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The Lunatacs

Strange and quarreling, coming from the Moons of Plun-Darr, here are the Lunatacs.  They have powers ranging from psychic control to freeze breath.  A superior force when compared with the mutants, if they got some decent leadership they'd be unstoppable.  There's just a little problem with purple hair and horns that stands in their way. . .

Luna: Small and Shrieking
How this creature came to be leader of the Lunatacs is completely beyond me.  Her voice is annoying even by human standards and her brains, well, okay, so she does have her head on straight when compared to other team members, but still!  She's small, wimpy, shrieks and complains a lot, has an interesting hair style, but she does have one big advantage.  Amok.  She sits on his back and he does her bidding.  So through superior strength (but not her own) she runs the Lunatacs.  The Lunatacs made their first appearnace in Mumm-Ra Lives where they were freed from the lava tomb Mumm-Ra froze them all in.  Their fortress is Skytomb which usually rests in Darkside but is also mobile and can move around.  The Lunatacs originally came from the Moons of Plun-Darr with different moons housing different species.  Luna would be from the annoying species.  There was a time where Luna got a belt that made her large, in charge, and not so annoying, but that only lasted for one episode.  If it weren't for Amok, she'd be tiger food by now...
Amok: Large and Stupid
Amok is Luna's faithful steed.  I don't know why he puts up with her, but he does.  He's huge, he's strong, he has really big hands, and he wanders around doing Luna's bidding.  When it comes to brains, he doesn't have any.  Sometimes he speaks, but it's in monosyllables and usually in third person.  He's completely devoted to Luna and can be a problem for the Thundercats because of his massive size and strength.  Beyond that, he really isn't much of a character.  He breathes, he eats, he probably sleeps, he likes candy, and that's about all there is to Amok.  Deep character.  Real deep.
Alluro: Hypnotic Insubordinate
Alluro is one of my favorite Lunatacs.  He's a hypnotist with an attitude, challenging Luna's leadership and putting up with her only because he needs allies in evil.  His weapon is a psych club (a club with a crystal ball on the end) and with it he can control all minds.  Okay, so he can't control snarf minds, but he can control other minds.  He's conniving, evil, twisted, and REALLY arrogant.  Wow, this guy has an ego.  But he can get away with it because he's usually right.  When Luna goes off the deep end in rage, Alluro stays calm and manages to minimize their losses.  He did get addicted to the Keystone once, but beyond that, Alluro has been pretty infallible as an adversary.  His main weaknesses are his bungling teammates and his own arrogance.  I also think he likes to pick on Panthro because Panthro's ego is also big.  And when watching the two of them battle it out, I stay clear.  Fireworks are never far behind.
Chilla: Cold Heart, Hot Temper
Yet another of my favorite Lunatacs, Chilla is the lone woman on the team. (We're not counting Luna because I'm not sure what she is.) And Chilla is evil incarnate.  She has the ability to breathe ice and shoot fire with her hands.  One of her favorite tricks is to encase an enemy's throat in a ring of ice, making it impossible for them to breathe.  She has a scratchy voice, absolutely no compassion or feeling, and hates just about everything and everyone, including her teammates.  She takes offense easily and carries grudges forever.  Chilla also has a neat little vehicle called the Ice Runner that she can recall remotely.  And it flies, too.  Always a plus.  Anyway, she's a bit cold for my tastes, so I try and avoid her badside whenever possible.  Though with her attitude, sometimes that's a hard to do, if not impossible.
 RedEye: Big Brother is watching...
RedEye is the Lunatacs' ace when it comes to defeating Tygra because he can see Tygra when the Thundercat is invisible.  His infrared sight can detect Tygra's heat signature and the Thundercats are forced to rely on other means of defeating the Lunatacs.  RedEye can also look into buildings and figure out who's inside and where they are.  He's the spy with built-in surveillance equipment.  Besides his ability to see in the dark, RedEye can also shoot energy blasts from his chest and can form disks that he throws at things.  A weakness that Lynx-O likes to exploit is his susceptibility to bright light.  It hurts his eyes and momentarily stuns him.  This Lunatac doesn't talk a lot and I don't think he has much in the way of intelligence, but at least he doesn't flaunt it like some villains do.
 TugMug: Lunatac Jumping Bean
TugMug is just confusing.  This bouncing bundle of metal has power over gravity and can jump REALLY high.  He doesn't have legs, just three piston type things.  I'm actually not sure what they are.  His weapon is a gravity carbine that can do one of two things.  It can weigh a person down so they are crushed to the floor, or it can make a person incredibly light so they find themselves suspended in the air.  Either position is not a recommended fighting stance.  TugMug also has a strange accent that I have yet to identify.  TugMug was also able to break the Sword of Omens once with his power of gravity, but Bengali repaired it.  He should have used that tactic again, but he didn't.  So he's not a master strategist, but he's still a force to reckon when planning any kind of battle with the Lunatacs.

And I thought I was strange.  Give me some more bios!

Actually, too much strangeness.  Get me back to the main page!