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Thundercat Links!

You're leaving my web site?  Please be sure to return, or my friend up above will hunt you down.  But in the meantime, enjoy the great Thundercat sites below (listed in alphabetical order).  They are all highly recommended!!!

A Bengalian's Universe
Altaica has done some amazing web pages, but this is one of the best.  Lose yourself in her space station or catch a shuttle to Thundera where you'll find the Thundercats.  Journey to Plun-Darr and meet the mutants.

Blackhole Thundercats
A good fanfic collection with not too many broken links, great screen captures, plus the Earthstone Epic, an unfinished fanfic but still a good read.  (You can tell my bias is to the fanfics.)

Cat's Lair Home Page
Lots of info in this page, some hilarious role calls, and tidbits about the voice actors.  Plus great pictures of Snarf falling out of a tree.  Always a plus!

Cheezey’s Thundercats Page
One of the best Thundercat sites out there. Contains an impressive archive of fanfiction, the renowned Third Earth Inquirer, great images, sounds, Thundercat personals, and a host of other exciting and fun things.

Chetania's Home
The fanfic author Chetania has set up a page describing the character Chetania and life from her point of view.  Lots of great pictures, so make sure you stop in!

Everybody Come to Tygra's
This page comes from a true Tygra lover.  Home to the famous stories of NineTiger, this is a must-see web site for anybody who dreams of a special red tiger during the wee hours of the morning.

Fluffy's Thundercats Hysteria
Okay, if you want to see fanart, go here.  Wow.  Let me just say, wow.  Mitten does fanfic art, request art (with some understandable exceptions), lots of character sketches, and it's good.  Drop by and gawk.

Jammer's Thundercats PageORama
An ever-growing site with lots of pictures, multi-media, comprehensive biography section of almost everyone you can possibly imagine that appeared on the show for more than five seconds, plus great pages on forgotten cartoons like Dinosaucers and Silverhawks.

Knave and Shade's Page
Lunatacs, Lunatacs, where have you been?  Well, they've been here.  Jonathan Prideau and his ever expanding Lunatac universe have taken over this little corner of the web.  For those into his stories, you have to check this page out!

Lady Bast's Pleasure Palace
Features her own fanfiction as well as an exhaustive collection of links to almost every piece of Thundercat fanfiction ever written.  Also features character pictures from the Thundercats RPG game and an adoption agency for orphaned cubs.

Lairnet 3.0
This page by Zhie is still under some construction, but it has great stuff already. The format is hilarious and and there is tons of information. Definitely a must see!

Lefty's Thundercat House
Big collection of fanfic, brilliant MSTing section of some very questionable episodes, home of the Wierd Stories archive, and an atlas of New Thundera.

Library of Ayrynn
Run by the renowned fanfic author Fianna, this library is something you can't miss.  It's a library that has taken fics and condensed them into zip files.  So if you don't want to spend all day online going from part to part, go here and download huge collections of fics in seconds!

Mooncat's Universe
It's not totally Thundercats, but it's still a fun page to check out.  Great for fanfiction, too.  Killer series called Slave of Plun-Darr for those of you into fanfic.  Also, it has a host of links to other fun pages, so be sure and give it a look!

MSSpilker's Page
Great Thundercats page with episode summaries, character bios, tons of fic and all kinds of other things.  Definitely check it out!  There's a hint of military science there.  ALWAYS a plus, seeing as that's part of my college major.

Mumm-Ra's Pyramid
I have no idea how I missed this site, but it's a good one.  It's huge, it's comprehensive, it has polls, it's fun to mess around in, and it has all 130 episodes done.  It also has the times Thundercats is airing in the U.S., so if you ever need to know, check there.

Realm of Al
Once you finally get inside this webpage, there's a lot to explore. Home of some great fanfics, this page has tons of pictures to boot! If you're at all into fanart and fanfic, this page must be seen!

Renegade Webpagelords
This is basically a HUGE link site where you can find sites for just about anything, including Thundercats.  And I'm now on the list!  Boy, I feel special.  Anyway, if you're searching for something, gives this site a look.

Roach's Thundercats Page
Check out Roach's favorite Thundercat and villain and definitely stop by to read his amazing fic "Brave New World." There are also plans for more fics in the series, so let's all wait with baited breath.

Skytomb Mainframe Acess
This page has been completely revamped and reformatted.  All kinds of new stuff here as well as great stuff from Kith's previous sight, so check it out!

Tatiana's Asylum
Home to one of my favorite authors, this new webpage is home to all kinds of great things. There's a Top Ten, quotes, fanfic, a hilarious poll, and much more. Definitely stop by to see what's going on.

TCATGR Home Page
Want to join the Thundercat club or find out what we've been up to lately?  This is the page for you.  Run by Tatianna, it has information on the members, monthly quizzes, Thundercat things to do on the web, and all kinds of great stuff!

The Thundegate
Done from the viewpoint of a true evil doer, here's a regularly updated page with an episode guide you can't afford to miss!  Good "Song of the Day" section, too.

Thunderian Space
S_Cape is in charge of this page and it's loaded with art. There are Snarf targets, new outfits for the Thundercats and all kinds of fun things to look at.

The Thunderkittens' Story
A page hosted by Thundercub, it focuses on the Thunderkittens and has a lot to offer.  If you've ever doubted the worth of the Thunderkittens, you need to check out this page.

Tigra's Thundercats Page
The author AJ Angel hosts this site. There are links, stories, images, and much more! Definitely check this place out.

Unicorn Walker's Page
Lots of artwork here with the potential to turn into a really killer page. There's an episode list, a planned crossover, some rants, nitpicks, and a host of things still in the developmental stage. Stop by!

Actually, I can stay a little longer.  Let's go to the Main page.
I'm sick of Thundercats.  I want to choose a different link page.