Naked Eyes, September 26 - December 27, 2002

Naked Eyes #1-3, Naked Eyes #4, Naked Eyes #5, and End Naked Eyes #6 

Episode Descriptions:

Naked Eyes DVD #4  November 12 -25, 2002
11/12, 11/13, 11/14, 11/15, 11/18, 11/19, 11/20 (begining cut), 11/21, 11/22, 11/25

  • Tuesday, November 12- At Jack's Place, Ian confirms that Tess has NO DNA and Ian believes that Tess is NOT human! As Jack refuses to believe that Ian's test results could be accurate, Ian reminds Jack that it is probably NOT a coincidence that Tess showed up out of nowhere - looking exactly like the woman that Jack loves - at about the same time that Caleb chose to re-enter Port Charles! Alison follows Elizabeth back to Elizabeth's hotel room and Alison tries to get her mother to realize that Caleb is using her. But Elizabeth insists that, for the first time in her life, she has met someone who makes her feel extraordinary - and Elizabeth believes that Stephen is Stephen and NOT this Caleb person that Alison and her friends keep babbling on about. Meanwhile, at the Light House, Lucy and Rafe puzzle over the way that Caleb could have returned and Rafe informs Lucy that, as far as Rafe knows, EVERY vampire who has been destroyed PROPERLY has NEVER come back! Lucy pulls out the lyrics of one of Stephen's songs that Serena had printed out. As Rafe reads Marissa's lyrics, Rafe concludes that Caleb's song is subliminally commanding the youngsters in his audience to worship him! As Livvie experiences car trouble outside the concert site in the Park, she is terrified when Stephen suddenly stops and offers to help. Livvie rushes to get back into her car, but the engine STILL will not turn over! Back at Elizabeth's hotel room, Alison is stunned when she realizes that Elizabeth told 'Stephen' all about Elizabeth's many grievances against her deceased husband and about Elizabeth's bitterness because half of the Barrington fortune has been willed to Malcolm's illegitimate offspring. As Alison tries to convince her mother that the only thing Caleb (Stephen) wants is to get close to Rafe through Elizabeth, Elizabeth, in her turn, tries to persuade Alison that Stephen is the most kind and compassionate person that Elizabeth has ever met. When the two argue to a stalemate, Elizabeth orders Alison to leave! As Rafe and Lucy conclude that Caleb's song lyrics show that Caleb wants to get young kids to worship him, Lucy frets because Serena seems to spend so much time with her ears plugged in to music from the Stephen Clay Experience! However, Rafe assures Lucy that he believes Serena will be safe enough with Scott. Lucy gets out her supply of anti-vampire weaponry, including the stake and a gun with silver bullets. When Lucy urges Rafe to join Lucy in making short work of Caleb right away, Rafe tells Lucy that THAT appears to be EXACTLY what Caleb WANTS them to try to do! Rafe reminds his cousin that there HAS to be a reason WHY none of Caleb's former victims are sensing Caleb's presence in the same way that they did before. And Rafe declares that they need to learn the REASON for that - BEFORE they attempt to move forward with a plan to rid themselves of Caleb - forever THIS time! Lucy suggests that perhaps they are dealing with some kind of evolutionary process where Caleb is concerned. Meanwhile, outside the Park, Stephen tries to convince Livvie that he is just a simple musician who has no idea who this 'Caleb' fellow is that they all keep talking about. While Stephen is busy, looking under the hood of Livvie's car, Livvie slips out the side door and tries to creep away, but Stephen catches her! A trembling Livvie begs 'Caleb' to spare her life. As Livvie bolts and tries to run away, she runs toward an on-coming car. Stephen grabs Livvie and pulls her to safety. Back at Jack's Place, Jack refuses to listen to any argument Ian brings up, suggesting that Tess might have a connection to Caleb. Jack confesses to Ian that Jack LOVES Tess and that Jack will NOT allow ANYONE to hurt Tess! As Jack and Ian argue, they are surprised when Tess suddenly shows up on the porch with them. Back at the Light House, Lucy places a call to Police Commissioner Mac Scorpio to see if there have been any unexplained, strange deaths recently around Port Charles - but Lucy gets a negative report from Mac. While Lucy is distracted on the phone, Rafe pockets the gun with silver bullets. When Lucy reports that there have been no unsolved murders recently that would indicate that Caleb had resumed his, Rafe suggests that Caleb must have found a new way to 'sustain' himself. Later, Rafe and Lucy conclude that it is NO coincidence that Lucy first heard Caleb's song in Canada, when she was visiting Kevin at the clinic. And it was, likewise, no coincidence that 'Stephen Clay' is in bed with Alison's mother! Rafe is thrilled when Alison finally arrives at the Light House, safe and sound. But Alison reports that Elizabeth thinks Caleb hung and moon and the stars - AND that Elizabeth told Caleb ALL of her ENTIRE life's history! As Rafe and Alison leave the Light House, Rafe announces that he believes it is time for them to put Caleb off balance. When Lucy is alone, she decides to call Ian, but only gets a chance to leave a message on Ian's message machine. Lucy concludes that she would rather talk to Ian's machine than to anyone else. Lucy begs Ian to call her as soon as he receives her message! Back at Livvie's stalled car, Livvie is incredulous that Stephen saved her from being hit by the on-coming car! Stephen continues to insist that he is NOT Caleb and finally coaxes Livvie into telling Stephen about being married to Caleb and driving a stake into his heart. Stephen suggests that maybe he is a 'doppleganger', a twin of Caleb's, as Stephen tries to persuade Livvie that he IS harmless. Stephen mentions seeing Livvie's 'twin' at the concert that evening, but Livvie angrily retorts that, whomever Caleb saw, it was NOT Livvie's twin! Livvie is shocked when Stephen finally gets her car started - and then just lets her go! Livvie is spooked when Stephen mentions that he has noticed that Livvie has suitcases in her car - just before Livvie drives off. As Ian, Tess and Jack enter Jack's house, Ian notices that Tess is humming Caleb's song. Jack explains that Tess has been humming like that ever since Jack met her and that she begins to hum whenever she is upset. As Ian demands to know HOW Tess would know Caleb's song IF she had NO radio in the woods - Livvie suddenly arrives and overhears Ian's comments. Livvie rushes toward Tess, accusing Tess of being an evil being, sent by Caleb to torture Livvie. As Livvie angrily demands to know if Tess is Caleb's messenger, a frightened Tess hides in Jack's arms. In the meantime, Stephen arrives at Elizabeth's Hotel Room and begins to kiss her passionately. Just as Stephen announces that he is 'hungry for love,' Rafe and Alison arrive and announce that it is good that Stephen is 'hungry,' because they are all going to dinner - together!
  • Wednesday, November 13- Rafe and Alison go to Elizabeth's room and find her there with Stephen. Elizabeth introduces Rafe, but Stephen remembers him as the one who caused all the commotion at the concert by calling him a vampire. Rafe apologizes for the misunderstanding and offers to take them all out to dinner. They go to an upscale restaurant where they are told they must have a reservation, but when the hostess recognizes Stephen Clay, the private dining room suddenly becomes available. When the waitress comes to take their orders, Stephen stares at Rafe and says he'd like a steak…rare…bloody. Stephen laughs at Rafe's expression then changes his order to the grilled vegetables because he is a vegetarian. As they wait for their dinners, Rafe begins to question Stephen. He asks why Stephen decided to give a concert after being so careful to hide his identity. Stephen explains that he is a very private person, but decided it was time to share more of himself with his fans. Stephen changes the subject and tells them about meeting a girl earlier that night. The girl freaked out when she mistook Stephen for Caleb. She told Stephen about being married to Caleb, then killing him by plunging a stake into his heart. Stephen seems amused at the story. Rafe isn't. Rafe continues to throw question after question at Stephen until Stephen has had enough. He stands up and tells Rafe that if he wants an interview, he can make an appointment with the publicist. After Stephen and Elizabeth leave, Alison tells Rafe that she can't understand her mother's attraction to Stephen. How could she be with someone like that. Rafe tries to explain to Alison that it's different because Elizabeth never knew Caleb. But Rafe is going to get to know Stephen. Rafe pulls out a wallet that he *borrowed* from Stephen's pocket. He tells Alison that you can learn a lot about a person from their social security card. Livvie tells Jack that she thinks Tess is a creation of Caleb's. Jack defends Tess and says that if Livvie ever does anything to hurt Tess, he won't be responsible for his actions. At this point, Livvie realizes that Jack has fallen in love with Tess. She tries to convince Jack that Caleb created Tess to torture her and take over her life. Livvie is afraid of what Caleb will do next. She tells Jack she can't do it alone. She is terrified to be by herself and begs Jack to let her stay with him. Jack reluctantly allows Livvie to stay. Jack stares out the window, then has a vision of Caleb right before Jack was turned into a vampire. He jumps, but Livvie is there to comfort him. She tells Jack that they are the only ones who understand what each other have been through with Caleb. Tess is sent to spend the night at Ian's apartment. When she arrives, she looks around and is fascinated with everything. Especially Danny's toys. Ian shows her how a jack-in-the-box works and as Tess plays with it, he asks her about her background. He asks how long was she in the forest. Tess answers, Always. Next Ian asks her if she ever knew anyone named Caleb. Tess continues to look around the apartment, ignoring Ian. He repeats the question a little too sharply and Tess drops a picture she was looking at. A picture of Ian, Danny, and Eve. Ian picks up the picture and shows it to Tess. Tess says Eve still loves him. She places her hand over Ian's heart and sadly says, she can't fix his heart, but there is still love there.

  • Thursday, November 14- Lucy surprises Ian in the morning with 'home made' [but NOT by Lucy!] soup for breakfast and discovers that Ian has not only NOT checked his phone messages since the previous evening, but Ian now has Tess staying with him as a house-guest. Back at Jack's Place, Jack continues to be haunted by flashbacks of his encounters with Caleb. While Livvie offers sympathy, Livvie admits to Jack that she is afraid of Caleb also. But Jack looks disapprovingly at Livvie scampering around, wearing only one of Jack's shirts, and Jack accuses Livvie of trying to use their mutually devastating experiences with Caleb as an excuse to get back into Jack's bed. Meanwhile, at Rafe and Alison's Place, Rafe discusses his theory that Caleb found some poor person named Stephen Clay, who had no family and no one to miss him if he was gone, and stole that person's identity. Alison reports that Elizabeth called to say that she spent the entire night with Stephen Clay and has lived to tell about it. As Rafe assures Alison that he is MORE prepared for Caleb than the last time, Alison reminds Rafe that Caleb killed Rafe once before and that Alison could NOT bear to lose Rafe all over again. Back at Ian's Loft, Ian fills Lucy in on Livvie's encounter with Caleb/Stephen. When Lucy asks if the DNA tests revealed whether or not Tess was related to Livvie, Ian reluctantly admits that Tess had NO DNA at all! Lucy is shocked, but Ian tells Lucy that maybe Tess has been sent to somehow balance out the scales where Caleb is concerned. Tess's goodness to counteract Caleb's evil. Lucy, however, remains skeptical. Back at Jack's Place, Livvie informs Jack that she HAS got the message that Jack is done with her. Livvie admits that she DOES, however, have an agenda where Jack is concerned Livvie believes that, together, they BOTH stand a better chance of defeating Caleb than they would have if each of them tackled the menace alone. Back at Rafe and Alison's, Rafe tries to reassure Alison that they will be able to defeat Caleb again - and that Rafe has Alison to live for now - so Rafe is going to be even more cautious while fighting Caleb. Rafe asks Alison to close her eyes, then he gets a box off the dresser and asks Alison to put out her hand. When Alison stretches out her hand, Rafe puts an engagement ring in Alison's hand. Alison tells Rafe that she loves the ring and they begin kissing. When Alison asks Rafe HOW he was able to afford such a huge ring, Rafe admits that, while he has never earned much as a vampire slayer, he DOES have an inheritance that his mother left him and that is what he used to get the ring. When Alison wonders if Rafe's mother would have liked Alison, Rafe answers that his mother would have LOVED Alison! Rafe tells Alison that he wants the ring to remind her that she will always come first in his life and that nothing will ever be able to separate them again. Back at Ian's Loft, Lucy accuses Ian of having 'feelings' for Tess and a NEED to rescue Tess. But Ian scoffs at the idea that he might have ROMANTIC feelings for Tess - and reminds Lucy that TESS was the one who rescued Ian when Tess healed Ian's wound. As Ian and Lucy argue about Ian's feelings, Tess comes in to ask WHY they are fighting, and Ian and Lucy end the argument. Tess tells Ian that Ian should tell Lucy the truth - which is that Ian loves Lucy in the same way that Tess loves Jack. As Lucy and Ian are stunned by Tess's revelation, Tess decides that she wants to see Jack right away. Back at Jack's Place, Livvie tells Jack that he is flattering himself if he believes that Livvie's ONLY motive is to find a way to hop back into bed with Jack. Livvie gets ready to storm out, when they both hear a loud crash outside. Jack orders Livvie to stay put while Jack goes outside to investigate. While she is alone, Livvie becomes positive that the noise DOES come from Caleb. When Jack returns, he reports that it was just a tree limb. Livvie and Jack end up apologizing to each other for their harsh words to each other, and Jack gives Livvie a hug. Just at that moment, Tess comes up on the porch and spots Jack holding Livvie. With tears in her eyes, Tess walks away. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, after Alison falls asleep, Rafe is haunted by memories of Caleb killing Rafe back in 1991 and bragging that Caleb had killed EVERY vampire slayer who had ever come after him. Rafe takes Lucy's gun with the silver bullets out of a drawer - and leaves. Lucy and Ian wonder where Tess has gone. When Lucy nervously announces that she is planning to go see Kevin, Ian confesses to Lucy that Tess was right about Ian's feelings for Lucy. Ian relates how, the night before, Tess had looked into Ian's heart and saw both pain AND hope there. Ian suddenly announces that he DOES love Lucy!

Friday, November 15- As Jack hugs Livvie at Jack's Place, Tess arrives on the porch and sees Jack with his arms around Livvie. With tears in her eyes, Tess runs away. Shortly afterward, Jamal arrives and mistakes Livvie for Tess. While Livvie and Jack are filling Jamal in on the details of Caleb's return to Port Charles, Stephen Clay is calling a press conference at Seleni's. Rafe suddenly arrives at the press conference and, waving Stephen's wallet at Stephen, Rafe reports that Rafe found Stephen's wallet after Stephen left the dining room the previous evening. Rafe hints that a wallet contains a LOT of personal data that COULD reveal the owner's entire life history, but Stephen philosophically observes: "You know, Vampire Slayer, sometimes things are NOT what they seem. But sometimes they are!' Rafe fails to be impressed by Stephen's pearls of wisdom. As Joshua gets the press conference under way, Rafe stays to observe. Meanwhile, at Ian's Loft, Ian confesses that he has fallen in love with Lucy, but Lucy informs Ian that Lucy could NEVER love anyone but Kevin - and plans to remain true to her promise to stand by Kevin, whether it is for better or for worse. As Livvie, Jack and Jamal puzzle over Caleb's return, Stephen's press conference begins to broadcast and the three friends tune in to prove to Jamal that Caleb really HAS returned. As Joshua introduces Stephen as: "Your Savior On Stage," Jamal sees Ricky sitting next to Stephen and Jack reminds Jamal that Ricky and Marissa were NOT in Port Charles when the town was plagued by vampires, so neither of them would recognize Stephen as Caleb. As Stephen introduces his band and then Marissa, Jamal tears out of Jack's Place to rush to get Marissa out of Caleb's clutches. Meanwhile, at the Press Conference, Stephen continues to drink from his blue bottle and Victor arrives to find Rafe. Victor brings Rafe a phone capable of receiving pictures over the Inter Net. Victor reports to Rafe that Victor's contacts believe that Stephen's true identity might have a security tie-in, so they were happy to help Victor and Rafe unearth facts about Stephen Clay. Victor informs Rafe that IF Victor's contacts can find a photograph of the REAL Stephen Clay, they will send a copy to Rafe via the phone. Rafe shows Victor that Rafe has Lucy's gun with the silver bullets - and Victor nods his understanding. As Jack and Livvie listen to Stephen's press conference, Jack flashes back to all of the violent encounters he had with Caleb - and Jack vows that he will NOT let Caleb win. Meanwhile, at the press conference, Rafe suggests questions to the reporters to ask Stephen. When one reports asks WHY Stephen Clay chose Port Charles to reveal himself, Stephen replies that he believes he can realize all of his dreams in Port Charles. When the reporters ask about Stephen's love life, Stephen replies: "Let's just say - I don't think you can create music without having experienced a great love.' Livvie believes that Caleb is talking about her, but Jack remembers Caleb reaching out to Tess at the concert, and Jack believes that Caleb is talking about Tess. Jack tears out of the house to confront Stephen. As Joshua ends the press conference, Jamal arrives and demands that Marissa leave with him. At the same time, Rafe begins to get a transmission from Victor's contacts, which turns out to be a graduation picture of the real Stephen Clay - who DOES look exactly like Caleb! Back at Ian's Loft, Ian tells Lucy that he KNOWS that Lucy feels the same attraction that Ian feels, but that Ian can be content with the rare moments they have shared. But Ian also tells Lucy that he does NOT want to let Lucy slip away without a fight. But Lucy informs Ian that it will do him no good. Lucy hugs Ian, telling him she hates to do anything that might hurt him. But, after Lucy leaves, Ian states that he is willing to take his chances with Lucy! Livvie hears someone come in at Jack's Place and runs to see if it is Jack. But Livvie discovers only Tess in the living room, humming. When Livvie orders Tess to quit humming that song, Tess replies: "Bad! Bad Livvie!' At the same time, at the press conference, Joshua and Stephen congratulate themselves on how well things went. Elsewhere, as Jamal and Ricky argue about Marissa getting out of Caleb's clutches, Jamal suddenly slugs Ricky, grabs Marissa and carries her away. As Rafe realizes that there really IS someone named Stephen Clay who looks like Caleb, Jack arrives with a wooden stake in his hand and grabs Stephen, vowing to end it all right now! 
  • Monday, November 18- When Elizabeth arrives at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison shuts the door in her mother's face. But Elizabeth persists with her message and finally informs Alison that Elizabeth believes she may have found Alison's sister. Alison reluctantly allows her mother to come inside. Jamal spirits Marissa out into the woods, where Jamal tries to convince Marissa that Stephen Clay is the 'big bat' that Marissa had come to Port Charles to track down in the first place. But Marissa insists that it is just a case of mistaken identity - reminding Jamal of the way that Jamal believed that Marissa was really Casey when Jamal first met Marissa. Marissa points out that Stephen Clay loves sunlight and garlic and asserts her belief that Jamal is just plain crazy. As Marissa and Jamal argue, Jamal insists that Marissa is out of the band - and then Jamal blurts out that he loves Marissa. After Jamal shocks Marissa - AND himself - by declaring his love for her, Marissa agrees to leave the band if that is what Jamal wants. They begin to kiss and Marissa admits to Jamal that she loves him too! At Jack's Place, Tess tells Livvie that Livvie is bad and that Livvie keeps hurting Jack. Livvie surprises Tess by appearing to agree with Tess. At the same time, following Stephen's press conference at Seleni's, Jack attacks Stephen with a wooden stake. But Rafe suddenly shoots the stake out of Jack's hand with a single shot from Lucy's Vampire Slaying gun with silver bullets. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Elizabeth tells Alison that a woman in Canada had a child - a girl - following an affair with Malcolm and that the woman also has letters and pictures as proof of her affair with Malcolm. As Elizabeth makes a pitch for Alison's 'understanding' about her mother's affair with Stephen, Elizabeth notices Alison's engagement ring. Elizabeth tells Alison about seeing the ring the first night Elizabeth met Rafe outside the Recovery Room. Elizabeth begins to wistfully talk about the early years of her marriage to Alison's father - then Elizabeth abruptly assures Alison that Elizabeth believes that Rafe and Alison WILL live happily ever after. Meanwhile, at Seleni's, Stephen's guards quickly grab BOTH Jack and Rafe and, when Jack rages at Rafe because Rafe DELIBERATELY missed shooting Caleb, Rafe shows Jack the picture of Stephen Clay and informs Jack that Rafe believes it COULD be a case of mistaken identity and they need to PROVE that Stephen Clay IS Caleb BEFORE taking action. Rafe points out that, if Rafe had NOT prevented Jack from driving a stake into Stephen's heart, Jack would have just ended up in prison for murdering Stephen Clay and Caleb would have just found another way to be reborn. The guards take Jack and Rafe before Stephen and Stephen tells them he believes they are BOTH crazy and their 'joke' is no longer funny! Back at Jack's Place, Livvie tries to convince Tess that Tess is just jealous, but Tess insists that she is Tess! Then Tess tells Livvie that Jack will MAKE Livvie go away. Livvie finally tells Tess that Livvie believes that Jack COULD be happy with Tess. As Alison and Elizabeth talk about Rafe, Alison receives a call from Malcolm's old girlfriend in Canada and Alison makes arrangements to fly to Canada to meet the other woman and her daughter. Alison agrees to allow Elizabeth to accompany her and they make plans to take the private Barrington jet to Canada. Alison tries to call Rafe to tell him about the meeting in Canada, but Alison only gets Rafe's voice mail - but she does leave a message. Meanwhile, at Seleni's, Stephen accuses Rafe of attempting to murder him, but Rafe informs Stephen that IF Rafe HAD been trying to kill him, Stephen would be dead by now. Rafe tries to convince Stephen that, since no one was hurt, Stephen could let them both go. But Stephen promises that Jack and Rafe will now have to pay for trying to kill him. So Jack and Rafe land in jail. Livvie tells Tess that Jack told Livvie that Jack loves Tess as well, and Tess faintly smiles, admitting that she KNOWS about Jack's love for her. Then Livvie shows Tess an antique trunk and tells Tess that Jack left a gift for Tess inside the trunk. As Livvie entices Tess to go look inside the trunk to see Jack's gift, Livvie waits until Tess is right next to the trunk, then Livvie pushes Tess in to the trunk and locks the lid! In jail, Rafe continues to try to convince Jack that they are dealing with a whole different Caleb this time around and, whatever Caleb's game is, they will have to play a BETTER game! As Rafe philosophically observes that Jack and Rafe are going to have a LOT of free time to contemplate Caleb's game plan while they cool their heels in jail, Jack suddenly asks: "I mean, what if Caleb's out there, closing in on someone we know, we care about - while we are sitting here - in jail?' As Elizabeth and Alison board the Barrington jet, bound for Canada, Alison worries that Rafe has NOT arrived yet. The pilot suddenly announces that a storm is moving in and they will need to leave right away if they are going to beat the storm to Canada. As the plane's engines rev up, Stephen suddenly enters the lounge, and Alison vainly tries to get the plane to stop so she can get off. But it is too late! Stephen announces to the frightened Alison that Rafe will NOT be able to make this trip!

  • Tuesday, November 19- Lucy and Ian arrive at Jack's Place at the same time and are surprised when they find the door unlocked but no one at home. Ian admits that he came to check on Tess - to be sure she was OK - since the last time Ian saw Tess was at Ian's Loft, just before Ian confessed his love for Lucy. Meanwhile, Livvie is busy, dragging the antique trunk with Tess locked inside outside to the storage shed. Livvie goes off and leaves Tess locked in the trunk inside the shed. As Livvie leaves, Tess weakly pleads for someone to help her. At the same time, in jail, Officer Doree tells Jack and Rafe that they can have one phone call each. Jack decides he should call Chris to bail them out, but they both decide it might be more important for Rafe to make the first call and try to get hold of Alison. In the meantime, Alison freaks out when she realizes that Elizabeth has invited Stephen to fly to Canada with them to meet Alison's long-lost sister. Elizabeth and Alison go up front to speak to the pilot about landing the plane. So, when Rafe calls Alison's cell phone, Stephen hears it ringing in Alison's purse - and answers it! As Rafe recognizes Caleb's voice, Rafe threatens to kill Caleb if Caleb touches one hair on Alison's head. But Stephen pretends that he can NOT hear Rafe - and breaks off the communication. As Lucy and Ian discover that neither Tess nor Jack appears to be at home, they both decide to wait for Tess and Jack to return. Lucy and Ian have an uncomfortable conversation about where their friendship is headed now that their mutual attraction to each other has been acknowledged. But they both conclude that Lucy is truly committed to Kevin and that Ian intends to respect Lucy's feelings about her troubled husband. When Elizabeth and Alison return from the Barrington Jet's cockpit to report that the pilot will land at the next available airport, Alison notices that there is a missed call on her cell phone. As Alison angrily questions Stephen, Stephen admits that he picked the phone up and he thought that the call might have been from Rafe. When Alison points out that Rafe will probably tear Stephen limb from limb because Stephen intercepted Rafe's call to Alison, Stephen triumphantly informs Alison that it will probably be difficult for Rafe to tear anyone limb from limb, because Rafe and Jack have been arrested for attempting to murder Stephen. When Alison flips out and Elizabeth tries to mediate between her boyfriend and her daughter, Stephen tells Alison that he will do whatever it takes to prove to Alison that Stephen is NOT this Caleb monster that Alison and her friends keep babbling about. Alison suggests that a good place to start would be by dropping the charges against Rafe and Jack. Caleb asks for Alison's word to keep Rafe away from Stephen. When Alison appears reluctant to give her word, Elizabeth agrees FOR Alison and Stephen puts a call through to the Port Charles Police Department and tells the police officers that Stephen is dropping the charges against Rafe and Jack. As Lucy and Ian agree that they will deal with their situation one day at a time, Livvie suddenly rushes through the living room and is frightened when she sees Lucy and Ian standing there. At the same time, in jail, as Rafe and Jack wait for Chris to bail them out, they are stunned when Doree announces that Stephen Clay has dropped the charges against them and they are free to go. As their personal possessions are returned, Rafe grabs his cell phone and checks the messages. Rafe discovers that Alison left a message that she was flying to Canada on the Barrington Jet to meet her long-lost sister. Rafe and Jack realize that, if Stephen answered Alison's cell phone, that must mean that Stephen is also en route to Canada on the same plane with Alison and Elizabeth. At the same time, the Barrington Jet begins to run into some serious turbulence and the pilot advises the passengers to fasten their seat belts. Back at Jack's Place, Lucy and Ian grill Livvie to try to discover what she has been up to that has left Livvie sweaty and dirty. Livvie claims that she tripped and fell as she was on her way to see Jack because Livvie is positive that Caleb is back. Livvie claims she came to Jack's Place to make peace with Tess but could not find anyone around when she arrived. As Livvie 'innocently' wonders where Tess could be, Tess keeps pounding on the trunk in the shed, pleading for help. At the jail, Rafe is busy with his cell phone, attempting to learn what destination the Barrington Jet's Flight Plan shows as their destination. Rafe is devastated when he is told that the Barrington Jet just dropped off the radar. In the meantime, Stephen is carrying Elizabeth and Alison away from the wreckage of the burning Barrington Jet.

  • Wednesday, November 20- Marissa arrives at the studio to tell them she is quitting. Ricky comes out and is surprised to see Jamal. He tells Marissa that she knows the rules. No outsiders allowed. Jamal tries to apologize to Ricky for his behavior, but Ricky won’t accept the apology. Marissa tells Ricky she’s quitting the band. Ricky can’t believe Marissa is buying into the vampire stories. He tells her that by leaving the band, she is giving up the chance of a lifetime. Marissa assures Ricky that leaving the group is her decision. Josh walks into the studio talking on his cell phone. He then announces to the band that Stephen was a passenger on the Barrington jet when it crashed. Jamal asks who else was on the plane, but Josh has no idea. Jamal quickly places a call to Rafe and hears the bad news. Joshua is ready to cancel all the band’s appearances and practices, but Ricky says no way. He thinks the band should record as much as they can in anticipation of Stephen’s return. Josh doesn’t like being challenged, but he is forced to go along when the rest of the band agrees with Ricky. Ian and Lucy have a hard time believing that Livvie wants to mend fences with Tess. Before they can ask more questions, Jack and Rafe rush in. Rafe tells them about the plane crash while at the same time trying to find out information on the plane’s whereabouts. Livvie pipes up and tells Jack that she thinks that if Caleb has Alison, maybe he took Tess as well. Jack doesn’t believe there is a connection between Caleb and Tess and ignores Livvie’s idea. Then, Jack turns to Ian and reminds him he was supposed to be keeping an eye on Tess. Jack demands to know what was more important to Ian than Tess’s well-being. Rafe asks Lucy if she can get access to a helicopter so they can go look for the jet. Lucy places a phone call, but is told that because of the weather, none of the pilots are willing to fly. Ian hears this and volunteers his services. He learned to fly helicopters during his time in Africa. Lucy wants to argue, but a look from Ian tells her not to waste her breath. At the crash site, Stephen revives Elizabeth who immediately calls out for Alison. Stephen takes her to Alison and Elizabeth begins to cry thinking she’s lost her daughter. Finally Alison opens her eyes and Elizabeth promises everything will be fine. She cradles Alison in her arms asking what kind of woman she could have been to leave her baby. Elizabeth tells Alison that she is the only good thing to ever come from her. Alison has grown into the woman Elizabeth always wanted to be. She tells Alison, “You are my heart.” Stephen comes over to tell Elizabeth the pilot didn’t make it. Stephen is going to try to get the radio working. Elizabeth is worried about Alison who has fallen asleep in her arms. Alison is so cold. Stephen offers his coat while Elizabeth goes in search of something warmer. Alison awakes to see Stephen standing over her. “Looks like it’s just you and me.” Stephen says with a smile.

  • Thursday, November 21- Left alone at Jack's Place, Livvie gleefully contemplates being able to comfort Jack when Jack returns from his unsuccessful search for Tess. Livvie starts a fire in the fireplace and fixes herself a sandwich. Meanwhile, out in the shed, Tess weakly calls for Livvie and knocks on the trunk. Livvie is disturbed when she realizes that she can hear Tess's voice, calling for Livvie. Meanwhile, at the Hospital, as Rafe, Jack, Lucy, and Ian wait for their helicopter to be prepared for take-off, Lucy informs her friends that officials will not allow them to take off in the storm. At the same time, at the crash site, Stephen tries to convince a wary Alison that he is NOT Caleb and that he just wants to be friends - but Alison is NOT buying his story. As Livvie prepares to eat her sandwich, she continues to be haunted by Tess's voice, calling for her. Livvie tries to convince herself that Tess is NOT really real and that Tess is just a figment of her imagination, created by Caleb to torture Livvie. Livvie suddenly notices Tess's doll, lying on the floor and Livvie grabs the doll and tosses it into the fireplace. Livvie is angered when the doll does not appear to begin to burn right away. Back at the Hospital, Jack is trying to discover if anyone has seen Tess in any of her favorite haunts around the woods, but draws a blank. Jack continues to hope that he will discover that Tess IS on board the downed Barrington jet. When Ian tries to apologize to Jack for letting Tess slip out of his sight, Jack snaps that if anything HAS happened to Tess, Ian will have to live with it! As Rafe worries that they will NOT be able to get to Alison before Caleb hurts her, Lucy urges her cousin to try focusing his energy on his love for Alison. Ian suggests that they take off in the storm, even without permission, but Lucy persuades Ian to wait a little while to see if the storm will clear enough. In the meantime, Rafe makes a heartfelt prayer for guidance in finding Alison: "Hey! Remember me? Well, I really need your help now. I know you sent me back here to be with the woman I love and I promise you - I thank you every day for that. But I also know you would NOT send me back here just to have us separated again. I know that all the powers that I have come from you - and I really need them right now. I really need you to help me find her and I trust - I have faith - with all my heart - that you WILL!" Rafe suddenly has a vision of Alison and announces that he knows WHERE Alison is - and they will be able to DRIVE to the crash site. So Rafe, Jack, Lucy and Ian take off for the car. In the meantime, at the crash site, Alison is afraid of Stephen when he mentions that the blood seeping from her arm is because her arm is broken. As Stephen tries to assure Alison that he has been known to faint at the sight of blood, Alison begs Stephen to just leave her alone. But Stephen persists in binding up Alison's arm. When Elizabeth returns and reports that she has had NO luck finding the luggage OR the warm coats, Stephen begins telling them humorous stories about his early days as a struggling artist, attempting to start a band. Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, Livvie realizes that she can NOT get warm even with the heat on, the fire blazing and wrapped up in a heavy blanket. Livvie also notices that she is thirsty and hungry. As Livvie begins to realize that she also can NOT breathe, Livvie opens the door and steps out on the porch to get some air. Then Livvie collapses on the porch, calling for Jack and beating on the floor. At the same time, inside the trunk in the shed, Tess ALSO beats on the walls of the trunk and frantically calls for Jack. Back at the crash site, as Stephen entertains Alison and Elizabeth with funny stories about his early days as a musician, Alison tells Stephen that, although he LOOKS like Caleb, Alison is now convinced that Stephen is NOT Caleb. Rafe, Jack, Lucy and Ian suddenly arrive and Lucy wraps Elizabeth in a warm blanket while Ian tends to Alison. But, when Jack asks where Tess is, Alison and Elizabeth inform Jack that no one but the three of them were passengers on the plane. When Ian leaves to get more bandages for Alison, Alison's blanket slips off of her shoulder and Stephen moves to put the blanket back around Alison - but Rafe suddenly pulls out his vampire-slaying gun with silver bullets and points it at Stephen, warning Stephen to stay away from Alison. But Rafe is surprised when Alison begs Rafe NOT to hurt Stephen!

  • Friday, November 22- At the crash site, when Rafe threatens to blow Stephen away unless the 'rock star' stays away from Alison, the Vampire Slayer is truly shocked when his lady-love implores Rafe NOT to hurt Stephen. As Stephen moves out of Rafe's line of fire, Alison further stuns Rafe by telling her intended that she is CONVINCED that Stephen is NOT Caleb! Stephen insists that he is only interested in making sure that Elizabeth and Alison are OK. Alison testifies to Rafe and Ian that Stephen took care of Elizabeth and Alison as they struggled to survive the plane crash. As Stephen walks away from Alison, he runs into Jack, and Jack demands to know WHERE Tess is - but Stephen pleads ignorance. Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, as Tess continues to beat on the trunk in the shed and call for help, Livvie begins to revive on the porch and realizes that she can not breathe because TESS can not breathe! So Livvie concludes that Livvie and her look-alike are BOTH dying. Livvie struggles out to the shed and painfully releases Tess from the trunk. As Ian assures Alison that her arm is just sprained, Rafe begins to quiz Alison about Caleb - but Alison continues to insist that he is 'just' Stephen. Alison explains that Elizabeth invited Stephen along - and that is how Stephen came to be aboard the downed plane. Rafe insists that Caleb deliberately had Rafe arrested so that Caleb could get Elizabeth and Alison alone, but Alison points out that Stephen ALSO had Rafe released - AND that Stephen made NO attempts to hurt either Elizabeth OR Alison while they were all alone and it would have been easy! Alison goes on to assert that Alison believes that Stephen merely looks like Caleb, the same way that Tess looks like Livvie. However, when Jack continues to demand what Caleb has done with Tess, Caleb grabs Jack and warns Jack to leave Stephen alone. Ian separates the two, while Elizabeth confides to Lucy how marvelous Stephen was during the crash and how devastating it was to Elizabeth when Elizabeth was afraid of losing her daughter before the two of them had a chance to even get to know each other. When the Emergency crew arrives, Stephen and Elizabeth leave. After Stephen and Elizabeth are gone, Jack confides to Lucy his growing concern for Tess's safety. Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, when Livvie releases Tess from the trunk, Tess tells Livvie that what Livvie did was very bad. As Livvie asks if Tess is her sister or her twin, Tess admits that she does NOT know. Livvie tells Tess that Livvie KNOWS now that - IF Tess does NOT eat or drink, Livvie will feel hungry or thirsty. When Livvie tells Tess that Livvie is sorry and will protect Tess and take care of her - Tess asks WHY Livvie tried to hurt her. Livvie admits that it was because Livvie believed that Tess had been sent to hurt Livvie. When Livvie vows to protect Tess, Tess asks: "Protect your soul?" Just as Tess and Livvie are making peace, Jack returns home and rescues Tess's smoking doll from the fireplace. Meanwhile, at the Hospital, Alison reports to Rafe, Ian and Lucy that Stephen took Elizabeth back to her hotel room to get cleaned up, and Stephen will be bringing Elizabeth back to the Hospital later. Rafe takes Lucy aside and reports that Alison is NOW convinced that Stephen IS Stephen and NOT Caleb. Lucy and Rafe decide to continue their investigation into Stephen's past. When Lucy asks Rafe HOW Rafe knew WHERE to look for Alison - Rafe confesses to his cousin that he had a sudden, unexplained flash of insight that led him to Alison - but Rafe does NOT know if that means that his powers are returning. After Ian and Lucy leave Alison's Hospital room, Rafe cuddles up on the bed with her and Alison confides in Rafe how thrilled she was when her mother suddenly acted like a REAL mother during their struggle to survive the crash. Alison tells Rafe that she is looking forward to having a REAL mother-daughter relationship now with Elizabeth. When Stephen arrives at Elizabeth's Hotel Room to pick her up to take her to the Hospital to see Alison, Elizabeth tells Stephen that he was wonderful and that she is immeasurably grateful to Stephen for all of his help in surviving the crash - but Elizabeth has decided to break off the relationship so that Elizabeth can devote ALL of her spare time to making up for lost time in her relationship with Alison. Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, Jack is suspicious when Livvie and Tess enter the house together. When Jack demands answers from Livvie about Tess's disappearance, Livvie fibs to Jack that Livvie went for a walk and ran into Tess. Livvie tells Jack that Livvie now agrees with Jack that Tess is an amazing person! However, when Tess sees the charred remains of her doll, she bursts into tears. Jack promises to get Tess a new doll, but Tess says: "You can't! It's my baby!" Then Tess turns around and looks at Livvie and tells Jack that it was Livvie who burned her baby! Meanwhile, back at the Hospital, Lucy finds Ian at the Nurses' Station and, when Ian expresses his weariness, Lucy tenderly takes Ian's hand. At the same time, back in Elizabeth's Hotel Room, Stephen tells Elizabeth that, while he IS disappointed by Elizabeth's decision to break off their relationship, he is also able to understand WHY Elizabeth wants to devote more time to being with her daughter. Admitting that the loss of Elizabeth in his life WILL be VERY hard for Stephen to take, Stephen asks Elizabeth for a good-bye kiss. And, as Stephen kisses Elizabeth, Caleb suddenly bares his fangs and bites her neck - and Elizabeth goes into shock! Alison dreamily tells Rafe how thrilled she is now that it is beginning to look like Alison and her mother can really have a TRUE relationship with each other.

  • Monday, November 25- At Jack's Place, Tess cries that Livvie burned her baby. And, as Jack demands answers, Livvie admits that she DID throw Tess's doll into the fireplace. At the Hospital, as Alison tells Rafe about her renewed relationship with her mother, Rafe becomes suddenly angry when Alison tells Rafe how kind and considerate Stephen was during their plane crash ordeal. But Alison insists that she KNOWS that Stephen is NOT Caleb. When Rafe persists in reminding Alison that Caleb's Talisman, Michael, was ALSO kind and considerate but he was ALWAYS Caleb underneath the friendly persona - Rafe emphatically declares that he does NOT want Alison anywhere near Stephen Clay. Meanwhile, in Elizabeth's hotel room, Caleb sinks his fangs into Alison's mother. When Elizabeth passes out, Caleb deposits her on the bed and then puts in an emergency call to Joshua, announcing that there has been a sudden change of plans. Back at Jack's Place, Livvie explains to Tess that Livvie burned her doll because Livvie was afraid of Tess and was afraid Tess would hurt Livvie -and that Livvie wanted to hurt Tess BEFORE Tess could hurt Livvie. Livvie tells Tess that, IF Tess had known Livvie BEFORE Caleb destroyed Livvie's life, Tess would probably have liked Livvie. But, when Jack informs Livvie that he is NOT going to let her get away with pinning her bad behavior on to some dead vampire, Livvie reminds Jack that Caleb IS back. Livvie is shocked when Jack declares that they can NOT be sure that Stephen Clay IS Caleb. But, as Jack demands the WHOLE truth from Livvie, Tess surprises both Jack AND Livvie when Tess declares: "She saved me. Livvie saved me!' Back at the Hospital, Rafe apologizes to Alison for reacting so strongly to Alison's defense of Stephen. But Alison reminds Rafe that he HAS done an extensive background check on Stephen and everything checked out. As Rafe contends that it is STILL possible for Caleb to have 'created' Stephen's past, Alison reaffirms HER belief that Stephen is just an ordinary nice guy who is hiding behind his rock and roll image! Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, Livvie fibs to Jack that Livvie came across Tess while Livvie was walking On the Docks and, at first, Livvie DID consider just leaving Tess wandering all alone down by the Docks, dazed and confused - but, then, Livvie decided that Tess NEEDED her - so Livvie bundled Tess up in her coat and brought Tess home with her. Livvie insists to Jack that, for once, Livvie DID do the right thing. When Jack asks Tess if Livvie DID save her, Tess affirms that Livvie DID save her. When Jack leaves to get Tess a sandwich, Livvie asks Tess WHY Tess kept mum about Livvie locking Tess in the trunk and Tess replies: "Because I think you ARE sorry. And I do NOT want to hurt you!' Tess admits that she CAN feel all the hurt Livvie has felt about Caleb. Livvie shows Tess a newspaper photo of Stephen and tells Tess: "THIS is Caleb!' TESS: "No. No. That is Stephen! He gave me my baby, so I wouldn't be lonely.' Jack returns with food for Tess. As Jack walks Livvie to the door, Livvie asks Jack how long Tess has had that doll and Jack replies that he believes that Tess has had the doll 'pretty much forever!' Outside, Livvie asks herself: "How could Stephen have given Tess a doll that she has had forever if they just met?' Meanwhile, back at the Hospital, Rafe asks Alison: "Why would you think I WANT Stephen to be Caleb?' ALISON: "Because - you feel so ALIVE when you are hunting evil! And it IS what you were born to do!' RAFE: "No! I was BORN to love you! This whole crushing evil thing is just a job.' ALISON: 'Well, it IS starting to consume you!' Alison reminds Rafe that SHE believes that they BOTH wanted the whole 'normal life' together and Rafe assures Alison that HE wants that too. Alison asks: "Then - WHY are you trying to stir up trouble? WHY can't you just enjoy life and stop fighting battles that are NOT even there?' Alison implores Rafe to just focus on them and their upcoming wedding. And Alison reminds Rafe that all Alison wants to do is find her missing sister, so Alison will have a family member to stand up with her when she marries Rafe. Rafe assures Alison that she IS going to have it ALL! Alison finally asks Rafe if he could JUST keep an open mind where Stephen is concerned. Meanwhile, in Elizabeth's hotel room, Joshua asks Caleb: "WHY is it so important to you to win these people over?' CALEB: "Because I am tired of living in the shadows all the time. I WANT to live in THEIR world. And I WANT to be loved!' JOSHUA: "Beginning with Olivia?' CALEB: "Beginning with her!' JOSHUA: 'She HAS betrayed you before. I am afraid she will betray you again!' CALEB: "I'll NEVER let a woman get to me like that again!' JOSHUA: "It's too risky! Let me get rid of Olivia for you!' CALEB: "You do NOT touch her! She is MINE!' Caleb then orders Joshua to leave. As Joshua goes, Joshua observes: "It looks like you ALREADY have your hands full!' Caleb covers Elizabeth up and, when Elizabeth begins to wake up, Caleb tells her that she fainted and offers her liquid from the blue bottle, as he assures her that it will make her feel better. When Elizabeth goes back to sleep, Caleb heads out to visit Alison in the Hospital. Back at Jack's Place, Jack tries to find out what happened between Tess and Livvie that they are NOT telling him, but Tess only says that Livvie was sad and Tess forgives Livvie. When Jack asks what Tess wants, Tess tells Jack that she would like another baby. When Jack brightly agrees that they will go to the store tomorrow and buy another baby for Tess, Tess shocks Jack when she informs him that what SHE wants is a REAL baby.' Livvie arrives at Caleb's studio and demands to see Caleb. Livvie is shocked when Joshua suddenly appears behind her. Rafe agrees to keep an open mind about Stephen IF Alison will agree to do the same. As they begin to kiss and make up, Stephen suddenly appears, bringing gifts for Alison and informing Alison that Elizabeth was exhausted and Stephen insisted that Alison's mother stay at the Hotel and get some rest. As Alison insists on giving Stephen a hug for all of his help, Elizabeth suddenly shows up and begins kissing Stephen, announcing that she just could NOT stay away!

  • Naked Eyes DVD #5  November 26 - December 11, 2002
    11/26, 11/27, 11/28, (no show 11/29 Thanksgiving), 12/2, 12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/6, 12/9, 12/10, 12/11 

    • Tuesday, November 26- At Jack's Place, Jack is shocked when Tess informs him that she wants a REAL baby to replace the doll that Livvie burned in the fireplace. Jack tries to gently explain to Tess that there is a LOT of work involved in REAL babies, but Tess insists that, since they LOVE each other, a REAL baby would be the right thing to have. Meanwhile, at Stephen's studio, Joshua discovers Livvie, who announces that she is looking for Stephen. When Joshua informs Livvie that dozens of young girls show up every day, looking for Stephen, Livvie insists that she is not just a groupie but that she actually KNOWS Stephen. Joshua agrees that he knows EXACTLY who Livvie is and Joshua promises to deliver a message from her to Stephen. But Livvie persists in her determination to speak personally with Stephen. Joshua flashes back to his discussion with Caleb about Olivia and Joshua invites Livvie to stay - as Joshua contemplates the possibilities of getting rid of Livvie - permanently - in order to protect Caleb. Meanwhile, at the Hospital, Alison and Rafe are shocked as Elizabeth arrives at Alison's Hospital room and begins hanging all over Stephen. Rafe notices that Elizabeth looks a little pale, and suggest that Elizabeth needs a check-up. Stephen tries to dissuade Rafe from being overly interested in Elizabeth's health, but Ian arrives and both Rafe AND Alison try to persuade Elizabeth to let Ian check her out. Back at Stephen's studio, Livvie reminds Joshua that she danced with Joshua at the Halloween party. Livvie tells Joshua that she likes vampires and was once very close to a vampire who looked exactly like Stephen. Then Livvie mentions that LIVVIE has a look-alike named Tess - who showed up in town at about the same time that Stephen arrived. As Joshua quizzes Livvie about Livvie's investigation into Tess's origins, Joshua takes off his tie and begins to test the tie as a possible noose! However, just as Joshua is about ready to twist his tie around Livvie's neck, Ricky arrives for a scheduled practice session and forces Joshua to postpone his plan for getting rid of Livvie permanently. Back at the Hospital, when Ian and Rafe leave Alison's room for a moment to speak privately, Caleb gives Elizaberth some of the liquid from his blue bottle, and then suggests that it MIGHT be a good idea for Ian to check Elizabeth out after all. At the same time, in the adjoining room, Ian asks WHAT Rafe is suspecting, and Rafe confides that Rafe believes that Caleb has ALREADY bitten Elizabeth and turned her into a vampire. Rafe explains that vampires will do almost anything to avoid having a blood test, and Rafe suggests that, during Ian's examination of Elizabeth, Ian should draw a sample of Elizabeth's blood. If Elizabeth resists the effort, it would prove that Caleb is back. And that Alison's mother is ALREADY Caleb's disciple! Back at Jack's Place, Jack tenderly helps Tess bundle up her burned doll in a warm blanket. But, as Jack tries to explain that real babies are very special and need to have an entire family to take care of them, Tess interprets that to mean that Tess and Jack should get married. Meanwhile, at Stephen's studio, Joshua angrily tells Ricky that their practice session was scheduled for TOMORROW evening. When Ricky sees Livvie, Ricky tries to coax Livvie in to getting a bite to eat with him - but Livvie turns Ricky down on his offer. Then Joshua angrily hurries Ricky OUT of the studio. After Ricky leaves, Livvie thanks Joshua for getting rid of Ricky. When Joshua invites Livvie to share dinner with him, Livvie accepts. At the same time, in Alison's Hospital Room, after Ian examines Elizabeth, Alison reaffirms to Ian that Alison's belief is that Stephen is just a really nice guy and innocent bystander who just happens to LOOK like the Horror of Port Charles! Elizabeth is shocked, however, when Ian mentions that they still need to get a blood sample to run some blood tests for Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Rafe and Caleb wait near the Nurses' Station. RAFE: 'You know what? You can keep up this whole Stephen Clay thing for as long as you like! The thing is - I KNOW you are Caleb. And it is going to come out soon. You ARE going to make a mistake!' Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, Jack tries to explain to Tess that people need to get to know each other BEFORE they get married - go out on dates and stuff like that. But Tess does NOT know what a date is! As Jack convinces Tess that they SHOULD get to know each other better BEFORE getting married and having a baby, Tess falls asleep on Jack's lap and Jack flashes back to Ian reporting to Jack that Tess has NO DNA! JACK: "You seem so real to me, Tess. You FEEL so real. I want so bad for you to be real!' After Livvie agrees to have dinner with Joshua and leaves the Studio, Livvie tells herself: "You WILL tell me EVERYTHING I need to know about Caleb, Joshua! Even if I have to sleep with you to get to him. God knows - I have done a LOT worse!' But, inside the Studio, Joshua tells himself: "You WERE wrong, Caleb! Livvie IS a threat - to ALL of us. The ONLY way is to kill her!' Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Rafe tells Caleb: "I have spent my entire existence, making sure that creatures of the night like you are destroyed. But - here is the thing - there is ALWAYS a flaw! So - my friend - you HAVE to have a weakness!' CALEB: "Well, since I am NOT a vampire, you have got NOTHING to worry about, do you?' Colleen interrupts to inform Rafe that Ian has finished checking Elizabeth out. When Rafe returns to Alison's Hospital room, Rafe is shocked when Ian quietly reports that Ian had NO trouble drawing Elizabeth's blood. Rafe appears disappointed when Caleb thanks Rafe for suggesting that Elizabeth be checked out. When Caleb offers to shake Rafe's hand, Rafe ignores it. After Caleb and Elizabeth leave, however, Alison tells Rafe in no uncertain terms that she believes that her future husband was very rude when he refused to shake hands with Alison's mother's boyfriend! But, in the hall outside Alison's room, Caleb warns Elizabeth that it was NOT a good idea for Elizabeth to follow Caleb to the Hospital. But Elizabeth confesses that she wanted Stephen too badly to ignore the impulse to follow him. As Caleb assures Elizabeth that he is NOT angry with Elizabeth - Caleb glowers at Rafe. And Caleb's eyes turn red!
    • Wednesday, November 27- As Alison signs out of the hospital, Rafe and Alison make plans to attend Thanksgiving dinner at The Light House with Amanda and Elizabeth both in attendance. Alison asks Rafe NOT to talk about vampires on Thanksgiving. Then Alison suggests that the two of them take a minute to count their blessings BEFORE they head out to the Light House. Meanwhile, at the Light House, as Lucy gets the Tofu Turkey ready, Lucy insists that Ian leave the carving knife at the table to carve the turkey, but Ian suggests that they put the knife away, since Christina, Serena and Danny are all there and it is not a good idea to have dangerous objects like knives readily accessible when children are around. When Lucy argues that KEVIN always had the knife at the table, Ian reminds Lucy that KEVIN is NOT there - but the children ARE there! When Jamal and Marissa arrive at Jack's Place for Thanksgiving dinner, Jack takes Jamal outside on the porch and explains that Tess has NO DNA. Jack shows Jamal the DNA report that Ian ran. Then Jack explains to Jamal that Tess has been wanting to sleep with Jack. Jamal suggests that Tess COULD have a connection to Caleb's twin - Stephen - arriving in town at the same time. At the same time, inside, as Marissa and Tess get the dinner ready, Marissa tells Tess about Marissa's twin, Casey. However, Marissa gets a rise out of Tess when Marissa mentions the word 'spirit' and, a few minutes later, Marissa mentions Livvie. Tess has a sudden flashblack back to the day that Livvie looked for Caleb at the Wedding House, and Tess begins to hear Caleb's music. As Tess clasps her hands over her ears and begins to cry, Marissa vainly tries to help her. In the meantime, at the Light House, as Lucy and Ian argue about the placement of the knife, Lucy grows sentimental about the thought of the holidays without Kevin. Then Lucy and Ian begin to talk about Ian's declaration of love - but they are interrupted by Serena, who asks WHY Ian would be talking about loving Lucy. Ian covers by telling Serena that Ian was just reminding Lucy how much they ALL love her - because Lucy was feeling sad because Kevin was NOT at the Light House for the holidays. Serena assures Lucy that Serena ALSO loves Lucy. After Serena leaves, Lucy thanks Ian for covering for Lucy in front of Serena. As Ian and Lucy reach an understanding and are on the verge of kissing, they hear a sudden thump from upstairs, but Serena assures Lucy that it was NOT one of the kids who made the noise! Back at Jack's Place, Marissa runs out on the porch to get Jack and Jamal and, when they all return, they find that Tess is collapsed on the floor, huddled up in a little ball, humming Stephen's song. As Marissa reports that Tess just suddenly 'freaked out,' Jack reacts angrily at the work 'freak' and asks Jamal and Marissa to leave so that he can be alone with Tess. After Jamal and Marissa leave, Tess asks Jack where she came from - then, Tess tells Jack that she IS Livvie! But Jack assures Tess that it does NOT matter WHERE she came from AND that Tess is NOT Livvie! Before leaving the hospital, Rafe and Alison go to the Hospital Chapel to count their blessings before heading to the Light House for Thanksgiving Dinner. Alison thanks God for allowing Rafe to be back in her life again and for the chance to get to know her mother. Alison also prays for her father and for her missing sibling. Rafe tells God that Rafe is grateful that Alison is safe and healthy and suggests that it WOULD be nice to ease off on those close calls. Rafe concludes: "I am really, really grateful that I get to know what true love really is.' Rafe and Alison kiss, then each of them lights candles, as they say some private prayers. As they hold hands, a bright light suddenly shines around them.

    • >p> Thursday, November 28- Livvie arrives at Joshua's studio, dressed to seduce. Meanwhile, at the Light House, Ian suggests that he go check out the noise upstairs. But Lucy assures Ian that it is NOT important. As Lucy and Ian begin to talk about almost kissing, they are saved by the doorbell ringing and go to greet Amanda Barrington. Amanda is closely followed by Rafe and Alison. Lucy takes her cousin aside and urges Rafe to make this a vampire-free Thanksgiving and Rafe reports that he has already promised Alison that he will be on his best behavior where the forces of evil are concerned. However, Elizabeth soon arrives and announces that she has brought a guest - who turns out to be Stephen! Lucy, Rafe, Alison and Ian are stunned as Stephen walks in and hands his hostess a bottle of wine. Joshua drugs Livvie's drink, but Livvie pretends to spill her drink and - when Livvie sends Joshua for a napkin to wipe up the spilled liquid, Livvie drugs JOSHUA'S drink! Back at the Light House, Lucy reluctantly welcomes 'Stephen,' and Ian notices that Elizabeth looks a little pale. But Elizabeth and Stephen put it off as an after-effect of the plane crash. Later, when Lucy has a chance to get Rafe alone, Lucy asks her cousin what Rafe thinks 'Stephen' might be up to. RAFE: "I think he is just amusing himself. And - you know what? There is NO reason WE can't do the same!' Serena notices Stephen and runs to alert all of her friends that the REAL Stephen Clay is actually visiting at the Light House. But Lucy soon puts the kibosh on Serena's plan. However, as soon as Lucy begins to hustle everyone toward the dinner table, Elizabeth begins to drape herself all over Stephen . But Stephen angrily cautions Elizabeth to watch her behavior in public if she wants to succeed in making a connection with her daughter. Attorney Kate Reynolds makes a hasty visit to announce that she and Brennan are getting ready to leave for Manhattan and Kate just stopped by to tell everyone good-bye and to thank everyone for all of their help. As they all get ready to eat, Rafe suddenly suggests that Stephen should lead them all in saying grace. While Stephen at first appears reluctant to say grace, he soon launches into a prayer. When Lucy reminds everyone that the turkey is tofu, Stephen again announces that he is a vegetarian - so he appreciates Lucy's meatless Thanksgiving. Then Stephen hands the carving knife to Rafe and suggests that Rafe do the honors for Lucy's Tofu Turkey! After dinner, one of Serena's friends shows up - mostly to gawk at Stephen. But Lucy soon sends both girls off to baby-sit Christina and Danny. Meanwhile, back at Joshua's studio, both Livvie and Joshua are beginning to feel the effects of the drug-laced drinks and they both begin to giggle at almost everything. When Livvie asks Joshua WHY he invited her for dinner, Joshua admits that he planned to coax out of Livvie EVERYTHING that Livvie knew about Stephen - then Joshua planned to kill her! Livvie just giggles, believing that Joshua is joking. Back at the Light House, Elizabeth thanks Lucy for befriending Alison when her daughter needed a friend. As Lucy quizzes Elizabeth about moving on after the death of Elizabeth's husband, Malcolm Barrington, Elizabeth admits that her husband never REALLY loved her but that Elizabeth stayed with him, hoping against hope, that one day he WOULD love her. Elizabeth also admits that she DID let one particularly good relationship slip away while she waited vainly for Malcolm to come around. Before Kate leaves, she apologizes to Ian for carrying on about how great it was to spend the holidays with a loved one while Ian is still missing his wife Eve and Lucy is still worried about Kevin, but Ian assures Kate that everyone understood. Kate then tells Ian and Lucy that they both have a place to stay if they ever visit Manhattan. Then Kate hugs them both and leaves. After Elizabeth speaks to Lucy, Elizabeth confesses to Stephen that she just can NOT stand being away from him for even a few minutes! As Elizabeth and Stephen kiss, Elizabeth suddenly surprises Stephen by biting him. Back at Joshua's studio, as Joshua asks Livvie why SHE accepted a dinner date with him, Livvie admits: "I know, as well as YOU know, that Stephen Clay is really Caleb Morley. And, since you ARE closest to him, I thought that I might persuade you into telling me that I am right!' When Joshua asks Livvie HOW Livvie planned to persuade Joshua to do that, Livvie drapes herself into Joshua's lap and begins to kiss him. Unknown to both of them, Reese spots them together and calls Stephen. Meanwhile, back at the Light House, Stephen roughly pushes Elizabeth away when she bites him while in the midst of a kiss. Unfortunately for both of them, Rafe spots them in the act and makes sure they both know that he witnessed their little interaction. After Rafe leaves Elizabeth and Stephen alone, Elizabeth apologizes to Stephen for biting him and Stephen hands Elizabeth the blue bottle and urges her to drink from it. Elizabeth asks what is in the bottle and Stephen again tells her that it is just water with vitamins and electrolytes. ELIZABETH: "But, every time I drink it, I feel good at first. Then - I don't. What IS happening to me?" Stephen flashes back to biting Elizabeth, but assures her that she is just still suffering the after-effects of the plane crash. Stephen gets a call from Reese and, after assuring Reese that he will take care of the situation right away, Stephen hustles Elizabeth away from the Light House. In the meantime, Rafe confides to Alison that he is concerned about her mother's strange behavior. But Alison tells Rafe that she believes it is just because Elizabeth suddenly has someone paying attention to her after all of these years. As Rafe and Alison talk about Alison's mother, Alison gets a call from the Mystery Woman they were going to Canada to visit when the plane crashed. Alison announces that her father's old girlfriend and her daughter are in Port Charles! As Livvie and Joshua kiss at Joshua's studio, Livvie suddenly looks up and sees Stephen standing in the doorway. Stephen says: "I was hoping it was NOT true!' and then he bares his fangs and his eyes turn red. Back at the Light House, Christina asks Lucy to tuck her in, then asks if 'Daddy' will kiss her good-night again tonight. When Lucy explains that Kevin is still away, Christina tells Lucy that Kevin kissed her good-night LAST night and will kiss her good-night again tonight. Lucy explains to Christina that she must have had a dream, but Christina insists that she saw the REAL Kevin!
    • Nov 29th Due to the extended Thanksgiving holiday, Port Charles did not air today.

    • Monday, December 2- At the Lighthouse, as Christina insists that the REAL Kevin kissed her good night LAST night, Lucy and Ian assure the tyke that she just had a dream. To convince Christina, Ian takes Christina on a tour of the upstairs rooms. While Christina and Ian are gone, Lucy contemplates her growing attraction to Ian. Rafe and Alison meet Mrs. Caroline Ford at the Recovery Room. But, when Alison asks about her sister, Caroline informs Alison that Caroline's daughter Shannon did NOT make the trip with her. But, Mrs. Ford DOES show Alison a photograph of her daughter. Alison is amazed at the strong family resemblance between herself and Shannon. When Rafe asks HOW Caroline learned about the Barrgington family legacy, Caroline informs them that Elizabeth notified them about it. Meanwhile, a shaken Elizabeth waits outside the Recovery Room. As she begins to feel the ill effects of having failed to drink from Stephen's blue bottle, Elizabeth frantically tries to call Stephen, but she has no luck reaching him, so she leaves a desperate message, begging Stephen to contact her right away. After Stephen catches Joshua and Livvie kissing at the studio, Livvie sees Caleb bare his fangs and sees his eyes turn red. And Livvie sinks to the floor, begging Caleb NOT to kill her. However, Stephen gently assures an incredulous Livvie that he would NEVER hurt her! Back at the Light House, Ian and Christina return and report that they have had NO luck finding Kevin ANY where in the Light House. As Ian reassures Christina that she can see Kevin whenever she closes her eyes, Christina hugs Ian and tells him that she loves him. Then Christina heads up to bed. When Lucy asks Ian if they should finish their conversation about their feelings for each other, Ian announces that he has to head out to the Hospital for an all-night round of duty, so Ian and Lucy agree to meet for a discussion the following morning. Back at the Recovery Room, as Rafe cautions Alison NOT to get her hopes up about her 'sister,' Alison leaves to call Elizabeth. When Alison leaves, Rafe tries to quiz Caroline and mentions that all the Barrington family money is gone. But Caroline confidently assures Rafe that she and her husband are VERY comfortable and that Caroline just agreed to the meeting because she wanted her daughter to have a chance to know her sister. When Alison returns, she asks Caroline if it would be OK to call Shannon. But, an unsteady Elizabeth chooses just that moment to enter the Recovery Room. Elizabeth tearfully confesses to Alison that Caroline is a fake and her claims to be the mother of Alison's missing sibling are fraudulent. A shocked Alison accuses her materialistic mother of having dug up a fraudulent sibling for no other reason than to claim the reward Alison had promised in exchange for Elizabeth helping to locate Alison's missing sibling. Meanwhile, at Stephen's studio, Livvie insists that she KNOWS that Stephen is Caleb because she saw his fangs. But Stephen opens his mouth to reveal NO fangs and accuses Livvie of just hallucinating from too much Holiday cheer. As Livvie protests that she is NOT drunk and KNOWS all of Caleb's tricks, Caleb insists that he needs to speak to Joshua privately. But, after Joshua and Caleb leave the room, Livvie is horrified when she realizes that Caleb locked the door and Livvie is locked in - ALONE - at Stephen's studio! However, outside the door, Caleb grabs Joshua by the throat and lifts the band manager off the floor in a death grip. CALEB: "Don't you EVER lay a hand on her again!' At the same time, as Lucy gets ready for bed, Ian calls her to say good night and Lucy thanks Ian for reassuring Christina. After speaking to Ian, Lucy notices her wedding picture with Kevin and Lucy vows that she WILL remain true to Kevin and will need to inform Ian the following day that their relationship can NEVER be more than friendship. But, when Lucy goes to sleep, she begins to dream of Ian, visiting in her bedroom and declaring his love for her! Back at the Recovery Room, after Caroline angrily storms out, Alison expresses her shock and hurt and anger to her mother. Alison accuses Elizabeth of lying about her feelings for her daughter during the plane crash. But Elizabeth protests that her feelings for Alison ARE real and that the "Sister Shannon Scam" was something that Elizabeth set up BEFORE the crash, and it had just gotten out of control. But Alison tells Elizabeth that Alison no longer believes that Elizabeth was sincere when Elizabeth confessed how much she loved her daughter at the crash site. As Elizabeth shakily admits that she does NOT feel well, Alison does NOT believe her mother and Alison storms out of the Recovery Room. Elizabeth begs Rafe for his help and pleads with Rafe to just speak to Alison. But Rafe tells Elizabeth that he can see that Elizabeth IS ill and Rafe offers to get a drink of water for Elizabeth. But, when Rafe hands the glass of water to Elizabeth, he deliberately drops the glass and breaks it. Then, as Rafe picks up the broken glass, Rafe deliberately cuts his hand, all the while watching for Elizabeth's reaction to the sight of blood on Rafe's hand. Back at Stephen's studio, Caleb releases Joseph from a death grip. As Joshua protests that he was merely trying to protect Caleb from Livvie, Joshua confesses: "I do NOT know what happened! Things got out of control. Maybe she drugged me!' CALEB: "OF COURSE she drugged you! Don't you understand? She IS one of us, Joshua! Do not EVER under-estimate her! The last time I fell for her charms she drove a stake through my heart!' Livvie suddenly kisses Caleb, but he pretends to compare her to all of his other groupies. At the same time, at the Light House, Lucy dreams of seeing Ian in her bedroom, and of confessing that Lucy loves Ian and is not sure that the REAL Kevin will EVER come backto her. As Lucy dreams of giving in to the desire to hop into bed with Ian, she turns around on the bed and is shocked to see Kevin beside her! Kevin just smiles when he sees his wife's alarm! Back at Stephen's Studio, Livvie continues to believe that Stephen is Caleb, even though he pretends to be unmoved by their kiss. But, after Livvie leaves, Livvie says to herself: "I am NOT wrong! I KNOW I am NOT wrong!' And Joshua suddenly materializes from a hidden corner and watches Livvie leave. Inside the studio, Caleb whispers: "Olivia!'

    Tuesday, December 3- When Lucy goes to bed at the Lighthouse, she dreams of admitting to Ian that she loves him and that they are getting ready to hit the sheets. But Lucy is startled awake when she finds a man in her bed, KEVIN! Kevin admits that he has been at the Lighthouse for a couple of days and that he arrived at night and just went to sleep in the Studio. When he awoke the next morning and saw that Lucy had the house filled with company, Kevin had decided to wait until the company had gone before making his presence known. Meanwhile, Jack arrives at the Hospital with Tess and asks to see Chris. As Tess wonders WHY Ian would NOT be the one who would be running further tests on Tess' DNA, Jack flashes back to his conversation with Jamal, who wondered how long Jack would be able to keep Tess' DNA secret, as long as Ian was all over Jack's case about it. But, while Jack is waiting for Chris, Tess finds Ian and brings Ian to Jack, happily announcing that, since Ian is there, IAN can conduct the DNA tests. At the same time, at Stephen's Studio, Stephen remembers kissing Livvie, then calls Joshua and demands to know where Marissa is. Stephen orders Joshua to find Marissa and bring her to the Studio right away. After Stephen hangs up, Band-Member Cass tells Stephen that Elizabeth called and left an urgent message for Stephen. Stephen decides that Elizabeth must need another dose of the magic blue elixir. In the meantime, Elizabeth is at the Recovery room, transfixed by the sight of blood on the cut on Rafe's hand. Back at the Hospital, Ian promises Jack that he will keep all of Tess's tests secret and Tess leaves with Ian. When Chris arrives, Jack tells Chris that Jack NEEDS Chris to help Jack protect Tess. Meanwhile, at the Lighthouse, Kevin explains to Lucy that Dr. Fox decided that Kevin was ready to go home and continue his therapy as an outpatient. Kevin produces official release papers to convince Lucy that Kevin is now in fine mental health. Lucy accuses Kevin of spying on her and demands to know WHY Kevin did not at least CALL Lucy before coming home. But Kevin insists that this news just did not seem like the kind of news that should be entrusted to a telephone call. Kevin tells Lucy that he WILL leave if Lucy is NOT comfortable with Kevin staying at the Lighthouse. Then Kevin asks if Lucy still loves him. Lucy hesitantly assures Kevin that there was NEVER any question of her love for him. Meanwhile, Elizabeth seems mesmerized by the sight of blood on Rafe's hand and, while Elizabeth shakily tries to help Rafe bandage the cut, Stephen arrives at the Recovery Room. However, before Stephen enters, Alison stops Stephen and tells Stephen that she wants to talk to him about Elizabeth. Alison fills Stephen in on Elizabeth's attempt to scam Alison by pretending that Elizabeth HAD discovered Alison's missing sibling. Stephen urges Alison to give her mother another chance - because - 'Blood is thicker than water!' Meanwhile, inside, Rafe tries to quiz Elizabeth about her obviously nervous reaction to Rafe's wound. But, when Stephen arrives, Elizabeth anxiously flings herself into Stephen's arms. And Stephen hustles Elizabeth outside for a walk. When Stephen gets Elizabeth outside, he urges her to drink from the blue bottle. When Elizabeth pleads that there IS something seriously wrong with her, Stephen assures Elizabeth that he is flying a specialist in the following day. When Elizabeth drinks from the blue bottle, her symptoms vanish almost instantly! When Elizabeth demands to know WHAT is in the bottle, Stephen again assures Elizabeth that it is just a mixture of vitamins and electrolytes. Stephen testifies that that particular magic elixir has given all the members of his band 'a new lease on life!' Stephen leaves a blue bottle with Elizabeth and instructs her to have a sip whenever she feels tired or sick. Then Stephen tells Elizabeth that Alison is upset about the 'Sister Shannon Scam' that Elizabeth tried to pull. And Stephen tells Elizabeth that BEFORE Elizabeth gets any more loving from Stephen, Elizabeth needs to do some damage control right away, where Alison is concerned! At the same time, at the Hospital, Tess and Ian return from taking Tess's DNA tests and Ian complains to Jack that Chris showed up to 'help.' When Jack insists that Jack ASKED Chris for his help, to provide backup to make sure there were no mistakes, Ian asks to go off to talk privately with Jack. Before he leaves, Jack asks Chris to keep an eye on Tess. When Jack and Ian are alone, Ian warns Jack that doctoring tests to prove that Tess IS human will NOT change the truth about Tess - and it is the TRUTH about Tess that Jack will have to live with. Jack tells Ian that Jack wants Ian to walk away from the Tess situation in order to protect Tess from being turned into a curiosity. Ian promises to keep Tess's secret. Meanwhile, at the nurses's station, Chris gives Tess a stethoscope so she can listen to her heart. But, just as Tess is starting to enjoy listening to her heart, Chris is suddenly called away to answer a phone call. As Tess begins to listen to her own heart beat, she suddenly remembers Livvie searching for Caleb at the Wedding House. And then Tess remembers Livvie running through the woods. Tess begins to cry and cover her ears and throws the stethoscope down. Back at the Lighthouse, as Lucy tells Kevin that he is beginning to sound like himself again, Kevin assures Lucy that he believes they WILL come out of their past difficulties stronger than ever. Back at the Recovery Room, Alison tells Rafe how important it is to Alison for Elizabeth to be a part of their wedding. Stephen and Elizabeth suddenly return and Elizabeth shows Alison the signed agreement they made for Elizabeth's help in finding Alison's missing sibling in exchange for Alison's share of the inheritance and Elizabeth tears up her contract in front of Alison and Rafe. Elizabeth promises that she will help Alison find her lost sibling because it is the RIGHT thing to do - and NOT because Elizabeth is expecting any kind of reward. Elizabeth testifies that it was Stephen who helped Elizabeth see the light about the importance of Elizabeth's relationship with her daughter. Alison is obviously impressed, but Rafe remains skeptical. As Kevin and Lucy kiss good night at the Lighthouse, Kevin perceives that Lucy still does NOT trust him, so Kevin proposes that he stay in his studio until he wins Lucy's trust back. However, when Kevin returns to his studio, he puts in a call to Dr. Fox: KEVIN: "Dr. Fox - Kevin Collins. I'm doing well - thank you! As a matter of fact, I am doing VERY well! Well, I did everything that you suggested that I do. Made all the moves you told me to make. I DO believe that she thinks I am STILL her dear, old Doc! The man she THINKS she married! Well, I don't think she needs to know yet that I am such a vast improvement over THAT simpering fool. A VAST improvement!' 

  • Wednesday, December 4- At Stephen's Studio, Elizabeth thanks Stephen for helping her mend fences with Alison, but continues to wonder about the 'strange' feelings that come over her every now and then. ELIZABETH: " I just wish I could figure out WHY I get so sick sometimes, though. I mean - it is really hard to explain. It is like I'm hungry for something!' Stephen flashes back to biting Elizabeth, but tells her again that he is flying in a specialist to check her out. In the meantime, Stephen tells Elizabeth, she should keep drinking the special water in the blue bottle. When Elizabeth tries to entice Stephen to spend the day with her instead of practicing with the band, he suddenly yells at her that HIS music IS important! Then, he just as suddenly apologizes for snapping at her. When Elizabeth leaves, Livvie slips out from the shadows and follows Elizabeth back to her room at the Port Charles Hotel. Jamal and Marissa arrive at the Recovery Room, right after Ricky leaves for band practice. Jamal and Marissa talk about Marissa's agreement to quit Stephen's band because Jamal is convinced that Stephen is really Caleb. But, when Marissa leaves the Recovery Room, she heads straight to Stephen's Studio! Unfortunately, after Marissa leaves, Jamal spots Ricky's wallet on the Recovery Room floor and Jamal decides to return the wallet to Ricky at Stephen's Studio! Meanwhile, at the Light House, Lucy tries frantically to call Ian without Kevin realizing what Lucy is trying to do, but Kevin suddenly interrupts her. Kevin convinces Lucy that they should go for a walk down by the Light House Bridge. But, when Kevin goes to get some coffee and Lucy goes upstairs for her coat, Ian arrives and just walks in, talking about his breakfast plans with Lucy. And Ian is shocked when he sees Kevin, just standing there, with a cup of coffee in his hand! Immediately assuming the worst, Ian hysterically demands to know WHAT Kevin has done with Lucy. When Lucy returns downstairs and explains to Ian that Kevin has been released to continue his therapy as an outpatient, Ian bluntly refuses to believe that Kevin's mental health is any more stable now than it was when Kevin attacked Ian in New York. Lucy assures Ian that Lucy called Kevin's doctor and has the doctor's assurance that Kevin is on the mend. Kevin announces that Kevin is willing to do whatever it takes to get his life back in order and win his wife's trust as well. Livvie follows Elizabeth to Elizabeth's Hotel room and introduces herself. Livvie pitches a story about being a dear friend of Alison's who has been at odds with Elizabeth's daughter and Livvie asks for Elizabeth's help in arranging a reconciliation between Alison and Livvie. But, Elizabeth tells Livvie point blank that Elizabeth has already heard about Livvie's desperate man-stealing habits and that Elizabeth does NOT believe that Livvie is at all interested in a reconciliation with Alison. Livvie then admits that she came to talk about Stephen. But Elizabeth informs Livvie that Elizabeth believes that Livvie is a true nut case who just wants to climb in to bed with Stephen - like all the other groupies who hang out around Stephen. Livvie asks WHAT Stephen sees in Elizabeth if he can have any woman he wants and Elizabeth smugly gloats that it is because she gives Stephen what he needs. Elizabeth angrily calls Livvie a whore, then orders Livvie to get out. And Elizabeth storms out of the room. But, instead of leaving, Livvie slips unnoticed in to the closet instead! When Marissa arrives at the Studio, Ricky tells her that he is happy Marissa decided to stay with the band after all, but Ricky warns Marissa about Stephen's surly mood. When Marissa hands her new lyrics to Stephen, Stephen erupts and tells Marissa that her lyrics stink! Marissa is genuinely stunned by Stephen's outburst. As band members Cass, Reese and Ricky listen, Stephen angrily tells Marissa: "I gave you a very specific assignment! I TOLD you I wanted a song about a man who can NOT stay away from a woman who is POISON to him! A woman who can NOT decide whether she wants to devote her life to him or destroy him. What you gave me - I could get it from a greeting card!' As Marissa contritely assures Stephen that she will make another attempt to get the right lyrics, Stephen begins to tell Marissa that she has to live and breathe the music - or she will be OUT of the band! Just at that moment, Jamal walks in to return Ricky's wallet and is shocked to find Marissa there. As Stephen demands to know who Jamal is, Stephen asks if Marissa PLANNED to quit the band and Jamal reminds Marissa that she promised him that she WAS quitting the band. But Marissa tries to convince Jamal that she just can NOT give up her opportunity with a top band and Marissa flat out tells Jamal that it is unfair for Jamal to ask Marissa to choose between her work with the band and Jamal's love. Jamal angrily announces that he will make the choice easy for her and Jamal angrily storms out of the Studio. Stephen tells the band that they will scrap practice for the day and try again tomorrow. As the rest of the band leaves, Stephen apologizes to Marissa for blowing up at her, explaining that he has just had a bad day. Back at the Light House, Kevin apologizes to Ian for making paranoid accusations about Ian's relationship with Lucy in the past and Kevin thanks Ian for looking after Kevin's family while Kevin has been away. When Ian raises the issue of the assault charges that Kevin was facing when Kevin left Port Charles for the Swiss clinic, Kevin reassures Ian that Kevin is meeting with Police Commissioner Mac Scorpio about the pending assault charges and will do whatever it takes to get all of that cleared up. When Kevin learns that Lucy and Ian had plans for breakfast, Kevin urges them to go ahead with their plans. Lucy tells Kevin that she DOES need to speak to Ian privately, and then Lucy will meet Kevin down by the Bridge. After Kevin goes upstairs to his studio, Lucy tells Ian that she believes that Kevin IS getting better and Lucy reminds Ian that she DOES love Kevin. Ian assures Lucy that he understand - then Ian leaves. But, upstairs, Kevin goes into a meltdown and angrily mutters that Ian has been poisoning Lucy against Kevin. Back at Elizabeth's Hotel room, Elizabeth has a drink of her Magic Blue Elixir and leaves to get a bite to eat. After she is sure that Elizabeth is gone, Livvie slips out of her hiding place and begins to search the room for evidence that Stephen Clay IS Caleb Morley. But Livvie suddenly hears Elizabeth and Stephen returning to the room and Livvie hides again in the closet. Unfortunately, when Stephen enters the room, he recognizes Livvie's perfume and Elizabeth confides that Livvie visited her. As Stephen and Elizabeth talk about Livvie's obsession with Stephen, Stephen begins to suspect that Livvie is in the closet, so Stephen begins to kiss Elizabeth passionately.

  • Thursday, December 5- At Jack's Place, as Jack prepares for a picnic, Jack is stunned when Tess arrives, dressed in one of Livvie's outfits. Tess is crushed when she realizes that Jack does NOT want Tess to look too much like Livvie. Tess finds it hard to believe that Jack would NOT be happy with Tess looking EXACTLY like Livvie - whom Tess KNOWS that Jack truly loved. Tess tentatively suggests that, maybe, if Tess and Livvie LOOK the same, perhaps they ARE the same. But Jack insists that Livvie has ALWAYS been drawn to and fascinated by the dark side, whereas Tess is a child of light, who has used her gifts for healing to do good, whereas Livvie has hurt many of the people who loved her most. Tess agrees that she KNOWS that Livvie has hurt Jack deeply. Meanwhile, at Rafe and Alison's Place, Rafe tries to get Alison to wake up and, when he finally succeeds, Alison announces that she is meeting Elizabeth later to go try on wedding dresses. Rafe is surprised that Alison would be so eager to mend fences with her mother after Elizabeth tried to foist an imposter off on Alison as her long-lost sibling. But Alison gently tells Rafe how often she has dreamed about her mother helping her get ready for her wedding. Rafe is concerned about the possibility of Stephen joining them for their shopping trip and Alison reminds Rafe that Rafe promised that he would lay off of his suspicions about Stephen. Rafe tells Alison that Rafe STILL believes Stephen is Caleb. RAFE: "It is just - it IS him! I KNOW it! I SEE it!' Meanwhile, in Elizabeth's Hotel Room, Stephen has suspected that Livvie is watching from the closet and puts on a show of getting passionate with Elizabeth - just for Livvie's benefit. However, Elizabeth cuts their make-out session short when she announces that she has an appointment to meet Alison to go shopping for a wedding dress. Stephen urges Elizabeth to go ahead and keep her date with her daughter. After Elizabeth leaves, Livvie prepares to leave the closet - only to realize that Stephen has NOT left the room - and is highly amused that he has caught Livvie playing peeping Tom. Livvie angrily blasts Caleb for deliberately trying to make her jealous by making out with another woman when he KNEW Livvie was watching! As Alison drifts back to sleep, Rafe decides to enter Alison's dream to try to prove to Alison that Stephen really IS Caleb. Alison dreams that she is in a room with Stephen while Stephen is practicing his guitar and that Stephen is happy to see her. Rafe assures Alison that it is not really Stephen that Alison is seeing - that it is only just a dream. As Alison speaks to Stephen, he goes from being happy to see her to bearing his fangs. At that moment, Elizabeth comes in to Alison's bedroom, wondering why Alison is not ready yet for their shopping expedition. Elizabeth becomes alarmed when she discovers her daughter, gasping for air and seemingly unconscious. Meanwhile, back at Jack's Place, Tess tells Jack that she is afraid that Jack will leave her because she is like Livvie. Then Tess wonders if Jack would hate Tess also if Tess turned bad - the way Livvie did. As Jack does his best to reassure Tess, Tess finally admits that she sees things that make her afraid that she IS Livvie! But Jack gently tries to convince Tess that she is just having a dream. However, Tess confesses to Jack that she believes that she is seeing Livvie's thoughts! As Jack holds Tess, he tells her that he loves her and that she could NEVER be like Livvie. But Tess suddenly shudders and has another memory of Livvie searching for Caleb at the Wedding House. But, when Jack notices Tess shuddering and asks Tess WHAT she saw, Tess replies: "Nothing!' Back at Elizabeth's Hotel room, after Stephen 'discovers' that Livvie has been hiding in the closet, Stephen accuses Livvie of being jealous because Stephen resembles Caleb, whom Livvie was attracted to, and Livvie is jealous at the prospect of Caleb hitting the sheets with some woman other than Livvie. Stephen offers to do whatever it will take to convince Livvie that he is STEPHEN and NOT Caleb! Livvie challenges Stephen to look her straight in the eye and tell her the truth. So Stephen tells Livvie again that he is NOT Caleb, although he believes that this 'Caleb' Livvie keeps talking about must have been a very fortunate person because Livvie must have loved him very much. Livvie begins to believe Stephen's assertion that he has NOTHING to do with Caleb. Livvie apologizes for bothering him and admits to being embarrassed because she has seemed so obsessive about the whole look-alike situation. Livvie gets ready to leave and Stephen walks Livvie to the door. But, as Stephen lets Livvie out the door, he says: "That is all right. We ALL make mistakes, Olivia.' AS the door closes, Livvie tells herself: "ONLY Caleb calls me Olivia!' Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Elizabeth frantically tries to get Alison to wake up. But, inside Alison's dream, Alison says to Caleb: "You CAN'T be real! This is just a dream!' CALEB: "Oh, think again! Alison jumps up and runs to the door, which is locked. As Alison desperately calls out for Rafe, she turns around and sees Rafe standing behind her. Alison runs toward Rafe, but Caleb blocks her way, making it impossible for her to reach Rafe. ALISON: "Rafe! Rafe! Rafe! It IS Caleb. I KNOW it is! Please! You have GOT to help me! Please!' RAFE: "I can't move! Something is wrong!' ALISON: "Rafe! Please! Don't let him do this to me!' RAFE: "Alison - it is JUST a dream - OK? Wake up!' CALEB: 'Oh, you are WRONG, Slayer!' RAFE: "Caleb - don't touch her! You CAN'T touch her!' CALEB: "Did it NEVER occur to you that, when you were sneaking in to her dreams - maybe I could follow?' RAFE: "No!' ALISON: 'Don't let him do this to me! Please! Rafe! Don't!' CALEB: "Arrogant, pitiful Slayer! Your beautiful Bride to Be!" ALISON: "No! Don't let him!' CALEB: "Mine - ALL mine!' RAFE: "You can't touch her. You can NOT touch her! No! No! Stop it! Alison!' Caleb bites Alison and Alison passes out. RAFE: "Oh, God. NO! Alison!' Meanwhile, in Alison's bedroom, Elizabeth cradles her daughter in her arms and asks: "Oh, God! What is happening?'

  • Friday, December 6- At the Hospital, Kevin reports to Lucy that his first outpatient session went very well. Victor meets Kevin with a copy of the police charges against Kevin for assaulting a blond prostitute when Kevin believed that he was Ryan. When Kevin and Victor head to the Port Charles Police Department, Lucy heads home but runs in to Ian instead. At his studio, Stephen autographs a picture of himself for Livvie, then leaves. As soon as Stephen is gone, Livvie slips in to the apartment, still looking for evidence to prove that Stephen IS Caleb. At the same time, in Alison's bedroom, Elizabeth holds an unconscious Alison in her arms and places a desperate call for help - but the call is to STEPHEN instead of 9-1-1! In the meantime, in Alison's dream, Rafe looks on in horror as Caleb bites Alison. Alison recovers long enough to accuse Rafe of being the one responsible for her death, then becomes deathly still. Back at the Hospital, as Lucy tries to make small talk, Ian suddenly blasts Lucy for upsetting his comfortable life with the sudden feelings for Lucy that have surfaced. Ian confides that, just as Ian was getting used to a life alone, he made the mistake of falling in love with someone who would never be able to love him back. As Ian confesses that he called an old girlfriend, Lucy assures Ian that he HAS been wonderful to her and that she IS grateful for his friendship. At the PCPD, as Kevin and Victor discuss Kevin's case, Victor informs Kevin that Kevin is facing a lengthy prison term if Kevin's victim pursues her case. Victor shows Kevin a picture of Kevin's pretty, young, blond victim and Kevin admits that he has no recollection of the woman at all. Victor reports to Kevin that Commissioner Scorpio has said that it looks like the woman WILL pursue the charges against Kevin. While searching Stephen's studio, Livvie flashes back to the day that Caleb told her the truth about his 'family legacy' and pledged undying love for her. Livvie lays down on Caleb's bed and flashes back to the day that she searched for Caleb amidst the billowing white curtains of the Wedding House - the SAME flashback that Tess keeps having. As Livvie flashes back to the many times that Caleb told her again and again that he would always love her, Livvie concludes that wherever he is and whatever else Caleb might have been, he DID truly love her. Meanwhile, back at Rafe and Alison's, Elizabeth continues to try to revive Alison. At the same time, inside Alison's dream, as Rafe finally holds the limp body of Alison in his arms, Caleb accuses Rafe of being the one who is responsible for Alison turning into a vampire - someone Rafe is now destined to slay! As Caleb disappears, Rafe admits that Caleb WAS right. As Rafe begs Alison to wake up - Alison suddenly awakes in her own bedroom and the first face she sees is Caleb. As Alison screams, Elizabeth rushes to her daughter's side and informs Alison that Elizabeth did not know what to do when she found Alison unconscious, so Elizabeth called Stephen. Back at the PCPD, Victor warns Kevin that Mac may have to arrest Kevin as soon as the following day. Declaring that he wants to be alone, Kevin goes for a walk down by the Docks, while Victor goes home. As he walks through the mists, Kevin suddenly runs in to the woman who has accused him of assault. Believing that Kevin might be a prospective customer, the woman asks Kevin if he would like a date, but she gasps in horror when she gets a good look at Kevin's face under the street light. Back at Rafe and Alison's, when Rafe hears Alison's screams, he rushes to her side and demands to know what Stephen is doing in their home! Alison tearfully tells Rafe that she had a dream about Caleb biting her and that Rafe was with her but could NOT help her. After Stephen and Elizabeth leave, Stephen confides to Elizabeth that Stephen believes that it looks like Rafe is driving Alison crazy and that Elizabeth, as Alison's mother, SHOULD find a way to convince Alison to break her engagement to Rafe. When Rafe and Alison are alone, Alison confides that her dream was so real and so awful and Rafe admits that he KNOWS. When Alison asks HOW Rafe could know about HER dream, Rafe confesses that he has discovered that he has to ability to enter dreams and that it was RAFE who guided Alison through her happy dream about an imagined childhood with her deceased father. Rafe admits that this time, something went wrong but Rafe does NOT know WHAT went wrong. When Stephen returns to his studio, he finds a nude Livvie waiting for him in his bed!

  • Monday, December 9- As Rafe and Alison get ready for bed, Alison accuses Rafe of giving her a nightmare with the magical powers that Rafe SAID that he no longer possessed. Rafe tries to apologize by explaining that he just wanted Alison to see Stephen Clay the way Rafe sees him as Caleb the Vampire. ALISON: 'So - let me get this straight. You put some sort of spell on me! You put some sort of spell on me with your magical powers that I THOUGHT you didn't have any more!' RAFE: "It seems like when it comes to you, when I have really strong feelings like love or concern or anything like that, when they are really strong, I can tap into it. I can tap into the magic. I thought it was a fluke at first. I turned a yellow rose into a pink one without even trying. Alison is stunned when Rafe explains that her dream of her father was a dream that Rafe 'guided' her through. Alison accuses Rafe of being controlling and states that she wants no part of a life where Rafe would resort to brainwashing to change her mind every time they disagreed about something. Meanwhile, at the Light House, Lucy decides she needs to keep busy to keep her mind off of Ian, so Lucy sets about planning a romantic evening with Kevin. At the same time, On the Docks, Kevin has run into the hooker who is pressing assault charges against him. She begs Kevin NOT to hurt her. But Kevin grabs her and tells her that he is just getting his life back together and a jail term will NOT fit in to his plans. Meanwhile, Lucy suddenly wonders WHY Kevin has not returned to the Light House yet. At his studio, Stephen returns to find a naked Livvie in his bed. Livvie tries to get Stephen to call her Olivia again. But Stephen grabs her instead and they begin kissing. Stephen asks Livvie WHY she wants him now if she tried to destroy him before and Livvie answers that she now realizes that Caleb was the only one who ever loved her good, bad and no matter what. But Stephen tells Livvie that he can NOT forget that she betrayed him. When Livvie asks WHAT she could do to regain his love, Stephen tells Livvie that he wants her to beg. So Livvie reminds Caleb of some of the intimate moments they shared and begs Caleb to make her his bride again, now that she realizes how important their love really was. Meanwhile, Alison tells Rafe that his obsession with Caleb is making him act out in insane ways. Alison reminds Rafe that, when Rafe returned to Alison on the speeding train, Rafe PROMISED that he would put the magic aside and they would just be like normal people. And Rafe agrees that he DID make that promise and he truly DOES want to be just like everybody else. When Kevin returns to the Light House, Lucy assumes he has been spending time with Victor, but Kevin admits that he spent SOME time 'tying up loose ends.' Kevin tells Lucy that Kevin realizes that he made someone suffer and he needs to pay - but it does NOT look likely that the woman he assaulted when he believed he was Ryan will drop her charges, so Kevin is afraid they are in for a long haul. But, Kevin suggests that they put those worries aside for the evening and just enjoy being together. As Lucy hugs Kevin, she notices a scratch on his wrist. When Lucy asks how Kevin got the scratch, Kevin yells at her that he does NOT know. Before Lucy can get the First Aid kit to tend to Kevin's scratch, Victor comes to the door and announces that he has some startling news and that they had better sit down to hear the news. Fearing the worst, Lucy is overjoyed when Victor announces to Kevin that the hooker Kevin assaulted has withdrawn her charges against Kevin and is leaving Port Charles for good. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Rafe confesses to Alison that the experience with her nightmare frightened Rafe as well. Rafe promises that he will keep his magical impulses under control. However, after Rafe turns out the light for the night, Alison turns the light back on and asks if they can keep the light on for the night. At the Light House, after Kevin and Victor hug and Victor hurries on home, Lucy enthusiastically tells Kevin that the Universe has finally heard their prayers and she hugs Kevin. Kevin asks: "How about that Universe?' But, as Kevin hugs Lucy, he looks at the scratch on his hand behind her back. Meanwhile, at Stephen's Studio, when Livvie begs for Caleb to bite her neck so they can be one again, Stephen bursts into laughter and pulls a set of fake, dime-store fangs out of his mouth. Stephen tells Livvie that it was all a gag, that he is NOT Caleb - just Stephen Clay - as he has told her a million times. Stephen leaves so Livvie can get dressed. But, after Stephen leaves, Livvie says to herself: "So, you still want to play, Caleb? OK. I'll be patient because I have ALL the time in the world!'

  • Tuesday, December 10- When she opens the door to the Light House, Lucy is surprised to see a very changed Rafe. As Lucy tells her cousin she likes the results of a shave and haircut, Rafe confides in Lucy that he needs her to teach him how to be normal. In the meantime, Alison meets Elizabeth at Elizabeth's Hotel room for a shopping expedition. But, instead, Elizabeth suddenly tells Alison that Elizabeth believes that Rafe is WAY too whacked out about the vampire stuff for Alison to be rushing into marriage with him. As Alison reminds her mother how much she loves Rafe, Alison is surprised when she discovers that Stephen is ALSO visiting in Elizabeth's room. Jamal and Ricky run into each other at the Recovery Room, and Ricky tells Jamal that Ricky's opinion is that it was really dumb for Jamal to insist that Marissa quit the band. Marissa surprises them both when she suddenly arrives. Elsewhere at the Recovery Room, Livvie is surprised to see her Dad, Kevin, and is thrilled when Kevin shares the good news with her that he has been released to continue therapy as an outpatient and all of the assault charges pending against him have been dropped. Kevin hands Livvie a newspaper with Stephen's picture in it and Kevin asks why a vampire Livvie killed is alive and well and living in Port Charles. Back at the Light House, Lucy points out to Rafe that she is probably the WRONG person to ask about being normal, since Lucy listens to the Universe and talks to her pet duck. Rafe confesses how he used his magic to get inside Alison's head and Alison is now pretty determined Rafe will learn HOW to be normal - and soon! But Rafe observes that maybe being 'not normal' runs in the Kovich family. Lucy warns that it might NOT be safe for Rafe to give up his magic just yet, since they ARE dealing with a returned vampire. But Rafe insists that he wants to become normal right away because that is what Alison wants. Back at the Recovery Room, Marissa tells Jamal that he should NOT have demanded that Marissa choose between her gift for words and Jamal. But Jamal reminds Marissa that it IS Marissa who has the gift for words and NOT Stephen Clay - so Marissa needs to realize that Marissa does NOT need Stephen Clay to 'find her voice!' ESPECIALLY since Jamal is STILL convinced that Stephen is really Caleb the vampire! At the same time, across the room, Kevin and Livvie discuss the return of Caleb and Kevin asks point blank if his daughter is more interested in getting Caleb back than she is in destroying him. Although Livvie denies that she would ever want Caleb back in her life, Kevin remains positive that he is correct about his daughter's renewed fascination with the dark side. Meanwhile, at the Light House, Rafe asks Lucy what normal people do and Lucy says that they have jobs. But, when they start listing Rafe's job skills, they discover that his job skills are pretty much limited to slaying vampires and survivor skills, like being able to hit a moving target with a crossbow and being able to track anything. Lucy decides that she has just the ticket for a job for Rafe and Lucy takes Rafe to a warehouse that Lucy had hoped to turn into a fitness center. Lucy urges Rafe to take over as the new director of Lucy's Fitness Center. Back at Elizabeth's hotel room, when Elizabeth tells Alison that she believes her daughter should NOT be rushing into marriage with Rafe, Stephen interrupts and surprises Elizabeth by counseling Alison to follow her heart where love is concerned. When Alison heads to the powder room, Elizabeth expresses her surprise to Stephen. But Stephen just tells Elizabeth that they must learn to choose their battles, instead of letting the battles choose them. Stephen reminds Elizabeth to drink plenty of water and then, Stephen leaves. But, once Stephen is outside Elizabeth's hotel room door, he just disappears! Meanwhile, back at the Recovery Room, Marissa tells Jamal that Jamal should give Stephen a chance to prove what a good guy he is and Marissa shocks Jamal when Marissa suggests that Jamal should spend some time with Stephen! At the same time, as Kevin and Livvie talk, Livvie admits that she has felt empty since she killed Caleb and that, while Caleb DID hurt her deeply, Livvie is STILL drawn to the power and passion that Caleb seems to exercise. Livvie asks Kevin what she should do. And Kevin observes that his daughter is like a moth drawn to a flame and that she should leave Stephen alone entirely - Livvie should ESPECIALLY not be trying to prove whether Stephen is or is not Caleb. But, when Kevin goes outside, he tells himself: "Don't worry about a thing, Livvie. Lucky for you - Daddy's back in town!' When Lucy shows Rafe her proposed Fitness Center, Rafe is at first reluctant to become involved. But, as Rafe and Lucy talk, Rafe finally decides it might be useful to be able to teach self defense techniques to people and Rafe agrees to go along with Lucy's idea. Back at Elizabeth's hotel room, when Elizabeth heads to the power room, Alison spills Elizabeth's blue bottle of magic elixir and refills it with regular water from the hotel pitcher. Then Elizabeth and Alison head out to shop. Back at the Recovery Room, Marissa persuades Jamal to hang out with the band and Jamal agrees, on condition that Marissa promises that she will NEVER be alone with Stephen. When Marissa and Jamal leave, Livvie approaches Ricky and, striking her most sultry pose, asks Ricky if his invitation to dinner is still open. When Caleb returns to his studio, he smells gas. Kevin suddenly appears and announces; "I think you have a gas leak. In fact, I KNOW you do!' Kevin bolts the door, while Stephen threatens to call the police. KEVIN: "No. I think you and I need to have a talk first. Now, you can either make yourself comfortable - or I can send you right back to hell. It is YOUR choice!' And Kevin shows Caleb that Kevin is holding a lighter, ready to be ignited!

  • Wednesday, December 11- At the boutique, Alison searches for the perfect wedding dress and accessories. She is debating on a pair of shoes when the clerk brings in a bouquet of pink roses and a bottle of champagne. It is a gift from Rafe. Alison worries when she notices Elizabeth isn't feeling well. Elizabeth says only Stephen's designer water seems to make her feel better. She takes a drink, then wonders why it isn't working this time. Alison admits she accidentally spilled the water, then refilled it at the hotel bar. The sales clerk comes in with another gift for Alison. This time it is a key. There is a note from Rafe saying it is a surprise. Alison leaves to find him. Alison finds Rafe at an empty warehouse building where he has set up a make shift table with a candlelit picnic. He tells Alison that he is going to lease the building from Lucy with an option to buy. Rafe plans to use the space to start a business. He is going to build a gym. There is also an apartment upstairs where they can live. Rafe asks Alison if this is "normal" enough for her. Alison says no, it isn't normal, it's heaven. Kevin tells Stephen to stay away from his daughter. Kevin pretends to flick his lighter while he taunts Stephen with his threats. Stephen knows that since the room is full of gas, it would only take a small spark to blow the place up. No matter how much Kevin taunts Stephen, Stephen still refuses to admit he is Caleb. Kevin tells Stephen that if the rock star thing doesn't work out, he should consider the theater. Kevin asks questions, Stephen continues to evade them. After awhile, Stephen reminds Kevin that if he flicks the lighter, they will both be dead. Kevin calls this fact ironic. He doesn't seem to care. Kevin accuses Stephen of taking Livvie over to the dark side. Stephen, becoming affected by the fumes, slips and calls Kevin Doc. This is the break Kevin was waiting for. No matter how Stephen tries to explain his slip away, Kevin knows. Finally, Stephen agrees that if Kevin keeps Livvie away from him, he'll avoid Livvie like the plague. Kevin turns off the gas and leaves. Now, the only fumes are coming from Stephen himself. Jack takes Tess to see the Christmas decorations. She is delighted with all the new sights and sounds. Ian comes by with Danny. When Jack asks Ian where is Lucy, Ian replies she is home with her family where she belongs. Tess asks Ian if she can hold Danny and show him the lights. Ian reluctantly allows her to walk off with his son. He is not sure what to make of Tess. As Tess shows Danny a Christmas display, she has a memory flash of Livvie taking Danny. Tess wonders what it means. Why is she experiencing Livvie's memories? Tess snaps out of her reverie and notices Danny is now missing. She searches for him and calls his name, but he is nowhere to be found. Danny wanders over to Elizabeth. She picks him up and coos, "What a beautiful little boy you are. I could just EAT YOU UP!"

  • Naked Eyes DVD #6  December 12-27, 2002 
    12/12, 12/13, 12/16, 12/17, 12/18, 12/19, 12/20, 12/23, 12/24, 12/26, 12/27 

    • Thursday, Decmeber 12- At the site of Lucy's proposed Fitness Center, Rafe gives Alison a guided tour. As they fool around, they begin kissing and forget everything else. Later, Alison tells Rafe that Alison is confident that Rafe and Elizabeth will eventually become very good friends, but Rafe warns his fiancée NOT to bet on it! Meanwhile, at Stephen's Studio, Stephen tells Ricky that Ricky can NOT invite a friend to watch rehearsal. Stephen puts a call in to Elizabeth and asks her to call him as soon as she is finished shopping. Marissa arrives with Jamal in tow and, when Stephen gets a look at Marissa's new lyrics, Stephen allows Jamal to stay for rehearsal. Livvie suddenly arrives and Joshua warns Stephen that Livvie is their enemy and urges Stephen to get rid of Livvie right away. Stephen tells Livvie that he has had a visit from her Psycho Dad and that Livvie will have to leave. But, when Stephen assumes that Livvie is at the Studio to continue chasing Stephen, Ricky confesses that Livvie is the guest Ricky had invited to watch rehearsal. At Wyndham's, as Elizabeth picks runaway Danny up and cuddles him, Tess arrives and warns Elizabeth NOT to hurt Danny. Meanwhile, Jack and Ian notice that Tess and Danny are missing and begin searching for them. Elizabeth is shocked to learn that Tess is NOT Livvie - and Elizabeth demands to know WHY Tess would believe that Elizabeth could ever harm a child. Tess replies: "Because your eyes are mad!' Before Tess can say anything else, Ian and Jack arrive and Ian thankfully grabs Danny. Elizabeth is VERY interested in Danny - AND in Ian. Tess tells Jack that she wants to go home, so Tess and Jack leave the store. After they have gone, Ian realizes that Elizabeth does not look like she feels well - then Elizabeth suddenly swoons into Ian's arms. Back at the Studio, Stephen agrees to let Livvie stay and Livvie shows Ricky that she brought chocolate-covered strawberries for later. Joshua takes Stephen aside and again warns Stephen that it is dangerous for Stephen to allow Livvie to remain. Stephen tells Joshua about finding a naked Livvie in his bed, of having Livvie begging him to bite her and then of the satisfaction of dumping Livvie out. But Joshua warns Stephen that Stephen is playing a dangerous game. Stephen sets all the band members down and reads them the new lyrics that Marissa has written. Back at Jack's Place, Jack shows Tess the lights on the tree and they make plans for mistletoe, eggnog and music and then they begin to dance. Meanwhile, at the Studio, as the band takes a break to study the lyrics, Reese makes a cold comment to Ricky about his 'busy' social life, but Ricky insists that he is just 'hanging out' with Livvie. At the same time, Joshua tells Stephen that Joshua does NOT like the fact that Livvie is hanging around and Joshua reminds Stephen of all the stunts Livvie has pulled so far, including drugging Joshua and the visit from Livvie's psycho father. Joshua points out that the fact that Livvie is now making a play for the band's drummer is NOT good and warns Stephen that Livvie is just playing him. In the meantime, Jamal takes Ricky aside and tries to warn Ricky to be careful around Livvie because she is so obviously just using Ricky to make his boss jealous. Ricky replies that Ricky does NOT care! Livvie is hot, she wants him and there are no strings attached. Jamal tells Ricky in no uncertain terms that there are always PLENTY of strings attached whenever you are dealing with Livvie! When Ricky refuses to leave Livvie alone, Jamal watches Livvie make up to Ricky for a while, and then Jamal and Marissa decide to leave. When the rest of the band leaves for a break, Livvie entices Ricky to put on some sexy music and dance with her. As Stephen and Joshua watch Livvie drape herself all over Ricky, Joshua warns Stephen that Livvie is doing all of that for Stephen's benefit, but Stephen informs Joshua that Livvie means nothing to him. Then Stephen orders Joshua to get out. As Stephen watches Livvie make up to Ricky, Stephen flashes back to many of the intimate moments he shared with Livvie. Then Stephen interrupts Ricky and Livvie and tells Ricky that Ricky should get a room and convince his little groupie friend that she is his first and last sweetheart. Then Stephen hands Ricky a wad of cash to take his girlfriend somewhere else to make out in private. Meanwhile, at Wyndhams, Elizabeth assures Ian that she is fine, while Ian insists that Elizabeth should let Ian check her out and maybe even run some more blood tests. Elizabeth finally agrees to let Ian take her home and Elizabeth tells Ian that it makes her feel a LOT better to know that Ian would take her home. After Ian and Elizabeth drop Danny with his nanny, Ian then escorts Elizabeth to her hotel room. Ian insists that Elizabeth sit down and take it easy while Ian goes into the other room to get Elizabeth a cold compress. While Ian is gone, Elizabeth removes her blouse and says: "You have such a lovely bedside manner, doctor! I will be waiting right here when you come back. And then, you ARE going to give me EVERYTHING I need!' Back at the Studio, Livvie thanks Stephen for his generous gift and promises him that he will get his money's worth. But, after Stephen leaves, Ricky worries that Stephen is mad at Ricky and Ricky bails on Livvie. After Ricky leaves, Livvie tells herself: "It is NOT you he is mad at, you moron! It's me! Gotcha - Caleb!' But, in a separate room, Caleb asks himself: "How could she?!' And his eyes turn red!
    • Friday, December 13- At the Lighthouse, Lucy puts the finishing touches on her holiday decorations, but pauses to flash back to Ian's determined statement that he would NOT come to the Lighthouse for Christmas this year. However, Kevin suddenly appears, dressed in a Santa costume and joyfully sweeps Lucy under the mistletoe for some early Holiday cheer. Meanwhile, at Wyndham's as Rafe and Alison enjoy the 'normal' activity of making plans for registering their china and silver patterns, Alison shocks Rafe by telling him that she would like to ask her mother to walk her down the aisle - and perhaps her Grandmother Amanda as well. Rafe cautions Alison that that is a pretty big honor for someone who has never been there for Alison all her life, but Alison tells Rafe about her life-long fantasy about BOTH of her parents attending her wedding and being happy for her and Rafe finally agrees that Alison can ask Elizabeth to walk her down the aisle. Then Alison insists that they go immediately to Elizabeth's Hotel Room and make the invitation formal. Elizabeth is taking off her clothes in her hotel room, with the intention of getting Ian in to bed with her. However, when Ian returns, he is upset to find Elizabeth partially clad. But, as Elizabeth wraps her arms around Ian and begins kissing him, Stephen suddenly appears with a rose in his hand and Elizabeth begins to apologize profusely. Meanwhile, back at the Lighthouse, as Lucy and Kevin get into the spirit of things with the mistletoe, Kevin suddenly gives Lucy a magnificent and expensive ring. A stunned Lucy observes that THAT kind of extravagance is NOT like Kevin. But, Kevin replies: "Well, get used to it, sister! You are looking at the new and improved Kevin Collins!' Lucy and Kevin soon hit the sheets. Back at Elizabeth's Hotel Room, Ian tells Stephen that Ian believes that Elizabeth is not getting any better and she should check in to the Hospital so Ian can run some more tests on her. But Stephen insists that a specialist IS going to be arriving in town shortly to check Elizabeth over. But, when Ian suspiciously quizzes Stephen about the NAME of the specialist, Stephen refuses to tell Ian anything more. However, after Ian leaves, Stephen angrily tells Elizabeth that her uncontrollable behavior is becoming a liability to him. When Stephen says that Elizabeth is going to ruin 'everything,' a very puzzled Elizabeth asks: "Ruin what? I don't know!' Meanwhile, at the Hospital, Colleen and Ian tend to a badly beaten patient, whom the cops said was a prostitute, when they dropped her off. Ian sends Colleen to page Dr. Ramsey, then Ian asks the patient who beat her up. Ian is stunned when the victim whispers that her attacker was: "Kevin Collins!' And Ian immediately worries about Lucy! At the same time, at the Lighthouse, Lucy quizzes Kevin about what he means by 'the new, improved you.' Kevin explains that sometimes he just wants to throw logic out the window and live in the moment - something that Lucy has ALWAYS urged Kevin to do! Back at the Hospital, Elizabeth is stunned when Stephen angrily accuses her of failing to drink the water from the Blue Bottle and Elizabeth admits to Stephen that Alison spilled the water, and that Elizabeth tried to get in touch with Stephen but could NOT reach him. Elizabeth demands to know WHY she needs to drink THAT water and WHY she feels so awful when she does NOT drink the water. Stephen tells Elizabeth that he NEEDS for everything to be PERFECT and that NEITHER of them can lose control like that again. Elizabeth confesses that she feels an endless hunger and Stephen lets her bite him. When Elizabeth screams and demands to know what happened, Stephen takes her to the mirror and shows Elizabeth that she has fangs. Elizabeth screams that everyone else was right about Stephen and Stephen tells her that she should be grateful. Then Stephen bites Elizabeth and she passes out - just as Rafe and Alison arrive and begin to knock on Elizabeth's door.

    • Monday, December 16- As Jack and Tess enjoy some quiet time at home, Tess suddenly has a flashback of Livvie meeting Caleb for the first time and, when Tess begins to shake, Jack becomes concerned about her. As Kevin and Lucy enjoy some quality time at the Light House, they are interrupted by Officer Andy, who informs Kevin that the woman Kevin beat up on Jasmine Island has been beaten again and has named Kevin as her attacker. Rafe and Alison knock on Elizabeth's door and Caleb hastily urges Elizabeth to drink from the blue bottle. Rafe and Alison hear Elizabeth moan and, believing that Elizabeth is in some kind of distress, Rafe kicks open the door. Rafe and Alison are shocked when they discover Stephen and Elizabeth in bed together! Meanwhile, at the Hospital, CHRIS, Colleen and Ian work to save the life of the beating victim who has been brought to the Emergency Room. Chris asks Ian if the patient has mentioned who beat her and Ian evades the question, but urges Colleen to call Lucy. At the same time, at the Light House, Kevin fibs that HE has NOT seen the prostitute he beat when he believed he was Ryan since Kevin went to the clinic in Switzerland! Kevin learns that it was IAN that the patient gave Kevin's name to - and that Ian was ALONE in the E.R. at the time! Kevin suggests that that IS curious and Lucy insists to Andy that Kevin has been home with Lucy the whole time. Lucy demands an attorney, but Kevin assures Lucy and Andy that he has nothing to hide and does NOT mind answering Andy's questions. Lucy emphatically states to Andy that Kevin would have NO motive for beating the woman, since Kevin and Lucy had already been informed that the woman was dropping all the charges against Kevin. Andy reminds Lucy that most authorities would consider that a wife giving her husband an alibi would not be proof of innocence. Lucy suggests that Kevin go to the Hospital to confront the girl, since Lucy is positive that, as soon as the woman sees Kevin, she will realize she has made a mistake. Kevin agrees and all three head out for the Hospital. Meanwhile, in Elizabeth's Hotel Room, Alison and Rafe apologize for barging in on Stephen and Elizabeth in bed. Then Rafe and Alison beat a hasty retreat back into the hall. As Alison contemplates moving to Siberia, Rafe appears distracted. Caleb comes out, wearing a white robe, and tells Rafe and Alison that Elizabeth asked him to apologize. Then Caleb observes that Rafe and Alison must have come about something extremely important, since they beat down the door to get in. Rafe answers that they DID come about something important and tries to head back in to Elizabeth's room, but Alison stops Rafe and just says that they were worried about Elizabeth's health, since Elizabeth was NOT feeling well the last time that Alison saw her. Alison tells Stephen that they just came to talk about wedding stuff - which can wait. But Alison DOES urge Stephen to have her mother call her as soon as Elizabeth gets a chance. But, as Stephen turns to go, Rafe notices a couple of flecks of blood on the collar of Stephen's white robe. After Stephen goes back inside, Alison asks if the evening could get any worse and Rafe assures Alison that it COULD - and maybe, already has! Jack and Tess arrive at the Hospital and Jack insists that Tess get her headache checked out. Tess tells Jack that, besides the headaches, she sees pictures, too - but she does NOT know what the pictures are all about. Then Tess has a flashback of Caleb biting Livvie. Tess becomes woozie and Jack insists that Tess sit down while Jack tries to locate Chris or Ian to check on Tess. After Jack leaves, Kevin, Andy and Lucy enter the Hospital and Tess goes to see Lucy, but loses sight of Lucy in the Hospital corridor. Ian also notices Lucy and Kevin passing in the corridor and Ian leaves the E.R. to confront Kevin and Lucy. When Ian bluntly accuses Kevin of beating the prostitute in the E.R., Kevin accuses Ian of being the ONLY one who heard the woman give Kevin's name. Lucy insists that Kevin WAS with Lucy ALL night, but Ian bluntly tells Lucy that Ian does NOT believe Lucy and that Lucy is covering for Kevin. Rafe and Alison arrive home and Alison mentions that IF Elizabeth IS feeling better, it MUST be because of the Designer water that Stephen's band drinks. Rafe suddenly asks how long Elizabeth has been drinking the water. As Alison goes to check in the kitchen, Rafe begins to make notes and decides that a Designer Water which COULD be masking the identity and flecks of blood on Stephen's white robe probably add up to - Caleb the Vampire! When Alison returns, she announces that there is nothing in the kitchen for dinner and suggests that they pick something up at the Recovery Room and Rafe agrees. Caleb is encouraging Elizabeth to drink her water from the blue bottle and Elizabeth hesitantly remembers seeing herself with fangs. And STEPHEN with fangs. As Elizabeth blasts Caleb for biting her, Caleb insists that Elizabeth SHOULD be grateful to him for allowing her to join him in the eternal vampire life of power and passion. But Elizabeth disagrees and, when Caleb asks her what she THOUGHT was happening to her, Elizabeth insists that she believed she only had the flu. But Caleb insists that Elizabeth HAD to know that something more than the flu was going on - and Caleb finally informs Elizabeth, point blank, that she IS a vampire now. As Caleb and Elizabeth argue, Elizabeth suddenly passes out! Back at the Emergency room, Chris confides to Colleen that he believes they will not be able to save their patient. Colleen goes to see if she can locate the woman's family members. After Colleen leaves, Tess sees Chris and goes inside the E.R. Tess asks if Chris believes that his patient will die. But Chris asks Tess if TESS would be able to help the dying woman. Meanwhile, in the hall, Kevin accuses Ian of being capable of doing whatever it takes to get Kevin out of the way so that Ian could have a clear field for chasing Kevin's wife. Andy convinces Kevin to meet with Andy privately to give Andy Kevin's statement. After Andy and Kevin leave, Lucy begs Ian to reconsider what he is saying about Kevin. But Ian accuses Lucy of KNOWING that Kevin is guilty of beating that woman almost to death and Ian charges Lucy with covering up for Kevin at the same time that Kevin's latest victim may be dying. Lucy slaps Ian!

    • Tuesday, December 17- When Rafe and Alison arrive at the Recovery Room, Alison corners Jamal and asks him to stand up with her at her wedding to Rafe. Alison mentions that she plans to ask Jack to stand up with her as well, pointing out that she considers Jamal and Jack to be her knights in shining armor! Jamal eventually agrees to Alison's plan. In the meantime, Rafe flashes back to Alison's revelation that Elizabeth and Stephen's entire band drinks Designer Water from a Blue Bottle. Rafe continues to suspect that the water somehow works to mask the vampire leanings of whomever drinks it. When Ricky comes in, Rafe tells Ricky that Rafe is planning to open a gym and Rafe has heard about the Designer Water that Stephen's band drinks. Rafe tells Ricky that Rafe is thinking about selling the water at his gym, but, the water does NOT have a label, so Rafe can not just go out and buy a bottle or learn who bottles the water for Stephen. Rafe asks Ricky to bag a bottle of water for Rafe to check out to see if it would be a big seller at his gym. Ricky is at first reluctant, informing Rafe that Stephen has a habit of going postal over weird little things and Ricky bagging a bottle of the Designer Water just might set Stephen off. But, eventually, Ricky changes his mind and agrees to see what he can do about lifting a sample of Stephen's water for Rafe. Meanwhile, at the Hospital, Lucy blasts Ian for Ian's caustic statements about Kevin. LUCY: 'How could you say something so hurtful to me? To say that Kevin would beat up some prostitute, and then come home and make love to me? Huh? How?' IAN: "I didn't say it to be hurtful. I wanted you to open your eyes!' Andy and Kevin return and Andy reports that Andy can NOT arrest Kevin without hard evidence. As Kevin and Lucy prepare to leave, Tess staggers down the corridor and hides in Jack's arms, while Jack asks what is wrong. At the same time, Chris steps into the hall and informs Andy that Jenny - the prostitute - is recovering. When Andy quizzes Jenny, Jenny tells Andy that she had put away enough money to leave town and, when her pimp, Benny, found out about the money AND that she planned to leave down, he beat her up and took her money. Andy later learns that Jenny's story checks out - her pimp had bruised knuckles and was throwing around a lot of money. Back at the Recovery Room, after Ricky agrees to snag a bottle of Stephen's Designer Water for Rafe, Livvie arrives and invites Ricky to come to her place for dinner, but Ricky tells Livvie that he is reluctant to get on Stephen's bad side - and Ricky did NOT like the way Stephen reacted when Stephen saw Ricky and Livvie together at rehearsal. But Livvie points out that they will be at HER place, that Ricky DOES still have a private life of his own, and that there is NO way Stephen could find out about their tryst. Rafe watches intently as Livvie goes to work on Ricky. When Ricky finally agrees to have dinner with Livvie and leaves, Rafe takes the opportunity to sit down with Livvie and ask Livvie WHAT it is that Livvie is up to. Back at the Hospital, as Jack worries about Tess's obviously weakened condition, Tess asks to go home. Before Jack can leave, Chris rushes in to tell Jack about Tess's latest miracle - restoring a patient to life who was at death's door! But Jack leaps to the conclusion that Chris had asked Tess to perform a miracle, without taking into consideration the toll that all of that healing has been taking on Tess. Jack attacks Chris, but Tess stops Jack and explains that Tess just saw the poor woman and WANTED to help her - so she did! Jack tells Chris that Tess has been having really bad headaches. When Tess goes for a drink of water, Jack confides to Chris that Jack is desperate to learn what is happening with Tess - that it is like she is slipping away from him - and that Jack can NOT bear to lose her! Chris asks if Tess ALWAYS got the headaches after she healed someone and Jack tells Chris that, when Tess healed Jack's leg back at the cave, it did not seem like Tess was suffering from headaches. Jack finally tells Chris that it seems like Tess's headaches started after she came to Port Charles. Chris suggests that maybe it is something with being in Port Charles that causes the headaches. Chris tells Jack that, since Tess does NOT have any DNA, there is not much that any kind of test would tell them about Tess's deteriorating condition. Meanwhile, when Andy reports to Lucy, Kevin and Ian that Jenny's story checks out, Ian seems disappointed. As Lucy follows Ian to try to reason with him, Kevin slips in to the Emergency Room cubicle to see Jenny. Kevin and Jenny discuss the money that Kevin gave to Jenny to drop the charges and leave town and Jenny promises that she IS still planning to leave. At the same time, down the hall, Ian tells Lucy that he does NOT plan to drop his suspicions about Kevin. When Jack and Tess return home, Jack asks Tess if she can heal herself. When Tess replies that she can NOT heal herself, Jack announces that they are both returning to Tess' home, in the forest. And they begin to pack. Meanwhile, at the Recovery Room, Rafe tries to get Livvie to tell him what Livvie is up to, but Livvie proves to be unwilling to cooperate with Rafe's questions. Rafe finally guesses that Livvie is going after Stephen - or, more accurately - after Caleb! As Jenny assures Kevin that NO ONE will EVER know that Kevin paid her a lot of money to drop the charges against Kevin and leave town, Lucy returns to the E.R. and overhears Jenny's statements.

    • Wednesday, December 18- Jenny promises Kevin she will leave town and won't cause any more problems for him. Lucy, meanwhile, is outside the door and hears every word that is said. Once they get back home, Kevin starts harping on Ian. Kevin says Ian jumped to conclusions. He was placing the blame on Kevin in order to get Lucy for himself. Lucy can't stand to hear any more. She confesses to Kevin that she heard him pay off the prostitute. Kevin assures Lucy that he never hurt Jenny, he only gave her money so she could leave Port Charles and start a new life. Lucy is furious. Kevin lied to her and he doesn't seem to understand what he did wrong. Kevin asks Lucy if she's never lied to him. He tells her that when you want something bad enough, you have to fight for it. Lucy wonders why they couldn't have fought for it together. Kevin says he had no intention of going to jail. He wants to be back with his family. He wants his future back. Lucy asks him what would he have done if Jenny hadn't taken the money. Kevin is certain everyone has their price. Rafe asks Livvie if she's using Ricky to get to Caleb, but Livvie denies it. Rafe doesn't believe her. He tells Livvie that if she is trying to go after Caleb, he wants to help her. "Dream on!" Livvie retorts. She doesn't need Rafe's help, or anyone else's for that matter. Rafe studies Livvie's face then decides that she doesn't want Caleb dead, she wants him back! This, Livvie does not deny. She tells Rafe that Caleb is the only man who made her feel alive. After Livvie walks away, Ricky comes to Rafe and hands him a bottle of Stephen's special water. Livvie sees this and comes over. She pretends not to be interested in the water, but to only have eyes for Ricky. They leave to spend the afternoon together. Elizabeth wakes up worried that the horrible dream she had was real. As soon as she sees Stephen/Caleb, she knows it was no dream. Elizabeth is horrified at what she has become. Caleb tells her that in time she will come to accept it. Besides, her life wasn't so great before, was it? Elizabeth is livid with anger. "Why did you do this to me?" She asks. Caleb explains that he did it because he wanted her to be with him forever. He asks her the question, "Do you know how hard it is to watch people you love grow old and die?" Elizabeth is especially sickened by the fact that now she has become a creature of the night and will have to live in the shadows and drink blood. Caleb assures her it won't be like that at all. With his special elixir, he has discovered the secret to the best of both worlds. Elizabeth is also looking at the man she thought she loved. She remembers everything Rafe told her about Caleb's exploits. Caleb tells Elizabeth that he isn't like that anymore. Now he is Stephen Clay. He's been "born again." Elizabeth asks if she is the only woman he loves. Caleb flashes to a memory of Livvie, then tells Elizabeth that yes, she is the only woman in his life.

    Thursday, December 19- Jack and Tess arrive at Tess's cave. While Jack is thrilled to be back, Tess tells Jack that she does NOT want to be there any more. Jack lights a fire and, as they kiss, Jack tells Tess that he wants to make love to her. Alison meets Rafe at the Recovery Room and Rafe tries to keep the Blue Bottle of Stephen's Designer Water out of Alison's sight. Alison announces that she is going to meet her mother to discuss wedding plans, but Rafe begs off with an excuse that he has some super secret wedding stuff he needs to get finished. Meanwhile, at Stephen's Studio, Caleb explains that Elizabeth will never have to feed on anyone that she will get the urges, but the water will help her control that. Caleb assures Elizabeth that she will never have to hurt anyone - and she will never grow old! Caleb tells Elizabeth that all she has to do is keep her water supply safe and never let anybody near it. But, as Caleb and Elizabeth make out, Alison suddenly knocks at the door. At Livvie's Place, Livvie sets the scene for seduction and slips into something scanty for Ricky. But Livvie sends Ricky to the kitchen to get the wine and some glasses. Then Livvie calls Caleb and tells him that she knows about his special water and he needs to meet with her right away! Rafe takes his water bottle to the Hospital and uses the lab to discover what is in the bottle. But Chris catches Rafe coming out of the lab and Chris tells Rafe that the labs are off limits to everyone but Hospital personnel. When Rafe claims he was looking for Ian, Chris tells Rafe that Ian is NOT into research. Rafe suddenly remembers that Chris does do research and Chris assures Rafe that Chris is the best researcher at GH. Rafe hands Chris his list of the chemicals in the Designer Water and asks Chris for his help in analyzing the contents of the Blue Bottle. Chris immediately recognizes the components as being closely similar to the vampire serum that Chris worked on last year. Chris fills Rafe in on the details of the research Chris did on the vampire serum! Alison apologizes to her mother for tracking her down at Stephen's Studio, but Alison explains that she felt it was necessary after the door man at the Port Charles Hotel had told Alison that Elizabeth had left with Stephen but that Elizabeth had not appeared to be feeling well when she left. Elizabeth lies that she has met with Stephen's specialist and is now feeling much better. When Caleb receives his call from Livvie, Livvie threatens to tell Rafe about Caleb's special water unless Caleb meets with her immediately. Caleb makes an excuse and rushes off, leaving Alison and Elizabeth alone at the Studio. Meanwhile, Livvie makes sure her apartment is brightly lit and then Livvie unlocks the door. Then Livvie begins kissing Ricky. Back in the Cave, Tess continues to tell Jack that she no longer feels at home in the cave, but Jack explains to Tess that he is trying to help her get rid of her headaches. As Jack kisses Tess, Tess suddenly remembers Livvie running through the woods and Tess announces that she can not make love with Jack. Meanwhile, back at the Hospital, after Chris informs Rafe that the serum Chris developed would have given the recipient all of the benefits of being a vampire without the need to feed, Rafe asks: "So - did Caleb learn about the research?" CHRIS: "Caleb? Yes! That's why he came after me! 'RAFE: "So - he knew?' CHRIS: "Yeah. He knew. What is going on? Where did you get this?' RAFE: "Later, Chris!' CHRIS: "Whoa! Wait a minute! What does this have to do with Caleb? Is he alive?' But Rafe rushes off without answering. Meanwhile, Caleb comes to the door of Livvie's apartment and finds the door open. When Caleb peeks in, Caleb sees Ricky and Livvie, making out on the couch. As he watches Livvie and Ricky make out, Caleb's fangs come out and his eyes turn red. Meanwhile, back at Stephen's Studio, Alison notices that her mother is very hyper but Elizabeth explains it away by telling Alison that it is just a bad case of being incredibly, happily, deliriously in love with Stephen. When Elizabeth suddenly rushes into the next room to get some bridal flowers to show to Alison, Elizabeth leaves Alison alone in the room with Elizabeth's Blue bottle of Designer Water - and Alison takes a drink from the blue bottle! Back at the cave, Tess explains to Jack that she loves him and wants to be with him, but NOT at the cave! Tess asks Jack to take her home. While Jack puts the fire out, Tess suddenly has a vision of Caleb ripping Tess out of Livvie's dead body. At the same time, Caleb watches Livvie and Ricky making out on the couch. But, before Caleb can enter the room, Rafe arrives! RAFE: "Oh -oh! Your fangs are showing! Caleb!'

  • Friday, December 20- At Stephen's Studio, Elizabeth returns to the room and panics when she discovers Alison holding the Blue Bottle of Stephen's Designer Water in her hand. Elizabeth immediately snatches the bottle away from Alison and tells her daughter NOT to drink from the bottle. When Alison asks what is wrong, Elizabeth covers by claiming that she does NOT want Alison to catch any germs from the bug that Elizabeth has been battling for months. But Alison reminds her mother that they shared a soda the other day and Elizabeth did NOT seem to mind about that. Alison opens the bottle and tries to see if she can detect anything like alcohol inside the bottle. Alison suddenly asks her mother if someone in the band has gotten her hooked on something, some kind of drug, that would be concealed in the water bottle. But Elizabeth denies that she is intoxicated by anything other than love. Meanwhile, outside Livvie's apartment, Rafe catches Caleb with his fangs exposed and Stephen finally admits to Rafe that he IS Caleb - then Caleb disappears. When Caleb disappears, he reappears in a snow-packed spot in the woods. But Caleb is shocked when he turns around and realizes that Rafe was able to follow him. Caleb observes that Rafe must have retained SOME of his angelic powers in his transition back into the mortal world. At the same time, inside Livvie's apartment, Livvie suddenly tells Ricky that something is wrong and then, announcing that the door is open, Livvie rushes to the door, expecting to find an enraged Caleb seething with jealousy in the hallway outside. But Livvie is obviously disappointed when she finds only a deserted hallway. Ricky asks what the matter is and Livvie drapes herself with a blanket and shocks Ricky by announcing that they were about to make a terrible mistake and that Ricky should leave. Jack arrives at Kevin's office and implores Kevin to acknowledge Tess as part of Kevin's family. But Kevin coldly informs Jack that Kevin does NOT believe that Tess has anything to do with Kevin and that, since everyone else in town turned their backs on Livvie when she needed them most because sweet and innocent Tess arrived on the scene, Kevin feels no need to try to 'help' ANY of Livvie's former friends, least of all - Jack and Tess! Before Jack leaves, Jack repeats his belief that Tess IS, somehow, connected to Kevin. In the meantime, at Livvie's Place, Ricky is angry at Livvie's sudden announcement that she plans to cut their romantic evening short. As Ricky gives Livvie a piece of his mind and reminds her NOT to try hanging out with the band any more, Ricky yanks open the door and is shocked to find Tess standing at the door, preparing to knock. Ricky leaps to the conclusion that Livvie was waiting all along for Tess to appear - and then Ricky storms out of the building. Meanwhile, in the woods, Rafe asks Caleb how he came back. But Caleb evades the question and tries to convince Rafe that he is a new and improved version of Caleb. Caleb insists that Rafe can tell for himself that Rafe has had difficulty detecting Caleb's presence and that there are no bodies piling up. Rafe tells Caleb that Rafe suspects that Caleb's Designer Water allows Caleb to live in the mortal world without feeding. When Rafe asks WHY Caleb would choose to appear as a rock star amongst his old enemies in Port Charles, Caleb insists that he just wanted to have a little fun and stir things up a bit. When Rafe brings up the fact that Caleb turned Elizabeth into a creep just like Caleb, Caleb insists that he gave Elizabeth a gift - and Elizabeth IS happy! As Caleb smugly taunts Rafe, Rafe suddenly brings out a wooden stake. But, when Rafe lunges at Caleb with the stake, Caleb keeps disappearing and reappearing just behind Rafe. Caleb tries to convince Rafe that Caleb just wants to end the senseless, centuries old feud between their two families. Caleb tells Rafe that Caleb is content with what he now has - power, money, and immortality. Caleb urges Rafe to learn to be content with what Rafe already has - the mortal life with Alison that Rafe desired so much. But Rafe tells Caleb that Rafe believes that Caleb could NEVER change and - sooner or later, lives will once again be destroyed by Caleb. Rafe suddenly plunges the stake in to Caleb's heart and Caleb falls unconscious in the snow. Back at Stephen's Studio, Elizabeth is amused when Alison suspects that Elizabeth has gotten hooked on drugs. But Elizabeth is also sincerely touched when her daughter tells her that Alison would be willing to get Elizabeth whatever help Elizabeth needs to kick a habit. Elizabeth assures her daughter that she is only 'high' on being in love. But, as Elizabeth begins to tell Alison how important their blossoming relationship is to Elizabeth, Elizabeth suddenly announces to Alison that Elizabeth wants to share a very special gift with Alison. At the same time, at Livvie's apartment, Tess begins to tell Livvie about the night that Caleb deposited Livvie's dead body down by the water - then ripped Tess from Livvie's lifeless body. As Tess remembers, Livvie begins to remember the same things. Tess remembers running away, into the woods - alone! Tess tells Livvie that Tess IS Livvie and that there is NO Tess. Then Tess sadly leaves. Meanwhile, in the woods, Caleb suddenly reaches up and pulls the stake out of his body, announcing that he must now be immune to even the stake. Caleb looks at the stake in his hand and asks: "So - what do you think we ought to do with this - Slayer? I mean, it didn't work - on me! But YOU are just a man now. Aren't you? Just flesh and blood?'

  • Monday, December 23- Tess returns to Jack's Place and tells Jack that she has been to see Livvie and now knows the reason behind the pictures she keeps seeing in her mind. Tess tearfully explains that she is a part of Livvie and that she is NOT anybody. But Jack tenderly reassures Tess that she is VERY real to him. To demonstrate, Jack kisses Tess and they continue kissing - then they hit the sheets. At Stephen's Studio, Alison expresses her sincere concern for her mother's health and Elizabeth is genuinely moved by her daughter's concern. Elizabeth seriously contemplates biting Alison in order to give her daughter the greatest gift of all - immortality! But, as Alison tries to locate a doctor for Elizabeth, Elizabeth begins to have second thoughts and excuses herself as she flees into the next room. Meanwhile, in the woods, Rafe is genuinely shocked when Caleb appears to be immune to the stake Rafe has just driven into his heart. As Caleb gets up with the stake in his hand, Rafe dares Caleb to go ahead and try to take Rafe out. Caleb lunges at Rafe, but stops before he reaches Rafe. Caleb announces that is is no longer "in to" killing and just wants fame, fortune and rock and roll. When Rafe asks WHY Caleb wants all of that in Port Charles, of all places - Caleb announces that his band is going on a road tour soon, so they will no longer be in Port Charles. Rafe tries to learn if the water has anything to do with Caleb's return, and Caleb admits only that "It helps!' When Caleb claims that he has been a perfect citizen this time around and has NOT killed anyone - Rafe brings up the way Caleb turned Alison's mother. Rafe accuses Caleb of going after Elizabeth as a way to get to Alison and, ultimately, to Rafe. But Caleb tells Rafe that, while Caleb had that goal in mind originally, Caleb has since come to care for Elizabeth but Caleb will SOLVE the Elizabeth problem by taking Elizabeth along when the band goes on tour. While Elizabeth is in the next room, Mr. Travis, the private detective that Alison hired to help locate her missing sibling, brings a box to Alison and explains that he found the box hidden behind a wall in her father's old office. After Mr. Travis leaves the Studio, Alison hesitantly opens the box and discovers some books and some old love letters. Alison determines that the letters were NOT written by her mother and comes across one letter making plans for Malcolm to visit his lady love and THEIR child. Alison decides this MUST be a letter talking about her lost sibling. As Alison continues to investigate, she discovers that the box has a false bottom and in the hidden bottom, Alison discovers a picture of a lovely, dark-haired woman with the name 'Katrina' written on the back. Alison concludes that that MUST be a picture of the woman who wrote the letters to her father and that Alison is looking at a picture of the mother of her brother or sister. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is stunned when she realizes that she contemplated biting her own daughter and wonders what she has become. When Elizabeth returns and notices the box, Alison just says that the private detective brought it by, but Alison does NOT show her mother the love letters OR the picture of Katrina! Back in the woods, Rafe insists that Caleb has robbed Alison of her mother just as the two were beginning to make a real connection, but Caleb professes that he IS truly fond of BOTH Alison AND Elizabeth. As Rafe vows to do away with Caleb in the end, Caleb shocks Rafe by announcing that Caleb has RAFE to thank for Caleb's second chance on earth. According to Caleb, when someone from upstairs returns to earth, someone from downstairs is allowed to return as well, to keep everything 'in balance!'

  • Tuesday, December 24- At Rafe and Alison's Place, Rafe contemplates Caleb's pronouncement that Caleb got a free ride back to earth with Rafe when Rafe traded in his heavenly wings for a mortal life with Alison. Rafe worries whether or not he will be able to keep the promises that he made to Alison that they would lead a 'normal' life, now that Rafe knows that evil in the form of the returned Caleb Morley STILL needs to be vanquished in order to keep all of their loved ones safe. Later, Alison tries to get Rafe to share what is on his mind, but Rafe puts it off and Alison begins to discuss plans for their upcoming wedding. Noticing that Rafe still seems pensive about something, Alison urges her angel to just have faith. Ian visits Eve's grave with Danny and, as Ian puts out a small tree with some decorations, Ian admits to his absent wife that he has been struggling this past year to give Danny the happy life that Danny deserves - but Ian confesses that he believes he has been messing up in that department. Meanwhile, at the Light House, Lucy tries to tell Kevin how unsettling his 'new and improved' attitude is to her, but Kevin urges Lucy to put the past behind them and get on with the future. Meanwhile, at Jack's Place, as Jack and Tess get ready for company, they are stunned when Livvie arrives at the door and announces that she is moving in with 'her sister!' Jack informs Livvie that she is NOT going to do that, but, when Jack goes to the door to greet Jamal, Marissa and CHRIS, Livvie urges Tess to speak to Jack for her. Livvie reminds Tess that now, since they BOTH know that Caleb created Tess from Livvie, they NEED to stick together and protect each other, because whatever causes one of them pain, also causes pain to the other. Later, Tess convinces a dubious Jack to change his mind and allow Livvie to stay. As Kevin and Lucy argue about Kevin's 'new and improved' outlook on life, Serena and Christina come downstairs and Christina asks Kevin to tell her the Christmas story of how they all became a family last year on this very day. As Kevin begins to remind Lucy of their wedding last year, they both begin to remember the promises that they made to each other. Back at Jack's Place, Marissa invites Jamal to visit her family next Christmas and CHRIS asks Tess about her headaches. Tess tells Chris that the headaches are getting better. When Chris asks Tess if there is anything that he could do for her, Tess replies that she thinks the one thing she wants most is for everyone to just be together and love each other. Later, Livvie gives Tess a scarf that is similar to a scarf that Livvie already has. Jamal takes Jack aside later and asks Jack if it is a good idea for Livvie and Tess to be wearing matching outfits and Jack agrees with Jamal that Jack DOES have reservations about the wisdom of Tess and Livvie dressing alike. Meanwhile, back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison tells Rafe about the private investigator finding a box that belonged to Alison's father and about the box containing a picture of the woman Alison believes is the mother of her lost sibling. Alison then gives Rafe a watch that is solar powered, so it will never run down, and will alwlays be there to remind Rafe of the eternal bond he shares with Alison. Alison also reminds Rafe about the watch he had last winter that was ticking off the time until Rafe had to leave Port Charles and those he loved. Suddenly, the lights go out all over town and, one by one, the residents realize that the only light on in town is the giant Christmas tree in the park. One by one, the various residents of Port Charles find their way to the tree, where Serena hands out candles and they all sing 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' together.

  • Thursday, December 26- At Rafe and Alison's Place, Alison writers a letter to her future children, telling them the story of Rafe and Alison's love for one another and, as Alison writes, she flashes back to memorable scenes of Rafe and Alison's courtship. Meanwhile, at Stephen's Studio, Stephen tries to keep his mind on Elizabeth, but keeps flashing back to his brief marriage to Livvie. At Jack's Place, Tess tells Livvie that Tess is worried about Livvie. But Livvie tells Tess that it was Livvie's NEED for Caleb that brought Caleb back to Port Charles and that Livvie believes she loves Caleb. Tess tells Livvie that Tess believes that Tess is there to put an end to the hunger that Livvie feels for Caleb. Tess begs Livvie to let Tess heal Livvie of her hunger for Caleb, but Livvie refuses, telling Tess that Livvie is TIRED of people trying to 'save' her! Meanwhile, Caleb fantasizes about Livvie becoming part of his rock band and announcing to the world that Stephen is really Caleb Morley and that Livvie loves him. However, Elizabeth wakes up and breaks into Caleb's fantasy, calling him back to bed. Back at Jack's Place, Tess falls asleep and Livvie covers Tess up and tells her that Livvie can feel Caleb's hunger calling her, so Livvie leaves Tess sleeping and goes out.

  • Friday, December 27- At Jack's Place, as Jack gets ready to head out to be an attendant at Alison's wedding, Jack and Tess wonder where Livvie has gone. Meanwhile, Livvie meets Caleb in the Park and tells Caleb that she KNOWS Caleb saw Livvie making out with Ricky on the couch at Livvie's Place. Then Livvie announces to Caleb that she and Tess BOTH have remembered the way that Caleb 'made' Tess from Livvie. Livvie suggests that Caleb's motive was that he loved Livvie so much, he wanted two of her. Caleb denies any knowledge of what Livvie is talking about. Meanwhile, at the Chapel, as Lucy puts finishing touches on the flowers, she runs in to Ian and apologizes for slapping him at the Hospital when he bad-mouthed Kevin. But, when Lucy begins to launch into a recitation about Kevin's latest strange behavior, Ian stops her. At Rafe and Alison's Place, as Alison practices walking down the aisle, Elizabeth arrives. When Alison runs to hug her mother, Rafe flashes back to his encounter with Caleb, when Caleb admitted that he has already bitten Elizabeth - and Rafe angrily tells Elizabeth to leave right away. Alison and Elizabeth are both stunned. In the Park, as Livvie confronts Caleb, she tells him that she is through chasing him but, when he wants to find her, he knows where to look. Then Livvie kisses Caleb and saunters off. After Livvie leaves, Joshua suddenly appears and reminds Caleb that Caleb becomes careless whenever Caleb is around Livvie. Joshua reminds Caleb that Livvie has killed him before and will be able to do it again. Even though Caleb insists that CALEB will handle Olivia, after Caleb leaves, Joshua says: "You will NOT have to!' At the Chapel, as Lucy begs Ian to continue their friendship, Ian tells Lucy that Ian has NO respect for Kevin but, since Kevin IS Lucy's husband, Lucy should be with Kevin and be happy. After Ian leaves, Kevin arrives. Lucy tells Kevin that she tried to apologize to Ian but Ian would NOT accept her apology. Back at Rafe and Alison's Place, Rafe apologizes for snapping at Elizabeth and says that he just wanted to be alone with Alison. Just then, Jamal and Jack arrive and Elizabeth tactfully herds Jack and Jamal back outside. When they are all gone, Rafe gives Alison an antique locket that belonged to his mother. Alison admires the locket, but does NOT open it! Back at Jack's Place, Tess decides to wear the sweater that Livvie gave her that is exactly like the sweater that Livvie is also wearing today! At the same time, Livvie runs through the Park and is surprised when she runs in to Joshua. Meanwhile, Jack and Jamal threaten to actually try to HELP Alison get ready for her wedding. At the same time, at the chapel, Lucy tries to help Rafe settle down enough to get ready for the wedding. Rafe finally confides to his cousin that he now knows for certain that Stephen IS Caleb. Rafe goes on to describe how Rafe staked Caleb in the heart and Caleb removed the stake as if it were a splinter! Rafe explains to Lucy that Elizabeth is also now a vampire and that Caleb was allowed to return to earth because Rafe came back. But as Rafe tells Lucy that he seems to be getting more of his powers back, Caleb suddenly shows up. As Lucy insists that Caleb stay far away from Alison's wedding, Caleb reminds them that he is a guest of the mother of the bride! In the meantime, while Livvie is talking to Joshua in the Park, Tess calls Livvie on Livvie's cell phone. Livvie tells Tess that everything is fine - then Livvie stuffs the phone into her pocket. But Livvie does NOT disconnect her phone, and Tess hears Josua inform Livvie that Caleb has changed his mind and now wants to see Livvie. Joshua tells Livvie that Caleb wants to meet her at the Docks! Tess yells in to the receiver that Livvie should NOT go to the docks to meet Caleb. But Livvie refuses to listen to Tess, turns off the phone and runs off to meet Caleb. Tess puts down the phone and decides that Livvie needs her protection. Back at the chapel, Kevin finds Ian and demands an apology from Ian for falsely accusing Kevin of having beaten the prostitute and Ian gives Kevin a left-handed apology - then Kevin warns Ian to stay away from Lucy. At the same time, as Rafe and Lucy order Caleb to get out - Caleb spills some of his wine on Lucy's dress. Then Caleb announces that he IS leaving town soon for a tour with his band. After Caleb leaves, Rafe promises Lucy that he will NOT let Caleb ruin his wedding day. Meanwhile, Elizabeth, Jack and Jamal help Alison put the finishing touches on her wedding dress.

  • **The End**

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