Torn, July 1 -September 27, 2002

Torn Dvds #1-3, Torn #4, Torn #5, and Torn #6

Episode Descriptions:

Torn DVD #4  August 15- 29, 2002 
8/15, 8/16, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22, 8/23, 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29

  • Thursday, August 15- Chris is talking to himself in his cell when Frank drops by to visit. “Did you know that talking to yourself is a sure sign of mental instability, Ramsey,” Frank tells him. “Where have you been?” Chris asks. “Busy,” Frank replies. “Are the crowds still panting for my release?” Chris wants to know. “Actually…the crowds are beginning to shift their allegiances…time to use your get-out-of-jail-free card,” Frank tells him. Ramsey responds that he heard about Ian’s speech. Is Frank worried about that? Frank tells him that problem has been taken care of…but some damage was done. “You’re going to help me fix it,” Frank tells him. He then gives Chris his next instructions. Later on, Chris signs to collect his belongings as he prepares to leave the Port Charles jail. Doree ushers in some new inmates and then pauses in front of Chris. “Well, officer…are you here to see me off?” Chris asks her. She responds by asking him if martyrdom got boring. He tells her it was time for a nice hot shower…at home. He then asks if she busted half the town just now. “Seems your pal…Lancelot…totaled a…lab near the high school. We found these bozos wrapped up in a bow in the parking lot…while the lab went up in smoke,” Doree tells him. “Really…a bow…well, they say…presentation is everything,” Chris replies. “Well…I’m not sure your friend’s real motives are exactly snow white after all,” Doree volunteers, “it seems those gentlemen we just brought in swear he made off with about a million dollars.” “Good morning, Colleen,” Ian says as he checks his files at the counter. Kevin is standing there going over his records. Colleen asks Ian if he’s OK. Kevin tells him he looks like hell and wants to know if he got any sleep last night. “Not a lot…no,” Ian admits. Kevin grabs his arm and pulls him to the reception area to talk. Kevin wants to know if this has anything to do with Ian’s interview on the news last night. “The… creature…didn’t like some of my remarks,” Ian tells him. He then tells Kevin that the “thing” threatened Alison and his boy last night…it was a warning to him and Rafe to back off. “You…and Rafe?” Kevin asks. He tells Kevin that he and Rafe were working together. This thing wanted to prove it could get to them through the people they love. “But it didn’t choose…to intimidate Rafe’s wife…Livvie?” Kevin questions. “No…it was Alison…your daughter’s fine,” Ian responds. “That remains to be seen,” Kevin tells him as he rushes off to see his daughter. Livvie is surprised to see her father. He tells her he wants to check up on her…after what happened last night. She doesn’t know what he’s talking about. She assures him everything is fine. “You haven’t seen Rafe all morning?” Kevin inquires. “No,” she admits, “I guess he must have gone out before I got up this morning.” She tells him she knows Lucy has been filling his head with a bunch of nonsense about her and Rafe…it hasn’t made it easy for them…but really, she is fine. “We trust each other…and we love each other,” Livvie declares. “It’s an odd kind of trust, honey,” Kevin replies. “What are you saying?” she asks. “I’m saying that Rafe wasn’t here last night,” Kevin tells his daughter, “he was in the park…saving Alison Barrington’s life.” Livvie tells him he’s wrong. “I love you,” Kevin tells her, “but I’m not blind…and now is not the time to be lying.” “But I’m not lying,” she heatedly insists. He tells her he knows Rafe was with Alison last night. Livvie swears he was home with her…he must have gone to the park after she fell asleep. He tells her that Rafe is always going off somewhere else…and Alison is always in the center of it. Livvie becomes angry with him. He tells her he’s sorry…it hurts him to see her go through this. He tells her he doesn’t care what the real story between her and Rafe is, but she is married to a man who has issues about whether he’s in love with her. “Rafe is clearly committed to another woman,” Kevin insists. He tells her she has had problems ever since she came to Port Charles. He thinks that Caleb affected her more than she ever realized. He tells her she’s now too close to the people connected to this “thing” that’s come to town. He wants her to be safe and happy…she won’t be as long as she’s here with Rafe. He wants her to come home with him. She tells him “no.” Livvie insists this is the life she chose…this is the life she will live…with Rafe. Ian sits down besides his wife’s grave. “It’s times like these when I need you the most,” he tells her as he presents her a red rose. He still forgets sometimes. When he reaches for her, there’s nothing there but memories. He tells her that Danny is doing so many things…he’s now close to walking. She’s supposed to be there for that. “I’ve got one hell of a fight in front of me…and I’m more alone than ever.” He tells her that if she were here, he knows she could come up with a scheme to get rid of the Avatar. “He could have taken our son today…I have to tell you…if that happened…that would have been the end of it…I couldn’t bear losing both of you…anyway…my point is…if you’re listening to this…if you’re not too busy playing a harp up there…I could use some heavenly advice.” “Rafe,” Lucy calls as she strolls up to him in the park. “I’m here…I came as soon as you called…what’s going on?” she asks. He tells her he couldn’t sleep at all last night…he needs the answers to some things, and he has a feeling she’s the one who can help him. “I want to know everything that happened to me…before I lost my memory…I mean…did I have any powers…I mean like…special powers?” he asks. Lucy wants to know why he’s asking. “I did something last night that I shouldn’t have been able to do,” an agitated Rafe tells her, “and I guess what I’m asking is…who was I…what was I?” She ushers him over to a park bench. She wants to know what he meant by special powers. He explains what happened to Alison the night before, but is frustrated by the miracle which enabled him to save her. Lucy thinks it’s time to tell him more about why he came to Port Charles. She tells him he came there to help her…he was, sort of, her “guardian angel.” “And I protected you?” Rafe asks. She tells him there was more to it than that. She explains how he once put a broken mirror back together. “So, cousin…I would say…yes…you do have special powers,” Lucy tells him. “How?” he asks. She tries to explain, but he gets flustered and more confused. He tells her she makes him sound like the second coming or something. “Would that be so bad?” Lucy questions. An agitated Rafe raises his voice. Lucy raises hers as well. He tells her that all he remembers is training for years to be a slayer…that wouldn’t explain what happened last night. “It’s because you love her…you’re in love with Alison…Alison is your destiny,” she then tells him, “don’t you see…that’s why you came back here all that way.” “Back from where?” Rafe asks. “From heaven,” Lucy tells him. He first looks at her like she’s just grown a second head…then he starts to laugh. “What are you saying…I’m dead?” The smile quickly leaves his face. “You’re not…exactly dead,” Lucy searches for the right answer. He tells her that being an angel means “dead.” “This is your explanation for what happened…this is who you think I am?” he queries as his exasperation builds. He’s suddenly angry and frustrated with Lucy. He tells her he’s standing there in front of her…he’s just as alive as she is. Lucy apologizes for upsetting him. She wants him to forget this for awhile…truthfully, she doesn’t know what he came back as. “I am not a monster…I’m not an angel…I’m just flesh and blood and bone…and human,” he tells her. She tries again to calm him…but fails. “You’re all crazy…Livvie was right,” he tells Lucy. “Livvie?” Lucy asks, “Livvie was right about what?” “These stories you’re telling me…you want me to be with Alison,” he yells. She asks him to explain, but he won’t allow any more explanations. “Whatever it is that you’re selling…I ain’t buying,” Rafe tells her. Lucy tells him again that she’s sorry and wants him to forget what she said. He tells her he’ll forget it all right…he’ll forget her and everyone else. He yells that everyone has their own version of who he is. He thought she’d be different, but he was wrong. “I am different,” Lucy insists as he walks away. He doesn’t venture too far. “To hell with all of you…and all of your …versions of me,” he mumbles as he sits down on a rock to think. He still insists Livvie was right. The many conversations of the three women in his life echo through his head. He shakes his head again as he recounts Lucy’s explanation. “No way in hell,” he tells himself. Alison continues to think about Rafe as she sits at the Pizza Shack. Jack calls her name. He wants to know if she’s all right. She tells him she got his message to meet him there. He brings up the subject of kissing her. She corrects him to say they kissed each other. It was both of them…not just him. She’s had all these weird things going on lately…she just wants her friend back. He apologizes for what happened, saying that he, too, values their friendship. Can they go back and pretend what happened didn’t? She agrees to that. Then she tells him about her eventful night in the park and how, somehow, Rafe had saved her. After hearing her story, Jack is as stumped as she is for an explanation. She tells him it is all too much. She is just so tired of feeling this way. She believes that somebody up there…or down there…is trying to torture her. “Because they’re watching every single move that I make and…almost putting me in a situation with Rafe…here…I’m going to put you with Rafe…now I’m going to take you away from Rafe…like this seesaw…back and forth,” Alison complains. She wants a change in her life. Jack instructs her to hit delete and erase Rafe from her mind. She mentally attempts that…then tells Jack that it’s done. He tells her that calls for a celebration and gets up to order another pizza. The attendant at the counter tells him he just heard about Jack’s brother. He was up to something weird in the park. They walk over to watch, and Ian joins them. Chris has a crowd gathered around him. He wants to give them some good news…Lancelot has authorized him to give away a million dollars to the group. Ian, Jack, and Alison watch in disbelief as Chris tosses bunches of bills into the air. The crowd scrambles to retrieve them. From the hiding place where he watches, Frank says aloud, “and the crowd cried out…Lancelot.” He laughs as his shadow once more changes from that of a man to the hooded shroud of the Avatar.
  • Friday, August 16- Karen can’t understand Ricky not being interested in Chris Ramsey giving away a million dollars. He tells her that if Chris wanted to donate money, there’s a lot less public ways to go about it. She tells him that giving it to some foundation would result in half of it going into overhead. “It’s another grand stand play…all right,” Ricky insists. Karen wants to know if he’s jealous. He tells her he doesn’t think so…but opts to turn on the TV so she can watch the news coverage at the park. She tells him he is jealous. He responds that he wants to make her happy…by giving her all Lancelot…all the time. He accuses Karen of spending all her time talking about the shadowy figure. She admits he’s right. She puts her arm around him and kisses him on the cheek. Ricky’s attention is suddenly drawn to Marissa. Karen turns off the TV. She attributes her behavior to temporary insanity, but now she’s prepared to devote her full attention to Ricky. Grabbing his sunglasses, Ricky now wants to go to the park. Karen checks her appearance in the mirror as she recalls Lancelot rescuing her. “Why can’t I get you out of my mind…who are you?” Karen says to herself. Kevin walks into the lighthouse and tosses his keys on the table. Lucy greets him…then notices that something’s wrong. He tells her he just came from Livvie’s. “Oh great…so what’s going on over…” She catches herself and apologizes to him. He tells her it’s OK…it seems like it’s always something with Livvie lately. He then tells her that Rafe could answer a few questions. Lucy asks why. He tells her about Rafe rescuing Alison in the park. Lucy admits she already knew…Rafe told her. “He told you…but he didn’t tell his wife?” Kevin asks. She tells him that they both know why. Kevin tells her it doesn’t matter what they both think about it…Livvie believes her marriage is real. He wants to know what Rafe believes. Lucy searches for the correct words. “I’m not exactly sure…he’s not exactly sure…what he believes anymore,” Lucy replies. She told him some things about his past…where he came from. “And,” Kevin urges. “And…he didn’t take it…real well,” Lucy says. Kevin wants to know what kind of “things” she talked to Rafe about. She mentions Alison’s name, and tells him how Alison was saved from an almost impossible situation by Rafe. She reminds him of the mirror that Rafe fixed. She tries to explain to her husband that these events are similar. Kevin wants to know how Rafe could have willed Alison up to him. She almost tells him, but thinks better of it. Instead, she tells Kevin that Rafe is special and unique…she’s a slayer but she can’t do those things. He just needs to remember his past and who he is. “And who he really loves,” Kevin volunteers. Lucy agrees, but assures him that she does want Livvie to be happy. “I don’t think we can tell Rafe how to feel,” Lucy tells him, “we can’t do that, can we?” He tells Lucy that if Rafe doesn’t love his daughter, he doesn’t deserve her…baby or no baby. Lucy agrees with him. “Well…what are we going to do about it?” Kevin asks. She reminds him that he told her not to interfere in Livvie’s life…she’s trying very hard to do that. Lucy doesn’t think it’s within their power to fix this. Chris continues to dole out cash to the gathered masses that surround him in the park. “Hard to say ’no’ to free cash,” Jack reminds Ian and Alison. Chris ensures the crowd knows that Lancelot is behind this good deed. Ian is on the verge of attacking Chris, but Jack stops him. Chris then calls for his reporter…Miranda. “Marissa,” she corrects him again. He tells her this donation is about peace and security for Port Charles. Ian, unable to contain his wrath any further, grabs Chris and pushes him to the ground. “Do you have any idea what you’re letting loose?” he yells. “This thing tried to hurt my son…now if you don’t call it off…I’m going to hurt you.” Jack succeeds in pulling Ian off of his brother. Chris simply uses the attack to bolster Lancelot’s credibility. He accuses Ian of not being able to take it because he’s not the top hero anymore. As Marissa takes notes, Alison and Ian present their side of the story from the night before. Chris tells Ian that Lancelot only punishes bad people…Lancelot loves the town and its people. He continues to pitch out cash to the crowds. Ian tells Jack and Alison he won’t stand there and listen to that. He has to do something, he tells them as he walks away. They race to catch up with him. Jamal stands on the crowd’s fringe and sees Marissa asking questions. Marissa spots him just as he’s walking away. “Jamal,” she calls as she makes her way through the crowd. She finally catches up with him and asks him what’s wrong. He tells her he just figured she was working…he didn’t want to disturb her. He tells her that sticking around there isn’t his thing, and suggests she should get back…she doesn’t want to miss out on a hot story. She informs him she already has her story. “It’s you I don’t get,” she admits. She wants to know if he’s still upset with her because she talked to Ricky. “Get this picture…would you…it’s Casey and Ricky that had the connection…Marissa is hung up on a hard-head, bike racing guy with a cute butt…who likes me as much as I like him but won’t admit it.” Jamal smiles. “A cute butt, huh?” he asks. “Yeah…it’s too bad he’s a real…jerk,” she answers. “Yeah…this guy sounds pretty hard to convince, doesn’t he?” Jamal asks. She tells him to try “impossible.” He tells her that sometimes even the biggest jerks know when to say they’re sorry. They passionately kiss as Marissa allows her papers and pen to drop to the ground…lost in the moment with Jamal. A stunned Ricky stands there and watches them. Meanwhile, Karen walks up to the crowd where Chris is standing. As he continues to throw out money, Karen looks for Lancelot. She feels certain he wouldn’t miss this. Doree and another officer push their way through the crowd to reach Chris. She informs him he’s giving away stolen drug money, and tells him the game is over. He tells her it’s not over yet…he still has money to dispense…unless she plans to arrest him again. The handcuffs go back on…and Chris is, once again, led off to jail. Rafe goes back to the area where he remembers first waking up in this town. He tries hard to remember anything before waking up in those woods. He can remember events after that point clearly. He had a life before this…a life that made sense. “If I were an angel…I’d be dead…but I’m not dead…I’m alive,” he tells himself. He looks up, and declares that there has to be an answer. “I don’t know what it is, but there’s got to be an answer,” he yells. He tries to concentrate…what is he there for? He then recalls the hospital scene and finding out the baby was OK. “I have a child on the way,” Rafe says aloud, “and if I’m an angel…then I can’t be alive…then if I’m not alive…then I can’t make life,” he tells himself. He has to stop wasting so much time thinking about the past…what’s lost is lost…it’s time to move on. “Right now…I start living for now…I know who I am…I know what I need to be doing…it is time for me to forget about Alison…it’s time for me to start protecting Livvie…and making this town safe for our child.” “Frank,” Livvie calls as she approaches him in the woods. “Were you looking for me, Livvie?” Frank asks. “Yes,” she replies. “And no…truth is, you’ve misplaced your husband again,” he tells her. She tells him she heard about Rafe saving Alison. “Oh…film at eleven,” he tells her. “Why are you trying to test me? I’ve done everything that you asked. I’ve kept your secrets…I’ve told you everything you wanted to know about Rafe,” Livvie insists. “All true,” Frank responds. “Then why are you doing this to me?” Livvie now yells at him, “you’re deliberately trying to ruin my marriage.” “Your marriage is meaningless,” Frank tells her. “Not to me,” Livvie replies. “Handle your husband and there would have been no reason for me to use my powers to make him understand,” Frank says. “Understand what?” Livvie inquires. “Either Rafe leaves me be…or there will be consequences,” he warns Livvie. “What consequences?” Livvie asks, her tears flowing freely now. “It was so easy to force him to use precious energy when Alison was ready to fall from the cliff…there was so much…passion in him…if I didn’t know better…I would have thought…she is his wife,” Frank’s words stab Livvie. “Alison is not the one he loves…he chose me,” Livvie argues. “But he chose without knowing…the truth…without memories,” Frank reminds her. “Why do you keep torturing me?” Livvie cries, “do you have to ruin my love because you lost your own?” She fails to notice the shadow until it’s too late. The Avatar is in control now…and angry at her. Daylight gives way to darkness and surrounds her. Thunder and lightning appear. Livvie faces the wrath of the Avatar. “You have forgotten…what I am,” he tells her, “let me remind you.” Livvie now screams for him to stay away. “You have no control here…and I’ll do as I want,” the Avatar tells her. He approaches her, still threatening. She screams at him, “This is your baby…don’t you understand!” She then screams “this is not your baby!” as she spies Ian, Jack, and Alison approaching her. The Avatar disappears and Ian goes after it. Jack and Alison stop to check on Livvie. Ian is joined by Rafe as he yells at the Avatar and again calls it a coward. Rafe wants to know what happened…did anyone get hurt? Ian tells him Livvie is all right while Rafe rushes to her side. A hurt Alison looks on as Rafe embraces his wife. Livvie just wants Rafe to hold her. He tells her he’s not going anywhere. Alison prepares to walk away, but Jack has something to say to his ex. “So, Livvie…why did you tell the Avatar it wasn’t his child?” Jack asks her. “What?” Rafe asks him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Livvie lies. Jack insists that she does. When he came running in, he knows that’s what he heard her say. Alison admits she heard the same thing. “Why would you feel the need to tell him it wasn’t his child?” Jack questions her again. Livvie stares at Rafe as she searches for an answer. Meanwhile, Karen is wandering around the park…convinced she feels Lancelot’s presence. “Karen,” the Avatar calls to her. She tries to walk away, but he gently reaches for her. “No…stay,” he tells her as he strokes her arm. Karen smiles. “I knew you’d be here,” she tells him. He asks her to go with him. Karen complies as lightning brightens the nighttime sky. “Karen,” Ricky yells at her as she disappears after another bolt of lightning strikes.

  • Monday, August 19- “Livvie, why did you say it wasn’t the Avatar’s child?” Jack asks. “What?” Rafe questions. Livvie starts to tell him she doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but Jack cuts in. “No…no…when we came running in…that’s what you were saying,” Jack tells her. Alison confirms it. “Why would you say something like that?” Rafe asks. “Because that monster was after my baby, Rafe…he was after our baby,” she tearfully tells him, “he just reached out for my stomach…he thought he could have it.” “Oh, come on…that’s not what I saw when we…” Jack continues, but Rafe interrupts him. “It doesn’t matter what you saw…Livvie doesn’t have to defend herself to you…all right,” Rafe tells Jack. “We’re not accusing her of…” Alison tells him, but he interrupts her as well. “Just leave her alone, please,” Rafe tells her. Alison and Jack exchange glances while Rafe continues to soothe Livvie. Alison is shattered as Rafe asks Livvie if she’s sure she and the baby are OK. Livvie plays up to her audience by telling Rafe that she feels really safe now that he’s there for her. Jack notices the look on Alison’s face and recommends that they leave. “Thanks…both of you…for taking care of my wife,” Rafe coldly tells them. “I just want to go home with my husband, don’t you understand,” Livvie pointedly tells Alison. “I think she understands,” Rafe tells Livvie. Then Rafe escorts her out of there as Jack and Alison look on. Alison struggles to hold back her tears. “Did you see the way that he treated me?” she asks Jack, “it’s like we were total strangers.” “Actually, it was more like he was sending you a message,” Jack tells her, “that he’s out of your life…and the sooner you believe that…the better off you’re going to be, Alison.” She tells him it’s so hard to see him look at Livvie the way he used to look at her. “It’s like my life is flashing before my eyes but somebody else is living it,” she tells Jack. He tells her she can’t keep torturing herself. She thinks now that she’s lost Rafe for good. Back at their condo, Livvie lounges on the sofa and allows Rafe to take care of her. He tells her that things have become a lot clearer for him lately. He then surprises her by telling her that the present…and the future…are what’s important to him now. He knows what he has to do…drive the Avatar out of town for the sake of his family. He tells her he thinks he’s really ready to put the past behind him…and anything…and anyone…that goes with that. Livvie is stunned, but immensely happy with his decision. They kiss. Rafe reminds her again that this baby changes everything for them. There’s no way he’ll ever let the Avatar hurt her…or his child. As they embrace, Livvie remembers her last encounter with the Avatar…and the reminder she received from the true father of her baby. Alison tells Jack she’s had it, as they walk into her home. He tells her he’s heard that before. She still can’t get over the way Rafe looked at her…like she was a complete stranger. “That man once had so much love for me that it totally took my breath away, and now there’s…nothing,” she remarks. Jack tells her he thinks Rafe is a complete jerk. Alison then apologizes to him. She had promised she wouldn’t unload on him about Rafe anymore. He tells her to unload and complain all she wants. They decide to unload on each other about their respective ex’s. Alison tells Jack that Lucy is always talking about taking new directions, and signs from the universe. Maybe they should do that. Alison would absolutely love it if a sign from the universe would come down right now and hit her in the head. A big neon sign would be great. Jack’s cellphone rings and he answers it. When he finishes his conversation, he tells Alison that that was the universe…he thinks their luck might have changed. He tells her the magazine he’d applied with just called. They have a gig. They didn’t just like the pictures he took…they liked the girl in them. The magazine wants Alison to be his model. Alison insists she’s not a model and tries to decline the offer. “Did I tell you…that it shoots in Bermuda?” Jack baits her. “Oh my God…I’m your girl…it’s me,” Alison then tells him. Jack suggests they leave all this doom and gloom behind and have some fun in the sun. They embrace excitedly and then kiss. Jack apologizes once more. She tells him she thinks it happened because they were so excited about the trip. She thinks they got the sign from the universe they wanted…a brand new chance for both of them. Her cellphone then rings. “That’s probably the universe again,” she tells Jack before answering it. Jack listens as she declines Mary’s request to work some extra shifts at the Recovery Room. A smitten Jack remembers again the kiss they just shared. Jamal and Marissa are making out on a blanket in the park when a frantic Ricky interrupts them. He apologizes…then tells them Lancelot has Karen. He tried to follow them, but they just vanished. “That freak’s got her…and I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt her,” Ricky continues. Jamal wants to know how all this went down. Ricky informs him that the creep had his paws all over her…then he just disappeared with her. Marissa interrupts him. She tells them this doesn’t sound like Lancelot’s usual M.O. “It’s not Karen’s usual M.O. either,” Ricky explains. Ricky tells them his girlfriend keeps talking about Lancelot like they have some special bond. Marissa sees a story angle and immediately clicks into reporter mode. She turns on a tape recorder but Ricky angrily tells her to shut it off. Ricky then tells them Karen had the feeling Lancelot wanted to say something to her when he rescued her that one time before. Marissa then suggests that Lancelot has fallen in love with Karen. This angers Ricky. He tells her she’s getting off on this because she wants some kind of sleazy story. He yells that Karen is his girl, and this creep has her…God knows where. “Are you going to help me find her…or what?” Ricky yells at them. They agree to help him search the park. Later, they stop. There’s still no sign of Karen. Jamal assures Ricky they will find her. Marissa tells Ricky that when Karen is found, she wants the exclusive interview. Ricky once again becomes irritated and angry with her. He yells at Marissa to leave, but Jamal intercedes. She suggests that Karen might be the one person who has seen Lancelot beneath the shroud. “Beneath the shroud,” Marissa says aloud, visualizing her next headline. Ricky isn’t impressed. “Why couldn’t he have just taken…you,” Ricky yells at her. “Just calm down, Ricky…because we know that Lancelot does not hurt women…and because of this connection that they possibly have…hurting Karen is the last thing he would do,” Marissa tells him. He tells her she has no idea what this creep might do…he’s crazy…he’s not a hero…he’s not a man. A still agitated Ricky leaves them and resumes the search for Karen on his own. Karen steps inside a lakeside shack on the park’s edge…the Avatar’s newest lair. “I hoped I’d see you again…to thank you,” she nervously tells the shrouded figure. “Do you remember me?” she then asks. He raises a gloved hand and touches her hair. “I won’t hurt you…I’ll never hurt you,” the Avatar promises her. Karen tells him she knows she should run…and she should be scared to death…but somehow, she feels safe with him. She tells him she wants to see his face as she raises her hand to him. “No,” he tells her as he gently takes hold of her hand. “You usually help people…then vanish into the night…no one gets close to you…so why did you bring me here with you?” she asks. “Beautiful,” he tells her as he caresses her face, “you’re so beautiful…Karen.” Karen is surprised he knows her name. She looks at the wall, now covered with newspaper clippings, and tells him he’s done the most amazing things. She tells him he’s had the courage to stand up for those who need him. “I’ve never known anyone like you,” she praises him, “and yet…I feel like…I’ve known you forever.” She moves toward him and he is ready to embrace her, but reality sets in as she hears Ricky call her name. She tells him she should go…Ricky must be looking for her. Karen promises the Avatar she won’t let Ricky find him. She then tells him she doesn’t want anything to happen to him…but she has to go. Jamal and Marissa catch up with Ricky as they all search for Karen. Marissa sees her first as Karen walks toward them. A relieved Ricky embraces his girlfriend…then asks what happened. Marissa, notepad in hand, asks Karen if she got a good look at Lancelot’s face…does she know who he is? Karen tells Marissa she didn’t see his face. Marissa wants more details, but a newly agitated Ricky tells her to back off. As she continues to question Karen, Ricky gives Jamal an exasperated look. Jamal picks Marissa up and carts her away, while she continues to belt out questions. Karen tells Ricky she’s sorry he was worried. Ricky insists he’ll kill that creep if he ever lays hands on Karen again. Karen tells him Lancelot didn’t hurt her…he couldn’t. “What do you mean…he couldn’t?” Ricky asks. “It’s…just not him,” Karen replies. She had the feeling he was protective…kind. Ricky still would like to drop-kick his butt out of town. He starts out to look for Lancelot, but Karen stops him. She begs him to just take her home. As they move away from the area, Avatar Frank stands at the door of his lair. “Soon, Karen…you’ll be mine again soon.”

  • Tuesday, August 20- “Colleen…can you give these papers to Mrs. Barrington after her meeting…I have a plane to catch,” Kate asks. Suitcase in hand, Kate is prepared to make her flight…but Ian stops her on her way to the elevator. “What…are you going somewhere?” he asks. She tells him she is…she just quit her job…she’s going back to New York. “Why?” Ian wants to know. He wonders if she had another run-in with the Avatar. She tells him it’s nothing supernatural, but when he presses for more information, she tells him it’s personal. He reminds her they’re friends. She wants him to leave it alone. “I’m sorry…I’m leaving because of you,” she confesses. “You’re leaving…because of me…I’m sorry to hear that,” Ian tells her as he ushers her over to the visitor’s lounge to talk. He wonders if it was because of the kiss. She tells him he doesn’t understand. “If kissing you was awkward…talking about it is even worse,” she admits. “Awkward?” Ian is confused. “We’re friends here,” he reminds her. He tells her if she wants to go to New York…God speed…but don’t let it be because of a kiss. She insists it’s not just that. “It’s a small town, Ian,” she then says. He knows it’s a small town. She tells him that, although she and Brendan aren’t together anymore…they are still very much involved. “OK…so you don’t trust me anymore?” Ian asks. “No…I don’t trust myself,” Kate admits. She loves Brendan and that will never change. “Lucky man,” Ian admits. She tells him she must try to get back what they once had. “You believe in forever…do you?” Ian asks. She tells him she’s sure trying…how about him? “What do you mean…after Eve…left?” he asks. “It’s hard when you lose someone you love,” Kate sympathizes. He tells her he doesn’t believe you ever really lose them. “I’m going to miss you,” Kate smiles, “reminding me how lucky I am to have found love.” She thanks him for everything…he’s been a real friend. “I’ll miss you,” Ian admits. They embrace. She steps on the elevator and, as Ian stands and sadly watches, the elevator door closes. Alison is enjoying her cup of coffee when the doorbell rings. It’s Lucy. She tells Alison she was just out and about, and decided to stop in and see what’s going on. “What’s wrong?” Alison asks. “Nothing…am I that obvious?” Lucy wants to know, “don’t answer that question…I need to make a teeny, tiny little confession.” “OK…that doesn’t sound good,” Alison replies. “See…what happened was…I was just casually talking to Rafe…we were chatting and I…sorta told him where he’s from,” Lucy confesses. “Europe?” Alison queries, hopefully. “To the north…maybe higher up…like maybe I told him…heaven…like…oh Alison…I told Rafe he’s an angel,” Lucy finishes. “I can’t…believe…that you told him he was an angel…he must have freaked out!” Alison responds. Actually…no…no…no…yeah, he did,” Lucy admits, “I’m actually…not sure whether he’s still speaking to me or not.” “Lucy…I never told him about his…heavenly connection because I thought he couldn’t handle it…he’s got a lot of stuff going on right now,” Alison scolds. “You’re right…and if it’s any consolation…I think he just thinks I’m crazy. I think…this was supposed to happen…maybe it was supposed to slip out of my mouth…and maybe the universe meant…” Lucy rambles on. “Don’t blame it on the universe,” Alison tells her. Lucy thinks what she said might jog Rafe’s memory. “No…nothing is going to jog his memory about anything…he is with Livvie now,” Alison heatedly admits. She tells Lucy that Rafe is trying to move on with his life…and she is trying to do the same. She then confesses she’s going to Bermuda…with Jack. Lucy is stunned. “Are you out of your mind…you love Rafe…he loves you…you’re soul mates,” Lucy insists. “My soul mate…is with Livvie…and they’re expecting a child…my soul mate is otherwise engaged…they’re not just engaged…they’re married,” Alison explains. Lucy tells Alison that Jack is her rebound guy. Ali insists she and Jack are just friends. She explains to Lucy that she’s Jack’s model for a photo shoot. She is going to Bermuda to have some fun. Lucy wants her to admit she’s going to forget about Rafe for a minute. Alison confesses she wants to forget Rafe forever…she just can’t care about him anymore. Lucy realizes how hard this is for Alison, but insists that Ali not give up on Rafe. Alison tells her that Rafe gave up on her…having him married to Livvie should have been her first clue. Lucy insists that happened because Livvie manipulated him. She still believes that Rafe’s heart will lead him back to Alison. “No,” Ali tells her. “He’s starting to connect everything,” Lucy assures her. He came back to earth for her. Alison doesn’t really think God would be that cruel…to send back the love of her life and have him marry her enemy. Lucy reminds her that Rafe is still the love of her life…she wants Alison to keep fighting. “We don’t have that anymore,” Alison sadly informs her. Livvie snagged him…now they are married. She’s going to Bermuda…end of discussion. “You can’t…I can feel it…this is just the start of all the good stuff…it’s the beginning again,” Lucy insists. Alison tells her not to do that…she doesn’t need any more false hope. Whenever she gets any…it explodes in her face. It’s very tiring…and it hurts. “I’m going to Bermuda…with Jack,” Alison insists. But Lucy knows she still loves Rafe. “Love isn’t everything…all the time,” Alison tells her. “No…don’t say it…love is everything…love is all we have…you know that…deep down,” Lucy tells her. “All I know…is that my heart is breaking…and I can’t do this anymore,” Alison tells her, “please don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” “The toilet doesn’t flush…and it’s filthy…and…” Chris complains to Doree as she visits him at his cell. Ramsey’s complaints are interrupted by the appearance of Andy with a visitor…Kevin. “Sorry, it’s not Barbara Walters, Chris…just me,” Kevin tells him. “How disappointing…what are you doing here?” Chris asks. In light of your theatrics with Lancelot, I’ve been asked to give you a psychiatric evaluation,” Kevin responds. “I have my own opinion of you, Chris, but let’s just make it official. When you first met Lancelot…why were you so drawn to help him?” Kevin asks. “Let’s see…there was the money…and the power…that’s pretty much it…I’m not crazy…I’m just being me,” Ramsey laughs. “Did Lancelot tell you what to say? Did you feel compelled to help him?” Kevin continues. “Compelled…look…stop trying to put me in the loony bin…just listen to my offer,” Chris responds, “I think the cops should work alongside Lancelot.” “We’re supposed to work with a caped, hooded criminal?” Andy asks. “You can call him what you want…but he gets results,” Chris insists. Ramsey recounts the many improvements Port Charles has had since Lancelot’s arrival. Even the national newspapers are focusing on this town. Kevin insists that they’re just waiting for something bad to happen. They can’t have a vigilante doling out justice anyway he wants. “Imagine what ole Lance could do if he’s working alongside…PC’s finest?” Chris insists. Kevin wants to know what Lancelot wants in return. Chris tells them he wants nothing…except to remain anonymous. Andy and Doree vehemently resist Chris’s idea. Andy still insists Chris divulge Lancelot’s true identity. “Don’t answer that, Chris,” an older gentleman outside the bars instructs Ramsey. Chris introduces him as his attorney. The man promptly serves papers on Doree and Andy. Chris is suing each of them for false arrest to the tune of a million dollars apiece. Chris and his attorney are willing to make this all go away…if the PCPD will work with Lancelot. The attorney hands Doree and Andy a copy of his speech for a press conference he’s holding later. Andy is incensed. He insists they won’t be backed into a corner like this. Kevin pulls Andy aside and suggests they go along with Chris’ request. Working with Lancelot might get them closer to finding out who he is. A reluctant Andy concurs. He tells the group Chris will be released in a few hours…and they will go over terms for the police to work with Lancelot. “We will arrive in two days and start shooting right away,” Jack tells the person on the other end of the line. He’s sorting through brochures and a picture of Alison as he talks. Rafe walks up to the counter of the Pizza Shack, but Jack is unaware of him being there until he gathers up his belongings and steps up to the counter beside Rafe. “Hey, Jack,” Rafe greets him. Jack tries to engage in small talk. “Are you taking a big trip?” Rafe asks, noticing the brochure. Jack tells him he’s going to Bermuda. He holds the photo and brochures behind him as he continues his conversation with Rafe. Rafe tells him that’s nice…he hopes Jack isn’t going alone. Jack confesses he’s going with his model, and he’s planning on having the time of his life. After some discussion about fighting the Avatar, Rafe tells Jack that fighting evil is in his blood. “Fighting evil is?” Jack asks. “Yeah…you’ve had your encounters with evil yourself, so…” Rafe responds. “Tangling with Caleb was no party…but I wish you luck,” Jack says as he prepares to leave. He collides with another customer and drops all the papers he’s carrying. Rafe stoops to help him pick up the items and sees the photo of Alison. “This is your model?” he asks Jack, “why didn’t you want to tell me that Alison is the one going to Bermuda with you?” “I didn’t tell you Alison was coming with me to Bermuda because…I didn’t want you showing up and messing with her head,” Jack tells him. “I wouldn’t do that…you know…she’s very vulnerable now,” Rafe tells him. “Well…I wonder why that is, Rafe?” Jack replies. “Right now Ali needs to move on and have some fun…and most of all…put you behind her…do you have a problem with that?” Jack asks. “No,” Rafe shakes his head, “I have no right to her.” “You sure don’t,” Jack agrees. “Right…just take care of her…OK,” Rafe tells him. “I will,” Jack promises, “and good luck…fighting Lancelot.” Rafe just wants to concentrate on the business at hand…he needs to find the creature’s weakness. “It’s too bad that avatars don’t have a talisman…you know that’s what finally did Caleb in,” Jack says before he walks away. Rafe sits down and calls Ian. He tells his partner he thinks he’s found a way to catch an avatar. Kevin is signing himself out at the police station when Lucy joins him. He wonders what she’s doing there. She tells him she can’t stay away from him. She suggests they go have some coffee…or lunch…or…” He asks her how her day went. She tells him it was OK…but she’s trying to remember a name…and is having a lot of trouble with it. “I hate that,” Kevin admits. “So…you’re going to help me to remember,” she tells him. “Those two girls…remember…Amy and Paige…came to the house…and they had this guy with them…it was like their boss guy or something…what was his name?” Kevin thinks for just a moment. “Ed…Ed was his name,” Kevin replies. “I think you’re right…see, I knew you’d know that,” Lucy smiles. Kevin tells her he has to see Andy for a few minutes…then they’ll go get coffee. He kisses his wife. “Ed…Ed huh…OK, listen Ed…I think it’s time that the two of us met…because I want to get some answers from you…why is Rafe back in Port Charles? Why did he lose his memory…and how the heck are we going to get him back with Alison?” “I came as fast as I could,” Ian tells Rafe as he joins him at the Pizza Shack. Rafe tells him he sounded a little down when Rafe talked to him earlier. Ian tells him he just said goodbye to a friend. “I know how that feels,” Rafe replies. He goes on to tell Ian that Jack’s mention of a talisman reminded him of something. “The Avatar has never been destroyed…it’s traveled from host…to host…to host…what does it need to be…the Avatar?” “I don’t know…the shroud?” Ian guesses. “Right,” Rafe replies, “I’ve got to get a hold of that shroud.” Alison answers the door to Jack. She tells him she can’t wait to get away from this place as fast as she possibly can. He shows her a brochure of the place they’ll be staying at. She’s very impressed. She hopes her room will be as nice as the one on the brochure. “Your room will look just like that…actually…our condo,” Jack tells her, “we’re sorta…staying together.”

Wednesday, August 21- Jamal meets Marissa in her hotel room. “Hey…what’s going on?” he asks. She had told him to come over…then the phone went dead. Jamal was concerned. Marissa admits that she hung up the phone. He wants to know why. She then tells him she has a surprise for him. She wants him to take a good look at her. “What’s different?” she wants to know. As he continues to look puzzled, she asks him to guess. “I don’t know,” a frustrated Jamal admits. “You are looking at the new star reporter for the Port Charles Herald,” Marissa excitedly tells him. A happy Jamal picks her up and twirls her. “So…here I have this great job…and the last thing I want to do…is work,” she confesses. “Huh…how did that happen?” he asks. “Somehow…there’s this guy who really gets to me,” she tells him as he gently strokes her hair. “Wanna know what got to me?” Jamal asks. She hopes it’s her. He tells her she stopped working on a fat story the other day…a career-making story…to come looking for him. She admits it surprised her, too. She had been so focused on getting her career started that she hadn’t given much time to dating. “Something about you…was different…from the beginning,” she tells him, “all I know is…I couldn’t let you walk away…I didn’t want to blow it.” “Well…you didn’t,” he tells her. He was afraid that he’d blown it. “I finally realized that you…liked me a little, too…maybe,” Marissa smiles. “Well…I like you more than a little,” Jamal confesses, “and you know that…it just felt so good to matter to somebody…it’s just been a long time.” She tells him she’s so excited about the new job, but the best part of coming to Port Charles was meeting him. They kiss passionately. “I want to make love to you,” Jamal tells her. She responds by kissing him ardently as they sink down onto the bed. Ricky tells Karen he wants her to take it easy…he thinks she’s still shaken up after being kidnapped by that “thing.” “Lancelot…and he didn’t kidnap me,” Karen tells him. Ricky insists he saw the thing grab her and take her off…it was freaky. Karen admits to Ricky that she actually felt safe with Lancelot. He tells her she can’t be sure Lancelot doesn’t hurt women. “I’m just glad that you’re safe now,” he tells her as he embraces her. He promises he won’t let her out of his sight like that again. They kiss passionately and then make love. The moment is ruined for Karen when she remembers her encounter with Lancelot once again. Karen suddenly realizes she has to work the night shift at the hospital. She hurriedly dresses and explains it was a last-minute switch and she forgot to write it down. He offers to drive her but she tells him “no.” Ricky doesn’t like her driving at night alone, but she assures him she’ll take all the necessary precautions. Karen kisses him before letting herself out the door. He asks her to call him. “All right…all right…all right…don’t screw this up, Garza,” Ricky tells himself. He opens the closet door and pulls out the small box with some of Casey’s belongings. He gives a final look at the picture of him with Casey and places the whole box in the trash can. Later, a bored Ricky turns off the TV and recounts Casey’s heartfelt goodbye to him. He retrieves the box from the wastebasket and opens it again. He picks up the key that Casey gave him…then looks at the photograph again. He returns the box with Casey’s things back to the closet. Rafe and Ian are having coffee at the Pizza Shack while they plan their next move. “The Avatar is never seen without the shroud, right,” Rafe says, “but there have been accounts of this thing…for centuries.” He tells Ian he’s never read of any accounts of the Avatar without the shroud…descriptions always include it. “Why does the Avatar need it?” Rafe quizzes his partner. “I would imagine…to conceal the host,” Ian guesses. Rafe tells him there are many ways to hide the host’s identity…the Avatar, throughout history, has used the same shroud. “So you think it’s for protection?” Ian asks. “Every creature has a talisman…and I think the shroud is the Avatar’s,” Rafe replies. Ian then recalls something Alison said to Jack when they were all out in the park. “She said she couldn’t think clearly when she was inside the cloak…her mind was cut off in some way,” Ian tells Rafe. “It has to be where the Avatar gets its powers…it’s like a lifeline,” Rafe responds. If he’s right, taking the shroud will deprive the Avatar of its power. Then it can be destroyed. “Let’s say the shroud is there to protect the Avatar…how do we trap him long enough to rip it off his head?” Ian asks. Rafe isn’t sure…does Ian have any ideas? Ian admits he doesn’t. “He needs people’s adoration to do his work,” Ian says. They’ve interfered a lot, forcing him to take some risks. “Why won’t he go some other place…where he won’t be interfered with?” Ian wonders. Rafe suspects that the host’s ties to Port Charles are very strong. “What if his ties…to the town…are a woman?” Ian then asks. Rafe thinks that’s possible. They need to find out who she is. They could use her to get close enough to the Avatar to de-shroud him. They decide it’s a good place to start. Rafe then tells Ian he’s going home to make sure Livvie is OK. Ian replies that he has to go see a friend of his. They agree to get together later to brainstorm. “What is it, Avatar?” Rafe asks aloud, “what’s keeping you here?” Livvie recalls her last terrifying encounter with the Avatar as she sits on a park bench. “Boo!” Frank startles her. “A little shaky, aren’t we?” he asks. She wants to know why he wanted her to meet him there. He tells her he wanted to see if the message finally got through. She tells him it did…but he didn’t have to scare her. He tells her he did. She was forgetting who was in control…too bad her former friends interrupted. “What would you have done if they hadn’t interrupted?” Livvie asks. “The possibilities are endless…gives you something to think about, doesn’t it?” Frank answers. “I’m not going to cross you, Frank,” Livvie insists. “Good,” he responds, “because things are finally working out for me, and I don’t want you to screw anything up.” She tells him she’s glad things are working out for him. He tells her that the cash giveaway in the park now has the people on his side…even the police are supportive. She tells him that’s great. “Of course, it is…if I’m happy…your secret’s safe,” Frank reminds her. Livvie was just thinking that, since his life is going so great…and her life is going really good, too, maybe they could just leave each other alone. She doesn’t see any reason for them to interact anymore…this isn’t his baby…and he doesn’t want to claim it…remember. “For the record…this is my baby,” Frank tells her, “but no…I don’t want the child.” “Good,” she responds, “that’s great…so we can just go our separate ways.” “Wrong again…you’re going to help me,” Frank demands. “Help you…why?” Livvie asks. “Do I have to remind you of the other option, Livvie,” Frank threatens, “my job is to get rid of evil people…and you certainly qualify.” “But I don’t understand…how can I help you?” Livvie wants to know. “By letting me know what your beloved husband is up to,” Frank replies. “Oh…so you’re asking me to spy on Rafe?” Livvie realizes. “Not asking…telling…it’s what you will do,” Frank demands. “I cannot spy on Rafe…I just can’t,” Livvie tells him. He tells her it’s not up for negotiation. “But he’s finally starting to fall in love with me,” Livvie insists. “Right,” Frank caustically replies. Livvie declares that he is…things are changing between them and she doesn’t want to mess that up. “If you want to keep this sham of a marriage intact…then don’t disobey me,” he orders. She tells him she tried to stop Rafe from coming after him. “And failed,” he reminds her, “over and over again. Your only use to me now is information.” Livvie then suggests again that he leave town. “Why stay here if Rafe is a threat to you?” she asks. “Rafe…won’t be a threat to me…because you’re going to make me aware…of his every move,” he demands. Livvie yells that she doesn’t understand. He tells her she doesn’t have to understand. She insists he can go anywhere he wants. He tells her he won’t go anywhere…and reminds her to do as she’s told. “It’s Karen…isn’t it?” Livvie guesses, “that’s why you’re staying…you’re still hung up on Karen.” Karen sits down beside Eve’s grave. “I miss you so much…girlfriend,” Karen says aloud. “You know…it’s really hard not having my best friend here…I could really use your advice right now. You wouldn’t even recognize my life…so much has changed. I’m with a new guy…Ricky Garza. We have a lot of fun together…and about a half hour ago…we had the best sex ever…but, the whole time…I was thinking about another man. I know…it’s crazy because…I don’t even know who he is…everybody calls him Lancelot because he’s been protecting all the women in the town…and he has this sense of purpose…about him. I can’t get him out of my head…and…I don’t know how…but I think that I’ve affected him, too…and while he protects everyone…I really think he desires me. Oh God…I know this sounds so bizarre…but last night Lancelot carried me away…he took me to the place where he lives…so exhilarating…I can’t even explain it. I really think I’m the only woman he’s let in this much. He told me I’m beautiful…and when he touched me…so electric…I just can’t let him go…funny thing is…I think he feels the same way about me.” Karen is unaware that someone is standing at the gate listening to her conversation with Eve. A pensive Ian Thornhart realizes he’s found the bait for the Avatar. “It is Karen…God…you’re still in love with her? But isn’t she with Ricky now? Doesn’t that hurt more to stay…since you know you can’t have her?” Livvie taunts. “Shut up!” Frank orders as he roughly grabs her wrist. “Don’t talk about Karen…don’t ever mention her name,” he hisses at her. “You’re hurting me,” Livvie cries as she struggles to free herself. “You don’t know what pain is,” Frank softly tells her. A puzzled Rafe walks up to them.
  • Thursday, August 22- Alison is packing for the Bermuda trip when the doorbell rings. It’s Jack. Alison seems less than thrilled to see him. She continues packing, and he tells her he got her all the lip balm and sunscreen she wanted. “What’s wrong?” he asks her. She tells him she can’t make up her mind what she wants to take. He tells her the magazine will provide what they want her to model. “I’m starting…to think that…maybe this is not a good idea,” she admits. She tells him she’s rethinking the whole Bermuda trip. “Is this because of the one bedroom condo…because they thought we were together…but we’re not…so,” Jack says. He then tells her they’re going there to have fun and do the gig…no big deal. “We’re staying in the same room, Jack,” Alison responds. Jack laughs. “There’s a bedroom and there’s a living room…I will sleep on the couch.” “Oh…get real, Jack,” she tells him, “yes, it is a big deal…because I think that you think we’re going to sleep together,” Alison admits. “You…think we’re going to sleep together in Bermuda?” Jack asks. “No…that’s what I think you think,” Alison corrects him. He tells her it never occurred to him. She doesn’t believe him. He tells her she’s projecting. “Because you can’t get out of your mind…that you want to jump my bones,” Jack tells her. “Jack,” she yells, pushing him. He tells her he’s flattered, but he’s not that kind of guy…he likes to take walks on the beach and stay up all night talking. She insists he stop joking around. She wants him to be serious…wasn’t he thinking about it for one second? “I’m sorry,” Jack says, moving close to whisper in her ear, “you’re going to have to find yourself a new boy toy.” “Knock it off,” Alison laughs. She admits she thought about it. Jack reassures her that he’s not out to make a move on her. He wants them to do the gig and have fun…the last thing he wants is to stress her out. He just wants her to be happy. Relieved, Alison hugs him. He wants to go back to the part where she thought about it. Alison laughs, then kisses him and tells him he’s so sweet. Later, Jack confirms Alison will be attending the photo shoot with him. Lucy lights another of the dozens of candles she has scattered around the living room at the lighthouse. “Ah…nothing like a good, old-fashioned séance to get some answers,” she tells herself. “All right, Ed…I think I’m going to be able to reach you and…you can explain this whole thing to me…after all, you are Rafe’s boss in heaven…you can tell me what’s going on. Why did Rafe come back and…why is he with Livvie instead of Alison?” She hears the front door unlock, and panics when she realizes Doc is coming home. “Well…well…what have we here?” Kevin asks as he surveys the room. “Umm…the electricity went out,” Lucy fibs. Kevin tells her he knows exactly what she’s up to. “You do…oh Doc…I can explain,” she prepares to reveal all, but he interrupts her. “I love you for it,” Kevin tells her, “I just love it when you prepare a seduction…you sexy wench.” He then kisses a surprised Lucy. “Lucy…I have to hand it to you…you know how to plan a seduction,” Kevin tells her. “Where’s Christina?” he then asks. Lucy tells him she’s on a sleepover with Serena at Scott’s. “You thought of everything,” Kevin grins. “I try,” Lucy replies. He tells her there’s one thing he doesn’t get…he was supposed to be in a meeting tonight…how did she know he’d be home. She tells him she just felt it. “Someone called and told you the meeting was cancelled, didn’t they?” Kevin guesses. “I’ll…never tell,” Lucy replies. “This is exactly what I needed tonight…thank you,” Kevin says as he kicks off his shoes. “You know…you actually deserve this, too…I just wish I’d thought…” a guilty Lucy catches herself, “of this sooner.” Kevin confesses he hasn’t exactly been available lately. She tells him they’re alone together now. He insists he just wants to focus on her…a night at home…just the two of them. “That sounds really good,” Lucy says as they kiss. He tells her they can’t let other issues keep them from moments like this. “Congratulations,” Lucy tells Doc, “this was an amazing idea you had.” “This was your idea,” he reminds her. They continue to smooch on the sofa until Lucy suggests she meet him upstairs. She wants to call and tell the girls goodnight first. She calls Scott’s home and briefly speaks to her daughters. As she hangs up from her call, there’s a knock at the door. She opens it to see Alison standing there. Alison wonders why Lucy looks so surprised to see her…she invited her…right? “Oops…I totally forgot all about it,” Lucy admits. “Forgot about what?” Ali asks. “The séance,” Lucy answers. “Karen,” Ian says as he interrupts her conversation. He apologizes for startling her. She admits she was just talking to her best friend. Ian tells her he does the same thing…all the time. “I think she would probably like knowing that we talk to each other,” Ian tells her. “We talk,” Karen says. He’s referring to the important things…is she OK? She assures him everything is fine. He’d heard she had some interaction with this Lancelot thing. “It was nothing significant,” Karen downplays the situation…then tells him she needs to get back to the hospital. She makes her escape, leaving Ian to ponder her behavior. “Woah…woah,” Rafe says as he steps between Livvie and Frank, “what’s going on here?” “I…I just felt a little dizzy…so Frank grabbed my arm to steady me,” Livvie covers. “Were you just yelling at her…because I thought that’s what I heard?” Rafe asks Frank. “Sweetie…he was just warning me…to be safe,” Livvie explains. “Your wife shouldn’t be wondering around the park at night,” Frank replies. “Yeah…why are you here? I thought you were at home…resting,” Rafe then asks her. “Because I wanted to see you,” she tells him. He tells her she should have called him. “You should listen to your husband, Livvie,” Frank pointedly tells her, “I would hate to see anything happen to you…or your baby.” Frank prepares to go. Rafe thanks him for watching after Livvie. “No problem,” Frank responds. Rafe then tells Livvie Frank was right…she shouldn’t be out here. She tells him she wasn’t thinking. He kisses her forehead and promises her it will be all over soon. “What do you mean?” Livvie asks. “I’ve found a way to get rid of the Avatar,” Rafe tells her. “You know how to stop the Avatar?” Livvie questions. “I think his shroud is the key,” Rafe explains, “I’m convinced it’s what’s protecting him…it’s the source of his power.” He tells her they just have to get it off of him. She wants to know how. Rafe tells her that he and Ian think they can trap him. “No…no…no,” an upset Livvie responds, “you’re going to make him angry…and he’ll just…” “What?” Rafe asks. She insists she doesn’t know what…she’s upset he might come after her and the baby. Rafe reassures her she’ll be safe. She continues to object. “Livvie…I have to do this,” Rafe yells. The Avatar has threatened his family…he can’t let him do that again. She promises she’ll be more careful. She even suggests they move. “I can’t take any more chances,” he tells her. Livvie insists he’s taking a bigger chance by going after the Avatar. As Karen makes her rounds at the hospital, a shadow appears. “Is that you?” Karen asks, “if it is…I need to see you…talk to you.” Karen continues to feel “watched.” She’s deep in thought at the counter when Frank appears. “Karen,” he calls, “are you OK?” “I’m fine…why does everybody keep asking me that?” Karen wonders. “Sorry,” he tells her. Karen apologizes. He tells her he heard she had another run-in with Lancelot last night. What happened? “I don’t want to talk about it,” Karen says before turning her back on him. “Maybe you should…were you in trouble…did he save you again?” Frank questions. “Frank,” Karen protests. Frank then tells her that the more they know about this guy, the better off they will be. Karen still insists there’s nothing to tell. “Frank…why can’t you just let this go?” Karen insists. “I worry…OK…that’s all…I still worry,” he tells her. She thanks him for his concern. She tells him she’s OK but doesn’t want to talk about it. “That bad, huh?” Frank asks, but then changes his question to “that good?” She wonders what he means by that. He tells her it seems as if she enjoyed seeing Lancelot again. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Karen tells him. A bemused Frank watches as she walks away. Rafe assures Livvie that he knows what he’s doing. He tells her there are no other options. Livvie wonders how Rafe can get close enough to the Avatar to take the shroud. “I may have an answer to that,” Ian interrupts. He then tells Rafe he needs to talk to him in private for a moment. “No,” Livvie tells him, “if this has anything to do with the Avatar…I need to know.” “No…you don’t,” Ian responds. Rafe tells Ian that Livvie is terrified of the Avatar. Ian tells Rafe there’s another reason not to discuss this in front of her. Livvie reminds Ian she’s not a child anymore. If there is any danger out there, she wants to know about it. Ian assures her no one is calling her a child…yes, there is danger out there, but she needs to trust that he and Rafe can handle it. Livvie insists on remaining there. “OK…let’s keep this between the three of us,” Ian concedes, “our ticket to the Avatar is Karen Wexler.” “So…how can she lead us to him?” Rafe asks. “Why don’t we get together…tomorrow…and discuss it,” Ian suggests, uncomfortable with Livvie’s presence. Rafe tells him it’s OK to talk in front of her. “She already knows too much,” Ian says, “and I think this plan has a better chance of succeeding the fewer people know about it.” “I understand…but Livvie’s my wife,” Rafe replies. Livvie intervenes then. She tells them to stop talking about her as if she isn’t there. “Ian…I know we’ve had our differences…but the one thing you know about me is…I don’t want dark forces in this town…any more than you do,” she tells him. “I know that,” Ian admits. Livvie insists she has to know what’s going on. Rafe then tells Ian he wants Livvie to know. “Karen had another encounter with the Avatar,” Ian reveals, “it carried her away…” He thinks there’s some kind of attraction thing going on. Livvie tries to tell him a lot of women are drawn to the Avatar. “But the Avatar is drawn to her, as well,” Ian says, “he took her to where he’s hiding.” “Could she lead us to him?” Rafe asks. Ian admits he tried to talk to Karen about the encounter, but she lied about it. “She lied?” Livvie asks. “I overheard her talking to Eve,” Ian tells her. “Eve?” Livvie is surprised. He tells her Karen was talking at Eve’s grave. They conclude there’s no way Karen will help them…unless they trick her. “Use Karen to lure the Avatar out in the open…and then we can trap it,” Rafe says. He thinks he knows how to accomplish that all in one shot. A nervous Livvie interrupts him. “When is this going to happen?” she asks. “Tonight,” Ian responds. Ian gets off the elevator at the hospital. He greets Karen at the counter. She didn’t know he was working tonight. Ian confesses he came by to see her. He tells her he’s been thinking about her since she left the cemetery. He knows she said she’s fine. He tells her she doesn’t have to worry anymore. They’re setting a trap for Lancelot tonight so he won’t bother her anymore. Meanwhile, Frank stands in his lair and contemplates. “I know how you feel about me, Karen…you’ll come to me…I know you will.” Rafe is on the phone with Victor as Livvie paces. Rafe tells Victor they’ll be over to pick up some stuff Victor obtained for them. Livvie suggests that since he has a lot going on, she will get out of their way. She’s stunned when Rafe won’t hear of it. “Until this Avatar is gone…I’m not leaving you alone…not for one minute,” he tells her.

  • Friday, August 23- “What…you forgot about what?” Alison asks as Lucy pulls her inside and closes the door. “A séance,” Lucy repeats, then asks Alison to be quiet…Kevin is upstairs. Alison protests, but Lucy insists they need to get through to Rafe’s boss in heaven. “No,” Alison tells her. She’s not doing that. When Alison attempts to leave, Lucy begs her to stay. Lucy knows this sounds like a really wacky plan. “It’s insane…but I’m insane…and that’s why I’m sure it will work,” Lucy insists. Alison is certain it won’t work. Lucy reminds her she’s been searching for months to get the answers to some of these questions. Alison tells her that Rafe once said Ed wouldn’t answer. Still, Lucy insists they have to try. Alison admits she’s already tried to reach Ed, but he didn’t answer her. “But I haven’t tried…and I want to try,” Lucy insists. “Please…I’m begging you…will you please just let this go,” Alison pleads, “it doesn’t matter now why he came back…he is with Livvie, and they are having a child…and nothing will change that.” Lucy insists that giving up now would be condemning Rafe to a whole life of misery. A distraught Alison reminds Lucy that Rafe made his choice. Lucy admits she is right, but reminds her that he made that choice based on…nothing. He didn’t know the truth. Lucy insists they have to do something now…if they don’t…it could be over forever. “This is your last chance,” she tells Alison. Alison agrees to try. Lucy and Alison sit on cushions facing each other. They clasp hands as Lucy coaches. She instructs Alison to close her eyes and focus on Ed and Rafe. Lucy tells her it can work if she believes it can. “Concentrate and open up your heart as much as you can,” Lucy tells her. “Universe…yohoo…listen…it’s us and we’re asking you for a great big favor…so Ed…I really have a feeling you can hear us. We want you to help us…so please do,” Lucy says. She continues to implore the universe for an answer, but nothing happens. Lucy then pleads with Ed. She knows there are rules…but there are exceptions. She begs for an exception. She tells him Rafe loves Alison so much and Alison loves Rafe with all her heart. She tells Ed he wouldn’t be so cruel as to send Rafe back and have him be with Livvie. She begs for…then commands him to give her an answer. “Why would you send Rafe back without a memory…and why would you have him end up with Livvie?” she asks. Alison wants to give up again, but Lucy pleads with her to stay. Lucy tells Ed there’s a child involved now. There has to be an explanation. Alison tells Lucy to stop. “You cannot connect with the universe…you can’t connect with the great beyond…and not hell or heaven…and certainly not Ed with a stupid séance,” Ali tells her. Suddenly, the French doors to the patio fly open, surprising both women. “What was that?” Alison asks as Lucy shuts the doors. Lucy thinks they might have struck a nerve with someone up there, and that someone is trying to answer them. Alison thinks it might have been the wind that blew open the doors. Lucy insists it wasn’t…she can feel it. Alison tells her it’s not…this isn’t working for her. She wants to leave. Lucy insists they can’t quit now that they’re so close to getting answers. “I don’t want answers,” Alison admits. Lucy insists Alison does, and she is going to help her get them. “Get a clue…I cannot be with Rafe anymore…not under these circumstances,” Alison tells her. “There’s not any more hope,” she sadly proclaims. Lucy insists there is hope…and proof. Lucy tells her to think back to the time when she was down as low as she could go…Rafe found a way to come back to earth…for her. “Explain one thing for me…why is he with Livvie?” Alison asks. Lucy admits she doesn’t know why. She does know that Rafe would do anything to get back to her…anything. “He would lose his memory…he would sell his soul…” The radio comes on suddenly… “I’d give up forever to touch you…because I know that you feel me somehow…” {Song “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls from City of Angels}. “Sell his soul,” Lucy whispers as she listens to the song. “What did you just say?” Alison asks. “I said…sell his soul,” Lucy replies. “Oh my God!,” Alison responds. “What if he sold his soul to the devil…and what if this is some awful trick that hell’s playing on him…making him lose his memory to do it,” Lucy suggests. Alison is stunned. Jack joins Jamal at his table at the Pizza Shack. “What’s wrong with you…you look like you just lost your best friend,” Jamal tells him. “Not yet,” Jack replies, “there’s something I need to talk to you about.” “It can’t be that bad…what is it?” Jamal wants to know. “Alison and I are going to Bermuda together…tomorrow,” Jack says. Before Jack can get a response, Marissa joins them. She tells Jamal she’s sorry she’s late…then gives him a passionate kiss. “So…what’s up?” she asks, looking at Jack. She quickly realizes she walked into the middle of a conversation. Jack prepares to leave, but Jamal asks him to stay. He suggests that Marissa get some quotes from patrons on Lancelot while he talks to Jack. Marissa complies. “I owe you one,” he tells her. “I will collect,” she tells him, seductively. “I know you think me going to Bermuda with Alison is a lousy idea,” Jack continues. Jamal admits he thinks it is, but tells his buddy it’s his life. Jack is surprised by his reaction, but thinks he knows the reason. “So…you’re moving on, huh?” Jack asks. Jamal admits he is. “I love you and Alison…OK…you two are the closest friends I’ve ever had in my whole life…and whatever you guys have going on between you…I’m cool with…believe it or not…just as long as it doesn’t mess up what we’ve all got together…meaning our friendship.” Jamal wants them all to remain friends. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear you say that,” Jack tells him. Jamal reminds him that what he said before still goes. “I mean…this thing with Alison and Rafe…whoever wants to be in Alison’s life is going to be taking second place,” he warns Jack, “OK…so before you go on and get yourself in too deep…you want to ask yourself…can you live with being second place?” Jack tells Jamal he appreciates what he’s saying, but he really doesn’t think anything’s going to happen between him and Alison. Jamal tells him that, if he honestly believes that, he’s lying…at least to himself. Marissa then reappears, and Jack makes his escape. Jamal reminds him to think about what he said. “So…your ex and your best friend are going away on a little vacation?” Marissa inquires. Jamal replies that whatever they are doing, it’s their business. “Do you mean that, Jamal?” Marissa asks. She reminds him it’s Alison they’re talking about. She wants him to think before he answers. He tells her he’s done all the thinking he needs to do. Is he over Ali? “Yes, Marissa…I am…completely…it’s time to get to it,” Jamal grins as he kisses her hand, “me…you…my life…and us.” He pulls her close and kisses her passionately. Jack watches them from the exit area, and recalls his earlier conversation with Alison. “OK…so this Rafe thing can’t last forever…so why can’t it be the two of us, Ali?” Jack says aloud, “Why not?” “Would you just take me home, Rafe,” Livvie begs as Rafe escorts her into the Recovery Room. “The Avatar is out there…he has already targeted us…you are not going to be on your own…not tonight,” Rafe quietly insists. “I agree with him,” Victor says as he pops up from the back of the bar. “Grandpa,” Livvie complains. Victor then assures Rafe that he won’t let Livvie out of his sight for a second. “Excuse me…I am not a child,” Livvie tells her grandfather. Rafe reminds Livvie she’s having one…and that is his top priority. She tries to argue, but Rafe won’t listen. He tells her he and Ian are going to do their part…they are going to find the Avatar and unmask it. He expects her to do her part…stay with Victor and stay safe. Victor tells her it won’t be so dull staying there…he has practically every game ever invented. As Victor rattles off the names of various games, Livvie thinks…I can’t be stuck here all night…I have to get out somehow and warn the Avatar…if he gets caught…he’ll tell Rafe that this baby’s not his. Desperate, Livvie tries once more to convince Rafe. “Rafe…please…I can’t stay here…I have to go,” she pleads. “Go where?” Rafe asks, “where do you have to go that’s so important?” “It’s not…that there’s anything I have to do…or any place I have to be,” Livvie tells him, as she struggles for an answer. “What is it?” Rafe asks. “She’s worried,” Victor answers for her, “you could be putting yourself in great danger.” “Yes…Rafe…I am terrified,” Livvie tells him. “Thanks, Victor,” Rafe says before reassuring Livvie he could take care of himself…she will have to trust him. He gets a message from Ian, and Livvie asks where he plans to meet Ian. Rafe ignores her question, and asks Victor if he’s gathered the materials they need. Rafe departs, leaving a very aggravated Livvie behind. She tells Victor she can’t believe she’s going to be stuck there. He tries to distract her with a game, but she insists she doesn’t want to play. Victor tells her to calm down and sit. He doesn’t want her to upset herself…or his first grand-grandchild. “You know what…I’m a grown woman,” Livvie tells him as she stands up, “and I can actually do anything I want…and I’m gonna go home.” “If that’s what you want,” Victor replies, “I’ll just go with you.” “Can’t a woman get any alone time around here?” Livvie then asks. “No,” Victor replies, “not tonight. I’ve never felt so second choice…but you’re stuck with me.” “So you…really won’t let me go?” Livvie asks. “Sweetheart…I gave Rafe my word,” Victor tells her. She then tries for sympathy…she’s worried about Rafe. Victor tells her Rafe will come back safe and sound. Livvie then notices one of Victor’s employees at another table doing preparation work for the next day. She comes up with another plan. She tells her grandfather that since she’s stuck there, she might as well help out. Victor then asks Bob if he needs an assistant. Bob agrees. Livvie joins him at the table and starts slicing a lemon, while Victor continues to chat with her. Livvie deliberately slices Bob’s hand while seemingly engaged in conversation with her grandfather. Victor races to the man’s aid…then hurries off to get the first aid kit. “Bob…really…I feel…so awful,” Livvie apologizes as she works her way to the exit and escapes. “Colleen,” Karen calls as she steps up to the counter. Upon finding no one around, she signs herself out, then recalls Ian’s plan to capture Lancelot. “I won’t let that happen…I’ll find him and warn him before it’s too late,” Karen promises herself. As she leaves the hospital, she’s unaware that Ian is following her. She walks around the park and looks for the Avatar. She senses someone is nearby. A twig breaks under Ian’s foot and he takes cover behind some bushes. Karen, thinking Lancelot is nearby, goes looking in the direction of the sound. “I guess not,” she says aloud, “at least I know I’m safe here…alone in the dark…as long as Lancelot’s around…everybody’s safe.” She moves further into the park as Ian quietly follows her. “I know you’re following me,” Karen says aloud, “I know you’re following me…but I’m not scared of you…if you lay one hand on me…he’ll be here…you’ll see.” Ian slips out and grabs Karen from behind. “let go of me,” Karen screams as she struggles to free herself, “Lancelot…help!” Ian continues to hold onto her. “Who are you?” she asks. “Thornhart,” the Avatar answers. Ian releases Karen and throws himself at Lancelot…but is promptly tossed to the ground. “You’ve interfered for the last time,” the Avatar tells Ian, while Karen begs the Avatar not to hurt him. A net then drops on the unsuspecting Avatar. Rafe rushes in to help Ian contain him. “A trap…it was a trap and I was the bait,” Karen says angrily. “We had no choice,” Ian tells her. The Avatar threatens to kill both of them. Then he growls like a wild animal and struggles under the net to free himself. Rafe reminds him the net is a special material…it can’t be broken. Karen tries to come to Lancelot’s aid, but Ian holds her back. Meanwhile, Livvie hides in the bushes nearby. “Oh God…no…I’m too late,” she moans.

  • Monday, August 26- Rafe and Ian take the Avatar to the silo and Livvie secretly follows. Karen is furious at Ian and Rafe. Rafe receives an electric shock when he tries to remove the Avatar's shroud. Ian convinces Karen to unveil the Avatar but she stops herself from doing so at the last minute. Livvie covers her true reason for being at the silo. Alison can't bring herself to accept Lucy's theory that Rafe sold his soul. Ed accuses James of sending the Avatar to Port Charles and demands an equal playing field. Ed sends Lucy and Alison a message. Lucy and Alison realize that Alison must make Rafe fall in love with her in order to save his soul.

  • Tuesday, August 27- Livvie knocks Rafe unconscious before the Avatar reveals the true father of Livvie's baby. Frank laughs at Livvie's demands. Livvie sets fire to the silo in an attempt to kill Frank. Livvie and an unconscious Rafe become trapped in the blaze. Alison tells Jack she can't go to Bermuda with him. Suspecting Rafe is the cause of Alison's decision, Jack washes his hands of her. Jack invites Chris to Bermuda. Ian accuses Karen of knowing that Frank is the Avatar and warns her the Avatar will be destroyed. Karen denies Ian's allegation and later fantasizes about Frank.

  • Wednesday, August 28- Alison discovers Livvie and Rafe trapped inside the silo. Kevin and Ian help Alison rescue Livvie and Rafe. Most believe that the Avatar died in the fire. No one is unaware that Frank received some help to escape. Both Kevin and Livvie witness the connection between Rafe and Alison. Livvie asks Alison why she saved her life. The news of Lancelot's apparent demise spreads quickly. Not wanting to face the music, Chris accepts Jack's invitation. Jack tells Jamal that he is through chasing Alison.

  • Thursday, August 29- Rafe stands up to Kevin and insists he will protect Livvie. Kevin is hit by Rafe's words when he mentions Kevin's unspoken fears about Livvie's mental stability. Kevin requests Livvie's medical records. Alison reaches out to Livvie. Livvie admits she has no right to ask Alison to give up on Rafe but asks Alison to do just that for the sake of the baby. Alison is torn over Livvie's request. Rafe tells Livvie that he loves her. Karen revives Frank, who recounts the story of how he was chosen to be the Avatar. Frank vows revenge on his enemies. Karen wants Frank to put the Avatar to rest for good and be happy they found each other again. Frank passionately kisses Karen.

  • Torn DVD #5  August 30-September 13, 2002 
    8/30, 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/6, 9/9, 9/10, (no show aired 9/11), 9/12, 9/13

    • Friday, August 30- Kevin is devastated by Nurse Summer's confession that Livvie blackmailed her into altering the results of the paternity test. Lucy comforts Kevin when he reveals that Rafe isn't the father of Livvie's baby. An anguished Alison shares her dilemma with Lucy. Lucy advises Alison that she can't fight fate and urges her to pursue Rafe. Frank informs Ricky that he and Karen are back together. Karen stops Frank's attack on Ricky. Fearing for her safety, Ricky kidnaps Karen. Ian tells Rafe that he's taking Danny to New York. Livvie is shocked to see Frank alive.
    • Monday, September 2- Frank threatens a terrified Livvie. Livvie buys a hallucinogenic drug with the intention of using it on Frank. Kevin realizes the extent of Livvie's lies and heads out to confront her. Thinking Frank has arrived, Livvie accidentally injects Kevin with the drug. Kevin runs from Livvie. Alison prays for Rafe's soul. Rafe and Alison connect in the chapel. Alison is stunned by the realization that Rafe lit the candle that brought Kevin back from Barnadoon. Rafe learns the Avatar is still alive. Frank is furious to find Karen missing. Lucy tells Alison that Rafe isn't the father of Livvie's baby.

    • Tuesday, September 3- Alison and Lucy agree to hold off on telling Rafe about Livvie's latest lie. Alison is determined to make Rafe fall in love with her even though it might mean losing him forever. Livvie fears she caused a missing Kevin to lose his mind. Chris is elated to learn the Avatar is still alive. Rafe attacks Chris. Jack questions Rafe's life choices. Rafe admits he wouldn't mind a little enjoyment. Chris is anxious for Frank's next assignment. Karen is furious at Ricky for kidnapping her. Karen and Ricky part as friends. After Karen leaves, Ricky faces an angry Avatar.

    • Wednesday, September 4- A crazed Livvie pushes Rafe away. Rafe reaches his breaking point and announces to Livvie that he wishes he could have a normal life. Alison tells Jamal the importance of making Rafe fall in love with her. Alison nixes Jamal's suggestion that he pose as her boyfriend to force Rafe's hand. Jamal goes against Alison's wishes and tells Rafe he and Alison are back together. Livvie learns she might have killed Kevin by injecting him with such a high dosage of the drug. Marissa finds a beaten Ricky, who says Lancelot is responsible. Marissa and Ricky grow closer. An outraged Karen berates Frank for beating Ricky. The Avatar looms over Livvie.

    Thursday, September 5- Rafe covers his jealousy when Jamal pretends that he and Alison are back together. A hurt Marissa confronts Jamal over his supposed love for Alison. Alison ends the charade, but Rafe and Marissa are both upset by the ruse. Lucy fears for Kevin's safety and tells Victor and Mac about the strange phone calls she received. Victor learns Kevin had been spotted on Jasmine Island. Kevin returns home but something about him is different. Ian tells Kate he came to New York City to keep Danny safe but admits he wanted to see her. Kate insists she can't let anyone interfere in her relationship. A bill collector confronts Kate and cuts off her credit.

  • Friday, September 6- The Avatar lures Rafe away from Livvie with a phony threat against Alison. Rafe realizes he was set up and he and Alison race back to check on Livvie. Frank tells Livvie that he is going to punish her. Rafe opens up to Alison and admits that he wants her. Kevin wants to make love to Lucy, who becomes alarmed by his behavior. Lucy realizes Kevin has become Ryan. The Avatar forces Livvie to watch as Kevin begins to strangle Lucy. Ian gets rid of the bill collector. Ian follows Kate after she refuses his offer of help. Ian is shocked by what he sees in Kate's apartment.

  • Monday, September 9- Alison tells Rafe it is their destiny to be together. Rafe admits he would be with Alison if his situation were different. Alison refuses to give up on Rafe. Livvie begs Frank to stop Kevin from killing Lucy. The Avatar saves Lucy, who pleads with him not to hurt Kevin. Lucy and Victor realize Kevin has retreated deeper into Ryan's personality and that he attacked a woman on Jasmine Island. Lucy tries to draw Kevin out. Frank forces Livvie to choose between saving Kevin or having a life with Rafe. A torn Livie chooses Rafe over Kevin. Livvie sees Alison and Rafe in an embrace. Ian discovers a comatose Brennan in Kate's apartment. Kate blames herself for Brennan's condition. Ian tries to convince Kate to let him help her.

  • Tuesday, September 10- Livvie confronts Alison and Rafe, who pull away from each other. Rafe can't promise Livvie that he'll stay away from Alison. Rafe is tortured by his feelings for Alison. Livvie is determined to remove Alison from Rafe's life. Lucy thinks she's drawn Kevin out and unties him. Lucy and Victor learn Kevin will be arrested for attacking a woman on Jasmine Island. Victor knocks Kevin unconscious when he tries to attack Alison. The police arrive to arrest Kevin, but Lucy claims he's missing. Karen has second thoughts about getting back together with Frank. Karen gives Frank an ultimatum either stop with the revenge and return to his noble self or she'll leave him for good. Frank's rage builds when he hears Ricky badmouthing the Avatar.

  • Wednesday, September 11- no show aired

  • Thursday, September 12- Rafe admits he can no longer ignore his connection to Alison. Rafe and Alison agree to spend the day together and make plans to meet later. Rafe leaves Alison with a gentle kiss. Livvie threatens to paint Frank as a monster in Karen's eyes, effectively blackmailing Frank into agreeing to kill Alison for her. Marissa joins Jack and Jamal on a photo shoot for a new motorcycle. Karen tells Chris the Avatar is retiring. Chris realizes Karen knows the truth about Frank and the Avatar. Chris warns Karen it is already too late to stop the Avatar. Karen insists her love can save Frank. As Karen waits for Frank, the Avatar kidnaps Alison.

  • Friday, September 13- Confident of Alison's demise, Livvie tells Rafe to explore his feelings for Alison. Rafe agrees to Livvie's request to leave Port Charles if nothing happens between him and Alison. In the woods, Alison begs the Avatar not to hurt her. Alison realizes Livvie is responsible for her plight. Livvie packs up Alison's belongings in an effort to make it appear as though Alison left town. Frank is tormented by his conflicting emotions, but decides that Alison must die. A worried Rafe searches for Alison as the Avatar prepares to kill her. Lucy feels as though the Universe has let her down. Lucy breaks down in Ian's arms.

  • Torn DVD #6   September 16 - 27, 2002 
    9/16, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/27

    • Monday, September 16- Alison prays for the Avatar's soul, as well as Rafe's. Frank spares Alison's life on the condition that she leave Port Charles forever. Unable to leave Rafe, Alison returns and is caught in an animal snare. Karen assures a worried Rafe that the Avatar wouldn't hurt Alison. Rafe receives Livvie's forged note saying that Alison left town. Doree tells Chris he is nothing but Lancelot's sidekick. Frank informs Chris he is retiring from being the Avatar. Karen is relieved when Frank returns home. Lucy blames herself for Kevin's plight. Ian makes a cryptic phone call in an effort to help Lucy.
    • Tuesday, September 17- Rafe accuses Livvie of writing the note he received from Alison. Rafe refuses to buy Livvie's lies any longer. Alison grows weaker in the animal trap. Lucy and Kate are furious to learn Ian set up a meeting between them due to their similar situations. Lucy and Kate find a common bond and both agree that Ian did the right thing by bringing them together. Ricky declines Marissa's invitation to join her, Jamal and Jack on their camping trip because of his memories of Casey. Jamal insists that Ricky accompany the threesome on their outing.

    • Wednesday, September 18- Rafe refuses to believe that Alison left him. Rafe tells Livvie it is over between them. Caught in the trap, Alison fears for her life. Rafe discovers Alison's blood stained clothes in the trap.  Chris unintentionally harms Karen, which summons the Avatar. Chris offers to become the Avatar's next human host. Jamal, Marissa, Jack and Ricky realize someone is stalking them in the woods.

    • Thursday, September 19- The Avatar turns his fury on Chris, who runs away. Despite Karen's pleas, Frank goes after Chris. Karen turns to Ian for help in stopping Frank from hurting Chris. Rafe's search for Alison leads him to the barn. Rafe comes face to face with Alison as he carves their names in a beam. Kate and Ian get Brennen settled in at General Hospital. Kate has trouble accepting Ian's help. Jamal, Marissa, Jack and Ricky quickly leave their campsite after realizing someone is watching them. Jack discovers that the mystery person left them soup in exchange for stealing their food.

    • Friday, September 20- Rafe declares his love to Alison. Alison's kiss causes Rafe's memory to come flooding back to him. Livvie arrives at the barn and shoots Rafe. Meanwhile, Lucy visits Kevin at the clinic in Switzerland and promises to always be there for him. Kevin tells a devastated Lucy not to wait for him to return to her. Karen and Ian find a badly beaten Chris. Karen begs Frank to rid himself of the Avatar but Frank insists the Avatar is who he has become. Ian warns Karen that she might have to betray Frank in order to save him. Doree pays Chris a warm visit at his hospital bedside.

    • Monday, September 23- Rafe asks Alison to stay by his side. Rafe tells Alison that he came back to earth to say goodbye. Alison and Rafe declare their undying love for one another with tragic consequences. Ian convinces Karen to help him remove the shroud from Frank. Frank warns Chris not to try and take the Avatar away from him. Chris refuses to tell Doree who beat him up. Frank asks Karen to trust him. Ian searches for Rafe. 

    • Tuesday, September 24- Alison declares that Livvie could never destroy the love she and Rafe shared. Livvie convinces herself that her baby will love her. Frank and Karen make love and Karen remembers the importance of her taking the shroud from Frank. Livvie catches Ian searching through Rafe's files. Jack, Jamal, Ricky and Marissa are puzzled by the soup that was left in exchange for their food. Marissa eats some of the soup. Jack and Jamal set out to find out who else is in the woods and encounter a woodsman. Meanwhile, a scantily clad Marissa hovers over a sleeping Ricky.

    Wednesday, September 25- Karen uses her love for Frank to fight the Avatar for Frank's soul. Karen begs Frank to be strong enough to vanquish the Avatar as the shroud disappears. Ian is suspicious of Livvie's claim that Rafe walked out on her. Livvie is alarmed by Ian's desire to destroy the Avatar. Marissa kisses Ricky and then walks away. Ricky follows Marissa. Jack and Jamal stand firm when they encounter a threatening woodsman and learn his food had also been stolen. Jack and Jamal react to Marissa's screams and find Ricky comforting her. Marissa claims she was sleepwalking as Jack snaps a photo of something he sees in the woods.

  • Thursday, September 26- After reading Rafe's notes, Ian gets a clue on how to destroy the Avatar. Livvie follows Ian as he races to find Karen. Ian and Karen are relieved when Frank regains consciousness after being attacked by the shroud. Ian offers to be the Avatar's next host. A spying Livvie suffers severe abdominal pains as the shroud bursts into flames when Karen reaches out for it. Alison decides to leave Port Charles. As Lucy and Alison say a tearful goodbye, a beam of white light appears outside. Ricky can't shake the memory of Marissa's kiss. Jack, Jamal and Marissa find an image of a rag doll in the photo Jack took in the woods.

  • Friday, September 27- Rafe appears alongside the train and Alison races to him. Ian emerges unscathed from the burning shroud and explains to Frank and Karen how he vanquished the Avatar by rejecting it at the last moment. Livvie needs someone to take care of her and her baby and turns to Jack, who makes it clear he feels nothing but contempt for her. Karen and Frank look forward to the future. Livvie threatens to tell Karen that Frank is the father of her baby.  Ian tells Lucy the Avatar is gone. With their friendship further strengthened, Lucy and Ian prepare to face the future one day at a time. Jack wants to investigate the image of the rag doll in his photograph and disappears into a hole while walking in the woods. Ricky watches Jamal and Marissa sharing a kiss.

  • **The End**

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