Becky's Stories
 Author's Request:   Please read the explanation of the "Alternate Universe  before reading stories with *R*.  Also, read those stories in the order they appear.
***Alternate Universe***   - Explanation

An Announcement                       *R*
Voices from the Past                   *R* 
And The Results Are...                *R* 
Moving Day                              *R*
Watching and Waiting                 *R* 
Letting Go                                *R*

Getting It Right                         *N*
Out of the Mouths of Babes        *S*
The Right Fit                             *S* 
Wrong Assumptions                    *AU* 

NOTE!  Do NOT copy or distribute ANY of the stories without the author's consent!

   Key to Stories:                                                    Back to:  IFF Film Library
                AU -  Alternate Universe
                N  -   Novel (Over 50 pages)
                R   -  Relativity  Alternate Universe (See explanation above)
                S   -  Short Story