Title: Balance
rating: PG-13
Time line: Starts end of Season 4, projected into Season 5
Spoilers: possibly middle to end of Season 4
Summary: Buffy's expecting, but the man who starts out as the father doesn't end up that way.
Disclaimer: None of the characters, settings, etc... from Buffy or Angel belong to me. They belong to Joss Whedon. Only the plot and any made up characters are mine.
Distribution: This list, and eventually Cynamin's page. Anyone else who would like to post it please ask me.
Feedback: Absolutely! There's nothing I like better than feedback!
Author's Notes: This fic is NOT the usual B/A fic. It WILL have the required happy ending, but itdoesn't start out that way. My goal was to write a piece of fiction that fit as seamlessly as possibleinto the existing Buffy world on the show, and STILL manipulate Joss's world to create a happy Buffy/Angel one! So don't worry about the fact that Buffy and Riley are still together in the beginning of this story. All will end well and Riley-less.