Voxxy Girl

A hot new site, Voxxy.com, wrangled the best-tresed friend by producing her new show, JenXX. It's extra groovy and definately PG-13 - just in case, naughty girl, you thought the X's meant something else.

X Marks the Spot
Jennifer Aniston, the woman who was almost outdone by her own 'do, has left her famous locks on the salon floor because she's got something new for girls to go crazy over. Mrs. Brad Pitt has teamed up with three cohosts at Voxxy.com to create her own Web show, Jen XX. Of course, you'll log on because she's Jennifer, but let's talk about Voxxy for a sec. There are lots of righteous reasons why someone as glamorous and down-to-earth as Jen would hook up with the folks at Voxxy.

Voxxy is a multimedia company that wanted to do something more than just another girl-dot-com. Even the name is a symbol of girl power: the XX represents the female chromosomes and vox is Latin for "voice," something the Web site is hoping to give teenage girls. "The philosophy is that business men in suits should not be the creative forces behind a girls' internet network," says Kristi Kaylor, one of the cofounders of the site. Voxxy asked Jennifer, and thousands of real girls on their official, nationwide board of advisors roundtable, to help the mission to make a site taht's by real girls for real girls. "There is nothing like this on the Web and nothing like this in entertainment yet," says Voxxy co-president and founder, Hillary Carlip, award-winning author of the well-loved book Girl Power: Young Women Speak Out.

While the founders of the site collected the thoughts, desires and needs of national and international teen girls between the ages of 13 and 20 to put together content, Jennifer's main agenda was to cut through the media hype that surrounds all things girl. "The media has such a powerful influence on young girls," Jen explains. "There is a tendency to place celebrities on pedestals, leaving young girls pressured to live up to unrealistic expectations. Voxxy will allow me to speak honestly with teens about anything from self-image and social politics to family and friends."

Better Than Your Best Friend
Another Voxxy cofounder, Maxine Lapiduss, explains why Jen is the perfect host. "When we were putting together the Web site, I knew Jennifer would want to be involved," says Maxine. "She's a great role model for girls. She's smart, funny and honest."

Jennifer's attitude toward honest discussions - on topics that many stars would never touch - is totally refreshing. So far, Jen's tackled taboo stuff like Hollywood's pressure to be thin (It's infuriating!" Jen says), to dealing with problems like your parents' divorce (Aniston's parents split when she was 10. "I was definately angry about it."). Jen will also host chats with other celebs, and allow girls who visit the site to shoot questions her way anytime. "I want girls to realize that what they have to say is important and valuable," she says. "[Girls] should have a place to express themselves without fear of feeling stupid or being judged. Voxxy is an amazing forum for that." Amen to that.

Click HERE to read the transcript of her first chat session on February 5.

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