both give vague answers (in my opinion anyways). Before leaving Zander gives Alexis a sincere apology for the nasty things he said to her when they thought Carly was dead.

Zander arrived at Carly's door with flowers and well wishes. He asked to take her to dinner before her party, but she turned him down, saying, "A lot has happened since the last time I saw you." Carly told Zander that she remembered everything about the "accident". Zander asked her to forget about everything that happened that night and "the apologies". Carly told Zander that Alexis' and Sonny's "fling" was just that … and that she (Carly) and Sonny were in love. She told Zander, "Sonny's sleeping with Alexis meant more to me than it did to him. This time, nothing is going to tear us apart." Zander told Carly that Sonny would only hurt her again, considering their history, but Carly refused to hear that, and Zander left. Carly then called out to Leticia to get her black dress, and Carly headed upstairs.

**The End**

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