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Once and Again...Once Again


contributed by fansofonceandagain
compiled by Kami Faulkner and Sue Kaliski
background designed by Barb Schroeder

The members of fansofonceandagain are a creative group who spend their "down-time"-- during the extended breaks between episodes -- musing about Lily, Rick and others. Their talents are displayed on the pages listed above, along with the invitation that you contribute to the musings, rather than sign a Guest Book. For the sake of organization, please email your creative efforts from the appropriate pages.

Thank you and Enjoy!

Intimate Conversations Haikus
Addicted to Once and Again/
Spouses of O&A Addicts
Sela and the Grand Opera Project Jay's Gingerbread Rhapsody
One Fan's Top 25 Episodes


Intimate conversation from the Second Half of Season Two

(Intimate Conversations from Season One)

Intimate Conversation from the First Half
of Season Two

Let's eavesdrop on Lily and Rick during the first Intimate Conversation of Season Two. Don't forget, each word is straight from their own mouths. Hope you enjoy!

R) -- Last night was nice.

L) -- There's no way to justify my behavior.

R) -- Because you're a bad girl...

L) -- Here we go... I know what this is!

R) -- I want to know what you think...

L) -- I think I'm intimidated.

R) -- I saved myself for you..

L) -- Yeah, I can see that. You look horrified!

R) -- I'm really very sorry about the look...

L) -- I may as well go out and get my tongue pierced.

R) -- I wanna talk. You wanna talk?

L) -- 3 minutes...

R) -- It's not that simple.

L) -- You still have to get up..

R) -- Tell them I'm sleeping over on Thursday night.

L) -- Make me...

R) -- When did you become Italian?

L) -- Oh, little elves came in the night..

R) -- Madelaine Albright or Madonna..

L) -- You're not jealous, are you?

R) -- I can still like you and think you were wrong..

L) -- If you were upset you should tell me!

R) -- We're still working on that technology..

L) -- Obviously I didn't expect you to be overjoyed..

R) -- Doesn't that make you mad at me?

L) -- I always feel that any kind of creative expression is really a good thing..

R) -- "My bed is warm, my pillow's deep..."

L) -- THAT'S your favorite book??

R) -- Actually it was a gift... from Miles Drentell.

L) -- Houston, we have a problem.

R) -- I don't think there's anything I could say right now that you wouldn't miscontrue..

L) -- You made a sli--ip...

R) -- Shut up.

L) -- Oh, I can't! Later...

R) -- Anything else you want me to cut up?

L) -- **** Cough Cough ****

R) -- You tired? I love you..

L) -- I changed my mind, I'm too chicken..

R) -- I thought you were a cheerleader...

L) -- Nothing's 100%!

R) -- Maybe we should start putting them together more often..

L) -- All they really want is to be pulled down off the shelf....

R) -- Can you do that? Is that allowed?

L) -- Please don't say "precautions"!

R) -- It's a Hopi word..

L) -- My brilliant boyfriend!

R) -- Let's just do it, okay? Together. Right now.

L) -- Oh, don't even go there..

R) -- Listen to me. I'm not going anywhere..

L) -- Is this really happening?

R) -- You bet, baby, and not much else...

L) -- Come on, Rick, this is silly. Go go go go.....

R) -- You wanna tag up tomorrow?

L) -- I don't know, in the morning...

R) -- So, is there a damage report?

L) -- The laundry room...

R) -- A baby, maybe..

L) -- How do you know?

R) -- You look great. Bright blue...

L) -- I love you. Don't go....

R) -- Wow, this is a real surprise! What's that from?

L) -- Shut up and get your ass in here...

R) -- That's what I keep telling Eli....

L) -- Wow! You're a wonderful father....

R) -- How'd it get to be 6:30??

[ Curtain ]


Intimate Conversation from the Second Half
of Season Two

Please join me for another interlude between our lead lovebirds. Just a reminder -- these are their very own exact words.. Enjoy (I think)!

R) -- E-li-za-beth!

L) -- Rick?

R) -- What smells so good?

L) -- It had to be you.....

R) -- I'm not gonna be named...

L) -- My little caveman...

R) -- You know us guys -- it's all about cool....

L) -- God, talk about ice damage!

R) -- You have to protect yourself..

L) -- Do I scream? What did you do with the exercise bike?

R) -- Oh, I usually just throw it across a chair.

L) -- That's one way to deal with things...

R) -- How do you feel about your toaster?

L) -- Up until now it's just been this "concept."

R) -- Because it has Jake cooties...

L) -- Righto.

R) -- I'm not scared of it at all. I'm used to it.

L) -- Is it really 16th century?

R) -- Of course not. It's meaningless.

L) -- Are you busy tonight? Say no.

R) -- We can pretend it's still Valentine's Day, can't we?

L) -- Oh Rick, we have to celebrate!

R) -- Is there nothing to drink in this entire house?

L) -- Don't look so stricken. I'm not expecting anything.....much.

R) -- You mean I can breathe?

L) -- I just need to know that you love me.

R) -- Did your divorce papers come?

L) -- Absolutely. Please, just let me hold you..

R) -- I can't do that right now!

L) -- Help. There are all these...storms predicted.

R) -- It's just, those women are staring at me...

L) -- Is your phone on?

R) -- It is, I mean, I do!

L) -- Who said you can walk around like that?

R) -- Just you, me, and the District Attorney's office...

L) -- I felt like you blindsided me, in some way.

R) -- Why would I do that?

L) -- I don't know. Maybe I'm over-reacting.

R) -- Only when I'm really good...

L) -- If we can't even get through this....

R) -- I'm feeling kind of....exhausted.

L) -- You want something? Whitefish?

R) -- I need to lie down for a minute.

L) -- Well I do, too!

R) -- This bed is really soft..

L) -- I can't believe we have the whole evening alone...

R) -- Scary already..

L) -- Oh Rick, I love you....

R) -- How about you, young lady, you ready for your's?

L) -- Yeah, if it's what you want!

R) -- Are you gonna tell me or torture me?

L) -- Guess...

R) -- Do I need to stand over you and guide your hand...?

L) -- I have to work it out, spatially, first.

R) -- I don't have to take this abuse -- I'm getting out of here...

L) -- Come back here. Rick, I'm not the enemy...

R) -- Maybe we shouldn't have hot hors d'oeuvres..

L) -- Those were in the washer?

R) -- How many pieces did you have?

L) -- What about forgiveness...

R) -- I'm staying right here, do you understand me?

L) -- Good boy! I'm so glad you're here....

R) -- Thank you! Come to bed...

L) -- Let's not play Monopoly, though..

R) -- What are you muttering about?

L) -- It doesn't mean anything. I'll probably be up anyway.

R) -- What are we doing? Why are we doing this?

L) -- See, I promised myself to this other man....

R) -- Is that jerk bothering you again?

L) -- It happened right in there..

R) -- You have no idea how much I love you!

L) -- Mmmm! Let me love you like that...

R) -- Listen, I'm not letting you go away...

L) -- Well, it's not what I want either...

R) -- It's like that Winston Churchill quote...."See MAY nee"

L) -- Rick, it's beautiful!

R) -- You think it's too late to get that Rabbi over here?

L) -- I do!

[ Curtain ]


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