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The Beserkers

What would a cartoon be without a group of psychos marauding the high seas?  Well, pretty normal, but that's beside the point.  Here are the Beserkers, the Thundercat equivilant of ocean-faring pirates with their own unique powers and, um, perspectives on life.  And if I may so add, from a tiger's point of view, they are complete imbeciles.

Hammerhand: To live or not to live...
Leading the Beserkers through stormy seas and and bizarre episodes, meet Hammerhand.  I'll give you a wild guess as to how he got his name.    Hammerhand is the only one with a ray of intelligence in the Beserker group, and it's barely a ray at that.  He thinks like a pirate, talks like a pirate, and acts like a pirate.  Yes, he's a pirate at heart.  But his crew isn't quite up to par, so he puts up with a lot to get what he wants.  Hammerhand is an interesting character because in one episode, he's dead.  The ghost of Hammerhand is infused into a fake Panthro to give the duplicate a fierce personality.  This is after Hammerhand's first appearance in the series, so at least the audience is familiar with him, but he also appears in later episodes and is not dead.  Why?  How?  Don't ask me, I'm just a tiger.  Apparently, rumors of Hammerhand's death were greatly exaggerated.  But don't tell that to the Wollows.  Their village was destroyed by the dead one.  Not necessarily a bad thing, though...
Top Spinner: The world revolves around him...
Top Spinner is a rather interesting character in the Beserker collection.  He spins.  Not only does he spin, but he spins really fast.  Not only does he spin really fast, but he spins for a really long time.  And then he gets dizzy if he doesn't hit something or someone while he's spinning.  Great fighting technique.  He doesn't seem to have a lot of control over where he spins, either.  It's all kind of random.  Top Spinner is also equipped with a ball and chain for a weapon, but he doesn't seem to use it as it is traditionally used.  He spins with it.  Enough with the spinning.  Does this idiot do anything else?  Well, yes, actually he does.  He get scared fairly easily.  What a pirate.  What a trooper.  What a dork.
Cruncher: There must be a brain in there somewhere...
Somewhere on every team of evil-doers, there must be brute strength.  Cruncher is the brute strength of the Beserkers.  He is able to crush boulders with his bare hands.  Does his superior strength give the Beserkers any advantage.  Not really.  He's not smart enough to use it constructively.  In fact, of all the Beserkers, he's probably the lowest on a rather low academic scale.  You'd think with all that body mass he'd have room for a brain, but no.  That's not the case.  He's also clumsy and this is a problem when fighting agile and fleet felines like myself.  But he does crush boulders with his bare hands, so he can't be all bad.  Somehow, somewhere, I'm sure Cruncher has a redeeming quality in his strength.  Maybe...
Ram Bam: Hard-head on Wheels
Completing the rather unusual crew is Ram Bam.  He converts to vehicle mode and rams his head into things.  This is not a recommended proceedure for those wishing to keep their brain intact, but the Beserkers don't seem to be concerned with that.  And having that small provision out of the way opens up all kinds of possibilities.  So Ram Bam rams.  And he rams a lot.  Getting up to speed, he can crash through just about anything.  Beyond his ability to ignore shooting pains in his head, Ram Bam doesn't have a lot of other defenses.  Like Cruncher, he tends toward the clumsy side and this can get in the way when fighting Thundercats who are anything but clumsy.  But he earns points for noble attempts, though those attempts are almost always fruitless.  Hooray for effort.

This cartoon looks stranger and stranger.  Who else makes up this bizarre world?  Are they in the biographies?

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