Emily & Zander #3  May 1 - December 3 , 2001 - 8 hr original edit

Emily was heartbroken and learned Zander snuck out of The Penthouse through the back way, after she looked all over for him upstairs. Alexis tried to calm her down, as Emily wanted to look for Zander. She told Alexis how Edward set him up and faked the attack. Emily confided in Alexis about what Edward did to Zander. She told Emily to find him. Alexis vowed to make Edward pay for what he has done. Emily went to the bus station to look for Zander, and asked a woman if she had seen him. She said yes, but didn't know what bus Zander took. Emily went to look for him. Emily went to Sonny's for help in finding Zander. He wasn't home. Emily takes out some pictures she and Zander had taken together out of her purse. We see the pictures! There are 3 of them. [They are those 3 for a quarter type photos. They are smiling and looking at each other!] Emily got upset after looking at them. She left the Penthouse and went to look for Zander again. Ned and Alexis see Emily and asks where she is going. She got dressed and was ready to leave. Emily tells them she is going to find Zander. Alexis tells Ned to let Emily go and he does.

Emily is in Canada at the bridge, Zander was going to cross last year when he held her hostage. She had a daydream about reuniting with Zander. She snapped out of it and feared she was too late. Emily feared she would never find Zander. Zander arrived at a diner and met up with his 2 of his old friends. They asked what happened to him. He said he got sidetracked and was back for good. He asked his friends if he can hook up with them again just like old times. Zander's friends question where he has been all this time. He shrugs them off and assures them nothing happened and wants back in with them. His friends warn him that they could get in serious trouble. Zander didn't care and seemed intrigued by it. Emily showed up at the diner and was about to open the door. Emily is in the diner. She approaches a waitress and asks if she has seen Zander. She says she knows him, but won't reveal if she has seen him. Emily assures her that she is Zander's friend and just wants to find him. Emily looks for Zander. The waitress looks at Zander friends and keeps quiet. Emily leaves upset and heartbroken. Zander comes out of the bathroom, and his friends talk about Emily. They only tell Zander they were talking about a girl, not that she was looking for him. Zander decides to get something to eat and his friend gives him money to pay for his meal. Zander takes out his pictures, of him and Emily together and burns them. He looks at the burning pictures and gets upset. Emily catches Zander at the bridge. She calls out his name and he just looks at her in shock. Zander looks at Emily and you can see how upset he is. Emily says, "Please don't go. I need you here."

Emily and Zander reunited at the bridge and he was surprised to see her. She went to hug him and he pushed Emily away. Zander asked Emily how she found him. She said she felt the connection between them and that is how she found him. Emily asked if he did too. He said no, he was trying to stop feeling the connection between them. Zander asked if she came all this way to say good-bye. Emily told him she came there to stop him and they kissed! Zander was so happy to see Emily and couldn't believe this was all real! Emily told him it was real and that she missed him. She promised she would never leave him again! She told him that she always believed in him and never stopped despite her lies. Zander asked why Emily abandoned him in the first place. Zander turns his back on Emily. He can't even look at her. Emily touches him and explains how Edward blackmailed and manipulated her. She walks over and tells him this to his face. She tells Zander they can be together and pick up where they left off. Zander pushes Emily away, and looks at her and says: " You think it's going to be that easy hmm?" Emily tells Zander how bad she felt for lying to him. Zander went off on Emily. Telling her how he trusted her completely, and how he begged her to believe in him and how she lied over and over again and how much she hurt him when she turned him away in the Barn. He told her Edward didn't have the power to hurt him, but she did!

Zander told Emily off again. He said that he made mistakes, but never lied to her. Zander told Emily how much he trusted her and how she betrayed him. Emily tried again to explain why she lied. She didn't want him back in jail. Zander told Emily he would have chosen jail, over Emily lying and hurting him. Emily just told Zander that she loves him, for the first time. Zander went off on Emily again. Saying love equals trust and she didn't trust him. Emily said she does, and that she wants him back more than anything. She reminds him how he made mistakes. He says he did but at least he didn't lie to her. Zander tells Emily if she loved him she would have told him the truth about Edward. He would have held it together for her and their love. Zander tells Emily: ''If this is love, I don't need it.'' Emily looks at Zander and asks if they are really over. He just looks at her. Emily asks Zander if he wants her to leave. He says he is tired of everyone telling him how to think and feel. Alexis and Sonny did this to him and he feels Emily is doing it too. Emily apologizes again and hates that Zander is so angry. She tells him how she went crazy trying to find him and how she took a bus to Canada on a hunch that he might be there. She asks if that counts for anything. Zander is still angry. He says he has every right to be. Emily says he is pushing her away. She says if he pushes hard enough she will leave him for good. Zander tells Emily how he feared he would never see her again. She feels the same way. Emily tells Zander about A.J. and Ned helping her out. They are finally free! She asks Zander to take her back. Zander tells her it's over. He doesn't want to be with her anymore he wants to live life his way. Max shows up. He sees Emily and gets nervous. Zander tells Max everything is OK. Emily is not involved and he wants to go over their drug deal. Emily is mad! She can't believe Zander is selling drugs again. She confronts him again, and Zander tells her without her went back to his old life. Emily begs Zander not to sell drugs again, not after everything he has been through. Emily tells Zander off. She can't believe he is selling drugs again. She thought he was better than that. Zander tells her he isn't. That is just how she sees him. Emily talks about the kidnapping and how Zander put a gun to her side. She tells him how he said he wasn't a bad person and believed him. He says that is how she saw him. Emily can't believe that Zander is acting so mean. She says Zander loved her did he mean it? Did he mean it that he wanted a future with her that he really loved her? Then she accused him of doing all of this just to get her in bed.

Zander tells Emily that he didn't do all of this because he wanted to sleep with her. He really did care about her, and is outraged that she even thought that he didn't. Emily says that is not true, if he is going back to the way things were. Zander says it's over. Emily tells him she doesn't want to anymore. They both agree it is over between them. Emily even said Edward did her a favor. Emily is about to walk away. Zander says: ''Don't follow me.'' Emily says she won't. Zander is about to cross the bridge. He turns around. Looks at Emily and walks away. Emily starts to cry.

Edward wants to officially welcome Skye into the family which upsets Ned and A.J. Skye is in Emily's room. Looking at a picture of Emily & Alan. She wants her room! Monica tells her this is Emily's Room she should leave! They start to fight and Emily walks in! Skye looks on with jealousy as Emily hugs Alan! Emily is upset to find Skye in her room. Alan and Monica tell her not to take Emily's room, it will always be hers. Alan & Skye leave so Monica can talk to Emily alone. Emily comforts Monica, and tells her that she told Zander she loved him and how he walked away. Monica tries to comfort Emily, but she wants to be alone and wants to pack her things. Emily takes out some clothes, and finds a picture of Zander, and tears it up! Emily turns around and Zander is by the window. He comes into her room. He rushes to her side and they stare at each other. Emily told Zander to go away. Zander told her he couldn't go through with the drug deal. She changed him, and Zander realized he needed her in his life. Emily got upset. Zander apologized for what he said back in Canada about her being controlling and pushy. He told Emily he meant what he said in the barn, he does love her! He felt he didn't say it right before so he says it again. Skye is in the hall, listening. Emily and Zander admit their love for each other. Emily tells Zander she missed him. She also tells Zander that she always believed in him and never stopped! They kiss and fall on her bed. Emily and Zander were making out on her bed. Emily wanted to make love to him, and Zander and Emily were kissing then Alan, Monica, Ned, A.J. and Edward walked in. Shocking and surprising them! Edward wanted to have Zander arrested and away from Emily. He said they were groping each other and it made him sick. Alan was upset, Monica, A.J. and Ned tried to reason with everyone. Alan told Zander to get off of Emily's bed and scared him. Zander thanked Alan for getting everyone to back off and had something to say. Alan wanted Emily away from Zander. Emily tried to explain, that nothing happened between her and Zander. Edward wanted to arrest Zander and tried to call the cops. Monica got the telephone out of his hands. A.J. and Ned got rid of Edward by telling him they would have him arrested! Emily thanked Monica for defending her and Zander. Alan got upset and wanted Zander to leave but Zander wanted to talk to him. Alan wanted Zander to leave, while Zander wanted to talk to him and Monica. Rae, A.J. and Ned told Skye off for hurting Emily and Zander. Edward defended her but Ned and A.J. threatened her. Zander told Alan & Monica how much he loves Emily. He tells them how angry he is at Edward for forcing Emily to break up with him. He told them how mad he was at Emily, and almost let her go forever. Zander told them how he forgave Emily back in Canada, and how he never wanted to be separated from her again. Emily told her parents how much she loved Zander and how that was never going to change. Zander gave Emily a kiss on her forehead and a hug. Monica and Alan watched and didn't know what to say. Alan told Zander how he didn't like him, and he never will. He knows what it is like to lose something that you love. He agreed to let Em & Zander see each other but she has to move back home. Emily agreed and Monica was happy to have her daughter back in her life and house. Emily wanted to say goodnight to Zander, Alan and Monica both said NO.

Ned and AJ threatened Skye to stay away from Emily. They warned her about Jason and his connections and that he would be less than thrilled to hear his new sister was messing with Emily.

Edward wanted to keep Emily & Zander apart for good. Sending her away, getting rid of Zander etc. Alan and Monica walked in and told Edward to back off. Emily and Zander walk into the living room, holding hands and smiling. Alan & Monica told Edward they set rules and will let Emily see Zander. Edward was angry, and tried to talk sense into them. They told him to shut up and leave them alone, as A.J. and Ned and Rae watched with pride. Skye just stood there and said nothing! Emily asked if she can kiss her boyfriend goodnight in private or does he want to watch? Everyone watched as Emily and Zander kissed each other good-night. Edward was sick to his stomach, Skye was bored and A.J., Ned, Rae, Alan and Monica watched with delight. Ned thought they should back off, but A.J. said it was sweet and nice, to see someone in the family happy for once, so they stayed. Emily kissed Zander good-night and promised to see him tomorrow. They liked how that sounded and were very happy, things were going to work out between them. Emily walked back in the house. She walked past all her family members. Picked up a magazine and laughed! Rae smiled and almost everyone else did except Edward and Skye!

Emily & Zander were in her room at Kelly's packing and he kept kissing her, and she couldn't focus on what she was doing. Emily was upset about moving back home because she was going to lose her freedom, but was happy they were together. Zander told Emily that they were going to enjoy their time alone together in her room, at Kelly's before she moved back home. Zander found Emily's journal and wanted to read it. They started to fight a little and goof around, then Elizabeth walked in. She wanted her bracelets, and Emily told Elizabeth how happy she was about her and Lucky's engagement. Zander left so Emily & Elizabeth can talk. Elizabeth asked why Emily wasn't at her Prom. She said she didn't want to go, because it wasn't important. She felt Zander wouldn't want to take her. Emily told Elizabeth that Zander, was more important than a stupid high school dance. Zander overheard this and was upset. He went downstairs and spoke to Lucky. He asked him how important the prom really was? Lucky told him how it is all the major Holiday's, and Valentine's Day all wrapped up in one great package. How girls go prom crazy, picking out dresses, doing their hair and make-up. Zander decides to take her to the prom. Zander wanted to make the evening special for her no matter what, even if he couldn't get her a limo.

Emily was in her room packing her suitcase and asked Zander to help. She asked where the drinks he was supposed to bring were. He said he got sidetracked. Emily asked why Zander didn't want to help close her suitcase. He asked her to find a pretty dress to wear as they were going to the prom! He dipped her and twirled her around. Emily was so excited but told him that he didn't have to take her! He told her he wanted to, exactly what she wanted to hear. She beams with joy at the thought of him being her date. They hugged and Zander smiles at the thought of making her so happy. Emily called out for Elizabeth and asked her for help. She told her Zander asked her to the prom, and she has nothing to wear, and her hair is flat! Elizabeth said she would help, and that she should go to the prom with "the man of her dreams". Emily kept looking through her things and thought everything was ugly and plain! Elizabeth stood by and once again offered her help to Emily. Zander tells Lucky he asked Emily to the prom. Nik and Lucky want to help him but he gets offended and tells them he isn't a charity case. They remind him this is Em's big night and they want to help him make it special for her sake. So Zander swallows his pride. Gia and Nikolas walk in and Gia jokes about Zander's casual clothes when he tells them he is going to the prom. Zander gets upset. Lucky offers Zander his tuxedo and gives him the key to his room. Nikolas offers to get a limo. Zander fears they won't get everything together in time, but Nikolas and Lucky promise they will. Lucky offers to get the corsage.

Nikolas calls up the limo company and orders a limo for Emily & Zander. Zander goes upstairs to get ready. Nikolas asks Gia to go upstairs and check on Elizabeth. Gia comes into Emily's room. Emily sees Gia's dress and loves it (she's decked out for Liz and Lucky's anniversary party in an expensive designer dress)! She gets upset and wishes she can wear a dress like that tonight. Elizabeth takes Gia outside. Elizabeth asks Gia to loan Emily her dress. Gia of course does not want to do this but Liz talks her into it. She “guilts” Gia telling her she owes it to Emily after blackmailing her last summer and this is Gia's chance to prove she is human. Gia tells Emily she is going to give her, her dress. Emily is shocked! Gia and Elizabeth help Emily get ready. GIA gives Em her earrings! Emily teases Gia, "Who knew you would turn out to be a fairy godmother?" Elizabeth & Gia help Emily put on her make-up. Zander comes downstairs in Lucky's tuxedo and looks GORGEOUS! Lucky fixes Zander's bowtie. Zander tells Lucky the last time he wore a suit, it was in court. Lucky joked, when he goes to the dance he might want to avoid that topic, maybe talk about sports. Zander thanks Nik and Lucky for all their help. Elizabeth comes down the stairs, and Lucky goes to her. Gia comes down the stairs wearing a ruffled pink dress (that was hard to believe Emily ever wore). Everyone realizes that Gia gave her dress to Emily. Nik kids Gia, and she warns him not to start (about the dress she is wearing). Zander stares at Emily, not able to take his eyes off of her. They kiss. Em tells him he looks like in her fantasy. Liz takes their picture while Lucky comments how cute Em and Zander look. In the limo, they sit looking at each other. Emily says, " I'll never forget one second of this night." Zander responds, "Neither will I. "

Emily & Zander are in the limo. Emily can tell that Zander is nervous and comforts him. Zander gives Emily a corsage and puts it on her wrist, and she is touched. Emily promised never to forget a minute of this night. Zander promised the same. Emily and Zander arrived at the prom. Emily thanked Zander for taking her, and he said he was happy to. They got out of the car and were greeted by Emily's classmates. Zander went off with Emily's friends dates, and they asked if he was holding and wanted some drugs. Zander said he doesn't deal anymore, and they laughed at him. Emily's friends said Zander was cute, and asked if she was married to the mob because, Zander works for Sonny. Emily told her friends that Zander didn't work for The Mob. Zander got angry at the guys and told them off. They said Zander was crazy and walked away. Emily wanted to leave. Zander said she should stay, it's her prom. Emily told Zander it didn't matter. All she wanted was to be with him and they left in the limo. Zander apologized for going off on those guys. Emily told him not to worry about it. She didn't want to dance with him to cheesy decorations, with some ''stupid dorky kids''. She just wanted to dance with him. Zander told Emily, all he wanted to do was make her dreams come true. Zander told the driver to stop. They were in the middle of the street. He asked the driver to turn on the headlights and a rock station! Zander was going to make Emily's dream come true. They danced to their song in the middle of the street under a street light (the Backstreet Boy's "How Did I Fall in Love with You?").Meanwhile, at the Port Charles Grill... Sonny and Skye were looking out over the city, on the terrace. Skye saw Emily & Zander dancing but didn't know it was them!

[Emily and Zander are standing in the middle of the street. Emily is playing around with her corsage. Zander is standing right next to her with his bow tie off and his shirt unbuttoned!] "Emily to Zander: There's only one more thing that would make it perfect." Emily & Zander arrive at the boathouse. They comment how this is the best night of their lives. Zander kisses her shoulder and then gives her a kiss on the lips! Emily said only one thing will make the night perfect. Zander asks what. Emily takes off her wrap and necklace. Zander asks what she is doing. Taking off her clothes! She asks if he minds, and goes into the cabin to change. Emily & Zander were swimming inside the pool house! They splash around, having fun. Zander wrapped a blanket around Emily and they kissed! Then Edward showed up trying to find out who was trespassing in the pool house! Emily's corsage was on the ground but Edward didn't see it! Edward was still looking around The Boathouse. As Emily and Zander grew more nervous, about getting caught. Edward thought it was a deer eating the flowers and left. Emily and Zander went outside. She picked up her corsage and said it protected them! They shared another kiss. Zander asked if they should leave. Em says she doesn't want to. They kiss again and slowly walked back into the pool house. He tells her he has more than cosmic protection and promises to protect her. She responds with how much she loves him and trusts him with her whole heart. More kissing. Emily and Zander make love! Their song plays in the background. Zander gently touches Emily's body, and strokes her hair and face. They walk over to the end of the room and they kiss passionately! He kneels down and she looks at him. He pushes her down. Emily gets up and takes off her shirt. As Zander looks on with shock and amazement! Her hands start to shake. Zander pulls Emily toward him, and she kisses him and he kisses her! You can see the love and fire in their eyes as they make love for the first time! They continue to touch each other gently as you can see how nervous and excited Emily truly is! They finally stop. Zander kisses Emily nose and forehead and they are wrapped in each other’s arms. Emily smiles! [Emily and Zander are lying on the ground. The sun is glowing around them. Emily's hair is a little messy and wavy.

[She looks at Zander and he looks at her.] Emily: I love you. Zander: I'm going to marry you. Emily wakes up, as Zander watched her sleep. He kisses her. She asks if this is a dream. He says yes, it was, but it was a dream come true for both of them. He can't stop thinking about it. Emily asks if she looks different. Yes, he says she looks, more beautiful than she did last night. Emily tells Zander she loves him. Zander says he wants to marry her! Zander tells Emily he wants to marry her, just not now. He wants to get his life together and be worthy of her. Emily tells him how wonderful he is, and that he is worthy of her. Zander tells her last night was not casual sex, it was the real thing, and that he belongs to her now and forever. He also tells her he will propose to her again one day, when he is ready. They kissed each other again and enjoyed the afterglow of their lovemaking! Emily told Zander how she thought her first time would be awkward, and that she wouldn't be good enough for him. Zander said that wasn't true, she was everything to him. He also admitted this was the first time he had sex with someone he loved. Emily said they belong together! Zander responded that they always would be together! Skye went to the boat house and felt sorry for herself after having a nasty fight with The Quartermaines. She heard Emily laughing, and saw Emily inside the boathouse with Zander! Skye walked in on Emily & Zander kissing, which shocked and embarrassed them both! Emily and Zander covered themselves with their blankets. Emily asked what she was doing there. Skye said she was wandering around the grounds and found them there by accident. Zander told Skye to back off and wander around somewhere else. Skye introduced herself to Zander. After Skye left Emily got upset. Emily feels Skye will tell on her. Zander thinks Skye won't say anything, until Emily tells him that Ned told her that Skye told on them the last time, when he was in her room. Emily was getting dressed and was a nervous wreck! Zander was getting dressed and tried to calm her down! She said how afraid she was that her family would send her away again. Zander walked over to her half dressed, and he swore that would never happen. That he would make sure no one would keep them apart again, that she will be 18 soon, and they can leave together if they have to! Zander hugged her and promised everything would be OK.

Alan told Skye that Emily is just as much his daughter as she is and that he wants to get a chance to know Skye, and love her as much as he loves Emily. Just as Skye was about to believe Alan. Emily comes home and Alan is excited as Skye watches with jealousy. Emily is in the living room with Zander by her side as A.J., Ned and Edward, welcomed her home. Alan walks into the living room with Skye. Monica asks Alan to get a camera, she wants to take a picture of Emily in her prom dress.

Edward asks Emily where she had been all night, since the prom ended hours ago. Emily quickly covered, and said the prom went on all night long. Edward seemed to believe her. Emily looked bitterly at Skye, as she was talking to the rest of the family. Zander looked at Emily to make sure she was all right. Alan said Emily looked beautiful but different but doesn't know why, but knows she looks all grown up! Ned talks about how he stayed out all night at his prom and A.J. joked with him about it! Skye said she has something to say to her baby sister! Skye was goading Emily in front of Zander and her family. Emily got upset as Skye said she knew what happened to her last night, and how it changed her life. A.J. was trying to get her to back off. Skye was determined to tell everyone what happened to Emily last night. Zander told her she didn't know what happened last night. Edward thought Zander did something to Emily, and tried to attack him, but A.J. and Ned held him back. Emily said she would tell her family everything, Monica wanted to know what that meant. Emily was about to tell everyone the truth. She said that she and Zander were serious, and they were in love. Monica thought she was going to move out again. Emily said she wasn't she just wanted them all to know she loves Zander and that she will be with him no matter what! Skye and Emily kept looking at each other. Zander and Emily told Skye to say anything she wanted, they were ready for her. Skye said she went to the boat house to think. She apologized to Emily for telling on her and Zander for being together in her room (and she doesn't say anything about them being together in the boathouse with NO clothes on!). Emily accepted her apology, and Edward was upset that Skye apologized to her in front of everyone. Emily said she wanted to talk to her later. Emily went outside, to say good-bye to Zander. She said everything is different between them. Zander said things are only going to get better from now on. He wants to make Emily proud of him, and start to put his life back together. Emily said she is proud of him, and that she loves him. Zander told Emily he loved her too. Zander said goodbye. Emily was glowing and beaming after he left. She told her parents Zander was looking for a job, and Alan was glad to hear that. Emily went upstairs to change. Alan & Monica were so thrilled that Emily was finally happy, and realized she was growing up. Alan commented again how Emily looked different, but didn't know why. Emily got dressed in a new shirt and pants, and was cleaning out her room, taking off all her old posters, and getting rid of all her childish things. Skye came in and apologized to Emily. Emily said she wasn't afraid of her, that she and Zander were going to stay together. Skye said she thought Emily would understand her. Emily said she wasn't going to feel sorry for Skye at all. Skye was fine with that. She was about to leave, and Emily wanted to hear what Skye had to say.

Alexis was at Sonny's and was about to leave and she heard a man's voice at the door....It's Zander! Alexis is surprised but thrilled to see him! She asked where he had been and what he was doing in that tux. Zander explained how he went back to Canada and almost messed up his life, until Emily came and found him. He apologized to both Alexis & Sonny for bailing out on them. He told Sonny that he was with Emily now, and he wanted to take him up on his offer. Sonny agreed to give him a job at the coffee warehouse, he can start at 7:00. Zander agreed and took it. Sonny also agreed to pay for night school for Zander. Zander asked why he was doing all this for him? Sonny said he believes in true love. Alexis told Zander she was worried about Sonny (he and Carly have just broken up).

Skye tried to be nice to Emily by trying to find some common ground with her, about being adopted. Emily told her Paige loved her and she was always happy, even though The Q's scared her at first. Emily asked why Skye hated Rae. She said she arrested her for a murder, she didn't commit. Skye said Emily didn't want to listen to her story. Emily said she did. Skye told Emily how she didn't take the news about being adopted well at all. She asked Emily to forgive her, and try to get along. Emily said she had enough friends. Skye asked Emily about school. She said she was going to PCU, she didn't want to be away from Zander. Skye looked like she was up to something.

Meanwhile, Alexis told Zander what happened with Sorel and he got scared, asking why he wasn't on death row. Alexis promised everything would be fine. Zander said Sonny would protect him. Alexis told Zander how Carly and Michael left, and how she knew he was falling apart, and felt Zander should not work for Sonny, when he is like this.

Emily was outside sleeping. Zander now in some new clothes, comes over to and Emily kisses her. They talk about how wonderful last night was, and how they can't get over it. Zander says he almost didn't come because of Skye, but she told him everything was fine. Emily asked what happened with going to Sonny about a job. Zander said it was all taken care of, the only thing that matters to him right now is her. Zander told Emily he was going to work at the Coffee Warehouse and was going to stay legit. He also told her about going to Night School. Emily is excited. However, she was upset because she wanted to go away with him. Emily told Zander, how her friends were going away for the summer. How one of her friends was going to London, another to Kenya. She told Zander how she would like to go to Kenya with him. They also joked how Edward would not survive there without Reginald or Cook. Zander felt bad that he couldn't get off from work, or have the money to take her anywhere. Zander did say if he got time off, they would go on a cross country trip together. Emily and Zander were happy that they can go and do anything they wanted, without living in fear anymore and they kissed.

Emily & Zander were kissing, and Gia arrived and interrupted them. She asked Emily how the prom was. Emily said the prom was wonderful, it didn't work out the way she planned but it was the best night of her life. Gia was really glad. Emily said her dress was at the dry cleaners, she got it dirty. Gia said she could keep it to remember her special night. Emily was surprised and touched. Zander said he had to go back to the warehouse, to meet with the foreman and let Emily talk to Gia alone. Zander kissed Emily good-bye. Emily asked Gia why she really came over. She knew Gia didn't come over to talk about her prom. Gia said she wanted to talk to her about Nikolas. Gia tricked Emily by pretending to know about Lucky's brainwashing, by saying she was worried about Nikolas and how off Lucky seemed! Emily told Gia all about Lucky's brainwashing, not know she was lying. Emily was even surprised Nikolas said anything to her. Gia said Nikolas needed her, and he told her everything Emily told her how she discovered Lucky was brainwashed last year, and tried to help him out. Emily felt guilty for not knowing, about Lucky and helping him out now, like she did before. Gia made her feel guilty, by saying she has been so busy. Nikolas showed up but didn't let Emily, know Gia lied to her. He didn't want to upset her, but he was very mad at Gia. Emily offered to help, but Nikolas said he would take care of it and not to worry.

Emily is writing in her journal! Zander surprises her from behind! He sees that she is writing in her journal and he wants to read it. She doesn't want him to read it, but she changes her mind. Zander reads that Emily never thought she could have a relationship like Lucky and Liz and now she does! Emily tells Zander she is having a hard time writing down her feelings now, because she is so happy! Zander says he knows how she feels. He never thought he could love someone so much or be so happy. He talks about the only love, he ever saw was between a parent and a child. He talks about how hard it was for him to open up about his feelings. Zander tells Emily he now knows what LOVE is and "That Loving you is easy." They kissed! Emily asks Zander how work went. He says he is going to work on the computer not transporting coffee bags like he thought. He is going to learn how to use the computer, and maybe he will get a promotion. Emily tells Zander that she is afraid for him. She doesn't want him to work in the organization. She tells him how Jason almost died too many times, and doesn't want that to happen to him. Zander promises he is going to stay legit, and she will never ever lose him. Zander says Sonny is helping him because he likes Emily so much. Emily says Sonny must like him, and wants to help him. She says Sonny sees himself in Zander, and wants to help him out, probably because no one helped him out as a kid. Which lead Sonny to a life of crime. Emily again says she doesn't want Zander to be like Sonny. He promises again that he won't and they share another kiss.

It is early morning. Emily is up and in her nightgown and robe. She goes outside and calls Zander's name. Emily tells Zander ''I am so glad your here,'' and they hugged. Emily and Zander are sitting on a patio chair. He asks if they woke anyone up. She said no everyone is asleep. What she doesn't know, is that Alan and Skye, are in the Living Room. Emily says she feels guilty for being so happy. Zander says they deserve to be happy after everything, they have gone through to be together. They kiss passionately and Monica sees them. Emily tells Zander how she still can't stop thinking about what happened in The Boathouse. Monica hears this and approaches them! Emily tells Monica she couldn't sleep, and she went online, and spoke to Zander and asked him to come over. They both apologized for breaking the rules. Monica asked Zander to leave, and he did but not before kissing Emily good-bye. Emily apologized again to Monica about asking Zander over. Monica tells Emily she heard what she said about a night in The Boathouse, and asks Emily how serious her relationship with Zander really is. Monica asked Emily if she slept with Zander. She dances around the subject...at first. Saying she knows about safe sex, and that she has been on the pill for months. Monica said that was with Juan. Emily said she didn't sleep with Juan. Monica asks if she did with Zander. Emily tells her that she loves Zander, and Monica knows she slept with him. She asked Emily if she thought it through. Telling her sex is not something to be taken lightly. Emily assured Monica that she knew what she was doing, was responsible and loves Zander. Monica tells her how, she wished Emily would have waited until she got married. Emily told her it doesn't work that way sometimes. Monica said she understood and hugged her. She said if Emily needed anything to come to her, than left to go upstairs. Emily stood outside and smiled.

Edward tells Emily to end things with Zander. Monica says she will do no such thing. Skye walks into the living room, and so does A. J. Emily refuses to stop seeing Zander. A. J. asks what is with the security guards, they frisked him on his way into the house. Emily tells A. J. Edward hired guards to protect her. Edward tells him, that Sorel escaped from Prison. The family hears noises outside. Two security guards burst into The Quartermaine Living Room with a very angry Zander, telling Edward who is holding a fire poker to call off The Guards. Emily asks The guards to let Zander go and they do. They apologize and say they were only doing there job. Edward tells them they did a good job and asks them to leave. He puts the poker down. Zander said he came by to make sure Emily was safe. Monica told him he should have called, he did but could not get through. Emily got upset realizing Edward did this to her on purpose. Edward said he did it for her own good, the security teams answer the phones to keep her safe, and they felt talking to him on the telephone wasn't safe. Monica tells Zander it is not a good idea for him to be around Emily right now. Edward says the same thing. Zander apologizes for putting Emily in danger, and will says he will do anything to protect her. A. J. suggest Zander go to his family for help. Zander says he will take care of himself. Emily suggests that he stay with her at The Mansion. Where they will both be protected from Sorel. Edward can't believe what she is saying let along suggesting.

Meanwhile, Alan goes To The Penthouse to look for Sonny. Alexis tries to calm him down, when he tells her Sorel is out of jail and fears Emily will get hurt. Alexis is still trying to calm Alan down. She takes him inside Sonny's Penthouse. He asks where Sonny is. She tells Alan she hasn't seen him. Carly walks in and tells both of them to leave her house. Alan yells at both Alexis and Carly for not knowing where Sonny is, and saying it is his fault Emily is in danger in the first place.

Emily tells the family Zander should move into The Gatehouse. Alan, Monica, and Edward say no. Edward starts to goad Emily, and she says she will turn in those blackmail papers against him, if he doesn't keep quiet. He picks a fight with A. J. about Emily's behavior. A. J. tells Edward, he learned it from him and so did she. Emily says moving into The Mansion, will keep them both safe. Alan and Edward say it can get them both hurt. Monica also thinks it is not a good idea. Zander tells Emily he will not do this. He will not hurt her anymore. Zander tells Emily he will move into Jake's. She says no it's not safe let Sonny take care of him. Edward starts again, and everyone tells him to shut up. Alan tells everyone he tried to find Sonny, and saw Carly. A. J. wanted to know if he saw Michael. Alan said no. Emily asks if she can speak to Zander alone outside. Alan and Monica say yes. Alan & Monica got upset. It is Emily's Graduation night. They feel Emily should be having fun, instead she is being treated like a prisoner. Edward says that is Zander's fault. Skye goes to spy on Emily and Zander. Zander tells Emily he can't see her anymore. Emily asks him not to leave her again. A. J. gets in Skye's face for hating Emily. He says he understands her and tells her all about his feud with Jason. A. J. tells her to be friends with Emily than everyone will accept her. Skye spies on Emily and Zander again. Zander tells Emily he has to let her go, as much as he loves and wants to be with her, her safety comes first. Emily tells Zander she loves him and begs him not to leave her. Skye comes out and says she has an alternative for both of them. They turn around in shock. Edward is glad Skye is talking to Emily, he hopes she will talk sense into her and that she will dump Zander for good. Alan & Monica tell him to leave Emily alone and they start planning her Graduation party. Emily & Zander ask Skye, how she can help them. She says there is a way for them to be together and be safe. They ask her how. Skye says the should runaway together.

Alan & Monica are planning Emily's Graduation Party calling for a cake and other goodies. Edward rants about Zander again and how Emily is in danger. Zander turns Skye down. He doesn't want Emily to ride on buses or live on the street, he messed up her life enough. Skye said they wouldn't live like that. She would give them more than enough money to live a good lifestyle. Emily doesn't want to leave her family forever. Skye tells her once Sorel is arrested they can come back home. Emily wants to take her up on her offer, but is wondering what Skye's motives really are. Edward tells Alan & Monica that Emily should go to Graduation, and not have a party. Lila shows up with her Valedictorian Speech and reads it to them. It says how Emily loves, and has learned a lot from her family in her life. Emily and Skye ask why she is so anxious to help them out. She says because she is her sister and wants to help. She knows they are in LOVE and doesn't want them to be apart. She brings up The Boathouse and says it is there little secret. Emily apologizes and says she doesn't trust anyone because she is a Quartermaine, and Zander says where he comes from nothing is free! They turn her down, and Zander tells Emily they will have to be separated for a while but it won't be for long. Sonny will protect him and he promises everything will be fine. Zander breaks Emily's heart by saying that he is leaving her. He asks The Quarteramines to keep her safe. Zander and Emily declare their love, they say good-bye and share a kiss. Emily tells Edward off for picking on Zander again and falls apart over him leaving. Alan, Monica, and Edward comfort a heartbroken Emily as Skye watched with jealousy! Skye has a fantasy that the Q's love her the way they love Emily and want to protect her. Back in reality, Alan & Monica tell Emily to enjoy her Graduation Day, Zander would want her too and hug her again. Alan tells Emily to enjoy herself, and that she should celebrate her graduation. Monica comforts her as well. Emily goes outside and leaves a message for Zander on his answering machine.

Zander knocks on Sonny's door and Carly answers it. He asks for Sonny and she yells at him, "This is all your fault!" Carly tells Zander off calling him a low life drug dealer. She tells Zander it is because of him, that Sorel is after Sonny. Mike tells Zander Sonny is missing, and tells him, that he should go to The Police for help. Zander told him no. He is worried about Emily. Carly tells Zander The Quartermaines can protect Emily. Zander tells Mike when Sonny comes back, for him to leave a message on his answering machine. Carly told him that Sonny will never see or talk to him again. Zander left. Carly tells Mike, Sonny should stay away from Zander. Mike says Sonny wants, and should help him, and if Carly knew Sonny she would understand that.

Zander goes to his room at Jake's. He finds a threatening letter, and looks around to see if anyone is in his room. Zander opens the letter it says: ''Next time you and the girl will be dead!'' Zander looks at the letter, and gets really scared for himself and Emily. He hears a knock on the door, and panics. Emily calls out Zander's name, and he pushed her into the room so no one can see her. Emily can tell how worried Zander is and that something is wrong. He asks Emily, why she is there in the first place. She wanted to know if he saw Sonny, and wanted to make sure he was safe. He tells her about seeing Mike at The Penthouse, and that Sonny is missing. He starts to pack his things and says it's not safe for her to be with him. She sees a note in his hand and wants to read it. Zander won't let her. Emily gets really scared and asks Zander what's wrong. He walks past her and won't say anything. She grabs him and reminds him that they are in this together and he shouldn't keep secrets from her. Zander gives Emily the note and she reads it. Zander gets upset and Emily tries to comfort him. Zander says he is leaving town in order to keep her safe and alive. Emily wants to go with him. He doesn't want her to go, he doesn't want Emily to be away from her family again. Emily tells him that she will take Skye's money and they can run off together. If they are together they will be safe. Zander tells her no, but Emily says it is better than being apart.

Alan and Skye share some time alone. He tells her that he will always have time to listen to her, that he will never judge her, that he will always be there for her, total unconditional love and support. Skye's eyes fill with tears, Alan gathers her in his arms for an embrace. Emily comes home with Zander by her side and sees Skye in the living room. Emily tells Skye she wants to take her up on her offer. Skye says it is not a good idea after all (obviously having mellowed after the warm and fuzzy moment with Alan). Skye says it was a bad idea and shouldn't help them out. They should stay and Emily should be with her family. Emily says she can't be away from Zander. She loves him too much to be away from him. Zander said he couldn't leave Emily behind knowing she was in danger. Emily promised not to say anything, to her parents about Skye being involved. Skye said she can get them the money in the morning, and doesn't want to know anything, they are doing after that. Emily thanked Skye for all of her help.

Emily is wearing her Cap and Graduation Gown. Zander tells Emily how proud he is, and how much he loves her. They kiss. Zander says he is going to stay in The Boathouse. Emily promises to see him later. Skye tells Zander it's time to leave and he does. Emily says Skye is turning out to be a great sister. She thanks Skye again and gives her a hug! Skye seems very surprised and touched. Alan & Monica arrive. Monica wants to take a picture of her. Emily takes a graduation picture with Alan.

Emily arrives at The Boathouse with a bunch of bags. Zander emerges from behind a boat, and he and Emily look through some food she bought. Emily talks about missing The Nurses Ball and gets upset. Zander feels this is all his fault Emily says it's not. Emily says she got them some clothes. Zander puts on Emily's hat, its black and shiny with glitter and he does look rather silly. He puts on another cowboy hat. Emily takes a piece of the hat and makes a mustache out of it. Zander puts it on and Emily starts to laugh. Edward approaches The Boathouse and hears Emily laughing and knows she is with Zander. Zander next tries on a black leather jacket. He asks if Emily prefers biker guys. She says she does, when he looks the part, she says maybe it's The Boathouse. Zander says no matter where they go the boathouse will always be special to them. They kiss. Edward comes in and calls Zander a liar, and threatens to arrest him for trespassing. Emily says he can't. Skye comes in and says she invited Zander over, surprising Edward. Skye covers for Emily and Zander, and says she invited Zander over, to smooth things over with Emily for him. Edward buys it. Skye offers Emily and Zander money and asks where they want to go. Skye gives Emily and Zander a wad of money. They say it's too much and don't want to take it. Skye says they might need it. Emily gives Skye another hug and thanks her for everything! Emily shares with Skye that she always had brothers to look up to and thought she wasn't missing out by not having sisters. Now she realizes she was and that she is happy to have Skye as a sister. Emily gives Skye another hug. Skye starts to feel guilty for pushing Emily away from their family. Zander and Emily thank Skye again for the money and for helping them out. Emily gives Skye another hug, and asks her for 2 favors: #1. To give a letter to her parents after she leaves. #2. To take her place in The Nurses Ball Number with Alan. She feels she is Alan's daughter too, and if anyone should take her place it should be Skye. Skye says she will, and wishes Emily and Zander good luck. Skye goes outside and looks guilty, obviously beginning to having some feelings for Emily and Alan besides pure revenge and jealousy.

Emily and Zander arrive at the bus station wearing sunglasses and caps. She tells Zander they should have taken an airplane out of town. Zander says they can't it's too risky. She agrees and is just happy to be with him. He asks Emily if she's hungry. She says yes. They bump into a man with a Hawaiian Shirt, and go to the vending machines. The man in the Hawaiian Shirt picks up his phone and is talking to Sorel! Sorel asks if he found Sonny. He says he hasn't but found Emily and Zander. He asks Sorel what he should do. Sorel tells him to keep an eye on Zander. Emily and Zander get food from the machines, not knowing the danger ahead of them. Sorel orders the guy to do whatever it takes, to hurt Emily and Zander. He continues to spy on them. He watches Zander feed Emily a piece of cake. Emily plays a game with Zander, where they make up stories about the people around them. She used to play this game with her Mother Paige. They see a woman, they say she is a hairstylists, and found something that makes your hair feel like FUR! They see the guy who is watching them and they say he is a surfer. Then Zander talks about Emily and says how beautiful and smart she is. They kiss. Emily tells Zander she is in love. The man talks to Sorel and says the first stop the bus makes, he will take care of them. Sorel says good and hangs up the phone. Zander feeds Emily again and they smile and laugh.

At the Nurse's Ball, A.J. tells the family that Emily didn't arrive at the hotel. Skye has a guilty look on her face! Zander gives Emily her bus ticket. Emily tells Zander how guilty she feels, about leaving town. Zander tells Emily to call her family and leave a message for them. Emily told Zander how she couldn't imagine being without him in her life. Zander said the same thing and is glad she is with him, and knew he couldn't be without and is glad they are together. She went to make the phone call as Sorel's man continued to spy on them. Emily's and Zander's bus gets stalled on the railroad tracks. We see lots of action in the GH emergency room, then the crash site. There are tons of people there hurt and bleeding, and there is a small fire and some broken trees in the area. Zander is lying on the ground bleeding. He wakes up and panics when he can't find Emily. At GH, Skye tries to give Alan the note from Emily. But he is too busy working on patients in the ER to take it from her. Zander continues looking for Emily. He finds her lying unconscious. He talks to her and gets no response. Zander yells for help and cries over Emily's condition. As Zander tries to help Emily, we see Sorel's man lying unconscious on the ground.

The paramedics announce a young teenage girl needs medical attention. Alan looks at the patient strapped to a gurney and headboard. It's Emily! She moans, "Dad". Monica comes over and is shocked to see the patient is Em. Emily asks her parents not to be mad at her. They tell her they aren't and that they are there for her. Zander comes into the ER. Em hears his voice. He wants to be with her but Alan holds him back and tells him to wait. Amy wants to help Zander who is bleeding from a cut on his face, but he won't let her. Alan wants an X-ray done on Emily. All the machines are being used. Bobbie suggests they use a portable one. Bobbie comforts Emily, and Melissa assures Zander that Emily is going to be fine. Mac arrives at The Hospital and someone tells him to tell Edward about the accident. Mac promises he will find Edward and tell him what happened. Em continues to ask for Zander. He comes over to her grabs her hand and tells her she is just fine, when she gets upset and sees blood on his face. Monica asked Emily to squeeze her hand and Emily does. Than Monica asked her to wiggle her toes. Emily doesn't wiggle them. Monica took off Emily's sock. She says she is going to tickle her foot, and to tell her when it tickles so she can stop. Emily doesn't respond. Emily asks Monica to go ahead anytime she is ready, she obviously didn't feel anything when Monica touched her feet. Monica and Alan share a worried look. Mac finds Edward and tells him about the accident. Skye looks upset and goes with Edward.

Zander tells Emily everything will be fine, and to just get ready for X-rays. An X-ray machine becomes available so they don't need the portable one after all! Zander agrees to wait for Emily outside in the hallway! Alan tells Zander off for running away with Emily and getting her hurt. The guy in the Hawaiian shirt arrives and snidely tells Zander that his girlfriend won't be so lucky next time. Zander attacks him, kicking and punching the guy. An orderly tries to pull him off. Edward arrives with AJ and Skye. Edward holds Zander back and the guy gets away. They both give each other the evil eye. Edward tells Zander off about Emily's accident.

Taggert arrived and one of The Nurses tells him how Zander attacked Sorel's Henchman. Taggert goaded Zander and was going to arrest him. Zander told Taggert everything about Sorel's guy, and the death threat he received, as Skye looked on. He told him what the guy looked like, but Taggert said it wouldn't be easy to find him from Zander's description. Taggert told Zander if he wants to do what's best for Emily then he should disappear. Skye tried to comfort Zander and apologized to him. Zander told Skye this wasn't her fault and left the hospital.

Emily asked Alan if he performed his number at The Nurses Ball and how it went. Alan said he couldn't perform the number without her by his side. Emily is touched. Alan sang a song for Emily called: "No one's going to harm you." As he did Emily feel asleep and Alan gently held and kissed her hand. As Alan continued to sing to Emily. Monica looked at the x-ray of Emily's spine and broke down in Bobbie's arms. Zander was outside sitting on a bench and he broke down and cried. Lucy ended the Nurse's Ball with a tribute for Aids victims and the accident victims being treated in the ER. Dara Jensen sang " Somewhere Over The Rainbow". As Dara sang, Alan continued to sit with a sleeping Emily, Bobbie was comforting Monica, Zander breaks into the warehouse and steals Sonny's gun from his office. Zander is about to leave the warehouse and Alexis enters and turns on the light, and is surprised to see Zander there!

Alan is with a sleeping Emily in her room and Monica comes in. He asks how bad her condition really is. Emily wakes up. She asks her parents for Zander. Skye, A.J., and Edward ask how Emily is. Edward starts to bad mouth Zander. Monica asks him to shut up. Monica tells everyone Emily fractured her back, and she is asking for Zander. Edward gets upset again. Monica tells him if Zander is what Emily wants and needs, than she will do everything in her power to make it possible! A.J. agrees to look for Zander, so Monica can stay with Emily! Edward comes into see Emily, and she thinks he drove Zander away and gets upset.

Zander grabs Sonny's gun from The Warehouse and Alexis comes in. She asks what happened to him and he tells her, he was in an accident and that Emily was hurt really bad, and that she in the hospital. She wants to know more but he won't tell her. She tries to talk to him, and she notices he is carrying a gun. Alexis asks what he is doing with a gun. Is he planning to shoot someone? Zander, said if he has to YES! Alexis tried to stop Zander from going after Sorel, but he wouldn't listen to her. He was just about to look for Sorel when AJ walked in and told Zander that Emily needed him. Zander runs out of the warehouse and put his plan to go after Sorel aside in order to be with Emily. Alexis called out Zander's name, and A.J. yelled at her, and asked her why, she had to get involved in Zander's life in the first place.

Meanwhile back at the hospital...Emily sensed something was wrong. Monica was about to tell Alan about the MRI results, until Edward told them Emily was upset and needed to see them. Emily asked if Alan & Monica had given her medication that made her feel numb. Em told them that she couldn't feel her legs.

Monica told her she injured her spine, and she will get better once the swelling goes down. Emily was on the verge of tears. Skye apologized to Emily and Monica overheard. Zander finally makes it to the hospital. He saw Alan in the hall with Edward. Edward asked him how bad Emily really is. Alan says Emily cracked her spine and she could be paralyzed. Zander heard all of this was shocked. He went over to Edward and Alan and said: "NO." Zander said that wasn't going to happen. She wasn't going to be paralyzed. Emily heard Zander's voice and called out his name. Alan tried to stop him from seeing Emily, but he ran past him, Edward, and Monica. Zander sat next to Emily and held her hand. Emily asked Zander where he was, and not to leave her again. Zander promised that he wouldn't leave her side and that nothing bad was going to happen to her again. Emily told Zander how much she missed him, and how safe she feels when he is with her. Emily told Zander her parents told her, what happened to her back. Emily asked Zander what he wants to do, when she is released from the hospital. Zander told her anything that she wants. Emily told him how she wants to go out for a walk with him, go for a bike ride, and go swimming like they did the night of the prom, before they made love. Zander was about to cry, but he didn't want to upset Emily. She fell asleep and then he started to cry.

Alexis arrived at the hospital and watched Zander with Emily outside the door. Zander looked up at her for a second and watched Emily sleep. He held on to Emily's hand and got upset all over again. Emily is now in a private room in the hospital. Zander watched Emily sleep and than she woke up. She was happy that Zander was there. He told her that he was there all night and was not leaving her side again. Emily told him to get some rest, have something to eat, and change his clothes. Zander told her to stop worrying about him and start worrying about herself. She asked him what happened to Sorel. Zander told her not to worry about Sorel. He kissed Emily and promised to stand with her no matter what and told her that he LOVED her.

Meanwhile, Sorel was in a motel. He was talking to the guy from The bus station, and was upset to learn Zander and Emily were still alive. He vowed to kill Zander to get Sonny out of hiding.

Ned came home and visited Emily in the hospital, and surprised her with his new look. A Goatee! He said he was going incognito, to avoid Edward. He gave her a rose from Lila's Garden and she was touched. Ned asked Zander if he can spend sometime alone with Emily. Zander said he wouldn't leave her side. Alan & Monica showed up. Alan looked at Zander very coldly. Monica told him to back off. A.J. visited with Emily and told her she looked good. Emily said A.J. lied, but it made her smile. Ned took Zander outside and made him tell him everything. Zander told him about Sorel's guy spying on them at the bus station, and then coming to the hospital. Zander promised to protect Emily and would do anything it took to make that happen. He couldn't trust anyone anymore. Ned asked if he was armed. Zander said yes. Ned said he could go back to Jail. All Zander cared about was Emily and keeping her safe. He is determined to protect her, since she can't protect herself, and Sorel's people could attack her at anytime. The guy from the bus station shows up, Zander sees him and runs after him but misses him. Ned follows. Ned tried to compromise with Zander. He told him that he would get armed guards, and told him to steer Sorel away from Emily. Zander told him that Sorel is after BOTH of them, and that was not going to change. He will not leave Emily's side he loves her way too much, and knows how much she needs him. Ned finally agreed to back off and help Zander. He realized that he LOVES Emily and would do anything even die for her. Zander went back into Emily's room. He held her hand and kissed it. He watched as she slept and smiled.

Meanwhile, Sorel was upset when the guy told him Zander spotted him at the hospital, and couldn't get to him. Sorel vowed to take care of him in another way, now that he knows he is at the hospital, and won't leave Emily's side. He can get to both of them now. Ned was outside Emily's hospital room talking to Zander. Ned put guards outside her room to protect her from Sorel and Zander thanked him. Zander said he doesn't know how much longer he can lie to Emily about her condition. Ned told him Emily will have to learn the truth. There is a chance she could be paralyzed. Zander refused to believe it.

Elizabeth came by and asked how Emily was. Zander and Ned told her she is feeling better, and that Emily would be thrilled to see her. Elizabeth visited with Emily. She gave her a huge batch of brownies, a scarf for her hair and nail polish. Emily loved the gifts. Elizabeth told her she better recover by the end of the summer. Emily asked why. Elizabeth told her that is when she and Lucky will be getting married. Emily was so happy to hear this and smiled.

Zander told Ned that no matter what happens, paralyzed or not he will love and stand by Emily now and forever. Ned finally realized that Zander really does love Emily totally and completely. Alexis accidentally overheard them and was glad Ned finally saw the light about Zander. Emily and Elizabeth bonded over the fact that she was giving the nurses a hard time, being the typical spoiled rich girl. Elizabeth asked Emily to be her maid of honor. She said yes, just as long as she doesn't have to wear a peach chiffon dress again and they laughed.

Chloe visited with Emily and asked how she was. Emily said she was feeling better and fell asleep. Ned told Zander he is skeptical about his feelings for Emily. Zander said what he has with Emily is real, and doesn't care what anyone elsesays or thinks anymore. Ned and Alexis convinced Zander to get something to eat, and clean himself up. Ned promised to stay with Emily, and Zander finally agreed to leave, but only for a little while. Zander came back to the hospital and visited with Emily again. She woke up saw Zander and smiled. She thought that she was dreaming. Zander said that this was real, that he is really there. He told Emily that he loves her and will stand by her no matter what happens. He kissed her hands and Emily smiled and fell back to sleep, as Zander watched wondering what was going to happen to her next.

[Zander looked out Emily's window at the storm that was brewing outside.] Emily was having a nightmare and screamed out Zander's name. She woke up and he tried to calm her down. The security guards came in to check up on Emily. Zander told the guards she was just having a bad dream and they left. She told him they were on the bus, and he was giving her a pixie stick. Then the crash happened and she heard people screaming and crying. She tried to look for Zander but couldn't find him. Zander told her it was just a dream. She got thirsty and he gave her a cup of water. Emily realized she couldn't feel her legs, and that her bad dream was becoming a reality! She started to get scared and was on the verge of tears. Zander tried to calm Emily down. She begged him to tell her the truth. He said he didn't know anything. Emily knew he was lying. She asked him again to tell her the truth. Zander told Emily it's wasn't his place to tell her. Alan & Monica came in and thought Zander said something to upset her. Emily told them she couldn't feel her legs. They all got upset and then, Monica looked at Zander very coldly. Emily asked if the swelling in her spinal cord is serious. Then she started to cry and asked if she was going to be paralyzed for the rest of her life. Alan & Monica told her they didn't know. Emily asked her parents if they think she will get better, the swelling should have gone down by now. Monica & Alan tried to calm her down, and promised to be there for Emily. Emily said she couldn't take her mind off the fact she could be paralyzed for the rest of her life. Alan & Monica encouraged her to try. Zander said he could take her mind off it but didn't say how. Zander talked about the future, Emily going to law school and living her life. They talked about traveling and how no one could touch them, then or now. Zander started talking about the prom. Emily wanted to talk about The Boathouse. Knowing that her parents were in the room, and the fact that they didn't know about them making love that night, Zander started talking about their moonlight dance in the street. Emily closed her eyes and started to remember them dancing together and started to relax, as Alan and Monica watched. Emily started to feel better and... she moved her foot! Alan, Monica, and Zander were thrilled and Emily was really excited. She started to smile and thanked Zander for helping her. Zander told Emily that she did this all on her own.

Emily felt her legs, and her toes! She told Alan, Monica, and Zander they were tingling, and they were really happy for her! Emily thanked Zander again for all of his help. Alan did some tests on Emily. She felt Alan tickling her foot and Monica and Zander got really excited. Alan told her the swelling in her spinal cord is finally going down. It will take some time but she will walk again eventually. Skye showed up and was happy to hear Emily's good news, but asked why there were guards at her door.

Monica told Emily she went through her belongings when she came into the hospital, and found a ton of cash. Monica asked where it came from. Skye looked nervously at Emily. A.J. came into Emily's hospital room, as she was about to make a confession to everyone. She told The Quartermaines that she stole money from Skye's purse and wanted a moment alone with Skye to apologize to her. Alan & Monica seemed to believe her, but A.J. didn't buy it for a second. Skye asked Emily why she didn't tell everyone the truth. Emily knew that the family would turn against Skye for helping her, and she didn't want that. Emily was so pleased that Skye had helped her and Zander out, that she couldn't tell her family the truth. Skye was amazed by how Emily covered for her and apologized for her getting hurt. Zander and Emily both thanked Skye for helping them as A.J. overheard them talking! Skye had an epiphany and finally realized how much she loves Em and told Alan so. Alan was so touched that he hugged Skye, as he A.J. watched! A. J. confronted Skye about her ''lies.'' Skye told A. J. to back off, and that she really did care about Emily and to leave her alone. A. J. grew suspicious of Skye and knew she was hiding something about her part in Emily's accident. A. J. went to The Quartermaine Mansion and looked through Skye's things. He found Emily's letter that she gave to her, and managed to read some of it, and knew that Skye was lying to everyone this entire time, and that Emily was covering for her! A. J. decided to use this to his advantage.

Emily was happy about her recovery, and told Zander she was going to have to go through rehab. Her guard came into check on her. She told him everything was fine, and that he can leave the room now. Emily told Zander that he seemed nice and that she really liked him. She kissed Zander and they were happy things, were finally going their way. Outside of Em's hospital room it is revealed that one of her bodyguards is working for Sorel and he promises to take Emily and Zander out!

Zander was watching Emily sleep and then she woke up and smiled at him. She told Zander how upset she was that she, was always tired or fell asleep during his visits with her. Emily said that they were finally alone and it only took her getting in a hospital to do it. They were kissing then Edward arrived and Em made him wish Zander a happy Fourth of July and shake Zander's hand.

The Quartermaines said they had a surprise for Emily. Edward told Emily how Skye arranged to have a picnic in her room at the hospital! He wanted to light some sparklers for Emily, but everyone stopped him. Emily and Zander were really touched that Skye did this for them, and looked at each other as The Quartermaines spoke to them. Emily kept smiling at Zander as the family talked to her about the picnic. Emily tried to talk the family into going to the picnic in the park. Lila knew that Emily wanted to be alone with Zander, and everyone agreed to go to the park instead. Edward told Skye, Emily didn't want to have the picnic in her room, and she got upset. The Quartermaines went to the park for the picnic.

Zander was impersonating Edward and Emily laughed. He wanted to light some of the sparklers that Edward left, and Emily told him not to. Emily told him that her family was coming around, he said Lila maybe but no one else was. Emily tried to assure him. She touched Zander and noticed the gun and got very upset! Emily asked Zander why he was carrying a gun. He said Sorel was still out there, and that he would do anything to protect her. Emily said he would go to jail for carrying a weapon in the hospital. Zander didn't care protecting her was much more important. Sorel was more determined than ever to kill Emily and Zander, and told Emily's guard he wanted it done today.

Emily asked Zander again to get rid of the gun. He said no. She bought up how she hated Jason's mob life. How she hated when he held a gun, he was not her brother. He was cold and evil. She didn't want that to happen to Zander. She didn't want to lose him. She spoke about how she feared Jason would kill him last year. Zander told her about how he almost killed the guy who kidnapped him last March. He told Emily how he had the gun in his hand, and could NOT kill him because he loved Emily too much. Finally, Zander told Emily about the guy in the Hawaiian shirt working for Sorel, and how scared he was for her. Zander told Emily that he wouldn't get rid of the gun and that Sorel was still after them. Emily told Zander having a gun won't solve anything. Zander told Emily: Don't you know I hate guns? Everything about them--The way they feel in my hand, against my skin, the smell, all that blood. There was nothing I could do." As this happened Zander went into a trance like state. This scared Emily because she had never seen him like this before. When Zander out of it, Emily asked why he hates guns so much, Zander avoided talking about his past again!

Emily and Zander talked about their future. How no matter where she went to College they would always be together, and how Zander would always be there for her and pay her way toward school. They kissed and Sorel's goon, Harry, came in and held a gun on them, scaring them both. Zander tries to calm him down, but Harry is now pointing the gun directly at Zander! Emily wants to know what is going on. Zander told Emily Harry is working for Sorel! Zander tried to reason with Harry as Emily tried to reach the call button. Zander gets through to Harry, but sees that Emily is trying to get help, and now he turns his gun on her! Zander agreed to let Harry to take him to Sorel, but in exchange, he lets Emily go. Emily begged Harry not to take Zander away from her. Zander told her everything would be OK. Harry was about to take Zander away, until Zander surprised him and struggled to take the gun away from Harry! Emily tried to reach the call button, as Zander fought Harry outside her room! Zander tried to get the gun away from Harry and Ned showed up! Ned showed up and Harry hit him, and Zander saved him! A cop showed up and handcuffed Harry and an orderly came by, and Zander who now had Harry's gun in one hand, and Sonny's in the other told him to get help. Ned kept an eye on Harry, while Zander went to see Emily. Zander went into Emily's room and found her lying on the floor.

Alan showed up at the hospital, and got angry at Zander for putting Emily's life in danger again! Emily tried to explain but it only made him angrier and more worried about her safety. Emily thanked Zander for saving her life! Zander left Emily's room, and went to talk with Ned privately out in hallway. He told Ned everything that happened with Harry. Zander told Ned how much he loves Emily and how he tried to protect her. He also told Ned that Emily means everything to him. Ned asked Zander what they could do to protect Emily, and allow her to continue to see him. Sorel's other guy an orderly, told him about Harry getting arrested! Sorel got very upset and was determined to destroy Zander and Sonny himself!

Zander, Alan, and Ned were in Alan's office. Alan was very rude to Zander and asked him why he dragged him and Ned away from Emily's bedside. Zander told Alan and Ned that he wants to keep them as far away from Emily as possible. Alan got angry at Zander. Asking him why didn't he didn't leave Emily before. Why leave her now? Zander told Alan that he was afraid for Emily and told him about the time Sorel's other guy showed up at the hospital, after Emily got hurt. Ned calmed Alan down. He was willing to compromise and thought of a rehab center to put Emily in. Zander told Ned that he didn't want to know where they were taking Emily. Zander told Alan again to get Emily out of town. Alan told him Emily wouldn't be in danger, if it wasn't for him. Zander told Alan he knows that, and admits how selfish he was. Zander told Alan he loved Emily so much, he couldn't live his life without her, and that is why he couldn't leave her before. Now Emily is in danger and he knows that if she continues to be in danger, or dies it is because of him. Keeping her secret a location will keep Emily safe, and Sorel will leave her alone.

Zander bought Emily flowers. AW! He took them from the room next door. Emily told him to give the flowers back, but took one for herself. Zander gave the flowers to Emily's new guards. They were real police officers who Ned handpicked to make sure they were the real deal. Ned & Alan told Zander about Sorel's escape, and about his man turning up dead. They told him that Emily will leave town tomorrow. Zander went back into Emily's room. When he came in Emily moved her feet for Zander. Emily asked if they heard anything about Sorel and he lied and said no. Zander told her everything was going to be fine. He swore she was going to be fine and hugged and kissed her, while Alan watched. Zander turned off Emily's light and there were candles lit all around her room. Zander gave Emily a beige box. He swore that he didn't steal anything this time, he bought it from the hospital gift shop. He asked her open the box to see what was inside. Emily opened the box. Inside was a beautiful gold necklace with a heart on it. Emily saw the necklace and thought it was beautiful. Zander put the necklace on her. Zander told Emily that he loved her and that he will love her no matter where she is. Emily tells him that her place is with him. He gets into bed and sleeps right beside her knowing this will be their last night together.

Zander watched Emily sleep and then she woke up. She said she was dreaming about them being together, running in a forest. Alan and Monica came in and she was glad to see them. Emily said she was feeling better. Alan assumed Emily knew she was going away. Emily asked what was going on. They said it was good news. Emily got upset, and Monica allowed Zander to talk to Emily alone. Zander told Emily she is going to go to a place to get better, and that he wasn't going with her. He told her Sonny needed him at work. Emily knew Zander was lying and that he was doing this to protect her. Zander said he had to protect her. Monica told Alan, and Edward that she was worried about how Emily was going to take the news. They all heard Emily scream out "NO" and got upset. Emily told her family off for tying to take her away from Zander again. Zander told Emily it was his idea, he wants her safe. Emily said that he won't be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries to.

Zander told Emily he won't know where she is and he won't answer her calls. Emily cried and yelled at her family, for trying to control her life. Emily got angry at her family, and couldn't believe that Zander was cutting her off. Edward wanted to talk to Emily, but Monica told him to leave her alone. Ned told Emily to leave town, and that being apart from Zander doesn't mean everything is over. Emily started to think about what Ned said but still didn't know what to do. Zander said he did. Zander asked Emily to move her foot, and he threw the covers off of her bed. Emily moved her foot, but she did it very weak and slowly. Zander asked if she could move it better than that. Emily looked at him and said that she couldn't. Zander put the covers back on Emily. Zander asked her again to leave town. To go to rehab to get better, so she can do all the things she used to do before the accident. Emily didn't want to leave Zander. She accused him of not wanting a crippled girlfriend. Emily told Zander, that he didn't want her because he thought she was weak and pathetic, and he didn't want to be with someone who was going to be in a wheelchair. They got into a yelling match with each other, as Zander told Emily to shut up over and over again. Zander told Emily that he saw her as a beautiful and perfect person. Emily reminded Zander of how she stood by him, when he was in jail. She reminded him of how she would visit him in jail, even though he turned her away, and thought he was a loser. Zander told her that the only reason, he lasted so long in jail, was because she changed his life, and made him believe in himself, and even if he died he would have carried his love for her with him forever. Emily begged Zander not to let her go. She asked him to change his mind and ask her to stay. Zander broke down and cried. With tears in his eyes and pain in his heart, Zander told Emily that he had to let her go, no matter how much it hurt the both of them. After Zander's heartfelt and emotional speech, Zander held on tightly to Emily and they cried in each others arms.

Zander told Emily they won't be apart forever, just until Sorel is finally captured. Then he can write to her, and talk to her on the telephone anytime she wanted to. Emily asked Zander to go to the rehab center with her. Zander told her it's too dangerous, and that her recovery could be in jeopardy if she has Sorel to worry about. Emily cries and tells Zander they should be together, she knows something bad will happen to him. Zander kissed her hands to try to comfort her. Edward wanted to go into Emily's room but Alan, Monica, Ned, and Skye held him back. Zander reminded Emily that they will always be connected. He reminded her of how he found her in California, and how she found him in Canada. Zander also reminded her no matter where she is, he will always be there loving her and supporting her now and always. Emily said it won't be the same. Zander said it will be worth it knowing she is alive and safe. Zander told Emily that the necklace he gave her with the heart on it, will be there special connection. When she touches it in the morning she can feel him saying good morning to her. When she feels alone the necklace will be close by. When she dreams about their dance under the streetlight he will dream about it too. When she needs some encouragement his voice and heart will guide her. Emily made Zander promise that no matter what happened whether it rained or snowed they would dance together again, just like they did that night under the streetlight. Zander promised that he would and they kissed.

Monica and Alan thanked Zander for letting Emily go. With a little arm twisting from Ned, Edward thanked Zander too. Emily asked Ned to keep an eye on Zander for her. Zander told Emily he can take care of himself, but Ned promised Emily that he will be there for Zander, if he needs someone to talk to. Ned told Emily that he loved her and said good-bye to her. Emily made Alan & Monica promise that as soon as Sorel was captured, that Zander can get in touch with her anytime he wants. Alan & Monica said that they will go to Zander themselves, after they know she will be out of harms way. Monica said that they will let her come home, and go to rehab in Port Charles, and that they will work out all of their problems together one day at a time. Edward told Emily he was sorry for hurting her but did everything he did out of love for her. Emily and Zander said they understood, and she said good-bye to Edward and gave him a kiss. Skye arrived and told Emily that she was jealous of her, but finally realized how special she is and how much she loves her. She also told Emily how sorry she was for her part in the accident. Emily told Skye it wasn't her fault she got hurt. Skye told Emily that she is happy to have her as a sister. She promised Emily that she would look out for Zander, and help him anytime he need it, no questions asked. Emily thanked Skye, and gave her a kiss good-bye. Emily asked everyone to leave so she can have one more minute alone with Zander. They all went out in the hall and waited for her. Emily and Zander said "I LOVE YOU" and kissed each other good-bye one last time. He told her to hold on to the locket. Zander wheeled her out to her family outside the hallway.

Alan wheeled her away and the rest of the family walked along side him. Zander watched Emily being wheeled away and broke down and cried. Zander realized he did the right thing by giving her up, but also realized he had to make a new start in life without Emily by his side.

Zander was on the docks, falling apart over Emily. Lucky saw him and asked about Emily. Zander told him about her leaving for rehab. Lucky said that it would be good for her, making Zander very angry at him. Zander lashed out all of his anger out on Lucky. Saying he should have visited Emily at the hospital, and should have been arrested for burning down his jail cell, which caused Sorel to be free. Lucky told Zander that Emily wouldn't have had to leave town if he just stayed away from her. They almost got into a fight, but ZANDER stopped it. He realized beating Lucky up would not solve his problems that he had to face them head on, just like Emily said. Lucky apologized to Zander. Zander thanked Lucky for helping him out last May with getting ready for the prom. He said that Lucky & Nikolas make a great team. Lucky said that he thought they did too. Lucky & Zander were throwing rocks in the water. Zander told Lucky that Emily had to leave quickly and was upset, that she couldn't say good-bye to her friends. Zander asked Lucky to break the news to Elizabeth and Nikolas and he agreed. Lucky saw Zander's gun and flipped out! Zander said he was using the gun, to protect Emily. Lucky said he was sick of the violence and someone had to take a stand to stop it. Zander told Lucky about Emily being upset about the gun, and talking about Jason with him. Lucky said that Jason was a jerk, but he knew Zander wasn't. They started talking about guns. Zander aimed the gun at the sky and again went into a trance like state, and talked about his troubled past and how he hated holding a gun in his hand, and the violence and blood they cause. Right in front of a confused Lucky! Zander told Lucky he stole the gun from Sonny and that he wanted to get rid of it! Zander threw Sonny's gun in the river not knowing the danger he will soon face. Lucky asked why Zander didn't just give the gun back to Sonny. Zander told Lucky he didn't want that gun to be found by someone else, and be used to destroy someone else's life.

Zander got off the elevator at the Harbor View Towers apartment building, and was about to knock on Alexis's door. Inside Sonny's penthouse, Sorel told Carly to tie Alexis up and she did. Zander heard Sorel yelling inside. He went to Sonny's door and heard Sorel's voice again, and knew that he was in there and was holding Carly hostage! He left Sonny's door to try to get Carly and Alexis help. Zander was outside on Sonny's terrace and watched Sorel with Carly and Alexis. He snuck into the penthouse, holding a pipe in his hand so he could knock Sorel out. Zander tried to attack Sorel but Sorel heard the terrace door shut and he turned around, saw Zander and shot him in the chest. Zander fell, and was crawling on the floor so he could face Sorel. Alexis screamed. Sorel made Zander face him, and he called him a bastard and a punk, and made him drop the pipe on the floor. Sorel wanted to finish the job and kill Zander but Carly threw herself in front of Zander to protect him.

Carly tried to help Zander but Sorel pushed her away from him. She told Sorel that Zander needed a doctor. Sorel said he didn't because he was going to kill him. Alexis begged Sorel to spare Zander his life. Zander told Sorel he called the cops, and that it is all over him. Sorel lashed out at Zander saying everything that happened to him was his fault, and now he is going to die. Zander told Sorel he could kill him but he won and Sorel knows it. He was about to shoot him and Carly attacked him, Alexis told Carly to try to get the gun. As Carly was fighting with Sorel, Zander told Alexis to get help. As Alexis was trying to leave the penthouse Sorel shot at her but missed and pushed her back inside! Carly tried to help Zander again. She offered herself to Sorel again and he turned her down. Sorel told her that she was going to be responsible for getting 3 people killed. Sorel was about to kill Carly then Sonny arrived surprising Sorel. Sorel invited Sonny in and told him to drop his weapon. Sonny said he didn't bring a gun. Alexis comforted Zander and held him in her arms, as Carly watched Sonny with Sorel. Sorel opened Sonny's jacket and saw that he had a bomb strapped on him. Sonny told him that this time the bomb was real, unlike last time when he visited him in jail with a fake. A weak Zander, an exhausted Alexis, and a shocked Carly looked on. Sorel thought Sonny was bluffing, and that the bomb was a fake. Sonny asked him if he wanted to take that chance. Sonny told Sorel if he killed Alexis, Zander, or Carly he would blow the penthouse up sky high. Carly begged Sorel to stop this and he told her to shut up. Sonny told Sorel to let everyone go. Sorel told Sonny he wanted Carly to see him die. Sonny told Carly to get Alexis & Zander out of the penthouse. He started to put the switch on the bomb to scare Sorel.

Zander's bleeding was getting worse by the minute, and Sonny asked if he was OK. Zander told Sonny he was hanging in there. Sonny asked Sorel again to let them go. Carly wouldn't leave Sonny. Sorel wouldn't let them go. Sonny told Sorel he won't be able to keep an eye on him and Alexis, Carly, and Zander all at once. Sorel let them go. Alexis dragged Zander out of the penthouse but Carly wouldn't go with them. Sonny told her to leave. Zander, Carly, and Alexis all left the penthouse.

Sonny told Sorel: "It's Just you and me, just like you wanted." Sonny held the bomb. Sorel held his gun. Sorel told Sonny to stay back, or all bets were off. Sonny said to get rid of the weapons and settle things the right way. Sonny asked Sorel if he believed in the afterlife. Sonny said if he died he would find peace. Sonny reminded and asked Sorel if he was aware, of the pain he caused people. Sonny said it was time for the both of them to die. Sonny said he wanted to die. Sonny asked him again to put the gun down either way he loses. He said to Sorel to choose between prison or hell.

Alexis took Zander to her place to try and help him and called the police. Zander was lying on Alexis's couch in pain, and tried to calm Carly down. Carly ran out to go to Sonny, even though Zander asked her not to. Zander told Carly that Sonny was in charge and not to go. He gets up despite his pain, his shirt is covered in blood. Of course when Carly arrives at the penthouse Sonny tells her to leave. Alexis was right behind her and watched in shock!

Sonny told Sorel what a jerk he was and that he hurt teens, women, and children. Sorel said Sonny pushed him to madness. Sonny told Sorel he was stupid and that he didn't deserve to live. Sonny said he should kill Sorel, rather than have money spent on him to rot in prison. Sonny told Sorel once again that he deserved to die. Sorel said at least Sonny would die too.

Alexis got Zander to sit down on the couch again. Zander asked Alexis if died to tell Emily that he LOVED her. Alexis said he won't die and he can tell Emily he loves her himself. Taggert arrives, Alexis tells him about Sorel, and the bomb and just then the penthouse is rocked by an explosion! Everyone in town hears about the explosion on the news. Alexis was lying on the ground. Taggert was lying on the ground.

Zander was lying on the ground and his hand was full of BLOOD! Carly was on the floor across from Zander! Zander looked at Carly. Taggert woke up and saw Alexis, Carly, and Zander lying on the ground. Taggert tried to help Alexis and Zander but they didn't wake up. He went over to Carly and she didn't wake up either. Carly woke up and called out for Sonny again, and looked over at Zander and tried to help him and told him to hold on. She went over to check on Alexis and asked her to wake up, and told her Zander was hurt, but she didn't wake up. Bobbie and Melissa find Zander and said they had to stop his lung from collapsing. Finally the paramedics are able to take Zander to the hospital, and Alexis stays by his side. Ned saw Alexis and asked if she was OK. Ned encourages Zander to hang on for Emily's sake as she doesn't need any bad news right now. Zander asks Ned to send Em his love.

Monica & Alan were shocked to see Zander at the hospital. Alan asked Monica if she wanted to operate on Zander. Monica said yes, she will not tell Emily that Zander is dead. Monica also knew that if he died and she didn't help him, Emily would hate her forever, and Monica would hate herself for not helping Zander. Monica operated on Zander, while Alan came into the operating room to observe. Monica learned that Zander has a heart condition. Alan was shocked because Emily never mentioned him having a heart condition. Monica said it could be his body going into shock from the accident. She continued to operate on Zander even though his life was hanging in the balance. Zander's blood pressure kept dropping and Monica and Alan were afraid they were going to lose him. Monica tried to stop the bleeding around Zander's heart, but found some bleeding around his liver. Alan helped Monica get through the surgery, and told her what scalpel to use to help Zander. Zander stabilized and Monica said he would be fine. Alexis visited with Zander while he was asleep. Melissa came in to check on him. Zander woke up and asked for Emily.

Alexis told him he was a hero. Zander told Alexis he had a dream, about Emily. They were together and free of danger. Alexis told him everything was going to be all right and that Emily was safe. Alan came in and wanted to speak with Zander alone. Alan told Zander that Monica performed the operation, and saved his life. Zander saw what happened to Alexis's arm and he asked if Sorel did this to her. Alexis said yes, but she will be fine and she will sue Sorel. Alan visited with Zander and he thanked him for saving his life. Alan told Zander he should be thanking Monica not him, and that she saved his life because of Emily. Zander told Alan that he was happy Emily wasn't there to see him like this. Alan agreed with him. Then Zander got groggy from the medication he was receiving, and closed his eyes.

Zander woke up and he and Alan spoke again. Alan commended Zander on his bravery, and told him he needed to work on his impulse control. Zander smiles. Alan also told him that he wasn't the worst thing that happened to Emily. Alan told Zander that he realized that he was a good person, just like Emily had been telling him all along. Zander asked Alan if he likes him because Emily isn't around. Alan said no, but he is going to take it one day at a time. Alexis and Monica saw what happened between Alan and Zander, and they smiled.

Alexis & Sonny visited with a now sleeping Zander. Alexis told him how Zander saved their lives. At first Sonny thought he was crazy for risking his life to save everyone, and said he wasn't thinking again. Zander woke up and apologized to Sonny. Alexis said it was OK. Zander got upset, and said that he screwed up again. Then Sonny told Alexis and Zander everything that happened, was his fault because he had been away for such a long time. Sonny thanked Zander, for saving Alexis's and Carly's lives. Zander asked about Carly, and Sonny said she was fine. Zander said she was a fighter. Sonny told him to take it easy and wanted to take Alexis home. Alexis told Sonny she was going to stay with Zander. Alexis sat with Zander all night in his room so he wouldn't wake up alone. When Zander did wake up from his surgery he called out Emily's name. Alexis told him Emily was safe, and that he was going to be just fine.

Alan spoke with Zander alone and told him that Monica performed the surgery that saved his life. Zander expressed his gratitude to Alan for saving his life, and Alan commended him for his bravery. Alexis and Monica were happy that Alan & Zander were finally making peace with each other.

Zander woke up scared. Carly calmed him down. She said it was the pain medication, and that he was going to be fine. Zander asked what Carly was doing in his room. He also asked if it had anything to do with Sonny. Carly visited with Zander. She apologized for being so mean to him the last few months, and thanked him for saving her life. Zander said he was sorry for making the situation worse by acting recklessly, and not thinking again. Carly said he didn't do anything wrong, she acts recklessly and without thinking herself. She told Zander she doesn't blame him for what happened with Sorel. Zander asked about Sonny and, Carly said he was fine. She told him to get some rest and have some good dreams from now on.

Skye visited with Zander and gave him Emily's letter. Skye asked Zander if he wanted her, to read Emily's letter to him. He said yes but told her not to read certain parts. She also apologized again for hurting him and Emily. Zander told Skye it wasn't her fault he got hurt. Here is what Skye read to Zander. As Skye read the letter to Zander, he laughed and smiled.

Dear Zander, "I'm thinking of you every minute. You'll be so impressed when I run into your arms, and I do mean run. This place isn't so bad, except for the food. I dreamed you showed up at my window last night" . "The necklace you gave me, I wear it all the time. You're with me every second, Zander, just like you promised."

Alan visited with Zander and told him Emily didn't know about him getting shot, and that she hated the food but she was fine. Zander hated to hear that Emily was so miserable but, was happy to hear that Emily didn't hear about him getting hurt. Alan assured her it wasn't that bad. Ned came in and told Zander how guilty Skye felt about the accident. Trying to trick him into telling him the truth about Skye. Zander told Ned and Alan the truth. Skye gave them the money to get out of town. Ned asked if Emily wrote them a letter. Zander said yes, she did and thought Skye told them about it. Ned covered and said Skye must have forgotten about it. Alan was devastated when he heard the truth, but hid his anger from Zander and Ned. Zander told Alan yes, Skye gave them the money but it was their idea to run. Alan wasn't angry at Zander and said he finally understood everything, very clearly.

Zander was sleeping and was surprised to see Bobbie visiting him. He called her Miss Spencer, and she told him to call her Bobbie. Bobbie thanked Zander for saving Carly's life. Zander said Carly saved his life. He told Bobbie how Carly threw coffee at Sorel, and tried to get the gun away from him. Bobbie told him Sonny was responsible for what happened to him and Carly. Zander got upset and started coughing. Bobbie tried to calm Zander down and told him she would have visited him sooner, but she didn't because she didn't want to see his next door neighbor. Zander asked who was across the hall. A very angry Zander pulled off his medical tubes and tried to get out of bed. He wanted to see Sorel, and held on to a chair and struggled to stand up.

Later, Zander took off all his medical tubes, and got out of bed. He wanted to see Sorel and make him pay for hurting Emily. He lay on the floor and his machines were beeping. Roy came in and saw Zander on the floor, and tried to help him and called out for a nurse. Amy gave Zander a lecture on taking care of himself. Zander promised he would take it easy. Roy told Zander to let things be with Sorel and to take care of himself. Zander let Roy have it for turning Sonny over to the feds. Roy told him he didn't know the whole story. Zander said he didn't care, he owed Sonny his life and hated how Roy betrayed him. Zander said he had to take care of Sorel, he didn't want Emily to get hurt by him again. Roy told him if he cared about Emily or his future he would back off Sorel. Roy told Zander he didn't know what it was truly like to lose someone you love, and to see the pain in their eyes, when they suffer that loss. Zander was watching a car race on television and told a nurse all about it. She asked him if he wanted to go to the race track with her. Zander said he has a girlfriend named Emily and that he LOVES her with all of his heart. The nurse told him that Emily was a very lucky young woman. Zander told her that he was the lucky one. Zander said that Emily was out of town and that he missed her like crazy. He told the nurse that he put Emily through some things, but he will be with her soon as soon as his problems are all taken care of. (This is the scene that TPTB wanted Chad to make goo-goo eyes at this nurse and he refused saying Zander wouldn't do that to Emily).

Alan visited with Zander. Zander said Alan was late, and asked if he was all right. Alan said he was fine, and was just finishing up some work at the hospital. Zander asked about Emily and Alan said she was fine. Alan asked if anyone came to visit Zander in the hospital. Zander said Lila and a nurse. Alan asked was it a man or a woman. Zander said it was a woman. Zander knew something was wrong with Emily, he got scared and asked Alan what it was. Alan told Zander that Emily was being moved to another rehab center. He told Zander to take it easy and not to go after Sorel. They both saw Sonny walk past his room. Alan went outside and spoke with Sonny. He told Sonny to leave Zander alone, and not have him do his dirty work for him. Alan told Sonny what happened to Emily and got very upset with him. Sonny told Alan the he is protecting Emily and has a guard on her. Alan asked if his man, was the one who scared Sorel's man away. Sonny said yes. Alan was still upset, and told Sonny he didn't want Sorel around hurting his daughter. Sonny promised he would take care of Sorel.

Zander tried to get out of bed to go see Sorel. Zander tried to cut off his life support and Sorel grabbed onto Zander's arm. They both looked at each other with contempt and murder on their minds. Zander asked Sorel how it felt to be weak and helpless, and told him that he was going to die for hurting Emily. Sonny came in and tried to stop him. Zander told Sonny to let him kill Sorel. Alan came in and they both held Zander back. Zander got away from Sorel and knocked down a pitcher of water as Sonny and Alan tried to calm him down. Sorel's bodyguard came in and asked what Zander was doing there, Alan said he was in the wrong room and covered for him. Sonny took Zander back to his room. Zander asked Sonny why he wouldn't let him kill Sorel, he deserved to die. Sonny told him that Sorel will die. Alan told Zander that if he tries to get out of bed again, the alarm will go off. He also told Zander that he prescribed a sedative for him to take. Zander said he didn't want to take it, but Alan gave him no choice. Alan got mad at Sonny, but Zander told him to back off and that he wanted to talk to Sonny alone. Alan said he had something to take care of, and left the room. Sonny told Zander to stay out of the war with Sorel, he told him that now he is making himself look guilty, and to keep his hands clean and always find a way out. Sonny told him everyone including him used Zander to their advantage. Sonny admitted that he was grateful to Zander for everything that he has done, and considers him a friend. Zander told Sonny he would leave Sorel alone. Sonny asked Zander if he saw Sorel hit Carly, when he took everyone hostage at the penthouse. Zander said YES and Sonny got very upset. Sonny told Zander how much he loves Carly even though she hurt him, and how he tried to push her away to protect her. He also told Zander about how much Sorel hates him, and hurt Emily because of Jason, and Carly because she is his wife. Sorel wants to hurt everyone he cares about and loves, and Sonny told Zander that he is FINALLY going to stop Sorel. A nurse gave Zander the sedative Alan prescribed. Sonny told him to take it. Zander told Sonny he hates drugs, and will not take the sedative, and pushed it away from his tray. Sonny told Zander revenge was not the best way to solve his problems and told him to take care of himself. Zander reached out and tried to grab a jar full tongue depressors. They all fell to the ground.

Music montage of the following scenes - coffee dripping into the pot, monitors beeping, water dripping out of a faucet, and drinks were poured while a stranger lurked, Sorel slept in his hospital bed, Melissa fell apart in front of a sink full of water, Sonny is shown at the warehouse, Carly arriving at the hospital, Monica at GH, Zander gets out of bed and sets off the alarm. The stranger got dressed in a doctor's uniform. Roy arrived and grabbed some gloves. Melissa put on some gloves. Carly climbed the stairs to get to Sorel's room. A. J. arrived at the hospital. Monica got angry thinking about Sorel. Angel took off her necklace at Luke's. Sonny looked at a picture of Carly and Michael. Alan read Sorel's medical charts. Mike went looking for Carly. Carly continued to climb the stairs. Sonny looked out a window. Sorel's body guard was drugged. Someone came into Sorel's room and killed him. A vase full of flowers falls to the ground as he dies.

The next morning, Zander's nurse came in and she panicked when she didn't see him in bed. Zander said good morning to her, and she found him sitting on the floor. She asked how this happened. He said he wanted to get out of bed. She asked how come the alarm didn't go off. Zander avoided the subject, and asked her to help him get back into bed. She wanted to call for help, but Zander didn't want anyone to know what happened, and didn't want her to get fired, for not keeping a better eye on him. So the nurse closed Zander's blinds and agreed to help him out. Quinn Altman [The Nurse] asked Zander to take his pills all of them this time. She asked what he was doing out of bed. He told her he got bored and wanted to get out of bed. So he dismantled the alarm, and told her, he is not as weak as everyone thinks he is. Zander asked what happened across the hall he heard someone yelling. Quinn said that one of the doctors got upset, and that it happens all the time, and to relax and take it easy. She asked how he knew to dismantle the alarm with a tongue depressor. He said he just figured it out.

Taggert was questioning Tony and Alan about Sorel's murder, and how a tongue depressor got in Sorel's machine. Quinn said Zander's name, and quickly said that she forgot to give him his medication. Taggert wanted to see Zander now that he was awake, and question him about where he was last night. Alan followed Taggert to check on Zander. Quinn came in and gave Zander some acetaminophen and told him to take it right away. Zander asked her why. She said to just trust her and take the pills. Zander took the pills and Taggert walked into the room. Taggert told Zander that Sorel was murdered, and saw he felt no remorse over his death. Taggert asked where he was all night. Zander cracks that he was scuba diving in Puerto Rico. Zander said he took his medication, and was in bed all night and that some nurses could back him up. Zander said he wouldn't say anymore without a lawyer present. Alan covered for Zander, and Taggert finally left his room. Zander asked Alan why he covered for him. Alan said: "Nobody died here last night. A Monster was exterminated. My daughter is safe that's all I care about." Zander looked at Alan and was grateful that he covered for him, and that Sorel was finally dead.

Zander is using a walker to walk around the hospital. Quinn [the nurse] is by his side. He asks why she is a nurse and how she can stand hospitals. Quinn says she likes her job, even thought she wishes she can be at the race tracks sometimes. She tells Zander that he is going crazy from being indoors for so long, and he agreed with her. Zander opened up to Quinn and told her about his past with Emily [The Kidnapping, Meeting Alexis, The Accident] , and that he was a drug dealer and Sorel was his employer. Quinn listened to Zander and finally understood why the police questioned him about Sorel's murder. Quinn got angry at Zander and accused him of using her to bail himself out of trouble. Zander told Quinn that he wasn't using her, that he need her help and he was grateful to her. Zander told her how sick Sorel really was, and how he was in the hospital because Sorel shot him. Quinn asked him about his connection to Sonny and what he was really like. Zander told her that Sonny was a good person, who saved his life and is paying his hospital bills. He also told her everything the papers and the police say about Sonny is crap. Zander and Quinn apologized to each other and agreed not to talk about his personal life anymore. Quinn told Zander it was time to go back to his room. Zander smiled and walked to the elevator on his own.

Zander was sitting in his hospital bed. He is out of ICU, and is in a regular room now. He is bored out of his mind and reading a magazine. Alan came in and visited with Zander. Zander asked Alan when he can leave the hospital. Alan said he just got out of ICU and not to push himself too hard. Zander told Alan that the cops are still questioning him about Sorel's murder. Alan asked if he said anything to them. Zander told Alan he doesn't talk to cops. Alan told Zander he cares about him. Zander got defensive and asked: "Since When?" Alan said that Emily loves him, and that he wants to look out for him. He knows he didn't kill Sorel. Zander asked Alan: "How do you know?" Alan just smiled at him. Zander asked Alan again why he cares about him. He told Zander that Emily loves him very much, and that he doesn't blame Zander for the bus accident anymore. He blames Sorel and is glad that he is finally dead. Alan told Zander that he knows he is trying to change, and how he respects that. Alan told Zander that he is not perfect, and he has made his share of mistakes. They talk about how Emily knows Sorel is dead, and they both agreed that they would do anything to protect her from danger. Alan asked Zander what his future plans were once he gets out of the hospital. Zander told Alan that he is going to work for Sonny at the coffeehouse, and has been working there since the beginning of the summer. Alan thought it was a horrible idea, and told Zander to stay away from Sonny. Just as Alan was telling Zander this, Sonny came into the room. Alan bad mouthed Sonny and told him to stay away from Zander. Zander told Alan that Sonny saved his life, paid for his lawyer, and that he trusts him completely. Alan gave Zander, Emily's number at rehab, and told him to talk to her so he can get an idea of what he wants to do with his life, and then he left the room. Sonny asked Zander how he was feeling. Zander told him he is walking without a walker, and feels much better. Sonny told Zander that working for him, will be dangerous, and he could get hurt. Zander got upset, and thought Sonny didn't trust him. Sonny told Zander that he DOES trust him, he just wanted to make sure Zander knows what he is in for. Zander told Sonny he wants to work for him, and will not be changing his mind. Sonny told Zander how his life is not easy. The police go after him no matter what he does. He gets out of it because he stays clean, and has an excellent lawyer. Sonny told Zander he might not be so lucky. Working for him could get him thrown back in jail. Zander told Sonny how he wanted to be a Gardner, just so he can have a job, and have everyone say that he is a good person. Zander now realizes he has to live in reality, and not care about what other people think. He wants to be respected like Sonny. Sonny told Zander people don't respect him, they are afraid of him. He doesn't want that for Zander. Zander told Sonny that he is in charge of his life and his choices, and it's his decision to work for Sonny. He knows the risk: The Quartermaines will be his enemies, and so will everyone else in town, but he still wants to work for Sonny anyway. Sonny told Zander about his childhood back in Brooklyn, and how he wanted to be a success and all about his climb to the top. Sonny told Zander about The Paradise Lounge and how it was a strip joint, and how he used to treat the woman with respect, but still used them to get what he wanted out of life, and now regrets it. Zander told Sonny that he dropped out of School and made mistakes in his life as well, and wants to change his life for the better. He wants to be powerful and successful like Sonny and by working for him, he can finally get his life back on track. Sonny asked Zander one more time if he was sure that working for him is what he truly wanted. Zander said YES. He told Sonny if he needed anything, he can count on him.

Zander's arrival at the Quartermaine mansion, shocked the Quarteramine’s when they realized he checked out of the hospital without telling anyone. Zander came by to check up on Lila since he knew how upset she was about Chloe's death. Ned asked if he had a place to stay, and Alan surprised his entire family when he asked Zander to stay with them at the mansion. Edward thought Alan was nuts for even suggesting that Zander live with them, while Monica questioned his judgment, and thought that Zander staying with them would be a bad idea. Edward accused Zander of murdering Sorel. Zander shot back and told Edward that he didn't murder Sorel. Ned, Monica, and Alan questioned Edward about where he was the night Sorel was murdered. Edward told them that he was working that night. The conversation went back to Zander staying at the mansion. Zander thanked Alan for offering him a place to stay, but turned him down and told him that he was going to work for Sonny. This made Alan very angry. He told Zander not to work for Sonny and reminded him how he hurt Emily, Jason, Skye, and Michael. Zander got angry at Alan and accused him of not caring about his welfare, but about his own vendetta against Sonny. Alan offered Zander a job at General Hospital so he wouldn't Monica, Alan, and Ned tried one more time, to get Zander to change his mind about his future plans. Zander told everyone he was going to be late for work and left the Mansion.

Zander came into Sonny's office to ask him a question about work. Sonny was surprised to see him. He thought Zander was still recovering at General Hospital, from his gun shot wound. He couldn't stop coughing and Sonny was worried about Zander's health. Sonny told him to go home and come back to work NEXT Wednesday. Sonny told Zander he was a valuable employee but didn't want Zander working for him anymore saying his debt was paid, when he saved Carly's life. Zander told Sonny once again, that he wanted to work for him and wasn't going to change his mind. Sonny agreed to let Zander work for him and let Zander leave so he can get better.

Zander was in his room at Jake's. He was sweaty and working out with dumbbells and WITHOUT a shirt! He has 2 scars on his chest from the shooting. He heard a knock on the door and it was nurse Gwen! [Her name was Quinn, but they changed it to Gwen.] She came by to talk to Zander. He was surprised to see her and told Gwen once again that, he is in LOVE with Emily, and how nothing can change that. As they talked, Zander put his shirt back on. Gwen said she understood that and told Zander, how his face lights up when he talks about Emily. Gwen told Zander the police, questioned her again and this time they cornered her, and her back was against the wall. She told Zander, that she was afraid that the police would arrest him for Sorel's murder. Zander took her aside and got upset over what she just told him. Gwen told Zander that Taggert, was the one who forced her to tell the truth about what she knew about his "part" in Sorel's murder. She told Taggert that Zander used the tongue depressor to dismantle his alarm and how he was awake, and moving around the morning Sorel was murdered. Gwen told Taggert, Zander didn't kill Sorel but he wouldn't listen to her. Zander told Gwen that Taggert went after him before, and that he is doing it again to get to him. He told her that Taggert will not arrest him. He just wants to nail Sorel's killer. Zander told her to stay out of it and let him handle the police. Gwen gave Zander her phone number in case he needed to contact her. She apologized to Zander for talking to Taggert. Zander told her that it wasn't her fault, and thanked Gwen for coming by and that he would get in touch with her soon.

A. J. was trying to escape from the meat locker. He looked up and was relieved to see Zander. A. J. asked Zander to help him escape, but he stood there and did nothing. A. J. asked Zander to help him escape. Zander told him he won't because the guards are right outside, and he agrees with Sonny. However, Zander knows Sonny's plan. He told A. J. he lied to the guards, just so he can see him. He told him how Sonny set it up to make it look like he was drinking again, and how he is doing this to keep his promise to Carly and Michael, that no one will keep them apart or hurt them ever again. Zander told A. J. to sign the papers. A. J. got angry at Zander, and insulted him for supporting Sonny. Zander told A. J. he will not turn his back on Sonny no matter what he said. A. J. said he won't sign the papers, but Zander told him if he wants Michael to be happy and to get out of the meat locker alive, that it would be in his best interest to sign the papers. Zander told A. J. one more time to sign the papers, but he wouldn't listen. Johnny and another guard came in and told Zander, that Sonny knows he is there against his orders, and that he should leave right away. Zander left but tried one more time to get A. J. to change his mind. Sonny and Zander were talking outside the meat locker. Zander was in on Sonny’s plan the entire time. Zander told Sonny that he spoke to A. J. at HIS request, but he didn't listen to him. Sonny told Zander that he did a good job, and told him why A. J. needs to stay away from Michael. He told Zander how A. J. drinks and how it hurts everyone around him, and that he is afraid for Michael's safety. Sonny told Zander that he wants Michael to grow up happy, safe, and well adjusted like he never did. He also doesn't want to lose Michael, like he lost his son last year. Zander said he understood what Sonny was trying to do, and told him that he had a bad life, and that is why he ran way from home. Sonny told Zander that A. J. will try to get them both arrested for his kidnapping. Zander said he didn't care, that all he wanted to do was work for Sonny and believed because of his love for Emily, that he can do anything. Sonny told Zander that his business is risky, but he tries to stay clean and not use violence, unless it was truly necessary. Zander said he understood that and is sure he can handle anything Sonny asked him to do.

Zander was talking on the telephone to... EMILY! He told Emily how much he LOVES and MISSES her and can't wait to see her again. Emily [off screen of course] told Zander on the phone that she can't walk. Zander told Emily he didn't care. All he wanted to do was see her, and tell her how much he LOVES her. Zander was grabbing his coat and bag and was ready to leave Port Charles. Then all of a sudden a cop showed up. He told Zander that he had to come with him immediately, Mac wanted to see him. Zander said he wanted to speak to his lawyer. The cop said there was no time he had to leave now. Zander said he wanted to tell Mac off, while the cop gave him the cold shoulder.

Meanwhile, Mac and Felicia were in a creepy old mansion, getting ready to put their plan to get the person who killed Sorel to confess into motion. Sonny, Alexis, Carly, Bobbie, Angel, The Quartermaines, Melissa and Roy were are all going about their lives, and the police arrived on their doorsteps as well. They all got upset but decided to follow the cops orders, and come with them to wherever Mac wanted to see them. Mac and Felicia were at the mansion waiting for everyone to arrive and were sure they were going to get someone to confess to Sorel's murder. Sonny and Alexis arrived first and got angry at Mac. Zander, Bobbie, Mike and Carly arrived next and asked Sonny what was going on. Then Angel arrived and Sonny told Carly to ask Angel what was going on. Carly got in Angel's face but Sonny got her to back off.

Zander got upset but Alexis comforted him and assured him that everything was going to be fine. He knew that the police were going after him and he told Alexis he would stay calm and focused. Zander asked what was going on. Like everyone else Zander wanted to leave the mansion. Mac told him off for trying to leave town, making Zander even more upset. Mac told everyone that they were not formally charged, but were going to stay there until someone confessed. Monica, Alan, and A.J. arrived, then Roy and Melissa arrived making everyone accounted for. Sonny told Mac he was going to sue the police department unless he let Carly, Mike, Alexis, Zander, and himself leave.

Mac said there were not going anywhere and bought up how everyone had a motive to kill Sorel. A.J. told Sonny off and told Mac how Sonny kidnapped him and make him sign away his rights to his son.

A.J. continued to tell everyone how Sonny made him sign away his rights to Michael. Alan and Monica threatened Sonny and told him they were going to bring him down. A.J. told everyone how Zander was involved in his kidnapping. He asked Zander to tell the truth about Sonny, but he wouldn't, even after Alan and Monica offered to protect him. A.J. told Zander that he was going to tell Emily about his lies. Carly defended Zander to A.J. and told him not to tell Emily anything, because he will break his sisters heart. Mac told them all to be quiet. If A.J. wants to file charges against Sonny he will, but he wants to find out who killed Sorel first. Mac told everyone how this case is one of the most difficult he ever had as an officer of the law. Then he showed everyone a portrait of Sorel. Everyone looked at the picture with disgust or guilt. Mac said that someone who is looking at this picture is a killer, and that one of them could be standing next to a murderer.

Mac told everyone again that Sorel's murderer was in the room. Alan and Monica wanted to talk about what Sonny did to A.J., and they threatened Sonny yet again. A.J. told Zander to tell everyone the truth about what Sonny did to him. Zander said he was telling the truth. "Zander said he hadn't seen A.J. in weeks, especially not in a meat locker." A.J. told Zander off by saying he was one of the bad guysnow, and Zander turned away from him and got upset. Alexis tried to calm everyone down and told them not to settle all of this in front of the police. Carly lashed out at Alexis and Sonny told her to back off. Alexis wanted Mac to get back to his investigation of Sorel's murder. Sonny and A.J. got into another fight as Carly looked on and defended Sonny. Roy told Mac to stop turning everyone against each other, and then Mac tried to go after Melissa and Roy tried to stop him. Melissa got upset and told Roy she had to tell Mac the truth. Melissa told Mac about her hatred and anger toward Sorel and how she wanted to kill him, and that Monica stopped her. She told Mac she went back into Sorel's room and wanted to kill him but got scared and walked out. Mac told Felicia he believed Melissa was telling the truth. Mac told everyone that Carly pulled Sorel's respirator NOT Melissa. A shocked A.J. looked at Carly and said "You did it."

Mac said Carly pulled Sorel's respirator not Melissa and that Angel knew what Carly did. Angel said she knew no such thing. A.J. said he wanted Carly in jail, so he could get Michael away from Carly. Carly said she was going to let Sonny adopt Michael, so he could NEVER get his hands on her son. A.J. told Mac to arrest Carly that she is guilty and to let all of them go home. Carly started to get upset, and then Mike shocked everyone saying Carly wasn't responsible for hurting Sorel he was. After Mike said this Zander turned around and looked at Mike as well and everyone else followed in his lead, as Mac smiled thinking he nailed Sorel's killer. Sonny told Mike to speak to Alexis first before he said anything to Mac. Mike said he had to confess, he felt that he failed Sonny as a father, and didn't want him to take the fall for something he had done. Sonny told Mike again to be quiet. Mike confessed that after hearing Carly tell him that Sorelwas going after her, Michael, Zander, and Emily, Mike went into Sorel's room and smothered him with a pillow. Zander turned around and looked at Mike and was shocked by his confession, as well as everyone else. Mac said forensics can back up Mike's story, because of the evidence that they found on Sorel's body, but Angel said Mike DIDN'T kill her father. Angel told Mac that Mike and Carly didn't murder her father. Angel visited Sorel in the ICU and saw Carly leave, then she saw Mike leave and Sorel was already dead. She didn't want to tell anyone what she saw because she hated Sorel so much and wanted him dead. Angel said she didn't know who killed her father, and hoped whoever did was not going to get caught. Mac said it didn't add up, and Alan agreed with him. Mac said that before Carly, Mike, and Melissa tried to kill Sorel he was already dead. Someone tampered with his respirator and after he was dead, that person plugged it back in. This shocked everyone in the room. Zander looked guilty and Sonny and Carly looked at him thinking he could have been responsible. Mac told everyone again that once he finds out who pulled out Sorel's respirator, he will finally find his killer. He said that a medical professional could have killed Sorel and made accusations against Alan, Monica, Bobbie, and Melissa. Carly and Angel fought yet again, but Sonny told them to keep quiet. Mac put his focus on Bobbie and said he has a witness that saw her in the hospital the night Sorel was murdered. Taggert walked in with Sonny's henchman Max and Roy said he works for Sonny, as Zander and everyone else looked on. Alan took Zander aside and told him once again to stay away from Sonny. Alan told Zander to look at Max, he will end up just like him. Zander told Alan that he wasn't involved in the mob. Alan got upset and called Zander a liar and told him that he is hurting his future with Emily, by working and lying for Sonny. Max denied working for Sonny, but A.J. and Roy said he did. Sonny got defensive and said he didn't want to talk to the cops. Alexis said he didn't have to none of them did. Alexis told Mac to let everyone leave, but he wouldn't. Sonny called Roy a snitch and Melissa got in Sonny's face. A.J. joined Melissa and Carly yelled at both of them for coming down so hard on her husband. Mac told them now he knows that everyone has something to hide, and that he has an idea which one of them killed Sorel. Mac said that everyone in the mansion hated Sorel and wanted him dead, and he wanted to know who killed Sorel. Then he told everyone his theory about what happened that night. Mac said Zander didn't take his meds that night, and that he put them in Sorel's police officers coffee, and that is why the guard fell asleep at his post, instead of catching Sorel's killer. Zander collapsed on the floor after poisoning the coffee, where Nurse Quinn found him the next morning. Alan went into Sorel's room and cut off his medication, hoping he would die. Then you saw Sorel knocking down the flowers Angel gave him. Melissa came into Sorel's room turned off his alarm with a tongue depressor, destroying the alarm. Then she was about to kill Sorel, but left the room instead. Then after all these events, Mac said someone came into Sorel's room, and killed him. Mac went over the facts of the case again. He said all the perpetrator had to do was turn off Sorel's respirator and leave the room. Then Mac continued to talk about his theory about what happened the night Sorel was killed. Mac said Mike tried to smother an already dead Sorel. Roy came in saw Sorel's respirator was cut off, and plugged it thinking Melissa was the killer. Finally, Carly came into Mac's theory...She was the last to come into the room and pulled the plug on Sorel not knowing he was already dead, and that Angel saw what Carly did. Alexis said Mac was very clever, and that none of them actually did it according to his theory. Mac said she was wrong, than he narrowed down the field of suspects. Mac said that Zander, Angel, Roy, Melissa, Mike, Carly, and Alan were no longer suspects. Mac also said that the one who turned off Sorel's respirator was guilty leaving Monica, Sonny A.J. and Bobbie the only suspects left. Carly wanted to leave and didn't care who murdered Sorel, and than she said one of the Quartermaines did it. Mac started to suspect Sonny, and Carly gave him the facts, that he doesn't look guilty. She said all the police want is to get Sonny in jail. Sonny and Alexis told Carly to be quiet and let Alexis handle it, than she told Carly to shut up but she wouldn't. Mac asked Sonny where he was the night Sorel was killed as Zander looked on. Mac said that Max [Giambetti] was supposed to kill Sorel, and when he didn't Sonny did it himself. In order to hold Max and question him about Sonny, Taggert arrested him for jaywalking. Alexis and Carly both said they had nothing on Sonny or Max. Mac finally said A.J., Monica, Bobbie, and Sonny were now the prime suspects in Sorel's murder.

Mac continued to bagger everyone and Carly and Alexis told Mac off. Carly and Melissa wanted to leave since they knew they weren't suspects anymore. Mac said that everyone can leave but they will look even more guilty, so they all stayed. Then Mac started in on, Bobbie, A.J., Monica, and Sonny. Alexis and Carly got upset and defended Sonny. Monica asked Mac if he thought he was really going to find Sorel's killer. Alexis got even more upset and asked Mac "If he was going to arrest someone or not?" Mac said he wasn't making an arrest, but they had more evidence coming in as they spoke, and told everyone they were finally free to go. Even thought he let them all leave the mansion, he told everyone not to leave town. Mac went after Sonny again, and Alexis defended him making Alan, A.J. and Monica very angry at her. Angel asked Carly to stop being so jealous and malicious to everyone and left the room. Bobbie got a phone call about Luke, and Roy and Melissa left with her. Sonny took Zander aside and spoke with him privately. He asked Zander how he was feeling, Zander said he was feeling fine. Sonny told Zander to ride home with Alexis and that Johnny would drop him off. Zander said he would. Sonny also told Zander that he hated the fact that he had lied to the Quartermaines to protect him. Zander asked Sonny if he would do the same for him and he said yes. Alan, Monica, and A.J. were glad that Emily wasn't around to see the kind of person that Zander is becoming. They also agreed that Emily would be at college right now, if it wasn't for Sorel and then they all left the mansion together. Mac told Alexis that Sonny shouldn't leave town. Alexis came down on Mac because he couldn't solve Chloe's murder. Alexis and Carly got into a fight over Sonny. Carly told Alexis that Sonny will never want her. Alexis shot back at Carly and said she wouldn't "dream" of going after Sonny. Alexis left the mansion with Zander right beside her. Zander asked Alexis if she was mad at him. Alexis said she wasn't and asked Zander if Sonny really did kidnap A.J., and he said yes but he did it for Michael's sake. Alexis let Zander have it for lying to everyone to protect Sonny. Zander defended Sonny by saying he kidnapped A.J. to protect Carly and Michael. Alexis asked Zander how he could lie to everyone like that. Zander said she works for Sonny too, and she lies for him. Zander also told Alexis that working for Sonny will give him everything he wants, and that he wants to be somebody for a change. Alexis told Zander to be somebody, meaning that he should stop working for Sonny. After they stopped talking about Sonny, Zander told Alexis that he couldn't wait to see Emily and asked if he could call her in the car. Alexis said that Johnny will give him the phone when he gets in the car. Zander went to the car as Alexis watched him.

A.J. and Skye were at the Quartermaine mansion talking in the living room about her trying to sweet talk Jax into helping her get revenge toward Sonny...then an angry Zander showed up. He asked A.J. what he said to Emily on the telephone that made her so angry at him. A.J. said the truth. " That you helped Sonny steal my son from me." Zander told A.J. how Emily didn't want Michael living with him in the first place. He also A.J. that Emily will always love him. A.J. told Zander that wasn't the case anymore. Than Zander told him that Emily BROKE UP WITH HIM and that she NEVER wants to see him again! Skye asked Zander what was going on, as A.J. smiled at him, knowing that Emily hated Zander as much as he did.

A.J. told Skye how Zander helped Sonny steal Michael away from him. A.J. told his sister how Zander knew that Sonny kidnapped him and kept him in the meat locker for days, and did nothing to help him out. Zander tried to explain his side of the story to Skye, but A.J. wouldn't let him until Skye told A.J. to be quiet so Zander could explain himself to her. Zander told Skye that Sonny kidnapped A.J. to protect Carly and Michael but that he had nothing to do with it. Zander than told Skye that A.J. LIED to Emily. Zander told her that A.J. told Emily that he helped Sonny's men kidnap A.J., and pour vodka down his throat. After hearing this Emily dumped him. Zander told A.J. that he was going to visit Emily in rehab. He was going to go there to cheer her on, so she can get the courage to walk again, and A.J. hurt his own sister to get back at him.

A.J. said that if it wasn't for Zander that Emily would be going to college, and trying out for sports, and living a normal life, but she is in rehab recovering from a broken back and learning how to walk again. Zander got upset and asked Skye to help him. Zander asked Skye to tell Emily the truth, that he had nothing to do with hurting A.J. Zander knew that Emily would trust Skye if she was the one who told her the truth. Skye said she would help Zander but only if he would help her in return. Zander asked Skye to help him get Emily back and that he would do anything to make that happen. Skye told him if he wanted Emily back that he should help her, get evidence against Sonny so she and A.J. can destroy him. Zander said he wouldn't turn his back on the person that saved his life. He explained how Sonny got him out of jail, paid for his lawyer and got him a job when the Quartermaines turned their back on him, and that he owed Sonny and that is why he could never betray him. He also told her that Emily means everything to him and that she is the most important person in his life. Zander also told Skye that he tried to do right by Emily by sending her away to rehab, and how the Quartermaines have been trying to turn Emily against him, since she left town. He also told Skye how hard he tried to get the Quartermaines to accept him. As he said this A.J. kept smiling to himself over what he had done to Zander. Zander told Skye how much he loved Emily, and how he went to get her in California when her family sent her away to boarding school. Zander realized he wasn't getting through to Skye and told her that he owed her for the fact it was partly her fault, that Emily got on that bus in the first place. Skye agreed but she still wouldn't help Zander unless he helped her. Skye told Zander to choose between Emily and Sonny. Zander told Skye that he couldn't help her. Skye told Zander that she couldn't help him. Zander was devastated. A.J. told Zander that he was going to make sure that he never went near Emily again. A.J. said he was going to hire bodyguards to not only keep an eye on Emily at rehab, but they were going to keep Zander away from Emily for good. Zander realized that he lost Emily forever, but he had something to say to A.J. first. He told him that he will ALWAYS love Emily even if she will hate him forever. Zander also told A.J. how Emily changed his life, and how he can't erase their time together. Emily will find out the truth somehow someway, and that he will forgive her, for leaving him, and how Emily will hate A.J. for his lies. Finally, he told A.J. that as long as Sonny is alive he will never get his hands on Michael.

Carly and A. J. were at Kelly's fighting about Sonny's relationship with Alexis. A. J. was telling Carly that Sonny wants Alexis not her, and that he has been cheating on her with Alexis, and that Sonny will dump her and Alexis and Sonny will take Michael away from her. Carly got angry and was about to slap A.J. then Zander shows up and grabbed Carly and told her not to hit A. J., because that is what he wants. A.J. sarcastically asks, " long have you two been sleeping together? [Carly got even angrier at A.J. and so did Zander, but he managed to stay calm and hold Carly back from A.J. Zander tried to stop Carly from attacking A.J.! Carly told A.J. that he would never get his hands on her son. A.J. told Carly that she must be desperate for a man, because she is hanging out with a low life drug dealer. A.J. tried to get to Carly again by saying that she and Zander were sleeping together, which only made her angrier at A.J. Zander continued to hold Carly back and tried to calm her down. Zander took Carly aside and told her that A.J. is goading her, he is trying to make her look bad in public so he can try to get Michael back. He told Carly to calm down and take it easy. Carly finally calmed down and asked Zander to meet her on the pier and he agreed. Carly left Kelly's just as A.J. was drinking his coffee, she tripped on him and spilled coffee all over A.J.'s shirt.

After Carly left Kelly's, Zander told A.J. if he has a problem to deal with him and leave Carly alone. A.J. was ready to tell Zander off once again. A.J. called Zander a hypocrite and accused him of sleeping with Carly, he even asked Zander if he was cheating on Emily, with Carly all along. A.J. called Zander a low life drug dealer, and told him that sleeping with Carly is a step up for him. Zander told A.J. that he broke his own sisters heart, and humiliated Carly in public, if it wasn't for Sonny he would kick his butt. A.J. told him to do it, but knew Zander would never hit him, because he is a coward. Zander told A.J. that he is pathetic and wants people to feel sorry for him, but in reality he is a cold hearted man, who broke his own sisters heart just for revenge, and didn't care how Emily felt at all.

Zander also told A.J. that he doesn't deserve Michael and finally understands why Sonny is protecting Michael from him. Zander left and A.J. seemed upset by what Zander said to him. Carly was on the docks waiting for Zander. She asked him what happened with A.J. Zander said nothing. Carly asked Zander if he hit A.J. Zander said no. Carly told Zander that she wished that he did hit A.J. Zander said he wish he did too. Carly told Zander about how she got drunk and slept with A.J. because she couldn't have Jason. She told Zander that she LOVES Michael with all of her heart, and didn't regret having him, but she wishes that he had a better father. Carly also told Zander how upset she was about Sonny. Zander told Carly that Sonny loves her, and that he did what he did to A.J., because he loves her. Carly was very touched to hear that. She asked Zander how he could walk away from A.J., and that it took all the strength she had to walk away from him. Zander said he knows how she feels and hates A.J. too. He told Carly that she was lucky to have Sonny. Carly asked Zander if he has seen Emily. Zander told Carly that he and Emily broke up because AJ lied to Emily about Zander! Carly said that Emily knows better than to trust A.J. Zander said that wasn't true. Zander tells Carly that the Q's have moved Em to another rehab center. Carly told Zander that Sonny could find Emily for him. Zander replied that Em never wants to see him again that she sent back his locket and told him if he ever loved her to never contact her again. Zander got upset and Carly tried to comfort him, and then Sonny came along and surprised Carly and Zander. Sonny approached Zander and Carly. Carly asked Zander if he called Sonny. Zander said yes, because he thought Sonny could handle Carly better than he can. Carly got angry, and told Zander to ask before he calls Sonny next time. Carly calmed down and thanked Zander for the "save." Zander told Carly anytime. Sonny thanked Zander for being there for Carly, and Zander left Carly and Sonny alone to talk.

Zander was at Sonny's penthouse. They seemed to be talking for a while. Sonny told Zander that he was going away to Puerto Rico for a few days on business, and needed Zander to do him a favor. Sonny asked Zander if Emily had spoken to him lately. Zander said: "No and that A.J. made sure that Emily would never talk to him again." Sonny apologized and tried to comfort him, but Zander said he was sick of feeling sorry for himself. It hurt too much to think about Emily, and it was time for him to move on with his life, without Emily in it. Sonny asked Zander to keep an eye on Carly for him. Sonny told Zander that Carly was spending time with Jax and how he didn't trust him when it came to Carly. Sonny wants Zander to watch out for Carly but doesn't want her to know that Zander is looking out for her. Zander asked Sonny if he wanted him to spy on Carly. Sonny said no, he wants Zander to be friends with Carly and look out for her nothing more, nothing less. Sonny told Zander that Carly acts a little crazy, but she is really brave and has a good heart. Zander said that he would watch out for Sonny and told him to have a good trip. Carly was talking to Jax at Kelly's about the club she wants him to invest in. Zander came down the stairs and watched Carly talking with Jax. He stood at the counter across from where she was sitting and ordered a cup of coffee, and made sure Carly didn't catch him watching her. When Zander saw Jax leave Kelly's, he approached her. Carly said hello to Zander. Zander said he needed to speak with her. Carly told Zander that if Sonny sent him, he should leave right now. Zander said that he didn't want to talk to her about Sonny, he wanted to talk to her about himself. Zander told Carly how he missed Emily like crazy and needed her advice. Zander told Carly that she is obviously too busy to speak with him and was about to leave until... Carly stopped him and asked: "What kind of advice?" Zander told Carly he needed advice about women in general then he confessed it was about Emily. He told her that he didn't understand -- then he stopped himself. Carly let Zander know that she saw right through his little act, that Sonny sent him to check up on her because of the time she has been spending with Jax. Zander said that wasn't true, but Carly told Zander to stop lying and be straight with her. Carly told Zander that she knows Sonny is checking up on her and told Zander to tell Sonny that she could take care of herself. Zander said he knows that and saw that first hand, when she saved his life when Sorel tried to kill them at Sonny's penthouse. Zander asked Carly what business she was going into with Jax. Carly told Zander that she was opening up a night club, and was really excited about it. Zander told Carly not to blame Sonny for his actions, he was just looking out for her. Carly told Zander that she knows he is following Sonny's orders, and not to worry about making her upset.

Carly asked Zander what advice he wanted about Emily. Zander said that he missed Emily, than he gave her the cold shoulder. Carly told Zander that he was hard to read. Zander said he has to be, and he feels he hasn't changed at all, and that is why Emily dumped him. Carly said that wasn't true and tried once again to talk to him. Carly told him that she owed him for saving her life, and was ready to listen to anything he had to say. Carly agreed to help Zander. She asked him to walk to the window and back. Zander said he felt ridiculous but did it anyway. Carly told him to act natural. Zander said that nothing about this was natural. Zander said hello to a waitress, asked her how she was doing, and walked back to Carly's table. Carly said that wasn't bad but he needs a lot of work. Carly told Zander that he was a looker, has confidence, he's not cocky has happening hair, that he needs to smile more, that he has to get some new shoes and has a nice butt! Zander asked if Carly was checking him out. Carly said yes, and said that he probably checks out girls the same way she checks out guys. Carly also told Zander that he has to get back into the mix, and move on with his life, before he can improve himself. Zander said that he wasn't ready to fall in love again right now. Carly told Zander she didn't say anything about love, she said he should start small and get his life back together, he should go out, have some fun, dance, and most of all relax. Carly said it was better than him sitting alone in his room at Jake's feeling sorry for himself. Zander finally caved and said he was going to start following her advice. Zander said he wanted to go out with her later, if he has to start looking for love, he is not going to look for it alone. Carly agreed to go out with him but said she needed an hour to go home and get dressed. Zander said he would pick her up later. Carly left Kelly's to get ready to go out with Zander.

After Carly left... Zander took out his cellular phone and called Sonny who was on an airplane with Alexis flying to Puerto Rico. Zander told Sonny that he was all set, and that he had the perfect way to keep an eye on Carly, then he started to eat his dessert. Sonny thanked Zander and hung up the phone.

Carly and Zander entered Jakes as they saw some people playing pool. Carly was talking about how her club was going to be classy, have professional singers, and be the talk of the town as well as the world. Carly called Jakes a dump but talked about some good memories she had there a few years ago with Jason, but never gave Zander the full details. She just said that there were no names involved. Carly told Zander he can report all of this back to Sonny if he wants. Zander told Carly he didn't want to be with her because of Sonny, he wanted to have some fun and loved her ideas for the club. Carly asked Zander why he was so interested in spending time with her. Zander told her she sells herself short and liked spending time with her. Carly tried to get Zander to introduce himself to a woman so he can start dating again. Zander didn't want to and said he could get his own dates. Kristina walked in with Ned. Carly told Zander to go over to Kristina not knowing who she was and talk to her and just be himself. Zander walked over to Kristina and told her to act like she was interested in him to get his friend off his back. Kristina said she was with someone, but told him to stay with her until her friend came back. Carly thought Zander was making the moves on Kristina and watched with delight as he talked to her. Zander asked Kristina to keep talking to him, and assured her that he wasn't a frat boy. Kristina and Zander talked and she could tell by the look in his eyes that he had just been dumped by his girlfriend and was heartbroken over it. Zander asked her how she knew, she said she is good at reading people and she assured Zander she wasn't a cop. Kristina saw Carly looking at them, and agreed to play along with Zander to keep Carly off of his back. Kristina pretended to write down her phone number on a napkin. Ned saw Zander and he asked Ned if he had heard from Emily. Ned told him that Emily was doing well, and wanted to know what he was doing with Kristina. Ned told Zander that Kristina was Alexis sister, and Ned told her that Zander is Alexis's client. Zander was surprised to hear that Alexis even had a sister. They introduced themselves to each other again and smiled. Zander left Kristina's table to talk to Ned. Carly went over to check out Kristina and they fought with each other about Carly's lying to her about Jax and Angel. Kristina shocked Carly and told her she is Alexis's SISTER! Zander asked Ned if Emily knew that A.J. lied to her about his part in A.J's kidnapping. Ned asked if he was telling him the truth about everything and realized he wasn't. Zander asked Ned if he could talk to Emily for him, since she always listens and comes to Ned for advice. Ned told Zander that Emily made up her mind and doesn't want to see him anymore, and Zander got upset.

Meanwhile, Carly fought with Kristina about going after Zander as well as Alexis going after Sonny. Kristina told Carly she thinks Zander is attractive and told her that Alexis and Carly went to Puerto Rico together! Carly was not pleased to hear this not at all. Kristina told Carly that Alexis and Sonny went to Puerto Rico together on business. Carly couldn't believe it, and asked Zander if he knew about all of this. Zander said he knew that Sonny went to Puerto Rico, but didn't know Alexis was with him. Carly told Ned that Alexis walked out on him at their wedding last year, because she wanted to be with Sonny all along. Zander told Carly to calm down, and they went off toward the pool tables.

Carly and Zander were playing a game of pool. Carly kept telling Zander that Sonny told him to keep an eye on her, and to say anything she wants to hear. Zander said that wasn't true, and defended Alexis to Carly, saying she and Sonny are friends and that Alexis saved his life. Zander told Carly that Sonny loves her, but she wouldn't believe it not for a second. Carly said Zander was spending time with her because Sonny is making him. Zander said that wasn't true, but she told him that spending time with her is part of his job, and that she sees things very clearly now. Kristina and Ned talked about Zander and asked him about Emily breaking Zander's heart. Ned told her that they broke up but that: "Zander was no boy scout." Kristina knew that but felt sorry for Zander and knew that he wasn't having fun with Carly. Kristina told Ned she had plans for him that would put a smile back on his face.

**The End**

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