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The Page of Updates!!!

Because I'm rather busy on the web and seem to run all over the place in all directions, I've set up this page more for me than for anything else.  I need to keep track of what I've done and what I haven't done.  So here is the page of updates, on which you can find what I've posted lately.  The most recent updates will be marked on the webpages, but if you've missed a few, the last month's worth of updates can be found here.

October 14, 2001
It just wouldn't be normal if I didn't miss an update, heh heh heh. Um, apologies. Actually, I have a fairly good reason. I've completely overhauled the fan art page, but it took me so long and there were so many new submissions that it became a project of immense proportions. Okay, update summary time. New Top Ten, poll, and History of course, with an additional TopTen category being added. (Miscellaneous, in case you were interested.) Also, we have a new scrapbook this week, so you'll want to check that out. And now, on to what took so long for this update to happen. The Fan Art page is now coded with javascript language, so my apologies if your browser doesn't support that but I've found that most browsers can be convinced to support it if you work hard enough. And the layout has changed slightly. Be that as it may, here we go. Calico has added a great new picture of Lion-O that has a neat present day interpretation. Cliff Laurey joins the artist team with a visually stunning poster. I've contributed to the workload by adding two more characters to the page from TWSE. Thundercatroar has tried out her artist skills with eleven great looking pictures. And TomTaz continues his works of art with five more pictures. Check out his mutants. They look great. Okay, so much for art, let's switch to writing. Another watershed week for fanfiction again, so that took up some more time. In alphabetical order, we start with AJ Angel who continues her stories with a few additions as well as some brand new tales, one of which features me! Ayanna has left a message for fans on her site, so read it if you're wondering about her stories. Lady Thundera adds more suds to the soap opera. RD Rivero blasts everyone away with twenty-four chapters of a new fic, as well as the removal of other fics for revisions. Tatiana adds a new story centering around Cheetara and Mumm-Ra. Good stuff there. I've taken down my story Devolution because I'm completely rewriting it. Thundercatroar continues her stories and then some with new chapters and new starts. And finally, TomTaz has turned from artist to writer and adds a story with a great-looking start. Wow. And that's it, so I hope you enjoy. I'm just relieved to finally put it all up. See ya!

October 2, 2001
I figured it wouldn't be normal if I didn't get in a late update a little early, so here you are. Sorry if I caused any angst. Anyway, on to the update! We have a new history, new Top Ten, new poll, and the old stuff can be found in the Archives. Oh, for last week's Top Ten, there were so many good answers that I expanded it to Top Fifteen. I've also added a brand new link to the link section. Tatiana's page is now up, so swing by the realm of the undead if you get a chance. Moving on, we come to art. TomTaz has submitted some GREAT pictures that you have to see. Awesome new uniforms for everyone. And finally, fanfiction. First of all, you may notice that I've now added a page with submission information. I've been asked a lot of questions about it, so I figured I'd save everyone the hassle and just post what's going on. On to the authors! AJ Angel returns with a complete series and the beginning of another. Thundercatroar adds another series in her universe as well as two more stories (both hilarious). And last but certainly not least, Thundercub continues in the Crossover world by putting up another chapter of her Sailor Moon/Thundercat combo. And that's it for this week, so have a good one and I'll see you later!

September 24, 2001
Worried I wouldn't make it? Well, here I am! Back again with another round of updates. LOTS to go through, so let's get started. First of all, I've updated the History page, so that's going again. In the Archives, you'll find the results of last week's poll and Top Ten. New poll and Top Ten, of course, on the main page. In the links section, I've added Tigra's Thundercats page, so you've got a new site to check out. Fan Art also experienced an update from Calico who added two more SD pictures, this time of the striped variety. Yea! And on to the fanfiction! It was yet another watershed week for fanfics, so bear with me and I'll get through these quickly. Lady Thundera returns with two more installments of her Thundercat Soap Opera. Thundercub has added another part to her series Maternal Instinct. The artist Calico has also turned author on us. She adds a great story called HouseCat. Thundercatroar continues to write and adds four new short stories. And finally, AJ Angel joins the team, contributing a huge collection of stories and series. And I believe that's all, so enjoy this week's updates and I'll see you next week!

September 17, 2001
Hey there! Did you miss me? Anyway, I'm back, at school, and now have a reliable internet connection plus a new computer! Let's get started, because there's lots to talk about. First of all, new Top Ten, new poll, and I've completed the Top Ten Archives. They should be a little easier to navigate now. Thundercat History was not updated because my new computer doesn't have the software yet. That should be fixed by next week. Also, I've completed another scrapbook. So for you Lynx-O lovers out there, he's been added to the Thundercat Scrapbook page. On to fan art and fanfic. First of all, if you sent me something and it was not posted, let me know and I'll remedy the situation. In transferring files from my old computer to my new computer, I'm afraid that some things got lost in the shuffle. I don't think any submissions were, but I could be wrong. If you don't see your submission on the webpage somewhere, let me know! That's said, let's get down to what we have. There are some new artists and one new author. Calico has sent over three great pics, Purssia has submitted one, and Jessica has added two more.  As for authors, wow. Ayanna has completed another chapter of her saga, Thundercatroar joins the team with three new series of stories, Bill Taylor has reworked Burdens, and I managed to finish yet another chapter of TWSE. So that's it for now. See you later!

Is there anything you want to see on this webpage or anything you want to contribute?  Please feel free to contact me with any ideas or suggestions at

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