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My Love & Hawaii

Dancing, Fun

The happy moment!
Beautiful Sunset at the beach

I don't think it is easy to know and feel the real place where you can truly relax from your heart

I often hear people saying, "Being with my love is the happiest moment"

Am I the only one who is wondering, Is it happy for her just because she can be with him?

There are no words following that

Am I the only one who is thinking, I need to have more imagination to understand the words behind this?

My happiness is to be with my love in Hawaii spending the time with no incongruity

His existence should be unification with the air, the sun, the stars, the nature, and is always necessary for me to live

Loving me unconditionally every moment of my life

It is irritating when I can't find the words to express how happy I am when I found my real love

They are so beautiful!
Rainbows everywhere around us!


In Hawaii, I love Maui the most

There are so many rainbows all over the place, and they give me smiles

Sometimes I feel like I can touch the rainbows if I run for them

I love the comfortable feeling, when I can feel myself changing in the big nature

A visionary path!
Feel like a different world!

When I feel the sense of togetherness with nature, it makes my innocence

I am so happy that I have my boyfriend, who can enjoy the same feeling with me

Spending the wonderful time with him in the warm, quiet Maui is my number one treasure in this world

I thank him for always giving me a baby smile on my face

We can have so much fun here!
Photo by Thong

Please, enjoy the big nature taking plenty of time in Maui

If possible, with your very important person,,,,,,,

As deep as you can go into the nature,,,,,,,





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