Torn Arc July 1 - September 27, 2002
These are original good quality episodes with no commercials.

Torn Dvd #1, Torn Dvd #2, Torn Dvd #3, and Torn Dvds #4-6

Torn DVD #1 July 1 - 15, 2002: 7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 7/4, 7/5, 7/8, 7/9, 7/10, 7/11, 7/12, 7/15

Torn DVD #2 July 16 - 30, 2002: 7/16, 7/17, 7/18, 7/19, 7/22, 7/23, 7/24, 7/25, 7/26, 7/29, 7/30

Torn DVD #3 July 31 - August 14, 2002: 7/31, 8/1, 8/2, 8/5, 8/6, 8/7,8/8, 8/9, 8/12, 8/13, 8/14

Torn DVD #4 August 15 - 29, 2002: 8/15, 8/16, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22, 8/23, 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29

Torn DVD #5 August 30 - September 13, 2002: 8/30, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/6, 9/9, 9/10, (no show aired 9/11), 9/12, 9/13

Torn DVD #6 September 16 - 27, 2002: 9/16, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/27

Episode Descriptions:

Torn DVD #1  July 1-15, 2002 
7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 7/4, 7/5, 7/8, 7/9, 7/10, 7/11, 7/12, 7/15 

  • Monday, July 1- As Lucy kisses her husband again, she pinches him to assure herself he is real. Kevin responds by pinching her back. Crying now, Lucy tells him how she felt she had lost him for good. Kevin tells her how hard he tried to make contact with her from that other world. She informs him he did make contact…through Ian. That’s how she knew Kevin was with Rebecca. Lucy apologizes for losing faith in his return. “I married you for life,” Kevin tells her, “do you think I’m going to cut out after six months?” Lucy then clues her husband in on Alison’s trial and illness. How did Kevin get back?, she wonders. Kevin had assumed she lit Rebecca’s candle. Both were grateful to whoever found the candle and lit it. As Kevin tells his wife about the many sketches he made of her, she shows him the one she found at the lighthouse. Livvie lies on the bed as she awaits Rafe’s return. She picks up the journal. “If this doesn’t convince you that you were in love with me, nothing will. I’ve fallen in love with you. Come home to me…so we can start the rest of our lives together…now that I’ve finally gotten you away from Alison.” Getting up from the bed, she paces the floor as time passes. There’s a knock at the door. The motel clerk is standing there, telling her she needs the $20 Livvie’s husband borrowed for cab fare. Livvie then realizes Rafe followed her to the hospital. Panicked, she hurriedly dresses and heads out to find him. “Did I die?…was that what happened? Did I go to heaven?” Alison asks Rafe. “No, I don’t think so,” Rafe responds. “So, you’re really here…you’re really back for me?” Alison then asks him. A clearly confused Rafe pulls away from her. “Oh, my God! I’ve missed you so much,” Alison continues. “Thank you, God, for bringing me one of your angels…how long can you stay?” “Stay…I don’t know why I’m here,” Rafe replies. He tells her he doesn’t even know why he kissed her. She tells him it’s because he misses her as much as she misses him. Then a wary Rafe informs her he doesn’t even know her. “Rafe, it’s me…it’s Alison,” she tells him, now clearly confused by his behavior. “No, I met Alison…you’re not her.” “Oh, my God! Do you not remember? You have to remember!” Alison exclaims. Their conversation is interrupted as Jamal, Jack, and Ian enter the room. Ian is amazed at Alison’s recovery. “I knew if you showed up, you could help her…” Jack tells Rafe. “You wanted me to come here?” a surprised Rafe responds. Alison attempts to intercede, telling Rafe she needs to talk to him, as Ian tries to calm her. Rafe recollects his meeting with the phony Alison, and Livvie’s assurance that she was the real Alison. Jamal confronts Rafe. “How come you left Alison when she needed you the most?” “I don’t know,” was the only response Rafe could give. Rafe tells Jamal and Jack that he doesn’t remember any of them. He had some kind of accident. Ian pulls Jack and Jamal from the room so that Alison and Rafe could talk. Alison then quizzes Rafe about God sending him on a special mission. Rafe is very confused by her questions and wonders about the religious implications. Alison would like to know why he’s acting like they’re strangers. After some discussion, she finally concludes Rafe has no memory of her or Port Charles. Ian is still in awe as he talks to Jamal and Jack outside Alison’s room. Jamal wonders about Rafe’s memory lapse. As Ian departs, the two discuss Alison’s miraculous recovery and Rafe’s part in it. Jamal concedes that Alison and Rafe do have a connection, and that he is happy for Alison. As Kevin sits down in the shadows to look at the picture he drew, Victor arrives with Serena and Christina. All are dressed for bed. Victor explains to Lucy that he decided to take the children on a pajama scavenger hunt…Ryan and Monk used to enjoy those. When Kevin responds, Victor and the girls are overjoyed. Kevin suggests that he call Livvie to give her the good news, but Lucy advises him to wait until they get back to the lighthouse. All engage in a warm family hug as Kevin tells his family, “I’m so glad to be home.” Ian reviews Alison’s chart as he calls Lucy to give her the good news. Kevin answers Lucy’s phone. Before he realizes the implications, Ian asks Kevin if he can put Lucy on the phone. Then it dawns on him that he’s speaking to Kevin. They briefly discuss Kevin’s sudden return and Ian informs him of Alison’s amazing recovery. “This truly is a day for miracles,” Ian tells him. Ian hangs up the phone, looks up at the ceiling and says, “What do you think about all this, Lambert? Maybe we’re finally out of all this darkness.” “All you have to know is that we love each other,” a still-weak Alison reminds Rafe. “As long as we have each other, no one can touch us. OK?” Rafe then tells her he’s married. She mistakenly assumes he’s remembering their marriage in the barn until Livvie enters the room. Showing Alison her wedding band, Livvie tells her ex-friend that Rafe is married to her. “So, would you mind getting your hands off my husband, please.” At the “Welcome To Port Charles” sign, a shadowy cloaked figure suddenly appears. 
  • Tuesday, July 2- Karen is playing with Ricky’s drum set as he enters the room. He has a video of his last performance to show her, but decides to cater to her interest in the drums instead. “Do you ever think this is weird?” Karen asks suddenly. “Weird?” Ricky responds. “Us like this,” she tells him. “You mean together?” “I mean we come from different places in our lives and, even though I knew I was attracted to you, I never thought we’d get this far,” Karen explains. “I did, once you let yourself,” Ricky tells her as he kisses her neck. He asks her if she’s worried what everyone will think when they find out. “No,” she assures him. As they discuss the differences in their lives, Ricky openly wonders if his past and present could ever measure up to the standards everyone would expect from a beautiful doctor like Karen. She tells him she is just trying to get used to “them,” and his past and career choice doesn’t matter. They decide they’ll live in the moment and once again make love. Afterwards, Ricky gets up to order a pizza and Karen wanders over to the table to retrieve the video. As she picks it up, the box spills. When she bends down to retrieve the objects, she picks up Casey’s photograph. “Sorry…I didn’t know that was in there,” Ricky apologizes. Karen tells him it’s OK. She knew he was in love with Casey. Karen just wishes should could have known her…she’d heard Casey was quite a girl. “Yes, she was,” Ricky replies, still staring at Casey’s picture. An excited Kate meets Ian at the hospital, after finding out about Alison’s miracle recovery. “What happened?” she wants to know. “Rafe,” he responds, “Rafe came to her and she woke up…if it isn’t a case of love conquering all, I don’t know what is.” “I wish there were a cure like this for everything,” Kate tells him, “unfortunately, Alison still needs to stand trial for murder.” “Oh…I didn’t…”, Ian apologizes, “Kevin’s back!” Kate assumes he’s been channeling again, but he fills her in on Kevin’s recent return. Laughing, Kate tells him she needs a drink. He agrees that he needs one, too, and offers to meet her after his shift is over. A battered woman steps off the elevator. Kate and Ian rush over to meet her, but as Ian offers to help, she insists on talking to the doctor who treated her before…Dr. Eve Lambert. “Dr. Lambert isn’t here anymore,” Ian tells her as Kate, watching Ian’s expression of sadness, informs her that Dr. Thornhart is Dr. Lambert’s husband. The woman insists she fell when they question her injuries. Her husband then rushes up and inquires aout his wife, telling them he should have fixed the hand railing on the stairs. Ian and Kate are certain he is responsible for his wife’s condition. Kate fears the wife will not testify against him…and without her help it will be impossible to convict. While Kate calls the police, Ian retrieves Eve’s records on the patient. Despite her husband’s protests, Ian opts to admit the woman for overnight observation. Ian will let him know when she gets settled into a room. “Police are on their way,” Kate tells Ian, “but they’ll never get a conviction.” “There must be some way,” Ian responds. Meanwhile, the husband walks through the corridor, muttering that he will kill his wife when he gets her out of there. “What the hell…!” he exclaims, as some unseen force stops him in his tracks and a shadow appears. "Did she just call you her husband?” Alison asks Rafe. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Rafe responds. “But that’s impossible…you can’t be married to her.” “Rafe and I fell in love a long time ago, Alison,” Livvie interjects. “What are you talking about? You were never in love,” Alison replies. “You still can’t accept it…Rafe fell in love with me and left you. When are you going to face it? When are you going to stop punishing us for it? You hated me so much for taking Rafe away that you killed my father,” Livvie says, unaware that Kevin is now standing behind her. “Honey, she didn’t kill me…I’m right here…I’m home,” Kevin tells his daughter. Livvie rushes into her father’s arms. Alison is stunned to see him. “Dad, where were you…what happened to you?” Livvie sobs. “I was just lost, but I’m back,” Kevin comforts his daughter. Lucy appears at the doorway and moves towards Rafe. “Well, I guess that’s not the only good news,” Lucy tells Alison, “you’re OK…I’m so glad you’re OK.” “Cousin,” she calls as she places her hand on Rafe’s arm. Rafe shakes her hand free. “Woaa…cousin?” Rafe replies. Alison tries to intercede as Lucy asks Rafe “what’s wrong with you?” “He doesn’t remember anything about any of us,” Alison tells her. Unable to process all of the new information, Rafe bolts from the room. “He can’t be in the same room with me…I don’t know why any of this is happening,” Alison moans to Lucy. Then Alison points an accusing finger at Livvie. She accuses her ex-friend of feeding Rafe so much false information he may never be able to process it all. “She tricked Rafe into marrying her.” A shocked Lucy glares at her step-daughter as Kevin asks his daughter, “Honey, it that true?” “Dad, I’ll tell you everything…but not here,” Livvie begins. “That’s because it’s all lies,” Alison shoots back. Kevin takes his daughter into the hallway while Lucy remains with Alison. “I’m sorry,” Livvie tells her father as she turns on the tears. He assures her he will always be there for her, no matter what. He wants her to tell him everything. Livvie tells him that she and Rafe fell in love…they didn’t want to tell anyone. Inside Alison’s room, she tells Lucy that Rafe has lost his memory and Livvie is filling it with complete lies. They both wonder how Rafe got back and how Livvie got a hold of him. Lucy is upset with Livvie. “That little…,” she starts, but comforts Alison instead with “Rafe loves you very, very much and somewhere deep down inside…he will remember that feeling.” Alison agrees but thinks that Rafe is now lost and confused. “We’ll just have to unconfused him, won’t we?” Lucy assures her. Alison is still afraid Rafe might accept the wrong “truth”. Rafe wanders through the hospital corridor, throws down his bag, and collapses against a wall. He hears Livvie, then Alison, and then flashes on the phony Alison as he remembers the one he kissed earlier. He bangs his head on the wall, trying to stop the confusion. “Rafe saved you,” Lucy reminds Alison. Alison is still afraid Livvie will turn everything around. “…she’s such a good liar…she could make the devil feel sorry for her,” Alison tells Lucy. “Lies never work. I, of all people, know that,” Lucy reassures Alison. Both realize what a good, caring person Rafe is, and both feel they have to do something to stop Livvie. “I will not let Rafe get lost in all this,” Alison promises Lucy. Meanwhile, Livvie is still spinning her tale to Kevin as Lucy walks up to them and announces it’s time for her to get back to Christina. Kevin asks Livvie to join them but she declines, saying that Rafe needs her. As she walks away, Lucy tells a still shocked Kevin, “I need to tell you something…it’s about how your daughter became Mrs. Rafe Kovich.” “Rafe,” Livvie meets him in the corridor where he is still sitting against the wall. She tells him she can’t believe her father is alive, and he’s invited them to come over there, but she just wanted to go home. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me some stories that make sense…THAT Alison is not the Alison I met at the cabin…she’s not a killer either…and I’d like to know what else is not true…is everything, including us, just one huge lie?!”

  •  Wednesday, July 3- Ian is on the phone at the hospital desk when Kate shows up. “It’s official,” she tells him. All the charges against Alison have been dropped. Kate wanted to know if the wife abuser had been arrested yet. Ian told her the man left before the police arrived. Kate thinks it’s ridiculous that domestic violence is so hard to prosecute. Frank and Colleen interrupt their conversation as they bring the abuser husband in from the stairwell. “Angel of death…he has no eyes…angel of death…” the man gasped. Karen arrives and escorts the patient to an examination room. Ian asks Frank what the man was babbling about. Frank tells him he mentioned something about a black hood when they found him in the stairwell. As Frank leaves to call the police, Kate tells Ian “at least now he knows what it feels like to be beaten up!” “Eye for an eye?” Ian asks. “Something like that,” Kate responds. “So…do you think this is some kind of vigilante justice?” Ian queries. Kate tells him all she knew was the man would walk, and someone made sure it would be with a limp. “Do you have a black hood in your wardrobe?” he asks, joking. She responds that she does but only wears it for bad hair days. Jack enters Alison’s room and finds her on the floor by her bed. She tells him she’s OK as he helps her get back into bed. Alison explains she was trying to go find Rafe. She really needs to talk to him. Jack insists she must concentrate on getting better first. Ali tells him that Rafe doesn’t remember her…or their love…and adds that this is the worst pain she’s ever felt. She’s beginning to wish she hadn’t awakened. “You are not going through this alone,” Jack assures her. “I just wish I had enough strength to get to her,” Ali remarks, “I wish that it hurt her as much as she’s hurting him.” “Who?” Jack asks. “It’s Rafe…Jack. Livvie is destroying him…she’s destroying Rafe.” Rafe opens the chapel door and steps inside with Livvie. “Is this your subtle way of reminding me we’re not supposed to lie in the house of God?” Livvie asks. He agrees it’s a good place to tell the truth to people you claim to love. Livvie insists he knows how much she loves him. Rafe confesses to reading her journal. She pretends to be upset, but he tells her he was moved by it. She tells him not to doubt her love for him. “Why did you lie to me? Is it because you were afraid that when I finally saw Alison I would fall in love with her again?” he asks Livvie. She tells him he’s wrong. He insists all he wants is the truth. She tells him she did it because she was afraid of what Alison might do…and she believed Alison murdered her father. Livvie was trying to protect both of them by introducing him to the phony Alison. But Alison didn’t murder her father, Rafe reminds her. “You accused her…and she almost died…” he continues. “That wasn’t my fault…I’m not the one who put her on trial…the state did, because of all the evidence…” Livvie defends herself. She tells Rafe that she isn’t the only one in town who thinks Alison is dangerous. “Alison is obsessed with you…she hated me…she hated the both of us for falling in love…she called me and threatened me, Rafe,” Livvie lies. “I can make you happy…you know that,” Livvie concludes. Karen returns to give Ian and Kate the bizarre medical information on her latest patient. Half the bones in his body are broken but he doesn’t have a mark on him. Karen says that the fact the man is alive is a miracle. “Whoever did this knew exactly how far to go. One more shake and this guy would have been history,” Karen tells them. Ian would like more information, and proceeds to question the patient about what he’d seen. “Empty…hood…blackness…death…hero’s death…” the man groaned as his gurney was being moved to the ICU. A frustrated Ian wonders what’s going on now. Kate tells him that, as awful as it is, this might be the only thing to teach the man a lesson. “So…justice was served?” Ian asks. “Yes, in a way it was,” Kate replies. Ian says they won’t be celebrating anytime soon. “Faceless and hooded…that can’t be good,” he tells her. “If it’s even true,” she replies. “Livvie and Rafe are married?” an amazed Jack asks. “So…the guy who hit me at the cabin…” he starts. “Was Rafe,” Ali finishes. It’s all starting to make sense to Jack…Livvie starting to undress in front of him and yelling ‘rape’. “He thought he was protecting her,” Alison defends Rafe. Alison wishes she had walked into that cabin when she first realized Livvie had a man there. “She told him that they fell in love…like a long time ago, and that they left us for each other,” Alison fills him in. Jack wonders if there is a possibility that they did get together while still involved with Alison and him. “Oh…yuck…no…no…no…I promise you Rafe did not leave me for Livvie,” Alison assures him. Jack wonders why Rafe left her, and Alison tries to explain Rafe’s absence without divulging he is an angel. “Livvie got to Rafe after he lost his memory…I guarantee you that,” Alison confidently responds. She believes in their love. She won’t stop believing in it…or them. Alison becomes more agitated as she continues talking. She tries to get out of bed again, but falls back on the pillow, unconscious. Jack races to find a nurse. “No, I don’t…I don’t know a damn thing!” Rafe exclaims to Livvie. She cajoles him, saying he doesn’t know because he doesn’t remember. Rafe responds that she won’t let him remember. He accuses her of keeping him away from the people he knows…a family…to protect him? He tells her these people have no clue why he and Livvie would be together. She tells him he knows their love was a secret. “I feel drawn here…and all you want to do is keep me away. If you really knew me…if you knew what was important to me…what I’ve been wanting is a home…is a family…is a place where I feel…I belong…something in me is telling me this is the place. Someone is pushing me away…surprise! That someone is you, Livvie.” Livvie admits that now she knows she was wrong about Alison. She’s glad that Alison isn’t guilty of murder. “You kept me from people, Livvie…you kept me from my family,” Rafe accuses. She tells him she thought that once Alison was behind bars, they could come back to Port Charles. “Oh, no, no, no…you said you wanted us to leave here forever…and now you want to turn that around…” Rafe catches her again. She tells him they can stay in Port Charles. Rafe tells her HE is definitely staying in Port Charles, as he picks up his knapsack and prepares to leave the chapel. She then suggests that they make their life together there. “You don’t get it, do you? I can’t just forget about this. You say you loved me…but you lied to me…you kept me isolated from everybody that was important to me. If you’d let me go with my gut…spend time with these people…maybe I would have been able to remember more.” Now he wonders if he’ll get his memory back at all. “I need to find out who I am…and who all these people are to me,” he concludes. She offers to help, but he wants to do it on his own this time. He will start by talking to Alison…the real Alison. “Where does that leave us?” Livvie wants to know. “I don’t know…I just need to know who she is to me…and that’s good enough for now.” He leaves Livvie alone in the chapel. Livvie picks up a candle. “Why does everything always come back to Alison?” she asks angrily. “So, I found Rafe…he was sent back to me…but not as an angel…as a real man…and I helped him…and I loved him…and nobody is going to take that away from me. I’m going to take care of this problem, I swear!” she promises. Alison just needs some rest, the nurse assures Jack. “You do not need this trauma right now…you do not need any more pain,” Jack tells a sleeping Alison. “I’m not going to let anybody hurt you,” he promises as he kisses her forehead. When Rafe appears in the doorway, Jack tells him to get out. Rafe insists he just wants to see her. “I won’t wake her up,” he promises. Jack concedes, and Rafe walks over to the bed and gently touches Alison’s hand. Jack tells him that’s enough. He pushes Rafe out of Alison’s room, telling him to go home to his wife. Rafe tries to tell Jack that they have a lot to talk about, but Jack counters that they have nothing to talk about. “If you hurt Alison, I will kill you,” Jack warns.

  • Thursday, July 4- Mary is approached by two thugs in the park. Suddenly, Ricky appears and asks what’s going on. “You two have nothing better to do than messing with my mom,” Ricky warns them. The thugs back down and walk away just as Karen appears. Mary thanks Ricky for his help, then asks Karen if she and Ricky know each other. Karen stammers as she tries to introduce Ricky to Mary, but Ricky tells Mary he’s Gabriela’s brother. Ricky asks Mary again if she’s OK. She again thanks Ricky, impressed with his cavalier nature and pleased that he called her “Mom”. After she leaves to prepare for Victor’s cookout, Ricky turns to Karen. “So, you kinda stumbled around introducing me,” Ricky says. She responds that it was because Mary is Frank’s mom, and it would take some time to let everyone know Ricky is her date…boyfriend…lover. “My fabulous new lover,” Karen says seductively just as Frank appears. Karen apologizes, but Frank tells her it’s a small town and they are bound to bump into each other. Frank assures them he’s not thrilled with their relationship, but he is happy for Karen and he learned something. “If you break something, there are consequences,” he tells Karen. He doesn’t want Karen to think she has to hide out from him or anyone else. “No hard feelings,” he tells them and then shakes hands with Ricky. Ricky notices Karen’s expression as Frank walks away. “Not really over for you, is it?” he asks. “Of course, I had feelings for Frank like you had feelings for Casey,” Karen answers. “Yes, but Casey’s gone…she’s out of my head.” “That’s why I saw you staring at her picture last night,” Karen reminds him. Karen wants to remember only the good times from her past relationships. “Are you ready for our first public appearance together?” she asks. “Am I ever,” Ricky responds as they passionately kiss. As they leave the area, Frank steps out of the bushes and stares at them. Alison awakens, calling for Rafe. Jack is sitting beside her bed. Jack tells her that Rafe stopped by. Alison asks why didn’t he stay, but Jack tells her he sent Rafe away because Alison needed some rest. “Jack, I know you’re trying to help but please…don’t interfere…please don’t interfere when it comes to Rafe.” Jack asks her to chill, but she scolds him for sending Rafe away. He reminds Ali that Rafe is married and doesn’t remember her. She assures Jack she can help Rafe remember. Jack then protests that Rafe has been no help to Alison at all. She reminds him that Rafe helped her wake up. “Then he walked out the door…with Livvie,” Jack countered. Alison tells Jack she does not need him to protect her from Rafe. He tells her he doesn’t want her to get her heart stomped on again. She then tells him she’s tired and suggests that he go home. After he leaves, she quickly falls asleep. Livvie wanders through the park, calling for Rafe, as Kevin approaches her. She asks him what he’s doing there. He tells her it’s the 4th of July and they’re having a picnic…he left her a voice mail. She admits she hasn’t checked it. He asks her to join them, but she tells him she can’t. Her father then inquires where Rafe is. After Livvie says he’s not there, Kevin tells her he wants to talk about her and Rafe. Livvie falls into his arms, crying. He tells her he can help but she must be completely open with him. “So, Lucy told you I’m some sort of monster…that I did all these terrible things to Alison…” “No,” Kevin soothes. He tells her he doesn’t care what she did or didn’t do. She is his daughter and he will always love her. “No matter what?” Livvie asks. “You’re safe…I promise,” he reassures her, “now tell me everything…tell me the truth…trust me,” Kevin tells her. “I do trust you, Dad…and the truth is…it wasn’t me. I don’t know who set Alison up but…I wasn’t even around for most of it…I was with Rafe,” Livvie lies. “What about Rafe?” Kevin asks. He tells her no one but her knew about the special relationship between her and Rafe. She continues to insist she and Rafe were in love but kept it hidden from Alison and Jack. “Where is Rafe now?” Kevin wants to know. “He’s so confused…still so much he doesn’t remember,” Livvie says. “Honey, I could work with him,” Kevin volunteers. “No,” she insists. Kevin brings up all the strange events that have occurred over the past year, and that they have taken a toll on all of them. He tells her that no matter what crosses their path, their lives are still about trying to find that one person that they want to spend the rest of their life with. He tells her the only way to do that is to be completely open and totally honest. He wants her to be happy. Livvie assures him that Rafe makes her happy. She begs him not to ruin it…not to take Alison’s side against him. Lucy ushers Serena and Christina towards the swings as she arranges the picnic table. This will be the best 4th of July ever…she has her family back together. “Rafe,” she calls as she notices him wandering nearby. “Hi!” he waves as he saunters up to her. “Are you all by yourself?” she asks. “Kinda,” he responds that he had to get out to think a little. “To figure things out…or have you already?” Lucy asks. “It’s good to know I have family around even though I don’t remember them,” he tells her. Lucy assures him that she’s family and so are the little girls playing on the swings. She offers to help. “Ask me anything,” Lucy tells her cousin. He tells Lucy he doesn’t know where to start. Lucy suggests starting with his marriage. Rafe tells Lucy he knows that Livvie really loves him despite whatever else she may have done. “Oh, goody for Livvie…but how do you really feel about her?” she then asks. “I don’t know…it’s hard to be sure of anything when such a huge chunk of my life is just…not there,” Rafe answers. “Right, but I get the feeling you sense things and feel things…maybe Alison?” Lucy asks hopefully. Rafe tells her he saw Alison’s face and he knew he had to find her even though he didn’t know why. Lucy will tell him why. “I have never seen two people more in love than you and Alison, and I believe that is why you couldn’t stay away,” she tells him. He points to the wedding band. “I know…you’re married to Livvie…but you belong with Alison,” she insists. “If Alison and I were meant to be together…how come when I look at her I don’t remember anything…not what she likes…what we like…anything?” a confused Rafe asks. Lucy recommends he spend more time with Alison. He tried, he tells her, but Jack was watching over her like a pit bull and threatened to kill him if he hurt her. “I don’t want to hurt her,” Rafe assures Lucy. Lucy understands, but tells Rafe he has hurt Alison. Rafe suggests Lucy talk to him more and show him pictures. Lucy nixes that idea, recommending instead that he and Alison get together and figure this out. “Are you sure that’s what she really wants?” Rafe asks Lucy. “Rafe, she’s been waiting for you since the moment you left…all she’s been doing is waiting for you to get back,” Lucy tells him. Alison awakens to see Rafe and Livvie enter the room and approach her bed. Livvie asks Alison if she’s feeling better. Rafe tells Alison they never meant to hurt her. Rafe and Livvie look very cozy as Livvie tells Alison that Rafe remembers everything about their secret love. “My true love,” Rafe says as he kisses Livvie’s hand. Livvie says they just dropped by to say goodbye. Rafe tells her goodbye and they both leave. A distressed Alison moans in her sleep. Having run her errands, Mary is again crossing through the park. Suddenly, the two thugs who accosted her previously approach her again. They grab her grocery bag and try to take her purse. Kevin joins his wife at the picnic table. He just saw Livvie, he tells Lucy. “She stuck to her story?” Lucy inquires. Kevin wants to believe her…she’s his daughter. Lucy informs Kevin she doesn’t think “they” can fix all of this right now. She feels they have been through so much that this time she wants to be a little selfish. Kevin wonders if some pod person has taken over his wife. She tells him they almost lost each other…she thinks they need some time away, so she has planned a trip. They will take Rebecca’s portrait home to England and spend some time together there. Kevin appears hesitant, but Lucy reminds him Livvie is a big girl who should solve her problems without their help. “Please, please, please,” a pouty Lucy begs. “Sounds irresistible,” Kevin says as he sweeps his wife into a passionate kiss. Livvie slips into Alison’s room. Alison is sleeping. “So you think you’re better than me, Ali…always had what I couldn’t. Well, you’re not going to ruin it…you’re not going to ruin it this time for me.” She hears Rafe’s voice in the hallway, and slips into the closet as Rafe enters Alison’s room. Alison opens her eyes. “Did you come to say goodbye?” Alison asks him sleepily. “Goodbye…no…I want to know about us. I want to know everything about us,” Rafe responds. A panicky Livvie listens from behind the closet door.

  • Friday, July 5- Kate hands Colleen an envelope for Alison at the desk. Colleen warns Kate about the newly waxed floor in the corridor…too late. Kate slips and falls. As she gathers up her belongings, the attorney spies a shadow in the stairwell and screams. Ian hears the scream and races to the scene where the “shadow”, a lab technician, helps Kate up and apologizes for frightening her. “It’s all your fault,” Kate tells Ian. “How is it my fault?” Ian asks. She reminds him that he got her started on that mysterious shadow-angel of death thing. He’s put all those images of rampaging shadowy men in her head. “He was wearing white,” Ian reminds her. “Are you a lawyer?” she asks. Ian admitted he didn’t know that she’d scare that easily. “Well, now you know,” she replies. She then reminds him that he promised to buy her a drink. He tells her he’ll buy her a gin and tonic now if she wants one. “Bourbon,” Kate says. “Bourbon…all right counselor, let’s go,” Ian tells her. Ricky is lying with his head in Karen’s lap when Jamal and Jack walk up. Ricky asks Jamal if he’s OK. Jamal admits it’s kind of weird seeing Karen and Ricky together. Karen asks them to stay but they decline. Victor runs up and asks if any of them have seen Mary. She left almost an hour ago to get hot dog buns and hasn’t returned. Victor is really worried about her. Meanwhile, in another part of the park, a frightened Mary hands over her purse to the two thugs. She protests when they ask for her wedding ring. As she struggles with them, a shadow appears. The thieves count their loot as Mary sits on the ground, still upset over the loss of her ring. Both men turn to see a shadow creature approaching. They scream. Mary looks around, but she is now alone. Rafe tells Alison he wants to know everything about how they met and fell in love. Alison tells him that nothing of their story should scare him. Livvie, still hidden in the closet, panics when Alison tells Rafe that once she’s finished, this will all make sense to him. She tells him the time they spent together was the most precious time in her whole life. He wants to know how they fell in love. She tells him they were friends for a long time…she was involved with someone else. “How involved?” Rafe asks. “Very involved,” she responds. She wasn’t looking to fall in love with him. Something kept putting them together. “You were like this beautiful light coming out of the fog…” she continues. She tells him he always told her to follow her heart and let go of the fear. “We were so perfect together…we were just completely drawn to each other,” she recounts. Rafe listens intently as she tells him about the time they first made love. Livvie quietly implores Rafe not to listen. “You love me now,” Alison whispers. Alison places her hand on Rafe’s. “Rafe, don’t you see? You are my destiny,” Ali tells him. “This is our destiny. I believed that then, and I still do,” she adds. “Even though I don’t remember?” Rafe questions. She asks him why he would have walked into the room of a woman he didn’t know and kiss her. He woke her up when nothing else could. “Don’t remember, Rafe…don’t remember,” Livvie quietly pleads from her hiding place. Rafe tells Alison he kissed her because he felt drawn to her. She reminds him he brought her back to life…not just with one kiss…but with all the kisses he’s ever given her. Rafe is very moved by Alison’s conversation with him. “Don’t you think that’s what destiny is all about?” she asks. From the closet, Livvie whispers, “Destiny…he’s my destiny.” Rafe notices Alison is trembling. She tells him she is remembering what it feels like to be loved by him, but she is a little chilly. She then asks him to get a blanket from the closet for her. Livvie panics as Rafe moves toward the closet door. Ian and Kate enjoy their drinks at the bar while discussing the shadow figure. Kate mentions that Port Charles appears to be a magnet for strange happenings. She can’t wait to get back to Manhattan and her dull corporate job. She asks him if she can make a quick phone call. Pulling out her cellphone, she pushes some buttons as Ian munches on peanuts. “Hello, sweetheart,” a suddenly attentive Ian hears her say. “Good news…things are wrapping up here and I should be home pretty soon. Yeah…it’s been a strange trip…I love you and I miss you. I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye.” Kate puts away the phone and answers the question he didn’t ask. “Significant other,” she explains to Ian. “I know it’s silly but I need to call everyday…he likes to hear my voice.” “That’s not silly,” Ian tells her. Ian indicates it’s getting late and starts to say goodbye to her. She reminds him she’ll be around for a few more days and they’ll probably run into each other. If she sees any shadowy, rampaging men, Ian will be her first call. After Ian leaves, Kate’s cellphone rings. “Damn it, how many times do I have to tell you, I will get you the money as soon as I can…please. Please…you can’t do that…I will get you the whole twenty thousand as soon as I can…yes, I know what will happen if I don’t…I’ll do anything I have to…trust me…hello.” Putting away the phone, Kate softly promises, “Anything I have to.” A search is now underway to find Mary. Victor is sure Mary cut through the park. They soon locate her, still sitting on the ground. Since her pulse is racing, Karen wants to escort her to the hospital for a check-up. Mary is still angry that the thieves took her wedding ring, but Victor reassures her. She tells them she doesn’t know what happened to the thieves. She remembers it got very dark, and then they were gone. Jack and Jamal set out to find the men. Ian meets the rest of the party near the park entrance and asks what happened. Jamal and Jack join them. They hear someone yelling. All are amazed to find the two thugs hanging upside down from a tree branch. The thugs tell Ian and Victor that a shadowy guy did it. The guy had a rope and a hood…but he had no face. They beg Ian to cut them down. Victor tells the two thieves that, if it were up to him, he’d string them up, while Ian mumbles in amazement, “Shadowy guy, huh.” Colleen enters Alison’s room to get her vitals. Rafe starts to leave but Alison asks him to get her another pitcher of water. Colleen pulls the curtain around Alison’s bed. The coast clear, Livvie quietly slips out of the closet and back into the hallway undetected. Rafe swallowed every word Alison gave him, Livvie realizes. How was she supposed to fight destiny? Suddenly, she gets an idea. She waits in the hallway for Rafe to leave Ali’s room. Meanwhile, Rafe asks Alison what happened to him and her. Why did he leave? She tells him that’s something he needs to remember on his own. She is sure he will remember everything in time. She thinks he needs more time to think about everything she’s said, and she wants him to come back and see her. “Goodnight…for now,” Rafe says as he gets up to leave. Once he steps into the hallway, Livvie makes her move. She makes it appear that she’s avoiding Rafe when she runs into him. Rafe tells her they need to talk. She tells him…not now. He asks her what’s going on. A stunned Rafe listens as Livvie tells him she thinks she’s pregnant.

  • Monday, July 8- As the two thugs beg to be let down, Jamal, Jack, Ian and Frank contemplate their next move. Ian and Frank finally decide to untie the rope. Once down, the thugs try to flee, but Ian and Jamal grab them and hold them for the police. Ian still wants to know what the shadow looks like. “Like death,” the thieves tell him. Doree and Andy arrive to take the two into custody. “Shadow guy?” Andy asks Frank, then adds, “this town is nuts!” Jamal and Jack continue to marvel at the vigilante’s handiwork. Ian tells them about the wife beater at the hospital who encountered this shadow figure. Afterwards, Jack tells them it’s happening all over again. The lab technician stands at the supply bins listening as two young nurses discuss the shadow man. He departs as Kate appears and enters Alison’s room. Alison is dressed and ready to check out. She gives Rafe credit for her speedy recovery. Ali tells Kate she feels like she got through to Rafe and things will be OK now. “So, you’re going to live happily ever after, right?” Kate asks. Alison wishes it were that simple. “Livvie?” Kate questions. Alison tells her that since Rafe and Livvie are legally married, Livvie won’t give him up without a fight. She assures Kate that Livvie doesn’t know Rafe the way she knows him. Ali then tells Kate she almost feels sorry for Livvie. “Don’t,” Kate advises her, “she is the kind of viper who gives women a bad name…you should hope that she twists in the wind for all the lies that she’s told and the pain that she’s caused…she’s a lying, conniving little bitch.” “Huh,” Alison responds. “Sorry,” Kate smiles, “does that sound like a harsh closing argument?” “I would vote to convict,” Alison replies. “I’d vote to execute,” Kate says, “well, not literally, but you’re right…Livvie’s not going anywhere…she’s like a virus that will infect everything that she touches…and she’s got a big bag of tricks.” “But…she’ll never have Rafe,” Alison assures her. “With a friend like Livvie, you don’t need any enemies,” Kate tells her. Alison wonders aloud if Kate has had experience with other “Livvies”. Kate assures her she’s just suspicious…part of her job. Alison then thanks her for all the help she’s given. Livvie tells Rafe that she thinks she’s pregnant. He wants to know if she’s seen a doctor…it could be a mistake. “Obviously,” Livvie responds. She tells him to forget about her and “them” as she walks off, leaving him standing there. Later, she lets herself into the motel room and throws her purse on the bed. First, she berates herself for lying about the pregnancy, but then justifies her behavior by saying that action was necessary after hearing Rafe and Alison whispering sweet nothings. She hopes her guilt trip works. She hears Rafe letting himself into the room and throws herself on the bed. She tells him to go away. Rafe apologizes for hurting her, but tells her that…considering their situation…having a baby is the last thing they need. She sobs, accusing Alison of getting to him. He tells her he honestly doesn’t know who to believe, and tells her she’s not making it any easier with all the lies. Livvie sits up and apologizes to him again. She reaffirms that their love was a secret…they were the only two people who knew. She then rehashes information he’d given her in the chapel about wanting a family together. Rafe tells her he wishes he could remember being with her. She tells him she can’t compete with the fantasy of him and Alison. He tells her he’s not asking her to. She tells him that all she can do is keep loving him as she loves the child growing inside her now. “I pray to God you remember how much you love me,” she tells a confused Rafe. Livvie continues on and on, as Rafe grows more and more exasperated. He asks her to calm down. He tells her she’s not alone. “If you are…then…I’ll be there for both you and the baby,” he promises. She’s surprised to hear him say it. Then she asks him if he wants a boy or a girl. Rafe interrupts to insist she see a doctor, before telling her he needs some air…he’s going for a walk. She starts to get upset with him again, but he reassures her he’s just going for a walk. Livvie watches him leave and marvels at how well this is working. All she needs now, she tells herself, is to really get pregnant. As Ian sits down at the table with Jack and Jamal, Jack reiterates his concern about the shadow creature. Ian says it is possible this is just a man…with a unique sense of justice. Jamal agrees with Ian, but Jack still leans toward the supernatural explanation. Jamal thinks this person is just seeking justice…something they would all like to be able to do. Jack is still concerned…this is how they’ve treated every other supernatural experience they’ve had over the past year. By the time they realized what was going on, it was too late. Jamal tells Jack he’s paranoid, but Ian interrupts the ensuing argument to say he thinks it’s human. They should start with that thought. Before leaving, Ian pats Jack on the shoulder and says “sometimes a shadow is just a shadow.” After he’s gone, Jamal accuses Jack of throwing the whole vampire thing in his face. Jack asks if he’s upset because Caleb didn’t bite him. Jamal responds that Jack “sometimes…just like your ex-girlfriend…Livvie…see evil where it ain’t.” Jack is irate at being compared to Livvie. As Jamal tries to calm him, someone at the outdoor eatery shouts, “there he is!” Suddenly, a shadow appears. Kate tells Alison she stopped by to tell her goodbye. She’s headed home to Manhattan. “I don’t think so, Ms. Reynolds,” Amanda Barrington responds from the doorway. Amanda congratulates Kate on her promotion. She will be heading up the Port Charles office. Kate is shocked and upset, but Alison is temporarily elated. Kate just wants to go back to her job and her life in New York. She appeals to Amanda, telling her that Kate’s life, and the man she loves, are in New York. Amanda tells her that her position in Manhattan has already been filled, and she’ll get twice the money for heading up the office in Port Charles. Ali protests that her grandmother isn’t being fair, but it fall on deaf ears. Amanda hugs her granddaughter and then offers Kate some advice before she leaves, “Port Charles is a lovely place…much nicer than the unemployment office.” Alison apologizes to Kate and offers to talk to Amanda again. Kate tells her not to bother…she will work something out. “What about this guy in New York?” Ali asks. “Not every love story works out the way you want it to,” Kate responds. Alison brings up the “Livvies” lurking around. Kate assures her that she and her boyfriend have been through worse. Alison wonders why Kate never mentioned him before. Kate says there’s nothing to tell…he’s just an average guy. She then tells Alison she will consider Amanda’s offer…she could use the extra money. Alison and Kate agree to be friends. When Ali asks her what to do about Rafe, Kate says she doesn’t believe absence makes the heart grow fonder. “Stop waiting for him to remember…you and Rafe have something that is so special…don’t waste another minute of it.” Rafe ponders his dilemma as he sits on a park bench. A baseball lands at his feet, quickly followed by a young boy. He talks to the boy briefly about baseball and fathers. After the boy departs, a determined Rafe gets up to leave. Meanwhile, Livvie checks herself in the mirror after padding her stomach with a towel. What does she want…a boy or a girl? “Who cares,” she tells herself as she pulls away the towel, “if I don’t get pregnant, it’s going to be over.” Rafe enters the room carrying a paper bag. She inquires about it and he hands it to her. Inside is a home pregnancy test kit.

  • Tuesday, July 9- Karen and Ricky stroll through the park holding hands. She is excited about finally getting to see Ricky play with his band. She suggests that Ricky go on ahead, but he wants to walk into the club with her. Karen is a little apprehensive…she hasn’t been in a club in years and she doesn’t own leather pants. She doesn’t want his friends to think she’s square. Ricky reassures her his friends will love her, and if they don’t, they don’t deserve to be his friends. She wonders how he always knows the right things to say to make her feel better. He tells her he isn’t feeding her a line, but he thinks she would look hot in leather pants. Karen tells him she might buy a pair, since she is dating a rock star. As they continue on their walk, they discuss the shadow man. Karen admits to being fascinated by him. Ricky is surprised. “You would want to met this guy?” he asks. “Yes, I think I might,” Karen confesses. “It’s a woman’s thing to have a dark, mysterious stranger ride to her rescue.” Ricky thinks the shadow man has a pretty weird way of obtaining justice. “No one’s ever Scarlet Pimpernel,” Karen smiles. Ricky tells her it isn’t just the nurses who have a thing for this guy. Should he be jealous? “Insanely,” Karen jokes, “but don’t worry…I doubt that me and the shadow would ever cross paths.” “I would hope not,” Ricky kisses her passionately. In the distance, a shadow figure appears. Jack and Jamal race to apprehend the shadow man as the young nurses who spotted him excitedly scream. After a brief chase, the two succeed in grabbing a hold of the enshrouded man, and take him back to where the nurses are waiting. “Do you notice anything strange about this?” Jack asks. “No, what?” Jamal responds. “We caught him…the guy who hangs people up trees and breaks bones…” Jack replies. “He didn’t put up much of a fight,” Jamal admits. The shadow man, in a very human voice, orders them to let him go. “Realizing he can’t be much of a threat, they pull off his hood. “Morton?!” “That’s the shadow?” one nurse asks. “Morton’s an orderly at GH…what were you doing?” Jamal asks. He can’t be the real shadow man, Jamal laughs. Morton suggests that maybe he is, or maybe he is one of his helpers. Jack wants to know how long it took him to pick out the costume. Jamal then guesses Morton might have used the ruse to pick up girls. Morton admits he was trying to give the girls what they wanted…the thrill of seeing the shadow man. He apologizes to the nurses, but they think what he did was sweet. Dumbfounded, Jack and Jamal admit that Morton may be onto something. “We’re definitely doing something wrong,” Jamal tells Jack. “Uh huh,” Jack admits. Jamal says that at least they learned one thing. Ian was right…they’d taken the masked man thing way too seriously. “I was taking it way too seriously,” Jack corrects him. “I think old Mort might have taught us something here tonight…we should be chasing women, not monsters.” “Welcome back, baby boy,” Jamal tells his friend, laughing. If it worked for Mort… They spring into action and approach the two young nurses. In her telephone room, Alison is on the telephone. She has been trying unsuccessfully to find out where Rafe and Livvie are staying. Though disappointed with her latest attempt, she presses on. Waiting for Rafe to walk through the door isn’t an option…nor is waiting for him to get his memory back. She’s so sick of fighting fair. She decides to pretend she is with the police on her next call. She is trying to apprehend a suspect who had taken one of their cabs to GH. She thanks the cab company for helping out the police. A jubilant Alison hangs up the phone. She knew she could do it. “Sorry I had to call you ‘wanted’ Rafe…but you gotta do what you gotta do…I’m out of here.” She plans to tell him everything…even about him being an angel. “OK, sweetheart…I’m coming…and I’m not coming home without you,” she says aloud as she walks out the door. “Pregnancy test?” an alarmed Livvie asks, holding it up. “Is something wrong?” Rafe asks her. “No,” she tells him. She would rather wait to see the doctor, she argues. Besides, she feels she’s pregnant. Rafe would rather know for sure, and continues to insist she take the test. Rafe wants to know why she’s dodging…isn’t she as anxious as he is to find out? She tells him those tests aren’t always accurate. He tells her the tests are close. “I’ll take it,” Livvie concedes. “Right now,” Rafe insists. “Right now…you’ll see I was right,” Livvie responds as she marches to the bathroom and closes the door. “We’ll see,” Rafe responds. Inside the bathroom, Livvie panics. She searches for something…anything she can use to doctor the test. “It’s over,” she frets. She is certain Rafe will go back to Alison if he discovers she’s not pregnant. Rafe sits on the edge of the bed, waiting, when she returns from the bathroom. “So…what did the test say?” Rafe asks. “I’m not pregnant,” Livvie admits. She tells him she really thought she was. He tells her he’s sorry. She assures him they can keep trying, but Rafe isn’t interested. He tells her he can’t stay with her anymore and that the baby was the only thing binding them together. This save both of them from a loveless marriage…a marriage that should not have happened. She assures him she loves him, but he won’t listen. He insists that Alison is his destiny…his one true love. She tells him that if they had a baby together, he would learn to love her. That’s just it…they don’t have a baby together, Rafe responds. He kisses her on the forehead and tells her he’s sorry before walking out the door. “Please don’t go,” Livvie screams. Livvie is standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom. That’s what will happen if she can’t make this test positive. She resumes her search, finally settling on a bottle of mercurochrome she finds. That should work, she tells herself, relieved. Karen, who has been carrying her doctor’s bag, realizes she doesn’t have the keys to her apartment with her. She will have to go back to GH to get them. That will mean cutting through the park again. Ricky offers to accompany her, but he will miss his sound check with the band. Karen insists it’s too important for him to miss that…she opts to go back by herself. She assures him she will be fine…she’s done this many times before without incident. She jokes that if anything happened, shadow man would protect her. A very reluctant Ricky says goodbye to her at the park entrance. As Karen treks back through the park, a man blocks her path and tells her to hand over the bag. A struggle ensues. Rafe paces the floor as he nervously waits for Livvie’s test results. Soon, she opens the bathroom door, a scared look on her face. Meanwhile, Alison walks up to the motel room. “OK, Rafe…time for you to come home where you belong,” Ali says aloud. Inside, Livvie hands Rafe the test, telling him she’s too nervous to look. She tells him that if it’s red, it’s positive…if it’s blue, it’s negative. She sits down on the end of the bed and he sits down beside her. He looks at the results. Stunned, he tells her she’s pregnant…they’re having a baby…just as Alison walks into the room.

  • Wednesday, July 10- While working in the bike shop, Jamal is greeted by a woman reporter. She’s interested in the Shadow Man story and wants to interview him for the 11 o’clock news. Jamal is reluctant, until she promises to give his shop a plug during the interview. He tells her he doesn’t think there’s anything that mysterious going on. Jamal thinks they are making a big deal out of nothing. As the cameraman records the interview, Jamal tells the reporter “the thugs got exactly what they deserved.” Now more comfortable in front of the camera, Jamal tells them he doesn’t think the Shadow Man is a comic book hero like everyone’s making him out to be. He thinks it’s someone on a hard-core vigilante trip looking for attention. On a small television screen somewhere, Jamal’s interview is being watched as it airs. A woman’s hand places a push pin into a wall map…Port Charles. Karen screams for help as the robber overpowers her. Suddenly, a hooded figure appears and pulls the robber off her. The robber is beaten as Karen looks on. “Who are you?” the robber screams in fear. “Oh, my God! It’s you!” Karen gets up to stare at the hooded stranger. She hears Ricky calling her and turns to the direction of his voice. When she looks back, the Shadow Man is gone. As Ricky reaches her side, the thief tries to flee but Ricky tackles him and knocks him out. Later on, Doree and Andy meet Karen and Ricky in the hospital waiting area. They inform the couple that the mugger was a major dirt bag who steals to support his drug habit. They’ve been trying to catch him for a long time. The thief became a quivering mass of jello at the police station…he confessed to his crimes and will be off the streets for a long time. Ricky tries to explain he heard Karen scream and went to her aid. The robber had tried to flee, but he tackled him. Karen is asked for her part of the story, but she doesn’t mention the Shadow Man. She allows Ricky to take credit for the collar. Doree asks Ricky if he’s the shadow. He tells her no…that he would like to take the credit…but that other stuff wasn’t him. Andy and Doree tell him he will get a plaque for his service to the community. He will get to be on the news. Ricky is pleased. He wants his sister and mother to see him and be proud of him. “He deserves it…doesn’t he, Dr. Wexler?” Doree asks. Karen admits that he does as she hugs Ricky. After Ricky follows them out to sign some papers, Karen looks pensive. Lucy and Kevin are packing at the lighthouse. Lucy is having second thoughts about leaving. She’s still concerned about the Livvie and Rafe situation. “Didn’t we have an agreement?” Kevin reminds her. “Yea, but…” Lucy starts. She promises to put her questions aside until they get back. For now, they will concentrate on hanging Rebecca’s portrait and on each other. As they kiss, Ian lets himself in, unaware that they’re still there. “Ian,” Lucy calls. Ian tells them he just dropped by to get some of Danny’s things. Lucy offers him a drink of some of his Irish whiskey. Ian and Kevin share a couple of awkward moments as Lucy goes to fetch the drinks. Both try to sit in the same chair…the chair each had been accustomed to sitting in. Ian attempts to explain why he and Danny were living there while Kevin was gone. Kevin had heard everything from Lucy, and tells Ian he’s grateful that Ian was such a good friend to Lucy. Kevin thanks him and they shake hands as Lucy returns with the glasses of whiskey. Kevin fills Ian in on the magical place where he was trapped. Kevin then asks Ian how he’s doing. Ian stammers as he talks about Eve, and admits to Kevin that the strange events that occurred helped to keep him distracted. Lucy once more offers to let Ian and Danny stay at the lighthouse, but Ian declines. As he prepares to leave, Ian asks “So you just snapped your fingers, huh?” “Yeah…be nice if we could get everything we wanted that way,” Kevin says. They shake hands again. “Don’t let that woman of yours drive you crazy,” Ian advises Kevin. “I heard that,” Lucy smiles. Alison closes the motel door behind her as she confronts Rafe and Livvie. Livvie accuses her of following them there. Alison insists on talking to Rafe alone. Livvie starts to tell Ali about the baby but Rafe stops her. He escorts Alison outside. Alison inquires about what Rafe wanted to say. He tells her Livvie was right…it’s not a good time. Just a few minutes ago they found out for sure…Livvie is pregnant. The smile quickly leaves Alison’s face. Rafe tells her everything is really crazy. “She’s lying,” Alison assures him. This is another trap to keep Rafe from leaving her, Ali assures him. Livvie could have doctored the pregnancy test. Rafe admits he didn’t believe Livvie at first, either…but this is happening. “Oh my God! You want this to be true, don’t you?” Alison asks him, now close to tears. “You want Livvie to be pregnant with your child!” From inside the motel room, Livvie watches them and gloats, “Bye, by Alison…have a nice life.” Then she checks the calendar and concludes that tomorrow will be the best day to get pregnant. Outside, Alison and Rafe continue to talk. “You’re happy about that,” Alison accuses. “I didn’t say that,” Rafe tells her. “But it doesn’t bother you that Livvie is pregnant,” Alison insists as she fights back tears. “…all I ever wanted was a family…of my own,” Rafe tells her. “I know that better than anyone,” Alison says, “but this makes no sense…you’ve always wanted a family…that’s something she can provide for you now.” “I didn’t mean for this to happen…it doesn’t change anything,” Rafe attempts to console her. “This changes everything,” Alison responds, suddenly realizing the truth. “How could I have been so stupid…up until this very moment…I never actually pictured you making love to another woman…but why wouldn’t you? Of course you would…that’s OK…she’s your wife.” Rafe then asks her what she wanted to tell him. “It doesn’t matter,” Ali concludes, “I’m sorry…I have to go…goodbye.” She walks away while he’s standing there. Rafe is sitting on the bed, visibly crying when Livvie walks up and asks what happened with Alison. Rafe tells her he told Alison about Livvie’s pregnancy. “Sorry it wasn’t the answer you wanted,” Livvie says. The she asks Rafe if he’s going back to Alison. She doesn’t think she can raise the child alone. She wants to make a decision. “I’m not going to abandon this child,” Rafe insists. She can count on him being there every step of the way. “That’s not enough,” Livvie tells him. She wants his commitment to her and to the marriage. Angrily, Rafe gets up. “I don’t know if I can promise you that right now,” he tells her. “Then, your answer is ‘no’? You can’t have me, Alison, and this baby all at the same time. You have to leave her, Rafe…if you want this baby, you have to let her go,” Livvie demands. Rafe sighs and pulls her to him. “You’re right…from now on I’m going to focus on one thing…the happiness of this baby. That’s all that matters,” he tells a secretly smug Livvie. Meanwhile, Alison wonders through the park in a daze. She collapses on the bench and gives in to her tears. “Why…why,” she sobs as she stares at the sky.

  • Thursday, July 11- Ian and Kate collide in the hospital lounge. He tells her he thought she was going back to Manhattan. She tells him she got promoted…Amanda Barrington decided the Port Charles office couldn’t live without her. “Big raise…big expense account…big car…” she tells him. “Sounds great…congratulations…why do you look so miserable?” Ian asks. “What are you talking about?…I’m happy,” Kate says, “who wouldn’t be, staying in a town with talking portraits and witchy candles.” “You could tell her ‘no’,” Ian advises. “Tell Amanda Barrington ‘no’?” “Why not?” Ian asks, then adds “does does your boyfriend think?” “Well he…we both think it’s too good an opportunity to pass up,” Kate tells him. They continue to talk until she changes the subject and inquires about the shadow. Ian tells her he’s still looking. “What else are you looking for, Ian?” she asks. He wants to know what that’s supposed to mean. She explains that she’s in Port Charles for the job and money…she wonders why he’s there. What’s holding him in Port Charles? “Why would you stay here with all this supernatural stuff going on?” Kate wonders. “It’s complicated,” Ian answers. He did go back to Ireland after Eve died…and he did plan to stay there. It just wasn’t home anymore. He’d never had a home…until he found this place. “Sometimes your home chooses you,” he admits. A daycare worker enters, looking for Ian. She prepares to hand him his son, who has taken a little spill. Ian forces Danny to release the woman’s collar as Kate stands there, watching. Ian then converses with Danny as she sits down on the sofa. Finally, he introduces his son to Kate. “There’s nothing more magical than finding comfort in the arms of someone who loves you,” Ian tells Kate. “It’s been a long time since I felt that,” Kate responds. “I thought you had somebody?” Ian asks. “What is this…a cross examination?” Kate replies. She tells him that what she meant to say was “this is the longest Brandon and I have been apart since we got together…I’m not a mysterious woman, Ian…I know that might not fit in around here.” “No,” Ian tells her “mysterious women are overrated.” Finally, Ian asks if Kate would give him and Frank some help with some social service issues at the hospital. She agrees to work with them, but now she has to rush off to deliver some of Mrs. Barrington’s paperwork. “What do you think, little man?” Ian asks his son. “I think she’s lying to us…I think there’s plenty of mystery going on.” Alison sits on the park bench, lost in her own private grief. Jack walks up and sits down beside her. “What is it?” Jack asks. “Not now, OK,” Alison tells him. Realizing she doesn’t want to open up, he decides to tell her about his experience with the shadow guy and the hospital orderly. He tells her about his and Jamal’s decision to just meet some girls and have fun. Alison, who was on the verge of crying when Jack sat down, suddenly breaks down completely and sobs. She tells Jack that Rafe doesn’t understand what Livvie is doing to him. “Doing?” Jack asks, “what has she done now?” “Livvie told Rafe she’s pregnant,” Alison tells him. “Pregnant?” Jack asks, incredulous. “That’s what she said,” Alison tells him. Jack refuses to believe it. Ali apologizes to Jack as she realizes his previous connection to Livvie. Jack tells her he’s moved on…and nothing about Livvie would surprise him anymore. Alison admits to Jack that she can’t get the picture of Rafe with Livvie out of her mind. Jack thinks Livvie is playing Rafe…he would bet his house and the bike shop on that. “He wants this…I promise you,” Ali replies. She says he’d always wanted a family, and that’s something Livvie could hold over him. “If it’s true,” Jack reminds her. “What am I supposed to do?” Alison asks and sobs on his shoulder. “I just cannot believe…this has gotten so out of control,” Alison attempts to calm herself. Jack feels it would have been a lot better if Rafe hadn’t come back. Alison defends Rafe and places all the blame on Livvie. Jack apologizes and tells her she’s right. “But, you are never going to get through to him if Livvie is all over him,” Jack realizes, “you need to be alone.” “But how?” Alison wants to know. Jack suggests the barn, but Alison quickly nixes that idea…telling him Rafe and Livvie were married there. “Terrible idea…bad idea,” Jack replies. Alison suggests the Barrington attic. Livvie would never go there looking for Rafe. “Done,” Jack says with finality. “You get over there…and I’ll take care of Rafe.” Ali questions him but he just instructs her to leave it up to him…he will get Rafe up to that attic. Livvie is still checking the calendar and counting. Realizing she is ovulating now, she makes plans to seduce her husband. When she walks out of the bathroom, Rafe is staring out the window. She lies that they probably conceived this baby on their wedding night. That was a sign that their love was meant to be. Rafe looks miserable as he sits down on the bed. “What guy forgets his wedding night, right?” he laughs, half-heartedly. Livvie asks him what’s wrong. “It’s nothing,” he tells her. She continues to force the issue until he admits, “I just feel really lousy, that’s all.” “About…?” Livvie asks. “About Alison,” Rafe admits, then wishes he’d kept quiet. Livvie responds that she thought he was committed to them. “I am,” he assures. She continues to work on her husband…making plans for them to spend the day together. Her plan is working beautifully…her success is moments away when the phone rings. She pleads with Rafe not to answer it but he does. Jack is on the line. He tells Rafe that Alison locked herself in Amanda Barrington’s attic and she’s very upset. Maybe Rafe can talk to her. He wouldn’t be calling Rafe if it weren’t serious. “All right, I’ll be right there,” an upset Livvie hears him tell the person on the other end of the line. “Now…where are you going?” Livvie asks. “I’ll explain it when I get back,” Rafe loudly tells her. He walks out the door, leaving behind a furious Livvie. She paces the floor, waiting for Rafe’s return. “If you are with Alison, I’ll…” she hisses. Then calming herself with “I don’t have to worry so much anymore,” she places a towel under her shirt and checks herself in the mirror. “What is she going to do…kidnap him or something?” she laughs. Rafe meets Jack at the entrance to the Barrington attic. Jack thanks him for coming. “She’s really upset…I can’t get through to her,” Jack informs Rafe. Rafe knocks on the door. “Rafe?” Ali asks from inside. “Yeah…Jack said you might want to talk…or,” Rafe responds. Alison opens the door to face him. To the surprise of both, Jack then shoves Rafe inside with Alison and locks the door. “You guys have fun,” Jack grins as he walks away. “He locked the door…we’re stuck,” a confused Rafe tells Alison.

  • Friday, July 12- Karen and Ricky are having dinner at the Recovery Room. Ricky is still on cloud 9 over his sudden fame. He could get used to this hero thing, he tells Karen. Karen is distracted…lost in her own thoughts. He wonders if she’s OK. Jamal joins them and laughingly bows to the new hero. As Ricky leaves to get the beer, Jamal converses with Karen. He talks about the shadow man, telling her that people say the dude doesn’t have a face. “There wasn’t,” Karen mumbles softly, while Jamal continues. “Just swoops in like he’s some kind of comic book hero or something…wait…what did you say…?” “No face,” Karen admits, “that shadow thing is what saved me.” “What?” Ricky asks, overhearing the last part of their conversation, “the shadow thing saved you…you mind telling me why I didn’t know about this?” Ricky is now peeved at his girlfriend for giving him credit for the shadow man’s handiwork. He thought he’d saved the day…now he realizes he came in and cleaned up after the shadow thing took off. “Does it really matter who did what?” Jamal intervenes. It matters a lot to Ricky. “Jack…come on, this isn’t funny,” Rafe yells as he bangs on the attic door. “It’s locked,” Ali tells him. “Yes, I know it is…I told you…wait a minute…what’s going on?…you don’t seem that upset,” Rafe responds. “Who said I was?” Alison asks. “Jack did…he said you were losing it…you might hurt yourself…that was all a lie, wasn’t it?” Rafe realizes. Ali suppresses a grin as Rafe turns back to yell at Jack through the door. “He’s gone,” Alison suggests. Rafe then tells Alison that he’d heard she was supposed to be this nice girl, and this was beneath her. “What are you talking about?” she asks. “The tricks…the lies,” an agitated Rafe responds. “Oh yeah…that’s me…I’m deceiving you…and cheating you…and setting you up…that’s me,” Alison responds, equally aggravated. “What am I supposed to think?” Rafe asks. “Why don’t you try thinking at all,” she replies. “What?” he asks. “You heard what I said…false pretenses…feelings that would make you do things you wouldn’t normally do…sound familiar?” she challenges him. “What kind of games are you playing?” he yells. “I’m not playing games…I don’t do that,” she yells back, “you must have me confused with your wife.” “Let’s leave Livvie out of this,” Rafe tells her. “Believe me, I’d love to,” Alison responds, “but since she is so good at leading you around by the…nose…I can’t,” Alison tells him. “Leading who…by the what?” Rafe asks. “Nose,” Alison repeats, “I chose it because it was polite.” “Good…OK…so…what is this place anyway?” Rafe asks, changing the subject. She tells him it’s her grandmother’s attic…she had brought him there once. He tells her he can’t remember being there…and he has no memory of the feelings he’s having about the place right now. “But you do feel something, right?” Alison asks. What’s going on…why am I here?” Rafe answers with a question. “What do you say to this, Alison, huh?” Livvie asks aloud as she puts another towel under her shirt and looks at herself in the mirror. “Nothing’s stronger than family and nothing means more to Rafe…right mom?…mommy.” Removing the towel, she adds, “Once I get pregnant…he’ll be mine for life.” “Come on Rafe,” she realizes suddenly that he’s been gone for a long while. It has to be tonight…she has to get pregnant tonight. She reaches into the drawer and pulls out a black satin nightgown. After she puts on the gown, she realizes Rafe still hasn’t returned. “Alison…Livvie, how could you be so dumb!” she berates herself. “Rafe isn’t yours, Alison…he’s my husband!” she screams as she throws a cardigan over the gown. Finally she calms herself and tries to think. Where would Alison take Rafe? Suddenly getting an idea, she rushes out the door. Ricky asks Karen to give him the whole story. She describes what happened, telling him the shadow thing just stood there…no face…no eyes…just black…until Ricky showed up. “What were you thinking…did you think I needed the crowd to slap me on the back?” Ricky asks. “Yes,” Karen answers, “I did.” Ricky is stunned. Karen tries to explain but Ricky is ticked. Jamal asks him to chill. Karen suggests that maybe Ricky didn’t stop the crook, but he did stop the shrouded creature…who knows what he might have done if Ricky hadn’t shown up. Ricky is still upset. Jamal tries to intercede. “You…just let me shoot my mouth off,” Ricky accuses her. He then asks Jamal how he’d react, but before Jamal can answer, Karen sounds off. “Maybe he would have let his lady friend here explain instead of acting like some little spoiled brat who goes around beating everyone up because someone stole his lollipop.” “Spoiled brat?” Ricky asks, “is that how you really think of me, Karen?” As Jamal prepares to leave, he advises Ricky to get over himself. Karen asks Ricky to calm down. She explains she saw how he reacted at being treated like a hero. She didn’t want to take that away from him. She just wanted him to feel special, just as he always made her feel special. “I just wanted the world to see what I see…please believe that, Ricky,” Karen tells him. Ricky moves over to her chair and kisses her passionately. Alison informs Rafe that she just wants to talk…locking them in was all Jack’s idea. She didn’t know he planned to do that. She doesn’t plan on killing herself over him or anyone else, but she does believe he is being played for a fool. “Livvie’s my wife,” Rafe replies. “I know she’s your wife…great…but she’s also feeding you a bunch of lies and…deep down inside you really know it’s true.” Alison is on a roll as she continues to blast him. “Livvie is conveniently pregnant…common sense goes out the window…I see things with my eyes open,” she assures him, and suggests he try that. The view from there is amazing. “Fine,” Rafe concedes, “maybe I’m looking in the wrong place…so help me out.” He sits down on a nearby trunk. Alison tells him she doesn’t think Livvie is pregnant. “She is desperate…and she’s willing to say and do anything so you don’t leave her…and just the same how you know how to put your pants on every day, you should be able to look…” Rafe stands and asks her to slow down. Alison again expresses her frustration at him not following his feelings, finally pushing him. He trips over the trunk and lands on the flood. “That’s it!” Rafe angrily responds. “Why don’t you stop being such a doofus,” Alison suggests. “Doofus?” Rafe asks, suddenly forgetting the anger, “you just called me a doofus.” He starts to grin, then suddenly he’s rolling over with laughter. Alison smiles. Finally pulling himself into a sitting position, Rafe asks, “so, I’m a doofus, huh?” “Yes, you are the biggest kind…no, I’m just kidding,” she laughs. “I’m just an everyday fool,” Rafe admits. She tells him she understands he wants a family…she had wanted a child with him before he left. She confesses that she knows, within her lifetime, she will never love anyone half as much as she loves him. She wanted to be a part of that family with him. Alison is on the verge of tears again. Rafe tries to console her, but she pulls away and rushes to the door. As she knocks, she responds “this was a bad idea…somebody please, I just want to get out of here.” Jamal moves to unlock the door to the bike shop as he hears a woman call his name. Turning to face her, he exclaims “You’re back!” “Back?” the woman asks. “Casey…what’s up?” Jamal asks her. Livvie walks through the woods enroute to the barn. The night noises make her uneasy. She’s now furious that Alison would coerce Rafe to the barn. She trips over a rock and falls, blaming Alison for putting the rock there. As she gets up, she senses she is not alone. Suddenly frightened, she calls “I heard you…I know someone’s there…come on…show yourself…hello…have it your own way…but if you think I’m afraid, I’m not.” She continues to move through the woods but senses that someone is behind her. She trips and falls, landing on her back, crying “Oh my God…oh my God! Don’t touch me…don’t touch me…No!” Livvie screams. Alison continues to pound on the door, asking to be let out. Rafe tells her to stop yelling…she’s going to lose her voice. “It’s not like I really mean anything to you now, anyways,” Alison tells him. “That’s not true,” he tells her. “You can’t even remember so…” she replies as she moves away from the door. “So what…I still care,” he yells at her. “You care…” she squeaks, frustrated. “I know how I feel…maybe I don’t know why…but so what…I’ll figure out the reasons later…or maybe not…sometimes we never know why we feel the way we do,” he tells her. “But the heart knows,” Alison responds. “Yes,” he answers, as she coaxes him. He admits he feels something for her, but suggests it could be friendship. He reminds her he’s a married man. “Prove it to me,” she offers, “kiss me…and if all you feel is…friendship…and it’s meaningless…then I promise you I will never bother you or Livvie ever again. Kiss me…just once.” They kiss. “What do you feel?” she asks, “can you honestly tell me you feel nothing…I really don’t think so…” Rafe interrupts her words with a long, passionate kiss.

  • Monday, July 15- “Casey, what brings you back?” Jamal asks the young woman facing him. “Sorry, you must have me confused with someone else,” she tells him. Jamal doesn’t believe her. “My name is Marissa Leone, and I’m here…” she starts. He interrupts her, and suggests she’s with the cops. “Are you always this rude?” Marissa asks. “I am digging this new look, baby,” he responds. She pulls out her wallet and shows him her driver’s license. He’s impressed with how good it looks…for a fake. He still wants to know what she’s doing back there. “Hello…I am not your friend Casey…whoever she is…I’m a reporter…actually, I am going to be one, and I came here to see you,” she tells him. She saw his interview on TV, and wants to investigate the stories about the shadow man. “If what I’ve heard about this town is true, it could be anyone or anything,” she tells a doubting Jamal. “So, you’re sure you’re not Casey?” Jamal asks as he lets her into the bike shop. “No, I am not,” she replies. “A reporter…huh…what do you think you’re walking into here?” Jamal asks her as she takes out her notepad. “We can start with the vampires,” she tells a surprised Jamal. “Oh, vampires…they all flew south for the summer…sorry,” Jamal replies. “You’ve never heard of any?” she asks. “Only in the movies,” he answers. “OK…let’s move on the witchcraft…Alison Barrington’s trial,” she then suggests. “I have a better idea…let’s move on to something else,” Jamal responds. “Why, dies it make you uncomfortable?” she prods. He tells her that Alison is a friend of his and he doesn’t want to talk about the hell that she went through. “Literally…or figuratively?” she then asks. Jamal laughs. Now he knows she’s not Casey…Casey wouldn’t be throwing around ten dollar words like that. He tells her Port Charles is just like any other town. She believes the town is a vortex for supernatural phenomena. She plans to do some digging to get to the truth. “If you have no idea what I’m talking about…you are either lying, naïve, or completely out of the loop,” Marissa tells him. He tells her Port Charles does have its share of urban legends. She tells him she votes for number one. “I think you’re lying,” she guesses. Jamal is now aggravated. He’s not interested. “Too bad,” she tells him she thinks this shadow man is a “real live, honest to God, superhero.” “A superhero…right,” Jamal laughs hysterically. Marissa wonders what’s so amusing. “These are all your buddies, right…Batman…Superman…” Jamal continues to joke. It’s Marissa’s turn to be aggravated. Jamal tells her to calm down…he’s just yanking her chain. He attempts to stop laughing and get serious with her. “There’s no story here,” he assures her. He still thinks shadow man is someone playing dress-up. She feels certain this is no ordinary man. “And you are no ordinary girl…but seriously…I have to get back to planet earth…Casey, Marissa, or Lois Lane…whoever you are…you’re going to be around for a little while, right?” Jamal asks. “What’s it to you?” Marissa wants to know. He tells her he has a friend who knew Casey, and Jamal would like for him to see Marissa. “Don’t go anywhere,” Jamal orders. “I don’t know the woman, and I hate her already,” Marissa tells him. Jamal grabs the phone and leaves a message on Ricky’s answering machine, but when he turns around, Marissa is gone. “Crazy girl,” Jamal mutters. As Livvie gets the fright of her life in the woods, Rafe and Alison kiss passionately in the attic. He breaks the connection, telling her he can’t. “How does that feel?” she inquires. As he takes her hand he replies, “I have a wife…and a child on the way.” He tells her he kissed her and he obviously feels drawn to her, but it doesn’t change anything. “It changes everything,” Alison tells him. Rafe panics, suddenly wanting to get out of there. “The memories of us, did they come back to you?” Alison questions as she follows him to the attic door. “Don’t you get it…there can’t be an ‘us’,” Rafe tells her. “You can’t run from this…I tried once…you can’t,” Alison responds. “Look at me,” she orders. She wants to know if he felt nothing when she kissed him. If he can tell her that, she promises never to bother him again. “You want the truth…I’ll tell you…I felt something,” Rafe admits. “Thank you,” she replies. “I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t…we were involved once…there was obviously some sort of connection…you’re a beautiful girl,” Rafe continues. “Rafe,” she protests. “What do you want me to say? That I remember your face…I remember wanting to hold you…that’s all,” he admits. “That’s a start,” she tells him. “No…it can’t be,” he responds. He tells her he remembers standing in a barn and saying vowels to protect and take care of Livvie for the rest of their lives. He tells her he’s doing a lousy job of that. “Because I’m distracting you?” Alison asks. “Big time,” he replies, “I can’t do this to my wife.” “She’s a wife that tricked you into marrying her,” Alison tells him, then rolls her eyes as Rafe tells her Livvie was the only one there for him when he couldn’t remember anything. Alison then sounds off on Livvie’s convenient pregnancy. He insists he saw the test results. She tells him tests can be faked. “If there was no baby…can you honestly tell me you’d want to be with Livvie more…than me?” she asks. James is yelling at the monitor in the hallway between heaven and hell, accusing Rafe of letting Alison get to him. “If I was down there, I’d shake some sense into you, boy,” he yells as Ed appears. Ed reminds him of their agreement of non-interference. James asks if he’s come to gloat. “Doesn’t it warm the cockles of your heart to see two people fighting their way back to each other?” Ed marvels. “I forgot, James…you have no heart.” “May I asks…is that what passes for humor in your white cloudy universe?” James responds. Ed notes that James is uneasy. Ed plans to win this wager, and James will get a one-way ticket back to hell. James, however, refuses to concede. “James…my dear enemy…my son will beat you,” Ed assures him. James tells Ed he’s getting ahead of himself and then quotes scriptures from the Bible. Ed laughs. “They’ve got all the best lines,” James admits. Ed assures James that Rafe is finding his way back to the woman he loves. “Finding…is not found,” James reminds him. “All a matter of time, James,” Ed insists, “I love happy endings.” Rafe sits on the chest to ponder the situation. “What are you so afraid of?” Alison asks as she kneels in front of him. “Nothing,” he responds. “I think that you’re afraid to remember…I think that you’re afraid that you’re going to realize that what you’re living right now is one big lie,” she guesses, “not me, not us…I think you’re afraid to remember how much you really loved me…so much that you didn’t know where I ended and you began…you can deny it all you want, but you love me and you want me…you can feel it so much it hurts.” He reaches for her and pulls her into his arms. Forgetting everything else, they kiss passionately. “Is this what you wanted?” Rafe asks, suddenly remembering himself again. Alison admits she wants Rafe to remember her the way she remembers him. “I know your heart…I know you’ve strived your whole life to do the right thing…and that is why this is so hard for you…you don’t remember,” she tells him. He breaks free and moves toward the door. “But what if I did get my memory back? It wouldn’t change the fact that I’m married to Livvie and we’re having a baby…that’s the only fact that matters right now…whether I like it or not,” he yells, forcefully kicking the door…which pops open. “Well, Rafe, it looks like you’re free to go,” she informs him. “Yeah…free,” he responds reluctantly. “I won’t give up on us,” she assures him, “you didn’t come back here for Livvie…you didn’t come back her for a tortured past you can’t remember…you came back here for me…someday you’re going to know that.” “I’d better go,” he says and gives her a lingering glance before he walks away. Alison remains in the attic to reflect on all the beautiful moments she and Rafe shared. “I will never give up on us,” she promises. “He finally escapes,” James says gleefully, “he’s going back to his wife…and I know she has her own plans for him…she fights dirty…I love that girl!” “I’m not worried about her,” Ed tells him. “Good…when Olivia triumphs, your soul will be mine…as well as your son’s…and do I have plans when you move into my…neighborhood,” James tells him. “James…do I detect a note of agitation in your voice?” Ed asks. “No, not at all…I’m merely looking forward to my happy ending,” James responds. James then clicks his fingers to see what Livvie is up to, but no picture appears. “What happened to the screen?” Ed asks, “is this an illegal hookup?” “Of course not,” James insists. “Where’s Livvie? The screen’s gone dark?” Ed wonders. “Something very powerful has blocked her from our view,” James tells him. “Something powerful…or something you’ve conjured up,” Ed accuses. James appears totally stunned. “Yet again…you accuse me of cheating,” James responds. James assures Ed he’s as baffled by Livvie’s disappearance as Ed is. “You’re up to something and I know it,” Ed insists. “What…show me…what?” James challenges. Now angry at being accused, he swears he had nothing to do with it. He tells Ed there are more things in heaven than are dreamed of in Ed’s philosophy…more things in the world that are unknowable…even by them. “Believe me…Livvie’s whereabouts are of vital interest to me…with Olivia out of the picture, you win…have I made my point?” James asks. “Why don’t I trust you?” Ed replies. “Logic…dictates…I’m in the dark as much as you are,” James tries again to convince Ed. “Where is Livvie…and what powerful force could block her or shield her?” Ed wants to know. Rafe checks the motel room for Livvie. Her purse is still there but she is missing. The motel desk clerk tells him Livvie left suddenly. She was half dressed and she seemed upset. “OK, Livvie, where did you go?” Rafe asks as he sets out to look for her. Meanwhile, in the woods, only a shadow and one of Livvie’s shoes is visible.

  • Tuesday, July 16- Ricky and Karen stop jogging long enough to catch their breath. “It’s just a few days,” Ricky pleads. Karen is happy about his Manhattan gig, but doesn’t want to disrupt her work schedule for several days to go with him. “Maybe if I had a little bit more notice,” she tells him as she showers her with kisses. “Or, maybe if you were a little more spontaneous,” Ricky responds. Karen complains that she has a cold, plus she has a responsibility to her patients. “I’m a doctor,” she angrily tells him, “not some flaky groupie…I can’t just take off with you, alright. The answer’s ‘no’.” Ricky tells her to chill out. She accuses him of tuning her out when she tries to tell him something. She just can’t toss her job aside and follow him everywhere. “Medicine is my passion,” she tells him. “Don’t ask me to ditch my life and go party with you in New York…because if that’s the kind of girl you want, I…” “Woah,” Ricky intercedes, “what’s going on here?…I just asked you to take a few days off.” He tells her he wasn’t asking her to join the circus, and he’s proud of what she does for a living. He wouldn’t ask her to give up anything for him. Karen responds that she has people depending on her, and suggests that he might want to rethink their relationship. A stunned Ricky wonders what’s going on with her. “Should we be having this conversation?” she asks. “Do you know what I think,” Ricky tells her. “Yes, that we’re…not suited to each other,” Karen responds. Ricky replies that every time they take a step closer, she puts up a wall…or she picks a fight. Is this really about them going away, or is it her blowing everything up? He then wonders if maybe their professions are too different. She assures him that doesn’t matter to her. Karen just feels that they each look at life differently. She suggests he sees it as one big party, and she’s not like his other girlfriends…she’s not like Casey. “Why bring Casey into this?” Ricky asks. “Have I said anything to you about her?” he adds. Karen tells him she thinks Ricky would like her to be more like Casey. “What does she have to do with anything?” Ricky inquires. She tells him he doesn’t talk about Casey, and she wonders why. “Casey’s dead, Karen,” Ricky responds and then asks her to let it go. Karen is stunned. She wants to know how…what happened? Ricky tells her it’s not his favorite subject. “Casey knew she had a short time left…she didn’t want anybody else to know,” Ricky informs her. Karen is sympathetic, but Ricky doesn’t want to discuss it anymore. He tells Karen he has a lot to do before the trip. “Another day…another party,” he yells back at her as he jogs away. Ian and Frank attend to a young boy outside a run-down apartment building. His mother complains that, among other things, the building is infested with rats. The landlord ignores the tenants’ complaints. “He won’t be ignoring you for long,” Kate steps outside after inspecting the building. She tells Ian the landlord must have a dozen violations. Soon the landlord appears and asks if he can help them. Ian replies that he can start by making the building livable so the rats don’t find it so accommodating. The landlord denies that there are rats there. Ian tells him this young tenant is about the fifth one he’s treated for rat bites recently. The landlord then tells Ian he doesn’t have to talk to him. Ian threatens to put the landlord out of business if he doesn’t clean up the place. Frank informs them the building is like an oven at times. Kate then threatens to represent all the tenants in a lawsuit against the landlord. The landlord threatens to evict the woman tenant if she talks to Kate. “You can’t do that!” Kate angrily tells him as he walks away. Ian pulls her aside and calms her. Frank then tells Ian that the boy will need a tetanus shot…they have to go now. Kate tells Ian she’s dealt with scum like this her whole professional life…you push and they fold. Unknown to both of them, the landlord hides in the bushes and listens. Kate decides to stay and take some more pictures as Ian departs with the group. She pulls out her camera and goes back inside the building. The landlord follows her, slamming the door behind him. “You do have to worry about me,” he tells a startled Kate. He then attempts to bribe her. “So, you’ve got a lot of cash, huh?” Kate asks. “Enough,” he tells her, “how much will it take?” “Enough to clean up…” Kate replies as he grabs the camera from her hand. He then tosses the camera away and moves ominously toward her. Marissa is walking through the woods, reading an instruction manual to the new piece of equipment she’s toting…a radiation detector. “If Shadow Man has been here,” she tells herself, “he would emit some kind of energy force that wasn’t entirely human.” She’s startled by a rustling sound in the bushes. “Anyone there?” Marissa calls, now uneasy. “Hello,” she tries again. More rustling sounds are heard in the bushes. “Whoever you are, I am armed…and extremely dangerous,” she shouts, “so, if you think you can mess with me…” She continues her task but leans down to retrieve a shoe she spots on the ground. “This can’t be good,” Marissa declares. She turns around then and starts to scream. “Jamal!” Marissa fusses as she catches her breath. “You shouldn’t be sneaking up on people,” she tells him. He wasn’t sneaking…he followed her there, Jamal tells her. She then suggests he’s stalking her, but he denies it. He wants to know why she ditched him last night. She tells him she found out all the information he was willing to give her. She didn’t want to listen to his friends tell her how much she looked like this Casey. She then reminds him she’s in the woods to work. Jamal asks her about the shoe. She just found it, she tells him, and suspects it may belong to the Shadow Man’s latest victim. She also thinks the woods would be an ideal hiding place for this Shadow Man. “Perfect,” Jamal tells her, chuckling. She fits right in there. “You can go now,” Marissa suggests. “Look,” Jamal tells her, “it’s dangerous out here in the woods…especially with this hooded lunatic running around…so why don’t you let me stay with you while you do your thing.” “And I’ll be fine,” she assures him that she’s skilled in martial arts. “So I’ve heard…armed and extremely dangerous,” Jamal grins. “Believe it,” she insists, “anybody who messes with me does so at their own risk…got it?” Jamal throws up his hands to concede just as Marissa trips and falls. Jamal stifles a grin as the radiation detector goes off. “Got it,” he tells her…then informs her that she may have found a dime there. “Are you going to help me…or what?” a peeved Marissa asks. “No, I just wanted to sit back and watch you kickbox your way out of this,” he tells her. Jamal then checks her ankle. It’s swollen. He apologizes for being a jerk with her. She admits that he was…then asks if she really looks like this Casey. Jamal informs her they look enough alike to be twins. “I was a twin,” Marissa tells him, but adds that her twin sister died at birth. She never got to know her, but it has placed a burden on Marissa…she always felt she had to live life for the both of them. Jamal wonders if that’s why she’s so intense. She reminds him she needs to get back to work. “When I prove to you that we are not dealing with earthly beings, you will feel so stupid,” she promises. She grabs her evidence and then leans on Jamal as he escorts her out of the woods. Alison and Jack are working out in the park. She wonders aloud if it’s safe there with this Shadow Man lurking around. She would be too tired to run from him. Jack jokes that she needs to work out because Shadow Man needs a sidekick. Alison laughs, and then kiddingly tells him it was a dirty trick he pulled locking her and Rafe in the attic. “What are friends for,” Jack responds. He then asks her how it went. Alison tells him she and Rafe did get closer, but before she can say more, Rafe comes running up. “Have you seen Livvie? She didn’t come home at all last night…I’m worried about her,” Rafe tells them. “Why do you think we would have seen Livvie?” Jack asks. Rafe tells them he’s tried looking everywhere else. “Sorry, can’t help you,” Jack replies. Rafe then blames Jack because he locked them in the attic…Livvie would not be missing if he had been home on schedule. “Do you want to talk about your wife, Rafe…because I know her a lot better than you do…this is what she does…she disappears and makes everyone crazy…don’t you worry…she’ll come home…she’ll make that grand entrance,” Jack insists. “What if you’re wrong?” Rafe asks. “She’s upset…she’s pregnant…and she’s missing,” Rafe angrily tells them. “And she is playing you like a cheap guitar,” Jack responds as Alison tries to intercede. “I know you lost your memory…but what about that brain of yours? Livvie is not missing…she’s hiding…and plotting her next move…if she seems upset it’s probably…all her lies are catching up with her…and another thing…even if she is pregnant…and I doubt she is…how do you know it’s even yours?” Jack continues. “It might not even be my baby?” Rafe questions. Alison intervenes. “He didn’t say anything…right…Jack,” Alison says. “Whatever,” Jack backs off, but the two continue to heatedly discuss Livvie. “She gets to you, doesn’t she?” Jack asks Rafe. “I’ve been in your shoes…but just as soon as I was about to lose my mind…she’ll come walking in…crying…making up some story…the whole time my gut feeling…was to run the other way…but I didn’t…didn’t want to…I wanted to believe her…and that was my mistake…and yours.” “You’re still hung up on her,” Rafe suggests. Rafe then brings up the time he found Jack at the cabin. Jack fills Rafe in on what Livvie did at the cabin before she cried rape. As Alison pleads with them to stop, the two men engage in a fist fight. They are rolling around on the ground when Jamal and Marissa appear. Jamal pulls them apart. A relieved Alison turns and sees Marissa. “Casey,” Alison exclaims. “For the last time…I am not Casey…my name is Marissa,” she tells them, waving the shoe as she speaks. Rafe recognizes it immediately and takes it from her. Marissa informs them she found it in the woods…she thinks the shadowy avenger just nabbed a new victim. “That’s Livvie’s shoe,” Rafe tells them. “Wow…something really did happen to her,” Jack remarks.

Torn DVD # 2  July 17 - 30, 2002
7/17, 7/18, 7/19, 7/22, 7/23 7/24, 7/25, 7/26, 7/29, 7/30

  • Wednesday, July 17- Ian steps up to the hospital counter beside Karen. He’s mumbling under his breath as he fills out a report. Karen asks about the little boy with the rat bite. He will be okaynow, Ian tells her. Ramsey’s treating him. Karen then asks where Kate is. He tells her Kate will be along shortly, then asks Karen how she’s doing. Ian tells her he was sorry to hear about her and Frank. She tells him she’s seeing someone right now…Ricky Garza. “And…” Ian inquires. She tells him she doesn’t want to hear about her life, then says “God, I wish Eve were here.” Quickly realizing what she’s said, she apologizes to Ian. He tells her it’s OK…he wishes Eve were there too. “Why don’t you buy me a cup of coffee,” Ian suggests, as he ushers her over to the coffee pot. “So…if Eve were standing here right now…what would you be telling her?” Ian asks. “I would be telling her I am completely clueless to what I should do with Ricky…that I am insecure and jealous…but smart enough to think that Ricky and I are just fooling ourselves, because…” Karen trails off. “Because what?” Ian asks as he sips his coffee. “Because the whole thing is so inappropriate…OK…for the both of us.” “Eve would probably say ‘do you like this guy…or what,” Ian tells her. “And I’d say ‘yeah, a lot’,” Karen smiles, “but he just wants me to drop everything and go watch him play in this rock n’roll gig in Manhattan. “Huh,” Ian responds, “what’s stopping you?” “Me…that and maybe I don’t know how to make this relationship work,” she tells him. “If there’s even the slightest chance for happiness…don’t run away from it…that’s what Eve would say. What do you think?” Ian asks. “I think she’d be right,” Karen tells him. “She’s not…?…because they look an awful lot alike,” Alison asks Jamal about Marissa. Jamal tells her Marissa isn’t Casey, then turns to Jack to inquire what he’d walked in on. Rafe insists something has happened to Livvie…he has to find her now. Marissa wants to help in the search but Jamal insists she see a doctor for her ankle. They leave Jack, Rafe, and Alison to look for Livvie. Jack volunteers to help Rafe search. Rafe first refuses his help, but later concedes. Alison wants to help, too, but both men insist she go home. She just got out of the hospital, Jack reminds her. Rafe then pulls Alison aside and apologizes for anything he said in the attic to hurt her. She assures him that no matter what Livvie’s done, she would never want anything bad to happen to her. Once the men head out, Alison is standing alone in the park. “Thanks…OK…Shadow Man’s out there and I’ll just stand here so someone can attack me…I don’t think so…I’m going too,” as she sets out to follow Rafe and Jack’s trail. “How stupid can you be to threaten me like this…a dozen people saw me…checking out your building,” Kate tells the landlord and tries not to appear frightened. Kate assures the man he would be the first suspect if anything happens to her. “If we can’t make a deal…who’s going to stop me from doing whatever I want,” he threatens. Suddenly he looks over and sees someone standing there. “Who are you?” he demands to know. Kate then turns around to face the Shadow Man. “Shame,” the shadow says in a loud whisper. “Oh my God!” Kate exclaims in awe. Jamal escorts the limping Marissa off the hospital elevator. Her ankle is now bothering her more than before. He insists she see a doctor. Jamal takes her over to the waiting area. Meanwhile, Ian approaches Colleen at the counter and inquires if Kate has called. She tells him “no.” Now a little uneasy, Ian asks her to check him out. He’s going to look for Kate. “Go,” the heavy whisper tells Kate for the second time as it points to the door. She flees, and meets Ian outside. She tells him the Shadow Man is inside. He tells her to stay put and goes into the building. “Oh my,” he says as he surveys the room. The landlord is completely tied up…but there is no sign of the shadow figure. He asks the man what happened. The landlord is frantic…he wants to get out of there…there are rats! Ian leaves the man tied up and goes back to Kate. He tells her all he saw was the landlord tied up. She insists the man wasn’t tied up when she went outside. As she wonders what’s going on, Kate retreats into Ian’s arms. Ian asks her to explain what happened. She tells him the slimy landlord was going to hurt her, but the shadow suddenly appeared. She didn’t see it or hear it come…it was just there. “What did it sound like?” Ian inquires. “Like a voice from a far-off place,” Kate tells him. Ian thinks they both need a drink after what happened. He suggests they call the police from the road. Unknown to them, they are still being watched by a shadowy figure. Ricky jogs through the park solo. He’s thinking about Casey again. Why did Karen have to bring her up? He faces the sky and says, “Casey, how are you doing?” as he remembers their last few moments together. His cellphone rings. It’s Karen. She asks him to meet her at the hospital. There are some things they need to discuss…but she doesn’t want to do it over the phone. As he hangs up from the call, a dejected Ricky thinks Karen is planning to dump him. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Karen is smiling. “Time to stop getting in your own way,” she tells herself. Ricky meets her in the waiting area. He tells her he’s been doing a lot of thinking about them, but she insists on telling him her thoughts first. She stuns Ricky by telling him he was right…she’s been putting up roadblocks between them, but she’s putting a stop to it. To Ricky’s astonishment, she tells him she’s taken herself off rotation and she’s going home to pack…she’ll go with him to New York. She wants to know if she’s still invited. An elated Ricky tells her “yes.” What did he want to tell her? Karen asks. He grabs her and kisses her…his break-up speech forgotten. They stroll to the elevator hand in hand. Jack and Rafe walk through the woods, calling Livvie’s name. Rafe thinks she’s hurt. Jack apologizes to Rafe for some of the things he’d said earlier. Jack admits that he might be upset that Livvie dumped him for Rafe. He still advises Rafe to check on what Livvie’s saying…she sometimes tells only what she wants someone to know. “It’s the truth man…it’s like the whole Caleb thing,” Jack adds. “What?” Rafe asks. “Caleb who?” “Caleb Morley,” Jack responds. “The only Caleb Morley I know is…going to sound a little weird…he’s a…” Rafe replies. “Vampire,” Jack volunteers, “he’s the one who almost turned Livvie and me into vampires.” “What?” a stunned Rafe asks. “What…what do you mean, what?” Jack tells him. “Livvie knows Caleb Morley?” a shocked Rafe inquires. “You mean she didn’t tell you any of this?” Jack asks. “What?” Rafe wants to know, still stunned by the revelation. “Oh my God…Rafe…she was married to him…Livvie was Caleb’s bride,” Jack drops the bombshell. Jack then goes on to relay the whole vampire story for Rafe. “Livvie married Caleb Morley,” Rafe says, still in shock. Jack admitted that Livvie destroyed Caleb, but added that it was after she’d wrecked everyone and everything in town. She pulled it off in the end. “You almost sound proud of her,” Rafe tells Jack. Jack admits he still feels a lot of things for Livvie…and as time goes on, he just thinks about the good things.” Rafe tells Jack it’s been good for him and Livvie, but wonders how he (Rafe) got between Livvie and Jack. Why did Jack let go? “I didn’t,” Jack confesses, “Livvie did…you were with Alison…that’s what everyone said…you were really into each other.” “I…I don’t remember,” Rafe stammers. “So, you don’t remember being with Livvie…or being with Alison?” Jack asks. Rafe changes the subject back to the search for Livvie. As they continue on, Jack notices that the ground is torn in one area, suggesting something was dragged. Rafe then finds a piece of Livvie’s nightgown on a shrub. They then conclude there are no footprints around except their own. Whatever dragged Livvie off didn’t leave footprints. Jamal still waits with Marissa at the hospital. As he again examines her swollen ankle, she accuses him of just wanting to see her legs. “Marissa…do I look that desperate?” Jamal asks. “I don’t know…are you?” she tells him, leaning closer. “Meaning?” Jamal then asks. “Do…you have a girlfriend?” Marissa inquires as Jamal laughs. “Not at this moment,” he responds. “Dumper…or dumpee?” Marissa questions. Jamal changes the subject. “Fine…take the fifth…see if I care,” Marissa tells him as she gets up and limps over to the counter. Karen and Ricky are getting off the elevator. As they kiss passionately, Ricky hears Marissa’s voice at the counter. He and Karen both turn to see Marissa and Jamal standing there. Jamal tries to explain she isn’t Casey and he’d left Ricky a message about her. Ricky can only stand there, mouth ajar, until he finds his voice. “Casey?” he asks as he moves toward her. Marissa suggests she should get a badge made up…Not Casey! A still stunned Ricky pulls out a wallet photo of Casey and hands it to Marissa. Now it’s Marissa’s turn to be shocked. It’s like looking at herself in the mirror, she marvels. Alison is still wandering through the woods alone…she hasn’t been able to catch up to Rafe and Jack. Soon she suspects she has traveled the same route more than once. She calls for Livvie again, but a sharp pain in her head forces her to stop. As she sits down on a nearby rock and touches her head, she looks around. She spies Livvie lying on the ground…unconscious. She rushes to Livvie’s side and yells for Jack and Rafe.
  • Thursday, July 18- Chris strolls into the Recovery Room to find Doree seated at a table. “It’s OK, Chris…you can sit next to me…I won’t bite you,” she tells him. “I’ve been meaning to call you,” he tells her as he pulls up a chair. “No…you haven’t,” she responds. He tells her that just because he wanted to take a break didn’t mean he didn’t want to see her again. She sounds off about him referring to her as “clingy.” “My mother always told me…don’t give away the milk if you expect them to buy the cow,” she tells him. “I don’t follow,” Chris says. “Sex, Ramsey…sex,” she replies and reminds him again of all their encounters. “I’m not likely to forget,” Chris tells her. Doree admits she doesn’t do things like that with men she barely knows, but she had been so hot for him it didn’t matter. “Obviously…that was all one-sided,” she finishes. Chris assures her it wasn’t all one-sided. He loved being with her and making love to her. He tells her he just wasn’t ready for the twenty-four-seven relationship thing, and that’s where he saw it was going. “Just because I wanted to slow things down…didn’t mean I wanted it to end completely…for what it’s worth, I really was going to call you,” Chris tells her. “When?” she wanted to know. “I don’t know…soon,” Chris responds. She tells him thanks for the lie. After the week she’s having, she’ll take it. “Why…what’s going on?” Chris asks. “This vigilante with the black hood going around beating up people…the chief would kinda like us to find him but we don’t have a clue so…he’s sorta making our lives miserable at the moment.” “Why are you looking so hard for him…as far as I’m concerned, he’s performing a community service,” Chris tells her. “So, you believe this guy is some kind of hero?” Doree asks. “Sure, who has he hurt so far?” Chris responds as he rattles off the list of “victims.” She tells him her theory is it’s some guy who couldn’t make the cut at the police academy and is now playing cops and robbers on the street. “Is that your psychological profile?” Chris asks. She admits it is. “But you’ve had no luck tracking down this…poor soul?” Chris tells her, to which Doree responds that at some point this shadow person will knock around someone who is truly innocent. She doesn’t want that on her street. Chris tells her he thinks the cops feel threatened because that guy is doing their job. Doree now becomes upset with Chris. “That’s one of the dumber things you’ve said,” she tells him. Chris responds that the guy should be commended for his actions. He’s just seeking a little justice. She wants to know if that’s his psychological profile. “He does all the work that the cops can’t seem to get to…he dispenses punishment that the courts just can’t deliver because they’re hampered by one technicality or another,” Chris adds. “You don’t happen to own a black cape, do you Ramsey?” Doree asks. “What if I did?” Chris answers. “I’d slip a pair of handcuffs on you so fast it would make your head spin,” Doree tells him. “Hmm…that actually sounds pretty good,” Chris smiles and leans in closer. He lets her know that his shift will be over in a couple of hours, but she declines his proposal. He wishes her good luck in finding the guy. She assures him they will find him and put him in jail. After she departs, Ramsey remarks “Good luck, sweetheart…I think this guy has one too many tricks for you.” “She doesn’t just look like me…she looks exactly like me,” Marissa marvels as she studies the photograph. She tells them she’d heard everyone has a double…that girl must be hers. “So…she was a friend of yours, right…somebody close to you?” Marissa asks Ricky. “I loved her,” Karen hears her boyfriend respond. “Well, you look like you have some things you want to talk about…I have a patient…I’ll catch you later,” Karen excuses herself. “Who is this girl…did she grow up here?” Marissa wants to know. “I didn’t know her very long,” Ricky admits. Marissa insists that if he loved her he had to know her. “Casey had a tough life…she grew up in a bunch of foster homes…each one worse than the last…she was always running away…living on the streets…for a minute…then…”Ricky trails off. “Then what?” Marissa probes. “She died,” Ricky informs a shocked Marissa. “I’m sorry,” she tells him. He tells her that seeing her there is like…Casey’s back again. Marissa tells him this is freaky for both of them, but reminds him that his girlfriend seemed a little upset. She suggests Ricky go find Karen and make sure she’s OK. Ricky reluctantly complies. He catches up with Karen as she’s making her rounds and apologizes for his reaction to Casey’s double. Karen tells him he doesn’t have to explain. She saw it in his eyes…he lit up like a Christmas tree. Meanwhile, Jamal asks Marissa why she didn’t tell Ricky she had a twin. She reminds him her twin died at birth, and this all has to be some kind of coincidence. “It does look like she could be my twin sister…doesn’t it?” she asks as she stares at the photo. Ricky, meanwhile, insists that Marissa caught him off guard…she brought back memories of Casey. Karen admits they both came into this relationship with some history…she tries to tell him he doesn’t have to pretend this isn’t bothering him. “Casey is my past…but you and me…we’re right here right now,” Ricky assures her. And if they don’t get out of there and pack, they will never make it to New York, he adds. Jamal still questions Marissa’s resemblance to Casey. He wants to know if it’s possible Casey could have been her twin. “No,” Marissa assures him, “no way Casey is my sister,” She knows her family wouldn’t lie about this. Jamal finally backs down. After he leaves, Marissa picks up her cellphone and calls her mother. She tells her mom she needs to talk to her about something. “Drink up,” Ian tells Kate as he sets the drinks on the table at the Recovery Room. Kate has been occupied…sketching shadow man on a paper napkin. He looks at it. “It’s not very good…but it’s what I saw,” Kate tells him. “You didn’t see a face…or you don’t know how to draw one?” Ian asks. She tells him she didn’t see one…it was wearing that hood. “Isn’t it strange,” she remarks, “I wasn’t frightened.” She adds that she was afraid of the landlord…but the shadow man didn’t scare her. She seemed to feel it had a sense of dignity about it. “Dignity,” Ian responds, “I’m glad we started drinking.” Kate wishes she would have asked it some questions. He asks her to slow down. Maybe she wasn’t scared, but they still don’t know what they’re dealing with yet. She tells him it all seems to be about beating up the bad guys. She suggests the punishment would fit the crime. “The wife beater gets beaten up…the gangsters are humiliated…the landlord’s forced to live in his own rotten building…there’s a method to the madness,” she tells him. “Maybe so,” Ian agrees but cautions, “we don’t know how far this thing’s gonna go…or who it is.” Kate admits Port Charles is a strange town. She lists the strange things she’s encountered thus far and asks Ian if there’s any others she should know about. “Well…let’s see…you know about the angels, right?” Ian replies, “and did I tell you about the vampires?” Kate laughs. “No…I’m serious,” she tells him, then her smile vanishes. “You’re not serious!” she exclaims. Ian tells her this isn’t a good time to discuss that. He is going to New York to see a friend of his who might be able to help him with Kate’s shadow friend. She asks Ian what he thinks it is. “You don’t think it is human, do you?” she asks. While Ian gets more drinks, Kate calls her significant other. “Brandon…hey honey, it’s me…I’m going to be coming to New York for a few days…a short visit…I miss you,” Kate tells him. Ian returns with the drinks to catch the last part of her conversation. She will make reservations at their favorite restaurant, she tells the person on the other end of the line. “I miss you…I love you,” Kate says as she hangs up. “Everything alright?” Ian asks. “Yes,” she tells him, “who would think that Manhattan would be the safe alternative to a life in Port Charles.” “The devil you know…right?” Ian responds as he raises his glass. He inquires about her New York trip and she tells him she’s taking the train there. He offers her an alternative…ride with him, but she declines the invitation. After she leaves, Ian picks up the napkin. “No…I don’t think you’re human.” “Livvie,” Alison calls to an unconscious Livvie. She yells for Jack and Rafe. They quickly appear and rush over to Livvie. Suddenly, Livvie sits up and asks “Rafe…where were you?…what happened?…where am I?” “Why don’t you tell us, Livvie…how did you get here, huh…and who brought you?” Jack questions. “I still don’t understand why you thought I was dragged off,” Livvie tells Rafe. The men explain the evidence they found, including the fact there was no footprints. Livvie quickly flashes on the shadow man approaching her and her screams in response. “No…nobody dragged me anywhere,” she insists. “It sure looked that way,” Jack tells her. “It wasn’t anything like that,” Livvie yells back. “Well, why don’t you tell us what happened?” Alison asks. “It’s none of your business…it’s between me and my husband,” Livvie responds. Rafe assures her they were trying to help him find her. “You left me at the motel, Rafe…you said you were coming back…I was scared…I went out looking for you…then I got lost…and I thought you were going to leave me and the baby so…I said to hell with you so I started running back…then I fell…and I lost my shoe…and when I bent down to get it…I hit my head,” she explains. “That’s a nice story,” Jack responds. Rafe wants to check her head, but she tells him she’s fine. She just wants to go home. “Livvie…why don’t you want to go to the hospital…don’t you want to make sure the baby’s all right?” Jack asks. Livvie gets up to walk off, but doesn’t go far before she doubles over in pain. Rafe carries her out of the woods, as Ali remarks to Jack that this seems a little too real to her. Jack assures her they both know Livvie…she can make anything seem real. Livvie, now in a hospital bed, has had blood drawn for testing. She wants to go home now…she’s fine. The doctor tells her they need to be sure she and the baby are OK. She’ll be back soon with the test results. Alison and Jack stand in the hallway as the doctor leaves Livvie’s room. Both admit they are nervous about Livvie’s test results…both hoping that Livvie isn’t pregnant. Jack admits he is still confused about his feelings towards Livvie. While he opts to leave the hospital, Alison decides to wait. As Jack leaves, the doctor returns with Livvie’s test results. Alison opens the door slightly to listen. She overhears the doctor tell Livvie and Rafe all the test results are normal…the baby is more than OK…it appears to be thriving. Livvie smiles with satisfaction. A stunned Alison quickly leaves the hospital. Ian steps outside, still looking at the napkin drawing Kate made. He drops his keys and stops to pick them up. A shadow suddenly appears in front of him. “Who are you?” Ian asks, “what do you want from us?” Came the response…”Justice…don’t…interfere,” as the shadow quickly vanished.

  • Friday, July 19- “So, are you sure?” Rafe asks Dr. Newman while Livvie beams. Dr. Newman assures them Livvie is with child and that mother and baby are doing fine. After she leaves, a stunned Rafe listens as Livvie informs him this is only the third time he’s been told she’s pregnant. She wants him to be honest and tell her how he really feels. “You don’t want this baby,” she tells him, “you don’t want either one of us…isn’t that the truth?” Rafe tries to tell her she’s reading it all wrong, but she insists not. Livvie applies tears and more guilt as she launches into yet another attack on Rafe. She tells him how afraid she was of losing the baby…if she did, she knew she would lose him, too. Rafe protests again. “Don’t lie, Rafe, please,” Livvie cries. She tells him he wishes he were with Alison, and she knows everything has changed between them. She insists that the one thing she has is the baby…that’s what she’s living for. “Our child will always feel treasured and wanted by me,” Livvie promises. She wants to know when he makes up his mind how he feels. He assures her he has no plans to let their child grow up without a father. “Why do you just keep fighting…when in your heart you know that…” Rafe tells her. Livvie starts to cry again. “Know what, Rafe? Go on…say it…go on!” she yells. “You know I don’t love you,” Rafe tells her. “I’m sorry,” Rafe apologizes. He assures her he doesn’t want to hurt her. Livvie then reels out a beautiful story about finding him when he was lost and just wanting to protect him. She sympathizes with his memory loss which is keeping him confused about “their” love. She tells him there are no walls between them…only curtains. She believes even those will come down. “What about what I believe?” Rafe asks. She believes he is a man of faith, and that there is a reason and a purpose for why things happen. There has to be a reason why they made this baby together. “I’m searching my soul for an answer to that,” Rafe tells her. “OK…we’ll search here…look into my eyes…search in me…please,” Livvie begs. “No,” he tells her as he pulls away from her grasp. “Rafe, please,” Livvie pleads with him. “I have to search in me…in my soul,” he tells her as he walks out the door. “Search in me,” Rafe mumbles as he takes a deep breath. Suddenly, he has a vision of Alison in the attic. “Alison,” he whispers, “I’ve gotta find Alison.” Alison walks up to Jack at the Recovery Room. “You were wrong…you were so wrong,” she tells him. She proceeds to inform him that Livvie is pregnant with Rafe’s child. Jack still can’t believe it. Alison tells him she was there when they got the test results. “Mrs. Kovich is pregnant,” Alison says bitterly. Jack asks her to sit down but she refuses. She wants to know why he gave her hope for a future with Rafe when there is none. She is now angry at Jack for aiding and abetting her cause and her dreams, when all her hopes have amounted to nothing. Alison races out of the bar. Jack pays for his drink and follows her. He catches up with her as she enters the park. She screams at him as she cries, protesting the hand she has been dealt. “For months all I’ve had to hold onto are my hopes and my dreams…and like…the connection with Rafe…and now it’s all gone,” Alison cries. Jack tries to comfort her…to tell her he understands, but she insists he doesn’t. She doesn’t understand it herself. When Rafe came back she thought it was her reward for what she’d been through in the past couple of months. Now she had lost it. “It’s all gone,” she laments as she cries in his arms. Suddenly she spies Rafe standing there. Jack orders Rafe to leave but Alison protests. Against Jack’s objections, Alison insists on talking to Rafe alone. “There’s not another face in all the world…and for weeks it kept calling out to me,” Rafe tells her after Jack is gone. “The first time that I actually saw your face…the first time I remember anyway…it was like there was something in me sleeping that…was waking up…I just…I had to…I wasn’t thinking…I just did what I thought was right…I kissed you…not just to bring you back…to bring me back to life,” Rafe tries to explain to her. “You were my life,” Alison tells him. “Were?” he asks. “Don’t you see that…” Alison begins. “Don’t you…” Rafe interrupts, “when we were locked in that attic together…don’t you understand how difficult it was for me to hold back…from just showing you how much I wanted you…I want you now…don’t you see, I…” “You’re saying everything that I want to hear right now…but we both know…those are just words,” Alison tells him. “No,” Rafe insists, “It’s more than that…I’m telling you…it’s the way I feel.” “You’re having…a baby together…she’s your wife,” Ali responds in frustration, “I need to let you go…because I believe in those vowels…and I know you do too…more than just words…they’re more than just words to you, too…there’s a child involved…even if you remember everything right now…we can’t go back, Rafe…I think that we both know that,” Alison cries. “I’m sorry,” Rafe apologizes, “really sorry.” Ian sits at the Manhattan bar staring at Kate’s napkin drawing. He’s so absorbed he fails to notice the bartender has returned with his glass of 25-year-old whiskey. When he recovers, Ian gulps it down in one swallow and orders another. Once again he remembers his encounter with the Shadow Man, and the warning he was given. His thoughts are interrupted by the voice of an old friend…Timothy Dolan. They converse briefly about their shared experiences. Tim is pleasantly surprised by the upscale meeting place Ian selected. Ian tells him a friend recommended it and he thought he’d check it out. The two friends discuss Eve and toast to her before grabbing a table. After they’re seated, Ian shows Tim the napkin drawing. He tells Tim about the Port Charles encounters with whoever or whatever this is. “It spoke to me personally,” Ian tells him. Tim recognizes it. He relays that one of his roommates in graduate school, who did a doctorial thesis on urban legends, had one that looked just like this hanging on his wall in the dorm room. He knows the story that went with it. “The star of this particular legend…has been known as the Avatar,” he tells Ian. “There’s an old story that matches the drawing. The Avatar is an ancient spirit of legend that wanders from town to town. First, it behaves nobly…dishing out punishments to fit the crime…” Tim recalls. “At first?” Ian inquires. “The way I remember the legend, the spirit descends upon the town and starts sweeping up mischief…the people there are grateful to have what they think is a blessing but…slowly they grow dependent upon it…which feeds its desire for power,” Tim reports. “They think it’s a blessing?” Ian asks. Tim nods. “And there’s the trouble…the Avatar legend ahs been around since Babylonian times,” Tim continues. “Is that why he’s moving from town to town and taking on evil and injustice?” Ian wants to know. “After it finds a host,” says Tim, “it moves in and has to inhabit a human first.” “So, someone is walking around town carrying this spirit…?” Ian asks. “The spirit controls the body…until finally the man disappears entirely…the stronger its power grows…the more it starts to do,” says Tim, “and slowly its hunger for power becomes more important than its need for justice…and when that time comes, the full force of the darkness is revealed to the town…too late.” Then Tim adds, “and one more thing, Thornhart…believe anything that I’ve just said…I’ve got a bridge out in Brooklyn for you to buy that once belonged to the Easter bunny.” Tim winks and picks up his glass. Ian gulps his drink with an expression that says he might want to take a look at that bridge. Livvie stares out of her hospital room window and recalls the full details of her encounter in the woods. “You knew what I wanted by looking at me…it was a fair deal…and you needed me to keep the secret of who you are…and we will keep that secret…Rafe can never know I’m having your baby.”

  • Monday, July 22- Ian tells Tim he would like to write off the Avatar as an urban legend, but he saw it and heard it. Tim believes what Ian saw was someone dressed up to play a comic book hero. Ian reminds Tim that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction…he thought Tim would know that. “People have been incorporating myths…for centuries…that doesn’t make them real,” Tim replies. “Sometimes a myth is just a myth, my friend.” Tim then calls Ian’s attention to a woman being seated in the dining room. Ian turns to watch as Kate is being seated at a table. “That’s my friend Kate…she drew the picture…she saw and heard this thing herself,” Ian tells Tim. “You have good taste in friends, Thornhart,” Tim tells him as they continue to spy on Kate unobserved. Soon an older man appears. He greets Kate with a kiss and takes a seat at the table. “So…that’s the man in her life?” Tim asks. Tim wonders why Ian has never met the guy. Ian explains that Kate is working in Port Charles but her male friend lives in New York. Tim offers Ian a card, telling him this place has more information on the Avatar. Ian has become temporarily sidetracked by the couple at the other table. “Slap me if this is inappropriate…but are you and her…?” Tim asks. “No…no,” Ian answers his friend. He admits he’s surprised at the age difference between Kate and her “significant other.” Tim suggests Ian walk over and meet the guy. As Tim prepares to leave, Ian suggests he stay in touch…he might still need him on this. Tim replies that he will…besides, he wants to collect on a bet…this shadow man is just a comic book match up. Ian hopes his friend is right. After Tim departs, Ian moves back over to the bar. “My friend over there…does she come in a lot?” he asks the bartender. “You mean Kate,” the bartender responds. “Yeah…good…so you do know her…I want to send her a nice bottle of wine for her and her “significant other” over there,” Ian tells him. The bartender laughs. “That’s not her date…he owns the restaurant,” Ian is told. “What?” Ian asks. He tells Ian that Kate used to come there all the time…everybody there knows her…and she always eats alone. Ian appears really puzzled by Kate’s deception. He tells the bartender he thought Kate had somebody. “If she does, I’ve never seen him,” the bartender responds, “I’ve seen guy after guy ask to join her, but she always shoots them down.” Ian cancels the wine order and picks up the napkin drawing as he leaves the restaurant. “We can’t go back now,” Alison tells Rafe. They can’t be a part of each other’s lives. She fights tears as he tells her he’s sorry. He starts to tell her how he feels whenever he’s around her. “You’re right…we can’t do this,” a frustrated Rafe admits, “the baby deserves a real home…a real family…I have to try to make this work with Livvie…but I know we had something real, Alison…I feel it in every part of me…I don’t remember it but I know it was real.” “I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or worse…but I really needed to hear you say that,” Alison tells him. They both wish things had been different. She would expect nothing less than for Rafe to take responsibility for his child. With tears in her eyes, Alison tries to walk away. Rafe suddenly yells, “Wait…don’t go!” She turns to face him again. “I’m sorry…it’s just so hard to watch you walk away,” Rafe admits, “this is strange…I don’t remember us…but I know what I’d be giving up.” “Right…some connections are so strong…you feel them no matter what,” she tells him. “I’d give anything not to have it be this way,” Rafe nervously tells her. “Me too,” she admits. She tells him she’ll never forget loving him. “There’s no place for me in your life anymore,” Alison tearfully tells him. He admits he has to make things work with Livvie but he can’t let Alison go. “What’s wrong with me?” Rafe asks. “There’s nothing wrong with you,” Alison assures him, “you’ve always protected the people that you love and care about…now that you have a child on the way, you’re going to do anything to give your baby whatever he or she needs…because that’s just the person that you are.” She then tells him he has a beautiful, selfless heart and a kind soul…that’s why she fell in love with him. How could she blame him for being that man? As Rafe looks into her teary eyes, he raises his hand to gently caress her face. “If you keep touching me like this…I’m afraid I won’t be able to let you go,” Alison tells him. “It’s just…that being with you just feels…so right,” Rafe explains. She pulls herself away. “Rafe…you are really going to be…an amazing father,” she reminds him. “Are you going to be OK?” Rafe asks. “Yeah…I have to be,” she responds. He wishes again that he could remember her…and them. She thinks, under the circumstances, it’s probably better he doesn’t. “Take care of yourself,” he tells her as he walks away. “You, too,” she mutters as she watches him go. Livvie once again remembers her encounter with the “Shadow Man.” She recalls his hands caressing her and making love to her out in the woods. “OK..I did what I had to do, and now I really am pregnant,” she tells herself. “Rafe never has to know that this baby isn’t his…I’ve got time to make him fall in love with me now…where is he?” She opens the door to see Kevin and Lucy standing there. Kevin is concerned about Livvie…they had just gotten home when they heard she was in the hospital. Livvie immediately informs the two that they’re going to be grandparents. Kevin and Lucy give each other a less-than-enthusiastic look. “You…are…pregnant!” Lucy exclaims, as she closes the door. “Wow!” Kevin responds to a beaming Livvie. “I’m not sure what to say,” he tells his daughter. “You can at least be happy for me, Dad…because I am,” Livvie tells him. He assures her he is and then gives her a hug. Kevin tells her he’s just a little surprised. “I’m not surprised,” Lucy remarks, “there’s never a dull moment…is there Livvie…ever with you?” Kevin wants to know how far along she is and why didn’t she call them while they were in England to let them know. Livvie responds that they wanted to be sure and she’s just a few weeks pregnant now. She assures her father that she and the baby are fine. “Rafe was a little worried…so he checked me into the hospital,” Livvie tells Kevin. “So…Rafe’s OK with this?” Lucy asks. “He’s my husband, Lucy…I know you want him and Alison together but…I’m married to him…and I am carrying his child…can’t you at least be there for me now?” Lucy assures Livvie that she and Kevin are there for her. She then suggests that Livvie move back to the lighthouse so they can take care of her. Livvie tartly responds that she would like to raise her child with her husband. “He doesn’t love you,” Lucy reminds her. When Livvie goes to splash some water on her face, Kevin grabs a protesting Lucy and ushers her into the hallway. “What are you doing?” Kevin wants to know. “I…I’m being honest,” Lucy replies. “Lucy…she’s pregnant and you’re upsetting her,” Kevin tells Lucy, “will you please back off and give her a break.” “No…no…I can’t…because I have a feeling this whole thing is going to end in disaster,” Lucy heatedly tells her husband. She reminds him he wasn’t exactly jumping up and down earlier…surely this isn’t good news to him. Kevin admits he’s not thrilled about it. Lucy wants him to have a talk with Livvie, but he doesn’t want his daughter to feel to feel ganged up on or abandoned. “She doesn’t want to live with us, Lucy…she wants to live with Rafe,” Kevin insists. “Oh…Doc…come on,” an aggravated Lucy responds. “Lucy, I have to be there for her right now…all you have to do is be there for me.” “I know,” Lucy responds, but argues that she wants to be there with him. “Everything inside of me is screaming…this is so wrong,” she reveals. “She’s my daughter…and I know she has some problems, Lucy…I can’t help her if we alienate her,” Kevin admits. Lucy asks him if he expects her to go along with Livvie’s fantasy. “What fantasy? They’re expecting a child, Lucy, and she loves Rafe.” “Rafe does not love her,” Lucy responds. “You don’t know that…for sure,” Kevin tells his wife. Lucy tells him she does know that for sure…Rafe loves Alison and Kevin knows that as well as she does…Rafe and Alison belong together. “No,” Kevin insists, “we can’t start deciding who should be with whom…they need to figure that out on their own.” “Oh boy!” Lucy exclaims. She reminds Kevin again that Rafe loves Alison and that Livvie will end up in a loveless marriage. Surely, that won’t be a good environment for a child. “Rafe loves Alison…he will never love Livvie…ever,” she tells Doc. Their conversation is interrupted by Livvie. “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Lucy,” Livvie tells her. She then adds that if Lucy can’t be there for her, she doesn’t want Lucy to ruin what should be the happiest moment of her life. “I’m going to go…congratulations,” Lucy tells her step-daughter and walks away. “Lucy is wrong, Dad,” Livvie tells her father, “Rafe and I are very happy together…and he will…love me again.” Kevin just doesn’t want her to get hurt again. “I will be hurt if you don’t support me…I really, really need…” she trails off as Rafe enters the room and asks to speak with Livvie alone. Kevin assures Livvie he will always be there for her and then leaves her alone with Rafe. “Where’ve you been?” she asks. “With Alison,” he admits. She blasts him for going to see Alison as soon as he finds out she’s pregnant. “I told her that we couldn’t see each other anymore,” Rafe tells her, “I’m going to be a father to this child…I’m going to be your husband.” A relieved Livvie hugs an expressionless Rafe. She then fakes a cough and asks for some water. When he goes to get it, Livvie stops coughing. “It worked…I finally have everything…and no one will ever know our little secret,” she gloats. Lucy joins Alison on the park bench, and quickly realizes Ali knows about Livvie’s pregnancy. Lucy tries to comfort the young woman. “He’s staying with her,” she tells Lucy. Lucy is not really surprised by Rafe’s decision. “This is not right for anybody…nobody wins,” Lucy tells her. “It’s over, Lucy…I have to let him go,” Alison sadly insists. A shadowy figure strolls along the docks, making its way to the entrance of an abandoned warehouse. He opens the door and goes inside. Sometime later, children gather on the docks in front of the building. They argue who will play the shadowy avenger. After lavishing lots of praise on their new superhero, the boys move on down the docks. The Avatar opens the door to peek outside…then closes it again. He looks at the assortment of articles about himself posted on the wall. Suddenly, he lets out a feral scream.

  • Tuesday, July 23- “I can’t believe what a dump this place is,” Ricky exclaims as he and Karen enter their New York motel room. He continues to complain…about the room…about the acoustics in the club where he’ll be playing. Karen doesn’t think these things are really what’s bothering him. She tells him he still has Casey on his mind. “Marissa’s got you thinking about Casey, hasn’t she?” Karen asks. “She looks exactly like Casey,” Ricky tells her. He admits it freaked him out. Karen assures him she doesn’t want him to let go of his memories of Casey. She just wants him to open up to her instead of keeping everything inside. He admits it’s hard to talk about Casey. “I’m mad that she’s gone…OK,” he tells his girlfriend, “Casey deserved a longer life…she deserved a chance to see this.” He tells Karen that when he first met Casey, she wanted to see New York. “Now I’m here…we’re here…and she’s not.,” he says sadly. Karen joins him on the bed. “Life’s not fair,” she admits. She thinks Casey and Ricky were lucky to have the time they had together. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you,” he tells her. She tells him she doesn’t want to push him away anymore. He responds that he doesn’t want to live in the past. They give way to passion and make love. As Karen naps, Ricky is wide awake and still remembering Casey. Karen gets up to take a shower as he continues thinking about Casey. “I understand now, Casey…I wish you could have made it,” he sadly muses. Marissa stares at Casey’s photograph once more as she and Jamal await her mother’s arrival. She thanks Jamal for waiting with her. She tells Jamal she doesn’t know why she’s doing this…her mother would never lie to her. “This is crazy!” she exclaims. “Sweetheart, so good to see you,” Marissa’s mother says as she hugs her daughter. Jamal then introduces himself to Teresa. “I’ve never seen you this quiet before,” Teresa remarks to her daughter. Marissa holds the photo for her mother to see. “Is this my sister?” she bluntly asks. “She looks just like you,” Teresa tells her daughter. “Like a twin,” Marissa volunteers, then adds that she knows she can’t be…her twin died at birth. “This is not your sister,” Teresa tells her. “I knew you would never lie to me,” a relieved Marissa responds. “Where did you get this…who is she?” Teresa asks. Marissa fills her in on getting the photo from a former boyfriend of this girl, Casey. “She lived here?” Teresa inquires. “Not too long, though,” Jamal tells her. Marissa tells her mother how everyone kept mistaking her for Casey. When she saw the picture, she freaked. “Did…Casey…have a family?” Teresa asks suddenly. Marissa tells her about the foster homes and living on the streets, and that Casey had it pretty rough. Marissa, relieved that Casey isn’t her sister, expresses how hard it would be to live with herself if Casey had been her sister…Marissa had a good life, but Casey didn’t. “Oh God! My baby,” Teresa breaks down and cries. “Casey really was my sister?” a shocked Marissa asks. Teresa is sorry, but Marissa is very angry with her mother. She blasts her for not letting her know her sister was alive. Jamal urges Marissa to give Teresa a chance to explain. Teresa tells them what happened. “We were so young when I got pregnant…we didn’t have any money…we gave both of you up…we couldn’t take care of you…I didn’t want to do that to my babies…but then Dad got a job and…we fought so hard to get both of our girls back…and we were able to get you back,” Teresa tearfully explains. “But not Casey?” Marissa asks. “We searched for years,” Teresa confesses, “but we could not find her…but if you know where she is…” her eyes search Jamal’s for an answer. Marissa starts to tell her mother where Casey is, but Jamal intervenes. “She’s in Europe,” Jamal lies to Teresa, “she had a tough time for a while…she got her act together…and by the time she left Port Charles…she was really happy…she changed her name and everything…so we haven’t been able to locate her.” Teresa looks relieved at Jamal’s story. Marissa glares at him but doesn’t intervene on Jamal’s version of the truth. Marissa tells her mother to go back to the hotel. She will join her there…but first, she wants to talk to Jamal. Teresa thanks Jamal for telling her about Casey…she is so relieved to find out her other daughter is happy. “Why didn’t you let me finish telling her the truth?” Marissa asks Jamal after she’s gone. Jamal reminds her that her parents looked for Casey but couldn’t find her. “So…after you finished blasting her for lying to you…you were going to say exactly what, Marissa? ‘Hey Mom…do you want to feel really…really horrible? Well, guess what? She’s dead’,” Jamal blasts her. “I was mad…she shouldn’t have lied to me, Jamal,” Marissa protests. “Probably not,” Jamal admits. He then asks Marissa if she thinks her mother loves her. Marissa thinks “yes”, and allows that she loves her mother. He suggests she go to her mother and make it better. Marissa agrees, then asks Jamal to join her and her mother for dinner later. Jamal declines at first…then reconsiders. He’ll join them for dinner…he’ll be there if she needs him to. Frank steps off the hospital elevator and greets Ian at the counter. He tells Ian he went by the rundown apartment building today and everything was changing. The place was being cleaned and repaired…there was even an exterminator there. “I’m not surprised,” Ian tells him. Frank expresses surprise…how did Kate get through to the landlord? Ian tells him Kate didn’t do it…the shadow guy did. He then recounts what happened. “That guy showed up there?” Frank asks, then adds, “Man, he’s everywhere…the town is really going nuts for him.” “I don’t know if that’s a good thing,” Ian responds. A package arrives, and Ian signs it. He opens it to reveal his “Catalog of Urban Legends” he’d ordered. Frank notices the book title. “Are you into that sort of thing?” Frank questions. Ian tells him that since he lives in Port Charles, he thought he’d expand his library a little bit. Frank agrees that’s a good idea…then tells Ian he has to head back out. Ian opens the book to reveal the photographs of the Avatar. Livvie is packing to leave the hospital. Once more she remembers her lovemaking session in the park. “No one will ever know where you ever came from, sweetie,” she says as she rubs her stomach, “as far as the world’s concerned…you’re Rafe’s baby.” Rafe opens the door and asks if she’s ready to go. “Absolutely,” a jubilant Livvie tells him, “the baby and I can’t wait to come home.” She wants to know if Rafe checked out the apartment they’re moving into. “It’s nice,” he admits. He tells her that her mother left her a beautiful place. She thinks it’s the perfect place to raise “their” child. “You have made me so happy,” she tells him, “I am married to the man that I love…and even though it’s…sooner than…planned…we’re really…finally a real family.” She tells them they only have eight more months of time alone together. She’s thinking they might want to take advantage of their ‘alone’ time, as she leans in to kiss him. Suddenly, she winces with pain and grabs her stomach. She thinks maybe the baby kicked her. Rafe admits to not being an expert…but he thinks it’s too soon for that. “Something moved,” Livvie tells him. She then admits it must be too soon…maybe it is just a cramp. She sits on the bed and asks him to get her a glass of water. “What is happening to me?” Livvie worries. Rafe returns with the water and suggests she see a doctor before she leaves the hospital. First she protests, but then decides it might be a good idea. Rafe leaves the room to find someone. “I’m not imagining this…something moved…but how is that possible?” Livvie worries. Ian is staring at pictures of the shadow figure and comparing them to Kate’s drawing when Rafe walks up to the counter. Ian puts down the book, as Rafe explains Livvie might need to see a doctor. Rafe notices the picture. “The Avatar,” Rafe remarks. “What…do you know about this thing?” Ian asks. “I not only know about it…I’ve seen it in action,” Rafe tells him. “What do you mean, you’ve seen this in action…this is the real thing?” Ian asks as he steps out from behind the counter. “It’s very real,” Rafe tells him, “see, as a vampire slayer I don’t just deal with the undead…I deal with creatures like this, too.” “When did you see it?” Ian wants to know. “When I was about ten years old, I decided to run away,” Rafe recounts, “because I didn’t want to wait to be a slayer, so I went out into the world before my training was done.” “OK…what happened?” Ian anxiously asks. “I got lost…and I ended up in this village that was being controlled by this avenging spirit,” Rafe continues. Rafe describes the same features Ian had seen in Port Charles. “What happened to the village?” Ian asks. “Eventually…it was completely destroyed,” Rafe answers. He tells Ian it had burned to the ground…they could not prove it, but Rafe felt certain it was an act of vengeance. Ian then tells him about the shadowy avenger now in Port Charles. Rafe admits he has been too preoccupied to know about this. “You think it is the Avatar…you think it’s here?” Rafe asks Ian. “Does it demand justice?” Rafe asks another question. Affirmative, Ian responds. “OK…maybe it found a new host here,” Rafe suggests. Ian asks Rafe to explain hosting to him again. “An Avatar cannot exist independently…it has to find a human body to inhabit…and willing and receptive host.” “That could be anybody…” Ian remarks. “You never know who it is…but gradually…the human qualities are overtaken by the Avatar’s desire for control,” Rafe explains. “As soon as it pushes all the evil out of town…it creates its own…gives it a reason to sustain and continue to punish,” Rafe adds. “But…there’s only one?” Ian asks. “Only one spirit,” Rafe replies. Both men are unaware that Livvie is standing behind a pillar while listening to their conversation. “It can reproduce,” Rafe tells him. “In human form?” Ian wants to know. “I have no idea,” Rafe replies. Livvie faints.

  • Wednesday, July 24- “I cannot believe Pizza Shack won’t deliver to a park bench,” Jack tells Alison as he approaches the bench with a pizza box. She suggests they could have eaten it at the Pizza Shack, but he wants to do something different tonight. “What’s so special about tonight?” Alison asks. Jack opens the box to reveal a single candle on the pizza. “Big twenty-one,” he reminds her. Alison is stunned…with everything going on, she had completely forgotten about her birthday. Jack didn’t. He pulls out a bottle of champagne and two glasses he had stashed in the bushes. “We’re going to forget about Rafe…and we’re going to forget about Livvie…we are going to celebrate…bet you thought you’d be spending your 21st birthday somewhere a little more exciting than a park bench, huh?” Jack asks as he pours her a glass of champagne. She tells him she’s not big on birthdays…friends are what’s important. She then tells him how much she appreciates him standing by her during the whole Rebecca thing. They reminisce about their friendship and how they met. They drink to friendship. He then toasts to her that she finds happiness, joy, and the love that she deserves. Alison thanks him, then starts to tear up as she once more remembers Rafe. She just misses him, she tells Jack. She wishes things were different. Jack hugs her. Alison admits she’s still having problems with the Rafe and Livvie situation. “How did this happen?” she asks. Both admit they thought Livvie was lying when she said she was pregnant. Alison hates that, just once, Livvie was telling the truth. Now Livvie is going to have Rafe’s baby. She can’t blame Rafe for accepting the responsibility. Alison wonders how she’ll ever get through this. Jack offers up a proposal. He wants her to be his model for a photo shoot. He’s up for a job with a cycling magazine, but he needs a portfolio…and he needs a model. She argues that she has no modeling experience, but he insists she’d be a natural. Finally, realizing she could use the distraction as well as the money, Alison agrees. She asks him to refill the glass again so they can toast. “To new adventures,” she toasts. “And new beginnings,” says Jack. A now-tipsy Alison strikes some poses for Jack. She hops up on the bench, still clowning, as Jack watches and laughs. He tries to help her down but she tumbles, sending both of them onto the ground while Alison giggles. Ian picks up Livvie and carries her to a sofa in the lounge. “Is she going to be OK?” Rafe asks. “Pulse is strong…she’ll come around in a minute,” Ian tells him. “A monster…a monster is growing inside of me,” Livvie mumbles in a semi-conscious state. Rafe and Ian look at each other, puzzled. “My baby,” Livvie moans as she slowly comes to. “You’re fine…the baby is fine,” Ian reassures her. “Livvie…there’s no monster,” Rafe tells her. “Monster…what are you talking about?” Livvie asks as she sits up, now fully awake. Rafe tells her what she said. She covers by telling them she overheard them talking about a monster, and she just kinda lost it. Ian informs her that her baby can’t be kicking yet. He thinks it’s probably her body adjusting. Ian calls Rafe away as Nurse Summer checks Livvie’s blood pressure. “She was frightened and she fainted,” Ian tells Rafe. “She heard me talking about the Avatar,” Rafe tells him. Ian knows how frightened Livvie is of other-worldly things, and suggests that they keep their conversations just between the two of them. “This creature being here…in Port Charles…that’s not good…it’s harder to fight down than a vampire,” a worried Rafe tells him. “Why is that?” Ian asks. “A vampire has its own set pattern…a vampire has to feed…it eventually has to come out in the open…but this creature…it works in a far more insidious way…it has to get everyone to think it’s this big hero…by the time they figure out they’re being controlled by it…it’s too late.” Rafe explains. Ian wants to know how they can destroy the Avatar. “The host body can be killed…but eventually it will find another host…hopefully someplace else.” Rafe, aware of Livvie’s interest, asks him if they can discuss this more at another time. Ian agrees, and instructs him to keep Livvie calm. As Rafe moves to check on Livvie, Kate walks up to the counter. “Something wrong, Dr. Thornhart?” she asks. He acknowledges her presence. She tells him he looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Meanwhile, Livvie wants to know what Rafe and Ian were talking about. Rafe covers, reciting only the medical instructions Ian gave him. The nurse then tells Livvie her blood pressure is normal. “It’s really good seeing you again, Summer…did you wind up passing the biology class?” Livvie asks the nurse. “Yes, thanks to you,” the nurse tells Livvie, “if I can ever return the favor…” “So…are you ready to go home and be spoiled rotten for the next eight months?” Rafe asks Livvie. Before they go, Livvie wants to know everything there is to know about the Avatar. “I don’t want you to get worked up about this stuff,” Rafe tells her. Rafe then admits he knows about her situation with Caleb. Before she can protest about Jack’s side of the story, Rafe tells her Jack told him how hard it was for Livvie. Rafe feels he understands her now. “If I went through everything you did, I’d be doubting everyone and everything, too,” Rafe tells her. She hugs him and once again remembers her encounter with the Avatar. Back at the counter, Kate asks Ian, “Any more news about our shadowy friend?” “No…that’s all kinda dying down now,” Ian lies. He tells her it’s someone with a superhero complex. She remarks that she goes away for a few days and everything changes. “How was your trip?” Ian asks. “It was good,” she replies. He then asks if she got to see her boyfriend. “Of course,” she tells him. “Did you…get to go to your favorite restaurant?” Ian probes. “As a matter of fact, we did,” Kate responds and then wonders why he’s asking so many questions. He tells her they’re friends…is there a problem? She tells him that Brendan is a wonderful guy and they had a fantastic time in New York. She rattles off a list of things she and Brendan did together. Ian tells her he believes her…then he invites her to dinner. She declines, telling him she’s tired from her trip. She’ll talk to him later, she says as she heads for the elevator. “Now…why would you be lying to me, Kate?” Ian wonders. Livvie lies on the sofa in their apartment. Rafe is telling her he won’t miss the seedy motel room. He asks if he can get her anything. She tells him that she’s fine. She just wants to rest for awhile. He goes out to the car to retrieve the rest of their things. “Oh God!…what have I done?” Livvie worries. Rafe pauses at the apartment door. “Why do I feel like I should be with her…right now…with Alison…I have to get these thoughts out of my mind…I have to focus on the baby…and my life with Livvie…and now…God help us…the Avatar.” Meanwhile, Livvie is dreaming of the baby and Rafe. She’s holding the baby as Rafe enters the room. Rafe looks at the baby. “That thing is not mine…that thing is a monster,” Rafe tells her. Livvie wakes up, screaming. The Avatar casts his shadow as he strolls in the nighttime woods. He hears a woman’s scream and runs to the rescue. Later, a man’s lifeless body lies on the ground, blood all over his face and white shirt. The shadow man stands over him. “Shame,” he whispers. Later, the Avatar washes the blood from his hands in the park fountain.

  • Thursday, July 25- Alison approaches Jamal at his table at the Pizza Shack. He wishes her a happy belated birthday. “Don’t say ‘birthday’,” she tells him, holding her head. He concludes she’s done a little too much celebrating. “More like anesthetizing,” Ali responds. Jamal tells her it’s OK to feel bad about what happened between her and Rafe. “Try to remember you’ve got a lot of friends here who care about you…OK?” He doesn’t want her to shut everyone out the way she did when Rafe left her before. “Are you here alone…?” she asks, but before she can finish the sentence Marissa walks up to the table. Jamal makes a brief attempt to reintroduce the two women. Kate walks in then and Alison excuses herself, saying she planned to meet Kate there. Alison hugs Kate and whispers to her to let everyone know that Kate came to see her. Kate catches on, and the two women take a table. Alison tells Kate she thinks something’s going on between Jamal and Marissa. She then assures Kate it doesn’t bother her that Jamal is getting on with his life. “It’s just…weird,” Kate suggests. Alison admits it caught her by surprise, and then puts her hands on her temples. “What’s wrong?” Kate asks. “I’ve got the tail end of the worst hangover in the whole world,” Alison complains. Kate laughs. Alison admits it was her first time. “Jack got me drunk for my 21st birthday,” she tells the attorney. “The gift that keeps on giving,” Kate replies. Alison then asks Kate about her trip. Kate tells her it was fine, but she now has the task of finding an apartment. “Why don’t you stay with me?” Alison asks. At Jamal’s table, Marissa is staring at Alison and Kate. She guesses that Alison is Jamal’s ex. Jamal admits it…then she wants to know who dumped whom. He responds that he was both the dumper and the dumpee, as he launches into a short expose for her benefit. She tells him he doesn’t have to be so defensive about it. He insists he wasn’t being defensive. She changes the subject and mentions her mother and Casey, saying that he was right about not revealing Casey’s death to her mother. She realizes now that her mother would have been devastated. “She really liked you,” Marissa admits, then adds “she said you were a keeper.” Marissa tells Jamal that he helped her a lot in dealing with a dead sister, and she thanks him. Absently, Jamal tells her that’s what friends are for as he stares over her shoulder at Alison’s table. Noticing, Marissa asks him if he still has a thing for his ex. “Huh,” Jamal mumbles. “Alison…the one you keep staring at like I’m not even here,” she tells him. Marissa informs him he’s being rude to her. Jamal then launches into a speech about being glad he could help her…Ricky can fill in any blanks about Casey when he gets back…he’s not interested in the shadowy avenger…and he’s not interested in a relationship with anyone right now. “A relationship?” a stunned Marissa asks. “Oh my God…you so need to get over yourself…I do not remember asking for one,” she blasts him. He tries to explain that he didn’t mean it that way. He just thought she was giving off some kind of vibe, and he didn’t want there to be any misunderstanding. She assures him she is there for her story…not to get involved with anyone. “I will stay out of your way, so you don’t think I’m stalking you or anything…OK?” she finishes. “Can I say something now?” Jamal asks. “Thanks,” Marissa tells him she thought he’d never ask as she picks up a slice of his pizza. Her meal is interrupted when a couple of customers mention a shadowy avenger sighting in the park. She gets up, telling him she has to go to work, and promises to repay him for the pizza. A frustrated Jamal stares as she moves out of sight…the things he’d planned to say to her left unsaid. Jamal follows her. Meanwhile, Alison and Kate are still discussing the roommate issue. Kate tells Alison she’s always lived alone…except for Brendan. Alison thinks it would be good for her to have someone around she can talk to. She fills Kate in on Livvie’s pregnancy. Alison admits she still doesn’t understand why this happened. “It’s the ‘whys’ that will kill you,” Kate replies, sympathetically. Kate advises Alison to just let go. “If you hang onto the past…pretty soon you won’t know how to let go,” Kate tells her. Alison’s cellphone rings and she answers it. “That’s strange,” Ali remarks after finishing her call. She excuses herself, telling Kate she has to go pick something up. “Lucy’s house is really, really nice…I’m an awesome cook,” Ali pitches. Kate finally agrees to become her roommate. After Alison leaves, Kate sits alone at the table and remarks, “stop trying to hang onto the past…or pretty soon you won’t know how to stop.” She picks up her cellphone and calls Ian. She tells him she’d like to reconsider his dinner invitation. He doesn’t have a babysitter. Kate volunteers to bring him a pizza. He’s agreeable. She gets up and orders a pizza to go. A worried Livvie paces the floor of her apartment. She pours herself a glass of water as she recalls the conversation she overheard between Rafe and Ian. Frightened, she drops the glass and breaks it. She runs to get tissues from the credenza, but sees a brief shadow reflected in the mirror. “Get a grip, Livvie, there’s nothing here,” she tells herself. Suddenly, she doubles over in pain. “You’re only a few days old…what is happening?” Livvie cries. “Livvie…are you OK?” Rafe asks from the doorway. “Nothing…I dropped a glass…that’s all,” she responds. She reminds him they have to get ready…they’ve been invited to her dad’s and Lucy’s for dinner. Rafe wants her to talk to him…something is bothering her. She tells him she knows it isn’t possible, but she felt the baby move again. He reminds her what Ian said. He thinks she’s scared. He assures her she won’t be raising this baby alone. He tells her he and Ian were just talking about the Avatar…they were stories he and Ian traded about being kids. “They’re not real,” Rafe assures her. He tells her this baby…this life growing inside of her, is real…it’s their child growing in there. Unable to stand it any longer, Livvie yells at him to stop talking about this baby. Again, Rafe wants to know what’s wrong. He wants her to calm down. He suggests he cancel the dinner with her family…she needs to rest, and they can talk. She tells him she doesn’t know what she wants. She feels like she’s losing it. Rafe insists the Avatar thing is an urban myth…it’s not real. She tells him she overheard his conversation with Ian…it’s not an urban myth. She knows in her heart that the creature is there in Port Charles…what does it want? He finally admits that it wants to control…to dominate. “Can it create?” Livvie asks. She wants to know if it can reproduce, and are there more than one of these beings. Rafe appears surprised by her questions. She turns away, thinking…and what happens when its host mates with a human?…would it be some kind of demon…or monster? Rafe gets her attention. He will call her father and cancel. Livvie objects. She wants to go. He insists she’s practically having a meltdown, but she insists she’s OK. She tells him she overreacted. She says she’s been looking forward to this dinner…and she wants a normal evening out. She asks him to head over to the lighthouse without her…she has a small errand to run. Rafe protests, but she insists. Finally, he kisses her on the forehead and leaves. “You bastard…you tricked me…you made me think you were human…and now you’re going to tell me what this is,” Livvie says as she heads for the door. “Come out, come out…wherever you are,” Marissa says as she shines her flashlight to light her way through the park. She startled when she turns to see Jamal standing there. He’s laughing at her. “For someone who doesn’t want a relationship…you sure spend a lot of time chasing after me,” she tells him. He tells her he’s concerned about her safety with that crazed lunatic. “You mean…superhero,” she replies. They briefly debate the subject. He jokes with her that superheroes don’t hang out in parks. She gradually realizes he’s joking with her. He tells her he’s not a complete jerk all the time. She turns and screams when she notices a bloody body on the ground. Later, a severely injured man is placed on a stretcher. Andy approaches the couple and asks what they saw. Both admit they saw nothing, but Marissa informs him that someone at the Pizza Shack reported seeing the shadowy avenger in the park. Andy tells them the victim was a pimp. This is the worst one yet. If Jamal and Marissa hadn’t found the man when they did…he wouldn’t have made it. “Well, Marissa…what do you think of your super hero now?” Jamal asks. “I’m thinking…that he’s not what…I thought he was,” Marissa admits as she makes some notes. Alison steps up to the lighthouse door and prepares to knock. She hears footsteps approaching and turns to see Rafe standing there. Livvie takes a stroll on the docks. Suddenly, she realizes she’s not alone. She turns to face the Avatar. “What have you done to me…and what kind of monster am I carrying?” Livvie demands to know.

  • Friday, July 26- “Sooner or later, we’ll have to learn to clean up after ourselves,” Ian explains to Danny as he attempts to tidy up while holding his son. He answers the door to Kate, who’s carrying a pizza box. “I’ve had a lot of pizza delivered in my time, but never by anyone who looks like you,” he flatters Kate. She remarks on how cozy the place looks. “If it looks like home to you…it’s because of Eve,” Ian tells her. He asks her to make herself at home and pour herself some wine while he puts Danny down for the night. As Kate’s pouring the wine, she notices the family portrait with Eve. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” she tells herself. When Ian returns, he notices she hasn’t poured any wine. She tells him she doesn’t want any…she had two bottles with Brendan at the New York restaurant the other night. She explains that she lets Brendan choose the wine, but Ian interrupts her. He admits he has to be honest with her…then says that he was there at the restaurant and saw her dining alone. She tries to tell him she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He tells her everything he found out…including information the bartender revealed about her. “You were spying on me,” Kate says heatedly. “Why didn’t you come over and say hello?” she asks. “Because I didn’t want to invade your privacy,” he responds. “And you don’t think that’s what you’re doing right now?” she asks him. “We’re becoming friends,” Ian replies. “No…we’re not…we’re not becoming anything…friends don’t treat friends like this,” Kate insists. “I know what you’re going through,” Ian tries to tell her, but she slaps him soundly and says, “No…you don’t know anything about me…or my life…how dare you do this to me!” “You’ve got quite a punch there, counselor,” Ian tells her. “You deserved it,” she insists. “Deserve it for what?” Ian wants to know. He then tells her he’s not judging her…he felt sorry for her…that’s all. “You felt sorry for me…you think I’m so pathetic I have an imaginary boyfriend,” she replies. He tries to explain, but a furious Kate tells him she’s heard enough. She tells him he’s disgusting as she picks up her purse and prepares to go. Ian blocks her path, telling her he can’t let her go like this. Stunned, Kate stares at him. “Well…answer me,” Livvie implores the Avatar. “I know you’re not really human now…not any more…but I thought you were that night…I thought…God, I don’t know what I thought…I was desperate…why didn’t you tell me about this? I can feel it kicking inside me already…it can’t be…I want to know what it is…what am I carrying?” she screams. “Say something…come on…I know you’re in there…stop hiding…I know who you are…please…please tell me what kind of thing this is…what did you do to me?” she cries. “What you asked for,” the Avatar answers. “What?…I never asked for this…I…Stop!” she yells as the Avatar walks away. “What are you doing here?” a surprised Rafe asks Alison. She tells him that Lucy asked her to stop by to look at some souvenirs she brought back from London. Rafe tells her Lucy asked him to have dinner with her and Kevin. “Just the three of you?” Alison asks. “No,” he admits. Alison then concludes that a family dinner is in the offing. She starts to leave just as Lucy opens the door. She notices Rafe and tells him he’s a little early. “Really…because I think I’m here exactly the time you wanted me here,” he knowingly tells Lucy. “You’re punctual…that’s fantastic,” Lucy covers. She invites them both inside. Alison then tells Lucy that she knows Lucy meant well, but she declines the invitation. “This is not right…I’m going to go,” Alison tells her and walks away. Lucy tells Rafe she wonders what that was all about. “You know damn well what it was about…you shouldn’t have,” Rafe tells her. Kevin joins them and also fusses at his wife. “Lucy…what were you thinking?” Kevin berates her as they step back inside. She tells him that she thinks Rafe and Alison need some time together to settle things. “Livvie and Rafe are married…they are expecting a child…you can’t get more settled than that,” Kevin yells. She tries to explain again, but he interrupts and tells her what she did was thoughtless and cruel. “No more matchmaking,” he orders. A contrite Lucy admits she made a bad call. She tells him she can’t stand seeing the pain in their eyes. Rafe then steps in. He heatedly tells Lucy he doesn’t care what she sees in his eyes or anyone else’s. Lucy insists she just wants to help him. “Don’t,” Rafe tells her. He tells her it’s over and done…seeing Alison isn’t the answer. The door slams and they all turn to see an angry Livvie standing there. “Alison was here?” she asks. Jack sets up the lights in the bike shop for the photo shoot, as Alison walks through the door with a suitcase of costume changes. She’s eager to get on with the shoot, she tells him. Jack smiles as she shows him the different outfits. He interrupts her to inquire what happened. She tells him she’s just ready to get this portfolio going…and she’s ready to have some fun. Later, she strikes poses as Jack snaps the pictures. She talks as she poses…she’s tired of being boring. Jack admonishes her to stop talking. “This is the beginning of a new sexy Alison…a new more sophisticated…sexy…turning over a new leaf…,” she tells him and then looks ready to faint. Jack is concerned as he helps her off the bike. She tells him she’s just a little dizzy, and maybe she’s dehydrated. She hasn’t been drinking enough water lately. Jack worries that she may be having a set-back from her hospital stay. She protests when Jack insists on taking her to the hospital. “I’m not sick…I swear it,” she protests, but agrees to go. Rafe explains to Livvie that Lucy had asked Alison to drop by to pick up some stuff. Kevin then assures her that Alison is gone. Kevin wants them to enjoy a good meal together. He’s prepared spaghetti a la Collins for them. He asks Rafe to pour the wine as he pulls Lucy with him to the kitchen. Rafe tells Livvie she can’t have any wine. She tells him she could use a glass…she should have known Alison wouldn’t stay out of their lives like he asked. Kevin returns to dish out spaghetti for everyone. Livvie attempts to pour herself a glass of wine, but Rafe intercepts it and substitutes sparkling water. Livvie then rambles about being glad she’s a part of the family, while Lucy sits and stares. Kevin toasts to Rafe and Livvie’s marriage. Lucy doesn’t respond. Kevin calls out to her, and she absently picks up her glass and forces a smile. They toast to smooth sailing, but again Lucy has to be called on by Kevin before she responds. “Smooth sailing reminds me…of babies,” Lucy tells them, “and babies remind me…where they came from…well, that’s a blessing…and they come from…angels…you see babies are blessings that come from angels…and I believe in angels…tell me something, Rafe…do you believe in angels?” Lucy asks as Livvie gives her a dirty look and clears her throat. Rafe appears clueless, as Livvie then tells Lucy, “we prefer to think in human blessings, Lucy.” “Most of us do,” Kevin intervenes. He changes the subject, asking Rafe about names for the baby. As Rafe responds, Lucy appears to have a revelation. Livvie suddenly doubles over in pain. She tries to say the baby kicked, but Kevin insists that’s impossible. She needs to go to the hospital. Kevin and Lucy want to accompany them, but Rafe nixes that…he’ll call them when he knows something. After they leave, Kevin glares at his wife. “What are you looking at?” she asks. “Guess?” Kevin tells her. Lucy insists she’s done nothing wrong. Kevin then begs her not to make him take sides…Livvie’s his daughter. He wants Lucy to stop thinking of Livvie as the Livvie she has always known. He suggests that marriage and pregnancy can change people…and he can’t believe Livvie is looking for trouble right now. Rafe and Livvie get off the elevator at GH. They’ve been instructed to wait in the lounge for the doctor. Rafe reassures Livvie that everything will be OK. She suddenly doubles over in pain again and begs Rafe to go find a doctor. From the stairwell, Alison and Jack are talking as they descend the steps. Alison tells Jack she was right…she’s fine. Jack reminds her that the neurologist wants her to rest. Livvie, overhearing the two, goes to the stairwell entrance. “Well, look who it is,” Jack says as he sees Livvie standing at the bottom of the steps. He tells her he would congratulate her, but he doesn’t think she’s ready for motherhood yet. Livvie climbs up the steps to meet them, assuring Jack that she could care less about what he thinks. She wants a minute alone with Alison. Jack protests, but Alison tells him she’ll talk to Livvie. Overruled, Jack descends the steps to get the car. Alison tells Livvie that she and Rafe have talked, and he has made his intentions very clear…she’s leaving both of them alone. Livvie then accuses her of hanging around at the lighthouse, but Alison insists that Lucy invited her there. Livvie accuses her of blaming it on Lucy. “Rafe is never going to go back to you because he’s mine…and my baby’s,” Livvie tells her. Alison tries to reason with her. “I told you I’d leave the both of you alone…what more do you want from me?!” Alison exclaims. Livvie continues to insist that Alison can’t have her husband. Suddenly, she doubles over in pain again. “What’s wrong with you?” Alison asks, taking hold of her arm. Livvie pulls free of Alison’s grasp, screaming “Don’t touch me!” as Rafe returns and hears the last part of the conversation. Livvie loses her balance and tumbles down the stairs. A shocked Alison watches as Rafe rushes to his unconscious wife’s side.

  • Monday, July 29- “I mean it, Ian, get out of my way,” Kate insists. “I’m not letting you go…not like this,” Ian replies. “You follow me to a restaurant…you jump to conclusions…you pump the bartender for information…” Kate accuses. Ian tells Kate he didn’t follow her anywhere…he went into a bar to have a drink. She responds that with all the bars in Manhattan, why did he pick that one? Ian tells her it was the bar she’d recommended, and he thought they’d become friends. Kate tells him she thought so, too, but she now guesses she was wrong. “I guess so…because friends don’t lie to each other…do they?” he asks. “Are you going to get out of my way…or do I have to scream bloody murder to get out of here?” she tells him. “Keep running when someone catches you in a lie…it’s very mature,” Ian tells her before stepping aside. “Oh…you’re going to lecture me on maturity…I don’t think we’re done here,” Kate decides. “You have no right to question me about my private life,” she insists, “is your life so pathetic you need to follow…” “Hey…” Ian protests again, as he tries to explain how he got interested in her stories. She wonders if his “concerned about his friends” act really works for him. He insists it’s not an act, but before he can finish, his beeper goes off. He’s needed at the hospital. He doesn’t have time to discuss this anymore…he has to wake up his son…get a babysitter, and go to the hospital. “No…you don’t…don’t wake the baby…I’ll watch him,” Kate tells him. “You’ll watch my boy after…?” Ian is smiling, but surprised. “Yes, after everything you did…I don’t like you, Ian…but Danny is a great little kid,” Kate tells him. She suggests he just let Danny sleep. Besides, she can make more calls to her imaginary boyfriend. He asks if she’s trying to make him feel guilty. “It’s not all about you, Ian…I like Danny…even though…I think his father is an ass…how’s that for honesty?” she replies. Ian smiles again as he reaches for his keys. "It’s a start…does it feel strange?” he asks as he heads out the door. “Oh Ian,” Kate says after he’s gone, “if you only knew.” Later, she sits down on the sofa and places a call. “Hey sweetheart…it’s me…I miss you so much…I wish more than anything I could be with you right now…no one understands…no one could possibly understand." "OK, do you think he’s going to make it out of surgery?" Marissa asks Jamal as they wait for an update on the latest victim of the shadowy avenger. Marissa is still overwhelmed by the gruesome condition they found the pimp in. Jamal tells her he never thought a comic book hero would beat up someone that badly. He classifies the attack as brutal. Soon they are approached by Doree and another police officer. “He’s still breathing,” Doree answers Jamal’s inquiry. She has some questions for the two of them. Jamal tells her they didn’t see who attacked the man. Marissa volunteers she suspects it’s the shadowy avenger’s doing. Marissa then goes into reporter mode and starts asking Doree questions. Does anyone know the identity of the avenger yet? Doree reminds Marissa they can’t confirm the latest victim’s beating was the work of the avenger yet. Chris joins the group and volunteers that the pimp will make it. “Dr. Ramsey…you must be pretty psyched…saving the life…” Marissa queries. “I’m just doing my job…all right…if there was any justice in the world…that guy would be on his way to the morgue right now,” Chris tells her. “Hold on, doctor…you don’t really mean…” Marissa attempts to clarify Chris’ statement. “You heard me,” Chris responds. “But doctors usually don’t want their patients…” Marissa queries but Doree finishes, “dead…Chris Ramsey isn’t your typical doctor.” “And that guy in there isn’t your typical collar…and you know it,” Chris replies. “Innocent until proven guilty,” Doree reminds him. “So, I should just keep my mouth shut…and patch up all the girls he sends in here…who look like they’ve been hit by a Mack truck…is that it?” Chris tells her. “Chris…we don’t know…” Doree starts to speak, but Chris finishes, “the guy takes their money and he beats the hell out of them.” Marissa listens to both sides and writes. “If you ask me, he got everything he deserved,” Chris concludes. “So, you think the police should just quit…and let this shadowy avenger run the whole town?” Doree asks. “That’s exactly what I think…that’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said,” Chris answers. Chris then tells her he’s for whatever will keep the town safe. Two more reporters now approach Chris. One informs him they’re all set up for him to give the interview on the vigilante hero. Doree grabs Chris’ arm. “Wait a minute…when did you become a spokesman for this psycho?…I want to hear it, Chris…come on…what’s in this for you?” she wants to know. While the reporter waits, Doree insists on an answer from him. Chris suggests that Doree is angry with him because they aren’t seeing each other anymore. “Chris…this isn’t personal,” she tells him. “Everything’s personal,” Chris replies as he walks off to join the reporters. Meanwhile, Marissa now worries about being scooped on her story. “They are stealing my ink,” she tells a preoccupied Jamal. “Marissa…you don’t even work for a newspaper…what are you talking about?” Jamal asks. She tells him if she gets that story, she can work anywhere she wants. “All I have to do is…figure out who this vigilante is…hello…earth to Jamal.” Jamal appears to be working some theories in his head. He now goes over the attack victims with Marissa. “They are all threatening women,” Marissa tells him, “the shadowy avenger protects women.” Marissa is excited now. “It is so romantic,” she tells him. Aghast, Jamal reminds her of the brutality of the avenger. “It’s not like he’s Sir Lancelot or something like that,” Jamal argues. “What did you call him?” Marissa asks. “Sir Lancelot…why?” Jamal wants to know. Excited, she kisses him on the cheek. “This is my headline…Lancelot…comes…to…Port Charles,” Marissa beams. Meanwhile, Chris is finishing up his news interview. Doree, standing far into the background, is joined by Ian. Chris jokingly tells the press that the shadowy avenger always gets his man. Doree turns to Ian and says, “the way he’s been going on…you’d think he was the vigilante himself.” “Is that right,” Ian responds while Doree walks away. He remembers his conversation with Rafe about the Avatar…an Avatar can’t exist without…a willing and receptive host. “Sounds like the two of you have something in common,” Ian says aloud as he continues to watch Chris. “I hope I’m not too late for dessert,” Victor tells Lucy as he walks in with one of Mary’s fresh-baked peach pies. “Lucy…what’s wrong?” he asks as he notices her expression. She tells him Rafe had to take Livvie to the hospital, and Kevin is upstairs. Lucy attributes Livvie’s illness to pregnancy jitters, but tells Victor she needs to talk to him. She asks him to promise not to say anything to Kevin. Victor tells her his lips are sealed but his ears are open. “I don’t think Livvie is OK…I think she’s headed for big trouble,” Lucy confesses. Lucy tries to explain her point of view on the Rafe/Livvie/Alison situation. She thinks if someone doesn’t intervene, they’re headed for a big disaster. Victor proceeds to tell Lucy about the night Kevin told him Livvie was his daughter. They had talked about how different things might have been if Kevin had been around sooner for Livvie, and had compared Kevin and Livvie’s relationship to that of Victor with his sons. Victor then quotes his son’s words to him…”Maybe Livvie is a second chance for both of us.” He tells Lucy that Kevin was nervous about tonight’s dinner. He so wanted it to be a real family dinner. Lucy finally gets the point. “Whatever else she is…Livvie is family,” Victor reminds her. “I suppose any other father-in-law would have just said …mind your own business,” Lucy tells him. “I don’t think that ever occurred to me,” he admits. “No, because you happen to be the best darn father-in-law that a girl could have…and I love you very much,” Lucy smilingly tells him as she gives him a hug. After Victor leaves, Lucy practices her apology to Kevin. When she reaches the part where she admits Rafe and Livvie should be together, Lucy can’t do it. She can’t make herself believe that. She sits down on the sofa and absently dips a fork into the pie…eating as she continues to work on her apology. Lucy tries again. “…I haven’t really been fair to Livvie…and I need to be fair…because Livvie is your daughter…and Livvie is also…a manipulative little witch and I’d like…” She stops herself as she brandishes the fork menacingly. “It’s not working…you’ve got to help me here,” Lucy now implores the universe. She finally concludes she’ll try to make this work because there is a baby involved…and no one wants to see the baby harmed. “Oh my God!” Alison exclaims as she races down the steps. “Help…we need help over here now,” Rafe screams. “Don’t move…stay where you are and keep still,” a nurse orders Livvie, who appears to be coming to. “Livvie…is she going to be OK?” a concerned Alison asks before attempting to touch Livvie. Rafe angrily pulls her hand away. “Alison…Alison…stay away from her…right now…go away,” he shouts at her. Alison appears ready to cry. Later, while in her hospital bed, Livvie cries to Rafe. “Rafe…if we lose the baby…” The nurse admonishes her to calm down and breathe deeply. “It feels so hard,” Livvie continues to cry as the doctor arrives. She checks her patient but can’t guarantee the baby will be OK. She promises she will do what she can. “Rafe…promise me…please…promise me we’ll try again…please promise me,” Livvie cries. Rafe promises. Livvie lies back on the pillow and gives a sigh of relief. Out in the lounge, Jack walks up to Alison, who is pacing the floor. Jack wants to know what happened. He wonders if Livvie and the baby are all right, but Alison doesn’t know. “Jack, no matter what I think about Livvie…I would never want anything to happen to her…or this baby…that’s Rafe’s baby…it was an accident…I never meant for anything to happen…I swear…” Alison tells him. She goes on to describe the details of what happened, concluding with, “she was pushing me…almost like she wanted me…to push her back, or something…like she really wanted to fall down the stairs or something.” “Is that what you want me to think, Alison?” Rafe asks, “would that make you feel better?” “Rafe…I didn’t mean that like that,” Alison tries to explain. “I know what you meant…you think she fell on purpose…that she deliberately tried to lose the baby…she’s in there crying her eyes out…how could you even think that’s possible!” Rafe yells. Alison assures him everyone wants the baby to be OK. She then tells him it was an accident. “I’m beginning to wonder,” Rafe replies. “Are you saying you don’t believe me?” Alison asks, “do you think I actually pushed her?” “Come on Rafe…like Alison would do something like that…well, maybe they were arguing,” Jack intervenes. “That’s it…why were you arguing in the first place…she’s pregnant…she’s upset…why couldn’t you just walk away…why are you even here?” Rafe yells again. “She was here because she wasn’t feeling well,” Jack heatedly tells Rafe, “and that’s when we ran into your lunatic wife.” It’s Alison’s turn to intervene. “Everybody wants the situation to be OK…and Rafe is right…I shouldn’t have been arguing with her.” Rafe then tells them the doctor is running some tests, but it doesn’t look good. “Everything would probably be fine…if you…never showed up,” Rafe hurtfully tells Alison. “Rafe,” a disbelieving Alison moans. “Just leave me alone…just leave both of us alone,” Rafe tells her and walks away. Dr. Newman confers with her patient. She tells Livvie to stay focused on keeping her baby alive…and reminds her that a little prayer never hurts. After she leaves, Livvie smiles. “I’m sorry I couldn’t let you survive…but I didn’t know who your real daddy was…or what kind of monster he could be…but oh…don’t worry…I’ll try again…and this time Rafe will be your daddy…I’ve fixed it the only way I could…because I had no other choice,” Livvie says, still smiling. In the waiting area, Alison is standing and praying for the baby’s survival. Jack wants to leave now. He tells her this time Rafe is right…she shouldn’t be there. Rafe doesn’t want her there, Jack reminds her. Rafe returns to his wife’s bedside. “Is Alison still here?” Livvie asks him. “I told her to leave,” Rafe responds. “Don’t blame Alison…she didn’t make me fall,” Livvie tells him. “Don’t even think about her…how are you feeling?” Rafe asks. He then assures her they will get through this together…he’s not going anywhere. She reminds him he promised to try again. Dr. Newman enters the room with good news. Everything seems to be fine. “What?” Livvie asks. “That little one has his heart and soul set onto making it into the world, Livvie,” Dr. Newman tells her. “I guess he takes after his father a little bit,” Rafe beams. Rafe is smiling with relief. Livvie starts crying. “I know…I know…this is so wonderful, isn’t it?” Rafe tells her. Livvie tries to hide her disappointment and fears.

  • Tuesday, July 30- “What are we going to do, Jack…where are we going to go?” Alison asks as Jack pushes the elevator button. A nurse walks up to them and calls Alison’s name. She has a message for her. “Both Mrs. Kovich and the baby are as healthy as can be,” the nurse tells a relieved Alison. Alison now wants to go patch things up, but Jack tells her “no.” He reminds her that Rafe told her to stay away. Jack thinks she needs to loosen up, and he thinks he knows a place where they can unwind. He takes her to a carnival. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea to be there while it’s closed late at night, but he tells her a carny owes him a favor. He turns on the lights and introduces her to the many attractions. Soon Alison is having fun. She admits to Jack that she’s never been to a carnival before…her grandmother would never let her go because she was a Barrington. Jack tries to win a stuffed animal for her, but misses the target each time he throws the ball. Alison tries, and soon succeeds in winning the prize. Jack drags out a huge stuffed teddy bear for her…she falls down from the weight and bulk of it. When he tries to help her up, he falls as well. Laughing, Alison kisses him on the cheek. Jack is clearly smitten by her. “This has been so much fun,” Alison giggles as she nibbles on cotton candy, “I even forgot all about Rafe.” “Oh, really?” he asks. “Yes…no,” she admits, “but I really did have my moments.” He tells her they both knew it wouldn’t happen overnight, but she is laughing again…and that is progress. She admits she’s had more fun there than she’s had in a really long time. “You’re just what the doctor ordered, Jack Ramsey,” she tells him. “I’m glad,” he responds, clearly pleased. “Quite a show there, Ramsey,” Ian tells Chris. “I just call it the way I see it,” Chris responds. “And what makes you an expert in the shadowy department?” Ian wants to know. “What…the guy pounds the bad guys under the rocks they crawled out from…what more do I need to know?” Chris asks. “We need to know what its motives are…so that’s enough for the hero worship…OK?” Ian returns. “Woaa…its motives? You think this is an ‘it’?” Chris asks. Ian just shrugs. “Ian, this is a courageous man who takes pleasure in pounding the scum of society in the name of justice,” Chris defends. “We don’t know that,” Ian tells him. “Of course we do…look at everything he’s done,” Chris laughs. “I have…it takes justice into its own hands…no judge…no jury,” Ian says as Chris stares at him and smiles. “What?” Ian asks. “Are you jealous?” Chris accuses. “What…huh,” Ian replies. “Are you jealous that someone else gets to play hero around here?…maybe you can’t handle that,” Chris finishes and walks away. “What’s going on with you, Ramsey?” Ian mumbles. Again, he remembers his conversation with Rafe. Ian notes how comfortable Chris is with the spotlight as Ian watches him discuss his new-found fame with other doctors on the floor. Chris remarks about being photographed on his “good side” for the newspaper. “You don’t have a good side,” Ian mumbles. “I heard that…Mr. Jealous,” Chris tells him and quickly moves away again. Colleen, in back of the counter, also hears the exchange. “You’d think the doctors…are a little too busy to deal with this kind of circus, wouldn’t you?” Ian asks her. “Not Ramsey…he’s taken a lot of time off this month,” she volunteers. “Is that right?” Ian asks. Colleen passes him Ramsey’s log. Frank then stops by to check on a patient he’d rushed into the emergency room. After he checks out the patient’s status, Ian pulls him aside and asks, “Have you talked to Ramsey lately?” “Only when I have to…why?” Frank inquires. “He’s on a real roll about this shadow thing,” Ian confides. “Oh…yeah…Colleen was telling me about it,” Frank recalls. “Have you ever talked to him about it?” Ian asks. “Not that I remember…there was that one time…when that shadow guy helped out my mom in the park…I mentioned it…I thought it was cool what he’d done to those hoods…you know…hanging them up by their feet…and I was laughing about it…and Ramsey…he went off on me…he said it wasn’t something I should be laughing about…this guy doles out just punishment…and I should be out there thanking him instead of laughing at him…which wasn’t what I was doing at all…it was weird…so what do you think is going on?” Frank asks. “I don’t know…maybe he just needs to find a life for himself,” Ian replies. “Yeah…I think you’re right,” Frank responds as he prepares to leave. Chris is on his way to the hospital exit as he talks on his cellphone. “I’ve seen this property…it’s perfect,” Chris says to the person on the other end of the line. “No one is to know about this…no one at all…well, I really can’t discuss it right now…I have some place to be…but my schedule should be getting easier…yeah, I’m considering giving up my medical practice…I’m going to devote myself full time to more rewarding activities,” Chris says. Dr. Newman is going over the test results at Livvie’s bedside. Livvie inquires if there are any changes. “Only for the better,” the doctor tells a disappointed Livvie. The doctor wants to run one more test when she gets back. Livvie once again remembers her seduction scene in the woods. “How could you survive that fall?…I tried so hard to do something about that…” Livvie moans. Rafe enters the room. He tells her he called Kevin to give him and Lucy the good news. Dr. Newman returns. She tells Rafe he’s just in time to hear the heartbeat. Livvie asks the doctor if it isn’t too early for that. Dr. Newman says they should be able to hear it if they listen closely. When the paddles are in place, all three immediately hear the heartbeat. Rafe smiles with happiness. Livvie seems unimpressed. Dr. Newman appears puzzled. She tells them there’s something a little odd. “Odd…I don’t understand,” Livvie tries not to panic. Dr. Newman tells her the baby’s heartbeat is stronger than any baby she’s heard at this stage of development. “It’s almost as if that awful fall energized it,” she tells them. Rafe looks perplexed. Livvie looks guilty. “I don’t understand…what are you saying…should we be concerned?” Rafe asks. “No…no…it’s just a little surprising how strong the heartbeat is,” the doctor reassures him. Although everything appears to be fine, Dr. Newman wants Livvie to remain in the hospital overnight. “Somebody besides Dr. Newman must be looking out for that little guy, huh,” Rafe tells Livvie after the doctor leaves. “Somebody…must be,” Livvie replies, distantly. Rafe admits he wasn’t thrilled when he found out she was pregnant, but now that he’s had time to get used to the idea, he is thrilled that that the baby is doing fine. “Are you sure that’s what you really want?” Livvie asks, still distant. “Why do you seem so…I don’t know…like you’re down…you’ve been that way since we found out the baby was going to be OK…if I didn’t know any better I would think…I don’t know…you’re disappointed,” Rafe tells her. “Disappointed…how could you possibly even say I’d be disappointed,” Livvie heatedly responds, “just get away…Rafe.” Rafe tells her again that he’s sorry. She suggests it was probably him thinking about not wanting the baby. Rafe admits he’s been conflicted about lots of things. “Like me…and the baby?” Livvie asks. He promises that will change. From now on she and the baby are his number one priority…she has to believe that. She tells him she does…then tells him she is just so tired and she really needs to get some sleep. He offers to get a rollaway bed so he can spend the night in her room. She insists he not do that. She tells him there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of at the apartment…grocery shopping…errands. She would appreciate if he does that for her now. Reluctantly, Rafe leaves her. As soon as he’s gone, she unhooks her IV and gets dressed. “I have to find your real father…and find out what it is that you are,” Livvie tells the baby. Rafe is intercepted by Ian as he heads to the elevator. Ian needs to talk to him for a moment…it’s important. Ian asks Rafe to tell him everything he knows about the Avatar and how it chooses a host. “It chooses someone willing to let him in,” Rafe explains. Ian then wants to know if the host could be someone who wants to be a hero. “No doubt about it…that’s why it’s so insidious,” Rafe replies, “the more attention the Avatar receives for fighting and punishing evil…the more the host starts to believe its own hype…and in the end…it just gets out of hand.” “But…the host knows…he knows he’s the Avatar?” Ian asks. “Definitely…but where is this coming from?” Rafe wants to know, “do you have a lead…do you know who it is?” Ian tells Rafe he doesn’t…he just wants to know what to look for. Rafe tells him to let him know if anything turns up. “Colleen,” Ian calls as he walks up to the counter. Colleen is on the phone with someone inquiring about Dr. Ramsey. Ian hears her tell the caller that Dr. Ramsey has checked out and she doesn’t know where he is. “That’s becoming a bad habit, Ramsey,” Ian mumbles to himself, “what are you up to?” Livvie descends the steps and walks along the docks. “I know you’re here…and I know you can hear me,” she calls. “Answer me…damn it!…come out and show yourself…fine…then you’re just going to have to listen…a lot has happened in the last 24 hours…and this baby I’m carrying shouldn’t still be alive…but the doctors say…it’s not only OK…it’s even stronger than before…and I want to know why…I need to know what is growing inside of me…is this baby human?…come out here!” Livvie yells. “You should not be here,” the Avatar responds suddenly as it casts its shadow near her. “Damn you…I need you to tell me…what is growing inside of me…right now…right now…or I’m going to tell everybody in Port Charles…who you really are,” Livvie threatens.

  • Torn DVD #3  July 31 - August 14, 2002 
    7/31, 8/1, 8/2, 8/5, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/9 8/12, 8/13, 8/14

    • Wednesday, July 31- Alison enters the Recovery Room and meets Mary at the bar. She tells Mary she got there as quickly as she could. Mary is grateful to Alison for filling in while her employee is sick. Alison hopes it will help take her mind off other things. Mary gives her an apron, a pad, and a pencil…then tells her there’s her first customer. Alison turns around and comes face-to-face with Rafe. “Hi…do you…want a table,” Alison stammers. “Well…I…no…actually…I don’t want to make you uncomfortable…maybe I…should just go,” Rafe nervously responds. “No,” Alison orders, “why don’t you just sit down…and I’ll…take your order…do you know what you want?” Rafe sits down at a table. “I’ve been asking myself that a lot lately,” Rafe confesses. “Why don’t I just…come back…when you figure it out…OK?” she tells him, and starts walking away. “Alison…wait!” Rafe calls. “I’m really sorry…about how I came down on you so hard at the hospital,” he tells her. “Oh…you mean…the part…where I tried to kill your baby by pushing Livvie down the stairs…yeah,” she reminds him. “It was an accident…I know,” Rafe tells her. “It really hurt, Rafe,” Alison admits. “I know…I was just worried…and I got a little crazy,” Rafe tells her, “I’m really sorry.” “Right,” Alison replies. She’s glad the baby and Livvie are OK. “I think we should try to stay out of each other’s way…as much as we can, though,” she suggests, then adds, “so why don’t I come back when you’re ready for me…to take your order…OK?” Alison walks off and leaves a contrite Rafe sitting there. Jamal walks into the Recovery Room and approaches Marissa as she sits at the table, concentrating hard and staring at her laptop. “Girlfriend…come up for some air…hello,” he nudges her to get her attention. She confesses she’s pretty psyched over the article she’s working on. Marissa reads a few lines to him. “Amazing,” Jamal tells her. She tells him the article still needs some work. He corrects his statement to tell her he mean…how much she resembled her sister. Marissa appears to ignore him as she discusses the article. Jamal interrupts her. He wants to know why she shuts down anytime he mentions Casey. “Because Casey’s dead…OK,” Marissa tells him. She tells him she understood her sister had a short, difficult life. After taking another bite of her sandwich, Marissa realizes she’s choking. Jamal and Rafe rush to her side. Jamal grabs hr and forces her to expel the food. Next, Alison brings her a glass of water and asks if she’s OK. She tells them all that she freaked out, but she’s OK now. “Are you sure?” Rafe asks. “Yes,” she smiles. “Wow! You sure do everything in a big way, don’t you?” Jamal tells her as he sits back down. She confesses that her life flashed in front of her eyes, but that all she could think was “bummer…now I’ll never get that Pulitzer.” Jamal shakes his head in disbelief. “Amazing, though,” she tells him, “how everybody came to my rescue, isn’t it?” She turns to look at Rafe and Alison. Jack is searching under the sofa at the hospital reception area. He’s read to give up looking when Lucy approaches him. He tells her Alison left her sweater there…he wanted to get it so she wouldn’t have to come back to the hospital to look. Lucy tells him she heard about Livvie and the baby. Jack informs her that Ali is a mess because of it “since your cousin went off on her.” “Rafe?” Lucy is surprised. “Yeah…he accused Ali of pushing Livvie down the stairs,” Jack replies. Lucy is suddenly aggravated with Rafe. Jack walks her to Livvie’s room. She confesses she’s supposed to try to mend fences with Livvie. When Lucy opens the door, Livvie’s bed is empty. “I thought she was supposed to stay in bed,” a puzzled Lucy tells Jack. “So…where is she?” Jack wonders. “Hey…maybe the nurses have her…running some more tests…and she’s probably driving those nurses crazy,” Lucy suggests. Jack tells her he’s through trying to understand Livvie. Every time he thinks he has her figured out…she does something else…like last night. He then tells Lucy that Alison thought Livvie was goading her before she fell. Alison also thought maybe Livvie wanted to fall down those steps. Lucy can’t believe that Livvie would really want to hurt the baby…besides, that was the only way she could hold onto Rafe. Jack tells her he’s tired of trying to figure her out. He leaves Lucy standing there as she ponders the situation. “I’m not going to meddle…I’m not going to meddle…I’m not going to meddle,” Lucy repeats as she argues with herself. “I’m going to be supportive!…I don’t know if I can…I really do trust Alison’s instincts…if she believes that Livvie was trying to fall on purpose…then maybe…why…why would she do that? Rafe…the only way she’s going to keep him is keeping that baby…so why would she try to lose…Rafe’s baby?…that’s…that’s it!…Oh, Livvie…I’ve got you now,” a determined Lucy says as she plans her next step. She heads over to the nurses’ station and convinces the new nurse to release Livvie’s file to her. She then calls a Dr. Landrum and tells him she needs a favor, as she reminds him she was instrumental in getting him that paternity testing research grant he wanted. She then tells him her step-daughter needs to know who is the father of her unborn child. Dr. Landrum agrees to meet her there in fifteen minutes. “Perfect…OK, Mrs. Kovich…let’s just see what little game you’re up to, shall we.” When Dr. Landrum arrives, he would like to talk to Livvie. Lucy informs him that Livvie would be very upset…this is really hush hush…she doesn’t want anyone to know. The patient usually gives consent, Dr. Landrum reminds her. She reminds him there’s more grant money available for his projects. She just wants to know if Rafe Kovich is this baby’s father…or not. “Tell me the truth about my baby…or I’ll tell everyone your secret,” Livvie threatens. “Imagine what the town is going to think when they find out their big hero…is really you. For God’s sake…just tell me if my baby is human or not…I warn you…I’m going to blow your cover sky high!” she continues. “No…say nothing,” the Avatar tells her, “or I will reveal that I am the true father of your child.” He pulls her inside the abandoned storage building where he resides and closes the door. Livvie suddenly realizes that neither would win if this came out. “These are amazing,” Livvie tells him as she directs her attention to the news clippings on the wall. “These are amazing…you’ve done so much…good,” she cajoles him. “Why do you think…I chose you…to be the father of my baby?” she says to him. “You’re a hero, and I don’t want to stop you from doing any of your important work…I’m just…I’m really scared…I thought this baby was human…and now that I see what you’ve become…I realize that my baby could be some kind of a…” The Avatar grabs her roughly, and finishes her sentence, “monster,” he utters. “Oh God! Is that what’s growing inside of me…please tell me the truth…please,” Livvie begs. “You will have a special child,” the Avatar responds, “who will do great things.” “Special…how?” Livvie asks. “Better…more powerful,” the Avatar tells her. “But…is it human?” Livvie wants to know. “Yes,” he answers her. Livvie gives a sigh of relief. “So…my baby…is going to be somebody special and powerful.” Livvie is pleased. She concludes that’s why it survived the fall and why she can feel it kicking already. “Everything is going to be all right,” Livvie smiles before adding, “you know…I always liked you…even before you ‘became’ like this and…don’t worry…your true identity…will be our little secret.” He gently holds her hand when she offers it to him. “I think I’m just going to pass on dinner,” Rafe tells Alison. “Oh…did you lose your appetite?” Ali inquires. “No,” Rafe admits, “it’s more…just seeing…” “Me,” Alison finishes, “right…well, just forget about it.” “I wish I could,” Rafe tells her. Alison tells him she knows this is a little hard, but they will get past this. “Right…yeah,” Rafe agrees. She ushers him back to the table and asks him to sit down. She’ll fix him a hamburger…she knows how he likes them. Suddenly, Rafe makes an admission. “I saw you come in here…I knew you were here…so…” Rafe confesses. “I…I really have to get out of here…Livvie’s all alone,” he then says, jumping up from his seat. “I’m going to go there…now.” “OK,” Alison responds to each statement. Jack then enters the diner and walks up to them. “Is this creep bothering you?” he asks Alison. Alison insists Rafe wasn’t bothering her, but he was just about to leave. They say “goodnight” to each other and Alison stands and watches him leave the building. She becomes defensive when Jack tries to warn her again. She tells him maybe Rafe was just hungry…this encounter wasn’t planned. Jack reminds her he doesn’t want to see her get hurt…or fall for any of Rafe’s stupid lines. Alison admits to Jack that it’s hard to see him and Livvie together…they’re building a life together and he’s having a baby with Livvie. “…when he really should be having it with me,” she admits. She reminds Jack she doesn’t need a bodyguard. Alison then gives him a peck on the cheek and tells him he’s an awesome friend. Marissa and Jamal step out into the night air. She tells Jamal that Lancelot isn’t the only hero in this town. She reminds him he just saved her life. He jokes that she blew his cover…he left his hood on the bike. Marissa then gets serious. She tells him that maybe someday she’ll be ready to talk to him about Casey. Jamal admits he enjoys spending time with her. Suddenly, Marissa gets an idea. Since Lancelot always helps out ladies in distress, she knows how to get him out…she’ll become a lady in distress. Marissa starts screaming. They both laugh. Neither of them notices the shadow that appears on the wall in back of them. Jamal agrees that her plan might work…but he doesn’t want to end up as sidewalk pizza for this fake attack on Marissa. The shadow quickly disappears. Marissa laughs. “OK…so maybe my plan needs a little more work,” she admits. “Just a little bit,” Jamal tells her. She tells him she doesn’t want anything to happen to her good luck charm…Jamal. “You are…some piece of work…Lois Lane,” he tells her as they continue to walk away from the Recovery Room. The shadow reappears after they’re gone. Rafe races into Livvie’s room. “Rafe…I thought you went home,” Livvie responds from the bed. He tells her he wanted to make sure she’s OK. Livvie tells him she’s glad he came back. He climbs onto the bed with her. She tells him she was just lying there, thinking of them. Their life is now perfect, she tells him. They’re had this incredible blessing given to them…a very special child.
    • Thursday, August 1- “Really, you think my article on the attacks was good?” a pleased Marissa asks Ian as he and Jamal stand at Marissa’s table at the Recovery Room. “Yes…I think you’re very talented,” Ian tells her, “but it’s an interesting name you gave our…shadowy visitor.” “Lancelot…protector of women,” Marissa tells him. “He seems to have a way with the ladies,” Ian remarks. “First good review,” Marissa beams to Jamal. He reminds her she left out a few details…the violent methods Lancelot sometimes used. “It’s about time somebody did something,” Marissa responds. “Yeah…just taking out the trash…you did great, Marissa,” Jamal concedes. She’s so excited about her first published article and credits Jamal for her good luck. Jamal thinks she would have made out just fine without him. Marissa then wants to know what Jamal’s aspirations are. He tells her he loved racing bikes…and he was good at it. “Why did you stop?” Marissa asks. Jamal shrugs. “It just didn’t work out,” he confesses. She wonders why he’d just give up. “Dreams are what pushes us to go out into the world…and just change it,” she tells him. He admits he had some problems, and that Ali wasn’t a big race fan. Marissa informs him she wouldn’t let anyone stop her from doing what she wants to do. “God help the person who tries to,” Jamal laughs. He tells her he has the bike shop…it’s a solid gig. She tells him chairs are solid and bookcases are solid. “You…on the other hand…are interesting…and sexy,” Marissa tells him. “Solid is not what you want?” “And how do you know what I want?” Jamal asks. She informs him he wants excitement, the roar of a crowd, speed, and to win. Jamal admits he was good at the racing. “Show me,” she challenges him. Later, Jamal and Marissa go for a ride on his bike. “I was looking for you last night, but you checked out,” Ian tells Chris as he plops down in a chair at Chris’ table. Chris looks up from the newspaper he’s reading. “What…are you the hall monitor?” Chris asks. “No…you’ve been doing a lot of that lately,” Ian tells him. “I’ve got things to do…you have a problem with that?” Chris wants to know. “Your buddy is getting some good press there,” Ian baits him. Chris turns the page to look at the headline. “Yes…yes, he is…you know they really aught to give him a medal,” Chris tells Ian. Chris then excuses himself and walks over to the bar. Ian turns to watch him. Kate drops a manila envelope on the table. “The flowers were nice…but unnecessary,” she tells Ian. “Thanks for watching Danny last night,” he tells her, then asks about the envelope. She tells him it’s her bio…it might save him some time. Ian asks if she’s planning on a permanent babysitting job. She tells him she’s just trying to stop his spying. Ian apologizes and wants to know when she’ll stop being mad at him. “So…what do you think of the article?” Kate asks. “I don’t know…making our shadow man look like a saint…almost,” Ian replies. Ian tells her he thinks it’s someone who enjoys the attention and has an ego the size of Texas. “You,” Kate laughs, then notices him looking at Chris. “Ramsey?” Kate asks, surprised. “Wasn’t he the guy on TV doing all the hero talk the other night?” Kate continues to question. “Ramsey’s favorite topic is Ramsey…if it were him, he couldn’t keep quiet,” Ian tells her. “Maybe he’s smarter than you think?” Kate responds. “I never said he wasn’t smart,” Ian replies. He then tells Kate he’s due back at the hospital. She hands him the envelope. After he departs, Kate gets an idea and heads out…to follow Ian. “Well, isn’t this lovely,” Amanda tells her granddaughter as they stroll hand-in-hand through the park. “A casual stroll through the park…just like we did when you were a little girl,” Amanda adds. “We never actually did this…when I was little,” Alison reminds her. “Well…I thought about it,” Amanda replies. “Tell me something,” Alison asks, “what was the emergency about?” “I just wanted to get your mind off of that scoundrel Ralph,” Amanda tells her. “It’s Rafe,” Alison corrects her. Amanda has decided to do something for her granddaughter. She’s decided to send Alison away to school. Alison searches for the right words as she surveys the brochure Amanda gives her. “You can’t just send me away to school…I’m a grown woman,” Alison tells her. “Nonsense…of course I can,” Amanda responds. “You can’t…I have my own life I need to live,” she tells her grandmother. “Just what exactly have you done with your life?” Amanda asks, “first you were making muffins…and then the dreadful candle shop.” “It wasn’t dreadful…it was very special to me,” Ali tells her. “Because of Rafe,” Amanda guesses as she touches her granddaughter’s cheek. “Yes…because of Rafe,” Alison admits. “But he left you to marry Livvie,” Amanda argues. “Wow…you always know just where to stick it,” Alison tells her. “Darling…I’m sorry,” Amanda says as she hugs her granddaughter. Alison then tells her that she needs some time alone. Amanda starts to leave, but turns back to her. “Alison…I love you,” Amanda tells her. “I love you, too,” Alison replies. Livvie wakes up in her hospital bed beside a still-sleeping Rafe. She remembers the Avatar telling her about her special child. “A special child, Rafe…and he’s all ours,” Livvie whispers. As Rafe wakes up, the nurse enters with Livvie’s breakfast and newspaper. She points to the article on Lancelot…the shadowy avenger who is protecting the women in town. Rafe tells the nurse to take the paper with her…the story upsets his wife. Livvie tells Rafe she’s not upset now. “I have a feeling this Lancelot won’t even bother me again,” she tells him. “Again?” Rafe asks as he sits down beside the bed, “when has he bothered you before? Livvie, have you seen this thing. Come on, tell me the truth.” Livvie tells Rafe she hasn’t met Lancelot…but what if she had? “It’s not like he’d hurt anyone…he beats up people who deserve it,” she tells him. He reminds her she passed out when she first heard about the creature. She tells him Lancelot has never harmed anyone innocent. Rafe disagrees. He tells her about his childhood memories of the creature. “It’s a hero, Rafe,” Livvie insists. “It pretends to be a hero,” Rafe tells her. “No…no…I don’t want to hear this Rafe…come on,” Livvie loudly protests. Rafe insists she has to. “This thing…needs to be worshipped…it needs to be obeyed…and anybody who stands in the way of that…eventually gets destroyed,” Rafe says. She tells him she understands, but doesn’t want to talk any more about creepy things. “If we’re going to bring a baby into this world…I want it to be a safe world,” Rafe insists, “that is why I have to fight this.” “Why you?” Livvie asks. “Because I’m the only one who knows how,” Rafe responds. “What do you mean…you know how to fight the Avatar?” Livvie wants to know. Rafe tells her he was trained to fight most evil forces…not just vampires. “How do you fight it?” she asks. “You have to go through the host…the human body that houses the Avatar’s spirit…you have to call it out…appeal to the host’s humanity…at least what’s left of it,” Rafe explains. “But what if it doesn’t come out?” Livvie then asks. “The host…can be destroyed…and that may be the only option,” Rafe says, “once the host is gone…the Avatar has to leave…and find another host.” Chris approaches Colleen as he arrives at the hospital. He asks if she’s seen “this” and holds up the newspaper. “Who isn’t talking about Lancelot,” Colleen replies. “He sure is getting popular all of a sudden, huh,” Chris grins. When Colleen leaves, Chris opens the folder he was carrying. Inside are clipped newspaper articles about the Avatar. “Everyone wants to know who you are,” Chris says aloud. Smiling, he puts today’s paper in the folder and grabs a pair of scissors as he heads to his office. “No, Rafe, you can’t fight it…I won’t let you,” Livvie demands. “This is what I was trained to do,” Rafe insists. “You don’t know what’s going to happen if you anger him,” Livvie responds. “Do you know something about this guy you’re not telling me?” Rafe asks. She tells him it’s not about her knowing the Avatar…it’s about protecting her family…he’s going to be a father. “Think about our baby,” Livvie tells him. “I am,” Rafe yells. They are now shouting at each other. Chris walks into the room. “Woah…let’s keep our voices down…I can hear you all the way down the hall…Rafe…for what it’s worth…I’d listen to Livvie,” Chris tells them. “This is really none of your concern,” Rafe responds. “Well…I’m sorry…I don’t mean to be intrusive…let me say that I’m happy that everything has worked out for you the way it has,” Chris adds. “Thanks,” Rafe tells him. “I mean…a new baby…how exciting…huh,” Chris grins. “Special,” Chris pointedly tells Livvie. “What did you say?” Livvie appears surprised. “You know what I mean, Livvie…babies…such a blessed event…wow…you should get some sleep…and plenty of rest…you’re going to need all your strength…congratulations again,” Chris tells her and then leaves the room. Livvie and Rafe resume the argument after he’s gone. Livvie manages to get Rafe to promise he’ll never do anything to hurt her. Ian hunches down and, with his pocket knife, attempts to unlock the door to Chris’ apartment. “Making a house call, Doctor?” Kate startles him. “That wouldn’t happen to be Chris Ramsey’s apartment, would it?” she asks. “I have a hunch that Ramsey might be behind this thing,” Ian confesses. “Maybe he’s obsessed with the guy,” Kate volunteers. “That’s my point,” Ian tells her. “So…you checked the schedule at the hospital?” Kate asks. Ian turns to look at her. “Yeah…yeah…you did,” Kate guesses, “so he either left…before…or came back…right after every incident.” Kate wants to know why he didn’t tell her about any of this before. He reminds her she’s an officer of the court. She admits she probably should leave right now, but she does like to live a little dangerously. “Well…would you look at that…it’s unlocked,” Kate tells Ian. “Imagine that,” he replies as they go inside and close the door. “Wow…Lancelot knows how to live,” Kate marvels as she looks around. Strewn on the coffee table are many clipped newspaper articles. “It’s more than a passing interest,” Ian concludes. Kate finds several video tapes. She suspects Chris has been taping the news stories on Lancelot. “It’s like a shrine,” Ian mutters. Kate wonders if there’s other stuff in the bedroom. Ian tells Kate she needs to leave now. Kate doesn’t want to go…if Ramsey is moonlighting as Lancelot…she wants to know what they’re going to do about it. Ian wonders aloud why he’s not surprised Ramsey is hosting a dark force. “You think that Lancelot is one of those special visitors that’s come to Port Charles?” Kate asks. “If he is, he’s not going down without a fight,” Ian tells her. He insists she leave…now. They walk out of the apartment and close the door. A shadow appears at the doorway. Ian once again faces the Avatar. “I warned you…not to interfere,” Ian is told.

    Friday, August 2- “Oh holy…!” Ian exclaims as the Avatar’s shadow hovers on him. “I warned you…not…to interfere,” the Avatar tells Ian. Kate, meanwhile, stops midway down the stairs and climbs back up, calling Ian’s name. When she reaches him, Ian is out cold and Chris is leaning over him. She yells at Chris to get away from Ian…then threatens him with a can of mace from her purse. Chris tries to tell her he did nothing to Ian. They struggle with the mace container as Ian comes to. “Ramsey,” he calls before punching Chris out with his fist. Chris sits on his sofa as Kate brings him a cold pack for his jaw. “What are you doing?” Chris asks Ian, who is still searching through Chris’ apartment. “Never mind,” Ian replies. “Why did you hit me?” Chris then asks. “Never mind,” Ian and Kate echo. Why did they break the lock on his door? Kate tells him he should be more worried about proving where he was on the night of July 4th. “Why…what’s up with July 4th?” Chris asks. “Do you have anyone who can vouch for you when Karen Wexler was attacked in the park?” Kate queries. “There’s no clues here,” Ian tells Kate, “no robe…no hood…no gloves…nothing.” “Clues? No hood…what’s going on?” Chris appears to be totally confused by their conversation, but threatens to call the police. Ian pushes him back down on the sofa. “OK…I really enjoy being manhandled in my own apartment,” Chris protests. “When was the first time you had the spirit inside your body?” Ian asks. “What?” Chris responds. “The Avatar…when did you become the host?” Ian demands to know as both Chris and Kate look puzzled by his question. “Ian…what are you talking about?” Kate asks. “It’s an ancient spirit…hundreds of years old,” Ian tells her. “You’re saying Chris is hundreds of years old?” Kate asks, still confused. “No…I’m saying that the thing that’s controlling him is hundreds of years old,” an aggravated Ian tries to explain. He recalls the information he heard to Kate. “Right now…Ramsey is that host,” Ian says as he leans in to Chris. “Ramsey…if you tell us how this thing got to you…maybe we can fight it…but you’ve got to tell us…just try…try,” Ian tells Chris. Chris, who appears to be seriously listening to Ian’s remarks, suddenly sits up. “Chris?” Kate asks. Suddenly, Ramsey breaks into uncontrollable laughter. “OK…let me get this straight…do you actually think…that I’m this…” Chris tries to control his mirth. “Avatar,” Ian tells him. “Avatar,” Chris repeats. “Are you…out of your mind!?” Chris exclaims. “I’m not so sure about your theory,” Kate tells Ian. “Not so sure…man…this is almost worth getting clocked over,” Chris laughs. Ian asks Chris to explain the clippings and videotapes. “The clippings…they’re for a business proposal for some investors…OK?” Chris tells them, “for Port Charles…the safest town in America.” He tells them he has been out buying up all the vacant lots in town. He’s going to be on top of the real estate market when the stampede starts. “Chris Ramsey…real estate king…I’ll be rich,” Chris assures them. “You’re already rich,” Kate reminds him. “Yeah…but you can never have enough…ask any CEO in America,” Chris insists. “Sounds depressingly credible,” Kate tells Ian. Ian’s cellphone rings and he turns around to answer it. Chris makes a scary face at Kate and chuckles. “Do I look amused?” Kate asks him. “OK, Ramsey…I’m sorry,” Ian admits. His caller just told him that another package arrived at the ER…a carjacker. “Let me guess…the driver was a woman,” Kate offers. “And the Avatar must have…swooped in…and saved her…is that right?” Chris asks, “and you…you want to catch…and stop…this Avatar because…?” “Sooner or later…this is going to be out of hand,” Ian responds. Chris again praises the Avatar for his efforts in cleaning up the streets of Port Charles. “I would be proud to be this thing’s host,” Chris tells them. Ian and Kate decide to leave. Chris tells them that if they see the Avatar, to tell the Avatar to shake his shroud for him. “That must have been the most stupid thing I’ve ever done,” Ian admits to Kate as they stand outside Ramsey’s apartment. “Well…you’re human…we all make mistakes,” Kate replies, “so what’s plan B…if he’s not the host?” “The Avatar could possess anyone he wants,” Ian replies, “and I don’t know who it is…or how to stop it.” Lucy and Kevin walk to the Livvie’s room, prepared to visit with Kevin’s daughter. Lucy suggests that Kevin go in first “to warn” Livvie that she is there. Kevin agrees, but Lucy has other plans. She’s scheduled to meet Dr. Landrum to discuss the paternity test. She finds him in the waiting area, and they discuss how this test will be done without Livvie knowing about it. The equipment looks very much like equipment used for a sonogram…and Dr. Landrum assures her he’s the only one who knows how to read the findings. Reassured, Lucy heads back up to Livvie’s room. Livvie tells Kevin that she’s fine. Kevin calls it a miracle that she and the baby are all right after the fall she took. Lucy enters the room reluctantly, asking if it’s OK. Momentarily, Dr. Landrum appears and wheels in the equipment. He introduces himself to Livvie. “Dr. Newman is her doctor,” Kevin tells him. “And still is,” Dr. Landrum assures him. He’s there to run a simple test…nothing to worry about. Kevin turns to his wife…she is smiling. After Dr. Landrum leaves, Livvie tells Kevin and Lucy she just realized what a miracle this baby is. “…a new life comes out of the love and trust of two people…it just kinda changes everything,” Livvie says sweetly. “Love and trust make a family,” Kevin tells her…then turns to his wife. “And just knowing what this baby means to Rafe and me…after knowing what I just went through…after almost los…” Livvie says. Lucy, unable to stand it anymore, interrupts to suggest she go find the doctor, but Kevin stops her. Kevin asks Lucy if love, trust, and happiness aren’t the three most important things a parent can give a child. Lucy counters that love, trust (especially trust) are important things that a child can give a parent. Kevin agrees with Lucy. “Absolutely,” Livvie concurs, forcing a smile. Kevin, pleased with the progress, now wants to take this to the next step. He’s going to leave Lucy and Livvie alone to chat. He tells them he’d be a happy man if they could come to some kind of truce. “Ladies…thank you for giving it your best try…give it your best shot,” Kevin encourages them. After he leaves, a reluctant Lucy tells Livvie “OK…listen…I’m sorry.” Livvie interrupts her. “Yeah…save your breath, Grandma…I know what Dad wants…and I’d rather fall down another two flights of stairs…than ever call someone like you my friend…not in this life,” Livvie tells her. Lucy just smiles. “What are you staring at me for?” Livvie asks, “good show, Lucy…the audience left…now it’s your turn…we’ll just tell Dad we kissed and we made up…we’ll plaster our smiles on…for the holidays…until the turkey’s gone…and in between I’ll…keep praying that you drop dead…does that sound good?” “You know…that sounds real good,” Lucy responds, “you know, I just can’t believe…I’m stunned at myself…that I almost made the same mistake about you.” “What mistake is that, Lucy?” Livvie asks. “Forgetting just one teeny, tiny minute that you’re nothing but a manipulative little bitch,” Lucy tells her. “I’m not going to make the same mistake,” Lucy then reassures her, “I promise.” “That’s funny…because you can’t promise anything that involves half a brain…because that’s half of your charm,” Livvie retorts. “That’s almost a good one…I like that,” Lucy replies. She then tells Livvie she was thinking of calling off something she had planned…but now she won’t. “Call what off?” Livvie asks. In catty fashion, Lucy baits her step-daughter. “It might ruin the surprise,” Lucy says. “What surprise, Lucy?” Livvie questions. Lucy then tells Livvie that Dr. Landrum works for her. “That test will reveal the truth,” Lucy gloats. “What truth?” Livvie asks. “Whether…Rafe is or isn’t the father…of that little bundle of joy you’re carrying in there,” Lucy reveals. Rafe is wandering the waterfront area, searching for the Avatar. “Spirit…I know you…we’ve met before,” Rafe calls out loudly. “I know what you are…and how you work…I know all of your secrets…this is where it would be…by the water somewhere…all I have to do now is wait.” He hears footsteps. “OK…let’s go!” he yells, “come on now…face me.” Alison appears. “Alison,” Rafe says. “Hi,” she replies. Suddenly, a shadow appears on the wall beside them. Rafe orders her to leave…now. She returns to him, questioning what is going on. He grabs her and pulls her down and wraps his arms around her to shield her. A fisherman steps up on the wharf and pulls the hood from his head. “Oh…hey kids…don’t mind me…you just go do what you’re doing,” he tells an astonished Rafe as he walks past them. Rafe lets go of Alison. “Do you mind…telling me…what’s going on?” Alison asks. After they stand up, Alison insists she’s waiting for an answer. “Sorry,” Rafe tells her as he stares at the water. “You’re sorry…Rafe…what’s going on here?” she questions him. “Nothing,” he tells her. She tells him she doesn’t get tackled like that every day of the week. He tells her he thought…maybe…she was in trouble…but he was wrong. He just followed his instincts. She tells him she knows he tends to do that. “Do what?” Rafe asks. “When you’re afraid for people…you try and protect them,” she responds. He hopes she isn’t hurt. Alison tells him that she’s fine…then expresses that it seems weird they keep running into each other. He hopes it won’t be so hard. She thinks it will always be hard unless one of them moves to Australia, or something. He tells her to forget about that. “Kangaroos give me the creeps,” he admits. “Why?” she questions, suddenly smiling. They agree that neither wants to move away, so they might as well stay and make it bearable. She laughs when he makes a joke about it being koala-bearable. “Rafe…we make our own decisions…that’s what you’ve always told me…sometimes people make decisions for us…” Alison tells him, but Rafe interrupts her, shushing her to be quiet. “Don’t move…don’t say a word,” he orders. “What’s going on with you?” she demands to know. He ushers her to the stairs, but she protests. “Trust me,” Rafe insists, “I just need to know that you’re safe.” “OK…I’ll go,” she replies, still puzzled. She starts up the steps as Rafe stares into the water…watching and waiting for the Avatar to appear. “OK…come on, shadow,” Rafe calls out. Alison slips back down the steps and hides in back of some containers on the dock. “I’ve waited a long time for this, Avatar,” Rafe continues. “Come out…Avatar…now,” he yells. Suddenly, a shadow appears. “Slayer,” the Avatar acknowledges Rafe. An amazed Alison watches from her hiding place.

  • Monday, August 5- “How dare you!” Livvie angrily hisses at Lucy, after hearing her plans. “Save your outrage there, Livvie…it really doesn’t suit you,” Lucy tells her. “You…you had no right to do this, Lucy,” Livvie says. Lucy admits that, technically, Livvie is right, but now Lucy will fight fire with fire. “I’m going to burn you,” Lucy warns. “Why is this so important to you? Why can’t you just leave me and Rafe alone?” Livvie asks. “You really don’t get this, do you? You’re wrong…and what you’re doing is so wrong…and Rafe’s my cousin…I care about him…about what happens to him…and Alison…she’s just a nice girl…she was your friend…now you’re out to destroy her…why? Why? Rafe and Alison love each other…they belong together…and you…somehow get to decide what happens to them…you and this delicate condition of yours,” Lucy explains. “Oh what…you really don’t think I’m pregnant now, Lucy,” Livvie responds. “I think you’re pregnant…I just don’t think Rafe had anything to do with it…that little test you took will prove…one way or the other…oh boy!…you’ll finally get what you deserve…finally,” Lucy says. Summer enters the room and tells them it’s time to take Livvie’s vitals. “…I wouldn’t check for a heartbeat…I’m not sure she has one,” Lucy tells Summer as she leaves the room. Lucy re-enters again after Summer departs. “What…are you back for more, Lucy?” Livvie asks. “I haven’t really started with you,” Lucy replies. Livvie accuses Lucy of spreading lies about her to Rafe and Kevin. “Your actions completely speak for themselves,” Lucy tells her. Livvie insists Lucy is accusing her of things she’s never done, and with no proof. Lucy tells her there’ll be proof soon enough. Livvie insists she’s only trying to make a life with the man she loves…why is that so terrible? Wow! Lucy can understand why Doc and Rafe buy into her act. She admits Livvie is pretty good. Livvie suggests maybe they know the real Livvie, not Lucy’s version. Livvie then suggests they be friends again. Lucy tells her she has changed…she’s not the same person she knew and cared about…piling one lie on top of another. Lucy understands she had a bad childhood and bad things have happened to her, but those are not excuses for what she’s doing. Lucy loves Doc and Rafe too much to allow it to continue. “Go to hell, Lucy!” Livvie screams. Lucy chuckles. “Oh…there’s my girl…yep…she’s back,” Lucy tells her. She then offers Livvie a deal…if Livvie will confess to Rafe and Doc what she’s done, Lucy will tear up the test results and never mention the subject again. “I have nothing to confess,” Livvie responds. Summer arrives with a manila envelope from Dr. Landrum and hands it to Lucy. “Last chance,” Lucy tells Livvie as she opens the envelope. As she reads the results, a look of stunned surprise crosses her face. Livvie takes the paper and reads it aloud. “Rafe Kovich and baby Kovich…a 100% match,” Livvie reads. “How did you manage?” Lucy asks. “Not every woman cheats on her husband like you always do,” Livvie tells her, “but I know that’s impossible for you to imagine a faithful, committed relationship…where two people actually trust each other.” “I don’t believe this,” Lucy tells her. Livvie then threatens to call Kevin and tell him what Lucy’s been doing, but she changes her mind, telling Lucy she doesn’t want to hurt her father. Lucy tells Livvie she won’t apologize…she doesn’t buy that the test results are accurate, and she can feel that something is going on. Livvie tells her that she, Rafe, and their baby are going to live happily ever after, and there’s not a thing Lucy can do about it. She then suggests that Lucy leave. “Must be…awful…living inside of you…so much hatred,” Lucy tells her. “Get out!” Livvie yells. After Lucy leaves, Summer enters Livvie’s room and asks where Mrs. Collins went. Livvie tells her the test results upset Lucy…she had to go home. Livvie instructs Summer to close the door. “I knew you wouldn’t let me down,” Livvie tells her as she digs into her wallet for some cash. She hands some bills to Summer, who counts them. “Not a lot of money for such a big secret,” Summer remarks. “Well, I’m not the only one with a secret…now am I, Summer?” Livvie responds, “that’s why I knew I could trust you…now get out!” Livvie smiles. “They keep trying, sweetie…but nobody is as smart as Mommy is…that’s why we’re going to have everything we ever wanted.” Jack sits at the Pizza Shack and stares at the photos of Alison he took. Chris walks up and looks over his shoulder. “Those are sweet…you take those?” Chris asks, “wow, hard to believe that’s little Alison Barrington…it’s worked.” “What are you talking about?” Jack asks. “Well…clearly…you’re getting between the sheets with Alison,” Chris explains with a grin and adds, “way to go.” Jack tells his brother he has a dirty mind. “Well, if you’re not sleeping with her now…you will be soon, I bet,” Chris tells him. “This is for my portfolio…Alison was…helping me out,” Jack explains. “Why are you so defensive?” Chris asks, “it’s OK…she’s hot…besides, your ex is shacking up…why shouldn’t you?” Chris tells him. “We’re just friends,” Jack insists, “not that you know anything about that.” “You’ve got that right,” Doree tells them as she walks up to their table. “Why did you want to see me?” Doree asks Chris. Chris moves Doree toward another table, but can’t resist making another parting remark to his brother about the hot photos. “Chris…don’t make me hit you,” Jack warns. “So…who hit you?” Doree asks. Chris reaches in his jacket pocket and pulls out a rose for her. “It’s an apology,” Chris smilingly tells her. He admits he overreacted and panicked when things got too intense between them. “I’m saying I miss you,” Chris tells her. “I’m supposed to trust that?” she asks. He guesses it will take time, but suggests that maybe they can be friends. She seems willing to give it a try as they sit down. Chris tries to make small talk. The conversation quickly turns to Lancelot. “Got any leads?” Chris asks. “Nothing,” Doree responds, suddenly spotting his ruse. “Yeah…I can tell you…you’re a miserable, boring creep,” Doree says, throwing the rose back at him. She suspects he just wants to pump her for information. Sure, he’s curious about Lancelot, but he’s sorry he brought up the subject. “I do really want to be friends with you,” Chris admits, “the truth is…I’d like to be more than friends…if that’s possible.” Doree wants to know his real reason for being interested in Lancelot. Chris sees a potential gold mine in all this…he wants to meet Lancelot and cut a deal with him. “He’s a little hard to track down,” Doree tells him. When she’s beeped by the station and has to go, Chris suggests he’d like to continue the conversation another time…maybe dinner at his place. Doree tells him she’ll think about it. Meanwhile, Jack picks up his portfolio and heads out to find Alison. “Your brand of justice isn’t welcome here, Avatar…too many people already know who you really are,” Rafe tells his adversary…as Alison gapes in amazement. When she knocks something over, Rafe becomes aware of her presence. “Alison…what are you doing here…go,” Rafe orders. “You have to get out of here,” Rafe tells her as he tries to keep his eyes focused on the Avatar. “What is that?” Alison asks. “Just go!” Rafe demands. “I’m not going to leave you,” Alison tells him. “What do you want from me, Slayer?” the Avatar inquires of Rafe. “It’s time for you to leave Port Charles…your work here is done,” Rafe demands. “My work is not finished here,” the Avatar replies. “And I say it is,” Rafe fires back, “you can’t control these people, Avatar…I won’t let you.” “My work is not finished here,” the Avatar repeats. “I know you’ve taken a man as a host…let me speak to him,” Rafe requests, “I know you are just a man…otherwise…the Avatar would not have chosen you…so come out.” Rafe continues to request the host’s appearance as Alison stands in back of him, watching. “Remember who you really are…talk to me,” Rafe demands. “We’re one and the same,” the Avatar tells him. “Port Charles ahs seen enough darkness…I will stop you for the people I care about…for my child,” Rafe threatens. Rafe tells the Avatar he’s not afraid of him. “True…Slayer…we’re both protectors…makes us brothers,” the Avatar tells Rafe. “You and I are nothing alike,” Rafe tells him, “your protection comes with a price…you feed off the people you defend…you use them…but that’s not enough for you…you want to control their minds…and hearts…until you’ve destroyed…every bit of them.” Alison becomes more alarmed as she listens. “You are not a hero, Avatar,” Rafe says, “you’re an ego-driven, power hungry fraud!” “You’re making him angry,” Alison tells Rafe before suggesting they both leave. “You know what I am…and you know I can beat you,” Rafe continues, “and you don’t like that…cause you don’t like a real fight…which is why you won’t tell anybody who you really are until…it’s too late…because you are a coward! Go away…now!” The Avatar only responds with groaning sounds. He walks into the abandoned warehouse and shuts the door. The door is blown apart by an explosion. Rafe pulls Alison down and shields her from the debris. “Are you OK?” he asks. “I think so…what was that?” she asks. “This is one place he won’t be coming back to,” Rafe tells her after surveying the abandoned building. Alison asks him if that’s the shadow-Lancelot guy. “He’s really not a guy,” she decides. “He’s not a hero, either,” Rafe tells her. Alison wants to know what he really is, but Rafe just wants to get her safely away from there. “No…no…not until we figure out how we’re going to stop this thing,” Alison tells him. “We…aren’t going to stop anything…no…this is my problem…and I need you to stay…as far away as possible,” Rafe insists. “Well…that’s obviously too late,” Alison responds. “Don’t fight me on this…OK…I can’t go against the Avatar if I’m worried about you, too,” Rafe tells her. Alison looks at him. “Oh my God! I thought I knew everything I thought there was to know about you…I remember how protective you were with Caleb…but I didn’t know you then like I know you now…you really feel it this time…don’t you? You really feel your calling…I mean…this is what you were made to do,” Ali tells him. “There’s only one thing that I feel more strongly about,” Rafe tells her. “I think that what you do is amazing…I think that you are amazing,” Alison confesses. She falls into his arms and they hold each other tightly, unaware that Jack is standing nearby, observing them. Chris is strolling through the park when he hears a voice say “Shame.” He turns around to find himself face-to-face with the Avatar.

  • Tuesday, August 6- Jamal and Marissa enter the bike shop after finishing their ride on his bike. She notices the TV is on. He tells her they keep it on when no one’s there…a little deterrent in that neighborhood. She tells him the motorcycle ride was awesome. “It usually is the first time…I can always tell when it’s somebody’s first time, you know,” Jamal tells her. “Really,” Marissa teases. “Yeah…no…I didn’t mean it like that,” Jamal corrects. Marissa tells him she likes seeing him blush. She tells him he was right…he’s good. She calls him talented, and tells him that experience will only make him better. She admits she can get lost in her writing. Jamal labels her a workaholic. “There’s other things that I like besides work, you know,” Marissa tells him. “Like?” Jamal asks. “You,” she admits. “I like you, Jamal.” They share a passionate kiss. Jamal reluctantly pulls away from her. He tells her he wasn’t expecting to get involved with anyone just yet. She tells him that’s something he should figure out as he goes alone. “So…how do you feel right now?” she asks. “Great,” he responds, smiling. “Well?” Marissa asks. They kiss passionately again. Jack fights the urge to intervene on Rafe and Alison’s embrace. Finally, he races in and pulls them apart. “How many times do you have to make her cry before you get the picture?” Jack confronts Rafe. Alison protests Jack’s interference, but Rafe concedes. “I need to stay away from Alison,” Rafe admits. He suggests Alison let Jack take her home, then takes off without them. “I don’t like that guy…come on,” Jack tells her as he attempts to usher her out of the area. “You know…it’s not really any of your business,” Alison tells him. “Alison…I’m just trying to be your friend,” Jack says. “Are you?” she asks, “it looks like you’re trying to be my boyfriend…my jealous boyfriend.” She takes off, forcing him to trail her all the way back to the bike shop. “Stop!” Jack orders. “What do you mean…jealous boyfriend?” “I don’t want to talk about it,” Alison insists. He continues to push for an explanation. She tells him he’s getting territorial with her. And he’s always calling her. Jack insists he’s just being a friend to her. He tells her he’d never do anything to jeopardize their friendship. As he opens the bike shop door, they interrupt Jamal and Marissa’s kiss. The pair separate as both try to explain. Jack stifles a grin while Alison appears uncomfortable at the guilty-looking couple. “No need to explain, really,” Alison tells them. “Kinda weird, huh,” Jack responds. Alison admonishes him, and he tells Jamal it’s a private joke. “What is not a joke is this Lancelot thing…and he’s no human being…and he’s no hero either,” Alison tells them. “What?” Jack asks. She tells them Rafe called it an Avatar or something. “You saw him?” Marissa asks. “Up close and a little too personal,” Alison replies. Jack remarks that she should have said something to him…she reminds him she didn’t have a chance to. Marissa bombards Alison with questions about Lancelot. Alison tells her this thing is no hero the way her article made him appear. Jack wants to know how Rafe knows so much about this avenger. “Jack…he’s a vampire slayer,” Alison reminds him. “Jamal…this town is so cool,” Marissa marvels. Ian is on the phone leaving a message for Rafe when he answers a knock at his door. “We have to talk,” Rafe tells him and steps inside. Ian says he’s been trying to call him for hours. Ian admits he screwed up…he thought he’d found the host for the Avatar. “Who?” Rafe asks. “Chris Ramsey…Jack’s brother,” Ian explains. Ian tells him about being knocked out by the avenger. Rafe then fills Ian in on his run-in with the Avatar. “I tried to scare him out of town,” Rafe tells him. “That must have been a neat trick,” Ian says. Rafe then tells him that the host, whoever he is, already has strong ties within the town. “It also means,” Rafe admits, “we pissed him off, royally.” “So…we’ve got a pissed off Avatar…and it’s not leaving town,” Ian replies, “is there any good news?” “Some,” Rafe tells him. Rafe is sure the human side is still there. “How do you know that?” Ian asks. “It didn’t kill you, and it could have,” Rafe responds. “That’s comforting,” Ian tells him. Rafe then explains that the Avatar will need to find a new lair…he’s destroyed the old one. The Avatar doesn’t like to change its pattern of doing business. Ian wonders if they made a mistake by showing it their hand. “I don’t know…we forced it to change tactics before it was ready,” Rafe tells him. “So…you’re Lancelot…right?” a nervous Chris asks the shrouded figure as he steps backward. “I’m your biggest fan,” Chris reminds him, “I’ve been singing your praises…in the news…you heard about it…right?” The Avatar advances on him as Chris continues to back away. “Shame,” the Avatar whispers again. “Shame?” Chris asks. “Come on…what did I do?” Chris falls down, but continues to plead innocent. He begs the Avatar not to kill him. He admits he’s not the nicest guy in town, but he never hurts women…at least not physically. “What do you want with me?” Chris asks. The Avatar removes his hood. “Oh my God…it’s you!” Chris exclaims. Doree prepares to leave her shift at the police station. Once again she recalls her conversation with Chris at the Pizza Shack, and she remembers Chris’ dinner invitation. She opens the file drawer and pulls out the folder on Lancelot. Picking up her briefcase, she prepares to slide some pages of the file inside. Andy catches her in the act and asks what she’s doing. She tells him she’s doing what they’ve all been doing…trying to catch this Lancelot guy. He suggests she was planning to take the files home with her. “You and I both know that files aren’t supposed to leave the precinct, Doree,” Andy admonishes her. Doree tells him she forgot. “Are you all right?” he asks, before telling her that she’s seemed a little distracted lately. Andy knows it’s none of his business, but he wonders if she’s seeing Ramsey again. She tells him it is none of his business before handing him the files. He apologizes for going over the line…he cares about her and thinks she could do a lot better than Chris Ramsey. “Well…starting tomorrow, I’m working every day,” Karen says as she checks her schedule at the hospital. Ricky is busy kissing the back of her neck. She smiles, but reminds him they’re not in their motel anymore. “I guess I got spoiled spending a whole week in bed with you,” Ricky tells her. “It went by way too fast,” Karen admits. Now she has to get back to her job. As Chris gives his latest interview, televisions are on all over Port Charles. Colleen, Karen, and Ricky watch from the hospital reception area. Frank walks up and asks them what’s going on. Karen tells him Ramsey is claiming Lancelot’s his buddy. “Ramsey?” Frank smiles. Ian and Rafe catch the interview from Ian’s apartment. “Is this what you meant about it changing his tactics?” Ian asks. “Maybe,” Rafe replies, then asks Ian for the story on Ramsey. “Good doctor…no scruples,” Ian says. “Easily influenced?” Rafe asks. “No…not at all…unless there’s power…or money involved,” Ian replies. Rafe tells Ian that Chris isn’t the Avatar’s host…he’s the stooge. A crowd gathers in the park where Chris touts Lancelot’s righteousness. “Lancelot has chosen me as his spokesperson,” Chris brags. Lancelot wants everyone to know he’s just an ordinary man seeking peace and justice for the community. “He is just a man…flesh and blood like you and me,” Chris insists. Chris then declines to give away Lancelot’s identity. As Ian turns off his TV, he tells Rafe that Chris sounds like he’s running for office. Rafe thinks Chris might be…it could tie in with the Avatar’s plan. Chris is just the mouthpiece to convince everyone to believe the lie…the Avatar is just an ordinary man seeking justice. “What was he doing at Ramsey’s place?” Ian wonders. Rafe suspects the Avatar had already targeted Chris to be his champion. At the precinct, Doree and Andy are engaged in conversation when they’re instructed to turn on the TV. Any angry Doree watches as Chris makes his pitch. Meanwhile, at the bike shop, Jack tells Jamal that his brother is making an ass of himself again. Marissa thinks it’s awesome. Alison cautions them to believe what Rafe said. Jack tells Ali he would pass on what Chris and Rafe say. Marissa asks Jack to get her an interview with Chris. She suggests maybe Chris can take her to see Lancelot. Jamal doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Jack informs Marissa that Chris isn’t good at sharing. Marissa assures him if he gets her the interview with Chris, she’ll take care of the rest. “Why does this stuff keep happening to us?” Jack wants to know. After Marissa suggests they it, they decide to join the crowd gathered in the park. At the hospital, Colleen turns off the TV after saying, “So…Ramsey knows Lancelot…lucky devil.” “Don’t tell me you’ve got a thing for him?” Frank asks. Colleen admits she’s dying to know who the guy is. “He’s the grim reaper,” Ricky responds. “Have you seen him?” Frank asks. “No…not up close,” Ricky admits. “I have,” Karen turns to Frank. She tells him about the park incident several weeks ago. Karen wants to go to the park now. Ricky protests…he doesn’t think this is a good idea. Karen declares her intent, and Ricky agrees to join her. They look at Frank. He tells them he likes the circus. The three head out to the park. Chris is now besieged by special requests from the citizens. “Chris,” Jack taps him on the shoulder. Jack wants to know if his brother knows what he’s doing. Jack then introduces Marissa to him. She would like an interview with him. Chris agrees to the interview. Rafe steps out of the crowd, and Alison walks over to where he’s standing. Jack again realizes Alison is talking to Rafe. Meanwhile, Ian approaches Chris. “What proof do you have that you know this Lancelot?” Ian asks him. “Who is he, Ramsey?” Ian demands to know.

  • Wednesday, August 7- “We’re all waiting, Ramsey. Why don’t you tell us who this Lancelot really is?” Ian asks. “I can’t do that, or rather, I won’t,” Chris replies. Ian wants to know if they’re all supposed to believe that Chris is just Lancelot’s messenger. Chris offers proof that he is. He tells the crowd that not twenty minutes ago Lancelot invaded a crack house that targeted school age children and taught the dealers a lesson…Lancelot-style. Chris tells them that all four dealers are tied up in the basement. He continues to praise Lancelot’s efforts. The crowd cheers and claps. “Well…I think that went rather well…don’t you?” Chris goads Ian after the interview. He orders Ian not to mess with him…Lancelot has his back. “Chris Ramsey…our Chris Ramsey…knows Lancelot,” Karen laughs. “Let’s see if the story checks out first,” Frank advises her. “I hope it does,” she tells him. “He’s really gotten to you…hasn’t he?” Frank then asks her. “He’s gotten to a lot of people…particularly women,” Karen responds. “The knight-in-shining-armor riding to the rescue thing,” Frank remarks. “Yeah…I guess,” Karen admits. “It’s good to see you again, Karen,” Frank tells her, “you look happy.” “Is that a statement…or a question?” she asks. “Hmm…you got me…it’s a question,” he decides, “are you happy?” Karen shrugs. Meanwhile, Ricky is roaming through the crowd. He watches Marissa as she writes in her tablet. Jamal notices him. “Hey…why don’t you take a picture,” he tells Ricky. Ricky admits he forgot how much she looks like Casey. Jamal reminds him she’s not Casey…she’s Marissa. Ricky laughs and openly wonders if he and Marissa are now involved. Meanwhile, Marissa sits down on a bench beside Jack. “Jack…you’ve got to help me,” Marissa begs. “I just introduced you to my brother, all right…he’s busy,” Jack responds as he focuses his attention on Rafe and Alison. Marissa looks at him and then at the couple. “Hey…you know what…there’s a snake on your shoes,” she tells him. Jack pays no attention to her. “Oh God!…can someone please tell me what a girl has to do around here to get some attention…other than be Alison!” she exclaims. “Didn’t I just ask you to stay out of this?” Rafe asks Alison. “I can’t,” Alison tells him. “Why…why can’t you?” Rafe wants to know. She tells him he probably won’t remember, but when something like this is going on, they all pull together…like a family. “A family…huh?” Rafe responds. “Yeah…a real family…people that love each other,” Alison responds, meaningfully. As Chris roams the crowd, Ian again approaches him. “Hey…what are you doing?” Ian questions. “Telling you to back off…is where I think we left off,” Ramsey responds. “This thing is dangerous,” Ian tries again. “The Avatar…are you kidding me…a centuries-old spirit that’s going to take over the world…yeah…try selling that to the press,” Chris responds. “It’s the truth,” Ian insists. Chris says Lancelot is just a guy looking for justice. Ian warns him he doesn’t know what he’s dealing with. Chris insists he does…and so does Lancelot. Jamal and Ricky continue discussing Marissa. Jamal tells Ricky that Marissa doesn’t like being compared to Casey. Ricky continues to insinuate that something’s going on between Jamal and Marissa…but Jamal says they’re just friends. Chris walks over to Marissa and Jack. Marissa asks him if he can schedule an appointment for her to interview Lancelot. One little interview is all she asks. Chris tells her that every news hound in town wants the same thing. “Hey Chris…don’t forget…this is the girl who turned your buddy Lancelot into a media hero…so I would be pretty nice to her,” Jack suggests. Meanwhile, Karen tells Frank she guesses she’s happy. She just got back from New York. “With Ricky?” Frank asks. Frank tells her it’s OK…he’s not going to fall apart…she has every right to move on. He tells her it’s good to see her smiling again. She then asks how he’s doing. He tells her he doesn’t know if working 80 hours a week qualifies as therapy…but he’s better…a lot better. “I’m glad,” she tells him. She wonders if he’s seeing anybody. He tells her he’s not looking…he just wants to take things one step at a time. “So…it looks like this…hero thing is really taking off,” he remarks. Karen smiles in agreement. “Sounds like you like the guy,” Frank suggests. She tells him Lancelot made her feel safe. “Well…whatever he is…I’d like to thank him for that…because you should always feel safe,” Frank tells her. “Vampires…and talking portraits…and angels,” Alison tells Rafe some of the things Port Charles has encountered in the past. “And I was here for all of that?” Rafe asks, mesmerized as he watches her. “Yes…you were,” Alison reveals, and goes on to tell him how he helped reunite the couples of Port Charles last Christmas. He tells her Livvie told him that. Alison wants to know if Livvie told him he was the one who picked up all the pieces. She tells Rafe he was the one who made everything right again. “You had this magic about you,” she tells him. “Magic?” he asks. She tells him he fixed things. The people who belonged together were together through his efforts. She just wishes he could remember…he was so wonderful. Rafe reminds her again that he doesn’t remember. Now he has to focus on what’s happening today. He has a calling…he’s proud of that…he tells her he feels like he has control of his life again. “I know…because that’s what you do,” Alison tells him. “You do know…don’t you?” Rafe admits. Alison tells him she’s glad that fighting the Avatar gives him some sense of purpose, but isn’t he a little scared. Rafe admits he’s scared for everyone. He tells her that when he came face-to-face with the Avatar’s host, Rafe thought he was a gentleman. Things could have gotten ugly when he stood up to it…instead, it just walked away. He believes there’s some humanity there. He plans to exploit that vulnerability. Alison insists she will help him. When he argues the point, she informs him Port Charles doesn’t allow just one person to fight their battles. Marissa makes her pitch to Chris, who agrees to make her his conduit to the press because she’s a good friend of his brother Jack. Marissa asks for more first-hand information. “He really likes the handle,” Chris tells her. Marissa tells Jamal she is “in” with Lancelot, but he’s less than thrilled with the idea. Frank is discussing one of his EMS stories with Karen when Ricky intervenes. He wants to leave…but Karen wants to stay. “Personally, I think Ramsey’s trying to put something over on everyone,” Ricky tells her. “It wouldn’t be the first time,” Frank agrees. Karen insists she’s staying at the park. Andy and Doree arrive and walk up to Chris. Ian joins them and inquires about the crack house. Chris also wants to know. “Yes, Chris…everything checked out…exactly the way you described,” Doree tells him. “So now that we know you have the ID on this guy…we’d like to have it too,” Andy tells him. “In fact, we’re insisting,” Doree adds. “I’m sorry to say…I think my man outranks you,” Chris tells them smugly. “Chris…this is not the time to be a jerk,” Doree advises, “just tell us who he is, so we can all go home.” Chris refuses to cooperate. Doree pulls out her handcuffs and puts them on him. He jokes that this looks familiar…but she warns him she’s not playing. Chris then is informed he’s under arrest as a material witness and for obstructing justice. They escort him out of the park. Ian asks to speak to Rafe alone. Alison steps aside. Ramsey’s story checked out, Rafe guesses. Ian wants to know what their next move should be. “I’ll think of something,” Rafe replies. “We don’t have one…do we?” Ian realizes. “I’ll think of something,” Rafe assures him. Alison walks over to Jack. Jack guesses they’re back in the middle again. Alison tells him Port Charles has never been boring. He asks her if there’s any progress with Rafe. He’s not going to say anything…it’s her life. Alison admits to him that she still misses Rafe and loves him very much. Livvie accosts Summer at the hospital. “Summer,” she calls, “have you seen Rafe…he was supposed to pick me up a while ago?” “No,” Summer tells her curtly, “I haven’t seen or heard from him in hours.” “What’s your problem?” Livvie asks. “Nothing,” Summer replies, “I just want to know if we’re even now.” “Even?” Livvie responds. “You wanted me to change the test so your husband…” Summer starts, but Livvie shushes her to keep her voice down. “OK,” Summer tells her, “it’s just a lousy thing to do, that’s all…letting the guy think he’s your kid’s father…when you know it isn’t true.” Livvie reminds her she was paid very well and that Livvie still has information on her that would keep her from getting a job at any hospital. “So…no, Summer…we are not through…not until I say so,” Livvie tells her. They notice Kevin and Lucy getting off the elevator. “Well…look at her…she thinks her life is so perfect,” Livvie remarks, sarcastically, “enjoy it while it lasts, Lucy.” She turns to Summer. “You know what to do…right…Summer?” Livvie asks. Summer reluctantly nods and leaves. Livvie smiles at how clever she is. “Hey…what goes around…comes around,” she says. Summer catches Dr. Collins along at the counter. She hands him an envelope. She tells him his wife wanted him to see it. “A paternity test…for Livvie!” Kevin exclaims aloud. Livvie, meanwhile, hides out in the reception area and waits for the fireworks. Lucy slips up behind her husband and grabs him around the waist. She quickly realizes something is wrong. “You just couldn’t stop yourself…could you?” Kevin asks. Lucy wonders what he’s talking about. He tells her he asked her not to interfere, yet she had a paternity test run on Livvie’s baby. He wants to know when she is going to give his daughter a break. Lucy tries to explain her side, but Kevin appears unwilling to listen to her. Lucy calls Livvie a convincing liar, which infuriates Kevin as he holds up the results of the paternity test. “You have got proof that Rafe is the father of Livvie’s baby,” Kevin tells her. Livvie secretly smiles. Lucy tries to tell her husband she’s still not convinced, but he doesn’t want to listen. He tells her she had no right to do that to his daughter. He then accuses her of not respecting him. “Livvie is my daughter…I will not turn my back on her now…you dig up whatever you want, Lucy…but I will never, ever abandon my daughter,” Kevin warns her. Lucy tells him he has blinders on where Livvie’s concerned. As they continue to argue, Lucy has a question for him. How did he find out about the paternity test? He tells her a nurse gave it to him. He then tells her he needs some air, and angrily storms off. As Lucy stands there, frustrated and bewildered by what just happened, Livvie walks up to her. She openly gloats to Lucy. She tells Lucy if she messes with her life…she will mess with Lucy’s…and then some, just for the fun of it. Livvie also tells Lucy that if she keeps it up, she will force Kevin to choose between her and Livvie. Livvie is sure he won’t choose Lucy. “Ta,” Livvie finishes and starts to move away. Lucy grabs her arm. She had thought she could scare Livvie into being human and doing the right thing. “You want to mess with my life…don’t…I’ve been doing this for a really, really long time…and I’ve had a lot of practice…this little thing we’re playing here…is just a skirmish…compared to the war I will wage against you…so…Ta!…to you…sweetpea,” Lucy tells her before walking away. Summer is watching the television in the lounge as Livvie walks by. She calls Livvie over to the screen. “I found your husband,” she tells Livvie. Livvie watches scenes of her husband in the park talking to…Alison. “Rafe!” Livvie exclaims.

  • Thursday, August 8- Ian waits for Kate at the police station. She tells him it’s a mob scene out there…she had to fight her way in. Ian informs her that Chris has been arrested while trying to protect Lancelot. Ian wants to know if she can get him released. Kate doesn’t see any problem there. Doree ushers a handcuffed Chris into the room. Kate tells Chris she can get him out in no time. “Don’t waste your time…I’m not going anywhere,” a defiant Ramsey tells her. Kate tells him she’ll understand if he wants someone else to represent him. Chris tells her it has nothing to do with her. Ian then wants to know what game he’s playing. Chris tells them he’s not playing any game…he’s making a statement…a cause he believes in. Ian is exasperated with him. Chris tells Ian he’s standing up for his principles. “You don’t have any principles,” Ian shouts at him. Doree tells Ian not to waste his breath. Chris refuses to give up the name of the criminal he’s shielding. Chris reminds Doree that Lancelot is a hero. They debate the point as Kate and Ian watch. Chris then notices Marissa standing there making notes. “I will never give him up…I will die first,” Chris says. “That is my headline,” Marissa says out loud. Doree asks Marissa what she’s doing. Ramsey informs them that Marissa is getting the exclusive story. Ian now grows extremely irritated. He wants to know what the “thing” is giving Chris. “What kind of deal have you made with the devil this time?” Ian asks. Chris is insulted that Lancelot would be compared to the devil. Kate wonders why Lancelot, since he’s so noble, won’t come forward and work with the police. “Not his style,” Chris replies. Chris tells Ian he can’t stand for anybody else to be the hero. Ian then calls Chris an idiot…Chris calls him a fool. “Lancelot has bestowed on this town…a great gift…as long as I have breath in my body…I will be the defender…and the keeper of that gift…did you get all that down, Kid?” Chris asks Marissa. Ian grabs Chris. “This is not a man…it’s a spirit…” Ian tells him. Chris may think he can handle it…but he can’t. “Tell me who the host is before it’s too late,” Ian insists. “It already is too late…Lancelot is already too strong for you…or anyone…else to stop,” Chris tells him. After Ian leaves, Kate has another question for Chris. “Other than the real estate deals and the get-rich-quick schemes…why are you doing this?” Kate asks. He doesn’t respond until he gets to the door…as Doree opens it, they hear the roar of a crowd outside. “Does that answer your question?” Chris asks. Lucy sits on the sofa at the lighthouse and half-heartedly watches the news. Kevin walks through the door but says nothing to his wife. She tells him she was getting worried about him. “I worked late,” Kevin tells her. She tells him about Chris’ arrest. Kevin moves toward the bedroom but doesn’t respond. She asks him to wait. She tells him when he yells at her she at least knows what he’s thinking. She can’t deal with the silent treatment. They argue again about the paternity test. Lucy tells him that Livvie is a mixed-up, troubled young lady. She reminds him that ignoring that fact isn’t helping Livvie at all. “Do you think I don’t know that…do you think I don’t know what a rotten father I am?” Kevin replies. Lucy tries hard to convince him he’s a wonderful father to his children. Kevin blames himself…maybe Livvie would be different if he’d been there for her. Lucy assures him Livvie knows he loves her…Livvie couldn’t ask for a better father. She didn’t realize Doc was walking about with so much doubt and guilt. Kevin tells her he’s had plenty of time to think when he was stuck in that other place. He was afraid he’d never see his family again. “She needs me, Lucy,” Kevin tells her, “I’m not stupid…I know my daughter has problems…but I can’t turn my back on her…she’s my child…and I won’t.” “Of course not,” Lucy agrees. Kevin apologizes for yelling at her. He wants Lucy to promise him she won’t ask him to give up on Livvie. He tells her he has to show his daughter support until he can figure out the best way to help her. Lucy understands that. But she needs him to understand something. “You are my husband…I’m your wife…I will not let anything come between us…this marriage means more to me than anything in the whole entire world…our children are everything to us, too…we love them…we sacrifice…do anything we can…but this is us, Doc…our marriage…we have each other…and that’s what we have to hold onto…remember that…we can be OK…OK? Kevin smiles at her. He tells her she could give him a run for his money in the shrink department. They both say “I love you,” as they kiss passionately and make up. Alison is searching information from a laptop computer at the Pizza Shack when Rafe walks in. He asks her what she’s doing. She tells him she’s doing some work. She admits she can’t find a lot of information on the Avatar there. He reminds her they talked about her not getting involved in this. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be able to share the little tidbit she found. “What is it?” Rafe asks. She tells him he said it was no big deal…she doesn’t want to bore him with it. “OK…please tell me what you found?” Rafe asks. “First off…I found a report about a mysterious figure who tracked down a serial killer about fifteen years ago…a case that nobody’s been able to solve,” Ali tells him. “Do they have any idea who this mysterious figure was?” Rafe questions. She tells him they don’t, but the MO matches up…right down to the hood and shroud. “Wow…you found all this on the net, huh?” Rafe tells her. She tells him she’s kind of smart like that…maybe he forgot. They share a laugh as Livvie, who has been secretly observing them, decides to make her presence known. She hugs Rafe. She tells him she’s fine…the baby’s fine. Every word and gesture is calculated to rub salt into Alison’s wounds. Alison prepares to leave but Livvie stops her. Rafe stares at Livvie as she tells Alison to stay…she insists. “You want me to stay?” Ali asks. Livvie tells her she’d like that very much. Rafe thinks Livvie needs some rest…he volunteers to take her home. She assures him she’s fine…she really wants to talk to Alison. She would like to bury the hatchet. “You want to do what?” Ali asks in disbelief. Livvie mentions the night she fell…they were both really upset…but everything’s OK now…no harm was done…and the baby is fine. She wants to try to be friends again. Livvie just wants to let bygones be bygones and get past all this. “You make it sound so easy,” Ali tells her. “Well…sure it is…right, honey?” Livvie says. “Right,” Rafe reluctantly agrees, puzzled by Livvie’s generous behavior. Alison is dumbfounded as well. Livvie then asks what the two of them are doing there. “Nothing,” Rafe quickly responds. Alison tells her she was sharing information on Lancelot, as Rafe sits and nervously fidgets. “Rafe,” Livvie turns to him. “I know…we talked about me not getting into this but…I’m already in it and that’s the way it is…alright,” Rafe tells her. Realizing she has an audience, Livvie takes his face in her hands and sweetly tells him it’s OK…she trusts him. She tells Rafe she’s behind him one-hundred percent. “Thank you,” Rafe responds. She then commences bragging about Rafe’s concern for his wife and baby. Alison half laughs as she packs up her computer. “I’m sure there’s someplace I have to be…I just know it,” she tells them, “you two have a really swell time.” Rafe yells at her to wait, but she keeps walking. “I tried,” Livvie tells Rafe as she takes a bite out of her pizza. “Did you really have to do that?” Rafe asks. “What? I didn’t mean to upset her,” Livvie insists. “Yeah…you did,” Rafe tells her. “Rafe…I couldn’t help it,” Livvie explains, “because my feelings were hurt.” Rafe insists there’s nothing going on between him and Alison. She wasn’t talking about that. “You lied to me, Rafe…you said you weren’t going after this…Avatar,” Livvie tells him. He tells her he didn’t really say that…he said he would make her and the baby his number one priority. He has no intention of backing away. He will track the Avatar…find the host and expose it…then drive the Avatar out of town. She yells that he’s putting himself in danger. Why can’t he let this go? “Because this is who I am,” Rafe passionately responds. “This is what I was born to do.” If he backs away, he’ll be denying who he actually is. Livvie then suggests that maybe Lancelot is actually good. “I met him today,” Rafe responds. “What?” Livvie panics. “I was this close to him,” Rafe tells her, “he said we were brothers…fighting for a common cause…he has to be stopped.” “No…you’ve got to leave this thing alone…or he’ll ruin everything,” Livvie slips. “What does that mean? You almost sound like you know him?” Rafe questions. Jack sits at his dining room table and goes over the portfolio with Alison’s pictures. “What the hell am I doing?” he asks himself. He then answers a knock at the door. It’s Alison. He looks around. “Where’s Rafe?” Jack asks. She pretends to laugh. He wants to know why she’s there. She tells him she’s researching the Lancelot thing, and wonders if Jack has gotten any information from Chris. “Not a word,” Jack says, then lets her know he’s been busy…he has a life. She wonders why he’s so testy with her. He tells her he’s tired of helping out people who don’t want his help. She insists she does want his help. Jack then wonders if her interest in Lancelot is just an excuse to spend more time with Rafe. Jack wants to know what he has to do with any of this? Alison tells him she thought they were friends. Jack tells her he’s tired of being her consolation prize. “What…what are you talking about? Of course I don’t know the Avatar…but I do know darkness,” Livvie tells him. Rafe assures her he’ll keep them safe. He tells her he’s already made up his mind about this. Nothing she can say will change it…he just wishes she’d stop trying. She reminds him he’s her husband, and tells him she supports him…she may not like it but she’ll support him. Ian walks up to their table and asks to speak to Rafe alone. Livvie leaves them, but hides out of sight and listens. Ian tells Rafe he tried to reason with Ramsey, but it’s no use. The whole town is now worked up over the Avatar. They need to come up with something…fast. “We have to find a way to reveal the host’s identity,” Rafe tells him. Livvie plots her next action. “No…you won’t do any such thing, Rafe…not you or anyone else,” she promises herself.

  • Friday, August 9- An aggravated Alison accuses Jack of not understanding her situation. He tells her he’s just trying to get her to wake up. “Rafe and Livvie are married, Alison. They’re having a baby,” he yells at her. “I know that,” she spits back, reeling from the pain. Jack proceeds to hammer his point home. She can’t win here. Rafe is going to break her heart. She tells him it really isn’t Rafe’s fault. “As far as Rafe knows…there’s only been one woman in his life…he believes she’s the only woman he’s ever loved…that we just never happened.” She apologizes for running to him every time something happens with Rafe. She realizes that’s not fair. Jack then assures her he will stand by her and support her…no matter what happens…just as she always stood by him. Alison starts crying and Jack offers her his shoulder. He continues to listen as she rehashes her emotional ups and downs. She tells him she’s always looking for signs. They start clowning around as they make up new and unique signs. He’s happy to see her smiling again. She tells him he always knows how to make her laugh. He then tells her his eyes have a message for both of them. He leans over and gently kisses her lips. “Wow,” he says. She leans in and kisses him back. Frank sits at a nearby table as Ricky walks up to the counter at the Pizza Shack. When no one is at the counter, Ricky gets loud. Frank tells him the place is short-handed tonight. Someone will be back in five minutes. “It’s got to be weird, huh?” Frank tells him. “What?” Ricky asks. “Having a girl around who’s a ringer for Casey,” Frank answers. “People look like other people…so…what’s your point?” Ricky wants to know. “It’s got to make things strange with Karen,” Frank replies. Ricky laughs. “Is that what you figure, Frank?” “Makes sense to me,” Frank says. Ricky then tells Frank he won’t get into that with him. “I never intended to hit a nerve,” Frank tells him. “Sure you did,” Ricky responds. “If you say so,” Frank adds as he gets up and leaves. “I say so,” Ricky tells him as he turns around to face the counter again. He misses Frank’s departure. No one appears, and Ricky is ready to trade more barbs with Frank, “and for you bringing up Ca…” he turns to see Marissa standing there. “Sorry…not Casey,” she tells him. “Hey…” Ricky says. “Melinda,” Marissa lies. “I…know…Melinda,” he counters. “It’s Marissa, actually,” she admits. Ricky tells her he read her article in the paper. She asks him what he thinks about Lancelot. He tells her he could care less. She tells him he may be the only one in Port Charles without an opinion. He tells her he has other things to do…he’s in a band. She admits Jamal told her that. “You asked?” Ricky questions her. “That’s what I do…I’m a reporter,” she explains. She tells him she knows he went out with Casey, but it’s weird being stared at all the time. And, as she told Jamal, she does not want to talk about her sister. Ricky is stunned. “Casey was your twin?” he asks. She appears surprised nobody told him. She then accuses him of staring again. He wants her to ask him about Casey. She informs him she knows all she needs to know about Casey’s life. “What about her death?” Ricky asks. She tries to walk away from him, but he stops her. Maybe he needs to talk about it…because she doesn’t want to. He tells her she really missed out not knowing Casey. He tells her he’s remembering Casey when he stares at her…but from where he stands, Marissa doesn’t deserve to be in Casey’s shadow. “You want me to feel bad…that I didn’t know my sister,” Marissa tells him, “I do…all right?” She tells him she feels guilty about her 90210 life while Casey was living on the streets. “I’d have given my life to have known her,” Marissa cries. She tells him she’d have given anything…everything…to have talked to her sister just once. “Maybe I could have saved her,” A tearful Marissa confesses. She’s crying now, and a reluctant Ricky moves over to her and gives her his shoulder. “Draw it out,” Ian suggests to Rafe as they plan their next move in Rafe and Livvie’s apartment. “That’s not going to be easy…the Avatar already knows we’re on to it,” Rafe tells him. Livvie enters with coffee and sandwiches. “The thing loves attention,” Ian says. “It sees itself as a protector,” Rafe offers, “it thinks what it’s doing is honorable.” “Yes…but it does have an ego,” Ian declares, “so let’s call it out and strike at it.” “Discredit it publicly,” Rafe adds. Livvie intercedes “Well, no one’s gonna listen…if you try…there’s already fan clubs in town…I’ve heard.” “Listen to what you’re saying,” Ian walks over to Livvie, “this whole thing is a media circus and…wait a minute.” “What?” Rafe asks. “I just had an idea,” Ian tells him. “About Ramsey?” Rafe asks. “He might be onto something…an idea we can use,” Ian declares. “It might work…if you’re the guy out front,” Rafe responds, “you’re perfect…it hates you…plus, you’re a doctor…a father…a respected member of the community.” Rafe tells him to stand up and tell the truth…then be ready when the Avatar comes to take the bait. Livvie hovers in the hallway and listens. As they prepare to leave, she runs up to Rafe. “You’re not going through with this, are you?” a nervous Livvie asks. “Why not?” Rafe responds. “Because…I don’t think setting yourself up as targets is the best thing for you to do,” she tells him. Rafe assures her they can handle it. “The longer we wait…the stronger it gets,” Rafe concludes. They leave Livvie standing there to ponder her next move. Ian and Rafe have arranged to meet the news crew in the park. Ian steps in front of the camera. “Hi…I’m Ian Thornhart…I’m a doctor at General Hospital…patients come into the ER looking for a quick and easy fix. Unfortunately, saving lives takes a lot of time…a lot of effort…sometimes…the best we can do is pray for a miracle…hope for someone to watch over us…and maybe that’s why people are applauding this man…this Lancelot…protector of women…protector of children…well…there’s more to the story…I’ve seen his true face…and behind his cloak is not the shining armor of a noble knight…but a black and angry heart…that slithers away into the darkness…avoiding neighbors…avoiding questions…and that is the mark of a coward…you wanted attention…now you’ve got it…now people can see you for what you really are. You’re a fraud…who wants to intimidate anyone that gets in your way…well…right now…I’m in your way…so…if you’re not afraid of the dark…why don’t you come down here and discuss it with me…OK.” After the newsmen leave, Ian asks Rafe how he did. Rafe feels sure he’s rattled the Avatar’s cage…made him seem like a dangerous coward. Ian tells Rafe he doesn’t like things that hide in the night. Rafe tells him he’s pretty good at this…for an amateur. Ian insists he’s no amateur…he’s had prior experience…and so has Rafe. “So they tell me,” Rafe says. Rafe then tells Ian he’s living with his memory loss. Ian offers to help him…he could run some tests. Rafe declines. He tells Ian he’s tried so hard to get it back that he’s driven himself crazy…and hurt a lot of people that he loves…and finally has had to just let it go. He admits that going after the Avatar is helping him cope. Ian then asks what their next move will be if they get the Avatar’s attention now. First, they will try to trap him. Rafe then suggests they’ll try to break through to the host and reason with him…the host is the only one who can force the Avatar out. Ian then asks what will happen if the host doesn’t cooperate. There’s only one choice then, Rafe tells him, “Kill him.” In his dimly lit lair, the Avatar paces, then lets out a blood-curdling scream. Livvie opens the door and steps inside. “Don’t let them get to you…they’re only trying to trick you,” she tells him as she closes the door. “I will kill him…I will kill Ian Thornhart,” the Avatar tells Livvie as he moves toward the door. “No…no!” Livvie screams as the angry Avatar rips off the door to his lair. “Stop…listen to me…and think…they’re only trying to get you to rush and…run right into their trap…I heard my husband talking…and he’s working alongside with him…Rafe,” Livvie warns him. “The slayer?” the Avatar asks. “Yes…they want to find out who you are…but you cannot let them win…please…please don’t fall for their tricks,” she pleads with him. “I am angry,” he whispers. “I know that you’re angry…concentrate…look into my eyes and you’ll know I’m telling the truth…I’m on your side…I’ll work with you…I swear I will never do anything to betray you…I’d only be ruining my own life…and my marriage…if I did…please…you have to trust me.” “Trust?” the Avatar responds, “strange word coming from you.” “You have to,” she tells him. She leans over and pushes the hood off his head. Frank is staring back at her.

  • Monday, August 12- In the middle of a passionate kiss, Alison suddenly asks Jack to stop. “Should we talk about this?” Jack asks. “No…I don’t think so,” she responds. “Alison…we can’t ignore what’s going on here,” he tells her. “I know…but…” Alison starts, but the front door opens and in walks Jamal, carrying some boxes. “What’s up?” Jamal asks as he surveys the scene, “did I come at a bad time?” “Oh…no…what’s up?” Jack replies. “You forgot? I’m moving in tonight,” Jamal reminds him. “Oh…no…I didn’t forget…I just got caught up…doing some…stuff,” Jack replies. A flushed Alison asks Jamal if he needs some help carrying his stuff in. Jamal tells her “no”. He then takes the boxes to his new room. “Just answer me one question,” Ali says after Jamal leaves the room, “what just happened there?” Jack laughs. He tells her that if Jamal hadn’t shown up, he wouldn’t have stopped. She tells him she takes responsibility for the moment, but tells him it shouldn’t have happened…it’s weird. She tells him Jamal is his best friend and Livvie was hers…and she’s in love with Rafe. “…Who’s married to my ex, and your former best friend,” Jack reminds her. She tells him if he wouldn’t have stopped it, she definitely would have. She then suggests they pretend this didn’t happen. He tells her she can do that…he can’t…he doesn’t want to. Alison suggests that maybe they shouldn’t see each other anymore. He protests, but she grabs her purse and flees the house. An aggravated Jack bangs on the door after she’s gone, then turns to see Jamal standing there. Jack brings his friend a beer while Jamal continues to unpack. “Tell me something…why don’t you tell me about you and Alison?” Jamal asks. Jack tells him there’s nothing really to talk about. Jamal laughs. “What…do you think I’m an idiot or something?” Jamal asks him, “I’ve got eyes, too.” Jack wants to drop the subject, but Jamal persists. “You’re still hung up on her, aren’t you?” Jack guesses. Jamal tells him he’s wrong again…but it was weird walking in and seeing the two of them. Jack insists that nothing happened. Jamal reminds his friend that Alison is still hung up on Rafe. Jack insists she won’t be like that forever. Jamal wonders where it will leave Jack if Alison doesn’t get over Rafe. He just wants to save his friend some heartache. Jack tells him that he appreciates that, but if he wanted the advice…he’d ask for it. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you…though,” Jamal responds. “I’m not waking you…am I?” Ian says as he nudges Rafe, who’s been sleeping on the park bench. “We’ll know when the Avatar gets here,” Rafe confidently replies. “If he gets here,” Ian responds. Rafe is confident that Ian’s public humiliation of the Avatar will bring it to the park. Ian isn’t so sure. Rafe promises the Avatar won’t be able to resist showing up to punish them. “And that’s the good news, is it?” Ian asks. Rafe tells him that appealing to the Avatar’s humanity is the only chance they have. The two realize they are not alone. Andy and Doree, both outfitted in bullet-proof vests, plus a score of Port Charles’ finest, now surround them. “That was quite a speech you made, Dr. Thornhart,” Andy tells him. Doree reminds them it would have been nice if they’d let the police know beforehand, so they could be prepared. “Prepared for what?” Ian asks. They tell him he called Lancelot out…now they are going to wrap him up. Doree tells Ian and Rafe they can leave now…the PCPD will take over. “You all have to get out of here now…please,” Rafe insists. “I’ll send home a SWAT unit so you two super heroes can handle everything on your own,” Andy sarcastically replies. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with here,” Ian tells them. “And you do…right, doctor…they teach all about Lancelot in med school,” Doree says. “SWAT teams are not going to stop him…OK?” Rafe argues. Doree wonders if they’ve been smoking something out in the woods. Andy tells them the police want this guy as much as Ian and Rafe do…maybe more…and he’s willing to overlook that they are now impeding a police investigation. “You’re not going to catch him,” Ian tells them. Rafe adds, “even if you did…” “What? What are you trying to tell me?…that he’s from outer space or something?” Andy replies. Doree makes a joke about it. “Under normal circumstances…I think the police in this town…very competent…this is not a normal man…and he will not show up if the police is around,” Ian tells them. They assure Ian that Lancelot won’t know they’re around…until it’s too late. Rafe asks them to trust him, but Andy refuses to listen. “You leave…we stay,” Andy tells them before ordering his officers into position. “He’ll never show,” Rafe then tells Ian. Frustrated, they prepare to leave the park, but encounter Mary and Colleen, who confess they saw Ian’s TV interview. Mary admits she has a soft spot for Lancelot, but what Ian said made a lot of sense…she’s concerned about how far Lancelot might go in the name of justice. After the women leave, Ian tells Rafe that maybe the night wasn’t a complete bust after all. “The Avatar thrives on adoration…so if we can just get the whole town to go against him…we can drive him out of here,” Rafe smiles. When Ian arrives back at the hospital, Colleen greets Ian with a cup of coffee. She thinks they need to find out more about Lancelot…she thanks him for opening her eyes. She then tells him she saw little Danny with his nanny in the park earlier. Danny is getting so big, she tells him. “They should have been home by now,” Ian wonders. “You have to listen to me, Frank,” Livvie tells him, “please…please don’t go looking for Rafe and Ian.” They tried to discredit me…they tried to diminish what I’ve done,” he tells her. “Yes…but it’s a trap,” Livvie responds. “Get out of my way,” he orders. “No!” Livvie yells. “I won’t let you ruin everything.” “Do not ever…presume to issue orders to me,” Frank tells her. “I’m sorry…but we have to be smart about this…we both have too much to lose…you have to protect your identity…and I need to…,” Livvie explains, but Frank intervenes, “prevent your husband from knowing he’s a fool…that this child he wants so much…is mine.” “No…that’s not it,” Livvie tells him, “that is not the deal we made…don’t let them ruin everything…” “Priorities change, Livvie…I will not be shamed,” he tells her, “they are attempting to diminish everything I have done…and they will be punished.” “Is this Frank Scanlon I’m talking to, or the Avatar?” Livvie asks. “They…are one and the same…the Frank you know is gone forever,” he tells her. Livvie tries to flatter…to cajole him. She tells him she’s on his side. “Are you?” he asks. “Of course,” Livvie replies, “I’ve protected you…and I will continue to.” “What would you have me do, Livvie? How would you handle this front?” Frank asks. She recommends he leave Port Charles. “Maybe…your work is done here…maybe it’s time to move on,” Livvie suggests. “I see…and that would accomplish…what exactly?” he asks. “Rafe knows what you are…he’ll fight you,” Livvie tells him. “I’ve had challenges before…what else?” Livvie struggles to come up with another answer, but the Avatar grabs her roughly. “Why don’t I tell you…why you so desperately want me to leave,” he tells her, “not because my work here is finished…because I can assure you it isn’t…but because it would be convenient…for you,” he accuses. “You got what you wanted from me…now you’re trying to get rid of he,” he continues. “No…that is not true,” Livvie struggles to free her wrist from his grasp. “Stop…trying to handle me, Livvie,” he warns her, “do you think I don’t know who you are…you’re exactly what I’ve been fighting here…you are evil incarnate…it’s rotting inside you like an evil cancer…the only reason you continue to exist is because you can destroy my identity…don’t push your advantage…you are not on my side, Livvie…there is only one side…when it comes to you…your side.” He releases her arm, and a frightened Livvie sits down. “You have me all figured out…don’t you, Frank?” Livvie confronts him again. “It isn’t difficult, Livvie…your past speaks for itself,” Frank accuses her. “No…I am not evil…I’m just desperate,” Livvie tries to explain, “I love my husband and getting pregnant was the only way I could hang onto him…and maybe…just maybe get him to love me back…you still have the capacity to love…don’t you, Frank? Or has the Avatar driven that out of you, too?” Frank laughs. “Oh, is this funny to you?” Livvie yells. “No, Livvie…it’s pathetic,” he tells her, “you’re actually trying to make me feel sorry for you. ‘I love my husband’…you’ve been tricking the poor sap ever since he came back to town and…our little secret is the biggest trick of all…isn’t it? You don’t know any more about love than I do…perhaps less…now Alison and Rafe…that’s true love.” “No…he’s over her…he doesn’t even remember that she ever even existed,” Livvie explains. “Thanks to you,” he reminds her, “but somehow he still seems drawn to the girl…doesn’t he? Almost like it’s his…destiny.” “Why are you being so cruel to me?” Livvie yells. “Because you’re a liar, Livvie…you lie to everyone, including yourself…the only thing Rafe feels for you is…obligation,” he tells her. “He loves Alison…always has…always will.” “You bastard!” Livvie spits at him, “you sick, twisted bastard!” She pushes roughly at his shoulder. He grabs her and she feels the baby move inside her. She wants him to know he made that happen. He releases her. “Our baby,” he reminds her, “I’m the one pulling the strings now…I’m the one making all the moves…don’t cross me…in my dealings with Ian and Rafe…I don’t need your cooperation…or approval…they’re going to learn what it means to disrespect me…they have no idea what I’m capable of…but they will…as will everyone in Port Charles.” Livvie is back at the apartment when Rafe returns. She rushes to greet him, but he is quiet and distant. “Did you run into the Avatar in the park?” Livvie asks. “No,” he responds. She lies that she spent the whole evening thinking about being in his arms. She tells him she almost made herself sick imagining what life would be like without him. The Avatar’s biting words now sting at her. She pleads with Rafe to make love to her. He declines, reminding her she just got out of the hospital. He tells her they didn’t catch the Avatar tonight…but they will…soon. Alison sits at the Pizza Shack sipping her soda. “Why shouldn’t I kiss Jack?” she asks herself. They’ve been friends forever. She reminds herself she can’t stop thinking about Rafe…even if it is hopeless. She wishes she could talk to her best friend right now…but that’s Jack…and that won’t work here. She spies little Danny with his nanny, Carmen, as she pushes the stroller up to the counter. Alison greets them. Carmen realizes that she hasn’t picked up her father’s prescription like she’d planned. She wasn’t supposed to be working this late, but Dr. Thornhart has asked her to stay on with little Danny. Alison offers up a solution. She’ll take Danny home so Carmen can take care of her chores. Grateful, Carmen hands over the keys to Ian’s home and rushes off. Danny offers some baby talk and points up to the stars. Alison talks to him. She is unaware of footsteps behind her. “Hi…Alison,” Frank greets her. Alison asks how he’s doing. “Isn’t it past Danny’s bedtime?” Frank then asks. Ali explains what happened with the nanny. He then asks if she has her car. Negative, she replies and indicates they plan to walk. Frank tells her that, with everything going on…it might not be a great idea to walk. He offers to drive them…he’s sure Ian wouldn’t want them walking around here in the dark.

  • Tuesday, August 13- Lucy and Kevin relax on the sofa after watching Ian’s news conference. Kevin seems distracted as Lucy talks about the “good thing” Ian is doing. She wonders why he’s so quiet. He tells her he’s just thinking. Serena enters with Christina, who’s cloaked in a makeshift Lancelot costume. “Christina’s Lancelot,” Serena giggles. Lucy smiles at the pretense, but Kevin erupts. “I don’t want to see you like that again,” he tells the girls. He then apologizes for yelling at them. He explains that Lancelot isn’t a hero for beating up people. “OK, Christina…no more playing Lancelot…right?” Serena tells her sister. “No more Lancelot,” Christina responds. Lucy tells them it’s bedtime and ushers them out of the room. After the girls are upstairs, she asks Kevin what that was all about. Why did he overreact? “Livvie,” Kevin tells her, “Lucy…it’s hardly a secret that my daughter has a history with…dark things.” “No…and it’s not a secret what I feel she’s up to right now,” Lucy tells him, but adds she’s seen no evidence that Livvie is involved with that “thing.” “No…but she’s intimately involved with someone who’s fighting it,” Kevin tells Lucy. “Rafe,” Lucy replies. “Right,” Kevin says. “Rafe will keep Livvie safe…he knows how to do that,” Lucy assures him. “Rafe…the slayer…Rafe…whose whole world has been involved with darkness,” Kevin says. “You know…I’m part of that slayer stuff, too…and my whole world is not darkness,” Lucy counters. “It’s not just about protecting Livvie…it’s the marriage itself…I mean…what is it that attracted her to him in the first place?” Kevin asks. “I’m not quite sure where you’re going with this,” she replies. “Lucy…it may have looked like I’ve had my head in the sand…but I’m not blind…I know that Livvie forced this situation with Rafe…so what is it that attracted her…is it his connection to evil?” Kevin wonders. Lucy now admits she doesn’t know quite what to say…she tells him he already knows how she’s felt about this so-called marriage from the beginning. “Livvie’s an adult…she can do what she wants…besides, she hasn’t shown any signs of being involved with this,” Kevin argues. He admits he’s just worried about her track record. “I still think…it might be possible,” he wavers again. “OK,” Lucy admits, “it might…might…be possible.” Still, he admits that all he can do is stand back and let Livvie live her life…he just wonders how he can do that and ensure she’ll be safe. As Kate waits on the elevator at GH, Ian yells at her to hold the door. “Rushing off to another press conference?” Kate asks. He tells her he’s going home…then asks what she thinks of his press conference. “Actually…I thought you were pretty convincing,” Kate tells him. He admits it’s a start, and that some people are listening. “So…you’re hurrying home, huh?” she asks. “Yeah…one of the nurses saw my little boy with his nanny in the park,” Ian tells her. “This hour?” Kate questions. “It’s way past his bedtime…so I’m going to have a little word with her,” Ian tells Kate. “Uh…oh,” Kate responds. He tells her he won’t lose his temper. Suddenly, the elevator stops. “Oh great…elevator’s stuck again…happens all the time,” Ian remarks. He assures Kate they’ll get it going soon. “I’ve got to get out of here,” a panicked Kate declares as she starts pushing buttons. “Kate…Kate,” Ian calls and tries to calm her. He tries reassuring her that the problem will be fixed soon. Still panicky, Kate admits she’s claustrophobic. Ian instructs her to close her eyes. He then asks her to visualize herself in a large room overlooking the ocean, with a beautiful beach outside her panoramic bay window. He tells her there’s soft music playing…and dancing. He takes Kate into his arms and they dance slowly to the imaginary music. “I can’t believe I’m trapped in an elevator…and I’m dancing,” Kate tells him. “You’re not trapped in an elevator,” Ian tells her. He continues describing the beautiful scene to her. “Thank you,” Kate tells him. “No…thank you…you’re a wonderful dancer,” Ian replies. “I haven’t danced in a very long time,” Kate admits. “Me either,” Ian says as he continues to hold her. “You’re not a bad dancer yourself,” she tells him. “Eve taught me…she was a wonderful dancer…she loved to dance,” Ian admits. “So did Brendan,” Kate tells him, “I miss him more than I ever thought possible. The reason I got so mad at you for seeing me in the restaurant was…Brendan and I…we’re not together right now.” “I’m sorry,” Ian says. “But I still love him more than anything,” Kate adds. “What happened?” Ian wants to know. “It’s complicated…I’m an…incurable workaholic…I wasn’t there when he needed me and it hurt our relationship.” “Can you fix it?” Ian asks. “I would like nothing more than to fix it…but sometimes it’s not that easy,” she informs him. The elevator starts to move again. As they get off the elevator, Ian sees Danny’s nanny at the counter. “Carman,” Ian says, “what are you doing here? Where is Danny?” Rafe is staring at a picture of the Avatar on a laptop computer as Livvie sleeps on the sofa. She awakens and seduces him into the bedroom, where they make love. When Rafe gets up to get a glass of water, Livvie gloats. Frank was wrong, she tells herself. Rafe has forgotten about Alison. Now he belongs to her. Later, as Livvie sleeps, Rafe again has visions of Alison. He gets up and calls Ian, telling him to meet Rafe in the park…the Avatar has Alison! “Thanks, Frank…but it isn’t that far…you don’t have to take us home,” Alison tells him. He assures her it’s no problem…he can drive the two of them home right now. She tells him it’s sweet of him to offer, but they’ll be fine. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Yeah…positive,” Alison replies. He then tells her to have a nice night and to stay safe. Alison notices that Danny is looking tired…she heads off through the park pushing the stroller. Frank hangs around the Pizza Shack until she’s out of sight…then he follows them into the park. The shadow of Frank the man quickly converts to the shadow of a hooded Avatar. Alison stops for a moment to check on little Danny. She assures him they’re almost home. Suddenly, the shadow looms. “What do you want?” a frightened Alison asks. “I want you to do as you’re told,” the Avatar tells her. “Please…don’t do this…just let us go…please,” Alison begs as she stands near the edge of a steep cliff with Danny’s stroller beside her. “Alison,” Rafe yells as he moves up closer to them.

  • Wednesday, August 14- Marissa sits in Ricky’s apartment, listening as he tells her about Casey. He admits that Casey turned his life around. He tells her that Casey and Karen are very different…Casey was one of a kind. He then brings out a box of Casey’s clothing, and as Marissa rummages through them, he suggests she try them on. She does, and asks him what he thinks. “Casey,” he says aloud. “That’s incredible…but it’s not just the clothes…it’s everything.” Marissa feels less than comfortable with the comparison. “Your eyes,” he tells her, “you have Casey’s eyes.” Marissa thinks she’d better change back into her own clothing, but before she can do so, there’s a knock at the door. Ricky answers the door to Jamal, who admits he’s looking for Marissa. He looks over Ricky’s shoulder, and is stunned to see her standing there. As he enters the room, he wants to know what’s going on. Marissa tries to explain. She admits she thought she’d feel a little closer to her sister if she wore some of her stuff. Jamal tells them they don’t owe him any explanations…he’s glad she is finally able to open up to someone about her twin sister. He tells her it would make sense that she would turn to Ricky…the person who was closest to Casey. He tells them to keep doing what they’re doing as he prepares to leave. Marissa stops him. “You’re mad at me because I wouldn’t talk to you about Casey…and here I am with Ricky…in Casey’s clothes,” she tells him. He tells her that’s not it. “You are an idiot…OK…if you don’t get…that you’re the one that I’m crazy about,” Marissa tells him. Stunned, Jamal tells her it’s cool that she’s with Ricky. She jokes that she and Ricky are engaged, but Jamal only responds that he wishes her all the happiness in the world. She blasts him for refusing to understand…she likes him…and has since they first met. She thinks Jamal is afraid of getting hurt by her the way Alison hurt him. “Right,” he admits. She asks him to wait while she changes, but when she turns around…Jamal is gone. Marissa tells Ricky she’ll pick up her things later as she races after Jamal…still wearing Casey’s clothing. Rafe sizes up the situation at the cliff after calling Alison’s name. A frightened Alison takes a backward glance and realizes the peril. Ian and Kate rush up. Ian swears at the Avatar. “I warned you…not to interfere,” the Avatar tells them. “I thought you were supposed to be some kind of hero…why are you doing this?” Rafe yells. “To show all of you…what can happen if I’m disobeyed…this is your last warning,” the Avatar tells them before disappearing. Ian races to his son while threatening to kill the Avatar. Rafe instructs him to take his son and leave…it’s not safe there. As Ian and Kate depart with little Danny, Alison remains transfixed to the spot, still in shock from the encounter. Rafe pushes the baby carriage away and instructs Alison to follow him. Alison calls his name before losing her footing on the ledge. She falls before Rafe can reach her. She manages to hang onto a ledge several feet below the spot Rafe is lying as he tries to reach her. He yells at her to take his hand. She tells him she’s trying, but just then the ledge she’s perched on gives way and she slips further down the embankment. Both extend their arms to each other, but the space between them seems insurmountable. He tells her it’s OK…he won’t let her fall. “I’m not going to…let anything happen…to you…I promise,” Rafe tells her. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he yells at her, “Alison…I came back for you…now you come back for me.” Miraculously, their hands come close to touching. As he continues to coach her, the distance between them disappears, and he pulls her up to him. She races into his arms. She tells him she’s OK, but admits she shouldn’t be. “Rafe, I went over that cliff…I went over that cliff and you couldn’t get to me…you were trying to reach for me, but you couldn’t get to me…you couldn’t…but you did…this magic just came out of you…how did you do that?” she asks. “I don’t know,” he admits, “I just knew…I couldn’t let you fall.” “You said that…you came back for me,” Alison reminds him, “what do you mean…you came back…where did you come back from?” she questions. Rafe is suddenly very nervous. He thinks he must have meant he came back to the park because he realized the monster might hurt her and Ian’s baby. She tells him he came back for the two people the Avatar would use to get to him and Ian. Why did the Avatar want her? Alison questions. Why not Livvie? “Rafe…he knew,” Alison insists. “What do you want me to say?” a frustrated Rafe tells her. Alison knows what she wants him to say but doesn’t tell him…she wants him to say what’s in his heart…that she is the one he loves. She tells him she’ll be OK, and thanks him for saving her life. As she walks away, Rafe looks at his hand and wonders about the miracle that just happened. Ian searches the apartment as Kate returns from putting Danny to bed. Finally locating his keys, he asks if she can stay with Danny for awhile. She wants to know where he’s going. He tells her he’s going to find that thing and tear it to pieces. “No…I’m not going to let you,” she tells him. “He threatened my boy’s life, Kate!” Ian exclaims. She assures him Danny is fine now. She reminds him that he started this…the Avatar just gave him a final warning…she worries about what might happen if he goes after it now. “What do you want me to do? Sit here…and watch it get more powerful…is that what you’re asking me?” Ian inquires. She just wants him to calm down. He admits he can’t calm down…if he does he might see she’s right…he can’t accept that…he won’t let it win. “Dance with me,” Kate suddenly demands as he heads for the door. “What?” he turns to face her. She tells him it worked for her when she panicked in the elevator. He tells her this is a completely different thing. “No…it’s the same…I was out of my head…and you are, too,” she explains as she moves close to him. “Kate…I’m going to find this thing…and I’m going to kill it…no one’s going to stop me,” Ian replies. She grabs his face and gives him a passionate kiss. Ian is stunned. Kate apologizes, but tells him it was the only thing she could think of to calm him…dancing didn’t work. “Something worked,” he tells her. She says it’s good he’s calm now…she just doesn’t want him to go out and do something crazy…like try to slay a dragon. “Not tonight…no,” Ian admits. “Well…good…my work here is done,” Kate tells him as she prepares to leave. He tells her she doesn’t have to go. Kate insists she does. He offers to drive her home, but she doesn’t want him to wake up Danny for that. She tells him she’ll be fine. As she heads out the door, she tells him she’ll talk to him in the morning. A dumbfounded Ian picks up the picture of Eve and smiles. Meanwhile, Kate tells herself she can’t do this. Taking out her cellphone, she books herself a one-way flight to New York City. Karen walks up to the counter at the Pizza Shack and orders a small vegetarian pizza. She discusses Lancelot with the attendant, who tells her that maybe Lancelot isn’t the super hero everyone thought he was. Karen assures him that everyone’s experience with the shadowy figure is different. At that moment, Frank joins her at the counter. She asks him how he’s doing and remarks that he looks good. He tells her he appreciates the compliment and then asks how she’s doing. Karen wonders why he’s staring at her. He tells her he can’t help it…she always looks so beautiful. “I miss you, Karen,” he tells her, “and I still love you…that hasn’t changed…I don’t think it ever will.” Karen tells him she doesn’t know what to say…they’ve already talked about this. When she tries to explain again that she’s with Ricky, he tells her that he doubts it will last…he just wants her to know that he’s still there. She then wonders why he seems so different. He admits that he’s finally learning to say exactly what he feels. Then he suggests he might have a better shot with Karen if he were Lancelot. Karen grins. He asks why she still admires the avenger after everything Ian has said. She shares that her experience was different than Ian’s. “I’ll bet…you’d give anything to know who he really is,” Frank challenges. “I already do,” Karen responds, “he’s a quiet man…a good man…he’s been through a lot in life…a lost of disappointments…so much.” Frank is impressed. “Kind of makes it hard on the rest of us guys to look up to,” Frank tells her. Karen admits that when Lancelot helped her in the park that night, she felt a connection to him. “Yes…you did,” Frank slips. “Excuse me?” Karen asks. He corrects by telling her that he’s sure she did…and he’s sure Lancelot felt it too. Frank then gently kisses her forehead. “Who knows…maybe you’ll meet Lancelot again some time,” he tells her as he walks away. Out of Karen’s sight, Frank’s shadow again morphs into the Avatar’s. As Karen sits down at a table to wait on her order, she senses his presence. Aloud, she tells him she knows he’s there and asks him to show himself.

  • For additional PC episode descriptions, check under the daily recap section for recaps for the remaining Torn episodes.

    **The End**

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