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To My Love.......



The First Moment



I want to remember everything

I want the time to stand still to study your face,

To see the depth of your eyes, to see every line of yours,

every muscle move to make your smlie


I want the time to stay still

So I can see how your eyes close and

your lips part just before you kiss me for the first time.

To feel your breath on my lips, to enjoy the way you taste


In that first monent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I do want the time to stay still,

so that I can notice how every cell in my body comes alive as

your fingertips glade across my wanting skin.

To feel my heart pulsing as it pumps new life

through my veins, my nerves electrified as

my system reacts to your presence.


I want the time to stand still,

because the magic of this first moment

can nevr be felt again.

The moment that our souls and body found each other............


Thank you for finding me....................







