Naked Eyes, September 26 - December 27, 2002

Naked Eyes #1, Naked Eyes #2, Naked Eyes #3, Naked Eyes #4-6 

Naked Eyes DVD #1 Sept 30 - Oct 10 , 2002: 9/30, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/7, 10/8, 10/9, 10/10

Naked Eyes DVD #2 October 11 - 25, 2002: 10/11, 10/14, 10/15, 10/16, 10/17, 10/18, 10/21, 10/22, 10/23, 10/24, 10/25

Naked Eyes DVD #3 October 28 - November 11, 2002: 10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/8, 11/11

Naked Eyes DVD #4 November 12 - 25, 2002: 11/12, 11/13, 11/14, 11/15, 11/18, 11/19, 11/20 (begining cut), 11/21, 11/22, 11/25

Naked Eyes DVD #5 November 26 - Dec 11, 2002: 11/26, 11/27, 11/28, (no show aired on 11/29 Thanksgiving),12/2, 12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/6, 12/9, 12/10, 12/11

Naked Eyes DVD #6 December 12 - 27, 2003: 12/12, 12/13, 12/16, 12/17, 12/18, 12/19, 12/20, 12/23, 12/24, 12/26, 12/27

Episode Descriptions:

Naked Eyes DVD #1  September 30, 2002 - October 10, 2002
9/30, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/7, 10/8, 10/9, 10/10

  • Monday, September 30- "What's going on?" Karen asks Frank.  "Don't worry about it." Frank tells her.  "Oh come must have told Karen the news, Frank?" Livvie asks.  Karen gives Frank a questioning look.  "Don't pay any attention to her," Frank tells Karen.  "I think I've already got her attention," Livvie volunteers.  " wasn't how she says it was," Frank tells his girlfriend.  Then he tells her he can't do this...not after what they've been through...he loves her too much.  "And I can't let you blackmail me," he points a finger to Livvie.  "Who said anything about blackmail," Livvie responds.  "It wasn't really me," Frank tries to explain, "it was the Avatar."  "Oh come you really think she's going to buy that?" Livvie tells him.  He admits that he is the father of Livvie's child and tries to explain to Karen that the power was seductive.  "Livvie figured out I was the host...she wanted to have a baby so she could hang onto Rafe," Frank tells her.   "You're such a liar," Livvie hisses.  Frank reminds Livvie that she offered to keep the secret that he was the Avatar if he got her pregnant.  "No...Karen, that never happened," Livvie insists.  "I'm guessing," Frank tells Karen, "what happened...Rafe figured out he was never the he she's trying to throw it back on me."  Frank turns to Livvie.  "I'm not going to let you...blackmail me," he tells her.  "No," Livvie insists, "it wasn't my fault...Frank made me do it...the Avatar made me do it...why don't you tell her the real truth, raped me."   Frank turns to Karen.  "She's insane," he tells her.  Livvie continues with her tale, milking it with tears to win Karen's sympathy.  "I...I can't breathe...I need some air...just leave me alone," Karen tells him and heads for the door.  Frank turns to face a smiling Livvie.  "Well...that didn't go very well, did it?" she asks.  Frank is angry now.  "What is it, Livvie?...what do you want from me?...why are you lying?" he asks.  "You can't be with Karen if you and I are going to raise this child together as a family," Livvie tells him.  "What?" he asks, "you really are insane."  She tells him she's doing what's best for their child.  He wants to know what kind of fairy tale she's been reading to think he'll miraculously fall in love with her.  She tells him she doesn't believe in love anymore.  "Rafe's father's gone...Jack's decided he'd rather be alone than with me," she replies.  "Thank God he finally wised up," Frank replies, "and made a clean getaway."  "I don't care who you want to blame for what's going on," Livvie warns him, "it's going to be the way I say, just can't ignore me."  "Oh me," he tells her.  She grabs his arm.  "You will stand by me and this baby and do the right thing," she orders, "you will help me raise our child."  "Or what?" Frank asks.  "Did you see how Karen freaked when I cried rape?" she points out, "that's just a whimper...compared to what I'll do to you publicly."  "Why would anyone believe you?" he asks.  She reminds him of his record of violence going way back, to say nothing of his record of making babies and abandoning them.  "Then there's me...poor little me...raped...and then left abandoned...and alone...vulnerable and..."  "Oh...give me a break!" Karen interrupts, "like anyone would believe a word that comes out of the mouth of a...nasty, manipulative, lying little bitch like you."  "Karen...I know you're upset...but you have to believe me," Livvie says.  "What I do that you're despicable...that you would use one of the most horrendous and painful experiences a woman can suffer through to your advantage," Karen tells her.  Livvie insists she has suffered.  "Don't you get it?" Karen continues, "you crying rape is a slap in the face for those of us that actually have to live with that pain...and I won't let you use is lose this time...bigtime."  Livvie tells Karen she can't beat the time she's done, everyone will know the truth.  Karen then tells Livvie she's Frank's alibi...he was with her when this allegedly happened.  "I fight fire with fire," Karen assures Livvie, "you try to blame this on Frank...and I'll make you wish you'd never been born."  Livvie replies that if Karen thinks she's just walking away...she doesn't know Livvie at all.  "God help that used your own child growing inside of you to manipulate you're using it against Frank," Karen says.  She can't even imagine the kind of mother Livvie will be after this baby is born.  Livvie insists she'll be the kind who fights for her child.  Karen hopes so...but Livvie isn't going to blame this baby on a rape that never happened...she's not going to ruin anymore lives...she's done enough damage around here.  Livvie insists Karen is a fool for trusting Frank.  Once more she reminds Karen this baby is Frank's.  "Deal with that," Livvie tells her and walks out the door.  "You are amazing," Frank tells Karen.  Karen wishes that Livvie would just go away...she hates her for what she's done to people Karen cares for.  Frank thinks they should talk about the baby situation.  Karen doesn't want to talk right now.  Livvie was right about one thing...she is having Frank's child.  And Karen isn't sure how she should deal with that. Livvie sits on the bench outside the Recovery Room and promises her baby she'll give it the best of everything.  She tells it it will grow up to be just like her...a survivor.  People just don't understand...if she doesn't take care of one will.  This is supposed to be the happiest time of her everything's falling apart.  "It's their fault, you know," she says aloud, "we were supposed to have...a nice house...and a sweet little white picket fence...but they've ruined it...Alison and Rafe...they've ruined both of our lives...and I will never forgive them." Still standing on the platform, Rafe and Alison kiss.  "It's're really here," Alison tells him.  "That's what you get for saving my soul," he replies, smiling, "I guess you're stuck with me forever now."  "I guess I'll have to find a way to suffer through," she responds, smiling back.  They kiss passionately; then he picks her up and carries her into her sleeping car, and places her gently on the bed. "Tell me," Alison asks, "tell me again how this happened?"  Rafe smiles at her.  "You saved my soul," he tells her, "your love is what made me remember..." "who you really were," she continues for him.  "And you thought freed me so I could go back up there, but what you really did...was open the doors of heaven so I could stay here."  "And be with me?" Alison smiles.  "Yeah...with you," he answers, "we made a miracle, Alison..we proved that...when two people love each other...I mean really, really love each other...that there's nothing that can stop them from finding each other again."  "Not amnesia," Alison says, "not the forces of evil...not even Livvie Locke."  Rafe makes a face.  "Not even," he assures her.  Alison still can't believe her eyes.  "You're really here," she says, "you're really, really here."  Once again they share a kiss.  "I'm about as real as it gets...OK?" he tells her, "that's...the good news."  "There couldn't be any bad're here," she replies, "there isn't any bad don't have to go back, do you?"  "No," he assures her, "I'm pretty much here until death do us part."  "OK then...there is no bad bad news at all," Alison insists.  "Well...uh...that depends," he says, "I mean...the way I see it...everything is...almost perfect."  "OK...but?" she asks.  "Well...Ed sent me back I could be with we could be like everyone other people in love...except...without all the...other stuff," he seems reluctant to tell her.  "What stuff?" she asks, then smiles as she realizes, "the magic stuff?"  "Well...yeah," he answers.  Alison laughs.  "Do you really think that you need to make animals dance and to make pink roses appear out of thin ar in order to make me happy?" she asks playfully.  "No," he admits, "I...I...just thought it made me stand out from all the other guys."  " did," she laughs happily but goes on to assure him, "let me let you in on a little secret...OK...when you look at me...the way you're looking at me right now...and when you touch me...I feel you close to me...the way that I feel you right now...and when you hold me close...and make me feel...the way I'm gonna feel...when we make love...that's all the magic I will ever need...ever."  They hold each other closely again.  It suddenly occurs to Alison that she was about to leave Port Charles for good.  Suppose she had left before he got back, and they hadn't seen each other.  Kissing her hand, he tells her that didn't happen.  He assures her he'd never let that happen...he would have gone to the ends of the earth to find her.  "It's our destiny...OK," he says, kissing her once more.  She tells him she'll be right back.  He wants to know where she's going.  She tells him she wants to make herself beautiful for him.  He tells her she couldn't be any more beautiful than she is right now.  She tells him to hold that thought...she promises to be right back.  While waiting for her to return, Rafe notices the "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging on the inside of the door.  He opens the door to hang it outside, just as a woman passes with a basket of roses.  "Hey...hey...are you selling those flowers?" he asks.  "Sure," she responds.  Smiling, he quickly turns and says, "nice touch Pops," with his thumbs in the air.  Turning back to the lady, he asks for a single pink rose.  She tells him she only has yellow, white, and red roses. She then tells him that a yellow rose is better than no rose at all.  Even though disappointed, he pays her for the yellow rose and closes the just as Alison returns.  He appears momentarily speechless at her appearance, and the nightie she's wearing.  "What's wrong?" she asks.  "Nothing," he says, "I've just officially become the happiest, luckiest man in the universe."  She wants to know what he's holding behind his back.  "It's for you," he tells her and starts to explain it wasn't exactly what he wanted to give her.  When he hands it to her, he realizes with surprise that it has turned pink.  "It's perfect," she tells him.  As she hugs him, he puzzles over the color change in the rose.  Later, as they lounge in bed, she tells him this could be the most perfect, miraculous day of her life. "No doubt about it," he replies.  "Did you hear that?" she asks.  "What...the sound of the train?" he wonders.  Smiling, she tells him it's the sound of the two of them ticking one playing mind games with them...nobody to stop them.  "Just you and me...first time ever," Alison says.  "First time ever...we can," Rafe agrees.  She then admits that while she knew she'd always love him...their love now is stronger and deeper than she ever thought possible.  The darkness has lifted...and he has made her believe.  Rafe tells her this is what he wished for...from the first day he realized he was in love with her.  Once again they kiss each other passionately, but Alison starts giggling.  He wants to know what's funny.  "You and me...we're having so much fun," she says, still laughing.  "Can you tell what I'm wishing for right now?" he asks. She has a pretty good idea. "You and me...on the love train," he says, as he turns on the music beside the bed. Jack lies unconscious in some unfamiliar underground cavern.  A woman's voice hums a tune as she approaches him, a rag doll in her hand.  She sharpens a knife on a nearby stone. Jack momentarily wakes up and tries to look around.  Noticing the woman's presence, he says "hello," then notices the rag doll from his pictures. "You're the one who's been following me...aren't you?" he asks. Jack tries to get up, but the pain in his leg is intense. "My really hurts," he mumbles before passing out again. The woman, still humming, walks up to him while holding the knife in her hand. Jack, while unconscious, has a dream about this woman.  He's pursuing her.  He wants her to come out and show her face.  She steps out, but the only face he sees is that of the rag doll.  The woman now uses her knife to cut his pants leg to expose the wound, while Jack lies still unconscious on the ground.

  • Tuesday, October 1- Lucy, Ian and the kids arrive back at Ian's place.  Lucy takes Danny and tells Christina it's time for them to take a nap.  Ian yells to Lucy that the park, the zoo, and ten blocks of shopping before has to be a record...even for her. "Home sweet home," he sighs. Lucy returns, marveling at how quickly the kids went to sleep...without complaining.  "Imagine that," Ian responds, rubbing his eyes. Lucy starts to laugh as she recalls how Ian almost fell off the carousel while reaching for the brass ring. "Story of my life," he tells her, then adds that it was worth it to see her smile again.  She tells him she's feeling uneasy because she was having a good time. Should they feel guilty? Ian asks.  He tells her there's no one better at guilt than the Irish.  She then tells him it must be awful...being right all the time. He tells her it's a burden...but he gets used to it.  As Lucy pours herself a cup of coffee, she tells him she shouldn't feel guilty. Kevin wouldn't want her to. Then she recounts how Kevin had told her to move on.  "Certainly a stab in the heart," she admits sadly.  He tells her he's sorry. She tells him it's OK...she wants to thank him for the trip and everything.  He tells her he should be thanking her.  He admits he did have fun today.  He'd thought he'd forgotten how since Eve died.  He thinks some of the free advice he's offering her should apply to him as well.  "Time does heal a lot of things," he tells Lucy, "time...and good friends."  Lucy tells him he is her friend...her best friend.  She wants him to be happy.  She thinks that sooner or later, someone will come along and Ian will fall madly in love with that person. She wants that for him desperately...he, of all people, deserves to be happy.  He tells her she deserves to be happy, too.  Lucy admits it doesn't work that way for her.  "You see...Doc's here," she struggles to explain, "I mean...he's not's really worse than when he was I know where he is...he's there in that hospital...but it's not really's just some stranger...he has the face of the man that I love...but he's just some evil thing."  Lucy wants to know how she can move on from that.  She's not sure Ian understands what she's getting at.  He thinks he does understand.  She can't mourn Kevin because he's still here...without mourning him, Lucy can't heal.  Lucy realizes he does understand.  Ian wishes he could tell her it's all going to be fine and Kevin will snap out of this.  Lucy sadly responds that no one can tell her that.  But Ian can tell her something.  "We have to be strong...and capable...and in control...for our kids," he says, "even if that'st he last thing we're feeling."  She tells him that's so hard sometimes.  Ian remembers when Eve died...he tried to find a reason to get out of bed every morning.  Then Lucy reminded him of the most important reason to get up...Danny.  He knew he had to snap out of it because Danny needed him.  He owed it to Danny...and to Eve.  "The same way that you owe it to Christina," Ian tells her.  Lucy realizes he's right...Christina needs her to make her feel safe and protected.  "What about us grownups?" she then asks.  He tells her she can take care of Christina...he will take care of her. They embrace.  Later, she checks on the children and reports that they're still sound asleep without a care in the world.  Ian's phone rings.  Lucy urges him to answer...she's been expecting a call there about some Lion King tickets.  "Hello," Ian says.  There's no answer on the other end of the line.  He asks if anyone's there.  "It must be a wrong number," he finally tells Lucy. The attendant checks on Kevin as he lies sleeping in his hospital bed.  After the attendant leaves, Kevin suddenly opens his eyes.  "Lucy," he calls, "where's Lucy...I need to talk to my wife."  Later, the attendant hands him a telephone and he calls the lighthouse.  He chats with the attendant while he attempts the call.  He doesn't know what he was thinking...telling Lucy not to wait. "Knowing her...she's probably been glued...right by the phone waiting for me to call," he laughs.  He gets Lucy's voice on the answering machine. He finds out she's out of town, but then he hears Ian's voice at the end of her message saying, "Lucy...let's go."  "I don't believe it," Kevin says, "she's with him." Later, as he hangs up from ringing Ian's home phone number he says, "Oh...I've got exactly the right number...Ian." "Jack," Livvie calls as she knocks on the door of the home she once shared with him.  She lets herself in.  Suddenly, she's flooded with memories of the two of them together.  She remembers telling Jack that he was her home...where she felt safest.  "Oh God...what happened?  How did it all go so wrong?" Livvie whispers to herself, "we had everything...I had everything...a man to love who loved me back...friends...the most incredible, wonderful did I lose it all in the blink of an did this all go so wrong?"  Livvie takes off her jacket.  "'s all her fault...I hope she rots in hell," Livvie says.  Livvie wanders through the house, still missing Jack.  She tells herself it all seems like a million years ago.  Tired, she reclines on the sofa and falls asleep.   She dreams that Jack is there...kissing her awake.  She's surprised to see him, and asks what's going on.  He tells her she overslept.  Alison and Jamal are coming over for dinner...they have to get ready.  She asks if he's angry with her.  She mentions Caleb, but the name doesn't register with Jack.  She mentions several episodes they've experienced, but he tells her he doesn't know what she's talking about.  She realizes she must have  been dreaming.  She was having a nightmare, she tells him.  He didn't love her anymore...everyone thought she was this horrible evil person.  Jack tells her he loves her so much...he always will.  They kiss and hold each other.  "Jack loves me...they all still love me," Livvie mumbles in her sleep.  Her dream with Jack continues.  She tells him the dream seemed so real and horrifying.  She tells him she felt so empty inside without any love in her life.  "So empty without you in my..." but she turns to face him, and Jack is no longer there.  "Jack," she calls, panicked.  She gets up to look for him, "please don't leave me alone," she cries.  Livvie wakes up suddenly from her dream, and looks around.  "Where did you go?" she cries, "why did you all have to leave me?"  Once more, she lies down on the sofa. "Good morning," Rafe tells a sleeping Alison.  She's instantly awake and grateful she didn't just dream the night before. He assures her this is as real as it gets...he's not going anywhere ever again.  She wants to stay on this train and never get off.  He thinks they should just stay in this bed.  She can do that, she tells him. They kiss ardently, but he pulls away and looks at her.  When she asks what's wrong, he smiles and tells her he can't get over the fact that he gets to spend a lifetime with her.  he agrees. They've always had a ticking clock or something separating them. Now they can make plans. "A never thought I'd be able to say those words," he marvels.   Then he tells her that, truthfully, he's digging the present right now. They kiss again, forgetting the outside world...together in each other's arms.  Later, Alison starts laughing again.  She's thinking about them just staying on this train and not letting the outside world in.  Rafe smiles.  "What's stopping us?...I'm game," he tells her.  "I was going to leave Port Charles anyway," Alison says.  "And I've got no ties there...anymore," Rafe replies, "of course there is Lucy...we could send her a postcard...I found out the baby that Livvie's carrying...isn't mine."  "How do you feel about that?" Alison asks, knowing he had liked the idea of being a father.  "I want that with you, Alison," he says as he gently touches her face, "I've only ever wanted that with you."  Alison smiles.  "Someday," she tells him.  "Someday," he responds as they kiss once more.  He tells her that now is their time...just to be together...just the two of them.  He thinks they should stay on this train to see where it...and life...takes them.  As long as they're together...nothing else matters.  She spells out I-O-U on his chest.  She tells him she owes him for her life, her love, everything...and she will enjoy every single minute she repays him for it.  Later, he tells her he's marking the I-O-U paid in full.  She tells him "no", he's not...she hasn't even begun to repay.  Then she decides they can use some mood music.  She turns on the radio and searches for the right song.  "That sounds pretty good," she tells him, "now where were we?"  Rafe suddenly reacts by turning the radio off.  "What's the matter?" Alison asks, "are you OK?"  "I just got a weird feeling," Rafe tells her, "we've got to go back."  "What?" she asks.  "We have to go back to Port Charles," he tells her.

  • Wednesday, October 2- Lucy is still worried about the phone call.  She wonders if it could have been Kevin.  She tells Ian she has a very strange feeling about it.  He suggests they call Kevin at the hospital, but before they can act on it, a frightened Christina runs into the room.  She's had another bad dream.  Lucy calls room service to have some warm milk sent up for her daughter.  When she finds out it will take 30 minutes for them to deliver it, she opts to go get it herself.  She races out, leaving an awkward Ian there to keep her daughter busy.  Ian asks Christina what she wants to do.  "A tea party," she responds.  "I'm...more of a pub man, myself...but it's your call," he tells her.  He then figures they'll need a tea pot and some cups.  "That's not how you play it," Christina says, "first, me and Mommy gotta dress up."  "Oh," Ian responds.  Lucy returns to find Ian and Christina having tea.  Ian is wearing a necklace...his face covered with makeup.  "You...look...absolutely gorgeous," Lucy says, stifling a laugh.  Christina tells her mom she did it.  Lucy assures her she did a fantastic job, but she suggests a couple of additions to perfect the look.  Lucy places a pink, flower-trimmed hat on Ian's head and wraps a pink feather boa around his neck.  Afterwards, she ushers her daughter back to bed while ordering Ian not to move until she gets back.  Ian inspects his reflection in the mirror.  Lucy returns, grinning from ear to ear.  He tells her he looks pretty ridiculous...doesn't she agree?  Lucy thinks he looks pretty great, but tells him his lipstick is smudged.  She tries to fix it, then thanks him again and hugs him.  She teases him about being a hot woman.  He admits he looked pretty good.  She thanks him for helping with Christina.  She appreciates him being such a good sport. Ian reaches over and kisses her forehead.  He tells her that's for all the times she's gotten lipstick on him.  Ian then asks if she still wants to call Kevin.  Lucy says "no."  She can't go around jumping over every could have been a wrong number.  She then offers to get some makeup remover for him.  "That's quite a smile you've got there, Lucy Coe," he says aloud after she leaves the room. "I truly appreciate everything you and your hospital have done for me, Doctor," Kevin says as the physician reviews his charts, "you've helped me see how overwhelmed...and life had become."  He tells the doctor he still can't believe some of the things he said and did.  He thinks he understands where it was coming from, and he believes he's greatly improved since he came there.  Kevin now thinks the best medicine is to be around the people who love him.  "This may be difficult to understand, but I think if I were near her...I suppose you'd have to know her to understand...there's just no way I could not get better.  She wouldn't allow it."  Smiling, he tells the doctor he thinks he needs to be around his family...and be with his wife.  The doctor doesn't believe Kevin is ready to leave yet.  Kevin admits he's not fully recovered, but feels he's made a lot of progress.  He thinks being with his family...his wife...will only help him.  "Even if I thought you were ready to leave here tomorrow...which I don' still have criminal charges pending," the doctor reminds him, "wouldn't you rather have a clean bill of health before you have to face a court hearing?"  Kevin nods his head.  "Yes...of course," he appears to agree.  The doctor tells him the medications are working...for now...they will stay with that course of treatment.  He hands Kevin the pill and some water and waits for Kevin to take it.  After he's gone, a defiant Kevin spits out the pill.  "I'm a lot better now, Lucy," Kevin later says to himself, "but I need what are you doing in New York?...I need you to be with me...and you need to be with me."  He wraps a cord so tightly around his hands that blood flows from the cuts he's made. While sitting at the bar in the Recovery Room, Frank carries on a telephone conversation with Kate.  He wants to know where he stands get custody of his child...Livvie's baby.  He tells her that nobody fights dirtier than Livvie does, as he makes an appointment to see her.  When he hangs up, he sees Karen standing there.  She tells him she overheard him discussing custody of Livvie's child.  He tells her he's meeting with Kate to discuss it further.  "The thought of Livvie raising a kid is pretty scary...don't you think?" he tells Karen.  She agrees.  He wants to know where this leaves them. She admits she was up all night thinking about that.  She made a list of all the pluses and minuses in their relationship.  "And?" he asks.  "And the minuses won by a mile," she says.  She just wants a normal life, for once.  "'ve made up your mind?" he asks, expecting the worst.  "No woman in her right mind would stick around," she tells him, "which goes to show...I'm not in my right mind...because I love you, Frank."  A relieved Frank smiles.  She reminds him he traveled through time to save her life.  He admits he would do it again...he knows what life is like without her.  He's so sorry he drove her away with all of his baggage.  He will make it up to her if it takes the rest of his life.  She tells him it might, but she wants them to take it slow.  He thanks her for hanging in there, and for still loving him.  They kiss and then hold each other close. At the Recovery Room, Ricky stops at Marissa's table and looks over her shoulder as she writes.  Closing the book, she asks him what he's doing.  He tells her he's curious about what she's working on.  She says it's just another article.  When he tells her she's been writing since he arrived, Marissa wants to know how long he's been standing there.  He says "not long"...he just woke up...he was out late last night.  Marissa asks him how the gig went.  It went OK, but he wonders why she and Jamal didn't show up.  Marissa explains that they waited for Jack back at her place, but Jack didn't appear.  They just got caught up in other stuff.  Jamal interrupts them to ask if anyone has seen Jack.  Jamal says he hasn't answered any of his messages...and he's a no-show at the bike shop he'd agreed to open this morning.  Jamal is getting very worried.  Marissa pulls out one of the photos Jack took of that doll in the woods.  Wasn't Jack hung up on that photo? she reminds Jamal.  Jamal remembers that Jack had said he wanted to go back to the woods and take some more pictures.  Could something have happened while he was out there?  Jamal thinks he'd better go out and look.  Marissa and Ricky decide to go with him.  After Marissa gets up from the table, Ricky grabs her journal and starts to read it.  Marissa attempts to retrieve it from him, but loses her balance.  Ricky catches her.  She is now quite irritated with him.  When he asks why, she tells him she doesn't like people going through her stuff.  He wonders why, since this is stuff she's going to publish for the whole town to read.  He thinks this little book is a diary.  She tells him he's wrong.  Ricky thinks she doesn't want him to look at it because she's lying.  "You do remember kissing me," he tells her, "and it's in your little diary."  "Woaa...woaa...what?" Marissa asks, "I kissed you? In your dreams, Garza."  He tells her she kissed him when she was sleepwalking.  She tells him that if she did, it doesn't count, but she appears worried at the revelation.  "Aren't dreams what people are afraid to do when awake?" he asks.  "I am not Casey," Marissa reminds him, "I am not my twin many I have to keep telling you that?"  Jamal returns to see Marissa sounding off to Ricky that she's not Casey.  Jamal simply asks them if they're ready to go.  Marissa eagerly accompanies her boyfriend out the door as a puzzled Ricky watches them.  Later, the three arrive in the woods and start searching for Jack.  They try to determine where the doll photo was taken, but can't.  Ricky hears a muffled cry and alerts the others to listen.  The sound has stopped, but he points in the direction he heard it.  They move toward the sound as Jamal calls Jack's name. Jack opens his eyes and looks around.  He realizes he wasn't dreaming.  He looks at his leg.  It's been treated wtih a splint made of twigs.  He admits it does feel better.  He hears humming and realizes he's not alone.  He looks to see the partial figure of a woman sitting behind the rocks.  He tells her he can hear her humming...why is she hiding from him?  "Why won't you let me see you?  I just want to see who's taking care of me," Jack tells her.  His leg does feel better and he's grateful to her for that.  The woman remains behind the rock...humming to the rag doll.  Jack tries again.  He tells her he remembers falling...then waking up in that cave.  They need to talk to each other.  He tells her he'll go first.  "My name is Jack," he says.  He tells her he lives in Port Charles...he works in a bike shop...he's a photographer. He asks her if she likes jokes.  He tells her one, but gets no response.  Now he admits he's getting irritated.  "The last time I was lost in the woods...I got bit by a vampire," he tells her.  She giggles then.  "OK...that was not intended to be funny...but we're making progress here," he tells her.  She starts humming again.  He asks what song she's humming.  She stops.  He tells her not to sounds nice.  He then tells her he has friends out looking for him...he doesn't want them to worry about him.  Would she hand him his cell phone so he can call them and let them know where he is?  She picks up the cell phone, but drops it on the ground...out of his reach.  Jack wonders why she's helping him with his injury, but won't offer to help him call his friends.  He then asks her for a drink of water.  She rushes off to get it for him.  Jack maneuvers himself to get ahold of the cell phone.  Before he can put a call through to Jamal, she's back.  She places a piece of material over his nose and mouth.  Jack struggles and attempts to yell.  Very quickly, he's unconscious.  The woman, still holding the doll, grabs her knife and prepares to attack any intruders.

  • Thursday, October 3- Once again Jamal asks Ricky if he's sure he heard something.  Ricky insists he sounded like a cry or a scream.  Jamal questions him about where the sound came from, but Ricky is now confused about the exact location.  Marissa gets upset with him.  She tells him she and Jamal heard nothing, and this is a pretty big forest.  Ricky continues to insist he did hear something.  Jamal just wants to find Jack.  He suggests Marissa stay with Ricky while he hikes up to the rise and takes a look around.  Marissa would prefer going with Jamal, but he wants her and Ricky to look around down there.  After Jamal is out of sight, she turns to see Ricky sitting on a rock.  She asks what he's doing...they're supposed to be looking for Jack.  He tells her he's sitting down, and suggests she chill out.  He then tells her the scream he heard might have been a coyote or a rabbit.  "A screaming rabbit," she responds.  He suggests maybe someone stole the rabbit's carrot stash.  Then he asks her to give him a couple of minutes to rest and after that, he'll help her look.  Marissa moves away from the rock...she's going to find whatever made that noise.  "'s Marissa," she calls.  Ricky, who is now almost dozing off, hears her scream.  He races to her.  She is hanging onto the edge of a hole in the earth.  Below her, the doll woman pauses with the knife in her hands.  Ricky finally manages to pull her out.  Then Jamal races up, having heard her screams.  Marissa tells Jamal about the hole she almost fell into...if Ricky hadn't saved her, she could have fallen in and died.  Ricky takes the flashlight and goes over to examine the hole.  He calls them over to look at it.  Jamal thinks it's lucky that the hole didn't swallow Marissa alive.  Jamal is concerned that, since Marissa almost fell in...maybe Jack did fall into the pit.  Jamal picks up the flashlight and shines it down.  Below, the woman moves silently away from the opening.  Jamal thinks he saw something...but it was just too dark.  Marissa suggests they should come back in the morning.  Jamal yells down the hole at Jack...saying if he's down there and hurt...just don't give up.  Jamal then decides to go down.  He wants Ricky to get a rope from the truck and tie it to the bumper.  Before he can proceed further in his plan, his cell phone rings.  After he completes the call, he tells them it was the police.  Jack's bike was found down by the river...but there was no sign of Jack.  "They don't know where he is," Jamal tells them, "but it's not here."  Jamal tells them the police will meet them at the Recovery Room.  Down below, the woman takes a rope and prepares to tie up a still unconscious Jack. Jack opens his eyes and complains about his head.  He tries to move but realizes he's tied up.  "What is this?  She tied me up?" he asks, "hey you...I know you see me...why did you tie me up?"  He then demands that she come over and untie him.  "What do you want with me?" Jack yells, "are you never going to let me go?...when will you let me go?  Ever?  Never?"  She makes a sound, but he can't understand it.  "Wait a second...what did you just say?" Jack asks.  "," came the reply.  "Oh no," Jack replies. "Let me get this didn't find anything else at the river except the bike?" Jamal questions Doree at the Recovery Room.  She tells them the scuba team will start dragging the bottom at daybreak...just in case.  Marissa asks if the police found his helmet or wallet.  Doree tells them the bike's all they have right now.  Jamal reminds her that Jack is his best friend...he tells her there has to be something they can do.  He takes Doree aside and they continue talking.  "Oh man," Marissa says, "gone without a trace."  Ricky asks if she's OK.  She thanks him for rescuing her from that hole, and apologizes for going off on him earlier.  Then she decides to go catch up with Jamal.  Ricky notices she left her bag at the table.  He starts to tell her about it, but spots the journal.  He tells himself he'll give it back...just maybe a little later.  Now really worried, Jamal concludes his discussion with Doree.  "Come on Jack...just be alive," he pleads.  Marissa tries to reassure him as they walk out the door. Livvie is still pacing the floor at Jack's home.  Where is he?  She really needs to talk to him.  She picks up a snapshot taken of the two of them.  "Come home to me, Jack...please," she says.  Meanwhile, Alison and Rafe approach Jack's house.  Alison admits she was a little freaked out when he said they had to come back, but then she decided his lips would taste as sweet there as anywhere else.  After they kiss, she tells him the train ride was the most romantic trip she's ever one and nothing could touch them.  He tries to explain he just has a feeling they should come back.  She thinks he's probably right...this is where they met and fell in love.  Soon, she'll be able to face anything.  "Anything?" he questions.  "Yes," she tells him, now that they're together forever, she can even face Livvie.  They realize that neither of them want to see Livvie for awhile.  But she does want to see Jack and let him know they're back.  Rafe plans to go and see his cousin.  Alison knows Lucy will be happy and excited to see him again.  He starts to leave but she tells him to wait.  "You have my IOU," she reminds him.  "Well...I'm going to hold you to it, you know," he tells her.  After he's gone, Alison steps up to the door and knocks.  "'s Alison," she calls.  She realizes the door's unlocked.  "Jack...are you home?" she calls as she opens the door.  "You," Livvie turns to face her.  "Livvie," Alison responds. "Just my luck," Rafe says aloud as he steps up on the walkbridge, "Lucy's not home...and I really, really needed to talk to her...I keep hearing that song from the train over and over again in my's giving me this really weird feeling...and I don't want to talk to Alison about's's probably nothing."  He laughs at what he's doing.  "And here I am...on the footbridge once again...talking up to you...just like always...naw...what's it going to hurt? I got to tell you...I found's...great probably know that's all thanks to were so there for me...and now I'm probably...never going to see you least I hope not...I mean...not that I hope not...ever...ever...just not for a very long time...I'm going to miss you...I'm not going to miss the're always telling me what to do."  "Hey hey...hey hey," Rafe hears Ed's voice at the end of the bridge.  "Is that a way to talk to your old man?" Ed greets a smiling Rafe.  He tells Ed he didn't think he'd ever see him again...then corrects to say...just not here."  Ed tells him he guesses his old man has earned a few favors over the years.  "It's peaceful here," he remarks to his son, "how does it feel?"  "How does what feel?" Rafe asks.  "Life," Ed says, "your free time limit?"  Rafe tells him it's the most incredible thing he's ever felt.  "Cherish...every minute of it, son," Ed advises.  "Still telling me what to do, huh?" Rafe asks.  " may not be an angel anymore," Ed says, "but I'll always be your old man."  Rafe thanks him.  "For're the one who went to hell and back for the woman you loved," he tells Rafe.  Rafe realizes what could have happened if they'd lost the deal to James.  "You risked risked your soul," Rafe tells him.  "Naw," Ed responds, "I know I was betting on a winner...besides...I'm so proud of you...I love you son."  "I love you, too...Dad," Rafe replies.  They embrace and his father kisses his cheek.  He tells Rafe he has to get back upstairs and punch a clock.  " can't go...not yet...I mean...what about the train...and that weird song...the way it made me feel?" Rafe says.  "What about it?" Ed asks.  "Well...what does it mean?  Is there something going on?" Rafe questions.  "You tell me," Ed says, and when his son starts to protest, he adds, "trust your instincts, your instincts."  He smiles and disappears.  "Ed...wait," Rafe calls. "I thought you crawled out of town like the pathetic loser you are...back so soon?" Livvie asks.  "Guess again," Alison replies, telling Livvie that someone made a good case for her to come back to Port Charles.  "Ah...poor Ali," Livvie taunts her, "it must have been hard...huh...I bet the last few days without Rafe...must make you feel all must miss him like crazy."  Alison just smiles.  Livvie asks if she said something funny.  Alison replies that she doesn't think Livvie would get the joke...but she can imagine why Livvie is at Jack's place.  "Sure...Rafe would dead...than be with you," Alison retorts.  She asks Livvie if she thinks her tired old tricks will work on Jack now.  Livvie tells Alison she and Jack are "meant" for each other.  "In your dreams," Alison replies.  Livvie admits to Alison that when Rafe died she was just a little bummed.  "A little bummed...and now?" Alison asks.  "'m completely over it," Livvie laughs.  "You're over it?" a disgusted Alison inquires.  Livvie tells Alison it's because she's finally realized she didn't love Rafe at all...not the way she loved Jack.  "You love Jack," Alison says, "after everything you have put him you honestly expect me...or anyone believe that you ever gave a damn about him?"  "As if I care...what you think, Alison," Livvie replies, "Jack and I will work things'll'll never understand how much he loves me, too."  Alison forcefully grabs Livvie by the shoulders and turns her around to face her.  "How much he loves you honestly think that...really?" Alison asks, shaking her ex-friend.  "Of course he loves me," Livvie says, pushing Alison away.  "No...he doesn't," Alison tells her, " flash...he's over you...he's more than over really are crazy...aren't you?"  "You'd better watch it, Alison," Livvie hisses at her.  "And if he loses his mind...because he gets sucked into your black, slimy hole of a heart...I will be right there to bail him out...because you will never hurt him again," Alison warns.  Livvie insists that Jack has never stopped loving her, and then accuses Alison of turning Jack against her.  "No," Alison yells at her, "you lost Jack because of you!" She grabs Livvie again.  "You drove him away...with your bitterness...your anger...and your lies," Alison tells her.  "Stop it!" Livvie screams, but Alison continues to sound off.  She tells Livvie she's driven everyone away who's ever loved her.  "And you know what, Livvie? You've gotten exactly what you're alone," Alison finishes, "you'll always be alone."  "Me?" Livvie retorts.  She reminds Alison that she still has her baby and a chance to be with the man that she loves.  "But have lost everything," Livvie tells her.  "Is that really what you think?" Alison asks.  Livvie looks around.  "Rafe is dead...isn't he?" Livvie asks, pointedly, "I'll never get over your...great'll grow old and gray and wasted....still pining over poor Rafe...every day...for the rest of your will reach out for a hand that isn't there...and a kiss that never will wait...and you will wait...everyday...and you will die waiting...because you will never have Rafe again, Alison...never."  Livvie grabs her jacket and opens the door to leave.  Rafe is standing there.  "Livvie," Rafe says.  "'s you," Livvie replies.  Rafe moves towards her and she backs down the steps into the livingroom.  "What's the matter, Livvie?" he asks, "you look like you've seen a ghost."  " couldn't I," she stammers.  "You shot me...yeah...I killed me," Rafe tells her, "right?'s funny how things work out sometimes...when the good guys win after all."  "This can't be happening," Livvie says.  "Now I...get to spend a lifetime with the woman that I really love," Rafe tells her, "and you..."  Livvie turns and accuses Alison of using witchcraft or black magic to get Rafe back.  "No, I didn't," Alison responds, and moves into Rafe's arms, "true love, Livvie...true love did's something that you will never understand."  "No...stay away from me...stay away from me," a trembling Livvie tells them.  Rafe reaches over and grabs her arms.  "Livvie," he says as she screams for him to let go of her.  Rafe warns her that he's not an angel anymore.

  • Friday, October 4- Ian carries on a telephone conversation with Tim while he picks up toys in the living room of the hotel suite. He tells Tim he can't make lunch with him tomorrow...he's there with Lucy.  "Lucy know her...yeah...that Lucy...we don't need to bring that up, either," Ian says.  He tells Tim that Lucy's fine, but as he hangs up, Ian mumbles under his breath, "she's a woman can be...where her husband's trying to kill her...I'm glad he's under lock and key."  He hears Lucy screaming and races to her.  He returns carrying Lucy...who's draped in a towel.  She's moaning and complaining with every step he takes...and telling him she thinks she slipped on a rubber duckie in the tub.  He puts her down on the sofa, and asks if she feels any better.  She first asks for a pillow...then she tells him to get a gun and shoot her to put her out of her misery.  She objects when he wants to check her back.  She tells him she has an aversion to doctors...she's going to mediatate instead.  Lucy says she will open up her chakras and send all the pain into the white light.  Taking a deep breath, she attempts meditation.  He asks her how it's going.  "Good...good...real good...bad," she admits, "I think my white light's broken."  He tells her she's twisted her back...he's going to get her some medicine.  She accuses him of drugging her with he can operate on the wrong part.  Ian thinks he should call an ambulance for her.  "No," she insists.  He gives her the option of a back massage.  Lucy's not crazy about that idea, either, but finally agrees.  He tells her she's such a baby and hands her a toy.  Before he even touches her, she starts saying "ouch".  "I'm not even touching you," he complains.  She tells him she knows that...she's just getting prepared.  A few moments pass.  "Ian...are you still back there?" Lucy asks him.  Ian stammers as he tells her he needs to lower the towel to examine her back.  After moaning once more, Lucy tells him to do whatever it takes...she's all his.  A little later, as Ian works his fingers on the muscles of her back, Lucy wants to know if they're making progress.  He's slow to answer, but finally tells her "'s loosening up."  She tells him her back is feeling better, and he has amazing hands.  She then corrects herself to call his hands "magical."  Ian is tongue-tied now...stammering as he tries to explain, in medical terms, what he's doing.  He touches a sore spot and Lucy jumps...the towel drops.  Ian apologizes as he jumps up and covers his eyes.  A little flustered, Lucy tells him "no problem" and then suggests maybe she should try to stand up.  He helps her up.  She tells him she does feel better now.  Lucy thanks him and hands him the toy as she leaves to get dressed.  She returns, walking stiffly, as he pours them a drink.  She complains that the kids had them going everywhere...then admits she was the one who dragged them all over town.  She notices his mood and wonders what's going on with him...he's gotten all dark and broody on her.  He blames it on his Irish nature.  Lucy tells him she thinks he's worried about her.  She's decided he raced in to the bathroom to save her from Kevin when she screamed.  He tries to deny it, but finally admits it's true.  She thanks him and tells him he is her very best friend.  Ian then tells her it's late and they should turn in.  Lucy admits she is very tired.  They discuss the events of the day and plans for tomorrow.  Ian continues to talk, but as he turns to Lucy, she's fallen asleep.  He drapes a cover over her.  "Good night, my friend," he says, "my best friend."  She moves closer to him and uses his head for a pillow. "Does that feel better, Dr. Collins," the blonde nurse asks as she finishing bandaging his hand.  He tells her that's much better...she really is an angel of mercy.  He can't believe he cut himself that way.  As he distracts her with his conversation, Kevin reaches in her pocket and pulls out a set of keys.  She tells him she's finished, and then tells him to have a good night.  "Oh, I shall...thank you," he replies.  After she's gone, he holds up the keys.  "Thank you, Nurse Ingrid," Kevin smiles. "Get your hands off of me," Livvie yells as she pushes Rafe away from her and starts up the steps.  She tells them she doesn't have to stand there while they rip her apart.  " do," Rafe grabs her wrist.  "Now, I have listened to your lies for you're going to stand still and listen to the truth."  "The truth is...I was there when you had no one," Livvie retorts.  "You weren't there for him," Alison cuts in, "you used him."  "Used him," Livvie says seductively, "it was a mutual kind of using...wasn't it Rafe?"  Rafe is angry now.  He tells Livvie no one wants to hear the garbage she continually spews.  Livvie insists Alison can take it.  "I'm sure he told you about all those wonderful nights we had...not to mention the...great mornings," Livvie taunts Alison.  "I know all about your intimate moments," Alison insists, "where you were trying to get want you."  "You had to know what I was really feeling," Rafe says, "you had to know who I never could forget...who I always loved."  Livvie says what she knows and can never forget is that Rafe could never get enough of her. Now they are going to stand there and act like it never happened.  "What a couple of losers," Livvie tells them.  "You don't get you?" Alison replies, "you got Rafe into your bed by telling him you were already lovers...and got him to marry you...but you never got what you really never captured his heart...because that always belonged to, who's the real loser, Livvie?"  Livvie tells them to believe whatever gets them through the night.  She tells Alison that Rafe set up a really beautiful wedding for her.  "Because I felt sorry for you," Rafe screams at her.  She calls him a liar.  " made up all these stories...about how I proposed to you...and how I made you all these promises...and I felt guilty about disappointing you...but I never really loved was always Alison."  She tells him he's so pathetic...having to convince himself he never loved her, and trying to make her out the bad guy.  "Your lies," Rafe says softly, "have hurt anyone that ever cared about you."  "Alison started this...not me," Livvie says.  She then accuses Alison of turning everyone against her.  "She is the traitor," Livvie adds.  "What are you talking about?" a surprised Alison asks.  "It is because of you...I lost Jack," Livvie continues, "it is because of you I lost the only man I ever really loved."  "I didn't take Jack away from you," Alison tells her, "you drove him away yourself."  Livvie insists they were happy...she was happy.  Rafe suddenly realizes what was behind everything...all of Livvie's lies...Livvie didn't want Rafe except to hurt Alison.  Livvie then admits she wanted Alison to see what it felt like to lose the person she loved most in the world.  Alison asks Livvie if she really hated her that much.  "You took something from I took something from you," Livvie responds.  Alison shakes her head.  "All this crazy need for revenge," she responds, "you didn't just hurt me...look at you?"  Livvie says it made her a survivor.  But Alison reminds her that now she's all alone.  "No," Livvie laughs, "I am not alone, Alison...I've still got my baby...and I have this ring on my finger."  She holds up her hand to display the gold band.  " have got to be kidding me," Rafe tells Livvie, "I'm having this nightmare of a marriage dissolved as soon as I can."  Livvie laughs again.  " think I'm going to make it easy for you," Livvie tells them, "do you think I'm...going to roll over and die...and let your little fairy tale's not matter how much you want it to be."  With these parting words, she walks out the door. Alison tells Rafe it was stupid for her to ever try to talk to Livvie.  She doesn't know what she was thinking.  Rafe asks Alison to try to calm down.  "How can we...with her out on the loose...a wild dog," Alison replies, biting her nails.  "She can't hurt us anymore," Rafe assures her.  Alison isn't so sure.  Livvie can be a little creative.  Rafe insists that Livvie has no power over them unless they give it to her...they shouldn't give Livvie another thought.  Alison admits he's right.  Rafe then tells her there's something he wants...that only she can give him.  Alison smiles and kisses him.  "What's wrong?" she asks as she realizes there's more he wants to say.  "Something doesn't seem right," he admits, "you know...when we gave each other...or pretend wedding vowels?"  "They weren't pretend to me," Alison tells him.  "They weren't to me didn't have a wedding gown...and you didn't have flowers," Rafe says.  She tells him they had lots of flowers...he picked a bundle from the fields.  He admits he did, but their friends weren't there and the people they care about weren't invited.  She tells him it was their special day just for the two of them.  He insists it wasn't the wedding she dreamed of as a kid.  Alison assures him it was OK.  "I don't think so," he tells her.  "What?" she asks, stunned.  Rafe quickly gets down on one knee.  "Alison Barrington...will you marry me?" Rafe asks.  "What?" she asks, smiling.  "I figured you asked me the first time," Rafe smiles, "now it's my turn...I mean...I want a real know...a big fancy wedding...with a big cake...and dancing...and you in a beautiful wedding gown...just walking down the know...and I want our friends there...all our friends there...who stood by us...and helped us along the way...right from the beginning...and all the people in town who said a little prayer for us...when we needed it most...and believed in us...and believed in miracles...I want to join hands with you...I want to join our lives together again."  Alison is both stunned and touched.  "I don't know what to say," she tells him.  He laughs.  " I guess I'm going to have to ask you again," he tells her.  "Alison Barrington...will you marry me?  Will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?"  She leans over and kisses him.  "Is that a yes?" he inquires.  "Yes...yes...yes," she says and hugs him so forcefully that they both end up on the floor.  Meanwhile...somewhere...a woman wearing gloves picks up a picture of Alison and packs it into her suitcase. "Let me ask you a question...why did you tie me up?" Jack asks as he struggles against the ropes that bind him.  "What do you want with me?!" he yells.  He wants to know why she won't talk to him, and why she's doing this.  "Look...answer me...damn it!" he screams again and struggles to loosen the rope.  She picks up a plate of food and prepares to feed him.  Jack kicks at the plate and tells her he doesn't want her food...he just wants to get out of there.  He insists she can't keep him tied up like some kind of animal.  "Just tell me what you want," Jack yells, "damn it!"  He stomps his foot on the ground.  Scared, the woman whimpers and runs away.  "Hey...where are you going?" he asks.  "No...don't go."  Now he's done it.  What can he do now.  He needs to figure out something fast...or he's not going to make it out of here alive.  He's still wondering about this least she performed some kind of miracle on his leg...he can move it.  He struggles against the ropes but they still won't budge.  Then he sees the woman's knife.  She had run off so quickly she had forgotten her knife, a smiling Jack realizes.  Later, the woman slips back to where her captive was held.  She picks up a piece of the cut rope.  "There you are," Jack grabs her arm and holds the lantern to her face.  "Livvie," he whispers as he stares at a face looking very much like his ex.

  • Monday, October 7- As Rafe and Alison stand on the porch of Jack's Place, discussing Rafe's plans to obtain an annulment from Livvie - and their subsequent marriage plans, they suddenly realize that they are not alone. Alison is surprised when she looks up and sees Jamal standing there. In the Abandoned Mine Shaft, Jack is convinced that his captor is Livvie in ragged clothes and with disheveled hair and that she is playing some kind of game. Jack angrily demands answers from 'Livvie.' Marissa barges into Ricky's Place while Ricky is reading on the couch and Ricky hastily hides what he was reading behind a couch pillow. Marissa lets Ricky know that Jack is still missing. Marissa then informs Ricky that any sparks he thinks are going on between them are strictly one-way. Marissa asks what Ricky was hiding behind the couch pillow and Ricky tries to act casual as he claims it was just a magazine. As Marissa begins to leave, she pretends that she left something behind and grabs behind the couch pillow to see what Ricky was trying to hide. Marissa is instantly angry when she discovers that Ricky was reading HER Journal! At Jack's Place, Jamal jumps all over Rafe for making plans to marry Alison while Rafe is still married to Livvie. Jamal reminds Rafe of all the trouble Alison has endured because of the way Rafe just blows in and out of Alison's life whenever he feels like it. Meanwhile, in the cave, Jack tells the mystery woman he believes is Livvie that it is no secret to anyone that she has gone completely crazy lately - but the 'cave woman' act is carrying things TOO far! Jack tells 'Livvie' that it is fine with him if she stays to play in her cave - alone - because NO ONE in the real world wants anything to do with her! As Jack leaves, his Mystery Woman sits down and begins to hum and rock her rag doll. But, as Jack leaves the cave, talking to himself, he discovers the REAL Livvie. Back at Ricky's Place, as Marissa and Ricky argue about Ricky reading Marissa's Notebook, Ricky notices a song playing on the radio that he likes and turns the volume up and Marissa tells Ricky that she knows the band's name is 'Stephen Clay Experience.' Ricky tells Marissa that the poetry in her notebook is really good and that the genius of what she has written SHOULD be shared with the world. But when Ricky reads a poem Marissa wrote about Casey, Marissa just becomes angry and rips up the poem - telling Ricky that those were her PRIVATE thoughts and Ricky just stole them! Back at Jack's Place, Alison tries to restore some order. After Rafe has gone back inside the house, Alison explains to Jamal that there are some things about Rafe that she just can NOT share with Jamal. But ALISON understands the reasons why Rafe had to leave, and that is enough for Alison. Alison convinces Jamal that she needs his good will, but, whether she has Jamal's good wishes or not, Alison does NOT plan to change her mind about Rafe. Jamal surprises Alison when Jamal admits that Jamal MAY have been out of line with his attitude toward Rafe. Then Jamal shocks Alison when Jamal announces that the only reason he came by was to check on Jack, since Jack has been missing for a couple of days. Meanwhile, in the woods, Livvie rushes into Jack's arms, but Jack can NOT understand how Livvie could look so different just a few minutes after Jack left her, in tatters and disheveled, in the cave. Then Livvie explains that she came to the woods to find Jack, but has NOT been in ANY cave. Livvie describes running through the woods earlier and getting a very strange feeling and being afraid - and then she ran right into Jack. Livvie tries to convince Jack that she truly loves him and that there is some kind of mysterious force that keeps drawing them together. But Jack does NOT believe a word of what Livvie says, and strongly suggests that Livvie just learn how to resist that mysterious force. Jack just walks away from Livvie, and, as he leaves, Livvie tells Jack that she hates him! Jack decides that he HAS to be having a bad dream with TWO Livvies in it! Back at Ricky's Place, Ricky insists that Marissa should NOT be hiding her beautiful poetry, but Marissa leaves in a huff. Rafe also hears the song at Jack's Place, and angrily turns the radio off. As Rafe goes back out on the porch, Jamal and Alison inform Rafe that Jack is missing. When Rafe asks what they can do to help, Jamal suggests that Rafe and Alison stick around Jack's Place in case Jack shows up there. then Jamal apologizes for trying to pick a fight with Rafe. Jamal gives Alison a peck on the cheek and leaves. When Alison asks Rafe if Rafe thinks Jack is OK, Rafe tells her that he believes Jack IS OK. Alison asks if something else is bothering Rafe and Rafe admits that he DOES feel a little strange, but it might be just getting used to being back and dealing with some old vibrations from the past. Alison asks if Rafe thinks Livvie might be behind Jack's disappearance, but Rafe assures Alison that Jack knows Livvie well enough to avoid Livvie like the plague. Rafe and Alison make plans to move forward with Rafe's plans for obtaining an annulment - and then they go inside. When they leave, Livvie appears beside the porch, then abruptly leaves. At the same time, Jack returns to the cave and finds his Mystery Woman, still humming and rocking her rag doll. Jack tries to talk to her, but she draws back, as if frightened by him. Jack asks: "Who ARE you?"

  • Tuesday, October 8- In their New York Hotel suite, Christina gets up first and finds Lucy and Ian asleep on the couch. When Christina tells Lucy that she is ready now to get up, Lucy tells Christina that: "Mommy and Daddy need a little more sleep. Christina innocently asks: "Is Ian my Daddy now?' At Livvie's Place, Livvie makes an urgent telephone call regarding Rafe. At Jack's Place, Rafe checks on the progress of the search for Jack. When Alison admits that she is beginning to be seriously worried about Jack, Rafe assures her that he is confident Jack will be found and will be OK. Jamal and Marissa arrive and report that the Police at least now know that Jack is NOT at the bottom of the river. Alison brings out some of Jack's favorite muffins and Jamal and Alison begin to talk over old times they shared with Jack, including Jack's masquerade as 'Chandler' to fool Amanda. Rafe assures them all that he is positive that Jack will be found soon. Meanwhile, in the Cave, Jack tells his Mystery Woman that he is amazed that his leg feels so much better and asks how she learned to take care of injuries that way. But the Mystery Woman only hums and rocks her rag doll. Jack continues to marvel at the way the Mystery Woman resembles Livvie. As Jack talks to her, Jack decides that the Mystery Woman can understand him, but might be unable to speak. Jack suggests that Jack could take her back to town with him, where his brother and some friends are doctors, who might be able to help her. But the Mystery Woman shrinks away from Jack, and huddles in a corner, humming to her doll. In a few minutes, though, she comes back and touches Jack's face. In New York, Lucy and Ian try to explain to Christina that Lucy and Ian are just friends. But, when Christina leaves to color a picture, Lucy tells Ian that Lucy believes she should go to Switzerland to see Kevin again. In the cave, Jack promises his Mystery Woman that he will stay with her, but asks her to give him back his phone so he can call his friends. When Jamal gets the call from Jack, Jack tells Jamal that he just needed to get away. When Alison takes the phone, she informs Jack that Rafe has returned, that Rafe is going to get his marriage to Livvie annulled and that Rafe and Alison are planning to get married. Alison asks Jack to be her 'Man of Honor'', and, when Jack laughs at the idea, the Mystery Woman laughs also. Alison hears the woman laugh and accuses Jack of scaring them all just so he could slip away with a new girlfriend! Back in New York, Ian tries to talk Lucy out of the notion of burying herself in Switzerland, waiting for Kevin to get better - which COULD take YEARS! However, Ian bristles when Lucy accuses Ian of wanting to hang on to Lucy for himself. Back at Jack's Place, as Alison and Jamal talk to Jack, Marissa asks Rafe how Rafe was so sure that Jack was OK - Marissa tells Rafe that Marissa felt that the opposite would turn out to be true. Marissa also admits to Rafe that she has been worrying lately about things like people dying too young. Marissa suddenly remembers that Rafe knew Casey and Marissa talks to Rafe about Casey dying before Marissa had an opportunity to get to know Casey; that it was a case of Casey 'being 19 and Pow! Game over!' But Rafe hints that the game is probably NOT over for Casey and that Casey had 'Guardian Angel' written all over her when Rafe knew her. Rafe also suggests that Casey might be watching over Marissa right at that moment! After Jack hangs up with Jamal, Jack tells his Mystery Woman that it was good when she laughed. Jack asks if the Mystery Woman would know Livvie, but she just looks at Jack without saying anything. Jack observes that the Mystery Woman could pass for Livvie's twin. Then Jack wonders if the Mystery Woman might actually be related to Livvie. Back at Jack's Place, Jamal, Marissa, Alison and Rafe speculate about Jack's new girlfriend. Alison says: "I don't care if she has three heads, just so long as she is NOT Livvie!' As Alison says that, Livvie suddenly shows up at the front door and announces that she needs to speak to Rafe. Back in New York, Ian informs Lucy that she is way off base to suggest that Ian wants Lucy for himself. Ian tells Lucy: "Let me tell you something - You are NOT as much of a joy to be around as you may think you are!' Ian goes on to tell Lucy that she would BORE the Swiss doctors with her constant hand-writing over Kevin. Lucy is incensed that Ian would dare to suggest that she might be boring! Ian amends his charge by telling Lucy that he really meant that she is a 'tedious bore!' Lucy is speechless {And Ian observes, perhaps for the first time in her life!} But Lucy quickly recovers long enough to pick up a pillow and whack Ian with it. As Ian and Lucy get into a pillow fight with feathers flying all over the room, Kevin suddenly shows up and announces: "Hi, honey! I'm home!' Back in the Cave, Jack notices that the Mystery Woman's rag doll has the name 'Tess' embroidered on her dress, and Jack tells his Mystery Woman that he plans to call her Tess. Jack then coaxes 'Tess', until she finally says 'Jack.' Back at Jack's Place, Livvie expresses surprise that Jack appears to have a new girlfriend. Marissa and Jamal decide to leave and try to convince Livvie to go with them. But Livvie insists that she needs to talk to Rafe. As Jamal and Marissa leave, Jamal signals Alison that he will NOT be going far. After Jamal and Marissa leave, Rafe asks Livvie what she wants to say and Livvie says that she something to give to Rafe - and that, actually, it is for BOTH of them. As Livvie reaches into her purse, Alison asks; "My God - what ARE you doing?"

  • Wednesday, October 9- Marissa pounds on Ricky's door, anxious to get her book of poetry back. After Ricky lets her in, he says he thought she didn't want the book anymore, so he threw it away. Marissa begins to freak out until Ricky admits he's kidding. He put it aside for her. Marissa grabs for the book, but Ricky holds it out of her reach. He tells her he'll give the book back after she listens to something. Marissa is angry, but has no other choice than to do what he wants. Ricky puts on some music. It is a song he wrote using her poem about Casey as the lyrics. When the song ends, Ricky asks Marissa what she thinks. For a few moments she can't speak, then Marissa says one word: beautiful. She looks deeply into his eyes and tells him thank you. Ricky gives Marissa a copy of the song and she kisses him on the cheek and says she doesn't know how to show her gratitude. Ricky replies, "You just did." Rafe grabs Livvie's purse fearing she has a gun. Instead, he finds annulment papers. Rafe is suspicious why Livvie would let him go so easily and wants to know what she is getting out of the deal. Livvie replies that she wants both him and Alison out of her life as soon as possible. After carefully reading the document, Rafe signs it. After Livvie leaves, Alison and Rafe sit on their porch swing and plan their future. When Rafe asks Alison to pick a wedding date, she tells him that a Christmas Day wedding would be perfect. As they kiss, Livvie watches from behind a bush. She tells her baby that Rafe and Alison will have to pay. Lucy and Ian have a spirited pillow fight. They are covered in feathers when Kevin appears in the doorway. Lucy is surprised that Kevin left the hospital. She asks him how he found them. Kevin tells her it was through the message she left on the answering machine. Kevin explains that he has talked to numerous psychiatrists and therapists. All he really wants to do is talk to his wife. Alone. Ian refuses to leave Lucy alone with Kevin. They are about to start arguing when Christina runs in and throws her arms around her daddy. Kevin picks up Christina and asks her to tell him all about their time in New York. Lucy is nervous to see Kevin with Christina and gets her daughter to go back to the bedroom. While Lucy and Christina are out of the room, Ian tries to talk sense into Kevin. He tells him that therapy takes time and Kevin shouldn't have left the clinic. Finally Ian persuades Kevin to return. When Lucy comes out, Ian is gone and Kevin is still there. Kevin tells Lucy it was Ian's idea for them to have some time alone together before he returns to the clinic. Lucy is nervous, but sits next to Kevin anyway. Kevin assures Lucy that he is feeling much better and that he would never hurt her. Meanwhile, Ian is lying unconscious behind the sofa.

  • Thursday, October 10- At the Recovery Room, Rafe and Alison toast their recent good fortune and celebrate that Jack has been found, Livvie signed the annulment papers and Rafe and Alison have begun making plans to be married by Christmas. Alison announces to Rafe that she is heading home for a warm bath, but Rafe stays behind, he says, to take care of a few things. Meanwhile, Livvie lets herself into Lucy's Old Place, where Rafe and Alison are now living. At the same time, down in the Cave, Jack is helping 'Tess' learn how to speak. As Jack teaches Tess a few words, like 'beautiful' and 'stars,' Tess suddenly runs back into the cave. In their Hotel Suite in New York, Kevin explains to Lucy how important it is to him that they get a chance to spend some time together and Lucy is happy when Kevin tells her that he has decided to go back to Switzerland to continue treatment there. In the meantime, Ian is still unconscious, behind the couch. Lucy suddenly becomes uncomfortable when Kevin tells her that he has ALWAYS hated her nickname for him - DOC! When Lucy gets up and walks to another part of the room, she spots Ian and demands to know WHAT Kevin has done to Ian. As Lucy tries to revive Ian, Kevin shows Lucy a syringe and tells her that he just gave Ian a little sedative so that Kevin and Lucy could have the privacy they need to talk things through. Lucy continues to demand an explanation and she urges Kevin to go back to Switzerland with her. But Kevin tells Lucy that SHE is the only one who can help him - that SHE is his lifeline and he NEEDS to see her every day! Back in the Cave, Tess brings Jack's camera to him, but she jumps back when the flash goes off accidentally. Jack takes a picture of himself with Tess to show her that the camera is nothing to be afraid of. When Jack shows her own picture to Tess, Jack says: "Beautiful Tess.' But Tess suddenly rushes back into the Cave again. This time, Tess brings out a book with a picture of an angel in it. Pointing to the picture of the angel, Tess tells Jack 'Beautiful Tess!' At Rafe and Alison's Place, Livvie puts some poisoned bath oil beads in the tray next to the bathtub and visualizes Alison dying from the poisoned bath, and then Rafe trying vainly to revive Alison. Livvie takes off her wedding ring and says: "You know, a ring is a promise, Rafe. And I promise you that you will NEVER get your happy ending with Alison!' Livvie puts the ring down on the rim of the tub and says: "You wanted so much to be one of us, Rafe. To be mortal? To feel what it is like to join the human race. To be real? Now - you will know what it feels like to lose the love of your life!' Down in the Cave, Jack decides that Tess needs to see herself when she is cleaned up, so he gets some water and begins to scrub away some of the dirt. Then Jack coaxes Tess into smiling for him as he takes a picture of her. Back in New York, Lucy tells Kevin that she understands what he is saying and asks what Kevin wants to do next. Kevin tells Lucy that they could change their identities and Lucy, Kevin and Christina could go away and live on the run for years, but Lucy says that she could NOT possibly leave Serena behind. Lucy proposes that Christina and Lucy accompany Kevin back to Switzerland and find a place to live in Switzerland where they could be near Kevin until he recovers. However, when Lucy calls Kevin DOC again, Kevin yells at her and demands that Lucy sit down again. Lucy pretends to go along with Kevin's plans, but Lucy spots the syringe with the sedative Kevin gave to Ian. Lucy convinces Kevin to turn around while she massages his back for him. But, when Lucy tries to grab the syringe, Kevin catches her and prevents her from using it. As Kevin and Lucy struggle for the syringe, Kevin demands to know if Lucy was going to call the police. Kevin angrily accuses Lucy of locking him away in a loony bin so Lucy could live it up in New York with Ian. Kevin tells Lucy that he suspects that Lucy ran to Ian the minute that Kevin was locked up. Kevin admits that he is angrier than he has ever been before - and that he plans to teach Lucy a lesson. However, at that moment, Ian recovers and jumps Kevin from behind, injecting Kevin with the sedative. Before he loses consciousness, Kevin tells Lucy: "I would NOT hurt you!' As Ian holds a sobbing Lucy, they make plans to travel together to Switzerland to return Kevin to the clinic. Back in the Cave, Tess insists that it is HER turn to help JACK get cleaned up and Tess begins to tenderly scrub away some of the accumulated grime on Jack's face. Back at the Recovery Room, Rafe buys an engagement ring for Alison from a jeweler. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Livvie hears Alison returning home and Livvie runs outside and watches through a window as Alison runs water for her bath. Livvie tells herself: "So much for Happily Ever After!"

  • Naked Eyes DVD #2  October 11-25, 2002 
    10/11, 10/14, 10/15, 10/16, 10/17, 10/18, 10/21, 10/22, 10/23, 10/24, 10/25

    • Friday, October 11- Down in Tess's Cave, Jack teaches Tess about hands and fingers. At the Recovery Room, Jamal informs Ricky that Jamal sent a copy of Marissa and Ricky's song to Stephen Clay. Ricky scoffs at the possibility that anyone in THAT band would ever listen to their song. Outside the Recovery Room, Rafe looks at the ring he just bought for Alison and wonders if he made the right choice. As Rafe hurries away, he runs into a pretty blond women, and the ring drops to the street. Meanwhile, at Rafe and Alison's Place, Livvie watches from hiding as Alison runs water for her bath and then adds the poisoned bath oil beads to the water. Livvie contemplates the sweet revenge she will experience when Alison dies from the toxic water. Livvie congratulates herself for picking a poison that will be undetectable as soon as Alison's heart stops beating. However, before Alison gets into the tub, Livvie realizes that she left her ring on the rim of the tub. Meanwhile, Marissa arrives at the Recovery Room and announces that she has a BIG surprise for Ricky. Ricky volunteers to close his eyes and Ricky is surprised when he opens his eyes and Marissa introduces him to her friend Candy, who is a pre-med student at Port Charles University. Outside, Rafe begins to rave about Alison to the woman he just ran into. Meanwhile, at Rafe and Alison's Place, BEFORE Alison can get into the tub of toxic water, she hears a crash. When Alison goes into the living room to investigate the cause of the crash, she discovers that someone has thrown a rock through the front window. When Alison goes to get a broom to clean up the glass, Livvie slips into the bathroom to retrieve her ring. Back in the Cave, Jack teaches Tess about hands and how to count up to three on her fingers. Jack asks himself: "How is she so innocent? It is like looking at Livvie before she became Livvie. Could her Mom have had another girl no one knows about?' Back at the Recovery Room, Marissa is amazed when Ricky and Candy seem to hit it off. When Candy leaves momentarily to check on something, Ricky asks Marissa if the set-up with Candy was for Marissa's benefit - or for Ricky's. Outside the Recovery Room, Rafe ends up giving his new acquaintance a detailed account about the day he ran to catch up with Alison's train before she left. While Rafe is talking to his new friend, Rafe gets a call from Alison, who reports that someone threw a rock through their window. Rafe promises to rush home and announces that he plans to take Alison out to the P.C.Grille later and that he has a surprise for her. Rafe's new friend tells him that she is staying at the Port Charles Hotel and, since Rafe is headed to the Port Charles Grille, Rafe's new friend asks for a ride to the Hotel. Rafe quickly agrees. Back at Alison and Rafe's Place, Alison cleans up the glass while Livvie slips into the bathroom to get her ring. But Livvie accidentally knocks the ring into the toxic water! Back at the Recovery room, Jamal announces that Stephen Clay is listening to their song right at that very moment! And, in Stephen Clay's office, Stephen Clay IS listening to Ricky's song - 'Hey Sister.' Stephen Clay's assistant apologizes that one of the Roadies sent that song in, but, when she starts to turn it off, Stephen grabs her hand and motions her away. The assistant asks: "What? Is SHE the one?' Meanwhile, back at Rafe and Alison's Place, as Alison puts cardboard up over the hole in the window, Livvie tries to fish her ring out of the tub, but falls into the toxic water instead. At the same time, in her cave, Tess is showing Jack that she has learned to count to three, and excitedly brings Jack three books. Jack hugs Tess and then Jack tries to explain to her about hugs. Tess gives Jack three hugs. But Jack is shocked when Tess suddenly pulls away from Jack and begins to gasp for air. Then Tess passes out on the floor of the cave. At the same time, Livvie struggles out of the tub of toxic water and tries to dry herself off. Rafe brings his visitor home to meet Alison, But, Rafe is surprised when the visitor recognizes Alison and Alison addresses the Visitor as 'Mother.'

    Monday, October 14- At the Recovery Room, Marissa is thrilled when Jamal announces he sent their song to Stephen Clay, but Ricky is positive they are wasting their time. In Tess's Cave, Jack is shocked when Tess begins to gasp for air and collapses on the ground. At the same time, Livvie pulls herself out of the poisoned water in Alison's tub and staggers out the door, hoping to race to the E.R. in time to save her life and the life of her unborn child. Meanwhile, in Rafe and Alison's living room, Rafe is shaken when Alison informs Rafe that his new friend Elizabeth is really Alison's mother. As Elizabeth gushes over Alison, Alison gives her mother a frosty greeting. Then Alison demands to know WHY her mother has suddenly returned to Port Charles after so many years abroad. Back in the cave, Jack realizes his cell phone is dead, so he can NOT dial 9 - 1 - 1. Jack decides to carry Tess into town to the Emergency Room. Meanwhile, in the ER, Frank and Karen discuss the complications that Livvie's baby will add to their lives. When Livvie staggers into the E.R., Frank and Karen begin immediate First Aid. Meanwhile, back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison can NOT figure out WHY Liz has suddenly stopped in to visit Alison. Elizabeth keeps insisting that she DID come SPECIFICALLY to see Allison. Rafe asks Liz why she and Alison's father did NOT show up for a special surprise Rafe had planned for Alison - or when Alison was in a coma or even when Alison was on trial for her life. Liz then surprises both Rafe AND Alison when she admits she HAS been a terrible mother - but Elizabeth insists that she DOES love Alison! When Alison continues to coldly demand to know WHY Liz has suddenly returned to Port Charles, Liz finally admits to Alison that Liz has returned to Port Charles because Alison's father is 'gone.' Back at the Recovery Room, Marissa is impressed when she receives a call from Stephen Clay himself! Marissa announces that Stephen Clay LOVED their song and is coming to Port Charles to meet Marissa and Ricky. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Liz explains that they were sailing their yacht in the Aegean with some friends, and Alison's father fell over board. Liz tells Alison that they have been searching for his body ever since, but have finally given up. Elizabeth also asserts that Alison's father DID love her! But Alison coldly suggests that it is time for Liz to head for her hotel, and Alison calls a cab. At the hospital, Livvie remembers how she tried to poison Alison's bath, but fell into the poisoned water herself. Karen finally gets Livvie to admit that Livvie believes there was something poison in her bath water. But Livvie begins to go into cardiac arrest. At the same time, as Jack races toward town with Tess in his arms, Jack realizes that Tess's heart has stopped and there is no pulse. Back at the Recovery Room, after Marissa talks to Stephen Clay, Jamal suddenly has misgivings that Stephen Clay's motives for showing such an enthusiastic interest in the music is just a bit 'off.' Jamal wonders HOW Stephen Clay got Marissa's unlisted cell phone number! Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Liz suggests that she stay a while, but Alison barely listens to Liz and, instead, decides that she will tell Amanda the news the following day. Liz tries to appeal to Rafe to urge Alison to let Liz stay a while longer, but Rafe is unwilling to intercede for Elizabeth. As Elizabeth leaves, she is disappointed when Alison merely says that she will call her mother - later. After Liz leaves, Alison admits to Rafe that she did NOT know her father all that well, so Alison is going to be fine! But Rafe can see that Alison is choking back tears. Meanwhile, as Frank and Karen work to get Livvie's heart started again in the E.R., Jack is in the woods, frantically working to start Tess's heart. When Frank and Karen finally succeed in getting Livvie's heart started in the E.R., Tess suddenly sits bolt upright and Jack holds her. As Livvie begins to regain consciousness, she calls for Jack. Then Livvie assures her baby that they are all going to be just fine now. 

  • Tuesday, October 15- At a new hospital in Canada, Ian and Lucy discuss the improved care Ian is sure that Kevin will receive from Dr. Fox. Kevin tells Dr. Fox that it was his wife and her boyfriend who got him locked up in a mental hospital - and Kevin plans to NEVER forget that! As Tess recovers in the woods, Jack takes her back to her cave. But, as soon as Tess arrives at the cave, Tess begins a frantic search for her 'baby.' Livvie begins to recover in the Emergency Room. When Karen and Frank come in, Livvie apologizes to Frank and Karen for the way she has been behaving and promises them that she is going to do better. But, as Livvie talks about her baby and how her baby is all that she has left now - Karen reluctantly informs Livvie that they have NOT been able to detect a fetal heartbeat. Livvie refuses to believe that her baby is dead and accuses Karen of just wanting to convince Livvie that the baby is dead so that Karen can get rid of the baby. Livvie freaks out when Karen hands her a consent form for a procedure to remove the dead fetus before the toxins again threaten Livvie's life. Jack tries to calm Tess down by helping her search for her missing 'baby.' And Jack finally finds Tess's 'baby' for her. Tess grabs the 'baby' and lays down beside it in a corner of the cave. Meanwhile, in the E.R., Frank tries to convince Livvie that she needs the procedure to protect her own life. Lucy visits Kevin's room in the Canadian Hospital, while Dr. Fox steps out into the hall. Dr. Fox asks Ian if Ian is sincere about wanting Kevin to recover and about wanting to see Mr. and Mrs. Collins reunited. When Ian insists that he is genuinely sincere in wanting that, Dr. Fox tells Ian point blank to leave Mrs. Collins alone. Kevin accuses Lucy of betraying him in order to get him locked up again in a mental hospital. When Lucy tells Kevin that she can NOT stay with him at the clinic, Kevin calls Lucy on it - pointing out that Lucy originally told Kevin that being in a Canadian Hospital was supposed to make it EASIER for Lucy to be with Kevin. As Kevin tells Lucy that he no longer believes anything she says - Lucy reminds Kevin that he has tried to kill her more than once. Then Lucy informs her husband that she is through letting Kevin blame everyone else but himself for Kevin's problems. Back in the Cave, as Jack tries to comfort Tess, she runs to get a book and wants Jack to read a story to her. Instead of reading a story, Jack tells a fractured fairy tale about Cinderella meeting the seven dwarfs and three bears. When one of the bears got gruff with her, Cinderella went up on the Interstate to try to hitch a ride to get out of town, but met a handsome Prince on a big, white, Harley-Davidson, who gave her a lift. Meanwhile, in the E.R., as Frank tries to reason with Livvie, Livvie insists that her baby IS alive because Livvie would KNOW it if the baby were dead. Livvie reminds Frank that they both KNOW that this was a special child, who would have special powers. Livvie suddenly appears to accept what Frank is saying about the baby being dead, but Livvie asks to be alone for a little while, so Frank and Karen leave. Back at the Canadian Clinic, Ian bristles at Dr. Fox's suggestion that Ian would be the one impeding Kevin's progress toward a full recovery. Meanwhile, in Kevin's room, Lucy tells Kevin she wants him back, whole and well. KEVIN: "You know, Lucy - you told me that you would love me forever. I guess 'forever' is a LOT shorter than it used to be - isn't it?' Lucy tells Kevin that he must focus on himself, rather than on other people. Kevin observes that Lucy sounds very cold and more like she needs to hurry back to IAN! When Lucy leaves Kevin's room, Ian and Lucy discuss Kevin's treatment and Ian confesses that Dr. Fox suspects that Ian wants Lucy for himself. However, Lucy assures Ian that they are just friends - and they hug. In the meantime, Dr. Fox returns to Kevin's room with a cassette player and informs his patient that he plans to use 'music therapy!' The first song Dr. Fox plays is 'Naked Eyes.' But, when Lucy hears the same music, she finds it immediately disturbing and Lucy begs Ian to take her home immediately! Inside his room, Kevin listens intently as the singer asks: "Are you down with your old friends?' Back in the Cave, Jack tries to explain to Tess what 'happily ever after' means. Tess impulsively kisses Jack's hand and he kisses her hand. Karen tells Frank that she is sorry that Livvie's baby is gone. But, when Frank and Karen return to the treatment room, they find that Livvie has gone.

  • Wednesday, October 16- At the Recovery Room, Marissa, Ricky, and Jamal wait anxiously to met Stephen Clay. As they wait, two guys and a girl, all decked out in leather, enter the restaurant. The girl comes up to Marissa and introduces them as The Band. As the two guys stand behind Marissa and Ricky, the girl explains that Stephen Clay liked the song. He sent The Band there to check them out. One of the guys rudely asks Marissa how the girl in the song died. Jamal takes offense at his tone and there verbal argument nearly turns into a fist fight until Marissa diffuses the situation. Lucy is going through her mail when Rafe sneaks in behind her. Lucy is startled to see him, but tries to tell herself it’s just a vision because Rafe is in Heaven. Rafe finally convinces her he is back for good. He also tells Lucy that he and Alison will be getting married. Lucy can’t believe she is finally hearing some good news for a change. Rafe also has some not so good news. Alison’s father passed away and now her mother is in town. Lucy knows Elizabeth and calls her a gold digger. Rafe says he has a bad feeling about her and calls Elizabeth big time trouble. Rafe tells Lucy that when he and Alison started to leave town, he got some weird vibes telling him he needed to be in Port Charles. Lucy says she had the same type of feelings when she was in Canada. She wonders if it has anything to do with their family’s business then asks, “Is Elizabeth a vampire?” Rafe says yes she is. Elizabeth is a human vampire who sucks the life out of you. Rafe leaves and Serena comes in. When Lucy tries to ask Serena something, the girl doesn’t respond because she listening to music through headphones. Lucy asks what group it is and Serena tells her it’s the Stephen Clay Experience. Lucy listens to the music through the headphones, then tells Serena she shouldn’t be listening to that kind of thing. It’s weird and creepy. Lucy then says to herself, “I sound like Tipper Gore!” The phone rings and it is Ian calling from the Recovery Room. Lucy can barely hear him because of the background music. It is the same song Serena was listening to. Lucy tells him the music makes her skin crawl. Ian goes outside where it’s quieter then tells Lucy that Livvie miscarried and is now nowhere to be found.Alison is having tea with her grandmother, trying to find the right moment to tell her Malcolm is dead. Before Alison can gently break the news, Elizabeth barges in to tell Alison she shouldn’t have to be alone to tell Amanda her son is dead. Amanda is shocked and Alison dismayed. When Amanda wants to know what happened, Alison insists her mother share ALL the details. Elizabeth explains that Malcolm fell overboard in a boating accident. There was an exhaustive search, but his body was never recovered. Elizabeth goes on to say that they were on their way home to Port Charles because Malcolm was going to expand the Barrington Foundation. Amanda asks her driver to take her home so she can make plans for a memorial service. Once alone, Alison demands to know if what Elizabeth said was the truth. Elizabeth says that the truth is that Malcolm was cold and selfish. Is that what she should have said to Amanda? At that moment, Rafe comes in with the rest of the story. He tells Alison that he just found out her father didn’t die recently, he fell off the boat months ago. The reason Elizabeth didn’t come to town sooner was because she was being held as a suspect in his death. When Alison hears this, she slaps her mother hard across the face.

  • Thursday, October 17- At the Recovery Room, Joshua Temple explains that he is NOT Stephen Clay - but is the manager of The Stephen Clay Experience. Joshua tells Jamal, Marissa and Ricky that no one ever meets Stephen unless Stephen thinks it is necessary - and, at this point, Stephen does NOT believe it is necessary to meet Marissa or Ricky. In the woods, Livvie sits down by a rock and promises her baby that Livvie will take care of her baby and that Jack will love the baby also. Livvie remembers Karen telling her that her baby is dead, but Livvie remains positive that her baby is still alive. As Livvie promises her baby that Jack will make them whole again, Jack prepares to leave Tess's Cave to get some supplies in town. But Tess begs Jack to stay with her. At Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison demands to know if her mother killed her father. Rafe tells Alison that his information is that Alison's father was in the yachting accident four months ago and that Elizabeth was investigated for his death. But Elizabeth contends that EVERYone on board the yacht at the time of the accident was considered suspect. Elizabeth reminds Alison that Elizabeth lived with Alison's father and tolerated his cruelty and his various affairs for more than twenty years - and IF Elizabeth was capable of murdering her husband, she would have done it a LOT sooner! Meanwhile, as Jack prepares to leave the cave, he promises Tess that he will return by sundown - and gives her a long, lingering kiss good-bye. At the same time, Livvie promises her baby that Jack will arrive soon to help them. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Elizabeth tells Alison that she has police reports, witnesses, many details of the search for Malcolm - from two different countries and three different law enforcement agencies. Alison questions WHY the news media did NOT cover the disappearance of someone as important as Malcolm Barrington - but Elizabeth insists that she was able to persuade the news media to forego broadcasting the story until the family could be certain about Malcolm's demise. Alison still refuses to believe Elizabeth and orders her mother to leave. After Elizabeth leaves, Rafe urges Alison to talk to him about all of her pent up emotions. Back at the Recovery Room, Joshua tells Marissa that Stephen believes she is a true artist. Jamal tells Joshua that Jamal is Marissa and Ricky's manager -and they are ALL leery of signing with someone they are not even able to MEET! Joshua opens a metal case full of money and offers it to Marissa in payment for her services. But Marissa is NOT impressed! Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison tearfully tells Rafe about all the great hopes and daydreams she continued to have about her parents turning into REAL parents. Alsion tells Rafe that, while some people had imaginary friends - Alison had imaginary parents! Rafe promises Alison that they will have their OWN children and 'do it right' for those children. Alison breaks down and finally cries in Rafe's arms. After Jack kisses Tess good-bye at the Cave, Livvie paces nervously around in the forest, expecting to find Jack at any minute. Livvie suddenly believes she hears someone in the bushes, but decides that no one was really there. But Livvie suddenly begins to experience serious pain and falls to the ground, calling out for Jack. Back at the Recovery Room, Joshua hands a contract to Jamal - and Jamal promises that he will have a lawyer check it out. But Ricky tries to convince Jamal to go ahead and sign the contract right away. However, Jamal insists that there is too much that sounds shady about this deal for them to rush into anything. Marissa casually asks WHEN Joshua will see Stephen Clay next and Joshua answers that he is headed to see Stephen as soon as he leaves the meeting at the Recovery Room. As Jamal and Ricky argue about the contract and Jamal's plan to have Kate look at the contract BEFORE they sign anything, Marissa suddenly disappear Outside, Joshua makes a call: "It is a go! Yeah. The girl is a little too curious about the great Stephen Clay. I have got it covered!' As Joshua leaves, Marissa follows him! In the woods, Livvie writhes in pain, calling out for help for her baby. At the same time, in her cave, Tess clutches her rag doll and writhes in pain, calling out for help for her baby. Meanwhile, Elizabeth sits down on a Park Bench and makes a cell phone call: 'Well, you know this would be SO much easier if my darling daughter did NOT hate my guts! No! I know what is at stake. I know more than anyone. Listen - I WILL do whatever I have to do!' Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison finally drifts off to sleep, still telling Rafe about her father. Rafe tells Alison that he would like to make all of her wishes come true and make all of her make-believe real. Suddenly, there is a bright light! Rafe says: "Just remember what your dreams are made of, Alison. Just follow your heart.' Rafe suddenly fades away!

  • Friday, October 18- At the Hospital, while Kate checks out the contract from Stephen Clay, Jamal informs both Kate AND Ricky that Jamal STILL has 'bad vibes' about this particular rock band. Meanwhile, as Marissa follows Joshua, Joshua makes a cell phone call: "Everything is as we discussed? Excellent! No - I am almost there. AND I am bringing the package with me!' Joshua looks back to make sure that Marissa is still following him. At Rafe and Alison's Place, as Alison drops off to sleep, Rafe tells Alison that he would like to make all her make-believe real and make all her dreams come true. As a bright light suddenly illuminates the living room, Rafe tells Alison: "Remember what your dreams are made of, Alison. Just follow your heart.' Then Rafe slowly fades away and Alison dreams that she is walking in the park with Rafe and sees herself as a young girl, enjoying good times with her father. As Jack heads through the Park, Lucy sees Jack and informs Jack that Livvie lost her baby and that Livvie ran out of the hospital before she could have a procedure to remove the dead fetus from her womb. As Lucy insists that Livvie's life is in danger and that Jack should help her look for Livvie, Jack protests that he has someone special waiting for him to return. Meanwhile, in the woods, Livvie is doubled over in pain, but assures her baby that everything will be OK. At the same time, Tess is also doubled over in pain in her cave! Clutching her rag doll, Tess promises her 'baby' that everything will be all right. As Alison dreams of spending happy days with her father, she suddenly hears her father say: 'Alison - Princess! Can you hear me?' Back at the Hospital, Ricky calls Marissa and leaves a message, informing her that Kate has OK'd the contract. But, when Ricky hangs up, Jamal is worried that they have not actually been able to speak to Marissa for quite a while. In the meantime, Marissa follows Joshua down a long hall in an old theater, but Joshua suddenly disappears - and the lights go out - so that Marissa is in the dark. Meanwhile, in the woods, Livvie promises her baby that they will wait for Jack and, when Jack gets there, they will begin a wonderful life together - just the three of them. Back at her cave, Tess picks up Jack's digital camera and is happy to see Jack's face in the camera. But the image suddenly disappears. Tess hears a noise outside and leaves the cave to look for Jack. At the same time, Jack finds Livvie in the woods and tries to convince her to return to the Hospital with him, while Livvie tearfully tells Jack that she loves him. As Rafe suddenly reappears at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison wakes up and tells Rafe about her dream, and Alison asks: "Do you feel like that - people's spirits can come visit you in your dreams?' RAFE: "Look who you're asking!'Alison tells Rafe that, following her dream, she feels peaceful, calm and loved. RAFE: "You ARE loved! And cherished. And safe! And I am going to make sure you feel that way for the rest of your life!' They hug. Meanwhile, at the Hospital, Jamal becomes more worried about Marissa and tries her cell phone, which rings while Marissa is trying to follow Joshua through the darkened hallway. Marissa tells Jamal that she is following ---, but, before Marissa can tell Jamal WHO she is following, Marissa stumbles and screams. Jamal hears Marissa call Joshua's name, before Marissa's phone falls on the floor and goes dead. A door suddenly opens and Marissa screams. Back in the woods, Jack promises Livvie that he will NOT let anyone hurt her, and gently prods her to trust him. As Livvie gets up, apparently prepared to go to the Hospital with Jack, Tess stumbles out to the road, still clutching her doll. A car suddenly stops and Lucy rushes to Tess's side, mistaking her Livvie. But Tess has no idea who Lucy is and Tess recoils in fear.

  • Monday, October 21- Jamal and Ricky barge into Joshua's practice session with the band and demand to know where Marissa is. When Jamal threatens Joshua, Joshua's guards move in on Ricky and Jamal. Meanwhile, Marissa protests being locked into an office alone - until she spots the gardenias and double fudge chocolate cake waiting there for her. As music begins to play, Marissa is suddenly entranced by the music. Marissa finds a note signed by Stephen Clay: "For so long I have been searching for something rare - elusive. I had almost given up, but finally I found youThe one to put words to my music, to give voice to the stories in my soul.' Marissa becomes inspired and sits down and furiously begins to write. In the woods, Jack tries to convince a reluctant Livvie to go to the Hospital, but Livvie insists that Jack should just take her home to their little house by the water, where Jack and Livvie and the baby can finally live together as a family. As Livvie insists that her baby will be fine now that Jack has arrived, Jack insists that Livvie's baby is gone. But Livvie continues to deny that that could be possible. Jack finally manages to convince Livvie that the baby IS dead and Livvie tells Jack that her reason for living is now gone as well. Meanwhile, Lucy tries to convince a frightened Tess to go to the Hospital, believing that Tess is Livvie. Tess tries to tell Lucy that HER name is Tess, but Lucy fails to understand. In the woods, Livvie tells Jack that Livvie believes that her baby is dead because Livvie WANTED to hurt Rafe and Alison the way Livvie had been hurt. As Livvie protests that her life does NOT matter any more, Jack suddenly tells Livvie that her life matters to HIM. Livvie is immediately interested in what Jack has to say, but is engulfed by waves of pain. Jack gathers Livvie up and begins carrying her to the Hospital. At the same time, as Lucy struggles with the cowering Tess, Lucy finally tells Tess that she will take her to Jack. This appears to calm Tess and Lucy calls Ian to tell him she has found Livvie and is bringing Livvie into the Hospital. But, as Lucy drags the protesting Tess toward the car, Tess suddenly collapses. Meanwhile, Jamal and Ricky find themselves tied up in the band's rehearsal hall and argue about their situation as they make efforts to untie each other. Joshua soon returns, orders Ricky and Jamal untied and tells them that Marissa is an honored guest, holed up in a quiet place, working on new lyrics. Jamal and Ricky refuse to believe Joshua until Joshua opens the door to the office where Marissa is absorbed in writing new lyrics. Jamal and Ricky are happy to find Marissa, but puzzled at how thrilled she appears to be with the music she has just heard. As Jamal finally convinces Marissa to go home, Joshua tries to get the lyrics Marissa has just written away from her. But Marissa insists that the lyrics need some polish before she will be ready to show them to anyone. After Jamal, Marissa and Ricky leave the rehearsal hall, Marissa insists that she believes that Joshua IS Stephen Clay. But Jamal reminds everyone that Jamal believes there is something 'off' about the WHOLE Stephen Clay crowd. Jack arrives at the Hospital with a very ill Livvie and Ian rushes Livvie up to the Operating Room. Livvie insists that Jack go with her. After Ian, Jack and Livvie leave for the OR, Lucy arrives with Tess. Lucy leaves Tess in the Waiting Room while Lucy goes to look for Ian. As soon as Lucy leaves, though, Tess becomes frightened by the strange, loud surroundings and wanders away from the Waiting Room. In the OR, Livvie tells Jack she is sorry for the awful things she has put him through. Livvie asks Jack to stay with her, and Jack agrees. But, when Livvie drifts under the anesthesia, Jack leaves the OR and suddenly remembers that Tess is waiting and that Jack had promised to return to the cave by sunset. But, as Jack begins to leave, Deniece stops him and reminds Jack that Livvie is depending on Jack's promise that he would stay. So Jack goes for coffee instead. In the Waiting Room, Lucy meets Ian and tells him that she brought Livvie to the Hospital, but has now lost her. But Ian informs Lucy that he already has Livvie in the OR. Ian then orders Lucy to stay put and promises to let Lucy know as soon as Livvie is out of danger. But, after Ian leaves, Lucy says to herself: "That strange music - and Livvie's personality change. Something is NOT right!' Meanwhile, Tess hides out in a supply closet and calls out for Jack when she sees him coming down the hall. But, before Jack can locate the source of the voice calling for him, Tess slips into unconsciousness beside the door of the supply closet.

  • Tuesday, October 22- Marissa arrives at Jack's Place to surprise Jamal with her new song, but finds Jamal asleep. Marissa kisses Jamal awake and urges him to listen to the new lyrics she wrote for Stephen Clay. Meanwhile, Ricky arrives at the recording studio to speak to Manager Joshua Temple. But Ricky is shocked when Joshua comes out - informs Ricky that Joshua no longer requires Ricky's services. At Lucy's Old Place, Rafe and Alison are enjoying a quiet evening at home. Alison apologizes to Rafe for being so distant since her mother showed up with all of her baggage, and then asks Rafe to massage her stiff neck. Just as Rafe is just beginning to enjoy giving Alison a massage, there is a sudden knock at the door. It is Lucy! Lucy announces that Livvie lost her baby and Lucy felt that Rafe and Alison needed to know about it. Rafe and Alison invite Lucy to stay for a while. However, when Alison goes to get a robe and make some tea, she turns on the radio as she leaves the room - and "Naked Eyes' is playing! Rafe and Lucy BOTH startle Alsion when they BOTH order Alison to 'turn that song off' - at the same time! Back at Jack's Place, Marissa reads her new lyrics to Jamal. Jamal is impressed with Marissa's words, but NOT by the fact that she is going to hand the song over to the Stephen Clay Experience. Jamal again warns Marissa that Jamal had BAD vibes about that particular band! But Marissa quickly distracts Jamal and Jamal and Marissa soon hit the sheets. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison is shocked when Rafe and Lucy BOTH react so strongly to the sound of the Stephen Clay song that they rush to yank the plug out of the socket. When Alison leaves the room, Rafe and Lucy compare notes on their mutual strong reaction to the song. Lucy tells about hearing the song while she was in Canada and believing that she HAD to get back to Port Charles. Rafe tells Lucy about hearing the same song on the train and getting an overwhelming feeling that it was imperative that Rafe return to Port Charles as quickly as possible. Rafe then confides in Lucy his suspicion that he is getting some of his old angel powers back - at the same time that Rafe was SUPPOSED to be just a regular mortal. Rafe tells Lucy about turning the yellow rose into a pink rose, and then ended up in a dream with Alison, hoping to give her some closure about her father's death. RAFE: "Everything in this town feels a little off lately! Lucy then fills Rafe in on finding Livvie - who was not Livvie - a very disoriented girl, clutching a little rag doll by the side of the road. As Lucy and Rafe conclude that something strange is beginning to happen in Port Charles, Alison returns and announces that she knows what is causing it all. Meanwhile, at the Studio, Ricky is shocked when Joshua coldly informs Ricky that the band does NOT need another musician - but they plan to NEVER let Marissa go! Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison suggests that maybe the ''on edge' feeling everyone is experiencing is because of the chaos created by Elizabeth Barrington's return to town. Alison is shocked when Lucy seems to be advising Alison to give her mother the benefit of the doubt and mend fences with Elizabeth. Lucy points out that. since Lucy's parents died when she was young, there were many unanswered questions that Lucy never got resolved. Lucy urges Alison to take this opportunity to ask Elizabeth the questions that Alison has had about her parents' distance from her. Lucy convinces Alison to make an appointment to have a talk together with Elizabeth. As Alison calls her mother, Rafe and Lucy decide that they do NOT believe that Elizabeth is THE reason for their feeling that something is amiss in Port Charles. Meanwhile, back at the Studio, Ricky accuses Joshua of being the REAL Stephen Clay. An enraged Joshua throws Ricky out of the Studio. After Ricky is gone, Reese tells Joshua that she thought Ricky was 'cute!' But Joshua coldly informs Reese that they do NOT have time for 'cute.' Back at Jack's Place, as Marissa and Jamal talk about Marissa's new lyrics, Joshua watches them through a hidden video camera - and Joshua ALREADY has the lyrics for 'The Gift!' written down! JOSHUA: 'Trying to keep secrets from us so soon? After how hard we have worked to take you under our -- wing! There will be NO secrets. Not from Stephen Clay!'

  • Wednesday, October 23- When Alison and Elizabeth take a walk in the park, Alison asks her mother a question: “Why didn’t you want me?” Elizabeth answers that when she was seventeen, she fell madly in love with Malcolm Barrington. She soon became pregnant. The Barringtons wanted to pay her off so she would leave town, but Elizabeth wanted a family. After Alison was born, Malcolm began spending time in Europe. Elizabeth soon found out he was having an affair. She went to Europe to try to win him back. Malcolm came back to Port Charles, but only for a while. Before long, he was back in Europe again with Elizabeth following trying to win him back again. The cycle continued until Elizabeth figured out that she couldn’t be the woman he wanted as long as she had a child to care for. She gave Alison up to hold on to the man she loved. Elizabeth cries and begs Alison to understand. Elizabeth takes full responsibility for her actions and tries to explain to Alison how sorry she is and how ashamed she feels. She tells Alison she will do anything in order to have a second chance at being Alison’s mother. Alison allows her mother to hold her. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is thinking, “How can I do this to my daughter again?” Lucy finds Ian at the hospital and asks him about Livvie. Lucy is worried because Livvie seemed to strange when she found her next to the road. She wonders if she should tell Kevin about Livvie losing her baby. Ian says maybe Kevin isn’t ready for that yet. He advises Lucy to wait until Kevin is better. They discuss Kevin’s doctor and how wrong he was to accuse them of having an affair. Lucy leaves to visit Livvie and Kate stops by. Kate had overheard Ian and Lucy’s conversation about Kevin’s doctor. She thinks the doctor is right. Ian and Lucy ARE becoming too close. Ian defends their relationship by telling Kate that they are two friends who are there for each other. No more, no less. When Kate brings up the fact that they were once more than friends, Ian tells her that was a mistake and it will never happen again. Jamal stops at the hospital to see Jack. He is surprised that Jack is being so nice to Livvie and tells Jack that he thought Jack was seeing someone new. Jack tells Jamal all about Tess. He tells him how Tess lives in a cave in the woods and more importantly, she looks exactly like Livvie. Jamal thinks Jack is exaggerating the likeness so Jack decides to take Jamal to the cave so he can see Tess for himself. When they get to the cave, Tess is nowhere to be found. Jack tells Jamal how Tess healed his broken leg. When Jamal is still unconvinced, Jack gets his camera to show Jamal her picture, but the pictures are gone. Tess leaves the closet and begins wandering the halls at the hospital. As Tess passes outside her door, Livvie feels a chill. She asks Lucy if she felt it as well. Lucy says no. Livvie, suddenly afraid, asks Lucy to look out in the hall to see if anyone is out there. Lucy looks out, but doesn’t see Tess who is hiding behind a chair. Tess continues wandering the halls until she comes to Brennan’s room. She listens as Kate cries and wishes Brennan would recover. When Kate leaves, Tess goes into the room and looks at Brennan. Tentatively she touches his forehead and face as she whispers, “Better.” Soon, Brennan’s fingers begin to twitch. Lucy finishes her visit with Livvie then goes to find Ian. Lucy asks if they can have lunch together. Ian says he can’t. She asks about dinner, but Ian informs her he has other plans. When Lucy asks about the next day, Ian says the rest of the week doesn’t look good for him. He hurries away as Lucy looks confused.

  • Thursday, October 24- At Rafe and Alison's Place, Rafe gets some unsettling news about his future mother-in-law, from a friend. But, when Alison and Elizabeth return from their walk in the Park, Rafe is disappointed when Alison announces that she has asked Elizabeth to stay and help prepare refreshments for Amanda and her lawyer, who are scheduled to arrive for the reading of Malcolm's will. Rafe protests that he would like some alone-time with Alison, but Alison insists that Elizabeth stay. At the Hospital, Jack tries to convince Jamal that there really IS a girl named Tess who lives in a cave in the woods. Jack is confident that, when Chris returns with an x-ray of Jack's leg, it will prove that Tess miraculously healed Jack's broken leg. But, when Chris returns, Chris tells Jack that there is NO evidence that Jack's leg had EVER been broken. Tess is in Brennan's room, telling him that he will be better. But Tess stumbles over some of the equipment and sets off an alarm. The alarm frightens her and Tess quickly leaves. At the same time, a nurse comes to Livvie's room to check on the patient. When Livvie wonders where Jack has gone, the nurse informs Livvie that she just saw Jack down in x-ray. Livvie becomes worried that something has happened to Jack, and Livvie leaves her room to look for Jack. Ricky is at the Recovery Room, drowning his sorrows after his surprising encounter with Joshua. Marissa arrives and tells Ricky that they need to rush right over to the band and show them Marissa's new lyrics. So Ricky fills Marissa in on the bad news that Joshua has told Ricky that the band does NOT need Ricky's services. Back at the Hospital, Jack is shocked that there is NO evidence that his leg was ever broken, but Chris assures Jack that it is nearly impossible to misread a fracture x-ray. After Chris leaves, Jack is surprised when Jamal suddenly tells Jack he believes Jack's story about Tess. Jamal suggests that they tell Chris the whole story and see if Chris can run some more tests to see if Chris could tell what exactly DID happen with Jack's leg. But Jack vetoes the idea, telling Jamal that Jack wants to find out WHO Tess is and IF she is connected to Livvie - BEFORE anyone else finds out about Tess At the same time, Livvie discovers that Jack is NOT in x-ray. But, as Livvie looks for Jack, Tess has wandered into the vicinity of Livvie's room. Chris sees Tess, but mistakes her for Livvie. Only briefly wondering where Tess got the clothes and the hair-do, Chris escorts Tess back to Livvie's room. When Tess asks about Jack, Chris reassures her that he will send Jack to her room and that it is now time for Livvie to follow doctors' orders and stay in bed. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Elizabeth tells Alison that there is something important they need to discuss about Alison's father's will. Alison tries to brush off all talk about the will, but Elizabeth tells Alison she has already read the will and knows that the will leaves half of the estate to Alison and half to Elizabeth. Rafe and Elizabeth try to suggest that Alison ask Amanda to postpone the reading of the will. But, before Elizabeth can call Amanda, a messenger brings a legal document for Alison. Alison is shocked when she reads the document and discovers that her mother is contesting her father's will. Meanwhile, at the Recovery Room, Marissa tells Ricky that she will walk out on the Stephen Clay Experience if they do NOT want Ricky. But Ricky insists that Marissa should make the most of the opportunity that the Stephen Clay Experience is offering to her. After Ricky leaves, Marissa decides she will go see Joshua, in spite of Ricky's request that Marissa NOT confront the band manager about Ricky's earlier encounter with Joshua. Back at the Hospital, Jamal reminds Jack that Livvie sincerely believes that she has a real reconciliation going with Jack. Jack admits that he will have to straighten Livvie out and Jack heads off to Livvie's room. Tess explores the contents of Livvie's purse, then decides to look for Jack again - and leaves the room. Livvie finds Chris at the Nurses' Station and is surprised when Chris lectures Livvie, telling her that he JUST told her to stay in bed and Livvie needs to get back to bed. Livvie asks about Jack, and Chris assures her that Chris will send Jack to Livvie's room as soon as Chris runs into Jack. While Chris and Livvie talk, Tess wanders toward the Nurses' Station. After Chris leaves, Livvie tries to find Jack's file to see if Jack really is OK. Tess finally sees Livvie. But, when Livvie feels a sudden cold chill and looks around, Tess drops her doll and stoops down to pick the doll up, so Livvie does NOT see Tess. Back at Rafe and Alison's, Alison accuses her mother of being so greedy that Elizabeth is trying to steal Alison's half of the inheritance. Elizabeth tries to tell Alsion that there is more to it than that, but Alison tells her mother that what she has done in unforgivable. Jamal arrives at the Recovery Room and Ricky soon fills Jamal in on the fact that Joshua said he did not want Ricky in the band - but that they would do anything to hang on to Marissa. Jamal is immediately worried about his girlfriend. Marissa storms into Joshua's office and reads the band manager the riot act about the way he treated Ricky. But, as Marissa threatens to quit the band if they do not want Ricky, Marissa suddenly realizes that the song playing in Joshua's office is using some of her lyrics - lyrics that Marissa has shown ONLY to Jamal! Marissa demands to know how Joshua got hold of her lyrics. Livvie leaves the Nurses' Station to look for Jack. Tess, meanwhile, picks up her doll and wanders toward the coffee room. But an orderly knocks over a tray and the noise frightens Tess. Tess runs back to hide in the supply room. Livvie returns to her room and sees Jack. As Livvie hugs Jack, Tess sits in the supply room, clinging to her doll and calling for Jack.

  • Friday, October 25- Alison rails at her mother for using her to get her hands on Malcolm's money. Livvie tells a sympathetic Jack about the cold, clammy feeling she's been experiencing lately. When Livvie begins chattering on happily about getting married, however, Jack hastily advises her not to plan any part of her future around him. Marissa accuses Joshua of stealing her lyrics, then confronts him with her suspicions about his true identity. Assuring the girl she'll meet the real Stephen in due time, Joshua urges Marissa to stay with the band and fulfill her incredible potential. Elizabeth admits to an enraged Alison that she did come to town under false pretenses because she felt she deserved every penny of Malcolm's fortune. Claiming she's had a change of heart since getting to know her daughter, Elizabeth promises to drop her lawsuit and stop contesting the will. Tess and an astonished Livvie finally come face to face. Stephen Clay introduces himself to Marissa. The reading of Malcolm's will provides shocks for both Alison and Elizabeth.

  • Naked Eyes DVD #3  October 28 - November 11, 2002 
    10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/1, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/8, 11/11

    • Monday, October 28- Marissa doesn't believe she has encountered the real Stephen Clay, but he convinces her otherwise after seductively reciting the lyrics to her newest song, "The Gift." Stephen pulls Marissa into a kiss. Marissa agrees to write for Stephen with the condition he takes Ricky back in the band. Stephen agrees, confident he has Marissa right where he wants her. Livvie is spooked after encountering Tess, who runs away from her. After speaking with Jack, Lucy realizes she found Tess, not Livvie, by the side of the road. Jack is desperate to find Tess. Jack brings Ian, Livvie and Lucy up to speed about Tess, who once again visits Brennan while humming a Stephen Clay song. Tess leaves before Ian, Lucy, Jack or Livvie find her with Brennan, who suddenly wakes from his coma. Stephan finds Tess by the roadside. Elizabeth crumbles when her husband's will states that she inherits only one dollar per year. Alison desperately wants to find the sibling she never knew she had. Alison learns her father's will stipulates that she won't receive her inheritance until she finds her sibling. Alison is sickened by Elizabeth's greed but offers to give Elizabeth her inheritance in exchange for Elizabeth's help in locating her missing brother or sister.
    • Tuesday, October 29- In Brennan's Hospital room, Livvie screams when the comatose Brennan suddenly grabs her arm, and Livvie runs out of the room. Ian checks Brennan out, while Lucy follows Livvie out into the hall. Lucy is intrigued when Livvie tells Lucy that Livvie believes Tess was sent to punish Livvie because she lost her baby. Ian is stunned when Brennan suddenly demands to know where he is and what he is doing in Port Charles. Meanwhile, by the side of the road, as Tess hums 'Naked Eyes,' Stephen Clay tries to entice Tess into entering his limousine - but Tess hears Jack calling her name. Tess asks Stephen if he knows her, but Stephen does NOT answer Tess's questions. Back at the Hospital, Ian tells Kate the happy news that Brennan has come out of his coma and is recovering. Later, as Kate thanks Ian for saving Brennan's life, Kate tells Ian that she hopes he will one day know happiness that compares to the happiness she feels at that moment! Lucy helps Livvie return to her room and tries to quiz her step-daughter about her remark that 'someone' wants to punish Livvie because she lost her baby. But Livvie accuses Lucy of not really caring about Livvie OR her baby. As Lucy suggests that maybe Tess is Livvie's sister, Livvie reacts angrily and insists that an exact duplicate of Livvie was sent by someone sinister to 'punish' Livvie! Stephen tells Tess that he can protect her if she gets into his car - but , when Tess hears Jack calling, Tess says: "I love Jack" , and runs to meet Jack. Stephen's car pulls away as Tess runs into Jack's arms. When Jack asks Tess who was in the limousine. Tess answers: 'A nice man.' Back at the Hospital, as Ian and Colleen watch Kate and Brennan's reunion, Ian orders a complete lab work-up on Brennan. When Kate asks Ian how he brought Brennan out of the coma, Ian admits that it was a true miracle. Meanwhile, in Livvie's room, Lucy tries to convince Livvie that Tess is a real person and NOT just one more of Port Charles' frequent freakish visitors, but Livvie insists that there is something 'not right' about Tess. Lucy suggests that maybe Rachel hid Livvie's twin sister in the woods while Rachel was doing her medical experiments to save Estelles's life, but Livvie insists that Tess is NOT her sister - and refuses to participate in any DNA tests Lucy might arrange - because Livvie believes there is something dangerous about Tess! Livvie throws a fit and demands that Lucy leave, so Lucy leaves. Jack tries to get Tess to go home with him, but Tess tells Jack that she wants to return to her home in the woods. Tess admits that she is afraid of Livvie. Jack finally persuades Tess to agree to go home with Jack. When Stephen returns to his Studio, he drinks a liquid from a blue bottle and remembers Marissa's demands that Ricky return to the band if Stephen truly wants to keep Marissa happy. Stephen calls Mick in to the studio and announces to a stunned Mick that he is out of the band. A trembling Mick reminds Stephen that Mick has ALWAYS been loyal to Stephen, but, when Mick resists Stephen's decision that Mick will leave the band, Stephen suddenly grabs Mick and begins to choke him until Mick runs away in terror. Back at the Hospital, Ian shows Brennan's test results to Lucy and tells her that the test results show that Brennan NEVER had injuries so serious that he had been in a coma. Lucy reports that Livvie believes Tess has been sent to punish her because she lost her baby. Lucy tells Ian that her feeling is that something strange is showing up in Port Charles, all over again. Ian asks Colleen to get Jack's x-rays for him after Colleen tells Ian that Jack believed his leg had been broken but, when Chris took X-rays of Jack's leg, the x-rays showed that Jack's leg had NEVER been broken! Alone in her room, Livvie decides that seeing Tess is somehow like looking into a mirror and fears the worst. Jack arrives at his house with Tess but Tess is afraid to go inside. Jack reassures Tess that he will ALWAYS be there with her, and they kiss. Stephen practices his guitar and declares: "Time to give the good people of Port Charles a taste of the Stephen Clay Experience. Time to spread our wings. I AM the gift that keeps on giving. But no real gift is free!'

    Wednesday, October 30- Ricky barges in to see Stephen Clay. He tells Stephen he’s tired of being jerked around and calls Stephen a stupid fool for not seeing his talent and giving him a chance. Ricky lets his anger roll. He tells Stephen he must be a fraud and a hoax and that if he had any real talent, he wouldn’t have to hide. Stephen listens without much expression, then picks up a bucket of water and dumps it on Ricky’s head. Stephen calmly tells Ricky that he must have had to much to drink to speak to him that way. He tells Ricky he needs to cool off because he’s in the band. Ricky’s attitude does a 180 as he realizes what Stephen has just said. Ricky is thrilled and apologizes profusely for his previous outburst. Stephen tells him to forget it. After Ricky leaves, Stephen turns to Joshua and says HE won’t forget this. He doesn’t forget anything. At the Recovery Room, Marissa calls Jamal and is happy to tell him that the drummer for the Stephen Clay Experience got a better offer and Ricky is in. Alison and Rafe have lunch at the Recovery Room, but Alison can’t even enjoy her French fries. She is disturbed at the news that she has a brother or sister out there somewhere. Alison leaves to talk to Marissa who is sitting at another table. Alison confides in Marissa how she feels about having a sibling out there somewhere. She thinks Marissa will understand having been in the same situation. Marissa offers to give Alison some websites for finding missing family members. Marissa then tells Alison her happy news. She and Ricky are now part of the Stephen Clay Experience. Alison is impressed. She asks Marissa what Stephen Clay is really like. Marissa answers that he is intense, tall, dark, and has incredible eyes. What she likes most about him is that he appreciates her lyrics. Lucy joins Rafe at another table. She is concerned about the weird vibes she’s been having and wonders if Rafe has been having them too. Rafe hasn’t he’s been too busy with Alison. Lucy lists off all the things that have been happening in the town and believes it all must be connected somehow. She believes it somehow has to do with family: Kevin and Ryan, Livvie and Tess, and Alison and her missing sibling. Alison joins them and tells them about Ricky and Marissa joining the Stephen Clay Experience. As she does so, the lights in the Recovery Room dim and a weird, talking skeleton appears. It invites them all to a party at a warehouse hosted by Stephen Clay. The lights come up, the skeleton disappears and flyers advertising the party rain down from the ceiling. Surprisingly enough, no one seems to think this is strange. Lucy picks up a flyer and decides this is an event she is definitely going to attend. Chris finishes the paperwork needed to discharge Livvie from the hospital. As he does so, he takes the opportunity to throw some pot shots at Livvie about how Jack left her for a look-alike. He claims Jack must have turned her in for a better model…the warm-blooded version. As Livvie leaves in a huff, Chris grins and says there won’t be an extra charge for the torment. At Jack’s house, Tess marvels at all the new things she sees. She is fascinated with everything from the television to the light fixtures. She is startled when she experiences something else new, the doorbell. Jack opens the door and let in Ian. Ian stares at Tess and can’t believe her resemblance to Livvie. Jack shuttles Tess off to a bath while he and Ian discuss Tess’s healing powers. Ian believes there is something strange in the way Tess healed both Jack and Brennan. Jack feels that Tess doesn’t understand the power she has. He thinks she needs time to adjust to her new surroundings before they start investigating her. Ian leaves and Tess comes out of the bathroom. With her face washed, and her hair combed, Tess looks even more like Livvie. Tess takes some time to look around Jack’s house again. She finally proclaims it to be “nice.” The doorbell rings again and Jack thinks Ian is returning. Instead, Livvie is at the door. When she sees Tess clad in her robe, Livvie exclaims, “ You’re letting that freak wear my things?!”

  • Thursday, October 31- Outside the Recovery Room, Ian is surprised when Lucy orders him to dress for a party and meet her in an hour at the Light House. Inside the Recovery Room, Rafe tells Alison that he is NOT enthused about attending a Stephen Clay Halloween party. Rafe also reluctantly informs Alison that there are now TWO Livvies! As Alison laughs about the kind of Halloween joke having TWO Livvies would be, she is interrupted when Elizabeth arrives with legal documents to confirm her agreement with Alison - Elizabeth's help in locating Alison's missing sibling, in exchange for Alison's share of Malcolm's estate! At Jack's Place, Livvie rages at Jack for allowing Tess to wear Livvie's robe. Jack sends Tess to the next room and then tries to reason with Livvie. But, as soon as Tess leaves, Livvie shocks Jack by kissing him! Meanwhile, at Warehouse 13, Stephen approves the party arrangements that Joshua has made, then Stephen dons a mask himself. Back at the Recovery Room, Alison and Rafe are BOTH offended that Elizabeth would believe she needed a legal document to make sure that her own daughter was keeping her half of the bargain, but Elizabeth points out that many bitter experiences have taught her that people often say one thing and do the complete opposite. Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, Livvie tries to convince Jack that Tess has some kind of mental disorder and needs professional help on a daily basis, but Jack refuses to listen to Livvie's warning and, instead, orders Livvie to leave the house. Protesting that Jack is trading the original for a pale imitation, Livvie reluctantly leaves. After Livvie leaves, Tess timidly peeks around the corner, then, making sure the coast is clear, she runs into Jack's comforting arms. Chris, Doree, Frank and Karen all arrive at the same time for Stephen's party and are stunned to see that the interior of the warehouse has been decorated to mimic a Roman orgy. Joshua greets the guests and hands out masks to everyone. JOSHUA: "As you will discover, the masks are a very important part of this evening. The masks will protect you. The masks will free you. They will allow you to find your hidden self - the one you keep buried. The masks will allow you to lose all your inhibitions and all your expectations! Let go. Let go - and be who you really are! That is what the Stephen Clay Experience is all about. Let go. Let go!' Joshua leads Karen and Frank to a couch, where scantily-clad, masked groupies begin to massage Karen and Frank's necks. However, Stephen takes the place of the groupie massaging Karen and Karen suddenly announces to Frank that she felt a sudden chill. Stephen just as suddenly leaves and melts away into the party crowd and, as soon as Stephen has gone, Karen admits that the chill has passed. JOSHUA: "There is a message to the music! You must open yourself up and connect with it. That is what Stephen's music is all about! It is the experiences we give ourselves and others!' Chris playfully gives Doree an oyster on the half-shell and kisses her. As Chris and Doree continue to kiss, Marissa and Ricky meet up at the 'treats' table and Marissa explains that Jamal is still out of town. Joshua insists that Ricky and Marissa each put on a mask. Ian and Lucy enter the party, Joshua insists that they get in the spirit of the party by taking a mask. When Ian tries to turn down the masks, Joshua insists. As Lucy and Ian reluctantly accept the masks, Lucy tells Ian that there is something very familiar about Joshua. Lucy tells Ian that she has a creepy feeling that they are SUPPOSED to be there on that evening and that the creepy music and Livvie's double are all tied into something strange going on in Port Charles. When Lucy enters the next room, she announces to Ian that she feels a chill, but can see nothing unusual about the room. However, Stephen watches Lucy intently from across the room. Back at Jack's Place, some children come for 'Trick or Treat,' and Jack shows Tess how to give out candy to the children. However, Jack decides that he does not have enough candy for the youngsters and decides to run to the store for more candy, leaving Tess alone in the house. After Jack leaves, the doorbell rings again and Tess finds a candy bar and goes to the door. But it is Livvie at the door and Livvie pushes her way past Tess and into the living room. Back at the Recovery Room, after Elizabeth leaves, Alison begs Rafe to go to the party after all and Rafe finally gives in and agrees to accompany Alison to the party. And, at the party, while Ian and Lucy walk through the room of scantily-clad couples making out to the tune of Stephen Clay's music, Ricky is suddenly surprised by Reese giving him an unexpected kiss. When Ricky offers Marissa some of the party goodies, Marissa turns him down and then informs him that she is going to leave early. But, as Marissa leaves, Joshua watches her go and Stephen meets Marissa on the stairs. Marissa thanks Stephen for keeping his half of the bargain about hiring Ricky as the band's drummer. When Marissa tells Stephen that she is headed home to work on a new song, Marissa is intrigued when Stephen announces that he has something big coming up soon, and will use the new song then. After Lucy and Ian dance, they begin to talk about the different things they both do to try to avoid loneliness, and they begin to grow closer. And they begin to dance very closely. At the party entrance, Joshua observes to Stephen that not all of the guests have arrived yet, but Stephen answers: "Don't worry. They will all be here. Of that, I am certain!' Rafe and Alison arrive for the party. And Rafe immediately senses some bad vibrations. Livvie tells Tess that the chill they both felt when they first met is gone now. Livvie demands to know who Tess really is and where she came from. As Tess smiles and nods, Livvie demands to know WHY Tess keeps hugging the rag doll. Livvie is incensed when Tess says that Livvie killed the baby and Livvie reaches out to snatch Tess's doll away from her. When Tess pulls back, Livvie scratches Tess's arm, but both Livvie and Tess begin to bleed in the same place! As Livvie demands more answers, Jack returns. Outside Warehouse 13, Marissa is elated when Jamal suddenly surprises her and announces that he cut his trip short because he was anxious to be with her again. Inside, at the party, Ian and Lucy begin to kiss. Elsewhere, Alison tries to urge Rafe to let go of his uneasy feeling and just enjoy the party. But, as Rafe and Alison kiss, Stephen approaches them and asks: "Great party, isn't it?' Rafe and Alison both glower at Stephen in disbelief.

  • Friday, November 1- As Rafe and Alison kiss at Stephen Clay's party, Stephen comes by and suggests to them that it is a great party. Neither Rafe nor Alison recognize him. However, when Rafe tries to learn his name, they are distracted by some other revelers who pass by. When Rafe and Alison look up, Stephen has vanished. Rafe and Alison decide it is kind of weird, the way he disappeared so quickly. Stephen passes by Frank and Karen and then Chris and Doree all of whom are making out - and no one notices the chill they noticed before. Stephen finds Joshua and Joshua hands Stephen a blue bottle of 'liquid refreshment.' JOSHUA: "So - what do you think? I trust things are going just as you hoped!' STEPHEN: "Better than I could have ever hoped for! I even found a few new surprises.' Stephen pulls back a curtain to reveal Ian and Lucy kissing. Lucy suddenly pulls away and tells Ian that she is sorry, but they just can NOT indulge themselves that way while Kevin is still in the hospital. Jack demands to know what Livvie has done to Tess. But Livvie has some demands of her own! Livvie demands to know what TESS has done to Livvie! Livvie proves to Jack that Tess got cut but Livvie is bleeding in the exact same place. Jack looks at both wounds and decides that they DO look identical! Lucy tells Ian that she does NOT want to lose his friendship over a kiss. As Ian tries to explain how he feels, Ian receives an emergency call from Jack. Jack explains that Tess was cut but Livvie is bleeding in the same place. Ian promises to meet with Jack to check things out. But, when Ian tells Lucy that he is leaving, Ian insists that Lucy should stay and enjoy the party and - promises that they will talk later. However, as Ian leaves, Lucy hastily picks up her bag and follows Ian, declaring that she is 'no good at later.' Livvie insists that Tess is NOT a person but a THING - and Livvie does NOT need Ian to tell her that. After calling Tess a freak, Livvie storms out the door. But, once outside, Livvie slows down enough to wonder WHO would have the power to create an exact duplicate of Livvie and send that duplicate to steal Livvie's life. Livvie contemplates the possibility that it COULD be Alison, but Livvie decides that Alison would NOT have the power needed to create a duplicate of Livvie. But Alison's 'angelic' protector - Rafe - MIGHT have that kind of power! So Livvie heads off toward the party to look for Rafe. Meanwhile, at the party, Alison tries to get Rafe to relax and have a good time. But, as Rafe and Alison kiss, Stephen watches them from across the room. Tess tells Jack that she does NOT want to see Ian - but Jack convinces Tess that Ian is someone that TESS can trust and that JACK can trust. Tess finally agrees to see Ian. At the same time, as Ian and Lucy head toward Jack's Place, Lucy tries to convince Ian that they need to talk about their kiss, but Ian asks why 'later' can NOT actually BE 'later' with Lucy! As Lucy and Ian argue, they are approached by two men wearing Halloween masks, who demand treats. Rafe tells Alison that he is seriously TRYING to relax and finally admits that he has been feeling uneasy about a lot of things for a while, including the fact that there ARE two Livvies. When Alison admits that she believed Rafe was joking when he told her that Livvie has a double, Rafe confides in Alison that Jack's 'new' girlfriend is truly an exact double for Livvie! When Alison admits that that is NOT good, Rafe replies: "Yeah. No. I know it isn't good! It is just that something is going on! I do NOT know what it is! But something! And I don't want to scare you - but I am glad you know now. So just keep your guard up, all right?' ALISON: 'No. You are NOT scaring me at all! I am glad you told me. But do you have any idea what it could be at all?' RAFE: "No! I don't have a clue. But there IS something. Something is changing in the atmosphere. There is something happening - or about to happen! It is just tonight. Tonight, I feel it like I have NEVER felt it before. Something IS out there!' Livvie enters the party, looking for Rafe and Alison - but runs into Stephen! Stephen insists that Livvie dance with him, but Livvie tries to push past him, insisting that she has to look for someone. Stephen grabs Livvie and begins to dance with her any way. Livvie at first protests, then gives in as the music pounds behind her. As Livvie begins to dance with Stephen, she suddenly remembers the first time she danced with Caleb. While Livvie and Stephen dance, Rafe and Alison decide to leave the party and Rafe sees Stephen and Livvie together. Rafe bounds forward and rips the mask off of Livvie's dance partner - but is surprised to see only Joshua! Stephen suddenly appears beside Alison's mother Elizabeth, who has been drowning her sorrows at the Port Charles Grille. When Stephen suggests that he and Elizabeth become friends, Elizabeth protests that she has all the friends she needs already. But, as Stephen persists, Elizabeth changes her mind, and Stephen suddenly begins to kiss her. Ian tries to get Lucy to leave so Ian can deal with the two masked men - but, before Lucy can leave, one of the men pulls out a knife and stabs Ian. As Lucy screams for help - the two men run away.

  • Monday, November 4- At Stephen Clay's Party, Rafe rips the mask off of Livvie's dance partner, to reveal that it is only Joshua standing there. Livvie states that she is positive she was just dancing with someone else - NOT Joshua. After Rafe admits they had both confused Joshua with someone else, Joshua asks who that would be. But, when neither Rafe nor Livvie answer him, Joshua rejoins the party. Stephen and Elizabeth beat a hot pathway to her bed, where they quickly hit the sheets. At the same time, outside of Jack's Place, Lucy screams for help and finally dials 9-1-1 on Ian's cell phone to get help for Ian. Jack and Tess hear Lucy's cries and come outside to help. But Ian tells Lucy that he believes it is all over and he can NOT possibly live until the paramedics arrive. After Joshua returns to the party, Rafe demands that Livvie tell him WHO Livvie thought she was dancing with, but Livvie is more interested in ordering Rafe to get rid of Tess because Livvie believes that someone has created an exact duplicate of Livvie in order to torment Livvie. But Rafe protests that he has NO MORE angel magic and has NO motivation to want to destroy Livvie's life. But, Rafe suggests, someone ELSE might have a reason to want to torment Livvie. When Livvie is shocked by that suggestion, Rafe tries to get Livvie to remember what she thought while she was dancing with her mystery man, but Livvie just becomes furious and storms away. Alison tries to get Rafe to tell her what he believes is happening and Rafe confides that he had the feeling that he knew Livvie's dance partner and had maybe even fought that person before, but it was NOT what he expected when Rafe unmasked Livvie's partner. Rafe wishes for his angel powers back for even one second to figure out the mystery, but Alison tells Rafe NOT to wish for that BECAUSE the thought of losing Rafe again terrifies her. At Jack's Place, Lucy sends Jack to look for the ambulance, while Ian tells Lucy that he believes the end is near and asks Lucy to take care of Daniel for him. Lucy protests that Eve would NEVER forgive Ian if Ian left Eve's son with Lucy! Lucy grabs Tess's hand and tells the girl to put pressure on Ian's wound while Lucy runs down the street to make sure the paramedics can find the house. As Tess puts her hands on Ian, there is a glow and Tess smiles faintly. When the paramedics arrive, Frank announces that the wound is NOT as deep as it looks and Ian is soon sitting up, looking fine. Back at the party, Rafe explains to Alison what is concerning him: 'It's - it is just that - see - every time - every time I feel a fight coming on, my slayer instinct gets all up on edge. And I can sense whatever it is I am going to face. See, that is what protects me. But, now - it is like there is this velvet curtain surrounding whatever it is that is giving off this weird vibe! And I just wish I could separate the curtain for just a second, so I could reveal whoever or whatever it is.' ALISON: "And this never happened before?' RAFE: "No. Never!' Rafe promises Alison that they are going to start living a normal life - tomorrow! When Rafe suggests that he needs to work off the bad energy he can feel building up, Alison urges him to go ahead and go work it off right then. But, Rafe worries about leaving Alison alone at the party. Alison protests that she will get a ride home with Officer Doree, and Rafe finally heads off toward the gym. At the same time, as Elizabeth and Stephen lay in bed and talk, Elizabeth begins to unburden herself to Stephen, telling him about how much she loved her deceased husband and how badly he treated her. Then Elizabeth begins to talk about how she had just begun to get re-acquainted with her daughter when her husband dealt her one last slap in the face by cutting her out of his will and instructing that his entire estate be divided between her daughter and an illegitimate child that Elizabeth knew nothing about! When Elizabeth mentions that she believes that Rafe feels threatened by Elizabeth - Stephen suddenly perks up his ears and admits that he met someone named Rafe at the party. As Stephen questions Elizabeth about Rafe, Elizabeth admits that Rafe is her daughter's fiance. As the paramedics get ready to transport Ian to the Hospital, Tess tells Ian: "All fixed!' IAN: "All fixed. I don't know how you did it, but you healed me. It WAS you. Wasn't it?' As Rafe works out with a punching bag at the gym, a nearby radio blasts out Stephen Clay's theme song, Naked Eyes. Livvie sits down On the Docks and remembers dancing with Caleb and compares it to dancing with Stephen. But Livvie assures herself that Caleb is dead -she made sure of that long ago. Livvie suddenly decides that the ONE person who can help her figure out the puzzling origin of Tess is her father. Livvie calls the Canadian Clinic and makes arrangements to visit Kevin. As Stephen pumps Elizabeth about her daughter's fiance, Alison suddenly knocks on her mother's door and demands to speak to Elizabeth!

  • Tuesday, November 5- As Reese and Ricky leave Stephen Clay's party, Reese informs Ricky that working for Stephen Clay means working all day and all night - and that the band is expected to meet to rehearse AFTER the party. Joshua interrupts Reese's attempts to make a play for Ricky, and demands to know where Marissa has gone. Marissa has taken a romantic bike ride into the woods with Jamal. Rafe is at the gym, working out. Rafe is convinced that there IS a connection between Tess, Stephen Clay and the rock song that grates on Lucy and Rafe's nerves. But he can't quite pinpoint the connection. Alison knocks at the door of Elizabeth's hotel room, while Elizabeth is in bed with Stephen. By the time that Elizabeth opens the door, Stephen has disappeared. However, Alison spots the rumpled bed and finds a man's watch on the bedside stand. And Alison confronts Elizabeth with Alison's suspicion that Elizabeth just had a man in the room with her. Marissa and Jamal are surprised when their woodland romantic tryst is interrupted by Joshua, who demands that Marissa get back to work to provide new material for the band to rehearse before their concert. Jamal blasts Joshua for tracking them down as if Joshua OWNED Marissa! Jamal also voices his suspicions about HOW Joshua managed to track them down in the woods. Alison blasts her mother for jumping into bed with a total stranger only a couple of months after her husband's death. But Elizabeth tells Alison that the strange said all the lovely things to Elizabeth that Elizabeth had always wished that Malcolm would say. Rafe sits in the sauna with a towel over his head, puzzling over the reason why SOME of his powers seem to be returning and wondering if the returning powers are linked to Stephen Clay's irritating song. As Rafe puzzles over the various strange connections in Port Charles, Stephen enters the sauna and tries to make small talk with Rafe, which annoys Rafe. Outside Warehouse No. 13, Ricky and Reese wait for Cass to show up so they can begin rehearsal. As Ricky complains about Cass's lax attitude toward practice, Reese lets Ricky know that the ONLY reason that Ricky is in the band is because Marissa demanded it. Back in the woods, Marissa blasts Joshua for tracking her down like she was a child. Joshua apologizes and leaves, but calls someone and reports: "Hello. It's me. We have a problem. Jamal Woods is becoming an impediment. No. No. Don't bother Stephen. I can handle this.' Back at the Hotel, Elizabeth informs Alison about what life with Malcolm was REALLY like: "I loved him. And he loved elsewhere,' Elizabeth tells her daughter. When Alison suggests that Elizabeth's new lover COULD be a dangerous man who just says all the right things in order to take advantage, Elizabeth shrugs off her daughter's warning. Alison hands Elizabeth the signed agreement and orders Elizabeth to list every single woman that Malcolm Barrington ever slept with or had an affair with. Elizabeth warns Alison that, when she finds her missing sibling, Alison might be VERY disappointed! Back in the sauna, Stephen tells Rafe about his amazing night with his new girlfriend, but Rafe just tells Stephen to quit bothering him. Stephen's chatter annoys Rafe and Rafe tells Stephen to leave him alone. Stephen asks if he could turn on some music and Rafe agrees. But the song that plays turns out to be Naked Eyes. As Rafe throws the towel off of his head, he sees Stephen drape a towel over his head. Meanwhile, as Jamal and Marissa make romantic plans in the woods, Jamal suddenly receives a call from someone who wants to buy two of his bikes for cash, but needs them delivered out of town right away. Jamal tells Marissa that he can pass up the offer, but Marissa insists that Jamal take advantage of this new opportunity. As Jamal and Marissa leave the woods, Joshua watches them go and says: "Happy trails, Mr. Woods!' Back at Elizabeth's Hotel Room, Alison begins to be astounded by Elizabeth's growing list of Malcolm's 'brief encounters,' as Elizabeth promises to get down to the actual affairs later. Alison asks her mother if she plans to see her new acquaintance again and Elizabeth says she is NOT sure - but is convinced that her new acquaintance is 'one of the good ones.'In the sauna, as Rafe mentions that he hates that song, Stephen tells Rafe that he likes the music. Rafe admits to Stephen that Rafe had hoped to meet Stephen Clay at the party, but did NOT get to see him. STEPHEN: "Why did you go?' RAFE: 'Well, I just wanted to meet the guy, up close and personal.' STEPHEN: "What happened?' RAFE: "Didn't meet him. Didn't even see him.' STEPHEN: "Oh - I wouldn't say that. You just did it.' But, as Rafe grabs through the mist for Stephen, Stephen disappears, leaving behind only the towel that was draped over his head.

  • Wednesday, November 6- In Ian's Hospital room, as Lucy and Ian discuss the events of the previous evening, Chris arrives and voices a little bit of suspicion about the amount of blood at the attack scene compared to Ian's superficial wound. Lucy and Ian shoo Chris out of the room and Ian tells Lucy that he is confident that Tess is some kind of healer, because, as a doctor, Ian KNEW how far in the knife had gone and which organs it had nicked and Ian was positive he was checking out for good this time. But, when Tess put her hands on the wound, the pain went away and the bleeding stopped. As Lucy and Ian discuss Tess's healing abilities, Chris listens in from a hidden spot. Meanwhile, at Jack's Place, Jack tries to find out from Tess HOW Tess healed Ian, but Tess is reluctant to speak about it, saying only that, when she sees some people who are ill, she gets a warm feeling in her heart and when she touches them, there is a warm feeling in her hands ~ and then they get better! Kevin is happy to see Livvie when she arrives to visit him at the Canadian Clinic. Kevin complains that there are a lot of crazy people there and the food is lousy. Livvie immediately launches into a description of her concerns about Tess and asks if Kevin would know if Livvie had a twin sister. Kevin admits that Rachel, Estelle and Grace kept so many things from him that Kevin would have no way to know whether or not Grace had given birth to a second child that Rachel never told anyone about. Kevin lets Livvie know that he is disappointed that Livvie came so far just to talk about herself and Kevin shows Livvie the cards and letters he has received from Serena and Christina over the past several weeks. Kevin tells Livvie that he remembers that she injected him with something, but Livvie explains that she has lost her baby, besides Jack and Rafe, and Kevin tells her that he is truly sorry to hear that. Kevin tells Livvie that her magic shot DID help Kevin learn who he really is. Kevin surprises Livvie when Kevin asks Livvie to report to him what Lucy and Ian have been up to. Chris continues to listen as Lucy confesses to Ian that she has believes that something or someone has been following her ever since they left Kevin at the Canadian Clinic - and Lucy can NOT figure out WHY Livvie would bleed when Tess was cut. But, Lucy expresses the suspicion that it is all somehow connected together. When Ian decides he has spent enough time in bed and is ready to leave, Lucy threatens to pin Ian to his bed until he gets better. At that point, Chris leaves his listening post. While Lucy and Ian discuss their feelings for one another in Port Charles, Kevin is in Canada, urging Livvie to let him know the facts about Lucy and Ian's relationship. Livvie tells Kevin that there is no way Livvie would believe that Lucy and Ian spend all of those late nights together just playing cards and Livvie suggests that Kevin just 'dust' Lucy. But Kevin tells his daughter that he just wants to know EVERYTHING Lucy and Ian are doing - and Livvie agrees to keep Kevin informed. When Kevin asks Livvie if she believes that Tess had anything to do with the loss of Livvie's baby, Livvie admits that Livvie was the one who did something dumb and dangerous and that was how she lost her baby. Back at Jack's Place, Jack shows Tess some pictures of Jack with Chris and explains to Tess that Chris is Jack's brother. Then Jack asks if Tess could be Livvie's sister and Tess admits that she does NOT know. When Jack asks if Tess wants to find out, Tess nods that she does. So Jack leaves Tess at home alone while Jack visits Ian in the Hospital. At the Hospital, Jack asks Ian to run DNA tests between Livvie and Tess. When Lucy asks about the condition of his heart, Jack admits that he believes he is falling in love with Tess. Back at the Canadian Clinic, Kevin tells Livvie that he believes that Tess might be Livvie's 'other.' Kevin explains that everyone has an 'other', who embodies all the qualities that one individual might lack. Kevin suggests that Livvie make some kind of peace with Tess - because only by getting close to Tess will Livvie be able to find out what it will really take to get rid of Tess. When Kevin mentions the differences between Michael and Caleb, Livvie reminds Kevin that she killed Caleb and everyone saw Caleb die. But Kevin warns Livvie that she only killed Caleb in the physical sense, but a man's energy never really leaves. KEVIN: "Only when we bring our 'other' into alignment with ourselves can we really be whole! Really feel our true power. I am feeling it now by accepting Ryan's energy. And you need to do that with Tess!' As Livvie thanks Kevin for his advice, Kevin suggests that Livvie listen to the song that Dr. Fox introduced Kevin to - 'Crooked Avenue', and Kevin turns on the tape for Livvie to listen to. As Livvie listens to the song, she remembers dancing with Caleb and then suddenly kisses Kevin good-bye and rushes out the door, telling Kevin that she has to get home right away. Kevin agrees that Livvie DOES need to hurry home. As Livvie leaves, Kevin observes: "Back to Crooked Avenue - where we all end up!' Meanwhile, as Tess looks through Jack's photo album, Chris suddenly arrives at Jack's Place. Chris convinces Tess that Jack sent Chris to pick Tess up and that Jack is going to meet up with them later. Chris tells Tess that he has a little surprise for her.

  • Thursday, November 7- Jack arrives home to find Tess missing. Jack calls Lucy at the Hospital and reports that Tess is missing and Lucy rushes out to Jack's Place. Chris and Tess arrive at Chris's apartment. Chris tries to get Tess to talk about her ability to heal people, but Tess is only interested in knowing WHEN Jack will arrive. When Chris tells Tess that she is special, Tess tells Charis that she does NOT want to be special. Chris tries to learn if Tess feels a surge of energy or a warmth when she heals someone or if she feels tired afterward. Lucy and Jack try to figure out where Tess would be. Lucy explains that Livvie is visiting Kevin in Canada - so it would not be likely that Livvie has snatched Tess. Jack remembers that he had Chris x-ray his leg and both Lucy and Jack conclude that Tess must be with Chris. Back at Chris's Place, Tess gets tired of waiting for Jack and decides to go, but Chris tries to convince her to wait for Jack. Tess heals a cut on Chris' hand. Tess takes her doll and leaves. As Chris breaks down, Jack and Lucy arrive, demanding to know where Tess is. Chris tells them: "She's gone. I'm sorry. I didn't hurt her. I - you have got to find her, man. She is a miracle!' Jack and Lucy run out to try to catch up with Tess. Rafe and Alison are astounded as Elizabeth rattles off a list of her husband's brief sexual companions. But Elizabeth mentions that there WAS one woman in Malcolm's life whose name she does NOT know - and that is the woman that Malcolm was in love with BEFORE he met Elizabeth. Elizabeth suggests that if THAT woman was the mother of Alison's sibling, Elizabeth would NOT be much help in tracking her down. When Elizabeth goes to check to see if she has a phone message from Stephen, Alison confides in Rafe that she is beginning to understand her mother a bit - although Alison admits she has not actually progressed to a point where she could actually 'like' her mother. While Rafe fills Alison in on his 'almost' encounter with Stephen Clay in the sauna at the gym the previous evening, Stephen meets in the woods with Marissa to discuss the music for the upcoming concert. Stephen and Marissa are interrupted by Ricky and Reese and Ricky announces that he does NOT need any charity-gig-hand-outs from Marissa and is quitting the band! But, as Marissa tries to talk Ricky into changing his mind, Ricky unexpectedly raises his hand and accidentally knocks Marissa down. Stephen grabs Ricky's arm and threatens to break Ricky's arm. Marissa stops Stephen from hurting Ricky and Marissa apologizes to Ricky for pulling strings to get him his job. Stephen apologizes to Ricky in front of Marissa. But, then, Stephen takes Ricky aside and says: "If you ever challenge me like that in front of my crew again, I will not only break your hand - I'll rip your whole arm off! So you can decide - Do you want to make history with me? Or do you want to try to find a job as a one-armed drummer?' After Stephen assures Marissa that everything is cool, Marissa and Ricky head off through the woods to find Joshua and get set up for the big, history-making Port Charles concert of the Stephen Clay Experience. However, Stephen tells Reese that he has guessed that it was Reese who let the word slip to Ricky about Stephen's deal with Marissa. As a nervous Reese tries to offer an explanation, Stephen warns Reese: "Don't EVER let your libido get in the way of your judgment - you understand? You're cute - but you are NOT irreplaceable! Now - run along and make sure everything goes exactly as planned!' REESE: "Right!' As Reese leaves, Stephen calls Elizabeth. While Ricky and Marissa walk back through the woods, Marissa tries again to apologize to Ricky. But Ricky tells Marissa that he is NOT staying in the band because Marissa begged him OR because Stephen threatened him. Ricky informs Marissa that Ricky plans to play in that concert tonight to prove to the whole world that Ricky is GOOD on the drums! After Elizabeth gets her call from Stephen, Elizabeth announces that she has another date with her mystery man - who sings in a band called the Stephen Clay Experience and is named Stephen Clay. Elizabeth goes on to inform Rafe and Alison that Stephen has invited all three of them to attend the concert as his guests. Meanwhile, on a park bench, Stephen says: "It's almost time. Almost time, Port Charles. Here I come!'

  • Friday, November 8- At the Hospital, as Ian bugs Colleen for the DNA test results on Tess, Lucy and Jack arrive to inform Ian that Tess is missing and that she HAD been with Chris. Meanwhile, Tess wanders through the Park, hoping Jack will find her soon. At the same time, Livvie arrives at Rachel's Old Place to find a flyer inviting her to the free concern by the Stephen Clay Experience in the Park. Livvie decides she WILL attend the concert. Meanwhile, at Elizabeth's Hotel room, Rafe tries to convince Elizabeth that there is something fishy about Stephen Clay's interest in Elizabeth and his special invitations to the concert for Rafe and Alison. However, Elizabeth ignores Rafe's warnings and gets ready to attend the concert. Alison convinces Rafe that THEY should also attend the concert to find out what Stephen Clay is really up to! Stephen makes sure Reese, Marissa, Ricky, Cass and Joshua are all ready for the concert. Lucy stays behind with Ian to wait for Tess at the hospital, while Jack goes back out to look for Tess. Lucy tells Ian about the strange effect Tess had on Chris. Then Lucy is puzzled to learn that someone left a flyer for her, inviting her to attend the Stephen Clay Experience concert. When Elizabeth, Alison and Rafe arrive at the concert, Rafe tires to go backstage by claiming to be part of the band, but is stopped by the guards. Even when Marissa tells the guard that it is OK, the guard still refuses to let Rafe pass. Rafe tries to convince Marissa that there is something fishy going on with Stephen Clay, but Marissa writes it off. Rafe tries to get Marissa to describe Stephen Clay to Rafe, but Marissa reminds Rafe that she is NOT 'into' Stephen Clay and has NOT paid attention. At the same time, Alison also tries to get Elizabeth to describe Stephen and Elizabeth will only say that Stephen appears to be 'ageless!' However, Elizabeth appears to Alison to be acting like a giddy teenager at the very thought that her new 'boyfriend' is a real-live rock star! Jack finally finds Tess wandering in the Park. As Jack holds Tess, Tess suddenly hears the music and surprises Jack when she begins to walk quickly toward the concert. As Ian continues to wait for Tess's DNA results, Ian runs into Chris and is shocked when Chris claims that Tess healed him 'from the inside and made the hurt go away!' When the DNA test results arrive, Chris cautions Ian against continuing to dig into the secret source behind Tess's healing powers. Chris urges Ian to 'just let it go.' Ian is genuinely puzzled by the change in Chris's attitude and begins to wonder if Chris COULD be right! In the Park, Jack is mystified when Tess seems drawn to Stephen Clay's music and even more amazed when Tess suddenly spots Livvie at the concert. Frank and Karen arrive for the concert and begin looking for Ricky. At the same time, Lucy also arrives, finds Rafe and tells Rafe and Alison that Livvie's look-alike, Tess, is missing. Lucy shows Rafe the flyer that Lucy received personally at the Hospital and they both wonder WHY a select few seem to have received personal invitations from Stephen Clay to attend the concert. When the band arrives on stage, amidst cheers from the crowd, Frank and Karen finally spot Ricky. At the same time, Rafe and Alison notice Marissa sitting next to Joshua in front row seats. On stage, Reese invites Ricky to kiss and make-up after the show and Ricky agrees, saying 'Why not? Life is short!' As the band begins to play, Elizabeth admits that she has NOT seen Stephen yet. Meanwhile, Jack tries to convince Tess to leave, but is stunned when Tess tells him: "No - I HAVE to stay!' Jack begins to suspect that something is going on, but is not quite sure what it is. Back at the Hospital, Ian wrestles with the decision to open Tess's DNA results but finally decides that both Tess and Jack seems to sincerely want to know if Tess is related to Livvie - and Ian is shocked at what he reads. Ian exclaims: 'No! Please! That would mean that you are....' Ian suddenly looks up from the test results and notices that the local TV station is broadcasting Stephen Clay's concert and the Hospital monitor is picking it up. Back at the concert, Lucy begins to be disturbed by Stephen's voice and urges Rafe to focus with her on that voice. But, Elizabeth suddenly announces that she can see Stephen. As Stephen makes a dramatic entrance onto the stage and turns around, Frank, Karen, Jack, Lucy, Rafe and Alison all recognize Stephen as a dead ringer for Caleb. As Stephen says: 'Hello! Port Charles!' the crowd goes wild. And Rafe confides in Lucy that Rafe is positive that the man on the stage IS Caleb Morley!

  • Monday, November 11- At the Hospital, as Ian reads Tess's DNA test results, he suddenly notices the Stephen Clay concert being carried on the TV monitor and immediately believes that Stephen is Caleb. Ian immediately orders Colleen to get Danny at the Day-Care Center and keep an eye on him, as Ian rushes away to the Concert. Frank, Karen, Rafe, Alison, Lucy, Jack and Livvie all watch in horror as Stephen takes center stage and begins to sing. As he sings, Stephen looks first at Livvie, then moves near the edge of the stage, where he stretches his hand toward Tess. Jack grabs Tess and hustles her away from the concert, warning Tess to NEVER let that man touch her. While Alison asks her mother if Elizabeth knows WHO she has been sleeping with, Rafe heads toward the stage as Stephen's guards move to intercept him. Rafe makes it all the way to the stage and Rafe calls out that Stephen is really Caleb Morely and tells the 'rock star' that it is a great disguise, while the crowd boos Rafe for his interference. Jack rushes Tess home and begins locking all the doors and windows. As Jack tries to warn Tess about Caleb, Tess tells Jack that Stephen was nice to her and wanted to give her a ride. Jack warns Tess to NEVER go near Stephen again and tells her that, instead of being nice, Stephen was probably just trying to take Tess away. After Rafe breaks free of the guards and tackles Stephen, the guards again grab Rafe and Joshua calls the Port Charles Police Department, reporting that Stephen has been attacked. At the same time, Ian finds Lucy in the crowd and they both move toward the stage to see if they can help Rafe. As Rafe accuses Stephen of being Caleb Morley, Stephen insists that he has no idea what Rafe is talking about. As Stephen begins to apologize to the crowd for the interference, Rafe grabs the microphone out of Stephen's hand and announces to the crowd that their 'rock star' is NOT Stephen Clay but is really named Caleb Morely - AND that he is a Vampire! Livvie rushes to her car, but has trouble getting the key to go into the lock. As Livvie struggles with the lock, Livvie flashes back to the night that she killed Caleb. Lucy and Ian are afraid the mob might decide to lynch Rafe, while, on-stage, Stephen tells Rafe that maybe he should add Rafe to the act permanently. Stephen announces to the crowd that they will take a break, while Elizabeth implies to Alison that Alison's boyfriend is a bona-fide nut case! Ian and Lucy arrive backstage and confirm to Stephen that he looks exactly like Caleb Morley. When the police arrive, Lucy tells Officer Andy that she will vouch for her cousin Rafe. Lucy tells Andy a story about Rafe just mistaking Stephen for another singer named Caleb Morley, whose group is called 'The Vampires.' Andy accepts Lucy's explanation and Stephen decides he will NOT press charges. Lucy hustles Rafe off the stage. But, when Stephen and Joshua decide to continue the concert, they are surprised when Andy announces that he is going to shut the concert down. As Stephen announces to the crowd that the concert is ended, Alison asks Elizabeth if Stephen bit her at any time while they were in bed together. Instead of answering, Elizabeth sails away in disgust. Rafe tells Lucy that he is sorry for walking right into Caleb's trap. When Ian asks what they are talking about, Lucy reminds Ian that, when she heard that same song while she was in Canada, Lucy rushed right home because she believed that she would be needed there. Meanwhile, Alison finally pushes past the guards and rushes into Rafe's arms and they decide to leave. Ian tells Lucy that he is looking for Jack and Tess. Lucy informs Ian that she believed that Caleb was reaching out to Tess like he knew her somehow - and that Lucy believes that Jack has taken Tess home. Ian tells Lucy to go home, where she will be safe, and Lucy mentions calling Scott to ask him to pick up the girls. Ian plans to find Jack and Tess. After Lucy leaves, Ian wonders HOW Caleb would even KNOW Tess! At Jack's Place, as Jack explains to Tess how worried he was about getting her back to the house in time, Tess tells Jack that she loves him and Jack replies that he loves Tess as well. Back at the concert, Marissa and Ricky wonder what got into Rafe that caused him to wreck his concert. When Ricky rages that tonight was RICKY'S big chance, Reese tells Ricky: "Get over yourself, Ricky. This is STEPHEN'S gig. They are ALL Stephen's gigs!' When Elizabeth asks Joshua where Stephen is and informs him that she had an appointment with Stephen following the concert, Joshua tells Elizabeth that Stephen has wrapped it up for the evening. Alison asks Rafe if he is POSITIVE that Stephen is really Caleb - since it COULD be a look-alike situation, similar to Livvie's look-alike, Tess, suddenly showing up in town. Rafe tells Alison that he WISHES it was NOT Caleb, but he thinks that Stephen IS Caleb. But that it IS strange that Elizabeth and Caleb came to town at the same time and 'Stephen' zeroed in on Alison's mother almost right away. Alison promises Rafe that she will quiz her mother, but Rafe urges Alison to be careful. Rafe confides in Alison and Lucy that it will NOT be likely that Caleb would 'bite' Elizabeth - at least not yet. Rafe says: "Whatever game Caleb is playing - it is a new one on me. So we had better figure out WHAT it is - before it is too late!' As Jack and Tess kiss at Jack's Place, they are interrupted by a loud knocking at the door. Jack hides Tess, then realizes that his visitor is Ian. Jack and Ian go out on the porch to talk, leaving Tess alone inside the house. Jack tells Ian that Stephen tried to give Tess a ride and that Tess believes that Stephen is 'nice.' Ian tells Jack that Tess does NOT have ANY DNA and, if the tests are correct, Tess is NOT human! Inside, Tess continues to hum Stephen's song. Back at the Park, Livvie panics when she finds that her car will NOT start. As Livvie gets out of the car to try to figure out what is wrong with the car, Stephen suddenly appears and says; "Let me guess. You don't like my music!'

  • **The End**

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