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   The album that is condsidered the best among TMBG fans is Lincoln.  Graduating their beats to a more mature level, this album twists the drunken polka punk from the first ablum into a alternative rock pioneer.  While it is absurd to call TMBG alternative rock, since it is   impossible to give them a cliche label, songs like Ana Ng really sound out of place for 1988.  Its distorted power cords are as memorable as your ABC's.  Don't worry the off the hook drum machine beats are back again.   However songs like the string enhanced Kiss Me Son of God, has a sadistic Mozart sound. Santa's Beard sounds like something from Elvis Costello, and Lie Still Little Bottle resembles something from a beatnik cafe.  The song Cage & Aquarium is like an Orwellian barber shop quartet.  The "hits" off this album were Ana Ng, They'll Need A Crane, and Kiss Me Son of God.  My personal favorite song off the album is the hard rocking hit about remembering everything, Purple Toupee.

My Rating For this Album is: A+

The Track Listing for Lincoln:

1. Ana Ng
2. Cowtown
3. Lie Still Little Bottle
4. Purple Toupee
5. Cage & Aquarium
6. Where Your Eyes Don't Go
7. Piece of Dirt
8. Mr. Me
9. Pencil Rain
10. The World's Address
11. I've Got A Match
12. Santa's Beard
13. You'll Miss Me
14. They'll Need A Crane
15. Shoehorn With Teeth
16. Stand On Your Own Head
17. Snowball In Hell
18. Kiss Me Son of God

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