There are several wedding specials available: ABC's AMC Wedding Tape - :50 mins, no commercials, transfered to dvd
ABC's AMC Behind the Scenes Tape - also transferred to dvd
Soapnet Wedding Special with highlights of various weddings from over the years from all the ABC soaps. This is also on the AMC Wedding Edit.

Hayley & Mateo Soapnet Marathon Dvd - 5 complete episodes

AMC Wedding Edit: Soapnet Original AMC Wedding Episodes - 8 hrs
Nina & Cliff's Wedding Original Airdate: 9/3/80
Jenny & Greg Original ABC Airdate: 02/14/84
Dixie & Tad (1st) Original ABC Airdate: 12/29/89
Liza & Adam (1st) Original ABC Airdate: 12/20/96
Marian & Stuart Original ABC Airdate: 2/19/99
Edmund & Maria - 2 episodes

AMC Wedding Edit #1 Description:

Nina & Cliff's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 9/3/80
Brandon Kingsley offers to have the corporate jet take Erica back to Pine Valley so that she won't mess up her second anniversary party plans with Tom. Erica calls and asks Tom if he can postpone the party until the following evening, but he refuses. She is able to smooth talk him into postponing the party until later in the evening. Later, Brandon asks Erica to step out so that he can have a private conversation with Sloane Sutton. He informs Sloane that he is not renewing her contract as the look of Sensuelle. He later guarantees Erica that as long as her meeting with Mr. Woodward goes well, she will be the next Sensuelle woman.

Meanwhile, Sybil cries to her friend Betsy because Cliff is going forward with his marriage to Nina, knowing that Sybil is pregnant with his baby. Betsy tries to convince Sybil to not be spiteful with her pregnancy, but Sybil seems hell bent on destroying Cliff's marriage. Mark visits Ellen at her boutique and invites her to join him at Erica and Tom's anniversary party. At Cortlandt Manor, the festivities are underway, with the bridal party arriving by carriage. Nina takes Cliff's breath away as she walks down the aisle. When the priest asks who gives Nina to be married to Cliff, Palmer somberly confirms that he does. As Cliff and Nina are pronounced man and wife, Cliff has trouble keeping his thoughts off of his last argument with Sybil. After the ceremony, the wedding guests proceed to the reception inside Cortlandt Manor. Daisy approaches Palmer and urges him to be happy for Nina, offering a truce with each other for the day. Finally, the happy couple set off for their honeymoon, with Nina blowing her father a kiss and waving to the cheering wedding guests.

Jenny & Greg's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 02/14/84
Adam greets Erica all smiles, and mentions the possibility of taking their relationship to the next step. Erica is irritated by Adam's sporadic behavior. He tries to explain himself, but Erica finally throws him out. At the hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Colby huddle close to Cliff as Liza is regaining consciousness. "Tad" is all that Liza can manage to say. Mr. Colby leaves immediately and finds Tad, threatening to kill him for what he has done to his daughter. Myrtle arrives in time to break things up, and Tad explains that he has an alibi and did not attack Liza. Later, Cliff assures Marian that Liza has not suffered any brain damage. Mark attempts to bring up memories of the past when he meets with Ellen, but she insists on keeping things on a professional level. At Adam's mansion, Palmer confronts Adam about his secret plans to build a casino. When Palmer says he will stop him, Adam threatens that Palmer will be sorry if he tries. Meanwhile, Greg is remarkably calm as he gets ready for the wedding, much to his nervous friend Alfred's dismay. Greg's mother asks for a moment alone with her son, and tells him that he has her support if he decides not to go through with this wedding. Greg assures his mother that the one thing he is sure of is that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Jenny. Jenny shares a very special moment with her brother Tad right before he walks her down the aisle. Angie stands up for Jenny as matron of honor while Jesse is the best man. Greg and Jenny remember all of the wonderful times that they have shared as the wedding proceeds. The couple is ecstatic as the priest finally pronounces them husband and wife.

Dixie & Tad's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 12/29/89
Tad rushes in to Dixie's dressing area and explains that his late arrival was because of car problems. After he leaves her to get ready, Jackson delivers a gift for the bride from her groom - a necklace with a chicken pendant! Joe learns about an emergency situation at the hospital, but Angie insists on handling it for him so that he can attend his son's wedding. As the guests are being seated, Opal rushes in pointing to Trask, insisting that she wants him to be arrested! As the scene gets bigger, Tad finally comes in and quiets Opal and gets her seated.

Lanie and Cecily serve as bridesmaids. Dixie makes her way down the aisle on Palmer's arm. As the wedding proceeds, Donna and Emily Ann sing a love song.

Later, at their reception, Nico (Maurice Benard), Joe and Ruth all toast the happy couple. With prompting from Dixie, Palmer finally gives a toast grudgingly welcoming Tad to the family. Later, Opal snags Dixie's bouquet as it is headed toward Erica. Palmer is obviously not pleased. Trask gives Lanie a very expensive necklace, but Palmer insists that Lanie will not be allowed to keep it. Jeremy tells Skye that he refuses to let Natalie's early exit with Trevor ruin his mood. Meanwhile, Trevor takes Natalie to a country bar and is able to convince her to enter a dirty dancing contest. At the hospital, Cal needles Adam about Dixie in order to get a response from him. When Adam grabs the bed, Cal tells him that if he is strong enough to do that, then he is strong enough to walk. Later, Adam refuses to share Cal's New Year's toast with Angie. Brooke runs into Chuck, who informs her that he is checking the job market for a possible move back to Pine Valley. As they talk, Cal wheels Adam by and Brooke is taken aback. She insists to Chuck that she can not feel sorry for Adam for fear that she will end up back in his life.

Liza & Adam's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 12/20/96
Maria and Dimitri agree to have DNA tests done to determine the paternity of Maria's child. Meanwhile, Skye convinces the lab technician to allow her to use an anonymous case following a couple from DNA testing through to the results for an article for Tempo. Myrtle sees her friend Red off to the airport, and thanks him for making her feel like a kid again. Janet sympathizes with Trevor's pain over losing Laurel. Later, Janet cries over her feelings for Amanda and not being able to reach out to her as her mother. When Amanda arrives home, she gives a teary-eyed Janet a Christmas present for her "daughter". At the wedding, the tensions are high as Liza and Gloria get into an argument about Adam. Tad changes the subject by introducing Liza to Jake, who had already met. Adam had Laura call Brooke to find out if she will be at the wedding. Brooke confirms that she is on her way to the wedding, but is obviously torn about her feelings for the groom. Adam delays the wedding under the guise of waiting for Skye, when it is really Brooke that he is anxious to see. Adam reiterates his agreement with Liza before the ceremony begins, and Liza agrees that if Brooke doesn't object, it will be up to her. As the ceremony begins, Marian stands outside the window and cries as she watches. Skye gazes at Edmund in his tuxedo and fantasizes about him confessing his love for her after Maria's betrayal. As the ceremony continues, Adam is shocked when Liza says, "I will" to taking Adam as her husband.

Marian & Stuart's Wedding Original ABC Airdate: 2/19/99
Erica and David are caught in a snowstorm on their way back to Pine Valley. As David works on the car, Erica stumbles across his file containing Adam's DNA results. When David gets back in the car and confronts Erica for reading his private documents, she quickly deducts that Adam must be Colby's father. When David refuses to stop the car despite dangerous road conditions, Erica realizes he wants to deliver the bad news to Liza about Adam being the father of her baby at her mother's wedding. Mateo talks to Max and cautions him not to wander away again, but as Max begins to reply, Raquel arrives. Raquel lies and explains to Mateo that she told Max the same thing - never to run off alone. At the hospital, Ryan is upset to find Gillian waiting for him. While she sleeps, Jake questions Ryan about why he is so hard on her. Later, when Gillian wakes up and is relieved to find out that Ryan is getting better, he tells her to cool her enthusiasm because he will soon be going to jail for rape. Meanwhile, Marian and Stuart arrive for their wedding in a horse drawn carriage. Stuart surprises Marian with her dream wedding, especially decorated for his Queen of Hearts. "Don't even think about it, darlings!" Marian laughs when the priest asks if anyone objects.

The couple recites personalized vows, when Marian declares how Stuart has transformed her life from bad to wonderful, and Stuart sings her a song. Adam toasts the happy couple and Stuart thanks him for making all of her dreams come true. Afterward, Adam takes Liza aside and asks if she has made up her mind about his proposal. She confirms that she has made up her mind, but stops short of telling him what her answer was.

Edmund & Maria - 2 original episodes – Soapnet - Description coming soon!

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