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Dinosaucer and Beast Wars Links

Now HERE are some classic characters.  We have Allo, the leader of the Dinosaucers, Bronto-Thunder, and Tricero on the left.  (Tricero was my favorite character.)  Not seen from the Dinosaucers team are the characters of Terryx, Icky, Bonehead, Dimetre, and Stego.  And posing with the rest of the evil Tyrannos on the right is their leader Genghis Rex.  You can also see Styraco, Plesio, Brachio, Quack Pot, Ankylo, and Terrible Dactyl.  In the middle, I'm keeping the two rival groups from attacking each other.  As for Beast Wars, also a very good show but people are more familiar with it, and so I felt a quick explanation of Dinosaucers was in order.  (I REALLY loved that show!!!  I wish there was more of it on the web, though.)  Anyway, on to the links.

Dinosaucer Links

The Dinosaucers
This has some basic info as well as a download of the Dinosaucers opening credits.

This is a more elaborate page.  It's been updated recently and has some fanfic, fanart, and a list of the characters involved on the show.

Beast Wars Links

Benson Yee's Beast Wars Page
This is the absolute BEST Beast Wars site out there.  It has everything.  It also has some info on Beast Machines, Transformers, Transformers II, the Japanese version of Beast Wars, and other stuff related to Transformers.  Great site.  If you're a Beast Wars fan, you HAVE to check out this site.

Crackerman's Beast Wars
This site has pictures, sounds, and all kinds of crazy stuff.  Also a very good site.

Beast Wars Anonymous Fanfiction Archives
And for those of you who are fanfiction junkies like me, here is the place to go for Beast Wars fanfiction.  It has it all and has even sorted it by character, author, theme, continuity, and prize-winning works of fiction.

This is all good, but I'm still in a Thundercat mood.  Main page.
Hmm, let's see what other links are out there.