Zander #5  May 30, 2002 - April 1, 2003 - 8 hour original edit

Zander arrived at Carly's door with flowers and well wishes. He asked to take her to dinner before her party, but she turned him down, saying, "A lot has happened since the last time I saw you." Carly told Zander that she remembered everything about the "accident". Zander asked her to forget about everything that happened that night and "the apologies". Carly told Zander that Alexis and Sonny's relationship was a "fling" while Carly and Sonny were in love. She told Zander, "Sonny's sleeping with Alexis meant more to me than it did to him. This time, nothing is going to tear us apart." Zander told Carly that Sonny would only hurt her again, considering their history, but Carly refused to hear that, and Zander left. Carly then called out to Leticia to get her black dress, and Carly headed upstairs.

Carly confronts Liz on the docks. Liz makes a move to leave, but Carly grabs her wrist and demands to know where Jason is before she smacks her silly. Liz's response? Try it. Zander intervenes. Zander asks Carly what is going on and Carly wants to know why Zander automatically assumed it was her tells Zander that Carly was attacking her like crazy woman. She finally tells Carly that Jason went to Sonny's and she rushes off. Zander asks Liz what's up with Carly and Jason. Liz says that she has no idea, but muses that Jason is like her savior. When Carly screws up Jason saves her behind and she uses that to her full advantage. Liz apologizes because she knows that Carly and Zander are friends, but he admits that he needs to know what is going on between them. He tells Liz that he is tired of living by everyone else's rules and that it is time to take matters into his own hands. He is about to rush off but Liz quickly tells him that he should think first before he acts. Zander tells Liz that he is tired of thinking and rushes off.

Zander arrives at Sonny’s penthouse. As Zander is standing outside the open door, he sees Carly & Jason embracing lovingly and talking about how much they’ve missed each other. Carly says she really needs him and no one understands her like he does. When they hug again, Zander loses it, busts in and starts yelling, reminds her that she told him the same stuff a few weeks ago. Carly tells him he doesn’t understand her relationship with Jason and that they’ve known each other a lot longer than she’s known him. Zander suggests she sleeps with Jason, just like she wanted to sleep with him. Jason starts yelling at Zander, telling him he has a big mouth. Next door, Alexis and Sonny overhear the arguing. ”Enough!” Sonny bursts in. Zander tells Sonny that Jason is backstabbing him. Zander tells him that Carly and Jason are sleeping together. Sonny tells them they aren’t going to discuss this in the hall so he ushers everyone back into his penthouse. Sonny asks Zander what he wants. Zander says he wants the last year of his life; he feels he’s been loyal to Sonny and gotten nothing in return, that Sonny doesn’t trust his word on anything. Sonny explains that Jason is much more loyal than Zander. He asks Jason straight up in front of Zander if he has been disloyal and Jason says no. That’s sufficient for Sonny. Zander calls him a fool, twice. Sonny doesn’t take this lightly and tells Zander he’s a liability, he runs off at the mouth and he can’t be trusted with his wife. Carly tries to take some blame for her situation with Zander, but Sonny isn’t interested in hearing her side. Zander asks where all this loyalty crap has gotten him and Sonny says it’s gotten him one month’s severance pay. He’s fired. Sonny tells Zander to basically forget the last year happened. Zander leaves, saying, “It’s like I was never here.”

Outside the elevator, Alexis suggests Zander come inside her apartment and calm down. He isn’t interested. He tells her that they are both redundant, that Sonny’s got Carly to sleep with and Jason to be his right-hand man. Alexis suggests that Zander is better off by being fired, he can go to college and get a real job. He realizes that Sonny made promises he never intended to keep and mentions to Alexis that she is scared, that he probably made promises to her, too. With that, the elevator arrives and Zander gets on. Inside, Carly tries to plead Zander’s case to Sonny; she reminds him that Zander was loyal. Sonny explains to her that he was never going to learn. Jason tries to explain to her, too, that Zander never knew when to shut up. When Sonny refuses to listen to Carly, she decides to run after Zander. She thinks he’s been a good friend, but Sonny just laughs. She is annoyed and leaves.

Outside the building, Carly has caught up with Zander and tries to explain that there is nothing going on sexually between her and Jason. He talks like he was being stupid, he didn’t realize the game, he shouldn’t have thrown her out of his bed. Then he asks Carly what would happen if he weren't on Sonny’s side. Carly tells him it is dangerous for him to be making threats. Jason intervenes and tells Zander he made a mistake to “let” him stay in town, but he did it for Emily. Zander takes offense that Jason thinks he “let” him stay in town and tells Jason he doesn’t know all the facts about Emily. Zander finally has had enough and leaves. Carly explains to Jason that Zander was a really great friend to her. He tells her she should just enjoy being back with Sonny and she’ll get everything she wants, including being pregnant with Sonny’s child.

Rosco runs into Liz outside of Kelly's, he apologizes for his behavior last winter. Zander shows up to defend Liz. He tells Rosco that since he's back in town he deals with Sonny, but if he comes near Liz, Rosco will then deal with Zander. Rosco apologizes and gives Liz some money and disappears inside the restaurant. Liz tells Zander that she was handling the situation. Annoyed, that Liz hasn't even thanked him, Liz then states that she is grateful, but she doesn't need protecting or rescuing from anyone. Zander heads inside. When Courtney sees Zander, she approaches and tells him that she doesn't want to hear any messages he might have from Sonny. Zander informs Courtney that he no longer works for Sonny and has finally realized what everyone has been telling him. Sonny is only out for Sonny.

Carly catches up with Zander and begs him to stop. Carly tries to tell him that their friendship meant a lot to her, but he won't hear any of it. Angrily, he tells her he knows she used him as a substitute for Jason, but she's right about one thing, she is a liar. He continues to tell her to go ahead and make a life with Sonny full of lies, backstabbing and deception and then running to Jason when they fight, since Jason's too stupid to realize when he's being used and obviously enjoys the fringe benefits of sleeping with Carly. She tries again to tell him that her and Jason are friends only, but he's not listening anymore. He says that he was honest, loyal and look where it got him, he owes her nothing. Carly states the obvious that he's just jealous because she's back with Sonny. He asks her, what do I have to be jealous about? I could have had you more than once, I just didn't take you up on the offer, but I should have. Later, Rosco shows up and wants to do a simple transaction with Zander, info on Sonny for cash. At first Zander is hesitant but eventually he tells Rosco the name of two of Sonny's holding companies. Jason watches from the shadows as Rosco hands him and envelope full of cash and promises that there is more where that came from.

Jason hangs around the docks keeping an eye on Zander and generally looking rather menacing. Roscoe approaches Zander and Z gives up the names of three of Sonny’s holding companies. Roscoe congratulates him on leaving Sonny’s employ and lets him know that there’s more cash where that came from for any more info he comes up with. Jason glares at the betrayal. Zander stops by Kelly's and asks Liz if she wants to go out and then proceeds to flash a wad of cash. Liz is stunned and asks him where he got all that dough. Of course, she comes to her senses and realizes that it’s ill-gotten gain. She tries to politely tell him that there’s no need to blow all that money on her, that Jakes and a pizza will work fine. Zander’s miffed at her lack of enthusiasm and tells her he earned that money.

On the docks, Jason materializes from the shadows and tells Zander that Sonny sent him. Zander refuses to back down from Jason. He taunts Jason and tries to push him. His mistake however comes when he tries to punch Jason. Not only does Jason get away untouched, but he teaches Zander a very painful lesson on the consequences of betrayal. Before leaving, Jason warns Zander to keep his trap shut about Sonny’s business and about what just happened. As Jason is trying to hurry away Liz comes strolling along and strikes up a conversation with him (she does not yet notice Zander laying on the ground 20 feet away). Liz suggests they go for a ride on his bike, but Jason suggest another time, as he is currently busy. They part and Liz continues on her way. A few seconds later she hears some moaning, sees the body, she rushes over and realizes its Zander and calls 911.

Zander is brought into the ER. Liz is still with him. Ned asks what happened, but Liz can only tell him that Zander doesn’t want the Police involved. Tony reports that Zander was the victim of a professional beating. When Zander declines Tony’ offer to call Sonny. Alexis arrives and Ned implies that Sonny is responsible for Zander’s beating. Tony calls the PCPD. Liz questions Zander and asks if the beating was meant for Jason. After she thinks about it she realizes that Jason was involved. Alexis enters and asks Zander who beat him. Zander doesn’t answer. Alexis asks if Sonny is responsible, but again Zander says nothing. Taggart arrives to question Jason and Sonny about the assault on Zander. Carly races off to the hospital to see Zander

Zander is still in the hospital recovering from the beating he took from Jason, but he's sticking with his story. He claims that he was angry and fell, too bad that basically everyone is uncovering the truth. Elizabeth figured it out and asked Jason to his face whether or not he did it, but Jason didn't answer. She then decided that she wanted to keep Jason in her life, even if he had harmed Zander. Taggert showed up at Carly's house and made it clear that he believed that Sonny and Jason were the guilty parties.

Lucky warns Zander to stay away from Liz. Liz snarls at Lucky, and tells him she doesn’t need "protecting" from Zander. Sarah enters with Zander’s discharge papers. Later, after learning that Zander plans to move into the PC Hotel to avoid Jason at Jake’s, Liz invites Zander to move in to her studio. At first Zander refuses, but when Liz insists and points out the added bonus of how it will antagonize Lucky, he agrees. Once they make it to the studio Liz points out all the amenities, hot plate, sink, window, smell of paint, sofa bed. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. Both believe it’s Lucky come to voice his objection, but Liz is surprised when she opens the door and finds Jason instead. Jason’s at the door, says he saw her light on. Before Elizabeth can tell Jason anything,

Zander pops his head out the door and tells Jason that she has company. Jason is shocked to see Zander there. Jason asks to talk to Elizabeth privately and tries to understand why she is helping Zander. She tells him that she wants to and she doesn’t want to hear someone telling her what to do and who to be. Jason tells her that Zander is nothing but trouble and she should stay away from him; Elizabeth reminds Jason that’s what everyone told her about him when she first started hanging out with him. Jason finally drops it and says he was there to invite her on a bike ride, but Elizabeth turns him down. Jason warns Zander to stay out of his face and to not hurt Elizabeth. Back inside the studio, Zander warns Elizabeth that he isn’t that great of a guy, but she isn’t worried. They relate to each other a little and then she offers to help him change his bandage. Suddenly, he’s shirtless. As she’s bandaging him up and the sexy music is playing, Jason is outside on his bike, revs it up and turns the light on. She runs to the window and watches Jason drive off. Zander remains bare-chested behind her.

Zander is sitting and talking to a young man who is obvious a drug user. Liz arrives just in time to see the man give Zander money. After he leaves, Liz joins Zander and tells him she knows what he is doing. Liz gives Zander back an expensive looking bracelet he sent to her and tells him to keep his money. She expresses concern that he is falling back into bad habits. Zander thanks her for letting him stay at her studio but advises her to mind her own business. Zander arrives at what appears to be a club/hangout. He questions someone about who can help him get what he needs and ends up finding an old friend. During their conversation the old friend reveals that he and his long time partner (also an old friend of Zander’s) are split and that she has aids. On the Day of Compassion, Zander is startled to learn that an old friend has developed full blown AIDS.

Zander arrives at Liz's studio, finds the door wide open and the room a wreck. After hearing a scream, he looks out the window and sees the men forcing Liz into a car. He races to Jake’s where he finds Jason and tells him that two men, one of whom used to work for Roscoe, just kidnapped Liz. They both run out to try to find her. Jason and Zander run back to Elizabeth's studio after spending the night running all over PC looking for her. Zander asks Jason what comes next. Jason tells Zander to go away, but Zander says he doesn't take orders anymore. Jason looks past Zander and sees a message written on the wall for a meeting at noon. Zander says they can still make it, to which Jason tells Zander he is not going. Liz is in a dark and dirty place. She finds a match, which she lights to see her surroundings. She sees a headstone and realized she is some sort of crypt. One of Roscoe’s thugs comes in. Liz lets him know people are looking for her. He lets her know she is there to make sure Jason does what they want. Liz stands up to the thug, but when he leaves her fear sets back in.

At noon, Jason is at the meeting place and the pay phone rings. Liz is on the other end and lets Jason know it is a trap. Roscoe's thug tells Jason he will call back in an hour and that when calls again, Jason better be alone. Jason turns around and sees Zander. Zander instigates a fight with Jason. As Jason has him on the ground, Zander whispers to Jason that this will make Roscoe's men think they are really on different sides so they can work together. Jason starts to walk away and Zander runs after him and jumps him. As Jason is about to punch Zander, Taggert walks up and arrests them both.

At the station, Taggert and Mac harass Zander and Jason. Mac urges Zander to press charges against Jason. Zander admits he attacked Jason first. Mac tries to question Jason but gets only the “I want my phone call” line out of him. Aware of Liz’s dilemma, Zander tries (too hard) to convince Taggart and Mac to let Jason go. They question why he is so anxious to help a person who beat him up. After a glare and an almost unperceivable shake from Jason, Zander refuses to answer any more questions and demands someone get his lawyer. They agree to let Zander go if he is willing to press charges against Jason. When Zander refuses, the police decided to hold them both for 24 hours. Meanwhile, down on the docks, the pay phone where Jason is supposed to be rings on and on. Roscoe's thug yells at Elizabeth for her bold move of saying what she did to Jason. He reminds her that Jason better do what he wants or she won't be leaving her new home. When the hour is up, the boys are still in jail as the phone rings. Liz is seen at her crypt, pleading to get out.

On the docks, Jason and Zander butt heads when they have no luck finding Liz. Jason wants to continue the search alone but Zander refuses to comply. They finally see a message written on the wall with a time and place to meet. Jason tells Zander to back off as his presence might put Liz further in danger, but Zander points out that if the meeting is a setup and Jason gets killed, Liz will not be found. Liz stumbles around in the dark for a few moments then strikes a match to try and see her surroundings. She finds a door but can’t get it open. It does finally open to let one of her kidnappers in. After he lets her know they are using her to get info from Jason, she warns them they are messing with the wrong person, but the kidnapper doesn’t appear to be concerned.

Jason and Zander are still waiting to be released that the PCPD head quarters. Taggert doesn't really have anything to hold them on, but he refuses to let them go. Jason calls Sonny and asks him to come down and post bail. When Sonny gets there, Taggert seems a little surprised that Sonny doesn't want to bail Zander as well. After the threat of pressing harassment charges, Taggert releases Jason and Zander. Jason makes it to the pier just in time to receive a phone call. Still convinced that he can be of some help to Elizabeth, Zander goes off to find information. At a bar, he recognizes one of Elizabeth's kidnappers and happens to know the person he is sitting with, so he goes up and starts a conversation. The kidnapper leaves in a hurry, but Zander stays and tries to convince his old friend that he wants to be of help to him and do something against Sonny and Jason. He mentions that Sonny has men all around town searching for some girl and offers to help with it. The guy says he'll make some calls, walks behind Zander and hits him over the head.

Elizabeth is still locked away in the Quinn Mausoleum and she's becoming more desperate by the minute. She tried to escape by distracting her capture and pretending to be hurt, which didn't work. Having angered her captor, he refused to give her the batteries that he had brought for her slowly dying lamp. Once he leaves, Elizabeth works at escaping by pulling rods out of the wall, but she isn't successful and instead comes face to face with her dead companions. When her captor comes back, he calls the pay phone that Jason is supposed to be at and tells him that he has to get information from Sonny and relay it to him or Elizabeth will die. Given a chance to speak, Elizabeth tries to tell Jason where she is, but she is cut off before she can finish. Elizabeth is still in the mausoleum when the door opens and the guard brings in an unconscious Zander. He tells her that Zander was in the way and asking too many questions. Liz says he needs a doctor but the guard tells her she should be more worried about Jason and if he'll meet their ransom demands and then leaves.

Liz talks to Zander until he wakes up. She tells him where they are and he apologizes for screwing up. She tells him what she's been up to in there and how the one crypt opened up. Zander offers to help her close it since it's so creepy but his head hurts and Liz tells him to rest. He refuses and the two go about putting the door back on the crypt. Liz says that she knows the kidnappers want something from Jason. Zander says when they get what they want, that they will kill Zander and Liz. He says they need to come up with a plan to get out. Liz pounds on the wall and yells that Zander is dead. When the guard comes in, Zander jumps him but is a sissy and the guard punches him in the gut and he falls and Liz joins him. The guard pulls a gun but says that they are worth more alive for now, then leaves. Liz says she should have run but she thought he would kill Zander. He says they will come up with a plan.

Liz wakes up from a nightmare and is comforted by Zander. He tells her that she has been asleep for most of the night and that their captor hasn’t returned yet. Liz starts to panic thinking that they will die in there. Their captor is the only person that she has been in contact with so if he hasn’t returned then either he got the information from Jason and doesn’t need her anymore or he’s dead. Zander tells her not to panic that Jason won’t stop looking for them and neither Sonny. They will get out of there alive; they just have to be strong. Liz explains that she is trying to be, but that she hates the dark. She tells him it feels like she has been in here for weeks and that they will be in there forever. Zander tells her that she is crazy for thinking that. Smart, talented, beautiful and kind people like her don’t die in crypts, they make it out alive and go on to do great things, he explains. He tells her to keep herself distracted by thinking of things she will do once she gets out. Jokingly, she replies, yeah like travel to Italy, tour the Eastern Islands, put on a show at the Guggenheim, that kind of thing? They talk a bit more about that and they agree to help keep each other distracted.

Zander and Liz start talking about their respective relationships. She tells him that she may have to thank Sarah for opening her eyes to what she didn’t want to see. She explains how Lucky saved her both physically and emotionally after the rape and that all she wanted to do was become someone he could love. Zander says that he knows what its like trying to be someone you are not in order to please someone else. Liz tells him that that was what was perfect with her and Lucky, they didn’t have to try, they just fit together. She explains that the year after the fire changed everything. They both changed and neither one wanted to admit that they couldn’t go back to what they had. She hasn’t figured out yet who she is now that she is not Lucky’s girlfriend, but the good thing that did come out of all of it, was her painting.

Liz thanks Zander for helping her stay distracted and asks him why he never talks about himself and wants to know who he really is. Zander changes the subject and they talk about the fact that at least they have cold air to breathe. Zander pulls her into a hug to warm her up. She asks again why he won’t talk about himself, what’s his secret. He says that there is no secret just nothing to tell. Liz tells him how Emily told her he was from Florida, but that no one knows where in Florida, why he came to Port Charles or if his last name really is Smith. With a straight face he tells her that his real name is John Jacob Humperdink. They laugh it off and Liz tells him that she’s sorry for how she always told Emily that he was a loser and to forget about him. She says that despite the circumstances it is nice to be going through it with someone, even if it is him.

Zander staves off Liz’s growing panic by holding her close and urging her to visualize being some place else. He describes a beach scene so vividly that Liz guesses he is describing a beach in Florida-where he grew up. Zander fondly mentions someone named Pete but clams up when Liz asks for details on him. He does however give in to her request to keep talking. Zander tells her how he loved the beach and surfing (which makes Liz chuckle) then renders her completely speechless when he tells her that he grew up in a beachfront 15-room mansion complete with 5 car garage, tennis courts and pool. Liz admits she never pictured him rich. Zander tells her that he gave it all up, including his name, because he didn’t fit in. Liz wants to know his real name, but Zander insists it doesn’t matter because it isn’t who he is anymore. Liz wonders what they should do to pass the time. Zander comments that he wouldn’t mind spending it just looking at her. He admits that he has always thought she was beautiful. Liz tells him that she now understands what Emily always saw in him. She tells him that selfish as it might sound, she is glad not to be alone in this situation. When she catches him staring at her, Liz asks what he is thinking. Zander replies that he doesn’t want to die without kissing her and then does kiss her. Zander and Liz kiss, kiss, kiss. She says she doesn’t want to stop. As they head towards vertical, Liz notices a crack in the wall. Zander digs and digs and they finally find a pipe. Liz automatically assumes it is water and breaks the pipe. Uh oh, it is a gas pipe. Zander furiously tries close the pipe back up. He seems to, but Elizabeth has already passed out. He moves her closer to the door, by the fresh air, but moments later, he passes out, too.

Jason gets to the cemetery & finds the door locked. He works at picking the lock and is stopped by what appears to be a security guard. Jason tries to convince him to call the police & have Taggert come to them. The security guy orders Jason to go with him. Jason pretends to go, but knocks the guard unconscious, takes his keys & tries to find the key to get in, eventually doing so. He gets to the door of the crypt & finds that locked, too. He looks through some keys & can't find it. Sonny arrives as Jason considers shooting the lock to open it but then he has second thoughts, deciding that there is a gas leak. After trying several more keys, Jason gets the right one, gets into the crypt & finds Elizabeth. Jason carries her out to safety while Sonny calls for an ambulance. He is able to bring Elizabeth around. She tells Jason that Zander is in the crypt and as Sonny starts to go in to get Zander, the crypt explodes. After making sure that Liz is okay, Jason rushes to help the unconscious Sonny. Once Sonny is revived, Liz again asks for Zander. Leaving Sonny and Liz to help each other, Jason goes into the crypt and finds Zander barely alive. The emergency crew finally arrives led by Taggart who immediately starts to questions everyone. Liz is too worried about Zander to answer anything, and gets Jason to escort her to Zander’s side. Inside the crypt, she kneels by the still unconscious Zander and croons to him while the EMTs work on him. Once Zander is brought out, Taggart tries to question Liz again. She gives him a disjointed version and pleads with him to let her accompany Zander to the hospital. Sonny rags on Taggart for interrogating Liz instead of getting her obviously needed medical attention. Jason ignores Taggart and whisks Liz off to the hospital.

Jason arrives outside of Zander’s hospital room just as Tony does. Tony informs Jason that he is running some tests and Zander can’t have visitors yet. Liz arrives shortly thereafter and learns from Jason that Zander is still unconscious. Jason offers to get Liz from her room as soon as Zander awakens but Liz prefers to wait there. After the orderly leaves, Liz takes Jason aside and thanks him for saving her life. He apologies for taking so long to find her. Liz tells him that she was sure death was imminent, but knew she was safe once she saw Jason’s face outside the crypt. When Tony emerges from the room, Liz questions him about Zander’s health. Tony says Zander will be fine, (and with a cold pointed look in Jason’s direction) but needs to get better friends. Jason escorts Liz inside the room then leaves. Liz tells Zander how worried she was for him and reiterates how much it meant that she didn’t go through the ordeal alone. Jason observes them through the door window and appears perplexed (and possibly a bit un nerved) by their apparent closeness.

Zander drops by to check on Elizabeth and brings her a gift, a nightlight because he remembers her fear of the dark. Liz is glad to see him and greets him warmly. Jason asks to speak with Zander alone, but Zander says what ever Jason has to say can be said in front of Liz. Liz encourages Zander to speak to Jason reminding him that Jason saved their lives. Before leaving Jason tells Liz to keep the door locked and not to open it unless she knows who is on the other side from now on. Once she is alone, Liz keeps having flashbacks to being trapped in the crypt. Jason asks Zander to give him all the details he remembers about his meeting with Roscoe. Zander questions why he should help Jason and Sonny. Jason tells Zander that he heard Roscoe mention a third person involved in their deal. He also mentions that Liz’s kidnapper wanted info on Pier 52 and know Roy has bought it with suspicious funds. He tells Zander that as long as this third person is out and going after Sonny Liz is still in danger. Zander says he knows nothing and taunts Jason by saying that the people who did know have all died or disappeared by his own doing. Zander then adds that Liz is in danger because of Jason.

Zander meets with Roy and asks him for a job. Roy is wary about hire a loyal ex-employee of Sonny’s. Zander assures Roy that he no longer feels any loyalty to Sonny because he became redundant when Jason returned. Zander tells Roy he needs a job and if he gets revenge on Sonny doing it he’ll consider it a perk. Roy warns Zander that working for him might be courting trouble. Zander tells Roy to think it over then leaves. Zander showed up at the studio, soaking wet (major thunderstorm) so while Liz went to get him a towel, he took his jacket and shirt off and they looked at each other romantically. (Yum! A wet shirtless Zander!)

Audrey is trying to talk Elizabeth into coming back home for a little. Elizabeth says she’ll be fine on her own. Before leaving, Audrey reminds Elizabeth that her sister will be returning to Europe and that she should patch things up with her before she leaves. Once Audrey leaves and Elizabeth is alone, she starts to paint. A storm comes and the power goes out, though. Elizabeth freaks out. Doing what any normal person would do when it’s storming and the power goes out, she takes her flashlight and climbs into the stairwell; she then manages to get locked into the stairwell. Zander to the rescue! He saves her and she is grateful. She asks him not to leave. They kiss. As they kiss with the studio door open, Jason walks by and sees them. Jason leaves unseen. Zander and Liz made love. Zander was going to sneak out after, not sure if she wanted to wake up and find him there. She woke up and stopped him and asked him to stay.

 Liz and Zander’s morning starts off with the usual awkward morning-after-the-first-night routine (when neither party knows what to say). Zander assures Liz he did not consider it a casual encounter. Jason knocks on the door and fills Liz in on the fire. He asks how she is and reassures her he still has someone looking out for her. Zander makes his presence known when he pulls the door completely open and tells Jason that Liz doesn’t need his protection. Jason grabs Zander and pushes him up against the wall with an arm at his throat. Liz intervenes and stops Jason. Jason gets a phone call from a desperate Carly and immediately leaves. Liz tells Zander he should go as well and accuses him of making it obvious they slept together just to rub Jason’s face it in. Zander accuses Liz of sleeping with him only because Jason wasn’t handy. Liz tells Zander that she isn’t sure what she really wants from him or from Jason but states that she isn’t sorry they spent the night together. Neither is sure where they are going but both agree it is best to just let things happen and see where it leads them.

Elizabeth and Zander wake up in Elizabeth's studio and she tells him how having him there really helped her. There is a knock at the door and Elizabeth answers it to find Jason on the other side. Jason tells her about the fire at Pier 52 and talks about keeping her safe. Zander then comes to the door and rubs his being with Elizabeth in Jason's face. They argue and after Jason leaves Elizabeth asks Zander to leave as well. She's mad at him because she thinks he used her to get to Jason. Elizabeth then tells Zander that she likes both him and Jason and she's confused about what's next. Later, Elizabeth talks to Jason at the docks about how she is afraid she has lost her connection with him.

Zander arrives at the studio and chastises Liz for not locking the door. Liz asks Zander to stay out of the war between Sonny and Roy. Zander doesn’t get a chance to say much before he get a call from Roy asking Zander to meet him at the PC Hotel. Zander arrives and Roy informs Zander that it is time to pay Sonny back. Zander sprays what appears to be insecticide on the warehouse's inventory. When he hears someone approaching he hides and observes as a man places a leather bag amongst the coffee sacks. After the man leaves Zander checks the bag and finds it is filled with cash. He takes the bag with him and leaves. A few blocks away he stops and calls the authorities with an “anonymous” tip that the coffee at the warehouse is contaminated.

At Liz’s loft, Elizabeth asks Zander if he is crazy or stupid to do something to the Corinthos-Morgan warehouse that would cause cops to show up. She doesn’t understand his vendetta. She tries to convince him that she chose him over Jason, so he should just relax and stay out of trouble. Roy shows up to talk to Zander and tells him he did a good job and asks if there were any surprises. Zander says, “No.” After Roy leaves, Zander pulls out the bag full of money that he stole from the warehouse. Zander has his key to get into Jason's penthouse. He searches in the desk drawer and finds something written down that he copies for himself. Then he looks in Jason’s closet and finds his leather jacket. He takes that and leaves. As he waits for the elevator, it arrives on the floor and he ducks out of the way. Luckily for him, he is fast enough because Liz and Jason get off, heading to Jason’s for their private talk.

 Liz tells Zander that she knows he's responsible for the cops all over Sonny's warehouse. She tells him that he's risking his life and asking for trouble. Zander says he can handle himself and that next time Jason will be in the hospital. He tells her to warn Jason to watch out. Roy suddenly appears and Liz leaves. Roy tells Zander that he sees his vendetta against Sonny is more involved than he let on. Zander said he can handle it. Roy said the cops got into the warehouse right on schedule and asks if there were any problems, all the while checking out the room and looking for something. After he leaves, Zander pulls out the bag holding the cash. He later shows up at Jason's penthouse and breaks in. He starts rifling through his desk and finds an address book. After copying info down from it he takes his coat from his closet and leaves.

Liz realizes that Zander has Jason's jacket, she sneaks into his penthouse to return it. When she hears them coming, she hides in the closet. Jason and Sonny are being eavesdropped on by one scared Liz. She has crouched in the closet of his penthouse to hide. When Jason opens his closet door, he finds Elizabeth who has returned his jacket. Jason and Sonny quiz her as to whether or not Zander asked her to return it. They finally let her go realizing she is trying to protect Zander.

Zander apologizes to Elizabeth for taking his anger out on her yesterday. He gives her a lovely Floridian shell to make peace. He says "You are worth more to me than anyone or anything". She tells Zander that she wants to be with the Zander who protected her in the crypt.

Jason tells Zander that he must leave town by midnight or risk being killed for his latest misdeeds. Zander accuses Jason of using Sonny as an excuse to run him off just so Jason can have Liz to himself. Jason surprises Zander when he tells him to take Liz with him. Liz arrives and Jason leaves reminding Zander that the next move is up to him. Later, Zander describes to Liz how great Florida is and suggests they go together. Liz thinks Zander is suggesting a vacation and is stunned when Zander tells her is leaving PC permanently and wants her to go with him. Liz wants to think it over. Zander tells Liz that he is leaving that night at 8:00 and will be waiting for her at the harbor if she wants to go with him.

 Sonny's warehouse is shown, zoom in on a timing device that lights up and starts to flash. Sonny arrives at the warehouse closely followed by Liz who tells him she does not want to leave PC. Sonny questions why she is leaving and Liz tells him that Jason ordered Zander to get out of town and she is going with him. Sonny does not reveal to Liz what his real orders where. Liz asks Sonny to give Zander one last chance and promises to keep Zander out of Sonny’s business. Sonny relents and tells Liz he will give Zander one last chance, but if he messes up again Zander will have to deal with the consequences. Sonny tells Liz that the offer is only good if Zander stops working for Roy. Liz thanks Sonny and rushes off to give Zander the news. In another part of the warehouse, the third light on the timing device starts to flash.

Zander arrives on the docks but doesn’t see Liz. He calls the studio but gets no answer. The captain of the boat tells Zander that they are about to depart and refuses to wait any longer for Liz to appear. He sternly informs Zander that the ship is sailing with or without him. Kristina is seen outside the coffee warehouse. Meanwhile inside, the fourth and final light on the timing device starts to flash. Liz arrives on the docks and finds no sign of Zander. She stands looking out at the water forlornly when Zander suddenly appears behind her. Liz is happy when Zander tells her he couldn’t leave without her. He is a bit annoyed when Liz informs him that she spoke to Sonny and got him a pardon. But he agrees to do what ever she wants so that they can stay together. Jason walks by and is an unhappy observer of Liz and Zander’s happy embrace.

A woman (going by the shoes-which is all we get to see) enters the warehouse. Meanwhile the lights on the timing device start to flash furiously. Roy arrives outside the warehouse and questions the guard who admits that a woman claiming to have an appointment just entered. Roy rushes to the door and reaches it just as an explosion rocks the building. Roy is sent flying backwards from the force of the blast. The people of Port Charles see a fiery scene. The little box with the red lights was a bomb. Unfortunately, Kristina was in Sonnys's warehouse at the time the bomb exploded. Jason, Zander, and Liz run to the warehouse to help. Jason tells Roy that he is going to pay for putting the bomb here. He tells Zander this too. Roy tells him that he did not do this. Zander grabs a gun and points it at Jason. Then he and Jason tangle, the gun goes off accidentally and wounds Liz. It's a flesh wound, which Jason took care of. When questioned by a cop about who shot her, Liz will not say. Policemen handcuff Jason, Zander, and Roy to take them into the station. Later, Zander shows up at GH and escorts Liz home.

Zander tells Roy he's ready to go back to work for him. Roy tries to discourage Zander from the mob life, but Zander is adamant. Zander claims Sonny betrayed his loyalty, and Zander wants to work for Roy to exact revenge. Roy gives Zander a large check as severance pay and tells Zander to leave town and take Elizabeth with him. Zander accepts the check. Zander shows up at Kelly's. Liz tries to convince Zander to leave town without her for his own protection. He questions her motives on the night they made love, and Liz claims it was mutual need. 

Zander sneaks aboard Alcazar's yacht and is hit from behind. Zander wakes up aboard Alcazar’s yacht with a raging headache and is somewhat embarrassed to learn that a woman knocked him senseless. When the nurse shows up Zander demands to know where he is but she warns him to keep quiet or he could end up dead. Zander claims he has information on Sonny and wants to speak to the boss. She informs him that the woman she works for might be interested. The nurse reports to her boss that Zander could be helpful. The unidentified woman looks at a picture of Jax and Skye in the newspaper and hands the nurse a list of questions for Zander. The nurse returns to Zander and asks him to tell her everything he knows about Sonny and notes that his answers will depend on whether he lives or dies. Zander starts to relate the inside info he gained while working for Sonny but is surprised when he is questioned about Carly and Sonny's relationship. He describes Carly as a selfish ‘whack’ job who is really a good person underneath. Zander wonders how this information is going to help anyone. The nurse asks why Sonny keeps taking Carly back and Zander says because he loves her. The next questions have to do with Jax and Zander asks why this mystery woman wants to know so much about Jax and Sonny's personal lives. The nurse comments about Jax's upcoming marriage and wants to know about Skye. Zander’s description of her is even less flattering than Carly’s.

Zander is eating, what looks to be supper, with Brenda’s friend. He asks why he’s being kept here, not that he’s complaining though. He’s just curious. Explains that he had business information to pass along about Sonny to her employer and he has no idea about their personal love life’s. He can’t answer her questions. Outside the room we see mystery lady listening in, but as usual we only see up to her neck. Later on, and a little on the tipsy side, Zander starts telling mystery lady’s friend what

he used to do for Sonny, running errands, looking after Carly, etc. He explains how Jax helped Carly open a club, but mostly to at Sonny. Did I tell you Jax was married? He asks. The friend jumps up at this point and is very interested in this information. Zander explains that he was married to Alexis. When asked for how long, Zander replies that he’s not sure but for quite awhile. It must have been some divorce though because they are still best friends. At this point, Zander makes a move to run and escape but ends up loosing his balance and collapses against the wall beside the door. You put something in my drink, he asks. She tells him not to worry, she’s not going to hurt him. He passes out. Brenda arrives and the friend informs her that Zander tried to escape but not too worry, they will keep him until she has all the information she needs. Later, Brenda approaches a sleeping Zander. He slowly awakens and sees a blurry face of a woman standing over him. He asks who she is and she says a friend.

 The nurse once again talked to Zander about Sonny and Jax while the ‘boss woman’ listened at the door. After hearing Zander says that both men were happy in their current relationships the (still unseen) woman walked away from the door. Zander demands to speak with Mr. Alcazar. The nurse warns him that if he is seen or overheard he will be killed. But, it’s too late because Alcazar is eavesdropping at the door. As soon as the nurse leaves Alcazar enters the room and questioned Zander. Zander starts to give out all the inside info he has on Sonny’s business, but once again he is disappointed when Alcazar only wants to know what he told the nurse. Zander confessed that the nurse was asking on her mistress’ behalf and that it was mostly information about the personal lives of Sonny and Jax. Zander asked if Alcazar was going after the two men because of a woman. Alcazar confided that he was going to destroy Sonny and Jax because they where a link to his woman’s past that he need to severe to earn her respect. Zander offered his services, but Alcazar coldly refused them then told Zander that he was now a link between his woman and her past and he had to be eliminated.

Alcazar questioned the nurse about what Brenda wanted to know from Zander about Sonny and Jax. Later, Alcazar ordered his men to throw Zander overboard and make it look like he drowned. A fisherman comes into Kelly's with a half drowned Zander, he tells Liz that he doesn’t know how long Zander’s been in the water. She thanks him for his help and leads Zander to a table after the fisherman leaves. Zander tells Liz that he has no idea who she is and asks her what his name is. After examination, Liz discovers that Zander has been hit on the head really hard. She wants to take him to a hospital, but Zander doesn’t want to go. He agrees to talk. He asks Liz if he likes to sail or if he made someone mad enough to try and kill him. One of Alcazar’s henchmen enters the dinner and spies Liz and Zander together.

As Liz is trying to give Zander more information about him, i.e., living in Florida, working with Sonny, dating Emily, Alcazar’s man reenters and sits at a table across from them. He holds a gun between his legs and points it at the two. Zander can’t understand why everyone hated him so much. He asks Liz what he does wrong. She tells him that he has a temper and sometimes doesn’t think before he acts, which gets him into trouble. Zander remembers being on a yacht, but nothing else. Liz tells him that they are going to the hospital and as they are walking over to the counter a baseball or soccer team enters blocking the hit man’s view of Liz and Zander.

Tony has just finished examining Zander and tells them that he has a very serious head injury. He asks Zander if he is on any drugs. When asked why, Tony explains that some of the symptoms may indicate drug use, but Zander doesn’t remember taking anything. Liz asks if its possible Zander was poisoned. Tony doesn’t think so. He tells Zander to take it easy, not to force anything and to come back and see him in a few days. With a not so bright hit man lurking around and keeping an eye on them, Zander and Liz move into the waiting room. Liz urges Zander to try and remember his last steps. He can only come up with the yacht and a woman. As Zander explains that the woman had a lot of questions, a shot rings out and the glass vase on the table beside them bursts into pieces and Zander immediately jumps into protective mode and covers Liz. When the coast is seemingly clear, Zander tells Liz that he agrees with Liz that someone maybe after him to murder him.

  Elizabeth and Zander were hiding out in this room and Elizabeth told Zander that Jason would be able to help them. She left to find Jason and the goon of Alcazar's came to the door, pretending to be Jason. Zander let him in and he asked Zander what he knew. Zander said he didn't remember anything except being on a yacht. He asked him more questions and Zander picked up a cup of coffee. The guy told him to put the coffee down. He had a gun pointed at Zander and Zander threw the coffee in his face. Later Elizabeth and Jason came to find the thug unconscious. Jason tried talking to him but no answer. They find Zander at Liz's studio; Liz convinces him Jason will help him. He doesn't remember much just a vague dark haired woman talking to him. Jason is standing at the window of his penthouse when Liz comes down and asks what he’s looking at. He brings her over and places her in front of him. With hands resting on her shoulders, he directs her gaze to Alcazar’s yacht. She wonders aloud what it would be like to own your own yacht. As she is telling Jason where she would go with her own yacht, Zander comes down and interrupts them by telling them that he has remembered something.

Zander tells Sonny that he remembers two guys and a woman who claimed to be a friend. He can’t remember a face, only the voice. Sonny tells him that he needs to remember everything so he (Sonny) can take down Alcazar. Zander asks Sonny if he did something to him. Sonny is curious as to why he is asking. Zander tells him its because it seems like you don’t like me. Sonny tells Zander that although he has made mistakes and bad choices, he has influential friends who helped him. Yes, he did do something to Sonny, but now he is helping him, so if this plays out into Sonny’s favor than all debts are cleared. Inside Jason’s apartment, Zander is scoffing at Sonny’s behavior. He tells Liz that he doesn’t trust either Jason or Sonny and thinks he would be better off on his own. Will you go with me? He asks.

After Jason leaves to search Alcazar's yacht, Zander comes down and wants to know why Liz didn’t tell him that she was in love with Jason.

As Liz is patiently watching out the window, Zander is playing pool. He asks her how long she plans on staying there. She responds by saying, until Jason comes back. Angrily Zander wants to know why Liz lied to him and didn’t tell him Jason was her boyfriend. Liz tells him that Jason is not her boyfriend and that she is not sure what they are to each other. She reminds him that he used to hate Jason and their relationship. He thinks again that he would be better off alone than taking help from someone he used to hate. Liz tells him that’s his choice, but reminds that he’s lost his memory and that people are trying to kill him and that he has made bad decisions before that almost got him killed and she won’t go with him and watch him do it again. Zander tells Liz that’s he’s decided not to run, but that she is making him nervous standing there, so why don’t they play a game of pool. Liz tells how that used to drive her crazy, how he could be a write off one minute and sweet the next. Zander asks Liz (jokingly) if she likes him. She says she does, but not the way she cares about Jason. She tells Zander that if she loves Jason, she can’t bring herself to admit it. She wants to be with him when she’s not. Admits that Jason’s life is dangerous and that Jason doesn’t seem to want her in it. She compares their relationship to a rollercoaster and something that can’t go on forever, although she wants it to.

Zander quizzes Liz about their past relationship and her current one with Jason. She ends up telling him that they (she and Zander) slept together once, but decided was a mistake. When he asked about his romantic past, Liz tells him about his romance with Emily. Liz tells Zander that they were great together until the accident and how she broke up with him over the phone. Zander jokes that maybe he hit himself in attempt to put himself out of his misery. Liz is explaining to Zander that she isn’t sure what her relationship is with Jason or what she expects from it when Jason returns. He is wet and bleeding from a cut on the forehead. Liz orders Zander to search of a first aid kit as she tries to tend to Jason’s wound. Jason is impatient and when Zander returns with the kit, Jason urges Zander to try to remember everything. Jason tells Zander he will describe everything he saw on the ship in hope of jogging Zander’s memory, but warns that they are running out of time. Jason tells Sonny, Carly, Liz and Zander about his visit to the yacht. He describes the woman that he saw (the nurse) and Sonny and he assume that this is the woman that whose back they saw earlier on the yacht. Sonny is mystified because he was sure that "the woman" was the key to the whole thing, so now he's stumped but he knows that trouble is ahead.

Zander arrives and Liz fills him in on the scene Taggart caused. Zander tells Liz that he plans to leave Jason's place that same night. Liz thinks it's a bad idea, and points out the dangers that still exist to him. They argue over Jason’s abilities to protect them and the lack of details they know, but in the end Zander agrees to stay for a little bit longer. Zander watches TV and finds out that Sonny and Brenda are really alive and that Jax is in the hospital. Zander has flashbacks to the warehouse explosion mention on the news. He remembers holding the gun to Jason's back and then shooting Liz. Liz comes downstairs and asks if Zander is all right. She asks what's going on and if he's remembered anything. Zander lies and says "no". Zander says he heard a news break on TV about Jax being shot, and Liz asks about Jason. Zander then tells her Sonny is alive, he saw him on the TV. Apparently the whole Sonny death thing was a hoax. Liz doesn’t believe that Jason wouldn't have told her what was going on? She is angry that she waited around for Jason when he was gallivanting around with Sonny. Liz finds out that Brenda is still alive. Liz is upset. She wants Zander to leave the penthouse with her and stay at her studio. Zander declines the offer saying he's going to get his own place and a job.

When Zander goes into Kelly's, Liz tells Zander that Bobbie needs a handyman, but Zander turns the offer down, telling Liz that he wants to start a whole new life, and that means an end to taking the easy way out. Zander runs into Jason and Jason immediately guesses that Zander has regained his memory but is pretending to still be clueless.

Alcazar warns Zander to stay out of his way and Luis observes that some people are just hard to kill. Alcazar describes pulling Brenda out of the water, then Zander survived after being beaten, drugged, hit over the head and thrown overboard to drown. And now Alcazar is about ready to survive being shot by Sonny Corinthos! Following Alcazar's warning, Zander hangs around until Taggert arrives. Zander informs Taggert, that, even though it will be making a powerful man angry at him and probably wipe out Zander's opportunity to begin a new life, Zander would be willing to testify that Zander had been on board Alcazar's yacht and knew Alcazar was plotting to murder Jax and Sonny then, later tried to murder Zander! Taggert eagerly invites Zander down to the Port Charles Police Department to give his statement!

Zander and Liz meet over something "important." Zander lets Liz know his memories are returning. Liz wants to know what triggered the memories, and he said it was the day Jax was shot. Liz looks crushed again that another man didn't keep her "in the loop." Zander starts apologizing to Liz, rationalizing why he didn't tell her. Zander tells Liz that he's testifying in front of the Grand Jury on the Alcazar investigation. Zander says he told the police the truth about what he remembers.

Back in the Courtroom, Zander explains to Alexis and Ned that he is there to testify about being on Alcazar's yacht and that Alcazar tried to kill him after he realized that Zander had seen Brenda Barrett. Zander testifies that Alcazar threatened to kill Zander because Zander had seen Brenda aboard Alcazar's yacht. Brenda testifies about Alcazar shooting Jax, when Jax was not armed and after Alcazar had promised Brenda he would spare Jax.

Scott tells the Judge that the State will be dropping all charges against Alcazar. When the Judge admonishes Scott for his sudden change of heart, Scott hands the documents he just received to the Judge. When the Judge reads the documents, he announces that his hands are tied and he must dismiss all charges against Alcazar. As the stunned Courtroom watches, Luis Alcazar is released and begins to walk out of the Courtroom. Brenda attacks Alcazar as he saunters past her on his way out of the Courtroom. In the hallway outside, reporters mob Scott and demand to know why Scott suddenly dropped charges against Alcazar. Scott replies that it is a Government issue that Scott is not at liberty to discuss, and concludes by pointing out that the District Attorney's hands are tied in this matter. As Alcazar shoves past the throng of reporters, someone hands him a note that states: "You are a dead man.' Alcazar rushes up to Scott and thrusts the note at Scott, demanding a police escort out of the building. Scott at first brushes it off but, when Scott sees the note, Scott announces that someone has threatened Alcazar's life, and the camera pans to much of the cast who stare threateningly at Alcazar (Jason, Sonny, Brenda, Jax, Skye, Zander, Alexis, ect).

 On the docks, Zander meets Elizabeth and learns the details of Liz and Lucky's failed attempt to spring Luke from a chain gang in Perkinsville. Zander assures Liz that she did her best to help Luke and that, if Luke has given up on himself, there won't be much that anybody outside the family will be able to do about the situation. Back at Kelly's, Elizabeth tells Zander about her shock when she learned that Jason got married while Liz was away, helping Lucky rescue Luke. However, Zander tries to convince Liz that she has not lost anything with Jason's recent marriage.

Zander asks Alexis if she can help him get a job, so he can restart his life. Gia, dressed like a lawyer, bumps into Zander. Gia claims she's at court for Alexis, and Zander says he's working for ELQ now. Zander wants to know why Gia is impersonating a lawyer and if Alexis approves. Gia says she's making sure that Alexis has a career to come back to when the baby crisis is over. Zander says he doesn't like it when yuppie parents threat their kids like part-time trophies. Gia complains that, once her father remarried, his new daughter replaced her.

Liz talks to Zander about his new job at ELQ. He tells her he is an assistant to Ned and admits he is more of an errand boy right now. He has a package to deliver and runs into Faith Roscoe and her bodyguard soon after. Zander recognizes her as Roscoe's widow and doesn't believe her when she tells him that she and Ned are partners. Zander figures out that Ned is using Faith to go against Sonny and worries about his connection to her. He gives her the package reluctantly that has her name on it. She warns him that asking questions like that could get him killed and he’d be better off keeping things quiet. Ned tells Zander that he is on a mission to destroy Sonny. Zander agrees to help Ned. Alexis is taken aback when she sees Ned and Faith in an embrace.

 At Kelly's, Zander gets Liz to open up and offers to hold her hand because the argument with Courtney obviously upset Liz but, when Zander asks if the fight had anything to do with Jason, Liz denies it and says only that Liz caught Courtney in a lie. After Liz goes upstairs and Alexis leaves the bench outside of Kelly's, Zander looks out the window and is shocked to see Cameron standing there. As Zander watches Cameron from inside Kelly's, Cameron suddenly gets an emergency call and leaves. After Cameron is gone, Zander goes outside and has a flashback to the day that his brother was accidentally shot during a hunting expedition and Cameron accused Zander of killing his own brother. One of Zander's old drug buddies happens by and Zander leaves with him. Later, Zander takes some of the drugs his buddy has to offer. A completely stoned Zander arrives at Faith's Hotel room and suggests to a stunned Faith that they could have a good time together. On Faith's orders, a still-high Zander went to the club below Kelly's and starting smashing everything as he remembered his brother's death and how his father blamed him. Carly discovered him and told him he was self-destructing just like he always does. Zander left and went to Kelly's but did not enter when he saw Cameron inside.

Zander meets his friendly neighborhood pusher and picks up some more drugs. Gia spots Zander and lectures him about returning to his old habits. But Zander refuses to listen to Gia. Gia tells Zander that Nikolas talks to Emily by phone every week and urges Zander to give Nikolas something positive to report when Emily asks about Zander. Zander gets drunk at Jake's bar and calls Emily. He wishes her a Happy Birthday and starts to ask her about the past and begins to get upset when it appears that Emily doesn't want to be with him again. He slams the phone and breaks it and assaults the manager. He ends up arrested and sent to PCPD. Mac isn't pleased to see him and is disappointed to see that Zander is ruining his life after it looked like he was turning things around for himself for the better. Zander is still not quite sober and appears high on drugs. Mac tries to get through to him that he has two choices either he agrees to get counseling or he goes to prison and ends up ruining his life for good this time. Zander cops an attitude. He calls Alexis' cell phone but Alexis hands it to Gia at GH. Gia asks Zander what is the problem. Zander tells her he has been arrested and needs Alexis to come help him. Gia tells Alexis about it but Alexis can't help him because of the Brenda fiasco and asks Gia to go to PCPD and help Zander as much as she can. Gia shows up and asks Zander to tell her what happened to him to get him to go into a downward spiral all of a sudden.

Zander tells her a little of what he did at Jake's. When Mac comes in and tells him what his choices are again, Zander refuses to listen to him and gives him an attitude. Gia talks to him about ruining his life and how prison isn't going to solve anything for him and persuades him to seek counseling. Zander tells her he has nothing to lose by going to counseling. Later, Zander with his back facing the door to the client conference room asks what Mac wants with him now and that he is doing what they want. Cameron is surprised to see Zander who turns around and is equally surprised to see Cameron. Cameron calls him "Alexander" and insists to Zander that he didn't know that Zander was the person he was suppose to counsel and tells him he will leave and get Zander reassigned to some other therapist. Zander responds, "Just go ahead and turn your back on me, Dad, that is what you do best." Cameron turns around and looks at Zander with interest.

Zander has a confrontation with his father, Cameron. He asks him how his mother is and if she knows where he is. Cameron tells him he hired a P.I. to find him but had no luck. Zander tells him that was probably because his mother asked not because he wanted to find him. Zander tries to explain again that he didn't meant to shoot his brother and that he thought it was a deer. Cameron goes on the defensive and blames Zander for being a screw-up like always and admits that he wished it was Zander who died that day instead of Peter. Zander tells him he must be a lousy therapist if he can't forgive his own son for the accident. Cameron storms out and tells Mac and Gia that he can't work with Zander and that he deserves to go to prison. Gia and Mac look at him in disbelief. Mac asks him why he is dismissing Zander so soon without trying to help him. Cameron doesn't give him an answer. Mac warns Zander about going to prison if he doesn't straighten up. Zander thanks him for his concern but leaves without really listening. Gia confronts Cameron and questions him as a competent therapist.

Later, Gia finds Zander outside Kelly's. She asks him what happened with Dr. Lewis back at the police station. Zander doesn't want to tell her at first but explains that Cameron is his father and that he was in a hunting accident where he accidentally shot his brother and killed him and that his father blames him for it and can't forgive him. Gia feels really bad and tells him he shouldn't be so hard on himself and that it was an accident. Zander tells her it doesn't matter to his father since the better son was killed. Gia offers him comfort but Zander tells her he will be fine. Nikolas witnesses her comforting him. Nikolas dismisses Zander's feelings and asks her why she is wasting her time with Zander and not at the courthouse. She asks him about Brenda's condition. He tells her she is doing better and is watching the trial from a live feed into her room. Gia tells him that Zander has a lot of family problems right now and needs her support right now. Nikolas tells her to stop making excuses for Zander and stay away from him. Gia looks at him with disbelief. Cameron looks at a picture of him, his ex, and his two sons during happy times. Zander scores some pills on the street from an old drug dealer friend of his. He gets high and lands in the snow and hits his head and lays there unconscious.

Suffering from an overdose, Zander revives, and finds that he has been lying in the snow. Zander suddenly becomes concerned about Emily and heads to the Quartermaine mansion. Zander arrives as Alan, Monica and Edward are watching the news reports of the trial. As Zander demands to see Emily, the Quartermaines try to convince Zander that Emily is in California, starting a new life. Alan and Monica quickly realize that Zander has overdosed and, when Zander collapses, they rush him to the Hospital. After Zander is hospitalized, Gia stops by to see Zander. When Monica wonders why Zander suddenly came un-spooled when he seemed to be doing so well working with Ned, Gia admits that she knows why. Arguing next to an unconscious Zander, Gia urges Cameron to help his son. When Zander awakes to find Cameron in his room, Zander demands that Cameron tell him what kind of relationship they are going to have - father and son - or nothing?

Cameron tells Zander that nothing can ever sever the bond between a parent and child; Cameron accuses Zander of systematically destroying his own life and adds that that is the one thing Zander has ever been good at! Zander flashes back to his brother's death. Gia returns to Zander's room. But Zander tells Gia that the only thing she can do for him is go away and leave him alone, so Gia leaves. Later, Cameron passes by Zander's room with Zander's case worker and asks her what the plan for Zander's case is. The case worker informs Cameron that Zander is scheduled for court-ordered rehabilitation. Cameron tells the case worker to keep Zander out of rehabilitation and give him intensive therapy at the hospital instead. She dryly asks if that means that Cameron is volunteering for the job.

Cameron checks up on Zander who resents his sudden interest in his welfare. Cameron informs him that he was in charge of his care when he was admitted into the hospital and that he has a choice between outpatient care with Gail Baldwin or some residential rehab place instead. Zander tells him that he blames himself for his actions not his father and that he can stop worrying about what other people will think of him. He kicks Cameron out of his room. Bobbie comes by to talk to him and Cameron shows up. Zander gives him an attitude but doesn't reveal to Bobbie that Cameron is his father. Ned stops by to see him and to bring him lunch. He asks him why he overdosed on drugs for and wonders if he was putting too much stress on him by asking to help him bring down Sonny. Zander tells him it had to do with a family problem not a work problem. Ned isn't too pleased when Zander tells him that he made a pass at Faith while he was high but tells him that none of this will happen again. Ned decides to give him a second chance working for him but if he ends up doing drugs again or misses any therapy appointments he'll fire him. As Ned is leaving his room, Zander confesses that Faith asked him to smash up Carly's club and that she told him not to tell him about it.

Luke arrives at his Club and discovers Zander arguing with the bartender, who has accused Zander and Zander's friend of doing a drug deal on the premises. Luke intervenes and promises to take care of the problem. As Luke quizzes Zander, Cameron arrives and admits that Zander is trying to prove something to his father - Cameron! Zander and Cameron argue about Zander's missed counseling appointment and Zander storms out. Zander arrives back at the hospital just as Gia arrives to deliver some reports to Kristina's doctor. When Zander has no luck contacting Gail, he is prepared to walk out of the Hospital, but Gia challenges Zander to stick around and make a serious effort to get his life in order. Zander finally sits down and talks to Gia about some of his feelings about the death of his brother.

Zander is planting drugs in Carly's Speakeasy, but is almost discovered when Ric and Elizabeth suddenly arrive. While Liz confides to Ric how unhappy it made her when she saw Jason and Courtney leaving their apartment together, Zander quietly slips away. Later, Ned pays Zander generously for his part in planting the illegal drugs and tells Zander that he appreciates his help. After Ned leaves, Zander looks at some of the drugs he kept back for himself but tosses the drugs into the harbor instead. Nikolas meets with Zander at Kelly's. He hands him an envelope full of cash and asks him to leave town and never come back and explains that he doesn't want him around Gia anymore and that he will only put her in danger like he did to Emily and Liz. Zander hands the money back and tells him he doesn't take charity. Gia walks into Kelly's and gets suspicious. She asks them what is going on but Zander doesn't give away anything about the payoff.

Gia spots Zander having breakfast at Kelly's, and joins him. Zander announces that he is in love and Gia mistakenly believes that Zander is referring to Gia and tries to gently tell Zander that she is not ready for a new relationship. But Zander laughingly informs Gia that he was talking about Emily. Zander then fills Gia in on his recent telephone conversation with Emily. Zander expresses the hope that Emily will return to Port Charles soon and renew their relationship. Later, Nikolas spots Gia and Zander together at Kelly's and punches Zander. Lucky sees the fight and breaks the combatants apart. Gia angrily informs Nikolas that she is appalled by his behavior and storms out of Kelly's.

Nicholas saw Gia at Kelly's and tried to talk to her, but Zander showed up. Gia explained to Zander that she left Nicholas because he wanted her to be at his beck and call. They decided to go for a walk, and a disgruntled Nicholas watched them leave. Cameron told a cynical Zander that he wanted a second chance at being father and son.

Scott hauls Zander into the District Attorney's office and threatens to trump up some new charges against Zander unless Zander helps Scott dig up dirt on Alexis! But Zander refuses, reminding Scott that Alexis has saved Zander's bacon many times in the past when no one else cared about Zander. Later, Zander visits Alexis to give her a heads up about Scott's effort to lean on Zander in an attempt to squeeze out information about Alexis's defense. Zander warns Alexis that Baldwin is out for blood and that if it gets bad, Cameron will bail because Cameron can not handle failure! Zander encourages Alexis to have a back-up plan and find another shrink to help prove her innocent. But, when Cameron arrives, and demands to know why Zander is there, Zander calmly announces that he just warned Alexis not to trust Cameron! Zander is surprised when Alexis suddenly expresses her confidence in Cameron. When Zander leaves, he runs in to Gia and informs Gia that Alexis is in deep trouble.

Nikolas tells Zander to leave when he plans to go in and support Alexis. Gia doesn't appreciate Nikolas' high-handedness. Gia informs Nikolas that Cameron Lewis is Zander's father. Nikolas makes a snide comment that Alexis is in even worse shape than he thought if Cameron and Zander are related. Zander defends his father and tells him that at least his father isn't a psycho like his grandmother. Cameron approaches them and overhears Zander defend him to Nikolas and makes a comment. Nikolas apologizes to him for making the comment. After Gia and Nikolas walk off, Cameron tells Zander that he is touched that Zander defended him to his friends. Zander tells him that Nikolas is not his friend and warns him not to bail on Alexis if things don't work out for her at trial.

Ned ran into the burning gatehouse thinking Kristina was still inside when a burning beam knocked him to the floor unconscious. Zander arrived and ran inside. He found Ned and carried him outside to safety. Alexis was at Kelley's when she saw the fire on the news. She rushed to the gatehouse, but everyone assured her that AJ had rescued Kristina before anything could happen to her. Although Zander warned her not to break the court order, Alexis went to the main house to see for herself that Kristina was unharmed. At the hospital, Zander was being checked for smoke inhalation. He asked Gia to get Cameron. Cameron told Zander he had been reckless, but began to bandage Zander's injured hand. Zander told Cameron he had only called for him because he thought Alexis needed help. Zander feared that the Quartermaines would use Alexis's actions after the fire to keep Kristina away from her even longer. A television crew burst in and attempted to interview Zander. Zander directed them to Ned's room, calling Ned the real hero.

Gia and Zander return to the burned out remains of the Gate House. Reminding Gia that Edward once framed Zander for assault to keep Zander away from Emily, Zander confides that he believes that Edward could have set the fire at the Gate House himself in order to get custody of Kristina. When the fire inspector arrives, Zander suggests that he investigate for arson but the inspector tells Zander to get lost. After the inspection mentions that Scott is as eager for answers about the Gate House fire as anyone, Zander and Gia becomes even more convince that something is fishy about the fire. Zander calls Cameron aside and voices his suspicions about the origins of the Gate House fire.

Gia told Zander about her plan to take Scott down from the inside by getting an internship in his office. Zander could not believe that Gia planned to tell Taggert about her plan and warned her that he would not approve. Taggert arrived, and as Zander predicted he demanded that Gia abandon her plan. Gia stood her ground and maintained that it was wrong to stand by and do nothing while a corrupt D.A. ran the town. Taggert advised her to stick to law school and go after Scott through the legal system once she was a lawyer. Irritated but not discouraged, Gia vented her frustrations to Zander.

Emily goes to Kelly's to see Elizabeth and Zander. She and Zander run to embrace each other when she sees him. Em tells him about returning home, and being back at the Q's is a bit overwhelming. LIz walks up and is thrilled to see her best friend. Gia and Elizabeth watch from the couple from inside Kelly's and agree that the two still have feelings for each other.

**The End**

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