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Welcome to a web page featuring the greatest cartoon ever aired and hosted by the omniscient and omnipotent ruler of the universe: the Thundera Tiger.

Last updated: October 14, 2001!
Check the update page for details!


Weekly Thundercat Top Ten!!!
Top Ten things the Thundercats fear.
Enter your submissions below and remember to INCLUDE YOUR NAME if you wish to be credited for your insightful response.

Type in a text entry, and click "Submit."

Thundercat Archives
Updated 10/14/01
This is the place where you can find the latest Top Ten results and the latest Thundercat polls results.  Also, any strange thing that might be going on somewhere in the web site can be found here, too.
Great Moments in History

Updated 10/14/01
Unbeknownst to many historians, the Thundercats have actually played a surprising role in the history of mankind.  Every week, examine a new discovery of Thundercat influence.

Episode Guide
Behold, a guide to the episodes.  Couldn't be simpler.  Of course, this is MY guide to the episodes, and I do have a few biases...

Good guys, bad guys, unknown guys...not all of them are here, but there are quite a few.  Here's my take on the Thundercat characters.
Thundercat Snapshots!

Updated 10/14/01
The Thundercats weren't perfect as these photo albums put together by their teammates prove.  Images like this must be seen to be believed.

Updated 10/14/01
The glory of the webpage, here is my growing collection of fanfiction.  Tremendous stories in here and ALWAYS open for submission!!!
Fan Art

Updated 10/14/01
Beyond the normal worship, Thundercat fans also express their obsession through art.  Eat your heart out, DaVinci.
Thundercat Postcards

Do you have a special someone out there somewhere on the web? If you do, why not send them a Thundercat Postcard!

Um, I mean "Links." Sorry about that. Want to find webpages a whole lot better than mine? Okay, so that's not hard, but here are some really good pages on the web you should visit. Mostly Thundercats, but there are a few extras I threw in for good measure.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

So do you have anything you think should be on this page? Anything to contribute? Sounds? Pictures? Fanfic? Feedback? Anything? If so, just email me!!! I'd love to hear from you, even if all you have to say is "Hi." I'll send an appropriately nice "Hello," back.

LOOK! I won an award!

My thanks to Thundercub for this great honor! You can find Thundercub's page in the links section!

Check out my counter!!! (Installed March 6, 2000)

Disclaimer: THUNDERCATS and all original Thundercat weapons, vehicles, characters, jokes, and whatever else you want to pull from the show are property of Telepictures Corporation. Copyright 1985, for those of you who are really interested. I don't claim rights to any of these and I'm not making any money off this page. It's just free publicity for the show and fun for the fans.