Early Emily, Dead Ted Summer 2000, Emily & Zander #1, Emily & Zander #2, Emily & Zander #3,
Zander #4, Zander #5, Zander #6, Zander #7, and Interviews

Early Emily Edits
Click here to read the full edit description.

Dead Ted Summer 2000: 8 hr original edit
I recommend this edit as well as there is a TON of Emily on this edit as she is involved with Liz & Lucky & Nik. This also kicks off with the arrival of Zander (played by a different actor initially) and leads up to where the Emily & Zander #1 begins, so this edit sets up with more of her storyline just before Chad arrives in the role. I recommend watching this BEFORE starting Zem #1. For anyone who would like the whole Dead Ted storyline, the beginning of the storyline starts on the end of Liz & Lucky #8 (the last :55 minutes) and then continued onto the first 8 hours of the Liz & Lucky #9. Most of Em's scenes are contained as they are primarily either with Liz or Lucky as she isn't speaking to Juan during this time. I also included scenes to follow the storyline, so the aftermath of the first rave, the confrontation with Juan, her leaving with Ted, waking up in the hotel room, later that night alone wondering if she had been raped. Includes rave practice where they go to the location the rave is held and practice picking pockets to get ready for taking Zander's keys and putting Ted in his trunk. So this edit offers from the first rave up to the point where the Zem #1 starts with this storyline with the rave practice. Click here to read the full edit description.

Emily & Zander #1 September 1, 2000 - January 4, 2001: 8 hr original edit On this edit, Chad begins as Zander and sees Emily for the first time. Zander kidnaps Emily by gunpoint as her friends look on in horror. Zander takes her to a remote cabin. While he is out getting food, she is badly cut trying to escape through a broken window. As he cares for her and they get to know each other, Emily is becoming less and less a hostage. She leaves Jason a letter assuring him she is okay, and covers for Zander with the police to protect him as they make their way to the Canadian border. Jason finds them on the foot bridge and rescues Emily and returns her to her relieved family. Once home, Emily refuses to give up on Zander and he sneaks into her room. Zander is later arrested and Emily continues to stand by him and surprise Sonny provides the $2 million in bail to get him out of jail. As he leaves jail, gunmen open fire and Sonny and Zander are hit by the hail of bullets.
Click here to read the full edit description.

Emily & Zander #2 January 5 - April 30, 2001: 8 hr original edit
Click here to read the full edit description.

Emily & Zander #3 May 1 - December 3, 2001: 8 hr original edit
There is a lot covered on this edit! Zander has run away, Emily finds Zander at the Canadian bridge and tells him how Edward set them up. Zander returns to PC, Zem reunite. This tape also contains the Prom, Zem making love for the first time, the bus accident, Emily being paralyzed, Sorel trying to kill them, Em’s departure to rehab, Zander is shot while trying to rescue Carly & Alexis as they are held captive by Sorel, Sonny’s bomb, Sorel’s death and murder investigation. Click here to read the full edit description.

Zander #4 December 3, 2001 - May 30, 2002: 8 hour original edit
This edit picks up from where the Emily & Zander #3 ends and continues with all of his scenes. Note that Zander’s storyline following the Zander #4 is contained on the Jason & Liz #2 from the summer of 2002 as his scenes are pretty much all with Liz or Jason.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Zander #5  May 30, 2002 - April 1, 2003 - 8 hour original edit
This covers almost a year of pure Zander storyline. It contains all of his scenes including his storyline with Liz and Gia, and Cameron’s arrival and their confrontations. Zander feels used by Carly when Jason returns, and he tells her and Jason off. Sonny fires him, and Zander sells the names of Sonny's holding companies to Rosco, Jason then beats Zander up. Zander begins having scenes and developing a relationship with Liz, Jason comes to the studio to find Liz with a shirtless Zander. Zander also witnesses Liz being kidnapped, while trying to locate her he is also kidnapped, and they are both held in a crypt where they kiss for the first time. Jason rescues them just as the crypt explodes from a gas leak. Zander is hospitalized, after he is released he begins spending time with Liz at the studio, and they make love. Zander sneaks aboard Alcazar’s yacht to get information. Zander starts using drugs again, works for Ned and plants drugs at Sonny’s warehouse. The edit ends just as Emily returns to town and Zander has his first scenes with her.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Zander #6  April 2 - September 5, 2003 - 8 hour original edit
I have completed the Zander #6. This picks up where the Zander #5 leaves off and goes into early September. The first four hours of this edit covers the time frame that is included on the Emily Returns edit. So for anyone who has the Emily Returns edit, the first four hours of Zander scenes on the Zander #6 are also on the Emily Returns edit. The first four hours of this edit contains all of the Zander scenes that were on the Emily Returns edit as it covers the same time frame. The last four hours continues with Zander's storyline beyond where that edit ends.  
     This picks up Emily and Zander have reunited. When her illness becomes obvious she covers by saying she has been doing drugs again, and goes into "rehab" to cover for her chemo treatments. The "One Perfect Day" with her and Zander and the boathouse, then Em breaks up with Zander from protecting him from having to watch her die, then her and Nik come up with a fake engagement. Stefan puts out a hit on Emily and has Summer killed by mistake. Emily finally tells Zander about having breast cancer. Zander reads Em's diary and discovers her feelings for Zander, they break up, he has an affair with Gia. Nik has to marry Lydia and Zander reaches out to Emily. He takes her to a carnival, her immune system has crashed and she becomes very seriously ill, she has seizures and loses conciousness. Zander rejoices when she wakes up only to have Monica tell him the anitibotics aren't working and she could experience system failure and die. Zander proposes, Em accepts and they are married. Dillon and the teens create a mini-Venetian honeymoon, and whisk her away on a gondola themed ride on her hospital bed complete with Dillon serenading her.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Zander #7  September 9, 2003 - April 24, 2004 - 8 hrs
This edit completes the Zander storyline. This edit contains Zander and Emily’s breakup after Zander finds Nik & Em together making love, Zander has rebound sex with Liz and she gets pregnant, Zander makes a deal with Ric that they get custody of the baby in return for Nik going to jail for murder, Zander goes to work for Faith who turns on him and lies and says he shot a cop, Zander goes on the run, Maxie helps him, first he hides out at the Scorpios, then in the basement of the PC Hotel. Zander is presumed dead in the fire, but returns alive to confront Emily at the cottage, he is killed by the police when they mistakenly think he is reaching for a gun. This is primarily edited to Zander and includes all of his scenes during his last 7 months on the show.  Click here to read the full edit description.

**ZEM FAN FEEDBACK**  Read what others have to say about these tapes

This is the list of all the events that Chad has appeared at. Note: The GH Luncheons from 1996-1999 are copies and will not be as good in quality as my later original edits. My original edits begin in 2000.

Chad Awards & TV Interviews

  • 5/03 Daytime Emmys Chad nominated Best Younger actor, doesn't win

  • 5/04 Daytime Emmy Pre-show Chad about nomination

  • 5/04 Daytime Emmys Chad wins Best Younger Actor
  • 9/22/01 Soapcenter Chad hosts, on the set of GH, clips about Sorel's murder. Tamara, Maurice, Real.

  • 9/01 Soapcenter- Chad on working with Maurice

  • Soaptalk Chad

Chad Appearances

  • GH Luncheon 2001: 2 hrs 17 mins original Begins with arrival at the Sportsman's Lodge on Thursday, July 26, and short interview with Patricia Healy poolside. Next is the soap boutiques on Friday at the hotel. Real Andrews and Brad Maule signing autographs and taking pictures around the pool Friday afternoon.  Sunday, July 28th- The boutique area before the luncheon begins is shown with many of the individual fan club tables: Amber's table (includes picture of Amber dressed as a "barbarian" when she was a little girl), Becky's table with interview of Ginny Mahl (her aunt and fan club president), Kevin & Kayla who do her official web site, Kurth & Taylor table (interview with fan Kathy - also on the board of the Kurth & Taylor foundation), Steven Nichol's table, Real Andrews table (brief clip of his fan club president Linda Torrence), Vanita's CD shown, Silent auction and raffle item tables, The Vanessa Connection table, John York's table (Lisa shown, she runs JJY Online), Brad Maule's table, Coltin Scott's table (Marcia fan club president shown), Jim Warren's table (Maxine - Jonathan & Maurice's offline fan club president shown), fans lining up to go into the ballroom. (18 mins to this point).
    Press Room Coverage- Interviews with Loren Freeman, Leslie Charleson, Real Andrews, Angel Boris, Landon Wine, Jacob Young, Amber & Chad were asked about when Zander fell in love with Emily (they debated this for a moment), shots of Chad interviewing on behalf of soapcenter, interview with soapcenter interviewer, John Ingle getting everyone's attention and getting them all to line up to get ready to go into the ballroom, all the actor's entrances into the ballroom, the Q&A.  Constance & Landon present Debbie Morris and Debby O'Connor with a "Heart Award" as a thank you for all their efforts for the GH and PC Fan Clubs (55 minutes to this point).
    Awards- Character Most in Need of a Love Life - AJ (Billy Warlock)
    Favorite Couple - Nikolas & Gia
    Best Love Scene - Sonny & Carly for the betrayal
    Best Dressed - Chloe
    Favorite Scene Stealer - Constance Towers
    Couple You Would Like to See Together - Sonny & Alexis
    The Most Missed Character - Mac
    Favorite Storyline - The Cassidine vs. Spencer Feud
    Favorite Online Fan Club - JJY Online (John York Online run by Lisa)
    Favorite Offline Fan Club - Leslie Charleson's
    Q&A- Each of the following actors received one question - Denise Alexander, Real Andrews, Maurice Benard, Angel Boris, Chad Brannon, Tamara Braun, Jensen Buchanan, Breck Burns (Georgie), Leslie Charleson, Stuart Damon, Scott Egan, (Kimberly McCullough arrives), Loren Freeman, Nancy Lee Grahn, Ron Hale, Vanita Harbor, John Ingle, Anna Lee, Shell Kepler, Kimberly McCullough, Robert Kelker Kelly, Wally Kurth, Brad Maule, A. Martinez, Logan (Lucas), Marisa Ramirez, Coltin Scott, Tava Smiley,  Amber Tamblyn, Constance Towers, Landon Wine, Billy Warlock, John J. York, Jacob Young. (1 hr 50 mins to the end of the Q&A). Actors not in attendance - Ingo, Jackie Zeman, Tony Geary, Genie Francis, Kristina, Stephen Nichols, Stephen Kay.  At this time the actors go to their tables and fans line up for their autographs and pictures. I went around interviewing the actors, videotaping the actors meeting with the fans, and added some fan interviews. Actors interviewed are:  Kimberly McCullough, Rebecca Herbst, (camerawoman from soapnet - Kary), John J. York, Robert Kelker Kelly, Scott Egan, Billy Warlock, Jensen Buchanan, Brad Maule, Coltin Scott, Logan, Denise Alexander, A. Martinez
    At the end of this I added the 3 minute Soap Center clip of Chad interviewing filming the event as their correspondent. Note: I interviewed Tamara, Lisa V.,  Marisa, Tava, and Erin Hershey at the Ladies of PC event. At the Q event, I interviewed Stuart Damon, Amber Tamblyn, and John Ingle.

  • Ladies of PC & Maurice's Event: 2 hrs 10 mins original -
    Maurice's Event- 1 hr 10 mins - guests Billy Warlock, Chad Brannon.
    Ladies of PC- 1 hr - Tava Smiley, Lisa Vultaggio, Tamara Braun, Erin Hershey, Marie Wilson (and baby), smf Vanita Harbour. Interviews with Tava, LIsa, Tamara. Erin talks about her appearence on GH, during rave, kissing Juan.

  • GH Luncheon 2002: 2 hrs 31 minutes. Original
    This edit begins with the arrivals at the Sportsman's lodge and some hotel location shots, Thursday night around the pool, fans, scrapbooks. Interview with Dillon - his first interview, takes place in the pool (approved by his dad.  Dylan Cash (Michael Corinthos III) was swimming. I asked his father and him if I could interview him. He had never been interviewed so I talked to him while he was in the pool (he corrected me when I said he played Michael Corinthos the second as he is the 3rd!). He is a Carly fan, and an S&C fan (as he should be). He commented that if Sonny went back to Brenda or Alexis that Carly would leave the penthouse and he would go with her! So we know where his loyalties lay. He was not interested in seeing Michael live with the Q's but likes being a Corinthos. He was very funny differentiating between upstairs (where they tape the show and AJ is mean) to downstairs where the dressing rooms are (and Billy is nice).
    Friday brings the soap boutique and I included footage of this with shots of the photos available for purchase from the GH and PC fan clubs, and a clip of Debbie O.Connor and Debbie Morris.  Then I interviewed Scott Eagen poolside. On Sunday, I taped the outdoor boutique with all of the individual fan clubs, the fans lining up to go into the ballroom. Several of the individual fan clubs had tables like Vanessa's, Becky's, Coltin's, Scott, Leslie, and John York. There was a Jim Warren photo table, an S&B remembered table (this was new). One of my favorite things was the  "I want more Mac" stickers that Lisa created and passed out at JJY's table. Lisa reported that, "Over 250 people were wearing those stickers, including John! LOL  It was a surprise for him and I think he was really happy to see he had so much support from the fans! "
         I had been invited in to the Press Room before the GH event and had the opportunity to interview some of the actors. I interviewed Evan (the new Lucas), he is adorable! He had just started working on the show and he reminds me of a young Jonathan Jackson. So we could be in for a treat. He reported that Jackie was very nice to him and made him feel at home. Then Robyn Richards arrived and it was such a pleasure to see her again in the role of Maxie. She was accompanied by Lindze Leatherman (new Georgie) and they look great together, like they could actually be sisters. Robyn is thrilled to be back, and Lindsey commented on how Robyn befriended her and made her feel at home. I also spoke with Becky Herbst (LIz), Michael Saucedo (Juan), Loren Freeman (Elton),  John J. York (Mac), Jackie Zeman (Bobbie), Steve Burton (Jason) and Jacob Young (Lucky).  Blake (Coleman, strip club owner) is great. I really enjoyed meeting him and he has SO much charisma. Someone let out that he would be hanging around for a bit longer so I was glad to hear that.  Chad Brannon (Zander), Coltin Scott (Nik), Wally Kurth (Ned) all talked about their various foundations/charities and events. Then it was into the main ballroom for introductions.
    Also in attendance at the luncheon was: Scott Eagen (Johnny), Denise Alexander (Leslie), A. Martinez (Roy), Ted King (Alcazar), Tamara Braun (Carly), Billy Warlock (AJ), Robin Christopher (Skye), Dylan Cash (Michael Corinthos III), Ron Hale (Mike),  Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis), Kin Shriner (Scott), Alicia Willis (Courtney), Marisa Ramirez (Gia), Leslie Charleson (Monica) and John Ingle (Edward). Then fan awards were presented to:
    Favorite Actress - Nancy Lee Grahn
    Favorite Supporting Actress - Leslie Charleson
    Favorite Actor - Maurice Benard (not there due to illness)
    Favorite Supporting Actor - John Ingle
    Favorite Villan - Billy Warlock
    Favorite Couple - Sonny & Carly
    Favorite Storyline - Sonny/Carly/Alexis
    Favorite Offline Fan Club - Becky Herbst's
    Favorite Official Web Site - Billy Warlock's
         Plaques were presented commemorating the 25th Anniversary on the show for Leslie Charleson, Jackie Zeman, Kin Shriner, and Stuart Damon (not there due to recooperating from back surgery). This was presented by a Q&A and the actors were asked questions from the audience. Additional comments during the autograph session by Billy, Leslie, and John Ingle (they also display their awards), Dylan, John Y., Scott, and Marisa. (No Ingo and Vanessa did not attend, Stuart was out with back surgery).   10/11/02 - Soapnet Coverage of GH Luncheon.

  • SSW Anaheim #13 April, 2002 2 hrs 14 minutes. Original
    1) Soapnet Promo for upcoming SSW weekends;  2) Saturday Q&A- Hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Chad, Tamara, Robin, Nancy Lee, Jackie;  3) Sunday Q&A- Chad, Tamara, Robin, Nancy Lee, Jackie (1:19);  4) Regis & Kelly- Kelly Ripa & Jacob Young wait on customers at the Soap Opera Bistro in California Land (in disguise, acts as a look alike - pretty funny!). Jacob sings a song in the amphitheatre during this appearence. (1:29);  5) Breakfast with the Stars- Stuart Damon, John Ingle, Jackie Zeman, Kelly Monaco, Thorsten Kaye, Lynn Herring. They each stop by our table and talk with us for a moment. (1:53);  6) Tamara and Chad signing autographs;  7) Parade/Cast Photo Shoot. Nancy signing autographs;  8) A Sonny & Carly Fan takes poll of whether Sonny should be with Carly or Alexis, Alexis wins by a narrow margin;  9) Soap Center Producer Melanie and Kary (Camerawoman) interview from SSW AMC, 1 minute;  10) Soap Center crew interview. Advice on how to break into the business in a behind the scenes position in directing, producing, camerawork, 3 minutes;  11) 8 minutes of clips shown at the start of each event;  12) Two SSW Promo Recaps the AMC weekend - 63 seconds - Jack Scalia, ME, Julia Barr, Susan Lucci, Finola, 1 min each;  13) Two Soapnet recap promos for the OLTL weekend, 1 min each.

  • SSW GH #14 2002 Orlando: 2:19 mins Original
    1) Saturday 10:45 am Talk show hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Tamara Braun (Carly, GH), Steve Burton (Jason, GH), Robin Chistopher (Skye, GH),  John Ingle (Edward, GH), Wally Kurth (Ned, GH), Vanessa Marcil (Brenda, GH) Sat 55 mins. Pre-show fan questions/comments in the audience. Great camarderie amongst the cast. Especially fun is the joking between Tamara/Robin/Vanessa. Linda drools over Steve, and they joke about his nickname. Wally sings a bit of "Barefoot Ballet" to a fan in the audience as a street jam preview. Fan does a scene with John Ingle. (Stacey taped, good quality)
    2) Sunday 10:45  Talk show hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Tamara Braun (Carly, GH), Robin Chistopher (Skye, GH), Vanessa Marcil (Brenda, GH), Steve Burton (Jason, GH),  John Ingle (Edward, GH), Wally Kurth (Ned, GH) 62 mins. Note I was farther over to the side during this event and the camerman was right in front of them taping so for the first three ladies I taped the big screen which showed nice close ups of them and came out good. Funny though when Steve came out fans had a fit that they wanted to see Steve and made the cameraman move! So from then on its the live picture. Fan does a scene with Wally. (Stacey taped, good quality)
    3) Sunday 12:00 pm Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley - Motorcade arrivals, Chad Brannon (Zander, GH), Tamara Braun (Carly, GH), Wally Kurth (Ned, GH), Vanessa Marcil (Brenda, GH), Coltin Scott (Nikolas, GH)  26 mins. Chad sings a bit of "Jailhouse Rock". Vanessa talks about the differences in working with Ingo and Maurice. Note: My tripod extension broke so I had to hoist the tripod up on top of my backpack as I wasn't able to extend it as the lever snapped off from all the use!  I was still able to use the tripod but the picture is not as stable as in other events as it was balanced on the backpack but came out better than I thought it would. This is the only event this was an issue as my mechanically inclined hubby joined me after the event and figured out how to extend the tripod even without the lever, he sure was a helpful guy!

  • SSW GH/PC/AMC #15 Orlando 2002: 2:30 mins Original
    1) Saturday 9:15 am Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley - Motorcade arrivals. Brian Gaskill (Rafe, PC), Kelly Monaco (Livvie/Tess, PC), Steve Burton (Jason, GH), Robin Chistopher (Skye, GH), John Ingle (Edward, GH) 19 mins. Note: My camcorder battery died about 14 minutes into this event, changed batteries quickly. Steve was asked about who he prefers working with...this is when the battery died so his response is not contained...but he doesn't really answer, and doesn't pick a favorite ....says something diplomatic. Brian is asked if he believes in angels, Kelly talks about playing two characters (Stacey taped, good quality).
    2) Saturday 10:45 am Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley - Motorcade arrivals. Rebecca Budig (Greenlee, AMC), Sam Page (Trey, AMC), Kiko Ellsworth (Jamal, PC), Thorsten Kaye (Ian, PC), Brian Presley (Jack, PC), Erin Hershey Presley (Allison, PC) Sat 26 mins (Tony taped. Note: the second tripod we took wasn't as tall and so he had to position the tripod on top of the backpack to have a view over tall heads, so this picture is not as stable as the other events). They sing happy birthday to Sam. Brian teases Erin about baking.
    3) Saturday 12:00 pm - Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley (No Motorcade arrivals). Chad Brannon (Zander, GH), Tamara Braun (Carly, GH), Wally Kurth (Ned, GH), Vanessa Marcil (Brenda, GH), Coltin Scott (Nikolas, GH) 26 mins (Stacey taped, good quality). Coltin tells about originally auditioning for Juan. Vanessa talks about kissing Antonio Sabato Jr. and Ricky Martin! She reports her contract is up very soon and is not sure whether or not she will be able to stay as it is difficult to juggle working and having a baby. Taped the motorcade as they departed.
    4) Sunday 9:15 am Outdoor Q&A with Walt Wiley - Motorcade arrivals. Brian Gaskill (Rafe, PC), Kelly Monaco (Livvie/Tess, PC), Steve Burton (Jason, GH), Robin Chistopher (Skye, GH), John Ingle (Edward, GH) 23 mins (Stacey taped, good quality). Fan asks Steve why Jason & Liz was built up only to change direction (meaning not having them together).
    5) Sunday 2:30 pm -Talk show  hosted by Linda Dano. Guests: Kiko Ellsworth (Jamal, PC),  Brian Gaskill (Rafe, PC), Thorsten Kaye (Ian, PC), Kelly Monaco (Livvie/Tess, PC),  Brian Presley (Jack, PC), Erin Hershey Presley (Allison, PC),  Chad Brannon (Zander, GH), Coltin Scott (Nikolas, GH). Fan does a scene with Coltin. Sunday 56 mins (Stacey taped, good quality)

  • GH Luncheon August, 2003: 2 hrs 5 mins Original
    As always I started off the tape with shots of the exterior of the hotel, and also added some street shots, and some of the nearby restaurants. I included the soap boutique so you guys could see the items available there. I was able to get a really nice interview with Natalia at Chad's event. Pat Griffin was very kind, I volunteered to tape the event as a benefit for Cystic Fibrosis and she arranged a little pre-event interivew with Natalia and Chad that I could add to the GH Luncheon tape...so these two are about 10 minutes.
         I was again asked to do some coverage in the press room (bless you Debbie Morris for giving me this opportunity). Again, I'm NOT a professional videographer just a goober fan with a video camera. In the press room I interview Scott (Dillon), this is a nice 5 minute interivew (most of the rest are shorter). Then Dylan (Michael), Lindsay (Georgie), Scott Egan (Johnny), Loreli (Penny, not sure if I'm spelling her name correctly - sorry!), Greg Vaughn, Robyn Richards, Stuart & leslie, Nancy Lee, Ted King. Several of the actors are signing autographs. Tamara is signing a bat (not sure if its her bats or Jason's!). There are also photo opportunities for the photographers with Tamara, Ted, Nancy Lee, Steve, Alicia,
         Then its on to the main event and the actors are introduced and enter the ballroom amid HUGE screams from the fans. The actors are introduced in the following order: John Ingle (who then does the introductions), Denise Alexander, Maurice Benard, Penny (?), Chad Brannon, Tamara Braun, Steve Burton, Christine (Leticia), Dylan Cash, Leslie Charleson, Robin Christopher, Tyler Christopher, Scott (Dillon), Stuart Damon, Scott Eagan, Blake Gibbons, Rick Hearst, Ted King, Wally Kurth, Lindsay Leatherman, Natalia Livingston, J. Robyn Miller, Andrea Pearson, Cynthia Preston, Robyn Richards, Greg Vaughn, Alicia Willis, John J. York, and Jackie Zeman.
                             Next is the awards as voted on by the fans:
                                  Best Supporting Actor - Steve Burton
                                  Best Supporting Actress - Robin Christopher
                                  Best Couple - Sonny & Carly
                                  Favorite Villaness - Cynthia Preston
                                  Favorite Villan - Rick Hearst
                                  Scene Stealer - John Ingle
                                  Favorite Actress - Nancy Lee Grahn
                                  Favorite Actor - Maurice Benard
                                  Favorite Storyline - Alexis' Personality Disorder
                                  Best Offline Fan Club - Becky Herbst's
                                  Best Web Site - Cynthia Preston's
         Then in a truly surprising, thrilling, shocking moment which Debbie Morris kept tightly under wraps...she goes up to the podium and says something about the PCPD needing some help catching criminals so they called in the WSB and in stroll in Tristan Rogers and John Reilly dressed in black (they joked its Men In Black 3). They received a standing ovation and thunderous applause and were obviously touched with the receptionand that fans remembered and still loved them all these years later. It was the HIT of the weekend! They spoke for a few minutes, I could have listened to them for hours! Wouldn't it be fun if they did an individual event!
         Everyone posed on stage for a cast photo, then I have shots of poses with Tristan & John Reily together, and with Maurice, and I think Steve was also in the group. I didn't take pictures, just video of them posing for pictures.  I also have interviews during the luncheon with Wally, John J. York, Robin Chrisopher (with her award, both her and Nancy said this was better than the Emmy), Denise Alexander, Cynthia Preston and George (her web master) with their respective awards. I also interview Cari Shayne in the press  room of the PC dinner and will add that to this tape as well as it was nice to see her. I have shots of several of the actors with fans like Maurice, Nancy, Tamara, Scott Egan, Alicia, Chad, Greg, Steve, Rick, Ted, Natalia, Stuart & Leslie, Andrea, and others.

  • GH SSW Anaehim 2003 #21: 2 hrs 18 minutes Original
    Saturday Coffee Talk
    - Natalia, Chad Brannon, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Greg Vaughn, Tyler Christopher;  Sunday Coffee Talk- Natalia, Chad Brannon, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Greg Vaughn, Tyler Christopher;  
    Saturday Casting Call- Tyler;  Sunday Casting Call- Greg Vaughn;  Sunday Parade.
    Stuart and Leslie talk about the early days of GH, previous acting work, they all share embarrassing moments (Greg had just split his pants!). Natalia talks very eloquently about her current breast cancer storyline and her own experience with a lump, Tyler on his recent return to the show, Chad talks about the AIDS day of rememberence. In a very funny moment, Linda asks them who could play them in a movie and for Tyler a fan shouts out "Coltin Scott"! Leslie and Stuart are teased about what boarding school they send their kids to where they come back all grown up a couple of years later and are amazed when a fan remembers where the school is located (Swizterland). Both Greg and Chad rave about Natalia, who shares that her mother is from Guadalajar Mexico and her previous job was working at Home Depot when she got the role of Emily!  Natalia shared, that Chad had a kissing scene with another actress and he had trouble getting his lines right after and she teased him that he was never speechless after he kissed her!  Chad was rather speechless (LOL!) and didn't have much of a comeback but Staurt Damon said who? I think I heard Chad mumble Gia but I couldn't be sure.
         It was great fun to see Tyler at the Casting Call. I remember him as this shy guy and he seems VERY comfortable with all of the fan attention, happy to be there, and did a great job in the Casting Call! A young woman on her honeymoon was selected. Her new husband was in the and there was a lot of joking back and forth between him and Walt, and later Tyler. At one point, Walt puts his feet up on the table (suggestive as he has rather LARGE feet) so when Tyler comes out he puts his feet up on the table! After the show, Tyler laughs that his wife is seated in front of the fan's hubby!

  • GH/PC SSW Anaheim 2003 #22: 2 hrs 39 minutes Original Saturday Coffee Talk, 42 mins-  Nancy Lee Grahn, John Ingle, Lane Davis, Robin Christopher, Kin Shriner, Billy Warlock;  Sunday Coffee Talk, 38 mins- Nancy Lee Grahn, John Ingle, Lane Davis, Robin Christopher, Kin Shriner, Billy Warlock;  Saturday Breakfast Q&A, 1 hr- Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Steve Burton, Alicia Willis, Erin Hershey & Brian Presley, Kelly Monaco,  Kiko Ellsworth. This is started off with a 15 minute GH trivia contest so test your memory! First session is Kiko, Kelly, Steve and Alicia and that lasts about 25 minutes, then the second session is Stuart, Leslie, Brian, and Erin and that lasts about 27 minutes.  Saturday Parade.

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