Superstition, April 1 - June 28, 2002

Superstition #1- #3, Superstition #4, Superstition #5, and Superstition #6

Episode Descriptions:

Superstition DVD #4 May 17 - 30, 2002:  
5/16, 5/17, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22, 5/23, 5/24, 5/27, 5/28, 5/29, 5/30

May 16, 2002 - Rafe searches the woods for memories, and grows suspicious when frantic Livvie arrives upon the scene and demands that he remain close to her at all times. Livvie covers, and Livvie and Rafe form a deeper bond when Rafe chooses to trust her. Alison fails to gain entry into Ian's cabin, and Livvie and Rafe find temporary shelter in the cabin after oblivious Alison heads off to find a key. When Alison returns, she appears close to finding Rafe with Livvie. Serena confronts Lucy about Kevin, and Ian surprises Lucy when he supports Lucy's theory that Kevin is still alive. Ian shows Lucy the pictures taken by Jack. Lucy and Ian decide to explore the barn and to piece Rebecca's portrait back together with the hope of communicating with her. Meanwhile, Frank's odd behavior continues to threaten Karen and Frank's happiness. Ricky watches as Frank hallucinates about Karen seducing a reporter, and Frank ends up tearing off Karen's dress to prove a point as the television cameras roll. 

May 17, 2002 May 17, 2002 - Rafe sleeps in the bedroom of the cabin, while Alison enters to find Livvie. Livvie keeps Alison from discovering Rafe, but when Rafe makes a noise, Alison believes Livvie has already hooked up with another man and chastises Livvie. Afterward, Alison accuses Livvie of having no heart or soul and leaves in disgust, and Livvie cements her plan for revenge by telling Rafe that Livvie and Rafe are lovers with a passionate kiss. Lucy and Ian try to get through to Rebecca, but Rebecca remains silent. Lucy does note that Rebecca once held a candle in the picture, and Lucy and Ian ponder the significance of the now missing candle. Meanwhile, Ricky rushes to Karen's aid, while Chris tackles Frank. Frank pleads for Karen's forgiveness, but Karen leaves with Ricky when she remains unable to find a candle that could be causing Frank's irrational behavior. Doree arrests humiliated Frank for assault, and Doree unsettles Chris with her increasing emotional demands. Karen receives lewd phone calls when she returns home, and Karen turns to Ricky for comfort.

May 20, 2002 - After patching together the slashed portrait, an excited Lucy describes for Ian how Rebecca's image has changed. Alison bumps into Jack at the Recovery Room and reluctantly reveals that Livvie has a man up at the cabin. Meanwhile, Rafe struggles to make sense of Livvie's declaration that they were madly in love before he lost his memory. Jamal arrives at the Pink Rose and explains to Lucy and Ian why he threw Rebecca's candle into the woods. Pressed by a suspicious Rafe for the truth, Livvie admits that he was involved with Alison but insists he threw his girlfriend over for her. To make her story sound more credible, Livvie claims that Alison killed Kevin to take revenge for being dumped in favor of the shrink's daughter. Though Alison urges him not to go, Jack decides to head up to the cabin and order Livvie and her new guy off the property. While recreating Kevin's disappearance, Ian suddenly begins channeling the missing man. Livvie comes on strong with Rafe. 

May 21, 2002 - Lucy is overjoyed to realize that Kevin is making contact with her through Ian. Ricky accompanies Karen back to GH as she nervously prepares to face her coworkers in the wake of her public humiliation. Peering through the windows of the cabin, Jack is disgusted to see Livvie starting to disrobe in front of an unidentified man. Startled to catch sight of her old flame, Livvie pulls on her shirt and races to the door but Jack vanishes first. The publisher of a girlie magazine offers Karen a hundred grand to pose nude. As he comes back to himself, a shaken Ian asks Lucy what just happened. Questioned by Rafe, Livvie is forced to concoct more lies to explain her agitated state. Later, Rafe decides he needs professional help to regain his memory. Lucy kisses Ian in hopes of bringing back her Doc but Kevin fails to reappear. Certain Rebecca knows where Kevin is, Lucy insists on bringing the portrait home with her. Karen takes an uneasy stroll down memory lane when she visits the strip club where she used to work. 

May 22, 2002 - Lucy tries to put Ian at ease by assuring him that her kiss was only an attempt to reestablish contact with her missing husband. As they search the woods for Rebecca's candle, Jack admits to Alison how his trip the cabin ended. Noting how uneasy Rafe seems in close proximity to her, Livvie embroiders on her original lie with stories about how comfortable they have always been together as lovers. While visiting his wife's grave, Ian is surprised to bump into Alison's attorney. Rafe asks Livvie to be patient with him as he struggles to recover the memory of their "storybook" romance. Lucy explains to Jack and Alison why she brought Rebecca's portrait back to her place. Ian advises Kate to keep an open mind as she builds her case for the defense. Later, however, Kate rolls her eyes in disgust when Alison reveals how Ian channeled Kevin so he could deliver a message to Lucy. Jack shows a nervous Livvie the chain her new man dropped at the cabin. 

May 23, 2002 - Ian and Lucy arrive at the courthouse for Alison's preliminary hearing. Out in the hall, Jack bitterly taunts Livvie about her new man. Though Alison entreats her attorney to let her take the stand and tell her own story, Kate assures the girl she already has everything well under control. A worried Ricky goes in search of Karen. Meanwhile, Mary bails her son out of jail and encourages Frank to seek help from a therapist. Karen renews a few old acquaintances at the strip club where she used to work. Under cross-examination, Dara forces Lucy and Jamal into giving damaging testimony against their mutual friend. Later, Jack reveals under oath how Livvie confessed to lacing the candle with a psychotropic drug but Dara cleverly paints him as a vengeful ex-lover trying to smear his former girlfriend's name. Frank secretly retrieves his own file from Kevin's office. Confronted by an irate Ricky at the club, Karen insists she's exactly where she belongs. Kate drops a bombshell in the courtroom by suggesting that Lucy and Ian teamed up to kill Kevin so they could resume their affair. 

May 24, 2002 - Tossing dollar bills up on the stage, Ricky challenges Karen to prove him wrong and demonstrate that she truly does belong in the sleazy world she used to inhabit. Appalled by Kate's tactics, Alison immediately tries to fire her lawyer but the judge orders the hearing to go on. Forced to continue with her testimony, Lucy admits that she did sleep with Ian once before she was married. As he gazes at the candle, Rafe struggles to regain his memory of the last ten years. Outraged by Kate's insinuations, Lucy launches into an angry tirade against the attorney. Livvie takes the witness stand next and claims that her friendship with the defendant went sour once Alison began dabbling in witchcraft. Ricky tries to forcibly drag a protesting Karen away from the strip club. Wandering through the woods, Rafe stumbles upon the Pink Rose and wonders why the old barn seems so familiar. Alison gasps as the judge binds her over for trial. 

May 27, 2002 - Lucy offers a surprised Alison advice about how to deal with her current troubles. Ian is outraged with Kate's defense of Alison earlier in court which forces Kate to try to explain her actions. A desperate Ian then tries to connect with the missing Kevin again. Meanwhile, a confused Kevin shouts out for help only to find Rebecca has reappeared. He is outraged by what she has done and as they talk, the two find they are at odds with each other and consider what lies ahead for both of them. Jamal does his best to comfort a shaken Alison and ends up getting closer to her. Livvie steps up her storytelling to Rafe after he unlocks another clue to his hidden past. Afterwards, Lizzie considers her feelings of guilt as she realizes the many lies she has told to Rafe. 

May 28, 2002 - Ian suddenly begins channeling Kevin again as the agitated shrink begs Rebecca to help him get back to his wife. Doree's overwhelming obsession with Chris begins to interfere with his work and his life. After his connection to Kevin is broken, a woozy Ian tries to shake off the ill effects of his odd experience. Rebecca explains to Kevin that he can only return to his world if the special candle that was tossed into the woods is recovered and lit by a true believer. Ricky's words of love and encouragement give Karen hope that her life will soon be back on track. They kiss passionately. Kevin relates for an amused Rebecca how his romance with Lucy survived and flourished despite a number of dizzying twists and turns. Meanwhile, Christina tries her best to cheer up her unhappy mother. Ian is forced to confide in Chris when his health continues to rapidly deteriorate. Later, Lucy asks Ian to try once more to make contact with her husband. 

May 29, 2002 - As Ed and James look on from their unique perspective above the scene, Alison enters a church and prays for divine intercession. After making love with Ricky, Karen startles her bedmate by declaring that this can never happen again. Mary is dismayed to learn how Frank stole his file from Kevin's office. Unseen by Alison, Rafe wanders into the same chapel and confides to a passing handyman how he feels nothing for the girl he's supposed to love. Meanwhile, Alison relates for the minister how lonely she's been for Rafe. Mary recounts for her son a traumatic experience from his childhood of which Frank has no memory at all. Ricky angrily reminds Karen that the difference in their ages and backgrounds is totally beside the point. Later, Karen gently but firmly tells Ricky that they must be "just friends" from now on. Rafe decides to try and make it work with Livvie despite his partial amnesia and some qualms about their peculiar relationship. 

May 30, 2002 - Jamal and Jack head back to the darkroom to develop the last set of photos from the candle shop. Alison warns Kate she'll fire her on the spot if she ever again tries to drag Ian and Lucy's names through the mud. On a sudden whim, Rafe decides to surprise Livvie with a bouquet of pink roses. Jamal complains bitterly to Jack about the way Rafe is still monopolizing Alison's every waking thought. Alison finds herself confiding in Kate about her special angel. Livvie returns home to find the place filled to the brim with dozens and dozens of pink roses. Kate catches Jack and Jamal with the new Polaroids and cautions them to keep their wild stories to themselves when they're on the witness stand. Later, Kate does an apparent about-face and asks the young men to take her to the Pink Rose to see further evidence of the supernatural. Meanwhile, Alison is stunned to discover that Livvie sanded away the heart-enclosed names Rafe carved on the barn post. 

Superstition DVD #5 May 31 - June 14, 2002: 5/31, 6/3, 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/7, 6/10, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/14

May 31, 2002 - Alison stands beside the post in the barn. "It's gone...the heart with our names...Livvie... Livvie must have worn it away...but she can't erase our love--not ever." Livvie is slowly seducing Rafe at the cabin, using all the information she remembered from her conversations with Ali. Rafe thanks her for helping him learn to love again. Livvie says, "Thank you for teaching me how to make love..." Rafe tries to kiss her but she holds him back. "Not yet, but I promise it will be worth it," she tells him. Ian is looking at Rebecca's portrait. He remembers his conversation with Chris and his promise to Lucy. Lucy walks in with aspirin for his headache. Lucy moves to get him some water. "Don't leave me like this," Ian says, "I need you." Lucy looks confused. "You're all I've been thinking about...I need to be with you." "What are you saying...I don't understand," Lucy says to Ian. "Lucy, I need you so much..." Kevin is talking through Ian again. Kevin tells Lucy he misses her so much and he'll never give up. Lucy responds "Doc, it's you." Ian channels Kevin's message of love to Lucy. Kevin is interrupted by Rebecca, who walks up with a tray of refreshments. Kevin tells Rebecca "Will you leave me alone please." Rebecca apologizes that she didn't mean to intrude. Ian becomes suddenly agitated and angry. Lucy, sensing Ian's discomfort, tells him to let Kevin go. Ian seems dazed and unable to break the connection. Alison is still talking out loud to Livvie. "You thought that by removing a symbol it would mean something...but I don't need names on a wall to remember Rafe." She remembers their wedding and the promises they made to love each other forever. She decides to stop feeling sorry for herself and as she leaves the barn she says, "I love you Rafe Kovich, and I don't want you to ever forget that...I know I never will. I will carry you in my heart forever, for as long as I live." Rebecca asks Kevin if he was able to get a connection with his wife. Rebecca tells him the place they inhabit exists beyond the traditional world. Rebecca again offers Kevin the tray of refreshments. "Do you think I'm in the mood for a picnic?" Kevin angrily asks. He blames Rebecca again for the candle incident. Rebecca blames his daughter Livvie for making it into a permanent problem. "Permanent problem?" Kevin grows angry and knocks the tray out of Rebecca's hands, yelling "No" in disbelief. As this happens Lucy is bringing Ian a glass of water. He angrily knocks it out of Lucy's hands. "No, it's not true, I won't stay here...I will not stay here with you, Rebecca." Ian moves to get some fresh air, but passes out, falling to the floor. It's nighttime as Alison strolls through the park still thinking about Rafe. "Flower, beautiful lady?" the flower vendor asks. He hands her a red flower. She tells him she would prefer one perfect pink rose, but he informs her that that afternoon all his pink roses went home with a real romantic young guy...a real angel. Ali responds, "Angel?" Livvie starts seducing Rafe. Livvie tells him "I love you, Rafe Kovich...make love to me." Rafe had strewn rose petals on pillows near the fire where they lie. Rafe says "I want you so much, so much now...Alison." Livvie's face takes on a shocked expression. 

June 3, 2002 - A concerned Lucy helps Ian off the floor. Ian asks her to call Chris. Chris arrives to treat Ian and inquires about what occurred to bring on the attack. Lucy tells Chris that Ian was channeling Kevin. Chris doubts Lucy's telling him that Kevin is alive, but warns Ian that if he keeps up the channeling, it will kill him. After Chris leaves, Lucy tells Ian to follow Chris' advice. Ian still wants to continue, but after he falls asleep on the sofa, Lucy decides that channeling Doc through Ian has to stop--as much as she wants the connection with Kevin, she doesn't want to lose Ian too. Alison questions the flower vendor about the man who purchased the pink roses. His description matches Rafe's, and Alison concludes that Rafe is back. Livvie interrupts their lovemaking when Rafe calls her Alison. Rafe apologizes, but Livvie retreats to the bathroom and closes the door. She's angry with herself that she's allowing her feelings to interfere with her revenge against Alison. Rafe is outside the door, pleading with Livvie to come out and apologizing for calling her Alison. She comes out and they talk. Livvie again goes into seduction mode and they prepare to make love, but she stops them again. She says they have to wait until Rafe can give her everything, including his heart and soul. Jamal, Jack and Kate are at the barn taking more pictures. Kate doubts the picture taking will provide any results, and orders the guys not to tell anyone she is a participant in this--or she'll sue them. Jamal notices the heart is gone. Alison races into the barn calling Rafe's name. Jack asks why she's calling for Rafe when he's gone. Alison tells them about the flower vendor and says Rafe has come back to her. An argument ensues between Jamal and Ali as he disputes her belief and feelings about Rafe. After the guys leave, Kate tells Ali to get over her feelings for Rafe--she's fighting for her life now, and Jamal and Jack just want to help. Alison remains at the barn after Kate leaves, sitting wrapped in a quilt and waiting for Rafe. Jamal, Jake and Kate develop the pictures taken at the barn that day. Kate sees the latest picture they developed--of Rebecca. 

June 4, 2002 - Frank is on the phone talking to brother Joe. He explains the strange dreams he's been having about their childhood and the time he ran away from home. "Don't look it the downstairs closet," was the message he gave his brother after Frank returned home. Frank wonders why he told his brother that as he stares at that same closet. He steps into the closet and closes the door. Soon he remembers himself as a young boy spying through the keyhole as his mother undresses for another man. Very soon his father arrives and catches them. He dispatches the man and then turns on Mary. He hits her and then verbally attacks her the same way Frank has been sporatically attacking Karen for weeks. Frank, now outside sitting on the steps, still relives those memories as Mary walks up. He informs his mother that he remembers everything about Mary and her lover. Mary denies it--maybe it was a nightmare, she suggests. Frank tells her he doesn't blame her...Frank Sr. was so mean to all of them...but yes, he knows it happened. Kevin is staring into a pool and longing for Lucy. Rebecca joins him and has him look into the pool to see a portion of her life and lynching. [We don't see all of this, however--just Rebecca's face in the water and hear the mob sounds.] Kevin shows sympathy for Rebecca's past and how she was unjustly condemned. He asks how she got to where she presently is. She told him it was from the force of her feelings of being so unjustly accused. She had hoped that Alison could prove the injustice, but that didn't happen, so she is still stuck there. She is happy to have someone else there to talk to, and tells Kevin she can make that place a paradise for them. An agitated Kevin tells her "that place" will never be paradise to him. She uses a little "power of belief" magic to impress him with their location, but when she asks him his fondest wish, he says "to go home." She tells him that is something she can't do, and Kevin again becomes agitated. "This isn't's hell!" he tells her. Rebecca pleads with Kevin that since they're both stuck there, they should make the best of it. Kate comes to the lighthouse looking for Ian. Ian isn't there, so she pulls out the new picture Jack took at the barn and shows it to Lucy. It shows Rebecca about to be hanged. Kate wants to know how they could have a new picture of something that happened 120 years ago. She apologizes to Lucy for accusing her and Ian at the hearing. Lucy tells Kate that Rebecca and Alison's lives are running in parallel--what happened to Rebecca 120 years ago is now happening to Alison. Kate concludes that the camera is documenting the past for the sake of the future. Kate and Lucy both decide they have the same goal--to find Kevin before the trial starts. Lucy tells Kate that Kevin is with Rebecca. She tries to explain that Kevin has contacted her. Kate is still mystified by all the new paranormal information she is being asked to understand. Suddenly, Lucy gets an idea. Maybe Kate is the key to getting Kevin back. She tells Kate that Rebecca put a curse on the town. In order to fix the future for Kevin and Alison, they would need to fix Rebecca's case. Kate will have to solve a 120-year old murder case to vindicate Rebecca (freeing her spirit), thereby bringing Kevin back and clearing Alison. (Partial episode continued on next dvd)

June 5, 2002 - Mary finally admits that what Frank remembered did happen. The other man was a dear friend, and she was having a very difficult time with Frank's father. Mary feels very guilty that her past behavior has impacted Frank's relationship with Karen. She encourages him to find Karen and straighten things out between them. Meanwhile, Ricky meets Karen at the hospital as she's preparing to get off her shift. She tells him they aren't having sex again just as Colleen walks up and overhears, embarrassing both women. When Colleen leaves Karen blasts Ricky for showing up. He tells her he just wanted to show her a CD he'd made while working at his new job. He excitedly asked her to listen to it with him, but she declined. In an aggrevated tone he told her he thought they were still friends, but since she couldn't get past the "sex" thing, that was OK. He leaves the hospital, but Karen meets him in the park. They make up and Karen takes him home to listen to the CD. While back at Karen's place, the two get passionate again. Meanwhile, Frank goes to the hospital looking for Karen. Colleen covers for her and tries to discourage Frank from locating her right now. As she stares in the bathroom mirror, Livvie reminds herself that what happened last night can't happen again. Rafe calls for her and she joins him in the livingroom. He suggests they take a walk but she declines, saying she has to go out to pick up some supplies. Rafe offers to go with her but she discourages him, remind him of what the doctor said. She tells him she'll be back soon, and when she gets back, she has a feeling that things between them will be much better. Alison still waiting at the barn remembers her conversation with the flower vendor. Hearing sounds outside, she races to open the door while calling Rafe's name. Livvie is standing there, carrying a can of gasoline which Alison notices. The two argue. Alison accuses Livvie of sanding away the heart but Livvie denies it. Alison again tells Livvie she didn't kill Kevin, and attempts to reason with her former friend. Livvie accused Alison of turning everyone against her, even Jack, and asks Alison how she'd feel if the man she loved didn't believe her. They discuss Alison and Rafe, and Alison asks about Livvie's new boyfriend. Livvie starts to open up, but quickly backs down. Rafe, who has grown bored with the cabin, grabs his knapsack and rushes out the door. He encounters the flower vendor who remembers him. The vendor tells him someone else was asking about pink roses and suggests that maybe it was his girlfriend. Rafe asks what did the girl look like. The vendor describes Alison but before he can finish, Rafe chimes in with "a great smile that starts on the inside and shines all the way out." The vendor agreed with "well, you know her, huh?" to which Rafe responded "I must". After leaving the vendor, Rafe walks up to the barn door and prepares to enter. 

June 6, 2002 - Kevin scratches dates on a stone tablet while Rebecca sits on a tree stump, watching him. He informs Rebecca he will find a way out. He throws the tablet and takes off into the underbrush while Rebecca yells "Don't go". After he's gone she says "...because I know where you're going to end up, and you aren't going to like it." Kevin stops at a point in his walk as he realizes he is back where he started. Rebecca tells him she discovered long ago that all roads lead back to that same place. A defiant Kevin refuses to give up. Rebecca tells him she can help him adjust, but he refuses to cooperate. He tells her he will find a way out, or die trying. Rebecca informs him that, although he believes Lucy will find a way to get him out, Lucy won't...nor will anyone else. She tells him "They all think you're dead." Lucy, at the Recovery Room is saying "Doc, we won't give up on you. Don't you give up on us either." Lucy is blowing up balloons in preparation for Christina's birthday party at the Recovery Room. Ian walks in with an armful of presents and suggests that after the party they try again to contact Kevin. Lucy nixes the idea and tells him that exonerating Rebecca will be the key to getting Kevin back. Kate arrives with her briefcase and a bunch of files, barking orders to Ian and Lucy to help her set up. She wants to get started right away on Rebecca's case, even though she's aware they are planning a birthday party. She enlists Jack and Jamal to research old file transcripts from Rebecca's time, and suggests to Ian that he help Lucy hold it together, because what they are doing is going to be a long shot. Lucy remembers her and Doc's wedding and how he brought Christina back to her. Alison is still inside the barn questioning Livvie about her boyfriend as Rafe approaches the barn. Suddenly Livvie becomes agitated and tells Alison "No--I can't talk to you. You're not my friend!" and bolts for the door. Alison's cell phone rings and she picks it up. Outside, a surprised Livvie encounters Rafe. While Alison is busy talking to Kate about going to the Recovery Room, Rafe is explaining to Livvie how he was going stir-crazy in the cabin. He thinks he might be having a breakthrough, since he feels a connection to that barn. Rafe defiantly wants to go inside while a panicked Livvie begs him to go back to the cabin with her. Alison opens the door to leave, but Livvie and Rafe are gone. Kate questions Alison about the Revenend's girlfriend, but Ali realizes that Rebecca never told her the woman's name. Alison talks to Jamal about Livvie...Jack overhears her mention the other guy. Alison apologizes , but Jack tells her he actually pities the poor guy Livvie is with. As Kate finishes her work, she gathers her things to leave, but Ian asks her to stay for the birthday party. Outside, Alison thanks Jamal for the help he's given her. Livvie and Rafe walk into the cabin. Livvie tells him she doesn't know what came over her--she felt like she was going to faint. He tells her she's tired from doing so much for him. He informs her that he remembers things whenever he leaves the cabin, and that he thinks the doctor was wrong. They argue about her wanting him to stay in while he wants to explore the town. She concedes they will go out on an outing, but she wants him to rest first. While Rafe is in the kitchen, she opens a bottle of wine and dumps the powder from two sleeping pills in Rafe's glass. When he returns, she hands him the laced wine, but leaves to go to the bathroom to calm herself...she's buying herself time to figure out what to do next, she says in the mirror. Meanwhile, after she leaves Rafe sets the wine glass down next to Livvie's and steps outside on the porch. He momentarily walks back inside and picks up Livvie's wine glass. Livvie returns and picks up the drugged wine. They toast to new memories together as both drink their wine. Rafe puts a blanket over Livvie, who is sound asleep on the sofa. He uses Livvie's cell phone to call the PC Chamber of Commerce for information. He's looking for a casual place where lots of people hang out. He is given the name of The Recovery Room. Grabbing a single pink rose from the vase, he heads out the door. 

June 7, 2002 - Kevin grills Rebecca on the "everyone thinks you are dead" remark. Rebecca explains that Alison is being accused of killing him, and that Livvie slashed her portrait before she could find out more. Kevin berates her for not telling him sooner. He once again bemoans his present situation and then blames Rebecca, "your black magic got me here. You handed me a fate worse than death. I'm going to spend eternity in nowhere...with you!" Kevin calls her a powerless witch. Rebecca responds with equal force that her gift was misunderstood by those around her and she was hanged for it. "You have no right to judge me!" she tells him. Kevin softens and apologizes to Rebecca. Remorsefully, Rebecca tells him that she is truly sorry for what she's done to him. Lucy's mind is still on Kevin as Christina, Serena, Danny, Victor and Mary arrive for the birthday party. Alison enters from the kitchen with a basket of goodies she's baked. Kate notices Ali's sadness and approaches her. Alison tells her she had a really weird feeling that Rafe is somewhere nearby. At that moment, Rafe looks in the window of the Recovery Room. As he prepares to go inside, he is stopped by a waitress who informs him the Recovery Room is closed tonight for a private party. He asks her if she remembers him, but she tells him "No" and admits she's only worked there a couple of weeks. She invites him back when they're open...she promises she'll recognize him then. Rafe, still sensing a connection to the place, sits on the bench near the window. Inside the Recovery Room, Alison tells Kate that her heart is connected to Rafe and it's screaming that he's looking for her. Kate responds that she hopes Alison is right because she would love to meet a man who could make a woman that crazy. Lucy, overcome with feelings of sadness for Kevin's absence, goes into the back to get more balloons and to compose herself. Christina, unnoticed by Frank and Serena nearby, slips outside to greet Rafe. She asks him if he came for her birthday party. Rafe questions Christina briefly and then she motions for him to come inside with her. Just as he is prepared to accept her invitation Kate appears, calling Christina's name. Rafe tells Kate that Christina was inviting a complete stranger to her birthday party, and then asks if Kate is Christina's mom. Kate tells him "No" and thanks him for watching out for Christina as she escorts the little girl back inside. Lucy returns as they enter and picks up her daughter. Christina points to the window and says "man". Lucy asks her if she wants Lucy to meet the man, and Christina shakes her head "yes". Alison appears with a bunch of balloons and then spots Rafe through the window. Handing the balloons to Lucy, she races outside but Rafe is gone. Wondering if maybe she just imagined him, Alison spots the pink rose on the bench. "Rafe is back...he's come back to me...but why didn't he come inside?" Livvie, still asleep from the drugged wine, dreams of Rachel comforting her. Rachel advises Livvie to finish what she started. If she wants Rafe, she should have him. Livvie tells Rachel that she loves Rafe but he still cares for Alison. Rachel informs Livvie that Rafe will love her...she just has to keep working at it. "Alison deserves to be punished. If it's Rafe that you want, you hold on to him tighter...and you never let go," Rachel advises her daughter. Livvie awakens from her dream and realizes what happened. She scolds herself for being so stupid. Rafe enters the cabin, but Livvie refrains from berating him for his disappearance. She tells him she knows what he has to do..."Marry me" she tells him. 

June 10, 2002 - Karen and Ricky are in bed again. Ricky asks Karen why she can't admit that something IS going on between them and that neither wants to stop it. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. It's Frank. Karen does not want Frank to see Ricky there. She asks Ricky to leave but he refuses. As Ricky stays out of view, Karen answers the door. Frank recounts his childhood memories to Karen. Karen tells him she is glad he figured it out so he can get better, but it doesn't make what happened to them go away. Frank notices Karen was in bed before he arrived, but she covers, saying that she wasn't feeling well. He wants to take care of her, but she won't permit it. Frank asks Karen to give him a chance to prove he's better. He wants to light the candle again with Karen there to ensure it still isn't affecting him. Karen tells him she'll think about it. After Frank leaves, Ricky blasts Karen for even considering being near Frank when he relights the candle. He tells Karen he won't allow it as Karen, enraged at this possessiveness, tells him she'll do what she wants to do. Ricky tells Karen he wants to be there if she does go through with Frank's plan. Kate is looking for Alison while Ian straightens up after the birthday party. Kate bemoans the fact that she's fighting for Alison's life while her client lives in fantasyland. They hear Alison calling for Rafe outside and go out to investigate. Alison tells them Rafe was there. Kate tells her she has to stop chasing ghosts--her life is at stake! Alison insists that Rafe wasn't a ghost. Exasperated, Kate tells Alison to stop chasing a dream and fight for her life, or she can kiss her future goodbye. As Kate leaves, Alison tells Ian that Kate doesn't understand...she would give anything for one more chance...a few moments with Rafe. Ian assures her that he does understand...he felt the same way about Eve. Alison asks Ian how can she go on without the person she loves? Ian tells her that he doesn't think Rafe would want Alison to stop fighting for herself because of him. "Letting go doesn't mean forgetting, Alison," he tells her. After he leaves Alison continues to stand there, talking aloud to Rafe...I keep getting all these messages that you're sending me, but why aren't you here, and who is keeping you away from me? "Getting married, do you think that's the answer?" Rafe asks Livvie. She tells him she knows it sounds crazy but they were planning to be married before he disappeared. They were about to become husband and wife...the wedding was only a few days away when he disappeared. Rafe appears stunned by this new revelation. Livvie goes on to paint another picture of the two of them. Rafe tells her he should remember that...but he feels like something is missing. Rafe tells her he needs to think about it. After he steps outside, Livvie talks aloud to her mother, "After everything Alison has taken from me, I deserve Rafe. And I am going to have him." Rafe, meanwhile, stands looking at the night sky and fussing at himself because he can't remember any of what Livvie has been telling him. "It doesn't make any sense," he says. When he goes back inside, Livvie plays the "poor me, I've lost everything" sympathy card to him. Still confused, Rafe tells her he thinks maybe they should pick up where they left off, but there's something he needs to do before they move on together. There's someone he can't get off his mind and he needs to know why. So, before he and Livvie get married...he wants to talk to Alison. 

June 11, 2002 - Doree is on the phone in the Records Department talking to Chris. From her end of the conversation we learn that Chris wants to take a break from her. Although visibly upset, she agrees to comply just as Jamal and Jack enter to retrieve Rebecca's 120-year-old court records. Doree gives them a form to fill out and tells them it will take several weeks. Unable to wait that long, they develop a plan. While Jack keeps Doree occupied, Jamal will locate the files and slip out with them. Jack sympathetically listens to Doree's boyfriend problems and tells her about his ex-girlfriend who only tried to kill him twice. Doree, who is softening to Jack, gives him her name and Jack realizes he's talking to Chris' girlfriend. Jamal accidentally slams the file drawer, arrousing Doree's suspicions. Jack suggests it was a mouse, and Doree draws her gun to look. Jamal manages to dodge the two as they weave in and out among the file cabinets. He exits the door before Doree sees him. "Paradise...some paradise...except you can't reach anybody and there's no way out...they all think I'm dead." Kevin calls for Rebecca but she doesn't respond. He wonders where she went as he contemplates the loneliness of spending eternity there. "Rebecca, if you found a way out of here and didn't tell me, I'm really going to be mad." He sits down, now feeling very lonely, and asks aloud, "How did she do this for 120 years?" Rebecca soon joins him responding "It gets easier after the first fifty years." They discuss adapting to their surroundings. She calls him her "silver lining". She arranges for some music and wine to appear, and asks Kevin to dance with her. As they dance, Kevin has trouble keeping with the steps. Rebecca tells him that Mark Twain was a terrible dancer, too, and goes on to say she sold him some candles for his writer's block. Kevin notices her resemblance to Paige, and Rebecca asks him to tell her about Paige. The two bond as Kevin tells Rebecca that she's a remarkable woman, and if he has to be stuck in paradise, he can't think of any better company. Lucy is back at the barn, talking aloud to Doc. She tearfully asks him for some sign that he is alright and maybe can hear her. Ian enters with Rebecca's portrait. He wants to channel Kevin again, and he feels that conditions might be better there at the barn. Lucy argues that he can't take a chance with his health, but Ian wants to try again because Lucy needs to know that Kevin is out there and Ian needs to know that there's an end to this somewhere. He goes on to explain, "Kevin is missing, Alison is on trial for murder, friends are turning on each other, couples are broken up, and from where I stand it's not supposed to be this way." Lucy tries to debate his decision but Ian insists on going ahead. As he prepares to channel Kevin, nothing happens. Ian can't understand, but Lucy orders him to stop trying. She has developed a sinking feeling that it won't work...that Doc isn't trying to come home anymore. She thinks he's stopped trying. 

June 12, 2002 - Karen and Ricky discuss the candle test. Ricky is opposed to it, afraid that Karen might be harmed if the candle affects Frank again. When Frank arrives, he is surprised to see Ricky there. Ricky instructs Karen to tell Frank why he's there or he would. Karen interrupts Ricky to tell Frank that Ricky is there for her. Karen lights the candle and they all sit down to await the results. Frank shows no sign of being affected by it, but Karen flashes back to her tryst with Ricky, and immediately blows out the candle. As Frank leaves, he gets a promise from Karen that she'll think about getting back with him. An angry Ricky storms out of the apartment after telling Karen she should think about what she's giving up if she gets back with Frank. Jamal and Jack are looking over Rebecca's old courthouse proceedings at the Recovery Room. Jamal interprets the records to indicate Rebecca was innocent--she was set up. Jack is distracted by his conversation with Doree, who had unloaded on him about Chris. He feels guilty for misleading her. Ian joins them with some bad news. Despite Kate's plea, the judge will not re-hear Rebecca's case. All are discouraged by the information. "If Rebecca and Alison's stories match will be the same ending [for Alison]", Jack states. Ian then develops a plan to persuade the judge to reconsider Rebecca's case. As Alison stands at the footbridge, she talks aloud to Rafe. "If only things were different...if only I had just met you before you had died...". She is interrupted by Lucy, whom she hadn't realized was present. "What did you just said my cousin died?" a stunned Lucy inquires. Alison apologizes to Lucy, who is now frantic from the shock, saying that Rafe had made her promise not to tell his cousin that Rafe is an angel. "He has been, since any of us have ever known him." Alison expresses relief that Lucy now knows the truth, and goes on to explain that she feels a strong connection to Rafe. Lucy understands--she feels the same connection to Kevin. Both agree that hope is the only thing that keeps them going. Alison tells Lucy that she feels that Rafe's spirit is still with her...if she gives up faith and hope in that, she doesn't care what happens to her. Their conversation is interrupted by Lucy's cell phone. Lucy listens to Ian's plan and then informs Alison that if this works, they may both get what they want. Rafe is sitting on the sofa as Livvie walks into the cabin. He inquires where she's been...she tells him she needed some time to think. Rafe apologizes about asking to see Alison, but Livvie surprises him by agreeing that he should. Livvie then informs him that Alison is waiting outside to see him. Rafe opens the door to the phony Alison, who immediately throws her arms around him. Livvie and phony Alison exchange barbs while Rafe referees. This phony Alison has been coached in all the bad personality traits that Livvie believes are inherent in the real Alison. Rafe interrupts them at one point, stating that she isn't Alison. Both women spend time trying to convince Rafe that phony Alison is the real Alison. Phony Alison informs the two that today's paper states, "This town will never lock up a Barrington without a body," an ad lib that Livvie hadn't coached. Before leaving, she slaps Livvie hard as Rafe goes into protect mode and pushes her out the door. Once outside the cabin she collects her cash from underneath the flowerpot, hoping that she hadn't overacted the part. Rafe can't believe that he fell in love with "that." He tells Livvie "Let's do it--let's get married." A stunned Livvie agrees but rushes out to run an errand...she won't let Alison go free after killing her father. Livvie has a plan. Meanwhile, Rafe tries to talk himself into this relationship with Livvie. Suddenly, a memory flash at the barn appears. And a woman's face--Alison. "Who is that?" Rafe asks. 

June 13, 2002 - Kevin is working at conjuring up a bouquet of flowers. After several tries, he succeeds. After Rebecca arrives, he surprises her with them. "It's been so long since anyone sent anything nice to me...almost a hundred years," Rebecca tells him, pleased. She hugs him, but loses her necklace. She moves away and hides her neck, not wanting him to see the scar from her hanging. Kevin comforts her as she details more of the feelings and anger she felt at being so unjustly accused and convicted of something she didn't do. Rebecca tells Kevin she's so grateful for what he's done for her. Taking his hand, she leads him down a path, telling him she wants to show him something. Ian, Lucy, Jack, Jamal, Alison, and Kate are setting up the lighting at the walkbridge for a very special visitor--the judge. They plan to reenact Rebecca's story with all the details they've uncovered from the original trial transcripts. Kate is having second thoughts, but an optimistic Lucy prevails. When the judge appears, he is confused since he was told he would be attending a charity event. Ian tells him this is for a good cause, and that they need a champion. After the judge sees Alison, he objects and threatens several of the participants with contempt of court charges. Kate and Lucy finally manage to get him to stay and listen. Alison will portray Rebecca, while Jack does the part of Horachio, Jamal is Silas Whitman (the mayor and individual who framed Rebecca for Horachio's murder even when he knew she was innocent), and Lucy portrays Penelope Fillmore (Horachio's secret love). When they finish the skit, the judge is moved but tells them he can't overturn the conviction based on what he has seen. He needs cold hard proof. Kate gives it to him, including DNA test results proving that Horachio was alive long after Rebecca was hanged. The judge tells Kate to meet him in his chambers in an hour. He will give her his answer. As the group leaves to get something to eat, Lucy is optimistic she will have Doc back in her arms tonight. Alison remains behind, remembering her wedding to Rafe, and wishing he were with her. Livvie slips into the cabin while Rafe is asleep. She runs to the bathroom, closes the door, and turns on the faucet. She scrubs her hands and arms vigorously as Rafe calls her from the livingroom. Livvie fills Rafe in on her latest plans--they can be married at Niagara Falls and then take a long extended honeymoon. Rafe is reluctant. He tells her they can't just take off like that--this is their home. She tells him there's nothing for her in Port Charles anymore. Rafe thinks that the key to regaining his memory is in Port Charles. Livvie tells him that's because she is there, and they can do that anywhere. He reminds her of the upcoming trial, but she assures him they can work around that. Livvie asks "Why don't you trust me?" Rafe tells her he thinks she is running away from something, and he'd like to know why. Livvie snows him again, and by the time they finish Rafe agrees to leave Port Charles with her. She gleefully runs out to make the final arrangements, leaving a still uncertain Rafe there to pack. "What do I have to lose?" Rafe asks aloud. "But there's something I have to do first, though." Livvie is talking aloud to her mother again. She's taken care of everything. Now she's going to be married, and she has taken all the steps necessary to ensure that Alison will not get away with Kevin's murder. Rafe enters the barn, wondering why he keeps getting drawn back there. Suddenly he sees Alison's face again in another memory flash. "'s always you." 

June 14, 2002 - Lucy, Ian, Alison, Jamal, and Jack are waiting at the Recovery Room for word from Kate. As the guys scatter to get more drinks, Lucy and Alison talk. Lucy tells her she wishes she could give Alison more than just her freedom. Lucy wishes she could give her Rafe. Alison tells Lucy and the wedding ceremony she and Rafe had. Alison tells her she is still holding onto faith that wherever Rafe is, he still feels the same way about her as she does about him. When Ian returns to the table, Lucy tells him that when Kevin gets back she will be the best wife--she might even cook. Ian cautions her that when Kevin returns, he may not be the same as before--what if the situation he was exposed to changes him? Meanwhile, Jack and Jamal discuss Livvie. Jack pulls Rafe's pendant out of his pocket and shows it to Jamal, saying this is his reminder of what Livvie is about these days. Lucy assures Ian that her soul is joined with Doc's...that will never change. She will never give up on Kevin. Kate arrives and gives them the judge's verdict...Rebecca's conviction has been overturned. They all hope that getting Rebecca off will lead to Kevin's return. Lucy rushes home to meet her Doc. Alison wonders what Livvie will say when she finds out how wrong she was. Jack states while taking out Rafe's pendant and looking at it once more before tossing it away "Who cares?" Kate gets a phone call and comes back to Alison with the message that Kevin's remains have been found. Kevin watches as Rebecca returns from a swim in Barnadoon. She impresses him with her magic as she snaps her fingers and becomes fully dressed and dry. Kevin appears comfortable with his surroundings now, and his companion. She asks if there's anything he wants, she will give it to him with a snap of her fingers. Kevin responds by kissing her. Kevin breaks free of his passionate kiss briefly, remembering that he's a married man. Then realizing his wife thinks he's dead and he will be stuck here forever, he kisses Rebecca passionately again. Rebecca breaks free this time, suddenly gasping. "Kevin, something is happening to me! It's all place," Rebecca exclaims. "I'm going away...I'm fading...I can feel it. Alison must have cleared my name." Excitedly, Kevin asks, "The curse is broken...we can go home?" Rebecca sadly informs him that he can't leave with her. "Somebody in Port Charles has to find the candle and light it for you to go back," Rebecca tells him as she starts fading away. Before she finally disappears, Rebecca tells him "I'm so sorry...believe Kevin...believe." A stunned Kevin screams "No!" Rafe stands outside the barn as Livvie shows up. Rafe tells her he wants to get married at the barn. Livvie tries hard to discourage him. "But where do we find someone to perform the ceremony here?" she asks. Just then an older couple appears and Rafe introduces the reverend and his wife to Livvie. As the older couple strolls into the barn, Rafe informs Livvie that getting married there just seems right and he doesn't want to be married any other place. He convinces her to look inside. The interior is decked out with flowers. Reluctantly, Livvie gives in. Livvie recites her made-up vowels and then it's Rafe's turn. He struggles to come up with words to say, then suddenly flashes on Alison's face again. He hears the words of those vowels he spoke to Alison and tries to repeat them now, but can't. Stopping, he tells them "I can't...I'm married...I'm already married!" 

Superstition DVD #6 June 17 - 28, 2002: 6/17, 6/18, 6/19, 6/20, 6/21, 6/24, 6/25, 6/26, 6/27, 6/28

June 17, 2002 - Rafe postpones the wedding briefly but Livvie convinces him that it was their mock wedding that he remembers. Finally, she succeeds and they are officially married. Back at the cabin, Livvie makes her move on an uneasy Rafe. Alison denies she killed Kevin again, but Kates doesn't believe her. Kate decides to change Alison's plea from "Not guilty" to "Not guilty by reason of insanity." Alison resists, still claiming she did nothing to harm Kevin. Kate informs her the DNA analysis is conclusive. Kevin is dead. An upset Alison flees the Recovery Room. Kate moves to intercept her, but notices a shiny object at her feet...Rafe's pendant. She picks it up, wondering who it belongs to. Lucy and Ian walk into the lighthouse as Lucy excitedly calls for Doc. They immediately notice that Rebecca's portrait has been restored. Lucy interprets this as a good sign that Rebecca's curse has been lifted, and Kevin is on his way home. She decides to prepare herself for his return. Lucy returns to the livingroom dressed in Kevin's favorite dress. She makes plans to prepare a special evening for them when he arrives. Ian reminds her that Kevin will only want her...not these other preparations, if he gets home. Victor arrives then, sadly informing them that Kevin is dead--his ashes were found on the Barrington estate and positively identified as Kevin's. Lucy will not accept this, despite Victor and Ian's attempts to convince her. As the grief and loss slowly sink in, Lucy flees the lighthouse. As Rebecca disappears, a distraught Kevin ponders his future there alone. Rebecca's parting words...remember the power of belief...resonate in his mind. He tries not to panic about his predicament. Kevin talks aloud to Lucy...imploring her to find the candle and light it..."bring me back to you." Crying, Kevin tells Lucy not to give up on him--fight for him. Kevin looks for a way to keep Lucy near him. He conjures up a paper notepad and pen, which he prepares to use. Alison walks into the barn, now clear of all signs of the recent wedding. First, she is in doubt at what her ancestor might have done, but that soon gives way to anger at Rebecca. The White Candle responsibe for Kevin's disappearance is still where Rafe left it, unbeknownst to Alison. Alison picks up the gas can and starts dousing the barn with gasoline. "I hope you burn in hell," she says aloud to Rebecca. She strikes a match, ready to incinerate the building, but before she can toss it, Lucy appears and grabs her arm, thus ruining the chnce for the burning barn to light the candle and return Kevin. 

June 18, 2002 - Outside the lighthouse Karen sees Frank. They talk. "I hear the cops found Kevin's remains." Frank was happy to see Karen. No one is at the lighthouse. "Karen, I don't want you to be afraid of me. But when life and death is in your face like this now, I don't want us to be over." Frank is so sincere. "There is something you should know that might change your mind...I slept with him, Ricky." "You and Ricky?" Frank was shocked. "Do you have feelings for this guy?" "Look, I had to be sure that I wasn't the girl that you saw." "So, what does this mean?" Frank asks. "Is there anyway that you can look at me and forget about Ricky right now? Do we have a chance right now? If there is a chance, I will fight for us. You can't tell me that Ricky went through time for you." "No", Karen listens. "I am going back to the school, and if you show up, I will know. If not, then we will get on with our lives." Karen leaves. Frank then gets flashes of Karen in bed again. Wow, not again. Jamal is at the pizza place. "So, who is the lady?" he asks Ricky. "Karen", Ricky tells Jamal. "No way...I will not let you mess Frank and Karen up!" "Who died and made you Frank and Karen's keeper?" "It is not cool, Ricky, it is not cool that you try and work on someone else's lady." "Look, I just happened to be there when Frank went postal. And now that I got to know her, I like her, because he messed up with Karen I won't. So let me know now, are we going to rumble over this Karen thing. Look, I really believe that Karen and I can go the distance." The band comes up wanting Ricky to play with them tomorrow night. "Yeah! Wow! Tomorrow night is going to be the most exciting night of my life. And I want Karen to be there." Lucy walks in just as Alison is about to torch the barn. "Don't you dare!" Alison turns and sees Lucy. "What did you do, Alison? How did you kill my husband?" Lucy has so much hate in her eyes towards Alison. Tears fill Lucy's eyes as she lets Alison have it. Alison defends herself. "It was Rebecca...the candle." "So, Rebecca somehow burns the body and buries it on your property, is that it?" "It was because of the candle from the portrait." "Shut up! Shut up Alison! It wasn't that stupid candle. There is no special magical candle. I was a fool! Kevin is dead! Nothing, you hear me, nothing is going to bring him back to me!" Lucy is crying as she yells at Alison. "Lucy, I didn't do it." "Then who did? Who did? Who helped you? I will kill them!" "Believe me," Alison starts to cry. "What? I was a fool! You used me! I wanted to believe you that if we freed Rebecca. I lived day and night on that hope...all false hope! I would get him back. You blame everyone else...maybe, just maybe Livvie was right. You bewitched everyone in this town. You had everyone believe in your lies. You know what..." Lucy gets louder. "I don't believe anything anymore because of your lies. So tell me, Alison, do you have a spell in there to help yourself, because nobody else is going to save you." They are both crying now. "You have to believe." "No! Don't you say 'believe' to me." Lucy is still crying. "You know what you did? You've taken away my faith. I don't believe in magic anymore. I don't think that good things happen to good people because my belief is gone. Don't you see? 'Let's help Rebecca...we can get Kevin back'. Well, I got Kevin back, Alison. I got him back in a pile of ashes! That is what I got." The police arrive and escort Alison back to jail [apparently Lucy revoked the bond she had posted]. At the cabin the newlyweds made love. They awake. Livvie looks at her ring. "I can't believe we are married." Livvie is all smiles. "The first time is always amazing." Rafe looks at Livvie, "The first time? This wasn't the first time, at least according to you." "The first time as husband and wife was amazing for me, but it isn't great...not for you. Why Rafe?" It is not that I feel like I need to be somewhere. Do you know what I would give to not have a past? I have not had an easy life...there are things I can't tell you...everyone I ever trusted and loved...they always left me...and my dad died and I can't be in PC anymore. So I need to know...does your past mean more to you than our future? That would be a great wedding gift to me...we can make new memories, but can you do that, Rafe, can you leave it all behind?" "I am thinking about all those missing years...who I met along the way." Livvie looks sad. "Rafe, this is just the beginning for us. I will make you so happy you will feel like you aren't missing anything." "Well, maybe I should focus on what is in front of beautiful, beautiful wife." Rafe dreams of waking up to Alison. "Who is this girl I keep remembering? Why do I think she needs me?" Lucy is so sad. "Doc, I sure tried . I thought you were lost or something. Trying to come home to me. They found your ashes. I can hardly breathe without you." Lucy can hardly speak she is crying so hard. "I just wish there was some kind of magic candle to bring you back." Lucy walks outside, closing the barn door. Focus on the candle Rafe left there, which had fallen under the table.

Superstition DVD #6  June 19 - 28, 2002
6/19, 6/20, 6/21, 6/24, 6/25, 6/26, 6/27, 6/28

June 19, 2002 - Karen is finishing her shift at the hospital when Ricky arrives with a present...a backstage pass to watch him perform with his new band. Karen is excited for him until she realizes the performance is tonight. She tells him she can't make it. Ricky quickly concludes that Frank is the reason. "Don't tell me you're actually taking Frank back?" Karen tells him she's thinking about it. "It's not that I don't get that you guys have a history, but that's past, right?...once upon a time...Frank has changed and I see him for what he is right now." Karen tells him that doesn't mean Ricky knows what she wants. Ricky debates that, reminding Karen of her desire for him during the last candle lighting with Frank. "Who were you looking at?" Ricky asks. "Don't do this," Karen responds. "There's something here, if you'd just let it happen," Ricky tells her. He begs her to celebrate with him tonight and deal with Frank tomorrow. Karen protests, but Ricky isn't listening. He races off, stating that he'll be back later to pick her up. "I can't be in two places at once," Karen moans. Ricky arrives back at the hospital later but Karen isn't there. A young nurse informs him Karen's shift ended over an hour ago, but if his name was Ricky, Karen had left him an envelope. Inside is the backstage pass he'd given her earlier. Aggrevated, Ricky tears it into pieces. "Big mistake, Karen, big mistake." Frank looks around at the bleachers of his old high school. "Seems like every time I need a touchdown, I come back here. Well, I need another one tonight, especially tonight." He remembers his last conversation with Karen at the lighthouse. "I love you, Karen...I just want another chance to show've got to know how important tonight is to us. Right? You have to come." He remembers the two of them during their high school days. Suddenly, he comes back to reality and questions why Karen would even want him. Dark forces intrude as he again envisions Karen in that red teddy, but he quickly pushes them away. Hearing footsteps, he turns to see Karen standing there. Frank asks her if that means what he thinks it does. Karen tells him if he's better, really better...yes, she's willing to give it a try. He starts to embrace her, but she pulls back, telling him that they need to take things slow. Frank apologizes for hurting her. "I need you, Karen...I love you so much." Karen's only response is "I know," as they embrace. Kevin has just sketched a picture of Lucy. "Well, it's not perfect...but at least I can see you. Everyday is getting harder. Come on Collins...get it together. You're not losing your least not yet." He turns the sketch over and writes today's date on the back. Then he hangs it up on a nearby tree. "Lucy, can you hear me?" Kevin yells. "Please...because sitting here alone is not helping my frame of isn't helping at all. Oh, what the hell!" He snaps his fingers and a glass of wine appears. He takes a sip. "It helps a little...Lucy, you'd really like it here. This is your kind of universe. All you'd have to do is believe and everything you want could be yours. Every year, every month, every day..." He remember's it's Lucy's birthday, and hopes she got the gift her "dead" husband ordered for her months before. Kevin pulls the drawings he has made from the tree. He's still urging Lucy to believe. Suddenly doubtful "...but what if that's not enough...what if all the belief left in the world isn't enough, and I still can't get back? I can't spend an eternity looking at these!" He flings them into the mist. Then, having second thoughts, he tries to recover them. One is still missing, and as he frantically looks, he calls out to Lucy. "Believe". Lucy is on the phone at the lighthouse while Ian paces. She's making burial arrangements for Kevin. Ian tries to intercede but Lucy appears wired...staying busy seems to be her way of coping. Finally, Ian asks her to stop. She tells him she can't...she will go insane if she stops. "How could I possibly have been so wrong?" she asks, almost in tears. She says that finding Kevin's ashes still isn't sinking in...she can still feel Doc's presence. "How can he be gone when I still sense him, and still feel his presence?" she questions. The universe was supposed to protect her and the ones she loved. Lowering herself to the sofa, she tells Ian she feels a hollow nothingness. A sympathetic Ian, drawing on his memories of losing Eve, attempts to console her, saying everything will be alright. They embrace just as there's a knock at the door. Ian yells at the visitor to come in. The deliveryman misconstrues Ian and Lucy's relationship as he delivers a package for Lucy. Lucy goes off on the messenger. The gift is from Doc. The card says "The universe, like my love, lasts forever". Inside the package are star charts and pictures of a star with Lucy's name on it. "He gave me a sign that I shouldn't stop believing in the universe...he gave me a star," Lucy remarked with tears in her eyes. Later, Lucy steps out onto the balcony to look at her star and talk to Doc. For a brief instant, she seems to hear Doc call her name. "Doc, you are out there, aren't you?" Lucy asks him for a sign...the reluctantly walks back inside the lighthouse and closes the door. A gust of wind blows Kevin's drawing of Lucy onto the balcony. 

June 20, 2002 - You're all mine, and I do love you Rafe," Livvie tells her sleeping husband. When her cell phone rings, she get up to answer it. It's her distraught grandfather telling her about finding Kevin's ashes. Livvie fakes surprise as she talks to him. She tells Victor she needs time to deal with it on her own...she won't come home now. "It's working!" a jubilant Livvie exclaims after she gets off the phone. "Planting all those ashes will guarantee that Alison pays, and she'll be executed just like her crazy grandmother...and I will live happily ever after with Rafe." "What did you say?" Rafe asks. Rafe mistakes the sound of glee he heard in Livvie voice for sobs, and is immediately sympathetic. Livvie "admits" she was crying and tells him about the discovery of her father's ashes. Rafe asks if she wants to go home, but she assure him that her home is there with him. Again she reminds him that he agreed to go away with her. "No looking back," Rafe responds with a conviction he doesn't feel. His mood change prompts her to ask him what's wrong. Rafe admits that he's having flashes of a girl, and she's haunting him. Livvie asks him what the girl looks like. "Long blonde eyes...she kinda looks like Alison...but sweet. Do I know anybody like that?" Livvie suddenly becomes agitated, telling Rafe how should she know...she hasn't been with him for the entire ten years that are missing. Rafe is now on the defensive as she rants continuously. "What more do you need?" Livvie yells. "This isn't about what I need!" Rafe yells back. Livvie opens the door and tells him to go, sobbing as she continues her tirade. Initially Rafe complies, but changes his mind halfway through the door. "I don't want out of this," he assures her. "I think I'm going to put my past in the past where it belongs," he tells a consoled Livvie. "And nobody or nothing's going to get in our way." A surprised Victor concludes his call with Livvie as Jamal and Jack greet him at the bridge. They express their condolences to him and Lucy. "I don't understand anything anymore," a sad and confused Victor responds. "My son got killed and his own daughter...she doesn't want to come home...why wouldn't she want to come home?" As Victor walks to the other side of the bridge, Jack and Jamal express surprise and doubt at Alison's part in this. "Something's not right," Jack says. "Do you want to hear what's not right...I'll tell you what's not right," Victor laments as he returns to the conversation. "I had two sons, two beautiful twin boys, and all that's left of either of them is ashes...nothing but ashes." "Both...both of your sons?" Jack asks him. Victor recounts Ryan's tragic story to Jack and Jamal...and how his own guilt had forced him to retain Ryan's ashes. Victor, now on the verge of tears, is consoled by the two young men. After he leaves, they formulate a theory. Jamal asks Jack why he inquired about Ryan's ashes. Jack thinks Livvie may have planted Ryan's ashes to frame Alison for Kevin's murder. Reluctantly Jamal agrees. They also conclude that Livvie likely covered her tracks with the ashes. Jack decides to confront Livvie, working on her fear of going crazy like some of her relatives, to get the truth from her. This time he will get it on tape. Jack then calls in a favor to get the location of Victor's call to Livvie. He heads off to confront his ex. A depressed Alison sits on her jail cell bed as Kate explains the plea she wants to make. "I know things look bad, Alison, but we still have a shot." "We don't have a shot, Kate, this is over." Kate tells her it isn't over...she's asking the judge to change the plea to "not guilty due to diminished capacity." All Alison needs to do is get up in court and tell the 'real' story of what happened when Kevin disappeared. "So...", Alison gets off the bed to face Kate "...I get up on the stand and I tell everyone the real story...only to convince everyone that I'm insane...not guilty...but crazy." Kate tells her it's a lot better than a conviction for murder one. "Right, so then what?" Ali asks. "Then you'd be sentenced to serve your time in a psychiatric institution." "For how long?" Kate informs her she would probably be out by the time she's 30 or 35...still time to lead a full life. Alison mulls this information, trying to understand what happened. "Are they sure Kevin is dead? I swear to you, Kate, I didn't kill him!...Isn't it ironic that the one thing that can save me is something that no one would ever believe." A sympathetic Kate responds, "that's just the kind of world we live in." Alison declares she doesn't know anything anymore. "I thought that Kevin was alive, but he's not...I thought that Rafe was coming back, but he isn't...but then I feel his presence so strongly sometimes that maybe he is...maybe I am crazy!" Crying now, Alison tells Kate that she is ultimately responsible for what happened to Kevin. She knows what she has to do. She will change her plea and accept the consequences. Alison now stands in the courtroom with Kate. The judge asks her for her plea. She recounts all the angry words from Livvie...Lucy... It's her fault. Alison stands. "Yes, I wish to change my plea to 'Guilty'. Guilty of murder, as charged." 

June 21, 2002 - Kevin is still searching for the sketch. " was's all I have...I can't lose that!" After searching some more, Kevin gives up. "It's gone...Lucy's gone," he dejectedly declares. Then a new determination washes over him as he picks up the sketch pad and pen to draw yet another picture of Lucy. If it disappears, he'll draw another one...he will not forget Lucy...the color of her eyes...she will know he is here. And she will find him. Lucy meets Ian outside the courtroom. Ian tries to persuade her to go home, but she insists on going into the courtroom. Jamal joins them and expresses his condolences to Lucy. Lucy wonders if Livvie will be there and asks Jamal if he's seen her. Jamal tells her "No" and adds "It's hard to say what Livvie's going to do anymore." Inside the courtroom, Kate is stunned by Alison's plea and asks for time to speak with her client. Just as Lucy, Ian, and Jamal enter the room, Alison tells the judge that time won't be necessary...she's pleading guilty to murder as charged. "Guilty?" a surprised Lucy whispers to Ian. "Where did that come from?" Ian responded. "She swore she wasn't...even after they found Kevin's ashes," Lucy replied. Jamal, dismayed, says aloud "Ali, what are you doing?" Kate is trying to understand Alison's logic, as Alison explains to her "If Rebecca killed Kevin, then I'm just as guilty as she is...I should pay." "With your life, Alison?'ve just given that judge permission to sentence you to death!" Kate argues. Alison tells Kate she's not asking her to stop it...she's asking Kate to let it go. Meanwhile, Lucy tells Ian she wants to hate Alison, but she can't. Jamal comes forward and pleads with his ex, unable to understand why she insists on being punished. Alison starts to cry, telling Jamal and Kate she's tired...tired of explaining to everyone. She doesn't want to subject Lucy or Victor to anymore pain from what happened. "He would still be here if it weren't for me," Alison cries. Livvie is still stressing the importance in leaving Port Charles to Rafe. Rafe assures her he's ready to go, and he will get those "things" out of his mind. She wants to leave now, but Rafe is reluctant. He tells her the car has been sounding funny and volunteers to get it checked out at the gas station while she finishes packing. She tells him she will be waiting to leave the minute he gets back. After he's gone, she fumes about Rafe not getting Alison out of his head. She hopes that Rafe will remember less and less of Alison once they're away from Port Charles. She then decides to create some "old" memories for her and Rafe with a new journal. She tints the pages with tea to stain them and then prepares to rewrite history, her history with Rafe. Spun from all the memories Alison shared with her, she works feverishly to compile the journal, adding in the additional "information" she'd given Rafe about their engagement and his disappearance. Finally satisfied that it was up-to-date, she closes the book and puts it in her purse. Hearing footsteps behind her, she calls out without turning around "Sweetheart, you're back...I'm almost ready to go." "I don't think so...sweetheart." Livvie recognizes Jack's voice and turns to face her ex. Alison insists on the guilty plea, and the judge then asks for an allocution--her statement describing how she carried out the murder. Alison takes the witness stand. She thanks Lucy for believing in her and the magic candle. She tells Lucy how much she loved and respected Kevin, and tearfully expresses another apology to his "widow". She then thanks Jamal for being the best friend she ever had. Dara interrupts, complaining to the judge that Alison is making a bid for sympathy. Alison continues to stall as she tells about setting up the candle shop just like her great-great-great-grandmother Rebecca had done. The judge finally intercedes, telling Alison to explain what she did to Dr. Collins. Ali once again hears all the angry voices accusing her of Kevin's murder. "Kevin came out to try and close the candleshop, and I was very angry. And he left to go get something out of his car...and when I came...when he came back, he had his back turned...and I thought that was my chance I took out a knife and I stabbed him...and I stabbed him until I knew he was dead." Kate objects to the court, while Jamal yells "That's a lie!" Now trembling and crying, Lucy races out of the courtroom. Lucy steps out onto the balcony at the lighthouse. She clutches her stomach...then looks down at the piece of paper on the floor. "Where did this come from?" She picks it up and stares at it. Her face softens with serenity as she stares at the drawing Kevin has sent to her. Rafe walks into the barn and looks around. He walks over to the post where he remembered seeing the carved heart and realizes it's gone as he touches the spot. "My name and hers...was right here...unless I imagined it...just like I've been imagining..." He remembers Alison in the barn again as they made love. "You...but who are you? Why do these questions keep bringing me back here?" He shrugs it off, telling himself it doesn't matter now. "I have to say goodbye to this place and all the meaning it once held for's time to move on." He picks up the backpack, and then notices the candle lying under the table. He lifts it up and studies it. Ian blocks Jamal as he attempts to move to Alison's side. Ian tells the judge that maybe they should put an end to this...Alison obviously wasn't well. Kate escorts her client to her seat and inquires about her. Alison appears breathless. Suddenly, Ali spots Rafe's pendant dangling from Kate's purse on the table. She picks it up, and in a daze places it around her neck. She tries to stand up, but collapses on the floor, unconscious, as Ian and Jamal race to her side. 

June 24, 2002 - Rafe holds the candle, looking at it. "What is it about this thing? Why can't I just let it go? There's something I have to do for her...this girl I keep seeing...But what is it?...I can feel it...tell me what it is?" Suddenly he sees Alison holding another candle...and then him holding Alison. "It's the candle...whatever I have to do for this girl, whoever she is, it has something to do with this...and if I do it, maybe I'll stop being haunted by her lovely face." He puts the candle in his knapsack. Rafe then prepares to say goodbye to the barn forever. "Just one last look before I move off to start my new married life with Livvie," Rafe says, as he recalls his new recent memories with his new wife. "I just wish that..." as he again flashes back on his time in the barn with Alison..."I wish I knew who you are...I wish I knew why I can't get you out of my mind...Livvie's's all in the past, and it's time for me to move on to the future." He steps outside and shuts the door. "OK, I've got the candle, and I think I know what to do with it...Goodbye Port Charles..." Again he flashes on himself with Alison in the barn. "Goodbye, whoever you are," he remarks as he walks away. Lucy continues to stare at the sketch Kevin had done of her. She doesn't remember him doing it. She also wonders how it got outside. The telephone rings and she walks back in to answer it. Kate is calling to tell her about Alison. Grabbing her purse and still clutching the sketch, Lucy heads to the hospital. Jack moves toward Livvie. "What's the matter? Aren't you happy to see me?" "Get out!" Livvie yells. "Don't mind if I do," Jack responds, making himself comfortable on the sofa. "You know what, Livvie, I swore to myself I would never let you surprise me again...but you never cease to amaze me." "Not only don't I have any idea what you are talking about, I'm not interested," Livvie tells him. "No, neither am I...if you're going to stand here and deny it. Come on...make my day...tell me how you pulled it off?" "Pulled what off, Jack?" Livvie asks sarcastically. "That was brilliant...but it was also kinda sick...I guess from the kind of family you come from, crazy..." He's pushing her buttons now. Livvie angrily tells him to get out and opens the door for him to leave. Jack persists as he secretly turns on the tape player. "Do you know where they put insane people? Mental hospitals." The door slams shut as Livvie angrily confronts her ex. "Dazzle did you manage to pass off your dead Uncle Ryan's ashes as Kevin's?" "I don't know what you're talking about," Livvie replies. Jack laughs. "If I had a buck for every time you said that, I'd be a millionaire," he goads her. Livvie asks him if he really thinks she's capable of doing something like that. He tells her he thinks she could as he continues to push her. He brings up Caleb's name. She yells that she destroyed Caleb. He tells her that now she has to destroy the evil Alison...she wants Ali to pay with her life for Kevin's "death"...just like Rachel. "Good for you, Jack. You know how to hurt me," Livvie responds. "Why are you doing this to me?" "If you had one ounce of decency in you," Jack replies, "you would admit what you have done so we could find out what really happened to your dad." "I know what happened to my father," Livvie insists, "he is dead, Jack, Alison murdered my father." Jack laughs again. "And buried his ashes in her grandmother's back yard...come on, start telling the truth!" Livvie looks beyond him and through the window spots Rafe returning. Her demeanor changes. "The truth is, I miss you," she says seductively, grabbing his jacket to pull him to her. A surprised Jack replies "What?" as Livvie unbuttons her blouse and removes it, crooning "I want you, as much as you want me." "Livvie, I don't know what you're thinking," Jack protests. "Please...please," Livvie pulls him closer just as Rafe enters. Then she yells "help me," before Rafe rushes forward to knock out Jack. The tape recorder lays beside him on the floor. Livvie grabs her blouse as Rafe asks her what happened. She is anxious to get out of there. "He tried to rape me," she tells him. "I'm going to call the police," Rafe replies. No, no. She doesn't want the police. She just wants to go...get away from there. Rafe picks up the tape recorder and asks what it is. Livvie takes it from him and destroys the tape. He asks her to calm down, but she pleads with him to get her out of there. They head out the door as a stunned Jack comes to and tries to figure out what happened. "OK Livvie, you can run but you can't hide," Jack says as he leaves the cabin. Alison is rushed into the emergency room. Karen meets Ian there. As Ian and other emergency room personnel work to save Alison, Karen meets Kate and Jamal outside. She's update them when she has more details, Karen assures them. Ian continues to work on his patient as Kate and Jamal watch from outside. Amanda Barrington enters the waiting area, and Jamal rushes over to meet her. At Amanda's shocked look, Jamal reassures her that Ali is still alive. Amanda is relieved, but still worried about her granddaughter. She allows Jamal to lead her back to the window where they all watch the doctors at work. As Alison appears to be stabilizing, Karen leaves to talk to her family and friends. Lucy rushes up and Karen appears. Karen tells them Ali is stable...they've brought down the intercranial pressure but the first few recovery hours are critical. She and Ian will continue to monitor Alison and she'll update them on any change. Even though Alison is stable, Amanda decides to call her parents. Jamal leaves to get in touch with Jack. Kate and Lucy are left standing there. "I don't get this," Lucy remarks, "one minute Alison is in the courtroom swearing she killed Kevin, and now she's in there." "Things can change awfully fast in this world," Kate responds. Kate then tells Lucy she feels guilty. Alison didn't kill Kevin. She plead guilty to spare Lucy and Victor the pain of a trial. Kate tells Lucy it was her (Kate's) fault. She pushed Alison to stop believing in magic. "I told her no more magic candles and no mysterious lovers", Kate tells Lucy. "I told her that her world of angels and sunshine had failed her, and that she had better wake up and start living in my world before it was too late," Kate laments. "So Alison lied," Lucy responds, relieved. Kate went on to explain the plea agreement she'd prepared for Alison, and how Alison had rejected it. "She had to do it her own way," Kate says just as Amanda and Jamal return. Amanda tells them that Alison was willful from the time she could speak. "Spunky," Jamal chimed in. Amanda then said she regretted all the time she spent fighting with her granddaughter...particularly over the man she loved, as she faces Jamal. She apologizes to him, telling him she hopes it isn't too late. Jamal tells her not to count Alison out. Suddenly a crisis arises in Alison's treatment room. Her blood pressure is dropping, and the intercranial pressure is still too high. Ian will have to go in to remove the pressure. Lucy decides to call home to check on Christina. She realizes she left the cellphone home. As she talks to Kate, she pulls out the sketch she found on the porch. She shows it to Kate. "Kevin did this." Kate acts surprised. Lucy tells Kate she isn't sure when Kevin did it. "You found this yesterday?" Kate inquires. "Just before I came over here," Lucy replies. Kate points out the date on the back of the sketch... June 19, 2002. It's dated after Kevin disappeared, both realize in amazement. 

June 25, 2002 - Lucy still stares at the sketch as Kate asks if she's sure it's one of Kevin's. Lucy is certain it is. Kate reminds Lucy that Kevin's remains were found. Jack joins them and gives Kate and Lucy his theory that the remains were Ryan's--not Kevin's, and that Livvie planted them. "Doc could really be out there somewhere," Lucy says, gaining a renewed sense of hope. "And Alison could still be cleared," Kate adds. They then tell Jack about Alison's condition. Ian and Karen arrive quickly with the information that Alison hasn't shown much brain activity. Alison may not recover. Visibly shaken, Kate steps away from the group. "Are you alright?" Ian asks her. He recognizes Kate's concern for her client. Kate blames herself for Alison's present condition, but Ian reassures her it isn't her fault. He suggests she continue fighting to clear Alison's name, irregardless of the outcome for Alison's health. Her determination renewed, Kate agrees to continue her fight to clear Alison. I can't believe that Alison pleaded guilty...", Jack laments to Lucy. Lucy explains why Alison accepted the blame. Jack tells Lucy she wouldn't even recognize Livvie anymore. Lucy asks Jack to help her find Livvie. She needs to get to the truth about the ashes, and she has to find Doc. Jack tells her that even if they find Livvie, he doesn't think she will admit to what she's done. "You find them, and leave the rest to me," a determined Lucy replies. Through the help of a credit card company Jack obtains the address of the motel Livvie checked into. Lucy prepares to call her stepdaughter, whom she's sure will fall for the bait. Jack asks Ian to go see Alison. Jack tells an unconscious Alison that he, Ian, Lucy, and Jamal won't stop fighting for her, even though he knows they're not who she needs. "I wish I could bring him back to you, Alison," Jack tells her, "because I know you'd hear Rafe." Karen steps off the elevator and literally bumps into Ricky. She apologizes for not making his concert. He asks if she's OK. They discuss Alison, and Karen opens up to him, expressing her frustration at losing Eve, then Kevin, and now Alison's precarious situation. A sympathetic Ricky holds her. "I'm a doctor, and I still don't understand...," Karen tells him, as they sit down in the patient lounge to talk. "But Alison could still make it, right...I guess all you can do is live your life because you never know what's going to happen," Ricky concludes. Karen discusses Alison's life first, then seems to veer towards her own. Both agree that life really is too short not to follow their own ambitions, instead of what is expected of them. As the couple bonds, Frank enters the area and sees them sitting together. He successfully fights yet another image that tries to enter his head. He steps out of view as Karen and Ricky part company, and hears Ricky tell Karen that if she ever needs to talk, just call him. After Ricky leaves, Frank intercepts Karen. He asks about Alison, then asks Karen to have dinner with him. There are some things he wants to talk about. Karen accepts the invitation. "She's a real beauty, isn't she?" James goads Ed as they stand in front of the screen between heaven and hell. "So unselfish....and look where it got her,"he continues. "She got there because of your interference," Ed responds. "I made an offer to your angelic son that he couldn't that's perfectly within your precious rules," James defends himself. "You manipulated him with her pain," Ed reminds him. "Come on, Dad...the young lovers' demise was all their own doing," a gleeful James returns. "They will find their way back to each other, and that is a given," Ed responds with some degree of confidence. "Then you're a bigger fool than I your eyes, Edward...your son married the first woman he stumbled across...a woman he doesn't love...a woman who would steal a dead uncle's ashes to prove that the woman your son does love is a murderer...". He continues on about the follies that have ensued. "It looks as if she's dead, doesn't it?" "She's not dead yet, you old sot!" Ed responds, now quite vexed. "Just a matter of time, old man, just a matter of time...", James returns, confidently. Rafe and Livvie enter the motel room. "Do you want to tell me what the hell's going on?!" Rafe asks. Livvie immediately starts unpacking and putting things away. An agitated Rafe interrupts her unpacking and asks her to talk to him. "I don't want to talk about this right now," Livvie tells him. "You are going to talk about this right tell me, what's going on, Livvie?" Livvie asks him to calm down. Rafe tells her they should have called the cops on Jack. He starts to make the call, but Livvie stops him. Rafe tells her he feels like they are on the run, and it just doesn't feel good to him. Defensively, Livvie asks how he could say that. "Why do you have to look behind?" she asks. "Because this doesn't make any sense!" Rafe is yelling now. He tells her if she loves him she should be honest with him. She turns this around, putting Rafe on the defensive again...he doesn't love her...he's sorry he married her...he still has that "other woman's" image in his head. "Being with you right now doesn't feel right," Rafe admits to her. Livvie turns on the tears again, but Rafe presses on. She tells him that looking back is hurting him. He tells her it hurts more not to know. She tells him she just wants to get on with their future. He tells her he doesn't understand why they have to leave the past behind to do that. She asks him if he has any idea what she's gone through and given up to be with him. He asks her to tell him; he wants to know. She tells him she's sacrificed her family and her friends to be with him. He tells her he never asked her to do that. She tells him it's too late. Both are yelling now. She starts to leave but he grabs her. He tells her she'll stay there until she tells him the truth. They aren't running anymore. Rafe threatens to go back to Port Charles to talk to some people there. Maybe then he'll get the answers he's been looking for. Livvie fights back, once again accusing him. For once Rafe holds his place. He's tired of her turning everything around to make it his fault. Livvie hits him, ranting and raving, as the phone rings. She calms herself to answer it. It's Lucy calling to tell her she has great news...Kevin is back. "What?" Livvie asks, stunned. Lucy asks Livvie to meet them at the hospital chapel. Livvie drops the phone and faints. 

June 26, 2002 - A frustrated Kevin tries once more to fight lonliness and the fear of insanity as he attempts to sketch another portrait of Lucy. "I will not lose my connection to you," he promises. He's developing a block on what she looks like. As he struggles to see and feel Lucy's presence, he drops the tablet. "I'm losing you, Lucy," he laments. He picks up the sketchbook again, saying "I can't give up...Rebecca said the only way to get through this is to keep alive what is in your heart...Oh Lucy, you are my heart...I will make you come alive...wonder what you'd be wearing here?" He guesses at Lucy's apparel, finally settling on shorts and one of those little t-shirts she likes to wear. "Wonder what they call those things...little t-shirts?" "They're called mini t-shirts," Lucy's voice answers his question. "Oh, my God! that really you?" he asks. "There's only one way to find out," Lucy responds. He races to her and holds her tightly, then stops to ask how she got there. She tells him it doesn't matter...she's there and she wants him to hold her and never let her go. They kiss passionately. He snaps his fingers for music and an amazed Lucy asks how he did that. He tells her she can have whatever her heart desires. She tells him she already has what her heart desires as they hold each other close. He informs her he's carved her name in a tree, and he's done so many sketches of her. She tells him to keep drawing her picture, but right now they should concentrate on each other. They kiss again as they dance to the music. Suddenly, he is standing there dancing by himself. Lucy is gone. A rejuvinated Kevin settles back to sketching Lucy again, determined to keep her with him. Lucy walks into the hospital chapel and sits down. "Doc, it's me. I don't know...maybe you can feel me here...I sure hope so, because I...I don't know where you are anymore..." She continues talking aloud to her husband, expressing her concern about his remains being found, and how she didn't want to believe confused and turned upside down things are now. She tells him she wants to believe so badly those ashes aren't his. She continues talking to him about tricking his daughter in order to get to the truth. She has to find out the truth...for all of them. Rafe applies a washcloth to Livvie's forehead as she regains consciousness. He asks her what happened, and who was on the phone. Livvie tells him it was her step-mother, and that her father is alive. She gets up off the bed, telling him she has to go to the hospital. A confused Rafe tells her he thought Alison killed her father. Rafe volunteers to drive, but Livvie tells him "No"...he can't go with her. Rafe takes the keys, telling her she is in shock and shouldn't be driving. Besides, he wants to meet everyone. Panicked now, Livvie again tells him "No". She uses his uncertainty about their relationship during their fight as the excuse. He tells her he wants to be there for her, but she tells him she has to do this her way, alone. She needs to see her father because she has so much explaining to do about so many things, including the two of them. He still wants to drive her there and wait, but she successfully wrangles the keys and leaves him standing in front of their motel room. Frustrated, Rafe goes back into the room and remembers their fight. He tries hard to understand why Livvie is behaving as she is. Then he finds the fake journal and settles down to read it. "Doc, I feel you...I sense you here...I feel like you're holding's the closest I've felt to you in so long..." Lucy smiles. "I wonder, Doc, can you feel me?" Lucy then asks for strength to do the right thing as she searches for the truth. "I need you," she again tells her husband. "Sleep well, Doc...I need to keep wishing on my beautiful star, and you need to wish me luck." She goes to the chapel door wondering what happened to Livvie. As she opens it, Livvie is standing there. Livvie asks where her father is. Lucy tells her that Kevin will meet them there, but first she and Livvie need to have a little chat. "Hey, James, maybe you should see this," Ed calls as he stands in front of the heavenly monitor. "Rafe is going back to the didn't count on that now, did you?" "So...who's manipulating the situation now, then?" James answers, accusingly. "That's the natural course of true love," Ed replies to which James says "Stop it, you're making me sick." "You're going to lose, James. Those two still love each other...they're going to find each other, and then they will get to stay on earth with each other." "You've been watching too many Hallmark specials, Mr. Et...". "And you're nervous, Mr. James..." "On the contrary," James replies "Olivia's machinations will trump any happy storybood reunion...Master Caleb had good taste...the timing was just...just wrong, that's all." "Of course," Ed reminds him, "Livvie could come clean, couldn't she?" "When hell freezes," James replies. "Who would have thought that Rafe would fall into the clutches of such a deliciously evil young woman," James laughs. "Oh please, give me a break...we both know Livvie is out of control," Ed tells him. "You wish...eternal optimism is so self-defeating." James then offers Ed another side bet...Livvie has convinced herself that she is in love with Rafe. James bets Livvie will convince Rafe that he's in love with her. It's Ed's turn to laugh. "Never happen James...never happen." "Don't be so sure...never underestimate the power of a dark soul, especially when wrapped in a beautiful package," James tells his adversary. Ed tells James he knows nothing about love. "Love...what is love?" James asks sarcastically. "I know it can be used to manipulate better than power and money." "You may be able to manipulate Rafe's memory, but you can't make him fall in love with her. It doesn't work that fact, it's bloody impossible!" Ed moves to leave the area. "Every heart can be corrupted, Edward...why not spice up the pot and wager on sin." "You are seriously underestimating my long as Alison is still alive, so is our bet." "Well, given poor Alison's condition, that might not be too long...that means game saved and matching souls for the bad guys." "James, old man, we'll just see about that...we'll see...odds may be stacked against them now, but trust me...they'll find each other." "Why, because your net has a good heart?" James then asks. "I couldn't think of a better reason," Ed replies. "The purer the soul...the sweeter the conquest...I predict it will be his downfall," James tells him. Alison lies unconscious in her hospital bed, still hooked up to a ventilator while a nurse monitors her. "Such a sweet girl," the nurse says softly as she touches Alison's face. "I remember when you were a candy striper here...what a breath of fresh air...that's what you need, need a prince charming to kiss you awake." Later, as another nurse joins her in the room, one nurse notices Alison's hand moving slightly toward the pendant now around her neck. "Did you see that?" one nurse asks the other. "It's just reflex," the second responds. 

June 27, 2002 - Karen and Frank are having dinner at the Recovery Room as Ricky enters. He sees the two seated together but slips over to the bar to avoid them. Neither sees him, as Frank again thanks Karen for giving them another chance. Karen would like for them to be friends first. After Ricky gives the bartender his take-out order, he secretly watches the couple. Frank blames himself for everything that's gone wrong between them. He would like to make it up to her. He wants to take Karen hiking in Yosemite, a place she has always wanted to visit. He's arranged for some time off from work...if she's agreeable, she could get some time off from the hospital. He tells an uncertain Karen this is exactly what the two of them need. Karen admits to him she's been doing a lot of thinking...she doesn't want them to waste time anymore. As Ricky picks up his take-out order and leaves, the couple are still deeply involved in conversation. Rafe continues reading Livvie's fake journal in his motel room. "Okay, I shouldn't be doing this...I have no right to be reading Livvie's journal," he tells himself, "but she's hiding something...this might be the only way to find out the answers that I need." He resumes reading the many entries. "We had hot chocolate in the park today..." He pauses to consider, "I think I remember that...the park and the hot chocolate." Once he has finished reading all the entries, he realizes the only thing he's discovered is how much Livvie loves him. He will make this up to her, he decides, as he reaches for the telephone. An excited Livvie asks Lucy where her father is. Lucy tells her Colleen has taken him out for some tests. When they're finished, she'll bring him there. When Livvie asks what what happened to him, Lucy concocts a story about Kevin bumping his head and becoming disoriented. Lucy's bubbly enthusiasm is convincing. "This is so amazing," Livvie tells her. "It's unbelievable...I'm so excited...but it leaves me with so many questions though," Lucy responds. "Who cares about all that father's alive!" Livvie exclaims. Lucy wonders aloud why there was so much evidence that Kevin had been killed. Alison didn't murder Kevin...maybe she and Livvie should discuss why Livvie made it appear that Alison killed her father. Livvie's smile quickly vanished. "I don't know what you're talking about...I didn't do anything to Alison," Livvie tells her step-mom. Lucy cajoles her, telling Livvie everyone understands why she would do this. Livvie begins to suspect Lucy has been talking to Jack, and tells her not to believe anything Jack says. Lucy then tells her that Kevin understands. "What did you tell him?" a worried Livvie exclaims. Lucy lies, telling her Kevin knows she planted the bloody sweater and the ashes to frame Alison. Livvie is now in tears, and on the verge of confessing, when Colleen enters the chapel. Colleen apologizes for interrupting, but then tells Livvie she hopes that finding Kevin's ashes brings her some closure. Livvie, realizing that Kevin isn't there after all, turns on Lucy. "You lying bitch!" she spits. "You lied to told me my father was could you be so cruel!" "I don't believe Kevin is dead," Lucy explains to her, "but I can't find him while you go all over town planting false evidence against Alison." Livvie then accuses Lucy of sending Jack to her cabin to badger her into giving a "false" confession. Lucy tells Livvie that if she wants to get her father back, she simply must tell the truth. Livvie starts crying again. "My father is dead...Alison killed him, so why don't you just leave me alone and go after the person who did this to us." "Alison did not kill your father," Lucy exclaims. "Alison murdered him in cold blood and now she's going to pay," Livvie replies. "Maybe she already has," Lucy tells her and explains that Alison is on life support. Livvie still refuses to come clean with her step-mother. "I don't want to ever see you again. You're as dead to me as my father," Livvie tells her as she heads for the door. She shoves Jack (who was standing at the door) aside as she bolts out. Lucy tells Jack she's convinced Livvie framed Alison, but she believes Livvie is convinced Kevin is dead and that Alison killed him. Lucy is very confused by the whole situation. Alison is touching Rafe's pendant as she lies in the coma. Suddenly she finds herself in a bright white, misty area. "Where is this place...why am I here?" she asks. An ICU nurse unfastens Alison's pendant and lays it on the table beside her bed just as Jack enters the room. Jack promises Ali he'll make sure she doesn't take the rap for Kevin's disappearance. Even Lucy is back on her side. "Rafe...Rafe, are you here?" Alison wanders through the misty white fog looking for him. "I really hope so...I've missed you so much...everything has changed since you left. It's been so difficult...where am I? Wait a second...did I die? Is that why I'm here? Is this the only way that we can be together forever?" Jack picks up Alison's hand, asking her to squeeze his. He gets no response. "Fight, just fight," he implores. "We all love you," he tells her as he gets up to leave. "Rafe, I'm not going to give up on you...and I promise you that wherever I am and wherever you are, I'm going to find you because we belong together." Ricky is practicing the drums when Karen shows up. He's prepared for the worst but Karen tells him she and Frank broke up. Ricky is surprised and relieved. Karen tells Ricky she can't stop thinking about him, and they passionately kiss. Meanwhile, Frank sits alone at the Recovery Room. He picks up the Yosemite brochure and sets it ablaze with the help of a lit candle on the table. He holds the brochure as he watches it burn. Livvie slips into Alison's room and closes the blinds. "I know I'm supposed to feel sorry for you, but guess what...I don't feel anything for you. Look at you so weak...and wouldn't take much to end this misery you're in." 

June 28, 2002 - Lucy is pitching pebbles into the water at the bridge when Ian walks up. He asks if she's okay...she tells him she's numb...she can't feel anything. He asks her how it went at the hospital. Lucy tells Ian Livvie believes with all her heart that her father is gone. "Do you believe Doc is gone?" she asks him. "Should I or should I not let go of Kevin?" Ian tells her he doesn't think she should make a decision at night. She tells him she's so tired of all the ups and downs, and she starts to cry. Ian tells her he's proud of her for hanging on as he hugs her. Ian recommends they leave, but Lucy wants to stay longer. He tells her he's going for a drive as Lucy resumes throwing pebbles in the water. At the motel, Rafe opens the door for the woman desk attendant to enter. He tells her it's embarrassing, but he needs a favor. His wife went to the hospital to see her father and took all the cash with her. They'd had a big fight, but he wants to make it up to her. He asks her to float him a twenty. At first she's reluctant, but he asks her to do it for love and she gives in. "The whole world is against me now...thanks to you," Livvie tells a comatose Alison. "You got what you killed my father and now you're paying for it." She then tells Ali that if she wakes up, she will still lose. "Rafe and I are happily married." "Hello!" Livvie taunts her former friend, "I was expecting a bigger reaction to the news." She goes on to tell Ali that her poor angel doesn't remember a thing about her. Then Livvie confesses that she planted the bloody sweater and the ashes to frame Alison. "You were right about Rafe...he is just won-der-ful...umm...well anyway, I just want you to lie back, relax and don't worry your pretty little face about a thing, because I'm going to make the man happy for the rest of our lives." Kate watches as Rafe walks into the hospital chapel. He sits down and says "hello" to her. She recognizes him. He tells her he feels that he belongs there. She tells him the chapel is the place to be when you're not sure about something. She informs him she let her friend down, and he tells her he's sure it wasn't intentional. Kate decides to go talk to her grandmother as she leaves the room. Now alone in the chapel, Rafe pulls out the candle. "Don't know why I'm doing this...but it just feels right...just trust," Ian walks up to Eve's grave. "Ah, Lambert...probably wondering what I'm doing out here alone...I have no where else to one else to talk to...I talk to Danny, you know...bless him, his conversation skills are a little amiss...and maybe that's a good thing...because I know the day will come when he asks me what happened to his mother...why I wasn't there to save her...I won't have an aswer for him...other than God made a mistake...He took someone who had so much to give to the world." Ian weeps as he continues to talk to his late wife. "I don't have the passion for life that you did...not anymore...and the day goes by like a shadow on my heart...and the only joy I allow myself to when I'm sitting here with you." Kate stands in the bushes outside the fence silently weeping. Rafe inquires about Livvie at the desk and is told she went up to the ICU unit. Meanwhile, Livvie tells Alison she and Rafe are leaving tonight. "Happy atrophy...have a nice rest and a long life...if you can call it that." She exits the ICU area just before Rafe enters. Comparing the sinking pebbles to her doubts about Doc's return, Lucy is determined she won't give up. With renewed hope, she asks the sky for a sign. Two flashes of bright lightning answer her request. "Could I...maybe have another sign...something a little more specific," Lucy implores. She hears a rustle in the bushes. Still looking for more, she says aloud that maybe she isn't getting what they're trying to tell her. "Lucy..." She turns to see Kevin standing there. "It's me," Kevin tells her. "Doc...Oh my God!'s you," Lucy exclaims as she joyfully embraces her husband. "You're're home." They hold each other close and kiss. In the chapel, the candle that Rafe lit burns brightly. Livvie walks into the motel room calling for Rafe. "OK, Livvie...he couldn't have gone too far without some cash." She eases the panicky feeling that overcame her. Livvie discovers the journal and is feeling pleased that Rafe read it. "I'll bet any minute he'll walk through that door with a big bouquet of pink roses just for me." She pulls a nightie out of the suitcase as she awaits Rafe's return. As Rafe prepares to enter Ali's room, he is cut off by a nurse. He is told he can't enter until the nurses clean up. He describes his wife and asks if she's seen her. The nurse tells him she left a couple of minutes ago. Rafe leaves, but realizing he can't catch up with Livvie, returns to the room and leans to pick up a penny on the floor. The clean-up nurse backs into him as she comes out with the cart. As she moves away, Rafe yells "wait a". He leans down to pick up the object. It's the pendant he lost several weeks before. He's overcome with flashbacks of Alison again. "Who's in that room?" he wonders. He opens the door. "Oh my's her," he realizes as he walks up to the bed. "I know you...I know your face...and your lips...and your smile," as he gently touches her face. He leans over and softly kisses her lips. Alison's eyes open. "Rafe," she says. "You know me?" Rafe asks. "Rafe," she says again, starting to cry. He leans in and gives her a long lingering kiss this the candle in the chapel continues to burn brightly.

**The End**

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