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Once and Again...Once Again

Once and Again SOS Email Derby, Round 2


Top U.S. Television Markets
Top 10 U.S. Radio Markets
Top 11 - 25 U.S. Radio Markets

From Trish: We need to crank out the emails for at least 2 more weeks. Time's running out. We have got to get the word out to as many contacts as possible. We have got to keep the BUZZZZ going. We need to create so much NOISE!! that ABC will come to their senses. We MUST Save Our Show!!

Word from Hayden Place yesterday was that they are still hoping for Season 4. I promised them that we wouldn't give up fighting for the show. They sent a message to all of us: "There is no way we can ever thank you enough for all of the effort you have put forth trying to save our show."

Now doesn't that just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over? They know what we're doing. They know what we've already accomplished. And they are very appreciative of our support.

This time around, we've changed a few things in the Email Derby. We'll leave the television critics to Shully. We don't want to be harassing them. She's already working on the next press release.


1) Television affiliates
2) Top radio markets (1st-10th)
3) Top radio markets (11th-25th)
4) Entertainment Magazines & Talk Shows
5) Teen Magazines & Chat Rooms, Movie Web Sites
6) Sponsors

WEEKEND PROJECTS: (since these take a wee bit more time):

Posting on web sites devoted to issues that have been addressed on 'O&A'. (Divorce, second marriages, blended families, mental illness, alcoholism, drugs, raising teens, homosexuality, infidelity, death, pregnancy, menopause, mid-life career changes, etc.)

Pick any colour team you choose and follow the daily links for your group. PLEASE!! Don't give up. Keep fighting to Save Our Show!! We'll have the links posted ASAP. Till then, please, please, please, WRITE or PHONE ABC.


ABC - LA: 818 - 460-7271 (try this one first)
ABC - NY: 212 - 456-6366 (call this one too)

Snail Mail:
Use the following address for all letters to:

Susan Lyne - President of Programming, ABC Entertainment,

Lloyd Braun - Chairman of ABC Entertainment,

Michael Eisner - Chairman and CEO, Walt Disney Company (they own ABC)

Robert Iger - President, Disney

Vonda Binko, ABC Audience Relations

ABC, Inc.
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521