Zander #6  April 2 - September 5, 2003 - 8 hour original edit

After Zander reminds Emily of their plan to take the bus to Mexico, Emily tells Zander that she is 'sort of' seeing someone new and observes that it looks like Zander is moving on with Gia. But Zander insists that he and Gia are just friends. Emily implores Zander not to get the wrong idea about her return, because she returned because she missed her family. A disappointed Zander finally agrees that they should just be friends.

Later, inside, Gia reports to Zander that Marcus believes one of the Quartermaines took Kristina. As Gia and Zander speculate about the kidnapping, Elizabeth listens in. Emily returns to Kelly's. She runs into Zander and Gia. Gia had found Zander looking inside Kelly's from outside. They go inside. Gia tells Zander that she managed to get a job interning for Scott and that she had to stroke his ego to get him to let her work for him. She tells Zander that she plans to find evidence to get him kicked out of office for good. Emily approaches them. Zander gives her a little cold shoulder. Emily goes over to the counter, so Zander leaves with Gia.

Emily met Lucky at Kelly's but was uncomfortable seeing Zander and Gia sitting together again. Lucky encouraged her to just go talk to Zander since she was obviously still smitten with him, but Emily insisted that her relationship with Zander was in the past. Likewise Gia nudged Zander to approach Emily, with no success. Emily left. Inside Kelly's, Zander confides to Elizabeth that he still loves Emily, and Elizabeth urges Zander to keep on hoping that the relationship can be restored. After Liz leaves, Emily arrives and, sitting down next to Zander, Emily apologizes for the way she behaved. Zander tenderly reassures Emily that he believes that they will be able to find each other again! Emily interrupted Ned & Alexis fighting over Kristina and offered to bring Kristina back herself. Despite their protests, Emily insisted that she was the only one with nothing to lose, and that the family would stand behind her even if she wouldn't reveal the details. Zander promised to help her bring the baby home. Zander and Emily were driving Kristina back to the Quartermaines when they got pulled over for a broken taillight. At first it seemed like everything was okay as the policewoman made small talk with them about "their" baby, but when she went back to her car she ordered them to come out with their hands up. Emily and Zander were arrested and taken to the police station.

Alan, Monica, Zander and Emily watch as Cameron coolly informs Edward that Edward will drop all charges, allow Alexis visitation and give Ned veto power whenever Kristina is concerned. When Scott arrives, Cameron shows Scott that Cameron has a copy of the original arson investigation report that suggested the fire at Ned's Gate House had been set deliberately, as well as evidence that Scott had the original report suppressed. When Cameron also produces a copy of Edward's campaign contributions to Scott, Scott immediately guesses that Cameron got the incriminating documents from Gia and announces that Gia will soon be out of a job! But Edward reminds Scott that the District Attorney has been outmaneuvered and orders Scott to shut up and make a deal immediately. When Emily realizes that Zander is not impressed by his father's performance, Zander finally admits that Zander's brother committed suicide and that Cameron did not let Zander know the facts about Peter's death until after Zander had spent five years, blaming himself for Peter's death! Scott finally orders Alexis released. Later, Zander and Emily head to Kelly's. As the two talk outside, Emily suddenly becomes dizzy and collapses into Zander's arms. When Emily recovers, she insists that she merely passed out because, in all the excitement, she hadn't eaten yet. As Zander orders for her, Emily heads to the Ladies Room and shoots up.

Zander spends the night with Emily in her bedroom. She wakes up first and watches him sleep. He wakes up to find her crying. He asks her what is wrong. She tells him she is happy to have him with her. Edward goes on a rampage when he barges into Emily's room to find her in bed with Zander. Emily is totally upset by his intrusion into her room without knocking first. Edward calls for Alan and Monica to come to her room. They are surprised to see Zander in bed with her too but don't say anything when they realize how loud and insulting Edward is to Zander and her. They argue with Edward and go downstairs. Zander and Emily come downstairs dressed shortly afterwards. Emily makes it clear to Edward that she will do what she pleases with Zander since she is of age after he threatens to have Zander arrested for defiling her.

A.J. shows up and asks what is going on. A.J. passes judgment on Zander for sleeping with Emily and having a criminal background. Zander reminds A.J. that he is an arsonist and not any better than him. A doorbell interrupts their arguing. Reginald answers the door and in walks none other than Tracy Quartermaine, Ned's mother. Everyone is left speechless and dismayed by her entrance. Edward tells her that she is not welcome in his home after what she did. Tracy dismisses his lecture to her and begins right in with the insults to everyone she approaches. Skye had gone into the other room to take the baby to some place quiet. Tracy makes a remark to her and Skye zings her with an insult right back about her age. Monica gets fed up when Tracy insults Emily because she is adopted and was originally some poor "orphan." Monica threatens bodily harm to Tracy if she doesn't start treating Emily with respect. Monica suggests that Emily go upstairs and she will be there shortly. Ned suggests that Zander go home and catch up to Emily later. Zander complies since he works for Ned and likes him.

Later, Zander comes back to the mansion but comes through the window of Emily's bedroom and catches her injecting some drug into her arm from some clear bottle. He asks her what she is doing. Emily is surprised to see him but can't disguise something is wrong with her. Zander confronts Emily about her drug use and catches trying to use a needle and syringe. She denies that she did anything serious but Zander insists she tell him the truth so he can help her get back into rehab for her drug problem. Emily refuses to tell him the truth so Zander goes searching for the drugs in her bureau drawers. She tries to stop him from finding the other drug bottles and needles. Zander doesn't want to fight with her and kisses her passionately to get her to calm down and listen to him. He tells her he loves and wants to help her through this. Emily tries to fight off his concern and yells at him to leave her alone.

Monica hears them arguing vehemently and barges in to tell Zander to let go of her daughter. Zander tells her he loves Emily and that it is between them. Monica starts accusing him of rough handling her daughter and bringing his problems on her again. Emily defends Zander as best she can and asks him to leave so she can talk to her mother alone. Zander leaves but tells her this isn't finished yet. Emily tells her that the love between her and Zander is there and that things are just harder now because of it. Monica comforts her instead of lecturing her. Emily finds Zander outside Kelly's and approaches him to apologize for her behavior earlier. Zander tells her that she needs to be in rehab right now and wants to help her through it. Emily tells him that by sending her to rehab, he will not be able to see her everyday. She tells him she needs to do this on her own and wants him to be there to support her each day. Zander embraces her and tells her he will be there every step of the way.

After Em has passed out, she wakes to find herself in a hospital bed. Zander explained that she had passed out. Emily panicked thinking he had told the Quartermaines that she was taking drugs. Zander told her he had not said anything about the drugs but that Monica had found her passed out on the floor. Monica entered to see Emily. Zander pressed Emily to tell Monica the truth, and when she would not, Zander told Monica that Emily was addicted to painkillers. Emily asked Zander to leave. Alone together, Monica told Emily that she knows she has cancer. Monica insists that she already knows that Emily has breast cancer because the school sent Emily's medical records to her mother. When the Q's arrive at the hospital, Zander at first tells Alan, Edward and A.J. that Monica asked them all to stay outside until she finished speaking to Emily. Zander finally confesses to the other men in Emily's life that he believes that Emily is back on drugs.

Monica informs Alan, Edward and A.J. that Emily is hooked on painkillers and that Emily has asked to see only Zander. When Zander returns to Emily's room, Emily believes at first that Monica told Zander the truth (that she actually has breast cancer). But Emily is elated when she realizes that Zander believes that she is hooked on painkillers. Zander tells Emily that he wants to help her kick her habit and then asks Emily to marry him. Zander tells Emily he loves her and she tells him she never stopped loving him when she was away even when she tried to. Alan, A.J., and Edward come to visit her. Edward goes ballistic when he sees Zander sitting on her bed kissing her. He tries to throw him out but Emily tells Edward to leave him alone and explains that Zander is the one who told Monica about her drug problem when he caught her doing drugs and wanted to put her in rehab and she wouldn't. She makes them apologize to Zander for accusing him of getting her on drugs again. Alan and A.J. apologize and shake his hand but Edward is the last holdout. He reluctantly apologizes for accusing him but refuses to apologize and admit he was wrong to call him all those names. Alan and A.J. are disgusted with him and tell him which causes a fight. Monica comes in and tells them to all leave since Emily needs her rest. Alan refuses to leave. Zander tells Emily he will be sticking by her through the whole thing. Alan tells her that he is sticking by her since she stuck by him when he failed her the time he was an addict. Emily tells him he was a role model for her when he got off the drugs and recovered. Monica looks at her with guilt since he doesn't realize they are lying about her cancer.

Emily snuck away to Zander's where they made love. Emily managed to continue hiding her illness from Zander but became upset when he told her she had a perfect body. Zander could not convince Emily to stay the night. Puzzled at her odd behavior, he worried about her passing out again while outside alone. Monica showed up looking for Emily. Zander told her that Emily had been there but had left. Monica realized from his concern for Emily that he truly loved her. She told him that Emily was going through a difficult battle and would need him by her side. Monica later found Emily back at the hospital. She asked Emily to tell Zander about her illness, but Emily insisted that she owed it to him to set him free.

Emily heads to Kelly's where she witnesses Zander grabbing a young man forcibly outside the diner and Gia trying to stop him. Zander accuses the guy of selling drugs to teens and tries to scare him away. Taggert comes upon them and grabs Zander off of the guy and lets the guy go. Zander tells Taggert that the guy was trying to sell drugs to teens and was trying to stop him. Taggert tells him he knows who the guy is and that he will not let Zander just manhandle anyone he wants to and that the police will handle it. Gia gets upset with Taggert and defends Zander to her brother. Taggert refuses to listen to her defend Zander and storms into Kelly's. Gia apologizes for her brother's behavior. Zander tells her it was nice to see someone defend him against her own brother like that. Emily witnesses their exchange. Zander takes off. Gia goes back inside Kelly's to sit and glare at Taggert from across the room. Emily goes inside and sits with Gia. Emily is touched when Gia badmouths Taggert to defend what Zander did. Gia tells her that Zander loves her so much and is so much better now that she has returned home. Emily tells her that Zander's love means everything to her.

Zander shows up to see Monica. Alan abruptly asks him where Emily is. Zander starts to worry and asks her where she went. Monica tells him that Emily is upset and worried about her treatment and probably left to get some air. Emily shows up a minute later and reassures them she is fine. Emily tells Zander that she has been thinking about them and thinks it would be a good idea if they gave each other some space for awhile and that he shouldn't come visit her for now. Zander asks her what she is trying to say to him. Monica could not convince Emily to tell Alan that she had cancer. Emily asked to reschedule her surgery at another hospital for fear that Alan would learn her secret if she were treated at GH. Emily told Zander that she needed space to get through her ordeal. Zander refused to let her go, but Alan interrupted and asked him to respect Emily's wishes. Zander pleaded with Emily to let him help her, but Emily insisted that having Zander around only made it more difficult for her. Gia stopped by to visit Emily in the hospital, and Emily asked her to look after Zander.

Emily ran into Zander on her way to the new hospital. Though she tried to dissuade Zander from waiting for her, he professed his faith in their love. Confused by Emily's withdrawal, Zander began to suspect that something more was going on. He confided his suspicion in Gia, who related the situation to her own experience with Nikolas, suggesting to Zander that maybe they just grew apart. Zander doubted that the same had happened to him and Emily since he never felt it change. Emily goes into surgery and while she is under anesthesia, Emily dreams of a happy summer picnic with Zander. But, when Zander leaves to go for a swim, Emily notices something cold under the blanket and, when Emily pulls the blanket aside, she sees a grave marker with her name on it!

On the docks, Zander confides to Gia that he believes Emily is under some kind of pressures that Zander doesn't know about. When Gia goes to get some coffee, the local drug dealer and his friends jump Zander and begin to beat Zander up as a warning to stay out of their business. When Gia returns with the coffee, she finds Zander, crumpled up in a heap on the Docks. As Gia revives Zander, he refuses to go to the Hospital. Zander admits that his assailants were a dealer and some of his friends. As Gia and Zander begin to leave the docks, Taggert arrives and demands to know what is going on. Although Gia tries to explain that Zander was assaulted, Taggert still blasts Zander for dragging Taggert's sister into Zander's very violent problems! Gia blasts her brother for his cold-hearted attitude. However, when Gia picks up Zander's jacket, a package of drugs falls out! Taggert questions Zander. Taggert gets upset when Gia defends Zander and tells Taggert the drugs are hers not Zander's. Taggert doesn't believe it and realizes she is willing to take the fall to protect Zander. Taggert decides not to arrest either of them but warns them he will be watching both of them more closely. Zander asks her why she did that. She tells him she did it because she knew her brother wouldn't arrest her. She takes him back to his room and tapes up his bruised ribs and cleans up his cuts.

After Gia runs into Emily in the park, Gia immediately called Zander and informed him that Emily was out of rehab already. Zander, hearing the news from Gia, went to Emily looking for answers. Emily angrily tells Zander not to hold her then declares that she believes it is Zander's fault that she got hooked on drugs again. Zander however, tells Emily that he does not believe her and that she reminds him of the time she broke up with Zander because Edward was threatening to send Zander to prison on a trumped up charge. Emily asks "Dobson" to order a romantic picnic lunch she can take with her to the Boat House to celebrate One Perfect Day with Zander. Emily quietly confides to Monica that she plans to tell Zander about her cancer at the end of their 'perfect day.' Later, at the Boat House, Zander admits that Emily's constantly changing moods have him totally confused. But, when Zander suggests that they should make "One Perfect Day" an annual event, even when they are old and grey, Emily's mood changes again. When Zander wants to go swimming, Emily begs off, claiming the water is freezing. Emily invites Zander inside the Boat House, which she has decorated with the soft glow of Chinese lanterns, and reminds Zander that the Boat House is the first place they ever made love, and they hit the sheets. Afterwards, Emily decides against telling Zander about her cancer. When they return to the Quartermaine mansion, Zander tells Emily he believes she has something else on her mind, but Emily insists he is wrong.

Gia doesn't seem too happy when Zander told her that he and Emily patched things up. After Maxie overdosed at Carly's club, Jason asks Zander to find out where "Angry John" received his drugs from (he is the drug supplier). Zander agreed to look into it, but made Jason promise to find out what's really going on with Emily in return. Jason meets with Zander, who confirms that the drugs came from Miami but he doesn't know who the dealer or seller is right now. After getting info back to Jason on Big John, Zander was confronted by Big John (the drug dealer) who was angry at Zander for telling Sonny about his drug source. Big John pointed a gun at Zander's head! "Big John" Monroe told Zander that the drug supplier from Miami is now out for his blood and, frightened, asked Zander to arrange for him to stay at Sonny's "safe house". Zander tried to take the gun away from John, but a struggle ensued, during which Zander was shot. An injured Zander showed up at Jason's. The bullet had only grazed him, but Jason insisted Zander go to the hospital. Zander told Jason that John ran off after the shooting and that the drug lord from Miami is about to make some waves. After the paramedics rushed in, Scott burst in and told Zander he was under arrest for the murder of John Monroe! Zander denied killing John after Scott informed him that John was found lying face-down on the docks with a bullet in his back. Scott ordered Zander be taken to General Hospital under police guard. Later, at the hospital, as Scott was browbeating Zander, Emily arrived and stood up to Scott telling him not to railroad Zander.

At the Port Charles Police Department, Emily is shocked to learn that Zander's bail has been posted at $200,000! Scott tries to get answers from Zander about John's death, Scott threatens to send Zander to state prison for safe keeping, since Zander will obviously not be able to raise the bail money. But Emily is triumphant when Nikolas arrives in time and announces that she has paid Zander's bail. When Zander is ready to leave, Cameron offers his son a ride, but Zander refuses. However, Zander goes out into the squad room, just as Emily gives Nikolas a thank you hug. After Alexis threatens to sue Scott for failing to give Zander proper medical attention after Zander was shot, and Nikolas pays Zander's bail, Scott reluctantly releases Zander. Zander had been bailed out of jail by Nikolas whom he witnesses hugging Emily at the police station as he was being processed. Later, Emily catches up with Nikolas at the pier. She asks him to go along with her plan to make Zander think that they are a couple now. Nikolas tells her that the plan won't work since all Zander has to do is look into her eyes and know that she loves him. Emily pleads with Nikolas to go along with her plan. Nikolas realizes that Emily is pushing Zander away, not so much because she doesn't want him to know about the cancer, but because she thinks she is going to die. Nikolas explains to her that having cancer doesn't mean she is going to die from it and that she should tell Zander about the cancer and see what happens. Emily hugs him goodbye. Nikolas tells her he loves her and she tells him she loves him too. Zander witnesses the whole thing and gets the wrong idea about it. Emily leaves. Zander walks downstairs to the pier and confronts Nikolas. He thanks Nikolas for bailing him out and admits to hearing him talk to Emily. He asks Nikolas if he and Emily have something going on. Nikolas tells him that he will do whatever he can to make Emily happy and secure and that he loves her. Zander asks him if Emily feels that way about him and how long they have been seeing each other. Nikolas doesn't give him a straight answer and tells him to go find Emily and find out from her. Zander tells him he will do that.

Zander went to see Emily at the Quartermaine mansion and tried to make plans with her. Emily offered Zander a transparent excuse why she couldn't spend time with him that afternoon, hoping he would follow her to Wyndemere and see her with Nikolas. Zander followed her but was stopped by security on Spoon Island. Zander went to Elizabeth and told her that he had been following Emily because she was acting strangely. Nikolas and Emily are sitting at a table outside at Kelly's, Zander interrupted Nikolas's and Emily's discussion. Nikolas pretended to leave them alone so Emily can tell Zander the "truth." Emily told Zander that her old feelings for Nikolas were rekindled and that she was torn between him and Zander. Zander refused to believe her and asked Emily to look in his eyes and tell him she didn't love him.

At Kelly's, Zander and Lucky meet and Zander quizzes Lucky about Nikolas' relationship with Emily. Lucky admits that Emily once had a mammoth crush on Nikolas, but Nikolas regarded Emily as a kid. However, Lucky adds that, in Lucky's opinion, the day would once come when Nikolas would realize that Emily had turned into an amazing young woman! Zander visits Emily at the Quartermaine Mansion and asks for a chance to talk. Emily informs Zander that she is pretty tired at the moment, but promises that she will speak to Zander in the morning. Zander comes to the mansion to see Emily. Zander tries to make plans for them but Emily tells him she can't today because she has a treatment session and she is always too tired after one to do anything. Emily takes off. Zander runs into Monica in the hallway. He asks her what is going on with Emily and why she is lying to him. Monica keeps Emily's secret but it is hard for her to see Zander confused and misinformed about Emily when she knows he loves her so much. Monica asks him to be patient and not to stop loving her even if she isn't making much sense right now and that he shouldn't take what Emily says to him to heart and that he needs to read between the lines to find out what Emily needs for him to do. Zander asks her what she is getting at but Monica doesn't tell him and leaves. Zander is about to leave but runs into the maid who is looking for Emily. She tells him that Emily wanted to bring her shawl with her to the hospital but must have forgotten about it. Emily meets Nikolas at the hospital. He lends her moral support before her chemo session. Zander shows up and finds the two of them cozying up to each other. Zander confronts Nikolas about his true feelings for Emily. Emily finishes her second round of chemotherapy and finds Zander and Nikolas fighting over her. Nikolas tells Zander that he is in love with her. He also lets it slip that Emily is going through hell right now and doesn't need him to be fighting over her. Nikolas holds her and tells Zander that they are together now and to leave it alone.

Nikolas tells him that he and Gia didn't work out and that he has always loved Emily, starting as her friend and now into a romantic love. Zander doesn't want to believe it and starts to question a very pale and weak Emily about her feelings for Nikolas. Emily tells Zander that if he really loves her he would leave her alone and accept her decision. She starts to go into a faint but Stefan comes over and grabs her as well as Nikolas to keep her from falling on the floor. Zander asks her what happened in her therapy session that made her so weak. Nikolas tells Zander to back off from her and leave them alone.

Zander shows up to see Emily and overhears his father defending Dobson to Ned and Skye. He decides to have some fun. He barges into the foyer and informs Ned and Skye that Cameron isn't defending Dobson because of Alexis but because he is dating Dobson. Alexis tries to hide her amusement when Zander informs them that he saw his father kissing "Dobson" quite passionately the other day. Skye fires Dobson, who points out that it is against the law to fire someone because of their sexual orientation. Cameron agrees with Dobson that firing "him" would not be fair. Ned agrees with them and tells Skye that Dobson won't be fired and warns Dobson that if he lies anymore or if he can't clear up his resume he will be fired. Zander had asked Ned to see Emily. Ned tells him she isn't home yet. Zander wonders why since she was supposed to have gotten a ride home from Nikolas. The next morning, when Emily returns to the Quartermaine Mansion, she finds a worried Zander waiting there for her. When Zander guesses that Emily was with Nikolas, Emily lets Zander believe that she spent a romantic night with Nikolas. Gia runs into a fuming Zander at Kelly's and suggests that they go for a run together to blow off some of the steam.

Monica tries to convince Zander to give Emily some space. But both Monica and Zander are stunned when Emily arrives and announces that she and Nikolas are planning on getting married. Nikolas arrives at the Quartermaine Mansion just as Zander and Monica are trying to absorb the news of Emily's engagement. Although Nikolas is equally surprised by Emily's announcement, Nikolas nevertheless backs up Emily's story. Zander sadly tells Emily goodbye and leaves. Zander meets Gia at Kelly's. As Zander reports that his ex is now engaged to her ex, Lydia overhears and rushes to Stefan with the news. Gia and Zander declare themselves "The Losers Club" and head to Gia's place to toast their mutual misery. As they compare notes on lost love, Zander and Gia share a kiss.

Gia and Zander show up on the docks shortly after sharing a kiss that Zander pulls away from and tells her that he can't be with her as long as he is still in love with Emily and only wants to be friends. Gia and Zander act polite to Emily and Nikolas and Zander congratulates Nikolas and shakes his hand. He makes a remark to Emily that everything seems to be working out the way it is suppose to be for her. Emily is sad when she sees Zander and Gia walk off together. Later, Gia walks onto the docks and overhears Nikolas and Emily talking. Emily feels pale and starts to feel nauseous and mentions the breast cancer to Nikolas. Gia also finds out that the engagement is not for real and that Nikolas is protecting her and helping her keep Zander away to keep him from finding out about the cancer. Gia goes back to Zander's place but instead of telling him the truth about Emily's condition she lies and tells him that she overheard Nikolas and realizes that he always loved Emily and was waiting for her to grow up a little so he could be with her someday. Zander feels bad for Gia and comforts her.

Zander asks Lucky to meet him at the park. When Lucky gets there he asks him what he can help him with. Zander tells him his concerns about Emily and Nikolas' engagement and how soon it came about. Lucky tells him that Nikolas has always cared about Emily and that he may have just realized he was in love with her when she returned home. Zander doesn't doubt that Nikolas could have fallen in love with her since he is but wonders how Emily could fall in love with Nikolas so quickly when she was just with him not too long ago. Lucky doesn't know what is going on but accepts that Emily and Nikolas are engaged. Emily runs into Gia on the docks. Gia confronts her about her cancer secret and why she is engaged to Nikolas. Emily doesn't deny that she is using Nikolas to push Zander out of her life to keep him from being hurt by her cancer. Gia tells her she didn't tell Zander about her cancer and that the reason why is because she is falling for Zander and as soon as he found out about her cancer he would run to Emily and she wouldn't have a chance with him. Emily tells her she is all for a romance between Zander and her. Gia asks her why she didn't tell Zander and give him the choice of how to respond to the news. Zander comes over and asks about what "choice" they are referring to. Emily quickly comes up with something about the choice being whether he wants to come to her engagement party or not at Wyndemere. He tells her it would be hypocritical of him to go to her party and declines the invitation and walks off with Gia. At Wyndemere, Stefan meets with his hitman and tells him that Emily's death must look like an accident and that no mistakes can be made and that the fog outside will help with the "accident."

While Emily is at Wyndemere, she gets a call from Zander pretending to be Jason. He tells her he needs to speak with her in private and she agrees to meet him at Wyndemere. Emily wonders what is taking Zander so long to meet her and walks off to go look for him since the fog is very thick and it is hard to see in front of her. A few seconds later, the hitman strikes and pushes a woman over the bluff onto the rocks below. A security guard comes over and tells Nikolas that a woman fell down into the bluff. Nikolas goes to find out what happened. Zander shows up and finds out that Emily is missing and a woman was heard screaming and fell over the cliff. He tells everyone that he was supposed to meet with her to talk but he didn't see her. Nikolas tells Lucky he knows how to get to the bottom of the bluff and shows him the way. Emily shows up at the top of the cliff and a relieved Zander holds her close. Lucky and Nikolas show up down at the bottom of the cliff and find Summer's unconscious body down near the rocks. Lucky goes over to try and wake her up. Nikolas checks her pulse and tells Lucky that she is dead. Lucky is devastated.

As the news spread to the other guests, Zander saw Emily and with much relief embraced her. Emily held back her emotions as Zander held her. Back in the mansion, Scott appeared with Luke. Lucky went at Luke and accused him of killing Summer. Scott presented Emily's story, and she admitted that she had seen Luke earlier rough-handling Summer. Luke escaped with a gunshot, taking out the lights. When they came back on he was nowhere to be found. Alexis expressed her belief in Luke's innocence, having seen genuine shock in his eyes when Lucky mentioned Summer's death. Alexis noticed that Emily and Summer's coats were similar and surmised that perhaps Emily was the intended victim. Alexis explained her theory that someone had pushed Summer thinking she was Emily because they were the same height and wore similar coats, and therefore would appear the same in the foggy night. Stefan attempted to distract Alexis by suggesting that Zander could be the killer if not Luke. Emily jumped to Zander's defense. Lucky warned Stefan that if the Cassadines had anything to do with Summer's death, he would retaliate. The police asked everyone to leave because the search dogs were being released. Lydia caught up with Zander outside and reassured him that Stefan was only blowing smoke. She urged Zander not to give up on Emily, saying that Emily truly loved him. Zander saw through Lydia's plan, and she admitted that she wanted to break them up so she could have Nikolas. A despairing Zander told her that it was too late, that Nikolas would never give up Emily's love.

Zander and Gia go running in the park and Zander thanks Gia for her friendship. As Zander and Gia share a tender kiss, Emily comes around the corner and witnesses the tender embrace. After Zander leaves to finish running, Emily speaks to Gia alone and confesses that she saw the kiss and that it was hard to witness, because Emily still loves Zander. Emily continues to pronounce that Zander's relationship with Gia is the perfect way to help Zander mend after Zander learns of Emily's impending death. Gia warns Emily that Gia will not allow Zander to be sawed back and forth and that Gia has now begun to care deeply for Zander! Gia urges Emily to tell Zander the truth about her breast cancer. But, when Emily stubbornly refuses, Gia admits that she is beginning to care deeply for Zander. Zander suddenly returns from his run and, overhearing part of the conversation, demands to know what the two women were talking about! Zander tells Emily that she has no right to interfere in his life anymore now that she is engaged to Nikolas and tells her that if he wants to start a new relationship with Gia, she shouldn't get on her case about it since it isn't her business anymore. Emily tells him he is right and walks away but then faints to the ground.

Emily and Zander bring her to the hospital. Zander's concern for Emily bothers Gia until he explains to her that he doesn't want Emily alone at the hospital and that is why he called Nikolas to come take care of her. Nikolas shows up and finds out from them what happened. Zander tells Nikolas that he accepts that Emily is engaged to him now and that as long as he makes her happy than that is all that matters to him. Nikolas thanks him. Gia is touched by Zander's unselfishness concerning Emily. Zander and Gia spend more time together. Zander takes off. Later, Zander comes along at the park. Gia suggests that they put the brakes on their romantic relationship and worries that his feelings for Emily will cause problems down the road. Zander reassures her that he is interested in a relationship with her and won't change his mind later on and the two share a kiss.

Emily decides to tell Zander the truth about the cancer, leaves Nik, and goes to the park for the 4th of July celebration. She looks for Zander there and finds him in a secluded corner kissing Gia. The celebration closes with a music montage of various GHers celebrating. Finally Emily tells Zander that she has breast cancer. Zander embraced Emily as Gia watches through the window at Kelly's. Emily and Zander apologized to each other for the way she had lied to him and the way he had badgered her. Zander guessed that Nikolas knew all along and Emily admitted that everyone had told her to tell Zander the truth, but she couldn't let him watch her die. He held her face and said he would not let her die. They kissed. Emily told Zander how Nikolas was the one who'd convinced her to fight the cancer. Zander was grateful to him and refused to be upset about all the deception. He was just glad he knew the truth now and promised to be by her side every step of the way. They kissed again. Looking at Gia inside, she asked for his help in repairing the damage. Zander went inside and told Gia he knows everything now. Gia reminded him that they belong together. Zander felt bad for leading her on. Gia did not want to hear a pity speech and she had known all along Zander would support Emily through her illness. They agreed to call it even and stay friends. Emily came back to Kelly's to talk to Zander and see if he'd talked to Gia was relieved to hear Gia was okay. They continued to look towards the future and were optimistic about her recovery.

Emily gets a visit from Zander, who gives her the locket he had given her that she had given back to him when she got engaged to Nikolas. He puts the necklace back on her and tells her he is going with her to her chemotherapy session. They arrive and find Nikolas and Lucky there. Lucky wonders what she is doing at GH with Zander and thinks something is wrong. Emily is surprised Lucky doesn't know about her condition and she tells him that she has breast cancer. Lucky holds her and tells her he is sorry and offers his support. Emily and Zander go to the session and come back. Emily is feeling very weak and Zander walks with her to support her. Nikolas and Lucky ask about her he

Nikolas shows up at the Quartermaine mansion and goes to see Emily to give her a book for Zander to read to her since it helps her to sleep after he has read it to her before. Zander is polite and thanks him for bringing by for her but Emily overhears them and asks if it is Nikolas that came. Nikolas sticks his head into her bedroom to say hi and plans to leave but Emily invites him in her room to read the book to her since it helps her sleep. Zander isn't too comfortable about Nikolas reading to her and her holding his hand for comfort but doesn't say anything and watches from the sidelines. Nikolas read to Emily until she fell asleep. Zander walked Nikolas out, and thanked him for being there for Emily. Nikolas explained that Emily had read the same book to him when he was recovering from his injury. Nikolas gave Zander the book and pointed out Emily's favorite parts. Zander began to suspect that Nikolas cared more deeply for Emily than friendship. Zander sat by Emily's side as she slept. She uttered Nikolas's name just before waking up, but she was happy to see Zander there by her side.

At the hospital, Emily thanks Zander for sticking by her through her chemotherapy treatments. As Emily gets ready to attend another support group to tell her story, she gives Zander a kiss good-bye, just as Gia rounds the corner. After Emily leaves, Gia makes her presence known and apologizes to Zander for agreeing to keep Emily's secret even though Gia could tell how hurt Zander was. Nikolas and Emily are talking, Gia and Zander arrive and Zander and Emily head out to the Quartermaine Mansion. Emily tells Zander that she now believes that she is going to survive and they can plan on being happy together for years to come. Zander suggests they go out to celebrate. However, before Zander and Emily leave to celebrate, Monica arrives home and sadly reports to Emily that Emily's doctors believe that the chemotherapy is having a bad affect on Emily and the doctors believe that Emily should go off the chemotherapy! Emily got all upset and panicked. After telling Zander she wants to be alone, Emily stormed out of the Quartermaine mansion. Zander came upon Nik and Emily and watched as the two embraced.

Zander and Emily enjoy a romantic evening together at the Quartermaine mansion. Zander wakes up in Emily's room. She is already awake and comes over to kiss him good morning. He tells her that he loves waking up with her and going to sleep with her and suggests that they move in together and avoid having to deal with her family every morning. Emily thinks that would be a big step and is hesitant to say yes. Ned knocks on the door and interrupts them. He tells Emily that Brooklyn is coming to visit and the family is planning a picnic later. Emily tells him she'll be there later. Ned makes them laugh when he tells Zander to get to work since he needs him at the office. Zander points out that this is why they should move in together in a place of their own so they will have some privacy. She tells him she'll move in with him.

Gia runs into Zander at Kelly's. Zander is looking in the newspaper for apartments for rent and tells her that Emily has agreed to move in with him. Gia is confused since she just saw Emily talking about her feelings for Nikolas. Gia asks him when he last talked to Emily. He tells her that he spent the night with her and they talked this morning. Gia opens her mouth to say something but stops herself and tells him to talk to Emily. Zander tells her that she is his friend and can tell him anything. Gia tells him that she just ran into Emily outside of Kelly's and that Emily overheard Nikolas tell Lydia that he was in love with her and that she may have developed feelings for Nikolas too. Zander is stunned by the news.

Zander shows up at Emily's door and doesn't look too happy when he sees them together. He asks what is going on. Nikolas tells him that he wants Emily to be happy and healthy and that she has her own life to lead. Zander tells her he doesn't like Nikolas and never did. He tells her that Gia told him what she heard Nikolas tell Lydia and questions her about how she feels about Nikolas. Emily tells him that she loves Nikolas but that she loves him more and only wants to be with him. Zander is relieved but Emily is still pained about not being able to follow her heart fully. Zander surprises her by getting down on one knee and proposes to her. A teary-eyed Emily told Zander that she couldn't marry him right now because of the cancer. She promised, though, to accept his ring once she was cancer-free. Zander understood and promised to be patient. After Zander left, Emily wrote in her journal that the real reason she had turned down Zander's proposal was because she couldn't stop thinking about Nikolas. Later after Em had left, Zander returned to Emily's room to leave her a note. While placing the note on her nightstand, Zander noticed the journal and read what Emily had written. Zander told Monica that Emily is in love with Nikolas and showed her the diary as proof.

Emily and Nikolas were talking outside of Kelly's as she explained why she couldn't marry Zander right now. Emily told Nikolas that she tried not to be in love with him, but just is. She continued to insist that they couldn’t be together, that his family is too important and she owes Zander too much. Nikolas told her he broke his engagement to Lydia and admitted that he won't change his feelings and as he kissed her, Zander walked up. He hit Nikolas, who left. Zander finally blew up at Emily for all the lies. He said he could never believe anything she says again. Emily cried that she chose him, but Zander said he was done and walked away.

Gia runs into Zander at Kelly's and asks him if he is celebrating. He asks her what she is talking about. Gia realizes he doesn't know that Nikolas and Lydia are getting married today. She explains that because of that Emily is free to love him. Zander tells her he doesn't care if Nikolas marries Lydia because that won't change the fact that Emily is in love with Nikolas. He tells her that he refuses to be a consolation prize or be treated as if she wants him out of obligation. Gia tells him that Emily loves him. Zander doesn't want to talk about it anymore and gets up to leave. Gia worries that he will go somewhere and act crazy. He tells her he is just going home. Gia tells him she is going with him. Back at Zander's room, Gia tries to comfort Zander and comes onto him. The two have sex. While they are in bed, Zander gets a phone call from Nikolas. Nikolas tells him that Emily is pretty upset and he should go find her and comfort her. Zander tells Gia what the phone call is about. Gia realizes that Emily is still a priority for Zander. Nikolas apologizes for the interruptions and tells the justice of the peace to continue where they left off. Nikolas seems to be a million miles away as Lydia listens to the vows and says I do. Emily heads over to Kelly's and takes out the locket Zander gave her and looks at it and then puts it away, torn about which man she really loves.

Gia gets dressed after sleeping with Zander. She is a little disturbed by the phone call he received from Nikolas. Zander asks her to stay but she tells him she isn't going to spend the night with him while he keeps wondering whether to go find Emily to see if she is o.k. Zander tells her that he wasn't using her just now by sleeping with her. Gia knows that but tells him that he should go find Emily since she loves him too and he still loves her. Zander tells her that Emily loves Nikolas and that he isn't going to go look for her. Gia tells him that Emily loves both he and Nikolas and that he doesn't have any more room in his heart for her and that he should fight for Emily. She tells him that she no longer wants to be the rebound girl and leaves.

Zander goes to GH to see his father. Zander apologizes for not returning his call about Alexis and tells him he knows Cameron cares about Alexis and he appreciates him helping her. Cameron doesn't think he was much of a help to her treatment when she ran around dressed like a butler and that Zander thought his own father was gay when he saw him kissing her. Zander tells him he came by to tell him goodbye and that he is leaving Port Charles probably for good. Cameron asks him to sit with him to talk about his reasons for leaving town. Zander explains that the only reason he stuck around Port Charles as long as he had was because of Emily and that now that they aren't together, there is no reason for him to stay. Cameron gives him his opinion about his situation. He tells Zander that he has been watching him since Emily returned home and that he saw that Zander learned to develop his own self-worth and that Emily was responsible for that because she loved him unconditionally. Zander doesn't like his advice and points out that if he was in his situation he would have bailed out a lot sooner. Cameron tells him that is probably true but that is because he is a better man than him. He suggests that Zander love Emily with all her faults and forgive her like she did for him. Zander heads to Wyndemere and finds Nikolas on his way out to find Emily. Zander tells him he isn't going anywhere and that he will find her himself.

Zander went to Wyndemere and told Nikolas to stay away from Emily. Nikolas resisted the urge to fight with Zander and just told him that he only wanted Emily to be happy. Cameron runs into Zander who is doing the breast cancer walk. He asks him how it is going with him and Emily and Zander thanks him and tells him he followed his advice about giving her another chance. Cameron tells him he wants to give a donation to the cause in his name for her. Zander turns it down and says that he will use his own name to help her himself. Zander asks Edward to donate more money and gets him to donate $100 for each mile Zander walks. He surprises Zander also when he admits that his love for Emily is a good thing for her even if he doesn't have anything else to offer her as far as a future is concerned. Zander doesn't like seeing her talking to Nikolas but lets it go and shares a kiss with her when she thanks him for all he is done today for her. Nikolas sees them kiss.

Edward rants about Zander not returning from the breast cancer walk as soon as everyone expected and accuses him of being at some bar somewhere and how he isn't good enough for Emily. Emily has faith in Zander and tells Edward that she will live her own life regardless of what Edward thinks or wants from her. Zander runs back and tells Edward to pay up and hands a sheet to him showing he did the course twice. Edward accuses him of forging the signatures at the checkpoints but Monica looks at the sheet and tells Edward that those signatures are real and signed twice. Zander grabs Edward's handkerchief and wipes the sweat off of himself and tells Edward to get his checkbook out and pay up what he owes. Edward grumbles but gets his checkbook out and signs. Alan and Monica thank Zander for coming through for Emily big time. Emily hugs him and calls him her hero. She asks him if there is anything she can do for him and he tells her he needs water right now. They walk in the park hand in hand. Zander admits that he was bothered by Nikolas' big donation in her name even though he knows it is for a good cause. Emily tells him that what he did for her was far more meaningful to her than Nikolas signing a check. Nikolas overhears what she tells him when he spies on them from the bushes.

Emily and Zander go to the carnival. Emily feels that the new round of chemo is working great for her. They both can't wait to start a long and wonderful life together. Emily and Zander run into them. Nikolas asks Emily how she is feeling. Lulu asks if Emily if she was sick. Lulu tells Emily her bear is cute and Emily tells her that Zander won it for her. Lulu wants Zander to win her one too. Nikolas offers to give it a try. Emily and Zander lay on the grass looking up at the stars while planning on their future as they share a kiss. Nikolas tracks Zander down at Kelly's and informs Zander that Monica is going to tell Emily that the new chemotherapy is too harsh for Emily and is destroying her immune system and they head to GH. Emily is happy to see both Zander and Nikolas when they arrive. Nikolas announces that he has had a specialist flown in to take over Emily's case. When the specialist arrives, he speaks to Monica and Emily alone, then leaves with Monica to check on Emily's case history. When Monica returns, Monica announces that Emily will have to stay in a protected, isolated room with limited visitors because her immune system has been so badly compromised. Emily insists she will not do that and rushes out of the room. But Emily collapses as Zander and Nikolas run to assist her. Zander and Nikolas pick her up and carry her to the hospital room. Zander tries to get her to calm down but she is in a panic. Monica comes in and has her hooked up to an I.V. to give her fluids. Emily gets upset and tells her she can't do this and wants to just go home.

Zander and Nikolas wait outside while they talk. Nikolas goes to leave but Zander asks him to stick around for Emily. Monica makes everyone who visits Emily to wear special gowns so she won't be exposed to any outside infections and promises Zander and Nikolas that the hospital will have a better handle on preventing infection for her than if she was at home. Zander worries that she could have picked up a virus or bug from when they went to the amusement park yesterday. Monica tells him that they just have to hope that she didn't. Zander and Nikolas agree with each other that Emily needs them both around for support.

Emily talks to Zander as if she is going to die and tells him that she has loved every moment they have spent together. Zander tells her not to give up. He tells her that he would like to take her away somewhere when she gets better. They discuss Mexico. Emily pretends to be optimistic that she will get better enough to go to Mexico with him and tells him to go to the library and find some travel books about Mexico. When Zander comes in and starts to leave when he sees that Carly and Emily are sharing a moment. Carly tells him she has to go anyway. Zander is happy when Emily seems much better since Carly visited. Emily tells him that she saw how brave and strong Carly is and how being that way has brought wonderful things in her life. Emily tells him that she wants to get better and go to Mexico with him and walk on the beach and make love and make a baby with him.

At the hospital, Zander reads to Emily and gets up to leave when he sees that she is asleep. Emily's white blood cell count continues to drop and Monica hopes that Emily does not get an infection. She asks Zander to call Nikolas about the specialist that he brought in because Emily is not responding to the treatments. Monica gives Zander a piece of paper with Nikolas' number. Zander goes to Coleman's bar for a few drinks and leaves Nikolas' number on the bar. Coleman picks it up and decides to call it to let him know that Zander was in pretty bad shape. Nikolas arrives. Zander tells him that Emily's condition has gotten worse. Nikolas begins to drink and Zander punches him. Zander and Nikolas continue to fight, blaming each other for what each did with Emily. Afterwards, they drink and toast to Emily. Lucky and Lydia walk in to take them home. Drunk and bruised, Nikolas and Zander walk into Emily's room, which makes Emily laugh.

Emily complains about having a severe headache. Zander tells her she should let the doctor know so he can give her something for it. Emily tells him she doesn't want them to run more tests on her right now and would rather suffer the headache right now instead. She starts to feel cold and Zander offers to turn the thermostat in the room up for her. Emily's doctor comes in to check on her and notices she is shivering. He asks Zander to step out of the room for a minute so he can examine her. Zander walks out of the room and runs into Monica. Monica asks him if Emily is running a fever. Zander doesn't know. Emily's doctor comes out of her room and tells Monica that he needs to run some tests on Emily immediately and that he is going to order a lumbar puncture. Monica agrees that is the best course and gives the okay. Zander gets nervous and asks her what a lumbar puncture is. Monica explains that it is a spinal tap. Zander asks her if that is serious. Monica tells him it isn't good news. She calls Jason and tells him that Emily is getting worse and that she wants to see him immediately.

Emily is moved to I.C.U. Zander comes over to Alan and Nikolas later and tells them that Emily has been moved to I.C.U. and that they are going to perform a spinal tap on her. Alan tells them that if she ends up having bacterial meningitis, she could die. Zander goes to see her again. Alan and Monica are there to see her first and try to act upbeat and encouraging for Emily. They leave Zander with her. Zander starts blaming himself for taking her out to places and exposing her to all these viruses and infections. Emily tells him it wasn't his fault since she wanted to go to the carnival and that this infection was hibernating in her system already probably and that her immune system is too weak to fight it off. Emily has seizures. Alan and Monica give her medicine to reduce the seizures as Nikolas and Zander watch on. Monica tells them that Emily's condition has stabilized, but that her immune system has suffered and that the worst-case scenario is that Emily will die.

Later, in Emily's room, Monica speaks to an unconscious Emily and urges her to fight. Nikolas and Zander ask if they could do the same. Zander sits down next to her and begins to cry. He tells her that she looks peaceful and that she will wake up. He plans on what they are going to do when she wakes up and he thought of the carnival. He begins to dream of swinging her on the swing, but then Nikolas picks her up in a tuxedo and begins to sway her around for a dance, then kisses her and tells her that he loves her. Nikolas is sitting next to her bed and tells her that almost losing her made him realize that nothing else matters. He asks if she can hear him and Emily answers in her head that yes she can. Nikolas tells her that he just needs one chance to be able to tell her that he loves her. Zander interrupts and tells Nikolas that he would like to sit with her for a while. He tells her that her hands are warm, as if she was really here or maybe it was because Nikolas was holding them. He tells her that she has to wake up because they have a lot to look forward to. Suddenly, Emily's hand moves. He tells her that he felt her and he asks her to squeeze his hand and that he would bring her back to him, but he begins to feel her pull away from him. Zander tells her that it doesn't matter if he came back to him or not, but she has got to fight. He kisses her, turns out the lights and leaves. Zander walks out and he begins to tell Courtney that he is just glad that Emily did not run away. He is glad that Emily had told him the truth and he wishes that he would have known sooner.

The doctor tells Monica, Zander, Liz and Lucky that Emily's fever has broken and she is awake. Zander goes to see her, Zander tells Emily to save her strength because he has plenty of things planned. He tells her that he realized that because of what happened, he should always do right for the person that you love. Emily agreed and says she always will. When Emily wakes up in her hospital room, frightened by a nightmare, she finds Zander beside her. Emily encourages Zander to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Nikolas arrives at the hospital and begs Emily to be honest about her feelings for him. Emily continues to insist that it is Zander whom she loves and asks Nikolas to leave! Zander arrives and insists that Nikolas respect Emily's request. Nikolas assures Zander that all he wants is for Emily to be happy. After Nikolas leaves, Monica reports to Zander that the antibiotics they believed would save Emily's life are not working, and breaks down in Zander's arms. Monica tearfully confides that Emily is close to reaching a point where Emily's organs will begin shutting down! Zander returns to Emily's room to deliver the bad news. When Zander returns to Emily's hospital room, Zander lets Emily know that the antibiotics are not working. But, instead of warning Emily that her organs might soon begin shutting down, Zander instead suggests that Emily and Zander should get married right away and Emily agrees. She tells him that they should only get married out of love not obligation. Zander tells her that he loves her and wants to marry her. Emily accepts his proposal. Zander tells her that he will go make the plans for a justice of the peace and have the wedding right there in her hospital room in I.C.U. He leaves.

Lydia goes to GH and runs into Zander as she goes to check on Emily's condition. Zander tells her that he and Emily are getting married right there in I.C.U. Zander explains that Emily is still very sick but they are getting married anyway. Lydia is thrilled with the news that Emily won't be a threat to her marriage anymore. Zander returns to Emily's room and tells her all the wedding plans he made for them on short notice. Emily confronts him about knowing she was getting worse but not telling her. She asks him if he just proposed to her because he felt sorry for her and wanted to give her one last gift. Zander tells her that he loves her and wants to marry her. Emily looks at him and tells him that she can't marry him.

Zander proposes to Emily again and shows her the ring that he kept from the last time he proposed to her. He convinces her that he loves her enough to marry her even if they don't have much time left together. Emily accepts his proposal and Zander hurries up to make last minute arrangements to marry her later that day. He runs into Gia in the hallway at G.H. She asks him if she can go in and see Emily. Zander tells her she can and announces that he is marrying Emily later that day and invites her. She notices that he hasn't shaved and is dressed in casual clothes he plans to get married in. She tells him that she is going to get him a nice tie and for him to go home and change into his best suit. She returns with him and fixes his tie for him. Elizabeth shows up at Emily's room with a garment bag with her. She shows her a nice lace nightgown she got her to wear as a wedding dress as well as something borrowed, new and blue. She asks Emily if she is all right about marrying Zander. Emily tells her that she is sure about it.

Emily sees Nikolas through the window during the marriage ceremony. She says her wedding vows to Zander as Liz, Lucky and Gia look on. Nikolas walks away as Zander kisses his bride. After the ceremony, Emily thanks Gia for being a friend to Zander. She tells Liz and Lucky that she feels that they were a family in another life. Outside of the hospital room, Nikolas congratulates Zander. Emily sees him and calls out to him. Nikolas enters her room, Emily begins to cry and tells him that whatever her words are to him would be inadequate. Zander interrupts and tells her that she needs to rest. Lucky, Liz and Gia begin to blow bubbles all around her, which makes Emily happy. She sees a saddened Nikolas walk away. The others leave the room, leaving Zander behind. He tells Emily that they should thank their friends by throwing a party when all of this is over. Zander lies next to Emily on the bed as they spend their wedding night together. He tells her that everything he learned about love, he learned from Emily.

Emily dreams of Nikolas, at the same time he dreams of her. They call out for each other and appear dressed in wedding attire. Nikolas and Emily exchange wedding vows and kiss. As Nikolas kisses Emily and begs her to stay with him, Emily suddenly revives. When Nikolas kisses her, Emily is startled awake and discovers that she is strong enough to stand. As Emily awakens from her dream, Emily finds that it is Zander who is holding her hand. Emily's family and friends gather around when they realize that Emily seems to be on the mend. As Nikolas rushes to Emily's room, Nikolas hears Emily describing her dream to Zander. When Zander assumes that it was Zander who kissed Emily in her dream, and Emily agrees with Zander, Nikolas leaves without speaking to Emily. Emily tries to keep her feelings for Nikolas from showing when Zander mentions how he was in her dream and his kiss helped her come back to him and the family. Later, Emily confides to Georgie, Maxie and Dillon that she had wanted to go to Venice for her honeymoon.

Zander takes time to thank Gia for helping him through the rough patches since Emily's return. Edward finds Zander and Gia together and asks Zander to return to Emily's room with him. Meanwhile, Emily and Jason are surprised when A.J. arrives to see Emily. Emily insists that Jason and A.J. at least speak to each other and her brothers oblige Emily by exchanging a few civil words with each other. Later, Edward returns with Zander to Emily's room and officially welcomes Zander to the Quartermaine family. In his welcoming speech, Edward tells Emily that Edward believes that it was Zander who helped save Emily's life. After Edward leaves, Georgie, Maxie and Dillon arrive with a gurney made up to look like a gondola and insist that Zander and Emily get ready for their honeymoon in Venice. As Dillon 'sings' his version of 'romantic Italian love songs,' The troop accompanies Zander and Emily through the halls and deposits them in the Hospital's Luxury suite. Emily and Zander are surprised when they see that the Luxury Suite is decorated with Mediterranean art and Georgie confesses that they raided the High School's drama department props to produce their mini-version of Venice. After the others leave, Zander and Emily kiss and Zander welcomes Mrs. Smith to her honeymoon!

**The End**

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