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The Secret of Mia’s Past

By Meaghanne


Aricia Walker bolted around the corner of the path that led to the Castle Rock High School. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh CRAP!! I am so-" Her voice drifted off as she stared up at the school.

It had fallen down.

Literally. The group of students and teachers stood infront of it. Aricia bolted up and began searching the crowds. "Tori! Tori, where are you?! Kaila?! Maya?!"

Aricia saw a slender pale hand rise above the crowd. "Ari! Over here!" Aricia ran over to her best friends. They were Kaila Trent, Victoria Seanne, and Malaya Cartier.

"What the- what happened?!" Aricia demanded.

Victoria rolled her eyes. "The school collapsed." Then, she lowered her voice. "We think it was Lyc."

Aricia's mouth dropped open. "But we...we got rid of Lyc, didn't we? Us and Mia and the Warlords."

Kaila frowned. "We have to find them. Dais, Sekhmet, and Cale, I mean. Mia too." Maya and Ari nodded in agreement.

Victoria smiled. "I'm going to go set it up. Ladies, tomorrow, we leave for Japan."

Aricia stared around the huge airport. "Uhm....Tori?"

Victoria turned to her. "Yes?"

"Do you think we should have learned Japanese before we came to Japan?" Malaya snickered. Victoria shot her a glare.

"Funny guys. Very funny," Kaila grinned. "I know where to find Mia." She waved a papaer infront of the other girls' faces.

"What's...that?" Maya demanded while trying to grab the paper.

Kaila grinned. "Directions to the Koji Mansion. Duh." Victoria grimaced. "Okay, okay. Now, let's go rent a car, okay?"

Part One