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Movie Twitch

"Don't mind at all, no shocks can stall my pace
 I keep my eyes fixed all the time to my goal
 Don't mind at all, 'cuz after all, it's my way
 'Cuz after all, it's my life, it's my soul
 One day we shall chase a dream, that's ours
 Until then you won't know that I'm your friend, to the very end."
          -Dragon Ball Z - "We Gotta Power" / "No-Ten P-Kan"

NAME:             Wiretwitch / Veiretwick
AGE:	           Dead
HAIR:               Blackish Brown
EYES:                Gray (yellow eyeballs)
CONCEPT:       Prankster
As Beetlejuice is way more 'evil' as Betelgeuse (in the movie), so is Wiretwitch much more vicious as Veiretwick. She doesn't even stop at pranking Otho (he's her all time favorite victim, but has managed to surive anything she's thrown at him), she also does the nasty routine to anyone and everyone in the house -- safe Charles. This is mainly because she thinks he's a nice kind of guy with the wrong sort of company.

If not called into the world, she resides in the model library on the big ol' model city. Ghost magic has managed to totally furnish the thing with everything a real library'd have - also with real books, but only those she's read in her life and she knows how to create them, which is why the library isn't completely filled up yet. Most of the time she hangs around Betelgeuse though - whereever he may be, and he's way more appreciative of her in the 'movie' version of the story than in the spin-off. Appreciative in, yes, the sense of  -- Oh, you know...

But kids might be reading this, so I disgress. Those with the right minds will be getting the picture. ;) Otherwise than the change of looks and slightly bigger mean streak, she's the same though, herself.