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My Buddy

Dancing, Fun

My cute son!
Photo by Thong

This is my life time buddy, and he is now 6 years old

Time passes so quickly and I can't catch up

I love to take him out with me

He loves to follow me around

I always feel that there is not enough time for everything

I wonder how much longer he is going to be chasing me around

My name is Yuichi!

I started to take him to Hawaii when he was 3 years old

Yes, the place that has the sun and the blue sky which I love

I wanted him to feel how much I love him

Of course there was no need for that at all,,,,,

And for me, I wanted to make a place called heaven


We love you Thong!

Photo by Thong

On my last visit, I finally found my Heaven here with my boyfriend!

Both of us being loved and in a comfortable place

Being relaxed and feeling the best love in this world

Having a smile on our faces felt so nice

From my heart I want to say," Thong! Thank you for being so special in my life! "







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